A maioria das respostas alérgicas a alimentos é mediada por IgE, que pode ser detectada para fins de diagnóstico da alergia alimentar. No entanto, para isso é necessário que alérgenos purificados estejam disponíveis para a elaboração dos diferentes formatos de ensaio, inclusive por microarray, que se constitui em uma ferramenta bastante útil para análise simultânea, e também para a identificação de reatividade cruzada. A esse respeito, é imprescindível ampliar a plataforma de alérgenos que possam ser empregados para a confecção de microarrays. Atualmente, alguns alimentos que constituem objeto de interesse na clínica em função do número de casos de alergia, e sobre os quais as informações a respeito dos alérgenos são escassas, são: abacaxi, mamão, mandioca e manga. Assim, o objetivo desse trabalho foi clonar, expressar e purificar proteínas potencialmente alergênicas de alimentos de importância regional. Após confirmadas por ensaios imunológicos, essas proteínas foram utilizadas na construção e validação de um microarray através de ensaios com os soros de pacientes alérgicos aos alimentos selecionados. Para atingir esse objetivo, foram selecionadas proteínas potencialmente alergênicas coincidentes, apontadas tanto pela similaridade com espécies taxonomicamente mais próximas, quanto pela técnica 2D Western Blotting acoplada à espectrometria de massas. Dezenove proteínas, sendo 4 de abacaxi, 5 de mamão, 6 de mandioca e 4 de manga, foram expressas em Pichia pastoris, purificadas e impressas em um microarray. Após incubar essas proteínas com os soros dos pacientes alérgicos aos alimentos estudados, 18 proteínas mostraram-se potencialmente alergênicas. Além disso, foi observada reatividade cruzada entre proteínas dos alimentos estudados e também em relação ao látex e outros frutos
The majority of allergic reactions to foods is IgE-mediated, which can be detected for the diagnosis of food allergy. However, purified allergens are necessary to produce different kinds of allergy tests, including microarray, which is a useful tool for simultaneous analysis, as well as for the identification of cross-reactivity. In this respect, it is essential to expand the platform of allergens to include them on microarrays. Nowadays, some foods that are object of interest in the clinical area in Brazil and it is necessary a further evaluation about their potential allergens, since there is a limited information about them, are: pineapple, papaya, cassava and mango. Therefore, the aim of this study was cloning, expressing and purifying potentially allergenic proteins of important Brazilian foods. After confirmed by immunological tests, these proteins were used in microarray production and validation by assays with sera from allergic patients to the selected foods. Achieving this goal, matching potentially allergenic proteins were selected, which were identified by comparison among taxonomically closer species (in silico) and 2D Western Blotting coupled with Mass Spectrometry. Nineteen proteins: 4 from pineapple, 5 from papaya, 6 from cassava and 4 from mango were expressed in Pichia pastoris, purified and printed on a microarray. After incubating those proteins with sera from allergic patients to the selected foods, 18 proteins were detected as potentially allergenic. In addition, cross-reactivity was observed among the proteins from the studied foods, and also regarding to the latex and other fruits
Humans , Male , Female , Allergens/analysis , Cloning, Organism/instrumentation , Microarray Analysis/classification , Food , Food Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Blotting, Western/methods , Validation Study , Fruit/adverse effects , Hypersensitivity/complicationsABSTRACT
Canine atopic dermatitis is an inflammatory, genetic, pruritic and chronic dermatosis that affects between 10 and 30% of dogs and one of the most important allergens is grass pollen. The objective of this study was to evaluate the sensitization to grass pollen allergens in dogs with canine atopic dermatitis and to compare intradermal skin test (IDT) with percutaneous test (PT). For this study, ten healthy dogs and 39 dogs with atopic dermatitis were tested. Dogs were submitted to IDT and PT for Lolium multiflorum, Cynodon dactylon and Paspalum notatum. The IDT and PT tests were compared using the Proportion Test. All healthy dogs were negative to both tests. Ten atopic dogs (25.6%) responded positively to the PT and none were positive in IDT. C. dactylon, L. multiflorum and P. notatum were responsible for positive reactions in 70%, 70% and 30% of positive dogs, respectively. The number of positive reactions in PT were statistically higher than IDT (P<0.05). In conclusion, grass pollen can be important source of allergens for dogs in Paraná state (Brazil) and the PT showed higher sensitization to grass pollen in dogs with atopic dermatitis than IDT.(AU)
A dermatite atópica canina é uma dermatose inflamatória, genética, prurítica e crônica que afeta entre 10% e 30% dos cães, e um dos alérgenos mais importantes são os polens de gramíneas. O objetivo deste estudo é avaliar a sensibilização a alérgenos de polens de gramíneas em cães com dermatite atópica e comparar o teste intradérmico (TID) com o teste percutâneo (TP). Para o estudo, 10 cães hígidos e 39 cães com dermatite atópica foram testados. Estes foram submetidos ao TID e ao TP para Lolium multiflorum, Cynodon dactylon e Paspalum notatum. TID e TP foram comparados usando-se o teste de proporção. Todos os cães hígidos foram negativos em ambos os testes. Dez cães atópicos (25,6%) responderam positivamente ao TP e nenhum ao TID. C. dactylon, L. multiflorum e P. notatum foram responsáveis por reações positivas de 70%, 70% e 30% dos cães positivos, respectivamente. O número de reações positivas no TP foi estatisticamente maior que no TID (P<0,05). Foi concluído que os polens de gramíneas podem ser importantes fontes de alérgenos para cães no estado do Paraná (Brasil) e que o TP mostrou maior sensibilização a polens em cães com dermatite atópica que o TID.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Pollen/adverse effects , Allergens/analysis , Dermatitis, Atopic/veterinary , Lolium , Skin Tests/veterinary , Cynodon , Paspalum , Poaceae/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Medir la concentración del polen en la atmósfera se ha convertido en objeto de interés a nivel mundial debido al aumento de las enfermedades alérgicas, ya que en muchas personas es causa de polinosis. Objetivos: se centró en la elaboración de un calendario de polen del olivo, basado en medir su concentración en las ciudades de Tacna (desde 2015 al 2018) y Arica (periodo 2018), y determinar la prevalencia de resultados positivos para extracto alergénico de polen del olivo en pacientes con síntomas de rinitis y/o asma provenientes de las ciudades de Tacna y Arica (periodo 2015-2018). Métodos: Se midió la concentración de polen, mediante el método volumétrico tipo Hirst, según estándares establecidos por el comité de aerobiología de la Sociedad Española de Alergología e Inmunología Clínica (SEAIC). Se incluyó una muestra total de 350 sujetos con síntomas respiratorios (200 de Tacna y 150 de Arica). Resultados: En Tacna, en 2015, 2016, 2017 y 2018, la concentración máxima de polen de olivo fue de 246 granos/m3 ; 110 granos/m3 ; 78 granos/ m3 y 688 granos/m3 respectivamente. En Arica en 2018, la concentración máxima de polen del olivo fue de 318 granos/ m3 . Se encontró que un 34% (68/200) y un 28% (42/150) de sujetos con síntomas respiratorios estaban sensibilizados u obtuvieron pruebas positivas al extracto de polen del olivo en sujetos de las ciudades de Tacna y Arica respectivamente. Conclusión: En ambas ciudades las concentraciones máximas de polen del olivo se encontraron principalmente entre los meses de septiembre a noviembre, siendo octubre el mes de mayores conteos. Se identificó sujetos alérgicos por test cutáneo al polen del olivo en las ciudades de Tacna y Arica.
The measurement of the concentration of pollen in the atmosphere has become an object of interest worldwide for the increase of allergy diseases, since in many people it is the cause of pollinosis. Objectives: focused on the elaboration of a calendar of olive tree pollen based on the measurement of the pollen concentration in Tacna (since 2015 to 2018) and Arica (period 2018) cities, and to determine the prevalence of positive results for allergenic extract of olive pollen in patients with symptoms of rhinitis and / or asthma, who came from Tacna and Arica cities (period 2015 to 2018). Methods. The pollen concentration was measured using the volumetric method according to standards established by the Aerobiology Committee of the Spanish Society of Allergology and Clinical Immunology (SEAIC), we included 350 subjects (200 from Tacna and 150 from Arica). Results: In Tacna, in 2015, 2016, 2017 and 2018, the maximum concentration of olive pollen was 246 grains/m3; 110 grains/m3; 78 grains/m3 and 688 grains/m3 respectively. In Arica in 2018, the maximum concentration of olive pollen was 318 grains/m3. We found 34% (68/200) and 28% (42/150) were sensitized or results positive test to the olive pollen extract in subjects with respiratory symptoms from Tacna and Arica cities respectively. Conclusion: The olive pollen in the atmosphere of Tacna and Arica is mainly concentrated in the months of September to November, being October the month with higher count. Allergic subjects were identified by skin test to olive pollen in Tacna and Arica cities.
Pollen , Allergens/analysis , Olea , Air Pollutants/analysis , Chile , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rhinitis, Allergic, SeasonalABSTRACT
Abstract: Background: In our country, the Brazilian Standard Series is the most used for the etiological diagnosis of allergic contact dermatitis to shoes. However, there is no assessment of the usefulness of specific allergens for shoes. Objectives: To measure the improvement in diagnostic accuracy of allergic contact dermatitis to shoes with the use of a specific complementary series in patch testing and describe the characteristics of the affected population, such as gender, location of lesions, time of evolution, and the most common allergens. Methods: This retrospective study evaluated the results of 52 patients with suspected shoe dermatitis subjected to patch tests with the standard and specific series to quantify the gain in diagnostic accuracy. Results: Among the 52 suspected cases, 29 cases (56%) were confirmed. In 13 (45%) cases the diagnosis was determined through the specific series, which results in an 81% increase in the number of diagnoses. Study limitation: Small sample size. Conclusions: Women were more commonly affected, with a mean time for the final diagnosis of 45 months, and the most common localization was the dorsum of the feet. There was an increase in diagnostic accuracy with the introduction of new haptens in the patch test of patients with suspected shoes dermatitis.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Shoes/adverse effects , Allergens/analysis , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/diagnosis , Foot Dermatoses/diagnosis , Brazil , Patch Tests , Allergens/adverse effects , Retrospective Studies , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/etiology , Foot Dermatoses/etiologyABSTRACT
Abstract: Children's products are considered safe by the general population and doctors. Labels with terms such as "hypoallergenic" or "dermatologically recommended and tested" denote trust and credibility with the idea that they can be used by any individual. Patients with allergic contact dermatitis may be sensitive to allergens present in any product, including children's. There is insufficient knowledge about allergens in these products in our country. We evaluated 254 children's products, and at least one allergen was present in 236 (93%) of them. The indication of a topical product should be careful and based on contact tests.
Humans , Child , Allergens/adverse effects , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/etiology , Brazil , Skin Tests , Allergens/analysis , Cosmetics/adverse effects , Food/adverse effectsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Cats are a significant source of allergens that contribute towards worsening of allergic diseases. The aim of this study was to investigate the association between sensitization to cat allergens and allergic respiratory diseases.This was an observational retrospective study based on the skin pricktests results of patients at a tertiary-level hospital in São Paulo. A total of 1,985 test results were assessed. The prevalence of sensitization to cat allergen was 20% (399 patients). Our data indicated that in this population of atopic patients, a positive skin prick test result for cat allergen was not associated significantly with a diagnosis of respiratory allergy.
Humans , Animals , Male , Female , Respiratory Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Skin Tests , Allergens/adverse effects , Cats/immunology , Respiratory Hypersensitivity/etiology , Respiratory Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Allergens/analysis , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and SpecificityABSTRACT
Wheat flour is a known sensitizer for humans. Bakers exposed to flour dust may develop occupational rhinitis and asthma. In Chile there is no current permissible limit for occupational exposure to wheat flour. To propose such a limit, 9 bakeries located in 6 districts of Santiago de Chile were evaluated, 6 bakeries were semi-industrial and 3 were small business. Twenty-eight environmental personal samples were obtained by standard sampling methods and they were analyzed at the Institute of Public Health of Chile. No significant differences were found (p = 0,2915, Kruskall-Wallis' test) between air concentrations of flour particles in the working environment of semi-industrial (geometric mean: MG = 0.88 mg/m³,geometric deviation: DEG = 2,68) and small business (MG = 1.39 mg/m³, DEG = 2,31). A permissible limit of wheat flour dust exposure is recommended.
Se conoce que la harina de trigo es un sensibilizador en seres humanos. Los panaderos expuestos a polvo de harina pueden desarrollar rinitis y asma ocupacional. En Chile actualmente no existe un límite permisible para la exposición ocupacional a polvo de harina. Con el objetivo de proponer un límite, fueron evaluadas 9 panaderías de 6 comunas de Santiago de Chile, de las cuales 6 fueron semi-industriales y 3 pequeñas. Un total de veintiocho muestras personales de aire fueron obtenidas según método estándar de muestreo y analizadas en el Instituto de Salud Pública de Chile. No se encontraron diferencias significativas (p = 0,2915, prueba de Kruskall-Wallis) en la concentración de partículas de harina en el ambiente de trabajo semi-industrial (media geométrica: MG = 0,88 mg/m³, desviación geométrica: DEG = 2,68) y en el de panaderías pequeñas (MG = 1,39 mg/m³, DEG = 2,31). En base a las observaciones realizadas se recomienda establecer un límite permisible de exposición para polvo de harina de trigo.
Humans , Male , Powders/analysis , Allergens/analysis , Occupational Exposure/adverse effects , Asthma, Occupational/etiology , Flour/analysis , Food Industry , Chile , Occupational Exposure/analysisABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Japanese hop (Humulus spp.) and mugwort (Artemisia spp.) are notable causes of autumn pollinosis in East Asia. However, Japanese hop and mugwort pollen extracts, which are widely used for the diagnosis, have not been standardized. This study was performed to standardize Japanese hop and mugwort pollen extracts. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Allergen extracts were prepared in a standardized way using locally collected Humulus japonicus and purchased Artemisia vulgaris pollens. The immunoglobulin E (IgE) reactivities of prepared extracts were compared with commercial extracts via IgE immunoblotting and inhibition analyses. Intradermal skin tests were performed to determine the bioequivalent allergy unit (BAU). RESULTS: The IgE reactive components of the extracts via IgE immunoblotting were similar to those of commercial extracts. A 11-kDa allergen showed the strongest IgE reactivity in Japanese hop, as did a 28-kDa allergen in mugwort pollen extracts. Allergenic potencies of the investigatory Japanese hop and mugwort extracts were essentially indistinguishable from the commercial ones. Sums of erythema of 50 mm by the intradermal skin test (SigmaED50) were calculated to be 14.4th and 13.6th three-fold dilutions for Japanese hop and mugwort extracts, respectively. Therefore, the allergenic activity of the prepared extracts was 90827.4 BAU/mg for Japanese hop and 34412 BAU/mg for mugwort. CONCLUSION: We produced Japanese hop and mugwort pollen extracts using a standardized method. Standardized Japanese hop and mugwort pollen extracts will facilitate the production of improved diagnostic and immunotherapeutic reagents.
Humans , Allergens/analysis , Antibody Specificity , Artemisia , Bronchial Hyperreactivity/blood , Cross Reactions , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Immunoblotting , Immunoglobulin E/blood , Pollen/chemistry , Reference Standards , Republic of Korea , Rhinitis, Allergic, SeasonalABSTRACT
Background: The prevalence of atopy in asthmatic children is widely variable around the world as demonstrated by large multicentric international studies. Aim: To determine the prevalence of atopy, defined as a positive reaction to one or more allergens in the skin prick test (SPT), in children with persistent asthma. Material and Methods: We studied 1,199 children (54% male), aged between 4 and 16 years with confirmed diagnosis of asthma and followed at a Department of Pediatric Respiratory Medicine, between 2006 and 2011. SPT was performed according to international recommendations using standardized aeroallergens, in the forearm. A positive reaction was defined as a wheal ≥ 3 mm to one or more allergens. Results: The overall prevalence of atopy (positive SPT) was 49.4% (95% confidence interval (CI) 46.5-52.2) and there was a significant trend towards a higher prevalence with increasing age (p < 0.01). The main allergens with positive reactions were Dermatophagoides with 24.9% (95% CI 26.7-31.9), grass 24.0% (95% CI 21.6-26.5), weeds 19.0% (95% CI 16.9-21.4), cat 17.7% (95% CI 15.4-20.2), and Alternaria with 11.0% (95% CI 9.1-13.1). Sixty five percent of positive children reacted to one or more allergens. There were no adverse reactions. Conclusions: In the southern metropolitan area of Santiago de Chile, half of children with asthma are sensitized to common aeroallergens.
Adolescent , Animals , Cats , Child , Child, Preschool , Dogs , Female , Humans , Male , Allergens/analysis , Asthma/epidemiology , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Asthma/etiology , Chile/epidemiology , Hypersensitivity/etiology , Prevalence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Skin TestsSubject(s)
Adolescent , Adult , Allergens/adverse effects , Allergens/analysis , Allergens/classification , Child , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/diagnosis , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/epidemiology , Dermatitis, Allergic Contact/etiology , Female , Humans , India/epidemiology , Male , Middle Aged , Patch Tests/methods , Population , Young AdultABSTRACT
This study determined the pattern of skin prick test reactivity to allergens in patients with airway allergy residing in Rabigh Area, based on data analysis of skin prick test results. Skin prick tests of 160 Saudi attended Al Nakheel Polyclinic between July, 2012 and April, 2013. Allergen extracts set was used to test them. Out 160 patients, 114 [71%] reacted to one or more allergens, who were 73 [64%] adults and 41 [36%] children. The majority of adults [17.8%] reacted to six allergens and children [19.5%] reacted to five ones. The most frequently reacting allergen was house dust mites followed by Candida albicans then Cladosporium spp. The maximum number of positive tests per patients was 13 in adults, compared to 10 in children. A significantly higher proportion of adults were reacting to house dust mites, Aspergillus and Penicillium. Sensitivity to allergens was common in patients with airway allergy residing in Rabigh area
Humans , Male , Female , Hypersensitivity/immunology , Allergens/analysis , Dust/analysis , Pyroglyphidae/immunology , Child , AdultABSTRACT
La alergia tipo I se ha definido como una reacción inmunológica adversa mediada por IgE que se produce después de una exposición repetida al alérgeno. La prevalencia de las alergias ha aumentado considerablemente en los últimos 20 años, lo que aumenta la necesidad del estudio de la respuesta a varios alérgenos. El objetivo fue evaluar la frecuencia de sensibilización a alimentos y aero-alérgenos en los pacientes referidos al Laboratorio de Corpodiagnostica C.A. durante el periodo 2010-2011. Se determinó niveles de IgE específica a 2445 pacientes, usando el método inmunoblot in vitro RIDA Allergy-screen (r-Biopharm, Alemania). La tasa de sensibilización total medida por IgE específica a alimentos fue de 30,43%, donde los alimentos más comunes fueron Leche, Queso, Trigo, Maíz y Cerdo; mientras que la tasa de sensibilización para aero-alérgenos fue de 46,16%; de los cuales los más comunes fueron los ácaros mayores y B. tropicalis. Este estudio provee de una herramienta importante para la identificación de los alérgenos alimentarios y respiratorios de mayor prevalencia en la población venezolana.
Type I allergy had been defined as an adverse immunologic reaction mediated by IgE that occurs after a repeated exposure to the allergen. The prevalence of the allergies has increased considerably in the last 20 years, thus increasing the need of study the response to several allergens. The objective was to evaluate the frecuency of foods and respiratory allerges sensitization in patients referred to Corpodiagnostica Laboratory (Caracas, Venezuela, ISO 9001:2008 certified laboratory) in the period that correspond from January 2010 to July 2011. We determinated specific IgE levels to 2445 patients, by the in vitro RIDA® Allergy-screen immunoblot method (r-biopharm®, Germany). The total sensitization rate mediated by specific IgE to food allergen was 30,43% where the foods most common were milk, cheese, wheat flour, corn and pork; while the sensitization for aero-allerges was 46,16%; the most common were the major mites and B. tropicalis. This study provides an important tool for the identification of food and aero-allergens with major prevalence in the Venezuelan population.
Humans , Allergens/analysis , Allergens/blood , Allergens/therapeutic use , Hypersensitivity, Immediate/blood , Food Hypersensitivity/blood , Immunization/methods , Blood Chemical Analysis , HematologyABSTRACT
La anafilaxia oral por ácaros es un nuevo síndrome caracterizado por síntomas alérgicos graves que se presentan en individuos alérgicos rápidamente después de la ingestion de alimentos confeccionados con harinas de trigo contaminadas con ácaros. Este síndrome más común en ambientes tropicales, es desencadenado más frecuentemente por panquecas y por ello ha sido designado "el síndrome de las panquecas". Se postula que los alergenos responsables son alergenos termorresistentes ya que los alimentos cocinados son capaces de inducir los síntomas. Una variedad del síndrome puede presentarse durante el ejercicio físico (anafilaxia inducida por ejercicio asociada a la ingestión de polvo con ácaros). Se recomienda conservar las harinas de trigo en el refrigerador para prevenir la proliferación de los ácaros y la aparición del cuadro clínico.
Oral mite anaphylaxis is a new syndrome characterized by severe allergic symptoms occurring in allergic patients immediately after the intake of foods made with mite-contaminated wheat flour. This syndrome, which is more common in tropical environments, is triggered more aften by pancakes and for that reason it has been designated "the pancake syndrome". Since cooked foods are able to induce the symptoms, it has been suggested that thermoresistant allergens are involved. A variety of this syndrome can occur during physical exercise (dust mite-ingestion associated exercise induced anaphylaxis). In order to prevent mite proliferation and the production of the clinical picture it is recommended to store wheat flours in the refrigerator.
Humans , Male , Adolescent , Female , Child , Mites/metabolism , Anaphylaxis/complications , Anaphylaxis/etiology , Hypersensitivity/etiology , Allergens/analysis , Food Contamination , Triticum/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Se realizó un estudio con el objetivo de cuantificar y caracterizar la carga polínica en la ciudad de Temuco, entre los años 2006-2009. Para el muestreo aerobiológico se utilizó un captador volumétrico Burkard Seven Day Volumetric Spore-Trap®. Las muestras obtenidas fueron analizadas semana tras semanas durante el período en estudio. Con los resultados del conteo polínico semanal se determinaron las 11 principales especies de flora urbana anemófilas de Temuco más susceptibles de producir polinosis. Las mayores concentraciones de polen se obtienen entre septiembre y marzo, siendo las especies más importantes: Pastos (Gramineae/Poaceae), Ciprés (Cupressus sp) y Acedera (Rumex sp).
The aim of this study was to quantify and to characterize the amount ofpollen in the atmosphere of the city of Temuco, Chile from 2006 to 2009. Aerobiological sampling was carried out by using a Seven Day Volumetric Spore-Trap Burkard and the samples were analyzed weekly during the period of study. Results: We determined the 11 principal anemophilus species of urban flora in Temuco responsible for pollinosis. The highest concentration ofpollen were present from september till march, being the most important species the Grasses (Gramineae/Poaceae), Cypress (Cupressus sp), and Sorrell (Rumex sp.).
Humans , Allergens/analysis , Pollen , Rhinitis, Allergic, Seasonal , Chile , Environmental Pollutants , Seasons , Urban AreaABSTRACT
Epicuticular components were obtained using methylene chloride extraction of fresh leaves from two populations of Lithrea caustica. The methylene chloride extracts were analyzed using GC and GC-MS. The extracts from both sampled populations showed a mixture of a hydrocarbon fraction of n-alkanes from C-21 to C-33 as their main components and small amounts of monoterpene hydrocarbons. The allergen 3-(pentadec-10-enyl)-catechol was also identified in the epicuticular sample in very different proportions in both extracts. A second extract obtained after the epicuticle had been removed from the sample revealed oxygenated monoterpenes, sesquiterpene hydrocarbons and an increased amount of the allergen 3-(Pentadec-10-enyl)-catechol. These results demonstrate that the cuticle hydrocarbons of the leaves function as a lipophylic barrier that controls allergen release.
Los componentes epicuticulares se obtuvieron mediante la extracción con cloruro de metileno de hojas frescas de dos poblaciones de Lithrea caustica. Los extractos de cloruro de metileno fueron analizados mediante CG y CG-EM. Los extractos de ambas poblaciones mostraron una mezcla de una fracción de hidrocarburos n-alcanos de C-21 a C-33 como sus componentes principales y pequeñas cantidades de hidrocarburos monoterpenicos. El alérgeno 3 - (pentadec-10-enil)-catecol también fue identificado en epicuticula en proporciones muy diferentes en ambos extractos. Un segundo extracto obtenido después que la epicutícula había sido eliminada de la muestra mostró monoterpenos oxigenados, hidrocarburos sesquiterpenos y una mayor cantidad del alérgeno 3 - (Pentadec-10-enil)-catecol. Estos resultados demuestran que los hidrocarburos de la cutícula de las hojas funcionan como una barrera lipofílica que controla la liberación del alérgeno.
Allergens/analysis , Anacardiaceae/chemistry , Catechols/analysis , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Hydrocarbons/analysis , Terpenes/analysis , Chromatography, Gas , Plant Leaves/chemistry , Mass Spectrometry , Methylene Chloride , Plants, ToxicABSTRACT
PURPOSE: The effects of air cleaners on the removal of airborne indoor allergens, especially house dust mites (HDM), are still controversial. The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of an air cleaner with an electrostatic filter on the removal of airborne mite allergens. MATERIALS AND METHODS: A dried HDM culture medium that contained mite body particles and excretions was dispersed in a chamber equipped with an electrostatic air cleaner. The number of airborne particles was recorded continuously by a dust spectrometer for 60 minutes. Airborne particles in the chamber were collected on a sampling filter at a flow rate of 10 L/min and the Der f 1 concentration in the filter extracts was measured by two-site ELISA. RESULTS: The air cleaner efficiently removed airborne HDM particles. The air cleaner removed airborne HDM particles (size 2-12.5 microm) 11.4 +/- 2.9 fold (cleaner operating for 15 minutes), 5.4 +/- 0.7 fold (cleaner operating for 30 minutes), and 2.4 +/- 0.2 fold (cleaner operating for 60 minutes) more than the removal of HDM particles by natural settle down. Removal kinetics differed according to the particle size of the airborne particles. The air cleaner decreased the concentration of Der f 1 in the extraction of airborne particles collected on the air sampling filter by 60.3%. CONCLUSION: The electrostatic air cleaner can remove airborne HDM allergens and may be useful as a supplementary environmental control tool for HDM sensitized respiratory allergic patients.
Animals , Humans , Air Pollution, Indoor/analysis , Allergens/analysis , Antigens, Dermatophagoides/analysis , Culture Media/metabolism , Dust/analysis , Environment , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay/methods , Filtration , Kinetics , Mites , Particle Size , Static ElectricityABSTRACT
As doenças alérgicas, como a asma, rinite, conjuntivite alérgica e a dermatite atópica têm apresentado um aumento na sua prevalência nas últimas décadas. A relação entre exposição alergênica, sensibilização atópica e desenvolvimento de doenças alérgicas são amplamente descrita na literatura. OBJETIVO: Discutir a dificuldade no controle ambiental da exposição alergênica como parte do tratamento das doenças alérgicas. MÉTODOS: Analisar trabalhos de exposição alergênica realizados com metodologia similar na região central do Brasil, incluindo casas, hotéis, cinemas, carros, táxis, ônibus e transporte escolar. RESULTADOS: Níveis elevados dos alérgenos do grupo 1 de Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus (Der p 1) e de D. farinae (Der f 1), capazes de causar sensibilização e exacerbação de sintomas foram encontrados na maioria dos ambientes estudados em uma larga proporção das amostras, enquanto os alérgenos de animais domésticos atingiram maiores níveis em carros e veículos de transporte escolar. CONCLUSÃO: A diversidade da exposição alergênica mostra a necessidade de uma compreensão da doença alérgica pelos pacientes e familiares, e que as medidas de controle do ambiente doméstico fazem parte de uma estratégia global do tratamento das doenças alérgicas, uma vez que os indivíduos vivem em uma sociedade e não isoladas no interior de seus domicílios.
The prevalence of allergic diseases such as asthma, rhinitis, allergic conjunctivitis and atopic dermatitis has increased in the last decades. The relationship between allergen exposure, atopic sensitization and development of allergic diseases is widely described in the literature. AIM: To evaluate measures for reducing allergen exposure as part of the treatment of allergic diseases. METHODS: An analysis was made of previous studies on allergen exposure done with a similar methodology in the central region of Brazil; the study included homes, hotels, cinemas, cars, taxis, buses and scholar transportation. RESULTS: High levels of Der p 1 and Der f 1 mite allergens were found in a large proportion of the sample in most of the environments included in those studies; there were higher levels of pet allergens in cars and school transportation vehicles. CONCLUSION: The diversity of allergen exposure demonstrates the need for education about allergic diseases for patients and their families, as well as measures of reducing allergens in homes. This should be part of a global strategy of the management of allergic diseases, given that individuals live in society, not only in their houses.
Humans , Air Pollution, Indoor/prevention & control , Allergens/analysis , Environmental Exposure/prevention & control , Hypersensitivity/prevention & control , Air Pollution, Indoor/statistics & numerical data , Antigens, Dermatophagoides/analysis , Asthma/immunology , Asthma/prevention & control , Brazil , Environmental Monitoring , Environmental Exposure/analysis , Housing , Hypersensitivity/immunology , Rhinitis/immunology , Rhinitis/prevention & controlABSTRACT
BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The aim of this present study was to evaluate the role of patch testing for the etiological diagnosis of chronic urticaria (CU) by using the Indian standard battery of patch test allergens approved by Contact and Occupational Dermatitis Forum of India (CODFI). METHODS: A total of 57 cases with chronic urticaria were tested with the Indian standard battery of allergens. All those cases that showed allergy to patch test allergens were advised to avoid contact with the allergen(s) to whom they had allergy; they were also advised to avoid/restrict allergens in the diet. This avoidance/restriction was advised for a period of six weeks. During this period, clinical improvement of each patient was evaluated and recorded at weekly intervals. RESULTS: Out of the 57 cases of CU, 11 patients showed positive reactions to one or more patch test allergens. Nine out of eleven showed complete disappearance of CU by 2-3 weeks on avoidance of the allergen and this improvement continued till the end of six weeks. The remaining two cases showed partial recovery from CU during the same period. CONCLUSION: Patch testing is a safe, simple and inexpensive alternative that can be used for the etiological diagnosis of chronic urticaria before undertaking expensive investigations.
Adolescent , Adult , Allergens/analysis , Chronic Disease , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Patch Tests/methods , Urticaria/diagnosisABSTRACT
Mouse allergen has emerged as an under recognized indoor allergen associated with sensitization and contributing to asthma severity. As part of a study of farm residence, exposures, and risk of allergic diseases in children in New Zealand, 216 living room floor dust samples were analysed for the mouse allergen, Mus m 1. Associations between Mus m 1 and allergic diseases, farm residence, and presence of cats were analysed. Significantly higher levels of Mus m 1 were found in farm dwellings, while the presence of cats was associated with significantly lower Mus m 1 levels. Levels of Mus m 1 in New Zealand were considerably lower than those reported overseas. No significant associations were found between Mus m 1 levels and atopic status or allergic diseases. Mouse allergen is unlikely to be an important indoor allergen for rural New Zealand children.
Air Pollution, Indoor , Allergens/analysis , Animals , Cats , Child , Dust/immunology , Environmental Exposure , Housing , Humans , Hypersensitivity, Immediate/epidemiology , Mice/immunology , New Zealand , Prevalence , Rural PopulationABSTRACT
We evaluated the efficacy of health education in reducing indoor arthropod allergens in Seoul. The mite control measures comprised the use of mite-proof mattress and pillow coverings, regular washing of potentially infested materials, maintenance of a low humidity, removal of carpets, and frequent vacuum cleaning. Cockroach control measures included trapping, application of insecticides, and protecting food. Of 201 homes enrolled in October 1999, 63 volunteers were included in a 2-year follow-up survey between April 2000 and January 2002. Before intervention, the density of mites/g of dust varied greatly; 27.1/g in children's bedding, 20/g in adult bedding, 7.2/g on the floors of children's bedrooms, 6.8/g in sofas, 5.9/g on the floors of adult's bedrooms, 3.9/g on living room floors, 3.7/g in carpets, and 1.9 mites/g on kitchen floors. The predominant mite species and house percentages infested were; Dermatophagoides farinae 93%, D. pteronyssinus 9%, and Tyrophagus putrescentiae 8%. Comparing 1999 and 2001 infestations, before and after 25 mo of education, mite abundance was reduced by 98%, from 23.7 to 0.57 mites/g of dust. In 1999, cockroaches were detected in 62% homes: 36% Blattella germanica and 35% Periplaneta spp., including 9% double infestations of B. germanica and P. americana. Following intervention, cockroach infestation rates decreased to 22% of houses in 2000 and 23% in 2001. We conclude that continuous and repetitive health education resulted in the effective control of domestic arthropods.