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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(1): e53238, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1559323


Abstract Introduction: Evidence suggests that herbivores, such as peccaries, shape vegetation structure and diversity through predation, trampling, dispersal, and rooting behavior. Objective: To evaluate the impact of peccaries (Dycotiles tajacu) on the understory vegetation of the tropical rainforest in the Nogal-La Selva Local Biological Corridor, Costa Rica, comparing a site with the absence of peccaries to another with the presence of these animals. Methodology: From June to November 2021, 20 experimental exclusions and 20 free access plots, each measuring 2 m2 were used to quantify herbivory, the number of leaf blades, damaged leaves, healthy leaves, sapling height, and fallen biomass at both sites. Results: A higher sapling density was found in the Nogal Reserve, but a lower sapling diversity, while in La Selva there was a higher sapling diversity, but a lower density of seedlings. Herbivory and sapling height in La Selva exceeded those in Nogal. The exclusion of peccaries reduced seedling damage but did not affect the dynamics of fallen biomass. Conclusion: For the design, implementation, and evaluation of the effectiveness of biological corridors, it is crucial to consider plant-animal interactions to enhance the flow of ecological processes through functional and structural connectivity, analyzed from interactions such as those presented in this paper.

Resumen Introducción: Existe evidencia que herbívoros, como los saínos, dan forma a la estructura y diversidad de la vegetación a través del comportamiento de depredación, pisoteo, dispersión y enraizamiento. Objetivo: Evaluar el impacto de los saínos (Dycotiles tajacu) en la vegetación del sotobosque del bosque tropical húmedo en el Corredor Biológico Local Nogal-La Selva, Costa Rica, en un sitio con ausencia y en otro con presencia de saínos. Métodos: De junio a noviembre de 2021 se utilizaron 20 exclusiones experimentales y 20 parcelas de acceso libre de 2 m2, se cuantifico la herbivoría, número de láminas foliares, hojas dañadas, hojas sanas, altura de brinzales y biomasa caída en ambos sitios. Resultados: Se encontró una mayor densidad de brinzales en Reserva Nogal pero una menor diversidad, contrario en La Selva donde se encontró una mayor diversidad de brinzales, pero una menor densidad de plántulas. La herbivoría y la altura de brinzales en La Selva fue mayor que en Nogal. La exclusión de los saínos disminuyó el daño a las plántulas, pero no afectó la dinámica de la biomasa caída. Conclusión: Es necesario contemplar para el diseño, implementación y evaluación de la efectividad de corredores biológicos, las interacciones planta-animal, para potencializar el flujo de procesos ecológicos mediante la conectividad funcional y estructural, analizada a partir de interacciones como las presentadas en este trabajo.

Animals , Artiodactyla , Forests , Animal Distribution , Tropical Ecosystem , Costa Rica
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e250235, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339353


Abstract The Neotropical freshwater cladoceran Bergamina lineolata (Sars, 1901) was found in a small temporal pond in the Magdalena department. Hitherto, it has been reported in Brazil and El Salvador. It was originally described as Alonella lineolata by Sars, 1901 from Brazil and then placed to the genus Bergamina by Elmoor-Loureiro et al. (2013). This is the first record of this species in Colombia. B. lineolata can be identified by a unique combination of characters including: 1) a remarkably large and oblong postabdomen, with three denticles on distal corner; 2) basal spine of the claw very short, length less than the half claw diameter at base; 3) IDL with two setae shorter than ODL seta, armed with fine setules unilaterally in terminal half; 4) endite 1 of trunk limb I with a long smooth seta between endites 1 and 2.

Resumo O cladócero neotropical de água doce Bergamina lineolata (Sars, 1901) foi encontrado em uma pequena lagoa temporária no departamento de Magdalena, na Colômbia. Até o momento, havia sido relatado no Brasil e em El Salvador. Foi originalmente descrito como Alonella lineolata por Sars, 1901 no Brasil, e, em seguida, colocado no gênero Bergamina por Elmoor-Loureiro et al. (2013). Esse é o primeiro registro dessa espécie na Colômbia. B. lineolata pode ser identificada por uma combinação única de caracteres, incluindo: 1) um pós-abdômen notavelmente grande e oblongo, com três dentículos no ângulo distal; 2) espinho basal da garra muito curto, comprimento menor que o diâmetro da metade da garra na base; 3) IDL com duas cerdas mais curtas que cerdas ODL, armadas com sétulas finas unilateralmente na metade terminal; e 4) endito 1 do toracópodo I com uma longa cerda lisa entre os enditos 1 e 2.

Animals , Cladocera , Brazil , Colombia , Body Size , Animal Distribution
Guatemala; Universidad de San Carlos de Guatemala,;Dirección General de Investigación,;Programa Universitario de Investigación Interdiscilinaria en Salud;Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia,;Instituto de Investigación en Ciencia Animal y Ecosalud; 2023. 63 p. ilus 27 cm. (INF-2023-01).
Non-conventional in Spanish | DIGIUSAC, LILACS, LIGCSA | ID: biblio-1577585


Las garrapatas son ectoparásitos hematófagos obligados que actúan como vectores biológicos de diversos patógenos ya que parasitan aves, reptiles y mamíferos. Las enfermedades en las cuales actúan como vectores son la anaplasmosis, piroplasmosis, borreliosis, theileriosis y diversas enfermedades rickettsiales. La presencia de garrapatas es mediada por factores ambientales, geográficos y microclimáticos incluso es influenciada por la abundancia de hospedadores, además de ser estos considerados indicadores filogenéticos, ecológicos y biogeográficos de las especies que parasitan. El objetivo del estudio fue conocer la diversidad de especies de garrapatas exófilas en las principales ecorregiones de Guatemala, con la finalidad de determinar la abundancia y su distribución, así como su potencial vectorial ante agentes patógenos de interés veterinario y zoonótico. Se muestrearon cuatro áreas protegidas que representan las ecorregiones más extensas de Guatemala. Se realizaron tres repeticiones en cada sitio de muestreo utilizando la técnica del bandereo. Las garrapatas colectadas fueron colocadas en frascos con etanol al 90% para su preservación y posterior análisis microscópico. Se observaron las garrapatas colectadas utilizando un estero microscopio y claves morfológicas para su identificación. Los datos fueron resumidos utilizando tablas de frecuencia y estadística descriptiva. Las especies encontradas fueron Ixodes affinis en estadío adulto y larvas del género Rhipicephalus sp. El promedio del índice de abundancia para garrapatas adultas fue de 1.68 y para larvas de 33.51. Las especies encontradas en el presente estudio se consideran vectores de interés en medicina veterinaria. Sin embargo, el género Rhipicephalus sp. puede parasitar al humano y transmitir enfermedades Rickettsiales.

Ticks are obligate hematophagous ectoparasites that act as biological vectors of various pathogens since they parasitize birds, reptiles and mammals. The diseases in which they act as vectors are anaplasmosis, piroplasmosis, borreliosis, theileriosis and various rickettsial diseases. The presence of ticks is mediated by environmental, geographic and microclimatic factors and is even influenced by the abundance of hosts, in addition to these being considered phylogenetic, ecological and biogeographic indicators of the species they parasitize. The objective of the study wasto know the diversity of exophilic tick speciesin the main ecoregions of Guatemala, with the purpose of determining their abundance and distribution, as well as their vector potential against pathogenic agents of veterinary and zoonotic interest. Four protected areas that represent the largest ecoregions of Guatemala were sampled. Three repetitions were carried out at each sampling site using the flagging technique. The collected ticks were placed in jars with 90% ethanol for preservation and subsequent microscopic analysis. The collected ticks were observed using a stereomicroscope and morphological keys for identification. Data were summarized using frequency tables and descriptive statistics. The species found were Ixodes affinis in the adult stage and larvae of the genus Rhificephalus sp. The average abundance index for adult ticks was 1.68 and for larvae was 33.51. The species found in the present study are considered vectors of interest in veterinary medicine. However, the genus Rhipicephalus sp. It can parasitize humans and transmit Rickettsial diseases.

Animals , Male , Female , Arachnid Vectors/parasitology , Ixodes/parasitology , Rhipicephalus/parasitology , Ixodes/pathogenicity , Protected Areas , Rhipicephalus/pathogenicity , Animal Distribution , Vector Borne Diseases/veterinary , Guatemala
Neotrop. ichthyol ; 21(2): e230018, 2023. ilus, tab, mapas
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1434041


Trichomycterid catfishes have long been considered as absent in the Parnaíba River basin, Northeastern Brazil, in what constitutes their most conspicuous gap in geographic distribution. Herein we report on the first occurrence of the family in that basin. The new species is described from the riacho da Volta, right tributary to the upper rio Parnaíba, Piauí State. It is distinguished from its congeners by the combination of two or three pairs of ribs; 36­38 post Weberian vertebrae; a color pattern composed of round, similar-sized, non-coalescent spots; I,5 pectoral-fin rays; the first haemal arch on the 5th or 6th vertebrae; and the first completely fused (to the tip) haemal spine on the 15th vertebra. A putative autapomorphy is the partial (minimally 50% of their length) or total fusion between the anterior arms of the basipterygium. Preliminary evidence suggests that the new species can be related to northern South American forms, a pattern that fits the general Amazonian relationships of the fishes in the Parnaíba River drainage. Although the new species fills in an important qualitative gap in trichomycterid continental distribution, the taxon is apparently rare and extremely restricted in distribution, with the type series being its only record so far. The paucity of trichomycterids in the Parnaíba remains a puzzling biogeographical phenomenon.(AU)

Os bagres tricomicterídeos têm estado surpreendentemente ausentes na bacia do rio Parnaíba, Nordeste do Brasil, no que constitui sua lacuna mais evidente na distribuição. Relatamos a primeira ocorrência da família na bacia. A espécie nova é descrita do riacho da Volta, tributário do lado direito do alto rio Parnaíba em Uruçuí, Piauí. Ela é distinguida de suas congêneres pela combinação de dois ou três pares de costelas; 36­38 vértebras pós weberianas; padrão de coloração composto de manchas arredondas, de tamanhos semelhantes e não coalescentes; I,5 raios nas nadadeiras peitorais; o primeiro arco haemal na 5° ou 6° vértebra, e o primeiro espinho haemal completamente fusionado (até a extremidade) na 15° vértebra. Uma possível autapomorfia é a fusão parcial (mínimo de 50% do seu comprimento) ou total entre os braços anteriores do basiopterígio. Evidências preliminares sugerem que a espécie nova pode estar relacionada com as formas do norte da América do Sul, padrão que se encaixa nas relações amazônicas dos peixes da drenagem do rio Parnaíba. Embora a espécie nova preencha uma importante lacuna na distribuição continental dos tricomicterídeos, o táxon é aparentemente raro e extremamente restrito em distribuição, sendo a série-tipo seu único registro até o momento.(AU)

Animals , Catfishes , Animal Distribution , Brazil , Phylogeography
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387714


Resumen Introducción: El embalse Cerrón Grande de 135 km2 es el humedal más grande de El Salvador, reconocido como "Humedal de Importancia Internacional" por la Convención Ramsar. Además, es uno de los ecosistemas más contaminados a nivel nacional, enfrentando serios problemas, entre ellos, las proliferaciones de cianobacterias. Objetivo: Evaluar las relaciones entre los factores ambientales y la distribución espacial y temporal de las cianobacterias en el embalse a lo largo de un año hidrológico. Métodos: Extrajimos agua con cianobacterias de seis sitios fijos, desde octubre 2018 hasta septiembre 2019. Resultados: Identificamos 16 géneros, el más abundante Microcystis sp. Además, Dolichospermum sp.; Microcistis sp. alcanzaron 1.5 x 106 células/ml en junio 2019, principalmente en el sector noroeste, que es poco profundo y cercano a las zonas de confluencia de afluentes altamente contaminados que llegan al embalse. El sector sureste más profundo tenía bajas concentraciones de estos organismos. Los factores ambientales mayormente relacionados con dicho comportamiento fueron: fósforo, la conductividad eléctrica y el valor de Secchi, como se esperaba de un cuerpo eutrófico. Conclusiones: La variación en la concentración celular de cianobacterias en este embalse está altamente influenciada por la lluvia, la mezcla de agua y el contenido de nutrientes.

Abstract Introduction: The 135 km2 Cerrón Grande reservoir is the largest wetland in El Salvador, recognized as "Wetland of International Importance" by the Ramsar Convention. It is also one of the most polluted ecosystems nationwide, facing serious problems, among them, a proliferation of cyanobacteria. Objective: To assess the relationships among environmental factors and the spatial and temporary distribution of cyanobacteria in the reservoir throughout a hydrological year. Methods: We extracted water with cyanobacteria from six fixed sites, from October 2018 through September 2019. Results: We identified 16 genera, the most abundant Microcystis sp. And Dolichospermum sp.; Microcystis sp. reached 1.5 x 106 cells/ml in June 2019, mainly in the north-west sector, which is shallow and close to the confluence zones where highly polluted tributaries reach the reservoir. The deeper south-east sector had low concentrations of these organisms. The environmental factors mostly related to this behavior were: phosphorus, electrical conductivity and Secchi value, as expected from a eutrophic body. Conclusions: Variation in the cellular concentration of cyanobacteria in this reservoir is highly influenced by rain, water mixing and nutrient content.

Animals , Cyanobacteria/classification , Animal Distribution , Impoundments , Environmental Monitoring , El Salvador
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387721


Resumen Introducción: Spiraxidae es la familia de gasterópodos terrestres más diversa de México con una distribución principalmente neotropical. Sin embargo, la influencia de las condiciones ambientales de esta región en su distribución aún es poco conocida. Objetivo: Determinar las afinidades zoogeográficas y la influencia de factores ambientales en la distribución de Spiraxidae en México. Métodos: Compilamos registros de distribución de museos y usamos modelos para establecer áreas con composición de especies, concentración de especies, afinidades y relaciones con variables ambientales similares. Resultados: Encontramos 231 especies y subespecies, 96 en el estado de Veracruz y 74 en la Sierra Madre Oriental. La principal afinidad zoogeográfica fue neotropical. El bosque mesófilo de montaña tuvo la mayor cantidad de especies y subespecies (93). Tres de los grupos zonales tienen una composición particular de especies y el 67 % de las especies son especialistas de hábitat. La presencia de especies sigue un gradiente ambiental, con la cubierta de árboles de hoja perenne de hoja ancha y la precipitación media anual como variables determinantes. Las especies del norte tuvieron mayor tolerancia a la aridez y menor cobertura de hojas. Conclusiones: Spiraxidae tiene su mayor diversidad en los estados del Sur de México; sin embargo, la zona nororiental tiene más registros de especies. Estos caracoles se encuentran principalmente en bosques mesófilos de montaña y bosques tropicales siempre verdes. Las especies del norte de México tuvieron una mayor tolerancia a los sitios con poca lluvia y menos cobertura de árboles de hoja perenne de hoja ancha que las especies del sur.

Abstract Introduction: Spiraxidae is the most diverse family of terrestrial gastropods in Mexico with a mainly neotropical distribution. However, the influence of environmental conditions in this region on its distribution is still poorly known. Objective: To determine zoogeographic affinities and the influence of environmental factors on the distribution of Spiraxidae in Mexico. Methods: We compiled museum distribution records and used models to establish areas with similar species composition, species concentration, affinities and relationship with environmental variables. Results: We found 231 species and subspecies, 96 in Veracruz state and 74 in Sierra Madre Oriental. The main zoogeographic affinity was neotropical. Mountain mesophyll forest had the most species and subspecies (93). Three of zone groups have a particular species composition and 67 % of the species are habitat specialists. Species presence follows an environmental gradient, with broadleaf evergreen tree cover and average annual precipitation as determining variables. Northern species had greater tolerance to aridity and reduced leaf cover. Conclusions: Spiraxidae has its greatest diversity in the Southern states of Mexico; however, the Northeastern zone has more species records. These snails mostly occur in mesophyll mountain forest and tropical evergreen forest. Species from Northern Mexico had greater tolerance to sites with low rainfall and less broadleaf evergreen tree cover than Southern species.

Animals , Snails/classification , Animal Distribution , Mexico
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 31(3): e005722, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1394895


Abstract This paper investigated information on monogenean species using 312 scientific papers, to search for infection and geographic distribution patterns in native freshwater fish from Brazil. We used 1,698 samples of 296 fish species of 28 families distributed into Characiformes, Siluriformes, Cichliformes, Gymnotiformes, Perciformes, Mugiliformes, Osteoglossiformes and Clupeiformes, in addition to four hybrid fish. Among the hosts of the different orders and families, the greatest numbers of parasite-host associations were found for species of the families Serrasalmidae, Characidae, Loricariidae, Curimatidae and Anostomidae. The 578 species of monogeneans used in parasite-host interactions were distributed in 86 genera of six five families (Dactylogyridae, Gyrodactylidae, Diplectanidae, Microcotylidae, Ancylodiscoididae and Ancyrocephalidae), but with great predominance of Dactylogyridae species. There was variation in prevalence, intensity and abundance levels of monogeneans species among host fish species, as well as in infection sites that occurred predominantly in external organs. Positive correlations of prevalence, intensity and abundance with body length of hosts were observed. There was geographic distribution pattern of monogeneans limited mostly to two hydrographic basins those being the Amazon River and Paraná River. Just approximately 6% of potential monogeneans have been explored thus far, showing a clear need for further studies on this interesting group of parasites.

Resumo Este estudo investigou informações sobre espécies de monogenéticos, usando 312 artigos científicos para buscar padrões de infecção e distribuição geográfica em peixes nativos de água doce do Brasil. Foram utilizadas 1.698 amostras de 296 espécies de peixes de 28 famílias, distribuídas em Characiformes, Siluriformes, Cichliformes, Gymnotiformes, Perciformes, Mugiliformes, Osteoglossiformes e Clupeiformes, além de quatro peixes híbridos. Entre os hospedeiros das diferentes ordens e famílias, os maiores números de associações parasito-hospedeiro foram encontrados para espécies das famílias Serrasalmidae, Characidae, Loricariidae, Curimatidae e Anostomidae. As 578 espécies de monogenéticos, utilizadas nas interações parasito-hospedeiro, foram distribuídas em 86 gêneros de seis famílias (Dactylogyridae, Gyrodactylidae, Diplectanidae, Microcotylidae, Ancylodiscoididae e Ancyrocephalidae), mas com grande predominância de espécie de Dactylogyridae. Houve variação nos níveis de prevalência, intensidade e abundância das espécies de monogenéticos entre as espécies de peixes hospedeiros, bem como nos locais de infecção que ocorreram predominantemente em órgãos externos. Correlações positivas de prevalência, intensidade e abundância com o comprimento corporal dos hospedeiros foram observadas. Houve padrão de distribuição geográfica dos monogenéticos limitados principalmente a duas bacias hidrográficas, sendo elas o Rio Amazonas e Rio Paraná. Apenas aproximadamente 6% dos potenciais monogenéticos são conhecidos até agora, mostrando uma clara necessidade de mais estudos sobre esse interessante grupo de parasitos.

Animals , Platyhelminths/physiology , Animal Distribution/physiology , Fishes/parasitology , Fresh Water/parasitology , Host-Parasite Interactions/physiology , Platyhelminths/classification , Species Specificity , Trematode Infections/veterinary , Trematode Infections/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Prevalence , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Fish Diseases/epidemiology , Fishes/classification , Nematode Infections/veterinary , Nematode Infections/epidemiology
J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis ; J. venom. anim. toxins incl. trop. dis;28: e20220016, 2022. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1386127


A synopsis on the historical, geographical and ecological aspects related to the most conspicuous scorpion species of the genus Tityus known from Brazil is proposed. Tityus serrulatus Lutz & Mello, 1922 was described precisely one century ago, nevertheless many questions related to its ecological adaptations and geographical expansion remain without a precise response. This species, well known for its infamous reputation of noxious species, is also known for its capacity to reproduce asexually, by parthenogenesis. Although the individuals of a given population are considered clones, a new hypothesis could suggest the occurrence of mutations within isolated individuals, leading to distinct subpopulations that could present better phenotypic performances in ecological habitats distinct from those of the original area of distribution of the species.(AU)

Animals , Parthenogenesis/physiology , Scorpions/classification , Scorpions/genetics , Ecosystem , Animal Distribution , Biological Variation, Population
Braz. j. biol ; 82: 1-12, 2022. map, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468459


In Northern Tunisia, seasonal streams, called wadi, are characterized by extreme hydrological and thermal conditions. These freshwater systems have very particular features as a result of their strong irregularity of flow due to limited precipitation runoff regime, leading to strong seasonal hydrologic fluctuations. The current study focused on the spatio-temporal distribution of chironomids in 28 sampling sites spread across the Northern Tunisia. By emplying PERMANOVA, the results indicated a significant spatio-temporal variation along various environmental gradients. The main abiotic factors responsible for noted differences in the spatial distribution of chironomids in wadi were the conductivity and temperature, closely followed by altitude, pH, salinity, talweg slope and dissolved oxygen, identified as such by employing distance-based linear models' procedure. The Distance-based redundancy analysis ordination showed two main groups: the first clustered the Bizerte sites, which were characterized by high water conductivity, sodium concentration and salinity. The second main group comprised sites from the Tell zone and was characterized by low temperatures, neutral pH, low conductivity and nutrients content. The subfamily TANYPODIINAE (e.g., Prochladius sp., Prochladius choerus (Meigen, 1804) and Macropelopia sp.) was the dominant group at Tell zone, whereas species such as Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970) and Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838) were found only in Tell Wadis. In contrast, chironomid species such as Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838), Procladius choreus (Meigen, 1804) were specific for Tell Mountain. Cap Bon wadis region was dominated by genus Cladotanytarsus sp. The results of this survey liked the taxonomic composition of chironomid assemblages to the variation of hydromorphological and physic-chemical gradients across the northern Tunisia wadis.

No norte da Tunísia, riachos sazonais chamados wadi são caracterizados por condições hidrológicas e térmicas extremas. Esses sistemas de água doce têm características muito particulares como resultado de sua forte irregularidade de fluxo devido ao regime de escoamento de precipitação limitado, levando a fortes flutuações hidrológicas sazonais. O estudo atual enfocou a distribuição espaço-temporal dos quironomídeos em 28 locais de amostragem espalhados pelo norte da Tunísia. Ao aplicar PERMANOVA, os resultados indicaram uma variação espaço-temporal significativa ao longo de vários gradientes ambientais. Os principais fatores abióticos responsáveis pelas diferenças observadas na distribuição espacial dos quironomídeos no wadi foram a condutividade e a temperatura, seguidos de perto por altitude, pH, salinidade, declive do talvegue e oxigênio dissolvido, identificados como tais empregando o procedimento de modelos lineares baseados na distância. A ordenação da análise de redundância baseada em distância mostrou dois grupos principais: o primeiro agrupou os sítios Bizerte, que foram caracterizados por alta condutividade da água, concentração de sódio e salinidade. O segundo grupo principal compreendia locais da zona de Tell e era caracterizado por baixas temperaturas, pH neutro, baixa condutividade e conteúdo de nutrientes. A subfamília Tanypodiinae (por exemplo, Prochladius sp., Prochladius choerus [Meigen, 1804] e Macropelopia sp.) era o grupo dominante na zona de Tell, enquanto espécies como Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970) e Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838) foram encontradas apenas em Tell Wadis. Em contraste, espécies de quironomídeos, como Diamesa starmachi (Kownacki et Kownacha, 1970), Potthastia gaedii (Meigen, 1838), Procladius choreus (Meigen, 1804), eram específicas para Tell Mountain. A região de Cap Bon wadis [...].

Animals , Chironomidae/growth & development , Demography , Animal Distribution/classification , Temporal Distribution
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;69(2)jun. 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387638


Resumen Introducción: Anadara tuberculosa es un recurso pesquero y económico importante, propio de los ecosistemas de manglar en el Pacífico Orienta Tropical. Objetivo: El objetivo del estudio fue analizar la estructura de tallas, distribución y densidad de A. tuberculosa, en el Golfo de Montijo y Manglares de David, para evaluar el estado del recurso en los dos sistemas de manglar del Pacífico de Panamá. Métodos: Los datos corresponden a información histórica de tallas y densidad levantada entre el 2004 y 2020 para el Golfo de Montijo (GM), así como datos de tallas, densidades y distribución levantados en el 2016 de manera simultánea en 51 cuadrantes en GM y 56 cuadrantes en Manglares de David (MD), muestreados en temporada seca, transición, lluviosa y transición, donde además se registró la temperatura, la salinidad y el pH del agua del canal y del agua retenida en el manglar. En el 2016 se instalaron y muestrearon cuadrantes fijos para seguimiento de densidades, muestreo que se repitió en el 2019. En el 2019 se establecen transectos desde el borde del manglar con el canal principal, hasta límite con tierra firme y en cada transecto se instalaron tres cuadrantes, en los estratos inicial, medio y final. Resultados: Los ejemplares del Golfo de Montijo resultaron más grandes, pero la densidad resultó superior en Manglares de David. La comparación de tallas por periodo de muestreo en el 2016, dentro de cada localidad, resultó significativa solo para el Golfo de Montijo, donde las mayores tallas se presentaron en marzo y junio y las menores en octubre-diciembre. No se encontró asociación entre la temperatura, salinidad y pH, y la distribución del molusco. Para el Golfo de Montijo se encontró un descenso sostenido de las densidades desde 1.82 conchas/m2 en el 2004 hasta 0.6 conchas/m2 en el 2019, contrario a lo observado en la estructura de tallas, donde se observó predominio de las tallas superiores a los 50 mm de longitud total y un aumento de la talla promedio de captura de 52.62 mm en el 2004 a 59.28 mm en el 2020. Atendiendo a la distancia del canal principal, se determinó la presencia del molusco hasta poco más de dos kilómetros dentro del manglar y hasta más de 500 m del canal secundario más cercano, así como una disminución de la densidad y un aumento de la talla conforme nos acercamos a tierra firme. Conclusiones: Para A. tuberculosa, la combinación de una estructura de tallas sobre los 50 mm y de bajas densidades, indican que la población de concha negra en el Golfo de Montijo presenta un grado de deterioro, asociado a estresores pesqueros y ambientales.

Abstract Introduction: Anadara tuberculosa is an economically important fishery resource of mangrove ecosystems in the tropical Eastern Pacific. Objective: The objective of this study was to analyze the size structure, distribution, and density of A. tuberculosa, in the Gulf of Montijo (GM) and Mangroves of David (MD) in the Panamanian Pacific, to assess the state of the resource in Panama's two Pacific mangrove systems. Methods: We analyzed Gulf of Montijo historical clam size records and densities from 2004 and 2020. Hundred and seven 30 m2 permanent plots (51 from GOM and 56 from MOD) were set and sampled in 2016 at four time intervals (dry season, transition into rainy, rainy season and transition into dry season) to obtain clams sizes, densities and distributions. The plots were sampled again in 2019. Physical variables such as temperature (°C), salinity (PSU) and pH from the water retained in the mangrove channels were also recorded. Nine transects were installed and sampled in 2019. Three at the seaward edge of the mangrove fringe, three at the inshore edge, and three half-way between the first two. Three quadrats were sampled at the beginning, middle and end of each transect. Results: Gulf of Montijo A. tuberculosa were found to larger but at lower densities than those from Mangroves of David. At each site, size comparison by sampling period, were statistically significant only for GOM, where larger sizes were found in March and July and smaller sizes in October-December. There was no correlation between the distributions of A. tuberculosa and temperature, salinity and pH. A sustained decrease in A. tuberculosa densities was found for GOM (1.82 ind/m2 in 2004 to 0.6 ind/m2 in 2019). This contrast with the predominantly larger clam sizes above 50 mm in total length and an increase in mean size of collected individuals (52.62 mm in 2004 to 59.28 mm in 2020). Specimens of A. tuberculosa were found up to slightly more than 2 km inshore from the main channel and within slightly more than 500 m from a secondary channel. Clam densities decreased and sizes increased in a seaward-inshore direction. Conclusions: For A. tuberculosa, the combination of size classes larger than 50 mm and low densities of individuals is evidence of population deterioration associated to fishery and environmental stressors.

Animals , Bivalvia , Animal Distribution , Panama
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(3): 693-702, May-June 2021. tab, graf, mapas
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278362


The objective of this study was to evaluate the spatial distribution of purebred Bos taurus taurus bovine breeds raised in Brazil in association with climatic, physical and socioeconomic variables. The breeds Aberdeen Angus, Ayrshire, Braford, Brangus, Charolais, Devon, Flemish, Hereford, Pinzgauer, Shorthorn and Simental were classified according to their aptitude (milk, meat or dual-purpose). They were spatialized according to their aptitude using state and municipal information. The milk breeds were found in the states of Rio Grande do Sul and Santa Catarina, while the dual-purpose breeds were found in Minas Gerais and Rio Grande do Sul states and the beef breeds were concentrated in the southern region. Only the Aberdeen Angus meat breed showed higher dispersion in other regions. Meat and dual-purpose breeds tended to be raised in regions with lower maximum temperature, average temperature, thermal amplitude and temperature-humidity index. Dual-purpose breeds were found in municipalities with high humidity and altitude, but with a low gross domestic product, little technical guidance received from cooperatives and the government, low control of diseases and parasites, as well as low use of pasture rotation systems. The spatial distribution of Brazilian bovine taurine breeds, regardless of aptitude, was related to climatic, physical and socioeconomic factors.(AU)

O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a distribuição espacial de raças bovinas puras Bos taurus taurus criadas no Brasil, associadas a variáveis climáticas, físicas e socioeconômicas. As raças Aberdeen Angus, Ayrshire, Braford, Brangus, Charolês, Devon, Flamenga, Hereford, Pinzgauer, Shorthorn e Simental foram classificadas de acordo com sua aptidão (leite, carne ou duplo-propósito). Elas foram espacializadas de acordo com sua aptidão a partir de informações estaduais e municipais. As raças leiteiras foram encontradas nos estados do Rio Grande do Sul e de Santa Catarina, enquanto as raças de duplo-propósito foram encontradas nos estados de Minas Gerais e Rio Grande do Sul, e as raças de carne concentraram-se na região Sul. Apenas a raça de carne Aberdeen Angus apresentou maior dispersão nas demais regiões. As raças de carne e de duplo-propósito tendem a ser criadas em regiões com menores temperatura máxima, temperatura média, amplitude térmica e índice de temperatura e umidade. As raças de duplo-propósito foram encontradas em municípios com alta umidade e altitude, mas com baixo produto interno bruto, pouca orientação técnica recebida de cooperativas e do governo, baixo controle de doenças e de parasitas e baixo uso de sistema de rotação de pastagens. A distribuição espacial das raças taurinas bovinas brasileiras, independentemente da aptidão, foi relacionada a fatores climáticos, físicos e socioeconômicos.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Adaptation, Biological , Socioeconomic Survey , Climate , Animal Distribution , Animal Husbandry/methods , Brazil
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 42-47, jan./mar. 2021. map, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1491699


Os animais sinantrópicos, dentre eles os pombos, constituem uma fonte de incômodo e problemas de saúde pública no meio urbano. Encontram-se dispersos por todo o território brasileiro. Devido a sua domesticação e distribuição no ambiente, os pombos-domésticos (Columba livia) levam a queixas por nidificações, infestação por ácaros e notificações de doenças humanas. Diante disto, foi efetuado levantamento documental dos registros de reclamações feitas pela população à Diretoria de Vigilância Ambiental (DIVAL) do Distrito Federal, no período de 2014 a 2016, com o objetivo de mapear as áreas com vulnerabilidade e propor soluções para reduzir a presença desses animais sinantrópicos e a incidência de agravos. Alimento, abrigo e água são elementos essenciais para a aproximação e permanência com o homem. A distribuição das reclamações apresenta expansão principalmente na zona urbana, e outras onde nunca houve notificação, sendo que o número de notificações para estabelecimentos privados se mostrou maior que para públicos. O controle populacional desses animais é complexo e os serviços de controle encontram dificuldades em suas atividades.

Synanthropic animals, including pigeons, are a source of nuisance and public health problems in the urban environment. Dispersedthroughout the Brazilian territory due to their domestication and distribution, domestic pigeons (Columba livia) of the Columbiformes class lead to complaints of mite infestation, nesting and notification of human diseases. In view of this, a documentary survey of the records of complaints made by the population to the Environmental Surveillance Directorate (DIVAL) of the Federal District was carried out, in the period from 2014 to 2016, in order to map the vulnerable areas and propose solutions to reduce the presence of these synanthropic animals and the incidence of injuries. The distribution of complaints is expanding mainly in the urban area, and others where there was never any notification, with the number of notifications for private establishments being higher than for public ones.The population control of these animals is complex and the control services face difficulties in their activities.

Animals , Columbidae/growth & development , Animal Distribution , Ecology , Veterinary Public Health
Rev. bras. ciênc. vet ; 28(1): 42-47, jan./mar. 2021. il.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1368591


Os animais sinantrópicos, dentre eles os pombos, constituem uma fonte de incômodo e problemas de saúde pública no meio urbano. Encontram-se dispersos por todo o território brasileiro. Devido a sua domesticação e distribuição no ambiente, os pombos-domésticos (Columba livia) levam a queixas por nidificações, infestação por ácaros e notificações de doenças humanas. Diante disto, foi efetuado levantamento documental dos registros de reclamações feitas pela população à Diretoria de Vigilância Ambiental (DIVAL) do Distrito Federal, no período de 2014 a 2016, com o objetivo de mapear as áreas com vulnerabilidade e propor soluções para reduzir a presença desses animais sinantrópicos e a incidência de agravos. Alimento, abrigo e água são elementos essenciais para a aproximação e permanência com o homem. A distribuição das reclamações apresenta expansão principalmente na zona urbana, e outras onde nunca houve notificação, sendo que o número de notificações para estabelecimentos privados se mostrou maior que para públicos. O controle populacional desses animais é complexo e os serviços de controle encontram dificuldades em suas atividades.

Synanthropic animals, including pigeons, are a source of nuisance and public health problems in the urban environment. Dispersedthroughout the Brazilian territory due to their domestication and distribution, domestic pigeons (Columba livia) of the Columbiformes class lead to complaints of mite infestation, nesting and notification of human diseases. In view of this, a documentary survey of the records of complaints made by the population to the Environmental Surveillance Directorate (DIVAL) of the Federal District was carried out, in the period from 2014 to 2016, in order to map the vulnerable areas and propose solutions to reduce the presence of these synanthropic animals and the incidence of injuries. The distribution of complaints is expanding mainly in the urban area, and others where there was never any notification, with the number of notifications for private establishments being higher than for public ones.The population control of these animals is complex and the control services face difficulties in their activities.

Animals , Columbidae , Population Control/methods , Veterinary Public Health , Data Collection/statistics & numerical data , Environmental Health Surveillance , Animal Distribution
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(supl 2)set. 2020.
Article in Spanish | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1507610


Introducción: El tiburón punta blanca (Triaenodon obesus) es una especie de arrecife de aguas tropicales, no migratoria, que ha demostrado no tener una alta conectividad costera, como la observada para otras especies de tiburón, sin embargo posee la distribución más amplia de todas las demás especies de tiburón de arrecife del Indo-Pacífico. T. obesus, es una de las especies de tiburón más comunes en el Parque Nacional Isla del Coco (PNIC), y no presenta una estacionalidad marcada. En las bahías localizadas en el norte del PNIC, Bahía Chatham y Bahía Wafer, reside una saludable población del tiburón punta blanca de arrecife. A pesar de ser una especie abundante en las bahías Chatham y Wafer del PNIC, la información sobre su residencia resulta escaza. Objetivo: Conocer sobre el uso de hábitat y los movimientos del tiburón punta blanca de arrecife mejorará su manejo en el PNIC y en otros lugares del Pacífico Tropical Oriental. Para esto se realizó un estudio preliminar sobre la residencia en las bahías Chatham y Wafer del PNIC, utilizando telemetría acústica. Métodos: Se realizó una expedición de marcaje de tiburones al Parque Nacional Isla del Coco entre el 25 de noviembre al 5 de diciembre del 2014. Durante esta expedición se realizaron 2 giras nocturnas entre las 18:00 y las 22:00 a Bahía Chatham y Bahía Wafer y se marcaron 8 individuos de T. obesus con telemetría acústica y se instalaron dos receptores, uno en cada bahía. Resultados: Entre noviembre 2014 y diciembre 2015 los tiburones punta blanca marcados fueron detectados por los receptores instalados en las bahías en un total de 278 706 ocasiones. Los tiburones T. obesus marcados permanecieron largos periodos en las bahías Chatham y Wafer, El índice de Residencia (IR) medio de los T. obesus marcados fue de 0.97±0,03, reportando una tendencia en la baja del número total de detecciones durante las horas nocturnas. Los tiburones punta blanca de arrecife mostraron una alta fidelidad al sitio de marcaje, que se ve reflejado en los elevados índices de residencia reportados, particularmente altos en comparación con otras especies de tiburón de arrecife. Las detecciones de los tiburones en las bahías tienden a disminuir a partir de las 18:00 horas, cuando el tiburón punta blanca se vuelve activo para cazar en el arrecife. Conclusiones: En conclusión, los tiburones punta blanca poseen una alta residencia y fidelidad, lo cual confirma su bajo rango de hogar. El Área Marina Protegida de la Isla del Coco probablemente brinda una protección efectiva a la población del tiburón punta blanca de la pesca ilegal.

Introduction: The whitetip reef shark (Triaenodon obesus) is a non-migratory tropical reef species that has shown no high coastal connectivity, as observed for other shark species. At the same time, has the widest distribution of all Indo-Pacific reef shark species. Triaenodon obesus is one of the most common shark species at Isla del Coco National Park (PNIC) and it is present year-round. In the bays located in the north of the PNIC, Chatham Bay and Wafer Bay, there is a large population of whitetip reef sharks. Despite that, information about its residency is scarce. Objective: The aim of this initiative is to study the hábitat use and the movements of the whitetip reef sharks, in order to improve the management of its population at the Isla del Coco National Park and other áreas of Eastern Tropical Pacific. A preliminary study on the residency in the Chatham and Wafer bays of the PNIC was conducted, using acoustic telemetry. Methods: A shark tagging expedition was made to Isla del Coco National Park from November 25 to December 5, 2014. During this expedition, two night trips were made between 6:00 pm and 10:00 pm at Chatham Bay and Wafer Bay. Results: A total of 8 individuals of T. obesus were fitted with acoustic tags and two receivers were installed, one in each bay. Sharks were monitored between November 2014 and December 2015, the sharks were detected on 278 706 occasions. The sharks remained long periods in the Chatham and Wafer bays. Their average Residency Index (IR) was 0.97 ± 0.03, reporting less number of detections during the night hours. Detections of sharks in the bays tend to diminish after 18:00, when the whitetip shark becomes active to hunt on the reef. Conclusions: In conclusion, white tip sharks have a high residence and fidelity, which confirms their low home range. The Protected Marine Area of Isla del Coco probably provides effective protection to the white tip shark population for the illegal fisheries.

Animals , Sharks , Animal Distribution , Oceans and Seas , Costa Rica
Acta amaz ; Acta amaz;50(3): 252-255, jul. - set. 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1118849


The rare Amazonian snake Eutrachelophis papilio is known from only five individuals, from four localities, belonging to its type-series, the more recent collected over 10 years ago. Here, we expand its distribution and describe its color in life for the first time. We also provide an estimate of its distribution area using the minimum convex polygon method and identify the values of anthropic pressure within its known distribution range with the Human Footprint Index. The new occurrence is located 291 km from the nearest known locality and its distribution is associated with pristine forests. Considering its rarity, and the absence of demographic and biological data, we suggest that the species should be classified as Data Deficient by IUCN criteria. (AU)

Snakes , Forests , Animal Distribution
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;68(4)2020.
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1507737


Introduction: The Black-headed Bushmaster (Lachesis melanocephala) is a large venomous snake that inhabits tropical moist forest, wet forest, montane and premontane wet forest in Southwestern Costa Rica and extreme Western Panama. Objective: We assign a neotype for the species due to the loss of the original holotype and update the information on its geographical distribution, natural history, and conservation status. Methods: To determine the conservation status of L. melanocephala, we modeled its potential distribution using the species` locality records and distribution modeling analysis implemented in MaxEnt. Based on the species' potential distribution, we evaluate the loss of its original habitat and estimate the percentage of its distribution area that is currently protected by the country's protected area system. Results: The potential distribution of the species was estimated at 10 139 km2, including areas where the species currently occurs and historical areas where the species has been registered but is nowadays considered locally extinct. About 29 % of that potential distribution overlaps with protected wild areas, so less than a third of the potential distribution of the species is under protection. Conclusions: During the last decade, accelerated habitat loss and growing evidence of declining natural populations indicate the need for urgent protective measures to prevent the extinction of this species in the foreseeable future.

Introducción: La serpiente Plato Negro (Lachesis melanocephala) es una especie venenosa de gran tamaño, endémica de los bosques lluviosos del Pacífico sur y suroeste de Costa Rica y el extremo oeste de Panamá. Objetivo: Se asigna un neotipo para la especie debido a la pérdida del holotipo original y se presentan datos actualizados de su distribución geográfica, historia natural y estado de conservación. Métodos: Para determinar el estado de conservación de L. melanocephala, reconstruimos su distribución potencial utilizando los registros de localidad de la especie y el análisis de modelado de distribución implementado en MaxEnt. En función de la distribución potencial de la especie, evaluamos la pérdida de su hábitat original y calculamos el porcentaje de su área de distribución que actualmente está protegida por el sistema de áreas protegidas del país. Resultados: La distribución potencial de la especie se estimó en 10 139 km2, incluyendo áreas donde la especie se encuentra actualmente y áreas históricas donde la especie se ha registrado, pero se considera localmente extinta. Cerca del 29 % de esa distribución potencial se traslapa con áreas silvestres protegidas, por lo que menos de una tercera parte de la distribución potencial de la especie está bajo protección. Conclusiones: La degradación acelerada de su hábitat y la disminución evidente de sus poblaciones durante la última década señalan la necesidad de tomar medidas urgentes de protección para evitar el riesgo de extinción a corto plazo o mediano plazo.

Animals , Crotalinae/anatomy & histology , Costa Rica , Animal Distribution
Mem. Inst. Oswaldo Cruz ; 115: e190390, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056771


The mosquito Culex pipiens s.s. L. occurs as two bioforms that differ in physiology and behaviour affecting virus transmission cycles. To assess the occurrence of Cx. pipiens bioforms in the southernmost limit of its distribution, specimens were collected aboveground in southern Buenos Aires Province and east Patagonia, Argentina. Ten larvae and 25 adults were individually processed and identified by polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplification of Ace-2 and CQ11 loci. Culex quinquefasciatus Say (one larva, two adults), Cx. pipiens f. molestus (one larva, one adult) and one adult of hybrid origin were identified in Buenos Aires Province; only Cx. pipiens f. molestus was recorded in Patagonia (eight larvae, 21 adults). The potential absence of bioform pipiens and its implications in arbovirus enzootic cycles is discussed.

Animals , Culex/physiology , Mosquito Vectors/physiology , Argentina , Seasons , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Culex/genetics , Culex/virology , Encephalitis, St. Louis/transmission , Animal Distribution , Mosquito Vectors/genetics , Mosquito Vectors/virology
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(4): e020420, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144231


Abstract This study aimed to report the first record of the occurrence of the parasite Livoneca guianensis in Leporinus fasciatus in Brazil. In September 2019, during surveys of the parasites in 12 specimens of L. fasciatus from the lower Jari River basin, in Amapá State, Brazil, one specimen of L. guianensis was found in the tongue of one host. The prevalence of L. guianensis was 8.3%, and it was observed that this parasite has a geographic distribution restricted to South America, parasitizing fish species from Guyana and Brazil. This study contributed to the first report on the occurrence of L. guianensis for L. fasciatus in Brazil. In addition, increased the knowledge on the geographic distribution of this parasite with morphometric data, which are scarce for this Cymothoidae.

Resumo Este estudo objetivou registrar a primeira ocorrência de Livoneca guianensis em Leporinus fasciatus no Brasil. Em setembro de 2019, durante uma pesquisa sobre parasitos em 12 espécimes de L. fasciatus do baixo Rio Jari, Estado do Amapá, norte do Brasil, um espécime de L. guianensis foi encontrado na língua de um hospedeiro. A prevalência de L. guianensis foi de 8,3% e foi observado que esse parasito tem distribuição geográfica restrita à América do Sul, parasitando espécies de peixes da Guiana e do Brasil. Este estudo contribuiu com o primeiro relato da ocorrência de L. guianensis para L. fasciatus no Brasil. Além disso, aumentou o conhecimento sobre a distribuição geográfica desse parasito, contribuindo com dados morfométricos que são escassos para esse Cymothoidae.

Animals , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/parasitology , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/epidemiology , Isopoda/anatomy & histology , Isopoda/classification , Characiformes/parasitology , Species Specificity , Brazil/epidemiology , Rivers , Host Specificity , Animal Distribution
Rev. bras. parasitol. vet ; 29(4): e017920, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144234


Abstract Most freshwater species of Cymothoidae are distributed in South America. They have mainly been recorded in the eastern and western regions of the Amazon River basin. However, in this ecosystem, the biodiversity of this group may be greater if the entire Amazon basin is considered. In this regard, the aim of the present study was to provide an updated list of isopod species of the family Cymothoidae that are found in fish in the Brazilian Amazon region and to report on new fish host occurrences and expanded geographical distributions for cymothoid isopods that parasitize fish in the southwestern Brazilian Amazon region. The parasites found in fish specimens were collected, fixed and identified later. We found eight species of Cymothoidae parasitizing different host fish species in the southwestern Amazon region. However, we found 14 species of Cymothoidae throughout the Brazilian Amazon region. Three additional species are thus reported here, which increases the number of species of Cymothoidae in this region to 17. These additional species are also new records for Brazil. Therefore, this study has contribute to expand the knowledge about the distribution and diversity of Cymothoidae in the Amazon basin.

Resumo A maioria das espécies de água doce de Cymothoidae está distribuída na Sul e foi registrada principalmente nas regiões Leste e Oeste da bacia do Rio Amazonas. Entretanto, nesse ecossistema, a biodiversidade desse grupo pode ser maior se toda a bacia amazônica for considerada. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente estudo foi fornecer uma lista atualizada de espécies de isópodes da família Cymothoidae que são encontrados em peixes na Região Amazônica brasileira e relatar novas ocorrências de peixes hospedeiros, ampliando as distribuições geográficas para isópodes cimotoides que parasitam peixes na região Sudoeste da Amazônia brasileira. Os parasitos encontrados em espécimes de peixes coletados foram analisados e posteriormente identificados. Foram encontradas oito espécies de Cymothoidae parasitando diferentes espécies de peixes hospedeiros na região Sudoeste da Amazônia. No entanto, foram encontradas 14 espécies de Cymothoidae em toda a Região Amazônica brasileira. Três novos relatos de espécies foram observados, o que aumenta o número de espécies de Cymothoidae nessa região para 17. Essas espécies relatadas, também são novos registros para o Brasil. Portanto, este estudo ajudou a expandir o conhecimento sobre a distribuição e diversidade de Cymothoidae na bacia amazônica.

Animals , Isopoda/classification , Biodiversity , Ectoparasitic Infestations/parasitology , Ectoparasitic Infestations/veterinary , Fish Diseases/parasitology , Fishes/parasitology , Brazil , Rivers , Host Specificity , Animal Distribution
Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop ; Rev. Soc. Bras. Med. Trop;53: e20190504, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1101440


Abstract INTRODUCTION: The study of the landscape ecology, biological microhabitat, and epidemiological implications for the distribution of the main vectors Aedes aegypti and Aedes albopictus contribute to the prevention and control actions regarding the diseases they transmit. METHODS: This study sought to assess data on positive properties of the vector control program activities from 1998 to 2010. An entomological survey was also carried out on a sample of buildings collecting larvae and pupae from containers between October and April (spring / summer) from 2002 to 2005. We assessed the physico-chemical data of the water in 20% of positive containers. The vegetation and urbanization were assessed with the aid of satellite images and microenvironments were classified as urbanized, woods, and shrubs. The data were analyzed using statistical and geoprocessing software. RESULTS: Ae. aegypti and Ae. albopictus colonized all types of microhabitats and microenvironments, predominantly in the urbanized area, in isolation and in coexistence. The microhabitat of Ae. aegypti showed a temperature gradient greater than that of Ae. albopictus, and there was an association with urbanized areas for the first species and wooded areas for the last species. CONCLUSIONS: Landscape ecology and intra-urban differences favor different microclimates, which contribute to the coexistence of species in the urban environment in an area close to the forest, raising the risk of other arbovirus infections in urban areas. The ecological niche should be considered for Ae. albopictus. Entomological and virologic monitoring are suggested as arbovirus surveillance actions in urban infested centers near preserved forests.

Animals , Ecosystem , Aedes/physiology , Mosquito Vectors/physiology , Arbovirus Infections/transmission , Seasons , Urban Population , Brazil , Population Density , Aedes/classification , Spatial Analysis , Animal Distribution , Mosquito Vectors/classification