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Int. j. morphol ; 39(1): 151-159, feb. 2021. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1385310


SUMMARY: The aim of the present study was to evaluate the importance of the epiligament for the difference in the healing potential of the knee anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligament. To do so, we compared the structure of the anterior cruciate and the medial collateral ligament and evaluated the differences in the expression of collagen types I, III and V in a rat knee. We have also conducted a comparative quantitative analysis of the number of cells per mm2 in the two ligaments. Tissue samples were obtained from the anterior cruciate and medial collateral ligament of 10 knee joints taken from five 8-month-old Wistar rats. We used standard hematoxylin and eosin staining, in addition to immunohistochemical staining with monoclonal antibodies against collagen types I, III and V. A semi-quantitative analysis of the expression was made through ImageJ, while Student's T-test was used for the statistical analysis. Our results showed higher expression of all collagen types in the epiligament, compared to the ligament proper and difference in the expression between the medial collateral and the anterior cruciate ligament in favor of the first. We also reported a statistically significant difference in the number of cells per mm2 between the two ligaments and their epiligaments. Our findings show a higher number of cells and a stronger expression of certain collagen types in the epiligament of the medial collateral compared to the anterior cruciate ligament, which may be related to the difference in their healing potential.

RESUMEN: El objetivo del presente estudio fue evaluar la importancia del epiligamento para la diferencia en el potencial de curación del ligamento cruzado anterior y colateral medial de la rodilla. Comparamos la estructura del ligamento cruzado anterior y el ligamento colateral medial y evaluamos las diferencias en la expresión de los tipos de colágeno I, III y V en una rodilla de rata. También se realizó un análisis cuantitativo comparativo del número de células por mm2 en los dos ligamentos. Se obtuvieron muestras de tejido del ligamento cruzado anterior y colateral medial de 10 articulaciones de rodilla tomadas de cinco ratas Wistar de 8 meses de edad. Utilizamos tinción estándar con hematoxilina y eosina, además de tinción inmunohistoquímica con anticuerpos monoclonales contra colágeno tipo I, III y V. Se realizó un análisis semicuantitativo de la expresión mediante ImageJ, mientras que para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la prueba T de Student. Nuestros resultados mostraron una mayor expresión de todos los tipos de colágeno en el epiligamento, en comparación con el ligamento y una diferencia en la expresión entre el ligamento colateral medial y el ligamento cruzado anterior. También informamos una diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el número de células por mm2 entre los dos ligamentos y sus epiligamentos. Nuestros hallazgos muestran un mayor número de células y una expresión mayor de ciertos tipos de colágeno en el epiligamento colateral medial en comparación con el ligamento cruzado anterior, lo que puede estar relacionado con la diferencia en su potencial de curación.

Animals , Male , Rats , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Collagen/metabolism , Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee/anatomy & histology , Immunohistochemistry , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/metabolism , Rats, Wistar , Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee/metabolism
Rev. Bras. Ortop. (Online) ; 55(1): 88-94, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092672


Abstract Objective To evaluate possible connections between the weight and height of patients submitted to total knee arthroplasty (TKA), with the length, width and area of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) fovea, as verified during surgery. Methods A total of 33 proximal tibial joint surfaces, obtained from TKA tibial sections of 33 patients, were used in the present study. The ACL was resected with a delicate scalpel to expose the ACL tibial fovea. Then the periphery of this fovea was delimited with a marker pen by means of small dots. Each piece was photographed, and the ACL tibial fovea length, width, and area were measured with the ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, USA) software. Statistical analysis studied the correlation between anthropometrics data of the patients and the measurements of the ACL tibial fovea. Results The ACL tibial fovea length, width, and area were, respectively, 11.7 ± 2.0 mm, 7.1 ± 1.4 mm and 151.3 ± 22.2 mm2. There was a statistically significant relationship between the height of the patients and the width of the ACL tibial fovea. The width of the ACL fovea could be predicted by the formula: width = 107 . 294 − 133 . 179 × height + 44 . 009 × squared height. Conclusion The height of the patients may predict the width of the ACL tibial fovea, and therefore, may allow surgeons to choose the more adequate graft for each patient in ACL reconstruction.

Resumo Objetivo Avaliar possíveis relações entre o peso e altura de pacientes submetidos à artroplastia total do joelho com o comprimento, largura e área da fóvea do ligamento cruzado anterior, verificados na cirurgia. Métodos Um total de 33 superfícies articulares tibias proximais, obtidas nos cortes tibiais de artroplastia total do joelho de 33 pacientes, foram utilizadas no presente estudo. O ligamento cruzado anterior foi dissecado cuidadosamente e ressecado com bisturi delicado, para expor sua fóvea. Depois, a periferia dessa fóvea foi demarcada por pequenos pontos, com um marcador. Cada peça foi fotografada e as medições do comprimento, largura e área da fóvea tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior foram feitas com o programa ImageJ (National Institutes of Health, Bethesda, MD, EUA). A análise estatística avaliou a correlação entre os dados antropométricos dos pacientes com as medidas da fóvea tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior. Resultados O comprimento, a largura e a área médios da fóvea tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior foram, respectivamente 11,7 ± 2,0 mm, 7,1 ± 1,4 mm e 151,3 ± 22,2 mm2. Houve relação estatisticamente significativa entre a altura dos pacientes e a largura da fóvea tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior. A largura da fóvea do ligamento cruzado anterior pôde ser predita pela fórmula: largura = 107 , 294 − 133 , 179 × altura + 44 , 009 × altura ao quadrado. Conclusão A altura dos pacientes pôde a prever a largura da fóvea tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior e, assim, pode ajudar os cirurgiões escolher o enxerto mais adequado para cada paciente, nas reconstruções do ligamento cruzado anterior.

Humans , Male , Female , Arthroplasty , Tibia , Weights and Measures , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Knee
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 60(1): 3-8, mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1146565


OBJETIVO: Determinar la precisión diagnóstica de las radiografías de rodilla para la medición de los diámetros de los túneles tibiales y femorales en reconstrucción de ligamento cruzado anterior (RLCA). MATERIALES Y PACIENTES: Estudio retrospectivo de precisión diagnóstica en pacientes con antecedentes de RLCA. Inclusión: RLCA realizada en el mismo centro, con el mismo equipo quirúrgico, entre 2011 y 2015; uso de cualquier tipo de injerto y de fijación; estudiados con radiografía (Rx) y tomografía computada (TC) durante postop en el mismo centro. Exclusión: desfase Rx-TC > 6 meses; cirugía entre estudios radiológicos. Análisis de túneles por 3 especialistas (OsiriX). La precisión diagnóstica consideró la TC como gold standard. Se midieron las diferencias inter e intra-observador, y las variables que interfirieron en las mediciones. RESULTADOS: 22 pacientes cumplieron los criterios de selección, determinando 528 mediciones en total (Rx y TC, fémur y tibia, 3 observadores, 2 tiempos). No hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la medición de los túneles femorales (p » 0.8986), pero sí en cuanto a los diámetros tibiales (p » 0.0001). El análisis de precisión diagnóstica determinó una sobrevaloración de los diámetros óseos al usar la radiografía (10,5% en fémur, 10% en tibia). Hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas inter-observador tanto en Rx como en TC (observador más joven con el resto); sin diferencias intra-observador. CONCLUSIÓN: La Rx como método diagnóstico del diámetro de túneles óseos luego de una RLCA sobreestima los valores reales, lo que empeora cuando el observador tiene menor experiencia.

OBJECTIVE: To determine the diagnostic accuracy of knee radiographs for the measurement of tibial and femoral tunnels diameters after an anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction (ACLR). MATERIALS AND PATIENTS: A retrospective study of the diagnostic accuracy in patients with a history of ACLR. Inclusion: surgery performed in the same center, same surgical team, between 2011 to 2015; any graft and fixation; studied with radiography (X-Ray) and computed tomography (CT) during postop in the same center. Exclusion: X-Ray-CT lag > 6 months; surgery between radiological studies. Tunnel analysis by 3 specialists (OsiriX). Diagnostic accuracy considered CT as a gold standard. The inter and intraobserver differences, and the variables that interfered in the measurements, were measured. RESULTS: 22 patients achieved the selection criteria, determining 528 measurements in total (X-Ray and CT, femur and tibia, 3 observers, 2 times). There were no statistically significant differences in the measurement of the femoral tunnels (p » 0.8986), but there were differences in the tibial diameters (p » 0.0001). Analysis of diagnostic accuracy determined an overestimation of the bone diameters when using the radiography (10.5% in the femur, 10% in the tibia). There were statistically significant inter-observer differences in both X-Ray and CT (younger observer with the rest); there were no intra-observer differences. CONCLUSION: X-Ray as a diagnostic method of the diameter of bone tunnels after an ACLR overestimates the real values, which worsens when the observer has less experience.

Humans , Radiography , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/diagnostic imaging , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Tibia/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Observer Variation , Retrospective Studies , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Femur/anatomy & histology , Femur/diagnostic imaging
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 25(2): 35-39, 2018.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-972508


INTRODUCCIÓN: La geometría articular y las estructuras óseas se han mencionado como factores de riesgo para ruptura del ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA). La inclinación posterior de la tibia proximal (IPTP) es uno de los factores anatómicos mencionados. No se han encontrado estudios que reporten el rol del menisco externo en la estabilidad de la rodilla. El objetivo del siguiente estudio es determinar la relación entre la IPTP y la inclinación meniscal (IM) medidas por resonancia magnética (RM). MATERIAL Y MÉTODO: Se estudiaron 87 RM en 82 pacientes. Fueron excluidos pacientes con alteraciones anatómicas en la tibia proximal. Se realizaron las mediciones de la IPTP y la IM según el método de Hudeck. Se realizaron estudios de correlación para determinar la relación entre ambas variables. RESULTADOS: La edad media de los pacientes fue de 35.9 años. En el compartimento lateral la diferencia entre IPTP y la IM fue de 7.3° en promedio. El coeficiente Spearman entre IPTP del platillo externo y la IM es de 0.45. En el compartimento medial la diferencia entre la IPTP y la IM fue de 3.6°. El coeficiente Spearman entre la IPTP y la IM es de 0.57. CONCLUSIÓN: La correlación observada en ambos compartimentos es de baja a moderada lo que significa que la IPTP tiene poca participación en al valor final de la IM. Estos datos destacan la importancia del menisco externo en la biomecánica de la rodilla. Tipo de estudio: Serie de casos. Nivel de evidencia: IV.

BACKGROUND: Articular geometry and bony structures have been described as a risk factors for ACL ruptures. Posterior tibial slope´s one of the reported factors. We didn´t find studies describing the influence of the lateral meniscus in knee stability. Our aim is to determine the correlation between PTS and the meniscal slope (MS) in magnetic resonance images (MRI). METHODS: We studied 87 MRIs in 82 patients. Patients with anatomical changes in the proximal tibia (eg.: high tibial osteotomy) were discharged. The PTS and the MS was measured with the method of Hudeck. We did correlation tests to find any correlation between variables. RESULTS: Mean age was 35.9. In the lateral compartment the difference between PTS and MS was 7.3° and the Spearman tests was 0.45. In the medial compartment the difference between PTS and MS was 3.6° and the Spearmen tests was 0.57. CONCLUSIÓN: The correlation between both measures was low or moderate. The influence of the PTS in the MS it´s relative and we must consider the lateral meniscus in knee biomechanics. Type study: Number of cases. Level of evidence: IV.

Adult , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/diagnostic imaging , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/diagnostic imaging , Knee Joint/anatomy & histology , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Menisci, Tibial/anatomy & histology , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Injuries/etiology , Risk Factors
Int. j. morphol ; 34(3): 860-865, Sept. 2016. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-828953


El conocimiento de los ligamentos meniscofemorales anterior y posterior (LMFA y LMFP) es de gran importancia para la anatomía y clínica quirúrgica. Con el propósito de efectuar un análisis de su frecuencia y biometría en individuos Chilenos, se disecaron 30 rodillas, de cadáveres de individuos adultos, de sexo no conocido, fijadas en formaldehído al 10 % y pertenecientes a los Laboratorios de Anatomía, de la Facultad de Medicina de la Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile. Utilizando un caliper digital se registraron medidas de longitud, ancho y espesor de los mismos a diferentes niveles. Todas las muestras fueron fotografiadas. En relación a la frecuencia, el LMFP se presentó en 21 casos (70 %) y el LMFA en 13 (43,4 %). La longitud promedio del LMFA fue de 29,04±2,66 mm y la del LMFP de 27,46±3,08 mm; el ancho proximal del LMFA fue de 9,88±4,34 mm y la del LMFP de 6,55±2,14 mm; el espesor promedio del LMFA fue 1,19±0,47 mm y el del LMFP de 1,8±0,68 mm. Los otros resultados registrados se muestran en el texto correspondiente. Los resultados obtenidos son un aporte al conocimiento anatómico de los ligamentos de la articulación de la rodilla en nuestra población.

The knowledge of the meniscofemoral ligaments (MFL) is of great importance to the anatomy and surgical clinic. In order to conduct an analysis of their frequency and biometry in Chilean individuals, 30 knees of corpses of adult individuals, sex unknown, fixed in 10 % formaldehyde and belonging to the Laboratory of Anatomy, Faculty of Medicine of the Universidad Católica del Maule, Chile. Using a digital caliper, measurements of length, width and the thickness to different levels were recorded. All the samples studied were photographed. Regarding frequency, PMFL occurred in 21 cases (70 %) and AMFL in 13 (43.4 %). The average length of AMFL was 29.04±2.66 mm and the PMFL 27.46±3.08 mm; the proximal width of the AMFL was 9.88±4.34 mm and the PMFL of 6.55±2.14 mm and the average thickness of the AMFL was 1.19±0.47 mm and the PMFL of 1.8±0.68 mm. Other measurements are shown in the text. The obtained results are a contribution to the knowledge of ligaments of the knee joint in our population.

Humans , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Knee/anatomy & histology , Ligaments, Articular/anatomy & histology , Biometry , Cadaver , Chile
Acta ortop. bras ; Acta ortop. bras;23(1): 11-15, Jan-Feb/2015. fig
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-735714


Objective: To validate intra- and inter-class correlation coefficients of a transparent 3D-TC protocol and investigate relationships between different axial rotations. Methods: Twenty unilateral knee TCs (iSite - Philips) were evaluated by means of a transparent 3D-TC OsiriX Imaging Software (v.3.9.4), 3D MPR protocol. Mathematical model of femoral tunnel projections acquired on vertical and horizontal rotations from -20 to +20 degrees. Height (h'/H) and length (t'/T) of tunnel projections have been analyzed by the Bernard and Hertel's method. Statistics: power of study=80%, ICC, ANOVA, p<0.05 (SPSS-19). Results: Transparent 3D-TC showed high reliability of both intra-observer (h'/H=0.941; t'/T=0.928, p<0.001) and inter-observer (h'/H=0.921; t'/T=0.890, p<0.001) ICC. ACL Length (t'/T) and Height (h'/H) projections were statistically different on vertical and horizontal rotations: p=0.01 and p<0.001, respectively. Conclusion: This new transparent 3D-TC protocol is an accurate and reproducible method that can be applied for ACL femoral tunnel or footprint measurement with high ICC reliability. Level of Evidence II, Descriptive Laboratory Study.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Image Processing, Computer-Assisted , Image Interpretation, Computer-Assisted , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Knee
São Paulo; s.n; 2015. [92] p. ilus, tab.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-870847


OBJETIVO: Avaliar o padrão de degeneração histológica do ligamento cruzado posterior (LCP) em pacientes com artrose submetidos à artroplastia total de joelho com prótese com substituição do ligamento cruzado posterior (LCP). A degeneração histológica foi classificada em leve, moderada e grave. Os achados histológicos foram correlacionados com dados clínicos, radiográficos e do transoperatório (presença ou ausência do ligamento cruzado anterior) com a finalidade de aferir se estes parâmetros seriam capazes de predizer o grau de degeneração histológica do LCP em pacientes com gonartrose. MÉTODOS: foram avaliados 89 ligamentos cruzados posterior de 85 pacientes com idade média de 69,79 anos, sendo 69 do sexo feminino, 16 do masculino. O LCP foi corado em hematoxilina-eosina e Tricrômio de Gomori e classificado quanto ao comprometimento histológico em leve, moderado e grave. A degeneração histológica foi correlacionada aos parâmetros idade, artrose radiográfica classificada por Ahlbãck (grau I ao V), eixo radiográfico tíbio-femoral (varo, neutro e valgo), e estado do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA), presença ou ausência.Os achados histológicos de hipercelularidade, infiltração linfocitária crônica, proliferação vascular; presença de cistos; clones de condrócitos; degenerações colágena, fibrinóide, cartilaginosa ,gordurosa e mucoide foram correlacionados com o grau de degeneração do LCP e ao estado de conservação do LCA. RESULTADO: Não foram identificadas relações entre o grau de degeneração histológica do LCP e faixa etária (abaixo ou acima de 70 anos), sexo, classificação radiográfica de Ahlbãck e presença ou ausência do LCA. Os achados histológicos de degeneração fibrinóide, proliferação vascular e presença de cistos estiveram estatisticamente relacionados à degeneração histológica grave do LCP. CONCLUSÃO: Os parâmetros clínicos e radiográficos não foram capazes de predizer o grau de degeneração histológica do LCP .Os achados histológicos de degeneração...

OBJECTIVE: Evaluate the histologic degeneration pattern of the posterior cruciate ligament (PCL) in osteoarthrosis patients submitted to total knee replacement with a cruciate substituting prosthesis. The histologic degeneration was classified in mild, moderate and severe. The histologic pattern was related to clinical, per-operatory (presence or absence of anterior cruciate ligament) and radiographic parameters with the aim to settle if these parameters would be reliable to predict the PCL degeneration grade. METHODS: 89 PCLs from 85 patients, 16 men, 69 women, mean age 69, 79 years old. PCL was stained with hematoxylin and eosin and trichromium of Gomori. The PCL histologic degeneration was graded from normal-minimum to severe. The histologic PCL degeneration pattern was related to age, radiographic arthrosis classification (Ahlbãck - grades I to V), knee radiographic axis (varus, neutral, valgus) and to the ACL status (presence or absence).The histologic findings of hipercellularity, chronic lymphocit infiltration, neoangiogenesis, cysts, collagen degeneration (deg), fibrinoid deg, mucoid deg., cartilaginous, deg., fat deg. and condrocyte clones were related to the grade of PCL degeneration and to ACL status. RESULTS: There was no correlation of histologic degeneration to sex or age (above or below 70 years), arthrosis radiographic classification (Ahlbãck) and presence or absence of ACL. The histological findings of fibrinoid degeneration, vascular proliferation and cysts were statistically related to severe histologic LCP degeneration. CONCLUSION: The parameters studied were not capable of predicting the grade of LCP degeneration. The histological findings of fibrinoid degeneration, vascular proliferation and cysts were characteristic of severe PCL histologic degeneration.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Knee , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Osteoarthritis/classification
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 1592-1599, 2014.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-221602


PURPOSE: The object of this study was to determine the shortest possible distances of antero-medial (AM) and postero-lateral (PL) guide wire tunnel positions required to prevent femoral bone tunnel communication in double-bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction using human cadaver knees. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The centers of femoral AM and PL bundles of 16 cadaveric knees were drilled with guide wires and the distances of guide wires, were measured upon entrance into the bone. Femoral tunnel drilling was performed using transportal technique. The diameters of AM and PL graft were 8 mm and 6 mm, respectively. CT scans were taken on each knee, and 3-dimensional models were constructed to identify the femoral tunnel position and to create AM and PL tunnel virtual cylinders. Thickness of the bone bridge between the two tunnels was measured. RESULTS: In four out of six specimens, in which the guide wires were placed at less than or equal to 9 mm, communication was noted. In specimens with guide wires placed at distances greater than or equal to 10 mm, communication was not noted. The two groups showed a statistically significant difference (p=0.008). In cases where the distance between the AM and PL femoral tunnel guide wires was 12 mm, the bone bridge thickness was greater than 2 mm along the tunnel. CONCLUSION: The technique for double bundle-anterior cruciate ligament (DB-ACL) reconstruction that we show here can avoid bone tunnel communication when AM and PL femoral guide wires are placed at least 10 mm apart, and 12 mm should be kept to preserve 2 mm bone bridge thickness.

Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/methods , Bone Wires , Cadaver , Femur/anatomy & histology , Knee Joint/surgery , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Rev. bras. ortop ; 48(4): 368-373, ago. 2013. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-690283


OBJECTIVE: Describe the knee anterolateral ligament (ALL) and establish its anatomical marks of origin and insertion. METHODS: Dissection of the anterolateral aspect of the knee was performed in six cadavers. After isolation of the ALL, its lenght, width and thickness were measured as its places of origin and insertion. The ALL origin was documented in relation to the lateral collateral ligament (LCL) origin and the insertion was documented in relation to the Gerdy tubercle, fibullar head and lateral meniscus. After the first two dissections, the ligament was removed and sent to histologycal analysis. RESULTS: The ALL was clearly identified in all knees. Its origin in the lateral epycondile was on average 0.5 mm distal and 2.5 mm anterior to the LCL. In the tibia, two insertions were observed, one in the lateral meniscus and another in the proximal tibia, about 4.5 mm distal to the articular cartilage, between the Gerdy tubercle and the fibullar head. The average measures obtained were: 35.1 mm lenght, 6.8 mm width and 2.6 mm thickness. In the ligament histological analysis, dense connective tissue was observed. CONCLUSION: The ALL is a constant structure in the knee anterolateral region. Its origin is anterior and distal to the LCL origin. In the tibia, it has two insertions, one in the lateral meniscus and another in the proximal tibia between the Gerdy tubercle and the fibullar head. .

OBJETIVO: Descrever o ligamento anterolateral (LAL) do joelho e estabelecer seus pontos anatômicos de origem e inserção e suas medidas. MÉTODOS: Foram feitas dissecções da região anterolateral do joelho em seis cadáveres. Após isolamento do LAL, medidas de comprimento, espessura e largura foram feitas, assim como seus locais de origem e inserção. A origem do LAL foi documentada com base na sua distância ântero-posterior e proximal-distal em relação à origem do ligamento colateral lateral. A inserção foi documentada com base no tubérculo de Gerdy, a cartilagem do planalto tibial lateral e o menisco lateral. Nas duas primeiras dissecções, o ligamento foi removido e enviado para análise histológica. RESULTADOS: O LAL foi observado com clareza nas dissecções de todos os seis joelhos. Sua origem no epicôndilo lateral apresentou uma média 0,5 mm distal e 2,5 mm anterior à origem do LCL. Na tíbia foram observadas duas inserções, uma mais proximal no menisco lateral e outra mais distal entre o tubérculo de Gerdy e a cabeça da fíbula, cerca de 4,5 mm distal à cartilagem articular da tíbia. As medidas encontradas do ligamento foram: comprimento médio de 35,1 mm, largura média de 6,8 mm e espessura média de 2,6 mm. Na análise histológica dos ligamentos foi observada presença de tecido conectivo denso. CONCLUSÃO: O LAL do joelho é uma estrutura constante na região anterolateral. Sua origem no fêmur é anterior e distal à origem do LCL. Na tíbia, apresenta duas inserções, no menisco lateral e entre o tubérculo de Gerdy e a cabeça da fíbula. .

Humans , Cadaver , Dissection , Knee , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology
Rev. bras. ortop ; 47(2): 246-250, mar.-abr. 2012. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-643105


OBJETIVO: O propósito de nosso trabalho foi avaliar o efeito que o grau de flexão do joelho, durante a perfuração dos túneis femorais, pode causar no comprimento desses túneis, na reconstrução anatômica do ligamento cruzado anterior. MÉTODOS: Medimos o comprimento dos túneis femorais anteromedial e posterolateral do ligamento cruzado anterior, em 20 peças anatômicas de joelhos desemparelhadas, 10 direitas e 10 esquerdas, todas com a cartilagem e ligamentos cruzados íntegros. Os túneis foram perfurados com os joelhos flexionados a 90, 110 e 130 graus de flexão, através do portal anteromedial acessório, com uma broca de 2,5mm. Os estudos estatísticos foram realizadas pela análise de variância de Friedman e pelo teste de Mann-Whitney. RESULTADO: A média dos comprimentos dos túneis femorais anteromediais medidos com os joelhos flexionados a 90, 110 e 130 graus foram 33,7 ± 3,72mm, 37,4 ± 2,93mm e 38,8 ± 3,31mm, respectivamente. Para o comprimento dos túneis posterolaterais, os resultados obtidos a 90, 110 e 130 graus foram 32,1 ± 4,24mm, 37,3 ± 4,85mm e 38,4 ± 2,51mm, respectivamente. A análise de variância de Friedman mostrou diferença significativa entre os comprimentos dos túneis perfurados com 90 e 110 graus de flexão das peças, porém não mostrou diferença significativa entre os obtidos com flexão de 110e 130 graus (p < 0,05). CONCLUSÃO: É possível perfurar os túneis femorais através do portal anteromedial acessório com o joelho flexionado em 110º, de maneira a obter um túnel com comprimento suficiente para uma boa interface enxerto-osso.

OBJECTIVE: The objective of our study was to evaluate the effect that knee flexion angle while femoral tunnels are being drilled may have on the length of these tunnels, in anatomical reconstruction of the anterior cruciate ligament. METHODS: We measured the lengths of anteromedial and posterolateral tunnels for the anterior cruciate ligament in 20 unpaired anatomical knee specimens (10 right and 10 left knees), all with the cartilage and cruciate ligaments intact. Tunnels were drilled with the knees flexed at 90º, 110º and 130º, through the accessory anteromedial portal, with a 2.5 mm drill. The statistical analysis was done by means of Friedman's variance analysis and the Mann-Whitney U test. RESULTS: The mean anteromedial femoral tunnel lengths measured with the knees flexed at 90º, 110º and 130º were 33.7 (± 3.72) mm, 37.4 (± 2.93) mm and 38.8 (± 3.31) mm, respectively. For the posterolateral femoral tunnel lengths, the results were 32.1 (± 4.24) mm, 37.3 (± 4.85) mm and 38.4 (± 2.51) mm, respectively. Friedman's variance analysis showed that there was a significant difference between the lengths of the tunnels drilled with 90º and 110º of flexion angle, but showed that there was no significant difference between the tunnels drilled with flexion of 110º and 130º (P < 0.05). CONCLUSIONS: It is possible to drill the femoral tunnels through the accessory anteromedial tunnel with the knee flexed at 110º in such a way as to produce a tunnel of sufficient length for a good bone-graft interface.

Humans , Femur/anatomy & histology , Knee/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Plastic Surgery Procedures , Models, Biological
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-206714


BACKGROUND: The purpose of this study was to compare the initial stability of anatomical and non-anatomical single bundle anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction and to determine which would better restore intact knee kinematics. Our hypothesis was that the initial stability of anatomical single bundle ACL reconstruction would be superior to that of non-anatomical single bundle ACL reconstruction. METHODS: Anterior tibial translation (ATT) and internal rotation of the tibia were measured with a computer navigation system in seven pairs of fresh-frozen cadaveric knees under two testing conditions (manual maximum anterior force, and a manual maximum anterior force combined with an internal rotational force). Tests were performed at 0, 30, 60, and 90 degrees of flexion with the ACL intact, the ACL transected, and after reconstruction of one side of a pair with either anatomical or non-anatomical single bundle ACL reconstruction. RESULTS: Under manual maximal anterior force, both reconstruction techniques showed no significant difference of ATT when compared to ACL intact knee state at 30degrees of knee flexion (p > 0.05). Under the combined anterior and internal rotatory force, non-anatomical single-bundle ACL reconstruction showed significant difference of ATT compared to those in ACL intact group (p 0.05). Internal rotation of the tibia showed no significant difference in the ACL intact, the ACL transected, non-anatomical reconstructed and anatomical reconstructed knees. CONCLUSIONS: Anatomical single bundle ACL reconstruction restored the initial stability closer to the native ACL under combined anterior and internal rotational forces when compared to non-anatomical ACL single bundle reconstruction.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction/methods , Biomechanical Phenomena/physiology , Cadaver , Knee Joint/anatomy & histology , Random Allocation , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Tibia/anatomy & histology
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 49(4): 301-306, 2012.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-687626


O trabalho descreve as lesões de menisco associadas com ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial em 82 pacientes de diferentes raças, idades e pesos, com o objetivo de avaliar o tipo de ruptura de menisco associada a lesões do ligamento cruzado cranial. No período pré-operatório, os animais foram submetidos à avaliação clínica e radiológica. Todos os animais apresentaram ruptura total ou parcial do ligamento cruzado cranial; 21 (24,14%) animais não apresentaram nenhuma lesão de menisco, os restantes (75,86%) apresentaram apenas lesão no menisco medial. As lesões encontradas no menisco medial foram as seguintes: 33 joelhos (37,93%) apresentaram eversão do corno caudal (Tipo 1); 15 (17,24%) apresentaram lesão em alça de balde (Tipo 6); 3 (3,45%) lesão de fibrilação (Tipo 4); 3 (3,45%) ruptura longitudinal múltipla (Tipo 3); 3 (3,45%) lesão longitudinal (Tipo 2); 1 (1,15%) lesão tipo 7; e 10 (11,49) apresentaram lesões múltiplas. A meniscectomia parcial do menisco medial foi realizada em 63 (72,41%) joelhos e a meniscectomia total em 3 (13,04%). O procedimento cirúrgico para a resolução da ruptura do ligamento cruzado cranial incluiu: avanço da tuberosidade tibial (TTA) (49 joelhos), osteotomia niveladora do platô tibial (TPLO) (15 joelhos), osteotomia em cunha da tíbia (CWO) (14 joelhos), extracapsular (quatro joelhos) e meniscectomia (cinco joelhos). Todos os casos evoluíram com o retorno à função habitual do membro pélvico acometido na primeira semana do período pós-operatório, e com a ausência de complicações. A alta porcentagem (75,86%) de ruptura do menisco medial encontrada no presente trabalho demonstra a importância da avaliação prévia dos meniscos antes da realização da técnica de estabilização da articulação femorotibiopatelar.

The following study describes meniscus ruptures associated to cranial cruciate ruptures, in 34 dogs of different breeds, ages and weights. Before surgery the animals underwent clinical and radiographic examinations. All animals presented either total or partial cranial cruciate ruptures: 21 (24.14%) of the animals didn’t present any meniscus lesions, and the rest (75.86%) presented only a medial meniscus lesion. The lesions found in the medial meniscus were the following: 33 stifles (37.93%) presented with eversion of the caudal pole (Type 1), 15 (17.24%) showed a bucked handle lesion (Type 6), 3 (3.45%) presented with fibrillation lesion (Type 4), 3 (3.45%) multiple fibrillation lesion (Type 3), 3 (3.45%) longitudinal lesion (Type 2), 1 (1.15%) lesion type 7 and 10 (11.49%) presented multiple lesion. Surgical procedure for cranial cruciate rupture included: tibial tuberosity advancement (TTA) (49 stifle), tibial plateau leveling osteotomies (TPLO) (15 stifle), closing wedge osteotomy (CWO) (14 stifle), extracapsular (4 stifle) and meniscectomy alone (5 stifle), and all these techniques guaranteed weight baring and return to function in the first week after surgery, with no complications. Through this study we could demonstrate that meniscus tear is highly associated to cranial cruciate rupture and that the most common is type 1 (eversion of the caudal pole) and that cronicity of the lesion increases the probability of meniscus tear.

Animals , Dogs , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Menisci, Tibial/anatomy & histology , Joints/anatomy & histology , Dogs , Osteotomy/veterinary
Rev. Col. Bras. Cir ; 38(5): 338-342, set.-out. 2011. ilus, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-606822


OBJETIVO: Avaliar anatomicamente a origem femoral e inserção tibial das bandas ântero-medial e póstero-lateral do ligamento cruzado anterior. MÉTODOS: Estudados oito joelhos de cadáveres, foram feitas as seguintes medidas no fêmur: distância do centro da banda ântero-medial à cartilagem profunda e a ao teto. Ainda no fêmur, do centro da banda póstero-lateral à cartilagem profunda, a cartilagem inferior e à cartilagem superficial. Na tíbia, foi aferido do bordo ósseo tibial anterior à região anterior da banda ântero-medial, ao centro da banda ântero-medial e ao centro da banda póstero-lateral. Também foi medido o centro da banda póstero-lateral ao bordo ósseo posterior da tíbia e o comprimento ântero-posterior total da inserção tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior. RESULTADOS: No fêmur, a distância do centro da banda ântero-medial à cartilagem profunda foi de 6,3 ±1,4mm e ao teto 11,2 ±2mm. Ainda no fêmur, a medida do centro da banda póstero-lateral à cartilagem profunda 9 ±4mm, à cartilagem superficial 7,6 ±1,8mm e a cartilagem inferior 4,2 ±0,9mm. Na tíbia, a distância do bordo ósseo tibial anterior à região anterior da banda ântero-medial foi de 11,9 ±2,8mm, ao centro da banda ântero-medial 18,8 ±2,6mm e ao centro da banda póstero-lateral 26,5 ±2,3mm. A medida do centro da banda póstero-lateral ao bordo ósseo posterior da tíbia foi 19,6 ±4mm e o comprimento ântero-posterior total da inserção tibial do ligamento cruzado anterior 19,4 ±1,8mm. CONCLUSÃO: O centro da inserção tibial da banda ântero-medial encontra-se a aproximadamente 20mm da extremidade anterior da tíbia, enquanto o centro da póstero-lateral se encontra a 30mm. A distância entre o centro da origem da banda ântero-medial até a cartilagem profunda é 6mm e da póstero-lateral 10mm.

OBJECTIVE: To anatomically evaluate the femoral origin and tibial insertion of the anteromedial and posterolateral bands of the anterior cruciate ligament. METHODS: We studied eight cadaver knees as for the following: in the femur, distance from the center of the anteromedial band to the deep cartilage and the ceiling; also in the femur, distance from the center of the posterolateral band to the deep cartilage, to the inferior cartilage and to the superficial cartilage. In the tibia, we measured the distances between the anterior tibial bone edge to the anterior region of the anteromedial band, to the center of the anteromedial band and to the center of the posterolateral band. We also measured the distance between the center of the posterolateral band to the tibial posterolateral bone and the total length of the anteroposterior tibial insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament. RESULTS: In the femur, the distance from the center of the anteromedial band to the deep cartilage was 6.3 ± 1.4 mm, and 11.2 ± 2 mm to the ceiling. Also in the femur, the distance from the center of the posterolateral band to the deep cartilage was 9 ± 4 mm, to the superficial cartilage 7.6 ± 1.8 mm, and to the inferior cartilage 4.2 ± 0.9 mm. In the tibia, the distance from the anterior tibial bone edge to the anterior region of the anteromedial band was 11.9 ± 2.8 mm, to the center of the anteromedial band 18.8 ± 2.6 mm, and to the center of the posterolateral band 26.5 ± 2.3 mm. The distance from the center of the posterolateral band to the tibial posterior bone edge was 19.6 ± 4 mm and the total length of the anteroposterior tibial insertion of the anterior cruciate ligament was 19.4 ± 1.8 mm. CONCLUSION: The center of the tibial insertion of the anteromedial band is approximately 20mm distant from the anterior edge of the tibia, while the center of the posterolateral band is approximately 30mm. The distance between the center of the origin of the anteromedial band to the deep cartilage is 6mm, and to the posterior lateral 10mm.

Humans , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Knee/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/physiology , Cadaver , Knee/physiology , Range of Motion, Articular
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 17(1): 77-86, mayo 2010.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-567484


Se describe el mecanismo de acción, historia natural, presentación clínica y distintos tipos de tratamiento de las lesiones de LCA en niños con cartílago s abiertos y sus complicaciones. La verdadera incidencia de lesión de LCA en niños con cartílagos abiertos es desconocida en Argentina. En el pasado estas lesiones eran subdiagnosticadas, en los últimos años se ha observado un mayor número de estos pacientes. Este aumento ha sido atribuido a un mejor diagnóstico, mejor comprensión de la patología en este grupo etario y a un incremento en la exigencia y participación de los niños en deportes de riesgo. Es importante establecer el potencial de crecimiento ya que tanto éste como el cierre fisiológico de la fisis es variable y deben ser tenidos en cuenta para una adecuada planificación de la técnica quirúrgica y para determinar los eventuales riesgos del compromiso de la fisis. El diagnóstico de lesión de LCA se basa principalmente en el antecedente traumático previo y el examen fisico. La RMN es de utilidad como estudio complementario sobre todo en casos donde la presentación clínica no es clara. El tratamiento de las lesiones de LCA en pacientes esqueléticamente inmaduros es controvertido. El manejo tradicional de estas lesiones ha sido conservador debido al riesgo de lesión de la fisis y desarrollo de alteraciones del crecimiento (discrepancia de miembros inferiores y deformidades angulares). Sin embargo, la bibliografia actual demuestra que la reconstrucción intraarticular precoz y agresiva, permite restaurar la estabilidad articular, retomar al nivel previo de actividad deportiva, disminuir el riesgo de lesiones meniscales secundarias y patología intraarticular degenerativa, con un riesgo mínimo de daño del cartílago de crecimiento con la técnica adecuada. Las distintas opciones quirúrgicas incluyen reparación primaria del ligamento, reconstrucciones extraarticulares, reconstrucción combinada intra y extra articular y reconstrucciones intraarticulares ...

Child , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Growth Plate/physiology , Knee Injuries/surgery , Knee Injuries/therapy , Leg Bones/growth & development , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/injuries , Anterior Cruciate Ligament , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Recovery of Function , Tendons/transplantation
Clinics ; Clinics;65(7): 683-688, 2010. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-555499


OBJECTIVES: To compare the accuracy of tunnel placement and graft isometry for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction performed using a computer-assisted navigation system (Orthopilot) and using traditional instruments. METHODS: The anterior cruciate ligament was removed intact from 36 pairs of human cadaver knees. From each pair, one knee was randomized to Group 1 (conventional) and the other to Group 2 (Orthopilot). An inelastic suture was then passed through the central points of the tibial and femoral tunnels. Neither of the tunnels was drilled. All knees were then dissected, and six parameters were obtained: distances from the tibial tunnel center to the 1) posterior cruciate ligament, 2) anterior horn of the lateral meniscus and 3) medial tibial spine; 4) distance from the femoral tunnel center to the posterior femoral cortex; 5) femoral tunnel coronal angle; and 6) variation of the distance from the femoral to the tibial tunnel with the knee extended and at 90 degrees of flexion. RESULTS: The variation of the distance from the femoral to the tibial tunnel during flexion and extension was smaller in the Orthopilot group (better isometry) compared to the conventional group. There were no statistical differences in any other parameters between the groups, and all tunnels were considered to be in satisfactory positions. DISCUSSION: The results obtained for anterior cruciate ligament reconstruction depend on precise isometric point positioning, and a navigation system is a precision tool that can assist surgeons in tunnel positioning. CONCLUSION: No differences in tunnel position were observed between the groups. Nonetheless, better isometry was achieved in the Orthopilot group than with conventional instruments.

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Surgery, Computer-Assisted/methods , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Cadaver , Femur/anatomy & histology , Femur/surgery , Knee/anatomy & histology , Knee/surgery , Orthopedic Procedures/methods , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric , Treatment Outcome , Tibia/anatomy & histology , Tibia/surgery
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 16(1): 40-47, jun. 2009. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-530688


El propósito de este trabajo es utilizar la visión artroscópica en conjunto con el estudio macroscópico de la anatomía del ligamento cruzado anterior, para revisar y clarificar algunos conceptos báásicos que puedan ayudar a una mejor planificación en el momento de elegir una técnica quirúrgica para la cirugía de reparación de este estabilizador primario de la rodilla. Utilizamos cinco rodillas cadavéricas frescas, en las que se realizó inicialmente una artroscopia para definir y describir la anatomía normal del LCA. Disecamos tres de estas rodillas para identificar los dos fascículos del LCA y realizar mediciones de las áreas de inserción tibial y femoral, marcamos algunos reparos anatómicos de importancia y medimos la distancia entre estos y el centro del foot-print tibial y femoral. Teniendo en cuenta estas mediciones, en los dos especímenes restantes aplicamos por vía artroscópica las diferentes alternativas técnicas que puedan reproducir más fidedignamente estas características anatómicas estudiadas. En conclusión, mostramos los resultados obtenidos a partir de la investigación y la observación de la anatomía normal, aplicada a la práctica quirúrgica, teniendo de esta manera, un sustento objetivo y verdadero para mejorar en el futuro nuestros resultados clínicos, funcionales y biomecánicos de la reparación arrtroscopica del LCA.

Humans , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Plastic Surgery Procedures/trends , Knee Joint/anatomy & histology , Biomechanical Phenomena
Rev. chil. ortop. traumatol ; 50(4): 186-192, 2009. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-574201


Introduction: Anterior Cruciate Ligament (ACL) reconstruction is frequently evaluated using Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI). In order to do this, it becomes very important to recognize the changes of the graft along the first postoperative months. Objective and Hypothesis: Establish the maturation pattern of the ST-G graft after reconstruction of the ACL on the third and sixth month after surgery by means of MRI. Materials and Methods: 32 ACL reconstructions were evaluated by MRI on the 3rd and 6th month after surgery. The graft was analyzed at the level of the femoral tunnel and the articular segment. The maturation criteria used in this study were a low and homogeneous intrasubstance signal and the absence of ligament-to-bone interface. Results: At the 31d month after surgery, 44 percent of the patients had a low intensity signal in the femoral tunnel and 63 percent articular. The signal was homogeneously low in 6 percent of the patients at the femoral tunnel and in 53 percent of the patients at the articular segment. The absence of a ligament-to-bone interface was found in 44 percent of the patients. Six months after surgery, we found low intensity signals in 78 percent of the patients at the femoral tunnel and in 94 percent of the patients at the articular segment. The signal was homogeneously low in 41 percent of the patients in the femoral tunnel and in 78 percent of the patients within the articular segment. The absence of a ligament-to-bone interface was found in 66 percent of the patients. Conclusions: The graft matured during the period of observation and the number of homogeneous low-intensity signals increased between the third and sixth month, thus our hypothesis is confirmed. According to all the criteria employed in this study, the intrarticular segment matures earlier than the intra-tunnel segment.

Introducción: La evaluación de la reconstrucción de ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) por medio de la resonancia magnética (RM) es un método frecuentemente utilizado. Resulta por tanto fundamental conocer los cambios evolutivos del injerto en los primeros meses del postoperatorio. Objetivo e Hipótesis: Determinar un patrón de maduración mediante RIVI del injerto semitendinoso-gracilis (ST-G) en la reconstrucción de LCA at tercer y sexto mes postcirugía. Pacientes y Métodos: 32 pacientes sometidos a reconstrucción de LCA, fueron estudiados mediante RM a los 3 y 6 meses postcirugía. Se evaluaron las características del injerto, a nivel del túnel femoral y segmento articular, definiendo como criterios de maduración la obtención de una baja intensidad de señal intra sustancia, de aspecto homogéneo y con ausencia de interfase osteoligamentosa. Resultados: Al tercer mes de la cirugía, encontramos 44 por ciento de señal de baja intensidad a nivel del túnel femoral y 63 por ciento articular. La señal fue homogénea en 6 por ciento de los pacientes a nivel del túnel femoral y 53 por ciento articular. La ausencia de interfase osteoligamentosa se pesquisó en 44 por ciento de los pacientes. Al sexto mes, encontramos 78 por ciento de señal de baja intensidad a nivel del túnel femoral y 94 por ciento articular. La señal fue homogénea en 41 por ciento de los pacientes a nivel del túnel femoral y 78 por ciento articular. La ausencia de interfase osteoligamentosa se pesquisó en 66 por ciento de los pacientes. Conclusiones: Se observa que el injerto evoluciona, madurando entre el tercer y sexto mes de acuerdo a los criterios utilizados, confirmando así la hipótesis de que existe un patrón de maduración definido. El segmento intrarticular, madura más precozmente que el segmento intra-túnel.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Female , Middle Aged , Magnetic Resonance Imaging/methods , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/surgery , Tendons/transplantation , Graft Survival , Postoperative Period , Prospective Studies , Plastic Surgery Procedures/methods
Braz. j. vet. res. anim. sci ; 44(6): 408-414, 2007. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-510480


Estudo-se o ligamento cruzado cranial de 30 cães, quantificando a proporção de fibras colágenas, reticulares e elásticas em 3 regiões, correspondentes à sua origem no fêmur, ao fragmento médio proximal e à inserção na tíbia. Os dados coletados foram confrontados com idade e peso dos animais. A média da proporção de fibras colágenas foi de 43%; fibras reticulares 16,28% e fibras elásticas 7,35%. Não existiu diferença significativa entre as 3 regiões ou entre estas regiões e a média do ligamento como um todo, quando confrontado os dados dos grupos separados por peso, mas ao separá-los conforme a idade observamos diferença muito significativa na proporção de fibras reticulares, a qual sofreu decréscimo progressivo diretamente proporcional com o avançar da idade.

The cranial cruciate ligament was studied in 30 dogs, where proportion of fibers collagen, elastic and reticulin were measured in 3 segments: femoral insertion, median segment and tibial insertion. The results were analyzed with confrontation of age and body weight. The data were statistically analyzed by means of ANOVA, “t”Student and correlation test. The results draw to the following conclusions: 1- )The mean of fibers collagen proportion was 43%, elastic fibers was 7,35% and reticulin fibers proportion was 16, 28%. 2 -) There was no difference between the 3 regions, 3.) By confrontation among reticulin fibers proportion measurements with the age, a high intensity correlation was observed, as older dog, less reticulin fibers proportion was found. 4 -) There was no significant differences among the ligament fibers proportion data concerning the body weight.

Animals , Male , Female , Dogs , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology
Clinics ; Clinics;62(5): 619-626, 2007. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-465120


PURPOSE: The purpose of this study was to evaluate a low-cost and easily reproducible technique for biomechanical studies in cadavers. In this kind of study, the natural effect of loading of the joint and shear forces are not taken into account. The objective is to describe the plastic deformation of the ligaments into 3-dimensional space. METHOD: For 18 intact human cadaver knees, the cruciate ligaments were divided into 3 fiber bundles, the tibial or femoral fixation points were marked, and 2 perpendicular different x-ray exposures were performed, thus obtaining radiographs of spatial projections of the bundle in 3 anatomic planes (frontal, sagittal, and transversal). From the measurements made on the x-ray films, we obtained the average distance between the 2 fixation points of the cruciate ligaments on the tibia and the femur at 4 different flexion angles. RESULTS: The distance between the fixation points of the medial and lateral fiber bundles of the cruciate ligaments did not change significantly during movement. There were, however, significant variations (P < .05) in the distance between the fixation points of the posterior fiber bundles of the anterior cruciate ligament and the anterior fiber bundles of the posterior cruciate ligament. CONCLUSIONS: This technique was efficient for demonstrating the plastic deformability of the cruciate ligaments. The results proceeding from this type of study can assist in the planning of physical rehabilitation programs.

OBJETIVO: Este trabalho sugere uma técnica de baixo custo e de fácil reprodutibilidade para o estudo biomecânico em cadáveres. Neste tipo de estudo os efeitos das cargas naturais na articulação não são estudados. O objetivo é descrever a deformação plástica dos ligamentos no espaço tridimensional. MÉTODO: 18 joelhos provenientes de cadáveres humanos tiveram seus ligamentos cruzados divididos em três feixes de fibras cada e suas respectivas fixações tibiais e femorais marcadas, quando foram submetidos a duas exposições radiográficas perpendiculares para podermos obter uma projeção dos ligamentos nos três planos anatômicos (frontal, sagital e transversal). Através das medidas feitas nas radiografias nós obtivemos a média da distância entre os pontos de fixação na tíbia e no fêmur em quatro diferentes graus de flexão. RESULTADOS: Analisando os dados nós observamos que a distância entre os pontos de fixação dos feixes medial e lateral de ambos os ligamentos cruzados não alterou de forma significativa durante o movimento. Contudo, houve variação significativa (p>0.05) na distância entre os pontos de fixação do feixe posterior do ligamento cruzado anterior e do feixe anterior do ligamento cruzado posterior. CONCLUSÕES: A técnica foi eficiente ao demonstrar a deformação plástica dos ligamentos cruzados. Os resultados provenientes deste tipo de estudo podem auxiliar no planejamento de programas de reabilitação física.

Adult , Humans , Male , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/physiology , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/physiology , Range of Motion, Articular/physiology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Anterior Cruciate Ligament , Biomechanical Phenomena , Cadaver , Imaging, Three-Dimensional , Posterior Cruciate Ligament/anatomy & histology , Posterior Cruciate Ligament , Reproducibility of Results