Studies of the diversity and natural history of amphibians are extremely important and contribute with the knowledge about the patterns of geographical distribution and biology of the species, outlining the factors that influence this distribution, and contributing to the development of conservation projects of them. This study aimed to identify the richness, abundance, spatial and temporal distribution of amphibians in the Bauru region, state of São Paulo, Brazil, and compare the species composition with others regions in the São Paulo state located in the Cerrado and Atlantic Forest. Eight locations were sampled between the years 2009 and 2012. Thirty-seven amphibian species were recorded, which represents 15.61% of the species in the state of São Paulo. In comparison to other regions of the state, Bauru resemble with the north-western region of the state and with the Assis Ecological Station in species composition. The community of amphibians in the studied region is regulated to morphoclimatic conditions, environmental heterogeneity and the conservation of natural resources, which directly reflect on the composition, abundance and species' spatial and temporal distribution of the amphibians in this region. The richness of amphibians of the Bauru region is significant for the state of São Paulo and contributes with the maintenance of environments with conditions for the occurrence of Proceratophrys moratoi, which is considered in threat of extinction. This study contributed with the filling gap on the amphibian knowledge of the state of São Paulo.
Estudos sobre diversidade e história natural de anfíbios são de extrema importância para o conhecimento sobre os padrões de distribuição geográfica e biologia das espécies delineando os fatores que influenciam nessa distribuição, o que contribui para a elaboração de projetos de conservação mais realistas e efetivos. Este estudo visou identificar a riqueza, abundância, distribuição espacial e temporal das espécies de anfíbios da região de Bauru, estado de São Paulo, Brasil, e comparar a composição de espécies com outras regiões de Cerrado e Mata Atlântica do estado de São Paulo. Oito localidades foram amostradas entre os anos de 2009 e 2012. Foram registradas 37 espécies de anfíbios, as quais representam 15,61% das espécies do estado de São Paulo. Em comparação com outras regiões do estado, Bauru se assemelha à Região Noroeste do estado e à Estação Ecológica de Assis na composição de espécies. A comunidade de anfíbios da região estudada é regulada pelas condições morfoclimáticas, heterogeneidade ambiental e estado de conservação dos recursos naturais, que refletem diretamente na composição, na abundância e nos padrões de distribuição espacial e temporal das espécies de anfíbios presentes na região. A riqueza de anfíbios da região de Bauru é significativa para o estado de São Paulo e contribui com a manutenção de ambientes com condições para a ocorrência de Proceratophrys moratoi, considerada em risco de extinção. Este estudo contribui com o preenchimento de lacunas no conhecimento de anfíbios do estado de São Paulo.
Animals , Anura , Natural History , AmphibiansABSTRACT
Os mecanismos de defesa bioquímica dos anfíbios envolvem secreções cutâneas de moléculas bioativas com atividade antimicrobiana. Este estudo avaliou a atividade in vitro de extratos metanólicos da secreção cutânea de duas espécies de anfíbios da família Bufonidae, Rhaebo guttatus e Rhinella marina, no controle dos patógenos Fusarium udum, Fusarium solani, Colletotrichum truncatum, Aspergillus flavus, Rhizoctonia solani, Macrophomina phaseolina e Calonectria pseudometrosideri. O extrato de R. guttatus inibiu o crescimento micelial de F. udum, F. solani, A. flavus e M. phaseolina em algumas concentrações testadas. O extrato de R. marina inibiu o crescimento micelial de C. truncatum na concentração de 0,5 mg mL- ¹, e inibiu o crescimento micelial de A. flavus nas concentrações de 0,1 e 0,5 mg mL- ¹, que foi semelhante à inibição pelo controle positivo. O extrato de R. marina também diminuiu a produção de microescleródios de R. solani nas concentrações de 0,2 e 0,3 mg mL- ¹. Além disso, os extratos inibiram a esporulação e germinação de conídios em graus variados. A inibição da formação de apressórios em C. truncatum pelos extratos de R. guttatus e R. marina foi de 85%99% e 63%100%, respectivamente. Nossos resultados demonstraram que o tratamento com extratos da secreção cutânea de R. guttatus e R. marina apresentou atividade antifúngica sobre os fitopatógenos estudados.(AU)
Spores, Fungal , Bufo marinus , Bodily Secretions , AmphibiansABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: In amphibians, blood may act as a hematopoietic tissue. However, the knowledge concerning hematological features is scarce, there is not much information that allows an analysis about the possible explanations of this physiological feature. Objective: This study aimed to evaluate the relationship between immature red blood cells (RBCs) mitosis and the presence of blood parasites in amphibians. Methods: We sampled 116 amphibians (31 species) in six Colombian localities. Blood was taken by cardiac puncture or maxillary vein puncture. Smears were prepared, fixed, and Giemsa stained for microscopical analysis. The variables analyzed were the percentage of immature RBCs, mitotic cells in peripheral blood, and blood parasite infection. Data were analyzed using Wilcoxon's rank test and exact Fisher statistical tests. Results: Sixty-two individuals showed mitosis in peripheral blood, and these mitotic RBCs shared morphological features with immature RBCs. Overall, parasite prevalence was 30.1 %, distributed as follows: Trypanosoma (24.1 %), Hepatozoon-like (6 %), Dactylosoma (4.3 %), Karyolysus-like (0.9 %), and Filarioidea (2.6 %). A positive association between the percentage of immature RBCs and the presence of mitotic RBCs was found, and also between the blood parasite infection and the percentage of immature RBCs. Conclusions: In this study, we found that the presence of blood parasites, immature RBCs, and RBCs mitosis are frequent events in amphibians' peripheral blood, and our analysis suggests an association between those features. Thus, the release of immature RBCs and the mitosis of those cells in peripheral blood may be a physiological response to blood parasite infection. Further studies characterizing hematology in amphibians and wildlife, in general, are desirable.
Resumen Introducción: En anfibios, la sangre puede actuar como un tejido hematopoyético. Sin embargo, el conocimiento acerca de las características hematológicas es escaso y no hay información que permita un análisis acerca de las posibles explicaciones a este rasgo fisiológico. Objetivo: La intención de este estudio fue evaluar la relación entre la presencia de eritroblastos, mitosis de glóbulos rojos (GRs) y la infección por hemoparásito en sangre periférica de anfibios. Métodos: Se muestrearon 116 anfibios (31 especies) en seis localidades de Colombia. Se tomaron muestras de sangre mediante punción cardiaca o punción a la vena maxilar. Se prepararon extendidos sanguíneos, se fijaron y tiñeron con Giemsa para su posterior análisis por microscopía. Se analizaron variables como porcentaje de GRs inmaduros, células mitóticas en sangre periférica e infección por hemoparásitos. Los datos fueron analizados mediante el test de rango de Willcoxon y el test exacto de Fisher. Resultados: sesenta y dos individuos evidenciaron mitosis en sangre periférica y dichas mitosis compartían características morfológicas con GRs inmaduros. La prevalencia general de parásitos fue del 30.1 %, distribuido de la siguiente forma: Trypanosoma (24.1 %), Hepatozoon-like (6 %), Dactylosoma (4.3 %), Karyolysus-like (0.9 %), y Filarioidea (2. 6 %). Hay una asociación positiva entre el porcentaje de GRs inmaduros y la presencia de células mitóticas, también se encontró una relación entre la infección por hemoparásitos y el porcentaje de GRs inmaduros. Conclusiones: En este estudio encontramos que la presencia de parásitos sanguíneos, GRs inmaduros y mitosis de GRs son eventos frecuentes en sangre periférica de anfibios, y nuestros resultados sugieren una asociación entre dichas características. Por tanto, la liberación de GRs inmaduros y la mitosis de estas células en sangre periférica podría ser una respuesta fisiológica a infecciones parasitarias. Posteriores estudios que caractericen la hematología en anfibios y en vida silvestre en general, son deseables.
Animals , Parasites/pathogenicity , Amphibians/blood , Erythropoiesis , AnemiaABSTRACT
Trachycephalus cunauaru é um hilídeo amazônico que utiliza fitotelmatas para se reproduzir. Existem relativamente poucas informações sobre a espécie, principalmente devido à dificuldade de acesso aos seus sítios reprodutivos. Nesse trabalho, reunimos dados de ecologia e história natural de T. cunauaru em uma área da Amazônia meridional, no estado de Mato Grosso, Brasil. Além de fitotelmatas naturais, utilizamos baldes instalados a uma altura de 10 m como fitotelmatas artificiais. Comparamos características físicas e químicas, bem como a presença e ausência de girinos, entre fitotelmatas naturais e artificiais. Também coletamos dados sobre o comportamento reprodutivo da espécie por meio de armadilhas fotográficas. Registramos uma densidade de 14,1 sítios reprodutivos por km2 . Os parâmetros ambientais diferiram significativamente entre fitotelmatas artificiais e naturais. Em sítios artificiais a presença de girinos esteve diretamente relacionada à árvores com maior diâmetro. Registramos, pela primeira vez, oofagia para a espécie e observamos que machos podem utilizar mais de um fitotelmata. Também registramos a presença de cobras nos sítios reprodutivos. Constatamos que sítios artificiais e armadilhas fotográficas representam uma alternativa satisfatória para registros comportamentais para T. cunauaru e, possivelmente, para outras espécies com hábitos similares. (AU)
A ingestão de corpos estranhos em aquários artificiais é uma ocorrência frequente observada na clínica cirúrgica de anfíbios criados como pets, o que inclui os axolotes (Ambystoma mexicanum). O presente relato descreve um caso de ingestão de sete corpos estranhos em um axolote macho, de cinco meses de idade, com histórico de abaulamento irregular e irredutível da superfície corpórea ventral, de consistência firme. Na anamnese foi informado que o animal habitava um aquário com substrato de cascalhos. Ao exame físico, o axolote apresentou bom estado geral e parâmetros vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Os materiais deglutidos foram identificados em região gástrica por meio de exame radiográfico corpóreo total, e suas características condiziam com o substrato utilizado no aquário do paciente. Como protocolo anestésico, foi priorizada a imersão em Isofluorano e gás oxigênio, com o objetivo de atingir a via branquial e, ocasionalmente, transdérmica. A remoção cirúrgica foi feita através de celiotomia e gastrotomia em ambiente aquático com temperatura, pH e coleção bacteriana controlados, conforme literatura disponível e tendo em consideração a natureza, diâmetro e localização dos corpos estranhos. Após cinco e quinze dias do procedimento, acompanhou-se a cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, sendo possível constatar bom restabelecimento da continuidade dos tecidos e bom estado geral do paciente.
The ingestion of foreign bodies in artificial aquariums is a frequent occurrence observed in the surgical clinic of amphibians raised as pets, which includes axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). The present report describes a case of ingestion of seven foreign bodies in a male axolotl, five months old, with a history of irregular and irreducible bulging of the ventral body surface, with firm consistency. In the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal inhabited an aquariums with gravel substrate. On physical examination, the axolotl showed good general condition and vital parameters within the normal range for the species. The swallowed materials were identified in the gastric region by means of total body radiographic examination, and their characteristics were consistent with the substrate used in the patient's aquarium. As anesthetic protocol, immersion in Isofluorane and oxygen gas was prioritized, in order to reach the branchial and, occasionally, transdermal route. Surgical removal was performed through celiotomy and gastrotomy in an aquatic environment with controlled temperature, pH and bacterial collection, according to available literature and taking into account the nature, diameter and location of foreign bodies. After five and fifteen days of the procedure, the healing of the surgical wound was monitored, showing a good restoration of tissue continuity and a good general condition of the patient.
Animals , Surgery, Veterinary/methods , Ambystoma mexicanum/surgery , Amphibians/surgery , Anesthesia/veterinary , Salamandra/surgery , Wound Healing , Aquatic Environment/methods , Foreign Bodies/veterinaryABSTRACT
A ingestão de corpos estranhos em aquários artificiais é uma ocorrência frequente observada na clínica cirúrgica de anfíbios criados como pets, o que inclui os axolotes (Ambystoma mexicanum). O presente relato descreve um caso de ingestão de sete corpos estranhos em um axolote macho, de cinco meses de idade, com histórico de abaulamento irregular e irredutível da superfície corpórea ventral, de consistência firme. Na anamnese foi informado que o animal habitava um aquário com substrato de cascalhos. Ao exame físico, o axolote apresentou bom estado geral e parâmetros vitais dentro da normalidade para a espécie. Os materiais deglutidos foram identificados em região gástrica por meio de exame radiográfico corpóreo total, e suas características condiziam com o substrato utilizado no aquário do paciente. Como protocolo anestésico, foi priorizada a imersão em Isofluorano e gás oxigênio, com o objetivo de atingir a via branquial e, ocasionalmente, transdérmica. A remoção cirúrgica foi feita através de celiotomia e gastrotomia em ambiente aquático com temperatura, pH e coleção bacteriana controlados, conforme literatura disponível e tendo em consideração a natureza, diâmetro e localização dos corpos estranhos. Após cinco e quinze dias do procedimento, acompanhou-se a cicatrização da ferida cirúrgica, sendo possível constatar bom restabelecimento da continuidade dos tecidos e bom estado geral do paciente.
The ingestion of foreign bodies in artificial aquariums is a frequent occurrence observed in the surgical clinic of amphibians raised as pets, which includes axolotls (Ambystoma mexicanum). The present report describes a case of ingestion of seven foreign bodies in a male axolotl, five months old, with a history of irregular and irreducible bulging of the ventral body surface, with firm consistency. In the anamnesis, it was reported that the animal inhabited an aquariums with gravel substrate. On physical examination, the axolotl showed good general condition and vital parameters within the normal range for the species. The swallowed materials were identified in the gastric region by means of total body radiographic examination, and their characteristics were consistent with the substrate used in the patients aquarium. As anesthetic protocol, immersion in Isofluorane and oxygen gas was prioritized, in order to reach the branchial and, occasionally, transdermal route. Surgical removal was performed through celiotomy and gastrotomy in an aquatic environment with controlled temperature, pH and bacterial collection, according to available literature and taking into account the nature, diameter and location of foreign bodies. After five and fifteen days of the procedure, the healing of the surgical wound was monitored, showing a good restoration of tissue continuity and a good general condition of the patient.
Animals , Ambystoma mexicanum , Anesthesia , Amphibians/surgery , Wound Healing , ImmersionABSTRACT
Amphibians inhabit the terrestrial environment, a conquest achieved after several evolutionary steps, which were still insufficient to make them completely independent of the aquatic environment. These processes gave rise to many morphological and physiological changes, making their skin (and cutaneous secretion) rich in bioactive molecules. Among the tree frogs, the secretion is composed mainly of peptides; but alkaloids, proteins and steroids can also be found depending on the species. The most known class of biologically active molecules is the antimicrobial peptides (AMPs) that act against bacteria, fungi and protozoans. Although these molecules are well-studied among the hylids, AMPs ontogeny remains unknown. Therefore, we performed peptidomic and proteomic analyses of Pithecopus nordestinus (formerly Phyllomedusa nordestina) in order to evaluate the peptide content in post-metamorphosed juveniles and adult individuals. Methods: Cutaneous secretion of both life stages of individuals was obtained and analyzed by LC-MS/MS after reduction and alkylation of disulfide bonds or reduction, alkylation and hydrolysis by trypsin. Results: Differences in the TIC profile of juveniles and adults in both treatments were observed. Moreover, the proteomic data revealed known proteins and peptides, with slight differences in the composition, according to the life stage and the treatment. AMPs were identified, and bradykinin-potentiating peptides were observed in trypsin-treated samples, which suggests a protein source of such peptide (cryptide). Conclusion: In general, skin secretion contents were similar between juveniles and adults, varying in quantity, indicating that the different stages of life are reflected in the number of molecules and not on their diversity.(AU)
Animals , Female , Peptides , Trypsin , Proteomics , Amphibians , Bodily Secretions , HydrolysisABSTRACT
Introducción: El estudio de las estrategias de uso y partición del recurso espacial resulta importante para entender los mecanismos de coexistencia de especies de anfibios simpátricas, más aún cuando existen variaciones temporales en la disponibilidad de hábitats. Objetivo: Conocer los patrones de uso de microhábitat, sus variaciones estacionales y la posible influencia de la filogenia en un ensamble de anuros del Chaco Serrano de Argentina. Métodos: Los muestreos se realizaron en el área protegida Parque Natural Valle Fértil, Departamento Valle Fértil, San Juan, entre el 2012 y 2017. En campo, se registró el microhábitat donde se encontró cada ejemplar y se midieron variables del sitio. Además, se determinó la disponibilidad de microhábitats. Los datos se analizaron mediante el índice de selectividad de Manly. Para evaluar variaciones temporales en el uso de microhábitats se utilizaron modelos lineales generalizados (GLM). Resultados: Las especies evaluadas fueron: Rhinella arenarum arenarum, Leptodactylus latrans, Pleurodema tucumanum y Odontophrynus occidentalis. Todas las especies mostraron diferencias en las frecuencias de uso: R. a. arenarum mostró preferencias hacia los sitios rocosos y acuáticos, P. tucumanum exhibió preferencias hacia los sitios con suelo desnudo y rocas, L. latrans y O. occidentalis presentaron mayores preferencias hacia los sitios rocosos y acuáticos. Todas las especies excepto Odontophrynus exhibieron variaciones estacionales en la selección y uso de los microhábitats. Odontophrynus occidentalis presentó diferencias en las proporciones de uso entre microhábitats. Conclusiones: Este estudio muestra la plasticidad en el uso de microhábitats como un determinante importante en la distribución espacial de anuros, sin restricciones aparentes impuestas por la competencia, el espacio ni la filogenia. Cuando la actividad de las especies es coincidente, el recurso espacial puede distribuirse de manera que se reduzca el solapamiento entre especies.
Introduction: Research on spatial resource usage and partition strategies is important to understand the mechanisms of coexistence in sympatric amphibian species, even more when there are temporal variations in habitat availability. Objective: To learn about the patterns of microhabitat use, its seasonal variations and the possible influence of phylogeny on an anuran assembly of the Chaco Serrano in Argentina. Methods: Samplings were carried out in the Valle Fértil Natural Park protected area, Valle Fértil Department, San Juan, between 2012 and 2017. In the field, we recorded the microhabitat where each specimen was found, and we also measured site variables. In addition, microhabitats availability was determined. Data were analyzed using Manly's selectivity index. Generalized linear models (GLM) were used to assess temporal variations in microhabitat use. Results: The species evaluated were: Rhinella arenarum arenarum, Leptodactylus latrans, Pleurodema tucumanum and Odontophrynus occidentalis. All species showed differences in usage frequencies: R. a. arenarum showed preferences for rocky and aquatic sites, P. tucumanum showed preferences towards bare soil and rocky sites, L. latrans and O. occidentalis showed greater preferences for rocky and aquatic sites. All species but Odontophrynus exhibited seasonal variations in microhabitat selection and usage. Odontophrynusoccidentalis showed differences in usage proportions among microhabitats. Conclusions: This study shows plasticity in microhabitat usage as an important determinant of anuran spatial distribution, without apparent restrictions imposed by space competition or phylogeny. When species activity is coincident, the space resource may be distributed in a way that species overlap is reduced.
Animals , Anura/classification , Population Characteristics , Argentina , Sampling Studies , AmphibiansABSTRACT
An alarming number of global warnings concerning amphibian mortality outbreaks have been released in recent years. Emerging diseases stand out as the main potential causes. Ranavirus is a worldwide-spread highly infectious disease capable of affecting even other ectothermic animals such as fish and reptiles. One major issue regarding this pathology is the lack of clinical signs before it leads up to death. Aiming at having a better understanding of anurans susceptibility, this study analyzed bullfrog (Lithobates catesbeianus) survival rate, when challenged with three doses of a Brazilian strain of Frog Virus 3 (FV3). The qPCR analysis indicated a low infectivity rate in these animals both as larvae and as adults. To elucidate the results, the following hypothesis was performed: 1) The amount of inoculum used on the frogs was insufficient to trigger an infection; 2) For the FV3 to produce clinical signs in this species, there is the need for a cofactor; 3) The animals did undergo FV3 infection but recovered in the course of the experiment, and 4) The inoculum utilized might have been low-virulence. Finally, the presence of actual clinical signs of ranavirus is discussed, with the more likely hypothesis.(AU)
Um número alarmante de notificações globais sobre surtos de mortalidade de anfíbios tem sido realizado nos últimos anos. As doenças emergentes destacam-se como as principais causas potenciais. O ranavírus é uma doença altamente infecciosa disseminada em todo o mundo, capaz de afetar até outros animais ectotérmicos como peixes e répteis. Uma questão importante em relação a essa patologia é a falta de sinais clínicos antes de levar à morte. Com o objetivo de compreender melhor a suscetibilidade dos anuros, o presente trabalho analisou a taxa de sobrevivência de rãs-touro (Lithobates catesbeianus), desafiadas com três doses de uma estirpe brasileira do Frog virus 3 (FV3). A análise de qPCR indicou baixa taxa de infectividade nesses animais, tanto como larvas quanto como adultos. Procurando esclarecer os resultados, foram formuladas as seguintes hipóteses: 1) A quantidade de inóculo aplicada nas rãs foi insuficiente para desencadear uma infecção; 2) Para que o FV3 dê sinais clínicos nesta espécie, é necessário um cofator; 3) Os animais sofreram infecção por FV3, mas se recuperaram no decorrer do experimento, e 4) O inóculo utilizado pode ter sido de baixa virulência. Finalmente, foi discutida a presença de sinais clínicos reais de ranavírus e levantada a hipótese mais provável(AU)
Animals , Ranavirus/immunology , Amphibians/anatomy & histology , Mortality , Iridovirus , Communicable Diseases, EmergingABSTRACT
Resumen La composición de la dieta en anfibios puede ser influenciada por diversos factores que causan su variación intraespecífica, como pueden ser la distribución geográfica, ontogenia, estacionalidad, y el sexo de los organismos. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la composición de la dieta en adultos de la Craugastor rhodopis (rana hojarasquera común) en la región montañosa del centro de Veracruz, México. Un total de 77 individuos adultos fueron colectados durante la época de lluvias de 2012, de los cuales 66 tuvieron contenido estomacal. Se realizó un análisis de la variación intersexual en la diversidad de la dieta, y el volumen, número de presas, y número de categorías de presa consumidas. La dieta de C. rhodopis estuvo compuesta por 20 categorías, de las cuales predominó Orthoptera en cuanto a número, volumen, frecuencia de ocurrencia e importancia relativa. Los machos consumieron presas de menor tamaño en relación a las hembras. Aunque ambos sexos consumieron similar número de presas, se encontró un efecto significativo de la interacción del sexo y el tamaño de las ranas sobre esta variable de la dieta, en la cual las hembras pequeñas consumen más presas que las grandes, y los machos grandes consumen más presas que los pequeños. El alto consumo de ortópteros (al menos en cuanto a volumen) es un fenómeno común dentro de la familia Craugastoridae y posiblemente está relacionado con el éxito de algunas especies en los ecosistemas donde habitan. A pesar de que la composición de la dieta fue similar entre sexos en C. rhodopis, se sugiere que la competencia intersexual por los recursos tróficos es mínima, dadas las diferencias en el tamaño de presas consumidas por machos y hembras.(AU)
Abstract Dietary composition in amphibians may be influenced by several factors that cause their intraspecific variation, such as geographic distribution, ontogeny, seasonality, and sex of organisms. The objective of this study was to analyze the composition of the diet in adults of the Polymorphic Robber Frog Craugastor rhodopis in the mountainous region of central Veracruz, Mexico. A total of 77 adult individuals were collected during the rainy season of 2012, of which 66 had stomach contents. We performed an analysis of the intersexual variation in diet diversity, volume, number of prey, and number of prey categories consumed. The diet of C. rhodopis was composed by 20 categories. Orthoptera predominated in terms of number, volume, frequency of occurrence, and relative importance. Males consumed smaller prey items relative to females. Although both sexes consumed similar numbers of prey, we found a significant effect of interaction of sex and size of frogs on this variable, with small females consuming more prey than the large ones, whereas in males the opposite occurred. High consumption of orthopterans (at least in volume) is a common phenomenon within Craugastoridae and is possibly related to the success of some species in the ecosystems where they live. Although the composition of the diet was similar between sexes in C. rhodopis, we suggest that intersexual competition for trophic resources is minimal, given differences in prey size consumed by males and females.(AU)
Food Chain , Food Composition , Amphibians/metabolism , Linear Models , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract The umbrella species concept posits that protection of a single, wide-ranging species may confer protection to a large number of sympatric species. Due to their large home ranges, widespread distribution in the Mesoamerican Biodiversity Hotspot (MBH), and status as the focal species of numerous conservation initiatives, the jaguar Panthera onca is an ideal species to evaluate the umbrella strategy. After ground-truthing jaguar corridors from 2009-2016, we tested the umbrella value of jaguars for endemic herpetofauna (Amphibia, Reptilia) in Nuclear Central America (NCA), a ~ 370 000 km² sub-region of the MBH. NCA contains the greatest density of threatened reptiles in the Western Hemisphere and harbors extraordinary high diversity of amphibians, the most threatened class of vertebrate worldwide. Of the 304 regional endemics in NCA, the distributions of 187 (61.5 %) species of amphibians and reptiles overlapped ground-truthed jaguar range. The distributions of 14 reptiles, including a critically endangered Bothriechis spp. and two endangered Norops spp., occur exclusively within jaguar distribution. Similarly, the distributions of 19 amphibians, including four critically endangered Craugastor spp. and two critically endangered Plectrohyla spp. occur entirely within jaguar distribution. Our results indicate greater effectiveness of ground-truthed jaguar distribution than modeled and randomly selected networks in overlapping the distributions of endemic herpetofauna, especially threatened amphibians, in NCA. Substantiation of multi-taxa dependence on habitat in jaguar distribution would strengthen justification for wider application of the umbrella strategy beyond NCA and aid conservation planning in the MBH.
Resumen Las especies sombrilla son aquellas cuya conservación confiere protección a un gran número de especies simpátricas. Debido a sus ámbitos hogareños extensos, a una distribución generalizada en el Hotspot de Biodiversidad de Mesoaméricana (MBH), y su estatus como especie focal de numerosas iniciativas de conservación, el jaguar Panthera onca es una especie ideal para evaluar la estrategia sombrilla. Evaluamos el valor de los jaguares como estrategia sombrilla para la herpetofauna endémica en Centro América Nuclear (NCA), una subregión de ~ 370 000 km² que se encuentra dentro del MBH. La NCA contiene la mayor densidad de reptiles amenazados en el hemisferio occidental y alberga una diversidad extraordinaria de anfibios, que es la clase de vertebrados más amenazada del mundo. De las 304 especies endémicas regionales presentes en el NCA, las distribuciones de 187 (61.5 %) se sobrepusieron al área de distribución del jaguar verificada. Las distribuciones de 14 reptiles, incluyendo una Bothriechis spp. (en Peligro Crítico) y dos Norops spp. (en Peligro de Extinción), se dan exclusivamente dentro del rango del jaguar. Similarmente, 19 especies de anfibios, incluidas cuatro Craugastor spp. (en Peligro Crítico) y dos Plectrohyla spp. (en Peligro Crítico) están presentes exclusivamente dentro del área de distribución del jaguar. Nuestros resultados indican que los corredores verificados para el jaguar coinciden mejor con las distribuciones de la herpetofauna endémica dentro del NCA, especialmente anfibios, en comparación con los corredores modelados y seleccionados al azar. La confirmación del traslape de la distribución del hábitat del jaguar con la de múltiples taxones fortalece la justificación de una aplicación más amplia de la estrategia sombrilla, aún más allá del NCA, contribuyendo también en la selección de áreas de conservación previamente subestimadas dentro del MBH.
Animals , Fauna , Terminalia , Panthera , Amphibians , Central AmericaABSTRACT
Abstract Whereas more than 10 % of global amphibian richness is known to occur in Colombia, almost 16 % of these species are currently classified as Data Deficient according to the IUCN. These estimates suggest that the available data for a large portion of amphibians occurring in Colombia is insufficient to assess extinction risk. Here we aim to (1) review the available information on the distribution of the Colombian Data Deficient (DD hereafter) amphibians, (2) analyze their geographic distribution, and (3) evaluate the relationship between anthropogenic impact and their current conservation status. For this, we first compiled geographical records for the DD amphibian species using primary sources. Geographical records were obtained mainly from taxonomic descriptions and non-systematic surveys. We then estimated the geographical range and inferred the potential distribution for each species using letsR and MaxEnt, respectively. We quantified the human footprint for each species and tested the relationship between spatial distribution and anthropogenic change across populations. Analyses are here based on 128 of the 129 DD amphibian species that occur in Colombia. We found that most of these species were recently described and have small geographic ranges. A large proportion of these DD amphibians inhabit the Colombian Andes, and their populations have been strongly affected by human activities. Overall, the spatial clustering suggests that many of these species have faced similar environmental and anthropogenic pressures that have contributed to their rareness. We also suggest that the conservation status for several of the analyzed DD amphibians should be changed to account for the threats they face. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1272-1281. Epub 2018 September 01.
Resumen A pesar de que más del 10 % de la riqueza global de anfibios se encuentra en Colombia, cerca del 16 % de estas especies es actualmente clasificada con Datos Deficientes según la IUCN. Estas estimaciones sugieren que los datos disponibles para esta gran porción de anfibios que habitan en Colombia, son insuficientes para evaluar su riesgo de extinción. En este documento nosotros (1) revisamos la información disponible sobre la distribución de los anfibios colombianos con Datos Deficientes (ó DD), (2) analizamos su distribución geográfica, e (3) hipotetizamos sobre la relación entre el impacto antropogénico y su estado de conservación. Para esto, compilamos los registros geográficos para las especies de anfibios DD usando referencias primarias. Los registros geográficos fueron obtenidos principalmente a partir de descripciones taxonómicas y búsquedas no sistemáticas. Para estimar la distribución geográfica e inferir la distribución potencial de cada especie usamos letsR y MaxEnt, respectivamente. Cuantificamos la huella humana para cada especie y evaluamos la relación entre la distribución espacial y el cambio antropogénico entre poblaciones. Los análisis fueron basados en 128 de las 129 especies de anfibios que se encuentran en Colombia y actualmente son clasificadas como DD. Encontramos que la mayoría de estas especies fueron descritas recientemente, y presentan una distribución geográfica reducida. Una gran proporción de estas especies de anfibios DD habitan los Andes colombianos, y sus poblaciones han sido fuertemente afectadas por las actividades humanas. Este agrupamiento geográfico sugiere que muchas de estas especies enfrentan similares presiones ambientales y antropogénicas que contribuyen a su rareza. Sugerimos además que el estado de conservación para muchas de las especies de anfibios DD aquí analizados podría ser reevaluado para considerar las amenazas que enfrentan.
Colombia , AmphibiansABSTRACT
Resumen El conocimiento de la dinámica de poblaciones provee información sobre la historia reciente, el estado actual y la tendencia futura de una población. Physalaemus biligonigerus es un anuro con una amplia distribución en el Neotrópico, presenta una actividad reproductiva elevada y explosiva, pero sus poblaciones parecen estar compuestas por individuos jóvenes. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la demografía poblacional de P. biligonigerus en una charca semipermanente en Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina y realizar una proyección poblacional a 30 generaciones. Se determinó la estructura de edad utilizando esqueletocronología, y posteriormente se construyó una tabla de vida estática. Se calculo la fecundidad y las tasas de supervivencia para cada estadío con los que se construyó una Matriz de Leslie y se realizó la proyección poblacional. La proyección muestra oscilaciones en el número de individuos pero a pesar de esto, la tendencia final de la población es a un aumento en su tamaño. La mayor proporción de supervivientes se da en las fases de huevos a larvas, y la fuerza de mortalidad actúa con intensidad sobre la fase de larvas. La tasa neta reproductiva indica que la población de P. biligonigerus de la charca en estudio está en incremento.
Abstract Knowledge of population dynamics provides information on the recent history, current status, and future trends of a population. Physalaemus biligonigerus is widely distributed in the Neotropics, this anuran has a high and explosive reproductive activity, but its populations seem to be composed of young individuals. The objective of this study was to analyze the population demography of P. biligonigerus in a semipermanent pond in Río Cuarto, Córdoba, Argentina and to carry out a population projection through 30 generations. The age structure was determined from the use of skeletochronology, and a static life table was later made. Fertility and survival rates were calculated for each stage, by which a Leslie Matrix was constructed and the population projection was performed. The projection shows oscillations in the number of individuals but in spite of this, the final tendency of the population is an increase in its size. The highest proportion of survivors occurs in the egg-to-larval stages and the mortality force acts intensively on the larval phase. The net reproductive rate indicates that the population of P. biligonigerus of the study pond is increasing. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(2): 765-775. Epub 2018 June 01.
Animals , Anura/anatomy & histology , Bone Development/physiology , Amphibians/growth & development , ArgentinaABSTRACT
Peritoneal dialysis (PD)-related peritonitis is a major cause of injury and technique failure in patients undergoing PD. Aeromonas hydrophila is ubiquitous in the environment, and is a Gram-negative rod associated with infections in fish and amphibians in most cases; however, it can also cause opportunistic infections in immunocompromised patients. We report a case of A. hydrophila peritonitis in a 56-year-old male on automated PD. Peritonitis may have been caused by contamination of the Set Plus, a component of the automated peritoneal dialysis device. Although Set Plus is disposable, the patient reused the product by cleansing with tap water. He was successfully treated with intraperitoneally-administered ceftazidime and has been well without recurrence for more than 2 years.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aeromonas hydrophila , Aeromonas , Amphibians , Ceftazidime , Immunocompromised Host , Opportunistic Infections , Peritoneal Dialysis , Peritonitis , Recurrence , WaterABSTRACT
Dentro del Proyecto vial de la Franja Transversal del Norte en Cobán se planea asfaltar 10 km del trayecto en el Parque Nacional Laguna Lachuá. Esto impactará a la fauna de no considerarse medidas de mitigación del atropellamiento. La investigación evaluó los patrones espaciales del atropellamiento de vertebrados, la frecuencia de cruce de aves y categorizó las secciones de la carretera en dicho trayecto, según variables ambientales (humedales, usos del suelo, cobertura; y ancho, asfaltado y ubicación de la carretera) con el fin de determinar los sitios más eficientes para la aplicación de medidas de mitigación. En el 2016, se realizaron 20 recorridos, donde se georreferenció, fotografió e identificó a los individuos atropellados; tres recorridos en los meses de febrero, marzo y abril, cinco en mayo y seis en junio; 12 recorridos fueron realizados adicionalmente cuantificando el cruce de aves para determinar que sitios podrían ser futuramente impactados. Finalmente, para un análisis más completo, el trayecto de la carretera bajo estudio fue dividido en 19 secciones (T1-T19) de 550 m cada uno. Fueron empleadas: estadística descriptiva, análisis de componentes principales (ACP), correspondencia canónica (CCA) y análisis de correspondencia (AC), para relacionar variables ambientales con atropellamiento y frecuencia de cruce. La mayoría de atropellamientos (80 %) ocurrieron en zonas asfaltadas, los anfibios fueron los más atropellados (125 individuos, 75 %), seguido por reptiles 21 (12 %), mamíferos 11 (7 %) y aves 10 (6 %). La mayor frecuencia de cruce ocurrió en zonas con humedales y alta cobertura boscosa (T1, T3, T6, T7 y T10) siendo estas secciones prioritarias para mitigación.
The Franja Transversal del Norte road project in the Coban Province plans to pave a 10 km long dirt road inside the Laguna Lachua National Park. This will impact the fauna if no mitigation measure for wildlife-vehicle collision is considered. The research evaluated the spatial patterns of the vertebrate´s roadkills, the bird's road-crossing frequency, and categorized the road section based on environmental variables (wetlands, land use, coverture; and road's width, location, and paved or not paved) to determine the most efficient sites for the application of mitigation measures. In 2016, 20 treks were made to detect, geo-reference, photograph and identify road killed individuals, three treks in the months of February, March, and April, five in May and six in June; 12 additional treks were made to quantify birds' road-crossing to determine the sites that could be impacted in the future. Finally, for a further analysis, the road section under study was divided into 19 segments (T1-T19), 550 m long each. A combination of descriptive statistics, principal component analysis (PCA), canonical correspondence analysis (CCA) and correspondence analysis (CA) were employed to relate the spatial environmental variables with roadkill and road-crossing frequency. Eighty percent of the roadkill's occurred in the paved zones, the amphibians were the most affected (125 carcasses, 75 %), followed by reptiles 21 (12 %), mammals 11 (7 %) and birds 10 (6 %). The highest road-crossing frequencies were related to wetlands and high forest cover (T1, T3, T6, T7, T10) being priority areas for the application of mitigation measures.
Animals , Fauna/prevention & control , Reptiles , Vertebrates , Roads/prevention & control , AmphibiansABSTRACT
Muitos casos de declínio ou desaparecimento de espécies estão sendo documentados em todo o mundo, principalmente relacionados à modificação e perda de habitat. Nós apresentamos fortes evidências do desaparecimento de Proceratophrys moratoi nas áreas de ocorrência conhecida em sua localidade tipo: Botucatu, São Paulo, sudeste do Brasil. Entre agosto de 2006 e dezembro de 2008 nós fizemos amostragens exaustivas na busca pela espécie, nas duas áreas de ocorrência da espécie em Botucatu. No entanto, a espécie não foi registrada nessas áreas. A espécie possui alta especificidade e baixa plasticidade na ocupação do ambiente, não se adaptando as mudanças antrópicas em seu habitat. Estes dados demonstram a importância da conservação das áreas de ocorrência da espécie, principalmente na forma de reserva de proteção integral para garantir a sobrevivência das populações de Proceratophrys moratoi
Many cases of species decline or disappearance are being documented worldwide, primarily related to change and loss of habitat. We present strong evidences on the disappearance of Proceratophrys moratoi in its type locality, the area of Botucatu, São Paulo, and south eastern Brazil. Between August 2006 and December 2008 we exhaustively search for the species in its two occurrence areas in Botucatu. However, the species was not recorded in these areas. The species has high specificity and low plasticity regarding environment occupation, and does not adapt to the anthropogenic changes in its habitat. These data demonstrate the need to protect the occurrence areas of Proceratophrys moratoi, especially as a full protection reserve to guarantee the survival of the remaining populations.
Animals , Amphibians , Brazil , Endangered Species , GrasslandABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Biodiversity decline has been the focus of discussions in the last decade, especially on the amphibian species decline. After a scientometric analysis using international databases, we found that the number of peer-reviewed articles considering education practices related to the theme increased along with the number of ecological researches. However, the increase in ecological researches is much higher than the increase in publications of education practices. Studies suggest that conservation attitudes are important and that education practices are an important tool for improving human perceptions on this subject. In this sense, increase the publication of projects and programs results related to local education practices in international journals could help the dissemination of efficient methods for conservation, as well as facilitating access to information internationally, since species decline, especially for amphibians, is a global concern. Then, we suggest that educational practices, at least when related to conservation, should follow a more standardized protocol, and be published in international journals, as the efficiency of such practices should be evaluated and methods once published could help other nations to improve their ecological literacy.
Humans , Animals , Bibliometrics , Peer Review, Research/trends , Amphibians , Periodicals as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic , Ecology/statistics & numerical data , Extinction, BiologicalABSTRACT
ResumenEl desarrollo de técnicas y tratamientos silvícolas tiene como objetivo principal el aumento de la productividad forestal, al mismo tiempo que minimiza el impacto sobre la diversidad. A pesar de ello, estas actividades modifican la estructura de la vegetación, así como el clima local, alterando la composición de las comunidades. El efecto de estos cambios puede ser mayor en aquellos grupos taxonómicos con alta sensibilidad a las alteraciones del hábitat, como es el caso de los anfibios y reptiles, que al ser los únicos vertebrados terrestres ectotermos, pueden verse seriamente afectados por las variaciones de clima local. El presente trabajo tiene como objetivo conocer las diferencias en diversidad de anfibios y reptiles en un bosque templado bajo dos tratamientos silvícolas (uno intensivo y otro de baja intensidad) y con diferentes tiempos de regeneración (uno, cinco y diez años) en la Sierra Sur del estado de Oaxaca, México. Se obtuvieron registros de 21 especies de herpetofauna (seis anfibios y 15 reptiles). La riqueza total de especies fue similar en ambos tratamientos; sin embargo, la composición varió entre sitios con diferentes tiempos de recuperación. La mayor abundancia de anfibios se presentó en los sitios con el tratamiento de baja intensidad, mientras que los reptiles fueron más abundantes en los sitios con el tratamiento intensivo. Se observó un mayor número de especies raras en los sitios intervenidos con el tratamiento intensivo, aunque los valores de diversidad verdadera de anfibios fueron similares entre tratamientos con intensidades diferentes, mientras que en los reptiles se observó una diversidad 33 % menor en los sitios bajo el tratamiento intensivo y un 28 % en los sitios con baja intensidad respecto al sitio control. Un Análisis de Complementariedad mostró una diferencia de hasta 86 % de disimilitud entre la composición de especies en sitios con el tratamiento intensivo. La intensidad del tratamiento estuvo asociada con un aumento en el número de especies, sin embargo la manera en que responden ante las modificaciones de hábitat depende en gran medida de las características poblacionales de cada especie, así como su habilidad de adaptación a las nuevas condiciones del hábitat.
Abstract:The development of silvicultural techniques has as main objective to maximize the production of timber, whereas at the same time minimize the impact generated during and after forest intervention in the local diversity. However, these activities change local climate, and this, in turn, alter the composition of natural communities. The effect of these changes may be greater in those taxonomic groups with high sensitivity to habitat disturbance, such as amphibians and reptiles, which are the unique terrestrial ectothermic vertebrates. The present study aims to know the differences in diversity of amphibians and reptiles in a temperate forest under two silvicultural treatments, one of low and the other of high intensity, as well as from one, five and ten years of regeneration since the last logging event, Sierra Sur of Oaxaca, Mexico. Records of 21 species of herpetofauna (six amphibians and 15 reptiles) were obtained. The total species richness was similar in both treatments; however, the composition varied between sites with different recovery times. Higher abundance of amphibian was presented on sites with the low-intensity treatment, while reptiles were more abundant at sites with intensive treatment. Compared to a mature forest without management, sites with intensive treatment have more rare species, although the values of true diversity of amphibians were similar between treatments with different intensities, while for reptiles sites under treatment showed less diversity that unmanaged site: 33 % for intensive treatment and 28 % at sites with low intensity with respect to one control site. Complementary Analysis showed a difference of 86 % between the compositions of species in sites with intensive treatment. The treatment intensity was associated with an increase in the number of species, but the way they respond to changes in habitat depends largely on the population characteristics of each species and its ability to adapt to new conditions. Rev. Biol. Trop. 64 (3): 931-943. Epub 2016 September 01.
Animals , Reptiles/physiology , Forests , Forestry , Amphibians/physiology , Species Specificity , Time Factors , Population Dynamics , Conservation of Natural Resources , Biodiversity , Animal Distribution , MexicoABSTRACT
The gills of Ichthyophis bannanicus have yet to be investigated. This paper describes the external morphological features of the gills of mature I. bannanicus embryos exhibiting three pairs of gills on their neck region. Each gill is composed of an axis and filaments. In newly released embryos, the filaments and the axis form at approximately 90° relative to each other; eventually, this angle decreases and the color of the gill fades. The filaments on the axis are arranged alternately, and their spacing varies. The mid-pair of gills is significantly longer by nearly twofold than the front and rear pairs. Likewise, the lengths of the front and rear pairs of gills are not significantly different (P >0.05); for the same pair of gills, the lengths of the left and right parts are not significantly different (P >0.05). The number of filaments is greater in the mid-pair of gills than in the front and rear pairs (P <0.05); the number of filaments in the front pair is not significantly different from that of the rear pair (P >0.05); the number of filaments in the left part does not significantly differ from that of the right parts (P >0.05). Results showed that the gills of I. bannanicus embryo are more similar to those of other species in Ichthyophiidae than to those of species in other families.
Las branquias del Ichthyophis bannanicus aún no se han investigado. En este trabajo se describen las características morfológicas externas de las branquias de embriones maduros de I. bannanicus, que exhiben tres pares de branquias en la región del cuello. Cada branquia está compuesta de un eje y filamentos. En embriones recién liberados los filamentos y la forma del eje es de aproximadamente 90° respecto a la otra; finalmente, este ángulo disminuye y el color de las branquias se desvanece. Los filamentos en el eje están dispuestos en forma alternada y su separación varía. La media de par de branquias es significativamente más larga, por casi el doble que los pares anterior y posterior. Del mismo modo, las longitudes de la parte delantera y posterior de pares de branquias no son significativamente diferentes (p >0,05); para el mismo par de branquias, las longitudes de las partes izquierda y derecha no son significativamente diferentes (p >0,05). El número de filamentos es mayor en el par medio de branquias, que en la parte delantera y posterior de pares (p <0,05); el número de filamentos en el par frontal no es significativamente diferente de la del par trasero (p >0,05); el número de filamentos en la parte izquierda no varía significativamente del de las partes derechas (p >0,05). Los resultados mostraron que las branquias del embrión de I. bannanicus son más similares a los de otras especies en Ichthyophiidae que de otras especies.
Animals , Amphibians/anatomy & histology , Embryo, Nonmammalian/anatomy & histology , Gills/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Se presenta una lista de remedios médicos basados en el uso de anfibios en la medicina popular española y en el Mundo Clásico. Se ha llevado a cabo una revisión de la bibliografía relativa a estudios de folklore, trabajos etnográficos e investigaciones en antropología social o médica. Se documenta un total de 113 remedios y el uso de nueve especies de anfibios, dos pertenecientes a la familia de los caudados (urodelos) y siete anuros. La mayoría de los remedios se basa en la "preconcepción" popular sobre la influencia de los mismos y la sanación mediante la transmisión del mal a un ser vivo. Se destaca el uso tradicional de algunas especies amenazadas, dato a tener en cuenta a la hora de tomar decisiones en el campo de la biología de la conservación y la educación ambiental.
This article presents a list of medical remedies based on the use of amphibians in Spanish popular medicine and in the classical world. It provides an overview of bibliography relative to folklore studies, ethnographic work and research on social or medical anthropology. It documents a total of 113 remedies and the use of nine species of amphibians, two from the family of caudates (urodeles) and seven anurans. Most of these remedies are based on the popular "preconception" about the influence of amphibians and healing by transmitting an illness to a living creature. The traditional use of certain threatened species is emphasized, an issue to bear in mind in decision-making in the field of conservation biology and environmental education.