Con el objetivo de tratar mediante implantes dentales zonas de tejido óseo incipiente y minimizar el uso de técnicas más invasivas, surge la oseodensificación (OD), una técnica realizada mediante la utilización de fresas Densah®, diseñadas para aumentar la densidad ósea, desplazando y condensando el tejido óseo circundante al fresado. El objetivo del estudio fue determinar los cambios dimensionales en ancho y altura del reborde óseo alveolar (ROA) en zonas posteriores del maxilar utilizando la técnica de OD, 3 meses posterior a realizada la cirugía. Se realizaron evaluaciones imagenológicas mediante Cone-Beam-CT (preoperatorio y mínimo 3 meses postoperatorio) a 9 pacientes, en los que se instalaron 10 implantes, divididos según instalación mediata e inmediata. En ambos grupos, se midió el ancho del ROA tanto a nivel marginal, utilizando como referencia el plano de la cresta ósea vestibular (COV), como 4 mm apical al plano COV. También se midió la altura del ROA con relación al plano COV y al piso del seno maxilar (PSM). Las comparaciones se realizaron mediante el análisis estadístico prueba t student-muestras pareadas. Los datos imagenológicos mostraron un valor de p<0,05 para la expansión ósea, tanto en ancho (solo implantes mediatos, media 2,11 ± 1,66 mm) como en altura con relación a PSM (implantes mediatos e inmediatos, medias de 2,28 ± 2,21 y 1,88 ± 1,82 respectivamente). La técnica de OD resultó ser efectiva en generar un aumento, tanto en ancho de implantes mediatos a nivel del plano COV como en altura del ROA en implantes mediatos e inmediatos.
In order to treat areas of incipient bone tissue with dental implants and minimize the use of more invasive techniques, osseodensification (OD) is a technique performed using Densah® drills, designed to increase bone density by displacing and condensing the bone tissue surrounding the drill. To determine the dimensional changes in width and height of the alveolar bone ridge (ABR) in posterior regions of the maxilla using the OD technique, 3 months after surgery. Imaging evaluations were performed by Cone- Beam-CT (preoperative and at least 3 months postoperative) in 9 patients, in whom 10 implants were installed, divided according to mediate and immediate installation. In both groups, the width of the ABR was measured both at the marginal level, using the vestibular osseous ridge plane (VOR) as a reference, and 4 mm apical to the VOR plane. The height of the ROA was also measuredin relation to the VOR plane and the maxillary sinus floor (MSF). Comparisons were performed by student t-test paired-samples statistical analysis. Imaging data showed a value of p<0.05 for bone expansion, both in width (mediated implants only, mean 2.11±1.66 mm) and height in relation to PSM (mediated and immediate implants, means of 2.28±2.21 and 1.88±1.82 respectively). The OD technique proved to be effective in generating an increase in width of dental implants mediated at the level of the VOR plane and in height of the ABR (mediated and immediate implants).
Humans , Adult , Dental Implants , Osseointegration , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation/methods , Reference Standards , Bone Transplantation/methods , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Alveolar Process/surgeryABSTRACT
RESUMEN: Actualmente existen varias alternativas para prevenir, disminuir y corregir deformidades en el reborde alveolar, originadas por la reabsorción ósea al momento de la extracción de uno o varios dientes. La preservación alveolar es cualquier procedimiento que se realiza al momento de una extracción y permite conservar las dimensiones y el contorno del alveolo. Hay diversas técnicas para preservación las cuales están diseñadas para prevenir tanto como sea posible los cambios ocurridos al retirar un órgano dentario. El tratamiento de elección para reemplazar la funcionalidad, estabilidad biológica y estética de un diente, es a través de la colocación de implantes dentales, cuya colocación posterior a la preservación alveolar reduce los cambios dimensionales del reborde alveolar. La recientemente propuesta técnica de preservación alveolar BARP, "Biologically-oriented Alveolar Ridge Preservation" por sus siglas en Inglés, logró preservar las dimensiones de la cresta alveolar, al tiempo que restringe cualquier interferencia sobre el biomaterial.
ABSTRACT: Nowadays there are several choices, to prevent, reduce and correct alveolar ridge deformities caused by resorption at the time of extracting one or several teeth. Alveolar ridge preservation is defined as any procedure performed, following any dental extraction that allows the dimensions of the alveolus to be preserved. Those techniques of alveolar ridge preservation are designed to prevent as many reabsorption changes that occur after dental extraction. The best choice to replace the functionality, biological stability, and esthetic, of natural teeth is to place a dental implant. The placement of the alveolar ridge preservation treatment reduces the dimensional changes over the alveolar ridge. The recently proposed technique to alveolar ridge preservation called BARP or "Biologically-oriented Alveolar Ridge Preservation" managed to preserve the alveolar ridge dimensions while restricting any interference with the biomaterial at the same time.
Humans , Male , Adult , Alveolar Bone Loss/prevention & control , Tooth Socket/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Photography, Dental , Dental Etching , Alveolar Process/surgery , Immediate Dental Implant LoadingABSTRACT
The present study investigated the healing response of 12 fresh post-extraction alveolous grafted with particulate autologous teeth to achieve preservation of the post-extraction alveolar ridge. The objective is to elucidate the osteoconductive and osteoinductive properties of the autologous dental graft used as a bone substitute in the alveolar ridge preservation technique. Five patients were included, with at least one hopeless tooth and in need of extraction and preservatio n of the ridge, to receive in the same place a dental implant in prosthetic replacement. In the first surgical stage, dental extractions and preservation of the alveolar ridge were performed, using the teeth extracted and processed with an automatic system as bone substitutes. In the second surgical stage, an incisional bone biopsy was performed in each grafted site, the bone beds were recapitulated in a drilling protocol that allowed the placement of the dental implant, and the harvested bone specimens were prepared for analysis. The histological results of the bone biopsies in all cases showed remnant particles of the dental graft, made up of dentin, partially resorbed, with irregular superficial edges and in close contact with newly forme d bone in transition to mature lamellar bone, in which well differentiated osteocytes were observed. The immunohistochemical results showed a moderate positive expression of osteopontin at the edges of the integrated teeth particles, inside the peritubular dentin space and at the osteodental contact interfaces. In conclusion, the evidence from the study shows that the autologous dental graft is a biocompatible bone substitute, that provides an osteoconductive scaffold that promotes bone cell adhesion and migration for local osteogenesis and that it is associated with moderate in situ expression of osteopontin, which showed a high affinity with mineralized dental tissue, suggesting osteoinductive properties in situ.
El presente estudio investigó el resultado cicatrizal de 12 alvéolos frescos postextracción injertados con dientes autólogos particulados para lograr la preservación del reborde alveolar postextracción. El objetivo es dilucidar las propiedades osteoconductivas y osteoinductivas del injerto dental autólogo utilizado como sustituto óseo en la técnica de preservación de reborde. Se incluyeron 5 pacientes, con al menos un diente sin esperanza y con necesidad de extracción y preservación del reborde, para recibir en el mismo sitio un implante dental en sustitución protésica. En la primera etapa quirúrgica, se realizaron las extracciones dentales y la preservación del reborde alveolar, utilizando como sustituto óseo los dientes extraídos y procesados con un sistema automático. En la segunda etapa quirúrgica, se realizó una biopsia ósea incisional en cada sitio injertado, los lechos óseos fueron recapitulados en un protocolo de fresado que permitió la colocación del implante dental y los especímenes óseos recolectados fueron preparados para su análisis. Los resultados histológicos de las biopsias óseas en todos los casos mostraron partículas remanentes del injerto dental, conformadas por dentina, parcialmente reabsorbidas, con margenes superficiales irregulares y en estrecho contacto con depósitos de hueso de reciente formación en transición hacia hueso laminar maduro, en el cual se observaron osteocitos bien diferenciados. Los resultados inmunohistoquímicos mostraron una expresión positiva moderada de osteopontina en los bordes de las partículas del injerto dental integrado, al interior del espacio peritubular dentinario y en las interfases de contacto osteodental. En conclusión, la evidencia del estudio muestra que el injerto dental autólogo es un sustituto óseo biocompatible, que provee un andamio osteoconductivo promotor de la adhesión y migración de las células óseas para la osteogénesis local y que está asociado a la expresión modera in situ de osteopontina, la cual mostro una alta afinidad con el tejido dental mineralizado, sugiriendo propiedades osteoinductivas in situ.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Middle Aged , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnosis , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation/methods , Transplantation, Autologous , Biopsy , Demography , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Bone Transplantation/methods , Tooth Socket , Osteopontin/metabolism , Alveolar Process/surgery , HistologyABSTRACT
La preservación de las dimensiones y contorno del reborde alveolar posterior a una extracción es de suma importancia para evitar problemas subsecuentes para la colocación de un implante dental. El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar los cambios dimensionales mediante el análisis en tomografía computarizada de haz cónico (CBCT) en sitios pre y post preservados con técnica Bartee y Bio-Col con xenoinjerto a los 6 meses de cicatrización. En un paciente de 62 años, se realizaron 6 preservaciones alveolares en órganos dentarios uniradiculares, con diagnóstico periodontal sin esperanza, grupo A la técnica de preservación alveolar Bartee (n= 3) y grupo B la técnica de preservación alveolar Bio-Col (n= 3). Se utilizó xenoinjerto (InterOss ® Anorganic Cancellous Bone Graft Granules 0,25- 1mm Sigma graft) en ambos grupos. En el grupo A se colocó injerto óseo en la totalidad del alveolo asistido por una membrana no reabsorbible de politetrafluoroetile no denso (Cytoplast ™ Regentex TXT-200 singles, Osteogenics Biomedical Inc, Lubbock, Texas). En el grupo B se colocó el injerto óseo en 3⁄4 del alveolo y el último 1⁄4 del alveolo fue ocupado por apósito de colágeno reabsorbible (CollaPlug ® Zimmer biomet). Se registraron mediciones obtenidas mediante CBCT inicial previa a la realización de preservaciones alveolares y se tomó una segunda CBCT a los 6 meses de cicatrización obteniendo la medición en sentido vertical y horizontal, coincidiendo en el plano de corte. Se observó mediante el análisis dimensional en grupo A y Grupo B obteniendo en sentido vertical un 13,58 % y 20,76 % de reabsorción y en sentido horizontal 13,45 % y 15,72 % respectivamente a los 6 meses de cicatrización, utilizando xenoinjerto por lo que no existe diferencia estadísticamente significativa en cuanto a los cambios dimensionales entre ambas técnicas p>0,05. La preservación alveolar proporciona una estabilidad dimensional contrarrestando el proceso de reabsorción fisiológica, siendo una opción predecible.
Preserving the dimensions and contour of the alveolar ridge after the dental extraction, it´s of utmost importance to avoidsubsequent problems for the placement of a dental implant. The objective of this study was compare the dimensional changes through the analysis in Cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), in pre and post sites preserved with the Bartee and Bio-Col technique with xenograft at 6 months of healing. In a 62-year-old patient, 6 alveolar preservations were performed in uniradicular dental organs, with a hopeless periodontal diagnosis, group A the Bartee alveolar ridge preservation technique (n = 3) and group B the Bio-Col alveolar ridge preservation technique (n = 3). Xenograft (InterOss ® Anorganic Cancellous Bone Graft Granules 0.25-1mm Sigma graft) was used in both groups. In the group A a bone graft was placed in the entire socket, assisted by a dense non-absorbable polytetrafluoroethylene membrane (Cytoplast ™ Regentex TXT-200 singles, Osteogenics Biomedical Inc, Lubbock, Texas). In the group B the bone graft was placed in 3⁄4 of the socket and the last 1⁄4 of the socket was occupied by an absorbable collagen dressing (CollaPlug ® Zimmer biomet). Measurements obtained by initial CBCT before recording alveolar ridge preservations were recorded, and the second CBCT was taken 6 months after healing obtaining the measurement vertically and horizontally, coinciding in the section plane. It was observed through dimensional analysis in group A and Group B, obtaining 13.58% and 20.76% of reabsorption vertically and 13.45% and 15.72% respectively at 6 months of healing, using xenograft, so there is no statistical difference significant in terms of dimensional changes between both techniques p> 0.05. Alveolar ridge preservation provides dimensional stability by counteracting the physiological resorption process, being a predictable option.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Alveolar Bone Loss/prevention & control , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation , Tooth Extraction , Biocompatible Materials , Bone Remodeling/physiology , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Alveolar Process/surgery , HeterograftsABSTRACT
Introdução:Técnicas para extração dentária vêm sendo aperfeiçoadas objetivando um procedimento que diminua o esforço profissional, o tempo cirúrgicoeamenize as dores e os processos inflamatórios. Neste sentido os extratores minimamente traumáticos,com a exodontia vertical, propõem-se a preservar o osso alveolar e proporcionar uma recuperação mais rápida e confortável para o paciente. Objetivo:Avaliar a efetividade do kit para extração minimamente traumática da Maximus® (Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brasil) na exodontia de raízes residuais de incisivos, caninos e pré-molares unirradiculares. Metodologia:Trata-se de um ensaio clínico, prospectivo e analítico. Os pacientes foram operados utilizando o dispositivo, sendo avaliados os dados demográficos, tempo cirúrgico, dor e conforto após a cirurgia, bem como o grau de satisfação profissional com o uso do dispositivo. Para verificar diferenças significativas foi utilizado o teste de Mann-Whitney e a busca de associações foi realizada com o Exato de Fisher. Para todos os testes foi estabelecida uma significância com p<0,05.Resultados:Quarenta elementos foram removidos, o tempo cirúrgico foi em média 16,28 minutos, níveis de dor e conforto imediatamente após a cirurgia se mantiveram baixos (p<0,0001), e o grau de satisfação profissional se manteve alto (p<0,0001). A taxa de sucesso do dispositivo foi de 93,3% para os elementosincisivos e 20% para os elementos caninos e pré-molares (p<0,0001).Conclusões:A eficácia do extrator é determinada pelo tamanho da superfície radicular cobertas com fibras periodontais e a localização do dente. No entanto pode ser bem indicada no planejamento de reabilitações implantosuportadas em região anterior de maxila e mandíbula (AU).
Introduction:Techniques for tooth extraction have been improvedaiming at a procedure that reduces professional effort, surgical time, pain and inflammatory processes. In this sense, minimally traumatic extractors with vertical extraction, propose to preserve the alveolar bone and provide a faster and more comfortablerecovery for the patient. Objective:To evaluate the effectiveness of the Maximus® Minimally Traumatic Extraction Kit (Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brasil) in the extraction of uniradicular residual roots from incisors, canines and premolars.Methodology:Thisis a clinical, prospective and analytical trial. Patients were operated on using the device, and demographic data, surgical time, pain and comfort after surgery were evaluated, as well as the degree of professional satisfaction with the use of the device.To verify significant differences, the Mann-Whitney test was used and the search for associations was performed with Fisher's exact test. For all tests, significance was set at p<0.05.Results:Forty elements were removed, surgical time averaged 16.28 minutes, levels of pain and comfort immediately after surgery remained low (p<0.0001), and the degree of job satisfaction remained high (p<0.0001). The success rate of the device was 93.3% for the incisor elements and 20% for the canine and premolar elements (p<0.0001).Conclusions:The effectiveness of the extractor is determined by the size of the root surface covered with periodontal fibers and the location of the tooth. However, can be well indicated in planning implanted rehabilitation in the anterior region of the maxilla and mandible (AU).
Introducción: Se han mejorado las técnicas de extracciónde dientescon el objetivo de un procedimiento que reduzca el esfuerzo profesional, el tiempo quirúrgico, el dolor y los procesos inflamatorios. En este sentido, los extractores mínimamente traumáticos con extracción vertical tienen como objetivo preservar el hueso alveolar y proporcionar una recuperación más rápida y cómoda para el paciente. Objetivo: Evaluar la efectividad del Kit de Extracción Mínimamente Traumática Maximus® (Contagem, Minas Gerais, Brasil) en la extracción de raíces residuales de incisivos, caninos y premolares uniradiculares. Metodología: Es un ensayo clínico, prospectivo y analítico. Los pacientes fueron intervenidos con el dispositivo y se evaluaron datos demográficos, tiempo quirúrgico, dolor y comodidad después de la cirugía, así como el grado de satisfacción laboral con el uso del dispositivo. Para verificar diferencias significativas se utilizó la prueba de Mann-Whitney y la búsqueda de asociaciones se realizó mediante la prueba exacta de Fisher. Para todas las pruebas, la significancia se estableció en p <0,05. Resultados:Se retiraron cuarenta ítems, el tiempo quirúrgico promedió 16,28 minutos, los niveles de dolor y comodidad inmediatamente después de la cirugía permanecieron bajos (p<0,0001) y el grado de satisfacción laboral se mantuvo alto (p<0,0001). La tasa de éxito del dispositivo fue del 93,3% para los elementos incisivos y del 20% para los elementos caninos y premolares (p<0,0001).Conclusiones: La efectividad del extractor está determinada por el tamaño de la superficie radicular cubierta por fibras periodontales y la ubicación del diente. Sin embargo, puede resultar muy adecuado para planificar la rehabilitación con implantes en la región anterior del maxilar y la mandíbula (AU).
Humans , Surgery, Oral , Tissue Preservation , Tooth Extraction/instrumentation , Minimally Invasive Surgical Procedures/instrumentation , Alveolar Process/surgery , Bicuspid , Effectiveness , Brazil , Efficacy , Prospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Cuspid , IncisorABSTRACT
Una de las causas de la evolución de la periodontitis es la formación de defectos óseos y pérdida de inserción clínica. Una manera de eliminar el defecto intraóseo y su bolsa periodontal es eliminar las paredes de hueso que componen el defecto para colocar el complejo dentogingival en una posición más apical. La cirugía ósea es un procedimiento periodontal resectivo que involucra la modificación del tejido óseo del soporte dental, la cual es una modalidad del tratamiento periodontal quirúrgico que puede utilizarse para eliminar eficazmente los defectos óseos periodontales para estabilizar la inserción periodontal. El objetivo del presente estudio es realizar una revisión de la literatura sobre las consideraciones actuales, técnicas y principios de la cirugía ósea resectiva en el paciente periodontalmente comprometido (AU)
One of the causes of the evolution of periodontitis is the formation of bone defects and loss of clinical attachment, where one way to eliminate the intraosseous defect and its periodontal pocket is to eliminate the bone walls that make up the defect to place the dentogingival complex in a more apical position. Bone surgery is periodontal surgery that involves the modification of the supporting bone tissue of the teeth, which is a modality of surgical treatment that can be used to effectively eliminate periodontal defects and stabilize the periodontal insertion. The aim of the present study is to conduct a literature review about the considerations, techniques and principles of resective bone surgery in the periodontally compromised patient (AU)
Humans , Periodontitis/surgery , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Alveolar Process/surgery , Osteotomy/methods , Periodontal Pocket/surgery , Surgical Flaps , Crown Lengthening/methodsABSTRACT
Abstract This study aims to evaluate the post-extraction alveolar bone reconstruction amongst 12 patients exhibiting loss of buccal bone plate in a tooth of the anterior region of the maxilla using the prosthetically-driven alveolar reconstruction technique (PDAR). In PDAR, a partial fixed provisional prosthesis (PFPP [conventional or adhesive]) with a specially designed pontic maintains the clot in a mechanically stable position during alveolar regeneration. Moreover, the pontic design, in hourglass shape and located in the subgingival area, also prevents gingival margins from collapsing. Gingival recession was evaluated through the 6-month healing period. Cone beam computed tomography (CBCT) was performed 1 month before and 8 months after PDAR treatment. For the primary outcome, in the panoramic imaging, the central area of bone defect in each tooth was selected for linear measurements. Measurements of the vertical buccal bone gain and the gain in thickness in the alveolar bone crest were obtained 8 months after PDAR. Descriptive statistics and intraclass correlation coefficient analysis were conducted. After treatment, all patients showed bone formation (a mean vertical gain of 7.1±3.7 mm, associated with a horizontal mean gain of 4.5±1.4 mm in the alveolar bone crest). The intraclass correlation coefficient for the measurements performed using CBCT was 0.999. No gingival recession, greater than 1 mm, was observed. Lower-morbidity procedures without the use of biomaterials may be a useful in post-extraction alveolar ridge regeneration and/or preservation. PDAR promoted alveolar bone formation without flaps, grafts and membranes.
Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a reconstrução do osso alveolar após extração em 12 pacientes com perda da tábua óssea vestibular em dentes na região anterior da maxila usando a técnica da reconstrução alveolar proteticamente guiada (RAPG). Na RAPG, uma prótese parcial fixa provisória (PPFP [convencional ou adesiva]) com um pôntico com design específico mantém o coágulo numa posição mecanicamente estável. Além disso, o design do pôntico, com formato de ampulheta e localizado na área subgengival, também previne o colapso das margens gengivais. A recessão gengival foi avaliada durante o período de cicatrização de 6 meses. Tomografias computadorizadas cone beam (TCCB) foram feitas 1 mês antes e 8 meses após o tratamento com a RAPG. Para o desfecho primário, nas imagens panorâmicas, a área central do defeito ósseo em cada dente foi selecionada para as medições lineares. As medições do ganho vertical ósseo vestibular e do ganho em espessura na crista óssea alveolar foram realizadas. A análise estística descritiva e a análise do coeficiente de correlação intraclasse forma realizados. Após o tratamento, todos os pacientes apresentaram formação óssea (ganho vertical médio de 7,1±3,7 mm, associado a ganho horizontal médio de 4,5±1,4 mm na crista óssea alveolar). O coeficiente de correlação intraclasse foi de 0,999. Nenhuma retração gengival acima de 1 mm foi observada. Procedimentos com baixa morbidade sem o uso de biomateriais podem ser úteis na regeneração/preservação do rebordo após as extrações. A RAPG promove a formação do osso alveolar sem o uso de retalhos, enxertos e membranas.
Humans , Alveolar Bone Loss/diagnostic imaging , Tooth Socket , Tooth Extraction , Retrospective Studies , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Alveolar Process/surgery , Alveolar Process/diagnostic imaging , MaxillaABSTRACT
RESUMEN: En ortodoncia, las miniplacas se utilizan como dispositivo de anclaje temporal (TAD) para la realización de movimientos dentales que permiten el uso de fuerzas ortopédicas en ellos. En comparación con los mini tornillos, las miniplacas tienen la ventaja de una tasa de falla muy baja, pero la desventaja es que para la extracción se necesita el mismo acto quirúrgico que se realizó para la instalación. El objetivo de este estudio es realizar una revisión bibliográfica de las indicaciones de miniplacas en pacientes con mordidas abiertas, clase II y anomalías de clase III, y buscar cómo las miniplacas han mejorado los tratamientos de ortodoncia. La información principal se reunió buscando en PubMed con las palabras clave enumeradas a continuación. Afirmamos que las miniplacas están indicadas para la retracción en masa de la arcada, donde se observó que la fuerza de 150 g aplicada en los molares superiores es suficiente no solo para empujar los molares hacia atrás en una clase I corregida, sino también para iniciar la retracción de premolares, caninos e incisivos. En pacientes con mordida abierta, las miniplacas se definen como un método seguro, una alternativa rápida y menos costosa a la cirugía ortognática. Y en pacientes de las clases II y III se utilizan sin producir efectos dentoalveolares que sustituyan a los dispositivos extraorales como máscaras, con dispositivos intraorales y elásticos (BAMP).
ABSTRACT: In orthodontics, miniplates are used as a Temporary Anchoring Device (TAD) for the purpose dental movements, allowing the use of orthopedic forces. In comparison with mini-screws, miniplates have the advantage of a very low rate of failure. Nonetheless, their removal requires the same surgical procedure as during installation, which is an obvious disadvantage. The aim of this study is to review the indications of miniplates in patients with open bite, class II and class III anomalies, and review how miniplates improved orthodontics treatments. Information was obtained by a search in PubMed with the keywords listed below. Miniplates are indicated for retraction in mass of the arcade, where it was seen that the force of 150 g applied on maxillary molars, is sufficient not only to push the molars back into a corrected class I, but also to initiate retraction of premolars, canines, and incisors. In open-bite patients, mini plates, are achieved as a safe method, that is quick and a less expensive alternative to orthognathic surgery. Further, in class II and III patients they are used without producing dentoalveolar effects replacing extraoral devices as facemasks, with intraoral devices and elastics. (BAMP).
Humans , Tooth Movement Techniques/instrumentation , Bone Screws/adverse effects , Dental Implants , Orthodontic Anchorage Procedures/instrumentation , Malocclusion, Angle Class II/surgery , Malocclusion, Angle Class III/surgery , Bone Plates , Cephalometry , Suture Techniques , Suture Anchors , Alveolar Process/surgery , Gingival Retraction Techniques , MolarABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of the technique for ridge augmentation prior to implant placement. Material and Methods: Six patients with nine sites presenting an initial ridge width of smaller than 4 mm were included in this study. The tent-pole technique (combination of osteosynthesis screws measuring 1.5 mm in diameter, ABBM, and resorbable collagen membrane) was applied at defect sites. After eight months of healing time, implants were placed in the treated sites. The primary outcomes (radiographic initial ridge width, re-entry ridge width, ridge width gain) were measured by cone-beam computed tomography in reference buccopalatal cross-sections and the secondary outcomes (clinical parameters) were recorded by a digital caliper at the first and second stages. Results: After grafting, the radiographic ridge width increased by 3.02 ± 1.11 mm (1.57-4.75 mm) at 2 mm below the crest and 3.32 ± 1.70 mm (0.23-5.66 mm) at 6 mm below the crest significantly (p< 0.05). For clinical results, the mean horizontal dimension gain was 3.21 ± 1.04 mm (1.83-4.57 mm), while the mean reduction in dimension was 0.38 ± 0.33 mm. These results were statistically significant (p<0.05). Uneventful healing and no infections or membrane exposure were recorded at all sites during the study process. Three of nine (33.33%) defect sites required additional bone grafting. Conclusion: The tent-pole technique is an effective method for increasing the horizontal ridge dimension, minimizing postoperative complications, and facilitating subsequent implant placement.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Dental Implants , Collagen , Guided Tissue Regeneration/instrumentation , Alveolar Process/surgery , Vietnam/epidemiology , Bone Transplantation , Statistics, Nonparametric , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentationABSTRACT
The allografts were used to obtain sufficient alveolar bone tissue for proper dental implant placement. The objective of the present study was to evaluate the morphological and quantitative characteristics (cellular and collagen densities) of the newly formed alveolar bone with the application of cortical bone (CB) and demineralized bone matrix (DBM) allografts. Six samples of alveolar bone tissue from 5 patients (50 ± 6.3 years) were obtained after 6 months of application of the allografts and immediately before the placement of the dental implants. The samples were fixed (buffered formaldehyde, pH7.2), decalcified (EDTA 10 %) and histologically processed (HE and Picro-Sirius) for histologic analysis. Morphological analysis revealed presence of osteocytes and trabeculae in neoformed bone tissue near the allografts and absence of inflammatory and allergic cells; the remnants of CB were located mainly in the periphery of the bone tissue and the remnants of DBM were more incorporated into the tissue. Osteogenitor cells were observed around the remaining material. The cell density was not modified in newly formed bone tissue with the application of both allografts as compared to mature bone tissue. The density of the type I and III collagens present in the osteoids interspersed with the remainder of the materials showed a tendency to increase in the samples treated with DBM. It was concluded that by the histological characteristics observed both grafts were biocompatible, however the bone treated with DBM presented better incorporation and a tendency of increase of the collagen content in the remnant region of the allografts.
Los aloinjertos son utilizados para obtener tejido óseo alveolar apropiado para la colocación correcta del implante dental. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar las características morfológicas y cuantitativas (densidades celulares y de colágeno) del hueso alveolar recién formado con la aplicación de aloinjertos de hueso cortical (CB) y matriz desmineralizada de hueso (DBM). Seis muestras de tejido óseo alveolar fueron obtenidas de 5 pacientes (50 ± 6,3 años) después de 6 meses de aplicación de los aloinjertos e inmediatamente antes de la colocación de los implantes dentales. Las muestras fueron fijadas (formaldehído tamponado, pH 7,2), descalcificadas (EDTA al 10%) y procesadas histológicamente (HE y Picro-Sirius) para el análisis histológico. El análisis morfológico reveló la presencia de osteocitos y trabéculas en el tejido óseo neoformado cerca de los aloinjertos y la ausencia de células inflamatorias y alérgicas; los remanentes de CB se ubicaron principalmente en la periferia del tejido óseo y los remanentes de DBM se incorporaron más en el tejido. Se observaron células osteogenitoras alrededor del material restante. La densidad celular no se modificó en el tejido óseo recién formado con la aplicación de ambos aloinjertos en comparación con el tejido óseo maduro. La densidad de los colágenos de tipo I y III presentes en los osteoides intercalados con el resto de los materiales mostró una tendencia a aumentar en las muestras tratadas con DBM. Se concluyó que, debido a las características histológicas observadas, ambos injertos fueron biocompatibles, sin embargo, el hueso tratado con DBM presentó una mejor incorporación y una tendencia al aumento del contenido de colágeno en la región remanente de los aloinjertos.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bone Matrix/transplantation , Alveolar Process/anatomy & histology , Alveolar Process/surgery , Allografts , Biocompatible Materials , Bone Regeneration , Bone Transplantation , Bone Substitutes , Alveolar Process/growth & development , Cortical Bone/transplantationABSTRACT
Objetivo: Presentar una técnica quirúrgica de disyunción con bisturí piezoeléctrico y expansión de rebordes delgados en maxilar inferior que permita la colocación de implantes en la posición tridimensional correcta en el mismo acto quirúrgico. Casos clínicos: Se presenta la resolución de dos casos clínicos de pacientes que acudieron a la Cátedra de Odontología Integral Adultos de la Facultad de Odontología de la Universidad de Buenos Aires. Ambos requerían la colocación de implantes en sectores posteroinferiores. Las imágenes tomográficas mostraban adecuada altura del reborde alveolar pero deficiente espesor para la colocación de implantes en la posición tridimensional correcta. Se decidió realizar una técnica de disyunción horizontal del reborde alveolar con bisturí piezoeléctrico, expansión del reborde y colocación de implantes e injerto óseo particulado de forma simultánea. Luego de 3 meses, se efectuó la segunda cirugía para iniciar la rehabilitación protésica. Conclusión: La técnica de disyunción horizontal del reborde alveolar mediante el uso del bisturí piezoeléctrico permitió ubicar al implante en la posición tridimensional correcta dentro del tejido óseo nativo sin la necesidad de realizar regeneraciones complejas en rebordes alveolares delgados (AU)
Aim: Present the horizontal split crest technique with a piezoelectric scalpel and the immediate implant placement in the correct tridimensional position, in thin mandibular alveolar ridges. Cases report: The surgical resolutions of 2 clinical cases of patients who attended the Adult Integral Dentistry Chair of the Faculty of Dentistry of the UBA, are presented. Both patients required implant placement in posterior madibular residual ridge. The tomographic images showed adequate height of the alveolar ridge but poor thickness for implants placement in a correct three-dimensional position. It was decided to perform a horizontal split crest technique of the alveolar ridge with piezoelectric scalpel, ridge expansion, and immediate implant placement with xenograft. After 3 months, the second surgery was performed to start with the prosthetic rehabilitation. Conclusion: The horizontal split crest technique using a piezoelectric scalpel, allowed immediate implant placement in the correct tridimensional position within native bone tissue, avoiding a guided bone regeneration technique, in these cases with thin alveolar ridges (AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Palatal Expansion Technique , Dental Implantation, Endosseous , Piezosurgery/methods , Argentina , Schools, Dental , Osseointegration , Bone Transplantation/methods , Alveolar Process/surgery , Mouth RehabilitationABSTRACT
Cirurgias de ressecção parcial ou total da maxila em pacientes oncológicos geram comprometimento funcional e estético, alterando a deglutição, mastigação, fonética e aspiração, diminuindo a qualidade de vida do paciente. Assim, o objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a reabilitação oral de um paciente com prótese total maxilar estendida e uma prótese total mandibular convencional. Tal paciente havia sido submetido à uma cirurgia de ressecção parcial do rebordo alveolar maxilar, sem comunicação bucossinusal, por ser portador de Carcinoma espinocelular grau I. Paciente do sexo masculino, 69 anos, procurou atendimento no Centro de Oncologia Bucal da FOA UNESP, para confecção de suas próteses, após dois anos da realização de sua cirurgia. Foi observado declínio do suporte labial no local onde havia sido feita a ressecção cirúrgica gerando comprometimento estético e funcional ao paciente. Desta forma, foi proposta a realização de confecção de prótese total maxilar estendida e prótese inferior convencional, as quais foram instaladas e ajustadas adequadamente. Após 1 ano de acompanhamento, paciente encontra-se satisfeito com o tratamento, o qual devolveu sua estética, função e fonética(AU)
Surgeries of partial or total resection of the maxilla in oncological patients generate functional and aesthetic impairment, altering swallowing, chewing, phonetics and aspiration, reducing the quality of life of the patient. Thus, the objective of this study was to describe the oral rehabilitation of a patient with maxillary total prosthesis and a conventional mandibular total prosthesis. This patient had undergone surgery of partial resection of the maxillary alveolar ridge, without bucosinusal communication, for being a carrier of grade I squamous cell carcinoma. A 69-year-old male patient sought care at the Oral Oncology Center of FOA - UNESP, for denture after two years of surgery. Decreased lip support was observed in the place where surgical resection had been performed, generating aesthetic and functional impairment to the patient. In this way, it was proposed to make a complete maxillary full prosthesis and conventional lower prosthesis, which were installed and adjusted properly. After 1 year of follow-up, the patient was satisfied with the treatment, which returned his aesthetics, function and phonetics(AU)
Humans , Male , Aged , Carcinoma, Squamous Cell , Dental Prosthesis , Maxilla/surgery , Maxillofacial Prosthesis , Quality of Life , Alveolar Process/surgeryABSTRACT
The excessive and prolonged orthodontic treatment might result in loss of pulp vitality. Selective alveolar corticotomy is an alternative to accelerate the orthodontic treatment in adults. This study aimed to evaluate the impact of selective alveolar corticotomy associated with orthodontic intrusion on pulp vitality of overerupted maxillary first molars. Six individuals with extruded maxillary first molars were randomly selected to undergo corticotomy as coadjuvant therapy for intrusion. Pulp vitality was evaluated with thermal (Endo-Ice and Heated gutta-percha) and electric tests before the surgical procedure and after intrusion (90 days). The intrusion of all teeth was obtained (mean 2.26 ± 0.52 mm), and all teeth responded positively to pulp vitality tests before and after intrusion. This suggests that selective alveolar corticotomy did not promote pulp damage, and can be considered an effective and safe auxiliary method to intrusion of overerupted maxillary molars.
El tratamiento de ortodoncia prolongado puede provocar la pérdida de la vitalidad pulpar. La corticotomía alveolar selectiva es una alternativa para acelerar el tratamiento de ortodoncia en adultos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar el impacto de corticotomía alveolar selectiva asociada a la intrusión dental con ortodoncia en la vitalidad pulpar de los primeros molares superiores extruidos. Seis individuos con primeros molares superiores extruidos fueron seleccionados al azar para someterse a corticotomía como terapia adyuvante para la intrusión dental. La vitalidad pulpar se evaluó en ensayos térmicos (Endo-ice y gutapercha climatizada) y eléctrica antes del procedimiento quirúrgico y después de la intrusión (90 días). Se obtuvo la intrusión de todos los dientes (media 2,26 ± 0,52 mm) y todos los primeros molares respondieron positivamente a las pruebas de vitalidad pulpar, antes y después de la intrusión. Los resultados sugieren que la corticotomía alveolar selectiva no promueve daño pulpar y se puede considerar un método eficaz y seguro para ayudar a la intrusión de molares extruidos.
Humans , Tooth Movement Techniques/methods , Dental Pulp Test , Alveolar Process/surgery , Molar/surgeryABSTRACT
La proteína morfogenética ósea (BMP), es una proteína endógena que ha mostrado efectos significativos en la promoción de la formación ósea. El uso de BMP ha sido descrito en la reconstrucción de defectos óseos de origen traumáticos y patológicos, incluyendo la fisura alveolar, el aumento de reborde alveolar, la elevación de seno maxilar, el injerto de alveolo post-extracción, y la cirugía perimplantaria entre otros. A pesar de las ventajas asociadas al uso de BMP y que en la actualidad se aplica en combinación con matrices de colágeno, ciertas propiedades tales como su baja resistencia mecánica y su elevada tasa de liberación inicial disminuyen su eficacia en la formación ósea. En este contexto, el desarrollo de nuevos sistemas de liberación prolongada de BMP que permitan la quimiotaxis de células mesenquimáticas y su posterior diferenciación a osteoblastos representa un desafío con alto potencial clínico para la estimulación de la formación ósea. En este trabajo, se describe el uso de BMP en la reconstrucción de fisuras alveolares y en particular se discuten las ventajas de su administración en micropartículas poliméricas comosistemas de liberación de BMP (rhBMP-2) con promisorias aplicaciones en la estimulación de la formación ósea.
Bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) is an endogenous protein that has shown significant effects in the promotion of bone formation. BMP also has been described in the reconstruction of traumatic and pathological bone defects, including alveolar cleft, alveolar ridge augmentation, maxillary sinus elevation, and applications in post-extraction alveolus graft, and peri-implant surgery among others. Despite the advantages associated with the use of BMP, currently is applied in combination with collagen matrices, which has certain properties such as low mechanical resistance and a high burst initial release that diminish its effectiveness in bone formation. In this context, the development of novel systems with greater mechanical resistance and prolonged release of BMP, that lead to chemotaxis of mesenchymal cells, following by its differentiation to osteoblasts represents a major challenge that holds outstanding clinical potential for the stimulation of bone formation. In this paper, we describe the use of BMP for the reconstruction of alveolar clefts, and its advantages being administrated in polymeric microparticles as sustain release system with promising applications in the stimulation of bone formation.
Humans , Alveolar Process/surgery , Bone Morphogenetic Protein 2/therapeutic use , Bone Morphogenetic Proteins/therapeutic use , Recombinant Proteins/therapeutic use , Bone Regeneration/drug effects , Cleft Palate/surgery , NanoparticlesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: to investigate the predictive factors of failure in bone grafts for alveolar ridge augmentation and implant surgery. Methods: we reviewed the charts of 166 patients operated between 1995 and 2014. A total of 248 grafting procedures were performed. We submitted the data to the binomial test at 5% significance. Results: grafts to gain width of the alveolar ridge (65.32%) were more frequent than sinus lifting (p<0.0001) and the number of grafts to the posterior maxilla (48.8%) was greater than in other regions (p<0.01); 6.04% of the grafts were lost. The losses in anterior (p<0.0309) and posterior (p<0.0132) maxilla were higher than in the mandible. There were 269 implants installed in the grafted areas, of which only 4.83% were lost. The number of implants lost (4.51%) in areas of onlay grafts was not statistically higher than those placed after sinus lifting (2.63%, p<0.2424). Losses were greater in the anterior (53.85%) and posterior (38.46%) maxilla than in the mandible (p<0.031). Regarding patients' age, 76.92% of the lost grafts (p<0.006) and 80% of the lost implants (p<0.001) were installed in patients over 40 years. Conclusion: failure rate was higher both for grafts and dental implants in the maxilla and in patients over 40 years of age.
RESUMO Objetivo: investigar os fatores preditivos de falhas em enxertos ósseos para aumento do rebordo alveolar e cirurgia de implantes. Métodos: os prontuários de 166 pacientes, operados entre 1995 e 2014, foram revistos. Um total de 248 enxertos foi realizado. Os dados foram submetidos ao teste binomial a 5% de significância. Resultados: os enxertos para ganho em espessura do rebordo alveolar (65,32%) foram mais frequentes do que levantamentos de seio maxilar (p<0,0001) e o número de enxertos para a região posterior da maxila (48,8%) foi maior do que em outras regiões (p<0,01). Foram perdidos 6,04% dos enxertos. As perdas em maxila anterior (p<0,0132) e posterior (p<0,0309) foram maiores do que na mandíbula. Foram instalados 269 implantes nas áreas enxertadas e apenas 4,83% perdidos. O número de implantes perdidos (4,51%) em áreas de enxertos em bloco não foi estatisticamente maior do que na área de seios maxilares enxertados (2,63%) (p<0,2424). As perdas foram maiores na região anterior (53,85%) e posterior (38,46%) da maxila em relação a mandíbula (p<0,031) e, 76,92% dos enxertos (p<0,006) e 80% dos implantes perdidos (p<0,001), foram instalados em pacientes com mais de 40 anos de idade. Conclusão: maior taxa de falhas foi observada para enxertos e implantes dentários realizados em maxila e em pacientes com mais de 40 anos de idade.
Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Bone Transplantation , Dental Implantation , Alveolar Process/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Failure , Middle AgedABSTRACT
Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of tibial autogenous bone grafting in the treatment of patients with alveolar bone defects
Materials and Methods: The study subjects consisted of 12 patients [10 male, 2 female, age: 19-51 years] who underwent reconstructive autogenous bone-grafting procedures. The medial approach to the tibial bone was used to harvest autogenous cancellous bone grafts in all the patients. Clinical parameters [complications at the donor and recipient sites, resorption and volume of the grafts] were evaluated retrospectively
Results: The mean age of the patients was 36.25 +/- 0.9 years. Of the 12 patients, 5 [41.7%] received bone grafts for sinus augmentation, 3 [25%] for cyst cavity reconstruction and 4 [33.3%] for alveolar cleft reconstruction procedures. The average follow-up period was 28.4 months [range: 21-40 months]. An average of 5.2 cm[3] of cancellous bone was harvested for grafting procedures. All the grafting procedures were successful, and there were no surgical complications during the harvesting protocol. In all cases, pain and gait disturbance lasted less than 2 weeks
Conclusion: The results of this study suggest that the use of tibial autogenous bone graft harvested using a medial approach was a safe, simple and effective method for grafting various alveolar bone defects where high amounts of cancellous bone grafts were needed with low morbidity
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Alveolar Process/surgery , Tibia , Autografts , Transplantation, Autologous , Bone Transplantation , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
Em decorrência dos recentes progressos no estrato da biotecnologia, os cirurgiões dentistas podem, cada vez mais, usufruir de um planejamento facilitado pela ampla variedade de tratamentos para manter, conservar e reabilitar as estruturas peri-implantares pós-exodontia e instalação do implante, a fim de minimizar posteriores e, muitas vezes, excessivas manipulações teciduais. Este relato de caso descreve o procedimento de exodontia atraumática, seguida da instalação de implante imediato e subsequente preenchimento de gap remanescente com osso mineral bovino desproteinizado envolto por membrana, junto ao acompanhamento, com avaliação tomográfica após seis meses de intervenção cirúrgica. A técnica de regeneração óssea guiada, através do uso de membranas como um acessório para os substitutos ósseos, promove maior previsibilidade nas reconstruções alveolares e peri-implantares, apresentando um prognóstico satisfatório quando utilizada adequadamente...
Due to recent progress in the biotechnology field dentists can make use of a facilitated planning with a large variety of treatments to maintain, preserve, and rehabilitate peri-implant structures after tooth extraction and implant placement, in order to minimize posterior and excessive tissue manipulation. This case report describes an atraumatic extraction procedure, followed by immediate implant installation and subsequent filling of the remaining gap with deproteinized bovine bone mineral associated with membrane, and follow-up with tomographic evaluation after six months of surgery. The guided bone regeneration technique, using membranes as an accessory for bone substitutes, promotes greater predictability for alveolar and peri-implant reconstructions, with a satisfactory prognosis when properly used...
Humans , Male , Adult , Bone Regeneration , Immediate Dental Implant Loading , Alveolar Process/surgery , Biotechnology , Surgical Procedures, Operative/methods , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography/instrumentationABSTRACT
The alveolar ridge splitting technique (ARST) has been developed for close to 20 years, demonstrating effectiveness and efficiency in some cases. The aim of this study was to evaluate the behavior of the technique in a series of surgical cases using a piezoelectric system. Eleven patients (ASA I and ASA II) were included in this study. Subjects who smoked or who presented previous implant treatments or reconstructive surgeries in the treatment area were excluded. The surgeries took place under local anesthesia without sedation and consisted of a straight crestal incision and subsequent bone management with 4 different types of inserts mounted on a piezoelectric system, which were used gradually on the alveolar crest, moving down approximately 10 mm. Once the approximately 3 mm expansion had been achieved, the implants were installed under controlled torque and the implant sites and defects present were filled with lyophilized bovine bone. In the splitting technique, there was a fracture of the bone plate in 4 cases, although in each case the implants were installed. A total of 34 implants were installed, of which 27 reached 35 N in installation and the rest between 20 N and 35 N. In the second surgery 2 implants were lost. It can be concluded that the technique is predictable, of low morbidity and with rapid treatment completion, presenting limited intraoperative complications.
La técnica de división de reborde alveolar (DRA) tiene cerca de 20 años de evolución demostrando efectividad y eficiencia en algunos casos. El objetivo de este estudio es evaluar el comportamiento de la técnica en una serie de casos operados con sistema piezoeléctrico. Once pacientes (ASA I y ASA II) fueron incluidos en este estudio; se excluyeron sujetos fumadores o que presentaran tratamientos implantológicos o quirúrgicos reconstructivos previos en el área a tratar; las intervenciones se desarrollaron bajo anestesia local, sin sedación y consistió en una incisión crestal recta y posteriormente el manejo óseo con 4 tipos diferentes de insertos montados en sistema piezoeléctrico los que fueron utilizados gradualmente sobre la cresta alveolar profundizando hasta los 10 mm aproximadamente; una vez obtenida la expansión de 3 mm aproximadamente se procedió a la instalación de implantes bajo torque controlado y relleno con hueso liofilizado bovino de los sitios implantados y defectos presentes. En la técnica de división, en 4 casos existió fractura de la tabla ósea, aunque en todos ellos fueron instalados los implantes. Se instalaron un total de 34 implantes de los cuales 27 consiguieron los 35 N en instalación y el resto presento de entre 20 N y 35 N; en la segunda cirugía se observo una perdida de 2 implantes. Se puede concluir que la técnica es predecible, de baja morbilidad y de rápida finalización de tratamiento, presentando limitadas complicaciones intraoperatorias.
Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Alveolar Bone Loss/surgery , Dental Implantation, Endosseous/methods , Periodontal Atrophy/surgery , Alveolar Ridge Augmentation/methods , Dental Implants , Bone Transplantation/methods , Alveolar Process/surgery , PiezosurgeryABSTRACT
The buccal alveolar wall represents the most important structure to provide shape and volume of the alveolous following tooth extraction. The aim of the study was the evaluation of buccal alveolar bone structures following minimally invasive surgery. In 15 patients (3 male, 12 female), aged 2067 years, 3 central incisors, 5 lateral incisors, and 7 bicuspids were removed using flapless enucleation. The enucleation comprised endoscopically assisted mesiodistal root sectioning with inward fragmentation of the oral and apical parts followed by internal reduction of the buccal root lamella. Buccal bone height before extraction was 10.61 mm, following extraction 10.50 mm. Crestal width of the buccal bone plate was 1.11 mm before and 1.40 mm after tooth removal. Apical buccal bone width before was 0.66 mm and after extraction 0.40 mm. Gingival height was 13.58 mm before and 13.56 mm following extraction. Following transalveolar enucleation, the buccal alveolar bone wall remains unchanged concerning height and crestal width.
La pared alveolar bucal representa la estructura más importante para proveer la forma y el volumen de los alveólos dentales posterior a la extracción dental. El objetivo del estudio fue evaluar las estructuras de hueso alveolar bucal después de la cirugía mínimamente invasiva. En 15 pacientes (3 hombres, 12 mujeres), con edades entre 20 a 67 años, 3 incisivos centrales, 5 incisivos laterales y 7 premolares fueron removidos utilizando enucleación sin colgajo. La enucleación comprende el seccionamiento mesio-distal de la raíz dental endoscópicamente asisitido a través de fragmentación interna de la porción lingual y apical radicular y posteriomente una reducción interna de la lamela de raíz bucal. La altura ósea bucal antes de la extracción fue 10,61 mm y después de la extracción fue 10,50 mm. La anchura de la cresta ósea bucal fue 1,11 mm y 1,40 mm después de la extracción del diente. El grosor del hueso apical antes de la extracción fue 0,66 mm y 0,40 mm después de la extracción. La altura gingival fue 13,58 mm antes de la extracción y 13,56 mm después de la extracción. Después de la enucleación transalveolar, la pared del hueso alveolar bucal se mantiene sin cambios en relación con la altura y del grosor del reborde alveolar.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Tooth Extraction/methods , Alveolar Process/anatomy & histology , Alveolar Process/surgery , Tooth Socket/anatomy & histology , Tooth Socket/surgery , Endoscopy , MicrosurgeryABSTRACT
Esta monografia tem o objetivo de fazer umarevisão de literatura sobre aumento de volume de rebordo na região anterior de maxila usando técnicas de expansão do rebordo. Foram revistos estudos nas línguas inglesa e portuguesa pesquisados na base de dados...