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Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1670-1683, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-981162


Overexpression of Krüppel like factor 2 (Klf2) or Klf7 inhibits adipocyte formation. However, it remains unclear whether Klf2 regulates klf7 expression in adipose tissue. In this study, oil red O staining and Western blotting were employed to study the effect of Klf2 overexpression on the differentiation of chicken preadipocytes. The results showed that Klf2 overexpression inhibited the differentiation of chicken preadipocytes induced by oleate and the expression of pparγ, while promoted klf7 expression in chicken preadipocytes. Spearman correlation analysis was used to study the correlation between the expression data of klf2 and klf7 in the adipose tissue of both human and chicken. The results showed that there was a significantly positive correlation between the expression of klf2 and klf7 in adipose tissues (r > 0.1). Luciferase reporter assay showed that overexpression of Klf2 significantly promoted the activity of chicken klf7 promoter (-241/-91, -521/-91, -1 845/-91, -2 286/-91, -1 215/-91; P < 0.05). In addition, the activity of klf7 promoter (-241/-91) reporter in chicken preadipocytes was significantly positively correlated with the amount of klf2 overexpression plasmid transfected (Tau=0.917 66, P=1.074×10-7). Moreover, Klf2 overexpression significantly promoted the mRNA expression of klf7 in chicken preadipocytes (P < 0.05). In conclusion, upregulation of klf7 expression might be one of the pathways that Klf2 inhibits chicken adipocyte differentiation, and the sequence from -241 bp to -91 bp upstream chicken klf7 translation start site might mediate the regulation of Klf2 on klf7 transcription.

Animals , Humans , Chickens/genetics , Kruppel-Like Transcription Factors/metabolism , Transcription Factors/metabolism , Adipocytes/metabolism , Adipose Tissue/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971118


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the effect of adipocytes in the bone marrow microenvironment of patients with multiple myeloma (MM) on the pathogenesis of MM.@*METHODS@#Bone marrow adipocytes (BMA) in bone marrow smears of health donors (HD) and newly diagnosed MM (ND-MM) patients were evaluated with oil red O staining. The mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) from HD and ND-MM patients were isolated, and in vitro co-culture assay was used to explore the effects of MM cells on the adipogenic differentiation of MSC and the role of BMA in the survival and drug resistance of MM cells. The expression of adipogenic/osteogenic differentiation-related genes PPAR-γ, DLK1, DGAT1, FABP4, FASN and ALP both in MSC and MSC-derived adipocytes was determined with real-time quantitative PCR. The Western blot was employed to detect the expression levels of IL-6, IL-10, SDF-1α, TNF-α and IGF-1 in the supernatant with or without PPAR-γ inhibitor.@*RESULTS@#The results of oil red O staining of bone marrow smears showed that BMA increased significantly in patients of ND-MM compared with the normal control group, and the BMA content was related to the disease status. The content of BMA decreased in the patients with effective chemotherapy. MM cells up-regulated the expression of MSC adipogenic differentiation-related genes PPAR-γ, DLK1, DGAT1, FABP4 and FASN, but the expression of osteogenic differentiation-related gene ALP was significantly down-regulated. This means that the direct consequence of the interaction between MM cells and MSC in the bone marrow microenvironment is to promote the differentiation of MSC into adipocytes at the expense of osteoblasts, and the cytokines detected in supernatant changed. PPAR-γ inhibitor G3335 could partially reverse the release of cytokines by BMA. Those results confirmed that BMA regulated the release of cytokines via PPAR-γ signal, and PPAR-γ inhibitor G3335 could distort PPAR-γ mediated BMA maturation and cytokines release. The increased BMA and related cytokines effectively promoted the proliferation, migration and drug resistance of MM cells.@*CONCLUSION@#The BMA and its associated cytokines are the promoting factors in the survival, proliferation and migration of MM cells. BMA can protect MM cells from drug-induced apoptosis and plays an important role in MM treatment failure and disease progression.

Humans , Osteogenesis/genetics , Bone Marrow/metabolism , Multiple Myeloma/metabolism , Drug Resistance, Neoplasm , Peroxisome Proliferator-Activated Receptors/pharmacology , Cell Differentiation , Adipogenesis , Cytokines/metabolism , Adipocytes/metabolism , Bone Marrow Cells/metabolism , Cells, Cultured , PPAR gamma/pharmacology , Tumor Microenvironment
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 3925-3935, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008003


The growth, differentiation and proliferation of adipose cells run through the whole life process. Dysregulation of lipid metabolism in adipose cells affects adipose tissue immunity and systemic energy metabolism. Increasingly available data suggest that lipid metabolism is involved in regulating the occurrence and development of various diseases, such as hyperlipidemia, nonalcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes and cancer, which pose a major threat to human and animal health. Hypoxia inducible factor (HIF) is a major transcription factor mediating oxygen receptors in tissues and organs. HIF can induce disease by regulating lipid synthesis, fatty acid metabolism and lipid droplet formation. However, due to the difference of hypoxia degree, time and mode of action, there is no conclusive conclusion whether it has harmful or beneficial effects on the development of adipocytes and lipid metabolism. This article summarizes the regulation of hypoxia stress mediated transcription regulators and regulation of adipocyte development and lipid metabolism, aiming to reveal the potential mechanism of hypoxia induced changes in adipocyte metabolism pathways.

Animals , Humans , Lipid Metabolism , Adipocytes/metabolism , Adipose Tissue/metabolism , Hypoxia/metabolism , Transcription Factors/metabolism
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 116 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378343


Stem cells are undifferentiated cells that can be distinguished from others by their ability to self-renew and to differentiate into new specific cell types. Mesenchymal stem cells (MSC) are adult stem cells that can be obtained from different sources, such as adipose tissue, bone marrow, dental pulp, and umbilical cord. They can either replicate, originating new identical cells, or differentiate into cells of mesodermal origin and from other germ layers. MSC have been studied as new tools for regenerative therapy. Although encouraging results have been demonstrated, MSC-based therapies still face a great barrier: the difficulty of isolating these cells from heterogeneous environments. MSC are currently characterized by immunolabelling through a set of multiple surface membrane markers, including CD29, CD73, CD90 and CD105, which are also expressed by other cell types. Hence, the present work aimed to identify new specific biomarkers for the characterization of human MSC using DNA aptamers produced by the SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential Enrichment) technique. Our results showed that MSC from different origins bound to DNA candidate aptamers, that is, DNA or RNA oligonucleotides selected from random libraries that bind specifically to biological targets. Aptamer-bound MSC could be isolated by fluorescenceactivated cell sorting (FACS) procedures, enhancing the induction of differentiation into specific phenotypes (chondrocytes, osteocytes and adipocytes) when compared to the whole MSC population. Flow cytometry analyses revealed that candidate aptamers bound to 50% of the MSC population from dental pulp and did not present significant binding rates to human fibroblasts or lymphocytes, both used as negative control. Moreover, immunofluorescence images and confocal analyses revealed staining of MSC by aptamers localized in the surfacemembrane of these cells. The results also showed internal staining of human monocytes by our investigated aptamers. A non-specific control aptamer (CNTR APT) obtained from the random pool was then utilized to compare the specificity of the aptamers bound to the analyzed non-apoptotic cells, showing no staining for MSC. However, 40% of the monocytes bound to the CNTR APT. Normalized data based on the cells bound to candidate aptamers compared to those bound to the CNTR APT, revealed a 10 to 16-fold higher binding rate for MSC against 2-fold for monocytes. Despite its low specificity, monocyte-aptamer binding occurs probably due to the expression of shared markers with MSC, since monocytes are derived from hematopoietic stem cells and are important for the immune system ability to internalize/phagocyte external molecules. Given that, we performed a pull-down assay followed by mass spectrometry analysis to detect which MSC-specific protein or other target epitope not coexpressed by monocytes or the CNTR APT would bind to the candidate aptamer. Distinguishing between MSC and monocyte epitopes is important, as both cells are involved in immunomodulatory effects after MSC transplantations. ADAM17 was found to be a target of the APT10, emerging as a possible biomarker of MSC, since its involvement in the inhibition of the TGF signaling cascade, which is responsible for the differentiation of MSC. Thus, MSC with a higher stemness profile should overexpress the protein ADAM17, which presents a catalytic site with affinity to APT10. Another target of Apt 10 is VAMP3, belonging to a transmembrane protein complex that is involved in endocytosis and exocytosis processes during immune and inflammatory responses. Overall, proteins identified as targets of APT10 may be cell surface MSC biomarkers, with importance for MSC-based cell and immune therapies

Células tronco são células indiferenciadas que podem ser distinguidas de outros tipos celulares por meio da habilidade de se auto renovarem e de se diferenciarem em novos tipos celulares. Células tronco mesenquimais (MSC) são células tronco adultas encontradas em diferentes tecidos como tecido adiposo, polpa de dente e cordão umbilical. Estas células podem se autodividir em células idênticas ou se diferenciarem em células de origem mesodermal. Estas células têm sido estudadas em novas aplicações que envolvem terapia regenerativas. Embora resultados encorajadores tenham sido demonstrados, terapias que utilizam MSC ainda encontram uma grande barreira: a dificuldade no isolamento destas células a partir de um ambiente heterogêneo. MSC são caracterizadas por populações positivas em ensaios de imunomarcação para os epítopos membranares CD29, CD73, CD90 e CD105, presentes também em outros tipos celulares. Assim, o presente trabalho tem o objetivo de identificar novos biomarcadores de MSC de origem humana, utilizando aptâmeros de DNA produzidos pela técnica SELEX (Systematic Evolution of Ligands by EXponential Enrichment) como ferramenta. Nossos resultados mostraram que MSC de diferentes origens ligam-se a aptâmeros (oligonucleotídeos de DNA ou RNA que atuam como ligantes específicos de alvos moleculares) de DNA candidatos que atuam no isolamento de MSC por meio da técnica FACS de separação celular, promovendo uma maior indução de diferenciação em células específicas (condrócitos, osteócitos e adipócitos) comparada com a população total de MSC. Análises de citometria de fluxo mostraram que os aptâmeros candidatos se ligam a 50% das MSC de polpa de dente e não apresentam taxa de ligação significante para fibroblastos e linfócitos de origem humana - utilizados como controles negativo. Além domais, imagens de imunofluorescência e confocal mostraram ligação na superfície da membrana de MSC e a marcação interna de monócitos a estes aptâmeros. Portanto, um aptâmero controle (CNTR APT) foi utilizado para comparar a especificidade dos aptâmeros ligados a células viáveis, mostrando a não ligação deste aptâmero a MSC. Porém, 40% da população de monócitos ligou-se ao CNTR APT. Uma normalização baseada na comparação entre as taxas de ligação entre células ligadas com aptâmeros candidatos e o aptâmero controle gerou uma taxa de especificidade entre 10-16 vezes maior para MSC contra 2,5 vezes para os monócitos. Deste modo, embora os resultados tenham mostrado uma taxa de ligação entre monócitos e aptâmeros, as MSC ligadas aos aptâmeros candidatos possuem uma maior taxa de especificidade devido a uma maior presença de antígenos que são expressos em ambas as células. Um ensaio de Pull Down seguido de espectrometria de massas foi utilizado para a identificação de biomarcadores que se ligariam aos aptâmeros candidatos, e que não seriam co-expressos por monócitos e por antígenos ligados ao aptâmero controle. Deste modo, a proteína ADAM17 foi identificada nas amostras de APT10 ligadas às MSC. Tal proteína está relacionada à inibição de uma cascata de sinalização da família de proteínas TGF, responsável pela diferenciação de MSC. Assim, MSC com maior potencial tronco deveriam expressar ADAM17 em maior quantidade. Tal proteína apresenta um sítio catalítico que demonstra interagir com o APT10, de acordo com predição Docking entre proteína e DNA. Foi identificada também, a proteína VAMP3, que pertence a um complexo proteico transmembranar responsável pelos processos de endocitose e exocitose, e que podem ter um papel importante na liberação de citocinas e outras moléculas relacionadas às respostas imune e inflamatórias. Deste modo, o APT10 identificou proteínas importantes que devem estar relacionas com a melhora de imunoterapias que utilizam MSC

Stem Cells , Biomarkers/analysis , SELEX Aptamer Technique/instrumentation , Mesenchymal Stem Cells/classification , ADAM17 Protein/pharmacology , Patient Isolation , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Staining and Labeling/methods , Transplantation/adverse effects , Umbilical Cord , DNA/agonists , Transforming Growth Factors/agonists , Cell Separation/instrumentation , Cytokines/adverse effects , Adipocytes/metabolism , Chondrocytes/classification , Scientists for Health and Research for Development , Adult Stem Cells/classification , Fibroblasts/chemistry , Flow Cytometry/instrumentation , Germ Layers , Antigens/adverse effects
Electron. j. biotechnol ; Electron. j. biotechnol;52: 67-75, July. 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1283594


BACKGROUND: Adipogenesis and fibrogenesis can be considered as a competitive process in muscle, which may affect the intramuscular fat deposition. The CCAAT/enhancer-binding protein beta (C/EBPb) plays an important role in adipogenesis, which is well-characterized in mice, but little known in bovine so far. RESULTS: In this study, real-time qPCR revealed that the level of C/EBPb was increased during the developmental stages of bovine and adipogenesis process of preadipocytes. Overexpression of C/EBPb promoted bovine fibroblast proliferation through mitotic clonal expansion (MCE), a necessary process for initiating adipogenesis, by significantly downregulating levels of p21 and p27 (p < 0.01). Also, the PPARc expression was inhibited during the MCE stage (p < 0.01). 31.28% of transfected fibroblasts adopted lipid-laden adipocyte morphology after 8 d. Real-time qPCR showed that C/EBPb activated the transcription of early stage adipogenesis markers C/EBPa and PPARc. Expression of ACCa, FASN, FABP4 and LPL was also significantly upregulated, while the expression of LEPR was weakened. CONCLUSIONS: It was concluded C/EBPb can convert bovine fibroblasts into adipocytes without hormone induction by initiating the MCE process and promoting adipogenic genes expression, which may provide new insights into the potential functions of C/EBPb in regulating intramuscular fat deposition in beef cattle.

Cattle/metabolism , Adipocytes/metabolism , CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Protein-beta/metabolism , Fibroblasts/metabolism , Adipose Tissue/metabolism , Clone Cells , Cell Proliferation , Adipogenesis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Mitosis , Muscles
Rev. bras. med. esporte ; Rev. bras. med. esporte;27(spe2): 73-78, Apr.-June 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280080


ABSTRACT Myoblasts fuse into multinucleated muscle fibers to form and promote the growth of skeletal muscle. In order to analyze the role of myostatin (MSTN) in body fat, skeletal muscle cell proliferation and differentiation and energy metabolism, this study will use the antisense RNA technology of gene chip technology to study it. The results showed that the MSTN gene regulated the growth and proliferation of myoblasts and affected the development of skeletal muscle by affecting the expression of Cdc42, bnip2, p38 and other genes; knockout or overexpression of the MSTN gene would lead to a trend of fat-related genes from fat synthesis to fat decomposition; after the MSTN gene was knocked down, the expression levels of cpti-b, PPARG and other genes in the cells were corresponding after MSTN overexpression, the relative expression of the PPARG gene decreased. It is suggested that the knockout or overexpression of MSTN may affect lipid accumulation, and cpti-b and PPARG may directly regulate lipid level. It is hoped that this experiment can provide a reference for the study of MSTN effect on fat deposition.

RESUMO Os mioblastos se fundem eM fibras musculares multinucleadas para formar e promover o crescimento do músculo esquelético. A fim de analisar o papel da miostatina (MSTN) na gordura corporal, proliferação de células musculares esqueléticas e diferenciação e metabolismo energético, este estudo utilizará a tecnologia anti-RNA de chips genéticos para estudá-la. Os resultados mostraram que o gene MSTN regulava o crescimento e a proliferação de mioblastos e afetava o desenvolvimento do músculo esquelético, afetando a expressão de Cdc42, bnip2, p38 e outros genes; a eliminação ou sobrexpressão do gene MSTN conduziria a uma tendência de os genes adiposos sintetizarem a gordura até sua decomposição; após a eliminação do gene MSTN, os níveis de expressão de cpti-b, PPARG e outros genes nas células mostraram-se correspondentes após a sobrexpressão do gene MSTN, e a expressão relativa do gene PPARG diminuiu. Sugere-se que a eliminação ou sobrexpressão da MSTN possa afetar a acumulação de lipídeos, e o cpti-b e o PPARG podem regular diretamente o nível lipídico. Espera-se que esta experiência possa fornecer uma referência para o estudo do efeito da MSTN sobre a deposição de gordura.

RESUMEN Los mioblastos se funden en fibras musculares multinucleadas para formar y promover el crecimiento del músculo esquelético. A fin de analizar el papel de la miostatina (MSTN) en la grasa corporal, proliferación de células musculares esqueléticas y diferenciación y metabolismo energético, este estudio utilizará la tecnología anti-RNA de chips genéticos para estudiarla. Los resultados mostraron que el gen MSTN regulaba el crecimiento y la proliferación de mioblastos y afectaba el desarrollo del músculo esquelético, afectando la expresión de Cdc42, bnip2, p38 y otros genes; la eliminación o sobreexpresión del gen MSTN conduciría a una tendencia de que los genes adiposos sinteticen la grasa hasta su descomposición; después de la eliminación del gen MSTN, los niveles de expresión de cpti-b, PPARG y otros genes en las células se mostraron correspondientes después de la sobreexpresión del gen MSTN, y la expresión relativa del gen PPARG disminuyó. Se sugiere que la eliminación o sobreexpresión de la MSTN pueda afectar la acumulación de lipídos, y el cpti-b y el PPARG pueden regular directamente el nivel lipídico. Se espera que esta experiencia pueda proveer una referencia para el estudio del efecto de la MSTN sobre el depósito de grasa.

Animals , Cattle , Cell Differentiation/physiology , Adipocytes/metabolism , Myoblasts, Skeletal/metabolism , Cell Proliferation/physiology , Energy Metabolism , Myostatin/metabolism , Oligonucleotide Array Sequence Analysis
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 85-91, 2018.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-742500


PURPOSE: Ascorbic acid has been reported to have an adipogenic effect on 3T3-L1 preadipocytes, while evidence also suggests that ascorbic acid reduces body weight in humans. In this study, we tested the effects of ascorbic acid on adipogenesis and the balance of lipid accumulation in ovariectomized rats, in addition to long-term culture of differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Murine 3T3-L1 fibroblasts and ovariectomized rats were treated with ascorbic acid at various time points. In vitro adipogenesis was analyzed by Oil Red O staining, and in vivo body fat was measured by a body composition analyzer using nuclear magnetic resonance. RESULTS: When ascorbic acid was applied during an early time point in 3T3-L1 preadipocyte differentiation and after bilateral ovariectomy (OVX) in rats, adipogenesis and fat mass gain significantly increased, respectively. However, lipid accumulation in well-differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes showed a significant reduction when ascorbic acid was applied after differentiation (10 days after induction). Also, oral ascorbic acid administration 4 weeks after OVX in rats significantly reduced both body weight and subcutaneous fat layer. In comparison to the results of ascorbic acid, which is a well-known cofactor for an enzyme of collagen synthesis, and the antioxidant ramalin, a potent antioxidant but not a cofactor, showed only a lipolytic effect in well-differentiated 3T3-L1 adipocytes, not an adipogenic effect. CONCLUSION: Taking these results into account, we concluded that ascorbic acid has both an adipogenic effect as a cofactor of an enzymatic process and a lipolytic effect as an antioxidant.

Animals , Female , Mice , 3T3-L1 Cells , Adipocytes/drug effects , Adipocytes/metabolism , Adipogenesis/drug effects , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Ascorbic Acid/pharmacology , Body Composition/drug effects , Body Weight/drug effects , Cell Differentiation/drug effects , Fibroblasts/drug effects , Fibroblasts/metabolism , Lipolysis/drug effects , Ovariectomy , Rats, Sprague-Dawley
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 15(4): 507-511, Oct.-Dec. 2017. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891425


ABSTRACT Obesity is characterized by an excessive increase in the adipose tissue mass, and is associated with higher incidence of several chronic metabolic diseases, such as type 2 diabetes. Therefore, its increasing prevalence is a public health concern, and it is important to better understand its etiology to develop new therapeutic strategies. Evidence accumulated over the years indicates that obesity is associated with a marked activation in adipose tissue of the mechanistic target of rapamycin complex 1 (mTORC1), a signaling pathway that controls lipid metabolism, and adipocyte formation and maintenance. Curiously, mTORC1 is also involved in the control of nonshivering thermogenesis and recruitment as well as browning of white adipose tissue. In this review, we explored mTORC1 functions in adipocytes and presented evidence, suggesting that mTORC1 may either increase or reduce adiposity, depending on the conditions and activation levels.

RESUMO A obesidade é caracterizada pelo aumento excessivo da massa de tecido adiposo, estando associada à maior incidência de diversas doenças metabólicas crônicas, como diabetes tipo 2. Sua crescente prevalência é uma questão de saúde pública, e faz-se importante compreender melhor sua etiologia, para desenvolver novas estratégias terapêuticas. As evidências acumuladas por muitos anos indicam que a obesidade está associada à significativa ativação no tecido adiposo do complexo 1 da proteína alvo mecanístico da rapamicina (mTORC1), uma via de sinalização que regula o metabolismo de lipídeos, bem como a formação e manutenção de adipócitos. Curiosamente, mTORC1 também está envolvido no controle da termogênese, independente do tremor muscular, e no recrutamento e browning de tecido adiposo branco. Nesta revisão, exploramos as diferentes funções do mTORC1 em adipócitos e apresentamos evidências que sugerem que o mTORC1 pode aumentar ou reduzir a adiposidade, dependendo das condições e de seu nível de ativação.

Humans , Animals , Adiposity/physiology , Mechanistic Target of Rapamycin Complex 1/physiology , Obesity/metabolism , Adipose Tissue, Brown/metabolism , Adipocytes/metabolism , Thermogenesis/physiology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/metabolism , Lipid Metabolism/physiology , Adipose Tissue, White/metabolism
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 75(4): 300-307, July-Aug. 2016. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-794868


RESUMO O bimatoprost é utilizado comumente como a droga de primeira escolha no tratamento do glaucoma primário de ângulo aberto. Hiperemia conjuntival, crescimento dos cílios, enoftalmia, escurecimento cutâneo periocular, sulco palpebral profundo e prurido ocular têm sido relatados em pacientes que receberam bimatoprost em doses únicas diárias durante cerca de 3 meses. O mecanismo exato para estes efeitos adversos permanece desconhecido. Objetivo: Verificar em animais de experimentação, as alterações do tecido conjuntivo orbitário após injeção retrobulbar de bimatoprost 0,03%. Métodos Foram utilizados trinta e seis ratos machos (Rattus norvegicus albinus) submetidos a diferentes períodos de injeção retrobulbar de bimatoprost à direita. O material exenterado foi submetido à análise histológica, morfométrica (diâmetro, densidade numérica e densidade de volume dos adipócitos) e imunohistoquímica para marcação do VEGF. Os resultados destas análises foram submetidos à análise descritiva com o auxílio do software R. O nível de significância adotado foi 5%. Para as comparações foi proposto o modelo de regressão linear com efeitos mistos. Resultados: Na amostra estudada, as órbitas submetidas a injeções retrobulbares de bimatoprost apresentaram ao redor do nervo óptico tecido conjuntivo mais espesso, com inúmeros capilares e vasos de vários calibres e a redução da quantidade, diâmetro e volume das células adiposas estatisticamente significativo quando comparado à órbita contralateral e ao grupo controle. Conclusão: Neste estudo observaram-se as seguintes alterações potencialmente reversíveis do tecido conjuntivo orbitário nos ratos submetidos à injeção retrobulbar de bimatoprost: 1) redução da quantidade, do diâmetro e do volume das células adiposas orbitárias; 2) neovascularização local; 3) espessamento e remodelamento das fibras de colágeno na cavidade orbitária.

ABSTRACT Bimatoprost is commonly used as the drug of first choice in the treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma. Conjunctival hyperemia, eyelash growth, enophthalmos, periocular skin pigmentation, deep lid sulcus and itching eyes have been reported in patients that daily received single dosages during a three month period. The exact mechanism for these adverse effects remains unknown. Objective: to verify alterations, in test animals, of the orbital connective tissue after peribulbar injections of bimatoprost 0.03% using histological and immune-histochemical analysis. Methods: thirty six male test rats (Rattus norvegicus albinus) were subjected to various periods of periocular injections of bimatoprost 0.03% in the right eye.All extracted material was submitted to histological, morphometric (diameter, numeric density and density of adipocyte volume) and immune-histochemical analysis to mark the vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF). These analysis results were then submitted to a descriptive analysis with the help of R software. The significance level used was 5%. For comparison, the model of linear regression with mixed effects was proposed. Results: In the sample studied, the eye sockets that were continuously submitted to bimatoprost had a denser conjunctival tissue around the optic nerve, with numerous capillaries and blood vessels of various sizes and a reduction of quantity, diameter and volume of adipose cells of statistic importance when compared to the contralateral eye socked and the control group. Conclusion: In this study, the following potentially reversible changes of orbital connective tissue were observed in test rats subjected to periocular injection of bimatoprost: 1) reduction of quantity, diameter and volume of orbital adipose cells; 2) local neovascularization; 3) thickening and remodeling of collagen fibers in the orbital cavity.

Animals , Male , Orbit/drug effects , Connective Tissue/drug effects , Bimatoprost/pharmacology , Rats , Rats, Wistar , Adipocytes/drug effects , Adipocytes/metabolism , Injections, Intraocular
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;49(8): e5409, 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-787387


Due to the presence of the renin-angiotensin system (RAS) in tissues and its specific influence on white adipose tissue, fat cells are possible targets of pharmacological RAS blockers commonly used as anti-hypertensive drugs. In the present study, we investigated the effects of different RAS blockers on fat cell metabolism, more specifically on lipolysis, lipogenesis and oxidation of energy substrates. Isolated primary adipocytes were incubated with different RAS blockers (aliskiren, captopril and losartan) in vitro for 24 h and lipolysis, lipogenesis and glucose oxidation capacities were determined in dose-response assays to a β-adrenergic agonist and to insulin. Although no change was found in lipolytic capacity, the RAS blockers modulated lipogenesis and glucose oxidation in a different way. While captopril decreased insulin-stimulated lipogenesis (−19% of maximal response and −60% of insulin responsiveness) due to reduced glucose derived glycerol synthesis (−19% of maximal response and 64% of insulin responsiveness), aliskiren increased insulin-stimulated glucose oxidation (+49% of maximal response and +292% of insulin responsiveness) in fat cells. Our experiments demonstrate that RAS blockers can differentially induce metabolic alterations in adipocyte metabolism, characterized by a reduction in lipogenic responsiveness or an increase in glucose oxidation. The impact of RAS blockers on adipocyte metabolism may have beneficial implications on metabolic disorders during their therapeutic use in hypertensive patients.

Animals , Male , Renin-Angiotensin System/drug effects , Adipocytes/drug effects , Antihypertensive Agents/pharmacology , Captopril/pharmacology , Rats, Wistar , Adipocytes/metabolism , Losartan/pharmacology , Lipogenesis/drug effects , Fumarates/pharmacology , Amides/pharmacology , Glucose/metabolism , Glycerol/metabolism , Lipolysis/drug effects
Biol. Res ; 49: 1-11, 2016. ilus, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950864


BACKGROUND: From ancient times, marine algae have emerged as alternative medicine and foods, contains the rich source of natural products like proteins, vitamins, and secondary metabolites, especially Chlorella vulgaris (C. vulgaris) contains numerous anti-inflammatory, antioxidants and wound healing substances. Type 2 diabetes mellitus is closely associated with adipogenesis and their factors. Hence, we aimed to investigate the chemical constituents and adipo-genic modulatory properties of C. vulgaris in 3T3-L1 pre-adipocytes. RESULTS: We analysed chemical constituents in ethanolic extract of C. vulgaris (EECV) by LC-MS. Results revealed that the EECV contains few triterpenoids and saponin compounds. Further, the effect of EECV on lipid accumulation along with genes and proteins expressions which are associated with adipogenesis and lipogenesis were evaluated using oil red O staining, qPCR and western blot techniques. The data indicated that that EECV treatment increased differentiation and lipid accumulation in 3T3-L1 cells, which indicates positive regulation of adipogenic and lipogenic activity. These increases were associated with up-regulation of PPAR-γ2, C/EBP-α, adiponectin, FAS, and leptin mRNA and protein expressions. Also, EECV treatments increased the concentration of glycerol releases as compared with control cells. Troglitazone is a PPAR-γ agonist that stimulates the PPAR-y2, adiponectin, and GLUT-4 expressions. Similarly, EECV treatments significantly upregulated PPAR-γ, adiponectin, GLUT-4 expressions and glucose utilization. Further, EECV treatment decreased AMPK-α expression as compared with control and metformin treated cells. CONCLUSION: The present research findings confirmed that the EECV effectively modulates the lipid accumulation and differentiation in 3T3-L1 cells through AMPK-α mediated signalling pathway.

Animals , Mice , Seaweed/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , 3T3-L1 Cells/drug effects , Chlorella vulgaris/chemistry , Time Factors , Down-Regulation , Gene Expression , Cell Differentiation/drug effects , Up-Regulation , Cell Survival/drug effects , Cells, Cultured , Adipocytes/cytology , Adipocytes/drug effects , Adipocytes/metabolism , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , 3T3-L1 Cells/physiology , PPAR gamma/analysis , PPAR gamma/drug effects , PPAR gamma/metabolism , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2/metabolism , Adiponectin/analysis , Adiponectin/metabolism , Glucose Transporter Type 4/analysis , Glucose Transporter Type 4/drug effects , Glucose Transporter Type 4/metabolism , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases/analysis , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases/drug effects , AMP-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolism , Glucose/metabolism
Rev. latinoam. enferm ; Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online);23(2): 352-360, Feb-Apr/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: lil-747162


OBJECTIVE: to analyze the scientific literature on home-based family care of people with severe mental illness. METHOD: integrative review of 14 databases (CINALH, Cochrane Plus, Cuidatge, CUIDEN, Eric, IBECS, EMI, ISOC, JBI COnNECT, LILACS, PsycINFO, PubMed, SciELO, and Scopus) searched with the key words "family caregivers", "severe mental illness", and "home" between 2003 and 2013. RESULTS: of 787 articles retrieved, only 85 met the inclusion criteria. The articles appeared in 61 journals from different areas and disciplines, mainly from nursing (36%). The countries producing the most scientific literature on nursing were Brazil, the UK, and the US, and authorship predominantly belonged to university centers. A total of 54.12% of the studies presented quantitative designs, with descriptive ones standing out. Work overload, subjective perspectives, and resources were the main topics of these papers. CONCLUSIONS: the international scientific literature on home-based, informal family care of people with severe mental disorder is limited. Nursing research stands out in this field. The prevalent topics coincide with the evolution of the mental health system. The expansion of the scientific approach to family care is promoted to create evidence-based guidelines for family caregivers and for the clinical practice of professional caregivers. .

OBJETIVO: analisar a produção científica sobre o cuidado familiar de pessoas com transtorno mental grave em casa. MÉTODO: revisão integrativa de 14 bases de dados (CINALH, Cochrane Plus, Cuidatge, CUIDEN, Eric, IBECS, EMI, ISOC, JBI Connect, LILACS, PsycInfo e PubMed, SciELO, e Scopus), com as palavras-chave "cuidadores familiares", "TMG" (transtornos mentais graves ) e "casa", realizada entre 2003 e 2013. RESULTADOS: dos 787 artigos retornados, somente 85 atenderam os critérios de inclusão. Os artigos vieram de 61 periódicos de diferentes áreas e disciplinas, principalmente de enfermagem (36%). Os países com maior produção científica sobre enfermagem foram o Brasil, o Reino Unido e os Estados Unidos, e a autoria era predominantemente de centros universitários. Um total de 54,12% dos estudos apresentou delineamento quantitativo, e os descritivos se destacaram. Os principais temas desses trabalhos foram sobrecarga de trabalho, perspectivas subjetivas e recursos. CONCLUSÕES: a produção cientifica internacional sobre o cuidado familiar informal de pessoas com doenças mentais graves em casa é limitada. A pesquisa em enfermagem se destaca nesse campo. Os temas prevalentes coincidem com a evolução do sistema de saúde mental. Estimula-se a expansão da abordagem científica do cuidado familiar de modo a encontrar evidências para criar guias para cuidadores familiares e para a prática clínica de cuidadores profissionais. .

OBJETIVO: analizar la producción científica sobre el cuidado familiar de la persona con trastorno mental grave en el hogar familiar. MÉTODO: revisión integradora en 14 bases de datos (CINALH, Cochrane Plus, Cuidatge, CUIDEN, Eric, IBECS, IME, ISOC, JBI ConNECT, LILACS, PsycInfo, PubMed, SciELO y Scopus), con las palabras clave "cuidadores familiares", "TMG" y "hogar"; realizada entre 2003 y 2013. RESULTADOS: de 787 artículos recuperados, sólo 85 cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión. Los artículos procedieron de 61 revistas de diferentes áreas y disciplinas destacando la disciplina de enfermería (36%). Los países con mayor producción científica sobre enfermería fueron Brasil, Reino Unido y EEUU. En la autoría predominaron los centros universitarios. El 54,12% de los estudios presentó diseño cuantitativo, sobresaliendo los descriptivos. Las temáticas destacadas fueron sobrecarga, perspectivas subjetivas y recursos. CONCLUSIONES: la producción científica internacional sobre el cuidado informal familiar de la persona con trastorno mental grave, en el contexto del hogar familiar, es limitada. En este campo, destaca la investigación de enfermería. Las temáticas prevalentes coinciden con la evolución del sistema de salud mental. Se estimula la ampliación del abordaje científico del cuidado familiar con el fin de encontrar evidencias para la elaboración de guías de cuidadores familiares y para la práctica clínica de cuidadores profesionales. .

Humans , Female , Adipogenesis , Adipocytes/metabolism , Adult Stem Cells/physiology , Androgens/physiology , Dihydrotestosterone/pharmacology , Testosterone/physiology , Androgen Antagonists/pharmacology , Androgens/pharmacology , /metabolism , CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Protein-beta/genetics , CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Protein-beta/metabolism , CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Proteins/genetics , CCAAT-Enhancer-Binding Proteins/metabolism , Cells, Cultured , Flutamide/pharmacology , Gene Expression , Lipid Metabolism , PPAR gamma/genetics , PPAR gamma/metabolism , Receptors, Androgen/metabolism , Signal Transduction , Testosterone/pharmacology
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab;58(8): 833-837, 11/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-729797


Objective The present study aimed to examine the effects of thyroid hormone (TH), more precisely triiodothyronine (T3), on the modulation of TH receptor alpha (TRα) mRNA expression and the involvement of the phosphatidyl inositol 3 kinase (PI3K) signaling pathway in adipocytes, 3T3-L1, cell culture. Materials and methods: It was examined the involvement of PI3K pathway in mediating T3 effects by treating 3T3-L1 adipocytes with physiological (P=10nM) or supraphysiological (SI =100 nM) T3 doses during one hour (short time), in the absence or the presence of PI3K inhibitor (LY294002). The absence of any treatment was considered the control group (C). RT-qPCR was used for mRNA expression analyzes. For data analyzes ANOVA complemented with Tukey’s test was used at 5% significance level. Results T3 increased TRα mRNA expression in P (1.91±0.13, p<0.001), SI (2.14±0.44, p<0.001) compared to C group (1±0.08). This increase was completely abrogated by LY294002 in P (0.53±0.03, p<0.001) and SI (0.31±0.03, p<0.001). To examine whether TRα is directly induced by T3, we used the translation inhibitor cycloheximide (CHX). The presence of CHX completely abrogated levels TRα mRNA in P (1.15±0.05, p>0.001) and SI (0.99±0.15, p>0.001), induced by T3. Conclusion These results demonstrate that the activation of the PI3K signaling pathway has a role in T3-mediated indirect TRα gene expression in 3T3-L1 adipocytes. .

Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os efeitos do hormônio tireoidiano (HT), triiodotironina (T3), na modulação da expressão de mRNA do receptor alfa (TRα) de HT e o envolvimento da via de sinalização da via fosfatidilinositol 3-quinase (PI3K) em adipócitos, 3T3-L1. Materiais e métodos: Foi examinado o envolvimento da via PI3K nos efeitos do T3 nos tratamentos de adipócitos, 3T3-L1, nas doses fisiológica (P=10nM) ou suprafisiológica (SI =100 nM) durante uma hora (tempo curto), na ausência ou na presença do inibidor da PI3K (LY294002). A ausência de qualquer tratamento foi considerada o grupo controle (C). RT-qPCR foi utilizado para analisar a expressão do mRNA. Para as análises dos dados, utilizou-se ANOVA complementada com o teste de Tukey a 5% de significância. Resultados O T3 aumentou a expressão de mRNA de TRα em P (1,91±0,13, p<0,001) e SI (2,14±0,44, p<0,001) em comparação com o grupo C (1±0,08). Esse aumento foi completamente abolido por LY294002 em P (0,53±0,03, p<0,001) e SI (0,31±0,03, p<0,001). Para examinar se a expressão de TRα foi diretamente induzida pelo T3, utilizou-se o inibidor de tradução, ciclohexamida (CHX). A presença de CHX reduziu os níveis de mRNA de TRα em P (1,15±0,05, p>0,001) e SI (0,99±0,15, p>0,001), induzidos pelo T3. Conclusão Esses resultados demonstram que a ativação da via de sinalização de PI3K tem um papel importante na expressão do gene TRα mediada indiretamente pelo T3, em adipócitos 3T3-L1. .

Animals , Mice , Adipocytes/drug effects , /metabolism , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , Thyroid Hormone Receptors alpha/metabolism , Triiodothyronine/pharmacology , Adipocytes/metabolism , Cell Differentiation , Chromones/pharmacology , Gene Expression/genetics , Genes, erbA/drug effects , Morpholines/pharmacology , Time Factors , Thyroid Hormone Receptors alpha/genetics
Rev. bras. cir. plást ; 29(3): 319-323, jul.-sep. 2014. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-711


O lipoblastoma é um tumor mesenquimal raro, composto de lipoblastos que continuam sua proliferação após o período pós-natal e que acometem, predominantemente, a população pediátrica. Apresenta prognóstico excelente, apesar do potencial de invasão local e do crescimento rápido. Os autores relatam o caso de uma paciente pediátrica portadora de volumosa lesão em antebraço direito, ocasionando importante comprometimento funcional do membro acometido. Aspectos relevantes no diagnóstico diferencial e manejo são discutidos neste trabalho, visto tratar-se de lesão com potencial risco incapacitante futuro, caso não manejada corretamente.

Lipoblastoma is a rare mesenchymal tumor occurring primarily in pediatric patients and formed by lipoblasts that proliferate after the postnatal period. Despite its potential for local invasion and rapid growth, its prognosis is excellent. In this study, we report the case of a pediatric patient with a ponderous lesion in the right forearm that caused considerable functional impairment of the affected limb. We also discuss the relevant aspects concerning the differential diagnosis and management of the disease, as it has the potential to cause incapacity without proper treatment.

Humans , Female , Infant , History, 21st Century , Soft Tissue Neoplasms , Surgery, Plastic , Wounds and Injuries , Review Literature as Topic , Adipose Tissue , Adipocytes , Evaluation Study , Lipoma , Soft Tissue Neoplasms/surgery , Soft Tissue Neoplasms/pathology , Surgery, Plastic/methods , Wounds and Injuries/surgery , Adipose Tissue/embryology , Adipose Tissue/metabolism , Adipocytes/physiology , Adipocytes/metabolism , Lipoblastoma , Lipoblastoma/surgery , Lipoblastoma/pathology , Lipoma/surgery , Lipoma/pathology
Rev. chil. endocrinol. diabetes ; 7(2): 56-59, abr.2014.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-779319


Obesity is a condition in which there is excessive accumulation of subcutaneous and abdominal adipose tissue. This adipose tissue is no longer considered inert and dedicated solely to energy storage. For more than a decade is considered in an active tissue in the regulation of physiological and pathological processes, including immunity and inflammation. Adipose tissue produces and releases a variety of adipokines (leptin, adiponectin, resistin, and visfatin) and cytokine pro - and anti -inflammatory (TNF - alpha 945;, IL-4, IL-6, etc.). Adipose tissue is also implicated in the development of chronic metabolic diseases such as type 2 diabetes or cardiovascular disease. Obesity is therefore an under lying condition for the appearance of inflammatory and metabolic diseases. These adipokines, behave, according to each physiological state, such as a metabolic disrupter. The environment (diet and sedentary lifestyle) have significantly changed the constitution of this adipose tissue, so that patterns of good nutrition and lifestyle play a critical role in the growth of the adipose tissue...

Humans , Adipocytes/metabolism , Adipokines/metabolism , Inflammasomes/metabolism , Adipose Tissue/metabolism
Rev. bras. pesqui. méd. biol ; Braz. j. med. biol. res;47(3): 192-205, 03/2014. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-704621


Numerous studies address the physiology of adipose tissue (AT). The interest surrounding the physiology of AT is primarily the result of the epidemic outburst of obesity in various contemporary societies. Briefly, the two primary metabolic activities of white AT include lipogenesis and lipolysis. Throughout the last two decades, a new model of AT physiology has emerged. Although AT was considered to be primarily an abundant energy source, it is currently considered to be a prolific producer of biologically active substances, and, consequently, is now recognized as an endocrine organ. In addition to leptin, other biologically active substances secreted by AT, generally classified as cytokines, include adiponectin, interleukin-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, resistin, vaspin, visfatin, and many others now collectively referred to as adipokines. The secretion of such biologically active substances by AT indicates its importance as a metabolic regulator. Cell turnover of AT has also recently been investigated in terms of its biological role in adipogenesis. Consequently, the objective of this review is to provide a comprehensive critical review of the current literature concerning the metabolic (lipolysis, lipogenesis) and endocrine actions of AT.

Animals , Humans , Mice , Rats , Adipocytes/metabolism , Adipogenesis/physiology , Adipose Tissue, White/physiology , Lipolysis/physiology , Obesity/physiopathology , Adipokines/metabolism , Cytokines/metabolism , Leptin/metabolism , Nicotinamide Phosphoribosyltransferase/metabolism , Resistin/metabolism , Signal Transduction/physiology
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab;57(5): 368-374, jul. 2013. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-680624


OBJECTIVE: To examine the effect of different doses of triiodothyronine (T3) on mRNA levels of thyroid hormone receptors, TRα and TRβ, at different times. MATERIALS AND METHODS: 3T3-L1 adipocytes were incubated with T3 (physiological dose: F; supraphysiological doses: SI or SII), or without T3 (control, C) for 0.5, 1, 6, or 24h. TRα and TRβ mRNA was detected using real-time polymerase chain reaction. RESULTS: F increased TRβ mRNA levels at 0.5h. After 1h, TRα levels increased with F and SI and TRβ levels decreased with SII compared with C, F, and SI. After 6h, both genes were suppressed at all concentrations. In 24h, TRα and TRβ levels were similar to those of C group. CONCLUSIONS: T3 action with F began at 1h for TRα and at 0.5h for TRβ. These results suggest the importance of knowing the times and doses that activate T3 receptors in adipocytes.

OBJETIVO: Examinar o efeito de diferentes doses de triiodotironina (T3) sobre a expressão gênica dos receptores TRα e TRβ em diferentes tempos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Adipócitos, 3T3-L1, foram incubados com T3 nas doses fisiológica (F, 10nM) e suprafisiológicas (SI, 100nM ou SII, 1000nM) ou veículo (controle, C) durante 0,5, 1, 6 ou 24h. mRNA dos TRs foram detectados utilizando PCR em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Níveis de TRβ aumentaram em F em 0,5h. Após 1h, níveis de TRα aumentaram em F e SI comparado ao C, enquanto TRβ diminuiu no SII comparado com C, F, e SI. Após 6h, ambos os genes foram suprimidos em todas concentrações. Em 24h, níveis de TRα e TRβ retornaram aos do C. CONCLUSÕES: Ação do T3 em F iniciou-se em 1h para TRα e 0,5h para TRβ. Esses resultados são importantes para determinar tempo inicial e dose de T3 em que os receptores de HT são ativados em adipócitos.

Animals , Adipocytes/drug effects , Antigenic Modulation/immunology , Thyroid Hormone Receptors alpha/metabolism , Thyroid Hormone Receptors beta/metabolism , Triiodothyronine/administration & dosage , Adipocytes/metabolism , Cell Line , Drug Administration Schedule , RNA, Messenger/analysis , Thyroid Hormone Receptors alpha/genetics , Thyroid Hormone Receptors beta/genetics , Triiodothyronine/pharmacology
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab;56(7): 435-440, Oct. 2012. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-654272


OBJETIVO: O presente trabalho objetiva compreender a possível relação do nível de expressão gênica do mRNA da proteína S100β em adipócitos com o diabetes melito do tipo 2, pela comparação de dados de portadores dessa doença com os de indivíduos normoglicêmicos. MATERIAIS E MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas amostras de tecido adiposo de oito pacientes da Seção de Coronárias do Instituto Dante Pazzanese de Cardiologia (IDPC), sendo quatro do grupo diabetes e quatro do grupo de normoglicêmicos. Essas amostras foram submetidas à técnica de RT-PCR em tempo real. RESULTADOS: Por meio do Test-t de Student para os valores de diferença entre os ciclos threshold (ΔCt), observou-se que houve aumento de aproximadamente 15 vezes (p = 0,015) da expressão do mRNA da proteína S100β nos adipócitos dos indivíduos do grupo diabetes quando comparado aos do grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: Nossos resultados evidenciam, de forma inédita, coexistência entre o aumento da expressão do gene S100β e a patologia do diabetes melito do tipo 2.

OBJECTIVE: This study aims to explore the possible relationship between the expression level of S100β protein mRNA with diabetes mellitus type 2 in adipocytes from patients with this disease in comparison with normoglycemic individuals. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Samples of adipose tissue of eight patients from the coronary section of the Institute Dante Pazzanese of Cardiology (IDPC), four in Group Diabetes and four of Normoglycemic group, were evaluated by RT-PCR real time. RESULTS: An increase around 15 times values, between the threshold cycle (ΔCt), of mRNA expression of S100β protein in adipocytes of the diabetes group was observed in comparison to the control group (p = 0.015). CONCLUSION: Our results indicate, for the first time, that there is coexistence of increased expression of the S100β and the type 2 diabetes mellitus gene.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Adipocytes/metabolism , /metabolism , Nerve Growth Factors/metabolism , RNA, Messenger/metabolism , /metabolism , Case-Control Studies , Nerve Growth Factors/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , /genetics
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 23(2): 136-144, Mar. 2012. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-707635


La obesidad se caracteriza por un aumento de la masa adiposa secundaria a un balance energético positivo mantenido en el tiempo. El incremento en el volumen del tejido adiposo se acompaña de otros cambios en las características biológicas habituales de éste, que se vuelve disfuncional. El depósito visceral de la grasa, la hipertrofia y cambio del perfil secretor de los adipocitos, junto con la infiltración del tejido adiposo por células inflamatorias son algunas de las características que determinan una comunicación alterada del tejido adiposo con otros órganos. Se ha planteado que la disfunción del tejido adiposo, explicaría parte de la etiopatogenia de las enfermedades metabólicas y cardiovasculares asociadas a obesidad; sujetos obesos que mantienen un tejido adiposo funcional no presentan las alteraciones metabólicas propias de la malnutrición por exceso. La modulación de las características biológicas del tejido adiposo permitiría tener un menor riesgo cardiovascular asociado a obesidad.

Obesity is characterized by an increase in the adipose mass, which is due to the deposit of the fatty acids surplus in adipose cells, due to a positive energy balance maintained over the time. Along with the increase in the volume of adipose tissue, there are changes in its normal physiology, driving it toward a dysfunctional tissue. Such changes involve adipocyte hypertrophy and changes in its secretory profile, visceral deposit of fat, increased immune cell infiltration, among others. Adipose tissue dysfunction possibly plays a pivotal role in the pathophysiology of obesity-related metabolic and cardiovascular diseases. The understanding of these changes in adipose tissue function could provide a tool for modulating the metabolic and cardiovascular burden of obesity.

Humans , Adipokines , Adipose Tissue , Adipocytes/metabolism , Obesity/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Metabolic Diseases