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Chinese Journal of Pathology ; (12): 671-677, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985756


Objective: To investigate the histological features and clinical manifestations in different types of cardiac amyloidosis to improve diagnostic accuracy. Methods: The histopathological features and clinical manifestations of 48 patients diagnosed with cardiac amyloidosis by Congo red stain and electron microscopy through endomyocardial biopsy were collected in West China Hospital of Sichuan University from January 2018 to December 2021. Immunohistochemical stains for immunoglobulin light chains (κ and λ) and transthyretin protein were carried out, and a review of literature was made. Results: The patients age ranged from 42 to 79 years (mean 56 years) and the male to female ratio was 1.1 to 1.0. The positive rate of endomyocardial biopsy was 97.9% (47/48), which was significantly higher than that of the abdominal wall fat (7/17). Congo red staining and electron microscopy were positive in 97.9% (47/48) and 93.5% (43/46), respectively. Immunohistochemical stains showed 32 cases (68.1%) were light chain type (AL-CA), including 31 cases of AL-λ type and 1 case of AL-κ type; 9 cases (19.1%) were transthyretin protein type (ATTR-CA); and 6 cases (12.8%) were not classified. There was no significant difference in the deposition pattern of amyloid between different types (P>0.05). Clinical data showed that ATTR-CA patients had less involvement of 2 or more organs and lower N-terminal pro-B-type natriuretic peptide (NT-proBNP) than the other type patients (P<0.05). The left ventricular stroke volume and right ventricular ejection fraction of ATTR-CA patients were better than the other patients (P<0.05). Follow-up data of 45 patients was obtained, and the overall mean survival time was 15.6±2.0 months. Univariate survival analysis showed that ATTR-CA patients had a better prognosis, while cardiac amyloidosis patients with higher cardiac function grade, NT-proBNP >6 000 ng/L, and troponin T >70 ng/L had a worse prognosis (P<0.05). Multivariate survival analysis showed that NT-proBNP and cardiac function grade were independent prognostic factors for cardiac amyloidosis patients. Conclusions: AL-λ is the most common type of cardiac amyloidosis in this group. Congo red staining combined with electron microscopy can significantly improve the diagnosis of cardiac amyloidosis. The clinical manifestations and prognosis of each type are different and can be classified based on immunostaining profile. However, there are still a few cases that cannot be typed; hence mass spectrometry is recommended if feasible.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Prealbumin/metabolism , Stroke Volume , Cardiomyopathies/pathology , Congo Red , Ventricular Function, Right , Amyloidosis/pathology , Prognosis
Rev. argent. reumatolg. (En línea) ; 32(4): 28-37, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1376441


Se comunica una serie de tres casos clínicos que consultaron al servicio de Reumatología por compromiso orbitario y renal. Uno de ellos presentó pseudotumor orbitario con proteinuria en rango nefrótico; se realizó biopsia y se encontró infiltrado linfoplasmocitario denso y fibrosis estoriforme con inmunohistoquímica: 15 células IgG4+ por campo de alto poder y relación IgG/IgG4 ≤40%, concluyendo diagnóstico de enfermedad relacionada por IgG4. El segundo y tercer caso presentaron compromiso ocular con "ojos de mapache" y lesiones amarillentas en párpados, ambos con proteinuria >500 mg/24 h, con biopsia de piel rojo Congo positiva y birrefringencia verde manzana con luz polarizada. Se discuten distintos diagnósticos diferenciales poco frecuentes a tener en cuenta en estos pacientes.

A series of three cases that consulted the rheumatology service due to orbital and renal involvement is reported. One of them presented orbital pseudotumor with proteinuria in the nephrotic range, a biopsy was performed, finding dense lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate and storiform fibrosis with immunohistochemistry: 15 IgG4 positive cells per HPF and IgG/IgG4 ratio ≤40%, concluding diagnosis of IgG4 related disease. The second and third cases presented ocular involvement with raccoon eyes and yellowish lesions on the eyelids, both with proteinuria greater than 500 mg/24 h, with apple-green birefringence of amyloid on congo red staining. Different rare differential diagnoses to take into account in these patients are discussed.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Orbital Diseases/diagnosis , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/diagnosis , Amyloidosis/diagnosis , Kidney Diseases/diagnosis , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/diagnosis , Arthritis, Rheumatoid/drug therapy , Sarcoidosis/diagnosis , Skin Diseases/pathology , Skin Diseases/drug therapy , Diagnosis, Differential , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/pathology , Immunoglobulin G4-Related Disease/drug therapy , Amyloidosis/pathology , Amyloidosis/drug therapy , Kidney Diseases/pathology , Kidney Diseases/drug therapy
Autops. Case Rep ; 11: e2021273, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1249008


First described by Rokitansky in 1842, and further characterized by Virchow in 1854, amyloidosis is a disorder caused by amyloid deposition, a fibrillary insoluble protein. The clinical spectrum of amyloidosis is broad, as the amyloid deposition may virtually occur in all tissues. Herein, we report the case of a 66-year-old man with a long-lasting emaciating disease, diagnosed, at autopsy, with primary systemic amyloidosis. Amyloid protein deposition was found in many tissues and organs. The involvement of the vessels' wall rendered ischemic injury most prominent in the intestinal loops causing mesenteric ischemia. Despite the thorough organic involvement, the immediate cause of death was aspiration bronchopneumonia. Massive amyloid deposition was found in virtually all major organs, such as the heart, liver, kidneys, spleen, pancreas, adrenals, prostate, skin, and thyroid: the latter, a complication of the amyloidosis known as amyloid goiter. Post-mortem review of the deceased's laboratory workup showed a slightly abnormal kappa:lambda ratio in the blood; however, no clonal lymphoplasmacytic disorder was confirmed in the bone marrow and other lymphoreticular system organs either by the microscopic examination and immunohistochemical staining. Laser-capture microdissection and tandem mass spectrometry of the splenic tissue detected a peptide profile consistent with an immunoglobulin Kappa light chain. The presence of amyloid purpura favors the diagnosis of primary systemic amyloidosis.

Humans , Male , Aged , Amyloidosis/pathology , Pneumatosis Cystoides Intestinalis , Autopsy , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Multiple Organ Failure
Braz. j. med. biol. res ; 53(6): e8625, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1132515


Amyloidosis comprises a group of disorders that accumulate modified autologous proteins in organs, mainly the kidneys. Few studies have addressed the amyloid compartmental distribution and associated clinical outcomes. The aim of this study was to present a case series of renal amyloidosis correlating histopathological data with glomerular filtration rate (GFR) during kidney biopsy. We studied 53 cases reviewed by nephropathologists from 2000 to 2018 in a single kidney biopsy center in Brazil. GFR was estimated using the CKD-EPI formula. Cases were divided into Group A ≥60 and Group B <60 mL·min−1·(1.73 m2)−1 using the estimated GFR during kidney biopsy. Semiquantitative histopathological study was performed, including extension and distribution of amyloid deposits by compartments (glomeruli, tubulointerstitial tissue, and vessels). Statistical analyses were made to understand associations with lower GFR. No difference was seen for age, gender, proteinuria, hematuria, subtype of amyloid protein, arteriosclerosis, interstitial fibrosis/infiltrate, or glomerular and interstitial amyloid deposits. After a previous P value <0.1 in the descriptive analysis, the following variables were selected: globally sclerotic glomeruli, high blood pressure, and the extension of vascular amyloid deposition. A binary logistic regression model with GFR as the dependent variable showed history of hypertension and vascular amyloid to be robust and independent predictors of Group B <60 mL·min−1·(1.73 m2)−1. Beyond the histopathologic diagnosis of amyloidosis, a semiquantitative approach on renal biopsy could provide new insights. Vascular amyloid is an independent predictor of renal dysfunction in cases of renal amyloidosis.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Glomerular Filtration Rate , Amyloid/physiology , Amyloidosis/pathology , Kidney/pathology , Kidney Diseases/pathology , Biopsy , Retrospective Studies , Amyloidosis/physiopathology , Kidney/physiopathology , Kidney Diseases/physiopathology
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 111(3): 384-391, Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-973761


Abstract Background: Light-chain (AL) cardiac amyloidosis (CA) is characterized by fibril deposits, which are composed of monoclonal immunoglobulin light chains. The right ventricle is mostly involved in AL-CA and impairment of its function is a predictor of worse prognosis. Objectives: To characterize the volumetric and functional properties of the right atrium (RA) in AL-CA by three-dimensional speckle-tracking echocardiography (3DSTE). Methods: A total of 16 patients (mean age: 64.5 ± 10.1 years, 11 males) with AL-CA were examined. Their results were compared to that of 15 age- and gender-matched healthy controls (mean age: 58.9 ± 6.9 years, 8 males). All cases have undergone complete two-dimensional Doppler and 3DSTE. A two-tailed p value of less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: Significant differences could be demonstrated in RA volumes respecting cardiac cycle. Total (19.2 ± 9.3% vs. 27.9 ± 10.7%, p = 0.02) and active atrial emptying fractions (12.1 ± 8.1 vs. 18.6 ± 9.8%, p = 0.05) were significantly decreased in AL-CA patients. Peak global (16.7 ± 10.3% vs. 31.2 ± 19.4%, p = 0.01) and mean segmental (24.3 ± 11.1% vs. 38.6 ± 17.6%, p =0.01) RA area strains, together with some circumferential, longitudinal and segmental area strain parameters, proved to be reduced in patients with AL-CA. Global longitudinal (4.0 ± 5.2% vs. 8.2 ± 5.5%, p = 0.02) and area (7.8 ± 8.1% vs. 15.9 ± 10.3%, p = 0.03) strains at atrial contraction and some circumferential and area strain parameters at atrial contraction were reduced in AL-CA patients. Conclusion: Significantly increased RA volumes and deteriorated RA functions could be demonstrated in AL-CA.

Resumo Fundamento: A amiloidose cardíaca (AC) de cadeias leves (AL) é caracterizada por depósitos fibrilares, que são compostos por cadeias leves de imunoglobulina monoclonal. O ventrículo direito é mais afetado pela AC-AL, e o comprometimento da sua função é preditor de um prognóstico pior. Objetivos: Caracterizar as propriedades volumétricas e funcionais do átrio direito (AD) na AC-AL por ecocardiografia tridimensional de speckle-tracking (3DSTE). Métodos: Um total de 16 pacientes (idade média: 64,5 ± 10,1 anos, 11 homens) com AC-AL foram examinados. Seus resultados foram comparados aos de 15 controles saudáveis pareados por idade e gênero (média de idade: 58,9 ± 6,9 anos, 8 homens). Todos os casos foram submetidos a Doppler bidimensional completo e 3DSTE. Um valor p bicaudal inferior a 0,05 foi considerado estatisticamente significativo. Resultados: Diferenças significativas foram demonstradas em volumes do AD com respeito ao ciclo cardíaco. O total (19,2 ± 9,3% vs. 27,9 ± 10,7%, p = 0,02) e as frações ativas de esvaziamento atrial (12,1 ± 8,1 vs. 18,6 ± 9,8%, p = 0,05) foram significativamente menores nos pacientes com AC-AL. Picos de strain no AD em áreas globais (16,7 ± 10,3% vs. 31,2 ± 19,4%, p = 0,01) e segmentares médias (24,3 ± 11,1% vs. 38,6 ± 17,6%, p = 0,01), juntamente com alguns parâmetros de strain por áreas circunferenciais, longitudinais e segmentares, mostraram-se menores em pacientes com AC-AL. Strains globais longitudinais (4,0 ± 5,2% vs. 8,2 ± 5,5%, p = 0,02) e por área (7,8 ± 8,1 vs. 15,9 ± 10,3%, p = 0,03) na contração atrial e alguns parâmetros de circunferência e de strain por área na contração atrial foram menores em pacientes com AC-AL. Conclusão: Foi possível demonstrar o aumento significativo dos volumes do AD e a deterioração de suas funções na AC-AL.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Echocardiography, Three-Dimensional/methods , Heart Atria/pathology , Heart Atria/diagnostic imaging , Heart Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Amyloidosis/pathology , Amyloidosis/diagnostic imaging , Prognosis , Reference Values , Echocardiography, Doppler/methods , Case-Control Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Risk Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric , Heart Atria/physiopathology , Heart Diseases/physiopathology , Heart Diseases/pathology , Amyloidosis/physiopathology
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; 64(9): 787-790, Sept. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1041023


SUMMARY Cardiac amyloidosis is an infiltrative cardiomyopathy, resulting from amyloid deposition within the myocardium. In primary systemic (AL-type) amyloidosis, the amyloid protein is composed of light chains resulting from plasma-cell dyscrasia, and cardiac involvement occurs in up to 50% of the patients We present a case of a 43-year-old man, with complaints of periodical swollen tongue and xerostomia, bleeding gums and haematuria for two months. His blood results showed normocytic anaemia, thrombocytopenia and a high spontaneous INR, therefore he was referred to the Internal Medicine clinic. In the first visit, he showed signs and symptoms of overt congestive heart failure and was referred to the emergency department. The electrocardiogram showed sinus tachycardia and low voltage criteria. Echocardiography showed biventricular hypertrophy with preserved ejection fraction, restrictive physiology with elevated filling pressures, thickened interatrial septum and atrioventricular valves, small pericardial effusion and relative "apical sparing" on 2D longitudinal strain. Cardiac MRI showed diffuse subendocardial late enhancement. Serum protein electrophoresis was inconclusive, however urine analysis revealed nephrotic range proteinuria, positive Bence Jones protein and an immunofixation test with a monoclonal lambda protein band. Abdominal fat biopsy was negative for Congo red stain, nevertheless a bone marrow biopsy was performed, revealing lambda protein monoclonal plasmocytosis, confirming the diagnosis of primary systemic amyloidosis. This case represents a rare cause of heart failure in a young adult. Low-voltage QRS complexes and typical echocardiography features should raise the suspicion for cardiac amyloidosis. Prognosis is dictated by the level of cardiac involvement; therefore, early diagnosis and treatment are crucial.

RESUMO A amiloidose cardíaca corresponde a uma miocardiopatia infiltrativa, resultante do depósito da proteína amiloide no miocárdio. Na amiloidose sistêmica primária (tipo AL), a proteína amiloide é composta por cadeias leves que resultam de discrasia dos plasmócitos, havendo envolvimento cardíaco em até 50% dos doentes. Apresentamos o caso de um homem de 43 anos, com queixas de edema periódico da língua e xerostomia, hemorragia gengival e hematúria há dois meses. Analiticamente havia a destacar anemia normocítica, trombocitopenia e um INR alto espontâneo, pelo que foi referenciado à consulta de Medicina Interna. Na primeira consulta, apresentou-se com sinais de insuficiência cardíaca congestiva franca, pelo que foi referenciado ao Serviço de Urgência. O eletrocardiograma demonstrou taquicardia sinusal e critérios de baixa voltagem. O ecocardiograma revelou hipertrofia biventricular com fração de ejeção preservada, fisiologia restritiva com elevação das pressões de enchimento, espessamento do septo interauricular e das válvulas auriculoventriculares, derrame pericárdico ligeiro e padrão de apical sparing no strain longitudinal 2D. Realizou ainda ressonância magnética cardíaca, que mostrou realce tardio subendocárdico difuso. A eletroforese das proteínas foi inconclusiva, contudo a análise da urina revelou proteinúria no espectro nefrótico, presença de proteína de Bence Jones e um teste de imunofixação com uma banda monoclonal de cadeias lambda. A biópsia da gordura abdominal foi negativa. Não obstante, foi realizada uma biópsia da medula óssea, verificando-se plasmocitose monoclonal lambda, o que confirmou o diagnóstico de amiloidose primária sistêmica. Este caso representa uma causa rara de insuficiência cardíaca no jovem adulto. A baixa voltagem no eletrocardiograma e os achados ecocardiográficos típicos devem fazer suspeitar de amiloidose cardíaca. O prognóstico é ditado pelo nível de envolvimento cardíaco, motivo pelo qual o diagnóstico e o tratamento precoces são essenciais.

Humans , Male , Adult , Heart Diseases/complications , Heart Failure/etiology , Amyloidosis/complications , Biopsy , Echocardiography , Electrocardiography , Heart Diseases/physiopathology , Heart Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Heart Failure/physiopathology , Heart Failure/diagnostic imaging , Amyloidosis/physiopathology , Amyloidosis/pathology , Amyloidosis/diagnostic imaging
An. bras. dermatol ; 93(1): 111-113, Jan.-Feb. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-887138


Abstract: Primary cutaneous amyloidosis is limited to the skin without involving any other tissue. Nodular amyloidosis is rare, and atrophic nodular cutaneous amyloidosis is even rarer. We describe the fourth case of atrophic nodular cutaneous amyloidosis by searching PubMed databases. A 52-year-old female presented to our hospital with a 2-year history of orange papules and nodules without subjective symptom on her right abdomen. Review of systems was negative. Atrophic nodular amyloidosis may progress to primary systemic disease in up to 7% of cases. Because our patient had no systemic involvement, she was diagnosed with atrophic nodular cutaneous amyloidosis based on characteristic symptoms and histopathologic examination. Routine follow-up for this patient is necessary to detect any potential disease progression.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Skin Diseases/pathology , Amyloidosis/pathology , Atrophy/pathology , Skin Diseases/diagnosis , Abdominal Wall/pathology , Amyloidosis/diagnosis
Rev. chil. reumatol ; 34(3): 114-117, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1254226


Se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente de 63 años, con indicación de tiroidectomía total, a causa de un bocio multinodular con infiltrado neoplásico folicular. La evolución posquirúrgica fue tórpida y se caracterizó por la presencia de insuficiencia cardiaca aguda, hepatomegalia, neuropatía periférica y equimosis periorbitaria, condiciones clínicas sugerentes de amiloidosis, la que fue confirmada por medio de estudios como amiloidosis de cadenas ligeras (AL).

We present the clinical case of a 63-year-old patient, with indication of total thyroidec-tomy, due to a multinodular goiter with a follicular neoplastic infiltrate. Postoperative evolution was torpid and was characterized by the presence of acute heart failure, hepatomegaly, peripheral neuropathy and periorbital ecchymosis, clinical conditions suggestive of amyloidosis, which was confirmed by studies such as amyloidosis of light chains (AL).

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Immunoglobulin Light-chain Amyloidosis/diagnosis , Amyloidosis/diagnosis , Thyroidectomy , Biopsy , Congo Red , Amyloidosis/pathology , Neoplasms
Rev. méd. Chile ; 145(12): 1626-1630, dic. 2017. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-902489


Myasthenia gravis (MG) is a rare autoimmune disease of the neuromuscular junction. It is characterized by variable weakness and excessive fatigability of skeletal muscles. In the last few years, numerous reports have been published showing the association between autoimmune diseases, such as systemic erythematous lupus or rheumatoid arthritis, with lymphoid neoplasias. The association between MG and lymphoid neoplasia seems to be less frequent. To analyze this association we reviewed the MG patients in the Department of Neurology, Hospital Salvador of Santiago, Chile. During a three-year period we identified four patients who developed different lymphoproliferative disorders: two with B-cell lymphoma, one with chronic lymphocytic leukaemia and one plasmacytoma with an associated amyloidosis. The MG was generalized but mild, all cases classified as type IIa according to the definition proposed by the MG Foundation of America. The neoplasia appeared two to 36 years after the onset of MG. These cases provide additional evidence of the association between MG and lymphoproliferative disorders.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Plasmacytoma/complications , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell/complications , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/complications , Myasthenia Gravis/complications , Plasmacytoma/pathology , Pyridostigmine Bromide/therapeutic use , Biopsy , Leukemia, Lymphocytic, Chronic, B-Cell/pathology , Cholinesterase Inhibitors/therapeutic use , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse/pathology , Fatal Outcome , Amyloidosis/complications , Amyloidosis/pathology , Myasthenia Gravis/pathology , Myasthenia Gravis/drug therapy
Autops. Case Rep ; 7(1): 13-15, Jan.-Mar. 2017. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-905123


Dialysis-related amyloidosis predominantly occurs in osteo-articular structures and dialysis-related amyloid (DRA) substances also deposit in extra-articular tissues. Clinical manifestations of DRA include odynophagia, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, intestinal obstruction, kidney stones, myocardial dysfunction, and subcutaneous tumors. The pathological characteristics of DRA in the heart of hemodialysis patients have rarely been reported. We report the case of a 73-year-old female with a history of cerebral palsy and end-stage renal disease status post two failed renal transplants who had been on hemodialysis for 30 years. The patient was admitted with the working diagnosis of pneumonia. An echocardiography showed markedly reduced biventricular function manifested by low blood pressure with systolic in the 70s and elevated pulmonary artery pressure of 45 mmHg, which did not respond to therapy. Following her demise, the autopsy revealed bilateral pulmonary edema and pleural effusions. There was cardiac amyloid deposition exclusively in the coronary arteries but not in the perimyocytic interstitium. Amyloids were also found in pulmonary and intrarenal arteries and the colon wall. Previous case reports showed that beta 2-microglobulin amyloid deposits in various visceral organs but less frequently in the atrial and/or the ventricular myocardium. In the present case, amyloids in the heart were present in the intramural coronary arteries causing myocardial ischemia and infarction, which was the immediate cause of death.

Humans , Female , Aged , Amyloidosis/pathology , Coronary Vessels/pathology , Myocardial Ischemia/pathology , Pleural Effusion/pathology , Pulmonary Edema/pathology , Renal Dialysis/adverse effects , Autopsy , Cause of Death , Infarction/pathology , Pneumonia/diagnosis
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 14(4): 553-556, Oct.-Dec. 2016. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-840263


ABSTRACT The diagnosis of Graves’ orbitopathy is usually straightforward. However, orbital diseases that mimick some clinical signs of Graves’ orbitopathy may cause diagnostic confusion, particularly when associated to some form of thyroid dysfunction. This report describes the rare occurrence of localized inferior rectus muscle amyloidosis in a patient with autoimmune hypothyroidism, who was misdiagnosed as Graves’ orbitopathy. A 48-year-old man complained of painless progressive proptosis on the left side and intermittent vertical diplopia for 6 months. The diagnosis of Graves’ orbitopathy was entertained after magnetic resonance imaging revealing a markedly enlarged, tendon-sparing inferior rectus enlargement on the left side, and an autoimmune hypothyroidism was disclosed on systemic medical workup. After no clinical improvement with treatment, the patient was referred to an ophthalmologist and further investigation was performed. The presence of calcification in the inferior rectus muscle on computed tomography, associated with the clinical findings led to a diagnostic biopsy, which revealed amyloid deposition. This report emphasizes that a careful evaluation of atypical forms of Graves’ orbitopathy may be crucial and should include, yet with rare occurrence, amyloidosis in its differential diagnosis.

RESUMO O diagnóstico de orbitopatia de Graves usualmente é fácil de ser estabelecido. No entanto, doenças da órbita que simulam alguns sinais clínicos da orbitopatia de Graves podem levar à confusão diagnóstica, particularmente quando associada à alguma forma de disfunção tireoidiana. Relatamos a ocorrência rara de amiloidose localizada no músculo reto inferior em paciente com hipotireoidismo autoimune, que recebeu inicialmente o diagnóstico errôneo de orbitopatia de Graves. Paciente masculino, 48 anos, com queixa de proptose progressiva e indolor do lado esquerdo e diplopia vertical intermitente há 6 meses. O diagnóstico de orbitopatia de Graves foi considerado após a realização de ressonância magnética, que revelou aumento importante do músculo reto inferior esquerdo, sem acometimento do tendão, e uma propedêutica sistêmica detectou hipotireoidismo autoimune. Como não houve melhora com o tratamento clínico, o paciente foi encaminhado a um oftalmologista, que realizou nova investigação. A presença de calcificação no músculo reto inferior na tomografia computadorizada, associada aos achados clínicos, levou a uma biópsia da lesão, que demonstrou a deposição de material amiloide. Este relato enfatiza como uma avaliação minuciosa das formas atípicas de orbitopatia de Graves é essencial e deve incluir a ocorrência, embora rara, de amiloidose no diagnóstico diferencial da orbitopatia de Graves.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Graves Ophthalmopathy/diagnosis , Amyloidosis/diagnosis , Oculomotor Muscles , Biopsy , Thyroiditis, Autoimmune/diagnosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Graves Ophthalmopathy/pathology , Graves Ophthalmopathy/diagnostic imaging , Hashimoto Disease/diagnosis , Eyelid Diseases/diagnostic imaging , Immunoglobulin Light-chain Amyloidosis , Amyloidosis/pathology , Amyloidosis/diagnostic imaging , Oculomotor Muscles/pathology , Oculomotor Muscles/diagnostic imaging
Gastroenterol. latinoam ; 27(4): 215-218, 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-907639


Systemic amyloidosis comprises a group of diseases characterized by low molecular weight subunit protein deposit in organs, including the gastrointestinal tract. The most frequent clinical manifestations are gastrointestinal bleeding, malabsorption syndrome, protein-losing enteropathy and chronic intestinal dysmotility. The diagnosis is confirmed with gastrointestinal tissue biopsy positive to Congo red stain or recognizing the amyloid fibrils by electron microscopy. The treatment is based in the management of gastrointestinal symptoms and chemotherapeutic drugs, including melphalan and prednisone or cyclophosphamide, bortezomib and prednisone. The bone marrow transplant is reserved for 70-year-old patients or younger without advanced comorbidities. We present a case of a patient with weight loss, anorexia, nausea and early satiety.

La amiloidosis sistémica a un conjunto de enfermedades caracterizadas por el depósito de subunidades fibrilares proteicas de bajo peso molecular en órganos, incluyendo el sistema digestivo. Sus manifestaciones clínicas más frecuentes son la hemorragia digestiva, síndrome malabsortivo, gastro-enteropatía perdedora de proteínas y dismotilidad gastrointestinal crónica. El diagnóstico se confirma con una biopsia de tejido gastrointestinal positiva a tinción rojo Congo o la visualización de fibrillas de amiloide mediante microscopia electrónica. El tratamiento está basado el manejo de los síntomas gastrointestinales y el oncológico, donde destacan esquemas quimioterapéuticos que incluyen melfalan y prednisona o ciclofosfamida, bortezomib y prednisona. El trasplante de médula ósea está reservado a pacientes menores de 70 años sin comorbilidades avanzadas. Presentamos en este artículo el caso de un paciente con baja de peso, anorexia, náuseas y saciedad precoz.

Male , Humans , Middle Aged , Amyloidosis/drug therapy , Amyloidosis/pathology , Stomach Diseases/drug therapy , Stomach Diseases/pathology , Fatal Outcome , Immunoglobulin Light Chains
An. bras. dermatol ; 90(2): 270-271, Mar-Apr/2015. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-741075


Immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis is the most common acquired systemic amyloidosis. Its presentation is often insidious and progressive, which may delay diagnosis. The authors describe a rare case of immunoglobulin light chain amyloidosis in a 34-year-old man with scleroderma-like manifestation substantiated by multifarious laboratory investigations and the histopathologic feature of involved skin lesions stained with Congo red and crystal violet. This helps to maintain a high clinical suspicion of the disease when confronting similar skin presentation.

Humans , Male , Adult , Skin Diseases/pathology , Immunoglobulin Light Chains , Amyloidosis/pathology , Skin/pathology , Skin Diseases/immunology , Syndrome , Biopsy , Flow Cytometry , Amyloidosis/immunology