Abstract Hebanthe eriantha (Martius) Kuntze and Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen are medicinal plants popularly known as "Brazilian Ginseng" due to their similarity to Panax ginseng. In Brazil, they are sold as the same herb, despite their different pharmacological and toxicological properties. The morphological identification is difficult, which facilitates their adulteration. We report the application of the Barcode DNA High-Resolution Melting (Bar-HRM) using matK gene to differentiate both species in samples sold in the Brazilian market. Using the proposed method, we could discriminate and identify both species. Bar-HRM analysis allowed discriminating and identifying both species. It allowed the identification of H. eriantha and P. glomerata in 43.6% and 56.4% of the amplified samples, respectively. Of these, only seven samples were authenticated and, in 71.4% of the cases, adulterated. We concluded that Bar-HRM has proven to be a fast alternative method to authenticate plants under the common name "Brazilian Ginseng".
Amaranthaceae/classification , Panax/classification , Plants, Medicinal/adverse effectsABSTRACT
Abstract The anecdotal use of Alternanthera sessilis L. as a relief for diabetes has been known in the Philippines for generations, and antidiabetic activity of similar varieties in other countries is likewise documented. However, the compounds responsible for this activity remain unclear. This study aims to isolate the anti-hyperglycemic fraction of local A. sessilis leaves and identify the compounds in this fraction. Methanol extract of A. sessilis leaves and its hexane, ethyl acetate (ASE), and water fractions were administered to alloxan-induced diabetic mice. ASE (250mg/kg) had the highest anti-hyperglycemic activity at 6-h post-treatment (25.81%±12.72%), with almost similar blood glucose reduction rate as metformin (30.13±3.75%, p=0.767). Repeated fractionation employing chromatographic separation techniques followed by in vivo anti-hyperglycemic assay yielded partially purified subfractions. A. sessilis ethyl acetate subfraction 4-2 (100mg/kg) displayed remarkable suppression of blood glucose rise in diabetic mice at 6-h post-treatment (26.45±3.75%, p<0.0001), with comparable activity with metformin (100mg/kg, 27.87±5.65%, p=0.652). Liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry showed eight distinct peaks, with four peaks annotated via the Traditional Chinese Medicine library and custom library for A. sessilis. Among these, luteolin, apigenin, ononin, and sophorabioside were identified as putative compounds responsible for the anti-hyperglycemic activity. This result provided basis for the reported anecdotal claims and potential utility of the local variety of A. sessilis leaves as sources of anti-hyperglycemic agents
Animals , Male , Female , Mice , Mass Spectrometry/methods , Biological Assay/methods , Plant Leaves/classification , Amaranthaceae/adverse effects , Chromatography, Liquid/methods , Apigenin/agonistsABSTRACT
Abstract The aim of this paper is to study the chemical composition of alkaloids present in Haloxylon scoparium Pomel extracts and to evaluate their antioxidant capacity. The alkaloids were isolated from two parts of Haloxylon scoparium plant by two extraction protocols. and The quantitative study made it possible to propose the best protocol for the extraction of the alkaloids. Moreover, GC-MS analysis of alkaloid extracts allowed us to determine their chemical composition. Haloxylon scoparium contains four types of alkaloids: tetraisoquinolines, phenylethylamines, tryptolines and tryptamines. The main compounds are the tetraisoquinolines type, the predominant product of which was N-methylsalsoline. These compounds present a great interest for the researchers due to their various pharmacological and biological activities. The antioxidant effect of the different plant extracts was studied by two methods: the ferric reducing antioxidant power (FRAP) and 1,1-diphenyl-2-picryl hydrazyl free radical (DPPH·) scavenging tests. The results show that extracts of root part are more active than those from aerial part; the acetone/water extract is the most powerful. The interesting results obtained in this study will be supplemented by other analyses and biological tests in order to better valorize this plant.
Amaranthaceae/anatomy & histology , Alkaloids/chemical synthesis , Morocco/ethnology , Antioxidants/analysis , Plant Extracts/analysis , Fluorescence Recovery After Photobleaching/methodsABSTRACT
O presente trabalho foi conduzido com o objetivo de relatar um surto de fotossensibilização causado por Froelichia humboldtiana em bovinos leiteiros no Estado do Rio Grande do Norte, Brasil. Foram examinados animais de uma propriedade rural que apresentavam sintomatologia compatível com fotodermatite. Procedeu-se a coleta de amostras de sangue periférico de cinco bovinos para análise das atividades das enzimas hepáticas gamaglutamiltransferase e aspartatoaminotransferase, além da concentração de bilirrubina total, direta e indireta. Das áreas de pele com lesões de dois animais foram realizadas biópsias. Constatou-se que 15 animais de um rebanho composto por 40 animais apresentaram fotossemsibilização. Os animais tinham histórico de apresentar lesões de fotodermatite aproximadamente 10 dias após pastarem em áreas invadidas por F. humboldtiana. Ao exame clínico dos bovinos leiteiros notou-se que inicialmente apresentavam prurido e hiperemia nas áreas de pele despigmentadas do dorso e úbere, também havia alterações do comportamento. Posteriormente, as áreas hiperêmicas se apresentavam com edema que evoluíam para dermatite ulcerativa, necrotizante e exudativa, com perda de extensas áreas da epiderme. As úlceras eram mais graves nos quatro bovinos que apresentavam automutilação por lambedura. Esses quatro animais foram retirados do pasto e abrigados em local sombreado. Uma semana após, o prurido regrediu e as fissuras da pele passaram a cicatrizar. Porém, as lesões reapareceram logo após os bovinos serem reintroduzidas no pasto infestado por F. humbolditiana. Percebeu-se ainda queda na produção leiteira (redução de 50-60%) das vacas após a instalação de fotodermatite. Porém, os bezerros que ainda eram lactantes e ingeriam o leite nas vacas acometidas por fotossensibilização, não apresentaram sinais de fotodermatite. A histopatologia de biópsias de pele revelou inflamação na derme superficial constituída por mastócitos, linfócitos, e alguns plasmócitos. Na epiderme haviam extensas úlceras, recobertas por crostas, associada a infiltrado neutrofílico. As atividades séricas de AST, GGT e as concentrações de bilirrubina estavam dentro dos valores de referência normais para a espécie bovina. O diagnóstico de fotossensibilização primária associada à ingestão de F. humboldtiana foi baseado na epidemiologia, sinais clínicos, bioquímica sérica, biópsia de pele e reocorrência das lesões após os animais serem reintroduzidos no pasto invadido pela planta. Conclui-se que a F. humboldtiana é uma importante causa de fotossensibilização primária em bovinos leiteiros no semiárido brasileiro e que sua toxina provavelmente não é excretada pelo leite bovino.(AU)
The present study was conducted with the objective to report an outbreak of photosensitization caused by Froelichia humboldtiana in dairy cattle in the State of Rio Grande do Norte, Brazil. Animals from a rural property with symptoms compatible with photodermatitis were examined. Peripheral blood samples from five cattle were collected for the analysis of the activities of hepatic enzymes gammaglutamyltransferase and aspartate aminotransferase, in addition were also analysed the concentration of total, direct and indirect bilirubin. From the areas of skin with lesions of two animals, biopsies were performed. It was verified that 15 animals from a herd composed by 40 animals presented photosensitization. The animals had a history of photodermatitis lesions approximately 10 days after grazing in areas invaded by F. humboldtiana. Clinical examination of dairy cattle showed that they initially had pruritus and hyperemia in the depigmented areas of the dorsum and udder, and there were also behavioral changes. Subsequently, the hyperemic areas presented edema that evolved to ulcerative, necrotizing and exudative dermatitis, with loss of extensive areas of the epidermis. The ulcers were more severe in four bovines that had self-mutilation by licking. These four animals were removed from the pasture and sheltered in a shady location. A week later, the pruritus regressed and the fissures of the skin began to heal. However, the lesions reappeared after the cattle were reintroduced in the grass infested by F. humbolditiana. There was also a decrease in milk production (reduction of 50-60%) of cows after the installation of photodermatitis. However, calves that were still lactating and ingested the milk in photosensitized cows, showed no signs of photodermatitis. Histopathology of skin biopsies revealed inflammation in the superficial dermis consisting of mast cells, lymphocytes, and some plasma cells. In the epidermis there were extensive ulcers, covered by crusts, associated with neutrophilic infiltrate. Serum activities of AST, GGT and bilirubin concentrations were within normal reference values for the bovine species. The diagnosis of primary photosensitization associated with F. humboldtiana ingestion was based on epidemiology, clinical signs, serum biochemistry, skin biopsy and lesion reoccurrence after the animals were reintroduced in the pasture invaded by the plant. It is concluded that F. humboldtiana is an important cause of primary photosensitization in dairy cattle in the Brazilian semi-arid region and that its toxin is probably not excreted by bovine milk.(AU)
Animals , Female , Cattle , Photosensitivity Disorders/veterinary , Plants, Toxic/toxicity , Photosensitizing Agents/analysis , Amaranthaceae/adverse effectsABSTRACT
The whitefly can be hosted by weeds and cause damage to cotton crops. The objective of this work was to identify which species of weeds among the floristic compositions occurring in the cotton crop are hosts of whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci biotype B). Bi-weekly evaluations were performed in a cotton area (FM 975 WS) in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil, during the reproductive phase of the crop. An inventory square (0.25 m side) was randomly cast 15 times between the cotton rows. The weeds were cut close to the ground, conditioned and taken to the laboratory to identify the family and species, and to quantify the eggs and nymphs of whiteflies. Eleven families were detected, with the most frequent being Amaranthaceae (16.67%), Convolvulaceae (12.5%), Rubiaceae (12.5%) and Poaceae (12.5%). The most frequent species were Amaranthus spp. (13.79%) and Alternanthera tenella, Ipomea spp., Richardia brasiliensis and Eleusine indica, with 10.34% each. From the 15 collected species, the presence of whitefly eggs or nymphs was only not observed in Portulaca oleracea and E. indica. The highest incidence of B. tabaci occurred in Euphorbia heterophylla. The occurrence of these species should be monitored, so that the whitefly population does not interfere in the cotton fiber quality.(AU)
A mosca-branca pode hospedar-se em plantas daninhas e causar prejuízos ao algodoeiro. O objetivo deste trabalho foi identificar, entre a composição florística de plantas daninhas que ocorrem na cultura do algodoeiro, quais são hospedeiras da mosca-branca (Bemisia tabaci biótipo B). Em uma área de algodoeiro (FM 975 WS) em Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brasil, foram feitas avaliações quinzenais na fase reprodutiva da cultura. Um quadrado inventário (0,25 m de lado) foi lançado aleatoriamente 15 vezes nas entrelinhas do algodoeiro. As plantas daninhas foram cortadas rente ao solo, acondicionadas e levadas para o laboratório para identificação da família e da espécie, quantificação dos ovos e ninfas de mosca-branca. Foram detectadas 11 famílias, sendo as mais frequentes Amaranthaceae (16,67%), Convolvulaceae (12,5%), Rubiaceae (12,5%) e Poaceae (12,5%). As espécies mais frequentes foram Amaranthus spp. (13,79%) e Alternanthera tenella, Ipomea spp., Richardia brasiliensis e Eleusine indica, com 10,34% cada uma. Das 15 espécies coletadas, apenas em Portulaca oleracea e E. indica não foi constatada a presença de ovos ou ninfas de mosca-branca. A maior incidência de B. tabaci ocorreu em Euphorbia heterophylla. A ocorrência dessas espécies deve ser monitorada para que a população de mosca-branca não interfira na qualidade da fibra do algodoeiro.(AU)
Gossypium , Plant Weeds , Hemiptera , Pest Control , AmaranthaceaeABSTRACT
The present study investigates anti-diabetic and anti-oxidant potentials of the aerial parts of Aerva javanica and seeds of Linum ustitatissimum. Our results revealed that maximum antioxidant activity was found in hexane fractions of both plants. Linum ustitatissimum recorded maximum antioxidant value of 15.77mmol/L while Aerva javanica had antioxidant activity of 16.07mmol/L. Anti-diabetic activities were also evaluated using normal rats, induced diabetic [untreated] rats and treated diabetic rats. Aerva javanica revealed a significant potential in decreasing blood glucose level to 77.08mg/dl and body weight 76.30mg/kg while Linum ustitatissimum reduced blood glucose level to 84.20mg/dl and body weight 83.090mg/kg. From these results it can be concluded that both plants possesses antidiabetic and anti-oxidant activity
Animals, Laboratory , Phytotherapy , Amaranthaceae , Plant Components, Aerial , Antioxidants , Hypoglycemic Agents , Diabetes Mellitus, Experimental/drug therapy , RatsABSTRACT
The present study was designed to investigate the chemical constituents of the roots of Cyathula officinalis. Compounds were isolated by silica gel, Sephadex LH-20, ODS column chromatography, and preparative HPLC. Their structures were determined on the basis of 1D and 2D NMR techniques, mass spectrometry, and chemical methods. One new oleanane-type triterpenoid saponin, 28-O-[α-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1→3)-β-D-glucuronopyranosyl-(1→3)-β-D-glucopyranosyl] hederagenin (1), was isolated from the roots of Cyathula officinalis. The anti-inflammatory activities of the isolates were evaluated for their inhibitory effects against LPS-induced nitric oxide (NO) production in RAW 264.7 macrophages cells. Compounds 2, 4, and 6 exhibited moderate anti-inflammatory activities.
Animals , Mice , Amaranthaceae , Chemistry , Anti-Inflammatory Agents , Cells, Cultured , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Nitric Oxide , Plant Roots , Chemistry , Saponins , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Triterpenes , Chemistry , PharmacologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Zinc (Zn) participates of numerous metabolic processes in plants. However, it can become toxic to plants in excessive concentrations in the soil. Pfaffia glomerata is a Brazilian medicinal species that has stood out because of its numerous chemical and functional properties, mainly by the triterpene saponins and ecdysteroids accumulated in its roots. This study aimed to evaluate the effects of zinc excess on many root morphological parameters of Pfaffia glomerata. A 4 x 3 factorial design was employed in a completely randomized scheme with 3 replicates. The treatments consisted of four concentrations of Zn (2, 100, 200, and 300 µM) and three accessions of P. glomerata (BRA, GD, and JB) grown in a hydroponic system for 7 and 14 days. Differences in root morphology and dry mass production were observed among the three accessions in response to excessive Zn. Some growth parameters of GD accession increased with the addition of Zn, ranging from 36 to 79 µM. However, the GD and JB accessions presented reduction in dry mass production, root area, length, and volume with increasing Zn levels. The BRA accession, which had the lowest growth among accessions, presented chlorotic leaves. The shoot/root dry mass ratio and root diameter increased linearly for BRA and GD accessions at 7 days. Based on the evaluated parameters, we observed the following order of Zn excess tolerance in P. glomerata accessions: GD> JB> BRA.
RESUMO O zinco (Zn) participa de numerosos processos metabólicos nas plantas. No entanto, em concentrações excessivas no solo pode tornar-se tóxico para os vegetais. Pfaffia glomerata é uma espécie medicinal brasileira que tem se destacado devido as suas inúmeras propriedades químicas e funcionais, devido principalmente às saponinas triterpênicas e ecdisteróides acumuladas em suas raízes. O objetivo do presente trabalho foi avaliar os efeitos do excesso de Zn sobre vários parâmetros morfológicos radiculares de Pfaffia glomerata. O delineamento experimental utilizado foi o inteiramente casualizado com três repetições, dispostos em um arranjo fatorial (4 x 3). Os tratamentos consistiram em quatro níveis de Zn (2, 100, 200 e 300µM) e três acessos (BRA, GD e JB) de P. glomerata cultivados em sistema hidropônico em casa de vegetação por 7 e 14 dias. Diferenças na morfologia radicular e na produção de material seca foram observadas entre os três acessos em resposta ao excesso de Zn. Alguns parâmetros de crescimento do acesso GD aumentaram sob a adição de Zn variando entre 36 e 79 µM. No entanto, os acessos GD e JB apresentaram redução na matéria seca, bem como na área de superfície, comprimento e volume radicular com o aumento dos níveis de Zn. O acesso BRA, que teve o menor crescimento entre os acessos, apresentou folhas cloróticas. A razão entre matéria seca da parte aérea e raízes e o diâmetro radicular aumentou linearmente para os acessos BRA e GD aos 7 dias de cultivo. Baseando-se nos parâmetros avaliados foi observada a seguinte ordem de tolerância ao excesso de Zn: GD> JB> BRA.
Zinc/analysis , Amaranthaceae , Panax , Metals, Heavy/analysis , GrowthABSTRACT
Alcoholic extract and various fractions of Achyranthes aspera leaves, traditionally used in Pakistan for treatment of infectious diseases was screened for in vitro antibacterial and antifungal activity. The chloroform and butanol fractions were found to be the most active among the fractions, showing considerable antibacterial activity against Shigella flexneri and Escherichia coli. The highest activity was found in the ethylacetate fraction [17 mm zone of inhibition] against gram-negative [Salmonella typhi] bacteria, with MIC value as 0.29 mg/mL. In antifungal screening, moderate activity was shown by the chloroform fraction [50 % inhibition] against Microsporum cams, with MIC value as 0.25mg/mL. Considerable level of antifungal activity was depicted by crude extract, hexane and butanol fractions against Aspergillus flavus and Microsporum canis. The ability of various extracts of Achyranthes aspera to inhibit different strains of fungi and bacteria indicates its potential use for the treatment of microbial infections
Plant Extracts , Anti-Bacterial Agents , Antifungal Agents , Amaranthaceae , Plant LeavesABSTRACT
At present, the objective of cutting and pruning Cistanche deserticola is to harvest in successive years and enhance the harvesting yield and quality of C. deserticola in the process of the artificial cultivating C. deserticola. An experiment was conducted focusing on cutting and pruning C. deserticola in artificial forests of Haloxylon ammodendron drip-irrigated with saline water at the hinter-land of the Taklimakan desert, according to different growth stages and lengths. The results were following: (1) The effect of cutting on C. deserticola was similar to that of pruning, which resulted in three kinds of morphological types, not related to the bloom and size of C. deserticola. (2) The growth forms were diversified after pruning. Among them, there had sprouting new body, died or maintaining life with no sprouting, mildewed on its surface layer, etc. However, some of new bodies were sprouting from the lower part of the old body. The death rate of bloomed C. deserticola was higher than that of the underground, and the death rate of the 40 cm in stubble height for C. deserticola was higher than those with the stubble height of 20 cm and 5 cm. (3) Most of the diameter of living C. deserticola after pruning was increasing, but some of them changed little. (4) The mildew and rot of C. deserticola and the broken of the roots of the H. ammodendron and the fallen of the point of the inoculated when it was dug, which would cause the death of the C. deserticola. On the other, the yield-increasing effect and the economic benefit of the techniques of the pruning of Cistanche would need further research and evaluate. Therefore, the application of this technique needs to be cautious.
Amaranthaceae , Cistanche , Forests , Fruit , Plant RootsABSTRACT
To determine the genetic diversity of Haloxylon ammodendron collected from 14 sites in 5 provinces, 103 H. ammodendron samples of 12 wild populations and 2 cultivated which collected from 14 sites in 5 provinces were analyzed by amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) DNA markers. PopGen32 and NTSYSpc2.1 was applied to evaluate genetic diversity of H. ammodendron populations. The average percentage of polymorphic loci (PPL) of total H. ammodendron populations was 94.13%, the average Nei's gene diversity index (H(e)) from 14 populations was 0.308 0, and the Shannon's genetic diversity index (I) was 0.467 6. The results indicated that the genetic diversity of H. ammodendron populations was high. Genetic differentiation index (G(st)) was 0.313 8, and the gene flow (N(m)) was 1.093 5 at the population level. The level of gene flow of H. ammodendron showed it possessed the feature of wind-pollinated outcrossing plants. AMOVA analysis indicated that genetic variation of H. ammodendron was much higher within groups (89.34%) than that among groups (10.66%), moreover genetic variation within groups mainly occurred among populations in different producing areas (84.80%). Cluster analysis (UPGMA) was applied to generate dendrogram based on Nei's genetic distances of 14 populations. Samples from Xinjiang and Qinghai were clustered respectively as a clade for their distant genetic relationship, while Samples from Gansu, Inner Mongolia and Ningxia were clustered together for their close genetic relationship. Genetic diversity of H. ammodendron populations is high in China, and genetic differentiation among regions is small, thus abundance within this specie is high at this stage. Therefore, wild nursery and artificial cultivating in different areas are effective measures for the conservation and sustainable utilization of H. ammodendron resources.
Amaranthaceae , Genetics , Amplified Fragment Length Polymorphism Analysis , China , Evolution, Molecular , Genetic Variation , PhylogenyABSTRACT
Euphorbia serpens Kunth var. microphylla Müll. Arg. (Euphorbiaceae), Amaranthus muricatus (Moq.) Hieron. (Amaranthaceae) y Lithraea molleoides (Vell.) Engl. (Anacardiaceae) son plantas usadas tradicionalmente en el Cono Sur de América como diuréticas. Las dos primeras son hierbas denominadas vulgarmente "yerbas meonas", mientras que la última, un árbol perennifolio, es conocido como "molle de beber" o "molle dulce". El objeto de este trabajo es caracterizar los extractos acuosos de estas drogas vegetales, identificando y cuantificando manitol por HPLC, debido a que este alcohol sería el principal responsable de la actividad diurética que han mostrado las tres plantas. Se realizó además, la caracterización fisicoquímica de las especies vegetales por comparación de los espectros de FT-IR. Los cromatogramas obtenidos por HPLC muestran picos con tiempos de retención a 35,44 min (estándar) característicos para manitol, y el área por debajo de las respectivas curvas permitió establecer concentraciones respecto a materia seca entre 23,056 g Kg-1 en E. serpens var. microphylla; 4,638 g Kg-1 en L. molleoides; y 2,080 g Kg-1 en A. muricatus. Estas cifras explican las diferencias en la potencia diurética descripta en la bibliografía para las especies en estudio. Los espectros IR presentan una relación de áreas de las bandas CO/CH que resultó distintiva para las dos especies (8,42 para E. serpens var. microphylla; 9,28 para A. muricatus; y 11,18 para L. molleoides). El valor mayor correspondiente a L. molleoides indica mayor cantidad de compuestos oxigenados. Los datos espectrales obtenidos permiten contribuir a la caracterización de los extractos acuosos de estas especies y aportan datos para un control de calidad efectivo de las drogas vegetales y los medicamentos herbarios que los contengan en su formulación. (AU)
Humans , Euphorbiaceae , Amaranthaceae , Anacardiaceae , Diuretics , Argentina , ChromatographyABSTRACT
A penicilina (Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze), pertence à família Amaranthaceae e tem sido reconhecida por suas propriedades anti-inflamatória, analgésica, e antiviral. O trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a concentração de ácido indolbutírico (AIB) mais adequada para a indução do enraizamento de estacas da penicilina. Foram selecionados ramos herbáceos de plantas matrizes, coletadas em novembro de 2010, para confecção de estacas com 6 cm de comprimento e 2 folhas apicais. As estacas foram desinfestadas através de solução de hipoclorito de sódio (0,5%) por 15 minutos. Em seguida, as estacas da penicilina tiveram suas bases imersas por 10 segundos em soluções de AIB nas concentrações de 0, 250, 500, 750 ou 1000 mg L-1, e foram plantadas em tubetes, sob irrigação em casa de vegetação. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado, com 80 estacas por tratamento. Após 30 dias não foram observados resultados com diferenças significativas entre os tratamentos utilizados quanto ao enraizamento, crescimento das raízes, mortalidade, massa fresca e seca. No entanto, houve aumento do número de raízes das estacas tratadas nas concentrações mais altas de AIB (750 e 1000 mg L-1) quando comparadas ao controle e aos demais tratamentos. As porcentagens de enraizamento foram acima de 94% para essa espécie, podendo concluir que a propagação via estaquia é viável sem o uso de reguladores para induzir a formação de raízes dessa espécie, a qual pode ser considerada de fácil enraizamento.
Penicillin (Alternanthera brasiliana (L.) Kuntze) belongs to the Amaranthaceae and has been recognized for its anti-inflammatory, analgesic and antiviral properties. This study aimed to evaluate the most appropriate concentration of indole butyric acid (IBA) to induce rooting of penicillin cuttings. We selected herbaceous branches, collected in November of 2010, to prepare 6 cm long cuttings with two apical leaves and disinfected them in solution of sodium hypochlorite (0.5%) for 15 minutes. Then, the penicillin cuttings had their bases immersed for 10 seconds in IBA at the concentrations of 0, 250, 500, 750 or 1000 mg L-1, planted in small plastic tubes, irrigated and maintained in a greenhouse. The experimental design was completely randomized, with 80 cuttings per treatment. After 30 days, we observed no significant different results among treatments on rooting, root growth, mortality, fresh and dry mass. There was an increase in the number of roots in the cuttings immersed in higher concentrations (750 and 1000 mg L-1) of IBA compared to the control and other treatments. The rooting percentages were above 94% for this species, and we could conclude that the propagation by cuttings is feasible without the use of regulators to induce root formation in this species, which can be considered as easy to root.
Plant Roots/growth & development , Amaranthaceae/classification , Plants, Medicinal/metabolism , Plant Extracts/analysisABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the phytochemical composition and in vitro antioxidant properties of aqueous extract of Aerva lanata (A. lanata) stem.@*METHODS@#During the preliminary phytochemical analysis, the aqueous extract of A. lanata was screened for the presence of carbohydrates, proteins, phenolic compounds, oil and fats, saponins, flavonoids, alkaloids, tannins and phytosterols. Antioxidant activity of the extract was determined by 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity, metal chelating activity, reducing power activity and DNA damage inhibition activity. Analysis of phenolic compounds was performed by Folin-Ciocalteau reagent method and gradient high performance liquid chromatography technique.@*RESULTS@#Preliminary phytochemical analysis exhibited the presence of phenolic compounds, saponins, flavonoids, tannins and phytosterols as major phytochemical groups. The extract exhibited high 2, 2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl radical scavenging activity (IC(50)= 110.74 μg/mL), metal chelating activity (IC(50)= 758.17 μg/mL), reducing power activity and DNA damage inhibition efficiency. The extract was reported to possess a high amount of total phenolic content and some of them were identified as gallic acid (3,4,5-OH), apigenin-7-O-glucoside (apigetrin), quercetin-3-O-rutinoside (rutin) and myricetin (3,5,7,3,4,5-OH) by high performance liquid chromatography analysis. The extract was found non toxic towards human erythrocytes in the hemolytic assay (IC(50) = 24.89 mg/mL).@*CONCLUSIONS@#These results conclud that A. lanata stem possesses high antioxidant activity and can be used for the development of natural and safe antioxidant compounds.
Humans , Amaranthaceae , Chemistry , Antioxidants , Pharmacology , Biphenyl Compounds , Metabolism , Chelating Agents , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , DNA Damage , Erythrocytes , Flavonoids , Free Radical Scavengers , Phenols , Phytosterols , Picrates , Metabolism , Plant Extracts , Pharmacology , Plant Stems , Chemistry , Saponins , TanninsABSTRACT
Objetivou-se com este trabalho avaliar o efeito da incorporação ao solo de cama-de-frango e de fósforo sobre o crescimento e a produção da fáfia. Os tratamentos foram cinco doses de cama-de-frango semidecomposta (0, 5, 10, 15 e 20 t ha-1), com e sem o uso de fósforo (200 kg ha-1 de P2O5, na forma de superfosfato triplo), arranjados em esquema fatorial 5 x 2, no delineamento experimental blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. As alturas das plantas variaram em função das doses da cama-de-frango, sendo maiores (138,50 cm) sob 20 t ha-1. As produções de massas frescas e secas de folhas, caules e raízes foram influenciadas significativamente pela interação cama-de-frango e fósforo. As maiores produções de massa fresca e seca de folhas (597 kg ha-1 e 100 kg ha-1, respectivamente) foram obtidas com a dose de 20 t ha-1 de cama-de-frango, sem o uso de fósforo. Para caules, as maiores produções de massa fresca e seca (7.757 kg ha-1 e 2.633 kg ha-1, respectivamente) foram obtidas com a dose de 20 t ha-1 de cama-de-frango, com o uso de fósforo. As maiores produções de massa fresca e seca de raízes (9.065 kg ha-1 e 377 kg ha-1, respectivamente) foram obtidas com a dose de 20 t ha-1 de cama-de-frango, sem o uso de fósforo. Os teores médios de N, P e K das folhas foram de 8,60; 0,88 e 4,46 g kg-1, respectivamente. Os teores de Ca e Mg foram máximos (7,56 e 5,12 g kg-1, respectivamente) com o uso de 20 t ha-1 de cama-de-frango, independente do uso de P. Nas raízes os teores médios de N, P e Mg foram de 2,74; 0,27 e 0,96 g kg-1, respectivamente. O teor de K reduziu linearmente com as doses de cama-de-frango e o de Ca foi máximo com o uso de 20 t ha-1. Para se obter maiores produções de massas frescas e secas de folhas e raízes, as plantas de fáfia devem ser cultivadas com cama-de-frango (20 t ha-1) incorporada ao solo, sem necessidade de adição de fósforo.
The aimed of this study was to evaluate the effect of of chicken manure and phosphorus incorporated to the soil on growth and yield of fáfia. Treatments were five doses of chicken manure (0, 5, 10, 15 and 20 t ha-1), with and without the use of phosphorus (200 kg ha-1 of P2O5, in triple superphosphate form), arranged in 5 x 2 factorial scheme in randomized block design with four replications. Plant heights varied as a function of chicken manure doses, which the highest (138.50 cm) under 20 t ha-1. Yields of fresh and dried weight of leaves, stems and roots were influenced significantly by the interaction chicken manure x phosphorus. The highest yields of fresh and dried leaves (597 kg ha-1 and 100 kg ha-1, respectively) were obtained with the dose of 20 t ha-1 of chicken manure, without the use of phosphorus. For stems, the highest yields of fresh and dried weight (7.757 kg ha-1 and 2.633 kg ha-1, respectively) were obtained with the dose of 20 t ha-1 of chicken manure, with the use of phosphorus. The highest yields of fresh and dried weight of roots (9.065 kg ha-1 and 377 kg ha-1, respectively) were obtained with the dose of 20 t ha-1 of chicken manure, without the use of phosphorus. Average contents of N, P and K of leaves were 8.60; 0.88 and 4.46 g kg-1, respectively. Contents of Ca and Mg were maximum (7.56 and 5.12 g kg-1, respectively) with the use of 20 t ha-1 of chicken manure, independent on the use of phosphorus. In roots, average contents of N, P and Mg were 2.74, 0.27 and 0.96 g kg-1, respectively. K content reduced linearly with chicken manure doses and of Ca was maximum with the use of 20 t ha-1. For obtaining the highest yields of fresh and dried weight of leaves and roots, the fáfia plants must be grown with chicken manure (20 t ha-1) incorporated to the soil within the use of phosphorus.
Amaranthaceae/growth & development , Phosphorus/administration & dosage , /methods , Plant Roots/metabolism , Plant Leaves/growth & developmentABSTRACT
Digera muricata [L.] Mart, is a weed and commonly found in waste places, road sides and in maize fields during the summer season. It possesses antioxidant capacity and is locally used for various disorders such as inflammation, urination, as refrigerant, aperient and in sexual anomalies. In this study antioxidant potential of Digera muricata methanol extract [DMME] and n-hexane extract [DMHE] was evaluated against CCl[4]-induced oxidative stress in adrenal gland of Sprague-Dawley male rats. 42 rats were equally divided into 7 groups of 6 rats in each. Group I remained untreated, while Group II treated with vehicles. Group III received only CC1[4] [1 ml/kg b.w., 10% in olive oil] once a week for 16 weeks. Group IV and VI received DMME and DMHE at a dose of 200 mg/kg b.w. along with CC1[4]. Animals of Group V and VII administered with DMME and DMHE alone at a dose of 200 mg/kg b.w. once a week for 16 weeks. Lipid peroxidation significantly increased while activities of antioxidant enzymes [CAT, SOD, GST, GSR and GSH-Px] were reduced in adrenal gland samples by the administration of CC14. Glutathione [GSH] concentration was significantly decreased whereas DNA fragmentation% and AgNORs count was increased in adrenal gland by CC1[4] administration. Treatment of rat by both the extracts [DMME, DMHE] and CC1[4] increased the glutathione level and activities of antioxidant enzymes while reduced the lipid peroxidation, DNA fragmentation percent and AgNORs count in adrenal gland. These results indicate that Digera muricata extract is able to ameliorate oxidative stress in adrenal gland induced by CC1[4] in rat
Animals, Laboratory , Adrenal Glands/metabolism , Amaranthaceae/chemistry , Adrenal Gland Diseases/chemically induced , Phytotherapy/methods , Plant Components, Aerial/chemistry , Glutathione Peroxidase , Glutathione Reductase , Plant Extracts , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Antigens, Nuclear/metabolism , Carbon , /pharmacology , Catalase/metabolism , DNA , /drug effectsABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To determine the chemical profile and steroids composition of the medicinally important plant Aerva lanata (A. lanata) L.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Preliminary phytochemical screening was done by the method as Harborne described. HPTLC studies were carried out as Harborne and Wagner et al described. The Ethyl acetate-ethanol-water (8: 2: 1.2) was employed as mobile phase for glycosides.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>The desired aim was achieved using Chloroform-acetone (8: 2) as the mobile phase. The methanolic extract of stem, leaves, root, flower and seeds of A. lanata showed the presence of 30 different types of steroids with 30 different Rf values from 0.04 to 0.97. Maximum number (11) of steroids has been observed in leaves followed by root (10).</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>HPTLC profile of steroids has been chosen here to reveal the diversity existing in A. lanata. Such finger printing is useful in differentiating the species from the adulterant and act as biochemical markers for this medicinally important plant in the pharma industry and plant systematic studies.</p>
Humans , Amaranthaceae , Chemistry , Chromatography, Thin Layer , Methods , Plant Extracts , Chemistry , Plants, Medicinal , Chemistry , SteroidsABSTRACT
In order to find the anti-virus constituents of Alternanthera philoxeroides (Mart.) Griseb, the investigation was carried out. The paper reported the five triterpenoid saponins isolated from n-BuOH fraction: 3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl (1-->3)-O-[beta-D-glucopyranosyl-oleanolic acid]-28-O-beta-D-glucuronopyranoside (1), oleanolic acid-3-O-beta-D-glucuronopyranoside (calenduloside E, 2), oleanolic acid-3-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl-28-Obeta-D-glucopyranosyl ester (chikusetsusaponin-IVa, 3), 3-O-(6'-O-butyl-beta-D-glucuronopyranosyl)-oleanolic acid-28-O-beta-D-glucopyranosyl ester (4) and hederagenin-3-O-beta-D-glucuronopyranoside (HN-sapoins K, 5). 1 is a new compound, saponins 4 and 5 were isolated from the plant for the first time.
Humans , Amaranthaceae , Chemistry , Antiviral Agents , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Hep G2 Cells , Hepatitis B virus , Molecular Structure , Oleanolic Acid , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Plants, Medicinal , Chemistry , Saponins , Chemistry , Pharmacology , Triterpenes , Chemistry , PharmacologyABSTRACT
O potencial alelopático de quatro diferentes extratos de plantas medicinais (Eclipta alba, Gomphrena globosa, Tabernaemontana catharinensis e Tithonia diversifolia) foi avaliado na germinação de Bidens pilosa e Lactuca sativa. Dentre os resultados obtidos no teste de germinação, notou-se um maior poder inibitório do extrato de G. globosa sobre sementes e plântulas de Bidens pilosa e Lactuca sativa independente da concentração utilizada e aumento da atividade inibitória de extratos T. catharinensis e de T. diversifolia com aumento da concentração destes. Quanto ao Índice de Velocidade de Germinação, os dados demonstraram redução do índice devido a elevada mortalidade das plântulas submetidas aos extratos de G. globosa e de T. catharinensis e a germinação tardia das sementes submetidas ao extrato de T. diversifolia. Quanto ao vigor das sementes, as menores porcentagens de sobrevivência ocorreram extratos à 2,5 por cento para B. pilosa e 10 por cento para L. sativa.
The allelopathic potential of four different extracts of medicinal plants (Eclipta alba, Gomphrena globosa, Tabernaemontana catharinensis and Tithonia diversifolia) was evaluated on the germination of Bidens pilosa and Lactuca sativa. The results obtained in the germination test indicated a greater inhibitory activity of G. globosa extract on Bidens pilosa and Lactuca sativa seeds and seedlings, regardlessof the used concentration, and an increase in the inhibitory activity of T. catharinensis and T. diversifolia extracts with an increase in their concentrations. As to Germination Speed Index, the data demonstrated a reduction due to the high mortality of seedlings subjected to G. globosa and T. catharinensis extracts and a late germination of seeds subjected to T. diversifolia extracts. As to the vigor of seeds, the smallest survival percentages occur at 2.5 percent for B. pilosa and at 10 percent for L.sativa.
Bidens , Pheromones/chemistry , Pheromones/therapeutic use , Germination , In Vitro Techniques , Lactuca , Plant Extracts , Plants, Medicinal , Seeds , Amaranthaceae , Asteraceae , Eclipta , Plant Structures , Plant Preparations/therapeutic use , TabernaemontanaABSTRACT
Iresine weberbaueri, es una especie vegetal muy conocida en Medicina Tradicional, ya que es usada como potente desinflamante. Fue recolectada en La Oscurana, Caserío el Nogal, Pueblo de Bolívar, provincia de San Miguel de Pallaques, departamento de Cajamarca, en el mes de enero de 2008. El screening fitoquímico del extracto etanólico de las flores de Iresine weberbaueri reportó la presencia de metabolitos secundarios, tales como: taninos, flavonoides, alcaloides, glicósidos y compuestos fenólicos. Se realizó la partición del extracto etanólico con solventes de diferente polaridad, obteniéndose extractos de: nhexano, diclorometano, metanol y acuoso. El estudio biológico se basó en el Bioensayo para evaluar el efecto regenerador en eritema solar de los extractos obtenidos, con una concentración de 15% en propilenglicol, por vía dérmica, determinada en ensayos biológicos preliminares, determinándose como el más activo el extracto de diclorometano, tanto en la evaluación clínica como en el reporte histológico. Los extractos obtenidos fueron desarrollados en forma de gel cosmético y fueron estudiados mediante el bioensayo para evaluar el efecto regenerador en eritema solar, con una concentración de 15 %, en una base de gel constituída de agua, extracto, trietanolamina, carbopol 940, metilparabeno y propilparabeno, por vía dérmica, determinándose como el más activo el gel a base del extracto de diclorometano, tanto en la evaluación clínica como en el reporte histológico. Se realizó el bioensayo de forma comparativa entre el gel a base del extracto de diclorometano frente al efecto presentado por el gel cosmético "after sun", los cuales presentaron un resultado similar en cuanto al reporte histológico. Se realizó ensayos físico químicos para determinan sus características, obteniéndose que presenta un aspecto de gel viscoso con color natural otorgado por el extracto, el valor de pH resultó 6,5, la viscosidad resultó 61 000 cP. Se realizó ensayos microbiológicos obteniéndose que el sistema preservante fue el adecuado para este tipo de formulación.