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J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(6): 1-13, nov. 3, 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437591


Introduction: The consumption of alcoholic beverages reduces the body's ability to deal with dangerous situations and exposes people to trauma. Objective: To determine the association between the consumption of alcoholic beverages and the characteristics of maxillofacial fractures treated at a Cuban university hospital in the context of COVID-19. Material and Methods: An observational, analytical, and cross-sectional study was carried out in the Maxillofacial Surgery unit at the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" General University Hospital during the year 2020. Prevalence ratios, 95% confidence intervals and p-values were obtained using generalized linear models. Results: In 58.23% of the cases, fractures were related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. The fundamental etiology was interpersonal violence (47.75%), regardless of the consumption of alcoholic beverages. There was a prevalence of patients with nasal fractures (n=98; 55.06%), among which, 35.71% had consumed alcoholic beverages at the time of the trauma. Being male (p=0.005), the lack of university studies (p=0.007), the need for surgical treatment (p<0.001), the fractures of the zygomaticomaxillary complex (p=0.023), and the traumas that occurred during the weekends (p<0.001) or during the month of June (p=0.029) were factors associated with a higher frequency of fractures related to the consumption of alcoholic beverages. There was a lower frequency of fractures associated with alcohol consumption during the months of January (p=0.006) and March (p=0.001). Conclusion: Six out of ten cases were under the influence of alcoholic beverages. There was a greater number of young and male patients, mainly due to interpersonal violence.

Introducción: La ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas disminuye la capacidad del organismo para enfrentar situaciones de peligro y lo predispone a sufrir traumatismos diversos. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas y las características de las fracturas maxilofaciales atendidas en un hospital universitario cubano en el contexto de la COVID-19. Material y Métodos: Estudio observacional, analítico y transversal realizado en el servicio de Cirugía Maxilofacial del Hospital General Universitario "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" durante el 2020. Se obtuvieron razones de prevalencia, intervalos de confianza a 95% y valores p mediante modelos lineales generalizados. Resultados: En el 58.23% de los casos las fracturas se relacionaron con la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas. La etiología fundamental fue la violencia interpersonal (47.75%), independientemente del consumo o no de bebidas alcohólicas. Predominaron los pacientes con fracturas nasales (n=98; 55.06%), en los que el 35.71% había consumido bebidas alcohólicas en el momento del trauma. El sexo masculino (p=0.005), la carencia de estudios universitarios (p=0.007), la necesidad de tratamiento quirúrgico (p<0.001), las fracturas del complejo cigomático-maxilar (p=0.023), los traumas sucedidos durante los fines de semanas (p<0.001) o durante el mes de junio (p=0.029) fueron factores asociados a una mayor frecuencia de fracturas relacionadas con el consumo de bebidas alcohólicas. Hubo menor frecuencia de fracturas asociadas a este consumo durante los meses de enero (p=0.006) y marzo (p= 0.001). Conclusión: Seis de cada diez casos estuvieron bajo los efectos de la ingestión de bebidas alcohólicas. Existió una mayor afectación de pacientes jóvenes, masculinos, a causa principalmente de la violencia interpersonal.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Skull Fractures/etiology , Accidental Falls/statistics & numerical data , Alcohol Drinking/physiopathology , COVID-19 , Maxillofacial Injuries/etiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Cuba/epidemiology , Alcoholic Beverages , Alcoholism/complications , Pandemics
ABCD (São Paulo, Impr.) ; 34(2): e1595, 2021. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345005


ABSTRACT Background: Although alcohol is the most common cause for chronic pancreatitis worldwide, idiopathic type is prevalent in India. Natural history and disease progression are different between these two groups. There is paucity of data comparing surgical outcome and quality of life in these patients. Aim: To evaluate clinical features, surgical outcome and quality of life between these two groups of patients. Method: All patients with chronic pancreatitis who underwent surgery were prospectively reviewed. Results: From 98 patients, 42 were alcoholic. Number of male and the mean age at the time of operation was significantly more in alcoholic patients. Smoking, preoperative hospital admission rate and the prevalence of local complications like inflammatory pancreatic head mass, biliary stricture and left sided portal hypertension were distinctly more common in alcoholic group. Frey procedure was required more commonly in alcoholic group. Mean postoperative hospital stay and overall postoperative complication rate were comparable between the two groups. Over a median follow up of 18 months there was significant improvement in quality of life and pain score in both the groups. Improvement of physical functioning score at follow-up was significantly more in alcoholic group but the requirement for analgesic medications were significantly more in alcoholic group. However, appetite loss was more perceived by non-alcoholic group. Conclusion: Alcoholic chronic pancreatitis presents with more local complications associated with chronic pancreatitis. Frey procedure is a safe and well accepted surgery in this group. Though they required more analgesic requirement in short term follow up, other aspects of quality of life are similar to non-alcoholic group.

RESUMO Racional: Embora o álcool seja a causa mais comum de pancreatite crônica em todo o mundo, a forma idiopática é prevalente na Índia. A história natural e a progressão da doença são diferentes entre esses dois grupos. Há escassez de dados comparando o resultado cirúrgico e a qualidade de vida entre eles. Objetivo: Avaliar as características clínicas, o resultado cirúrgico e a qualidade de vida entre esses dois grupos de pacientes. Método: Todos os pacientes com pancreatite crônica operados foram revisados ​​retrospectivamente. Resultados: Do total de 98 pacientes, 42 eram alcoolistas. O número de homens e a idade média no momento da operação foi significativamente maior nos alcoolistas. Tabagismo, taxa de internação pré-operatória e prevalência de complicações locais como massa inflamatória da cabeça do pâncreas, estenose biliar e hipertensão portal do lado esquerdo foram distintamente mais comuns no grupo de alcoolistas e o procedimento de Frey foi exigido mais comumente neste grupo. A média de internação pós-operatória e a taxa geral de complicações pós-operatórias foram comparáveis ​​entre os dois grupos. Ao longo de acompanhamento médio de 18 meses houve melhora significativa na qualidade de vida e pontuação de dor em ambos os grupos. A melhora no escore de funcionamento físico foi significativamente maior no grupo de alcoolistas, mas a necessidade de medicamentos analgésicos foi significativamente maior nos alcoolistas. No entanto, a perda de apetite foi mais percebida pelo grupo não alcoólico. Conclusão: A pancreatite crônica alcoólica se apresenta com mais complicações locais associadas à pancreatite crônica. O procedimento de Frey é operação segura e bem aceita neste grupo. Embora exigissem mais necessidade de analgésicos no acompanhamento em curto prazo, outros aspectos da qualidade de vida são semelhantes ao grupo não alcoólico.

Humans , Male , Alcoholism/complications , Alcoholism/epidemiology , Pancreatitis, Chronic/surgery , Pancreatitis, Chronic/epidemiology , Surgeons , Quality of Life , Chronic Disease , Treatment Outcome
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 49(3): e532, jul.-set. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1144476


Introducción: El alcoholismo constituye el tercer factor de riesgo de morbilidad y mortalidad en el mundo. Objetivo: Caracterizar pacientes con antecedentes de alcoholismo crónico, ingresados en una unidad de cuidados intensivos. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, retrospectivo. La serie quedó constituida por 123 pacientes. Se utilizaron para las variables cualitativas el análisis estadístico univariado, (frecuencia absoluta y relativa) y en las cuantitativas la media aritmética y desviación estándar. Para el contraste de hipótesis se utilizó la prueba del Chi cuadrado para los datos cualitativos y la prueba t de Student. La cuantificación del riesgo se efectuó por el odds ratio con intervalo de confianza del 95 por ciento. Se consideró como nivel de significación el 5 por ciento. Resultados: La edad media fue de 58,5 ± 12,4 años. Predominó el grupo de edad de 40-59 años (48,8 por ciento) y el sexo masculino (92,7 por ciento). La proporción sexo masculino/ femenino fue de 12,7:1. Más de la mitad de los pacientes egresaron fallecidos (56,1 por ciento). El ingreso por causa clínica presentó el mayor número de pacientes (67,5 por ciento). La media del valor de la escala APACHE II fue de 18,1; en los fallecidos fue superior que en los vivos (22,0 vs 13,1). Más de la mitad de los pacientes fueron ventilados (67,4 por ciento). La estadía media fue de 6,9 días, más prolongada en los fallecidos (8,1 vs 5,4). La principal causa de muerte fue la bronconeumonía bacteriana (28,6 por ciento). Conclusiones: La mortalidad de pacientes con antecedentes de alcoholismo crónico fue elevada(AU)

Objective: Characterization of alcoholic patients with admitted at the Intensive Care Unit. Method: A descriptive and retrospective study. The final sample was 123 patients. The statistical methods for the study included absolute and relative frequency distributions, central tendency measures, Chi-square and Student´s t tests. Results: Average age was of 58, 5 ± 12,4 years old. The 40-59 (48, 8 percent) prevailed as well as Males (92, 7 percent). The proportion of male/female sex was of 12, 7:1, 0. More than half of the patients died (56, 1 percent). The media age of this group was lightly high to that of the alive discharged patients (60,0 vs 56,6 years old). The clinic admittance cause was most frequent (67, 5 percent). The mean of APACHE II value was 18, 1 and it was higher in the diseased than in the survivors (22, 0 vs 13, 1). Most patients ventilated (71, 5 percent). The main stay was 6, 9 days, more extended in the dead (8, 1 vs 5, 4). The main causes of death were bacterial bronchopneumonia (28, 6 percent). Conclusion: Patients with antecedent of alcoholism have high mortality(AU)

Humans , Bronchopneumonia , Mortality , Survivors , Alcoholism/complications , Epidemiology, Descriptive
Rev. medica electron ; 42(3): 1850-1861, mayo.-jun. 2020. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1127046


RESUMEN Introducción: la cirrosis es un proceso dinámico y actualmente se conoce que cuando se elimina el agente primario de agresión que ha producido la cirrosis, se puede llegar a remitir la fibrosis. En Cuba la enfermedad representa la décima causa de muerte, con una tendencia ascendente en los últimos 20 años y una tasa de 13,4 por 100 000 habitantes. Objetivo: caracterizar clínica y endoscópicamente a pacientes con diagnóstico de cirrosis hepática. Material y método: se realizó un estudio descriptivo transversal, en el período comprendido entre los años 2017 - 19, donde el universo y la muestra quedaron constituidos por todos los pacientes mayores de 18 años ingresados con diagnóstico de cirrosis hepática. Resultados: predominó el sexo masculino en la sexta década de la vida, siento la principal causa el alcoholismo, caracterizado por manifestaciones generales, que en muchos casos debutan por complicaciones, apareciendo várices esofágicas en el 75 % de los casos, aunque gados I y II de Paquet, dependiente a un diagnóstico precoz de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: el alcoholismo crónico es la causa más frecuente de cirrosis hepática, debuta de forma frecuente por sus complicaciones, aunque el diagnóstico se hace en etapas precoces, con varices esofágicas incipientes (AU).

Summary Introduction: liver cirrhosis is a dynamic process and currently it is known that, when the primary agent of aggression that has produced the cirrhosis is eliminated, the fibrosis could remit. In Cuba, this diseases is the tenth cause of death, with an increasing tendency in the last twenty years and a rate of 13.4 per 100 000 inhabitants. Objective: to characterize, clinically and endoscopically, patients with hepatic cirrhosis diagnosis. Material and methods: a cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out, in the period 2017 - 2019, where the universe and the sample were formed by all the patients aged more than 18 years who entered the hospital with diagnosis of liver cirrhosis. Results: in this paper, male patients in their sixties predominated, being alcoholism the main cause of disease, characterized by general manifestations; patients debuted due to complications, appearing esophageal varices in 75 % of the cases, although Paquet I and II grades, in dependence to a disease precocious diagnosis. Conclusions: the authors concluded that chronic alcoholism is the most frequent cause in hepatic cirrhosis, almost always debuting by its complications, though the diagnosis is made in precocious stages, with emerging esophageal varices (AU).

Humans , Adolescent , Esophageal and Gastric Varices/complications , Liver Cirrhosis/diagnosis , Ascites/complications , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Hepatitis C/diagnosis , Alcoholism/complications , Endoscopy , Hepatitis B/diagnosis , Liver Cirrhosis/epidemiology
An. bras. dermatol ; An. bras. dermatol;95(3): 376-378, May-June 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1130870


Abstract A 44-year-old male patient presented with nodules that evolved with inflammation, following drainage of seropurulent secretion and ulceration. The patient had a 6 year-history of alcohol addiction and reported contact with cats. At the physical examination, the patient had skin-colored and erythematous nodules, and ulcers covered with thick, blackened crusts on the face, trunk and limbs. A culture of a nodule fluid revealed growth of Sporotrix sp. He also had pulmonary involvement and therefore the disease was classified as systemic sporotrichosis, a rare form that usually affect patients infected with HIV. Chronic alcohol abuse was considered the factor of immunosuppression for the patient.

Humans , Male , Adult , Sporotrichosis/immunology , Sporotrichosis/pathology , Immunocompromised Host , Alcoholism/complications , Alcoholism/immunology , Immunocompetence , Sporotrichosis/chemically induced , Sporothrix/isolation & purification , Erythema/immunology , Erythema/pathology
Med. leg. Costa Rica ; 37(1): 39-44, ene.-mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1098370


Resumen La intoxicación con alcohol está frecuentemente asociada con trauma craneoencefálico (TCE), pero el impacto del alcohol en la patogénesis y el pronóstico del TCE sigue siendo poco clara. La literatura actual provee evidencia en términos de datos clínicos y experimentales que respaldan los efectos neuroprotectores del alcohol en pacientes con TCE. Para establecer de manera significativa esta relación es necesario el desarrollo de estudios prospectivos observacionales fuertes, con el fin de comprender los efectos del alcohol en los resultados clínicos a largo plazo (incluyendo el resultado neurológico) en pacientes con TCE con una apropiada selección y ajuste del riesgo basal.

Abstract Alcohol intoxication is often associated with traumatic brain injuries (TBIs), but the impact of alcohol on the pathogenesis and prognosis of TBIs remains unclear. Current literature provides evidence in terms of experimental and clinical data supporting alcohol's neuroprotective effects in patients with TBIs. To establish in a significative way this association, there lies a need for strong prospective observational studies, in order to comprehend the effects of alcohol on the long-term outcomes (including the neurological outcome) in patients with TBI with proper selection and baseline risk adjustment.

Apoptosis , Alcoholic Intoxication/complications , Craniocerebral Trauma/complications , Indicators of Morbidity and Mortality , Ethanol/adverse effects , Alcoholism/complications
In. Zelarayán Noceti, Mario Jorge; Garré Castro, Laura Patricia. Consumo de alcohol y salud. Montevideo, Comisión Honoraria para la Salud Cardiovascular, [2020]. p.37-44.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1353701
In. Zelarayán Noceti, Mario Jorge; Garré Castro, Laura Patricia. Consumo de alcohol y salud. Montevideo, Comisión Honoraria para la Salud Cardiovascular, [2020]. p.53-60.
Monography in Spanish | LILACS, UY-BNMED, BNUY | ID: biblio-1353704
Ciênc. cuid. saúde ; 19: e50408, 20200000. graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1356101


RESUMO Introdução: este trabalho buscou responder à seguinte pergunta de pesquisa: como cuidar da dependência, de drogas lícitas e ilícitas, de gestantes em contexto de serviço ambulatorial de saúde? Objetivo: identificar na literatura as estratégias interventivas de cuidados às gestantes afetadas pelo consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas. Metodologia: trata-se de um estudo de revisão do tipo Scoping Review de acordo com o Instituto Joanna Briggs. Bases de dados pesquisadas: LILACS, MedLine, BDENF, PubMed, Web of Science e CINHAL. Os principais descritores foram: gestantes, drogas ilícitas, padrão de cuidado e assistência ambulatorial. Resultados: foram identificados 939 artigos sendo selecionados nove estudos da base de dados PubMed, publicados nos Estados Unidos, com desenho do tipo ensaio clínico randomizado, no período de 2007- 2015. As gestantes apresentavam perfis de baixa renda e de vulnerabilidade social. As estratégias de intervenção de cuidados foram de entrevista motivacional aprimorada, intervenção breve e, especialmente, de um projeto de intervenção terapêutica pelo trabalho, cuja finalidade era o estímulo à abstinência associado ao apoio financeiro para melhora da qualidade de vida. Conclusão: a produção do cuidado às gestantes envolveu trabalho relacional como acolhimento, vínculo, escuta e sensibilidade para abordagem sócio-histórico-cultural, associados às especificidades de gênero e tempo.

RESUMEN Introducción: este trabajo buscó contestar a la siguiente pregunta de investigación: ¿cómo cuidar la dependencia de drogas, lícitas e ilícitas, de embarazadas en contexto de servicio ambulatorio de salud? Objetivo: identificar en la literatura las estrategias interventoras de cuidados a las embarazadas afectadas por el consumo de drogas lícitas e ilícitas. Metodología: se trata de un estudio de revisión del tipo revisión de alcance según el Instituto Joanna Briggs. Bases de datos investigadas: LILACS, MedLine, BDENF, PubMed, Web ofSciencey CINHAL. Los principales descriptores fueron: gestantes, drogas ilícitas, padrão de cuidado y assistência ambulatorial. Resultados: fueron identificados 939 artículos siendo seleccionados nueve estudios de la base de datos PubMed, publicados en los Estados Unidos, condiseño del tipo ensayo controlado aleatorizado, en el período de 2007-2015. Las embarazadas presentaban perfiles de bajos ingresos y de vulnerabilidad social. Las estrategias de intervención de cuidados fueron de entrevista motivacional perfeccionada, intervención breve y, especialmente, de un proyecto de intervención terapéutica por el trabajo, cuya finalidad era el fomento a la abstinencia asociado al apoyo financiero para mejora de la calidad de vida. Conclusión: la producción del cuidado a las mujeres embarazadas involucró trabajo relacional como acogida, vínculo, escucha y sensibilidad para abordaje socio-histórico-cultural asociados a las especificidades de género y tiempo.

ABSTRACT Introduction: this study sought to answer the following research question: how to deal with pregnant women's dependence on legal and illegal drugs in the context of ambulatory health services? Objective: to identify, in the literature, care intervention strategies aimed at expectant mothers affected by use of legal and illegal drugs. Methodology: in accordance with the Joanna Briggs Institute, this is a scoping review. Searched databases: LILACS, MedLine, BDENF, PubMed, Web of Science and CINHAL. The main descriptors were: pregnant women, illegal drugs, standard of care, and ambulatory care. Results: a total of 939 articles were identified, and nine studies were selected from the PubMed database, all published in the United States, with a randomized clinical trial design, and conducted from 2007 to 2015. The pregnant women's profiles were characterized by low income and social vulnerability. The care intervention strategies were composed of enhanced motivational interviewing, brief intervention and, especially, therapeutic intervention through work, whose purpose was to encourage abstinence in association with financial support for a better quality of life. Conclusion: the production of care towards the expectant mothers involved relational work such as welcoming, bonding, listening and sensitivity for a socio-historical-cultural approach, all associated with gender and time specificities.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Substance-Related Disorders/rehabilitation , Pregnant Women , Ambulatory Care , Therapeutics/nursing , Illicit Drugs/toxicity , Alcoholism/complications , User Embracement , Healthcare Models/policies , Mental Health Services , Motivation
Med. interna (Caracas) ; 36(3): 148-153, 2020. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1129868


La pancreatitis aguda o crónica puede resultar en lesiones del conducto pancreático, además, la corrosión por el jugo pancreático puede provocar la ruptura de la pared vascular periférica, lo que conduce a hemosuccus pancreático (HP) definido como el sangrado del conducto pancreático a través de la ampolla de Vater. El sangrado suele ser intermitente, repetitivo y, a menudo, no lo suficientemente grave, como para causar inestabilidad hemodinámica. La mayoría de los pacientes tiene antecedentes de enfermedades pancreáticas originales y cuando esto no se cumple, debe incluirse en el diagnóstico diferencial para alcohólicos crónicos con hemorragia digestiva alta intermitente. Presentamos una forma clínica atípica en un paciente masculino de 55 años de edad, con antecedentes de HTA, alcoholismo y aneurisma de la aorta abdominal, quien consultó por dolor tipo cólico en abdomen superior, náuseas y vómitos; luego se asoció disminución del estado de conciencia, alternando con episodios de agitación psicomotriz y primo convulsión generalizada. Una vez ingresado, sucedieron varios episodios de melena. La tomografía abdominal mostró aumento de tamaño y densidad (unidades hounsfield de 58-61) en cabeza y cuerpo del páncreas, por lo que se realizó una angiografía abdominal con protocolo de páncreas y se evidenció doble lesión aneurismática de la arteria esplénica y la arteria gástrica. Falleció en el postoperatorio(AU)

Acute or chronic pancreatitis can result in lesions of the pancreatic duct; in addition, corrosion by the pancreatic juice can cause the rupture of the peripheral vascular wall, which leads to pancreatic hemosuccus defined as bleeding from the pancreatic duct through the Vater ampulla. Bleeding is often intermittent, repetitive, and often not severe enough to cause hemodynamic instability. Most of the cases have a history of strictly pancreatic original diseases, when this is not the case, the PH should be included in the differential diagnosis for chronic alcoholics with intermittent upper gastrointestinal bleeding, We report here an atypical presentation in a 55-year-old male patient with a history of hypertension, alcoholism and an abdominal aortic aneurysm. He consulted for colicky abdominal pain in the upper abdomen, nausea and vomiting; subsequently he presented decreased consciousness, alternating with episodes of psychomotor agitation and generalized seizures. Once hospitalized he had several bouts of melena. The abdominal tomography showed an increase in the size and density (hounsfield units of 58-61) of the head and body of the pancreas. An abdominal angiography with a pancreas protocol was performed, which evidenced a double aneurismal lesion of the splenic and gastric arteries. The patient died after surgery(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Pancreatic Ducts/physiopathology , Pancreatitis/pathology , Alcoholism/complications , Hemorrhage , Pancreatic Juice , Endoscopy , Vascular System Injuries , Internal Medicine
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);35(3): e202000305, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130627


Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effect of chronic alcoholism on morphometry and apoptosis mechanism and correlate with miRNA-21 expression in the corpus cavernosum of rats. Methods Twenty-four rats were divided into two experimental groups: Control (C) and Alcoholic group (A). After two weeks of an adaptive phase, rats from group A received only ethanol solution (20%) during 7 weeks. The morphometric and caspase-3 immunohistochemistry analysis were performed in the corpus cavernosum. The miRNA-21 expression was analyzed in blood and cavernous tissue. Results Chronic ethanol consumption decreased cavernosal smooth muscle area of alcoholic rats. The protein expression of caspase 3 in the corpus cavernosum was higher in A compared to the C group. There was no difference in the expression of miRNA-21 in serum and cavernous tissue between the groups. Conclusion Chronic ethanol consumption reduced smooth muscle area and increased caspase 3 in the corpus cavernosum of rats, without altered serum and cavernosal miR-21 gene expression.

Animals , Male , Penis/drug effects , Penis/pathology , Apoptosis/drug effects , Alcoholism/complications , Reference Values , Immunohistochemistry , Gene Expression , Rats, Wistar , MicroRNAs/analysis , Disease Models, Animal , Caspase 3/analysis , Erectile Dysfunction/chemically induced , Erectile Dysfunction/pathology , Muscle, Smooth/drug effects
Acta cir. bras ; Acta Cir. Bras. (Online);35(8): e202000805, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1130667


Abstract Purpose To evaluate the effects of alcohol exposure and diabetes on apoptotic process in the corpus cavernosum. Methods Forty eight male Wistar rats were divided into four groups: control, diabetic, alcoholic and diabetic-alcoholic. Samples of the corpus cavernosum were prepared to study protein expression of apoptotic genes (Caspases-3 and 9) by immunohistochemistry and Real-Time PCR. Results The immunoreactivity of Caspases-3 and -9 was diffuse and higher in the treated groups though there was no significant difference between the experimental groups, only when compared with the control group. An increase was observed in the gene expression of Caspases-9 in the diabetic and ethanol-diabetic groups when compared with control and ethanol groups. Conclusions The association of these factors (ethanol and diabetes) probably can affect the apoptosis mechanism in lesions of the cavernous tissue in the rat penis. Both gene and protein expression of Caspase-9 in diabetic and ethanol-diabetic groups suggest the involvement of the apoptosis cascade from this study model.

Animals , Male , Rats , Apoptosis , Alcoholism/complications , Penis , Rats, Wistar , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Online);41(2): 131-137, Mar.-Apr. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-990824


Objective: This study compared the rates of binge drinking (BD) and alcohol use disorder (AUD) reported for 2006 with those reported for 2012, exploring their associations with unprotected sex, early pregnancy, and abortion in a representative sample of women in Brazilian households. Methods: This was a descriptive analysis of data from a cross-sectional study involving randomized multistage cluster sampling of the population ≥ 14 years of age. Weighted prevalence rates and odds ratios were estimated, and serial mediation analysis was performed. Results: A total of 4,256 women were analyzed. The BD prevalence was 35.1% and 47.1% in 2006 and 2012, respectively, a significant increase, especially among women 40-59 years of age. There was no significant difference in AUD prevalence. BD (without AUD) was found to increase the odds of unprotected sex and abortion. The path analysis showed that early pregnancy was a mediator of the relationship between alcohol consumption and abortion. Conclusion: Among women in Brazil, the harmful use of alcohol is increasing, which has an impact on female reproductive health and exposure to risks. There is a need for specific prevention initiatives focusing on alcohol-related behaviors in women.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Alcoholism/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Abortion, Induced/statistics & numerical data , Unsafe Sex/statistics & numerical data , Alcoholism/complications , Middle Aged
Rev. gastroenterol. Perú ; 39(1): 55-63, ene.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1014126


Introducción: La cirrosis hepática descompensada por infecciones bacterianas es uno de los principales diagnósticos de admisión a hospitalización, teniendo en cuenta que el riesgo per se en ello es más alto que en pacientes no cirróticos, conllevando a cifras altas de mortalidad. Objetivo: El presente estudio buscó determinar los predictores de infección y mortalidad en pacientes con cirrosis hepática, así como las características epidemiológicas-clínicas de los pacientes con cirrosis. Materiales y métodos: De manera prospectiva se recolectaron los datos de los pacientes cirróticos hospitalizados en el servicio de Gastroenterología y Medicina interna del hospital de alta complejidad Virgen de la Puerta desde el 2015 a Junio del 2018. Resultados: El estudio incluyó 66 pacientes. La frecuencia de infección fue de 37,88%, siendo más frecuente la peritonitis bacteriana espontánea (21,2%) y la mortalidad total fue de 12,12%. Al realizar regresión logística binaria y curva ROC se obtuvieron como predictores de mortalidad, el valor de MELD >13,5 (p=0,003), TP >18,26 (p=0,003) y el estadio Child Pugh C (p=0,02, IC 95% EXP(B) 0,13-0,365). Las variables que predicen ausencia de mortalidad fueron un valor de plaquetas ≥ 74 500 /mm3 (p=0,01) y Sodio ≥133 mEq/l (p=0,019). Los predictores de infección, valor de MELD ≤14,5 (p=0,0004) y el nivel de sodio ≥134,5 mEq/l (AUC 0,696, p=0,028), para predecir ausencia de infección. Conclusiones: El MELD alto es un factor predictor tanto de mortalidad como de infección. El Child Pugh C y los valores de tiempo de Protrombina altos son predictores de mortalidad. El nivel de sodio normal es un predictor de ausencia de mortalidad e infección, así como el valor de plaquetas discretamente disminuido es predictor de ausencia de mortalidad.

Introduction: Liver cirrhosis decompensated due to bacterial infections is one of the main diagnoses of admission to hospitalization, taking into account that the risk per se in it is higher than in non-cirrhotic patients, leading to high mortality rates. Objective: The present study sought to determine the predictors of infection and mortality in patients with liver cirrhosis, as well as the epidemiological-clinical characteristics of patients with cirrhosis. Material and methods: Prospective data were collected from hospitalized cirrhotic patients in the Gastroenterology and Internal Medicine Service of the Hospital High Complexity "Virgen de la Puerta", from 2015 to June 2018. Results: The study included 66 patients. The infection frequency was of 37.88%, being more frequent the spontaneous bacterial peritonitis (21.2%) and the total mortality was of 12.12%. When performing binary logistic regression and ROC curve, the MELD value> 13.5 (p=0.003), TP >18.26 (p=0.003) and the Child Pugh C stage were obtained as predictors of mortality (p=0.02, IC 95% EXP(B) 0.13-0.365). The variables that predict absence of mortality were a platelet value ≥74 500 /mm3 (p=0.01) and sodium ≥133 (p=0.019). The predictors of infection, MELD value ≤14.5 (p=0.0004) and sodium level ≥134.5 (AUC 0.696, p=0.028), to predict absence of infection. Conclusions: High MELD is a predictor of both mortality and infection. Child Pugh C and high values of Prothrombin time are predictors of mortality. The normal sodium level is a predictor of absence of mortality and infection, as well as platelet values discreetly low are predictors of absence of mortality.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Liver Cirrhosis/mortality , Peritonitis/complications , Peritonitis/microbiology , Peru , Bacterial Infections/complications , Severity of Illness Index , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , ROC Curve , Hospital Mortality , Alcoholism/complications , Tertiary Care Centers , Non-alcoholic Fatty Liver Disease/complications , Hepatitis, Viral, Human/complications , Liver Cirrhosis/etiology
Asian j. androl ; Asian j. androl;(6): 478-485, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1009701


We assessed the concomitant impact of cigarette smoking and alcohol consumption in men presenting for primary couple's infertility. Data from 189 infertile men were analyzed. Semen analysis, serum hormones, and sperm DNA fragmentation (SDF) were obtained. Smoking status was categorized as follows: current nonsmoker (-S), moderate smoker (+MS), and heavy smoker (+HS). Alcohol consumption was categorized as follows: abstainer (-D), moderate drinker (+MD), and heavy drinker (+HD). Descriptive statistics and logistic regression models were applied. Among all the participants, 132 (69.8%), 30 (15.9%), and 27 (14.3%) patients were -S, +MS, and +HS, respectively. In addition, 67 (35.4%), 77 (40.7%) and 45 (23.8%) men were -D, +MD and +HD, respectively. Regarding concomitant habits, 52 (27.5%) patients were nonsmokers and abstainers (-S/-D: Group 1), 91 (48.1%) had at least one recreational habit (-S/+D or +S/-D: Group 2), and 46 (24.3%) were both smokers and drinkers (+S/+D: Group 3). Sperm concentration and progressive motility were lower in +HS and +HD, compared with -S and -D (all P < 0.05), respectively. Similarly, both parameters were significantly lower in Group 3 than Groups 1 and 2 (all P < 0.05). SDF values were higher in Group 3 than Groups 1 and 2 (both P < 0.05). In multivariate analysis, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) levels and concomitant +S/+D status were independent predictors of impaired sperm concentration and progressive motility (all P < 0.05). Heavy smoking and heavy drinking were associated with worse seminal parameters than moderate smoking/drinking and nonsmoking/abstaining. When concomitant, +S/+D status has an even greater detrimental effect on semen parameters.

Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Alcohol Drinking/adverse effects , Alcoholism/complications , Cigarette Smoking/adverse effects , Cohort Studies , Follicle Stimulating Hormone/blood , Infertility, Male/pathology , Semen Analysis , Sperm Count , Sperm Motility , Spermatozoa/ultrastructure
Rev. pesqui. cuid. fundam. (Online) ; 11(2, n. esp): 345-350, jan. 2019.
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-969615


Objetivo: Compreender as representações sociais dos usuários de álcool e suas complicações para os agravos dentro das urgências e emergências. Métodos: Estudo do tipo descritivo, com abordagem qualitativa, utilizando o aporte das Representações Sociais de Moscovici para compreender as representações acerca das urgências e emergências traumáticas relacionadas ao uso abusivo do álcool. Resultados: Foram identificados três núcleos direcionadores: impressões e experiências quanto ao uso do álcool, representações quanto as consequências e/ou agravos do acidente e representações quanto a visão da família. Conclusão: As falas dos participantes revelam um grande sofrimento das famílias e usuários devido ao consumo e ao abuso de bebida alcoólica, aonde este estudo visou contribuir para o conhecimento frente ao comportamento das pessoas que fazem o uso do álcool com frequência, auxiliando no seu enfrentamento e na prevenção de agravos

Objetivo: Comprender las representaciones sociales de los usuarios de alcohol y sus complicaciones a las quejas dentro de las urgencias y emergencias. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo, con enfoque cualitativo, mediante la aportación de las representaciones sociales de Moscovici comprender las representaciones sobre las emergencias de emergencia y traumáticos relacionados con el abuso de alcohol. Resultados: Se identificaron tres conductores principales: impresiones y experiencias en relación con el uso del alcohol, las representaciones sobre las consecuencias y / o lesiones del accidente y representaciones como la visualización de la familia. Conclusión: Los discursos de los participantes revelan un gran sufrimiento de las familias y los usuarios debido al consumo y abuso de alcohol, donde tuvo el propósito de contribuir al conocimiento contra el comportamiento de las personas que consumen alcohol con frecuencia, ayudando en su superación y la prevención de enfermedades

Objective: The study's purpose has been to gain further understanding with regards to the social representations of alcohol users, and also to assess its complications within the health services of urgencies and emergencies. Methods: This is a descriptive study with a qualitative approach, which used the Moscovici's Social Representations in order to understand the representations about urgencies and traumatic emergencies related to alcohol abuse. Results: Based on the findings, the following three support meaning centers were identified: impressions and experiences with regards to alcohol intake; representations related to either the consequences or aggravations of the accident; and, representations by considering the family viewpoint. Conclusions: The participants' statements reveal a pronounced suffering of both the families and users due to the consumption and the abuse of alcoholic beverages. This study aimed to contribute towards improving the scientific knowledge about people's behavior, particularly, those who use alcohol regularly. Therefore, through this research, the health professionals may find a solid scientific support to helping them to stand against this issue, as well as preventing people's health aggravations

Humans , Male , Female , Alcoholism/complications , Emergency Medical Services , Alcoholics/psychology , Alcohol-Induced Disorders/complications , Ambulatory Care
Rev. pesqui. cuid. fundam. (Online) ; 11(2, n. esp): 502-509, jan. 2019. il, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-970107


Introduction: Wernicke-Korsakoff Syndrome (WKS) is one of the most serious consequences of alcohol abuse. The cognitive impact of the pathology is derived from alcoholic neurotoxicity and thiamine deficiency, which can progress to stupor, coma and death. Objective: Performing a case study regarding an alcoholic patient bearing the WKS, and also designing a nursing care plan. Methods: It is a case study with a qualitative approach that assesses an alcoholic patient bearing the WKS. The study was performed at the Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC) in Recife, Brazil, over the period from February to March 2016. Results: We were able to identify 14 nursing diagnoses, as follows: chronic confusion/memory deficit/disturbed thought processes/ impaired verbal communication; impaired walking/risk of tumble down; self-care deficit; nutrition smaller than the needs/fatigue; excessive fluid volume/impaired tissue integrity; bleeding risk; impaired skin integrity; ineffective tissue perfusion. Conclusion: The nursing professionals have singular importance with regards to both the execution of health education actions as well as the alcoholics' treatment, thus preventing the complications of the disease

Introdução: A síndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff (SWK) é uma das mais graves consequências do abuso de álcool. O impacto cognitivo da patologia é derivado da neurotoxicidade alcóolica e deficiência de tiamina, podendo progredir para estupor, coma e morte. Objetivo: Realizar um estudo de caso de paciente alcoolista portador de SWK e construir um plano de assistência de enfermagem. Métodos: Estudo de caso com abordagem qualitativa. O estudo foi realizado no Hospital Universitário Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC), em Recife, Brasil, fevereiro a março de 2016. Resultados: Identificamos 14 diagnósticos de enfermagem: confusão crônica/memória prejudicada/ processos do pensamento perturbados/comunicação verbal prejudicada; deambulação prejudicada/risco de quedas; déficit no autocuidado; nutrição desequilibrada menor que as necessidades/fadiga; volume excessivo de líquido/integridade tissular prejudicada; risco de sangramento; integridade da pele prejudicada; perfusão tissular ineficaz. Conclusão: A enfermagem tem especial importância na execução das ações de educação em saúde e tratamento de alcoolistas prevenindo as complicações da doença

Introducción: El síndrome de Wernicke-Korsakoff (WKS) es una de las más graves consecuencias del abuso del alcohol. El impacto de trastorno cognitivo se deriva de la neurotoxicidad alcohólica y la deficiencia de tiamina, que puede progresar a estupor, coma y muerte. Objetivo: Realizar un estudio de caso de un paciente con SWK alcohólica y construir un plan de atención de enfermería. Métodos: Un estudio de caso con enfoque cualitativo. El estudio se realizó en el Hospital Universitario Oswaldo Cruz (HUOC) en Recife, Brasil, entre febrero y marzo de 2016 Resultados: Se identificaron 14 diagnósticos de enfermería: confusión crónica/deterioro de la memoria/ procesos de pensamiento perturbados/alteración de la comunicación verbal; alteración de la deambulación/riesgo de caídas; déficit de autocuidado; la nutrición desequilibrada menos necesita/fatiga; volumen excesivo de líquido/ la integridad del tejido deteriorado; riesgo de sangrado; alteración de la integridad de la piel; la perfusión tisular ineficaz. Conclusión: La enfermería tiene especial importancia en la implementación de las iniciativas de educación en la salud y el tratamiento de alcohólicos prevención de las complicaciones de la enfermedad

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Wernicke Encephalopathy/nursing , Korsakoff Syndrome/nursing , Alcoholism/complications , Alcoholism/nursing , Alcoholics , Wernicke Encephalopathy/complications , Wernicke Encephalopathy/prevention & control , Health Education , Korsakoff Syndrome/complications , Korsakoff Syndrome/prevention & control
Rev. cient. Esc. Univ. Cienc. Salud ; 5(1): 12-18, ene.-jun. 2018. graf, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-979742


Antecedentes: El alcohol es considerada una droga que tiene repercusión negativa en la vida del individuo consumidor activo o no. El consumo de alcohol es multifactorial y preocupa en jóvenes universitarios por ser una droga de fácil acceso, barato y con menos estigma a nivel social. Objetivo: Des-cribir y comparar el consumo de alcohol en estudiantes de medicina hombres y mujeres que cursan las asignaturas de Farmacología I y II el primer semestre del año 2017 en la Escuela Universitaria de Ciencias de la Salud en la Universidad Nacional Autonoma de Honduras en el Valle de Sula (EUCS/ UNAH-VS). Pacientes y métodos: Estudio cuantitativo, alcance descriptivo. Población: muestra por conveniencia de 56 estudiantes (28 mujeres y 28 hombres). Se utilizó un instrumento tipo cuestionario para la recolec-ción de datos, previo consentimiento infor-mado. Resultados: El 73%. (41) consumía alcohol. Los resultados revelaron mayor con-sumo en mujeres 43% (24) que en hombres 30% (17). Un 36.7% (20) refiere la ingesta de alcohol en vacaciones y 26.8% (15) después de exámenes. Un 98% (55) conocían de los efectos nocivos del alcohol. Conclusiones:El consumo de alcohol es una práctica en los jóvenes universitarios de las asignaturas de Farmacología I y II. Un alto porcentaje de los estudiantes partícipes de éste estudio ha consumido alcohol, la mayoría lo hace oca-sionalmente. El consumo es mayor por parte de las mujeres. La sustancia más consumida es la cerveza (ambos sexos). La mayoría conoce los efectos nocivos del alcohol, pero no los detiene a consumirlo...(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Students, Pharmacy , Alcohol Drinking , Alcoholism/complications