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Int. j. morphol ; 42(3): 876-890, jun. 2024. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1564627


SUMMARY: Stroke is the leading cause of acquired physical disability in adults and second leading cause of mortality throughout the world. Treatment strategies to curb the effects of stroke would be of great benefit. Pongamia pinnata is a recent attraction in medicine, owing to its abundant medicinal benefits with minimal side effects. The present study aimed to examine acute and subacute effect of Pongamia pinnata leaf extract on transient cerebral hypoperfusion and reperfusion (tCHR) in Wistar rats. 24 adult Wistar rats (12 each for acute and subacute study) were divided in to four groups each viz normal control group, tCHR + NS group, tCHR + 200mg/kg bw and tCHR + 400mg/kg bw groups. Cerebral ischemia induction was carried out by bilateral common carotid artery occlusion and reperfusion. Ethanolic extract of Pongamia pinnata leaves were orally administered for 7 days and 21 days after the surgical procedure for acute and subacute study respectively. Behavioural analysis, histological assessment, and estimation of mRNA levels of HIF-1, GDNF, BDNF and NF-kB were performed. In both acute and subacute study, there was significant improvement in the beam walking assay, neuronal count, decreased neuronal damage in histological sections and higher mRNA expression of BDNF and GDNF in the treatment groups. There was no significant difference in the expression of HIF1 and NF-kB. Thus, Pongamia pinnata has excellent neurorestorative property reversing many of the effects of ischemic stroke induced by tCHR in rats with the underlying mechanism being an improvement in the expression of neurotrophic factors GDNF and BDNF.

El ataque cerebrovascular es la principal causa de discapacidad física adquirida en adultos y la segunda causa de mortalidad en todo el mundo. Las estrategias de tratamiento para frenar los efectos del ataque cerebrovascular serían de gran beneficio. Pongamia pinnata es una atracción reciente en la medicina, debido a sus abundantes beneficios medicinales con mínimos efectos secundarios. El presente estudio tuvo como objetivo examinar el efecto agudo y subagudo del extracto de hoja de Pongamia pinnata sobre la hipoperfusión y reperfusión cerebral transitoria (tCHR) en ratas Wistar. Se dividieron 24 ratas Wistar adultas (12 cada una para el estudio agudo y subagudo) en cuatro grupos, el grupo control normal, el grupo tCHR + NS, los grupos tCHR + 200 mg/kg de peso corporal y tCHR + 400 mg/kg de peso corporal. La inducción de la isquemia cerebral se llevó a cabo mediante oclusión y reperfusión bilateral de la arteria carótida común. El extracto etanólico de hojas de Pongamia pinnata se administró por vía oral durante 7 días y 21 días después del procedimiento quirúrgico para estudio agudo y subagudo respectivamente. Se realizaron análisis de comportamiento, evaluación histológica y estimación de los niveles de ARNm de HIF-1, GDNF, BDNF y NF-kB. Tanto en el estudio agudo como en el subagudo, hubo una mejora significativa en el ensayo de desplazamiento del haz, el recuento neuronal, una disminución del daño neuronal en las secciones histológicas y una mayor expresión de ARNm de BDNF y GDNF en los grupos con tratamiento. No hubo diferencias significativas en la expresión de HIF1 y NF-kB. Por lo tanto, Pongamia pinnata tiene una excelente propiedad neurorestauradora que revierte muchos de los efectos del ataque cerebrovascular isquémico inducido por tCHR en ratas, siendo el mecanismo subyacente una mejora en la expresión de los factores neurotróficos GDNF y BDNF.

Animals , Rats , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Stroke/drug therapy , Millettia/chemistry , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cerebral Cortex/drug effects , Brain Ischemia/drug therapy , Administration, Oral , NF-kappa B , Rats, Wistar , Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor/genetics , Disease Models, Animal , Hypoxia-Inducible Factor 1/genetics , Glial Cell Line-Derived Neurotrophic Factor/genetics , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , Nerve Growth Factors/administration & dosage
Chin. med. j ; Chin. med. j;(24): 172-180, 2024.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007740


BACKGROUND@#Oral anti-coagulants (OAC) are the intervention for the prevention of stroke, which consistently improve clinical outcomes and survival among patients with atrial fibrillation (AF). The main purpose of this study is to identify problems in OAC utilization among hospitalized patients with AF in China.@*METHODS@#Using data from the Improving Care for Cardiovascular Disease in China-Atrial Fibrillation (CCC-AF) registry, guideline-recommended OAC use in eligible patients was assessed.@*RESULTS@#A total of 52,530 patients with non-valvular AF were enrolled from February 2015 to December 2019, of whom 38,203 were at a high risk of stroke, 9717 were at a moderate risk, and 4610 were at a low risk. On admission, only 20.0% (6075/30,420) of patients with a diagnosed AF and a high risk of stroke were taking OAC. The use of pre-hospital OAC on admission was associated with a lower risk of new-onset ischemic stroke/transient ischemic attack among the diagnosed AF population (adjusted odds ratio: 0.54, 95% confidence interval: 0.43-0.68; P  <0.001). At discharge, the prescription rate of OAC was 45.2% (16,757/37,087) in eligible patients with high stroke risk and 60.7% (2778/4578) in eligible patients with low stroke risk. OAC utilization in patients with high stroke risk on admission or at discharge both increased largely over time (all P  <0.001). Multivariate analysis showed that OAC utilization at discharge was positively associated with in-hospital rhythm control strategies, including catheter ablation (adjusted odds ratio [OR] 11.63, 95% confidence interval [CI] 10.04-13.47; P <0.001), electronic cardioversion (adjusted OR 2.41, 95% CI 1.65-3.51; P <0.001), and anti-arrhythmic drug use (adjusted OR 1.45, 95% CI 1.38-1.53; P <0.001).@*CONCLUSIONS@#In hospitals participated in the CCC-AF project, >70% of AF patients were at a high risk of stroke. Although poor performance on guideline-recommended OAC use was found in this study, over time the CCC-AF project has made progress in stroke prevention in the Chinese AF, NCT02309398.

Humans , Administration, Oral , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Atrial Fibrillation/complications , Patient Discharge , Patients , Registries , Risk Factors , Stroke/drug therapy
Arch. pediatr. Urug ; 95(1): e301, 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BNUY, UY-BNMED | ID: biblio-1556976


Introducción: el déficit de hierro es la causa más común de anemia debido a carencia nutricional. Su tratamiento consiste en proporcionar alimentos ricos en hierro biodisponible junto con la administración de hierro oral. En circunstancias definidas puede utilizarse el hierro intravenoso. Objetivo: describir el abordaje diagnóstico y terapéutico de un niño portador de anemia ferropénica severa secundaria a mala adherencia al hierro oral en el que se utilizó hierro intravenoso. Caso clínico: niño de 21 meses, raza blanca. Antecedente de anemia ferropénica severa, con repercusión hemodinámica que a los 14 meses requirió transfusión de sangre desplasmatizada. Sin controles de hemoglobina posteriores. Sin adherencia a profilaxis con hierro vía oral. Alto consumo de leche de vaca y bajo consumo de alimentos ricos en hierro. En el contexto de infección respiratoria aguda baja se constata anemia clínica con marcado decaimiento y anorexia, sin repercusión hemodinámica. Se confirma la anemia microcítica, hipocrómica severa, con ancho de distribución eritrocitaria elevado, con metabolismo de hierro alterado. Recibe hierro sacarato, intravenoso, por seis días con buena tolerancia y evolución. Discusión: se identificaron múltiples factores de riesgo para anemia ferropénica. La pobre respuesta al tratamiento con hierro oral debido a efectos adversos y olvidos de administración, junto al antecedente de anemia ferropénica severa, que requirió transfusión de sangre desplasmatizada, motivaron la indicación de hierro intravenoso. Su administración fue programada y monitorizada, sin complicaciones. Es necesario fortalecer la prevención en todos los controles pediátricos y abordar este problema de salud desde una mirada interdisciplinaria.

Introduction: iron deficiency is the most common cause of anemia due to nutritional deficiency. Its treatment consists of providing bioavailable iron rich food together with oral iron. In specific circumstances, intravenous iron may be used. Objective: of this study is to describe the diagnostic and therapeutic approach used with a child with severe iron deficiency anemia secondary to poor adherence to oral iron, in which intravenous iron was used. Clinical case: 21 month-old white patient. History of severe iron deficiency anemia, with hemodynamic repercussions that at 14 months of age required transfusion of deplasmatized blood. Without subsequent hemoglobin controls. No adherence to oral iron prophylaxis. High consumption of cow's milk and low of iron-rich foods. Within the context of acute lower respiratory infection, a clinical anemia with marked decline and anorexia were observed, without hemodynamic repercussions. Severe hypochromic microcytic anemia was confirmed, with an elevated erythrocyte distribution width and altered iron metabolism. He received iron saccharate, intravenously for 6 days with good tolerance and evolution. Discussion: multiple risk factors for iron deficiency anemia were identified. The poor response to treatment with oral iron resulting from adverse effects and lack of proper administration, together with a history of severe iron deficiency anemia, which required transfusion of deplasmatized blood, led to the prescription of intravenous iron. This administration was scheduled and monitored, occurring without complications. It is necessary to strengthen prevention of this condition in all pediatric check-ups and address this health problem from an interdisciplinary perspective.

Introdução: a deficiência de ferro é a causa mais comum de anemia por deficiência nutricional. Seu tratamento consiste no fornecimento de alimentos ricos em ferro biodisponível, juntamente com a administração de ferro por via oral. Em circunstâncias especificas, pode ser utilizado ferro intravenoso. Objetivo: descrever a abordagem diagnóstica e terapêutica de uma criança com anemia ferropriva grave secundária a sua má adesão ao ferro oral, e o uso de ferro intravenoso. Caso clínico: 21 meses, raça branca. História de anemia ferropriva grave, com repercussão hemodinâmica que requiriu de transfusão de sangue desplasmatizada aos 14 meses. Não houve nenhum controle de hemoglobina subsequente. Nenhuma adesão à profilaxia oral com ferro. Alto consumo de leite de vaca e baixo consumo de alimentos ricos em ferro. No contexto de infecção respiratória inferior aguda, observa-se anemia clínica com acentuado emagrecimento e anorexia, sem repercussões hemodinâmicas. É confirmada anemia microcítica e hipocrômica grave, com largura de distribuição eritrocitária elevada e metabolismo alterado do ferro. Recebeu sacarose férrica intravenosa por 6 dias com boa tolerância e evolução. Discussão: foram identificados múltiplos fatores de risco para anemia ferropriva. A má resposta ao tratamento com ferro oral devido aos efeitos adversos e ao esquecimento da administração, aliás da história de anemia ferropriva grave, que exigiu transfusão de sangue desplasmatizada, motivaram a indicação do ferro intravenoso. Sua administração foi programada e monitorada, e aconteceu sem intercorrências. É preciso fortalecer a prevenção em todos os controles pediátricos e abordar este problema de saúde numa persectiva interdisciplinar.

Humans , Male , Infant , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/diagnosis , Anemia, Iron-Deficiency/drug therapy , Iron/administration & dosage , Administration, Oral , Risk Factors , Injections, Intravenous
Rev. Asoc. Odontol. Argent ; 111(2): 1110811, mayo-ago. 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1532448


Objetivo: Determinar los hábitos de medicación sistémica de odontólogos especialistas y no especialistas en endodoncia ante diferentes patologías pulpares previos al tratamiento en- dodóntico en Argentina. Materiales y métodos: Se diseñó una encuesta para evaluar la prescripción de antibióticos, tipo de antibióticos, tiempo de prescripción, indicación de antinflamatorios no es- teroides y esteroides ante diferentes patologías pulpares. Se envió a 635 odontólogos especialistas y no especialistas en endodoncia a través de SurveyMonkey. Por medio de la prue- ba de Chi cuadrado se evaluaron las diferencias de medica- ción entre los grupos estudiados. Resultados: En pulpitis se medicó con antibióticos en el 3,48% de los casos y con antinflamatorios en un 62,60%. En necrosis pulpar sin fístula no se indicó ninguna medica- ción en un 64,47% de los casos, seguido de antibióticos en un 24,56%. En necrosis con fístula, el 52,38% no indicó nin- guna medicación, seguido de medicación con antibióticos en un 35,49%. En periodontitis apical aguda la principal medica- ción fue con antinflamatorios (52,79%), seguido de antibió- ticos (32,87%); y en el absceso alveolar agudo, un 57,10% indicó antibióticos seguido de antinflamatorios. El antibiótico de elección fue la penicilina en un 65,23% de los casos, y en caso de alergia a la misma, el antibiótico elegido fue azitromi- cina (30,12%). El tiempo de prescripción fue de 7 días. En la comparación entre especialistas y no especialistas hubo dife- rencias estadísticamente significativas para pulpitis y necrosis con fístula (p<0,01) y no las hubo entre necrosis sin fístula, periodontitis apical aguda y absceso alveolar agudo (p> 0,05). Conclusiones: La penicilina fue el antibiótico de elec- ción de la mayoría de los odontólogos argentinos encuestados junto al ibuprofeno como anti-inflamatorio. Existiría una so- bremedicación en patologías endodónticas que podría contri- buir a la resistencia microbiana a los antibióticos (AU)

Aim: Determine the systemic medication habits of den- tists specialists and non-specialists in endodontists in differ- ent pulp pathologies prior to root canal treatment in Argen- tina. Materials and methods: A survey was designed to evaluate the prescription of antibiotics, the type of antibiotics, prescription time, indication of non-steroidal anti-inflamma- tory drugs in different pulp pathologies. It was sent to 635 general dentists and endodontic specialists via SurveyMon- key. A Chi-square test was made to evaluate the differences in medication between the studied groups. Results: In pulpitis, antibiotics were prescribed in 3.48% of cases and anti-inflammatories in 62.60%. In pul- pal necrosis without fistula, no medication was indicated in 64.47% of cases, followed by antibiotics in 24.56%. In ne- crosis with fistula, 52.38% did not indicate any medication, followed by medication with antibiotics in 35.49%. In acute apical periodontitis the main medication was anti-inflamma-tories (52.79%), followed by antibiotics (32.87%); and for acute alveolar abscess, 57.10% indicated antibiotics, fol- lowed by anti-inflammatories. The antibiotic of choice was penicillin in 65.23% of the cases, and in case of allergy to it, the chosen antibiotic was azithromycin (30.12%). The prescription time was 7 days. In the comparison between specialists and non-specialists, there were significant dif- ferences for pulpitis and necrosis with fistula (p<0.01) and there were no significant differences between necrosis without fistula, acute apical periodontitis and acute alveo- lar abscess (p>0.05). Conclusions: Penicillin was the antibiotic of choice for the majority of the surveyed Argentine dentists, as well as ibuprofen as an anti-inflammatory drug. These could reflect an overmedication in endodontics pathologies that could con- tribute to microbial resistance to antibiotics (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Penicillins/therapeutic use , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/therapeutic use , Dental Pulp Diseases/drug therapy , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Specialties, Dental/standards , Chi-Square Distribution , Administration, Oral , Surveys and Questionnaires , Endodontics/trends
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(2): 222-228, feb. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1522070


Atrial Fibrillation (AF) is the most common sustained arrhythmia and is highly prevalent in elderly patients. It confers a higher risk for ischemic stroke, heart failure and death. The diagnosis and treatment of AF has been extensively studied and remain under constant revision. This article reviews the recent European guidelines and the advances observed with the introduction of direct oral anticoagulants in the last ten years. This new family of drugs has clear benefits in terms of efficacy and safety compared with traditional vitamin K antagonists. Treatment of most common comorbidities in patients with AF such as advanced age, heart failure, diabetes, renal failure, and others are also analyzed. New therapies for AF will be shortly available.

Humans , Aged, 80 and over , Atrial Fibrillation/complications , Atrial Fibrillation/diagnosis , Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Stroke/etiology , Stroke/drug therapy , Diabetes Mellitus/drug therapy , Heart Failure/drug therapy , Comorbidity , Administration, Oral , Anticoagulants/adverse effects
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 838-843, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045704


Objective: To compare the safety and efficacy of different anticoagulants in patients with indications for anticoagulation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Methods: This is a retrospective study. Patients who underwent TAVR from April 2016 to February 2022 in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital and had indications for anticoagulation were included and divided into two groups according to the type of anticoagulants, i.e. non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOAC) and warfarin, and patients were followed up for 30 days. The primary endpoint was the combination of death, stroke, myocardial infarction, valve thrombosis, intracardiac thrombosis and major bleeding. The incidence of endpoints was compared between two groups, and multivariate logistic regression analysis was applied to adjust the bias of potential confounders. Results: A total of 80 patients were included. Mean age was (74.4±7.1) years, 43 (53.8%) were male. Forty-nine (61.3%) patients used NOAC, 31 used warfarin, and major indication for anticoagulants was atrial fibrillation (76/80, 95.0%). The adjusted risks of the primary endpoint (OR=0.23, 95%CI 0.06-0.94, P=0.040) of NOAC were lower than that of warfarin, mainly driven by a lower risk of major bleeding (OR=0.19, 95%CI 0.04-0.92, P=0.039). Conclusions: The short-term outcome of NOAC is better than that of warfarin in patients with indications for anticoagulation after TAVR. Randomized controlled trials of large sample size with long-term follow-up are needed to further testify this finding.

Humans , Male , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Warfarin/therapeutic use , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement , Retrospective Studies , Hemorrhage , Stroke/epidemiology , Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome , Administration, Oral
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 838-843, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046027


Objective: To compare the safety and efficacy of different anticoagulants in patients with indications for anticoagulation after transcatheter aortic valve replacement (TAVR). Methods: This is a retrospective study. Patients who underwent TAVR from April 2016 to February 2022 in Guangdong Provincial People's Hospital and had indications for anticoagulation were included and divided into two groups according to the type of anticoagulants, i.e. non-vitamin K antagonist oral anticoagulant (NOAC) and warfarin, and patients were followed up for 30 days. The primary endpoint was the combination of death, stroke, myocardial infarction, valve thrombosis, intracardiac thrombosis and major bleeding. The incidence of endpoints was compared between two groups, and multivariate logistic regression analysis was applied to adjust the bias of potential confounders. Results: A total of 80 patients were included. Mean age was (74.4±7.1) years, 43 (53.8%) were male. Forty-nine (61.3%) patients used NOAC, 31 used warfarin, and major indication for anticoagulants was atrial fibrillation (76/80, 95.0%). The adjusted risks of the primary endpoint (OR=0.23, 95%CI 0.06-0.94, P=0.040) of NOAC were lower than that of warfarin, mainly driven by a lower risk of major bleeding (OR=0.19, 95%CI 0.04-0.92, P=0.039). Conclusions: The short-term outcome of NOAC is better than that of warfarin in patients with indications for anticoagulation after TAVR. Randomized controlled trials of large sample size with long-term follow-up are needed to further testify this finding.

Humans , Male , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Warfarin/therapeutic use , Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement , Retrospective Studies , Hemorrhage , Stroke/epidemiology , Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Treatment Outcome , Administration, Oral
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 5915-5931, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008790


This study used UPLC-TQ-MS technology to replicate a Henoch-Schonlein purpura(HSP) model in rats by administering warm drugs by gavage and injecting ovalbumin with Freund's complete adjuvant emulsion. The distribution differences and characteristics of eight major components(ferulic acid, caffeic acid, neochlorogenic acid, cryptochlorogenic acid, benzoyl oxypaeoniflorin, tracheloside, loganin, and paeoniflorin) in rat liver, lung, heart, spleen, and kidney tissues were determined after oral administration of the Liangxue Tuizi Mixture at a dose of 42 g·kg~(-1) in both normal physiological and HSP states at 0.5, 1, 2, 6, and 12 hours. The results showed that the distribution patterns of the eight components of Liangxue Tuizi Mixture in the tissues of normal and HSP model rats were different. The main component, paeoniflorin, in Moutan Cortex and Paeoniae Radix Alba had higher content in all tissues. The eight components were predominantly distributed in the liver, lung, and kidney tissues, followed by spleen and heart tissues.

Rats , Animals , IgA Vasculitis/drug therapy , Monoterpenes , Administration, Oral , Liquid Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009431


Objective To investigate the anti-inflammatory effect of artemisinin (ART) encapsulated by β-lactoglobulin (BLG) nanoparticles on Winnie spontaneous ulcerative colitis mouse model. Methods BLG-ART nanoparticles were prepared and their effects on the solubility and stability of ART were evaluated. A mouse model of colitis induced by dextran sulfate sodium (DSS) was used to compare the therapeutic effects of artemisinin (ART) administered by direct gavage and artemisinin encapsulated by β-lactoglobulin nanoparticles (BLG-ART) administered by gavage. Winnie mice were randomly divided into blank group, ART group and BLG-ART group. Mice in the ART group were given 50 mg/kg ART by gavage; mice in the BLG-ART group were given the same dose of BLG-ART nanoparticle PBS dispersion by gavage; mice in the blank group were given the same amount of PBS by gavage, for 16 days. The body mass and disease activity index (DAI) of each group of mice were measured. HE staining was used to observe the pathological changes of mouse intestinal tissue, and real-time quantitative PCR was used to detect the mRNA expression levels of TNF-α, interleukin 1β (IL-1β), IL-10 and IL-17 in mouse colon tissue. Results Compared with the ART group and the blank group, the body mass of the BLG-ART group increased and the DAI decreased after 16-day treatment; the crypt structure of the proximal and distal colon regions of the mice recovered; goblet cell loss decreased; neutrophil infiltration decreased and the mRNA expression levels of pro-inflammatory and anti-inflammatory cytokines were significantly down-regulated. Conclusion ART-BLG can alleviate intestinal inflammation in spontaneous ulcerative colitis mice.

Animals , Mice , Colitis, Ulcerative/drug therapy , Nanospheres , Inflammation , Administration, Oral , Artemisinins , Disease Models, Animal , RNA, Messenger
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010712


Recent studies have suggested that long-term application of anti-angiogenic drugs may impair oral mucosal wound healing. This study investigated the effect of sunitinib on oral mucosal healing impairment in mice and the therapeutic potential of Bifidobacterium breve (B. breve). A mouse hard palate mucosal defect model was used to investigate the influence of sunitinib and/or zoledronate on wound healing. The volume and density of the bone under the mucosal defect were assessed by micro-computed tomography (micro-CT). Inflammatory factors were detected by protein microarray analysis and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). The senescence and biological functions were tested in oral mucosal stem cells (OMSCs) treated with sunitinib. Ligated loop experiments were used to investigate the effect of oral B. breve. Neutralizing antibody for interleukin-10 (IL-10) was used to prove the critical role of IL-10 in the pro-healing process derived from B. breve. Results showed that sunitinib caused oral mucosal wound healing impairment in mice. In vitro, sunitinib induced cellular senescence in OMSCs and affected biological functions such as proliferation, migration, and differentiation. Oral administration of B. breve reduced oral mucosal inflammation and promoted wound healing via intestinal dendritic cells (DCs)-derived IL-10. IL-10 reversed cellular senescence caused by sunitinib in OMSCs, and IL-10 neutralizing antibody blocked the ameliorative effect of B. breve on oral mucosal wound healing under sunitinib treatment conditions. In conclusion, sunitinib induces cellular senescence in OMSCs and causes oral mucosal wound healing impairment and oral administration of B. breve could improve wound healing impairment via intestinal DCs-derived IL-10.

Animals , Mice , Interleukin-10 , Bifidobacterium breve , Up-Regulation , Angiogenesis Inhibitors , Sunitinib , X-Ray Microtomography , Administration, Oral , Wound Healing , Antibodies, Neutralizing
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011026


With the enhancement of aesthetic awareness of children's oral maxillofacial development, multi-disciplinary doctors pay attention to children's oral maxillofacial management. Artificial intelligence (AI) technology has been gradually applied to all fields of children's oral maxillofacial management because of its outstanding advantages in medical screening and auxiliary decision-making. This article reviews the application of AI technology in the screening, diagnosis, treatment and follow-up of oral maxillofacial management in children.

Child , Humans , Artificial Intelligence , Administration, Oral
Zhongguo zhenjiu ; (12): 40-44, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-969945


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the therapeutic effect of governor vessel moxibustion combined with wenyang yiqi qiwei decoction on erectile dysfunction (ED) with spleen-kidney deficiency and to explore the possible mechanism.@*METHODS@#A total of 130 ED patients with spleen-kidney deficiency were randomized into an observation group (65 cases, 2 cases dropped off) and a control group (65 cases, 3 cases dropped off). The control group was given wenyang yiqi qiwei decoction orally, one dose daily. On the basis of the treatment in the control group, governor vessel moxibustion was applied from Dazhui (GV 14) to Yaoshu (GV 2) in the observation group, 110 min a time, once a day. The treatment of 4 weeks was required in both groups. Before and after treatment, 5-question international index of erectile function (IIEF-5) score, erection quality scale (EQS) score, erectile hardness assessment (EHS) score, TCM syndrome score, serum testosterone (T) level and vascular endothelial function indexes (prostaglandin I2 [PGI2], endothelin-1 [ET-1] and nitric oxide [NO] levels) were observed respectively, and the clinical efficacy was evaluated in both groups.@*RESULTS@#After treatment, the scores of IIEF-5, EQS, EHS and serum levels of T, PGI2, NO were increased compared before treatment (P<0.01), the TCM syndrome scores and serum ET-1 levels were decreased compared before treatment (P<0.01) in the two groups; the scores of IIEF-5, EQS, EHS and serum levels of T, PGI2, NO in the observation group were higher than those in the control group (P<0.01, P<0.05), the TCM syndrome score and serum ET-1 level were lower than those in the control group (P<0.01, P<0.05). The total effective rate was 88.9% (56/63) in the observation group, which was superior to 74.2% (46/62) in the control group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#Governor vessel moxibustion combined with wenyang yiqi qiwei decoction can improve the erectile function and increase the erection hardness and quality in ED patients with spleen-kidney deficiency, its mechanism may relate to improving serum T level and vascular endothelial function.

Humans , Male , Administration, Oral , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Erectile Dysfunction/therapy , Kidney/pathology , Kidney Diseases/complications , Moxibustion , Spleen/pathology , Splenic Diseases/complications , Testosterone/blood , Combined Modality Therapy
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 285-291, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970464


Protein polypeptides and polysaccharides, the indispensable macromolecular active components in traditional Chinese medicine, are widely found in Chinese medicine decoction after the decoction of traditional Chinese medicine. However, through oral administration, these macromolecules are digested by the stomach and intestine and thus fail to be absorbed in prototype. This is inconsistent with the actual clinical efficacy of Chinese medicine decoction. According to modern research, new phase structures and effects of the macromolecules emerge during the decoction of traditional Chinese medicine, but the phase change law caused by the interaction among the components of traditional Chinese medicine and the relationship between phase structure and effect are still unclear. Thus, this study reviewed the oral absorption of macromolecular components of traditional Chinese medicine, analyzed the internal relationship of the form of macromolecules in traditional Chinese medicine with the absorption and effect based on phase structure, and summarized the research mode of oral absorption and effect of macromolecules in traditional Chinese medicine with phase structures as the core, providing new ideas and methods for future research.

Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/chemistry , Stomach , Administration, Oral
Zhongguo Zhong Yao Za Zhi ; (24): 853-860, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970557


The degeneration of monoaminergic system and the reduction of monoamine neurotransmitters(MNTs) are associated with the occurrence of a variety of neuropsychiatric diseases, becoming the key indicators for clinical diagnosis and treatment. Recent studies suggested gut microbiota could influence the occurrence, development, and treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases by directly or indirectly regulating the synthesis and metabolism of MNTs. Rich clinical experience has been accumulated in the amelioration and treatment of neuropsychiatric diseases by traditional Chinese medicines. The traditional oral administration method demonstrates obvious advantages in regulating gut microbiota. It provides a new idea for explaining the pharmacodynamic material basis and mechanism of traditional Chinese medicines in ameliorating neuropsychiatric disease by improving the levels of MNTs via gut microbiota regulation. Focusing on three common neuropsychiatric diseases including Alzheimer's disease, Parkinson's disease, and major depression, we summarized the pathways of gut microbiota in regulating the levels of MNTs and the paradigms of traditional Chinese medicines in ameliorating neuropsychiatric diseases via the "bacteria-gut-brain axis", aiming to provide ideas for the development of drugs and treatment schemes.

Humans , Administration, Oral , Alzheimer Disease , Brain-Gut Axis , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Neurotransmitter Agents
Zhonghua xinxueguanbing zazhi ; (12): 504-512, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984682


Objective: To investigate current use of oral anticoagulant (OAC) therapy and influencing factors among coronary artery disease (CAD) patients with nonvalvular atrial fibrillation (NVAF) in China. Methods: Results of this study derived from "China Atrial Fibrillation Registry Study", the study prospectively enrolled atrial fibrillation (AF) patients from 31 hospitals, and patients with valvular AF or treated with catheter ablation were excluded. Baseline data such as age, sex and type of atrial fibrillation were collected, and drug history, history of concomitant diseases, laboratory results and echocardiography results were recorded. CHA2DS2-VASc score and HAS-BLED score were calculated. The patients were followed up at the 3rd and 6th months after enrollment and every 6 months thereafter. Patients were divided according to whether they had coronary artery disease and whether they took OAC. Results: 11 067 NVAF patients fulfilling guideline criteria for OAC treatment were included in this study, including 1 837 patients with CAD. 95.4% of NVAF patients with CAD had CHA2DS2-VASc score≥2, and 59.7% of patients had HAS-BLED≥3, which was significantly higher than NVAF patients without CAD (P<0.001). Only 34.6% of NVAF patients with CAD were treated with OAC at enrollment. The proportion of HAS-BLED≥3 in the OAC group was significantly lower than in the no-OAC group (36.7% vs. 71.8%, P<0.001). After adjustment with multivariable logistic regression analysis, thromboembolism(OR=2.48,95%CI 1.50-4.10,P<0.001), left atrial diameter≥40 mm(OR=1.89,95%CI 1.23-2.91,P=0.004), stain use (OR=1.83,95%CI 1.01-3.03, P=0.020) and β blocker use (OR=1.74,95%CI 1.13-2.68,P=0.012)were influence factors of OAC treatment. However, the influence factors of no-OAC use were female(OR=0.54,95%CI 0.34-0.86,P=0.001), HAS-BLED≥3 (OR=0.33,95%CI 0.19-0.57,P<0.001), and antiplatelet drug(OR=0.04,95%CI 0.03-0.07,P<0.001). Conclusion: The rate of OAC treatment in NVAF patients with CAD is still low and needs to be further improved. The training and assessment of medical personnel should be strengthened to improve the utilization rate of OAC in these patients.

Humans , Female , Male , Atrial Fibrillation/drug therapy , Coronary Artery Disease/complications , Anticoagulants/therapeutic use , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Risk Factors , China , Administration, Oral , Stroke
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1579010


INTRODUCCIÓN: la medicación preanestésica con agonistas alfa 2 tiene como objetivo optimizar al paciente. OBJETIVO: es demostrar que la administración de clonidina por vía oral, produce estabilidad hemodinámica durante todo el proceso perioperatorio. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: estudio prospectivo, experimental, se realiza en pacientes sometidos a prótesis de cadera, dividido en 2 grupos, el grupo A de estudio, en el que además del catéter peridural se administrará premedicación con clonidina vía oral; el grupo B de control, en el que solo se administrará el catéter peridural, las variables a analizar: presión arterial media, frecuencia cardiaca, sangrado transoperatorio, requerimiento de transfusión, necesidad de vasopresor, dolor postoperatorio y los datos demográficos. RESULTADOS: se obtuvieron 16 pacientes de los cuales 7 pertenecen al grupo A y 9 al grupo B, la edad promedio del grupo A fue de 55 años y 65 años para el grupo B; la Presión Arterial Media (PAM) después del inicio de la anestesia presento una p=0,129, el porcentaje de variación de la PAM después del inicio de la anestesia en relación a la PAM con una p=0,62, el sangrado transoperatorio p=0,22, en relación al número de paquetes transfundidos con una p=1,15, en relación al uso vasopresor con una p=0,34. CONCLUSIÓN: no se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en ambos grupos, en relación a los cambios hemodinámicos (presión arterial media, frecuencia cardiaca), tanto después del inicio de la anestesia, como en el transoperatorio y postoperatorio, con una p de 0.62, 0.10, 0.099 respectivamente.

BACKGROUND: the preanesthetic medication with agonists alpha 2 have as objective to optimize the patient, OBJECTIVE: is to demonstrate that oral administration of clonidine produces hemodynamic stability during the entire perioperative process. MATERIAL AND METHODS: prospective and experimental study, performed in patients undergoing hip prosthesis, divided into 2 groups, study group A, in which in addition to the epidural catheter will be administered premedication with clonidine orally; control group B, in which only the epidural catheter will be administered, the variables to be analyzed: mean arterial pressure, heart rate, transoperative bleeding, transfusion requirement, need for vasopressor, postoperative pain and demographic data. RESULTS: sixteen patients were obtained, 7 belonging to group A and 9 to group B, the average age of group A was 55 years old and 65 years old for group B; The mean arterial pressure (MAP) after the start of anesthesia presented a p=0.129, the percentage of variation of MAP after the start of anesthesia in relation to MAP with a p=0.62, the transoperative bleeding p=0.22, in relation to the number of transfused packages with a p=1.15, in relation to the use of vasopressor with a p=0.34. CONCLUSIONS: they were not differences statistically significant in both groups, in relation to the hemodynamic changes (pressure arterial stocking, heart frequency), so much after the beginning of the anesthesia, like in the transoperative and postoperative, with a p of 0.62, 0.10, 0.099 respectively.

Humans , Middle Aged , Patients , Clonidine , Administration, Oral
Enferm. foco (Brasília) ; 13: 1-6, dez. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1413689


Objetivo: Avaliar o conhecimento sobre a terapêutica medicamentosa de indivíduos em uso de anticoagulantes orais. Métodos: Estudo transversal, quantitativo, com participação de 90 indivíduos em uso de anticoagulantes orais acompanhados em ambulatório de anticoagulação em Recife-PE. Os dados foram coletados de abril a julho de 2020 através de dois questionários, analisados por estatística descritiva e dispostos em tabelas. Resultados: A maioria dos indivíduos (42,2%) apresentou conhecimento adequado acerca do tratamento. Na associação do conhecimento com outras variáveis, houve significância estatística entre conhecimento adequado com resultados do International Normalized Ratio dentro da faixa indicada (p=0,001) e com idade menor que 60 anos (p=0,018), e entre conhecimento inadequado com baixa escolaridade (p=0,045), hipertensão (p=0,009) e tabagismo (p=0,041). Conclusão: A maioria dos indivíduos apresentou conhecimento adequado acerca do tratamento. Houve associação significativa entre conhecimento adequado e resultados do INR e entre a idade, assim como conhecimento inadequado e baixa escolaridade, não ser tabagista e hipertensão. (AU)

Objective: to assess knowledge about drug therapy using oral anticoagulant drugs. Methods: Cross-sectional, quantitative study, with the participation of 90 users using anticoagulants or followed up in an anticoagulation clinic in Recife-PE. Data were collected from April to July 2020 through two questionnaires, dispersed by descriptive statistics and arranged in tables. Results: Most owners (42.2%) have adequate knowledge of the treatment. In the association of knowledge with other variables, there was significance between adequate knowledge with results of the International Normalized Ratio within the given range (p = 0.001) and aged less than 60 years (p = 0.018), and between inadequate knowledge with low education (p = 0.018) p = 0.045), hypertension (p = 0.009) and smoking (p = 0.041). Conclusion: Most individuals had adequate knowledge about the treatment. There was a significant association between adequate knowledge and INR results and between age, as well as inadequate knowledge and low education, not being a smoker and hypertension. (AU)

Objetivo: Evaluar el conocimiento sobre farmacoterapia de personas que utilizan anticoagulantes orales. Métodos: Estudio transversal, cuantitativo, en el que participaron 90 personas en tratamiento con anticoagulantes orales seguidos en una clínica de anticoagulación en Recife-PE. Los datos fueron recolectados de abril a julio de 2020 a través de dos cuestionarios, analizados por estadística descriptiva y ordenados en tablas. Resultados: La mayoría de los individuos (42,2%) tenía un conocimiento adecuado sobre el tratamiento. En la asociación de conocimiento con otras variables, hubo significancia estadística entre conocimiento adecuado y resultados de la Razón Internacional Normalizada dentro del rango indicado (p = 0.001) y menor de 60 años (p = 0.018), y entre conocimiento inadecuado con baja educación (p = 0,045), hipertensión (p = 0,009) y tabaquismo (p = 0,041). Conclusión: La mayoría de las personas tenían un conocimiento adecuado sobre el tratamiento. Hubo una asociación significativa entre el conocimiento adecuado y los resultados del INR y entre la edad, así como el conocimiento inadecuado y la baja escolaridad, no ser fumador e hipertensión. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Anticoagulants/administration & dosage , Cardiovascular Diseases/drug therapy , Patient Education as Topic , Cross-Sectional Studies , Administration, Oral , Prospective Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sociodemographic Factors
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 120(5): e226-e230, oct. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1395843


Los hemangiomas infantiles (HI) son los tumores benignos más frecuentes de la infancia; la variante segmentaria es rara y se asocia con un mal pronóstico. Una de sus principales complicaciones es la ulceración durante la fase de crecimiento del tumor, a pesar de no presentar características macroscópicas compatibles con una lesión agresiva. El manejo en estos casos es dificultoso e impone la necesidad de asociar múltiples estrategias, algunas orientadas específicamente a impedir la proliferación del hemangioma y otras orientadas a la curación de la herida, el manejo del dolor y la prevención de la infección agregada. Presentamos dos casos a fin de comunicar nuestra experiencia respecto del manejo de dicha patología y su evolución final.

Infantile hemangiomas (IHs) are the most common benign tumors of childhood, and segmental ones are rare and associated with a poor prognosis. While these tumors look harmless, one of their main related complications is ulceration during tumor growth. The management in these cases is extremely challenging, requiring a combination of multiple approaches, some specifically aimed at preventing the proliferation of the hemangioma and others aimed at wound care, pain management, and prevention of further infection. Here we discuss two cases to narrate our experience on the management of this condition and its outcome.

Humans , Female , Infant, Newborn , Skin Neoplasms/drug therapy , Skin Ulcer/etiology , Skin Ulcer/drug therapy , Hemangioma/complications , Propranolol , Ulcer/etiology , Administration, Oral , Treatment Outcome , Hemangioma/drug therapy
Int. j. morphol ; 40(3): 808-816, jun. 2022. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385645


SUMMARY: Diabetic nephropathy (DN) is the most common complication of diabetes. Several studies have been done in a trial to protect against this problem at the ultrastructure level. This study investigates the protective effect of oral administration of Acacia senegal (AS) against the development of DN. Sixty male albino rats were randomly divided into six groups: control, Acacia senegal control, Diabetic untreated, diabetic insulin-treated, Diabetic AS treated, and Diabetic insulin and AS combined treated groups. Plasma glucose, HbA1c, serum Albumin, creatinine, urine creatinine was measured using specific kits. Determinations of creatinine clearance and blood pressure were done. The renal tissues of both kidneys were prepared to investigate under both light (LM) and electron microscope (EM). Ultrastructure examination of renal rats tissue of diabetic untreated rats showed the destruction of the glomerular basement membrane and endothelial cells together with hemorrhage in glomerular capsules (Bowman's capsules). On the other side, both LM and EM revealed improving the endothelial cells and the other glomerular capsules structures, especially with the combined treated group, which confirmed the improvement of the biochemical investigation in the study. In conclusion, from the present study, using the oral AS together with SC insulin could be protected against the development of DN.

RESUMEN: La nefropatía diabética (ND) es la complicación más común de la diabetes. Se han realizado varios estudios de ensayo para abordar esta dificultad a nivel de ultraestructura. Este estudio investiga el efecto protector de la administración oral de Acacia senegal (AS) contra el desarrollo de la ND. Se dividieron sesenta ratas albinas machos aleatoriamente en seis grupos: control, control de Acacia senegal, diabéticos no tratados, diabéticos tratados con insulina, diabéticos tratados con AS y grupos tratados con compuesto de insulina diabética + AS. Se midieron utilizando kits específicos, glucosa plasmática, HbA1c, albúmina sérica, creatinina en sangre y en orina. Se registraron la creatinina y la presión arterial. Los tejidos renales de ambos riñones se prepararon para investigar tanto con microscopio óptico (MO) como electrónico (ME). El examen de la ultraestructura del tejido renal de ratas diabéticas no tratadas mostró la destrucción de la membrana basal glomerular y las células endoteliales junto con hemorragia en las cápsulas glomerulares (cápsulas de Bowman). Por otro lado, tanto MO como ME revelaron una mejora de las células endoteliales y las estructuras capsulares glomerulares, en el grupo tratado con el compuesto, lo que confirmó la mejora de la investigación bioquímica. En conclusión, el uso de AS oral en combinación con insulina podría proteger contra el desarrollo de ND.

Animals , Rats , Diabetic Nephropathies/prevention & control , Acacia , Gum Arabic/administration & dosage , Kidney/drug effects , Microscopy, Electron , Biomarkers , Administration, Oral , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Disease Models, Animal , Kidney/ultrastructure