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Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 37: eAPE02532, 2024. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1533331


Resumo Objetivo Identificar a frequência de lesão renal aguda (LRA) em pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19, as características associadas, a mortalidade e a letalidade. Métodos Revisão realizada nas bases de dados CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, Livivo, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science e, na literatura cinzenta (Google Acadêmico) em 12 de janeiro de 2022. Foram incluídos artigos em inglês, espanhol e português, publicados a partir de novembro 2019 até janeiro de 2022, em pacientes maiores de 18 anos com COVID-19 hospitalizados e LRA conforme critério Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Os estudos selecionados foram lidos na íntegra para extração, interpretação, síntese e categorização conforme nível de evidência. Resultados 699 artigos encontrados e 45 incluídos. A idade avançada, sexo masculino, hipertensão, doença renal crônica, ventilação mecânica, aumento da proteína C reativa, uso de drogas vasoativas e de determinadas classes de anti-hipertensivos foram associados a LRA. A LRA está relacionada à maior frequência de mortalidade. Em 30% dos pacientes hospitalizados com COVID-19 houve LRA. A taxa de mortalidade por LRA foi de 5% e a letalidade de 18%. Conclusão Estes resultados ressaltam a relevância da LRA como uma complicação significativa da COVID-19 e sugerem que um controle mais cuidadoso e precoce dos fatores associados poderia potencialmente reduzir a mortalidade e a letalidade. É crucial intensificar a pesquisa nesse campo para esclarecer melhor os mecanismos envolvidos na lesão renal em pacientes com COVID-19, bem como identificar estratégias terapêuticas mais efetivas para sua prevenção e tratamento nesse contexto.

Resumen Objetivo Identificar la frecuencia de lesión renal aguda (LRA) en pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19, las características relacionadas, la mortalidad y la letalidad. Métodos Revisión realizada en las bases de datos CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, Livivo, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science y en la literatura gris (Google Académico) el 12 de enero de 2022. Se incluyeron artículos en inglés, español y portugués, publicados a partir de noviembre de 2019 hasta enero de 2022, con pacientes mayores de 18 años con COVID-19 hospitalizados y LRA de acuerdo con el criterio Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Los estudios seleccionados fueron leídos en su totalidad para extracción, interpretación, síntesis y categorización según el nivel de evidencia. Resultados Se encontraron 699 artículos y se incluyeron 45. Los factores relacionados con la LRA fueron: edad avanzada, sexo masculino, hipertensión, enfermedad renal crónica, ventilación mecánica, aumento de la proteína C reactiva, uso de drogas vasoactivas y de determinadas clases de antihipertensivos. La LRA está relacionada con mayor frecuencia de mortalidad. En el 30 % de los pacientes hospitalizados con COVID-19 hubo LRA. La tasa de mortalidad por LRA fue de 5 % y la letalidad de 18 %. Conclusión Estos resultados resaltan la relevancia de la LRA como una complicación significativa de COVID-19 y sugieren que un control más cuidadoso y temprano de los factores asociados podría reducir potencialmente la mortalidad y la letalidad. Es crucial intensificar la investigación en este campo para explicar mejor los mecanismos relacionados con la lesión renal en pacientes con COVID-19, así como identificar estrategias terapéuticas más efectivas para su prevención y tratamiento en este contexto.

Abstract Objective To identify the frequency of acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients hospitalized with COVID-19, associated characteristics, mortality and lethality. Methods Integrative review carried out in the databases CINAHL, Embase, LILACS, Livivo, PubMed, SCOPUS, Web of Science and in the grey literature (Google Scholar) on January 12, 2022. Articles were included in English, Spanish and Portuguese, published from November 2019 to January 2022, in hospitalized patients over 18 years old with COVID-19 and AKI according to the Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. The selected studies were read in full for extraction, interpretation, synthesis and categorization according to the level of evidence. Results A total of 699 articles were found and 45 included. Older age, male gender, hypertension, chronic kidney disease, mechanical ventilation, increased C-reactive protein, use of vasoactive drugs and certain classes of antihypertensives were associated with AKI. AKI is related to a higher frequency of mortality. AKI occurred in 30% of patients hospitalized with COVID-19. The mortality rate from AKI was 5% and the case fatality rate was 18%. Conclusion These results highlight the relevance of AKI as a significant complication of COVID-19 and suggest that more careful and early control of associated factors could potentially reduce mortality and lethality. It is crucial to intensify research in this field to better clarify the mechanisms involved in kidney injury in COVID-19 patients, as well as to identify more effective therapeutic strategies for its prevention and treatment in this context.

Humans , Renal Insufficiency, Chronic , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , COVID-19 , Inpatients , Risk Factors , Patient Acuity
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(6): 775-781, Nov.Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520388


Abstract Background: Early identification of patients at risk of AKI after cardiac surgery is of critical importance for optimizing perioperative management and improving outcomes. This study aimed to identify the association between preoperative myoglobin levels and postoperative acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients undergoing valve surgery or coronary artery bypass graft surgery (CABG) with cardiopulmonary bypass. Methods: This retrospective study included 293 patients aged over 17 years who underwent valve surgery or CABG with cardiopulmonary bypass. We excluded 87 patients as they met the exclusion criteria. Therefore, 206 patients were included in the final analysis. The patients' demographics as well as intraoperative and postoperative data were collected from electronic medical records. AKI was defined according to the Acute Kidney Injury Network classification system. Results: Of the 206 patients included in this study, 77 developed AKI. The patients who developed AKI were older, had a history of hypertension, underwent valve surgery with concomitant CABG, had lower preoperative hemoglobin levels, and experienced prolonged extracorporeal circulation (ECC) times. Multivariate logistic regression analysis revealed that preoperative myoglobin levels and ECC time were correlated with the development of AKI. A higher preoperative myoglobin level was an independent risk factor for the development of cardiac surgery-associated AKI. Conclusions: Higher preoperative myoglobin levels may enable physicians to identify patients at risk of developing AKI and optimize management accordingly.

Humans , Aged , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects , Risk Factors , Myoglobin
Int. j. med. surg. sci. (Print) ; 10(3): 1-13, sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1580906


INTRODUCCIÓN: Las quemaduras suponen la cuarta causa de trauma en todo el mundo, usualmente se asocian en gran parte a componente renal, generando un deterioro abrupto de la función renal manifestado en descenso de la tasa de filtrado glomerular como en el balance hídrico del paciente. OBJETIVO: Presentar una revisión narrativa sobre los aspectos relacionados con el abordaje fisiopatológico, diagnósticos y terapéutico en el paciente quemado con lesión renal aguda. MÉTODOS: Revisión narrativa de artículos relevantes y destacados en el área del manejo del paciente quemado con lesión renal aguda, de diferentes bases de datos como Scopus, Medline, Embasey Google Scholar. RESULTADOS: Los mecanismos fisiopatológicos que conducen al paciente quemado a generar lesión renal aguda han sido ampliamente descritos, asociados principalmente a procesos de rabdomiólisis asociado a condiciones agudas como hipovolemia, entre otras. CONCLUSIONES: Un abordaje optimo en el paciente quemado con compromiso renal agudo, puede mejorar la tasa de sobrevida y rehabilitación de la función renal del paciente, previniendo desenlaces fatales, aumentando la sobrevida de pacientes y las complicaciones asociadas a la misma.

INTRODUCTION: Burns are the fourth cause of trauma worldwide, usually associated in large part with renal component, generating an abrupt deterioration of renal function manifested in decreased glomerular filtration rate as well as in the patient's water balance. OBJECTIVE: To present a narrative review on aspects related to the pathophysiological, diagnostic, and therapeutic approach in burn patients with acute kidney injury. METHODS: Narrative review of relevant and outstanding articles about management of the burn patient with acute kidney injury, from different databases such as Scopus, Medline, Embase and Google Scholar. RESULTS: The pathophysiological mechanisms that lead the burn patient to generate acute kidney injury have been widely described, mainly associated with rhabdomyolysis processes associated with acute conditions such as hypovolemia, among others. CONCLUSIONS: An optimal approach in the burn patient with acute renal compromise can improve the survival rate and rehabilitation of the patient's renal function, preventing fatal outcomes, increasing patient survival and the complications associated with it.

Humans , Burns/complications , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Burns/physiopathology , Burns/epidemiology , Incidence , Acute Kidney Injury/physiopathology , Acute Kidney Injury/therapy , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 73(1): 46-53, Jan.-Feb. 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420655


Abstract Background Compound A is generated by sevoflurane when it reacts with carbon dioxide absorbers with strong bases at minimal fresh gas flow (FGF) and is nephrotoxic in animals. No conclusive data has shown increased risk in humans. The aim of this study was to investigate if minimal FGF promotes an increase in the incidence of acute kidney injury (AKI) when compared to high FGF in patients undergoing on-pump cardiac surgery under sevoflurane anesthesia. Methods Two hundred and four adult patients scheduled for on-pump cardiac surgery under sevoflurane anesthesia were randomly allocated to two groups differentiated by FGF: minimal FGF (0.5 L.min−1) or high FGF (2.0 L.min−1). Baseline creatinine measured before surgery was compared daily to values assayed on the first five postoperative days, and 24-hour urinary output was monitored, according to the KDIGO (Kidney Disease Improving Global Outcomes) guideline to define postoperative cardiac surgery-associated acute kidney injury (CSA-AKI). Creatinine measurements were also obtained 20 and 120 days after hospital discharge. Results Postoperative AKI occurred in 55 patients, 26 patients (29.5%) in the minimal FGF group and 29 patients (31.5%) in the high FGF group (p= 0.774). Twenty days after discharge, 11 patients (6.1%) still had CSA-AKI and 120 days after discharge only 2 patients (1.6%) still had CSA-AKI. Conclusions When compared to high FGF, minimal FGF sevoflurane anesthesia during on-pump cardiac surgery is not associated with increased risk of postoperative AKI in this population at high risk for renal injury.

Humans , Adult , Acute Kidney Injury/chemically induced , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Cardiac Surgical Procedures , Anesthesia/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/chemically induced , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Creatinine , Sevoflurane/adverse effects
Chinese Journal of Pediatrics ; (12): 1011-1017, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1013215


Objective: The kidney disease: improving global outcome (KDIGO) and pediatric reference change value optimized for acute kidney injury (pROCK) criteria were used to evaluate the incidence, stages and mortality of acute kidney injury (AKI). The differences between the 2 criteria were compared for exploring the value of pROCK criteria in diagnosing pediatric AKI and predicting adverse outcomes. Methods: In the multicenter prospective clinical cohort study, we collected general data and clinical data such as serum creatinine values from 1 120 children admitted to 4 PICUs of Children's Hospital of Soochow University, Children's Hospital of Fudan University, Anhui Provincial Children's Hospital, and Xuzhou Children's Hospital from September 2019 to February 2021. AKI was defined and staged according to the KDIGO and pROCK criteria. The incidence of AKI, the consistency of AKI definite diagnosis and stages, and the mortality in PICU were compared between the 2 groups. The chi-square test or Fisher's exact test was applied for comparison between 2 groups. The Cohen's Kappa and Weighted Kappa analyses were used for evaluating diagnostic consistency. The Cox regression analysis was used to evaluate the correlation between AKI and mortality. Results: A total of 1 120 critically ill children were included, with an age of 33 (10, 84) months. There are 668 boys and 452 girls. The incidence of AKI defined by the KDIGO guideline was higher than that defined by pROCK criteria (27.2%(305/1 120), 14.7%(165/1 120), χ2=52.78, P<0.001). The concordance rates of the 2 criteria for the diagnosis of AKI and AKI staging were 87.0% (κ=0.62) and 79.7% (κ=0.58), respectively. Totally 63 infants with AKI stage 1 defined by the KDIGO guideline were redefined as non-AKI by following the pROCK criteria. The PICU mortality rate of these infants was similar to patients without AKI defined by KDIGO guideline(P=0.761). After adjusting for confounders, AKI defined by KDIGO or pROCK criteria was an independent risk factor of death in PICU (AHR=2.04, 2.73,95%CI 1.27-3.29, 1.74-4.28, both P<0.01), and the risk of death was higher when using the pROCK compared with the KDIGO criteria. As for the KDIGO criteria, mild AKI was not associated with the mortality in PICU (P=0.702), while severe AKI was associated with increased mortality (P<0.001). As for the pROCK criteria, both mild and severe AKI were risk factors of PICU death in children (HR=3.51, 6.70, 95%CI 1.94-6.34, 4.30-10.44, both P<0.001). In addition, The AKI severity was positively associated with the mortality. Conclusions: The AKI incidence and staging varied depending on the used diagnostic criteria. The KDIGO definition is more sensitive, while the pROCK-defined AKI is more strongly associated with high mortality rate.

Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Infant , Male , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Cohort Studies , Critical Illness , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors
Rev. chil. anest ; 52(3): 309-314, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1577962


INTRODUCTION: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent complication after transcatheter aortic valve implantation (TAVI), and it presents a higher risk of myocardial infarction, severe bleeding, transfusión, dialysis, and mortality. Dexmedetomidine has a protective effect on AKI after adult cardiac surgery. We want to study the impact of dexmedetomidine on the incidence of AKI in the postoperative period of TAVI procedure in our center. METHODS: We performed a retrospective cohort study comparing the administration of dexmedetomidine (DEX group) versus other sedatives (NO-DEX group) during elective TAVI procedure under transfemoral approach. RESULTS: A total of 122 patients were included in the study. Both groups presented a similar incidence of AKI (19,8% DEX group; 19,2% NO-DEX group; p = 0,949). A subgroup analysis with patients presenting chronic kidney disease showed an AKI incidence of 24%, without statistically significant differences between both groups either. CONCLUSIONS: We did not find any difference on AKI incidence, length of hospital stay, 30-day mortality or 12-month mortality in patients undergoing TAVI procedure under sedation with dexmedetomidine compared to other sedatives in our center. It would be interesting to study this hypothetical association through studies with larger samples and better designs.

INTRODUCCIÓN: La insuficiencia renal aguda (AKI) es una complicación frecuente tras el implante de válvula aórtica transcatéter (TAVI), y presenta un mayor riesgo de infarto agudo de miocardio, sangrado severo, transfusión, diálisis y mortalidad. La dexmedetomidina presenta un efecto protector sobre AKI tras cirugía cardíaca en el adulto. Queremos estudiar el impacto de la dexmedetomidina en la incidencia de AKI en el posoperatorio de procedimiento TAVI en nuestro centro. MÉTODOS: Hemos realizado un estudio de cohorte retrospectiva comparando la administración de dexmedetomidina (grupo DEX) frente a otros sedantes (grupo NO-DEX) durante el procedimiento TAVI electivo con abordaje transfemoral. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron en el estudio un total de 122 pacientes. Ambos grupos presentaron una incidencia similar de AKI (19,8% el grupo DEX; 19,2% el grupo NO-DEX; p = 0,949). En un análisis de subgrupo en pacientes con insuficiencia renal crónica mostró una incidencia del 24% sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre ambos grupos tampoco. CONCLUSIONES: No hemos encontrado ninguna diferencia en la incidencia de AKI, duración de estancia hospitalaria, mortalidad a 30 días y mortalidad a 12 meses en pacientes intervenidos de TAVI bajo sedación con dexmedetomidina comparada con otros sedantes en nuestro centro. Sería interesante estudiar esta hipotética asociación mediante estudios con muestras mayores y mejor diseñados.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Dexmedetomidine/administration & dosage , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/methods , Hypnotics and Sedatives/administration & dosage , Retrospective Studies , Conscious Sedation , Creatinine/urine , Creatinine/blood , Acute Kidney Injury/prevention & control , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement/adverse effects , Length of Stay
Braz. J. Anesth. (Impr.) ; 72(6): 688-694, Nov.-Dec. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1420623


Abstract Background Recent data suggest the regime of fluid therapy intraoperatively in patients undergoing major surgeries may interfere in patient outcomes. The development of postoperative Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) has been associated with both Restrictive Fluid Balance (RFB) and Liberal Fluid Balance (LFB) during non-cardiac surgery. In patients undergoing cardiac surgery, this influence remains unclear. The study objective was to evaluate the relationship between intraoperative RFB vs. LFB and the incidence of Cardiac-Surgery-Associated AKI (CSA-AKI) and major postoperative outcomes in patients undergoing on-pump Coronary Artery Bypass Grafting (CABG). Methods This prospective, multicenter, observational cohort study was set at two high-complexity university hospitals in Brazil. Adult patients who required postoperative intensive care after undergoing elective on-pump CABG were allocated to two groups according to their intraoperative fluid strategy (RFB or LFB) with no intervention. Results The primary endpoint was CSA-AKI. The secondary outcomes were in-hospital mortality, cardiovascular complications, ICU Length of Stay (ICU-LOS), and Hospital LOS (H-LOS). After propensity score matching, 180 patients remained in each group. There was no difference in risk of CSA-AKI between the two groups (RR = 1.15; 95% CI, 0.85-1.56, p= 0.36). The in-hospital mortality, H-LOS and cardiovascular complications were higher in the LFB group. ICU-LOS was not significantly different between the two groups. ROCcurve analysis determined a fluid balance above 2500 mL to accurately predict in-hospital mortality. Conclusion Patients undergoing on-pump CABG with LFB when compared with patients with RFB present similar CSA-AKI rates and ICU-LOS, but higher in-hospital mortality, cardiovascular complications, and H-LOS.

Humans , Adult , Cardiopulmonary Bypass/adverse effects , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Water-Electrolyte Balance , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(5): 310-316, oct. 2022. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1390872


Introducción. El compromiso renal (CR) en niñosinternados con enfermedad por coronavirus2019 (COVID-19, por su sigla en inglés) varía entre el 1,2 % y el 44 %. Dado que existe limitada información local, el objetivo primario de este estudio fue estimar la prevalencia de CR en nuestro medio. Población y métodos. Estudio transversalrealizado en 13 centros de Argentina entre marzo y diciembre de 2020. Se incluyeron pacientes internados con COVID-19, de 1 mes a 18 años y que tuvieran al menos una determinación de creatinina sérica y/o de orina completa.Se excluyeron aquellos con enfermedad renal conocida. Se consideró CR la presencia de lesión renal aguda (LRA), proteinuria, hematuria, leucocituria y/o hipertensión arterial (HTA). Resultados. De 528 historias clínicas elegibles, seincluyeron las de 423 pacientes (el 55,0 % de sexo masculino, mediana de edad 5,3 años). El cuadro clínico fue asintomático en el 31 %, leve en el 39,7 %, moderado en el 23,9 %, grave en el 1,2 %, crítico en el 0,7 %, y el 3,5 % presentó síndrome inflamatorio multisistémico pediátrico (SIMP). Dos pacientes (0,47 %) fallecieron. La prevalencia de CR fue del 10,8 % (intervalo de confianza 95% 8,2-14,2), expresada por leucocituria (16,9 %), proteinuria (16,0 %), hematuria (13,2 %), HTA (3,7 %) y LRA (2,3 %). Ninguno requirió diálisis. Presentar CR se asoció (p <0,0001) con formas graves de enfermedad. Conclusión. La prevalencia de CR en pacientes pediátricos internados con COVID-19 en 13 centros de nuestro país fue del 10,8 % y predominó en las formas clínicas graves.

Introduction. Renal involvement among pediatric patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) ranges between 1.2% and 44%. Given the limited information available locally, the primary objective of this study was to estimate the prevalence of renal involvement in our setting. Population and methods. Cross-sectional study conducted in 13 Argentine sites between March and December 2020. Patients aged 1 month to 18 years hospitalized due to COVID-19 and with at least one measurement of serum creatinine and/or a urinalysis were included. Those with a known kidney disease were excluded. Renal involvement was defined as the presence of acute kidney injury (AKI), proteinuria, hematuria, leukocyturia and/or arterial hypertension (HTN). Results. Among 528 eligible medical records, 423 patients were included (55.0% were males; median age: 5.3 years). The clinical presentation was asymptomatic in 31%; mild, in 39.7%; moderate, in 23.9%; severe, in 1.2%; critical, in 0.7%; and 3.5% had multisystem inflammatory syndrome in children (MIS-C). Two patients (0.47%) died. The prevalence of renal involvement was 10.8% (95% confidence interval: 8.2­14.2); it was described as leukocyturia (16.9%), proteinuria (16.0%), hematuria (13.2%), HTN (3.7%), and AKI (2.3%). No patient required dialysis. Renal involvement was associated with severe forms of disease (p < 0.0001). Conclusion. The prevalence of renal involvement among pediatric patients hospitalized due to COVID-19 in 13 Argentine sites was 10.8%; severe forms of disease prevailed.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , COVID-19/complications , COVID-19/epidemiology , Hypertension/epidemiology , Proteinuria/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome , Creatinine , SARS-CoV-2 , Hematuria/etiology , Hematuria/epidemiology
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE0326345, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1374004


Resumo Objetivo Avaliar o efeito do uso de ventilação mecânica com pressão positiva expiratória final (PEEP) na função renal dos pacientes internados em Unidade de Terapia Intensiva (UTI). Métodos Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, quantitativo, desenvolvido na UTI de um hospital público de Brasília, Distrito Federal. A amostra foi constituída de 52 prontuários de pacientes internados na UTI de novembro de 2016 a dezembro de 2018. A coleta dos dados foi realizada por meio de um questionário com dados demográficos, clínicos e laboratoriais. Os pacientes foram alocados em grupos: (1) PEEP ≤ 5 cmH2O, (2) PEEP > 5 cmH2O e < 10 cmH2O e (3) PEEP ≥ 10 cmH2O. Resultados A média de idade dos pacientes foi de 59 anos e 50% deles tinha mais de 63 anos. Constatou-se que 63,16% dos pacientes que estavam em ventilação mecânica com pressão positiva ao final da expiração ≥ 10 cmH2O evoluíram no estágio 1 (menor gravidade de lesão renal aguda (LRA)) e 21,5% no estágio 2 (moderada gravidade). Ainda assim, um pequeno percentual (5,8%) de pacientes evoluiu a óbito. Pacientes sem sucesso no desmame da ventilação mecânica apresentaram 10,24 vezes a chance de evoluir com LRA. Conclusão o emprego da ventilação mecânica pode determinar danos à função renal dos pacientes internados em unidade de terapia intensiva e que aqueles com maior necessidade de oferta de PEEP evoluíram com diferentes gravidades e persistência da LRA.

Resumen Objetivo Evaluar el efecto del uso de la ventilación mecánica con presión positiva espiratoria final (PEEP) en la función renal de los pacientes internados en Unidad de Cuidados Intensivos (UTI). Métodos Estudio de corte retrospectivo, cuantitativo, desarrollado en la UCI de un hospital público de Brasília, Distrito Federal. La amuestra estuvo constituida por 52 prontuarios de pacientes internados en la UCI de noviembre de 2016 a diciembre de 2018. La recolección de los datos se realizó por medio de un cuestionario con datos demográficos, clínicos y laboratoriales. Los pacientes fueron distribuidos en grupos: (1) PEEP ≤ 5 cmH2O, (2) PEEP > 5 cmH2O y < 10 cmH2O y (3) PEEP ≥ 10 cmH2O. Resultados El promedio de edad de los pacientes era de 59 años y el 50 % de ellos tenía más de 63 años. Se constató que el 63,16 % de los pacientes que estaban en ventilación mecánica con presión positiva al final de la expiración ≥ 10 cmH2O evolucionaron en la etapa 1 (menor gravedad de lesión renal aguda (LRA)) y 21,5 % en la etapa 2 (moderada gravedad). Aun así, un pequeño porcentaje (5,8 %) de pacientes falleció. Pacientes sin éxito en la descontinuación de la ventilación mecánica presentaron 10,24 veces la posibilidad de evolucionar con LRA. Conclusión el uso de la ventilación mecánica puede determinar daños a la función renal de los pacientes internados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos y que los que tengan una mayor necesidad de oferta de PEEP evolucionaron con distintas gravedades y persistencia de la LRA.

Abstract Objective To assess the effect of using mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure (PEEP) on the renal function of patients admitted to the Intensive Care Unit (ICU). Methods This is a quantitative retrospective cohort study developed in the ICU of a public hospital in Brasília, Distrito Federal. The sample consisted of 52 medical records of patients admitted to the ICU from November 2016 to December 2018. Data collection was performed through a questionnaire with demographic, clinical and laboratory data. Patients were allocated in two groups: (1) PEEP ≤ 5 cmH2O, (2) PEEP > 5 cmH2O and < 10 cmH2O, and (3) PEEP ≥ 10 cmH2O. Results The mean age of patients was 59 years and 50% of them were over 63 years. It was found that 63.16% of patients who were on mechanical ventilation with positive end-expiratory pressure ≥ 10 cmH2O evolved in stage 1 (less severe acute kidney injury (AKI)) and 21.5% in stage 2 (moderate gravity). Even so, a small percentage (5.8%) of patients died. Patients who were unsuccessful in weaning from mechanical ventilation had a 10.24-fold chance of developing AKI. Conclusion mechanical ventilation use can cause damage to the renal function of patients hospitalized in the intensive care unit and that those with greater need to offer PEEP evolved with different severities and persistence of AKI.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Respiration, Artificial , Medical Records , Positive-Pressure Respiration, Intrinsic , Acute Kidney Injury/complications , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Intensive Care Units , Time Factors , Surveys and Questionnaires , Retrospective Studies
J. bras. nefrol ; 43(4): 580-585, Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1350901


Abstract Introduction Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a frequent syndrome affecting patients admitted to intensive care units (ICU), and it is associated with poor clinical outcomes. The aim of the present study was to understand the epidemiological profile of patients with AKI admitted to ICUs. Methods Prospective cohort study, carried out in three ICUs in the Federal District, Brazil. Between October/2017 and December/2018, 8,131 patients were included in the cohort. AKI was defined according to the KDIGO criteria. The main outcomes assessed were AKI development and mortality within 28 days of hospitalization. Results Of the 8,131 patients followed up, 1,728 developed AKI (21.3%). Of the 1,728 patients with AKI, 1,060 (61.3%) developed stage 1, while stages 2 and 3 represented 154 (8.9%) and 514 (29.7%), respectively. Of these, 459 (26.6%) underwent renal replacement therapy. The mortality was 25.7% for those with AKI, and 4.9% for those without AKI. Discussion Patients with AKI had higher mortality rates when compared to those without AKI. Likewise, among patients with AKI, higher disease stages were associated with higher death occurrences. AKI incidence (21.3%) and mortality (25.7%) in our study is in line with the largest meta-analysis ever conducted, in which incidence and mortality of 21.6 and 23.9% were observed, respectively. These findings confirm the importance of establishing the KDIGO guideline for the definition and management of AKI in Brazilian ICUs.

Resumo Introdução A injúria renal aguda (IRA) é uma síndrome frequente em pacientes admitidos em unidades de terapia intensiva (UTI) e está associada a negativos desfechos clínicos. O objetivo do presente estudo foi conhecer o perfil epidemiológico de pacientes com IRA admitidos em UTIs. Métodos Estudo de coorte prospectiva, realizado em três UTIs do Distrito Federal, Brasil. Entre o período de outubro/2017 e dezembro/2018, 8.131 pacientes foram incluídos na coorte. A IRA foi definida de acordo com o critério KDIGO. Os principais desfechos avaliados foram o desenvolvimento de IRA e mortalidade dentro de 28 dias de internação. Resultados Dos 8.131 pacientes acompanhados, 1.728 desenvolveram IRA (21,3%). Dos 1.728 pacientes com IRA, 1.060 (61,3%) desenvolveram o estágio 1, já os estágios 2 e 3 representaram 154 (8,9%) e 514 (29,7%), respectivamente. Destes, um total de 459 (26,6%) realizou terapia renal substitutiva. A mortalidade observada foi de 25,7% para aqueles com IRA e 4,9% para os não IRA. Discussão Os pacientes com IRA, comparados aos não IRA, apresentaram maior mortalidade. Da mesma forma, entre os pacientes com IRA, os estágios superiores estiveram associados à maior ocorrência de óbito. A incidência de IRA (21,3%) e mortalidade (25,7%) em nosso estudo está em consonância com a maior meta-análise já conduzida, na qual foram observadas incidência e mortalidade de 21,6 e 23,9%, respectivamente. Esses achados confirmam a importância de se estabelecer a diretriz KDIGO para definição e manejo da IRA em UTIs brasileiras.

Humans , Critical Illness , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Hospital Mortality , Hospitalization , Intensive Care Units
J. bras. nefrol ; 43(3): 349-358, July-Sept. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1340120


Abstract Introduction: There is little data in the literature on acute kidney injury (AKI) in Covid-19 cases, although relevant in clinical practice in the ICU, especially in Brazil. Our goal was to identify the incidence of AKI, predictive factors and impact on hospital mortality. Method: Retrospective cohort of patients with Covid-19 admitted to the ICU. AKI was defined according to KDIGO criteria. Data was collected from electronic medical records between March 17 and April 26. Results: Of the 102 patients, 55.9% progressed with AKI, and the majority (66.7%) was classified as stage 3. Multivariate logistic regression showed age (RC 1.101; 95% CI 1.026 - 1.181; p = 0.0070), estimated glomerular filtration rate - eGFR (RC 1.127; 95% CI 1.022 - 1.243; p = 0.0170) and hypertension (RC 3.212; 95% CI 1.065 - 9.690; p = 0.0380) as independent predictors of AKI. Twenty-three patients died. In the group without kidney injury, there were 8.9% deaths, while in the group with AKI, 33.3% of patients died (RR 5.125; 95% CI 1.598 - 16.431; p = 0.0060). The average survival, in days, was higher in the group without AKI. Cox multivariate analysis showed age (RR 1.054; 95% CI 1.014 - 1.095; p = 0.0080) and severe acute respiratory distress syndrome (RR 8.953; 95% CI 1.128 - 71.048; p = 0.0380) as predictors of hospital mortality. Conclusion: We found a high incidence of AKI; and as predictive factors for its occurrence: age, eGFR and hypertension. AKI was associated with higher hospital mortality.

Resumo Introdução: A lesão renal aguda (LRA)na Covid-19, apesar de relevante na prática clínica em UTI, dispõe de poucos dados na literatura, sobretudo no Brasil. Objetivo foi identificar a incidência de LRA, fatores preditores e impacto na mortalidade hospitalar. Método: Coorte retrospectiva de pacientes com Covid-19 internados em UTI. LRA foi definida segundo critérios de KDIGO. Dados coletados de registros de prontuários eletrônicos entre 17 de março e 26 de abril. Resultados: Dos 102 pacientes, 55,9% evoluíram com LRA e a maioria (66,7%) foi classificada como estágio 3. Regressão logística multivariada mostrou idade (RC 1,101; IC 95% 1,026 - 1,181; p = 0,0070), taxa de filtração glomerular estimada - TFGe (RC 1,127; IC 95% 1,022 - 1,243; p = 0,0170) e hipertensão (RC 3,212; IC 95% 1,065 - 9,690; p = 0,0380) como preditores independentes de LRA. Vinte e três pacientes faleceram. No grupo sem lesão renal ocorreu 8,9% de óbitos, enquanto que no grupo com LRA 33,3% dos pacientes morreram (RR 5,125; IC 95% 1,598 - 16,431; p = 0,0060). A média de sobrevida, em dias, foi maior no grupo sem LRA. Análise multivariada de Cox mostrou idade (RR 1,054; IC 95% 1,014 - 1,095; p = 0,0080) e síndrome do desconforto respiratório agudo grave (RR 8,953; IC 95% 1,128 - 71,048; p = 0,0380) como preditores de mortalidade hospitalar. Conclusão: Encontramos alta incidência de LRA; e como fatores preditores para sua ocorrência: idade, TFGe e hipertensão. A LRA estava associada a maior mortalidade hospitalar.

Humans , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , COVID-19 , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Hospital Mortality , SARS-CoV-2 , Intensive Care Units
Arq. bras. cardiol ; Arq. bras. cardiol;117(2): 385-391, ago. 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339147


Resumo Fundamento: A síndrome cardiorrenal tipo 1 associa-se a maior mortalidade em pacientes com insuficiência cardíaca (IC). No entanto, há escassez de publicações comparando critérios diagnósticos de lesão renal aguda (LRA). Objetivos: Analisar o perfil clinicofuncional de pacientes com IC e fatores associados a ocorrência de lesão renal aguda (LRA). Métodos: Estudo de coorte retrospectivo, em hospital terciário de região com baixo desenvolvimento econômico que incluiu pacientes com IC descompensada ou infarto agudo do miocárdio (IAM) recente, sendo avaliadas características clínicas, laboratoriais e ecocardiográficas comparativamente em pacientes com e sem LRA classificada pelos critérios Acute Kidney Network (AKIN) e Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO). Nível de significância estatística com valor de p < 0,05. Resultados: Entre 81 pacientes, 61,73% evoluíram com LRA. A média de creatinina foi 1,79±1,0 mg/dL e de ureia 81,5±46,0 mg/dL, sendo maior no grupo com LRA (p < 0,05). Não foi evidenciada relação entre alterações cardíacas e redução da função renal. A doença renal crônica se associou a maior ocorrência de LRA (38% x 3,23% sem LRA, p = 0,001). Não houve diferença do KDIGO com relação ao critério AKIN. Os pacientes que desenvolveram LRA apresentaram maior mortalidade (32% x 9,8% no grupo sem LRA, p = 0,04, com odds ratio (OR) de 8,187 e intervalo de confiança 1,402-17,190, p = 0,020). Conclusão: Nessa casuística de pacientes com IC, a ocorrência de LRA foi elevada e foi fator de risco independente de mortalidade. As alterações cardíacas não se associaram à ocorrência de LRA, e os critérios diagnósticos KDIGO e AKIN apresentaram performance similar.

Abstract Background: Type 1 cardiorenal syndrome is associated with higher mortality in heart failure patients. However, few studies have compared the diagnostic criteria of acute kidney injury (AKI) in this population. Objective: To assess clinical and functional features and factors associated AKI in patients with heart failure. Method: Retrospective, cohort study on patients with decompensated heart failure or recent acute myocardial infarction, conducted in a tertiary hospital in a low-income region of Brazil. Clinical, laboratory and echocardiographic features were compared between patients with and without AKI according to the Acute Kidney Network (AKIN) and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes (KDIGO) criteria. The level of statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results: Of 81 patients, 61.73% had AKI. Mean creatinine and urea levels were 1.79±1.0 mg/dL and 81.5±46.0 mg/dL, respectively, and higher in the group with AKI (p < 0.05). No evidence of a relationship between cardiac changes and reduced renal function. Chronic renal disease was associated with higher prevalence of AKI. Higher mortality was observed in patients with AKI than in patients without AKI (32.0% vs. 9.8%, p = 0.04, OR 8.187 ad 95% confidence interval 1.402-17.190, p = 0.020). Conclusion: In this population of patients with heart failure, AKI was highly prevalent and considered an independent risk factor for mortality. Cardiac changes were not associated with AKI, and the KDIGO and AKIN criteria showed similar performance.

Humans , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Cardio-Renal Syndrome/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Renal Dialysis , Hospital Mortality , Kidney/physiology
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);97(4): 426-432, July-Aug. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1287051


Abstract Objective To assess the prevalence of acute kidney injury in pediatric intensive care unit according to diagnostic criteria - pediatric risk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage renal disease, Acute Kidney Injury Network and Acute Kidney Injury Work Group, or Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes -, and determining factors associated with acute kidney injury as well as its outcome. Methodology This was a cross-sectional monocentric observational study, including patients aged between 29 days and 17 years who were admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit between January 1, 2012 and December 31, 2016. To evaluate the association between the study variables and acute kidney injury, the log-binomial generalized univariate and multivariate linear models were adjusted. Results The study included 1131 patients, with prevalence of acute kidney injury according to the Acute Kidney Injury Network and Kidney Disease: Improving Global Outcomes criteria of 12.6% and of 12.9% according to the pediatric risk, injury, failure, loss, end-stage renal disease. In the multivariate analysis of older children (PR 1.007, 95% CI: 1.005-1.009), sepsis (PR 1.641, 95% CI: 1.128-2.387), demand for ventilatory support (PR 1.547, 95% CI: 1.095-2.186), and use of vasoactive amines (PR 2.298, 95% CI: 1.681-3.142) constituted factors associated with statistical significance to the development of acute kidney injury. The mortality rate among those with acute kidney injury was 28.7%. Conclusion Older children, diagnosis of sepsis, demand for ventilatory support, and use of vasoactive amines were correlated with a higher risk of developing acute kidney injury. The mortality associated with acute kidney injury was elevated; it is crucial that all measures that ensure adequate renal perfusion are taken for patients with risk factors, to avoid the installation of the disease.

Humans , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Severity of Illness Index , Intensive Care Units, Pediatric , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Intensive Care Units
J. bras. nefrol ; 43(1): 9-19, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154665


Abstract Background: Acute kidney injury (AKI) is a common complication in patients undergoing major abdominal surgery and is associated with considerable morbidity and mortality. Several studies investigating the association between intraoperative urine output and postoperative AKI have shown conflicting results. Here, we investigated the association of intraoperative oliguria with postoperative AKI in a cohort of patients submitted to elective major abdominal surgery. Methods: This was a single-center retrospective analysis of adult patients who underwent elective major abdominal surgery from January 2016 to December 2018. AKI was defined according to the serum creatinine criteria of the KDIGO classification. Intraoperative oliguria was defined as urine output of less than 0.5 mL/kg/h. Risk factors were evaluated using multivariate logistic regression analysis. Results: A total of 165 patients were analyzed. In the first 48 h after surgery the incidence of AKI was 19.4%. Postoperative AKI was associated with hospital mortality (p=0.011). Twenty percent of patients developed intraoperative oliguria. There was no association between preexisting comorbidities and development of intraoperative oliguria. There was no correlation between the type of anesthesia used and occurrence of intraoperative oliguria, but longer anesthesia time was associated with intraoperative oliguria (p=0.007). Higher baseline SCr (p=0.001), need of vasoactive drugs (p=0.007), and NSAIDs use (p=0.022) were associated with development of intraoperative oliguria. Intraoperative oliguria was not associated with development of postoperative AKI (p=0.772), prolonged hospital stays (p=0.176) or in-hospital mortality (p=0.820). Conclusion: In this cohort of patients we demonstrated that intraoperative oliguria does not predict postoperative AKI in major abdominal surgery.

Resumo Introdução: Lesão renal aguda (LRA) é uma complicação comum em pacientes submetidos a grandes cirurgias abdominais, e está associada a considerável morbimortalidade. Vários estudos investigando a associação entre débito urinário intraoperatório e LRA pós-operatória mostraram resultados conflitantes. Neste trabalho investigamos a associação de oligúria intraoperatória com LRA pós-operatória em uma coorte de pacientes submetidos à grandes cirurgias abdominais. Métodos: Análise retrospectiva de centro único envolvendo pacientes adultos submetidos à grandes cirurgias abdominais, de janeiro de 2016 a dezembro de 2018. A LRA foi definida segundo critérios de creatinina da KDIGO. Definimos oligúria intraoperatória como débito urinário inferior a 0,5 mL/kg/h. Fatores de risco foram avaliados por análise de regressão logística multivariada. Resultados: Analisamos 165 pacientes. Nas primeiras 48 horas após a cirurgia, a incidência de LRA foi de 19,4%. LRA pós-operatória foi associada à mortalidade hospitalar (p = 0,011). 20% dos pacientes desenvolveram oligúria intraoperatória, sem associação com comorbidades preexistentes. Não houve correlação entre o tipo de anestesia e oligúria intraoperatória; entretanto, maior tempo de anestesia esteve associado à oligúria intraoperatória (p = 0,007). Maior creatinina sérica (Cr) inicial (p = 0,001), necessidade de drogas vasoativas (p = 0,007) e uso de AINEs (p = 0,022) foram associados à oligúria intraoperatória. Oligúria intraoperatória não foi associada ao desenvolvimento de LRA no pós-operatório (p = 0,772), à permanência hospitalar prolongada (p = 0,176) ou à mortalidade intra-hospitalar (p = 0,820). Conclusão: Demonstramos que a oligúria intraoperatória não prediz LRA pós-operatória em cirurgias abdominais de grande porte.

Humans , Adult , Oliguria/etiology , Oliguria/epidemiology , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies
Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc ; Rev. bras. cir. cardiovasc;36(1): 1-9, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1155799


Abstract Introduction: Postoperative acute kidney injury contributes to longer hospital stays and increased costs related to cardiac surgery in the elderly. We analyse the influence of the patient's age on risk factors for acute kidney injury after cardiac valve surgery. Methods: We evaluated the prevalence and risk factors for acute kidney injury in 939 consecutive patients undergoing valve surgery, between 2013 and 2018. Results: The prevalence of acute kidney injury was 19.5%. Hypertension (P=0.017); RR (95% CI): 1.74 (1.10-3.48), age ≥70 years (P=0.006); RR (95% CI): 1.79 (1.17-2.72), preoperative haematocrit <33% (P=0.009); RR (95% CI): 2.04 (1.19-3.48), glomerular filtration rate <60 ml/min/1.73 m2 (P<0.0001); RR (95%) CI: 2.36 (1.54-3.62) and cardiac catheterization <8 days before surgery (P=0.021); RR (95% CI): 2.15 (1.12-4.11) were identified as independent risk factors. In patients older than 70 years, with no kidney disease diagnosed preoperatively, glomerular filtration rate <70 ml/min/1.73 m2, male gender, cardiopulmonary bypass time, preoperative haematocrit <36% and preoperative therapy with angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors were risk factors for acute kidney injury after valve surgery. Conclusions: In elderly patients, postoperative acute kidney injury develops with higher values of preoperative glomerular filtration rate than those observed in a younger population. Preoperative correction of anaemia, discontinuation of angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and surgical techniques reducing cardiopulmonary bypass time would be considered to reduce the prevalence of renal failure.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Cardiac Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Heart Valves
Rev. bras. ter. intensiva ; 33(1): 111-118, jan.-mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1289050


RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar a incidência de hipotermia em pacientes em terapia renal substitutiva contínua na unidade de terapia intensiva. Como objetivos secundários, determinar fatores associados e comparar a ocorrência de hipotermia entre duas modalidades de terapia renal substitutiva contínua. Métodos: Estudo de coorte, prospectivo, realizado com pacientes adultos internados em uma unidade de terapia intensiva clínico-cirúrgica, que realizaram terapia renal substitutiva contínua em um hospital universitário público de alta complexidade do Sul do Brasil, de abril de 2017 a julho de 2018. A hipotermia foi definida como queda da temperatura corporal ≤ 35ºC. Os pacientes incluídos no estudo foram acompanhados nas 48 horas iniciais de terapia renal substitutiva contínua. Os dados foram coletados pelos pesquisadores por meio da consulta aos prontuários e às fichas de registro das terapias renais substitutivas contínuas. Resultados: Foram avaliados 186 pacientes distribuídos igualmente entre dois tipos de terapia renal substitutiva contínua: hemodiálise e hemodiafiltração. A incidência de hipotermia foi de 52,7%, sendo maior nos pacientes que internaram por choque (risco relativo de 2,11; IC95% 1,21 - 3,69; p = 0,009) e nos que fizeram hemodiafiltração com aquecimento por mangueira na linha de retorno (risco relativo de 1,50; IC95% 1,13 - 1,99; p = 0,005). Conclusão: A hipotermia em pacientes críticos com terapia renal substitutiva contínua é frequente, e a equipe intensivista deve estar atenta, em especial quando há fatores de risco associados.

ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the incidence of hypothermia in patients undergoing continuous renal replacement therapy in the intensive care unit. As secondary objectives, we determined associated factors and compared the occurrence of hypothermia between two modalities of continuous renal replacement therapy. Methods: A prospective cohort study was conducted with adult patients who were admitted to a clinical-surgical intensive care unit and underwent continuous renal replacement therapy in a high-complexity public university hospital in southern Brazil from April 2017 to July 2018. Hypothermia was defined as a body temperature ≤ 35ºC. The patients included in the study were followed for the first 48 hours of continuous renal replacement therapy. The researchers collected data from medical records and continuous renal replacement therapy records. Results: A total of 186 patients were equally distributed between two types of continuous renal replacement therapy: hemodialysis and hemodiafiltration. The incidence of hypothermia was 52.7% and was higher in patients admitted for shock (relative risk of 2.11; 95%CI 1.21 - 3.69; p = 0.009) and in those who underwent hemodiafiltration with heating in the return line (relative risk of 1.50; 95%CI 1.13 - 1.99; p = 0.005). Conclusion: Hypothermia in critically ill patients with continuous renal replacement therapy is frequent, and the intensive care team should be attentive, especially when there are associated risk factors.

Humans , Adult , Hemodiafiltration , Acute Kidney Injury/therapy , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Continuous Renal Replacement Therapy , Hypothermia/etiology , Hypothermia/epidemiology , Incidence , Prospective Studies , Critical Illness , Renal Replacement Therapy
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880844


OBJECTIVE@#To assess the predictors and outcomes of acute kidney injury (AKI) among patients with coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19).@*OBJECTIVE@#This retrospective observational study was conducted among patients with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19 admitted to Hankou Hospital between January, 5 and March 8, 2020. We evaluated the association of AKI with the demographic and biochemical parameters and clinical outcomes of the patients using univariate regression analysis.@*OBJECTIVE@#Atotal of 287 COVID-19 patients, including 55 with AKI and 232 without AKI, were included in the analysis. Compared with the patients without AKI, the patients with AKI were older, predominantly male, and were more likely to have hypoxia and pre-existing hypertension and cerebrovascular diseases. The patients with AKI also had higher levels of white blood cells, D-dimer, aspartate aminotransferase, total bilirubin, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase, procalcitonin, C-reactive protein, a higher prevalence of hyperkalemia, lower lymphocyte counts, and higher chest computed tomographic scores. The incidence of stage 1 AKI was 14.3% and that of stage 2 or 3 AKI was 4.9%. The patients with AKI had much higher mortality rate than those without AKI.@*OBJECTIVE@#AKI is an important complication of COVID-19. An older age, a male gender, multiple pre- existing comorbidities, lymphopenia, increased infection indicators, elevated D-dimer, and impaired heart and liver functions are all potential risk factors ofAKI. COVID- 19 patients with AKI that progresses into stages 2 or 3 AKI have a high mortality rate. Prevention of AKI and monitoring kidney function is critical in the care of COVID-19 patients.

Aged , Humans , Male , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , COVID-19 , China/epidemiology , Retrospective Studies , SARS-CoV-2
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 34(3): e1622, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355516


ABSTRACT Background: The incidence of abdominal hernia in cirrhotic patients is as higher as 20%; in cases of major ascites the incidence may increase up to 40%. One of the main and most serious complications in cirrhotic postoperative period (PO) is acute kidney injury (AKI). Aim: To analyze the renal function of cirrhotic patients undergoing to hernia surgery and evaluate the factors related to AKI. Methods: Follow-up of 174 cirrhotic patients who underwent hernia surgery. Laboratory tests including the renal function were collected in the PO.AKI was defined based on the consensus of the ascite´s club. They were divided into two groups: with (AKI PO) and without AKI . Results: All 174 patients were enrolled and AKI occurred in 58 (34.9%). In the AKI PO group, 74.1% had emergency surgery, whereas in the group without AKI PO it was only 34.6%.In the group with AKI PO, 90.4% presented complications, whereas in the group without AKI PO they occurred only in 29.9%. Variables age, baseline MELD, baseline creatinine, creatinine in immediate postoperative (POI), AKI and the presence of ascites were statistically significant for survival. Conclusions: There is association between AKI PO and emergency surgery and, also, between AKI PO and complications after surgery. The factors related to higher occurrence were initial MELD, basal Cr, Cr POI. The patients with postoperative AKI had a higher rate of complications and higher mortality.

RESUMO Racional: A incidência de hérnia abdominal em pacientes cirróticos é elevada, em torno de 20%. Em casos de ascite volumosa, a incidência atinge valores até 40%. Uma das principais e mais graves complicações no pós-operatório de correção de hérnias de pacientes cirróticos é a insuficiência renal aguda (IRA). Objetivo: Analisar a função renal de pacientes cirróticos submetidos a herniorrafias, comparando aqueles que apresentavam IRA pós-operatório com os demais, para determinar os fatores relacionados à sua ocorrência. Método: Seguimento de pacientes cirróticos submetidos à cirurgia de hérnia entre 2001 e 2014 no Serviço de Transplante de Fígado. Foram coletados exames laboratoriais para avaliar a função renal no pós-operatório rotineiramente. A IRA foi definida com base no consenso do clube da ascite em 2015. Resultados: Dos 174 pacientes incluídos, ocorreu IRA em 58 pacientes (34,9%). Houve diferença entre grupos para as seguintes variáveis: MELD inicial, creatinina basal e creatinina, o grupo com IRA apresentou medias superiores ao grupo que não apresentou IRA. No grupo IRA PO, 74,1% das cirurgias, foram realizadas em caráter de emergência, enquanto que no grupo sem IRA no pós-operatório, 34,6%. No grupo IRA, 90,4% dos indivíduos apresentaram complicações no pós-operatório, enquanto no grupo sem IRA, 29,9%. As variáveis idade, MELD inicial, creatinina basal e creatinina no pós-operatório inicial foram estatisticamente significantes na análise de sobrevida. Conclusões: Existe uma associação entre IRA pós-operatória e cirurgia de emergência e IRA pós-operatóri e complicações pós-operatórias. Os fatores relacionados à maior ocorrência de IRA em pacientes cirróticos submetidos à cirurgia de hérnia são o MELD inicial, creatinina basal, creatinina pós-operatória inicial. O preparo de pacientes cirróticos com hérnia abdominal antes de procedimentos cirúrgicos deve ocorrer sistematicamente, pois apresentam alta incidência de IRA pós-operatória.

Humans , Hernia, Abdominal , Acute Kidney Injury/etiology , Acute Kidney Injury/epidemiology , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Postoperative Complications/epidemiology , Incidence , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Abdomen , Liver Cirrhosis/complications