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Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(3): e005120, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138116


Abstract Siganids are the most important marine fish distributed along the African coast. Therefore, the current study aimed to investigate parasite fauna infects one of the most important mariculture fish species in the Red Sea, the Rabbit fish Siganus rivulatus. One acanthocephalan species has been isolated from the posterior region of fish intestine, belonging to the Neoechinorhynchidae family, and named as Neoechinorhynchus macrospinosus Amin & Nahhas, 1994 based on its morphological and morphometric features. In order to determine the accurate taxonomic position of this acanthocephalan species, molecular phylogenetic analysis was carried out based on the partial sequences of 18S rDNA gene region. The obtained data revealed that this species was associated with a close identity ˃71% for other species belonging to the Neoechinorhynchidae family. In addition, the recovered species deeply embedded in the Neoechinorhynchus genus, closely related to the previously described Neoechinorhynchus sp., N. mexicoensis, and N. golvani with identity percent of 95.14, 93.59, 93.59%, respectively. Therefore, the present study provide a better understanding about the taxonomic status of N. macrospinosus based on 18S rDNA that can be useful for achieving a proper assessment of biodiversity.

Resumo Os siganídeos são os peixes marinhos mais importantes distribuídos ao longo da costa africana. Portanto, o presente estudo teve como objetivo investigar a fauna de parasitas infectando uma das espécies mais importantes de peixes para maricultura no Mar Vermelho, o peixe-coelho Siganus rivulatus. Uma espécie de acantocéfalo foi isolada da região posterior do intestino de peixes pertencentes à família Neoechinorhynchidae, e denominadas Neoechinorhynchus macrospinosus Amin & Nahhas, 1994, com base em suas características morfológicas e morfométricas. A fim de determinar a posição taxonômica precisa dessa espécie de acantocéfalo, a análise filogenética molecular foi realizada com base nas sequências parciais da região do gene 18S rDNA e revelou que essa espécie estava associada a uma identidade próxima de até 71% para outras espécies pertencentes a família Neoechinorhynchidae e profundamente enraizada no gênero Neoechinorhynchus, intimamente relacionada a Neoechinorhynchus sp., N. mexicoensis, and N. golvani descrito anteriormente com percentual de identidade de 95,14, 93,59, 93,59%, respectivamente. Portanto, o presente estudo fornece uma melhor compreensão sobre o status taxonômico de N. macrospinosus com base no 18S rDNA que pode ser útil para obter uma avaliação adequada da biodiversidade.

Animals , Phylogeny , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Acanthocephala/classification , Acanthocephala/genetics , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Helminthiasis, Animal/parasitology , RNA, Ribosomal, 18S/genetics , DNA, Helminth/genetics
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 25(1): 119-123, Jan.-Mar. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-777527


Abstract Knowledge concerning the taxonomy and biology of species of Acanthocephala, helminth parasites of the helminth species of the phylum Acanthocephala, parasites of lizards in Brazilian Amazonia, is still insufficient, but reports of Acanthocephala in reptiles are becoming increasingly common in the literature. Cystacanth-stage Acanthocephalan larvae have been found in the visceral peritoneum during necropsy of Ameiva ameiva ameivalizards from the “Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha” Herpetology Collection of the Emílio Goeldi Museum, Belém, Pará, Brazil. The aim of this study was to present the morphological study of the Acanthocephala larvae found in A. ameiva ameiva lizard.

Resumo O conhecimento a respeito da taxonomia e da biologia das espécies de Acanthocephala, helmintos parasitos das espécies de lagartos da Amazônia Brasileira ainda é insuficiente, mas o registro do encontro de acantocéfalos em répteis é cada vez mais comum na literatura. Foram encontradas larvas de acantocéfalos em fase cistacanto durante a necropsia, no peritônio visceral, de lagartos Ameiva ameiva ameiva provenientes da Coleção Herpetológica “Osvaldo Rodrigues da Cunha” do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, Belém, Pará. O objetivo é apresentar um estudo morfológico de larvas de Acanthocephala encontradas em A. ameiva ameiva.

Animals , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Acanthocephala/ultrastructure , Lizards/parasitology , Brazil , Larva/anatomy & histology , Larva/ultrastructure
Journal of the Egyptian Society of Parasitology. 2013; 43 (1): 209-214
in English | IMEMR | ID: emr-150918


Adult worms of Rhadinorhynchus dorsoventrospinosus [Acanthocephala: Rhadinor-hynchidae] were collected from the small intestine of the red spot emperor Lethrinus lentjan [family Lethrinidae] from locations along the Red Sea at Jeddah City, Saudi Arabia. Twenty three out of 70 fish specimens [32.9%] were found to be naturally infected. The parasite was described using photo research Zeiss microscopy and a scanning electron microscope [SEM]. Light microscopic studies revealed that the adult worm possessed a proboscis which was long, cylindrical with a uniform width measured 0.44 +/- 0.02 [0.38-0.46] mm in length and 0.12 +/- 0.02 [0.09-0.15] mm in width. Proboscis hooks observed by scanning electron microscopy were large, uniform in size [14-16 rows of 26 hooks each] with a row of longer hooks at the base. Comparison between the present described species and four species of the same genus was done, it was observed that there was only one comparable species, R. dorsoventrospinosus resembled the present parasite in the general morphology and differed from others, so the present studied species is classified as R. dorsoventrospinosus with new host and locality records

Acanthocephala/growth & development , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-197258


Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) tilapiae parasites were collected from the intestines of 300 fish belonging to three tilapia species sourced at the River Nile, Giza, Egypt. The proboscis of the parasite was characterized by three rows of hooks that curved towards the posterior of the body. The first row is supported by unmodified hooks. The parasite tegument has a series of alternative folds and a large number of pores. Sensory ganglia are located on the surface of the proboscis and body. Acanthogyrus (Acanthosentis) tilapiae provokes an aggressive host response indicated by hyperplasia of the intestinal goblet cells and focal eosinophil infiltrations. This acanthocephalan parasite shows a highly modified adaptation to its site of host infection.

Animals , Female , Male , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Adaptation, Physiological , Cichlids , Egypt , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Histocytochemistry/veterinary , Intestines/parasitology , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning/veterinary
Parasitol. latinoam ; 59(1/2): 26-30, Ene. 2004. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-383506


En el presente trabajo, se da a conocer el resultado de la infección experimental del perro doméstico Canis familiaris, con Corynosoma obtuscens Lincicome, 1943, un acantocéfalo de gran capacidad infectiva y de inespecificidad para el hospedero definitivo, que lo convierte en un parásito potencial para el hombre, quien consume pescado marino semicrudo bajo la forma de "cebiche", plato típico de nuestro país. Encontrándose por primera vez la presencia de huevos maduros de C. obtuscens en las heces de un hospedero no habitual.

Animals , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Acanthocephala/growth & development , Clinical Trial , Helminthiasis, Animal/parasitology , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic , Food Parasitology , Public Health , Fishes/parasitology
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 96(8): 1095-1101, Nov. 2001. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-304647


New records for helminth species recovered from elasmobranch fishes in Brazil are established. Digenean and acanthocephalan parasites of elasmobranch fishes are reported from the southern coast of Brazil: Otodistomum veliporum (Creplin, 1837) Stafford, 1904 (Digenea: Azygiidae) in the stomach and spiral valve of Dipturus trachydermus and in the spiral valve of Squatina sp. Cystacanths and juveniles of the acanthocephalans Corynosoma australe Johnston, 1937 and Corynosoma sp., in the spiral valve of Squatina sp., Galeorhinus galeus and Hexanchus griseus and in the stomach of Squalus megalops; a juvenile of Gorgorhynchus sp., in the spiral valve of Sphyrna zygaena. Dipturus trachydermus and Squatina sp. are new host records for O. veliporum. Digeneans and acanthocephalans are reported for the first time parasitizing elasmobranch fishes in Brazil

Animals , Male , Female , Acanthocephala/isolation & purification , Elasmobranchii , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Brazil
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-104747


To identify acanthocephala found in 'Changran-pickles' and 'Myungran-pickles' each organ was measured in permanent slides. In the present report, the results obtained were as follows: 1. Morphology of male worms: Worms possessed 18-19 longitudinal rows, with 4 hooks per row, which became smaller towards the base of proboscis. Each worm contained two testis and six cement glands arranged linearly. Body 22.0 by 0.8-0.6 mm and 15.0 by 0.6-0.4 mm, proboscis 284.8 by 227.6 microgram and 524.9 by 151.4 microgram, proboscis sheath 1570.7 by 72.7 microgram and 751.9 by 280.4 microgram, lemnisci length 2566.7 and 1085.6, testis 2202.9-1860.5 by 737.0-575.7 microgram and 1033.8-981.1 by 463.1-351.6 microgram, cement glands 940.2 by 441.2 microgram and 610.0 by 369.1 microgram. 2. Morphology of female worms: Worms possessed 14-18 longitudinal rows, with 6-10 hooks per row and become smaller toward the base of proboscis. Each worm contained an uterine bell and uterus in the posterior portion and the eggs filled the body cavity. Body 14.0~51.0 mm by 0.7-0.5~2.2-1.4 mm, proboscis 466.1-268.9 microgram by 259.9-252.0 microgram, proboscis sheath 1550.7-506.0 by 298.8-231.1 microgram, lemnisci length 1325.7-473.1 microgram, eggs 112.4 by 28.5 microgram~51.7 by 14.0 microgram. In this present study, the acanthocephala collected in 'Changran-pickles' and 'Myungran-pickles' were identified as Echinorhynchus gadi by morphological features.

Animals , Female , Male , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Fishes , Helminthiasis, Animal/parasitology , Korea , Seafood/parasitology
Rev. bras. biol ; 60(4): 673-682, Nov. 2000. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-303342


The present work described helminth parasites of curimbatá, Prochilodus lineatus Valenciennes, 1836 from Volta Grande Reservoir, MG, Brazil. Eighteen fishes with average 46.7 + or - 1.1 cm length and 1,674.8 + or - 75.6 g weight were collected. Of the analysed fishes, 15 were parasitized with acanthocephalans in the intestine, showing a prevalence of 83.3 percent. The helminth was identified as Neoechinorhynchus curemai Noronha, 1973 (Acanthocephala: Neoechinorhynchidae). It differs from other species in dimension of characters and morphology. From the original description of N. curemai, it differs from the biggest dimension of testis, elongated cement gland, nucleated lemnisci, eggs size, larger proboscis hooks length in the middle and in the third circle in males and larger hooks in the anterior circle in females. A smaller percentage occupied by the reproductive system in female trunk was reported. The observation of paratypes of N. curemai of Noronha (1973) showed a great similarity with those of the present work. This fact complements the helminth description from elsewhere

Animals , Female , Male , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Fishes , Acanthocephala/cytology , Acanthocephala/isolation & purification , Brazil
Parasitol. día ; 23(1/2): 59-62, ene.-jun. 1999. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-253213


El objetivo de la presente comunicación, es dar a conocer la presencia de corynosoma obtuscens lincicome, 1943 (acanthocephyala: polymorphidae) en canis familiaris, procedente de la ciudad de Chincha, Perú. Esta especie es un parásito natural de pinnípedos en la costa peruana, pero debido a su hallazgo en caninos, se le considera como un parásito potencial para el hombre y para otros mamíferos domésticos y silvestres que ingieren pescado crudo o insuficientemente cocido en el Perú. Este helminto es un nuevo patógeno para caninos

Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Acanthocephala/pathogenicity , Dogs/parasitology , Acanthocephala/isolation & purification , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Helminthiasis, Animal/parasitology , Peru
Southeast Asian J Trop Med Public Health ; 1997 ; 28 Suppl 1(): 184-9
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-30843


A survey of helminths in house lizards captured in Amphoe Maung, Chiang Mai Prouince revealed that the prevalence of helminthic infections in Cosymbotus platyurus was 94.4% and in Hemidactylus frenatus was 100%. Six species of helminths were found from C. platyurus: two species of trematodes, Posterochigenes sp (16.7%), Paradistomoides gregarium (41.1%); one species of cestode, Oochoristic sp (3.3%); two types of acanthocephalan cystacant, Type I (4.4%), type II (3.3%); and one species of nematode, Pharyngodon sp (83.3%). The cystacant Type II was not found in H. frenatus lizard, but the other five worms were found with higher prevalence. Pharyngodon was the common species in both lizards with the highest intensity range. So far, these worms have not been reported in human beings.

Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Animals , Cestoda/isolation & purification , Female , Helminthiasis, Animal/parasitology , Housing , Lizards/parasitology , Male , Nematoda/isolation & purification , Prevalence , Thailand , Trematoda/isolation & purification
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 87(supl.1): 151-3, 1992. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-116406


Machadosentis travassosi n. g., n. sp. an acanthocephalan parasite of a moray are proposed after comparison with the related genera in Quadrigyridae VVan Cleave, 1920. The new genus differs from the other related by the arrangement of proboscis hooks (five circles of rows with five hooks each, with well developed roots) besides the distribution of cuticular spines

Animals , Acanthocephala/classification , Fishes/parasitology , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology , Brazil
Rev. peru. med. trop ; 5: 75-8, 1991. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: lil-121596


En el curso de 20 años (1963-1983) se colectó cuatro especímenes de Acanthocephala Rudolphi, 1808; dos de heces humanas y dos del intestino de pacientes sometidos a intervenciones quirúrgicas en el hospital Regional de Trujillo-Perú. Los referidos acantocéfalos fueron identificados como Falsifilicollis sphaerocephalus (Bremser. 1821) parásito normal de aves, que ocurrentemente se registra por primera vez en el hombre

Humans , Male , Female , Helminthiasis/diagnosis , Acanthocephala/parasitology , Peru , Helminthiasis/etiology , Acanthocephala/anatomy & histology