The effects of agricultural practices on greenhouse gases emissions (e.g. CO2) at the soil-atmosphere interface have been highlighted worldwide. The use of ground limestone has been considered as the main responsible for CO2 emission from soils. However, liming is need as conditioner of acidic soils and the CO2 emission can be compensated due to carbon sequestration by plants. This study simulated under laboratory conditions the effects of two common agricultural practices in Brazil (P-fertilization and liming) on soil CO2 emission. Columns made of PVC tubes containing 1 kg of a typical Dystrophic Red Latosol from Cerrado region were incubated with CaCO3 (simulating liming), CaSiO3 (simulating slag), and different doses of KH2PO4 (simulating P-fertilization). The soil columns were moistened to reach the field capacity (0.30 cm3cm-3) and, during 36 days, CO2 emissions at the soil surface were measured using a portable Licor LI-8100 analyzer coupled to a dynamic chamber. The results showed that CO2 emission was influenced by phosphate, carbonate, and silicate anions. When using CaSiO3, accumulated CO2 emission (36-day period) was 20% lower if compared to the use of CaCO3. The same amount of phosphate and liming (Ca-carbonate or Ca-silicate) added to the soil provided the same amount of CO2 emission. At the same P dose, as Si increased the CO2emission increased. The highest CO2 emission was observed when the soil was amended with the highest phosphate and silicate doses. Based on this experiment, we could oppose the claim that the use of limestone is a major villain for CO2 emission. Also, we have shown that other practices, such as fertilization using P + CaSiO3, contributed to a higher CO2 emission. Indeed, it is important to emphasize that the best practices of soil fertility management will undoubtedly contribute to the growth of crops and carbon sequestration.
Os efeitos das práticas agrícolas nas emissões de gases de efeito estufa (e.g., CO2) na interface solo-atmosfera têm sido destacados em todo o mundo. O uso de calcário tem sido considerado oprincipal responsável pela emissão de CO2 em solos. Entretanto, a calagem é necessária como condicionador de solos ácidos e a emissão de CO2 pode ser compensada devido ao sequestro de carbono pelas plantas. Este estudo simulou, em condições de laboratório, os efeitos de duas práticas agrícolas comuns no Brasil (adubação fosfatada e calagem) na emissão de CO2 do solo. Colunas de tubos de PVC, contendo 1 kg de amostra de um Latossolo Vermelho Distrófico típico da região de Cerrado, foram incubadas com CaCO3 (simulando calagem), CaSiO3 (simulando escória) e diferentes doses de KH2PO4 (simulando fertilização com P). As colunas de soloforam umedecidas para atingir a capacidade de campo (0,30 cm3 cm-3) e, durante 36 dias, as emissões de CO2na superfície do solo foram medidas usando um analisador portátil Licor LI-8100 acoplado a uma câmara dinâmica. Os resultados mostraram que a emissão de CO2 foi influenciada pelos ânions fosfato, carbonato esilicato. Ao usar CaSiO3, a emissão de CO2 acumulada (período de 36 dias) foi 20% menor se comparado ao uso de CaCO3. A mesma quantidade de fosfato e calcário (Ca-carbonato ou Ca-silicato) adicionado ao solo proporcionou a mesma quantidade de emissão de CO2. Na mesma dose de P, o Si aumentou a emissão de CO2. A maior emissão de CO2 foi observada quando o solo foi alterado com as maiores doses de fosfato e silicato. Com base neste experimento, nega-se que o uso de calcário em solos é um grande vilão para a emissão de CO2. Além disso, foi mostrado que outras práticas, como a fertilização usando P + CaSiO3, contribuíram para uma maior emissão de CO2. Assim, é importante enfatizar que práticas adequadas de manejo da fertilidade do solo, sem dúvida, contribuirão para o crescimento das culturas e o sequestro de carbono.
Soil Acidity , Agricultural Zones , Greenhouse Gases , Phosphates , Carbonates , Silicates , AnionsABSTRACT
The calcium phosphate coating on various pretreated metals was prepared by soaking in modified simulated body fluid (m-SBF) solution. The coating structure and its surface morphologies were determined by x-ray diffraction, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy, and scanning electron microscopy. The results revealed significant differences in morphology and composition of the calcium phosphate coatings with and without chitosan and NaOH-pretreated commercially pure titanium (cp-Ti) substrate. The calcium phosphates formed on chitosan coated-Ti pretreated with NaOH were ~ 350 nm-sized resulting in strong bonding of the apatite layer with the substrates and a uniform gradient of stress transfer from coating materials to the Ti-substrate. After NaOH pretreatment, the hydroxyl groups bind to Ca²⁺ to attract PO₄³⁻ anions, eventually resulting in a continuous layer of calcium phosphate on chitosan coated-Ti substrate during immersion in m-SBF solution. The chitosan coated-Ti showed hydrophobic surface while NaOH pretreatment resulted in maximum hydrophilicity to the Ti substrate. Due to improved wettability of Ti by NaOH pretreatment before chitosan coating, aggregation of calcium phosphate was prevented and size-controlled composite materials were obtained.
Anions , Body Fluids , Calcium Phosphates , Calcium , Chitosan , Clothing , Hydrophobic and Hydrophilic Interactions , Immersion , Metals , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Titanium , Wettability , X-Ray DiffractionABSTRACT
Aluminum (Al) is the most abundant metal element in the earth's crust. On acid soils, at pH 5.5 or lower, part of insoluble Al-containing minerals become solubilized into soil solution, with resultant highly toxic effects on plant growth and development. Nevertheless, some plants have developed Al-tolerance mechanisms that enable them to counteract this Al toxicity. One such well-documented mechanism is the Al-induced secretion of organic acid anions, including citrate, malate, and oxalate, from plant roots. Once secreted, these anions chelate external Al ions, thus protecting the secreting plant from Al toxicity. Genes encoding the citrate and malate transporters responsible for secretion have been identified and characterized, and accumulating evidence indicates that regulation of the expression of these transporter genes is critical for plant Al tolerance. In this review, we outline the recent history of research into plant Al-tolerance mechanisms, with special emphasis on the physiology of Al-induced secretion of organic acid anions from plant roots. In particular, we summarize the identification of genes encoding organic acid transporters and review current understanding of genes regulating organic acid secretion. We also discuss the possible signaling pathways regulating the expression of organic acid transporter genes.
Aluminum , Toxicity , Anions , Biological Transport , Citric Acid , Metabolism , Malates , Metabolism , Oxalic Acid , Metabolism , Plant Roots , Metabolism , Signal Transduction , PhysiologyABSTRACT
The aim of the present study was to establish a cell model of volume-regulated anion channel subunit LRRC8A and investigate the physiological characteristics of LRRC8A. The eukaryotic expression vectors of LRRC8A and YFP-H148Q/I152L were constructed and transfected into Fischer rat thyroid (FRT) cells by Lipofectamine 2000. The FRT cell lines co-expressing LRRC8A and YFP-H148Q/I152L were obtained by antibiotic screening. The expression of LRRC8A and YFP-H148Q/I152L in FRT cells was detected by the inverted fluorescence microscope. The fluorescence quenching kinetic experiment was done to verify the function and effectiveness of the cell model. Then the cell model was utilized to study the physiological characteristics of LRRC8A, such as the characteristics of anion transport, the opening of LRRC8A by osmotic pressure, the effect of anion transport velocity, and the effect of chloride channel inhibitors on LRRC8A anion channel. The results of the inverted fluorescence microscope showed that LRRC8A was expressed on the cell membrane and YFP-H148Q/I152L was expressed in the cytoplasm. The results of fluorescence quenching kinetic test showed that under the condition of low osmotic state, LRRC8A could transport some kinds of anions, such as iodine and chloride ions. Osmotic pressure played a key role in the regulation of LRRC8A volume-regulated anion channel opening. Chloride channel inhibitors inhibited ion transport of LRRC8A channel in a dose-dependent manner. It is suggested that LRRC8A has the characteristics of classic volume-regulated anion channels by using the cell model of FRT cells co-expressing LRRC8A and YFP-H148Q/I152L.
Animals , Rats , Anions , Cells, Cultured , Chloride Channels , Ion Transport , Membrane Proteins , Physiology , Microscopy, Fluorescence , Rats, Inbred F344 , Thyroid Gland , Cell Biology , TransfectionABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Asociar la ingesta de flavonoides y carotenoides con el nivel en leche materna del anión superóxido, como marcador de estrés oxidativo. Material y métodos: Durante el periodo 2013-2015 se estudió a 100 mujeres lactantes de Córdoba (Argentina), dentro los primeros seis meses posparto; se evaluaron sus datos sanitarios, ingesta alimentaria y nivel lácteo del anión con regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: La ingesta de flavonoides, carotenoides provitamínicos y carotenoides no provitaminas fue de 72 (61) mg/día, 1 813 (1657) µg/día y 5 427 (3664) µg/día, respectivamente. El anión se asoció con la ingesta de flavanoles (RM=1.081; IC95 1.001-1.167) y flavanonas (RM=1.025; IC95 1.001-1.048). No se observó este efecto con otros flavonoides ni con los carotenoides. Conclusiones: La ingesta de flavanoles y flavanonas aumenta el riesgo de oxidación láctea, lo cual es relevante para realizar recomendaciones dietéticas.
Abstract: Objective: To associate the intake of flavonoids and carotenoids with the breast milk level of superoxide anion, as an oxidative stress marker. Materials and methods: 100 women from Cordoba (Argentina), who breastfed within the first postpartum 6 months, were studied during the 2013-2015 period, by evaluating their sanitary data, food intake and anion level in milk with multiple logistic regression. Results: The intake of flavonoids, provitamin A carotenoids and non-provitamin carotenoids was 72 (61) mg/d, 1813 (1 657) µg/d y 5427 (3 664) µg/d, respectively. The anion was associated with the intake of flavanols (OR=1.081; CI95 1.001-1.167) y flavanones (OR=1.025; CI95 1.001-1.048). This effect was not seen with other flavonoids and carotenoids. Conclusions: Intake of flavanols and flavanones increases milk oxidation risk, which is relevant to develop diet recommendations.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Flavonoids/analysis , Carotenoids/analysis , Superoxides/analysis , Milk, Human/chemistry , Argentina , Breast Feeding , Cross-Sectional Studies , Oxidative Stress , Flavanones/analysis , Anions/analysisABSTRACT
Oxidative stress and glycation processes have a combined effect on diabetes related complications. Crude plant extracts and plant derived compounds possessing both antiglycation and antioxidant activities have a high therapeutic potential for treating these complications. Antioxidant, antiglycation, anti-lipid per oxidation and cytotoxic activities of crude methanol extract and solvent fractions of Hypericum androsaemum L. [Hypericaceae] were evaluated and correlated with total content of phenolics and flavonoids. Significant radical scavenging activity was observed for the methanol extract against 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl [DPPH] free radical used as a basis for antioxidant activity with IC50 value of 92.70 +/- 2.85 micro gmL-1 [96.20 +/- 2.34% inhibition at 500 micro gmL-1]. In case of anion scavenging activity the results were not very significant [33.20 +/- 1.22% inhibition at 500 micro gmL-1]. Anti-lipid per oxidation activity was highest for n-hexane fraction [67.83 +/- 1.33% inhibition at 500 micro gmL-1] while the ethyl acetate fraction had the highest antiglycation activity [62.77 +/- 2.54% inhibition at 500 micro gmL-1]. Statistically significant correlation was determined for antioxidant and antiglycation activity and phenolic and flavonoid contents. In cytotoxicity assay all the extracts had IC50 values >30 microg mL-1 as compared to the standard cycloheximide [IC50 value 0.084 +/- 0.1 micro gmL-1]. The polar extracts of H. androsaemum can be a good source of non-toxic compounds with antioxidant, anti-lipid per oxidation and antiglycation activities
Plant Extracts , Antioxidants , Lipid Peroxidation , Glycosylation , Cytotoxins , Free Radical Scavengers , AnionsABSTRACT
Pesticide formulation includes solvents (methanol and xylene) and antifreeze (ethylene glycol) whose metabolites are anions such as formic acid, hippuric acid, and oxalate. However, the effect of the anion gap on clinical outcome in acute pesticide intoxication requires clarification. In this prospective study, we compared the anion gap and other parameters between surviving versus deceased patients with acute pesticide intoxication. The following parameters were assessed in 1,058 patients with acute pesticide intoxication: blood chemistry (blood urea nitrogen, creatinine, glucose, lactic acid, liver enzymes, albumin, globulin, and urate), urinalysis (ketone bodies), arterial blood gas analysis, electrolytes (Na+, K+, Cl- HCO3 -, Ca++), pesticide field of use, class, and ingestion amount, clinical outcome (death rate, length of hospital stay, length of intensive care unit stay, and seriousness of toxic symptoms), and the calculated anion gap. Among the 481 patients with a high anion gap, 52.2% had a blood pH in the physiologic range, 35.8% had metabolic acidosis, and 12.1% had acidemia. Age, anion gap, pesticide field of use, pesticide class, seriousness of symptoms (all P < 0.001), and time lag after ingestion (P = 0.048) were significant risk factors for death in univariate analyses. Among these, age, anion gap, and pesticide class were significant risk factors for death in a multiple logistic regression analysis (P < 0.001). In conclusions, high anion gap is a significant risk factor for death, regardless of the accompanying acid-base balance status in patients with acute pesticide intoxication.
Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Acid-Base Equilibrium , Acidosis/etiology , Anions/chemistry , Biomarkers/chemistry , Blood Gas Analysis , Chemically-Induced Disorders/mortality , Electrolytes/analysis , Intensive Care Units , Logistic Models , Odds Ratio , Pesticides/poisoning , Prospective Studies , Risk Factors , Survival Analysis , UrinalysisABSTRACT
Cátions e ânions majoritários são espécies químicas de grande importância nos diversos compartimentos aquáticos, porém, pouco abordados de forma exclusiva na bacia amazônica. Neste sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a dinâmica espacial de Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Cl- e SO4 2- em um trecho do rio Solimões-Amazonas, levando-se em consideração a alcalinidade, potencial hidrogeniônico (pH), condutividade elétrica (CE), sólidos totais em suspensão (STS) e carbono orgânico total (COT). As coletas foram realizadas em maio, julho e setembro de 2012 em sete pontos na calha principal do rio Solimões-Amazonas e na foz de alguns dos principais tributários: rios Jutaí, Juruá, Japurá e Purus. Os cátions e ânions foram analisados por cromatografia de íons, STS por gravimetria, pH por potenciometria, alcalinidade por titulação potenciométrica, CE por condutimetria e o COT por oxidação catalítica por combustão. As concentrações médias dos cátions seguiram esta ordem Ca2+>Na+>Mg2+>K+ e dos ânions SO4 2->Cl-. De montante à jusante a tendência foi diminuição nas concentrações de cátions e ânions, das variáveis pH, CE, STS e alcalinidade, além do aumento das concentrações de COT. O presente estudo evidenciou mudanças nas características químicas sofridas pelo rio Solimões em seu curso. O aporte dos tributários pode ser apontado como um dos fatores responsáveis por essas modificações.
Major cations and anions are chemical species with great importance in different water compartments. However, no specific attention has been given to them in the Amazon basin. This study aimed to assess the spatial dynamic of Na+, Ca2+, K+, Mg2+, Cl- and SO4 2- in a specific section of the Solimões-Amazonas river taking into account the alkalinity, hydrogen potential (pH), conductivity electric (EC), total suspended solids (TSS) and total organic carbon (TOC). Samples were collected in May, July and September 2012 in seven points in the Solimões-Amazonas River and in the mouth of some of its main tributaries: rivers Jutaí, Juruá, Japurá and Purus. Cations and anions were analyzed by ion chromatography, TSS by gravimetry, pH by potentiometry, alkalinity by potentiometric titration, EC by conductimetry and TOC by catalytic oxidation combustion. The average cation concentrations followed this order: Ca2+ > Na+ > Mg2+ > K+ and anion SO4 2- > Cl. From the upstream of the river towards its downstream section there was a tendency for a decrease in cations and anions accumulation, pH, EC, TSS and alkalinity. On the other hand, there was an increase in TOC. The present study showed changes in chemical characteristics of Solimões River along its course. It was observed the contribution of the tributary rivers as one of the responsible factors for these changes.
Water Physicochemical Characteristics , Cations/analysis , Rivers/chemistry , Anions/analysis , Spatial AnalysisABSTRACT
Objectives: Afzal is a common smokeless tobacco product [STP] available illegally in Oman. This study aimed to assess pH and moisture levels and determine cancer-enhancing factors in a randomly selected sample of Afzal
Methods: This study was carried out at the Sultan Qaboos University in Muscat, Oman, between April and December 2013. A package of Afzal was purchased from a single provider and divided into samples. The pH and moisture content of the samples were measured according to the protocols of the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry was used to analyse nicotine levels and ionexchange chromatography [IC] was used to determine concentrations of nitrate, nitrite, chloride, fluoride, bromide, sulphate and phosphate anions
Results: The samples had an alkaline pH of 10.46 with high levels of total [48,770.00 micro per g of STP [microg/g]] and unionised [48,590.00 microg/g] nicotine. The concentration of nitrate [8,792.20 microg/g] was alarmingly high. The chloride concentration [33,170.80 microg/g] showed a surge on IC chromatography. The moisture content percentage was 52.00%
Conclusion: The moisture content percentage and chloride concentration of Afzal was consistent with those of other STPs. In contrast, nitrite, sulphate and phosphate concentrations were below reported levels of other STPs. All anion concentrations were below the maximum daily limit set by international health organisations. However, the high concentrations of nitrite, nitrate and nicotine and the elevated alkaline pH observed in the analysed Afzal samples suggest that STP users will face health risks as a result of their use
Nicotine , Neoplasms , Anions , Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry , Chromatography, Ion Exchange , Hydrogen-Ion Concentration , CarcinogensABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To explore the correlation between Pi and Shen by observing the relationship between the metabolism of aristolochic acid (AA) and mRNA and protein expression levels of organic anion transporting polypeptide (oatp) superfamily member 2a1 and 2 b1 (oatp2al and oatp2bl) in renal, small intestinal, and large intestinal tissues of Pi deficiency syndrome (PDS) model rats.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Totally 46 Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats were randomly divided into four groups, i.e., the blank group (n = 12), the PDS group (n = 22), the AA-I group (n = 6), and the PDS AA-I group (n = 6). PDS model was established by subcutaneously injecting Reserpine at the daily dose of 5 mg/kg for 16 successive days. Carotid intubation was performed in 6 rats selected from the blank group and the PDS group. Pharmacokinetics of AA-I were detected at 5, 15, 30, 45, and 60 min after gastrogavage of AA-I. AA-I concentrations in renal, small intestinal, and large intestinal tissues of 10 rats selected from the PDS group were determined. Normal saline was administered to 6 rats selected from the PDS group and the blank group by gastrogavage. Renal, small intestinal, and large intestinal tissues were collected in the AA-I group and the PDS AA-I group at 60 min after gastrogavage of AA-I. mRNA and protein expression levels of oatp2a1 and oatp2b1 in each tissue were detected using real-time polymerase chain reaction (RT- PCR) and Western blot.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Compared with the blank group, plasma concentrations of in vivo AA-I were obviously higher in the PDS group at 15, 30, 45, and 60 min after gastrogavage of AA-I with statistical difference (P < 0.05). Plasma concentrations of AA-I were obviously decreased at 60 min after gastrogavage of AA-I; AA-I concentrations in renal and large intestinal tissues were elevated; AA-I concentrations in small intestinal tissues were obviously reduced in the PDS group. There was no statistical difference in mRNA expression levels of oatp2a1 and oatp2b1 in the aforesaid three tissues of rats between the blank group and the PDS group. Compared with the blank group, mRNA expression levels of oatp2a1 and oatp2b1 decreased in small intestinal tissues of the AA-I group, and the mRNA expression level of oatp2a1 in large intestinal tissues significantly decreased (P < 0.05, P < 0.01). Compared with the PDS group, mRNA expression levels of oatp2a1 and oatp2b1 increased in renal tissues of the PDS AA-I group (P < 0.05); mRNA expression levels of oatp2b1 increased in large intestinal tissues of the PDS AA-I group (P < 0.05).</p><p><b>CONCLUSIONS</b>The difference in AA-I metabolism might be associated with changed expression levels of oatp2a1 and oatp2b1 in renal, small intestinal, and large intestinal tissues under Pi deficiency induced loss of transportation. Shen and Dachang played important roles in substance metabolism under Pi deficiency state, which proved Pi-Shen correlated in Chinese medical theories.</p>
Animals , Rats , Anions , Aristolochic Acids , Metabolism , Drugs, Chinese Herbal , Kidney , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Organic Cation Transport Proteins , Metabolism , Peptides , RNA, Messenger , Rats, Sprague-DawleyABSTRACT
Este artigo apresenta uma compreensão sobre o autocuidado do cuidador familiar segundo a teoria de Dorothea Orem. Resulta de uma pesquisa qualitativa com aporte da Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados, utilizando-se das técnicas de visita domiciliar, registro de notas de campo e entrevista semiestruturada com 11 cuidadores, após a internação de familiar em um Hospital Universitário de Minas Gerais. Foram obtidas quatro categorias, destacando uma categoria central, em torno da qual se analisaram as facilidades, dificuldades e estratégias para o autocuidado do cuidador. Entre as dificuldades, foram evidenciadas: tempo insuficiente para os cuidados com a saúde e, entre as facilidades, o apoio de outros familiares. As principais estratégias foram: apoio na fé; revezamento nos cuidados e recursos na comunidade. Concluiu-se que orientações no momento da alta e o acompanhamento de enfermagem após a alta contribuem para o autocuidado do cuidador, atuando sobre suas dificuldades e estimulando suas potencialidades.
This article presents an understanding concerning self-care in family caregivers according to Dorothea Orem's theory. Resulting from a qualitative research based on Grounded Theory, this work uses the techniques of home visiting, field notes and semistructured interviews with 11 caregivers after the hospitalization of a family member in a teaching Hospital located in Minas Gerais. Four categories were found and among them a central category is highlighted from which some facilities, difficulties and strategies for selfcare in caregiver were analyzed. Considering the difficulties, insufficient time for healthcare was noticed whereas the support from other family members appeared as a facility. The main strategies were: faith as a support; shift work in healthcare and community resources. This study demonstrated that hospital discharge guidelines and nursing follow-up after discharge were responsible for positive contributions to self-care in caregivers helping them to overcome their difficulties and enhancing their potentialities.
El artículo presenta una comprensión sobre el autocuidado del cuidador familiar, según la teoría de Dorothea Orem. Resulta de investigación cualitativa con aporte de la Teoría Fundamentada en los Datos, utilizándo se de las técnicas de visitas a domicilio; registro de apuntes de campo y entrevista semiestructurada, tras la internación de un familiar en un hospital universitario de Minas Gerais. Se llegó a cuatro categorías, señalando una categoría central, alrededor de la cual se analizaron las facilidades, dificultades y estrategias para el autocuidado del cuidador. Se evidenció, entre las dificultades, tiempo insuficiente para los cuidados con la salud y, entre las facilidades, el apoyo de otros familiares. Las principales estrategias fueron: apoyo en la fe, revezo en los cuidados y recursos en la comunidad. Se concluyó que orientaciones el momento del alta y el acompañamiento de enfermería tras el alta contribuyen para el autocuidado del cuidador, actuando sobre sus dificultades y estimulando sus potencialidades.
Animals , Male , Rats , Arsenicals/pharmacology , Cacodylic Acid/pharmacology , Ferric Compounds/pharmacokinetics , Intestinal Absorption/physiology , Anions/pharmacokinetics , Colloids , Cations/pharmacokinetics , Histocytochemistry , Rats, Inbred StrainsABSTRACT
When chemotherapy is administered during pregnancy, it is important to consider the fetus chemotherapy exposure, because it may lead to fetal consequences. Paclitaxel has become widely used in the metastatic and adjuvant settings for woman with cancer including breast and ovarian cancer. Therefore, we attempted to clarify the transport mechanisms of paclitaxel through blood-placenta barrier using rat conditionally immortalized syncytiotrophoblast cell lines (TR-TBTs). The uptake of paclitaxel was time- and temperature-dependent. Paclitaxel was eliminated about 50% from the cells within 30 min. The uptake of paclitaxel was saturable with Km of 168 microM and 371 microM in TR-TBT 18d-1 and TR-TBT 18d-2, respectively. [3H]Paclitaxel uptake was markedly inhibited by cyclosporine and verapamil, well-known substrates of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transporter. However, several MRP substrates and organic anions had no effect on [3H]paclitaxel uptake in TR-TBT cells. These results suggest that P-gp may be involved in paclitaxel transport at the placenta. TR-TBT cells expressed mRNA of P-gp. These findings are important for therapy of breast and ovarian cancer of pregnant women, and should be useful data in elucidating teratogenicity of paclitaxel during pregnancy.
Animals , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Rats , Anions , Breast , Cell Line , Cyclosporine , Drug Therapy , Fetus , Ovarian Neoplasms , ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B, Member 1 , Paclitaxel , Placenta , Pregnant Women , RNA, Messenger , Trophoblasts , VerapamilABSTRACT
When chemotherapy is administered during pregnancy, it is important to consider the fetus chemotherapy exposure, because it may lead to fetal consequences. Paclitaxel has become widely used in the metastatic and adjuvant settings for woman with cancer including breast and ovarian cancer. Therefore, we attempted to clarify the transport mechanisms of paclitaxel through blood-placenta barrier using rat conditionally immortalized syncytiotrophoblast cell lines (TR-TBTs). The uptake of paclitaxel was time- and temperature-dependent. Paclitaxel was eliminated about 50% from the cells within 30 min. The uptake of paclitaxel was saturable with Km of 168 microM and 371 microM in TR-TBT 18d-1 and TR-TBT 18d-2, respectively. [3H]Paclitaxel uptake was markedly inhibited by cyclosporine and verapamil, well-known substrates of P-glycoprotein (P-gp) transporter. However, several MRP substrates and organic anions had no effect on [3H]paclitaxel uptake in TR-TBT cells. These results suggest that P-gp may be involved in paclitaxel transport at the placenta. TR-TBT cells expressed mRNA of P-gp. These findings are important for therapy of breast and ovarian cancer of pregnant women, and should be useful data in elucidating teratogenicity of paclitaxel during pregnancy.
Animals , Female , Humans , Pregnancy , Rats , Anions , Breast , Cell Line , Cyclosporine , Drug Therapy , Fetus , Ovarian Neoplasms , ATP Binding Cassette Transporter, Subfamily B, Member 1 , Paclitaxel , Placenta , Pregnant Women , RNA, Messenger , Trophoblasts , VerapamilABSTRACT
Potential role of ERK1/2 kinase in conjunction with p38 in the regulation of inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) expression and nitric oxide (NO) production, and superoxide anion generation by human neutrophils (PMNs) exposed to N-nitrosodimethylamine (NDMA) was determined. Increased synthesis of NO due to the involvement of iNOS in neutrophils exposed to NDMA was observed. In addition, intensified activation of ERK1/2 and p38 kinases was determined in these cells. Inhibition of kinase regulated by extracellular signals (ERK1/2) pathway, in contrast to p38 pathway, led to an increased production of NO and expression of iNOS in PMNs. Moreover, as a result of inhibition of ERK1/2 pathway, a decreased activation of p38 kinase was observed in neutrophils, while inhibition of p38 kinase did not affect activation of ERK1/2 pathway in these cells. An increased ability to release superoxide anion by the studied PMNs was observed, which decreased after ERK1/2 pathway inhibition. In conclusion, in human neutrophils, ERK1/2 kinase is not directly involved in the regulation of iNOS and NO production induced by NDMA; however, the kinase participates in superoxide anion production in these cells.
Adolescent , Adult , Anions , Dimethylnitrosamine/pharmacology , Enzyme Inhibitors/pharmacology , Gene Expression Regulation, Enzymologic , Humans , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 1/metabolism , Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinase 3/metabolism , Models, Biological , Neutrophils/metabolism , Nitric Oxide Synthase Type II/metabolism , Nitrites/chemistry , Oxygen/chemistry , Superoxides/metabolism , p38 Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases/metabolismABSTRACT
Neutrophils are the predominant inflammatory cells found in vaginal discharges of patients infected with Trichomonas vaginalis. In this study, we examined superoxide anion (O2(.-)) production by neutrophils activated by T. vaginalis. Human neutrophils produced superoxide anions when stimulated with either a lysate of T. vaginalis, its membrane component (MC), or excretory-secretory product (ESP). To assess the role of trichomonad protease in production of superoxide anions by neutrophils, T. vaginalis lysate, ESP, and MC were each pretreated with a protease inhibitor cocktail before incubation with neutrophils. Superoxide anion production was significantly decreased by this treatment. Trichomonad growth was inhibited by preincubation with supernatants of neutrophils incubated for 3 hr with T. vaginalis lysate. Furthermore, myeloperoxidase (MPO) production by neutrophils was stimulated by live trichomonads. These results indicate that the production of superoxide anions and MPO by neutrophils stimulated with T. vaginalis may be a part of defense mechanisms of neutrophils in trichomoniasis.
Female , Humans , Anions/metabolism , Neutrophils/enzymology , Peroxidase/metabolism , Superoxides/metabolism , Trichomonas Infections/enzymology , Trichomonas vaginalis/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
<p><b>OBJECTIVE</b>To investigate the effects of sub-micro emulsion composition on cellular uptake and disposition of incorporated lipophilic drug.</p><p><b>METHODS</b>Sub-micro emulsions containing 10 % oil, 1.2 % lecithin and 2.25 % glycerol were prepared, and the fluorescent agent coumarin 6 was used as a model drug. The effects of oil types, co-surfactants and cationic lipid on uptake and elimination kinetics of 6-coumarin in HeLa cells were studied. The uptake mechanism of sub-micro emulsions was further investigated.</p><p><b>RESULTS</b>Oil type and Tweens had no influence on the cellular uptake. Modifications of surfactants with Span series increased the cellular influx, among which Span 20 with hydrophilic-lipophilic balance (HLB) value of 8.6 was the best enhancer. The intracellular drug level reached up to (46.09 ± 1.98)ng/μg protein which had significant difference with control group [(38.54 ± 0.34)ng/μg protein]. The positively charged emulsions significantly increased the uptake rate constant and elimination rate constant which were 4 times and 1.5 times of those in anionic groups, respectively. The uptake enhancement was also observed in cationic emulsions, cellular concentrations at plateau were (42.73 ± 0.84)ng/μg protein, which was about 3 times of that in anionic emulsions [(15.71 ± 0.74)ng/μg protein], when extracellular drug concentration kept at 100 ng/ml. Cationic emulsions delivered the payload mainly by direct drug transfer to contacted cells, while the negative ones depended on both drug passive diffusion and clathrin-mediated endocytosis of drug containing oil droplets which accounted for 20% of the intracellular drug.</p><p><b>CONCLUSION</b>Interfacial characteristic of sub-micro emulsions such as co-surfactants HLB as well as zeta potentials can influence lipophilic drug both in cellular uptake and elimination.</p>
Humans , Anions , Cations , Coumarins , Pharmacokinetics , Emulsions , Endocytosis , HeLa Cells , Surface-Active Agents , Pharmacokinetics , Thiazoles , PharmacokineticsABSTRACT
La ceftriaxona es ampliamente usada en pediatría debido a su espectro de acción, larga vida media y buena penetración en los sitios donde se asientan las infecciones más frecuentes. Es bien tolerada, aunque, con frecuencia, en niños que la reciben, se presenta barro biliar y pseudocolelitiasis. Esto se ve favorecido porque cerca del 40% del fármaco es eliminado por la bilis sin modificaciones, donde se comporta como un anión con alta afinidad por las sales de calcio. Resumen La mayoría de los casos cursan asintomáticos o mínimamente sintomáticos, y de resolución espontánea solo al suspender el uso del fármaco. Se presenta el caso de una niña de 4 años que recibe ceftriaxona durante 14 días por sinusitis, desarrollando al quinto día cálculos en la vesícula biliar que crecen hasta 11 mm y tardan 55 días en desaparecer; el día 34, presenta colecistitis, colangitis y coledocolitiasis que requieren manejo hospitalario.
Ceftriaxone is widely used in children because it has a great spectrum, long half-life and good penetration. Is generally well tolerated, although in children who receive the drug, it often presented pseudocolelitiasis and biliary sludge. This is favored because about 40% of the drug is eliminated unchanged in bile where it behaves as an anion with high affinity for calcium salts. Most cases present as asymptomatic or minimally symptomatic and spontaneous resolution, only when the drug is no longer taken. A case of a 4 year old girl who received ceftriaxone for 14 days for sinusitis and on day 5 develops gall bladder stones that grow to 11 mm and last 55 days to go away, the day 34 presents cholecystitis, cholangitis and choledocholithiasis requiring medical management to resolution.
Humans , Female , Child, Preschool , Ceftriaxone , Cholangitis , Choledocholithiasis , Infections/microbiology , Sinusitis , Bile , Calculi , Urinary Bladder Calculi , Calcium , Action Spectrum , Gallbladder , AnionsABSTRACT
This study is to report the preparation of complexes of Ad5 and anionic liposomes (AL-Ad5), the amplification of adenoviruses with enhanced green fluorescent protein (eGFP) reporter gene performed by HEK 293 cells, the adenoviral vectors purified by cesium chloride gradient centrifugation, and the titer of adenovirus determined by cytopathic effect (CPE) method, hexon capsid immunoassay and quantitative-PCR (Q-PCR), separately. The prescription and experiment conditions were optimized by central composite design (CCD). The complexes of Ad5 and AL-Ad5 were formulated by the calcium-induced phase change method. The morpholopy, particle size and zeta potential were detected by dynamic light scattering (DLS) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM), respectively. Additionally, the bicolourable fluoresce-labeled complexes (F(labeled)-AL-Ad5) were prepared and their intracellular location in MDCK cells was detected by confocal laser scanning microscopy (CLSM). The results indicate that the complexes of AL-Ad5 exhibited a uniform distribution with a particle size of 211 +/- 10 nm and a zeta potential of -41.2 +/- 2.2 mV. The result of CLSM demonstrates that the intracellular location of red fluoresce-labeled adenovirus was consistent with that of green fluoresce-labeled liposomes suggesting that the naked adenovirus was well encapsulated by the anionic liposomes in complexes of AL-Ad5.
Animals , Dogs , Humans , Adenoviridae , Genetics , Anions , Cytopathogenic Effect, Viral , Drug Compounding , Methods , Genetic Vectors , Green Fluorescent Proteins , Chemistry , HEK293 Cells , Liposomes , Chemistry , Pharmacokinetics , Madin Darby Canine Kidney Cells , Microscopy, Confocal , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , Particle Size , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Methods , Recombinant Fusion ProteinsABSTRACT
Plasmid DNA (pDNA) is used as an important vector for gene therapy, and its wide application is restricted by the purity and yield. To obtain high-purity pDNA, a chromatographic method based on anion-exchange supermacroporous cryogel was explored. The anion-exchange cryogel was prepared by grafting diethylaminoethyl-dextran to the epoxide groups of polyacrylamide-based matrix and pUC19 plasmid was used as a target to test the method. The plasmid was transferred into Escherichia coli DH5alpha, cultivated, harvested and lysed. The obtained culture was centrifuged and the supernatant was used as the plasmid feedstock, which was loaded into the anion-exchange cryogel bed for chromatographic separation. By optimizing the pH of running buffer and the elution conditions, high-purity pDNA was obtained by elution with 0.5 mol/L sodium chloride solution at pH 6.6. Compared to the traditional methods for purification of pDNA, animal source enzymes and toxic reagents were not involved in the present separation process, ensuring the safety of both the purification operations and the obtained pDNA.