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Int. j. morphol ; 42(2): 368-373, abr. 2024. ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1558147


SUMMARY: The aim of this study was to compare the clinical value of vertebral artery ultrasound (VAU), Magnetic Resonance Angiography (MRA) and Digital Subtraction Angiography (DSA) on vertebral artery stenosis in patients with posterior circulation ischemia. Seventy-three patients with posterior circulation ischemia underwent vertebral artery ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography as well as digital subtraction angiography, and the diagnosis of vertebral artery stenosis (VAS) and the degree of stenosis (normal, mild stenosis, moderate stenosis, severe stenosis, and occlusion) were recorded and compared between digital subtraction angiogram and vertebral artery ultrasound and magnetic resonance angiography. The vertebral artery stenosis rates on digital subtraction angiography and vertebral artery ultrasound were 87.30 % (55/63) and 49.20 % (31/63), respectively, and the difference was statistically significant. The rates of vertebral artery stenosis on digital subtraction angiography and, magnetic resonance angiography was 90.38 % (47/52) and 88.46 % (46/ 52), respectively, and the differences was not statistically significant. The sensitivity, accuracy, negative predictive value, and positive predictive value of vertebral artery ultrasound in diagnosing vertebral artery stenosis were 51.35 %, 54.76 %, 18.18 %, and 95.00 %, respectively, lower than those of magnetic resonance angiography, which were 91.89 %, 90.48 %, 57.14 %, and 97.14 %, respectively. Of the noninvasive imaging techniques, vertebral artery ultrasound does not accurately characterize vertebral artery stenosis and its degree of stenosis. Magnetic resonance angiography effectively screens for vertebral artery stenosis and its degree of stenosis, and can be used as a reliable tool for vertebral artery stenosis in posterior circulation cerebral infarction, and can be used in conjunction with digital subtraction angiogram in order to improve diagnostic convenience and accuracy.

El objetivo de este estudio fue comparar el valor clínico de la ecografía de la arteria vertebral (VAU), la angiografía por resonancia magnética (ARM) y la angiografía por sustracción digital (DSA) en la estenosis de la arteria vertebral en pacientes con isquemia de la circulación posterior. A 73 pacientes con isquemia de la circulación posterior se les realizó una ecografía de la arteria vertebral y una angiografía por resonancia magnética, así como una angiografía por sustracción digital, y se les diagnosticó estenosis de la arteria vertebral (EVA) y el grado de estenosis (normal, estenosis leve, estenosis moderada, estenosis grave, y oclusión) se registraron y compararon la angiografía por sustracción digital y la ecografía de la arteria vertebral y la angiografía por resonancia magnética. Las tasas de estenosis de la arteria vertebral en la angiografía por sustracción digital y la ecografía de la arteria vertebral fueron del 87,30 % (55/63) y del 49,20 % (31/63), respectivamente, y la diferencia fue estadísticamente significativa. Las tasas de estenosis de la arteria vertebral en la angiografía por sustracción digital y la angiografía por resonancia magnética fueron del 90,38 % (47/52) y del 88,46 % (46/52), respectivamente, y las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas. La sensibilidad, precisión, valor predictivo negativo y valor predictivo positivo de la ecografía de la arteria vertebral en el diagnóstico de estenosis de la arteria vertebral fueron 51,35 %, 54,76 %, 18,18 % y 95,00 %, respectivamente, inferiores a los de la angiografía por resonancia magnética, que fueron 91,89 %, 90,48 %, 57,14 % y 97,14 %, respectivamente. De las técnicas de imagen no invasivas, la ecografía de la arteria vertebral no caracteriza con precisión la estenosis de la arteria vertebral y su grado de estenosis. La angiografía por resonancia magnética detecta eficazmente la estenosis de la arteria vertebral y su grado de estenosis, y puede usarse como una herramienta confiable para la estenosis de la arteria vertebral en el infarto cerebral de circulación posterior, y puede ser utilizada junto con la angiografía por sustracción digital para mejorar el diagnóstico y la exactitud.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Vertebrobasilar Insufficiency/diagnostic imaging , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Ultrasonography , Magnetic Resonance Angiography , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity
Respirar (Ciudad Autón. B. Aires) ; 15(4): 285-290, Diciembre 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1518706


Presentamos el caso de un niño de 12 años que consultó por hemoptisis, sin otros sín- tomas asociados. Se realizó radiografía de tórax (patológica), laboratorio con aumen- to moderado de reactantes de fase aguda, PPD (negativa), esputos x 3 con bacilosco- pias negativas y tomografía de tórax con contraste i.v. que mostró imágenes de árbol en brote en todos los lóbulos y una imagen de dilatación vascular de una rama de la ar- teria pulmonar en lóbulo superior izquierdo. Se plantearon diagnósticos diferenciales: malformación vascular primaria o lesión secundaria a infección. La angiografía digital permitió confirmar el pseudoaneurisma y embolizarlo. Luego de 17 días, 2/3 cultivos de esputo fueron positivos para Mycobacterium tuberculosis. El niño realizó tratamiento antituberculoso con drogas de primera línea con evolución clínica favorable. Este caso resalta la importancia de considerar el pseudoaneurisma de Rasmussen en- tre las posibles complicaciones de un paciente con tuberculosis y hemoptisis recurren- te o masiva.

We present the case of a 12-year-old boy admitted to the hospital due to hemoptysis without other symptoms. We performed a Thorax X-Ray (pathological), laboratory with elevated acute phase reactants, TST (negative), sputum x 3 with negative smear and computed tomography angiography showing a tree-in-bud pattern in all lobes, and di-latation of a brunch of the pulmonary artery in the upper left lobe. We considered pri-mary vascular anomaly or lesion due to infection as a differential diagnosis. The patient underwent digital angiography and therapeutic embolization of this pseudoaneurysm. After seventeen days, 2/3 of the sputum cultures were positive for Mycobacterium tu-berculosis. The patient received standard anti-TB therapy with favorable evolution. This case highlights the importance of considering complications such as Rasmussen's pseudoaneurysm in patients with pulmonary tuberculosis and recurrent or massive hemoptysis.

Humans , Male , Child , Tuberculosis, Pulmonary/diagnosis , Aneurysm, False/complications , Hemoptysis/diagnosis , Mycobacterium tuberculosis , Bronchoscopy , Tuberculin Test , Diagnostic Imaging , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Embolization, Therapeutic , Antitubercular Agents/therapeutic use
Int. j. morphol ; 40(6): 1560-1585, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1421814


SUMMARY: This study aimed to compare the clinical value of carotid ultrasound and digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for carotid artery stenosis in patients with cerebral infarction. Sixty patients with cerebral infarction underwent carotid ultrasound and DSA. Carotid artery stenosis, degree of stenosis (mild, moderate, severe, and occlusion), and carotid artery plaques were recorded and compared. Carotid stenosis rate was 96.67 % (58/60) and 91.67 % (55/60) on DSA and carotid ultrasound, respectively, and the difference was not statistically significant. Mild, moderate, and severe carotid artery stenosis and occlusion were diagnosed in 35, 28, 20, and 17 arteries, respectively, with DSA, and in 39, 25, 10, and 9 arteries, respectively, with carotid ultrasound. There was a statistically significant difference in the degree of carotid stenosis between the two methods (p<0.05). The kappa value of carotid plaques detected by carotid ultrasound and DSA was 0.776, indicating good consistency. Both carotid ultrasound and DSA are effective for screening carotid artery stenosis and carotid atherosclerotic plaques. While carotid ultrasound is faster and more convenient, DSA can more accurately detect the degree of stenosis and presence of occlusion. Thus, our recommendation is a combination of carotid ultrasound and DSA in clinical settings to improve the convenience and accuracy of diagnosis.

Este estudio tuvo como objetivo comparar el valor clínico de la ecografía carotídea y la angiografía por sustracción digital (DSA) para la estenosis de la arteria carótida en pacientes con infarto cerebral. Sesenta pacientes con infarto cerebral fueron sometidos a ecografía carotídea y DSA. Se registraron y compararon la estenosis de la arteria carótida, el grado de estenosis (leve, moderada, grave y oclusión) y las placas de la arteria carótida. La tasa de estenosis carotídea fue del 96,67 % (58/60) y del 91,67 % (55/60) en DSA y ecografía carotídea, respectivamente, y la diferencia no fue estadísticamente significativa. Se diagnosticaron estenosis y oclusión de la arteria carótida leve, moderada y grave en 35, 28, 20 y 17 arterias, respectivamente, con DSA, y en 39, 25, 10 y 9 arterias, respectivamente, con ecografía carotídea. Hubo una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el grado de estenosis carotídea entre los dos métodos (p<0,05). El valor kappa de las placas carotídeas detectadas por ecografía carotídea y DSA fue de 0,776, lo que indica una buena consistencia. Tanto la ecografía carotídea como la DSA son eficaces para detectar la estenosis de la arteria carótida y las placas ateroscleróticas carotídeas. Si bien la ecografía carotídea es más rápida y conveniente, la DSA puede detectar con mayor precisión el grado de estenosis y la presencia de oclusión. Por lo tanto, nuestra recomendación es una combinación de ecografía carotídea y DSA en entornos clínicos para mejorar la conveniencia y precisión del diagnóstico.

Humans , Male , Female , Ultrasonics , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Cerebral Infarction/complications , Carotid Stenosis/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Carotid Stenosis/etiology
Cambios rev. méd ; 20(2): 5-11, 30 Diciembre 2021. tabs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1368176


INTRODUCCIÓN. En Ecuador, las enfermedades cerebrovasculares son la tercera causa de muerte en la población general; existen pocos datos en la literatura médica sobre la hemorragia subaracnoidea aneurismática y aneurismas no rotos, por lo que fue fundamental describir un perfil clínico. OBJETIVO. Caracterizar la clínica de los pacientes con diagnóstico de aneurisma cerebral. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio observacional descriptivo. Población de 450 y muestra de 447 pacientes con diagnóstico de aneurisma cerebral atendidos en la Unidad de Neurología del Hospital Carlos Andrade Marín, periodo enero 2010 a diciembre 2018. Los datos clínicos e imagenológicos fueron recolectados a través de la revisión de historias clínicas digitales obtenidas del sistema informático MIS/AS400, y se analizaron en el programa estadístico International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, versión 23. RESULTADOS. Se identificaron 605 aneurismas en 447 pacientes. El 80,5% (360; 447) presentó aneurismas rotos, de éstos el 81,4% (293; 360) tuvo un solo aneurisma. El factor de riesgo más frecuente fue la hipertensión arterial con el 44,3% (198; 447), las manifestaciones observadas fueron: hemorragia subaracnoidea con el 98,9% (356; 360) en aneurismas rotos; y cefalea con el 65,5% (57; 87) en aneurismas no rotos. DISCUSIÓN. Se encontró datos relevantes no coincidentes con la literatura científica mundial, como el bajo número de aneurismas asintomáticos y no rotos, comparados con su contraparte. CONCLUSIÓN. Se evidenció que los aneurismas intracraneales produjeron una amplia gama de manifestaciones clínicas, que fluctuaron desde la hemorragia subaracnoidea como la más frecuente en el grupo de aneurismas rotos, hasta pacientes completamente asintomáticos en el grupo de aneurismas no rotos.

INTRODUCTION. In Ecuador, cerebrovascular diseases are the third leading cause of death in the general population; there are few data in the medical literature on aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage and unruptured aneurysms, so it was essential to describe a clinical profile. OBJECTIVE. To characterize the clinical profile of patients diagnosed with cerebral aneurysm. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Descriptive observational study. Population of 450 and sample of 447 patients with a diagnosis of cerebral aneurysm seen in the Neurology Unit of the Carlos Andrade Marín Hospital, period January 2010 to December 2018. Clinical and imaging data were collected through the review of digital medical records obtained from the MIS/AS400 computer system, and were analyzed in the statistical program International Business Machines Statistical Package for the Social Sciences, version 23. RESULTS. A total of 605 aneurysms were identified in 447 patients. A total of 80,5% (360; 447) had ruptured aneurysms, of which 81,4% (293; 360) had a single aneurysm. The most common risk factor was hypertension with 44,3% (198; 447), the manifestations observed were: subarachnoid hemorrhage with 98,9% (356; 360) in ruptured aneurysms; and headache with 65,5% (57; 87) in unruptured aneurysms. DISCUSSION. We found relevant data not consistent with the world scientific literature, such as the low number of asymptomatic and unruptured aneurysms, compared with its counterpart. CONCLUSION. It was evidenced that intracranial aneurysms produced a wide range of clinical manifestations, ranging from subarachnoid hemorrhage as the most frequent in the group of ruptured aneurysms, to completely asymptomatic patients in the group of unruptured aneurysms.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage , Intracranial Aneurysm , Aneurysm, Ruptured , Headache , Aneurysm , Neurology , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Cerebral Arterial Diseases , Statistics, Nonparametric , Ecuador , Hemorrhagic Stroke , Hypertension
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888345


OBJECTIVE@#To explore the methods and efficacy of unilateral extra-pedicle precision puncture percutaneous vertebroplasty (PVP) or percutaneous kyphoplasty(PKP) by digital subtraction angiography (DSA) for the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures (OVCFs).@*METHODS@#The clinical data of 68 patients with osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures treated from August 2015 to December 2018 were retrospectively analyzed. There were 20 males and 48 females, aged 56 to 90(73.5±8.0) years, 40 cases of double segments, 28 cases of three segments, a total of 168 vertebrae. All the patients were performed PVP orPKP through unilateral extra pedicle precision puncture under the guidance of DSA. The vertebrae were distributed in T@*RESULTS@#All the punctures were successful in 68 patients. All the puncture needles reached the midline of vertebral body, and the bone cement was well dispersed in the vertebral body with symmetrical distribution. The operation time was 35 to 60 (41.6±3.2) minutes, and there was no puncture complications. The injection volume of bone cement was 3 to 5 (3.6±0.5) ml in each vertebra. There were 8 cases of bone cement leakage, with a leakage rate of 11.76%. All 68 patients were followed up from 12 to 27 (14.3±3.5) months in the study. VAS score and ODI at 3 days after surgery and at final follow-up time were significantly improved (@*CONCLUSION@#PVP or PKP under the guidance of DSA via a unilateral extrapedicular approach with precision puncture can effectively relieve pain, restore vertebral body height and spinal function, which is a safe, fast and effective method in the treatment of osteoporotic vertebral compression fractures.

Female , Humans , Male , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Fractures, Compression/surgery , Kyphoplasty , Osteoporotic Fractures/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Spinal Fractures/surgery , Vertebroplasty
Zhongnan Daxue xuebao. Yixue ban ; (12): 200-206, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-880644


In recent years, in the absence of venous component, dilated, overlapping, and tortuous arteries forming a mass of arterial loops with a coil-like appearance have been defined as pure arterial malformation (PAM). It is extremely rare, and its etiology and treatment have not yet been fully elucidated. Here, we reported 2 cases of PAM with associated aneurysmal subarachnoid hemorrhage in this paper. Both patients had severe headache as the first symptom. Subarachnoid hemorrhage was found by CT and computed tomography angiography (CTA) and PAM with associated aneurysm was found by digital subtraction angiography (DSA). In view of the distribution of blood and the location of aneurysms, the aneurysm rupture was the most likely to be considered. Based on the involvement of the lesion in the distal blood supply, only the aneurysm was clamped during the operation. It used to be consider that PAM is safety, because of the presentation and natural history of previously reported cases. Through the cases we reported, we have doubted about "the benign natural history" and discussed its treatment. PAM can promote the formation of aneurysms and should be reviewed regularly. The surgical indications for PAM patients with aneurysm formation need to be further clarified. Management of PAM patients with ruptured aneurysm is the same as that of ruptured aneurysm. Whether there are indications needed to treat simple arterial malformations remains to be further elucidated with the multicenter, randomized controlled studies on this disease.

Humans , Aneurysm, Ruptured/surgery , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Cerebral Angiography , Intracranial Aneurysm/surgery , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage/etiology
Chin. j. traumatol ; Chin. j. traumatol;(6): 368-373, 2021.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-922705


PURPOSE@#To explore the diagnosis and treatment of traumatic external carotid branch pseudoaneurysms.@*METHODS@#Eleven cases of traumatic external carotid artery branch pseudoaneurysms were admitted in our hospital. Digital subtraction angiography was performed in all patients. It revealed that the pseudoaneurysms originated from the internal maxillary artery in 5 cases, superficial temporal artery in 5 cases and occipital artery in 1 case. Five cases of internal maxillary artery pseudoaneurysms and 2 cases of superficial temporal artery pseudoaneurysms were treated by embolization; the other 3 cases were surgically resected.@*RESULTS@#Complete cessation of nasal bleeding was achieved in all the 5 pseudoaneurysms of internal maxillary artery after the endovascular therapies. Scalp bleeding stopped and scalp defect healed up in 2 patients with superficial temporal artery pseudoaneurysms treated by interventional therapy. All patients were followed up for 0.5-2.0 years without recurrence of nosebleed and scalp lump.@*CONCLUSION@#For patients with repeated severe epistaxis after craniocerebral injury, digital subtraction angiography should be performed as soon as possible to confirm traumatic pseudoaneurysm. Endovascular therapy is an effective method for traumatic internal maxillary artery pseudoaneurysms. For patients with scalp injuries and pulsatile lumps, further examinations including digital subtraction angiography should be performed to confirm the diagnosis. Surgical treatment or endovascular therapy for scalp traumatic pseudoaneurysm is effective.

Humans , Aneurysm, False/therapy , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Carotid Artery Injuries/therapy , Carotid Artery, External/diagnostic imaging , Embolization, Therapeutic
Clinics ; Clinics;75: e1339, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089602


OBJECTIVES: Cerebral ischemia seriously threatens human health and is characterized by high rates of incidence, disability and death. Developing an ideal animal model of cerebral ischemia that reflects the human clinical features is critical for pathological studies and clinical research. The goal of this study is to establish a local cerebral ischemia model in rhesus macaque, thereby providing an optimal animal model to study cerebral ischemia. METHODS: Eight healthy rhesus monkeys were selected for this study. CT scans were performed before the operation to exclude cerebral vascular and intracranial lesions. Under guidance and monitoring with digital subtraction angiography (DSA), a microcatheter was inserted into the M1 segment of the middle cerebral artery (MCA) via the femoral artery. Then, autologous white thrombi were introduced to block blood flow. Immediately following embolization, multisequence MRI was used to monitor cerebrovascular and brain parenchymal conditions. Twenty-four hours after embolization, 2 monkeys were sacrificed and subjected to perfusion, fixation and pathological examination. RESULTS: The cerebral ischemia model was established in 7 rhesus monkeys; one animal died during intubation. DSA and magnetic resonance angiography (MRA) indicated the presence of an arterial occlusion. MRI showed acute local cerebral ischemia. HE staining revealed infarct lesions formed in the brain tissues, and thrombi were present in the cerebral artery. CONCLUSION: We established a rhesus macaque model of local cerebral ischemia by autologous thrombus placement. This model has important implications for basic and clinical research on cerebral ischemia. MRI and DSA can evaluate the models to ensure accuracy and effectiveness.

Humans , Animals , Male , Cerebral Infarction/diagnostic imaging , Brain Ischemia/diagnostic imaging , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , China , Macaca mulatta , Models, Biological , Models, Cardiovascular
Clinics ; Clinics;75: e1973, 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1133348


OBJECTIVES: This study aimed to analyze the incidence and epidemiological, angiographic, and surgical aspects associated with incomplete clipping of brain aneurysms in a cohort of patients undergoing microsurgical treatment. METHODS: The medical record data of patients who underwent microsurgery for cerebral aneurysm treatment and postoperative digital subtraction angiography, treated at the same teaching hospital between 2014 and 2019, were retrospectively analyzed. The studied variables involved epidemiological and clinical data, as well as neurological status and findings on neuroimaging. The time elapsed between hemorrhage and microsurgical treatment, data on the neurosurgical procedure employed for aneurysm occlusion, and factors associated with the treated aneurysm, specifically location and size, were also evaluated. RESULTS: One hundred and seventeen patients were submitted to 139 neurosurgical procedures, in which 167 aneurysms were clipped. The overall rate of residual injury was 23%. Smoking (odds ratio [OR]: 3.38, 95% confidence interval [CI95%]: 1.372-8.300, p=0.008), lesion size >10 mm (OR: 5.136, CI95%: 2.240-11.779, p<0.001) and surgery duration >6 h (OR: 8.667, CI95%: 2.713-27.681, p<0.001) were found to significantly impact incomplete aneurysm occlusion in the univariate analyses. CONCLUSION: Incomplete microsurgical aneurysm occlusion is associated with aneurysm size, complexity, and current smoking status. Currently, there is no consensus on postoperative assessment of clipped aneurysms, hindering the correct assessment of treatment outcomes.

Humans , Intracranial Aneurysm/surgery , Intracranial Aneurysm/epidemiology , Intracranial Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging , Aneurysm, Ruptured/surgery , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Neurosurgical Procedures , Microsurgery
Rev. Soc. Cardiol. Estado de Säo Paulo ; 29(3 Supl): 291-296, jul.-set. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1023081


Avaliar a eficácia diagnóstica da angiotomografia coronariana (AC) comparada com a cineangiocoronariografia (CAT). Material e Métodos: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 146 pacientes submetidos a AC e CAT com angiografia coronariana quantitativa (ACQ), com intervalo médio de um mês entre os exames. O estudo foi realizado no Hospital Cardiológico Costantini. Foram avaliados os fatores de risco da amostra, a localização das lesões e o grau de severidade da obstrução coronariana nos grandes vasos (TCE, DA, CX e CD). Os resultados dos métodos diagnósticos foram comparados pelo coeficiente de correlação de Pearson. A partir dos achados positivos foi realizada a avaliação de correlação entre os métodos perante a severidade das lesões. Resultados: A amostra foi composta predominantemente por homens (73,97%), sendo a hipertensão arterial (HAS) (71,91%) o fator de risco mais frequente. A artéria mais acometida foi a DA. Quanto ao grau de severidade das lesões, os resultados foram os seguintes na comparação entre AC e CAT: lesões discretas com correlação r = 0,23; moderadas com r = 0,53 e severas com r = 0,70. Na comparação entre AC e ACQ: lesões discretas com correlação r = 0,45; moderadas com r = 0,70 e severas com r = 0,67. Conclusão: A AC apresentou moderada com ACQ e CAT em lesões moderadas e severas, e forte correlação na ausência de lesões quando comparada com ACQ

To evaluate the diagnostic efficacy of multislice CT coronary angiotomography compared with coronary cineangiography. Material and Methods: We retrospectively evaluated 146 patients submitted to MSCT and CA with quantitative coronary angiography (QCA), with a mean interval of one month between the exams. The study was carried out at the Costantini Cardiology Hospital. The risk factors for the sample, the location of the lesions and the degree of severity of the coronary obstruction in the large vessels (LCT, AD, CX and RC).The results of the diagnostic methods were compared using Pearson correlation coefficient. From the positive findings, a correlation evaluation was performed between the methods for the severity of the lesions. Results: The sample consisted predominantly of men (73.97%), and hypertension (SAH) (71.91%) was the most frequent risk factor. The most affected artery was AD. Regarding the degree of severity of the lesions, the results were as follows in the comparison between MSCT and CA: mild lesions with correlation r = 0.23, moderate with r = 0.53 and severe with r = 0.70. In the comparison between MSCT and QCA: mild lesions with correlation r = 0.45, moderate with r = 0.70 and severe with r = 0.67. Conclusion: MSCT showed moderate correlation with QCA and CA in moderate and severe lesions, and a strong correlation in the absence of lesions when compared with QCA

Humans , Male , Female , Coronary Artery Disease/diagnostic imaging , Angiography/methods , Angiography, Digital Subtraction/methods , Coronary Angiography/methods , Diagnostic Imaging/methods , Cardiovascular Diseases/mortality , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Magnetic Resonance Angiography/methods , Computed Tomography Angiography/methods , Hypertension
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765322


OBJECTIVE: To describe our experiences with a fully equipped high-end digital subtraction angiography (DSA) system within a hybrid operating room (OR). METHODS: A single-plane DSA system with 3-dimensional rotational angiography, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and real-time navigation software was used in our hybrid OR. Between April 2014 and January 2018, 191 sessions of cerebrovascular procedures were performed in our hybrid OR. After the retrospective review of all cases, the procedures were categorized into three subcategorical procedures : combined endovascular and surgical procedure, complementary rescue procedure during intervention and surgery, and frameless stereotaxic operation. RESULTS: Forty-nine of 191 procedures were performed using hybrid techniques. Four cases of blood blister aneurysms and a ruptured posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm were treated using bypass surgery and endovascular trapping. Eight cases of ruptured aneurysm with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) were treated by partial embolization and surgical clipping. Six cases of ruptured arteriovenous malformation with ICH were treated by Onyx embolization of nidus and subsequent surgical removal of nidus and ICH. Two (5.4%) of the 37 cases of pre-mature rupture during clipping were secured by endovascular coil embolization. In one (0.8%) complicated case of 103 intra-arterial thrombectomy procedures, emergency surgical embolectomy with bypass surgery was performed. In 27 cases of ICH, frameless stereotaxic hematoma aspiration was performed using XperGuide® system (Philips Medical Systems, Best, the Netherlands). All procedures were performed in single sessions without any procedural complications. CONCLUSION: Hybrid OR with a fully equipped DSA system could provide precise and safe treatment strategies for cerebrovascular diseases. Especially, we could suggest a strategy to cope flexibly in complex lesions or unexpected situations in hybrid OR. CBCT with real-time navigation software could augment the usefulness of hybrid OR.

Aneurysm , Aneurysm, Ruptured , Angiography , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Arteries , Arteriovenous Malformations , Blister , Cerebrovascular Disorders , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Embolectomy , Embolization, Therapeutic , Emergencies , Hematoma , Intracranial Hemorrhages , Operating Rooms , Retrospective Studies , Rupture , Surgical Instruments , Thrombectomy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-765383


OBJECTIVE: While the risk of aneurysmal rebleeding induced by catheter cerebral angiography is a serious concern and can delay angiography for a few hours after a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), current angiographic technology and techniques have been much improved. Therefore, this study investigated the risk of aneurysmal rebleeding when using a recent angiographic technique immediately after SAH. METHODS: Patients with acute SAH underwent immediate catheter angiography on admission. A four-vessel examination was conducted using a biplane digital subtraction angiography (DSA) system that applied a low injection rate and small volume of a diluted contrast, along with appropriate control of hypertension. Intra-angiographic aneurysmal rebleeding was diagnosed in cases of extravasation of the contrast medium during angiography or increased intracranial bleeding evident in flat-panel detector computed tomography scans. RESULTS: In-hospital recurrent hemorrhages before definitive treatment to obliterate the ruptured aneurysm occurred in 11 of 266 patients (4.1%). Following a univariate analysis, a multivariate analysis using a logistic regression analysis revealed that modified Fisher grade 4 was a statistically significant risk factor for an in-hospital recurrent hemorrhage (p =0.032). Cerebral angiography after SAH was performed on 88 patients ≤3 hours, 74 patients between 3–6 hours, and 104 patients >6 hours. None of the time intervals showed any cases of intra-angiographic rebleeding. Moreover, even though the DSA ≤3 hours group included more patients with a poor clinical grade and modified Fisher grade 4, no case of aneurysmal rebleeding occurred during erebral angiography. CONCLUSION: Despite the high risk of aneurysmal rebleeding within a few hours after SAH, emergency cerebral angiography after SAH can be acceptable without increasing the risk of intra-angiographic rebleeding when using current angiographic techniques and equipment.

Humans , Aneurysm , Aneurysm, Ruptured , Angiography , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Catheters , Cerebral Angiography , Emergencies , Hemorrhage , Hypertension , Intracranial Aneurysm , Logistic Models , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Korean j. radiol ; Korean j. radiol;: 985-996, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-760265


OBJECTIVE: To determine the correlation between cerebral blood flow (CBF) on arterial spin labeling (ASL) MRI and the degree of postoperative revascularization assessed on digital subtraction angiography in children with moyamoya disease (MMD). MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty-one children (9 boys and 12 girls; mean age, 8.4 ± 3.6 years; age range, 3–16 years) with MMD who underwent both pseudocontinuous ASL MRI at 1.5T and catheter angiography before and after superficial temporal artery encephaloduroarteriosynangiosis were included in this retrospective study. The degree of revascularization in the middle cerebral artery (MCA) territory was evaluated on external carotid angiography and was graded on a 3-point scale. On ASL CBF maps, regions of interest were manually drawn over the MCA territory of the operated side at the level of the centrum semi-ovale and over the cerebellum. The normalized CBF (nCBF) was calculated by dividing the CBF of the MCA territory by the CBF of the cerebellum. Changes in nCBFs were calculated by subtracting the preoperative nCBF values from the postoperative nCBF values. The correlation between nCBF changes measured with ASL and the revascularization grade from direct angiography was evaluated. RESULTS: The nCBF value on the operated side increased after the operation (p = 0.001). The higher the degree of revascularization, the greater the nCBF change was: poor revascularization (grade 1), −0.043 ± 0.212; fair revascularization (grade 2), 0.345 ± 0.176; good revascularization (grade 3), 0.453 ± 0.182 (p = 0.005, Jockheere-Terpstra test). The interobserver agreement was excellent for the measured CBF values of the three readers (0.91–0.97). CONCLUSION: The nCBF values of the MCA territory obtained from ASL MRI increased after the revascularization procedure in children with MMD, and the degree of nCBF change showed a significant correlation with the degree of collateral formation evaluated via catheter angiography.

Child , Female , Humans , Angiography , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Catheters , Cerebellum , Cerebral Revascularization , Cerebrovascular Circulation , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Middle Cerebral Artery , Moyamoya Disease , Perfusion , Retrospective Studies , Temporal Arteries
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-785312


BACKGROUND: Transforaminal epidural block (TFEB) is an effective treatment option for radicular pain. To reduce complications from intravascular injection during TFEB, use of imaging modalities such as real-time fluoroscopy (RTF) or digital subtraction angiography (DSA) has been recommended. In this study, we investigated whether DSA improved the detection of intravascular injection during TFEB at the whole spine level compared to RTF.METHODS: We prospectively examined 316 patients who underwent TFEB. After confirmation of final needle position using biplanar fluoroscopy, 2 mL of nonionic contrast medium was injected at a rate of 0.5 mL/s under RTF; 30 s later, 2 mL of nonionic contrast medium was injected at a rate of 0.5 mL/s under DSA.RESULTS: Thirty-six intravascular injections were detected for an overall rate of 11.4% using RTF, with 45 detected for a rate of 14.2% using DSA. The detection rate using DSA was statistically different from that using RTF (p=0.004). DSA detected a significantly higher proportion of intravascular injections at the cervical level than at the thoracic (p=0.009) and lumbar (p=0.011) levels.CONCLUSION: During TFEB at the whole spine level, DSA was better than RTF for the detection of intravascular injection. Special attention is advised for cervical TFEB, because of a significantly higher intravascular injection rate at this level than at other levels.

Humans , Analgesia , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Fluoroscopy , Needles , Prospective Studies , Radiculopathy , Spine
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788751


OBJECTIVE: To describe our experiences with a fully equipped high-end digital subtraction angiography (DSA) system within a hybrid operating room (OR).METHODS: A single-plane DSA system with 3-dimensional rotational angiography, cone-beam computed tomography (CBCT), and real-time navigation software was used in our hybrid OR. Between April 2014 and January 2018, 191 sessions of cerebrovascular procedures were performed in our hybrid OR. After the retrospective review of all cases, the procedures were categorized into three subcategorical procedures : combined endovascular and surgical procedure, complementary rescue procedure during intervention and surgery, and frameless stereotaxic operation.RESULTS: Forty-nine of 191 procedures were performed using hybrid techniques. Four cases of blood blister aneurysms and a ruptured posterior inferior cerebellar artery aneurysm were treated using bypass surgery and endovascular trapping. Eight cases of ruptured aneurysm with intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) were treated by partial embolization and surgical clipping. Six cases of ruptured arteriovenous malformation with ICH were treated by Onyx embolization of nidus and subsequent surgical removal of nidus and ICH. Two (5.4%) of the 37 cases of pre-mature rupture during clipping were secured by endovascular coil embolization. In one (0.8%) complicated case of 103 intra-arterial thrombectomy procedures, emergency surgical embolectomy with bypass surgery was performed. In 27 cases of ICH, frameless stereotaxic hematoma aspiration was performed using XperGuide® system (Philips Medical Systems, Best, the Netherlands). All procedures were performed in single sessions without any procedural complications.CONCLUSION: Hybrid OR with a fully equipped DSA system could provide precise and safe treatment strategies for cerebrovascular diseases. Especially, we could suggest a strategy to cope flexibly in complex lesions or unexpected situations in hybrid OR. CBCT with real-time navigation software could augment the usefulness of hybrid OR.

Aneurysm , Aneurysm, Ruptured , Angiography , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Arteries , Arteriovenous Malformations , Blister , Cerebrovascular Disorders , Cone-Beam Computed Tomography , Embolectomy , Embolization, Therapeutic , Emergencies , Hematoma , Intracranial Hemorrhages , Operating Rooms , Retrospective Studies , Rupture , Surgical Instruments , Thrombectomy
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-788810


OBJECTIVE: While the risk of aneurysmal rebleeding induced by catheter cerebral angiography is a serious concern and can delay angiography for a few hours after a subarachnoid hemorrhage (SAH), current angiographic technology and techniques have been much improved. Therefore, this study investigated the risk of aneurysmal rebleeding when using a recent angiographic technique immediately after SAH.METHODS: Patients with acute SAH underwent immediate catheter angiography on admission. A four-vessel examination was conducted using a biplane digital subtraction angiography (DSA) system that applied a low injection rate and small volume of a diluted contrast, along with appropriate control of hypertension. Intra-angiographic aneurysmal rebleeding was diagnosed in cases of extravasation of the contrast medium during angiography or increased intracranial bleeding evident in flat-panel detector computed tomography scans.RESULTS: In-hospital recurrent hemorrhages before definitive treatment to obliterate the ruptured aneurysm occurred in 11 of 266 patients (4.1%). Following a univariate analysis, a multivariate analysis using a logistic regression analysis revealed that modified Fisher grade 4 was a statistically significant risk factor for an in-hospital recurrent hemorrhage (p =0.032). Cerebral angiography after SAH was performed on 88 patients ≤3 hours, 74 patients between 3–6 hours, and 104 patients >6 hours. None of the time intervals showed any cases of intra-angiographic rebleeding. Moreover, even though the DSA ≤3 hours group included more patients with a poor clinical grade and modified Fisher grade 4, no case of aneurysmal rebleeding occurred during erebral angiography.CONCLUSION: Despite the high risk of aneurysmal rebleeding within a few hours after SAH, emergency cerebral angiography after SAH can be acceptable without increasing the risk of intra-angiographic rebleeding when using current angiographic techniques and equipment.

Humans , Aneurysm , Aneurysm, Ruptured , Angiography , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Catheters , Cerebral Angiography , Emergencies , Hemorrhage , Hypertension , Intracranial Aneurysm , Logistic Models , Multivariate Analysis , Risk Factors , Subarachnoid Hemorrhage
Neurointervention ; : 63-67, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-741671


The aim of the study is to evaluate the hemodynamic changes and the parenchymal perfusion associated with carotid cavernous fistulas before and after embolization using two-dimensional (2D) parenchymal blood flow analysis. A 15-year-old boy presented with 2-month history of progressive right eye proptosis, chemosis, and diplopia after a motor vehicle accident. Intracranial liquid embolization using Onyx-18 through the inferior petrosal approach was done with balloon protection at the opening of the fistula in the internal carotid artery, resulting in complete occlusion of the fistula. Parenchymal blood flow analysis was done before and immediately after embolization. 2D parametric parenchymal blood flow analysis is newly introduced software that can provide data cannot be conveyed by conventional digital subtraction angiography alone. The software allows for objective assessment of the arterial steal and the parenchymal perfusion both pre, and post-embolization. Pre-embolization assessment may influence the therapeutic decision, while post-embolization assessment can evaluate the treatment efficacy.

Adolescent , Humans , Male , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Carotid Artery, Internal , Diplopia , Embolization, Therapeutic , Exophthalmos , Fistula , Hemodynamics , Motor Vehicles , Perfusion , Treatment Outcome
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-764179


Although many imaging modalities can play some roles in the diagnosis of vertebral artery dissection (VAD), digital subtraction angiography (DSA) remains the gold standard method, with the highest detection rate and ability to assist in planning for endovascular treatment. However, this tool is often avoided in children because its invasive nature and it exposes them to radiation. High resolution magnetic resonance imaging (HR-MRI) have been suggested to be a reliable and non-invasive alternative, but it has never been discussed in children in whom vertebral artery dissection is a rare condition. In this report, we evaluate a case of a 2-year-old child who initially presented with cerebellar symptoms, and was early diagnosed with vertebral artery dissection using HR-MRI and was successfully treated.

Child , Child, Preschool , Humans , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Diagnosis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Methods , Vertebral Artery Dissection , Vertebral Artery
Yonsei med. j ; Yonsei med. j;: 542-546, 2019.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-762081


PURPOSE: The prevalence and clinical outcomes of asymptomatic carotid artery stenosis (CAS) in patients with coronary artery disease (CAD) have not been thoroughly studied. We examined the prevalence and predictors of asymptomatic CAS detected by carotid angiography and determined the impact of concomitant CAS on prognosis in patients undergoing coronary angiography (CAG) due to CAD. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2013 and July 2015, 395 patients who underwent carotid digital subtraction angiography to screen for CAS during CAG were analyzed. The presence of CAS was defined as angiographically significant stenosis (≥50%). Major adverse cardiac and cerebrovascular event (MACCE) rates were compared between patients with and without CAS. MACCEs included a composite of cardiac death, cerebrovascular death, acute myocardial infarction, and stroke. RESULTS: Of the 395 patients, 101 (25.5%) patients had significant CAS. The independent predictors of CAS were age, male sex, hypertension, diabetes, and multi-vessel disease. In patients with CAD, the presence of CAS was as an independent predictor for MACCEs after adjusting for confounding factors (hazard ratio 2.47, 95% confidence interval 1.16–5.24, p=0.018). CONCLUSION: Asymptomatic CAS was documented in up to 25% of patients with CAD. The presence of CAS in patients with CAD was associated with a higher rate of MACCEs. Therefore, detection of CAS by carotid angiography during CAG may be important for risk stratification for CAD patients, particularly those with multi-vessel disease.

Humans , Male , Angiography , Angiography, Digital Subtraction , Carotid Arteries , Carotid Stenosis , Constriction, Pathologic , Coronary Angiography , Coronary Artery Disease , Death , Hypertension , Myocardial Infarction , Prevalence , Prognosis , Stroke