Outpatient clinics, clinics, and veterinary hospitals in the state of São Paulo and other Brazilian states commonly prescribe broad-spectrum vermicidal agents. The prescriptions are not based on coproparasitological examination results and drugs, including those used for the elimination of enteric parasites, are not innocuous and can potentially cause health hazards. Therefore, we report a clinical case of drug-induced panniculitis caused by deworming and show the actual occurrence of endoparasites in canine and feline outpatients at HOVET-USP.(AU)
É prática corrente em ambulatórios, consultórios, clínicas e hospitais veterinários paulistas, por não dizer brasileiros, a prescrição de ativos com ação vermicida, no senso lato, sem o embasamento do, hoje até prosaico, exame coproparasitológico. É sabido há muito que todo e qualquer fármaco não é inócuo e pode potencialmente acarretar agravos à saúde, e dentre estes incluem-se os ativos destinados à erradicação de parasitos entéricos. Decidiu-se assim por se relatar um caso clínico de paniculite farmacodérmica decorrente de vermifugação, bem como situar a real ocorrência de endoparasitas em pacientes, caninos e felinos, trazidos para atendimento ambulatorial no HOVET-USP.(AU)
Animals , Dogs , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Drug Eruptions/veterinary , Panniculitis/veterinary , Parasite Egg Count/veterinaryABSTRACT
The therapeutic scheme of triclabendazole (TCBZ), the recommended anthelmintic against
: Eighty-four Peruvian children with
: A parasitological cure was obtained in 100% of individuals from Group I and 95% of individuals from Group II. The most common adverse event was biliary colic.
: The tested scheme was efficacious and tolerable, and it might be an optimal scheme in the region. To the best of our knowledge, this represents the largest series of children treated with TCBZ in a non-hospital setting.
Adolescent , Animals , Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Benzimidazoles/administration & dosage , Fascioliasis/drug therapy , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Benzimidazoles/adverse effects , Clinical Protocols , Drug Administration Schedule , Fasciola hepatica , Feces/parasitology , Parasite Egg Count , Peru , Severity of Illness IndexABSTRACT
São descritos vinte e quatro surtos de tétano ocorridos no ano 2009 em bovinos de corte em propriedades situadas na região de influência do Laboratório Regional de Diagnóstico (LRD), sul do Rio Grande de Sul. Todos os rebanhos foram submetidos a procedimentos de vacinação e/ou aplicação de anti-helmíntico entre 8 e 25 dias antes do aparecimento dos primeiros sinais clínicos. O tempo de evolução variou de 12 horas até quatro dias. Os sinais clínicos observados foram: prolapso da terceira pálpebra, andar rígido, dificuldade de flexão dos membros e permanência em decúbito lateral com os membros estendidos e afastados do solo (paralisia espástica), pálpebras muito abertas, sialorréia, hiperexcitabilidade, orelhas eretas, trismo mandibular, acúmulo de alimento na cavidade oral e presença de espuma na boca e narinas em alguns casos. Alguns bovinos apresentavam área de necrose e edema hemorrágico circundada por exsudato purulento nos músculos onde havia sido aplicado algum medicamento. O soro sanguíneo e fragmentos de músculo com lesão de animais afetados foram coletados para posterior inoculação em camundongos. No exame histopatológico não foram evidenciadas alterações. O quadro clínico associado aos dados epidemiológicos e a ausência de lesões histológicas permitiram o diagnóstico de tétano. A infecção, provavelmente ocorreu durante o procedimento de vacinação, através injeções intramusculares utilizando agulhas contaminadas. Apesar do tétano não ser uma clostridiose importante na região fica evidenciado que surtos podem ocorrer em função de condições epidemiológicas adequadas e cuidados devem ser tomados para evitar perdas econômicas importantes como as que ocorreram no ano 2009 na região.
Twenty-four outbreaks of tetanus occurred in 2009 in beef cattle on farms located in the region of influence of the Regional Diagnostic Laboratory (LRD), southern Rio Grande de Sul, are described. All herds were submitted to vaccination and/or application of anthelmintics between 8 and 25 days before the onset of clinical signs of tetanus. Those were prolapse of the third eyelid, stiff gait, recumbency with limbs extended and off the ground (spastic paralysis), very open eyelids, salivation, hyperexcitability, erect ears, mandibular trismus, food accumulation in the oral cavity, and presence of foam in mouth and nostrils in some cases. At postmortem some animals had necrosis, edema and hemorrhage surrounded by purulent exudate in the muscles where some medicine had been applied. Blood serum and muscle fragments of affected animals were collected for subsequent inoculation into mice. No changes were evident in histological examination. The clinical and epidemiological data associated with the absence of histological lesions allowed the diagnosis of tetanus. The infection probably occurred during the vaccination procedure, by intramuscular injections using contaminated needles. Although tetanus is not an important disease in the region, outbreaks could occur depending on epidemiological conditions. Appropriate care should be taken to avoid major economic losses as those that occurred in 2009 in the region.
Animals , Cattle , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Tetanus/transmission , Tetanus/veterinary , Vaccination/adverse effects , Bacteria, Anaerobic/genetics , Disease Outbreaks/veterinaryABSTRACT
Entre os métodos de controle da verminose gastrintestinal em ovinos, a utilização de produtos químicos é o mais empregado. Porém, o uso indiscriminado e continuado desses produtos tem selecionado populações de helmintos resistentes aos anti-helmínticos, fenômeno relatado no mundo todo. Este trabalho teve como objetivo identificar as espécies de parasitos gastrintestinais e diagnosticar a situação da resistência anti-helmíntica em ovinos no Estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Foram realizados testes de redução na contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) em rebanhos de dezesseis propriedades rurais; as sete formulações utilizadas continham as seguintes bases farmacológicas: Albendazol, Ivermectina, Levamisole, Triclorfon, Moxidectina, Closantel e uma contendo as três primeiras associadas. As espécies identificadas nas necropsias, em ovinos adultos, foram: Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Cooperia curticei, C. punctata, C. pectinata e Oesophagostomum columbianum; em ordem de prevalência. As formulações contendo Albendazol e Ivermectina não apresentaram eficácia na redução de OPG nos rebanhos testados, com médias de redução de 0,7 e -19,6 por cento, respectivamente. Closantel apresentou eficácia média de 6,7 por cento; Levamisole, Moxidectina e Triclorfon de 28,7, 26,8 e 65 por cento, respectivamente; a associação das três bases (Albendazol, Ivermectina e Levamisole), uma média de eficácia de 55,8 por cento. As percentagens médias de larvas infectantes recuperadas nas coproculturas, tanto no pré como no pós-tratamento, foram semelhantes; indicando que a resistência às bases testadas está presente em todas as espécies citadas, em maior ou menor intensidade. Os dois gêneros predominantemente resistentes são Haemonchus sp., com 86,9 por cento; seguido por Trichostrongylus sp., com média de 47,5 por cento; Strongyloides sp. 33,6 por cento; Oesophagostomum, sp. 21,4 por cento e Cooperia sp. 19,7 por cento.
Among the methods of control of gastrointestinal worms in sheep, the use of chemicals is the most common. However, the continued, and indiscriminate, use of these products has selected populations of resistant helminths to anthelmintics, a phenomenon reported in the whole world. This study aimed to identify the species of gastrointestinal parasites and diagnose the status of anthelmintic resistance in sheep in the State of Mato Grosso do Sul Brazil. Feacal egg count reduction tests (FECRT) were performed in flocks of sixteen farms, and the seven formulations used contained the following pharmacological bases: Albendazole, Ivermectin, Levamizol, Trichlorfon, Moxidectin, Closantel and one containing the first three in association. The species identified at necropsy, in adult sheep, were: Haemonchus contortus, Trichostrongylus colubriformis, Cooperia curticei, C. punctata, C. pectinata and Oesophagostomum columbianum, in order of prevalence. The formulations containing Albendazole and Ivermectin did not show efficacy in reducing the EPG in the flocks tested, with average reductions of 0.7 and -19.6 percent, respectively. Closantel presented an average efficacy of 6.7 percent; Levamisolee, Moxidectin and Trichlorfon, 28.7, 26.8 and 65 percent respectively, the combination of three bases (Albendazole, Ivermectin and Levamizol), an average efficacy of 55.8 percent. The average percentages of infective larvae recovered in the faecal cultures, pre and post treatment were similar, indicating that resistance to the bases tested is present in all species cited, to a greater or lesser degree. The two genera predominantly resistant are Haemonchus sp., with 86.9 percent, followed by Trichostrongylus sp., with an average of 47.5 percent, Strongyloides sp. 33.6 percent, Oesophagostomum sp. 21.4 percent and Cooperia sp. 19.7 percent.
Animals , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Anthelmintics/immunology , Gastrointestinal Diseases/parasitology , Helminths , Helminths/immunology , Nematoda/microbiology , Nematoda/ultrastructure , Drug Resistance, Microbial/immunology , Antigens, Helminth , Biological Phenomena , Sheep Diseases/parasitologyABSTRACT
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of orally administered albendazole sulphoxide and pour-on ivermectin for the treatment of bovine parasitic otitis caused by rhabditiform nematodes. Eighteen Gyr cows presenting clinical otitis were divided in three groups with six animals each. The first one did not receive any treatment (control group). The second one was treated with 0.5 percent pour-on ivermectin, 500µg/kg of body weight, and the third group was treated with oral 6 percent albendazole sulphoxide, at 6.0mg/kg. Both ear canals of each animal were reexamined on days 7 and 21 post treatment. The animals in the control group remained infected throughout the days of observation. Ivermectin treatment did not show effectiveness on days 7 or 21 post treatment. The albendazole sulphoxide treatment had an efficacy of 16.7 and 25 percent on days 7 and 21, respectively. Further studies are required to assess an effective treatment for this parasitic disease, especially via alternative administration routes, because of its significant impact on Bos taurus indicus cattle breeding in Tropical and Subtropical Regions.
O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a eficácia do sulfóxido de albendazol administrado oralmente e da ivermectina "pour-on" no tratamento da otite parasitária bovina causada por nematóides rhabditiformes. Dezoito vacas Gir apresentando otite clínica foram divididas em três grupos de seis animais cada. O primeiro não recebeu tratamento (grupo controle). O segundo foi tratado com ivermectina "pour-on" a 0,05 por cento na dose de 500µg/kg de peso vivo. O terceiro grupo foi tratado com sulfóxido de albendazol oral a 6 por cento na dose 6,0mg/kg. Os condutos auditivos de todos os animais foram reexaminados nos dias 7 e 21 pós-tratamento. Os animais do grupo controle permaneceram infectados nos dias de observação. O tratamento com ivermectina não demonstrou eficácia alguma para os dias 7 e 21 pós-tratamento. O tratamento com sulfóxido de albendazol obteve 16,7 e 25 por cento de eficácia nos dias 7 e 21, respectivamente. Mais estudos são necessários para determinação de tratamentos eficazes para tal doença parasitária, especialmente através de vias alternativas de administração, por causa de seu significante impacto na criação de Bos taurus indicus nas Regiões Tropical e Subtropical.
Animals , Female , Cattle , Albendazole/administration & dosage , Parasitic Diseases, Animal/prevention & control , Ivermectin/administration & dosage , Otitis/veterinary , Rhabditoidea/parasitology , Administration, Oral , Anthelmintics/adverse effectsABSTRACT
As plantas são fontes importantes de produtos naturais biologicamente ativos. Dentre as plantas usadas na medicina popular a Anonna squamosa conhecida como fruta-do-conde é citada como tendo várias ações medicinais, dentre elas a atividade inseticida e anti-helmíntica. Dentro desta perspectiva, objetivou-se determinar a atividade anti-helmíntica dos extratos aquosos (EA) e etanólicos (EE) das folhas da fruta-do-conde sobre o nematóide de aves Ascaridia galli, in vitro e in vivo. No primeiro, os nematóides foram colocados em placa de Petri contendo diferentes concentrações dos extratos e no segundo foram utilizadas seis galinhas poedeiras por grupo, as quais foram administrados10 mL Kg-1 dos extratos. No teste in vitro o EA da A. squamosa nas concentrações 2,4 e 9,6 mg mL-1 foi capaz de matar 63,33 por cento e 53,33 por cento dos nematóides, respectivamente. O EE não produziu efeito significativo. No teste in vivo, o percentual de eliminação do EA foi de 39 por cento e do EE de 20 por cento. Estes dados sugerem que neste caso a substância responsável pela mortalidade dos parasitos esteja em maior concentração na fração aquosa. Desta maneira, acredita-se que o EA de A. squamosa apresenta uma atividade anti-helmíntica potencial sobre o A. galli.
Plants are important sources of biologically active natural products. Among the plants used in popular medicine, Annona squamosa, known as sweetsop, is reported to have several medicinal actions such as insecticidal and anthelmintic activity. Therefore, this study aimed to assess the anthelmintic activity of aqueous (AE) and ethanolic (EE) extracts from sweetsop leaves on the chicken roundworm Ascaridia galli, both in vitro and in vivo. In the former, nematodes were placed on a Petri plate containing different concentrations of the extracts; in the in vivo test, six egg-laying chickens per group received 10 mL Kg-1 of the extracts. In vitro results indicated that A. squamosa AE at the concentrations 2.4 and 9.6 mg mL-1 could kill 63.33 percent and 53.33 percent nematodes, respectively. However, EE did not have any significant effect. According to the in vivo test, the elimination percentage for AE was 39 percent and for EE, 20 percent. These data suggest that the substance responsible for parasite mortality was present at a higher concentration in the aqueous fraction. Thus, A. squamosa AE is believed to have a potential anthelmintic activity on A. galli.
Ascaridia/pathogenicity , Annona/metabolism , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Plants, Medicinal/physiology , Plant Extracts/analysisABSTRACT
Descrevem-se 6 surtos de lesões orofaríngeas em ovinos causadas por pistolas para administração oral de anti-helmínticos. Em 2 surtos ocorridos no Rio Grande do Sul, com morbidade de 6,25 por cento e 15 por cento as lesões ocorreram em ovinos de diferentes idades após o tratamento anti-helmíntico. Caracterizaram-se por fístulas que se estendiam através dos tecidos moles desde a boca até a pele da face. Todos os animais morreram ou foram eutanasiados após perda contínua de peso após um curso clínico de até 8 meses. Outro surto nesse mesmo Estado, com uma morbidade de 7,22 por cento caracterizou-se por lesões de edema maligno originadas por traumatismos causados na mucosa oral durante a administração de melaço. Todos os animais morreram em 10 dias após o tratamento. No quarto surto observado no Rio Grande do Sul, houve uma ovelha adulta afetada, de um total de 88, que apresentou severa hemorragia pelo nariz e pela boca 8 dias após ter sido tratada oralmente com anti-helmíntico. Na necropsia apresentava aumento de volume pela face interna da mandíbula do lado direito e bochecha cuja mucosa estava ulcerada, com um coágulo e secreção purulenta com formação de fístula que se estendia pelos tecidos moles em direção ao globo ocular. Dois surtos ocorreram no Estado de Goiás, 16-20 dias após o tratamento oral com anti-helmínticos em cordeiros de 5-9 meses de idade. A morbidade foi de 11,43 por cento e 15,62 por cento e mortalidade de 7,14 por cento e 9,38 por cento. Os animais apresentaram, principalmente, sinais nervosos, causados por abscessos que variavam de 0,5-3cm de diâmetro, contendo exsudato purulento amarelado no seu interior, localizados na orofaringe, palato mole e musculatura esquelética adjacente estendendo-se às meninges através da articulação atlanto-occipital. Meningite não-purulenta foi observada histologicamente. Alerta-se para a necessidade de utilização de pistolas em boas condições e prestar atenção no momento do tratamento...
Six outbreaks of oropharyngeal lesions caused by drenching guns in sheep are reported. In 2 outbreaks in Rio Grande do Sul the morbidity was 6.25 percent and 15 percent, and the lesions observed after antihelmintic treatment in adult sheep were characterized by a fistula extending from mouth to skin of the face. All sheep died or were euthanatized after continuous weight loss for up to 8 months. Another outbreak in the same State affected 26 out of 360 adult sheep after being dosed with molasses, causing lesions in the oral mucosa followed by malignant edema of the oral and subcutaneous tissues. All sheep died within 10 days after treatment. Another case observed in Rio Grande do Sul affected one out of 88 adult ewes. The animal died with hemorrhages from the nose and mouth 8 days after antihelmintic treatment. At necropsy an ulcerated lesion covered by a clot of fibrine was found in the oral mucosa. The lesion had a fistulated tract with purulent exudate extending through the soft tissues in direction to the right eye. Two outbreaks occurred in the State of Goiás 16-20 days after antihelmintic treatment in 5-9 months old lambs. Morbidity was 11.43 percent and 15.62 percent and fatality rate was 7.14 percent and 9.38 percent. Main clinical signs were nervous signs caused by abscesses with a diameter of 0.5-3cm, containing purulent exudates in the oropharynx, soft palate and adjacent muscles extending to the meninges through the atlantoaxial joint. Not-purulent meningitis was observed histologically. The need to use proper drenching guns and pay attention during dosing to avoid lesions of the oropharynx is pointed out.
Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Wounds and Injuries/epidemiology , Wounds and Injuries/chemically induced , Wounds and Injuries/veterinary , SheepABSTRACT
A ancilostomíase é uma doença parasitária causada pelos helmintos Ancylostoma duodenale e Necator americanus, com importante.
Male , Female , Ancylostomiasis/diagnosis , Ancylostomiasis/physiopathology , Ancylostomiasis/therapy , Albendazole/therapeutic use , Ancylostoma/pathogenicity , Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Anthelmintics/therapeutic use , Mebendazole/therapeutic use , Necator americanus/pathogenicity , Pyrantel Pamoate/therapeutic useABSTRACT
As helmintoses gastrintestinais ocupam um lugar de destaque na estatística de problemas sanitários da caprino-cultura moderna, criando continuamente novas dificuldades para o seu controle, sendo a resistência a drogas anti-helmínticas fator estratégico limitante para o seu controle. O presente estudo teve o objetivo de verificar a sensibilidade de nematóides gastrintestinais de caprinos a ação de compostos anti-helmínticos, convencionais e alternativos. Foram utilizados 120 animais, de ambos os sexos, sendo distribuídos em grupos de 24 animais cada (12 animais machos e 12 animais fêmeas), totalizando 10 grupos, submetidos, cada grupo ao tratamento com um composto anti-helmíntico específico. As drogas utilizadas nos ensaios foram a moxidectina 0,2 por cento, albendazole, cloridrato de levamisol, ivermectina (drogas convencionais) e extrato aquoso de batata de purga (Operculina hamiltonii). Para avaliar a resistência, aplicou-se o teste de redução na contagem de ovos por grama de fezes (RCOF) e a larvacultura. As amostras fecais foram coletadas no dia em que foi realizada a medicação (dia base), aos 7, 14 e 21 dias após tratamento. Foram obtidos os seguintes resultados para a redução de ovos para a família Trichostrongyloidea, no tratamento de fêmeas com a moxidectina reduziu 92,8 por cento, 88,7 por cento e 89,8 por cento; nos machos: 92,6 por cento, 96,2 por cento e 98,1 por cento; com o levamisol as fêmeas reduziram 96 por cento, 97,1 por cento e 91 por cento; nos machos: 85,7 por cento, 94,2 por cento e 100 por cento; com o albendazol as fêmeas reduziram 65 por cento, 60,3 por cento e 75,4 por cento; nos machos 88,8 por cento, 88,8 por cento e 55,5 por cento; com a ivermectina reduziram 92,2 por cento, 68,6 por cento e 70,6 por cento; nos machos 41,7 por cento, 73,6 por cento e 59,7 por cento; com a batata de purga as fêmeas reduziram 31,8 por cento, 34,1 por cento e 49,4 por cento, nos machos 61,5 por cento, 80,7 por cento e 50 por...
The objective was to evaluate conventional and alternative anthelminthic action on the sensibility of gastrointestinal nematodes in goats. Hundred and twenty goats of both sexes were distributed into 10 groups of 24 animals each (12 males and 12 females) and submitted to treatments of specific anthelminthic composition. The commercial drugs used were moxidectin 0.2 percent, albendazole, levamisol chlorhydrate, ivermectin and an aqueous extract of the purgative potato (Operculina hamiltonii). The reduction test was applied through egg counts per gram of feces and larval culture to evaluate resistance. The fecal samples were collected in the day when medication was accomplished (day base), at 7, 14 and 21 days after treatment. The following results for the reduction of Trichostrongyloidea eggs were obtained: Treatment of the females with Moxidectina reduced the egg counts to 92.8, 88.7 and 89.8 percent, of the males to 92.6, 96.2 and 98.1 percent; with Levamisol of the females to 96, 97.1 and 91 percent, of the males to 85.7, 94,2 and 100 percent; with Albendazol of the females 65, 60.3 and 75.4 percent, of the males 88.8, 88.8 and 55.5 percent; with Ivermectin of the females to 92.2, 68.6 and 70.6 percent, of the males to 41.7, 73.6 and 59.7 percent; and with the purgative potato of the females to 31.8, 34.1 and 49.4 percent, of the males to 61.5, 80.7 and 50 percent. In larval culture Haemonchus, followed by Bunostomum, Trichostrongylus, and Oesophagostomum, were identified even after treatments.
Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Goats , Nematoda/isolation & purification , Trichostrongyloidea/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
A viabilidade de uma formulação do fungo Monacrosporium sinense foi avaliada no controle de nematóides parasitos gastrintestinais de bovinos. Dois grupos de 10 bezerros cada um, mestiços Holandês x Zebu, de seis a nove meses de idade, foram colocados em pastagem de Brachiaria brizantha. Em um dos grupos, cada animal recebeu 20g de péletes em matriz de alginato de sódio, contendo massa miceliana do fungo M. sinense via oral, duas vezes por semana, durante seis meses, com início no mês de outubro; no outro grupo, controle, os bezerros não receberam esse tratamento. As contagens de ovos por grama de fezes (OPG) e de larvas infectantes por kg de matéria seca foram maiores (P<0,05) no grupo-controle, e a diferença entre o OPG dos dois grupos, no final do experimento, foi de 79 por cento. A viabilidade dos péletes em germinar e a atividade predatória do fungo após o encapsulamento foram avaliadas in vitro. A porcentagem de péletes com cultivo positivo para o fungo variou entre 90 e 100 por cento, e o percentual de redução de larvas infectantes in vitro variou entre 90,6 e 100 por cento. A aplicação de péletes de M. sinense na dosagem e periodicidade usadas são eficazes no biocontrole de nematóides parasitos gastrintestinais de bovinos.
The viability of a formulation of the fungus Monacrosporium sinense was evaluated as control of bovine gastrointestinal nematodes parasites. Two groups were used and they were made up of 10 Holstein X Zebu crossbred, six to eight-month-old. They were grazing on Brachiaria brizantha pasture. In the treated group, each animal received orally, twice a week 20g of pellets of sodium alginate containing mycelial of the fungus M. sinense, during six months, with the onset in October. In the control group, the calves did not receive that treatment. The counting of eggs per gram of faeces (EPG) and the counting of infective larvae per kg of dry matter were higher (P<0.05) in the control group than in the treated group. The difference of the EPG between the groups at the end of the experimental period was 79 percent. The viability of the pellets germination and the predatory activity of the fungus after the encapsulation were evaluated in vitro. The percentage of pellets with positive culture for fungus varied between 90-100 percent and the percentage of reduction of infective larvae varied between 90.6-100 percent. The use of that dose and the periodic application of M. sinense pellets were efficient as control of bovine gastrointestinal nematode parasites.
Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Cattle , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Fungi/isolation & purification , Nematoda/isolation & purificationABSTRACT
Eighteen jirds were equally distributed in two treated and one control groups. The commercial products to the fenbendazole base (10mg) and the association of febantel (1.5mg), pirantel (1.44mg) and praziquantel (0.5mg) were orally administred in the concentration of 0.1ml in each group. The effectiveness of febendazole against oxiurids was 81.8 percent, 65.0 and 38.7 percent and for the association of febantel, pirantel and praziquantel was 72.7 percent, 73.8 percent and 51.0 percent on days 7, 14 and 21, respectively. Three applications of that dose of the tested medications, within intervals of 10 days, associated to hygiene, are recommended.
Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Gerbillinae , Pyrantel Pamoate/administration & dosage , Praziquantel/administration & dosageABSTRACT
Sustained-releasing praziquantel (SRP) tablet was designed for single dose treatment regimen of clonorchiasis. A previous pre-clinical study confirmed its sustained-releasing characteristics and a better cure rate than conventional praziquantel (PZQ). In this clinical study, the pharmacokinetics of this SRP tablet were investigated in human volunteers (phase 1; 12 volunteers), and its curative efficacy was examined in clonorchiasis patients (phase 2; 20 volunteers). In the phase 1 clinical study, blood concentrations of both tablets showed wide individual variation. The AUC(last) of SRP was 497.9+/-519.0 ng.hr/ml (mean+/-SD) and PZQ of 628.6+/-695.5 ng.hr/ml, and the AUC(inf) of SRP was 776.0+/-538.5 ng.hr/ml and of PZQ 658.6+/-709.9 ng.hr/ml. C(max) values of SRP and PZQ were 90.7+/-82.2 ng/ml and 214.9+/-251.9 ng/ml, and T(max) values were 3.42+/-1.43 hr and 1.96+/-1.23 hr, respectively. SRP tablets showed similar AUC values, but lower C(max) and longer T(max) values than PZQ. In the phase 2 study, SRP at 30 mg/kg (single dose) achieved a 60% cure rate and a 95.5% egg reduction rate. The cure rate of a single dose SRP was unsatisfactory compared with that of the conventional PZQ dose, but much better than that achieved by a single dose PZQ.
Male , Humans , Animals , Adult , Praziquantel/adverse effects , Parasite Egg Count , Delayed-Action Preparations/pharmacokinetics , Clonorchis sinensis/drug effects , Clonorchiasis/drug therapy , Area Under Curve , Anthelmintics/adverse effectsABSTRACT
The stools of 697 cases were examined by agar plate technique at Tambon Makam Luang, Sun Pa Tong district, Chiang Mai; there were Strongyloides stercoralis 15.9%,Opisthorchis viverrini 5.1%, intestinal fluke 0.1%. Treatment with ivermectin 78 cases and albendazole 33 cases of strongyloidiasis gave cure rates at 98.7% and 78.7%, respectively. Alkaline phosphatase in some patients were increased at mild level after treatment. Side effects in ivermectin group were anorexia, nausia, diarrhea, diffuse itching and drowsiness; and in albendazole group were nausia and diarrhea. The efficacy of single dose and mild side effects suggest ivermectin as drug of choice for strongyloidiasis treatment.
Albendazole/adverse effects , Animals , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Feces/parasitology , Female , Humans , Ivermectin/adverse effects , Liver Function Tests , Male , Prevalence , Sex Distribution , Strongyloides/drug effects , Strongyloidiasis/drug therapy , Thailand/epidemiologyABSTRACT
One hundred new born males babies aged 7 days and above were included in this study. These were divided into two groups - Group I included G6PD normal subjects and Group II included G6PD deficient subjects. Total bilirubin and G6PD enzyme levels were done by commercially available kits. Results were analysed by using students t test and level of significance was done. A significant increase in total bilirubin level was observed in infants of G6PD deficiency, Erythrocyte G6PD level is significantly decreased in 06% of infants born with neonatal jaundice
Humans , Male , Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency , Bilirubin/blood , Erythrocytes/enzymology , Anemia, Hemolytic/etiology , Antimalarials/adverse effects , Sulfonamides/adverse effects , Aspirin/adverse effects , Nalidixic Acid/adverse effects , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Probenecid/adverse effectsABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Evaluar la utilidad de nitazoxanida en dosis habitual con esquema de tres días y en dosis única, para la erradicación masiva de parásitos intestinales en la población pediátrica, comparando su efecto con el del albendazol en dosis única. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Se realizó un ensayo clínico aleatorizado, en tres comunidades rurales de la región central de México, durante el periodo 2001-2003, para incluir tres posibles alternativas de tratamiento en 786 sujetos de entre 5 y 11 años de edad, de los cuales 92 tuvieron un examen parasitológico positivo (15.1 por ciento). El grupo 1 incluyó 27 pacientes que recibieron 400 mg de albendazol en dosis única; el grupo 2 incluyó 34 pacientes a quienes se administró nitazoxanida en dosis de 15 mg/kg/día durante tres días consecutivos; y el grupo 3 incluyó 31 pacientes que recibieron 1.2 g de nitazoxanida en dosis única. Se evaluó diferencia de proporciones mediante prueba exacta de Fisher. RESULTADOS: No existieron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en la efectividad de los tres esquemas de tratamiento: (80.5 por ciento) con albendazol, comparado con las dos alternativas adicionales de nitazoxanida (67.6 por ciento y 71 por ciento, respectivamente). Se observó una mayor prevalencia de efectos secundarios con nitazoxanida por kg /día (26.5 por ciento) y en dosis única (32.2 por ciento), en comparación con la dosis única de albendazol (7.4 por ciento). CONCLUSIONES: Las evidencias en cuanto a la efectividad y elevada prevalencia de efectos secundarios de la nitazoxanida no justifican aún su utilización como quimiopreventivo masivo para el control de parasitosis intestinal en áreas endémicas. En países con elevada prevalencia de parasitosis intestinal las medidas de prevención primaria que continúan vigentes, y que deben priorizarse, están relacionadas con sanidad pública, introducción de agua potable y drenaje, cloración de agua y manejo adecuado de excretas de animales domésticos, así como educación para la salud.
Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Albendazole/administration & dosage , Anthelmintics/administration & dosage , Antiparasitic Agents/administration & dosage , Intestinal Diseases, Parasitic/drug therapy , Thiazoles/administration & dosage , Administration, Oral , Albendazole/adverse effects , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Antiparasitic Agents/adverse effects , Thiazoles/adverse effects , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
Helminths infect 25% of the world's population. In the last 50 years specific, safe and effective anthelminitic drug therapy for various parasitic infestations have been developed. The population of the developing countries across the globe suffers not only as a direct result of these infections but due also to co-morbidity such as anemia, malnutrition and reduced immunity status. Earlier anthelmintic drugs suffered from serious drawbacks such as hepatotoxicity and required specific preparation of the patient before treatment such as 12-hour fasting and pre-post purging caused considerable inconvenience to the patient. However, successive discoveries were born out of rationale approach that contributed to the effective, more specific and more easily tolerated drugs i.e. benzimidazoles, piperazine derivatives, avermectins, pyrazinoquinoline, etc. The present approach is to identify the causative parasite on the basis of stool examination and as a result of this approach, different drugs are prescribed for different parasitic infections. Examples include thiabendazole for cutaneous larva migrans, mebendazole for ascariasis, trichiuriasis and hookworm, albendazole for inoperable cases of cystic hydatid disease, DEC for Toxocara induced visceral larva migrans and loiasis, ivermectin for onchocerciasis, praziquantel for schistosomiasis and niridazole for Dracunculus medinensis. The cure rates with these drugs is also high e.g. thiabendazole produces a cure-rate of 98% in cutaneous larva migrans while mebendazole gives cure rate of 76-95% in ascariasis, trichiuriasis and hookworm infestations. A cure rate of 96% is produced by praziquantel in schistosomiasis. Most of these drugs have broad-spectrum anthelmentic effect. The present review aims at evaluating the currently available anthelmintics with respect to their efficacy and adverse effects. Steps to prevent impending helminthic drug resistance are also discussed.
Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Benzimidazoles/adverse effects , Diethylcarbamazine/adverse effects , Drug Therapy, Combination , Feces/parasitology , Helminthiasis/diagnosis , Humans , Ivermectin/adverse effects , Praziquantel/adverse effectsABSTRACT
In a retrospective study the authors analyzed the clinical records of 199 children ages one month to 16 years hospitalized, with the diagnosis of intestinal ascariasis, in the Instituto Nacional de Pediatría of México from 1984 to 1999. The purpose of the study was to evaluate the use of anthelmintics drugs as a risk factor of intestinal obstruction by A. lumbricoides. Two groups were made for the study: group A (n=66) of children who presented intestinal obstruction, group B (n=133) children with no complications. A comparative analysis of clinical data of both groups was made by means of chi square with Yates correction and a stratified analysis by means of chi square. Possible confusing elements were overcrowding, age and the use of antiparasitic drugs. The calculus of risk factors for intestinal obstruction by A. lumbricoides was done by means of contingency tables of 2 x 2 and odds ratio with an IC of 95 percent. The significant risk factors were included in a model of logistic regression with an impact variable consting in the presence or absence of intestinal obstruction in order to establish a multivariate model of predictive risk at level of significance of p<0,05
Humans , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Ascariasis/drug therapy , Ascaris lumbricoides/drug effects , Intestinal Obstruction/chemically induced , Ascariasis/complications , Ascariasis/etiology , Ascaris lumbricoides/pathogenicity , Intestinal Obstruction/etiology , Intestinal Obstruction/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies , Signs and SymptomsABSTRACT
Objetivo: comparar la eficacia y seguridad de mebendazol contra nitazoxanida en el tratamiento de Giardia lamblia en niñosLa giardiasis es una protozoosis intestinal de distribución mundial que afecta con mayor frecuencia a la población infantil. En México se ha encontrado una frecuencia de tres a 60 por ciento. Se han utilizado diferentes fármacos para su tratamiento, pero la experiencia con mebendazol y nitazoxanida es escasa..Método: estudio experimental tipo ensayo clínico. Se incluyeron niños de cuatro a doce años de edad, que tuvieran un estudio de heces positivo para quistes de Giardia lamblia. Los niños se dividieron en dos grupos: A, se les administró mebendazol 100 mg cada 12 h, por tres días. B, recibieron nitazoxanida 100 mg cada 12 h, por tres días. Se les realizaron estudios de heces de control a los tres, cinco y siete días posterior al tratamiento. Al final del tratamiento se les preguntó a los padres si los niños habían presentado reacciones secundarias durante la administración del medicamento. Para el análisis estadístico se utilizó la t de Student's y chi cuadradaResultados: se estudiaron 82 niños, 41 (50 por ciento) para cada grupo. En el grupo A, los estudios de heces de una control fueron negativos en 33 para dar una eficacia de 80.4 por ciento; en el B, fueron negativos en 32 para dar una eficacia de 78.0 por ciento, sin ser estadísticamente significativo con una p = 0.8. Las reacciones secundarias fueron encontradas en 9 (22 por ciento) niños del grupo A, y 16 (39 por ciento) en el grupo B, no hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa con una p = 0.09, sin embargo, el dolor abdominal fue encontrado con mayor frecuencia en los niños que se les administró nitazoxanida..Conclusiones: podemos concluir que tanto el mebendazol como la nitazoxanida tienen buena eficacia contra la infección por Giardia lamblia, sin embargo, las reacciones secundarias por nitazoxanida son más frecuentes que con mebendazol
Humans , Female , Male , Anthelmintics/adverse effects , Anthelmintics/therapeutic use , Giardia lamblia/drug effects , Mebendazole/adverse effects , Mebendazole/therapeutic use , Feces/parasitologyABSTRACT
Ninety-eight out-patients of the Hospital for Tropical Diseases, Bangkok with clinical diagnosis of cutaneous gnathostomiasis were studied. All patients were treated with albendazole at a dosage of 400 mg (two tablets) twice daily for 14 days. They were seen periodically on day 0, day 14, day 28, day 195 and 1 year after treatment with laboratory investigations for any side effects of the treatment. There was a statistically significant increase of total protein, albumin, alkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST) and alanine aminotransferase (ALT) values when comparing the different periods. The abnormal results are clearly indicated in AST and ALT values (liver enzyme) especially on day 14 both male and female patients had highest levels. No significant association with time was found in ALP value.