SUMMARY: The conservation of anatomical pieces goes back five thousand years, beyond ancient Egypt for political and religious purposes. In the 12th century, with the appearance of the University, new techniques were implemented as the corpse became a necessary tool for teaching. During the last two centuries, since the year of its discovery in 1867, formaldehyde has been used as the main source for conservation. However, several years ago, anatomy laboratories around the world have resorted to new techniques and mixtures in order to reduce its use and its reported negative effects on health, such as cancer. This work shows the obtaining of anatomical pieces, by means of the Chilean Conservative Fixative Solution (SFCCh), its process, analysis and experience are described in the following pages.
RESUMEN: La conservación de piezas anatómicas se remonta a cinco mil años, más allá del antiguo Egipto por motivos políticos y religiosos. En el siglo XII, con la aparición de la Universidad, se implementaron nuevas técnicas ya que el cadáver se convirtió en una herramienta necesaria para la enseñanza. Durante los dos últimos siglos, desde el año de su descubrimiento en 1867, el formaldehído se ha utilizado como principal fuente de conservación. Sin embargo, hace varios años, los laboratorios de anatomía de todo el mundo han recurrido a nuevas técnicas y mezclas con el fin de reducir su uso y sus reportados efectos negativos en la salud, como el cáncer. En este trabajo se muestra la obtención de piezas anatómicas, mediante la Solución Fijadora Conservadora Chilena (SFCCh), su proceso, análisis y experiencia se describen en las siguientes páginas.
Animals , Solutions , Tissue Preservation/methods , Fixatives , Anatomy, Veterinary/methodsABSTRACT
A impressão tridimensional (3D) vem contribuindo para o aprendizado da anatomia e para áreas aplicadas da medicina veterinária utilizando uma interface que pode valorizar o conhecimento da anatomia das espécies domésticas de maneira dinâmica. O presente trabalho objetivou utilizar imagens tridimensionais geradas por tomografias computadorizada (TC) para a obtenção de imagens digitalizadas e de modelos de ossos do crânio de cão por meio de uma impressora tridimensional. Foram gerados arquivos 3D de TC a partir de imagens que foram editadas pelo software Osirix Lite. Partes dos ossos e particularidades anatômicas do crânio foram impressas em escalas de 60% e 100%. Os resultados permitiram gerar imagens digitalizadas e impressões tridimensionais advindas das tomografias, e, assim, foi criado um acervo de imagens e modelos impressos para os estudos da anatomia do crânio da espécie canina. Além disso, a metodologia demonstrou claramente a importância para uso de planejamentos cirúrgicos nos casos de procedimentos que envolvam comprometimento de estruturas ósseas. Produziu-se um material interativo e impresso em 3D com maior durabilidade, o qual poderá ser disponibilizado para fins educacionais.(AU)
The three-dimensional printer (3D) has been contributing to the learning of anatomy and applied areas of veterinary medicine using an interface that can enhance the knowledge of the anatomy of domestic species in a dynamic way. The present study aimed to use three-dimensional images generated by computed tomography (TC) to obtain digitized images and bone models of the dog skull using a three-dimensional printer. The 3D files were generated from images that were edited in Osirix Lite software. Parts of the bones and anatomical features of the skull were printed on 60% and 100% scales. The results allowed to generate digitalized images and three -dimensional impressions from the tomographies, and in this way a collection of images and printed models was created for studies of the anatomy of the canine species. In addition, the methodology clearly demonstrated the importance of using surgical planning in cases involving procedures involving bone structure impairment. Interactive material and 3D printing with high durability that could be made available for educational purposes has been produced.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Skull/anatomy & histology , Teaching Materials , Printing, Three-Dimensional , Models, Anatomic , Tomography, X-Ray Computed/veterinary , Anatomy, Veterinary/methodsABSTRACT
Objetivou-se descrever os acidentes anatômicos dos ossos longos do membro torácico de Tamandua tetradactyla por meio de análises macroscópicas e radiográficas. Foram utilizados 34 espécimes, que foram a óbito por atropelamento. A avaliação do úmero demonstrou as mesmas estruturas presentes nos animais domésticos, além de outras sem prévia descrição. Já no antebraço, rádio e ulna se apresentaram completamente separados, e apesar de, como o úmero, serem identificados alguns dos mesmos acidentes anatômicos descritos em outras espécies, também notamos particularidades. Todas as estruturas descritas na análise macroscópica foram identificadas à radiografia, quando realizada em pelo menos duas projeções ortogonais. As estruturas anátomo-radiográficas dos ossos longos do T. tetradactyla demonstraram grande variaçãoanatômica em comparação a outros mamíferos, o que torna a referida espécie muito singular. Assim o conhecimento de suas particularidades é fundamental para abordagens clínico-cirúrgicas mais seguras.
The objective was to describe the anatomical accidents of the long bones of the thoracic limb of Tamandua tetradactyla by means of macroscopic and radiographic analyzes. We used 34 specimens, which were death by running over. Evaluation of the humerus demonstrated the same structures present in domestic animals, besides others without previous description. In the forearm, radius and ulna were completely separated, and although, like the humerus, some of the same anatomical accidents described in other species were identified, we also noticed particularities. All the structures described in the macroscopic analysis were identified on radiography, when performed in at least two orthogonal projections. The anatomic-radiographic structures of the long bones of T. tetradactyla showed great anatomical variation compared to other mammals, which makes the species very unique. Thus knowledge of their particularities is fundamental for safer clinical-surgical approaches.
Animals , Ulna/anatomy & histology , Radiography/veterinary , Upper Extremity/diagnostic imaging , Osteology/methods , Forearm/anatomy & histology , Vermilingua/anatomy & histology , Humerus/anatomy & histology , Anatomy, Veterinary/methods , Animals, Wild/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
Sorubim trigonocephalus Miranda et Ribeiro, 1920 conhecido popularmente como chinelo, é uma espécie migratória, de importância econômica. Bastante apreciado na gastronomia por apresentar sabor agradável e sem ossos intermusculares (espinhos). Os exemplares foram coletados em um trecho no Rio Teles Pires, localizado no município de Alta Floresta/MT. Anestesiados e sacrificados em solução aquosa de benzocaína, fixados com solução de formoldeído a 10%, transferidos para o Laboratório de Anatomia Animal/Unemat para descrição das características da cavidade bucofaringeana. Esta espécie apresentou uma pré-maxila bem desenvolvida e cabeça achatada dorsoventralmente, boca localizada na porção ventral média da cabeça, com fenda bucal ampla. Os lábios superiores apresentaram pigmentação cinza escuro com pequenas áreas claras, sendo mais largos que os inferiores e não apresentaram pigmentação. Foram identificadas quatro regiões dentígeras na porção anterior da cavidade bucal e duas na região da faringe, todas com dentes viliformes. A porção posterior da cavidade bucal era limitada lateralmente por quatro pares de arcos branquiais que decresciam em tamanho do primeiro ao último par, crânio-caudal, formados por dois ramos: o superior, mais curto, e o inferior, mais longo. A cavidade bucofaringeana de S. trigonocephalus se mostrou semelhante à de outros teleósteos descritos na literatura, estando adaptado ao hábito alimentar com dieta carnívoro-ictiofágica e diferindo apenas pela ausência de língua estrutural com pré maxila bem desenvolvida apresentando dentes viliformes.
Sorubim trigonocephalus Miranda et Ribeiro, 1920 is popularly known as slipper, migratory specie of economic importance. It is much appreciated in gastronomy because it has good flavor and no intermuscular bones (spines). Specimens were collected on a stretch of the Teles Pires river, located in Alta Floresta/MT, anesthetized and euthanized in aqueous solution of benzocaine, fixed with 10% formaldehyde and transferred to the Laboratory of Animal Anatomy of Unemat to be analyzed and described the characteristics of the buccopharyngeal cavity. With a premaxilla well developed and head dorsoventrally flattened, S. trigonocephalus show out located on the ventral portion of the head mouth wide slit. The upper lip pigmentation had dark gray with small light areas, wider than the and without pigmentation. Was identified four dentigerous regions in in the anterior oral cavity and two in the pharynx region, both with viniliform tooth. The posterior portion of the oral cavity was bounded laterally by four pairs of gill arches that decreased in size from first to last pair, formed by two branches: the higher, shorter, and the lower, longer. The buccopharyngea cavity of S. trigonocephalus showed similar to other teleosts described in the literature, and is adapted to eating habits with diet ictiophagic carnivore and differing only by the absence of a structural tongue and pre maxilla well developed showing viniliform tooth.
Animals , Mouth/anatomy & histology , Oropharynx/anatomy & histology , Catfishes/anatomy & histology , Anatomy, Veterinary/methodsABSTRACT
La cirugía veterinaria experimental en pequeños animales, particularmente en perro, tiene principalmente restricciones de tipo afectivas, por lo que es necesario contar con otro modelo animal, para poder realizar diferentes procedimientos destinados a su aplicación en dicha especie. Dicho modelo debe cumplir con características anatómicas homologables al perro y también con facilidades de uso y manejo. Al ser una especie tradicionalmente utilizada en experimentación, el conejo podría constituir un excelente modelo animal para este propósito. El objetivo de este estudio es describir la anatomo-topografía del estómago del conejo para luego compararla con el perro. Se utilizaron 14 conejos que fueron sometidos a distintas técnicas de conservación para su estudio anatómico posterior; los instrumentos y materiales para realizar dicho estudio morfológico y un registro bibliográfico de parámetros anatómicos del estómago del perro. Los resultados de este ensayo muestran que el conejo posee un estómago de morfología, ubicación y orientación similar a la del perro, con algunas variaciones en sus relaciones con otras estructuras anatómicas. Asimismo la irrigación de este órgano es muy similar a la del perro. De acuerdo a lo observado, en estómago, el conejo podría ser utilizado como modelo animal para someter a prueba distintos ensayos quirúrgicos experimentales.
Experimental veterinary surgery on small animals -particularly dogs- has restrictions, mainly regarding affect; therefore it is necessary to have a model of the animal to perform such procedures. This model must have anatomic characteristics which homologate those of dogs, but it must also fulfill ease of use and handling. Being a species traditionally used in experimentation, rabbits could be an excellent animal model for this purpose. The goal of this study is to describe the anatomotopography of the stomach of the rabbit and then compare it with the dogs. Three elements were considered: 14 rabbits exposed to various conservation techniques for their later anatomical study, the instruments and supplies to develop such morphological study and a bibliographic record of anatomical parameters of the dog's stomach. The results of this essay show that rabbits have a stomach with a morphology, location and orientation similar to the one of a dog, varying on its relation to other anatomical structures, the irrigation of this organ is as well very similar to the one of the dog. According to what was observed on the stomach, rabbits may be used as an animal model to perform different experimental surgical essays.
Dogs , Rabbits/anatomy & histology , Stomach/anatomy & histology , Anatomy, Veterinary/methods , Models, AnimalABSTRACT
The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is both the largest extant ruminant and a strict browser. We dissect and describe the macroscopic anatomy of the mouth of the giraffe. The heads of two adult giraffes and one fetus were used in this study. The lips were well developed, the upper one was predominant and dorsally flattened near the nostrils. The tongue had a lift or lingual torus and rostrally to it a groove-shaped depression or fossa linguae. There was no adipose body of cheek (Corpus adiposum buccae). The hard palate in the giraffe had 18 Rugae palatinae. The final roughness reaches the caudal border of the premolar 3. Caudal ridges had no papillae. The parotid gland was small and consisted of two lobes, one rostral and one caudal to be separated dorsally to accommodate the parotid lymph node. The parotid duct followed the same way as in the cow, ended in front of the upper premolar tooth 2 in the parotid papilla, (not evident at mucosal surface). Mandibular gland was divided into two lobes, the rostral one placed in the intermandibular space and the caudal hidden by the parotid gland. Giraffes have the monostomatic and polistomatic sublingual glands. The monostomatic sublingual gland was located rostrally and joined to the monostomatic of the other side in the very narrow rostral intermandibular space. The polistomatic sublingual gland was caudally located and reached the level of the third molar and at a deeper level than the monostomatic. The studied giraffes had dorsal, ventral and intermediate bucal salivary glands. Leaving aside the differences caused by different dimensions, the mouth of the giraffe had in general a similar anatomical arrangement to the cow.
La jirafa (Giraffa camelopardalis) es a la vez el rumiante más grande que existe y un ramoneador estricto. Nosotros disecamos y describimos la anatomía macroscópica de la boca de la jirafa. En este estudio se utilizaron las cabezas de dos jirafas adultas y de un feto. Los labios estaban bien desarrollados, el superior era el predominante y estaba aplastado dorsalmente cerca de las narinas. La lengua tenía una protuberancia o Torus lingual y rostralmente a él una depresión en forma de surco o Fossa linguae. No había cuerpo adiposo de la mejilla (Corpus adiposum buccae). El paladar duro en la jirafa tenía 18 rugae palatinae. Las rugosidades finales alcanzaban el borde caudal del premolar 3. Las crestas caudales no tenían papilas. La glándula parótida era pequeña y consistía de dos lóbulos, uno rostral y otro caudal que se separaban dorsalmente para acomodar al nódulo linfático parotídeo. El conducto parotídeo seguía el mismo trayecto que en la vaca, terminando frente al segundo diente premolar superior en la papila parotídea (no evidente en la superficie de la mucosa). La glándula mandibular estaba dividida en dos lóbulos, el rostral se colocaba en el espacio intermandibular y el caudal estaba oculto por la glándula parótida. Las jirafas tenían glándulas sublinguales monostomática y polistomática. La glándula sublingual monostomática estaba localizada rostralmente y se unía a la monostomática del otro lado en el muy estrecho espacio intermandibular. La glándula sublingual polistomática estaba localizada caudalmente y alcanzaba el nivel del tercer molar en un plano más profundo que la monostomática. Las jirafas estudiadas tenían glándulas salivares bucales dorsales, ventrales e intermedias. Dejando de lado las diferencias causadas por las diferentes dimensiones, la boca de la jirafa tenía en general una disposición anatómica similar a la de la vaca.
Animals , Mouth/anatomy & histology , Mouth/ultrastructure , Ruminants/anatomy & histology , Anatomy, Comparative/methods , Anatomy, Veterinary/methods , HerbivoryABSTRACT
Morphometric parameters of olfactory brain components show species-dependent variations. However, the association of these parameters with olfactory function vis-à-vis ecological and evolutionary behaviors is poorly understood. In this study, a morphometric analysis of the olfactory bulb, tract and stria was carried out in three ecologically diverse animals comprising humans (primate), dogs (carnivore) and goats (herbivore) to elucidate differences in morphometry in relation to olfactory function. Using formalin-fixed brains, volumes and linear measurements of the olfactory structures were determined and correlated with those of cerebrum and the whole brain. The volume of the olfactory bulb was greatest in dogs, followed by goats and humans and constituted 0.31 percent, 0.18 percent and 0.01 percent, respectively, of the brain volume. Similarly, the ratio of volume of the bulb, tract and stria to that of brain was 1.95 percent in the dog, 0.77 percent in the goat and 0.03 percent in the human. The width of the bulb was greatest (p< 0.05) in dogs (10.80 +/- 1.64mm) compared to goats (8.25 +/- 0.96mm) and humans (5.50 +/- 0.71mm), and accounted for a hemisphere breadth of 42.91 percent, 29.73 percent and 8.94 percent respectively. Interestingly though, the total length of the olfactory bulb, tract and striae increased in the order of goat (34.5 +/- 1.30mm), human (36.25 +/- 1.70mm) and dog (48.20 +/- 1.92mm), and constituted 21.47 percent, 51.87 percent and 72.30 percent, respectively, of the hemisphere length. These results suggest that the morphometric adaptations of the olfactory components to olfactory function decline from the dog, to goat, to human, and this may be indicative of the varied olfactory functional needs in regard to the ecological diversity of these species.
Los parámetros morfométricos de los componentes del cerebro olfativo presentan variaciones que dependen de las especies. Sin embargo, la asociación de estos parámetros con la función olfativa vis-à-vis los comportamientos ecológicos y evolutivos es poco conocida. En este estudio se llevó a cabo un análisis morfométrico del bulbo, tracto y estría olfatoria en tres animales de diversidad ecológica que abarcan los seres humanos (primates), perros (carnívoros) y cabras (herbívoros) para dilucidar las diferencias en la morfometría en relación con la función olfatoria. El uso de cerebros fijados en formalina, los volúmenes y las medidas lineales de las estructuras olfativas se determinaron y se correlacionaron con el cerebro. El volumen del bulbo olfatorio fue mayor en los perros, seguidos por cabras y seres humanos y constituyeron un 0,31 por ciento, 0,18 por ciento y 0,01 por ciento, respectivamente, del volumen del cerebro. Del mismo modo, la relación entre el volumen del bulbo, vías y estrías al del cerebro fue de 1,95 por ciento en el perro, un 0,77 por ciento en la cabra y 0,03 por ciento en el ser humano. El ancho del bulbo fue mayor (p <0,05) en los perros (10,80 +/- 1.64mm) en comparación con cabras (8,25 +/- 0.96mm) y humanos (5,50 +/- 0.71mm), y representó una total hemisférico de 42,91 por ciento, 29,73 por ciento y 8,94 por ciento respectivamente. Sin embargo, curiosamente la longitud total del bulbo olfatorio, del tracto y estrías aumentaron en la cabra (34,5 +/- 1,30 mm), en humanos (36,25 +/- 1.70mm) y en el perro (48,20 +/- 1,92mm), y constituyeron 21,47 por ciento, 51,87 por ciento y 72,30 por ciento, respectivamente, del largo del hemisferio. Estos resultados sugieren que las adaptaciones morfométricas de los componentes olfativos de la función olfativa se van reduciendo de perro a cabra y al hombre y esto puede ser indicativo de las variadas necesidades funcionales olfativas en lo que respecta a la diversidad ecológica de estas especies.
Dogs , Olfactory Perception/genetics , Primates/anatomy & histology , Primates/physiology , Primates/genetics , Olfactory Pathways/anatomy & histology , Olfactory Pathways/growth & development , Olfactory Pathways/embryology , Olfactory Pathways/physiology , Olfactory Pathways/blood supply , Olfactory Pathways/ultrastructure , Anatomy, Comparative/methods , Anatomy, Veterinary/methods , Goats/anatomy & histology , Goats/growth & development , Dogs/anatomy & histology , Dogs/growth & development , Dogs/physiologyABSTRACT
The variations in morphometric parameter of mammalian brains may be influenced by process of functional complexity, evolution and adaptation. Comparative analysis of linear measurements of cerebrum in the human and baboon has shown morphometric differences. In the present study linear measurements from human and baboon cerebrum (n=10 each) were used to predict various values for human and baboon brain and body parameters through multiple regression models. The average brain weights were found to be 2.08 percent and 0.84 percent of the body weights for humans and baboons respectively. The elasticity of regression models revealed that unit percentage increase in Occipital-Frontal (OF) distance would increase the human brain weight by 66.19 percent, while the baboon brain weight would increase by 7.63 percent. The unit percentage increase in the Height of Temporal Lobe (HTL) would increase the human brain weight by 16.28 percent, while the baboon brain weight would increase by only 0.28 percent. Unit percentage increase in Frontal-Temporal (FT) distance would decrease the human and baboon brain weights by 14.04 percent and 0.46 percent respectively. Inter-species values were also predicted through simulation techniques by using the ratios of model parameters with application of programming language Python. The OF, FT and HTL values for human were found to be 2.01 times, 1.55 times and 1.91 times respectively to that of baboon.
Las variaciones en los parámetros morfométricos del cerebro de los mamíferos pueden estar influenciadas por el proceso de complejidad funcional de la evolución y adaptación. Análisis comparativo de las mediciones lineales del cerebro en el humano y babuino han puesto de manifiesto las diferencias morfométricas. En este estudio las mediciones lineales del cerebro humano y babuinos (n = 10 cada uno) fueron utilizados para predecir los valores distintivos para el cerebro de humanos y monos babuinos y los parámetros del cuerpo a través de modelos de regresión múltiple. El peso medio del cerebro resultó ser 2,08 por ciento y 0,84 por ciento del peso corporal de los seres humanos y los babuinos, respectivamente. La elasticidad de los modelos de regresión reveló que el aumento de una unidad porcentual en la distancia occipital-frontal (DE) aumentaría el peso del cerebro humano en 66,19 por ciento, mientras que el peso del cerebro babuino se incrementaría en 7,63 por ciento. El porcentaje de aumento en la altura de lóbulo temporal (HTL) aumentaría el peso del cerebro humano en 16,28 por ciento, mientras que el peso del cerebro babuino aumentaría en sólo el 0,28 por ciento. Si aumenta la distancia frontal-temporal (FT) se reduciría el peso del cerebro humano y babuinos en 14,04 por ciento y 0,46 por ciento, respectivamente. También se prevéen valores entre las especies a través de técnicas de simulación, mediante el uso de proporciones de los parámetros del modelo con la aplicación del lenguaje de programación Python. Los valores humanos de DE, FT y HTL resultaron ser 2,01, 1,55 y 1,91 veces, respectivamente con respecto a la de los babuinos.
Animals , Cerebrum/anatomy & histology , Cerebrum/growth & development , Cerebrum/ultrastructure , Theropithecus/anatomy & histology , Theropithecus/growth & development , Anatomy, Comparative/methods , Anatomy, Veterinary/history , Anatomy, Veterinary/methods , Body Weights and Measures , Reference Standards/ethnology , Reference Standards/methodsABSTRACT
Descreveu-se a anatomia topográfica, obtida por videolaparoscopia, da cavidade abdominal de 21 equinos hígidos, em estação, distribuídos em três grupos conforme massa corpórea. No grupo A foram incluídos animais com até 250kg; no grupo B, animais entre 251 e 350kg; e no grupo C, animais acima de 351kg. A técnica cirúrgica realizada foi a laparoscopia com acesso pelas fossas paralombares esquerda e direita, utilizando a introdução videoassistida da cânula, iniciando sempre pelo flanco esquerdo. O acesso esquerdo permitiu a observação do diafragma, estômago, lobo hepático esquerdo, baço, área renal, intestino delgado, cólon menor, bexiga, órgãos reprodutivos internos do macho e da fêmea e reto. No acesso paralombar direito, foram observados diafragma, lobo hepático direito, área renal, cólon dorsal, duodeno, ceco, intestino delgado, cólon menor, bexiga, órgãos reprodutivos internos do macho e da fêmea e reto. O procedimento videolaparoscópico para estudo da anatomia abdominal de equinos é viável, não sendo observadas limitações decorrentes do tamanho do animal.
The present study aimed to perform an anatomic description of the abdominal cavity of equines in standing position. Twenty-one healthy equines were allotted into three groups according to their corporal mass. Animals weighing up to 250kg were included in group A, 251 to 350kg in group B and over than 351kg in group C. Laparoscopy was the surgical technique performed, with access through the left and right paralumbar fossas using a video-assisted introduction of cannula, starting from the left flank. This first access allowed the observation of the diaphragm, stomach, left hepatic lobe, spleen, renal area, small intestine, descending colon, bladder, rectum and internal reproductive organs of the male and female. During the right access were observed: diaphragm, right hepatic lobe, renal area, dorsal colon, duodenum, cecum, small intestine, descending colon, bladder, rectum and internal reproductive organs of the male and female. The video-laparoscopic for the study of the abdominal anatomy of equines is feasible, and no limitations due to animal size have been observed.