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Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec ; Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online);59(5): 1326-1329, out. 2007. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-471221


The serological profile of seropositive dogs according to anti-Leptospira agglutinins was checked in Belo Horizonte including variables such as race, sex, age and whether the dog had an owner or not. The dogs were captured by the Zoonosis Control Center in nine neighborhoods around the city and were separated in two categories - with owners or captured on the streets. The prevalence of anti-Leptospira agglutinins was evaluated in 3,417 blood samples using the microscopic agglutination test (MAT) from September 2001 to September 2002. It was found that 13.1 percent of the dogs had seropositive results with the most reactive serovars being Canicola (7.0 percent), Ballum (6.1 percent), Pyrogenes (3.2 percent) and Icterohaemorrhagiae (2.9 percent). The prevalence of other serovars was less than 1.0 percent. Greater prevalence was found in male, crossbred dogs, without owners. There were no significant results due to age in 95 percent (P=0.808) of the cases. According to the results, more research should be done in order to isolate and classify the serovars in positive dogs, especially Ballum and Pyrogenes, which will suggest their inclusion in the commercial vaccines against leptospira used in dogs in this city

Animals , Agglutinins/immunology , Dogs/physiology , Dogs/parasitology , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/pathology , Health Profile , Leptospira interrogans/immunology , Prevalence
Bol. Hosp. Univ. Caracas ; 18(24): 52-6, jun. 1988. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-78941


Se presentan dos casos de donantes cuyos sueros presentaron Aglutininas Antialbúminas con diferentes patrones de reactividad serológica. Ambos casos representan los primeros observados en el Banco de Sangre del Hospital Universitario de Caracas desde su fundación en 1956. Se hace una revisión de la evolución y progresión que en el conocimiento de estos anticuerpos se ha adquirido en el transcurso de los años y se señala la necesidad de conocerlos, a fin de evitar la confusión con anticuerpos específicos para los antígenos eritrocitarios de gran importancia en la terapia transfusional

Humans , Male , Female , Agglutinins/immunology , Antibodies/immunology , Blood Donors , Serum Albumin/drug effects , Serology
Rev. cuba. pediatr ; 58(4): 435-8, jul.-ago. 1986. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-44222


Se realiza la búsqueda de aglutininas antipertussis, en 214 sueros sanguíneos de niños de 0 a 14 años de la provincia Holguín. Se utiliza la técnica de aglutinación en tubo con antígeno de Bordetella pertussis preparado en el Instituto Nacional de Higiene, Epidemiología y Microbiología. De los 214 sueros sanguíneos estudiados, 209 (97,7%) fueron positivos y de éstos 153 (73,2%) con títulos de 1:320 o más. Se discuten estas altas cifras de positividad encontradas

Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Agglutinins/blood , Agglutinins/immunology , Agglutination Tests , Whooping Cough/immunology