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Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 43(3): 185-189, Mar. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1251295


Abstract Objective The objective of the present study was to analyze the reasons that led to hormone therapies (HTs) regimen changes in women with breast cancer. Methods This was a retrospective cross-sectional study from a single-institution Brazilian cancer center with patient records diagnosed with breast cancer between January 2012 and January 2017. Results From 1,555 women who were in treatment with HT, 213 (13.7%) women had HT switched, either tamoxifen to anastrozole or vice-versa. Most women included in the present study who switched HT were > 50 years old, postmenopausal, Caucasian, and had at least one comorbidity. From the group with therapy change, 'disease progression' was reason of change in 124 (58.2%) cases, and in 65 (30.5%) patients, 'presence of side effects' was the reason. From those women who suffered with side effects, 24 (36.9%) had comorbidities. Conclusion The present study demonstrated a low rate of HT switch of tamoxifen to anastrozole. Among the reasons for changing therapy, the most common was disease progression, which includes cancer recurrence, metastasis or increased tumor. Side effects were second; furthermore, age and comorbidities are risk factors for side effects.

Resumo Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar os motivos que levaram às mudanças no esquema hormonioterápico (HT) em mulheres com câncer de mama. Métodos Estudo transversal retrospectivo realizado no Hospital da Mulher de Campinas e consequente pesquisa de prontuários de mulheres diagnosticados com câncer de mama entre janeiro de 2012 e janeiro de 2017. Resultados De 1.555 mulheres em tratamento com HT, 213 (13,7%) mulheres tiveram HT alterado, tamoxifeno para anastrozol ou vice-versa. A maioria das mulheres incluídas no presente estudo que tiveram mudança de HT tinha > 50 anos, estava na pós-menopausa, era caucasiana e tinha pelo menos uma comorbidade. Os principais motivos de troca de HT foram devido a 'progressão da doença', ocorrendo em 124 (58,2%) casos e a 'presença de efeitos colaterais' (n = 65; 30,5%). Das mulheres que sofreram efeitos colaterais, 24 (36,9%) apresentaram comorbidades. Conclusão O presente estudo demonstrou uma baixa taxa na alteração de tamoxifeno para anastrozol. Entre as razõesmais comuns para alterar a HT estava a progressão da doença, que inclui recorrência do câncer, metástase ou aumento do tumor. Os efeitos colaterais foram a segunda causa e, além disso, a idade e as comorbidades foram fatores de risco para efeitos colaterais.

Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/therapeutic use , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local/drug therapy , Patient Participation , Tamoxifen/administration & dosage , Tamoxifen/adverse effects , Tamoxifen/therapeutic use , Medical Records , Cross-Sectional Studies , Retrospective Studies , Disease Progression , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/adverse effects , Anastrozole/administration & dosage , Anastrozole/analogs & derivatives , Anastrozole/therapeutic use
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(11): 726-730, Nov. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144176


Abstract Objective: The objective of the present study is to observe the frequency and severity of urinary symptoms in women with breast cancer (BC) being treated with oral hormone therapy, associating them to drug adherence. Methods: The participants were interviewed once from June to October 2016. The evaluation of urinary symptoms was performed by two questionnaires: International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form (ICIQ-SF) and International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire Overactive Bladder Module (ICIQ-OAB). Adherence was evaluated by the Morisky-Green method. Statistical analysis was performed by the Mann-Whitney test, linear regression, and Spearman correlation. Results: Fifty-eight women were interviewed: 42 treated with tamoxifen and 16 with aromatase inhibitor. Twenty-seven women (46.5%) presented urinary incontinence symptoms and 15 (25.8%) presented stress urinary incontinence (SUI). Fourteen (24.1%) women had symptoms of overactive bladder (OAB). There was no statistical difference in symptoms between both treatments and duration of treatments. Higher scores in the ICIQ-SF questionnaire were associated with low/medium adherence and advanced age. Higher scores in the ICIQ-OAB questionnaire were associated with low/medium adherence. Conclusion: The present study showed a high prevalence of urinary symptoms, such as urinary incontinence and OAB, associated with low/medium adherence and older age in women with BC being treated with oral hormone therapy. Health professionals should be alert to these symptoms since it could influence life quality and adherence to treatment.

Resumo Objetivo: O objetivo do presente estudo foi observar a frequência e a gravidade dos sintomas urinários em mulheres com câncer de mama em uso de terapia hormonal oral, associando estes com a adesão ao tratamento. Métodos: As pacientes foram entrevistadas uma única vez, entre junho e outubro de 2016. A avaliação dos sintomas urinários foi realizada por dois questionários: International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire - Short Form (ICIQ-SF, na sigla em inglês) e o Questionário Sobre Bexiga Hiperativa (ICIQ-OAB, na sigla em inglês). A adesão foi avaliada pelo método Morisky-Green. A análise estatística foi realizada pelo teste de Mann-Whitney, regressão linear e correlação de Spearman. Resultados: Foram entrevistadas 58 mulheres: 42 tratadas com tamoxifeno e 16 com inibidor de aromatase. Vinte e sete mulheres (46,5%) apresentaram sintomas de incontinência urinária (IU) e 15 (25,8%) apresentaram incontinência urinária por estresse (IUS). Quatorze (24,1%) das mulheres tinham sintomas de bexiga hiperativa. Não houve diferença estatística nos sintomas entre os tratamentos e a duração dos tratamentos. Os escores mais elevados no questionário ICIQ-SF estiveram associados à baixa/média adesão e à idade avançada. Os escores mais elevados no questionário da ICIQ-OAB foram associados à baixa/média adesão. Conclusão: O presente estudo mostrou alta prevalência de sintomas urinários, como IU e bexiga hiperativa, associadas à baixa/média adesão e à idade mais avançada em mulheres com câncer de mama em tratamento com hormonioterapia oral. Os profissionais de saúde devem estar atentos a esses sintomas, pois eles podem influenciar a qualidade de vida e a adesão ao tratamento.

Humans , Female , Urinary Incontinence/epidemiology , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/epidemiology , Medication Adherence , Portugal/epidemiology , Tamoxifen/administration & dosage , Tamoxifen/adverse effects , Urinary Incontinence/chemically induced , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interviews as Topic , Administration, Oral , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/adverse effects , Aromatase Inhibitors/administration & dosage , Aromatase Inhibitors/adverse effects , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/chemically induced , Anastrozole/administration & dosage , Anastrozole/adverse effects , Middle Aged
Rev. bras. ginecol. obstet ; 42(10): 649-658, Oct. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144157


Abstract Objective Gonadotropin-releasing hormone analogues (GnRH-a) have been used preoperatively before hysteroscopic myomectomy to decrease the size and vascularization of the myomas, but evidence to support this practice is weak. Our objective was to analyze the use of GnRH-a in the reduction of submucous fibroid as a facilitator for surgical hysteroscopy from published clinical trials. Data sources Studies from electronic databases (Pubmed, Scielo, EMBASE, Scopus, PROSPERO), published between 1980 and December 2018. The keywords used were fibroid, GnRH analogue, submucous, histeroscopy, histeroscopic resection and their correspondents in Portuguese. Study selection The inclusion criteria were controlled trials that evaluated the GnRH-a treatment before hysteroscopic resection of submucous myomas. Four clinical trials were included in the meta-analysis. Data collection Two review authors extracted the data without modification of the original data, using the agreed form. We resolved discrepancies through discussion or, if required, we consulted a third person. Data synthesis The present meta-analysis included a total of 213 women and showed no statistically significant differences in the use of GnRH-a compared with the control group for complete resection of submucous myoma (relative risk [RR]: 0.94; 95%; confidence interval [CI]: 0.80-1.11); operative time (mean difference [MD]: - 3.81; 95%;CI : - 3.81-2.13); fluid absorption (MD: - 65.90; 95%;CI: - 9.75-2.13); or complications (RR 0.92; 95%;CI: 0.18-4.82). Conclusion The present review did not support the routine preoperative use of GnRH-a prior to hysteroscopic myomectomy. However, it is not possible to determine its inferiority when compared with the other methods due to the heterogeneity of existing studies and the small sample size.

Resumo Objetivo Análogos de hormônio liberador de gonadotrofina (GnRH-a) têm sido usados no pré-operatório de miomectomia histeroscópica para reduzir o tamanho e vascularização dos miomas, mas a evidência que suporta essa prática é fraca. Nosso objetivo foi analisar o uso de GnRH-a na redução do mioma submucoso como um facilitador de histeroscopia cirúrgica em ensaios clínicos publicados. Fonte de dados Estudos de bases de dados eletrônicas (Pubmed, Scielo, EMBASE, Scopus, PROSPERO), publicados entre 1980 e dezembro de 2018. As palavras-chave usadas foram fibroid, GnRH analogue, submucous, histeroscopy, histeroscopic resection e seus correspondentes em português. Seleção dos estudos Os critérios de inclusão foram ensaios clínicos controlados que avaliaram o tratamento com GnRH-a antes da ressecção histeroscópica de miomas submucosos. Quatro ensaios clínicos foram incluídos na meta-análise Coleta de dados Dois autores revisores extraíram os dados, sem modificarem os dados originais, usando a forma acordada. Nós resolvemos as discrepâncias através de discussão ou, se necessário, consultando um terceiro autor. Síntese dos dados A meta-análise incluiu um total de 213 mulheres e não demonstrou diferença estatisticamente significativa no uso de GnRH-a comparado com o grupo controle para ressecção completa de mioma submucoso (risco relativo [RR]: 0.94. índice de confiança [IC] 95%;: 0.80-1.11); tempo cirúrgico (diferença de média [MD]: - 3.81; IC95%;: -3.81-2.13); absorção de fluidos (MD: - 65.90; IC95%;: - 9.75-2.13); ou complicações (RR 0.92; IC95%;: 0.18-4.82). Conclusão A presente revisão sistemática não suporta o uso pré-operatório rotineiro de GnRH-a antes de miomectomia histeroscópica. No entanto, não é possível determinar sua inferioridade quando comparado aos outros métodos devido à heterogeneidade dos estudos existentes e ao pequeno tamanho da amostra.

Humans , Female , Uterine Neoplasms/surgery , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/analogs & derivatives , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Leiomyoma/blood , Hysteroscopy , Operative Time
Arch. argent. pediatr ; 116(4): 500-507, ago. 2018. graf, tab
Article in English, Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-950042


Introducción: Los niños con síndrome de Down (SD) tienen mayor frecuencia de leucemia linfoblástica aguda (LLA) y menor supervivencia que pacientes sin síndrome de Down (NSD). Analizamos las características clínicas, demográficas-biológicas y respuestas al tratamiento en SD-LLA versus NSD-LLA. Pacientes y métodos: Pacientes (0-19 años) con LLA desde enero de 1990 a noviembre de 2016. Se compararon características demográficas biológicas y respuestas al tratamiento con chi cuadrado y Wilcoxon rank sum. La supervivencia global y el intervalo libre de eventos (ILE) se analizaron con Kaplan-Meier y el test log-rank. Resultados: Se incluyeron 1795 pacientes, 54 con SD. Los SD-LLA presentaron edad mayor (p= 0,0189). T odos inmuno fenotipo precursor-B, con menor incidencia de anomalías recurrentes (p < 0,0001). Demostraron mejor tasa de respuesta a prednisona (p= 0,09) y mayor mortalidad en inducción y remisión completa (p < 0,0001). Todas las muertes de los SD-LLA fueron relacionadas con el tratamiento. La sobrevida libre de eventos en niños SD-LLA vs.NSD-LLA fue 47 (± 8)% vs. 73 (± 1)% (p= 0,006) y el ILE de los SD-LLA vs. NSD-LLA fue 54 (± 9)% vs. 75 (± 1)% (p= 0,0297). La tasa de recaídas fue similar en ambos grupos (p= 0,6894). El ILE de los SD-LLA fue menor en el grupo de 6-9 años: 39 (± 19)% (p= 0,7885). Conclusiones: Los niños de 6-9 años con SD-LLA años presentó menor sobrevida. Aunque estos niños presentaron una mejor respuesta temprana, la sobrevida libre de eventos e ILE fueron menores debido a la mortalidad relacionada con el tratamiento.

Introduction. Children with Down syndrome (DS) more commonly have acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) and a lower survival rate than those without Down syndrome (WDS). We analyzed the clinical, demographic, and biological characteristics and treatment response of children with DS-ALL versus those WDS-ALL. Patients and methods: Patients with ALL between January 1990 and November 2016. The demographic and biologic characteristics and treatment response were compared using the χ² and Wilcoxon rank-sum tests. The overall survival and event-free interval (EFI) were analyzed using the Kaplan-Meier and log-rank tests. Results. 1795 patients were included; 54 had DS. Patients with DS-ALL were older (p= 0.0189). All had B-cell precursor immunophenotype and a lower incidence of recurrent abnormalities (p < 0.0001). They showed a better response rate to prednisone (p= 0.09) and a higher mortality in induction and complete remission (p < 0.0001). All deaths of patients with DS-ALL were treatment-related. The event-free survival (EFS) was 47% (± 8%) versus 73% (± 1%) (p= 0.006) and the EFI was 54% (± 9%) versus 75% (± 1%) (p= 0.0297) among patients with DS-ALL versus those WDS-ALL, respectively. The rate of relapse was similar in both groups (p= 0.6894). The EFI of patients with DS-ALL was lower in the group aged 6-9 years: 39% (± 19%) (p= 0.7885). Conclusions. A lower survival was observed among children aged 6-9 years with DS-ALL. Although these children showed a better early response, their EFS and EFI were lower due to treatment-related mortality.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Prednisone/administration & dosage , Down Syndrome/complications , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/epidemiology , Recurrence , Remission Induction , Survival Rate , Retrospective Studies , Age Factors , Statistics, Nonparametric , Disease-Free Survival , Kaplan-Meier Estimate , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/pathology , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma/drug therapy
Arq. bras. cardiol ; 111(2): 205-212, Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-950222


Abstract Breast cancer is the most frequently diagnosed tumor in women worldwide, with a significant impact on morbidity and mortality. Chemotherapy and hormone therapy have significantly reduced mortality; however, the adverse effects are significant. Aspirin has been incorporated into clinical practice for over 100 years at a low cost, making it particularly attractive as a potential agent in breast cancer prevention and as an adjunct treatment to endocrine therapy in the prophylaxis of cardiovascular complications. The objective of this study was to evaluate the role of aspirin in reducing the incidence of breast cancer and to evaluate the impact of its use on morbidity and mortality and reduction of cardiovascular events as adjuvant therapy during breast cancer treatment with selective estrogen receptor modulators. A systematic review was performed using the PRISMA methodology and PICO criteria, based on the MEDLINE, EMBASE and LILACS databases. The original articles of clinical trials, cohort, case-control studies and meta-analyses published from January 1998 to June 2017, were considered. Most studies showed an association between the use of selective estrogen receptor modulators and the increase in thromboembolic events. The studies suggest a protective effect of aspirin for cardiovascular events during its concomitant use with selective estrogen receptor modulators and in the prevention of breast cancer. This systematic review suggests that aspirin therapy combines the benefit of protection against cardiovascular events with the potential reduction in breast cancer risk, and that the evaluation of the benefits of the interaction of endocrine therapy with aspirin should be further investigated.

Resumo O câncer de mama é o tumor mais frequentemente diagnosticado em mulheres de todo o mundo, com impacto importante na morbimortalidade. A quimioterapia e a terapia hormonal reduziram significativamente a mortalidade, mas os efeitos adversos são consideráveis. A aspirina está incorporada à prática clínica há mais de 100 anos, com baixo custo, tornando-a particularmente atraente como potencial agente na prevenção do câncer de mama e auxiliar durante o tratamento endócrino, na profilaxia de complicações cardiovasculares. Objetivou-se avaliar o papel da aspirina na redução da incidência do câncer de mama e avaliar o impacto de seu uso na morbimortalidade e na redução de eventos cardiovasculares como terapia adjuvante durante o tratamento do câncer de mama com moduladores seletivos do receptor do estrogênio. Procedeu-se à revisão sistemática utilizando-se a metodologia PRISMA e os critérios PICO, nas bases MEDLINE, EMBASE e LILACS. Foram considerados os artigos originais do tipo ensaio clínico, coorte, caso-controle e metanálises, publicados no período de janeiro de 1998 até junho de 2017. Na maioria dos estudos, houve relação entre o uso dos moduladores seletivos do receptor do estrogênio e o aumento de eventos tromboembólicos. Os estudos sugerem efeito protetor da aspirina para eventos cardiovasculares em uso concomitante aos moduladores seletivos do receptor do estrogênio e na prevenção do câncer de mama. Esta revisão sistemática sugere que o tratamento com aspirina combina o benefício da proteção contra eventos cardiovasculares com a potencial redução do risco de câncer de mama, e que a avaliação dos benefícios da interação da terapia endócrina com a aspirina deve ser melhor investigada.

Humans , Female , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Platelet Aggregation Inhibitors/administration & dosage , Aspirin/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Evidence-Based Medicine
Einstein (Säo Paulo) ; 15(3): 349-354, July-Sept. 2017. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-891394


ABSTRACT Objective To assess the cost-effectiveness of chemohormonal therapy in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive and non-metastatic high-risk prostate cancer. Methods An analytical decision model was developed to determine the cost-effectiveness of chemohormonal therapy versus androgen deprivation therapy alone in patients with metastatic hormone-sensitive prostate cancer and patients with non-metastatic high-risk prostate cancer. The cost-effectiveness in metastatic patients with a high-volume disease was assessed separately. The model used data from randomized clinical trials and drug acquisition costs in Brazil. In addition, the costs of post-progression therapies have been included in this model. The benefits to health are expressed as the quality-adjusted life-years, and the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were calculated. Results Chemohormonal therapy may be associated with improved quality-adjusted life-years for all patient. The improvement was more than six times greater for patients with high-volume metastatic disease. In these patients, the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios were up to 74% lower than the incremental cost-effectiveness ratios of patients with non-metastatic disease. Conclusion Chemohormonal therapy has been more cost-effective in patients with high-volume metastatic disease.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar a relação custo-efetividade da adição de quimioterapia hormonal em pacientes com câncer de próstata metastático sensível a hormônio ou localizado de alto risco. Métodos Um modelo de decisão analítico foi desenvolvido para determinar o custo-efetividade da adição de quimioterapia versus a monoterapia de privação de andrógeno para pacientes com câncer de próstata metastático hormônio-sensível e pacientes de alto risco com câncer de próstata não metastático. O custo-efetividade em pacientes metastáticos com um alto volume da doença foi verificado isoladamente. Os dados do modelo foram obtidos de ensaios clínicos randomizados utilizando custos de aquisição de medicamentos no Brasil. Os custos de terapias pós-progressão também foram incluídos no modelo. Os efeitos foram expressos em anos de vida ajustados por qualidade, e foram calculadas as razões de custo-efetividade incremental. Resultados A adição de quimioterapia levou a um ganho de anos de vida ajustados por qualidade para todos os doentes. Este incremento foi seis vezes maior para os pacientes com doença metastática de alto volume. Nestes pacientes, as taxas do custo incremental por anos de vida ajustados por qualidade foram até 74% mais baixos do que o aumento das taxas dos pacientes com doença não metastática. Conclusão A adição de quimioterapia foi mais custo-efetiva para pacientes com doença metastática de alto volume.

Humans , Male , Prostatic Neoplasms/economics , Cost-Benefit Analysis , Quality-Adjusted Life Years , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Taxoids/administration & dosage , Androgen Receptor Antagonists/administration & dosage , Prostatic Neoplasms/mortality , Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/economics , Treatment Outcome , Docetaxel
Acta cir. bras ; 30(1): 6-12, 01/2015. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-735705


PURPOSE: To present a rat model of subcutaneous endometriosis for the study of pathophysiology and the effects of drugs. METHODS: Fifty three-month-old female Wistar rats (Rattus norvergicus) were distributed into one control group and four treatment groups: estradiol (2.5; 5; 10mg/kg sc), medroxyprogesterone acetate (0.5; 2; 5mg/kg sc), triptorelin pamoate (0.18; 0.56mg/kg sc) and acetylsalicylic acid (3mg/kg per os). The animals were autoimplanted subcutaneously with 4x4-mm uterine fragments to induce endometriosis. The endometriomas were measured on days 1, 7, 14 and 21. The relative dry and wet weights of the endometrioma were used to evaluate response to the drug. Endometrial -like tissue was confirmed by histology. The greatest weight gain was observed on day 14 (relative wet weight: 29.1 ± 6.7mg%, relative dry weight: 5.3 ± 0.9mg %). Treatments were administered between day 5 and day 14. RESULTS: The relative wet weight of the hemiuterus in the 10mg/kg estradiol group differed significantly from control and the other two estradiol groups (p=0.0001). In the medroxyprogesterone acetate group the weight decreased significantly but this decrease was not dose-dependent. Weight reduction was also significant in the triptorelin pamoate and the acetylsalicylic acid groups. CONCLUSION: The model of subcutaneous endometriosis is reproducible, low-cost and easy to perform, and suitable for the study of pathophysiology and the effects of drugs. .

Animals , Female , Connective Tissue Diseases/drug therapy , Connective Tissue Diseases/physiopathology , Disease Models, Animal , Endometriosis/drug therapy , Endometriosis/physiopathology , Subcutaneous Tissue , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Aspirin/administration & dosage , Connective Tissue Diseases/pathology , Dose-Response Relationship, Drug , Endometriosis/pathology , Estradiol/administration & dosage , Estrogens/administration & dosage , Medroxyprogesterone Acetate/administration & dosage , Rats, Wistar , Reproducibility of Results , Time Factors , Triptorelin Pamoate/administration & dosage
Korean Journal of Urology ; : 689-694, 2015.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-128356


PURPOSE: To investigate the efficacy of androgen deprivation treatment (ADT) between continuous and intermittent ADT. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Between January 2006 and May 2015, 603 patients were selected and divided into continuous ADT (CADT) (n=175) and intermittent ADT (IADT) (n=428) groups. The median follow-up in this study was 48.19 (1.0-114.0) months. The primary end point was time to castration resistant prostate cancer (CRPC). The types of ADT were monotherapy and maximal androgen blockade (i.e., luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone agonist and antiandrogen). RESULTS: The characteristics of patients showed no significant differences between the CADT and IADT groups, except for the Gleason score (p<0.001). The median time to CRPC of all enrolled patients with ADT was 20.60±1.60 months. The median time to CRPC was 11.20±1.31 months in the CADT group as compared with 22.60±2.08 months in the IADT group. In multivariate analysis, percentage of positive core (p=0.047; hazard ratio [HR], 0.976; 95% confidence interval [CI], 0.953-1.000), Gleason score (p=0.007; HR, 1.977; 95% CI, 1.206-3.240), lymph node metastasis (p=0.030; HR, 0.498; 95% CI, 0.265-0.936), bone metastasis (p=0.028; HR, 1.921; 95% CI, 1.072-3.445), and CADT vs. IADT (p=0.003; HR, 0.254; 95% CI. 0.102-0.633) were correlated with the duration of progression to CRPC. The IADT group presented a significantly longer median time to CRPC compared with the CADT group. Additionally, patients in the IADT group showed a longer duration in median time to CRPC in subgroup analysis according to the Gleason score. CONCLUSIONS: This study found that IADT produces a longer duration in median time to CRPC than does CADT.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Adenocarcinoma/drug therapy , Androgen Antagonists/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Disease Progression , Drug Administration Schedule , Follow-Up Studies , Lymphatic Metastasis , Neoplasm Grading , Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Prostatic Neoplasms, Castration-Resistant/drug therapy , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome
s.l; s.n; 2015. graf, tab.
Non-conventional in Spanish | BRISA, LILACS | ID: biblio-833295


Hoy en día, el cáncer de próstata se considera uno de los problemas médicos más importantes a los que se enfrenta la población masculina. En Europa, el cáncer de próstata es la neoplasia sólida más frecuente, con una incidencia de 214 casos por 1000 varones, superando en número a los cánceres de pulmón y colorrectal. Además, el cáncer de próstata constituye actualmente la segunda causa más frecuente de mortalidad por cáncer en los varones. Además, desde 1985, se ha producido un ligero aumento del número de muertes por cáncer de próstata en la mayoría de las naciones, incluso en países o regiones en los que el cáncer de próstata no es frecuente. El cáncer de próstata afecta a los varones ancianos con mayor frecuencia que a los jóvenes. Por consiguiente, supone un mayor problema de salud en los países desarrollados, ya que cuentan con una mayor proporción de varones ancianos. Así, alrededor del 15% de los cánceres en varones son cáncer de próstata en los países desarrollados, en comparación con el 4% en aquellos en vías de desarrollo. Conviene señalar que hay notables diferencias regionales en las tasas de incidencia de cáncer de próstata. La Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Cáncer en el Perú fue establecida por la Dirección General de Epidemiología del MINSA el año 2006, con el propósito de conocer el comportamiento epidemiológico del cáncer en nuestro país y brindar información para el desarrollo de intervenciones destinadas a reducir su incidencia y mortalidad. Los casos notificados de la Vigilancia Epidemiológica de Cáncer comprenden la información de los Registros Hospitalarios de Cáncer (RHC) a cargo de las Oficinas de Epidemiología y Salud Ambiental de los hospitales notificantes así como de las defunciones por cáncer que no accedieron a una atención hospitalaria a cargo de las Oficinas de Epidemiología de las DIRESA/GERESA/DISA. Para el caso de los hospitales. Los cánceres que a nivel nacional presentaron un mayor promedio de casos por año fueron los de cérvix, estómago, mama, piel y próstata. Diversos estudios han demostrado el papel que tiene la testosterona sobre el cáncer de próstata y que el control de sus niveles repercute favorablemente en la progresión de la enfermedad. La terapia con degarelix suprimen los niveles de testosterona rápidamente a niveles de castración (< 0.5 ng/ml), con posibilidad de reversión al suprimir el tratamiento. La sobrevida libre de progresión se reportó mayor en el grupo que recibió degarelix. Se recomienda cubrir con restricciones.(AU)

Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Prostatic Neoplasms/epidemiology , Testosterone , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Technology Assessment, Biomedical
Hist. ciênc. saúde-Manguinhos ; 21(4): 1179-1196, Oct-Dec/2014.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-732513


O artigo analisa o livro Boys in white: student culture in medical school, de Howard S. Becker, Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes e Anselm Strauss, considerado um dos modelos de pesquisa qualitativa em sociologia. A análise aborda as trajetórias dos autores, do livro, da pesquisa qualitativa e dos estudantes de medicina, enfatizando sua importância nas origens da sociologia médica e da sociologia da educação médica. Na trajetória dos autores são apresentados aspectos biobibliográficos; na da pesquisa qualitativa, o modo como essa metodologia de investigação atravessa a construção do trabalho de campo; e na dos estudantes, sua forma de atravessar os primeiros anos da escola médica e construir sua própria “cultura do estudante”.

This article analyzes Boys in white: student culture in medical schoolby Howard S. Becker, Blanche Geer, Everett C. Hughes and Anselm Strauss, considered a model of qualitative research in sociology. The analysis investigates the trajectories of the authors, the book, qualitative analysis, and the medical students, emphasizing their importance in the origins of medical sociology and the sociology of medical education. In the trajectory of the authors, bibliographical information is given. The trajectory of qualitative research focuses on how this methodology influences the construction of the field. The investigation of the students’ trajectory shows how they progress through their first years at medical school to build their own student culture.

Animals , Female , Mice , Adenocarcinoma/drug therapy , Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Apoptosis/drug effects , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Estrogens , Estrogen Antagonists/pharmacology , Growth Inhibitors/pharmacology , Neoplasms, Hormone-Dependent/drug therapy , Phenylacetates/pharmacology , /biosynthesis , Tamoxifen/pharmacology , Adenocarcinoma/pathology , Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/pharmacology , Breast Neoplasms/pathology , Cell Differentiation/drug effects , Cell Division/drug effects , Drug Synergism , Genes, ras , Mice, Nude , Neoplasm Transplantation , Neoplasms, Hormone-Dependent/pathology , /physiology , Phenylacetates/administration & dosage , /genetics , Transfection , Tamoxifen/administration & dosage , Tumor Cells, Cultured/drug effects
Int. braz. j. urol ; 40(1): 3-15, Jan-Feb/2014. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-704175


Objectives: To review the literature and present new data of continuous androgen deprivation therapy (ADT) vs intermittent androgen deprivation (IAD) as therapies for prostate cancer in terms of survival and quality of life and clarify practical issues in the use of IAD. Materials and Methods: We conducted a systematic search on Medline and Embase databases using “prostatic neoplasm” and “intermittent androgen deprivation” as search terms. We reviewed meta-analyses, randomised controlled trials, reviews, clinical trials and practise guidelines written in English from 2000 and onwards until 01/04/2013. Ten randomized controlled trials were identified. Seven of them published extensive data and results randomizing 4675 patients to IAD versus CAD. Data from the other three randomized trials were limited. Results: Over the last years studies confirmed that IAD is an effective alternative approach to hormonal deprivation providing simultaneously several potential benefits in terms of quality of life and cost effectiveness. Thus, in patients with non metastatic, advanced prostate cancer IAD could be used as standard treatment, while in metastatic prostate cancer IAD role still remains ambiguous. Conclusions: Nowadays, revaluation of the gold standard of ADT in advanced prostate cancer appears essential. Recent data established that IAD should no longer be considered as investigational, since its effectiveness has been proven, especially in patients suffering from non-metastatic advanced prostate cancer. .

Humans , Male , Androgen Antagonists/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Androgen Antagonists/adverse effects , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/adverse effects , Drug Administration Schedule , Prostate-Specific Antigen/blood , Quality of Life , Reproducibility of Results , Time Factors , Treatment Outcome
Rev. méd. Chile ; 141(3): 367-374, mar. 2013. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-677346


Neoadjuvant chemotherapy is an accepted strategyforpatients with locally advanced breast cáncer. This approach increases the possibilities ofconservative treatment and improves the resectability rates ofinitially unresectable tumors. In addition, preoperative systemic therapy allows the evaluation of prognostic and predictive factors, dynamically and in vivo. Since over 80% ofthese tumors express estrogen receptors (ER), endocrine therapy seems a logical treatment to employ in the neoadjuvant setting. The advent ofnew drugs that regúlate the ERfunction, along with the results of severa! clinical studies with the use of neoadjuvant endocrine therapy, support the feasibility and safety of utilizing this strategy before surgery. We herein analyze the available clinical evidence about the use of neoadjuvant therapy aiming to regúlate the activity ofthe ER. We also discuss the valué of predictive factors that could help the oncologist to select those patients most likely to benefit from this approach and the role of endocrine therapy as a research instrument.

Female , Humans , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Breast Neoplasms/drug therapy , Neoadjuvant Therapy , Breast Neoplasms/blood , Breast Neoplasms/chemistry , Clinical Trials as Topic , Receptors, Estrogen/metabolism , Receptors, Progesterone/metabolism , Biomarkers, Tumor/blood
Rev. chil. urol ; 76(2): 83-86, 2011. tab, ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: lil-658264


Introducción: Los agonistas LHRH son de elección en bloqueo androgénico por cáncer prostático. En base a pacientes castrados se considera un bloqueo adecuado una testosterona total plasmática < 50 ng/dl. Se ha sugerido controlar la testosterona total por la posibilidad de no lograr una supresión adecuada. Material y método: Entre junio de 2008 a marzo de 2009 se midió el nivel de testosterona total al tercer mes de administrada una dosis de leuprolide 11,25 mg IM. Los exámenes se realizaron en la mañana y en el mismo laboratorio. En un grupo de pacientes se estimó peso, talla e índice de masa corporal (IMC) y se evaluó su asociación con los niveles de testosterona alcanzados. Resultados: Se evaluaron 81 pacientes, la edad promedio fue 76,4 años. La testosterona total plasmática promedio fue 33,9 ng/dl. En 12/81 pacientes (14,8 por ciento) el nivel de testosterona fue menos 50 ng/dl. No se observó asociación entre la duración de hormonoterapia y los niveles de testosterona. En 40 pacientes se estimó peso, talla e IMC sin encontrarse asociación de estas variables con el nivel de testosterona. En los pacientes en que se aumentó la dosis a leuprolide 22,5 mg se obtuvo una adecuada supresión de testosterona. Conclusión: En los pacientes en tratamiento con agonistas LHRH se debe medir el nivel de testosterona plasmática dada la posibilidad de un bloqueo inadecuado. En pacientes en tratamiento con leuprolide 11,25 mg y testosterona menos 50 ng/dl el aumento de la dosis a 22,5 mg lograría un nivel de testosterona en rangos de castración quirúrgica.

Introduction: The agonistas are LHRH of election in blockage androgenic for prostatic cancer. On the basis of castrated patients considers an adequate blockage a total plasmatic testosterone < 50 ng/dl. The total testosterone for the possibility to not to achieve an adequate suppression has been suggested to control. Material and method: Between June 2008 to March 2009 leuprolide’s dose measured the level of total testosterone itself to person under administration’s third month 11.25 mg IM. The exams had done in the morning and at the same laboratory. Weight, size and index of muscle mass (IMC) were estimated in patients’ group and his association with the levels of testosterone caught up with was evaluated. Results: We evaluated 81 patients, the mean age was 76.4 years. The total testosterone the average plasmatic was 33.9 ng/dl. In 12/81 patient (14.8 percent) the level of testosterone was > 50 ng/dl. we did not observe association between hormonoterapia’s duration and the levels of testosterone. Weight, size and IMC without finding association of these variables with the level of testosterone were estimated in 40 patients. We got an adequate suppression from testosterone in the patients that 22.5 mg increased itself the dose in to leuprolide. Conclusion: LHRH must try on in the patients in treatment with agonistic the level of plasmatic testosterone once the possibility of an inadequate blockage was given. In patients in treatment with leuprolide 11.25 mg and testosterone > 50 ng/dl the increase of the dose to 22.5 mg would achieve a level of testosterone in ranges of surgical castration.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Leuprolide/administration & dosage , Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy , Testosterone/blood , Prostatic Neoplasms/blood , Body Mass Index
Yonsei Medical Journal ; : 421-424, 2007.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-71499


PURPOSE: Granulomas resulting from the administration of luteinizing hormone-releasing hormone analogues (LH-RH analogues) are thought to be very rare. We report on our clinical experience with injection-site granulomas that result from the administration of LH-RH analogues, and we evaluate the incidence rate of these granulomas. MATERIALS AND METHODS: We used the clinical records of 118 patients who were administered LH-RH analogues in 2005. We describe the clinical data of patients who experienced injection-site granulomas and evaluated the incidence rate. RESULTS: Five patients demonstrated injection-site granulomas due to LH-RH analogue administration. The incidence rate was 4.2% (5 of 118 patients). Most of the granulomas occurred after the first or second administration of 11.25mg of leuprorelin acetate. CONCLUSION: The occurrence of granulomas resulting from the administration of LH-RH analogues was thought to be very rare. Our study, however, revealed a higher incidence rate than expected, especially for leuprorelin acetate.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Antigens, CD/analysis , CD3 Complex/analysis , Antigens, Differentiation, Myelomonocytic/analysis , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Gonadotropin-Releasing Hormone/administration & dosage , Goserelin/administration & dosage , Granuloma/etiology , Injections, Subcutaneous/adverse effects , Leuprolide/administration & dosage , Prostatic Neoplasms/drug therapy
J Cancer Res Ther ; 2006 Oct-Dec; 2(4): 206-8
Article in English | IMSEAR | ID: sea-111361


A 50-year-old female who was a known case of chronic lymphoid leukemia (CLL) developed ecchymoses, purpuric spots with papules, some nodules (1-3 mm) and crusts all over the body associated with severe burning and itching along with exaggeration of CLL. The lesions were more prominent on lower limbs and face. Skin biopsy was reported as leukocytoclastic vasculitis. These lesions regressed after treatment with leukeran and glucocorticoids.

Antineoplastic Agents, Alkylating/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Chlorambucil/administration & dosage , Female , Humans , Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin/complications , Middle Aged , Paraneoplastic Syndromes/etiology , Prednisolone/administration & dosage , Vasculitis, Leukocytoclastic, Cutaneous/etiology
P. R. health sci. j ; 25(2): 159-161, Jun. 2006.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: lil-472185


The authors describe a pediatric patient who presented with a 3-month history of dry cough, chest pain, progressive breathlessness, fever and recurrent pneumonia with atelectasis. A fiberoptic bronchoscopy revealed a whitish lesion at the left bronchus. A biopsy of the lesion demonstrated an anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL). Evaluation for disseminated disease was negative. After the patient completed chemotherapy the lesion abated and she has been in complete remission for almost 4 years. Although extranodal involvement of ALCL is frequent at some stage of the disease, endobronchial involvement is extremely rare even in the presence of advanced disease. To our knowledge, this is the first primary isolated endobronchial ALCL described in a pediatric patient.

Humans , Female , Child , /administration & dosage , Bronchial Neoplasms , Lymphoma, Large B-Cell, Diffuse , Antibiotics, Antineoplastic , Antimetabolites, Antineoplastic/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Phytogenic/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Biopsy , Bronchoscopy , Bronchi/pathology , Doxorubicin/administration & dosage , Follow-Up Studies , Immunosuppressive Agents , Injections, Intravenous , Injections, Spinal , Methotrexate , Prednisone/administration & dosage , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Radiography, Thoracic , Remission Induction , Tomography, Emission-Computed, Single-Photon , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Vincristine/administration & dosage
Arq. bras. endocrinol. metab ; 50(1): 118-124, fev. 2006. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: lil-425468


A suspensão da corticoterapia é a causa mais comum de insuficiência supra-renal, e ainda persistem dúvidas quanto à melhor forma de avaliação da inibição e recuperação do eixo hipotalâmico-hipofisário-adrenal (HHA) provocada pelos glicocorticóides. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a utilidade da dosagem do cortisol basal na avaliação desta insuficiência. Foram avaliadas 35 crianças (mediana da idade de 6,9 anos) submetidas ao tratamento preconizado pelo Grupo Brasileiro para o tratamento da Leucemia Linfocítica Aguda (LLA). O teste de estímulo com o hormônio liberador da corticotrofina (CRH ­ 1 mcg/kg) foi realizado antes da introdução da dexametasona (6 mg/m²/dia, por 28 dias), no 8° e no 28° dias do uso do glicocorticóide e 48 horas e um mês após sua retirada. Houve inibição da secreção do cortisol basal e da concentração máxima (após CRH) durante a corticoterapia e 48 horas após sua suspensão, em relação ao valor obtido antes do tratamento (p< 0,01 e p< 0,0001, respectivamente, para os três exames). Um mês após o término da corticoterapia, o valor do cortisol basal e a concentração máxima não apresentavam diferença significativa em relação ao aferido antes do tratamento. Observou-se correlação positiva e significativa entre as concentrações basais e máximas do cortisol em todos os testes realizados. Observou-se, ainda, que ao considerarmos o limite inferior de cortisol basal de 8,5 mcg/dl obtivemos 95 por cento de especificidade para o diagnóstico da insuficiência adrenal. Concluímos que o uso do cortisol basal é de utilidade como marcador da função supra-renal em crianças durante a suspensão do tratamento e após corticoterapia.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adrenal Insufficiency/chemically induced , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/administration & dosage , Dexamethasone/administration & dosage , Hydrocortisone/blood , Precursor Cell Lymphoblastic Leukemia-Lymphoma , Adrenal Insufficiency/diagnosis , Antineoplastic Agents, Hormonal/adverse effects , Biomarkers/blood , Dexamethasone/adverse effects , Hydrocortisone , Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System/drug effects , Pituitary-Adrenal Function Tests , Pituitary-Adrenal System/drug effects , Sensitivity and Specificity , Time Factors