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Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(6): 686-690, dic. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1530001


La neumonía por Pneumocystis jirovecii es una enfermedad fúngica oportunista descrita principalmente en pacientes con VIH, sin embargo, tras la introducción de la TARV, ha incrementado su incidencia en pacientes con inmunosupresión no asociada a VIH, como neoplasias hematológicas y trasplantes de órganos sólidos. Presentamos el caso de un varón de 17 años, receptor de un trasplante renal, con inmunosupresión prolongada con corticoesteroides, con cuadro clínico de tos, disnea y fiebre. La TC mostró micronódulos pulmonares centrolobulillares y vidrio esmerilado. El LBA fue compatible con hemorragia alveolar difusa (HAD), con RPC positiva para P. jirovecii. Se descartaron otras infecciones y enfermedades autoinmunes. Recibió tratamiento con cotrimoxazol con buena evolución clínica y mejoría radiológica. Si bien las causas más frecuentes de HAD son etiologías autoinmunes como enfermedades reumatológicas o vasculitis, es prioritario descartar causas infecciosas, incluyendo P. jirovecii, ya que el tratamiento dirigido puede tener un impacto significativo en la mortalidad en este grupo de pacientes.

Pneumocystis jirovecii pneumonia is an opportunistic fungal infection, described mainly in HIV patients, however, after the introduction of ART, its presentation has increased in patients with non-HIV immunosuppression, such as hematological cancers, solid or hematopoietic stem cell transplantation. We report the case of a 17-year-old male, kidney transplant patient, with prolonged immunosuppression with corticoesteroids, with history of cough, dyspnea, and fever. Chest CT evidences centrilobular pulmonary micronodules with ground glass. BAL was performed compatible with diffuse alveolar hemorrhage, with positive PCR for P. jirovecii. Other infections and autoimmune disease were ruled out. He received treatment with cotrimoxazole with clinical improvement of the patient, and follow up chest CT at the end of treatment showed decrease of pulmonary infiltrates. Although the most frequent causes of DAH are autoimmune etiologies such as rheumatic diseases or vasculitis, it is a priority to rule out infectious causes, including P. jirovecii, since targeted treatment could have a significant impact on mortality outcomes in this group of patients.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Pneumonia, Pneumocystis/complications , Hemorrhage/complications , Pneumonia, Pneumocystis/drug therapy , Pneumonia, Pneumocystis/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Alveoli , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Kidney Transplantation , Immunocompromised Host , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Pneumocystis carinii , Immunosuppressive Agents/administration & dosage , Anti-Bacterial Agents/therapeutic use
Neumol. pediátr. (En línea) ; 18(3): 73-82, 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1517019


Las sibilancias recurrentes del preescolar son un problema prevalente. 50% de todos los niños tiene al menos un episodio de sibilancias en los primeros 6 años. Sin embargo, solo 4 % de los menores de 4 años tiene diagnóstico de asma. Por este motivo es fundamental realizar una adecuada anamnesis y examen físico tendientes a descartar causas secundarias, lo que debe ser complementado con exámenes de laboratorio de acuerdo con la orientación clínica. En la actualidad se recomienda indicar tratamiento de mantención con corticoides inhalados en aquellos niños que tengan episodios repetidos de obstrucción bronquial y que tengan una alta probabilidad de respuesta favorable a esta terapia. Se ha demostrado que aquellos pacientes que tienen un recuento de eosinófilos en sangre > 300 células por mm3 o aquellos que presentan una prueba cutánea positiva o IgE específicas positivas para alérgenos inhalados, responderán adecuadamente al tratamiento con esteroides inhalados.

Recurrent wheezing in preschoolers has a high prevalence. 50% of all children have at least one wheezing episode in the first six years of life. However, only 4% of children under four years of age are diagnosed with asthma. Therefore, it is essential to carry out an adequate medical history and physical examination to rule out secondary causes, which must be complemented with laboratory tests in accordance with clinical guidance. It is recommended to indicate maintenance treatment with inhaled corticosteroids to those children who have repeated episodes of wheezing and who have a high probability of a good response to this therapy. It has been demonstrated that those patients who have blood eosinophil count > 300 cells per mm3 or those who have a positive skin test or positive specific IgE for inhaled allergens will have a good response to inhaled corticosteroids.

Humans , Child, Preschool , Asthma/diagnosis , Asthma/therapy , Respiratory Sounds/etiology , Oxygen Inhalation Therapy , Phenotype , Recurrence , Administration, Inhalation , Immunoglobulin E , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Eosinophils
In. Soeiro, Alexandre de Matos; Leal, Tatiana de Carvalho Andreucci Torres; Accorsi, Tarso Augusto Duenhas; Gualandro, Danielle Menosi; Oliveira Junior, Múcio Tavares de; Caramelli, Bruno; Kalil Filho, Roberto. Manual da residência em cardiologia / Manual residence in cardiology. Santana de Parnaíba, Manole, 2 ed; 2022. p.377-382, tab, ilus.
Monography in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1352599
Rev. chil. enferm. respir ; 37(2): 139-148, jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388143


Resumen Desde la notificación de la pandemia por SARS-CoV-2, agente patógeno responsable del COVID-19, muchos de los tratamientos dirigidos a su manejo han estado sometidos a estudios de manera constante, con el fin de comprobar su eficacia y seguridad. El conocimiento de su virología y etiopatogenia posibilitaría objetivar los pasos moleculares específicos que puedan ser blancos terapéuticos de variados fármacos actualmente disponibles. Esta experiencia proviene principalmente de las infecciones por SARS-CoV y MERS-CoV, con resultados variados 'in vitro' en el SARS-CoV-2, sin evidencia clínica que demuestre efectividad y seguridad de dichos tratamientos. A la fecha, no se ha podido concretar con claridad un esquema de tratamiento específico, debido a que la evidencia surgida ha puesto en jaque cada uno de los fármacos propuestos. Esto ha motivado a continuar en la búsqueda de una estrategia efectiva que permita manejar esta pandemia con la seguridad y eficacia necesaria para que el beneficio terapéutico esté por sobre los posibles efectos adversos que estos esquemas farmacológicos pudiesen presentar. La siguiente revisión pretende mostrar la evidencia disponible a la fecha, definiendo la actividad de cada fármaco en función de su mecanismo de acción.

Since the beginning of the pandemic by SARS-CoV-2, the pathogen responsible for COVID-19, many of the therapeutic options for its management have been under constant revision, in order to verify their safety and efficiency. Knowledge of the viral structure and pathogenesis make it possible to determine the molecular pathways that may be targeted with current available drugs. The experience with these drugs comes mainly from infections caused by SARS-CoV and MERS-CoV, in vitro studies with SARS-CoV-2 that yield variable results, and clinical experience that does not ensure effectiveness and safety of such drugs. To date, it has not been possible to elucidate a specific treatment scheme, because of the constant release of evidence that challenges the usefulness of the proposed drugs. This has motived us to continue seeking for an effective strategy that allows to manage this pandemic in a safe and efficient manner, so that therapeutic benefit surpasses the related adverse drug reactions that can occur. The following review aims to showcase the evidence available to date by defining the activity of each drug based on its mechanism of action.

Humans , Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , SARS-CoV-2/drug effects , COVID-19/drug therapy , Plasma , Ivermectin/administration & dosage , Adenosine Monophosphate/analogs & derivatives , Chloroquine/administration & dosage , Interleukin-6/antagonists & inhibitors , Interleukin-1/antagonists & inhibitors , Interferon-beta/administration & dosage , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Ritonavir/administration & dosage , Alanine/analogs & derivatives , Lopinavir/administration & dosage , Anticoagulants/administration & dosage
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(4): 283-290, Apr. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1280044


Abstract Objective Cesarean section (CS) delivery, especially without previous labor, is associated with worse neonatal respiratory outcomes. Some studies comparing neonatal outcomes between term infants exposed and not exposed to antenatal corticosteroids (ACS) before elective CS revealed that ACS appears to decrease the risk of respiratory distress syndrome (RDS), transient tachypnea of the neonate (TTN), admission to the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), and the length of stay in the NICU. Methods The present retrospective cohort study aimed to compare neonatal outcomes in infants born trough term elective CS exposed and not exposed to ACS. Outcomes included neonatal morbidity at birth, neonatal respiratory morbidity, and general neonatal morbidity. Maternal demographic characteristics and obstetric data were analyzed as possible confounders. Results A total of 334 newborns met the inclusion criteria. One third of the population study (n=129; 38.6%) received ACS. The present study found that the likelihood for RDS (odds ratio [OR]=1.250; 95% confidence interval [CI]: 0.454-3.442), transient TTN (OR=1.,623; 95%CI: 0.556-4.739), and NIUC admission (OR=2.155; 95%CI: 0.474-9.788) was higher in the ACS exposed group, although with no statistical significance. When adjusting for gestational age and arterial hypertension, the likelihood for RDS (OR=0,732; 95%CI: 0.240-2.232), TTN (OR=0.959; 95%CI: 0.297--3.091), and NIUC admission (OR=0,852; 95%CI: 0.161-4.520) become lower in the ACS exposed group. Conclusion Our findings highlight the known association between CS-related respiratory morbidity and gestational age, supporting recent guidelines that advocate postponing elective CSs until 39 weeks of gestational age.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Prenatal Care/methods , Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn/prevention & control , Cesarean Section/adverse effects , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Elective Surgical Procedures/adverse effects , Pregnancy Outcome , Intensive Care Units, Neonatal , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Transient Tachypnea of the Newborn/prevention & control , Length of Stay
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 41(1): 21-25, mar. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1178296


El síndrome DRESS es una reacción adversa dermatológica que puede presentarse debido a diversos medicamentos, y constituye uno de los diagnósticos más importantes por encima del síndrome de Stevens-Johnson. Se trata de un caso relacionado con una reacción adversa de muy baja frecuencia, que está documentada en la literatura científica, a varios medicamentos, entre ellos la fenitoína. Por lo mencionado, la publicación de estos casos resulta escasa y limitada. Las principales preocupaciones del paciente relacionadas con su cuadro clínico radicaban en el gran compromiso cutáneo que lo llevó a hospitalización, dolor e incomodidad, por el cual recurrió al manejo tópico generalizado con vaselina. Los hallazgos clínicos relevantes fueron: eosinofilia severa, ulceraciones cutáneas, hepatitis química y fiebre. Con los hallazgos del cuadro clínico y la evaluación de la escala RegiSCAR se hace el diagnóstico de síndrome DRESS inducido por fenitoína. Se suspende la fenitoína, se inicia levetiracetam y se administran corticosteroides y acetaminofén con evolución favorable. (AU)

DRESS syndrome is a dermatological adverse reaction can occur due to various medications, being one of the most important diagnoses above Steven-Johnson syndrome. This is a case related to a very low frequency adverse reaction that is documented in the scientific literature to several medicines among those, the phenytoin. Therefore, the publication of these cases is scarce and limited. The main concerns of the patients related to their clinical picture were due to the great cutaneous compromise that lead to hospitalization, pain and discomfort for which they resorted to generalized topical management with vaseline (petrolatum). Relevant clinical findings were severe eosinophilia, skin ulcerations, chemical hepatitis and fever. With clinical picture findings and evaluation of the RegiSCAR scale, the diagnosis of Phenytoin-induced DRESS syndrome is made. Phenytoin is discontinued, levetiracetam is started and corticosteroids and acetaminophen are administrated with favorable evolution. (AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Phenytoin/adverse effects , Drug Hypersensitivity Syndrome/diagnosis , Petrolatum/therapeutic use , Phenytoin/administration & dosage , Albendazole/administration & dosage , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Eosinophilia/etiology , Exanthema/diagnosis , Levetiracetam/administration & dosage , Acetaminophen/therapeutic use
Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (2004) ; 40(3): 95-104, sept. 2020. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1128985


La relación entre inmunidad y cáncer es compleja. Las células tumorales desarrollan mecanismos de evasión a las respuestas del sistema inmunitario. Esta capacidad permite su supervivencia y crecimiento. La inmunoterapia ha transformado el tratamiento oncológico mejorando la respuesta inmunitaria contra la célula tumoral. Esta se basa en el bloqueo de los puntos de control inmunitario mediante anticuerpos monoclonales contra la molécula inhibidora CTLA-4 (antígeno 4 del linfocito T citotóxico [CTLA-4]) y la proteína 1 de muerte celular programada y su ligando (PD-1/PD-L1). Aunque los inhibidores de los puntos de control inmunitario (ICIs) son fármacos bien tolerados, tienen un perfil de efectos adversos conocido como eventos adversos inmunorrelacionados (EAI). Estos afectan varios sistemas, incluyendo las glándulas endocrinas. Los eventos adversos endocrinos más frecuentes son la disfunción tiroidea, la insuficiencia hipofisaria, la diabetes mellitus autoinmune y la insuficiencia suprarrenal primaria. El creciente conocimiento de estos efectos adversos endocrinos ha llevado a estrategias de tratamiento efectivo con el reemplazo hormonal correspondiente. El objetivo de esta revisión es reconocer la incidencia de estas nuevas endocrinopatías, la fisiopatología, su valoración clínica y el manejo terapéutico. (AU)

The relationship between immunity and cancer is complex. Tumor cells develop evasion mechanisms to the immune system responses. This ability allows their survival and progression. Immunotherapy has transformed cancer treatment by improving the immune response against tumor cells. This is achieved by blocking immune checkpoints with monoclonal antibodies against cytotoxic T lymphocyte-associated antigen 4 (CTLA-4) and programmed cell death protein 1 and its ligand (PD-1 / PD-L1). Although the immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) are well tolerated drugs, they have a profile of adverse effects known as immune-related adverse events (irAES). These involve diverse systems, including the endocrine glands. The most frequent endocrine immune-related adverse events are thyroid and pituitary dysfunction, autoimmune diabetes mellitus and primary adrenal insufficiency. The increasing knowledge of these irAES has led to effective treatment strategies with the corresponding hormonal replacement. The objective of this review is to recognize the incidence of these new endocrinopathies, the physiopathology, their clinical evaluation, and therapeutic management. (AU)

Humans , Endocrine System Diseases/chemically induced , Immunotherapy/adverse effects , Thyroid Diseases/diagnosis , Thyroid Diseases/chemically induced , Thyroid Diseases/pathology , Thyroid Diseases/therapy , Thyroxine/administration & dosage , Triiodothyronine/therapeutic use , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Adrenal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Adrenal Insufficiency/chemically induced , Adrenal Insufficiency/pathology , Adrenal Insufficiency/therapy , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/diagnosis , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/chemically induced , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/pathology , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1/therapy , Endocrine System Diseases/diagnosis , Endocrine System Diseases/physiopathology , Endocrine System Diseases/therapy , Hypophysitis/diagnosis , Hypophysitis/chemically induced , Hypophysitis/pathology , Hypophysitis/therapy , Glucocorticoids/administration & dosage , Insulin/therapeutic use , Methimazole/therapeutic use , Mineralocorticoids/therapeutic use , Antibodies, Monoclonal/therapeutic use , Neoplasms/immunology
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(1): 106-112, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098343


Abstract Hypernatremia is a common electrolyte problem at the intensive care setting, with a prevalence that can reach up to 25%. It is associated with a longer hospital stay and is an independent risk factor for mortality. We report a case of hypernatremia of multifactorial origin in the intensive care setting, emphasizing the role of osmotic diuresis due to excessive urea generation, an underdiagnosed and a not well-known cause of hypernatremia. This scenario may occur in patients using high doses of corticosteroids, with gastrointestinal bleeding, under diets and hyperprotein supplements, and with hypercatabolism, especially during the recovery phase of renal injury. Through the present teaching case, we discuss a clinical approach to the diagnosis of urea-induced osmotic diuresis and hypernatremia, highlighting the utility of the electrolyte-free water clearance concept in understanding the development of hypernatremia.

Resumo A hipernatremia é um distúrbio eletrolítico comum no ambiente de terapia intensiva, com uma prevalência que pode chegar a 25%. Está associada a maior tempo de internação hospitalar e é um fator de risco independente para a mortalidade. Este relato ilustra um caso de hipernatremia de origem multifatorial no ambiente de terapia intensiva. Destacaremos o papel da diurese osmótica por geração excessiva de ureia, uma causa de hipernatremia pouco conhecida e subdiagnosticada. Este cenário pode estar presente em pacientes em uso de elevadas doses de corticoides, com sangramento gastrointestinal, em uso de dietas e suplementos hiperproteicos e estado de hipercatabolismo, especialmente durante a fase de recuperação de injúria renal. A seguir, discutiremos uma abordagem clínica para o diagnóstico da hipernatremia secundária à diurese osmótica induzida por ureia, destacando a importância do conceito de clearance de água livre de eletrólitos nesse contexto.

Humans , Female , Aged , Urea/urine , Urea/blood , Critical Care/methods , Diuresis , Hypernatremia/diagnosis , Potassium/urine , Potassium/blood , Sodium/urine , Sodium/blood , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Critical Illness , Enteral Nutrition/methods , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Diet, Protein-Restricted/methods , Hypernatremia/drug therapy , Intensive Care Units
J. bras. nefrol ; 42(1): 118-123, Jan.-Mar. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098332


ABSTRACT Hemophagocytic syndrome or hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis (HLH) is an infrequent and underdiagnosed condition caused by an overactive immune response, resulting in blood cells phagocytosis. After kidney transplantation (KTx), HLH is usually secondary (or reactive) to infectious and neoplastic processes and has a high mortality rate. No effective treatment is available for this condition. Usual procedures include detecting and treating the pathology triggering the immune system dysregulation, other than administration of intravenous human immunoglobulin (IVIG) and high doses of steroids, and plasmapheresis. The best protocol for maintenance immunosuppressive therapy is also unknown. This article presents two cases of post-KTx reactive HLH that underwent adjuvant IVIG treatment and obtained good clinical results. Despite the high morbidity and mortality associated with reactive HLH after KTx, the early and precise diagnosis and the administration of IVIG therapy along with the treatment of the triggering disease, was an effective strategy to control HLH.

RESUMO A síndrome hemofagocítica (SHF) ou linfo-histiocitose hemofagocítica é uma condição infrequente e subdiagnosticada que tem por base a ativação excessiva da resposta imune, resultando em fagocitose das células do sangue. Após o transplante renal (TxR), a SHF é habitualmente secundária (ou reativa) a processos infecciosos e neoplásicos, culminando em elevadas taxas de mortalidade. Não há evidências quanto ao tratamento ideal dessa condição. Além de investigação e tratamento da patologia desencadeante do processo de desregulação do sistema imune, há descrições do uso de imunoglobulina humana (IVIG), esteroides em altas doses e plasmaférese. Não há evidências quanto à melhor forma de delinear a imunossupressão de manutenção. Este artigo apresenta dois casos de SHF reativa pós-TxR que realizaram tratamento adjuvante com IVIG, obtendo bons resultados clínicos. Apesar da elevada morbimortalidade associada à SHF reativa após o TxR, o diagnóstico ágil e preciso, associado à instituição de terapia com IVIG adjuvante ao tratamento da doença desencadeante, foi uma estratégia eficaz em conter o processo.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Kidney Transplantation/adverse effects , Lymphohistiocytosis, Hemophagocytic/diagnosis , Lymphohistiocytosis, Hemophagocytic/etiology , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/administration & dosage , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Fatal Outcome , Lymphohistiocytosis, Hemophagocytic/drug therapy , Immunologic Factors/administration & dosage , Immunosuppressive Agents/administration & dosage , Kidney Failure, Chronic/surgery
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 66(2): 187-193, Feb. 2020. tab
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1136182


SUMMARY OBJECTIVE To analyze clinical and demographic variables possibly associated with the prescriptions of non-recommended but routinely used therapies for infants with acute viral bronchiolitis. METHODS A cross-sectional study included hospitalized infants with bronchiolitis caused by the respiratory syncytial virus. Those with other associated infections and/or morbidities were excluded. The data were collected from medical records. RESULTS Among 120 cases, 90% used inhaled beta-agonists, 72.5% corticosteroids, 40% antibiotics, and 66.7% inhaled hypertonic saline solution. The use of bronchodilators did not present an independent association with another variable. More frequent use of corticosteroids was associated with low oximetry, longer hospitalization time, and age>3 months. Antibiotic therapy was associated with the presence of fever, longer hospitalization, and age>3 months. Inhaled hypertonic saline solution was associated with longer hospitalization time. CONCLUSIONS Non-recommended prescriptions were frequent. Corticosteroid and antibiotic therapy were associated with signs of severity, as expected, but interestingly, they were more frequently used in infants above 3m, which suggested less safety in the diagnosis of viral bronchiolitis in these patients. The use of bronchodilators was even more worrying since they were indiscriminately used, without association with another variable related to the severity or characteristics of the host. The use of the inhaled hypertonic solution, although not associated with severity, seems to have implied a longer hospitalization time. The identification of these conditions of greater vulnerability to the prescription of inappropriate therapies contributes to the implantation of protocols for the bronchiolitis treatment, for continuing education and for analysis of the effectiveness of the strategies employed.

RESUMO OBJETIVOS Analisar variáveis clínicas e demográficas possivelmente associadas às prescrições de terapêuticas não recomendadas, porém rotineiramente utilizadas, para lactentes com bronquiolite viral aguda. MÉTODOS Estudo transversal incluiu lactentes hospitalizados com bronquiolite por vírus sincicial respiratório. Excluídos aqueles com outras infecções e/ou morbidades. Dados coletados de prontuários. RESULTADOS Analisados 120 casos, para os quais foram prescritos: beta-agonistas inalatórios a 90%; corticosteroides a 72,5%, antibióticos a 40% e solução salina hipertônica inalatória a 66,7%. O uso de broncodilatadores não apresentou associação independente com outra variável. Maior uso de corticosteroide associou-se à baixa oximetria, maior tempo de internação e idade >3 meses. Antibioticoterapia associou-se à presença de febre, maior tempo de internação e idade >3 meses. Solução salina hipertônica inalatória associou-se a maior tempo de internação. CONCLUSÕES A frequência das prescrições não recomendadas foi elevada. Corticosteroide e antibioticoterapia foram associados a sinais de gravidade, como esperado, porém, interessantemente, foram mais utilizados nos lactentes com idade acima de 3 meses, o que sugeriu menor segurança no diagnóstico de bronquiolite viral nesses pacientes. O uso de broncodilatadores foi ainda mais preocupante, uma vez que foram indiscriminadamente utilizados, sem associação com outra variável, seja relacionada à gravidade, seja a características do hospedeiro. O uso de solução hipertônica inalatória, apesar de não associado à gravidade, parece ter implicado maior tempo de internação. A identificação dessas condições de maior vulnerabilidade à prescrição de terapêuticas inadequadas contribui para a implantação de protocolos para o tratamento da BVA, para educação continuada e para posteriores comparações e análises de eficácia das estratégias empregadas.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Bronchiolitis, Viral/drug therapy , Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections/drug therapy , Inappropriate Prescribing/statistics & numerical data , Saline Solution, Hypertonic/administration & dosage , Bronchodilator Agents/administration & dosage , Logistic Models , Acute Disease , Cross-Sectional Studies , Multivariate Analysis , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Statistics, Nonparametric , Hospitalization , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 118(1): 38-43, 2020-02-00. tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1095346


Introducción. El asma es una enfermedad inflamatoria crónica con alta prevalencia en pacientes pediátricos. Existen resultados contradictorios respecto al efecto de esta enfermedad en los índices de caries dental. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de caries dental en pacientes pediátricos asmáticos con medicación inhalatoria. Población y métodos. Estudio de casos y controles cuya muestra estuvo conformada por pacientes pediátricos que acudieron al Centro Médico Naval "Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara" de diciembre de 2014 a marzo de 2015. Se dividieron en dos grupos: el primero (casos), integrado por pacientes asmáticos que utilizaban inhaladores en su tratamiento; el segundo (controles), por pacientes sanos del mismo nosocomio. Se realizó una evaluación médica para determinar tipo, tiempo y frecuencia del tratamiento y un examen oral para determinar la prevalencia de caries dental y el índice de dientes cariados, perdidos y obturados (CPOD). Resultados. Se encontró que la prevalencia de caries dental en el grupo control fue del 34,2 %, mientras, en el grupo casos, fue del 28,3 % (p = 0,094). Con respecto al índice de caries dental, el grupo control presentó CPOD de 4,73 ± 0,32, y el grupo casos, de 3,98 ± 0,31 (p = 0,08). Sin embargo, se evidenció que, a mayor tiempo de tratamiento con los inhaladores, el índice CPOD aumentaba significativamente (p = 0,04).Conclusiones. La medicación inhalatoria no incrementa la prevalencia de caries dental en pacientes pediátricos asmáticos. Sin embargo, existe una relación directa entre la duración del tratamiento y la prevalencia de caries dental

Introduction. Asthma is a chronic inflammatory disease that is highly prevalent among pediatric patients. The results about the effect of asthma on the rate of dental caries are contradictory. The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of dental caries in asthma pediatric patients using inhaled drugs. Population and methods. Case-control study in a sample made up of pediatric patients who attended Centro Médico Naval "Cirujano Mayor Santiago Távara" between December 2014 and March 2015. Patients were divided into two groups: group A (cases) included asthma patients using inhalers as part of their treatment; group B (controls), healthy subjects who attended the same facility. A medical examination was done to determine the type, time, and frequency of treatment and an oral exam, to establish the prevalence of dental caries and the decayed, missing, and filled teeth (DMFT) index. Results. The prevalence of dental caries was 34.2 % in the control group and 28.3 % in the case group (p = 0.094). In relation to the rate of dental caries, the DMFT index in the control group was 4.73 ± 0.32, and 3.98 ± 0.31 in the case group (p = 0.08). However, it was evidenced that a longer duration of inhaler use led to a significantly higher DMFT index (p = 0.04).Conclusions. Inhaled drugs do not increase the prevalence of dental caries in asthma pediatric patients. However, there is a direct relationship between treatment duration and the prevalence of dental caries.

Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Asthma/drug therapy , Dental Caries Susceptibility , Metered Dose Inhalers , Dry Powder Inhalers , Bronchodilator Agents/administration & dosage , Case-Control Studies , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prevalence , Tooth Loss , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Dental Care for Children
J. bras. pneumol ; 46(1): e20190307, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1090792


ABSTRACT The pharmacological management of asthma has changed considerably in recent decades, as it has come to be understood that it is a complex, heterogeneous disease with different phenotypes and endotypes. It is now clear that the goal of asthma treatment should be to achieve and maintain control of the disease, as well as to minimize the risks (of exacerbations, disease instability, accelerated loss of lung function, and adverse treatment effects). That requires an approach that is personalized in terms of the pharmacological treatment, patient education, written action plan, training in correct inhaler use, and review of the inhaler technique at each office visit. A panel of 22 pulmonologists was invited to perform a critical review of recent evidence of pharmacological treatment of asthma and to prepare this set of recommendations, a treatment guide tailored to use in Brazil. The topics or questions related to the most significant changes in concepts, and consequently in the management of asthma in clinical practice, were chosen by a panel of experts. To formulate these recommendations, we asked each expert to perform a critical review of a topic or to respond to a question, on the basis of evidence in the literature. In a second phase, three experts discussed and structured all texts submitted by the others. That was followed by a third phase, in which all of the experts reviewed and discussed each recommendation. These recommendations, which are intended for physicians involved in the treatment of asthma, apply to asthma patients of all ages.

RESUMO O manejo farmacológico da asma mudou consideravelmente nas últimas décadas, com base no entendimento de que a asma é uma doença heterogênea e complexa, com diferentes fenótipos e endótipos. Agora está claro que o objetivo do tratamento da asma deve ser alcançar e manter o controle da doença e evitar riscos futuros (exacerbações, instabilidade da doença, perda acelerada da função pulmonar e efeitos adversos do tratamento). Isso implica em uma abordagem personalizada, incluindo tratamento farmacológico, educação do paciente, plano de ação por escrito, treinamento para uso do dispositivo inalatório e revisão da técnica inalatória a cada visita ao consultório. Um painel de 22 pneumologistas brasileiros foi convidado a revisar criticamente evidências recentes de tratamento farmacológico da asma e a preparar esta recomendação, um guia de tratamento adaptado à nossa realidade. A escolha dos tópicos ou questões relacionadas às mudanças mais significativas nos conceitos e, consequentemente, no manejo da asma na prática clínica foi realizada por um painel de especialistas. Foi solicitado a cada especialista que revisasse criticamente um tópico ou respondesse a uma pergunta, com base em evidências, para estas recomendações. Numa segunda fase, três especialistas discutiram e estruturaram todos os textos submetidos pelos demais e, na última fase, todos revisaram e discutiram cada recomendação. As presentes recomendações se aplicam a adultos e crianças com asma e destinam-se a médicos envolvidos no tratamento da doença.

Humans , Asthma/drug therapy , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Anti-Asthmatic Agents/administration & dosage , Disease Management , Severity of Illness Index , Administration, Inhalation , Brazil , Risk Factors , Age Factors , Symptom Flare Up
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 117(6): 644-647, dic. 2019. ilus
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1046628


La enfermedad de Behçet (EB) es un trastorno de vasculitis sistémica poco frecuente, de etiología desconocida, que se caracteriza por la presencia de aftas bucales, úlceras genitales y uveítis recurrentes. Afecta los sistemas nerviosos central y periférico; raramente se produce durante la niñez. La meningitis aséptica aguda aislada es muy poco frecuente. En este artículo, se describe el caso de una paciente de 14 años con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Behçet con afectación neurológica (neuro-Behçet). La paciente tenía cefalea aguda, diplopia, papiledema e irritación meníngea. Tenía antecedentes de úlceras bucales recurrentes. Las imágenes por resonancia magnética de cerebro revelaron paquimeningitis. Los hallazgos en el líquido cefalorraquídeo fueron pleocitosis y aumento de la presión. Pese al tratamiento médico, sus síntomas no se resolvieron. No se detectó uveítis y la prueba de patergia fue negativa. El alelo HLA-B51 fue positivo. Se consideró que los hallazgos apuntaban a la poco frecuente enfermedad de Behçet con afectación neurológica. La paciente mejoró drásticamente luego del tratamiento con corticoesteroides. En el diagnóstico diferencial de meningitis, se debe considerar la EB, a menos que se demuestre la presencia de un agente infeccioso. Hasta donde sabemos, anteriormente no se había descrito un caso de paquimeningitis con neuro-Behçet en la población pediátrica.

Behçet's disease (BD) is a rare systemic vasculitis disorder of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent oral and genital apthae and uveitis. It involves the central or peripheral nervous system; occurs rarely during childhood. Isolated acute aseptic meningitis is extremely uncommon. We report here a case of Neuro-Behçet disease (NBD) diagnosed in a 14-year-old girl. The patient presented acute headache, diplopia, papilla edema, and meningeal irritation. She had a history of recurrent oral ulcers. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed pachymeningitis. Pleocytosis and pressure increase were the cerebrospinal fluid findings. Although medical therapy, her complaints were not resolved. Uveitis was not detected, pathergy test was negative. HLA-B51 allele was positive. The findings were considered to unusual NBD. The patient improved dramatically after steroid therapy. BD should be considered in differential diagnosis of meningitis unless an infectious agent is demonstrated. To our knowledge, a case of pachymeningitis with NBD, was not described in children.

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Headache , Meningitis, Aseptic/diagnosis
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(3): 325-330, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040031


Abstract Introduction Oral antihistamines and intranasal corticosteroids have been shown to be effective and safe for the treatment of allergic rhinitis; however, the evidence suggests a level of superiority of corticosteroids, so they should be preferred over the former. Objective To know the prescription profile of two second generation antihistamines (cetirizine and levocetirizine) and two nasal corticosteroids (mometasone and furoateciclesonide) in a cohort of patients with allergic rhinitis, and to compare the clinical outcomes obtained. Methods A cohort study was carried including patients with allergic rhinitis treated with cetirizine, levocetirizine, mometasone furoate or ciclesonide. The improvement was evaluated with the total nasal symptoms score (TNSS). This scale yields results between 0 and 12. Zero indicates absence of symptoms. Results A total of 314 patients completed 12 weeks of follow-up. Seventy-five percent were treated with antihistamines, 20% with corticosteroids, and 5% with a combination of the above. The TNSS median for corticosteroid was 2.5 points; for antihistamines, its was 5 points, and for combination, it was 4 points. We found differences between corticosteroids and antihistamines. Conclusion The prescription percentage of second generation oral antihistamines is higher than that of intranasal corticosteroids. However, patients with allergic rhinitis treated with the second option obtained better control of symptoms.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , Rhinitis, Allergic/drug therapy , Histamine Antagonists/therapeutic use , Drug Prescriptions , Administration, Intranasal , Cohort Studies , Treatment Outcome , Cetirizine/therapeutic use , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Colombia , Mometasone Furoate/therapeutic use
Arq. neuropsiquiatr ; 77(9): 638-645, Sept. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1038745


ABSTRACT Carpal tunnel syndrome (CTS) is the most common mononeuropathy caused by entrapment of the median nerve at the wrist. Common treatment options for CTS include oral analgesics, splinting, hand therapy, local injections with steroids or surgery. Objective: The aim of the present study was to assess the short-term clinical and electrophysiological outcomes of local corticosteroid injection (LCI) in patients with symptomatic CTS. Methods: Electrophysiological parameters were evaluated before and three months after LCI. Moreover, the Numeric Rating Scale (NRS), the Boston Symptom Severity Scale (SSS) and the Functional Status Scale (FSS) were administered before and after the injection. A mixture of 1 mL (40 mg) of methylprednisolone and 1 mL of 0.5% bupivacaine were injected blindly on the volar side of the forearm between the tendons of the radial carpal flexor muscle and long palmar muscle. Results: A total of 25 patients (45 hands) were enrolled in the study. Twenty women and five men with a mean age of 49.28 ± 11.37 years were included. A statistically significant difference was noted for improvement of sensory conduction velocities, sensory peak latency, and motor distal latency (p = 0.001) after LCI. A significant difference was recorded between pre- and post-injection for NRS, SSS and FSS scores (p = 0.000). Conclusion: Local corticosteroid injection for CTS provides a short-term improvement in neurophysiological and clinical outcomes such as pain intensity, symptom severity and functional ability.

RESUMO A síndrome do túnel do carpo (STC) é a mononeuropatia mais comum causada pelo aprisionamento do nervo mediano no punho. Opções comuns de tratamento para STC incluem analgésicos orais, splinting, terapia de mão, injeções locais com esteroides ou cirurgia. Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar os resultados clínicos e eletrofisiológicos de curto prazo da injeção de corticosteroide local (ICL) em pacientes com STC sintomática. Métodos: Os parâmetros eletrofisiológicos foram avaliados antes e três meses após a ICL. Além disso, a Escala Numérica de Avaliação (NRS), a Escala de Gravidade de Sintomas de Boston (BSS) e a Escala de Status Funcional (FSS) foram administradas antes e após a injeção. Uma mistura de 1 ml (40 mg) de metilprednisolona e 1 ml de bupivacaína a 0,5% foi injetada cegamente no lado do antebraço entre os tendões do músculo flexor radial do carpo e o músculo palmar longo. Resultados: Um total de 25 pacientes (45 mãos) foi incluído no estudo. Vinte mulheres e cinco homens com idade média de 49,28 ± 11,37 anos foram incluídos. Foi observada diferença estatisticamente significante para melhora das velocidades de condução sensitiva, latência de pico sensorial, latência motora distal (p = 0,001) após a ICL. Uma diferença significativa foi registrada entre pré e pós-injeção para os escores NRS, BSS e FSS (p = 0,000). Conclusão: A ICL para STC fornece uma melhoria a curto prazo em resultados neurofisiológicos e clínicos, tais como intensidade da dor, gravidade dos sintomas e capacidade funcional.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/physiopathology , Carpal Tunnel Syndrome/drug therapy , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Time Factors , Severity of Illness Index , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Analysis of Variance , Follow-Up Studies , Treatment Outcome , Electromyography , Myalgia/physiopathology , Myalgia/drug therapy , Injections, Intramuscular
Int. arch. otorhinolaryngol. (Impr.) ; 23(1): 101-103, Jan.-Mar. 2019. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002176


Abstract Introduction Eosinophilic chronic rhinosinusitis (ECRS) is characterized by an eosinophilic inflammation driven by Th2-type cytokines. Glucocorticosteroids are the most common first-line treatment for ECRS with nasal polyps. Objective We have evaluated the long-term treatment with double-dose intranasal corticosteroids in refractory ECRS nasal polyps resistant to the conventional dose and assessed the risk of adverse systemic effects Methods Sixteen subjects were enrolled in this study. All subjects had ECRS after endoscopic sinus surgery that resulted in recurrentmild andmoderate nasal polyps and were undergoing a postoperative follow-up application of mometasone furoate at a dose of 2 sprays (100 μg) in each nostril once a day (200 μg). All the patients were prescribed mometasone furoate, administered at a dose of 2 sprays (100 μg) in each nostril twice a day (400 μg) for 6 months. Results The average scores of the symptoms during the regular dose of intranasal steroid treatment were 5.2 ± 2.2, but 6 months after the high-dose application, they had significantly decreased to 2.5 ± 1.4 (p < 0.05). The polyp size showed an average score of 1.38 during the regular dose which was significantly reduced to 0.43 (p < 0.01) by the double dose. Glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) showed normal ranges in all the patients tested. The cortisol plasma concentration was also normal. Conclusion Doubling the dose of the nasal topical spray mometasone furoate might be recommended for the treatment of recurrent nasal polyps in the postoperative follow-up of intractable ECRS. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Sinusitis/drug therapy , Rhinitis/drug therapy , Mometasone Furoate/administration & dosage , Mometasone Furoate/adverse effects , Postoperative Care , Sinusitis/surgery , Administration, Intranasal , Rhinitis/surgery , Nasal Polyps/physiopathology , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/adverse effects , Endoscopy , Nasal Sprays