The studies on the vascular system, including the cervicocephalic arteries (carotid and vertebral arteries), present a long trajectory, having their deep roots in the far past, considering the Western authors, having as representatives the Greek sages Alcmaeon, Diogenes, Hippocrates, Aristoteles, Rufus, and Galenus. They produced pivotal knowledge dissecting mainly cadavers of animals, and established solid bases for the later generations of scholars. The information assembled from these six authors makes it possible to build a quite clear picture of the vascular system, here specifically focused on the cervicocephalic arteries, and mainly of the extracranial segments. Thus, the carotid system became fairly well identified, origin, course, and name, as well as the origin of the still unnamed arteries running through the orifices of the transversal processes of the cervical vertebrae, and entering into the cranium. Almost all that was then known about human anatomy, since this period, and then throughout the Middle Ages, was extrapolated from animal dissections. This state of affairs was maintained until the 14th century, when human corpses dissections were again allowed.
Os estudos do sistema vascular, incluindo as artérias cervicocefálicas (artérias carótidas e vertebrais), apresentam um longo percurso, tendo suas raízes profundas no passado distante, considerando os autores ocidentais, tendo como representantes os doutos gregos Alcméon, Diógenes, Hipócrates, Aristóteles, Rufus e Galenus. Eles produziram conhecimento pivotal, dissecando principalmente cadáveres de animais e estabelecendo bases sólidas para as gerações futuras de estudiosos. A informação reunida desses seis autores permite construir um quadro bastante claro do sistema vascular, aqui focado especificamente nas artérias cervicocefálicas e principalmente nos seus segmentos extracranianos. Assim, o sistema carotídeo ficou bastante bem identificado, origem, trajeto e nome, assim como a origem das ainda não nomeadas artérias que percorrem os orifícios dos processos transversos das vértebras cervicais e entrando no crânio. Quase tudo que era conhecido sobre anatomia humana, desde esse período, e depois ao longo da Idade Média, foi extrapolado a partir de dissecções de animais. Esse estado de coisas foi mantido até o século 14, quando a dissecção de cadáveres humanos foi novamente permitida.
Humans , Animals , Vertebral Artery/anatomy & histology , Carotid Arteries/anatomy & histology , Anatomists/history , Skull , Cervical Vertebrae/blood supply , DissectionABSTRACT
SUMMARY: During the Covid-19 pandemic that has marked the last years, while governments tried to control the spread of the virus, many-body donation programs were suspended due to difficulties that could potentially be encountered. Given the low body donation acceptance rates during this period, through this study we aimed to evaluate academics' knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors in cadaver acceptance and embalming practices during the pandemic. The research population of th estudy consisted of the faculty of 112 universities in Turkey who taught in under graduate and graduate programs in the Anatomy Department in 2020. An electronic questionnaire of 24 items, including demographic data, was distributed to the participants' official e-mail addresses. In addition, support was received from the Turkish Anatomy and Clinical Anatomy Society, whose members were also approached through their official group e-mail accounts. Answers were collected from 78 (39 %) out of 200 academics. The findings of the study were under 5 headings (ınformation about cadaver donation and ımported cadavers, attitude towards ımportation of cadavers and acceptance of body donations, precautions against contagion in ımportation of cadavers and acceptance of body donations and thoughts on their adequacy, considerations for adoption of cadavers for post-graduation education, advice on avoiding contagion in cadaver embalming) were collected and analyzed. The study high lights the importance of cadaver acceptance and embalming practices for medical education to minimally continue in the post-pandemic period. It can also serve as a reference for being cautious when faced with similar situations in the future.
RESUMEN: Durante la pandemia de COVID-19, que ha marcado los últimos años, mientras los gobiernos intentaban controlar la propagación del virus, muchos programas de donación de cuerpos fueron suspendidos por las dificultades que se podían encontrar. Dadas las bajas tasas de aceptación de la donación de cuerpos durante este período, a través de este estudio buscamos evaluar el conocimiento, las actitudes y los comportamientos de los académicos en la aceptación de cadáveres y las prácticas de embalsamamiento durante la pandemia. El estudio se realizó el año 2020 en los programas de pregrado y posgrado de los Departamentos de Anatomía de 112 universidades de Turquía. Se distribuyó un cuestionario electrónico de 24 ítems, incluidos datos demográficos, a los participantes por correo electrónico oficial. Además, se recibió el apoyo de la Sociedad Turca de Anatomía y Anatomía Clínica, cuyos miembros también fueron contactados a través de las cuentas de correo electrónico de su grupo oficial. Se recopilaron respuestas de 78 (39 %) de 200 académicos. Los hallazgos del estudio se ubicaron en 5 encabezados (información sobre donación de cadáveres y cadáveres importados, actitud hacia la importación de cadáveres y aceptación de donaciones de cuerpos, precauciones contra el contagio en la importación de cadáveres y aceptación de donaciones de cuerpos y opiniones sobre su idoneidad, consideraciones para la adopción de cadáveres para la educación de posgrado y consejos para evitar el contagio en el embalsamamiento de cadáveres). El estudio destaca la importancia de la aceptación de cadáveres y las prácticas de embalsamamiento para que la educación médica continúe mínimamente en el período posterior a la pandemia. También puede servir como referencia para tenerse presente ante situaciones similares en el futuro.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Cadaver , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Human Body , Faculty/psychology , COVID-19 , Anatomy/education , Turkey , Tissue and Organ Procurement , Surveys and Questionnaires , Embalming , Anatomists/psychology , PandemicsSubject(s)
History, 17th Century , History, 18th Century , Anatomists , Family , History of MedicineABSTRACT
In Southern Medical University, China, 1,200 medical students study neuroanatomy every year, whereas in Ajou University, Korea, only 45 medical students study neuroanatomy. The considerable difference of student numbers results in differences in educational situations. The purpose of this study was to investigate desirable neuroanatomy education methods for large and small numbers of students. The situations of neuroanatomy education in China and Korea were compared systematically. With a questionnaire survey, positive comments and recommendations for their counterparts were collected from the medical students (168 Chinese and 41 Koreans) and anatomists (6 Chinese and 3 Koreans). By reviewing the opinions, the Chinese and Korean anatomists could learn from each other to improve their strong points and make up for the weak points. The results also disclosed the common problems of neuroanatomy education, which could be relieved by developing the fitting book and the self-learning tools, such as lecture videos and stereoscopic computer models.
En la Universidad de Medicina del Sur, China, 1.200 estudiantes de medicina estudian la neuroanatomía cada año, mientras que en la Universidad de Ajou, Corea, solo 45 estudiantes de medicina estudian neuroanatomía. Esta considerable variable del número de estudiantes resulta en diferencias en las situaciones educativas. El propósito de este estudio fue investigar métodos de educación en neuroanatomía deseables para cantidades mayores y menores de estudiantes. Se compararon sistemáticamente las situaciones de educación en neuroanatomía en China y Corea. Por medio de una encuesta por cuestionario, se obtuvieron comentarios positivos y recomendaciones para sus contrapartes de los estudiantes de medicina (168 chinos y 41 coreanos) y anatomistas (6 chinos y 3 coreanos). Al revisar las opiniones, los anatomistas chinos y coreanos podrían aprender unos de otros para mejorar sus puntos de fortaleza y compensar los aspectos débiles. Los resultados también revelaron los problemas comunes de la educación en neuroanatomía, que podrían aliviarse desarrollando el libro de adaptación y las herramientas de autoaprendizaje, como videos de conferencias y modelos de computadora estereoscópica.
Humans , Students, Medical/psychology , Anatomists/psychology , Neuroanatomy/education , Students, Medical/statistics & numerical data , China , Surveys and Questionnaires , Republic of Korea , Neuroanatomy/methodsABSTRACT
Aged , Humans , Male , Anatomists , Aorta , Aorta, Abdominal , Arteries , Cadaver , Renal Artery , VeinsABSTRACT
The anatomy and clinical significance of the sinuvertebral nerve is a topic of considerable interest among anatomists and clinicians, particularly its role in discogenic pain. It has required decades of research to appreciate its role, but not until recently could these studies be compiled to establish a more complete description of its clinical significance. The sinuvertebral nerve is a recurrent nerve that originates from the ventral ramus, re-entering the spinal canal via the intervertebral foramina to innervate multiple meningeal and non-meningeal structures. Its complex anatomy and relationship to discogenic pain have warranted great interest among clinical anatomists owing to its sympathetic contribution to the lumbar spine. Knowledge of the nerve has been used to design a variety of diagnostic and treatment procedures for chronic discogenic pain. This paper reviews the anatomy and clinical aspects of the sinuvertebral nerve.
Humans , Anatomists , Meninges , Spinal Canal , SpineABSTRACT
PURPOSE: Fossa navicularis is a bone defect in the clivus. Familiarity with this anatomical variant is important because it is close to vital anatomical structures in the base of the skull. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence and morphometric properties of fossa navicularis within the clivus in a Turkish subpopulation using cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT). MATERIALS AND METHODS: A total of 168 CBCT scans (female: 96, male: 71) were evaluated. High-quality CBCT images of patients without a syndromic condition or a history of neurological disease or surgery were included in the study. The prevalence, depth, length, and width of the fossa navicularis were performed. RESULTS: The prevalence of fossa navicularis was 27.5% (n=46 patients). Sex was not associated with the depth, length, or width of the fossa navicularis (P>0.05). A significant positive correlation was found between age and length of the fossa navicularis (P>0.05). CONCLUSION: Fossa navicularis was found to be rare (27.5%). Anatomical variants of the skull base can also be clearly identified on CBCT images. The results of this study may be useful to radiologists, anatomists, and surgeons interested in the skull base.
Humans , Male , Anatomists , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Cranial Fossa, Posterior , Prevalence , Recognition, Psychology , Skull , Skull Base , SurgeonsABSTRACT
The authors have operated the homepage (http://anatomy.co.kr) to provide the learning contents of anatomy. From the homepage, sectioned images, volume models, and surface models—all Visible Korean products—can be downloaded. The realistic images can be interactively manipulated, which will give rise to the interest in anatomy. The various anatomy comics (learning comics, comic strips, plastination comics, etc.) are approachable. Visitors can obtain the regional anatomy book with concise contents, mnemonics, and schematics as well as the simplified dissection manual and the pleasant anatomy essay. Medical students, health allied professional students, and even laypeople are expected to utilize the easy and comforting anatomy contents. It is hoped that other anatomists successively produce and distribute their own informative contents.
Humans , Anatomists , Anatomy, Regional , Hope , Internet , Learning , Students, Medical , Visible Human ProjectsABSTRACT
Because of its embryonic origin, the thyroid gland is predisposed to multiple anatomical variations and developmental anomalies. These include the pyramidal lobe, the origin of levator glandular thyroidae, the absence of the isthmus, ectopic thyroid, accessory thyroid tissues, etc. These anatomical variations are clinically significant to surgeons, anatomists, and researchers. The present study was designed to report anatomical variations and developmental anomalies of the thyroid gland in Ethiopian population. The study was conducted on 40 cadavers used for routine dissection classes. The thyroid gland was exposed and observed for any variations and developmental anomalies. The length, width, and thickness of the lobes were measured using a vernier caliper. Differences in the incidence of pyramidal lobe and absence of the isthmus between sexes were tested using a Pearson chi-square test. The mean length, width, and thickness of the right lobe were 4.24 cm, 1.8 cm, and 1.6 cm, respectively, whereas it was 4.08 cm, 1.8 cm, and 1.6 cm, respectively for that of the left lobe. The pyramidal lobe was noted in 52.5% of the cadavers. The levator glandulae thyroidae were prevalent in 40% of the cadavers. The isthmus mainly overlies the 2nd to 4th tracheal rings and was absent in 7.5% of the cadavers. Accessory thyroid tissue and double pyramidal lobes were noted in 2.5% of the cadavers. Most of the variations of the thyroid gland were seen frequently in female but it was not statically significant. Different clinically important and rare variations of the thyroid gland were found.
Female , Humans , Anatomists , Cadaver , Incidence , Surgeons , Thyroid Dysgenesis , Thyroid GlandABSTRACT
Michelangelo was a Renaissance artist showing many works. As the secrets of Michelangelo's art have been revealed recently, various studies have been carried out, revealing the secret code of human anatomy in his work. This was an important clue that Michelangelo dissected a huge number of human beings and was a anatomist with considerable expertise. Brazilian doctors Jalousie Bahaetto and Marcelo G Gli Oliveira, from the Vatican Sistina ceiling murals to the sculpture Pieta, examined the works of the Renaissance genius artist Michelangelo in detail and found anatomical elements in many works. Although some interpretations are controversial, it would be a good experience for medical doctor to appreciate masterpieces of Michelangelo in comparison to their human anatomy.
Humans , Anatomists , SculptureABSTRACT
The first conference of Korean Association of Anatomists started on November 13, 1948 at the department of anatomy of Seoul National University College of Medicine by about 10 anatomists and staffs from several medical schools in Seoul. It was presented with six lectures at ‘The Second Annual Meeting/First Conference of Joseon Association of Anatomists’.
Humans , Anatomists , Lecture , Schools, Medical , SeoulABSTRACT
Although the sternalis muscle has been well known to anatomists, it is quite unfamiliar to clinicians. During routine educational dissection, we came across a well-defined bilateral double sternalis muscle innervated by the intercostal nerve, respectively. The right sternalis muscle 1) became tendinous to insert into the sternum and 2) crossed midline and then intermingled with the left pectoralis major muscle, which could be classified into a double with single cross based on Snosek et al.'s criteria. The left sternalis muscle was composed of two bellies, which were combined at the midway, and became tendinous to insert into the contralateral manubrium, which could be classified into a bicipital diverging with double cross based on Snosek et al.'s criteria. The detailed knowledge on the sternalisis is important for clinicians as well as for anatomists, since the clinical importance of the sternalis muscle has been highlighted in recent years.
Humans , Anatomists , Cadaver , Intercostal Nerves , Manubrium , SternumABSTRACT
This morphometric study of main bronchus was performed to provide the basic data necessary for anatomists, anesthetists and emergency medical technicians. A total of 48 cadavers, 33 men and 15 women, were used in this study. When it comes to their average age, men were 70 years old (50 to 91 years old), and women were 74 years old (47 to 92 years old). For this study, the length of the left and right main bronchi and the angle between them, and the first bronchial cartilage's each anteroposterior diameter, transverse diameter, vertical height, and distance between posterior ends of cartilage were measured. As for the length, left length was longer than right length regardless of gender, and there was no significant difference between men and women. When it comes to anterorposterior diameter, transverse diameter, and distance between posterior ends of the first bronchial cartilage in main bronchi, the right side was longer and wider than left side regardless of gender, but statistical significance was shown only in the distance between posterior ends of cartilage. Vertical height of the first bronchial cartilage in main bronchi did not show any difference between the left and right and between men and women, and men cadavers had a very large individual difference from 2.35 mm to 9.22 mm. As for the angle of the main bronchi's separation from trachea's major axis, the left side was larger than the right side in both men and women cadavers and it was larger in men than women, but there was no significant statistical difference. Lastly, as for the length of the main bronchi, the right and left lengths in men were 16.83±1.36 and 37.26±1.42 mm respectively; and the right and left lengths in women were 16.90±2.26 and 36.08±3.39 mm respectively. These results are expected to be used as the basic clinical data useful for medical procedures of emergency care practitioners, anesthetists and emergency medical technicians.
Female , Humans , Male , Anatomists , Bronchi , Cadaver , Cartilage , Emergency Medical Services , Emergency Medical Technicians , IndividualityABSTRACT
In this study, the origin of anatomical terms, the process by which international anatomical terms were made, and the making principles of international anatomical terminology were confirmed. We also describe the process in which the Japanese anatomy terminology (Termonologia Anatomica Japonica), which has been influential in Korea, has developed. Most of the past Korean anatomical terminology used the Japanese term. However, the Korean association of anatomists gradually recognized the necessity of own terminology and decided to refine the terms by forming a terminology committee. The terminology committee first laid down the direction for refining terms and made the basic principles of revising them. Through many meetings, the terms were refined and made into terminology book (Korean anatomical terminology). The Korean anatomical terminology has been revised five times since its first edition in 1979 to the sixth edition in 2014. Here, we illustrate the difference between Japanese terms and Korean terms and the process of refining Korean terms using examples.