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Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 60: e23564, 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1533993


Abstract The quality, efficacy, and safety of medicines are usually verified by analytical results. Measurement uncertainty is a critical aspect for the reliability of these analytical results. The pharmacopeial compendia usually adopt a simple acceptance rule that does not consider information from measurement uncertainty. In this work, we compared decision-making using simple acceptance and decision rules with the use of guard-band for multiparameter evaluation of ofloxacin ophthalmic solution and acyclovir topical cream. Ciprofloxacin ophthalmic solution and acyclovir topical cream samples were subject to pharmacopeial tests and assays. Multivariate guard-band widths were calculated by multiplying the standard uncertainty (u) by an appropriate multivariate coverage factor (k'). The multivariate coverage factor (k') was obtained by the Monte Carlo method. According to the simple acceptance rule, all the results obtained for ciprofloxacin ophthalmic solution and acyclovir topical cream are within the specification limits. However, the risk of false conformity decisions increases for ciprofloxacin tests. Decisions made using the simple acceptance rule and decision rules with the use of guard-band may differ. The simple acceptance rule may increase the risk of false conformity decisions when the measured value is close to the regulatory specification limits and/or when the measurement uncertainty value is inappropriately high. Nevertheless, the guard-band decision rule will always reduce the risk of false conformity decisions. Therefore, using information on measurement uncertainty in conformity assessment is highly recommended to ensure the proper efficacy, safety, and quality of medicines.

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Assessment/trends , Uncertainty , Acyclovir/adverse effects , Ciprofloxacin/adverse effects
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 82: e0065, 2023. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529927


RESUMO A ceratopigmentação teve seu primeiro registro pelo filósofo Galeno há muitos séculos como uma estratégia utilizada para o tratamento estético de pacientes com leucomas. As córneas com leucoma são patológicas e, muitas vezes, intolerantes a lentes de contato cosméticas ou próteses oculares, sendo comum a queixa de desconforto excessivo, proporcionado pela superfície corneana irregular. Assim, a ceratopigmentação é uma alternativa para a melhora estética de pacientes com opacidades corneanas. Descrevemos o caso de um paciente do sexo masculino, 39 anos, que apresentou despigmentação precoce em caso de ceratopigmentação associado a quadro de ceratite herpética necrotizante. O paciente foi submetido ao tratamento com aciclovir 2g ao dia e doxiciclina 200mg ao dia, evoluindo com melhora do quadro clínico, apesar da má adesão medicamentosa.

ABSTRACT Keratopigmentation was first recorded many centuries ago by the philosopher Galeno, as a strategy used for the aesthetic treatment of patients with leukomas. Corneas with leucoma are pathological and often intolerant of cosmetic contact lenses or ocular prostheses, with complaints of excessive discomfort provided by the irregular corneal surface being common. Therefore, keratopigmentation is an alternative for the aesthetic improvement of patients with corneal opacities. We describe the case of a 39-year old male patient, who presented early depigmentation in a case of keratopigmentation associated with necrotizing herpetic keratitis. The patient was treated with Acyclovir 2g/day and Doxycycline 200mg/day, evolving with clinical improvement, despite poor medication adherence.

Humans , Male , Adult , Tattooing/methods , Corneal Neovascularization/etiology , Cornea/surgery , Corneal Opacity/surgery , Coloring Agents/adverse effects , Acyclovir/administration & dosage , Eye Injuries/complications , Cosmetic Techniques , Patient Satisfaction , Keratitis, Herpetic/drug therapy , Doxycycline/administration & dosage , Corneal Opacity/etiology , Esthetics
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(6): 713-718, dic. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431707


INTRODUCCIÓN: La meningitis bacteriana aguda (MBA) y la encefalitis son infecciones graves y el retraso en el tratamiento determina mayor morbimortalidad. En 2015 la FDA. aprobó un panel de RPC múltiple, BioFire® Filmarray® meningitis-encefalitis (FA-ME), que desde el 2019 se encuentra disponible en nuestro hospital. OBJETIVOS: Estimar número de determinaciones positivas mediante FA-ME, evaluar concordancia con cultivo convencional (CC) y describir si FA-ME permitió realizar cambios en el tratamiento. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Estudio retrospectivo, descriptivo, realizado durante 2019-2021 en el Hospital de Niños Pedro Elizalde. Se revisaron reportes de niños con meningitis, encefalitis y meningoencefalitis y líquido-cefalorraquídeo patológico a quienes se les realizó FA-ME. RESULTADOS: Se incluyó a 32 niños, edad promedio: 48 meses. Fueron positivas 13 determinaciones de FA-ME: siete bacterias y seis virus. En dos MBA obtuvo desarrollo mediante CC. Con FA-ME se ajustó el tratamiento en dos MBA y se acortó el tratamiento intravenoso (IV). DISCUSIÓN: Nuestro trabajo permitió conocer la etiología de cinco MBA con cultivo negativo, de las cuales dos habían recibido antimicrobianos, administrar quimioprofilaxis a contactos epidemiológicos, acortar el tratamiento IV y suministrar menos dosis de aciclovir; en concordancia con la literatura médica. CONCLUSIONES: FA-ME permitió identificar la etiología en cinco MBA que no desarrollaron en CC, ajustar tratamientos empíricos inadecuados y acortar duración del tratamiento parenteral.

BACKGROUND: Bacterial meningitis and encephalitis are life-threatening infections, a delay in its treatment is associated with high mortality. In 2015, FDA approved the Multiplex PCR FilmArray™ meningitis/encephalitis syndromic panel (FA-MEP), and it is available in our hospital since 2019. AIM: To estimate the number of positive FA-MEP, to evaluate the correlation to conventional culture (CC) results and to describe if the FA-MEP technology allowed changes in the treatment. METHODS: Retrospective analysis of children with meningitis, encephalitis and meningoencephalitis and pathological cerebrospinal fluid analysis between 2019-2021, who were subject to FA-MEP testing at the Pedro Elizalde Children's Hospital. RESULTS: 32 children, mean age: 48 months. 11 patients had positive FA-ME tests: 7 bacterial, 6 viral. 2 patients correlated with CC. Based on the FAMEP results, treatment was adjusted in 2 bacterial meningitis and the duration of intravenous treatment was shortened. DISCUSSION: Our study allowed to establish the etiology of 5 culture negative bacterial meningitis, (2 had prior antibiotics), administer chemoprophylaxis to close contacts, and to administer fewer doses of acyclovir. CONCLUSIONS: The FA-MEP allowed us to identify 5 bacterial meningitis that tested negative by CC and early adjustment of inappropriate empirical antibiotics and to shorten the duration of parenteral treatments.

Humans , Infant , Child, Preschool , Meningoencephalitis/diagnosis , Meningoencephalitis/microbiology , Bacteria/isolation & purification , Viruses/isolation & purification , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Retrospective Studies , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Meningoencephalitis/etiology , Meningoencephalitis/drug therapy , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use
Rev. méd. Chile ; 150(4): 559-563, abr. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1409830


Central nervous system infections are a medical emergency, due to their high fatality and sequelae. Timely treatment is essential, and should be initially indicated empirically by clinical guidance, without microbiological certainty. Hence the importance of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) analysis as an etiological and therapeutic guide in the crucial initial hours of management. We report a 57-year-old woman consulting for fever and altered mental status. A brain CAT scan was normal. A lumbar puncture disclosed a CSF with predominance of neutrophils. Suspecting a bacterial meningitis, antimicrobial treatment was started but 48 hours after, the patient did not improve. A new lumbar puncture disclosed a CSF with predominance of lymphocytes. The lymphocyte shift prompted a PCR that was positive for herpes virus. The patient was treated with acyclovir with a good evolution.

Humans , Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex/cerebrospinal fluid , Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex/drug therapy , Anti-Infective Agents/therapeutic use , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Lymphocytes
Acta neurol. colomb ; 38(1): 45-50, ene.-mar. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374130


RESUMEN La meningoencefalitis por el VZV es una patología poco frecuente que se presenta con la reactivación del virus dentro del organismo. OBJETIVO: Describir la presentación clínica de dos pacientes con neuroinfección por VZV posteriormente a infección por SARS-CoV-2. REPORTE DEL CASO: El primer caso corresponde a un hombre de 59 años con antecedente de neumonía moderada por SARS-CoV-2 que después cursó con meningoencefalitis por VZV y, además, desarrolló un síndrome de Ramsay Hunt. El segundo caso es el de una mujer de 37 años con antecedente de infección leve por SARS CoV-2 con un cuadro de cefalea con signos de alarma, en quien se documentó neuroinfección por VZV

ABSTRACT Meningoencephalitis caused by varicella zoster virus is a rare pathology that presents due to the reactivation of the virus in the organism OBJECTIVE: To describe the clinical presentation of two patients with VZV neuroinfection presented after a SARS CoV-2 infection. CASE REPORT: The first case is a 59 year old male with previous moderate SARS CoV-2 infection who presented meningoencephalitis and was diagnosed with Ramsay Hunt's Syndrome. The second case is a 37 year old female with previous SARS CoV-2 infection who presented with an acute onset headache and was documented with VZV neuroinfection.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster/virology , COVID-19/complications , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster/diagnosis , Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster/drug therapy
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e18637, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364416


Abstract The therapeutic drugs to treat Herpes simplex virus (HSV) infections have toxic side effects and there has been an emergence of drug-resistant strains. Therefore, the search for new treatments for HSV infections is mounting. In the present study, semi-solid formulations containing a crude hydroethanolic extract (CHE) from Schinus terebinthifolia were developed. Skin irritation, cutaneous permeation, and in vivo therapeutic efficacy of the formulations were investigated. Treatment with the ointment formulations did not result in any signs of skin irritation while the emulsions increased the thickness of the epidermis in Swiss mice. The cutaneous permeation test indicated that the CHE incorporated in the formulations permeated through the skin layers and was present in the epidermis and dermis even 3 h after topical application. In vivo antiviral activity in BALB/c mice treated with the CHE ointments was better than those treated with the CHE emulsions and did not significantly differ from an acyclovir-treated group. Taken together, this suggests that the incorporation of CHE in the ointment may be a potential candidate for the alternative topical treatment of herpetic lesions.

Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Simplexvirus/classification , Herpesvirus 1, Human/classification , Anacardiaceae/adverse effects , Antiviral Agents/adverse effects , Acyclovir/antagonists & inhibitors , Efficacy , Emulsions/adverse effects
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(3): 446-451, jun. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388251


Resumen Presentamos el caso de un varón de 63 años, inmunocompetente, con una necrosis retinal aguda (NRA) unilateral. Consultó por visión borrosa, dolor ocular, fotofobia y cefalea. Se confirmó una papilitis y coriorretinitis periférica asociada a vasculitis e isquemia retinal periférica. El estudio molecular por RPC de humor acuoso detectó la presencia de virus varicela zoster. El paciente fue tratado con terapia combinada con corticoesteroides orales, aciclovir oral/intravenoso, ganciclovir intravítreo semanal y luego valaciclovir oral por tres meses. Se demostró una disminución progresiva de la carga viral en el humor acuoso durante el tratamiento. El seguimiento mostró una mejoría del cuadro inflamatorio y una leve recuperación de la agudeza visual, sin embargo, finalmente presentó un desprendimiento de retina con pérdida casi total de la visión unilateral. La NRA es una complicación infrecuente provocada por algunos virus herpes con mal pronóstico visual, desenlace que puede ser mejorado con un diagnóstico y tratamiento precoz con antivirales. El tratamiento prolongado permite evitar la recaída y el compromiso contralateral.

Abstract We present the case of a 63-year-old immunocompetent man with unilateral acute retinal necrosis (ARN). He consulted for blurred vision, eye pain, photophobia, and headache. Papillitis and peripheal chorioretinitis associated with vasculitis and peripheral retinal ischemia was confirmed. PCR from aqueous humor sample detected varicella zoster virus. The patient was treated with a combined therapy of oral corticosteroids, oral / intravenous acyclovir along with weekly intravitreous ganciclovir doses followed by oral valaciclovir for three months. A progressive decrease in viral load in aqueous humor was demonstrated during treatment. Follow-up showed improvement in the inflammatory condition and a slight recovery of visual acuity, however, finally he presented a retinal detachment with total loss of one-sided vision. ARN is an uncommon complication caused by some herpesviruses with a poor visual prognosis, an outcome that can be improved with early diagnosis and treatment using appropriate antivirals. Prolonged treatment reduces relapse frequency and fellow eye compromise.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Retinal Necrosis Syndrome, Acute/diagnosis , Retinal Necrosis Syndrome, Acute/drug therapy , Herpesvirus 3, Human/genetics , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Follow-Up Studies
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 41(1): 26-30, mar. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178336


El pioderma gangrenoso ampollar es una variedad infrecuente de pioderma gangrenoso, que se asocia en el 50-70% de los casos con trastornos oncohematológicos. Se comunica el caso de una paciente de 59 años, que consultó por fiebre y ampollas purpúricas de rápida progresión, con compromiso cutáneo mucoso. Con sospecha de una enfermedad neutrofílica, ampollar, o infección por gérmenes oportunistas, se realizó biopsia de piel para estudio histopatológico, inmunofluorescencia directa y cultivo. Los cultivos y la inmunofluorescencia directa fueron negativos, y la anatomía patológica reveló un denso infiltrado inflamatorio con predominio neutrofílico en dermis. Ante el diagnóstico de pioderma gangrenoso ampollar, se realizó una punción-aspiración de médula ósea cuyo resultado fue compatible con leucemia mieloide aguda. Se instauró tratamiento con corticosteroides sistémicos, a pesar de lo cual la paciente evolucionó desfavorablemente y falleció a los 15 días de su ingreso hospitalario. Este caso ilustra la asociación de esta enfermedad cutánea con trastornos oncohematológicos y el mal pronóstico que esto implica a corto plazo. (AU)

Bullous pyoderma gangrenosum is an infrequent type of pyoderma gangrenosum, associated with onco hematological diseases in 50-70% of cases. We present the case of a 59-year-old patient with fever and mucocutaneous hemorrhagic bullous of rapid progression. A biopsy for histopathology, direct immunofluorescence (DIF) and skin culture was made, considering the possibility of neutrophilic dermatoses, bullous dermatosis or an opportunistic infection. The results of both the culture and the DIF were negative. The histopathological examination of the specimen revealed a dense dermal polymorphic infiltrate composed primarily of neutrophils. Considering bullous pyoderma gangrenosum as a potential diagnosis, a bone-marrow biopsy was performed. This study revealed an acute myeloid leukemia. Although systemic corticosteroid therapy was begun, the patient presented an unfavorable evolution that led to her death 15 days after her admission at the hospital. This case shows the association between bullous pyoderma gangrenosum and onco hematological diseases. In addition, it highlights the poor prognosis related to these diseases in the short term. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Leukemia, Myeloid, Acute/pathology , Pyoderma Gangrenosum/diagnosis , Paraneoplastic Syndromes/pathology , Respiration, Artificial , Azacitidine/therapeutic use , Myelodysplastic Syndromes/pathology , Acyclovir/administration & dosage , Methylprednisolone/administration & dosage , Vancomycin/administration & dosage , Cardiotonic Agents/therapeutic use , Ceftazidime/administration & dosage , Amphotericin B/administration & dosage , Imipenem/administration & dosage , Sweet Syndrome/etiology , Pyoderma Gangrenosum/etiology , Pyoderma Gangrenosum/pathology , Pyoderma Gangrenosum/drug therapy , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Meropenem/administration & dosage
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 19(1): 42-46, março 2021. tab., ilus.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361745


O mieloma múltiplo é a segunda neoplasia onco-hematológica mais comum, correspondendo a 1% das neoplasias malignas. Trata-se de uma condição subdiagnosticada, assim como a encefalite herpética. Entretanto, é comum a relação do mieloma com infecções, em decorrência do acometimento da imunidade humoral. A encefalite viral herpética tem como principal agente o vírus do herpes simples 1. O caso foi descrito baseado em um raciocínio clínico, visando contribuir para uma melhor caracterização do quadro clínico e do diagnóstico de duas entidades clínicas que possuem baixa suspeição diagnóstica e elevada morbimortalidade. Durante o curso da investigação, foram propostas variadas etiologias como responsáveis pelo rebaixamento do nível de consciência, levando a uma pesquisa de um espectro mais amplo de hipóteses diagnósticas, as quais precederam a confirmação do diagnóstico final. O quadro clínico atípico descrito apresentou obstáculos à suspeição diagnóstica correta, pois a ausência dos sinais e sintomas característicos de ambas as doenças levaram à pesquisa de um arsenal mais amplo de diagnósticos diferenciais. Assim, o atraso no diagnóstico e o início tardio do tratamento foram fatores que contribuíram para o prognóstico reservado do paciente. A associação dessas doenças é pouco descrita na literatura, de modo que mais estudos acerca do assunto se fazem necessários. (AU)

Multiple myeloma is the second most common onco-hematologic neoplasm, accounting for 1% of malignant neoplasms. As herpetic encephalitis, it is an underdiagnosed condition. However, the relation of myeloma with infections is common, due to the involvement of humoral immunity. Herpetic encephalitis has as its main etiological agent the herpes simplex virus 1. The case was described based on a clinical reasoning, aiming to contribute to a better characterization of the clinical picture and diagnosis of two entities that have low rates of diagnostic suspicion and high rates of morbidity and mortality. During the course of investigation, several etiologies were proposed as responsible for the decreased level of consciousness, leading to a search for a broader range of diagnostic hypotheses, which preceded confirmation of the final diagnosis. The atypical clinical picture described presented obstacles to the correct diagnostic suspicion, as the absence of symptoms and signs characteristic of both diseases led to the search for a broader arsenal of differential diagnoses. Thus, delayed diagnosis and late treatment were factors that contributed to the patient's reserved prognosis. The association of these diseases is poorly described in the literature, so further studies on that subject are required. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex/complications , Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex/diagnosis , Multiple Myeloma/complications , Multiple Myeloma/diagnosis , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Dexamethasone/therapeutic use , Fatal Outcome , Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating/therapeutic use , Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex/drug therapy , Delayed Diagnosis , Glucocorticoids/therapeutic use , Melphalan/therapeutic use , Multiple Myeloma/drug therapy
Rev. odontopediatr. latinoam ; 11(1): 419130, 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1417026


La gingivoestomatitis herpética corres-ponde a la manifestación primaria de la infección por virus herpes simple tipo I que se presenta con mayor frecuencia en lactantes mayores y preescolares. Objeti-vo: describir abordaje y manejo de gingi-vo estomatitis herpética en una paciente con cardiopatía congénita y cuadro de desnutrición severa. El caso se refiere a paciente femenina de 16 meses de edad a quien le fue realizado anamnesis, exa-men clínicoe interconsultas con servicios de pediatría, patología, medicina bucal, infectología. El diagnóstico incluyó co-municación intraventricular, desnutrición severa y gingivoestomatitis herpética. Se realizó tratamiento paliativo para el dolor, terapia antiviral (aciclovir en suspensión 1cc cada 6 horas por 7 días) y tratamiento tópico (sucralfato en suspensión 1g/5ml mezclado en partes iguales con cetirizina en suspensión. 5 mg / 5 ml, 3 veces al día directamente sobre las lesiones) durante 14 días logrando reducción de la sintoma-tologia. Conclusiones: el correcto manejo multidisciplinario permitió lograr dismi-nución en tamaño y número de las lesio-nes en cavidad oral, orientación dietética y canalización apropiada.

A gengivoestomatite herpética correspon-de à manifestação primária da infecção pelo vírus herpes simplex tipo I, que ocorre com mais frequência em bebês e em idade pré-escolar. Objetivo: descrever a aborda-gem e o tratamento da estomatite herpética gengival em um paciente com cardiopatia congênita e desnutrição grave. O caso re-fere-se a uma paciente de 16 meses de ida-de, submetida a anamnese, exame clínico e interconsultas com serviços de pediatria, patologia, medicina bucal, infectologia. O diagnóstico incluiu comunicação intraven-tricular, desnutrição grave e gengivosto-matite herpética. Foram realizados trata-mento paliativo para dor, terapia antiviral (suspensão de aciclovir 1cc a cada 6 horas por 7 dias) e tratamento tópico (suspensão de sucralfato 1g / 5ml misturado em partes iguais com suspensão de cetirizina 5mg / 5ml, 3 vezes ao dia diretamente. lesões) por 14 dias, alcançando redução dos sintomas. Conclusões: o correto manejo multidisci-plinar permitiu diminuir o tamanho e o número de lesões na cavidade oral, orien-tação alimentar e canalização adequada.

Herpetic gingivostomatitis is the pri-mary manifestation of herpes simplex virus type I infection, common in older infants and preschoolers. Objective: to describe the approach and management of herpetic stomatitis in a patient with congenital heart disease and severe mal-nutrition. The case refers to a 16-mon-th-old female patient who underwent an anamnesis, clinical examination, and inter-consultations with pediatric, pa-thological, oral medicine services, and Diagnosis included intraventricular communication, severe malnutrition, and herpetic gingivostomatitis. Palliati-ve treatment for pain, antiviral therapy (acyclovir suspension 1cc every 6 hours for 7 days) and topical treatment (sucral-fate suspension 1g / 5ml mixed in equal parts with cetirizine suspension 5mg / 5ml, 3 times a day directly, were perfor-med. about injuries) for 14 days. Conclu-sions: multidisciplinary, management, allowed to obtain, clinical diagnosis and establish a treatment plan with positive outcome,decreasing oral cavity dietary guidance and appropriate channeling.

Humans , Female , Infant , Antiviral Agents , Heart Defects, Congenital , Herpes Simplex , Stomatitis, Herpetic , Sucralfate , Acyclovir , Cetirizine , Simplexvirus , Oral Medicine , Medical History Taking
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 40(4): 219-222, dic. 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145550


La erupción variceliforme de Kaposi es una infección cutánea diseminada, causada en la mayor parte de los casos por el virus Herpes simple tipo 1. Se suele presentar en pacientes con alteraciones preexistentes de la barrera cutánea, especialmente en niños con dermatitis atópica. Se comunica el caso de un paciente de 84 años, quien negaba enfermedades cutáneas previas, que consultó por lesiones dolorosas y pruriginosas, en la piel del tórax y el abdomen, de 3 semanas de evolución. Con sospecha de una enfermedad infecciosa viral, bacteriana, ampollar o neutrofílica, se realizó inmunofluorescencia directa para herpes, cultivo y biopsia de piel para estudio histológico. La inmunofluorescencia fue positiva para Herpes simple tipo 1 y el estudio histopatológico mostró cambios compatibles con infección herpética y enfermedad de Darier. La enfermedad de Darier es una genodermatosis infrecuente que se suele manifestar en la adolescencia. Si bien su diagnóstico en la ancianidad es excepcional, este caso ilustra que se debe considerar en todos los pacientes que presenten erupción variceliforme. (AU)

Kaposi's varicelliform rash is a disseminated cutaneous infection, caused by Herpes virus 1. It usually presents in patients with pre-existing skin barrier disorders, especially in children with atopic dermatitis. We report the case of an 84-year-old patient, who reported having no previous skin diseases, who consulted for painful, itchy, 3-week-old skin lesions. As we suspected viral, bacterial, bullous or neutrophilic disease, direct immunofluorescence, culture, and skin biopsy for histological study were performed. Immunofluorescence was positive for Herpes simplex type 1 and the histopathological study showed changes compatible with herpetic infection and Darier's disease. Darier's disease is a rare genodermatosis that usually manifests in adolescence. Although its diagnosis in old age is anecdotal, it should be considered in patients with a varicelliform rash. (AU)

Humans , Male , Aged, 80 and over , Kaposi Varicelliform Eruption/diagnosis , Darier Disease/diagnosis , Acyclovir/administration & dosage , Foscarnet/therapeutic use , Herpesvirus 1, Human/pathogenicity , Fluorescent Antibody Technique, Direct , Herpes Simplex/complications , Kaposi Varicelliform Eruption/etiology , Kaposi Varicelliform Eruption/pathology , Kaposi Varicelliform Eruption/drug therapy , Darier Disease/etiology
Prensa méd. argent ; 106(8): 482-485, 20200000. fig, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1363611


El uso cada vez más difundido de la terapia antirretroviral de gran actividad (TARGA) en el tratamiento de los pacientes con infección por el virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana (VIH) puede dar lugar a respuestas paradojales, caracterizadas por un empeoramiento de las manifestaciones clínicas o la reactivación de ciertas infecciones oportunistas, hasta ese momento subclínicas, como el Herpes varicela-zóster (HVZ). Este cuadro clínico se conoce desde hace años como síndrome inflamatorio de reconstitución inmune (SIRI). Puede afectar a más del 30% de los pacientes seropositivos para el VIH con un tiempo de aparición promedio de 8 a 12 semanas luego del inicio o cambio de TARGA. El HZ mucocutáneo representa entre el 7% al 12% de los episodios de SIRI en estos pacientes. En este trabajo, se presenta un paciente VIH seropositivo que desarrolló un episodio de HVZ cutáneo monometamérico asociado a compromiso del sistema nervioso central bajo la forma de un síndrome meningoencefalítico

The use of highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) in the management of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection has resulted in a paradoxical response associated with the worsening of clinical symptoms of previously subclinical infections, such as herpes varicella-zoster (HVZ). This clinical picture is named as immune reconstitution inflammatory syndrome (IRIS). It may affect up to 30% of HIV-seropositive subjects within a wide range of time after the initiation or change of HAART, but mainly after 8 to 12 weeks. Mucocutaneous HZ accounts for 7%-12% of the diseases associated with HIV infection in patients with immune reconstitution from the administration of HAART. Here we present an HIV seropositive patient that developed an episode of cutaneous metameric eruption of HVZ associated with central nervous system involvement as meningoencephalitis syndrome.

Humans , Male , Adult , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , HIV/immunology , Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex/diagnosis , Encephalitis, Varicella Zoster/therapy , Anti-Retroviral Agents/therapeutic use , Early Diagnosis , Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome/diagnosis
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811303


PURPOSE: To report a case of retinal toxicity after an intravitreal ganciclovir injection to treat acute retinal necrosis in an eye filled with silicone oil.CASE SUMMARY: A 56-year-old male presented with ocular pain and visual loss in his right eye. His best-corrected visual acuity was 20/25, inflammatory cells in the anterior chamber, multiple retinitis lesions and retinal vessel occlusions in the peripheral retina and vitreous opacity were showed. Acute retinal necrosis was suspected, anterior chamber polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test was done. Aciclovir 2,400 mg/day intravenously and ganciclovir 2.0 mg were administered by intravitreal injection. After 4 days, retinitis was worsened and PCR test was positive for varicella zoster virus. Ganciclovir intravitreal injections were increased twice a week. After 16 days, retinal detachment occurred, so scleral encircling, vitrectomy, laser photocoagulation, and silicone oil tamponade were conducted. Ganciclovir 1.0 mg was injected at the end of surgery. The patient's visual acuity decreased to hand motion, and multiple crystal deposits with multiple retinal hemorrhages were observed in the right eye the next day. Visual acuity did not recover and optical coherent tomography showed that the macula was thinned.CONCLUSIONS: Visual loss seemed to be related with the retinal toxicity of ganciclovir. The increased local concentration due to the silicone oil tamponade is thought to have caused the toxicity.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Acyclovir , Anterior Chamber , Ganciclovir , Hand , Herpesvirus 3, Human , Intravitreal Injections , Light Coagulation , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Retina , Retinal Detachment , Retinal Hemorrhage , Retinal Necrosis Syndrome, Acute , Retinal Vessels , Retinaldehyde , Retinitis , Silicon , Silicones , Visual Acuity , Vitrectomy
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-811321


PURPOSE: To report a case of Epstein-Barr virus-related corneal endotheliitis accompanied by secondary glaucoma.CASE SUMMARY: A 73-year-old male presented with blurred vision in his right eye. In the ophthalmic evaluation, there were dispersed keratic precipitates overlying corneal edema. The anterior chamber showed trace ~1+ graded inflammation and an endothelial density decrease. His best-corrected visual acuity and intraocular pressure in the right eye were 0.2 and 34 mmHg, respectively. Paracentesis was performed on the anterior chamber of the right eye to confirm the diagnosis under the suspicion of corneal endotheliitis with trabeculectomy for the intraocular pressure control. Epstein-Barr virus was confirmed using a multiplex polymerase chain reaction (PCR), and oral and eye drops of Acyclovir were used to treat the patient. There was no evidence of a recurrence over 2 years and his intraocular pressure was 12 mmHg and best-corrected visual acuity was maintained at 0.5.CONCLUSIONS: A case of Epstein-Barr virus-related corneal endotheliitis was diagnosed using PCR of the aqueous humor. The patient was treated with an oral antiviral agent and eyedrops without a recurrence.

Aged , Humans , Male , Acyclovir , Anterior Chamber , Aqueous Humor , Corneal Edema , Diagnosis , Glaucoma , Herpesvirus 4, Human , Inflammation , Intraocular Pressure , Multiplex Polymerase Chain Reaction , Ophthalmic Solutions , Paracentesis , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Recurrence , Trabeculectomy , Visual Acuity
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-882006


@#INTRODUCTION: Varicella or commonly known as chicken pox is caused by varicella-zoster virus (VZV) that is usually seen as a vesicular eruption in children. It is a highly contagious infection and is the result of exogenous primary infection of a susceptible individual. Immunocompromised individuals have impaired cell-mediated immunity and are prone to develop severe disease. They may have atypical presentations and lesions may sometimes appear hemorrhagic. CASE REPORT: We report two separate cases of HIV-AIDS patients presenting with erythematous umbilicated papules in which the initial clinical impression was molluscum contagiosum. Skin punch biopsy was done and revealed hemorrhagic varicella. Patients were started on intravenous acyclovir with noted remarkable improvement. CONCLUSION: This case report highlights the clinical and histopathologic features of hemorrhagic varicella. A skin biopsy is mandatory to establish the correct diagnosis and to initiate proper treatment.

Chickenpox , Acyclovir , Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome , Herpesvirus 3, Human
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-964047


@#In an immunocompromised patient such as HIV infection, disseminated herpes zoster is a common cutaneous manifestation. It is very important to have clinical suspicion of HIV, whenever a patient presents with cutaneous manifestation of HIV. This is a case of a 32 year old male who came in at for consult at our institution with a chief complaint of fluid filled bumps which started on the left abdominal area progressing to the trunk, upper and lower extremities with associated pricking pain. Patient was diagnosed with disseminated zoster and was given acyclovir with noted complete resolution of lesions. Laboratory tests were requested which revealed that the patient also had concomitant HIV and Hepatitis B. Patient was referred to the Center for Tropical and Travel Medicine for proper management.

HIV , Hepatitis B , Acyclovir
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 38: e2018267, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092130


ABSTRACT Objective: To report on a case of malignant hyperthermia in a child after a magnetic resonance imaging of the skull was performed using sevoflurane anesthesia. Case description: A 3-year-old boy admitted to the pediatric intensive care unit after presenting clinical and laboratory findings consistent with unspecified viral meningoencephalitis. While the patient was sedated, a magnetic resonance imaging of the skul was performed using propofol followed by the administration of sevoflurane through a laryngeal mask in order to continue anesthesia. Approximately three hours after the start of the procedure, the patient presented persistent tachycardia, tachypnea, generalized muscular stiffness and hyperthermia. With a diagnostic hypothesis of malignant hyperthermia, dantrolene was then administered, which immediately induced muscle stiffness, tachycardia, tachypnea and reduced body temperature. Comments: Malignant hyperthermia is a rare pharmacogenetic syndrome characterized by a severe hypermetabolic reaction after the administration of halogenated inhalational anesthetics or depolarizing muscle relaxants such as succinylcholine, or both. Although it is a potentially fatal disease, the rapid administration of continued doses dantrolene has drastically reduced the morbidity and mortality of the disease.

RESUMO Objetivo: Relatar um caso de hipertermia maligna em criança após exame de ressonância magnética de crânio realizada sob efeito anestésico de sevoflurano. Descrição do caso: Menino de três anos de idade, admitido na Unidade de Terapia Intensiva Pediátrica (UTIP) após apresentar quadros clínico e laboratorial compatíveis com meningoencefalite viral não especificada. Foi realizado um exame de ressonância magnética de crânio com sedação utilizando, na indução anestésica, o propofol seguido pela administração de sevoflurano por meio de máscara laríngea para manutenção anestésica. Aproximadamente três horas após o início do procedimento, o paciente apresentou taquicardia, taquipneia, rigidez muscular generalizada e hipertermia persistentes. Com hipótese diagnóstica de hipertermia maligna, foi então administrado dantrolene, que fez ceder de forma imediata a rigidez muscular, a taquicardia, a taquipneia e reduziu a temperatura corporal. Comentários: A hipertermia maligna é uma síndrome farmacogenética rara, que se caracteriza por reação hipermetabólica grave após administração de anestésicos inalatórios halogenados e/ou relaxantes musculares despolarizantes, como a succinilcolina. Apesar de ser uma doença potencialmente fatal, a rápida administração de dantrolene, junto às doses de manutenção, tem reduzido drasticamente a morbimortalidade da doença.

Humans , Male , Child, Preschool , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Anesthetics, Inhalation/adverse effects , Sevoflurane/adverse effects , Malignant Hyperthermia/etiology , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Acyclovir/therapeutic use , Propofol/administration & dosage , Anesthetics, Intravenous/administration & dosage , Anesthetics, Inhalation/administration & dosage , Dantrolene/therapeutic use , Sevoflurane/administration & dosage , Malignant Hyperthermia/drug therapy , Meningoencephalitis/drug therapy , Meningoencephalitis/virology , Muscle Relaxants, Central/therapeutic use
Rev. Hosp. Clin. Univ. Chile ; 31(3): 216-222, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145448


Herpes zoster classical clinical presentation is the acute onset of multiple vesicles over an erythematous base, disposed over one or two dermatomes with up to 20 vesicles located outside the main dermatome. Disseminated herpes zoster is an atypical and rare form of presentation of herpes zoster, which manifests with lesions beyond the described territory. It occurs mainly in patients with some type of cellular immunosuppression. The diagnosis is made with the medical history and physical examination, however, it should be confirmed with laboratory tests. Treatment must be initiated early to avoid serious complications, such as bacterial infection of the lesions, post-herpetic neuralgia, or even central nervous system involvement. The drug of choice is intravenous acyclovir that must be maintained until the cessation of the appearance of new lesions, and then switch to its oral presentation for another 5-7 days. Disseminated herpes zoster mortality rounds 5-15%. There are varicella-zoster virus vaccines, that have been shown to reduce the incidence of herpes zoster relapses, however its utility to disseminated herpes zoster is uncertain and further studies are required. We present the case of a male patient with a history of rheumatoid arthritis who consults with multiple vesicles distributed throughout his body. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Herpes Zoster/diagnosis , Acyclovir/administration & dosage , Herpes Zoster/physiopathology , Herpes Zoster/drug therapy