Non-neoplastic lesions were added in the 5th edition WHO classification of adrenal cortical tumor based on the recent update, including adrenal rests, adrenal cysts, congenital adrenal hyperplasia and adrenocortical nodular disease. A range of tumor concepts were updated or refined based on tumor cell origin, histopathology, oncology and molecular biology. The most significant nomenclature change in the field of adrenal cortical pathology involves the refined classification of adrenal cortical nodular disease, which now includes sporadic nodular adrenocortical disease, bilateral micronodular adrenal cortical disease, and bilateral macronodular adrenal cortical disease. The 5th edition WHO classification endorses the nomenclature of the HISTALDO classification to help the classification of aldosterone producing adrenal cortical lesions, which uses CYP11B2 immunohistochemistry to identify functional sites of aldosterone production. The 5th edition WHO classification does not change the Weiss and Lin-Weiss-Bisceglia histopathologic criteria for diagnosing adrenal cortical carcinomas, and underscores the diagnostic and prognostic impact of angioinvasion in these tumors. Reticulin algorithm and Helsinki scoring system were added to assist the differential diagnosis of adrenal cortical neoplasms in adults. Pediatric adrenal cortical neoplasms are assessed using the Wieneke system. The 5th edition WHO classification places an emphasis on an accurate assessment of tumor proliferation rate using both the mitotic count (mitoses per 10 mm2) and Ki-67 labeling index which play an essential role in the dynamic risk stratification of affected patients. This review highlights advances in knowledge of histological features, ancillary studies, and associated genetic findings that increase the understanding of the adrenal cortex pathologies in the 5th edition WHO classification.
Adult , Humans , Child , Aldosterone , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/chemistry , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/pathology , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms , World Health OrganizationABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the clinicopathological features, diagnosis and differential diagnosis of adrenal cortical carcinoma (ACC) in children. Methods: Twenty-five children with ACC diagnosed in the Department of Pathology, Xinhua Hospital Affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China from March 2014 to August 2022 were retrospectively analyzed. The related literature was reviewed. Results: A total of 25 children with ACC were collected, including 11 males and 14 females, with a male to female ratio of 1.0∶1.3. The patient ages ranged from 8 months to 14 years (median, 4 years). Eighteen cases with clinical data had functional tumors (18/22, 81.8%) presenting with virilization or precocious puberty (15/18), symptoms related to hypercortisolism (8/18) or endocrine symptoms mixed with both (5/18), while 3 cases (3/22, 13.6%) had unknown clinical data. The clinical manifestations of four patients with nonfunctional tumors were an abdominal mass and/or abdominal pain, walking instability and others. Grossly, the average maximum diameter of the tumor was 9.4 cm. Most of the tumors were nodular and partially encapsuled. The cut surfaces were gray or gray brown, soft with hemorrhage. Histologically, the tumor cells were diffusely distributed, separated by a vascular-rich network. The tumor cells were large, with distinct nucleoli, abundant eosinophilic or clear cytoplasm, and round or oval nuclei. The mitotic index was high, and atypical mitoses were common. Necrosis, calcification, capsule invasion or/and venous invasion were present. In some cases, the tumor invaded the surrounding soft tissues or kidneys. Immunohistochemically, the tumor cells were diffusely positive for syn and SF1 and focally positive for α-inhibin, Melan A and Calretinin, but negative for CgA. Ki-67 proliferation index ranged from 2%-90%. TP53 gene status was examined in 7 cases, in which mutations were detected in 4 cases. Follow-up data was obtained in 21 patients, among whom 18 received chemotherapy and 3 received radiotherapy. Distant metastasis occurred in 13 patients. Median progression-free survival (PFS) was 11.2 months and median overall survival (OS) was 54.7 months. Patients aged less than 5 years had a better prognosis for OS (P<0.05) than the older ones (≥5 years), but a similar PFS (P>0.05). Male patients and Ki-67 proliferation index <15% had a better prognosis tendency for OS, but there was no statistically significant difference (P>0.05). Conclusions: ACC in children is a rare, often functional tumor associated with Li-Fraumeni genetic syndrome and has a poor prognosis. Diagnosis and differential diagnosis require a combination of morphological, phenotypic and clinical analysis.
Child , Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Retrospective Studies , Ki-67 Antigen , China , Adrenal Cortex NeoplasmsABSTRACT
Introducción: Los tumores suprarrenales en niños son poco frecuentes y el carcinoma suprarrenal representa menos de un 10 %. En el prepúber, la manifestación más típica es el desarrollo de pubertad precoz. Objetivo: Describir las características clínicas, los procederes diagnósticos y terapéuticos de un paciente con carcinoma adrenal en edad pediátrica. Presentación de caso: Paciente de 8 años, masculino y de piel blanca con antecedentes de salud. Acude a la consulta por crecimiento de vello pubiano y aumento del pene en longitud y grosor de aproximadamente 2 años de evolución. En el examen físico se constatan aumento de la velocidad de crecimiento y signos sugestivos de virilización (voz gruesa, vello axilar, vello sexual púbico y genitales externos estadio III de Tanner). Se realizaron estudios hormonales que corroboraron el hiperandrogenismo por secreción endógena autónoma, con niveles de gonadotropinas suprimidas, niveles de testosterona y dehidroepiandrosterona elevados. También se realizaron estudios imagenológicos que evidenciaron edad ósea acelerada y la existencia de un tumor. Se realizó una adrenalectomía izquierda y se confirmó por anatomía patológica el carcinoma corticosuprarrenal virilizante izquierdo en estadío 2. Inició un tratamiento con quimioterapia por dicho diagnóstico y actualmente se mantiene en seguimiento. Conclusiones: Los carcinomas corticosuprarrenales en niños son mayoritariamente funcionantes y constituyen una de las causas de pubertad precoz periférica. Estos son infrecuentes y agresivos, por lo que la realización de estudios genéticos en familias con síndromes hereditarios contribuiría a su diagnóstico precoz para un adecuado tratamiento y mejor pronóstico(AU)
Introduction: Adrenal tumors in children are rare and adrenal carcinoma represents less than the 10 percent. In the prepubescent, the most typical manifestation is the development of early puberty. Objective: Describe the clinical characteristics and diagnostic and therapeutic procedures of a patient with adrenal carcinoma in a pediatric age. Case presentation: 8-year-old male, white-skinned patient with a history of health conditions. He attentds to the consultation due to pubic hair growth and penis enlargement in length and thickness of approximately 2 years of evolution. Physical examination shows increased growth rate and signs suggestive to virilization (deep voice, axillary hair, pubic sexual hair and external genitalia in Tanner's stage III). Hormonal studies were carried out that corroborated hyperandrogenism by autonomic endogenous secretion, with suppressed gonadotropin levels, elevated testosterone and dehydroepiandrosterone levels. Imaging studies were also performed that showed accelerated bone age and the existence of a tumor. A left adrenalectomy was performed and stage 2 left virilizing adrenocrotical carcinoma was confirmed by pathological anatomy studies. He began chemotherapy treatment for this diagnosis and is currently being followed up. Conclusions: Adrenocortical carcinomas in children are mostly functioning and are one of the causes of peripheral early puberty. These are uncommon and aggressive, so genetic studies in families with hereditary syndromes would contribute to their early diagnosis for adequate treatment and better prognosis(AU)
Humans , Male , Child , Hyperandrogenism , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/diagnosis , Puberty, Precocious , Virilism , Early DiagnosisABSTRACT
@#Adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a rare and aggressive neoplasm with poor prognosis. We report a case of a 30-year-old female who presented with profound classic features of an adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH)-independent Cushing’s syndrome (CS) and a large adrenal mass with massive venous tumor thrombosis of the entire inferior vena cava (IVC), left renal and adrenal veins confirmed by imaging. Adrenal biopsy histopathology and immunohistochemistry confirmed ACC. Systemic palliative chemotherapy was administered. This rare case presents a unique and atypical presentation of an extensive tumor thrombosis of IVC. With the advanced stage at diagnosis, aggressive nature and poor prognosis of the disease, there is still a need to determine viable therapeutic options for metastatic ACC associated with venous invasion.
Adrenocortical CarcinomaABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: El carcinoma adrenocortical es una neoplasia endocrina infrecuente pero con un comportamiento altamente agresivo y pobre pronóstico. Dado su baja prevalencia, la experiencia de los centros de referencia es fundamental para aumentar el conocimiento de esta entidad. Métodos: Se elaboró una serie de casos de pacientes con carcinoma adrenocortical, tratados en una institución oncológica de referencia entre enero de 2007 y diciembre de 2017. Se describieron las características clínicas e histopatológicas de los pacientes. Se estimó el tiempo de supervivencia libre de progresión y el tiempo de supervivencia global (SG) de forma gráfica y con funciones de tiempo al evento mediante la función de Kaplan-Meier. Resultados: Se identificaron 19 pacientes, 14 de los cuales fueron mujeres con edad media al diagnóstico de 43.4 años (rango 20 - 65). El 58% de los pacientes tuvo secreción hormonal, siendo el síndrome de Cushing el predominante. 7 pacientes tuvieron compromiso metastásico al momento del diagnóstico. Todos los pacientes fueron llevados a adrenalectomía y el estado postquirúrgico en 10 pacientes fue R0. Al final del periodo de estudio, 11 pacientes estaban vivos. La mediana de supervivencia libre de progresión fue de 18 meses +/- 7.86 y la mediana de supervivencia global fue de 30 meses +/-19.80. Conclusión: En la población de pacientes analizada, se encontraron desenlaces de supervivencia libre de progresión y supervivencia global similares a lo reportado en centros de alta experiencia en patología adrenal.
Abstract Introduction: Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare endocrine neoplasm, but with highly aggressive behavior and a poor prognosis. Given its low prevalence, the experience of reference centers is essential to characterize the factors associated with this disease. Methods: It is a case series of patients with adrenocortical carcinoma, treated at a reference oncology institute between January 2007 and December 2017. The clinical and histopathological characteristics of patients are described. Progression-free survival and overall survival (OS) were estimated graphically and with time-to-event data using the Kaplan-Meier function. Results: 19 patients were identified; 14 of them were women with a mean age at diagnosis of 43.4 years (range 20-65). 58% of the patients had hormone secretion, with Cushing's syndrome being the predominant one. 7 patients had metastatic compromise at the time of diagnosis. All patients underwent adrenalectomy, and R0 was the post-surgical status in 10 of them. At the end of the study period, 11 patients were alive. The median progression-free survival was 18 months +/- 7.86, and the median overall survival was 30 months +/- 19.8. Conclusion: In the analyzed patient population, outcomes of progression-free survival and overall survival were similar to that reported at centers with extensive experience in adrenal disease.
Humans , Prognosis , Prevalence , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Survival , SurvivorshipABSTRACT
Androgen secreting adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) is a very rare disease with a poor prognosis. Approximately 80% of tumors are functional, most commonly secreting glucocorticoids. We herewith report a case of a huge functional ACC of the right adrenal gland in a 33-year-old female who presented with complaints of hirsutism, amenorrhea and an abdominal lump. On abdominal examination a large lump was palpable in the right hypochondrium reaching up to the umbilicus. Contrast-enhance computed tomography (CECT) revealed a mass in the right suprarenal region. The tumor measured 29 cm × 20 cm × 12 cm and weighed 7.8 kg, the largest reported case of ACC in the world to the best of our knowledge.
Humans , Female , Adult , Adrenal Glands/pathology , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/pathology , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/pathology , Rare DiseasesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate risk factors for complications in patients undergoing adrenalectomy. Materials and Methods: A retrospective search of our institutional database was performed of patients who underwent adrenalectomy, between 2014 and 2018. Clinical parameters and adrenal disorder characteristics were assessed and correlated to intra and post-operative course. Complications were analyzed within 30-days after surgery. A logistic regression was performed in order to identify independent predictors of morbidity in patients after adrenalectomy. Results: The files of 154 patients were reviewed. Median age and Body Mass Index (BMI) were 52-years and 27.8kg/m2, respectively. Mean tumor size was 4.9±4cm. Median surgery duration and estimated blood loss were 140min and 50mL, respectively. There were six conversions to open surgery. Minor and major post-operative complications occurred in 17.5% and 8.4% of the patients. Intra-operative complications occurred in 26.6% of the patients. Four patients died. Mean hospitalization duration was 4-days (Interquartile Range: 3-8). Patients age (p=0.004), comorbidities (p=0.003) and pathological diagnosis (p=0.003) were independent predictors of post-operative complications. Tumor size (p<0.001) and BMI (p=0.009) were independent predictors of intra-operative complications. Pathological diagnosis (p<0.001) and Charlson score (p=0.013) were independent predictors of death. Conclusion: Diligent care is needed with older patients, with multiple comorbidities and harboring unfavorable adrenal disorders (adrenocortical carcinoma and pheocromocytoma), who have greater risk of post-operative complications. Patients with elevated BMI and larger tumors have higher risk of intra, but not of post-operative complications.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Aged , Postoperative Complications/etiology , Adrenal Gland Diseases/surgery , Adrenalectomy/adverse effects , Intraoperative Complications/etiology , Time Factors , Logistic Models , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Analysis of Variance , Treatment Outcome , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/surgery , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/complications , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/pathology , Adrenal Gland Diseases/complications , Adrenal Gland Diseases/pathology , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/complications , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/pathology , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/blood , Statistics, Nonparametric , Tumor Burden , Middle AgedSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Child , Genes, p53/genetics , Early Detection of Cancer/methods , Prognosis , Brazil , Adrenal Cortex/pathology , Adrenal Cortex/diagnostic imaging , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/surgery , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/diagnosis , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/genetics , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/epidemiology , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/surgery , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/diagnosis , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/genetics , Age of Onset , Adrenalectomy/methods , Diagnosis, Differential , Symptom Assessment , MutationABSTRACT
Adrenocortical carcinoma is a rare type of endocrine malignancy with an annual incidence of approximately 1–2 cases per million. The majority of these tumors secrete cortisol, and a few secrete aldosterone or androgen. Estrogen-secreting adrenocortical carcinomas are extremely rare, irrespective of the secretion status of other adrenocortical hormones. Here, we report the case of a 53-year-old man with a cortisol and estrogen-secreting adrenocortical carcinoma. The patient presented with gynecomastia and abdominal discomfort. Radiological assessment revealed a tumor measuring 21×15.3×12 cm localized to the retroperitoneum. A hormonal evaluation revealed increased levels of estradiol, dehydroepiandrosterone sulfate, and cortisol. The patient underwent a right adrenalectomy, and the pathological examination revealed an adrenocortical carcinoma with a Weiss' score of 6. After surgery, he was treated with adjuvant radiotherapy. Twenty-one months after treatment, the patient remains alive with no evidence of recurrence.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms , Adrenalectomy , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Aldosterone , Dehydroepiandrosterone Sulfate , Estradiol , Gynecomastia , Hydrocortisone , Incidence , Radiotherapy, Adjuvant , RecurrenceABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the clinical and functional imaging examination and pathological features of adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC), in order to improve the diagnosis and treatment of ACC.@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 93 patients with ACC were analyzed retrospectively. Their diagnosis, surgical treatment and follow-up of mitotane medcine therapy were madeaccording to clinical manifestations, adrenal endocrine function determination, imaging examination characteristics and histopathological results.@*RESULTS@#Among the 93 patients, the age ranged from 11 to 76 years, with a median age of 48 years. The ratio of male to female was 1:1.2. Twenty-four hours urinary free cortisol (UFC) elevated in 86 cases, adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) decreased in 88 cases, blood F rhythm disappeared in 82 cases, and 31 cases of aldosterone increased. Thirty-six cases of sexual hormone increased. Neuron specific enolase (NSE) increased in 27 cases. Insulin-like growth factor-1 (IGF-1) increased in 26 cases. Seventy-six cases of high-dose dexamethasone suppression test (HDDST) and low-dose dexamethasone supression test (LDDST) were not suppressed separately. There were 62 cases of hypertension, and typical Cushing manifestations in 81 cases. Blood glucose elevated in 54 cases. Hypokalemia was in 21 cases and androgen secretion increased in 36 cases. The maximum diameter of the tumor was 3-17 cm, with 6 cases of adrenal central vein, renal vein and inferior vena cava tumor thrombus. The recurrence time was 1.2-5.0 years after operation. Metastasis and recurrence were in 56 cases during the follow-up, lung metastasis in 13 cases, liver metastasis in 17 cases, retroperitoneal lymph node metastasis in 9 cases, lumbar metastasis in 7 cases, ovarian metastasis in 3 cases, abdominal wall and incision implantation in 4 cases. Fifteen cases with distant metastasis. Seventy-seven patients were treated with radical adrenalectomy, and the other patients were treated with renal and adrenal resection on the same side of the kidney. There were 5 cases of adrenal tumor with vena cava tumor thrombus in the removal of the tumor, and the other for the partial resection of the vena cava in 3 cases. Regarding the clinical stage, stage I was in 39 cases, stage II in 28 cases, stage III in 16 cases and stage IV in 10 cases. The patients were followed up for 8-69 months, and 43 patients survived more than 5 years.@*CONCLUSION@#Function imaging combined with clinical features and endocrine hormone levels have important roles in ACC early diagnosis. Radical excision is the only effective treatment. Adjuvant or adjuvant mitotane drug therapy can brused for the treatment of recurrence and metastasis ACC patients,. ACC is a tumor with high malignancy and poor prognosis.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms , Adrenalectomy , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Los síndromes de neoplasia endocrina múltiple (MEN), incluyen una serie de enfermedades con alteraciones genéticas que se caracterizan por la presencia de tumores que afectan a dos o más glándulas endocrinas. Son síndromes con una herencia autosómica dominante e incluyen tres patrones: MEN 1 (síndrome de Wermer), MEN 2 (que incluye MEN 2A o síndrome de Sipple y MEN 2B o síndrome de Wagenmann-Froboese) y MEN 4. Los adenomas paratiroideos y el carcinoma medular tiroideo, son los tumores más frecuentes del MEN tipo 1 y 2 respectivamente. Esos síndromes son más comunes en pacientes jóvenes, con patología de afectación bilateral, múltiple o multifocal y, sobre todo, en pacientes con antecedentes familiares. Es necesario el trabajo en equipo de endocrinólogos, cirujanos, oncólogos y radiólogos para optimizar el tratamiento de esos pacientes.
Multiple endocrine neoplasia (MEN) encompasses a serial of familial genetically disorders in wich tumors simultaneusly occur in two or more endocrine organs. MEN síndromes are autosomal-dominant disorders categorized into three main patterns: MEN 1 (Wermer syndrome), MEN 2 (includes MEN 2A o Sipple syndrome and MEN 2B o Wagenmann-Froboese syndrome) and MEN 4. Parathyroid adenomas and medullary thyroid carcinoma are the most frecuent tumors in MEN 1 and MEN 2 respectively. These entities will be suspected in younger patients, bilateral, multiple or multifocal disease and, specially, in patients with family background. Cooperation between endocrinologist, surgeons, oncologists and radiologists is pivotal for optimizing patient treatment.
Humans , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia/diagnostic imaging , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2b/diagnostic imaging , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 2a/diagnostic imaging , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia Type 1/diagnostic imaging , Pancreatic Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Parathyroid Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Pituitary Diseases/complications , Pituitary Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Multiple Endocrine Neoplasia/complications , Thyroid Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/diagnostic imaging , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/diagnostic imaging , Hyperparathyroidism, Primary/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Previous studies on adrenal incidentalomas (AIs) are limited by their retrospective design, small numbers of patients, Western populations, or use of an outdated imaging technique. We investigated the characteristics of AIs in Korean patients and compared them with those reported in the largest retrospective study in Italy to discover the effects of improved imaging techniques and ethnicity differences. MATERIALS AND METHODS: This was a prospective, multicenter, cross-sectional observational study including 1005 Korean patients. Levels of plasma adrenocorticotrophic hormone, 24-h urinary free cortisol (UFC), serum cortisol after a 1 mg-dexamethasone suppression test, 24-h urinary fractionated metanephrine, and plasma aldosterone and plasma renin activity were measured. All AIs were characterized using computed tomography (CT). RESULTS: Compared with the results of the Italian study, AIs in Korean patients were observed more frequently in men and predominantly on the left side. Korean patients with AIs were slightly younger, and fewer patients underwent surgery. Most AIs were nonfunctional in both studies, while fewer subclinical hypercortisolism and more primary aldosteronism (PA) cases were detected in Korean patients. In our study, high UFC levels showed very low sensitivity, compared to those in the Italian study. In pheochromocytoma or PA cases, there were no hormonal differences between the studies. AIs in Korean patients were smaller, such that a lower cutoff size for detecting adrenocortical carcinoma (ACC) could be warranted. CONCLUSION: Recent advances in CT technology were leveraged to provide accurate characteristics of AIs and to detect smaller ACCs.
Humans , Male , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Adrenocorticotropic Hormone , Aldosterone , Cushing Syndrome , Hydrocortisone , Hyperaldosteronism , Italy , Korea , Metanephrine , Observational Study , Pheochromocytoma , Plasma , Prospective Studies , Renin , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
@#Aldosterone-producing adrenocortical carcinoma comprises less than 7% of all functioning adrenocortical carcinomas. We report a rare case of adrenocortical carcinoma with a clinical picture of primary aldosteronism and subclinical Cushing’s syndrome and feminization. Complete surgical resection normalized blood pressures and aldosterone, cortisol and estradiol levels. Long-term monitoring is recommended with imaging and hormonal evaluation used as tumor markers for recurrence.
Adrenal Gland Neoplasms , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Hyperaldosteronism , HypertensionABSTRACT
We describe a case of a 61-year-old Korean man who was diagnosed with renal cell carcinoma that was discovered on abdominopelvic computed tomography obtained after the patient complained of back pain. A radical nephrectomy was performed, and the surgical specimen showed a relatively well-circumscribed and yellowish lobulated hard mass. Microscopically, the tumor showed sheets and nests of hypercellular pleomorphic cells with thick fibrous septation, frequent mitoses, and areas of adrenal cortical-like tissue. Immunohistochemical staining revealed that the tumor cells were positive for inhibin-α, vimentin, synaptophysin, and melan A. It also revealed that the tumor cells were negative for pan-cytokeratin, epithelial membrane antigen, paired box 8, α-methylacyl-coenzyme A racemase, CD10, cytokeratin 7, carbonic anhydrase 9, c-Kit, renal cell carcinoma, transcription factor E3, human melanoma black 45, desmin, smooth muscle actin, S-100, chromogranin A, CD34, anaplastic lymphoma kinase, and integrase interactor 1. Based on these histopathological and immunohistochemical findings, we diagnosed the tumor as intrarenal adrenocortical carcinoma arising in an adrenal rest. Several cases of intrarenal adrenocortical carcinoma have been reported, although they are very rare. Due to its poor prognosis and common recurrence or metastasis, clinicians and pathologists must be aware of this entity.
Humans , Middle Aged , Actins , Adrenal Rest Tumor , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Back Pain , Carbonic Anhydrases , Carcinoma, Renal Cell , Chromogranin A , Desmin , Integrases , Keratin-7 , Lymphoma , MART-1 Antigen , Melanoma , Mitosis , Mucin-1 , Muscle, Smooth , Neoplasm Metastasis , Nephrectomy , Phosphotransferases , Prognosis , Recurrence , Synaptophysin , Transcription Factors , VimentinABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio clínico anatomopatológico sobre la base de la metodología cualitativa para la descripción de un caso de carcinoma de la corteza suprarrenal en el Hospital General Docente "Dr Agostinho Neto" de Guantánamo en el año 2015. Se describió el caso de un paciente con antecedentes de buena salud, que acude por presentar molestia dolorosa de intensidad gravativa en región posterior izquierda lumboabdominal, se indica chequeo general y mediante la ecografía se diagnostica tumoración suprarrenal izquierda se realizó supraadrenelectomia. El resultado histopatológico señala carcinoma de la corteza suprarrenal(AU)
A pathological clinical study was carried out based on the qualitative methodology for the description of a case of carcinoma of the adrenal cortex at Guantanamo General Teaching Hospital in 2015. A case of a patient with a history of good health, but presenting painful discomfort of gravel intensity in the left posterior lumbo-abdominal region is presented besides general check by ultrasound were indicated. Left adrenal tumor is diagnosed and supra adrenelectomy is performed. Histopathologic results indicate carcinoma of the adrenal cortex(AU)
Humans , Male , Diagnostic Imaging , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/pathologyABSTRACT
Malignancy must be considered in the management of adrenal lesions, including those incidentally identified on imaging studies. Adrenocortical carcinomas (ACCs) are rare tumors with an estimated annual incidence of 0.7-2 cases per year and a worldwide prevalence of 4-12 cases per million/year. However, a much higher incidence of these tumors (>15 times) has been demonstrated in south and southeastern Brazil. Most ACCs cause hypersecretion of steroids including glucocorticoids and androgens. ACC patients have a very poor prognosis with a 5-year overall survival (OS) below 30% in most series. Pheochromocytoma or paraganglioma (PPGL) is a metabolically active tumor originating from the chromaffin cells of the adrenal medulla. The incidence of PPGL is 0.2 to 0.9 cases per 100,000 individuals per year. Pheochromocytomas are present in approximately 4-7% of patients with adrenal incidentalomas. Classically, PPGL manifests as paroxysmal attacks of the following 4 symptoms: headaches, diaphoresis, palpitations, and severe hypertensive episodes. The diagnosis of malignant PPGL relies on the presence of local invasion or metastasis. In this review, we present the clinical and biochemical characteristics and pathogenesis of malignant primary lesions that affect the cortex and medulla of human adrenal glands.
Humans , Paraganglioma/therapy , Pheochromocytoma/therapy , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/therapy , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/therapy , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/therapy , Paraganglioma/diagnosis , Paraganglioma/pathology , Pheochromocytoma/diagnosis , Pheochromocytoma/pathology , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/diagnosis , Adrenal Cortex Neoplasms/pathology , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/diagnosis , Adrenal Gland Neoplasms/pathology , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/diagnosis , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/pathology , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/therapeutic use , Mitotane/therapeutic useABSTRACT
O FGF2 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 2) é um clássico fator peptídico de crescimento que ativa vias intracelulares de sinalização molecular promovendo a transição G0 â G1 e o comprometimento com o ciclo celular. Não surpreendentemente, seus papéis pró-tumoral e angiogênico estão bem caracterizados e estabelecidos na literatura. No entanto, um crescente corpo de evidências tem indicado que o FGF2 também pode exercer efeitos anti-tumorais in vitro e in vivo, em modelos murinos e também humanos. Neste contexto, nosso grupo publicou em 2008 que o FGF2 exerce um efeito antiproliferativo seletivo em células murinas malignas dependentes de alta atividade de K-Ras e H-Ras. Os genes ras compõem a família de oncogenes mais frequentemente mutada em tumores malignos humanos, alcançando aproximadamente 30% de todos os casos. O desenvolvimento de terapias contra tumores dependentes de Ras fracassou, apesar dos intensos esforços e investimentos desde a descoberta em 1982 de suas mutações ativadoras em múltiplos cânceres. O objetivo deste trabalho foi desvendar os mecanismos moleculares pelo quais o FGF2 inibe irreversivelmente a proliferação de células malignas dependentes da atividade de Ras, empregando como modelos experimentais a linhagem murina Y1 de células adrenocorticais, e 4 linhagens humanas derivadas de sarcomas de Ewing. Identificamos que o efeito citotóxico do FGF2 não se processa por um mecanismo novo e independente das viasproliferativas classicamente ativadas por fatores peptídicos de crescimento. Ao contrário, seu efeito tóxico é resultado de sinalização mitogênica exagerada decorrente de estimulação sustentada por FGF2. A ativação da via de MAPK, principal sinalização mitogênica intracelular, a níveis elevados e sustentados provoca estresse mitogênico, que se propaga para a fase S na forma de estresse replicativo. Nesta situação, a célula passa a depender exageradamente da sinalização protetora de ATR, de modo que a combinação de estimulação com FGF2 e inibição de ATR foi altamente letal para as células malignas dependentes de Ras empregadas neste trabalho. Também analisamos as bases moleculares de resistência a FGF2 exibida por células Y1 anteriormente selecionadas para resistir ao efeito tóxico do FGF2 (Y1FRs). Descobrimos que a pressão seletiva do FGF2 não teve efeito na expressão de seus receptores, mas provocou a eliminação de um dos dois cromossomos que portam a amplificação gênica de ras nesta linhagem, enquanto o segundo cromossomo foi mantido por ser a única fonte de genes ribossomais ativos. Suas cópias de ras, no entanto, mostraram-se transcricionalmente silenciadas. Além disso, as sublinhagens Y1FRs não expressam o principal RasGEF, GRP4, encontrado nas células parentais Y1, o que pode ter influenciado o surgimento do fenótipo resistente ao FGF2. As linhagens resistentes mostraram grande redução no número de cromossomos e aumento da frequência de fusões entre cromossomos não homólogos em relação às células parentais
FGF2 (Fibroblast Growth Factor 2) is a classic peptide growth factor that activates intracellular molecular signaling pathways promoting the G0 â G1 transition and cell cycle commitment. Not surprisingly, its pro-tumor and angiogenic roles are well characterized and established in the literature. However, a growing body of evidence has indicated that FGF2 may also exert anti-tumor effects in vitro and in vivo in murine and human models. In this context, our group reported in 2008 that FGF2 exerts a selective antiproliferative effect in murine cells dependent on high activity of K-Ras and H-Ras. Ras genes make up the most frequently mutated oncogene family in human malignant tumors, reaching approximately 30% of all cases. The development of therapies against Ras-dependent tumors has failed despite intense efforts and investments since the discovery in 1982 of its activating mutations in multiple cancers. The objective of this work was to uncover the molecular mechanisms by which FGF2 irreversibly inhibits the proliferation of malignant cells dependent on Ras activity, using as experimental models the Y1 murine lineage of adrenocortical malignant cells and 4 human lineages derived from Ewing sarcomas. We showed that the cytotoxic effect of FGF2 did not involve novel cell cycle regulatory pathways; instead, this cytotoxic effect is a result of sustainedhyper mitogenic stimulation by FGF2. Activation of the KRas/MAPK pathway, the major intracellular mitogenic signaling, at high and sustained levels provokes mitogenic stress, which is propagated to S phase as replicative stress. In this situation, the cell dependence on the ATR protective signaling is enhanced, so that the combination of stimulation with FGF2 and inhibition of ATR was highly lethal for the Ras dependent malignant cells employed in this work. We also analyzed the molecular basis of FGF2 resistance exhibited by Y1 cells previously selected for resistance to FGF2. We found that the selective pressure of FGF2 had no effect on the expression of its receptors but promoted the elimination of one of the two marker chromosomes that carry the K-ras amplified copies, while the second chromosome was maintained because it is the only source of active ribosomal genes; however, its K-ras amplified copies were transcriptionally silenced. In addition, the Y1FRs sublines did not express the main RasGEF, GRP4, found in the parental Y1 cells, which might have played a role in the emergence of the FGF2-resistant phenotype. The resistant Y1FRs sublines showed a large reduction in chromosome numbers and increased frequency of fusions between non-homologous chromosomes in relation to parental cells
Fibroblast Growth Factor 2/analysis , Fibroblast Growth Factor 2/adverse effects , Genes, ras/genetics , Adrenocortical Carcinoma/classification , Molecular Mechanisms of Pharmacological Action , Synthetic Lethal MutationsABSTRACT
A Síndrome de Li Fraumeni (LFS) tem caráter autossômico dominante associada ao risco aumentado de câncer hereditário. Embora rara no mundo, no Brasil é frequente devido à ocorrência de uma mutação fundadora, a p.R337H TP53. A ocorrência de câncer e a idade de acometimento são variáveis mesmo em portadores da mesma mutação. Pacientes com mutações no gene TP53 podem desenvolver um amplo espectro de tumores, incluindo o carcinoma adrenocortical (ADR). Os mecanismos moleculares envolvidos na carcinogênese adrenocortical assim como os dados epidemiológicos associados a estes tumores são pouco explorados em literatura. Neste estudo, foram coletados e analisados os dados epidemiológicos dos ADR incluindo os efeitos de idade, período e coorte utilizando o banco de dados SEER, o qual reúne dados de 18 registros de câncer de base populacional dos EUA. Foi avaliado o perfil de alterações genômicas (CytoScan HD Array, Affymetrix) em ADR de pacientes com e sem a mutação p.R337H. Foi também comparado o perfil mutacional (sequenciamento do genoma) de três pacientes (tumor e tecido normal de 2 adultos e 1 criança) com ADR portadores da mutação TP53 p.R337H. Entre os casos de ADR diagnosticados nos EUA, aproximadamente 80% ocorreram após a quarta década de vida. Nas análises de sobrevida, houve diferença estatística (p<0,05) para gênero, com uma melhor sobrevida para as mulheres. Pacientes diagnosticados até os 19 anos e com doença localizada apresentaram uma sobrevida maior. A análise genômica em sete casos revelou 644 alterações. Os três casos positivos para a mutação p.R337H apresentaram 175 alterações genômicas (127 ganhos, 27 cnLOH e 21 perdas). Os quatros casos negativos para a mutação apresentaram 469 alterações (326 ganhos, 63 cnLOH e 80 perdas). Apesar do pequeno número amostral, os casos ADR positivos para a mutação TP53 p.R337H apresentaram um baixo nível de instabilidade genômica quando comparados com os casos não mutados. A análise de sequenciamento do genoma revelou alterações em genes previamente associados o ADR (como TP53, CTNNB1 e ATRX). Foram identificadas alterações em cinco genes com potencial associação ao desenvolvimento do ADR: HBB, MSR1, SH3TC2, LSS e ABCA4. Apesar do pequeno número amostral, foram identificados novos genes que podem estar associados ao ADR, no entanto esses achados deverão ser confirmados em estudos conduzidos em um grupo amostral maior (AU)
Li-Fraumeni syndrome (LFS) is an autosomal dominant disease with high risk to develop hereditary tumors. Although LFS is a worldwide rare disorder, in Brazil its incidence is higher due to the occurrence of a founder mutation, TP53 p.R337H. The cancer occurrence and age of onset are variable even considering patients with the same mutation. Patients carrying TP53 mutations can develop a large spectrum of tumors, including the adrenocortical carcinoma (ADR). The main molecular mechanisms and the epidemiological factors associated with these tumors are poorly explored in literature. In this study, epidemiological data of ADR were collected and analyzed, including the effects of age, period and cohort. The SEER database, which collects and publishes cancer incidence and survival data from 18 cancer registries from the USA, was used for this analysis. The genomic profile (CytoScan HD Array, Affymetrix) of ADR positive or negative for TP53 p.R337H was also investigated. Furthermore, the mutational profile (Whole Genome Sequencing- WGS) of three ADR patients (normal and tumor samples - 2 adults and 1 pediatric case), all of them positive for TP53 p.R337H mutation, were analyzed. Approximately 80% of the ADR cases diagnosed in the USA developed after the fourth decade of life. In the survival analyses, a statistical difference (p <0.05) was observed for gender, with women showing better survival. Patients diagnosed up to the age of 19 and with localized disease presented better survival. The genomic analysis of seven cases revealed 644 genomic alterations. The three TP53 p.R337H positive cases showed 175 genomic alterations (127 gains, 27 cnLOH and 21 losses). The four negative mutated cases presented 469 alterations (369 gains, 63 cnLOH and 80 losses). Despite the small set of samples, mutated cases presented lower level of chromosome instability compared to cases not carrying this mutation. The WGS analysis identified alterations in genes previously associated with ADR (as TP53, CTNNB1 and ATRX). In addition, five genes (HBB, MSR1, SH3TC2, LSS and ABCA4) potentially associated with the development of ADR were identified. This study revealed new genes that might be associated with ADR. However, further analysis are necessary in a larger number of samples to confirm our findings (AU)
Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Neoplastic Syndromes, Hereditary , Li-Fraumeni Syndrome , Adrenocortical Carcinoma , Whole Genome SequencingABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose: To evaluate the role of ARDT after surgical resection of ACC. Materials and Methods: Records of patients from our institutional ACC database were retrospectively assessed. A paired comparison analysis was used to evaluate the oncological outcomes between patients treated with surgery followed by ARDT or surgery only (control). The endpoints were LRFS, RFS, and OS. A systematic review of the literature and meta-analysis was also performed to evaluate local recurrence of ACC when ARDT was used. Results: Ten patients were included in each Group. The median follow-up times were 32 months and 35 months for the ARDT and control Groups, respectively. The results for LRFS (p=0.11), RFS (p=0.92), and OS (p=0.47) were similar among subsets. The mean time to present with local recurrence was significantly longer in the ARDT group compared with the control Group (419±206 days vs. 181±86 days, respectively; p=0.03). ARDT was well tolerated by the patients; there were no reports of late toxicity. The meta-analysis, which included four retrospective series, revealed that ARDT had a protective effect on LRFS (HR=0.4; CI=0.17-0.94). Conclusions: ARDT may reduce the chance and prolong the time to ACC local recurrence. However, there were no benefits for disease recurrence control or overall survival for patients who underwent this complementary therapy.