Lagos state remains the epicenter of COVID19 infection in Nigeria. To facilitate the emergency preparedness and response to COVID19, the State Governor and Incident Commander constituted a Think Tank comprising 13 experts from various disciplines committed to the health of the public. The Think Tank assisted the government with decisionmaking strategies and supported the emergency operation centre (EOC) for the COVID19 response. Their main achievements were developing frameworks for decisionmaking and strategies for phased easing of the Statewide lockdown. The challenges encountered were that it was often viewed as a parallel structure to the EOC and separated from the traditional civil service structure; causing some reluctance to implement ideas generated by the Think Tank. Nevertheless, the Think Tank played an important role during the COVID19 pandemic; the lessons learned might help other states and resourcelimited countries wishing to adopt this approach to emergency response.
Achievement , Health Strategies , Emergency Operations Center , Decision Making , COVID-19 , Health Resources , Emergencies , PandemicsABSTRACT
O modelo de demandas e recursos foi utilizado para identificar o poder preditivo do estilo pessoal do terapeuta e do trabalho emocional (demandas), e da inteligência emocional e autoeficácia profissional (recursos) sobre as dimensões da síndrome de Burnout (SB), em uma amostra de 240 psicólogos clínicos brasileiros. Os dados foram coletados por meio de plataforma online, tendo como instrumentos de pesquisa um Questionário de dados sociodemográficos e laborais, o Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, o Cuestionario del Estilo Personal del Terapeut, o Questionário de Avaliação Relacionado a Demandas Emocionais e Dissonância da Regra da Emoção, Medida de Inteligência Emocional, e Escala de Autoeficácia Geral Percebida. Os resultados obtidos revelaram um modelo preditor das dimensões da SB, constituído pelas variáveis dissonância emocional, automotivação, demandas emocionais, instrução, envolvimento e autoeficácia. Ressalta-se a relevância de estratégias voltadas para a prevenção da SB nessa categoria profissional, bem como a necessidade de ações que visem a promoção e o desenvolvimento da inteligência emocional e da autoeficácia como fortalecimento dos recursos emocionais para atuação na prática clínica.(AU)
The Model of Demands - Resources was used to identify the predictive power of therapist's personal style, emotional work (Demands), Emotional intelligence, and professional self-efficacy (Resources) over the Burnout syndrome dimensions in a sample of 240 Brazilian clinical psychologists. The data was collected by an on-line platform using a Labor and social demographic data questionnaire, a work Burnout Syndrome Evaluation questionnaire (CESQT - Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo), the short version of the Therapist Personal Style Questionnaire (EPT-C Cuestionario del Estilo Personal del Terapeuta), an Evaluation questionnaire related to emotional demands and emotion rule dissonance, and the Emotional Intelligence Measure (EIM) and Perceived General Self-Efficacy Scale (GPSS) as research instruments. Results showed a predictor model of Burnout syndrome constituted by the variables Emotional dissonance, Self-motivation, Emotional demands, Instruction, Involvement, and Self-efficacy. We emphasize the relevance of strategies to prevent Burnout Syndrome in this professional category and the need for actions to promote and develop emotional intelligence and self-efficacy as a strengthening factor of the emotional resources to work as a clinical psychologist.(AU)
Se utilizó el modelo demandas y recursos para identificar el poder predictivo del estilo personal del terapeuta y del trabajo emocional (demandas), y de la inteligencia emocional y autoeficacia profesional (recursos) sobre las dimensiones del síndrome de Burnout (SB), en una muestra de 240 psicólogos clínicos brasileños. Los datos se recolectaron de una plataforma en línea, utilizando como instrumentos de investigación un cuestionario de datos sociodemográficos y laborales, el Cuestionario para la Evaluación del Síndrome de Quemarse por el Trabajo, el Cuestionario del Estilo Personal del Terapeuta, el Cuestionario de Evaluación Relacionado con Demandas Emocionales y Disonancia de la Regla de la Emoción, la Medida de Inteligencia Emocional y Escala de Autoeficacia General Percibida. Los resultados obtenidos revelaron un modelo predictor de las dimensiones de SB, constituido por las variables disonancia emocional, automotivación, exigencias emocionales, instrucción, implicación y autoeficacia. Se destaca la relevancia de las estrategias dirigidas a la prevención del SB en esta categoría profesional, así como la necesidad de acciones dirigidas a promover y desarrollar la inteligencia emocional y la autoeficacia como fortalecimiento de los recursos emocionales para trabajar en la práctica clínica.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Societies , Burnout, Professional , Self Efficacy , Emotional Intelligence , Burnout, Psychological , Psychotherapists , Organizational Innovation , Anxiety , Pathologic Processes , Patient Participation , Permissiveness , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Personnel Turnover , Poverty , Professional Practice , Psychology , Psychology, Clinical , Quality of Life , Aspirations, Psychological , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Signs and Symptoms , Achievement , Social Behavior , Social Class , Psychological Distance , Social Justice , Social Mobility , Stress, Psychological , Task Performance and Analysis , Unemployment , Women, Working , Behavior , Health Services Administration , Adaptation, Psychological , Cardiovascular Diseases , Organizational Culture , Attitude , Indicators of Quality of Life , Mental Health , Family Health , Liability, Legal , Occupational Health , Mental Competency , Practice Guideline , Health Personnel , Health Care Quality, Access, and Evaluation , Time Management , Efficiency, Organizational , Comprehensive Health Care , Conflict, Psychological , Community Participation , Counseling , Health Management , Creativity , Credentialing , Defense Mechanisms , Depersonalization , Depression , Efficiency , Emotions , Empathy , Employee Grievances , Employee Incentive Plans , Employee Performance Appraisal , Employment , Workforce , Job Market , Ethics, Institutional , Mental Fatigue , Resilience, Psychological , Pleasure , Capacity Building , Social Networking , Hope , Karoshi Death , Compassion Fatigue , Emotional Adjustment , Self-Control , Occupational Stress , Frustration , Economic Status , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Social Factors , Caregiver Burden , Financial Stress , Induced Demand , Community Support , Sociodemographic Factors , Psychological Well-Being , Collective Efficacy , Working Conditions , Group Dynamics , Overtraining Syndrome , Workforce Diversity , Psychological Growth , Coping Skills , Emotional Exhaustion , Time Pressure , Guilt , Health Occupations , Health Promotion , Income , Intelligence , Job Satisfaction , Labor Unions , Leadership , Motivation , Occupational Diseases , Occupational Health ServicesABSTRACT
Este trabalho tem o objetivo de analisar as concepções de maternidade para mulheres inférteis de diferentes níveis socioeconômicos que estão em tratamento de reprodução assistida. Trata-se de um estudo qualitativo, descritivo, que utilizou como instrumento uma entrevista semiestruturada e contemplou temas como o significado de família, desejo/expectativas sobre filho e gestação e expectativas sobre a maternidade. Participaram da pesquisa 48 mulheres inférteis acima de 35 anos que usam tecnologias de reprodução assistida de alta complexidade em instituições privada e pública. Os dados foram tratados pela análise de conteúdo em que emergiram os temas: representações sociais da família; representações sociais da maternidade; expectativas com a gestação e os modelos maternos; e o filho imaginado. As participantes representaram a família de forma positiva, como um sistema de suporte, de fundação e origem de amor, configurando-a como um laço social. Por outro lado, as concepções de família com base na consanguinidade também estiveram presentes, representando a família pela perpetuação da espécie e pela importância do laço biológico. A maternidade foi marcada por significativa idealização, sendo vista como um papel gratificante e de realização da feminilidade. O peso da cobrança social para procriar também foi sentido como um dever a cumprir e que, na impossibilidade de se realizar, gera sentimentos de inferioridade, menos-valia, impotência e inadequação perante a sociedade, o que reforça o estigma da infertilidade. Tais resultados apontam a importância de reflexões sobre o papel da mulher na nossa cultura, visto que a maternidade é ainda utilizada como medida para o sucesso ou fracasso feminino. Faz-se necessário também refletir sobre a possibilidade da maior inserção do trabalho psicológico na reprodução assistida, visto a carga emocional e social envolvidas nesse processo.(AU)
This study aimed to analyze the conceptions of motherhood for infertile women from different socioeconomic levels who are undergoing assisted reproduction treatment. This is a qualitative and descriptive study that used a semi-structured interview as an instrument and included topics such as the meaning of family and desires/expectations about the child, pregnancy, and motherhood. A total of 48 infertile women over 35 years of ages using high-complexity assisted reproductive technologies in private and public institutions participated in this research. The data were treated by content analysis in which the following themes emerged: family social representations; social representations of motherhood; expectations with pregnancy and maternal models; and the imagined son. Participants represented the family in a positive way as a support system and the foundation and origin of love, embracing the family as a social bond. On the other hand, the family concepts based on inbreeding were also present, representing the family by perpetuation of the species and the importance of biological bonds. Motherhood was marked by significant idealization, being seen as a gratifying role and the fulfillment of femininity. The weight of the social demand to procreate was also felt as a duty to be fulfilled that, in the impossibility of carrying it out, generates feelings of inferiority, worthlessness, impotence, and inadequacy toward society, which reinforce the stigma of infertility. Results point to the necessary reflections on the role of women and our culture since Motherhood is still used as a measure of female success or failure. They also point to a reflection on the possibility of greater inclusion of psychological work in assisted reproduction given the emotional and social burden involved in this process.(AU)
Este estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar las concepciones de maternidad de mujeres infértiles, de diferentes niveles socioeconómicos, que se encuentran en tratamiento de reproducción asistida. Se trata de un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, que utilizó como instrumento una entrevista semiestructurada e incluyó temas como el sentido de la familia, deseos/expectativas sobre el hijo y el embarazo y expectativas sobre la maternidad. Participaron en la investigación un total de 48 mujeres infértiles, mayores de 35 años, usuarias de tecnologías de reproducción asistida de alta complejidad en instituciones públicas y privadas. Los datos se sometieron a análisis de contenido del cual surgieron los temas: representaciones sociales familiares; representaciones sociales de la maternidad; expectativas con el embarazo y modelos maternos; hijo imaginado. Las participantes representaron a la familia de manera positiva, como sistema de apoyo, fundamento y origen del amor, configurándola como vínculo social. Por otro lado, también estuvieron presentes las concepciones familiares basadas en la consanguinidad, representando a la familia para la perpetuación de la especie y la importancia del vínculo biológico. La maternidad estuvo marcada por una importante idealización, vista como un rol gratificante y de realización de la feminidad. También se sintió el peso de la demanda social de procrear como un deber que cumplir y que, ante la imposibilidad de realizarlo, genera sentimientos de inferioridad, desvalorización, impotencia e inadecuación en la sociedad, lo que refuerza el estigma de la infertilidad. Por tanto, son necesarias reflexiones sobre el papel de la mujer en nuestra cultura, ya que la maternidad se sigue utilizando como medida del éxito o fracaso femenino. También se reflexiona sobre la posibilidad de una mayor inclusión del trabajo psicológico en la reproducción asistida dada la carga emocional y social que implica este proceso.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Reproduction , Family , Parenting , Social Representation , Infertility, Female , Anxiety , Ovulation Detection , Ovulation Induction , Ovum , Ovum Transport , Parent-Child Relations , Patient Care Team , Patients , Pregnancy Maintenance , Pregnancy, Multiple , Prejudice , Psychology , Quality of Life , Self Concept , Sex , Sexual Abstinence , Shame , Achievement , Social Identification , Sperm Transport , Spermatozoa , Taboo , Time , Tobacco Use Disorder , Urogenital System , Uterus , Population Characteristics , National Health Strategies , Labor, Obstetric , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Outcome , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Adoption , Divorce , Marriage , Fertilization in Vitro , Sexually Transmitted Diseases , Child Rearing , Family Characteristics , Risk Factors , Pelvic Inflammatory Disease , Reproductive Techniques , Gestational Age , Coitus , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Oocyte Donation , Consanguinity , Contraception , Sexuality , Couples Therapy , Affect , Abortion, Threatened , Pelvic Infection , Heredity , Inheritance Patterns , Ovulation Prediction , Depression , Reproductive Rights , Diagnosis , Dreams , Alcoholism , Embryo Transfer , Endometriosis , Conjugal Status , Job Market , Fallopian Tube Patency Tests , Family Conflict , Family Relations , Fantasy , Fear , Female Urogenital Diseases and Pregnancy Complications , Masculinity , Sedentary Behavior , Binge Drinking , Hope , Social Norms , Delay Discounting , Contraceptive Prevalence Surveys , Psychological Trauma , Donor Conception , Healthy Lifestyle , Contraceptive Effectiveness , Long-Acting Reversible Contraception , Social Construction of Gender , Gender Expression , Gender-Specific Needs , Frustration , Embarrassment , Sadness , Emotional Regulation , Psychological Distress , Empowerment , Varicocele , Belonging , Family Support , Emotional Exhaustion , Guilt , Happiness , Imagination , Infertility, Male , Insemination, Artificial, Homologous , Laboratories , Life Style , Loneliness , Maternal-Fetal Exchange , Medicine , ObesityABSTRACT
A proatividade e o capital psicológico (PsyCap) são construtos associados às virtudes psicológicas, recursos despertados por fatores individuais e organizacionais, que podem maximizar resultados. Este estudo visou investigar qualitativamente os determinantes e aspectos que podem estimular o PsyCap e a proatividade, a partir da perspectiva de trabalhadores de duas empresas brasileiras. A pesquisa foi realizada por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas com uma amostra de 26 funcionários. Os resultados revelaram determinantes comuns para a proatividade e o PsyCap, dentre eles a aprendizagem formal e informal, o feedback, a felicidade, a persistência, a curiosidade, os desafios e a estratégia. Foram observados alguns consequentes positivos, como euforia, alegria, realização, entusiasmo, engajamento e gratidão. Notou-se também que a ausência de proatividade e níveis baixos de PsyCap podem desencadear reações negativas, como indignação, tristeza, procrastinação, paralisação, desequilíbrio e frustração. Esses resultados sugerem que intervenções focadas no desenvolvimento da proatividade e do PsyCap podem ser essenciais para potencializar o bem-estar individual e resultados positivos nas organizações.(AU)
Proactivity and psychological capital (PsyCap) are concepts associated with psychological virtues, resources awakened from individual and organizational factors, which can maximize results. This study aimed to investigate qualitatively the determinants and aspects that can stimulate PsyCap and proactivity, from the perspective of workers of two Brazilian businesses. The research was carried out with semi-structured interviews with a sample of 26 employees. The results revealed common determinants for proactivity and PsyCap, among them formal and informal learning, feedback, happiness, persistence, curiosity, challenges, and strategy. Some positive consequences were observed, such as euphoria, joy, fulfillment, enthusiasm, engagement, and gratitude. Also note that the absence of proactivity and low levels of PsyCap could trigger negative reactions, such as indignation, sadness, procrastination, paralysis, imbalance, and frustration. These results suggest that interventions focused on the development of proactivity and PsyCap can be essential to enhance individual well-being and positive results in organizations.(AU)
La proactividad y el capital psicológico (PsyCap) son constructos asociados a las virtudes psicológicas, recursos que pueden ser despertados por factores individuales y organizacionales para maximizar los resultados. Este estudio tuvo como objetivo investigar cualitativamente los determinantes y aspectos que pueden despertar el PsyCap y la proactividad desde la perspectiva de los trabajadores de dos empresas brasileñas. Este estudio se realizó mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas en una muestra de 26 empleados. Los resultados revelaron determinantes comunes para la proactividad y el PsyCap, entre ellos, el aprendizaje formal e informal, la retroalimentación, la felicidad, la persistencia, la curiosidad, los desafíos y la estrategia. Se observaron algunas consecuencias positivas, como euforia, alegría, logro, entusiasmo, compromiso y gratitud. También se señaló que la ausencia de proactividad y los bajos niveles del PsyCap pueden desencadenar reacciones negativas, como indignación, tristeza, procrastinación, parálisis, desequilibrio y frustración. Estos resultados sugieren que las intervenciones centradas en el desarrollo de la proactividad y del PsyCap pueden ser esenciales para mejorar el bienestar individual y los resultados positivos en las organizaciones.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Set, Psychology , Self Efficacy , Resilience, Psychological , Hope , Optimism , Coping Skills , Organization and Administration , Organizational Innovation , Psychology , Achievement , Work , Organizational Culture , Efficacy , Staff Development , Health Strategies , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Entrepreneurship , Interview , Uncertainty , Efficiency , Exploratory Behavior , Feedback , Work Performance , Work-Life Balance , Procrastination , Work Engagement , Frustration , Sadness , Psychological Well-Being , Happiness , Job Satisfaction , Learning , MotivationABSTRACT
Trabalhar é essencial para a vida dos indivíduos e seu sentido é construído a partir das percepções subjetivas e do contexto socio-histórico de cada um. No entanto, para muitas mulheres, alguns marcos da vida, como a gestação, exigem grande reorganização da sua própria identidade e de suas prioridades. Nesse sentido, esta pesquisa tentou compreender os sentidos do trabalho para mulheres em período gestacional. Oito gestantes trabalhadoras foram entrevistadas e os dados submetidos à análise de conteúdo. Logo, pôde-se verificar que, para as entrevistadas, um trabalho que tenha sentido é o que proporciona prazer, satisfação e realização. Sobre o trabalho e a gestação, apesar de notarem mudanças no modo de realização das atividades laborais, as mulheres não consideraram a gravidez um impeditivo, reforçando a ideia de trabalho como fonte de segurança financeira e de subsistência. Dessa forma, identifica-se um deslocamento dos sentidos do trabalho que antes eram predominantemente positivos, e, durante a gestação, um fortalecimento da perspectiva instrumental. Percepções sobre trabalho e gestação corroboram com a compreensão de centralidade dos fenômenos e com a reflexão sobre as mudanças que a gestação pode trazer à vida das trabalhadoras e ao seu vínculo com o trabalho
Working is central to the individuals' lives and its meaning is constructed from subjective perceptions and by the social-historical context of each person. However, for many women, life milestones such as pregnancy, require a great reorganization of their own identity and of their priorities. In this sense, this research tried to understand the meanings of work for pregnant women. Eight pregnant workers were interviewed, and the data were submitted to content analysis. Thus, we could observe that, for the interviewees, a meaningful job is what provides pleasure, satisfaction, and fulfillment. Regarding work and pregnancy, despite noticing changes in the way of carrying out work activities, women do not consider pregnancy to be an impediment, reinforcing the idea of work as a source of financial security and subsistence. In this way, we identified a shift in the meanings of work that were previously predominantly positive, and, during pregnancy, the strengthening of the instrumental perspective. Perceptions about work and pregnancy corroborate the understanding of the centrality of the phenomena and the reflection on the changes that pregnancy can bring to the worker's life and to the bond with work
Humans , Female , Adult , Perception , Social Identification , Women, Working , Pregnancy , Achievement , Qualitative ResearchABSTRACT
Apesar das crescentes investigações sobre uso de telas na infância, essa é uma temática complexa e ainda recente, que traz diversos desafios para pesquisadores e cuidadores. Comunidades virtuais em redes sociais são utilizadas por mães e pais para esclarecer dúvidas e receber conselhos acerca da parentalidade e saúde infantil, podendo, simultaneamente, assumir uma função prescritiva e normativa quanto ao seu modo de agir. Sendo assim, este artigo pretende compreender como o uso de telas na infância vem sendo abordado por especialistas em grupos de mães e pais no Facebook. Foi realizado um estudo qualitativo envolvendo 49 postagens de especialistas, sobretudo psicólogos e educadores, extraídas de cinco grupos públicos de mães e pais nessa rede social. Os textos das publicações foram verificados por meio de análise temática e discutidos com base no referencial teórico psicanalítico. Os resultados mostraram que os especialistas destacam os possíveis prejuízos do uso de telas na infância, além de fornecer orientações aos pais sobre como lidar com sua presença no cotidiano das crianças e de suas famílias. Concluiu-se que apesar dos grupos de cuidadores no Facebook serem uma ferramenta de divulgação de informações acerca do uso de telas na infância, cabe não naturalizar a presença de especialistas nesses espaços virtuais criados por pais e mães, interpondo-se nos saberes e nas trocas horizontalizadas entre os cuidadores.(AU)
Although investigations on the use of screens in childhood are increasing, this is a complex and recent topic, which poses several challenges for researchers and caregivers. Virtual communities in social networks are used by mothers and fathers to clarify doubts and receive advice regarding parenting and child health, at times, simultaneously, assuming a prescriptive and normative role on their way of acting. Therefore, this study aimed to understand how the use of screens in childhood has been approached by experts in groups of mothers and fathers on Facebook. A qualitative study was carried out involving 49 posts from specialists, mainly psychologists and educators, extracted from five public groups of mothers and fathers in this social network. The publications' texts were verified via thematic analysis and discussed based on the psychoanalytical theoretical framework. The results showed that experts highlight the possible damage of the use of screens in childhood, in addition to providing guidance to parents on how to deal with the presence of digital technology in the daily lives of children and families. It was concluded that, although caregivers' groups on Facebook are a tool for disseminating information about the use of screens in childhood, it is important not to naturalize the presence of specialists in these virtual spaces created by fathers and mothers, interposing in the horizontally interchanges that occur between the caregivers.(AU)
A pesar de las crecientes investigaciones sobre el uso de pantallas en la infancia, este es un tema complejo y aún reciente, que plantea varios desafíos para investigadores y cuidadores. Las comunidades virtuales en las redes sociales son utilizadas por madres y padres para aclarar dudas y recibir consejos sobre educación y salud infantil, pudiendo, al mismo tiempo, asumir un rol prescriptivo y normativo sobre su forma de actuar. Por lo tanto, este estudio tuvo como objetivo comprender cómo el uso de las pantallas en la infancia ha sido abordado por especialistas en grupos de madres y padres en Facebook. Se realizó un estudio cualitativo a partir de 49 publicaciones de especialistas, principalmente de psicólogos y educadores, extraídas de cinco grupos públicos de madres y padres en esta red social. Se realizó en los textos de las publicaciones un análisis temático y se utilizó el marco teórico psicoanalítico. Los resultados mostraron que los expertos destacan posibles daños que provoca el uso de pantallas en la infancia, además de orientar a los padres sobre cómo afrontar esta presencia de la tecnología digital en el día a día de los niños y sus familias. Se concluyó que, a pesar de que los grupos de cuidadores en Facebook son una herramienta de difusión de información sobre el uso de pantallas en la infancia, es importante no naturalizar la presencia de especialistas en estos espacios virtuales creados por padres y madres que se interpone entre los saberes e intercambios horizontales de los cuidadores.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Psychoanalysis , Child , Social Networking , Anxiety , Parent-Child Relations , Pediatrics , Personality Development , Personality Disorders , Play and Playthings , Psychology , Psychology, Educational , Aspirations, Psychological , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity , Schools , Autistic Disorder , Sleep , Achievement , Social Change , Social Isolation , Socialization , Sports , Stress, Physiological , Technology , Television , Thinking , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Behavior Therapy , Books, Illustrated , Neurosciences , Bereavement , Exercise , Child Behavior , Child Care , Child Development , Child Guidance , Child Health Services , Child Rearing , Child Welfare , Mental Health , Child Health , Parenting , Negotiating , Caregivers , Health Personnel , Cognition , Communication , Early Intervention, Educational , Video Games , Internet , Creativity , Affect , Threshold Limit Values , Cultural Characteristics , Cybernetics , Metabolic Syndrome , Moral Development , Cell Phone , Depression , Diabetes Mellitus , Educational Status , Emotions , User Embracement , Population Studies in Public Health , Overweight , Child Nutrition , Failure to Thrive , Fantasy , Sunbathing , Emotional Intelligence , Sedentary Behavior , Video-Audio Media , Pediatric Obesity , Mobile Applications , Social Skills , Courage , Sociological Factors , Emotional Adjustment , Literacy , Neurodevelopmental Disorders , Childhood-Onset Fluency Disorder , Games, Recreational , Cell Phone Use , Frustration , Internet Addiction Disorder , Social Interaction , COVID-19 , Technology Addiction , Happiness , Helplessness, Learned , Hobbies , Hospitals, Maternity , Hypertension , Imagination , Individuality , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders , Language Development Disorders , Learning , Learning Disabilities , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Mother-Child Relations , Motor Activity , Nonverbal CommunicationABSTRACT
O campo dos estudos transpessoais tem avançado em diversas áreas no Brasil. Comemorou seus 40 anos com uma inserção ativa nas Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) e uma ampliação de núcleos formativos e apoiadores de ensino, pesquisa e ações sociais, além de diálogos com o Sistema de Conselhos de Psicologia. Desafios são apresentados a partir do levantamento de uma série de questões importantes e ignoradas dentro da Psicologia Transpessoal no Brasil. Apresentamos o pluriperspectivismo participativo como possibilidade de decolonizar as matrizes eurocêntricas e estadunidenses, que dão suporte ao pensamento transpessoal brasileiro, buscando honrar nossas raízes históricas e incluir outras epistemologias e ontologias, que dão continuidade à crítica à lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos uma breve agenda de notas temáticas que carecem de um processo decolonizador no campo transpessoal: a) crítica às perspectivas de um pensamento hegemônico, em termos globais por meio da dominação Norte-Sul ou no campo das relações sociais; b) revisão das formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) questionamento da noção de universalismo das ciências e da ética; d) aprofundamento da análise crítica da supremacia restritiva da racionalidade formal técnico-científica em relação às formas de subjetividade, de vivências holísticas e integradoras e de valorização do corpo; e) revisão da noção de sujeito moderno desprovida da cocriação do humano com a comunidade, a história, a natureza e o cosmos.(AU)
The field of transpersonal studies has advanced in several areas in Brazil. It celebrated its 40th anniversary with an active insertion in Higher Education Institutions (HEI) and an expansion of training centers and supporters of teaching, research, and social actions, in addition to dialogues with the System of Councils of Psychology. Challenges are presented based on a survey of a series of important and ignored issues within Transpersonal Psychology in Brazil. We present participatory pluriperspectivism as a possibility to decolonize the Eurocentric and North American matrices that support Brazilian transpersonal thought, seeking to honor our historical roots and include other epistemologies and ontologies, which continue the critique of modern Cartesian logic. We indicate a brief agenda of thematic notes that lack a decolonizing process in the transpersonal field: a) criticism of the perspectives of a hegemonic thought, whether in global terms via North-South domination or in the field of social relations; b) review of the forms of "centrocentrism"; c) questioning of the notion of universalism of science and ethics; d) deepening of the critical analysis of the restrictive supremacy of the technical-scientific formal rationality in relation to the forms of subjectivity, of holistic and integrative experiences, and of valuing the body; e) review of the notion of the modern subject devoid of the co-creation of the human with the community, the history, the nature, and the cosmos.(AU)
El campo de los estudios transpersonales ha avanzado en varias áreas de Brasil. Se celebró su 40.º aniversario con una inserción activa en Instituciones de Educación Superior (IES) y una ampliación de los centros de formación y promotores de la docencia, la investigación y la acción social, además de diálogos con el Sistema de Consejos de Psicología. Los desafíos se presentan a partir de una encuesta de una serie de temas importantes e ignorados dentro de la Psicología Transpersonal en Brasil. Presentamos el pluriperspectivismo participativo como una posibilidad para decolonizar las matrices eurocéntrica y americana, que sustentan el pensamiento transpersonal brasileño, buscando honrar nuestras raíces históricas e incluir otras epistemologías y ontologías que continúan la crítica de la lógica cartesiana moderna. Indicamos una breve agenda de apuntes temáticos que carecen de un proceso decolonizador en el campo transpersonal: a) crítica de las perspectivas de un pensamiento hegemónico, ya sea en términos globales a través del dominio Norte-Sur o en el campo de las relaciones sociales; b) revisión de las formas de "centrocentrismo"; c) cuestionamiento de la noción de universalismo de la ciencia y la ética; d) profundización del análisis crítico de la supremacía restrictiva de la racionalidad formal técnico-científica en relación a las formas de subjetividad, de experiencias holísticas e integradoras y de valoración del cuerpo; e) revisión de la noción de sujeto moderno desprovisto de la cocreación de lo humano con la comunidad, la historia, la naturaleza y el cosmos.(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Colonialism , Spirituality , Social Participation , Life Course Perspective , Philosophy , Politics , Art , Practice, Psychological , Prejudice , Psychology , Psychology, Social , Psychophysiology , Psychotherapy , Rationalization , Aspirations, Psychological , Religion and Psychology , Self-Assessment , Self Concept , Achievement , Social Justice , Social Problems , Social Sciences , Societies , Specialization , Superego , Time , Transsexualism , Unconscious, Psychology , Universities , Vitalism , Work , Behavior , Behavior and Behavior Mechanisms , Behaviorism , Black or African American , Humans , Self Disclosure , Adaptation, Psychological , Career Choice , Poverty Areas , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Organizations , Health , Mental Health , Conflict of Interest , Comment , Mental Competency , Personal Construct Theory , Problem-Based Learning , Congresses as Topic , Conscience , Cultural Diversity , Knowledge , Western World , Qi , Feminism , Life , Cooperative Behavior , Cultural Characteristics , Cultural Evolution , Culture , Professional Misconduct , Personal Autonomy , Personhood , Death , Human Characteristics , Parturition , Drive , Education , Ego , Ethics, Professional , Ethnology , Existentialism , Resilience, Psychological , Theory of Mind , Apathy , Racism , Academic Performance , Worldview , Ethnocentrism , Egocentrism , Health Belief Model , Psychosocial Functioning , Social Comparison , Freedom of Religion , Diversity, Equity, Inclusion , Family Structure , Psychological Well-Being , Goals , Hallucinogens , Holistic Health , Human Rights , Humanism , Id , Individuality , Individuation , Life Change Events , Literature , Malpractice , Anthropology , Morals , Motivation , Mysticism , MythologyABSTRACT
Introducción: La formación doctoral recaba relaciones internas entre los escenarios científicos y académicos. Objetivo: Exponer la propuesta de articulación de las maestrías y especialidades con el proceso de formación doctoral en la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio cualitativo fenomenológico, en el que participaron doctores de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública con implicación en la formación doctoral de otras formas académicas y graduados. Se realizó un grupo de discusión mediante un foro virtual, donde se discutió la necesidad de contar con un plan de acción para la articulación, así como su conformación definitiva. Resultados: Las voces apoyaron la necesidad de contar con dicha articulación y emitieron criterios que permitieron el perfeccionamiento de la propuesta sometida a debate. Conclusiones: La articulación especialidad-maestría-doctorado de la Escuela Nacional de Salud Pública garantiza el involucramiento de los actores implicados en su ejecución y permite avizorar los logros que se propone en cuanto al fortalecimiento de la formación doctoral de la institución, desde sus propias formas académicas. Deberá favorecer el tránsito rápido y exitoso de un mayor número de profesionales hacia la formación doctoral en ciencias de la salud. Sus presupuestos, propósitos, acciones y responsables responden a las circunstancias en que esta propuesta surge y a las necesidades actuales, lo cual no limita su perfeccionamiento continuo y necesario(AU)
Introduction: Doctoral training comprises internal relationships between scientific and academic scenarios. Objective: To show a proposal for articulating the master's program and specialties with the doctoral training process of the National School of Public Health. Methods: A qualitative and phenomenological study was carried out, with the participation of doctors from the National School of Public Health involved in the doctoral training of other academic modalities and graduates. A discussion group was held through a virtual forum, where the need for an articulation action plan was discussed, as well as its definitive creation. Results: The speaking participants supported the need to have such articulation and issued criteria that allowed the improvement of the proposal submitted for discussion. Conclusions: The specialty-master's program-doctorate program articulation of the National School of Public Health guarantees that actors be involved in its implementation and makes it possible to foresee the proposed achievements in terms of strengthening the institution's doctoral training, based on its own academic modalities. It should favor the rapid and successful transition of a greater number of professionals towards doctoral training in health sciences. Its foundations, purposes, actions and responsible actors respond to the circumstances in which this proposal arises, as well as to the current needs, which does not limit its continuous and necessary improvement(AU)
Humans , Achievement , Specialization , Health Sciences , Professional Training , Mentoring , Schools , Schools, Public HealthABSTRACT
Introducción: El Programa de Maestría en Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso responde a necesidades sociales y perspectivas del Sistema Nacional de Salud. Los resultados de sus investigaciones impactan en los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible No. 3 Salud y bienestar y No. 4 Educación de calidad. Objetivo: Exponer cómo la Maestría en Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso impacta en el desarrollo sostenible, a partir de las investigaciones realizadas. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación cualitativa y retrospectiva en el Centro Nacional de Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso. La técnica de investigación empleada fue el análisis documental y bibliográfico, con la revisión de los informes de las tesis finales de maestría y de la autoevaluación del programa, en sus dos primeras ediciones (2015 y 2018), según el Sistema de Evaluación y Acreditación de Maestrías. Resultados: El Programa contó con 30 egresados, cuyas investigaciones abordaron el tratamiento laparoscópico del cáncer entre otros temas. Asimismo, la producción científica en la Edición 02 resultó de 100 publicaciones, 159 reconocimientos sociales relevantes y la edición de 3 libros. Conclusiones: La investigación y la creación de conocimiento e innovación en el Programa de Maestría en Cirugía de Mínimo Acceso han permitido fomentar soluciones de desarrollo sostenible en esta área del conocimiento. La producción científica y la socialización de los resultados obtenidos en eventos nacionales e internacionales propician su implementación en el Sistema Nacional de Salud. De esta forma, los resultados de investigación del programa contribuyen al logro de los Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible(AU)
Introduction:The program of the Master's degree in Minimal Access Surgery responds to social needs and perspectives of the national health system. The results of its research have an impact on Sustainable Development Goals 3, "Good health and well-being, and 4, Quality education. Objective: To present how the Master's Degree Course in Minimal Access Surgery impacts on sustainable development, upon the base of the researches conducted. Methods: A qualitative and retrospective research was carried out at the National Center for Minimal Access Surgery. The research technique used was the document and bibliographic analysis, with the review of the reports of the final master's theses and the self-evaluation of the program, in its first two editions (2015 and 2018), according to the Evaluation and Accreditation System for Master's Degree Programs. Results: The program had 30 graduates, whose researches addressed, among other topics, the laparoscopic treatment of cancer. Also, the scientific production in the Edition 02 turned out to be one hundred publications, 159 relevant social recognitions, and the edition of three books. Conclusions: Research and the creation of knowledge and innovation in the Master's Degree Program in Minimal Access Surgery have allowed fostering sustainable development solutions in this area of knowledge. The scientific production and the socialization of the results obtained in national and international events favor their implementation in the national health system. Thus, the research results of the program contribute to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals(AU)
Humans , Publishing , Achievement , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/education , Knowledge , Research Report , Sustainable Development/trends , Retrospective Studies , Qualitative Research , Health Postgraduate ProgramsABSTRACT
O presente estudo objetivou analisar a realização das ações de approach, subida à rede e voleio, em um cenário crítico durante situação de treino. Dezessete atletas infantojuvenis foram analisados durante jogos tie-break de até 10 pontos, totalizando 696 trocas de bola, das quais 137 possibilitaram o approach. Foram avaliadas quatro variáveis relacionadas ao ajuste técnico, uma à tomada de decisão e uma à eficácia do voleio por meio do Game Performance Assessment Instrument. Nossos resultados evidenciam que os jovens tenistas analisados usaram o approach em 9,5% das situações favoráveis, conseguindo em 53,8% dos casos efetivar a ação tática. Sugere-se que os treinadores enfatizem cenários críticos em seus treinos para estimular a leitura da situação de jogo de seus atletas
The present study aimed to analyze the performance of the actions of approach, the ascent to the net and volley in a critical scenario during training situation. Seventeen juveniles' athletes were analyzed during tie-break games of up to 10 points, totaling 696 ball changes, of which 137 allowed the approach. Four variables related to technical adjustment were analyzed, one to decision making and one to volley effectiveness through Game Performance Assessment Instrument. Our results show that the young tennis players analyzed used the approach in 9.5% of the favorable situations, achieving in 53.8% of the cases to effect the tactical action. It is suggested that coaches emphasize critical scenarios in their training to stimulate the reading of the game situation of their athletes
El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo analizar el desempeño de las acciones de approach, ascenso a la red y volea en un escenario crítico durante la situación de entrenamiento. Diecisiete atletas fueron analizados durante los juegos de tie-breakde hasta 10 puntos, totalizando 696 cambios de balón, de los cuales 137 permitieron el approach. Se analizaron cuatro variables relacionadas con el ajuste técnico, una a la toma de decisiones y otra con la efectividad de la volea através del Game Performance Assessment Instrument. Nuestros resultados muestran que los jóvenes tenistas analizados utilizaron el approach en el 9,5% de las situaciones favorables, obteniendo realizar la acción táctica em el 53,8% de los casos en su entrenamiento para incentivar la lectura de la situación de juego de sus atletas
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Tennis , Decision Making , Athletic Performance , Athletes , Play and Playthings , Achievement , Adaptation, Psychological , MentoringABSTRACT
Background: Collaborative research between institutions may not yield results to transform communities. Many research collaborations come to the end of their life time without achieving their originally set goals and with a dearth of community transformation to show for it. Objective: To delineate and highlight the achievements of the Uganda (Makerere University)-Case Western Reserve University Research Collaboration Methods: We retrospectively compiled and reviewed the data on research, training and policy impact achievements of the Uganda (Makerere University)-Case Western Reserve University Research Collaboration over a period of 30 years of its existence. Results: Over the last 35 years, the Uganda (Makerere University)-Case Western Reserve University Research Collaboration trained a total of 104 Ugandans with Masters, PhDs and other varied graduate training programs. More than 70 large tuberculosis/TB+HIV studies were conducted with more than 360 manuscripts published including landmark local and global TB/HIV policy impact publications. Conclusion: The Uganda (Makerere University)-Case Western Reserve University Research Collaboration has in the past 35 years built the capacity of Ugandan and international students through conducting landmark research, training and mentoring and contributed to TB HIV management policy changes in Uganda.
Research , HIV Infections , Intersectoral Collaboration , Mentoring , AchievementABSTRACT
Iniciando el tercer año de vida de la revista Hepatología, hemos logrado con el esfuerzo de todos continuar mejorando la calidad y la visibilidad de la revista. Es por esto que ya todos los artículos cuentan con su respectivo DOI (Digital Object Identifier), y a partir de este número se incluyen los ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) de los autores. Los DOI son números que identifican cada artículo y permiten ubicarlo en una página web a través de su enlace. Por su parte, los ORCID son números que identifican a los autores de los artículos, facilitando que su trabajo sea atribuido de forma permanente, validando y confirmando su autoría; hasta el momento más de 7.000 publicaciones científicas solicitan el identificador ORCID de los autores que someten sus artículos.
Beginning the third year of life of the Hepatology journal, we have managed to continue improving the quality and visibility of the journal with the efforts of all of us. This is why all the articles already have their respective DOI (Digital Object Identifier), and from this number the ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) of the authors are included. DOIs are numbers that identify each article and allow it to be located on a web page through its link. For their part, the ORCIDs are numbers that identify the authors of the articles, making it easier for their work to be permanently attributed, validating and confirming their authorship; To date, more than 7,000 scientific publications request the ORCID identifier of the authors who submit their articles.
Humans , Research Personnel , Achievement , Abstracting and IndexingABSTRACT
As vacinas são reconhecidas como uma das conquistas do século passado de maior impacto em Saúde Pública, reduzindo de modo significativo a morbidade e mortalidade associadas a grande número de doenças infecciosas. No entanto, em casos raros, as vacinas podem causar doença ou eventos adversos pós-vacinação (EAPV). Os imunologistas clínicos e alergistas possuem um papel muito importante nesse momento em que mundialmente buscamos imunizar a população contra a COVID- 19. Eles devem fornecer apoio aos indivíduos orientando sobre o diagnóstico e tratamento de EAPV, incluindo anafilaxia, e, ainda, apoiar e encorajar os pacientes a se vacinarem, mesmo após eventos adversos, desde que leves ou moderados.
Vaccines are known as one of the achievements of the last century with greatest impact on public health, significantly reducing morbidity and mortality associated with a large number of infectious diseases. However, in rare cases, vaccines may cause disease or adverse events following immunization. Clinical immunologists and allergists have a very important role in the worldwide vaccination against COVID-19. They should provide support to individuals by advising on the diagnosis and treatment of adverse events following immunization, including anaphylaxis, and also support and encourage patients to be vaccinated, even after adverse events, as long as they are mild or moderate.
Humans , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions , COVID-19 Vaccines , COVID-19 , Anaphylaxis , Patients , Achievement , Therapeutics , Diagnosis , Allergy and Immunology , BNT162 Vaccine , Ad26COVS1 , ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 , HypersensitivityABSTRACT
In Mozambique, the Expanded Program on Immunization (EPI) was implemented in 1979 with the objective of reducing child mortality and morbidity through the provision of immunization services. This study aims to describe the characteristics of the EPI and review the available information related to immunization service in Mozambique, its accomplishments and perspectives. A narrative review of the literature was carried out and the electronic databases accessed were VHL, Google Scholar, and PubMed between 1979 and 2019, using descriptors related to the theme. A total of 28 articles and other relevant sources have been consulted for the review. The national immunization coverage in Mozambique between 1997 (47%) and 2015 (66%) improved 19 percentual points; also immunization coverage of children under 12 months has increased from 44.3% (1997) to 57% (2015). The 2015 survey showed that out of the 11 provinces, only the southern and Cabo Delgado province could reach the 80% recommended goal at the provincial level. Zambézia, Nampula, and Tete provinces have been reporting low coverage over the years and Cabo Delgado presents coverage oscillation. The BCG, DPT3, Polio3, and measles have reached 80% of coverage goal from 1997 to 2015. Our analysis have shown important improvements in national immunization, characterized by an overall increase in the national and provincial coverage and a decrease in the number of children that did not receive any vaccine. Despite these improvements, some provinces have lower coverages than expected and it is necessary to understand the determinants of dropout in children to retain them and provide timely and full immunization
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Immunization/methods , Vaccination , Achievement , Student Dropouts , Vaccination Coverage/supply & distribution , Mozambique/epidemiologyABSTRACT
The objective was to characterize the level of motivation to learn in terms of its orientations to achievement goals and the use of learning strategies in high school students, as well as to correlate the subscales of the instruments and to analyze differences considering sex and school year. We also sought to identify whether the motivation to learn can predict learning strategies. The Learning Motivation Scale and the Learning Strategies Assessment Scale were used on 261 private school students in Bahia, with a minimum age of 14 years and a maximum of 22 (M = 16.6, SD = 1.4). The results revealed that the students were more oriented towards the goal of learning and make use of metacognitive strategies. The prediction ratio indicated explanatory models with variance from 6% to 33%. It is suggested that investigations continue to broaden the understanding of the relationships between these variables.
Objetivou-se caracterizar o nível de motivação para aprender em termos de suas orientações a metas de realização e o emprego das estratégias de aprendizagem em alunos do ensino médio, bem como correlacionar as subescalas dos instrumentos e analisar diferenças considerando sexo e ano escolar. Buscou-se ainda identificar se a motivação para aprender pode predizer as estratégias de aprendizagem. Empregaram-se a Escala de Motivação para Aprendizagem e a Escala de Avaliação das Estratégias de Aprendizagem em 261 estudantes do ensino particular da Bahia, sendo a idade mínima 14 anos e a máxima 22 (M = 16,6, DP = 1,4). Os resultados revelaram que os estudantes se mostraram mais orientados pela meta aprender e fazem uso das estratégias metacognitivas. A relação de predição indicou modelos explicativos com variância de 6% a 33%. Sugere-se a continuidade das investigações a fim de se ampliar o entendimento acerca das relações existentes entre essas variáveis.
El objetivo fue caracterizar el nivel de motivación para aprender en términos de sus orientaciones a los objetivos de logro y el uso de estrategias de aprendizaje en estudiantes de secundaria, así como correlacionar las subescalas de los instrumentos y analizar las diferencias considerando el sexo y el año escolar. También buscamos identificar si la motivación para aprender puede predecir estrategias de aprendizaje. La Escala de Motivación de Aprendizaje y la Escala de Evaluación de Estrategias de Aprendizaje se usaron en 261 estudiantes de escuelas privadas en Bahía, con una edad mínima de 14 años y un máximo de 22 (M = 16,6, DE = 1,4). Los resultados revelaron que los estudiantes estaban más orientados hacia el objetivo de aprender y utilizar estrategias metacognitivas. El índice de predicción indicó modelos explicativos con una varianza del 6% al 33%. Se sugiere continuar las investigaciones para ampliar la comprensión sobre las relaciones entre estas variables.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Achievement , Education , Learning , MotivationABSTRACT
Introducción: En la actualidad, la calidad en las instituciones de educación superior constituye un reto a nivel mundial y, específicamente, en Ecuador. En este sentido, existen dos formas de lograr la calidad deseada, que se complementan entre sí: por una parte, su aseguramiento externo, basado en los modelos de evaluación y acreditación, y por otra, su gestión al interior de las instituciones educativas. Objetivo: Reflexionar sobre los retos de la gestión de la calidad en las instituciones de educación superior en Ecuador, en estrecha relación con el modelo de acreditación vigente. Desarrollo: La gestión interna de la calidad educativa es fundamental para el logro de estándares superiores, acordes con las necesidades de los estudiantes y la sociedad, a partir de la excelencia y pertinencia curriculares, que resultan coherentes con el modelo educativo y los ámbitos académicos de cada una de las instituciones de educación superior. Los retos para la gestión de la calidad están vinculados con las tres funciones sustantivas de la universidad ecuatoriana: docencia, investigación y vinculación con la sociedad; así como con las condiciones institucionales, que posibilitan su ejecución. Conclusiones: El progreso continuo del desempeño de las instituciones educativas se logra a partir de la ejecución de proyectos de mejora concretos, el trabajo en equipos, el liderazgo, el compromiso y la participación de todos(AU)
Introduction: Nowadays, quality in higher education institutions is a worldwide challenge, specifically in Ecuador. In this respect, there are two ways to achieve the desired quality, which complement each other: on the one hand, external quality assurance, based on evaluation and accreditation models; on the other hand, internal quality management in educational institutions. Objective: To reflect about the challenges of quality management in higher education institutions in Ecuador, in close relation to the current accreditation model, which establishes the quality requirements in higher education in the country. Development: The internal management of educational quality is paramount for the achievement of higher standards, in accordance with the needs of students and the society, based on curricular excellence and relevance, which are consistent with the educational model, and the academic fields of all higher education institutions. The challenges in quality management are associated with to the three substantive functions of the Ecuadorian university: teaching, research, and relationship with society, as well as with the institutional conditions, which enable its execution. Conclusions: Continuous improvement in the performance of educational institutions is achieved through the execution of concrete improvement projects, teamwork, leadership, commitment, the involvement of every person(AU)
Humans , Achievement , Health Services Needs and Demand , LeadershipABSTRACT
Resumen En este estudio experimental se presentan los resultados de un programa psicoeducativo de mindfulness sobre la motivación del logro y motivación para el aprendizaje aplicado a una muestra de estudiantes inmigrantes de origen latinoamericano que viven en el sureste español. La muestra se compone de 50 estudiantes, de los cuales 25 forman el grupo experimental y 25 el grupo de control. El programa de intervención se llevó a cabo durante 10 semanas. Los resultados muestran diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos en la variable motivación de logro y en tres de las seis dimensiones de la variable motivación para el aprendizaje (autoeficacia, control y ansiedad). El estudio confirma la eficacia del programa de mindfulness para mejorar los niveles de motivación del logro y la motivación para el aprendizaje en los jóvenes latinoamericanos procedentes de la inmigración. Se destaca la conveniencia de la utilización de estos programas dentro del currículum educativo.
Abstract In this experimental study, we present the results of a mindfulness psycho-educational program on achievement motivation and motivation for learning applied to a sample of immigrant students of Latin American origin living in southeastern Spain. The sample consists of 50 students, of which 25 form the experimental group and 25 the control group. The intervention program was carried out for 10 weeks. The results show statistically significant differences between both groups in motivation for achievement and in three of the six dimensions of motivation for learning (self-efficacy, control and anxiety). The study confirms the effectiveness of the mindfulness program to improve the levels of achievement motivation and motivation for learning in Latin American youth immigrants. The convenience of using these programs within the educational curriculum is highlighted.