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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e252364, 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1355885


Abstract Understanding morphological and physiological changes under different light conditions in native fruit species in juveniles' stage is important, as it indicate the appropriate environment to achieve vigorous saplings. We aimed to verify growth and morphophysiological changes under shade gradient in feijoa (Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret) to achieve good quality saplings adequate to improve cultivation in orchards. The saplings were grown for twenty-one-month under four shading treatments (0%, 30%, 50%, and 80%). Growth, photosynthetic pigments, gas exchanges, chlorophyll fluorescence, and leaf anatomy parameters were evaluated. Saplings under full sun and 30% shade had higher height and diameter growth and dry mass accumulation due to higher photosynthesis rate. As main acclimatization mechanisms in feijoa saplings under 80% shade were developed larger leaf area, reduced leaf blade thickness, and enhanced quantum yield of photosystem II. Even so, the net CO2 assimilation and the electron transport rate was lower and, consequently, there was a restriction on the growth and dry mass in saplings under deep shade. Therefore, to obtain higher quality feijoa saplings, we recommend that it be carried out in full sun or up to 30% shade, to maximize the sapling vigor in nurseries and, later, this light environment can also be used in orchards for favor growth and fruit production.

Resumo A verificação de mudanças morfológicas e fisiológicas sob diferentes condições luminosas em espécies frutíferas nativas em estágio juvenil é importante, uma vez que indicam o ambiente adequado para a formação de mudas com alto vigor. Objetivou-se verificar o crescimento e as alterações morfofisiológicas sob gradiente de sombreamento em mudas de feijoa (Acca sellowiana (O. Berg) Burret) para obter mudas de boa qualidade, adequadas para fomentar os plantios da espécie em pomares. As mudas foram cultivadas por vinte e um meses sob quatro tratamentos de sombreamento (0%, 30%, 50% e 80%). Foram avaliados parâmetros de crescimento, pigmentos fotossintéticos, trocas gasosas, fluorescência da clorofila e anatomia foliar. Mudas a pleno sol e 30% de sombra apresentaram maior crescimento em altura, diâmetro e acúmulo de massa seca, devido à maior taxa de fotossíntese. Como principais mecanismos de aclimatação sob 80% de sombra, as mudas desenvolveram maior área foliar, redução da espessura do limbo foliar e aumento do rendimento quântico do fotossistema II. Mesmo assim, a assimilação líquida de CO2 e a taxa de transporte de elétrons foram menores e, consequentemente, houve restrição ao crescimento e acúmulo de massa seca das mudas no maior nível de sombreamento. Portanto, para a obtenção de mudas de feijoa de maior qualidade, recomendamos que seja realizada a pleno sol ou até 30% de sombra, para maximizar o vigor das mudas em viveiros e, posteriormente, este ambiente de luz também pode ser utilizado em pomares para favorecer o crescimento e a produção de frutos.

Myrtaceae , Feijoa , Photosynthesis , Plant Leaves , Acclimatization , Light
Rev. cuba. med ; 62(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1530133


Introducción: El infarto esplénico es una de las enfermedades que se presentan secundarias al fallo de aclimatación. En la literatura revisada se relaciona con la presencia de un rasgo sicklémico y desde la década del 50 se tienen reportes de casos a nivel mundial. Objetivo: Describir un caso de infarto esplénico por exposición a la altura. Presentación del caso: Se expuso un paciente que presentó un infarto esplénico después de su exposición a la altura, el cual fue intervenido quirúrgicamente y se presentaron un grupo de complicaciones en el posoperatorio. En la literatura internacional esta enfermedad se relaciona con la presencia de la hemoglobina S, lo cual no concuerda con nuestro paciente, a pesar de no ser el estudio de elección. Sus antecedentes pudieron contribuir a la ocurrencia de esta complicación. Las complicaciones que aparecieron en el posoperatorio coincidieron con las comentadas por otros autores. Conclusiones: El infarto esplénico por exposición a la altura es una complicación que debe tenerse en cuenta cuando se presenta un paciente a su llegada a este ecosistema, aparece con dolor abdominal, donde la inmediatez en la conducta es fundamental para evitar complicaciones de mayor gravedad(AU)

Introduction: Splenic infarction is one of the diseases that occur secondary to failure of acclimatization. In the reviewed literature, it is related to the presence of a sicklemic trait and since the 1950s there have been case reports worldwide. Objective: To describe a case of splenic infarction due to exposure to high altitude. Case report: We report the case of a patient who had a splenic infarct after exposure to high altitude. This patient, who underwent surgery, had a group of complications during the postoperative period. The international literature associates this disease with the presence of hemoglobin S, which does not coincide with the case of our patient, despite not being the study of choice. His history could have contributed to the occurrence of this complication. Those that appeared in the postoperative period did agree with those commented by other authors. Conclusions: Splenic infarction due to exposure to altitude is a complication that must be taken into account when a patient has abdominal pain. Immediacy in behavior is essential to avoid more serious complications(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Splenic Infarction/diagnosis , Acclimatization
Acta Physiologica Sinica ; (6): 130-136, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970113


The alteration of pulmonary artery pressure is an important physiological indicator to reflect the organism's adaptation to acclimatization or the pathological injury in response to high-altitude hypoxic environment. The effects of hypoxic stress at different altitudes for different time on pulmonary artery pressure are different. There are many factors involved in the changes of pulmonary artery pressure, such as the contraction of pulmonary arterial smooth muscle, hemodynamic changes, abnormal regulation of vascular activity and abnormal changes of cardiopulmonary function. Understanding of the regulatory factors of pulmonary artery pressure in hypoxic environment is crucial in clarifying the relevant mechanisms of hypoxic adaptation, acclimatization, prevention, diagnosis, treatment and prognosis of acute and chronic high-altitude diseases. In recent years, great progress has been made in the study regarding the factors affecting pulmonary artery pressure in response to high-altitude hypoxic stress. In this review, we discuss the regulatory factors and intervention measures of pulmonary arterial hypertension induced by hypoxia from the aspects of hemodynamics of circulatory system, vasoactive state and changes of cardiopulmonary function.

Humans , Altitude , Arterial Pressure , Acclimatization , Hypoxia , Muscle, Smooth
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;29(3): 789-812, jul.-set. 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405018


Abstract Under the directorship of Clemente Onelli (1904-1924), the Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires became a major public attraction and gained an international reputation for its innovations in animal keeping and as a supplier of Latin American fauna. It was a hybrid institution that combined the tasks of public instruction, zoological research, and acclimatization of useful animals, and also served as a symbol of national pride. Despite its seemingly peripheral geographical location, the institution was firmly integrated in the global network of zoological gardens. This paper utilizes a transnational perspective to tease out the numerous, multidirectional exchanges of animals and knowledge between the Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires and Northern metropolises.

Resumo Sob a direção de Clemente Onelli (1904-1924), o Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires se tornou uma importante atração pública e ganhou reputação internacional por suas inovações no abrigo e fornecimento de fauna latinoamericana. Era uma instituição híbrida que combinava instrução pública, pesquisa zoológica e aclimatação de animais úteis, sendo também símbolo de orgulho nacional. Apesar da localização geográfica aparentemente periférica, a instituição estava fortemente integrada na rede global de jardins zoológicos. O artigo utiliza a perspectiva transnacional para lançar luz sobre as muitas trocas multidirecionais de animais e conhecimento entre o Jardín Zoológico de Buenos Aires e as metrópoles do Norte.

Cultural Competency , Acclimatization , Animals, Zoo , Argentina , History, 20th Century
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;54: 8-16, nov.2021. ilus, graf, tabs
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1510688


BACKGROUND Qaidam cattle are local breeds that habitats in northwest China. It has many excellent characteristics, such as high cold and roughage tolerance, low oxygen adaptability, and tender meat quality. Copy number variation (CNV) can induce phenotypic changes in animals by a variety of effects, and thus affects the biological functions of the animals. To explore the molecular mechanism of its adaptation to extreme cold weather and muscle fat development, the CNV variations in the genome of three Qaidam cattle were detected by whole-genome sequencing, in this study. RESULTS : A total of 16,743 CNVs and 9498 copy number variable regions (CNVRs) were obtained after the screening, which accounts for 2.18% of the bovine genome. The CNVR length detected ranged from 0.3 KB to 10.77 KB, with a total length of 58.17 MB and an average length of 6.12 KB/ CNVR. Through functional enrichment of CNVR related genes, LDHB, and ME1 genes were screened as the key genes for Qaidam cattle to adapt to the cold and low oxygen environments, whereas KIT and FGF18 genes might be related to the coat color and growth. In the CNVR overlapped with QTLs, variation in CAPN1 and CAST genes might be closely related to the tender meat quality of Qaidam cattle. CONCLUSIONS Therefore, this study provides new genetic insights on the environmental adaptability and important economic traits of Qaidam cattle

Animals , Cattle , Adaptation, Physiological/genetics , Genome-Wide Association Study , Acclimatization/genetics , Cattle/genetics , China , Altitude , Genotype
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;51(1): 1-9, jan.-mar. 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352826


In the Amazon region, agroforestry systems (AFSs) are recommended as a sustainable production alternative for local communities. A common component in Amazonian AFSs are tropical fruit trees, which can form the canopy or grow in the understory. In this study, we evaluated the effect of high radiation on photosynthesis, growth and seedling survival of four Amazonian fruit-tree species: Theobroma cacao, Eugenia stipitata, Inga edulis and Psidium guajava. Growth, chlorophyll fluorescence, gas exchange, and leaf pigments were measured in seedlings of each species grown for 12 months inside shade houses with low (8%), medium (30%) and high relative illumination (100%). Eugenia stipitata and T. cacao had the lowest acclimation capacity to high solar radiation, followed by I. edulis. Therefore, these species must be grown under intermediate light levels in early growth stages, to protect them from direct sunlight. In contrast, P. guajava seedlings demonstrated high tolerance to elevated radiation, therefore, this species can be planted under full sunlight. (AU)

Carotenoids , Chloroplasts , Photosystem II Protein Complex , Rainforest , Acclimatization
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos;27(4): 1055-1075, Oct.-Dec. 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1142991


Resumo O artigo analisa as narrativas de viagem ao interior de Mato Grosso e Goiás publicadas em 1935 e 1936 pelo explorador paulista Hermano Ribeiro da Silva, que obtiveram considerável sucesso editorial e impacto no meio letrado brasileiro. Concentramo-nos em suas ideias sobre a relação entre o ambiente do Brasil Central e o homem sertanejo, sobre as potencialidades de exploração econômica da região e sobre o papel do Estado na condução de iniciativas capazes de promover sua incorporação efetiva à nacionalidade. Buscamos também compreender a fundamentação de seu discurso em conceitos e esquemas científicos genéricos dotados de poder retórico e argumentativo.

Abstract The article analyzes the travel narratives to the hinterlands of the states of Mato Grosso and Goiás published in 1935 and 1936 by the São Paulo-based explorer Hermano Ribeiro da Silva, which proved a great publishing success and had a considerable impact on lettered society in Brazil. The analysis focuses on his ideas about the relationship between the environment in Central Brazil and the man who inhabited it, the potential economic exploitation of the region, and the role of the State in orchestrating initiatives capable of promoting its effective incorporation into the nationhood. It also seeks to understand how he grounded his discourse on generic scientific concepts and schemas endowed with rhetorical and argumentative power.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Travel/history , Indians, South American/history , Environment , Portugal/ethnology , Selection, Genetic , Brazil , Ecosystem , Colonialism/history , Federal Government/history , White People/history , Famous Persons , Indigenous Peoples/history , Acclimatization
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 6(2): 87-95, abr.-jun. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390989


Se describen las respuestas fisiológicas que el ser humano desarrolla en respuesta a la exposición a la altitud geográfica. Se describen no sólo las alteraciones debidas a una mala coordinación de los ajustes fisiológicos desencadenados durante la aclimatación a la altura sino también sus manifestaciones clínicas más relevantes. Se detallan los mecanismos moleculares subyacentes a tales respuestas y cómo su mejor conocimiento puede permitir aplicar la exposición intermitente a hipoxia como una herramienta útil para la resolución o alivio de determinadas alteraciones y patologías.

We depict the physiological responses developed by the human body in response to the exposure to geographic altitude. The main alterations due to a noncoordinated setup of the physiological adjustments triggered during the acclimatization at altitude are also described, as its most relevant clinical manifestations. The molecular mechanisms underlying such responses are detailed, and how a better knowledge of these processes can allow us to apply intermittent exposure to hypoxia programs as a useful tool for the resolution or relief of certain disorders and pathologies.

Humans , Adaptation, Physiological , Altitude , Altitude Sickness , Brain Edema , Acclimatization , Hypoxia
Biol. Res ; 53: 37, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1131883


BACKGROUND: Soil salinity causes huge economic losses to agriculture productivity in arid and semiarid areas world-wide. The affected plants face disturbances in osmotic adjustment, nutrient transport, ionic toxicity and reduced photosynthesis. Conventional breeding approaches produce little success in combating various stresses in plants. However, non-conventional approaches, such as in vitro tissue culturing, produce genetic variability in the development of salt-tolerant plants, particularly in woody trees. RESULTS: Embryogenic callus cultures of the date palm cultivar Khalas were subjected to various salt levels ranging from 0 to 300 mM in eight subcultures. The regenerants obtained from the salt-treated cultures were regenerated and evaluated using the same concentration of NaCl with which the calli were treated. All the salt-adapted (SA) regenerants showed improved growth characteristics, physiological performance, ion concentrations and K+/Na+ ratios than the salt non-adapted (SNA) regenerants and the control. Regression between the leaf Na+ concentration and net photosynthesis revealed an inverse nonlinear correlation in the SNA regenerants. Leaf K+ contents and stomatal conductance showed a strong linear relationship in SA regenerants compared with the inverse linear correlation, and a very poor coefficient of determination in SNA regenerants. The genetic fidelity of the selected SA regenerants was also tested using 36 random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) primers, of which 26 produced scorable bands. The primers generated 1-10 bands, with an average of 5.4 bands per RAPD primer; there was no variation between SA regenerants and the negative control. CONCLUSION: This is the first report of the variants generated from salt-stressed cultures and their potential adaptation to salinity in date palm cv. Khalas. The massive production of salt stress-adapted date palm plants may be much easier using the salt adaptation approach. Such plants can perform better during exposure to salt stress compared to the non-treated date palm plants.

Salt Tolerance/genetics , Phoeniceae/genetics , Acclimatization , Random Amplified Polymorphic DNA Technique , Salinity
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(2): 347-355, mar./apr. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048589


A regeneration protocol for castor bean plant (Ricinus communis) was successfully developed using epicotyl sections obtained from in vitro seedlings. The maximum number of induced shoots (4.3 shoots/explant) and highest shoots frequency (75,56%) was obtained in WPM medium supplemented with TDZ (1 mg/L) and zeatin (0.5 mg/L), whereas the minimum number (0.8 shoots/explant) and lowest shoots frequency (37,78%) was obtained in medium containing TDZ (1 mg/L) and BAP (0.5 mg/L). The highest percentage of rooting (93.3%) was obtained in a medium containing IBA (1 mg/L). These plants were transplanted in a mesh house and achieved a high adaptability to acclimatization, reaching 77% survival. On the other hand, the maximum elongation (height) during this stage was 7.9 cm in plants supplemented with WPM nutrients, whereas it was only 4.38 cm in control plants

Foi desenvolvido com sucesso um protocolo de regeneração para a planta de Mamona (Ricinus communis) utilizando seções de epicótilos, obtidas a partir de mudas in vitro. O número máximo de brotações induzidas (4.3 brotos/explante), assim como a maior frequência de brotações (75,56%), foi obtido em meio WPM suplementado com TDZ (1 mg/L) e zeatina (0,5 mg/L). Enquanto que o número mínimo (0,8 brotos/explante), como a menor freqüência de rebentos (37,78%), foi obtido em meio contendo TDZ (1 mg/L) e BAP (0,5 mg/L). Adicionalmente, a maior percentagem de enraizamento (93,3%) foi obtida em um meio contendo IBA (1 mg/L). Depois da regeneração, as plantas foram transplantadas em casa de vegetação e conseguiram uma alta adaptabilidade e aclimatização, atingindo 77% de sobrevivência. Por outro lado, oalongamento máximo (altura) durante este estágio foi de 7,9 cm em plantas suplementadas com nutrientes de WPM, enquanto as plantas de controle presentaram apenas 4,38 cm

Ricinus , Organogenesis, Plant , Acclimatization , Biotechnology , Castor Oil
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 35(2): 356-366, mar./apr. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1048590


Orchids are known for the beauty, exuberance, and color of their flowers and therefore represent one of the most coveted ornamental plants. Due to their high commercial value, several illegal practices of removal and commercialization have led to the verge of extinction. This study aimed to develop protocols for in vitro conservation under slow growth and acclimatization of species of the subfamily Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae), from the state of Sergipe, Brazil. Two experiments were conducted: the first one tested four concentrations of MS (MURASHIGE and SKOOG, 1962) (25%, 50%, 75%, 100%), three orchid species (Catasetum macrocarpum, Oeceoclades maculata, and Polystachya estrellensis), and two temperatures (18 and 25ºC); the second one tested three combinations of carbon sources and osmotic regulators (20 g L-1 sucrose; 10 g L-1 sucrose + 5 g L-1 de mannitol; 10 g L-1 sucrose + 5 g L-1 sorbitol) and the same three species and two temperatures. For the in vitro conservation of C. macrocarpum, O. maculata, and P. estrellensis over 450 days, the use of 25% of MS salts or 20 g.L-1 sucrose at 25ºC is recommended. C. macrocarpum seedlings were acclimatized using sand + shredded pine bark + worm castings at a ratio of 2:2:1 (w:w:w). The use of sand alone is recommended for the acclimatization of O. maculata

As orquídeas são conhecidas pela beleza, exuberância e cores de suas flores e por isso representam uma das plantas ornamentais mais cobiçadas. Devido ao alto valor comercial, muitas são as práticas ilegais de retirada e comercialização de orquídeas, o que leva as espécies à beira de extinção. O objetivo deste estudo foi desenvolver protocolos para a conservação in vitro sob crescimento lento e aclimatação de espécies da subfamília Epidendroideae (Orchidaceae) do Estado de Sergipe, Brasil. Dois experimentos foram realizados: o primeiro ensaio testou quatro concentrações dos sais MS (MURASHIGE e SKOOG, 1962) (25, 50, 75 e 100%), três espécies (Catasetum macrocarpum, Oeceocladesmaculata e Polystachya estrellensis) e duas temperaturas (18 e 25ºC); o segundo ensaio testou três combinações de fontes de carbono e reguladores osmóticos (20 g L-1 de sacarose; 10 g L-1 de sacarose + 5 g L-1 manitol; 10 g L-1 de sacarose + 5 g L-1 sorbitol), três espécies (C. macrocarpum, O. maculata e P. estrellensis) e duas temperaturas (18 e 25ºC). Para executar a aclimatação, oito substratos foram testados para as espécies C. macrocarpum e O. maculata. Para realizar a conservação in vitro de C. macrocarpum, O. maculata e P.estrellensis ao longo de 450 dias, recomenda-se a utilização 25% dos sais de MS ede 20 g L-1 de sacarose a 25°C. Mudas de C. macrocarpum foram aclimatizadas utilizando areia + casca de pinus + húmus de minhoca (2:2:1). Recomenda-se a utilização de areia para aclimatização de O. maculata.

In Vitro Techniques , Substrates for Biological Treatment , Orchidaceae , Acclimatization
Biomédica (Bogotá) ; Biomédica (Bogotá);39(1): 212-220, ene.-mar. 2019. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001400


Resumen El entrenamiento en altitud y el entrenamiento en hipoxia simulada producen adaptaciones fisiológicas y bioquímicas en el músculo esquelético como la capacidad oxidativa, así como modificaciones de la actividad mitocondrial, en el metabolismo aerobio y en el contenido demioglobina. El propósito de esta revisión fue analizar las adaptaciones del músculo esquelético en respuesta a la exposición temporal a la hipoxia combinada con ejercicios de fuerza y resistencia. Según los hallazgos de numerosos autores, las adaptaciones estructurales del músculo son similares en la hipoxia y en la 'normoxia', con excepción de un aumento en el volumen muscular y en el área de la sección transversal de la fibra muscular, que son mayores en la hipoxia. En conclusión, la sinergia del entrenamiento de fuerza y resistencia y la hipoxia normobárica produce mejores y mayores adaptaciones, ganancias y cambios fisiológicos beneficiosos en el tejido muscular, lo cual genera cambios fenotípicos favorables, como la hipertrofia del músculo esquelético.

Abstract Altitude and simulated-hypoxia training produces different physiological and/or biochemical adaptations in the skeletal muscle. These are: oxidative capacity, mitochondrial activity modifications, aerobic metabolism changes and myoglobin content. The purpose of this review was to analyze the adaptations of skeletal muscle in response to the combination of strength-resistance exercise and hypoxia. In general terms, the structural adaptations of the muscle are similar in hypoxia and normoxia except that hypoxia training produces an increase of the volume and cross-sectional area of the muscle fiber. In conclusion, the synergic effect of the combination of strength resistance training with normobaric hypoxia produces better and greater adaptations and beneficial physiological changes of the muscle tissue, which shows favorable phenotypic changes in skeletal muscle hypertrophy.

Humans , Muscle, Skeletal/pathology , Resistance Training , Acclimatization , Hypoxia/physiopathology , Hypertrophy
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;24(6): 440-445, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977844


INTRODUCTION: Physical exercise at high altitude has become constant. However, the risks associated with this type of exercise represent a major concern, considering the influence of important stressors such as hypoxia and physical exercise on psychobiological and physiological responses. OBJECTIVE: Analyze the mood state and behavior of physiological variables of volunteers subjected to a progressive loading protocol until they reached maximum volitional exhaustion, both at sea level and at a simulated altitude of 4500 meters. METHOD: For both conditions studied, the volunteers responded to two instruments that assess mood responses: The Brunel Mood Scale and the Visual Analogue Mood Scale. They also underwent blood sampling to measure blood lactate levels and to evaluate oxygen-hemoglobin saturation. These procedures were performed before, immediately after, and 30 and 60 minutes after the end of the protocol. RESULTS: Hypoxia triggered negative effects on mood responses, especially when compared to sea level conditions. An increase in fatigue level (p=0.02) and mental confusion (p=0.04) was observed immediately after the exercise session, and reduction of vigor (p=0.03) was noted at 30 minutes, accompanied by a reduction in oxygen-hemoglobin saturation immediately after the session and at 30 minutes. There was also an increase in blood lactate levels immediately after the session (p=0.006). CONCLUSION: The particularities of the hypoxic environment associated with maximum exercise are able to cause a deterioration of mood and physiological responses, which can negatively modulate physical performance. This is a cross-sectional clinical study.

INTRODUÇÃO: Prática de exercícios físicos em elevadas altitudes tem se tornado constante. Entretanto, os riscos associados a esta representam uma grande preocupação, considerando a influência de importantes agentes estressores, como hipóxia e exercício físico, sobre as respostas psicobiológicas e fisiológicas. OBJETIVO: Analisar o perfil do humor e o comportamento de variáveis fisiológicas de voluntários submetidos a um protocolo de cargas progressivas até a Exaustão Voluntária Máxima no nível do mar e em altitude simulada de 4.500 metros. MÉTODOS: Para ambas as condições estudadas, os voluntários responderam a dois instrumentos que avaliam as respostas do humor, Escala de Humor de Brunel e o Visual Analogue Mood Scale, e foram submetidos à coleta de sangue para verificar a concentração de lactato sanguíneo, bem como para avaliar a saturação de oxi-hemoglobina. Esses procedimentos foram realizados antes, imediatamente depois e 30 e 60 minutos após o término do protocolo. RESULTADOS: A hipóxia desencadeou efeitos negativos sobre as respostas de humor, principalmente com relação ao nível do mar. Verificou-se aumento da fadiga (p = 0,02) e da confusão mental (p=0,04) imediatamente após a prática e redução do vigor (p = 0,03) aos 30 minutos; acompanhadas da diminuição da saturação da oxi-hemoglobina imediatamente após e aos 30 minutos; constatou-se ainda, o aumento da concentração de lactato sanguíneo no momento imediatamente após (p = 0,006). CONCLUSÃO: As particularidades do ambiente hipóxico associadas à realização do exercício físico máximo são capazes de piorar o estado de humor e as respostas fisiológicas, o que pode modular negativamente o desempenho físico. Este estudo é do tipo clínico transversal.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La práctica de ejercicios físicos en elevadas altitudes se ha vuelto constante. Entretanto, los riesgos asociados a ésta representan una gran preocupación, considerando la influencia de importantes agentes estresantes, como hipoxia y ejercicio físico, sobre las respuestas psicobiológicas y fisiológicas. OBJETIVO: Analizar el perfil del humor y el comportamiento de variables fisiológicas de los voluntarios sometidos a un protocolo de cargas progresivas hasta el Agotamiento Voluntario Máximo, al nivel del mar y a una altitud simulada de 4500 metros. MÉTODOS: Para ambas condiciones estudiadas, los voluntarios respondieron a dos instrumentos que evalúan las respuestas del humor: la Escala de Humor de Brunel y el Visual Analogue Mood Scale, y fueron sometidos a colecta de sangre para verificar la concentración de lactato sanguíneo, bien como para evaluar la saturación de oxihemoglobina. Estos procedimientos fueron realizados antes, inmediatamente después, y 30 y 60 minutos después de finalizar el protocolo. RESULTADOS: La hipoxia desencadenó efectos negativos sobre las respuestas de humor, principalmente con relación al nivel del mar. Se verificó aumento de fatiga (p = 0,02) y de la confusión mental (p = 0,04) inmediatamente después de la práctica y reducción del vigor (P = 0,03) a los 30 minutos; acompañadas de la disminución de la saturación de la oxihemoglobina inmediatamente después y a los 30 minutos; se constató además el aumento de la concentración de lactato sanguíneo en el momento inmediatamente después (p = 0,006). CONCLUSIÓN: Las particularidades del ambiente hipóxico asociadas a la realización del ejercicio físico máximo, son capaces de empeorar el estado de humor y las respuestas fisiológicas, lo que puede modular negativamente el desempeño físico. Este estudio es del tipo clínico transversal.

Humans , Male , Adult , Exercise/physiology , Affect , Physical Exertion , Hypoxia , Exercise Test/methods , Altitude , Acclimatization/physiology
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 34(3): 648-656, mai/jun. 2018. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-966926


Bromeliads are known worldwide for their ornamental potential. In Brazil, species of the genus Tillandsia occur in the Atlantic rainforest, Amazon rainforest, and rocky fields. This work aimed to evaluate the influence of nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium fertilization on micropropagated seedlings of Tillandsia bulbosa, at the acclimatization stage, and their leaf anatomy. The experiment was carried out in a completely randomized design, in a 4x4+1 factorial scheme, using coconut coir: earthworm humus: sand mixture as substrate (2:1:1). Urea, single superphosphate, and potassium chloride were used as nitrogen, phosphorus and potassium sources, respectively, at proportions of 50, 100, 200, and 400% of the dose recommended. The doses were distributed in four applications, testing total application at planting (1); ½ application at planting and ½ at 80 DAP (2); application at planting, at 50 DAP, and at 100 DAP (3); and » application at planting, » at 30 DAP, » at 60 DAP, and » at 120 DAP (4); and a control (without fertilization). Leaves anatomy was analyzed at 180 days after planting. Fertilization did not significantly influence the development of seedlings during acclimatization. The doses of 50, 100, and 200% provided thicker parenchyma of chlorophyll and aquifer and leaf blade. Tillandsia bulbosa can be acclimatized without fertilizer application.

As bromélias são conhecidas mundialmente por seu potencial ornamental. No Brasil, as espécies de Tillandsia podem ser encontradas na Mata Atlântica, Floresta Amazônica e campos rupestres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi verificar a influência de adubação com nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio em plântulas micropropagadas de Tillandsia bulbosa, na fase de aclimatização e na sua anatomia foliar. O experimento foi implantado em delineamento inteiramente casualizado, em esquema fatorial 4x4+1, utilizando como substrato a mistura de pó de coco: húmus de minhoca: areia (2:1:1). Ureia, super fosfato simples e cloreto de potássio foram utilizados como fontes de nitrogênio, fósforo e potássio, nas proporções de 50, 100, 200 e 400% da dose recomendada. As doses foram distribuídas em quatro aplicações, testando aplicação total no plantio (1); ½ no plantio e ½ aos 80 DAP (2); no plantio, aos 50 DAP e aos 100 DAP (3) e » no plantio, » aos 30 DAP, » aos 60 DAP e » aos 120 DAP (4), e uma testemunha (sem adubação). Foi realizado o estudo anatômico das folhas aos 180 dias. A adubação não influenciou significativamente o desenvolvimento das plântulas durante a aclimatização. As doses de 50, 100 e 200% proporcionaram maior espessura de parênquimas clorofiliano e aquífero e do limbo foliar. A aclimatização de Tillandsia bulbosa pode ser realizada sem a necessidade de adubação.

Bromelia , Tissue Culture Techniques , Acclimatization , Manure , Phosphorus , Potassium , Bromeliaceae , Nitrogen
Biol. Res ; 51: 47, 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-983951


Increased levels of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere and associated climatic variability is primarily responsible for inducing heat waves, flooding and drought stress. Among these, water scarcity is a major limitation to crop productivity. Water stress can severely reduce crop yield and both the severity and duration of the stress are critical. Water availability is a key driver for sustainable cotton production and its limitations can adversely affect physiological and biochemical processes of plants, leading towards lint yield reduction. Adaptation of crop husbandry techniques suitable for cotton crop requires a sound understanding of environmental factors, influencing cotton lint yield and fiber quality. Various defense mechanisms e.g. maintenance of membrane stability, carbon fixation rate, hormone regulation, generation of antioxidants and induction of stress proteins have been found play a vital role in plant survival under moisture stress. Plant molecular breeding plays a functional role to ascertain superior genes for important traits and can offer breeder ready markers for developing ideotypes. This review highlights drought-induced damage to cotton plants at structural, physiological and molecular levels. It also discusses the opportunities for increasing drought tolerance in cotton either through modern gene editing technology like clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeat (CRISPR/Cas9), zinc finger nuclease, molecular breeding as well as through crop management, such as use of appropriate fertilization, growth regulator application and soil amendments.

Stress, Physiological/physiology , Adaptation, Physiological/physiology , Plants, Genetically Modified/physiology , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/physiology , Gossypium/physiology , Droughts , Stress, Physiological/genetics , Adaptation, Physiological/genetics , Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics , Gene Expression Regulation, Plant/genetics , Gossypium/genetics , Acclimatization/genetics
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;77(4): 868-875, Nov. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888816


Abstract Roots and leaves of Panicum maximum Tanzânia, Mombaça and Massai; Urochloa brizantha Piatã, Marandu and Xaraés; Urochloa humidicola Llanero; Urochloa ruziziensis Ruzizienses; Urochloa hybrida Mulato II and Cynodon nlemfuensis Estrela-roxa were analyzed, seeking to identify characters for better adaptation to the environment that may interfere with digestibility of tissue from the point of view of the rumen in cattle. Were planted ten cultivars in a completely randomized blocks with three repetitions. Was collected vegetative material, which histological slides were prepared from middle third of the sections of roots and leaves. Were observed differences (p>0.05) in the roots: higher volume of epidermal cells (28.62 µm) and overall diameter (1926.41 µm) of Llanero; thicker vascular cylinder (975.09 µm) and more protoxylem (42.25) in Estrela-roxa and occurrence of aerenchyma in cultivars Piatã, Mulato II, Xaraés, Massai, Llanero and Estrela-roxa; Were found higher proportions of bulliform cells in the leaves (121.07 µm) and thicker leaf mesophyll in U. humidicola Llanero (263.63 µm); higher proportion of sclerenchyma fibers in Xaraés and Marandu; lower results for amount of fibers in P. maximum Massai. We conclude that the cultivars Estrela-roxa, Llanero and Massai have greater adaptability to the environment and better nutritional quality.

Resumo Foram analisadas raízes e folhas de Panicum maximum Tanzânia, Mombaça e Massai; Urochloa brizantha Piatã, Marandu e Xaraés; Urochloa humidicola Llanero; Urochloa ruziziensis Ruzizienses; Urochloa hybrida Mulato II e Cynodon nlemfuensis Estrela-roxa, procurando identificar caracteres relacionados à melhor adaptação ao ambiente e à qualidade nutritiva das forrageiras. As dez cultivares foram semeadas em blocos inteiramente casualizados com três repetições. Após estabelecidas foi coletado material vegetativo, do qual lâminas histológicas foram confeccionadas a partir de secções do terço médio de raízes e folhas. Foram observadas diferenças significativas (p>0,05) nas raízes: maior volume de células epidérmicas (28,62 µm) e diâmetro total (1926,41 µm) de Llanero; em Estrela-roxa maior espessura do cilindro vascular (975,09 µm) e número maior de protoxilemas (42,25) e formação de aerênquimas nas cultivares Piatã, Mulato II, Xaraés, Massai, Llanero, e Estrela-roxa; Nas folhas, foram constatadas maiores proporções de células buliformes (121,07 µm) e mesofilo foliar mais espesso (263,63 µm) em Llanero; em Xaraés e Marandu maiores proporções de fibras esclerenquimáticas; em Massai menores resultados para quantidade de fibras. Conclui-se que as cultivares Estrela-roxa, Llanero e Massai apresentam maior adaptabilidade ao ambiente e melhor qualidade nutritiva.

Animals , Poaceae/anatomy & histology , Animal Husbandry , Brazil , Cattle , Plant Roots/anatomy & histology , Plant Leaves/anatomy & histology , Acclimatization
Rev. peru. med. exp. salud publica ; 34(2): 280-286, abr.-jun. 2017.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIPECS | ID: biblio-1043253


El presente estudio tiene como objetivo describir cómo se van desarrollando las ideas de Carlos Monge sobre las enfermedades de altura y cómo estas se van desplegando en el marco de los debates sobre las condiciones de vida de las poblaciones indígenas en el periodo 1928-1963. Postulamos que la forma cómo se constituyó el paradigma propuesto por Monge, las tensiones producidas desde varias corrientes alternativas y la forma cómo se resolvieron dichas contradicciones fueron centrales, tanto para el desarrollo posterior de distintas disciplinas científicas, como para sus distintas expresiones institucionales en el Perú. Se describe la trayectoria evolutiva de las ideas de Monge sobre adaptación de las poblaciones indígenas a la altura y los debates surgidos con otros colectivos investigativos en torno al consumo de la hoja de coca. Se plantea un análisis de las limitaciones de una mirada biomédica de la salud de las poblaciones andinas que, progresivamente, va siendo influenciada por el cambiante escenario social y político peruano en el contexto de la guerra fría.

The main objective of this study is to describe how the ideas of Carlos Monge respect to high altitude sickness developed and how these were being deployed in the framework of the discussions on the living conditions of indigenous populations in the period 1928-1963. I postulate that the form how the Monge’s paradigm was proposed, the tensions produced by various alternative movements and the way these contradictions were resolved were central, both for the subsequent development of different scientific disciplines and for their different institutional expressions in Peru. In addition, this article describes the evolutionary trajectory of Monge’s ideas about the adaptation of indigenous populations to high altitude and the discussions that emerged with other research groups around the consumption of coca leaf. It also presents an analysis of the limitations of the biomedical view regarding the health of the Andean populations, a view that was progressively influenced by the changing social and political scenario in the context of the Cold War.

History, 20th Century , Humans , Health , Disease , Altitude , Anthropology, Medical , Acclimatization , Peru , Utopias
Braz. j. biol ; Braz. j. biol;77(2): 260-266, Apr.-June 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-888733


Abstract Flood events in riparian forests of southern Brazil, can be characterized as unpredictable and of low magnitude with an average duration of less than 15 days. Inga marginata is an evergreen tree which grows in Southeast South America on a wide range of environments, including riparian forests. In this paper, the interactive effects of the light environment and soil flooding on morphological parameters of I. marginata were examined. Seedlings were acclimated in two contrasting light conditions: sun or shade for 30 days. Sun and shade plants were subjected to soil flooding for two periods; five or 15 days. After 5 days, the interaction between flooding and light did not affect growth, chlorophyll content and dry mass or the root-shoot ratio. After 15 days, flooded plants from the sunny treatment had a lower shoot dry mass compared to control sun plants and flooded plants from the shaded treatment. Moreover, the higher dry mass observed for shade plants compared to sun plants, following flooding, can also be directly associated with a higher content of soluble sugars. Shade plants of I. marginata showed a greater acclimation to soil waterlogging. This acclimation appears to be associated with a larger accumulation of soluble sugars compared to non-flooded plants. The responses observed on the shade plants appear to be decisive to indicate the use of I. marginata in degraded areas.

Resumo As inundações em florestas ripárias do Sul do Brasil, podem ser caracterizadas como imprevisíveis e de baixa magnitude com uma duração média de menos de 15 dias. Inga marginata é uma árvore que cresce no sudeste da América do Sul em uma grande variedade de ambientes, incluindo matas ciliares. Neste trabalho, os efeitos combinados da luminosidade e do e alagamento do solo nos parâmetros morfológicos de I. marginata foram examinados. As plântulas foram aclimatadas em duas condições contrastantes de luminosidade: sol e sombra por 30 dias. Plantas de sol e sombra foram submetidas ao alagamento do solo por dois períodos; cinco ou 15 dias. Após 5 dias, a interação entre a inundação e luminosidade não afetou o crescimento, teor de clorofila e massa seca e a razão raiz-parte aérea. Após 15 dias, plantas de sol sob inundação apresentaram menor massa seca na parte aérea em relação as plantas controle de sol e as plantas alagadas de sombra. Além disso, a maior massa seca observada nas plantas de sombra em comparação com plantas de sol, sob inundação, pode ser diretamente associado com um maior teor de açúcares solúveis. Plantas de sombra de I. marginata mostraram uma maior aclimatação ao encharcamento do solo. Esta aclimatação parece estar associada com um maior acúmulo de açúcares solúveis em comparação com as plantas não-inundadas. As respostas observadas nas plantas de sombra parecem ser determinantes para a indicação do uso de I. marginata em áreas degradadas.

Floods , Fabaceae/physiology , Light , Solubility , Seedlings/anatomy & histology , Seedlings/growth & development , Seedlings/physiology , Sugars/metabolism , Acclimatization , Fabaceae/anatomy & histology , Fabaceae/growth & development
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;27: 80-83, May. 2017. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1010415


Background: A protocol for the micropropagation of the grape (Vitis vinifera L.) cultivar 'Monastrell' was developed. Initial plant material was obtained from the sanitary selection of grapevine plants performed by real-time RT-PCR to confirm the absence of Grapevine fanleaf virus, Arabis mosaic virus, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 1, Grapevine leafroll-associated virus 3, and Grapevine fleck virus. Results: The effects of the salt composition (comparing Lloyd and McCown woody plant medium and Murashige and Skoog medium 1/2 macronutrients) and the growth regulator benzylaminopurine (BAP), at 0 and 8.9 µM, on plant propagation were evaluated using nodes as explants. The most efficient procedure consisted of bud induction in the medium with Lloyd and McCown woody plant salts and 8.9 µM BAP for 30 d along with elongation in cytokinin-free medium for 60 d, which gave 22 nodes/explant (174 plants/initial plant). A second cycle of propagation in a medium without BAP for another 60 d could give approximately 10,000 nodes, which can be obtained after an additional 2 months of culture. All plants acclimatized after the second cycle of multiplication were successfully transferred to soil. Conclusion: We developed an optimal protocol for V. vinifera cv. 'Monastrell' micropropagation, the first described for this cultivar.

Vitis/growth & development , Purines/metabolism , Benzyl Compounds/metabolism , In Vitro Techniques , Sodium Chloride/metabolism , Vitis/virology , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Acclimatization
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;37(4): 395-400, Apr. 2017. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-895428


The aim of the present study was to evaluate the intracytoplasmic lipid content, development and cryotolerance of in vitro-produced bovine embryos treated with different concentrations of forskolin before vitrification. Embryos were produced from abattoir-derived ovaries and allocated into four groups. In the treatment groups, forskolin was added to the in vitro culture medium on Day 6 and incubated for 24 hours in one of the following concentrations: 2.5µM (Forsk 2.5 group), 5.0µM (Forsk 5.0 group) or 10.0µM (Forsk 10.0 group). Embryos from the control group were cultured without forskolin. On Day 7 of culture, the expanded blastocysts were stained with the lipophilic dye Sudan Black B for determination of the intracytoplasmic lipid content or were cryopreserved via the Vitri-Ingá® procedure. Although there were no significant differences (P>0.05) in the blastocyst rates between the Control group (44.9%) and the other treatments, the embryo production was lower (P<0.05) in Forsk 10.0 group (38.8%) compared to Forsk 2.5 (50.5%) and Forsk 5.0 (54.7%) groups. The intracytoplasmic lipid content (expressed in arbitrary units of pixels) in blastocysts from the Control group (1.00±0.03) was similar (P>0.05) to that found in Forsk 2.5 (0.92±0.03) and Forsk 10.0 groups (1.06±0.03) groups; however the lipid accumulation in blastocysts from Forsk 5.0 group (0.82±0.04) was lower than in the Control group (P<0.05). Based on these results, Forsk 5.0 treatment was tested for cryotolerance and it was observed that the blastocoel re-expansion rate evaluated 24 hours after warming was greater (P<0.05) in Forsk 5.0 group (72.2%) compared to the Control group (46.2%). In conclusion, pre-treatment with forskolin at a concentration of 5.0 µM for 24 hours before vitrification is effective in reducing the intracytoplasmic lipid content and, consequently, improves cryotolerance of IVP bovine embryos.(AU)

Os embriões foram produzidos a partir de ovários obtidos em abatedouro e foram alocados em quatro grupos experimentais. Nos grupos tratados, o forskolin foi adicionado ao meio de cultivo in vitro no dia 6 do cultivo e os embriões foram incubados durante 24 horas com uma das seguintes concentrações: 2,5µM (grupo Forsk 2,5), 5,0µM (grupo Forsk 5,0) ou 10,0µM (grupo Forsk 10,0). Os embriões do grupo controle foram cultivados na ausência de forskolin. No dia 7 do cultivo, os blastocistos expandidos foram corados com o corante lipofílico Sudan Black B para a determinação do teor de lípidos intracitoplasmáticos ou foram criopreservados através do protocolo Vitri-Ingá®. Não foi observada diferença significativa (P>0,05) na taxa de produção de blastocistos entre o grupo Controle (44,9%) e os demais tratamentos, todavia observou-se menor produção de embriões (P<0,05) no grupo Forsk 10,0 (38,8%) em comparação com os grupos Forsk 2,5 (50,5%) e Forsk 5,0 (54,7%). A quantidade de lipídeos intracitoplasmáticos do grupo Controle (1,00±0,03) foi semelhante (P>0,05) a dos grupos Forsk 2,5 (0,92±0,03) e Forsk 10,0 (1,06±0,03); no entanto, o acúmulo de lípidos nos blastocistos do grupo Forsk 5.0 (0,82 ± 0,04) foi menor do que no grupo controle (P<0,05). A partir destes resultados, o grupo Forsk 5,0 foi testado quanto à criotolerância e foi observado que a taxa de re-expansão da blastocele 24 horas após o aquecimento foi maior (P<0,05) no grupo Forsk 5,0 (72,2%) quando comparado ao grupo Controle (46,2%). Em conclusão, o pré-tratamento com forskolin na concentração de 5,0 µM durante 24 horas antes da vitrificação foi eficiente para promover a redução da quantidade de lipídeos intracitoplasmáticos e, consequentemente, melhorou a criotolerância de embriões bovinos produzidos in vitro.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Colforsin , Embryo, Mammalian/physiology , Vitrification , Acclimatization/physiology , Lipids/analysis