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Rev. Ciênc. Plur ; 10 (1) 2024;10(1): 34126, 2024 abr. 30. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1553435


Introduction: Mouthwashes play an important role in the dental clinic, but their role on viruses requires investigation. Objective:to review in vitro studies to identify the effect of different mouthwashes on the main viruses associated with routine dental care. Methodology:The following databases were searched in September 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus and Web of Science databases; the Cochrane Library and the Virtual Health Library (VHL); and grey literature. In vitro studies that used mouthwashes to reduce the viral load were selected. The PICOS strategy was considered to define eligibility criteria: the Population (viruses involved in the etiology of oral infection), the Intervention (oral antiseptics), the appropriate comparator (positive and negative controls), the Outcomes of interest (reduction of viral load) and the Study design (in vitro studies). Results:Considering the eligibility criteria, 19 articles were included in this review. The efficacy of povidone-iodine (PVP-I), chlorhexidine, Listerine®, essential oils, and cetylpyridinium chloride (CPC) rinses were investigated. PVP-I (0.23%) had its effects mainly associated with coronaviruses SARS(Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome),demonstrating a significant reduction in viral load after 15 seconds of exposure. Chlorhexidine (0.05%; 0.1% and 0.5%) was ineffective against adenovirus, poliovirus, and rhinovirus respiratory viruses. Listerine® demonstrated superior efficacy against HSV-1 and 2 viruses and influenza A, and cetylpyridine chloride also demonstrated virucidal activity against influenza A. Conclusions:The type, concentration, and time of exposure to antiseptics varied between studies. PVP-I and chlorhexidine digluconate were the most studied substances, butin general, PVP-I was more effective in reducing viral titers, especially concerning coronaviruses. Other antiseptics such as CPC, H2O2 and Listerine® have also shown significant reduction in viral load, but this is a limited number of studies (AU).

Introdução: Os enxaguantes bucais desempenham um papel importante na clínica odontológico, porém seu papel sobre os vírus requer investigações. Objetivo: revisar estudos in vitro para identificar o efeito de diferentes colutórios sobre os principais vírus associados ao atendimento odontológico de rotina. Metodologia: As seguintes bases foram pesquisadas até setembro de 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus e Web of Science; a Biblioteca Cochrane e a Biblioteca Virtual em Saúde (BVS); e literatura cinzenta. Foram selecionados estudos in vitro que utilizaram bochechos com o objetivo de reduzir a carga viral. A estratégia PICOS foi considerada para a definição dos critérios de elegibilidade: População (vírus envolvidos na etiologia da infecção oral), Intervenção (antissépticos orais), Comparador (controles positivos e negativos), os Desfechos de interesse (redução da carga viral) e o desenho do estudo (estudos in vitro). Resultados: Considerando os critérios de elegibilidade, 19 artigos foram incluídos para esta revisão. A eficácia da povidona-iodo (PVP-I), clorexidina, Listerine®, óleos essenciais e lavagens com cloreto de cetilpiridínio foram investigadas. O PVP-I(0.23%)teve seus efeitos principalmente associados ao coronavírusSARS (Síndrome Respiratória Aguda Severa),demonstrando uma redução significativa da carga viral após 15 segundos de exposição. A clorexidina mostrou-se ineficaz contra vírus respiratórios de adenovírus, poliovírus e rinovírus. Listerine® demonstrou eficácia superior contra vírus HSV-1 e 2 e vírus influenza A, e cloreto de cetilpiridinio também demonstrou atividade virucida contra influenza A.Conclusões:O tipo, concentração e tempo de exposição aos antissépticos variaram entre os estudos. O PVP-I e o digluconato de clorexidina foram as substâncias mais estudadas, mas no geral, o PVP-I foi mais eficaz na redução dos títulos virais, principalmente no que diz respeito aos coronavírus. Outros antissépticos como CPC, H2O2 e Listerine® também mostraram redução significativa da carga viral, mas trata-se de um número limitado de estudos (AU).

Introducción: Los enjuagues bucales son importantesen la clínica dental, sin embargo, su efecto sobre los virus requiere investigaciones. Objetivo: Revisar estudios in vitro para identificar el efecto de enjuagues bucales sobre los principales virus asociados con larutinaodontológica. Metodología: Las siguientes bases de datos fueron investigadas hasta septiembrede 2023: PubMed, Embase, Scopus y Web of Science; Biblioteca Cochrane y Biblioteca Virtual en Salud (BVS); yliteratura gris. Se seleccionaron estudios in vitro que utilizaron enjuagues bucales con el objetivo de reducir la carga viral. Se consideró la estrategia PICOS para definir los criterios de elegibilidad: Población (virus implicados en la etiología de la infección oral), Intervención (antisépticos bucales), Comparador (controles positivos y negativos), Resultados de interés (reducción de la carga viral) y diseño del estudio (in vitro). Resultados: Considerando los criterios de elegibilidad, se incluyeron 19 artículos.Se investigó la eficacia de povidona yodada (PVP-I), clorhexidina, Listerine®,aceites esenciales y enjuagues de cloruro de cetilpiridinio (CPC). PVP-I(0.23%)mostró sus efectos principalmente asociados al coronavirus SARS(Síndrome Respiratorio Agudo Severo), demostrando una reducción significativa de la carga viral después de 15 segundos. Se ha demostrado que la clorhexidina es ineficaz contra losvirus respiratorios adenovirus, poliovirus y rinovirus. Listerine® demostró una eficacia superior contra los virus HSV-1 y 2 y el virus de la influenza A, y el CPCtambién mostró actividad virucida contra la influenza A.Conclusiones: El tipo, la concentración y el tiempo de exposiciónvariaron entre los estudios. PVP-I y digluconato de clorhexidina fueron las sustancias más estudiadas, pero,PVP-I fue más efectiva en la reducción de los títulos virales, especialmente en lo que respecta a los coronavirus. Otros antisépticos como CPC, H2O2 y Listerine® también mostraron una reducción significativa de la carga viral, pero se trata de un número limitado de estudios (AU).

Humans , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Chlorhexidine , Infection Control , Mouthwashes/therapeutic use , Viruses , In Vitro Techniques/methods
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;41(1): 184-186, feb. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559669


Se presenta el caso clínico de persona viviendo con VIH, con mala adherencia a tratamiento, sin vacunación previa para mpox, que evolucionó con un cuadro clínico probable de síndrome de reconstitución inmune posterior a reinicio de TAR, debido a la progresión de las lesiones cutáneas. Recibió tratamiento con tecovirimat por siete días, con evolución clínica favorable. Corresponde al primer caso reportado que recibió terapia con tecovirimat en Chile.

We report a clinical case of a person living with HIV with poor adherence to treatment, no previous mpox vaccination, who had a probable mpox syndrome immune reconstitution after restarting ART, due to worsening of skin lesions. He received treatment with tecovirimat for 7 days, clinically improved and was discharged in good condition. We reported this first clinical case that received tecovirimat in Chile.

Humans , Male , Adult , HIV Infections/complications , Mpox (monkeypox)/complications , Mpox (monkeypox)/drug therapy , Immune Reconstitution Inflammatory Syndrome/etiology , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Phthalimides/therapeutic use , Benzamides/therapeutic use
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 23(1): 152-159, ene. 2024. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554187


Medicinal plants are used to cure diseases, and their replacement is frequent and affects public health. The genus Baccharis has representatives within the medicinal flora of Argentina, although the replacement of the species of this genus known under the vulgar name of "carqueja" by Baccharis spicata has been detected i n herbalists or markets of herbal products. The genotoxic safety of this species has been established in previous work of our group. The aim of this study was to evaluate the antiviral activity of an infusion made from B. spicata leaves against hepatitis B virus with the HepG2.2.15 cellular system and to determine cytotoxicity in HepG2.2,15, A549 and Vero cell lines. Infusion of B. spicata was active to inhibit HBV replication with an EC 50 of 22.54 µg/mL and a CC 50 of 190 µg/mL.

Las plantas medicinales son empleadas para la cura de enfermedades, y su sustituc ión es frecuente y afecta a la salud pública. El género Baccharis posee representantes dentro de la flora medicinal de Argentina, aunque se ha detectado la sustitución de las especies de dicho género conocidas bajo el nombre vulgar de "carqueja" por Baccha ris spicata en herboristerías o mercados de productos herb arios . Se ha establecido la seguridad genotóxica de esta especie en trabajos previos de nuestro grupo. Este estudio buscó evaluar la actividad antiviral de una infusión elaborada a partir de hojas de B. spicata frente al virus de la hepatitis B con el sistema celular HepG2.2.15 y determinar la citotoxicidad en las líneas celulares HepG2.2.15, A549 y Vero. La infusión de B. spicata fue activa para inhibir la replicación del virus con un EC 50 de 22.54 µg/mL y un CC 50 de 190 µg/mL.

Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Baccharis/chemistry , Hepatitis B/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology , Virus Replication/drug effects , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Cell Line/drug effects , Hepatitis B virus/drug effects , Plant Leaves , Asteraceae , Medicine, Traditional
Bénin Médical ; 69: 35-39, 2024. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1554709


L'eczéma des mains est fréquent. Son étiologie est souvent multifactorielle comprenant les facteurs environnementaux et des facteurs individuels prédisposants. Il pose des problèmes de diagnostic étiologique en particulier dans un contexte de poly sensibilisation. Observation Il s'est agi d'une employée de maison âgée de 17 ans sans antécédents allergiques connus. Elle a développé un eczéma bilatéral des mains six mois après embauche. Le patch test avec la batterie standard européenne a montré une poly sensibilisation à plusieurs allergènes contenus dans les détergents et désinfectants. Le patch test aux gants est revenu négatif mais n'exclut pas son implication dans la survenue des lésions devant le caractère bilatéral et symétrique des lésions. Une réorientation professionnelle a été proposée devant le jeune âge de la travailleuse Conclusion La connaissance des allergènes en cause au cours d'un eczéma est un atout pour une meilleure prise en charge du patient mais leur identification n'est pas toujours aisée. La réorientation professionnelle lorsqu'elle est possible assure la guérison.

Introduction: Hand eczema is common. Its etiology is often multifactorial, including environmental factors and individual predisposing factors. It poses problems of etiological diagnosis, particularly in the context of poly sensitization. Observation: This case involved a 17-year-old domestic worker with no known allergic history. She developed bilateral hand eczema six months after hiring. The patch test with the standard European battery showed poly-sensitization to several allergens contained in detergents and disinfectants. The glove patch test came back negative, but did not rule out its involvement in the lesions, given the bilateral and symmetrical nature of the lesions. In view of the young age of the worker, a vocational reorientation was carried out. Conclusion: Knowledge of the allergens involved in eczema is an asset for better patient management, but identifying them is not always easy. When possible, professional reorientation ensures recovery

Wounds and Injuries , Patient Care Management , Eczema , Hand Dermatoses , Antiviral Agents , Quality of Life , Hand
Tanzan. j. of health research ; 25(4): 1452-1465, 2024. figures, tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1572336


Introduction: During the COVID-19 pandemic, there was no known specific treatment for coronavirus Disease. Because of this, different countries and institutions have used different regimens to manage disease symptoms. In Tanzania, well-known and long-used herbal preparations believed to have antiviral activities were used as supplements to standard care for COVID-19 management. This study assessed the clinical presentation and outcomes of hospitalized COVID-19 patients receiving standard care plus herbal preparations in Tanzania. Methods: An observational cohort study was conducted between February and May 2021 at 12 health facilities. Sociodemographic information, clinical presentation, past medical history, baseline, and follow-up laboratory records were documented. Each study participant was followed up for 14 days from enrolment. Results: 285 participants were enrolled; their mean age was 59.2 ± 16.5 years, and males constituted 56% of the study participants. Nearly 33% were aged 50 years and above. The majority (72%) reported having at least one form of co-morbidities (raised blood pressure, diabetes mellitus, asthma, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases (COPD) and other forms of heart problems apart from hypertension). More than 60% of the study participants reported to have used at least one form of locally available herbal preparations. Symptoms and signs reported at enrolment subsided relatively faster among those supplemented with herbal preparations than among their counterparts. PCR results of nearly 66% of the study participants had converted to PCR negative at different rates by day 7 (61 vs 78%) and by day 14 (64.3% vs 36.4%) among herbal and non-herbal users, respectively. Overall, proportionally mortality was higher among those who used standard care alone (23.3% vs 16.9%) compared to those supplemented with herbal preparations. Conclusion: The use of herbal preparations in addition to standard care treatment showed a positive effect in subsiding signs and symptoms and decreasing mortality among COVID-19 patients. The findings from this study call for further research, especially clinical trials, to ascertain these findings.

Antiviral Agents , Asthma , Therapeutics , Blood Pressure , Coronavirus , Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive , Plant Preparations , Diabetes Mellitus , COVID-19 , Hypertension
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e253508, 2024. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1360218


Present research work represents antiviral and antibacterial value of body fat of Saara hardwickii commonly called as spiny tailed lizard. Oil was extracted from body fats located in the ventral region of this animal using hydrocarbons e.g., n-hexane, methanol, butanol and ethyl acetate as a solvent. The antibacterial activity of lizard oil was tested against standard as well as multi-resistant lines ofEscherichia coli, Styphalococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Proteus vulgaris alone and with antibiotic ampicillin. For antibacterial potential, Ethyl acetate and Butanol solvent extract showed best zone of inhibition (7mm) with P. aeruginosa and S. aureus respectively. For antiviral potential, Butanol and Methanol extract showed best HA (Hemagglutination) titer of 04 with NDV and IBV viral strain respectively. It is concluded that lizard oil has antimicrobial potential against different pathogens strains (virus, bacteria).

O presente trabalho de pesquisa apresenta a importância antiviral e antibacteriana da gordura corporal de Saara hardwickii, comumente chamado de lagarto de cauda espinhosa. O óleo foi extraído de gorduras corporais localizadas na região ventral desse animal usando hidrocarbonetos, por exemplo, n-hexano, metanol, butanol e acetato de etila, como solvente. A atividade antibacteriana do óleo do lagarto foi testada em linhagens padrão e multirresistentes de Escherichia coli, Staphylococcus aureus, Pseudomonas aeruginosa e Proteus vulgaris, de forma isolada e com antibiótico ampicilina. Para o potencial antibacteriano, acetato de etila e extrato de butanol apresentaram melhor zona de inibição (7 mm) com P. aeruginosa e S. aureus, respectivamente. Para o potencial antiviral, o extrato de butanol e o extrato de metanol apresentaram melhor título de hemaglutinação de 4 com as cepas virais NDV e IBV, respectivamente. Conclui-se que o óleo do lagarto possui potencial antimicrobiano contra diferentes cepas de patógenos (vírus e bactérias).

Animals , Antiviral Agents , Adipose Tissue , Lizards , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Bol. latinoam. Caribe plantas med. aromát ; 22(6): 747-769, nov. 2023. ilus, tab, graf, mapas
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1554217


Larrea divaricata Cav. is an autochthonous South American plant popularly used in inflammatory and infectious diseases with reported anti - inflammatory, immunomodulatory, antimicrobial and antioxidant activities. Covid - 19 is an infection ca used by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS - CoV - 2). This virus can cause pneumonia and even death in about 5% of the cases. The objective of the article was to demonstrate, through a literature review, that L. divaricata has sufficie nt attributes to be assayed against SARS - CoV - 2. For this, the chemical composition, reported activities and docking studies were taken into account. This review demonstrated that the plant extracts are capable of inhibiting the proliferation of fungi, bact eria and viruses and that they exert anti - inflammatory and immunomodulatory actions in different " in vitro " and " in vivo " models. These results suggest that the plant is a good candidate to be studied for the prevention and/or treatment of SARS - CoV - 2.

Larrea divaricata Cav. es una planta autóctona Sudamericana, utilizada popularmente en enfermedades inflamatorias e infecciosas, con activida d anti - inflamatoria, inmunomoduladora, antimicrobiana y antioxidante reportada. El Covid - 19 es una infección causada por una cepa de coronavirus, SARS - CoV - 2 (coronavirus tipo 2 causante del síndrome respiratorio agudo severo). Este virus puede originar neu monía e incluso la muerte en alrededor del 5% de los casos. Nuestro objetivo fue demostrar, a través de una revisión bibliográfica, que esta planta tiene atributos suficientes para ser ensayada en estudios contra SARS - CoV - 2. Se tuvo en cuenta la composici ón química, los antecedentes científicos y los estudios de acoplamiento molecular. Esta revisión permitió demostrar que extractos de la planta son capaces de inhibir la proliferación de hongos, bacterias y virus y que presentan acción anti - inflamatoria en diferentes modelos " in vitro " e " in vivo ", lo que los hace candidatos a ser estudiados en la prevención y/o tratamiento de la infección contra SARS - CoV - 2.

Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Plant Extracts/administration & dosage , Larrea/chemistry , SARS-CoV-2/drug effects , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Argentina , Virus Replication/drug effects , Plant Extracts/chemistry , Antioxidants
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(4): 328-333, ago. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521844


INTRODUCCIÓN: La infección por citomegalovirus (CMV) sigue siendo la infección con relevancia clínica más frecuente luego del trasplante alogénico de progenitores hematopoyéticos (TPHa), presentando alta morbilidad y mortalidad. Por este motivo, es importante implementar estrategias de prevención para reducir la frecuencia de la infección por CMV. OBJETIVO: Describir la frecuencia de infección, infección clínicamente significativa (ICS) y enfermedad por CMV en pacientes seropositivos que recibieron un TPHa y profilaxis primaria con letermovir. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo de cohorte longitudinal, en pacientes con TPHa seropositivos para CMV que recibieron profilaxis primaria con letermovir hasta el día 100 posTPH. RESULTADOS: Se incluyeron 25 pacientes adultos con una mediana de edad de 41 años, el 44% fue de donante no relacionado y 36% de donante haploidéntico. Ochenta por ciento tenía tres o más factores de riesgo para infección por CMV y a 52% se le estratificó como de alto riesgo para enfermedad por CMV. La profilaxis con letermovir tuvo una mediana de duración de 97 días. Durante los 100 días pos-TPH, 20% de los pacientes presentaron infección por CMV, con carga viral plasmática detectable no cuantificable, que se negativizó en el siguiente control semanal sin discontinuación del letermovir. Ningún paciente presentó ICS ni enfermedad por CMV durante este período. CONCLUSIÓN: La profilaxis con letermovir fue efectiva para prevenir la ICS y la enfermedad por CMV.

BACKGROUND: Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection remains the most common clinically significant infection after allogeneic stem cell transplantation (aSCT), with a high morbidity and mortality rate. In order to reduce its frequency, prevention strategies should be implemented. AIM: To describe the frequency of infection, clinically significant infection (CSI) and CMV disease in seropositive patients who received aSCT and primary prophylaxis with letermovir. METHODS: Longitudinal descriptive cohort study in seropositive patients who received aSCT and primary prophylaxis with letermovir until day 100 post-SCT. RESULTS: Twenty-five adult patients with a median age of 41 years were included; 44% were unrelated donors, and 36% were haploidentical donors. Eighty percent had three or more risk factors for CMV infection, and 52% were stratified as high risk for CMV disease. Letermovir prophylaxis had a median duration of 97 days. Twenty percent of the patients developed CMV infection through day 100 post-SCT, with detectable non-quantifiable CMV viral load in plasma. This became negative in the following weekly control without discontinuation of letermovir. No patient developed CSI or CMV organ disease during this period. CONCLUSION: Letermovir prophylaxis proved to be effective in preventing CSI and CMV disease.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Cytomegalovirus Infections/prevention & control , Cytomegalovirus Infections/epidemiology , Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation , Quinazolines/administration & dosage , Longitudinal Studies , Chemoprevention , Acetates/administration & dosage
Buenos Aires; s.n; jun. 2023. 30 p. graf.
Non-conventional in Spanish | LILACS, InstitutionalDB, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1531543


Informe sobre el objetivo del abordaje de estas patologías, desde el Ministerio de Salud de la Ciudad de Buenos Aires: Medidas de prevención; Priorización de diagnóstico; Estrategia integrada de vigilancia de la Infecciones Respiratorias Agudas de posible origen viral; Vigilancia Universal; Vigilancia epidemiológica de coqueluche (tos convulsa); y Recomendaciones sobre el uso de antivirales para influenza; (AU)

Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Respiratory Tract Diseases/prevention & control , Respiratory Tract Diseases/epidemiology , Whooping Cough/prevention & control , Whooping Cough/epidemiology , Epidemiological Monitoring
Rev. méd. Chile ; 151(5): 541-550, mayo 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1560213


BACKGROUND: The largest growth in cases of COVID-19 worldwide during 2020 was in the Americas, and Chile was one of the most affected countries. AIM: To describe, characterize, and evaluate the use of drugs as treatment for COVID-19 in hospitalized patients in Chile during the first wave of the pandemic. METHODS: We performed a multicenter, observational study that included 442 patients with confirmed SARS-CoV-2 infection admitted in Chilean hospitals between March 21 and September 22, 2020. The analysis included demographics, comorbidities, specific drug therapy, and outcomes over a 28-day follow-up period. RESULTS: The median age of patients was 68 years (IQR 55-73), and 38.9% were women. The most common comorbidities were hypertension (57.7%) and diabetes (36.9%). Fifty-seven (12.9%) patients died. Hypertension (HR 2.99; CI 95% 1.43-6.26) and age ≥; 65 (2.14; CI 95% 1.10- 4.17) were the main predictors of mortality. Primary drugs were azithromycin (58.8%) and corticosteroids (51.1%). In this sample, azithromycin was a protective factor regarding mortality (HR 0.53; CI 95% 0.31-0.90), increasing clinical improvement and avoiding progression. CONCLUSIONS: The patterns of use of drugs to treat COVID-19 in Chile during the first wave of the pandemic were very dynamic and followed the international, evidence-based guidelines. The low mortality rate indicates that the clinical management of hospitalized patients was adequate.

ANTECEDENTES: Durante 2020, el mayor incremento de casos de COVID-19 se observó en el continente americano, donde Chile fue uno de los países más afectados. Objetivos: Describir, caracterizar y evaluar el uso de fármacos indicados para tratar el COVID-19 en pacientes hospitalizados en Chile durante la primera ola de pandemia. PACIENTES Y MÉTODOS: Un estudio multicéntrico observacional incorporó a 442 pacientes con infección confirmada por SARS- CoV-2 admitidos en hospitales chilenos entre el 21 de marzo y el 22 de septiembre de 2020. Se analizaron variables demográficas, comorbilidades, terapia farmacológica específica y desenlaces clínicos para un período de seguimiento de 28 días. Resultados: La mediana de la edad fue de 68 años (RIC 55-73), y un 38,9% fueron mujeres. Las comorbilidades más comunes fueron hipertensión (57,7%) y diabetes (36,9%). Cincuenta y siete (12,9%) de los pacientes murieron. Los principales predictores de mortalidad fueron la hipertensión (HR 2,99; IC 95% 1,43-6,26) y la edad ≥ 65 años (2,14; IC 95% 1,10- 4,17). Los fármacos más utilizados fueron azitromicina (58,8%) y corticosteroides (51,1%). En esta muestra, la azitromicina fue un factor de protección respecto a la mortalidad (HR 0,53; IC 95% 0,31-0,90), incrementando igualmente la mejoría y evitando la progresión. CONCLUSIONES: Los patrones de uso de fármacos para tatar COVID-19 en Chile durante la primera ola de pandemia fueron muy dinámicos y siguieron las directrices internacionales basadas en la evidencia. La baja mortalidad sugiere que el manejo de los pacientes hospitalizados fue adecuado.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , COVID-19/mortality , COVID-19/epidemiology , COVID-19 Drug Treatment , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Comorbidity , Chile/epidemiology , Treatment Outcome , Azithromycin/therapeutic use , Pandemics , SARS-CoV-2 , Hypertension/drug therapy , Hypertension/epidemiology
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(1): 62-65, feb. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441399


El síndrome "blueberry muffin" es una dermatosis maculopapular eritematoviolácea como resultado de una hematopoyesis extramedular. Se ha asociado con infecciones del espectro TORCH y causas no infecciosas. Presentamos el caso de un recién nacido pretérmino, quien desde el control prenatal presentó una ecografía con signos sugerentes de infección congénita por citomegalovirus (microcefalia, ventriculomegalia y calcificaciones intracerebrales). Al examen físico presentaba una dermatosis macular violácea compatible con síndrome "blueberry muffin". Se detectó carga viral de citomegalovirus en orina (81,200 copias/ml) e inició tratamiento con ganciclovir, con desenlace fatal. La infección congénita por CMV debe considerarse ante el síndrome "blueberry muffin"; el adecuado abordaje diagnóstico debe ser oportuno y debe incluir antecedentes maternos y perinatales, así como estudios serológicos para infecciones por TORCH con el fin del inicio precoz de tratamiento para evitar complicaciones y secuelas.

Blueberry muffin syndrome is characterized by an erythematousviolaceous maculopapular dermatosis due to extramedullary hematopoiesis. This entity has been associated with TORCH spectrum infections and noninfectious causes. We present the case of a preterm newborn, who since the prenatal control gave an ultrasound with data suggestive of congenital infection by cytomegalovirus (microcephaly, ventriculomegaly, intracerebral calcifications). On physical examination, he presented a violaceous macular dermatosis compatible with blueberry muffin syndrome. Cytomegalovirus viral load was detected in urine (81,200 copies/ml), with fatal outcome. Congenital cytomegalovirus infection should be considered in the presence of a blueberry muffin syndrome; an adequate diagnostic approach that includes maternal and perinatal history is essential, as well as serology studies for diseases of the TORCH spectrum in order to start early with treatment and avoid major comorbidities.

Humans , Male , Infant, Newborn , Cytomegalovirus Infections/congenital , Cytomegalovirus Infections/diagnosis , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , Ganciclovir/therapeutic use , Fatal Outcome , Cytomegalovirus Infections/drug therapy
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-6, 2023. ilus, graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1469016


Although increased response rates concomitant in hepatitis C virus but relapse after treatment is threatened. Therefore, it is terrible requirement to evaluate the response of Pegylated interferon and direct acting antivirals in Punjab Pakistan. The study was conducted to find the rate of recurrence of HCV infection after treatment with Pegylated Interferon and Direct Acting Antivirals in Punjab Pakistan. This study was conducted at Department of Pathology, Nawaz Sharif Medical College Gujrat, while treatment effects monitored in different Government and Private Hospitals of Punjab, Pakistan. Total 973 patients who administered the recommended dose and divided in two groups (i) Interferon based therapy (ii) direct acting antivirals (DAAs).Other parameters like ALT and viral load studied. The rate of recurrence was higher in female infected with genotype 2b and in male with mixed genotype 3a/2b after six month of antiviral therapy. Genotype 3a showed significant response to therapy after three month. 32 among 374 (8.5%) were positive after 24 weeks of treatment with interferon, 29 (7.7%) patients have same genotype while 3 patients were re-infected with different HCV strains. With DAAs, only 27 (4.8%) patients were positive among 558 after 2 weeks and one patient re-infected with different genotype. Early and sustained virological response noted in DAAs. ALT and viral load decreased faster with DAAs that not achieved after 4 weeks with pegylated interferon. Sustained virological response appears in DAAs and recurrence rate is high in interferon therapy compared to DAAs. Therefore, reinfection has implications for correct treatment efficiency and to select strategies for retreatment cases.

Embora aumentem as taxas de resposta concomitantes no vírus da hepatite C (HCV), há risco de recidiva após o tratamento. Portanto, é um requisito terrível avaliar a resposta do interferon peguilado e antivirais de ação direta em Punjab, Paquistão. O estudo foi conduzido para encontrar a taxa de recorrência da infecção por HCV após o tratamento com interferon peguilado e antivirais de ação direta em Punjab, Paquistão. Este estudo foi conduzido no Departamento de Patologia Nawaz Sharif Medical College Gujrat, enquanto os efeitos do tratamento foram monitorados em diferentes hospitais públicos e privados de Punjab, Paquistão. Total de 973 pacientes que administraram a dose recomendada foram divididos em dois grupos: (i) Terapia baseada em interferon, (ii) antivirais de ação direta (DAAs). Outros parâmetros como ALT e carga viral foram estudados. A taxa de recorrência foi maior em mulheres infectadas com o genótipo 2b e em homens com genótipo misto 3a / 2b após seis meses de terapia antiviral. O genótipo 3a mostrou resposta significativa à terapia após três meses. 32 entre 374 (8,5%) foram positivos após 24 semanas de tratamento com interferon, 29 (7,7%) pacientes têm o mesmo genótipo, enquanto 3 pacientes foram reinfectados com diferentes cepas de HCV. Com DAAs, apenas 27 (4,8%) pacientes foram positivos entre 558 após duas semanas e um paciente reinfectado com genótipo diferente. Resposta virológica precoce e sustentada observada em DAAs. ALT e carga viral diminuíram mais rapidamente com DAAs, que não alcançou após 4 semanas com interferon peguilado. A resposta virológica sustentada aparece em DAAs, e a taxa de recorrência é alta na terapia com interferon em comparação com DAAs. Portanto, a reinfecção tem implicações para a eficiência do tratamento correto e para selecionar estratégias para casos de retratamento.

Male , Female , Humans , Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Hepatitis C/drug therapy , Hepatitis C/virology , Interferons/administration & dosage , Recurrence
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e201120, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1429961


Abstract The purpose of the present study was to develop stable lyophilized formulation of peginterferon alfa-2b which is acquiescent to the short lyophilization process. The present study evaluates the effect of buffering components and cryoprotectant(s) on depegylation of the peginterferon alfa-2b in combination with lyophilization process. Finally, a short lyophilization process was identified which can produce a stable pharmaceutical form of peginterferon alfa-2b without any depegylation during long-term storage. Formulations were analyzed mainly for depegylation by HP-size exclusion chromatography and in-vitro antiviral activity. Residual moisture content in the lyophilized product was also used as a key indicating parameter to check its role with respect to depegylation upon storage under various temperature conditions. It was observed that the peginterferon alfa-2b when formulated in presence of cryoprotectant like sucrose requires longer lyophilization process of about 5 days, irrespective of the buffering components used, to reduce the level of residual moisture content and thereby to produce the stable formulation without depegylation. A stable formulation in presence of high concentration of lactose as a cryoprotectant was developed which can withstand stresses exerted to protein-polymer conjugate during lyophilization phases without any significant depegylation. A short lyophilization process of about 48 hours can be utilized for peginterferon alfa-2b when formulated in presence of lactose as a cryoprotectant through which a stable lyophilized formulation can be produced as against longer process required when sucrose is used a cryoprotectant, which is essential from commercial point of view as lyophilization is a costly process.

Freeze Drying/methods , Interferon alpha-2/pharmacology , Antiviral Agents/adverse effects , Pharmaceutical Preparations/analysis , Chromatography, Gel/methods
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1128-2023, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425430


Objetivo: Examinar e mapear as evidências científicas sobre a eficácia do uso de ivermectina e atazanavir no tratamento de COVID-19. Metodologia: Scoping Review, baseado nos procedimentos recomendados pelo Instituto Joanna Briggs. Estabeleceu-se a pergunta norteadora: "Quais são as evidências científicas sobre o uso de ivermectina e atazanavir no tratamento de pacientes com sintomas leves de COVID-19?". Foram realizadas buscas em seis bases de dados nacionais e internacionais, sobre trabalhos publicados até dezembro de 2022. Dos 357 estudos encontrados, 22 foram selecionados para leitura na íntegra, resultando em uma amostra final de 11 estudos analisados. Resultados: As 11 publicações analisadas foram publicadas de 2020 a 2022 durante período pandêmico, de âmbito nacional e internacional com delineamento de estudos experimentais, do tipo ensaio clínico com randomização. Apenas 03 estudos (25%) testaram o atazanavir como intervenção conjugada a outras drogas, não evidenciando melhorias significativas em relação ao seu uso. Já no tratamento com Ivermectina, dos oito (75%) estudos que a testaram, apenas três (37,5%) recomendaram seu uso e cinco (62,5%) não suportam seu uso para tratamento de COVID-19 leve. O tempo de resolução dos sintomas variou de 8 a 10 dias nos braços tratados com ivermectina e em média 07 dias no tratamento com atazanavir. Não se detectou eventos adversos graves relacionados ao uso das duas drogas. Conclusão: As evidências que recomendavam o uso de ivermectina datam do início do período pandêmico, 2020, mas posteriormente, com a realização de ensaios clínicos robustos e controlados, novas evidências não suportam o uso de ivermectina e atazanavir no tratamento de COVID-19 leve mostrando que não houve diferença no tempo de resolução dos sintomas, na taxa de mortalidade, taxa de internação na UTI e tempo de hospitalização.

Objective: To examine and map the scientific evidence on the effectiveness of using ivermectin and atazanavir in the treatment of COVID-19. Methodology: Scoping Review, based on the procedures recommended by the Joanna Briggs Institute. The guiding question was established, "What is the scientific evidence on the use of ivermectin and atazanavir in the treatment of patients with mild symptoms of COVID-19?" Searches were conducted in six national and international databases on papers published until December 2022. Of the 357 studies found, 22 were selected for reading in full, resulting in a final sample of 11 studies analyzed. Results: The 11 publications analyzed were published from 2020 to 2022 during pandemic period, of national and international scope with experimental study design, of clinical trial type with randomization. Only 03 studies (25%) tested atazanavir as a combined intervention with other drugs, showing no significant improvements in relation to its use. As for the treatment with Ivermectin, of the eight (75%) studies that tested it, only three (37.5%) recommended its use and five (62.5%) did not support its use for treating mild COVID-19. The time to symptom resolution ranged from 8 to 10 days in the ivermectin-treated arms and on average 07 days in the atazanavir treatment. No serious adverse events related to the use of the two drugs were detected. Conclusion: evidence recommending the use of ivermectin dates back to the beginning of the pandemic period, 2020, but subsequently, with robust controlled clinical trials, new evidence does not support the use of ivermectin and atazanavir in the treatment of mild COVID-19 showing that there was no difference in time to symptom resolution, mortality rate, ICU admission rate, and length of hospital stay.

Objetivo: Examinar y mapear la evidencia científica sobre la eficacia del uso de ivermectina y atazanavir en el tratamiento de COVID-19. Metodología: Scoping Review, basada en los procedimientos recomendados por el Instituto Joanna Briggs. La pregunta guía era: "¿Cuál es la evidencia científica sobre el uso de ivermectina y atazanavir en el tratamiento de pacientes con síntomas leves de COVID-19? Se realizaron búsquedas en seis bases de datos nacionales e internacionales, en artículos publicados hasta diciembre de 2022. De los 357 estudios encontrados, se seleccionaron 22 para su lectura completa, lo que dio lugar a una muestra final de 11 estudios analizados. Resultados: Las 11 publicaciones analizadas fueron publicadas entre 2020 y 2022 durante el periodo pandémico, de ámbito nacional e internacional con diseño de estudio experimental, de tipo ensayo clínico con aleatorización. Apenas 03 estudios (25%) probaron el atazanavir como intervención combinada con otras drogas, sin evidenciar mejoras significativas en relación con su uso. En cuanto al tratamiento con Ivermectina, de los ocho (75%) estudios que la probaron, sólo tres (37,5%) recomendaron su uso y cinco (62,5%) no apoyaron su uso para tratar la COVID-19 leve. El tiempo transcurrido hasta la resolución de los síntomas osciló entre 8 y 10 días en los brazos tratados con ivermectina y una media de 07 días en el tratamiento con atazanavir. No se detectaron acontecimientos adversos graves relacionados con el uso de los dos fármacos. Conclusión: las pruebas que recomiendan el uso de ivermectina se remontan al inicio del periodo pandémico, 2020, pero posteriormente, con ensayos clínicos controlados sólidos, las nuevas pruebas no apoyan el uso de ivermectina y atazanavir en el tratamiento de la COVID-19 leve, lo que demuestra que no hubo diferencias en el tiempo hasta la resolución de los síntomas, la tasa de mortalidad, la tasa de ingreso en la UCI y la duración de la estancia hospitalaria.

Ivermectin/therapeutic use , Atazanavir Sulfate/therapeutic use , COVID-19/drug therapy , Antiviral Agents , Drug-Related Side Effects and Adverse Reactions/drug therapy , Hospitalization
Arq. ciências saúde UNIPAR ; 27(3): 1173-1182, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1425453


Objetivo: descrever o processo de condução de um caso com manifestação oftálmica pela mpox, destacando o trabalho da enfermagem na prevenção de complicações da doença. Método: relato de experiência da condução de um caso de mpox ocorrido em setembro de 2022 com manifestação oftálmica. Resultados: a pronta identificação da complicação oftálmica, com a presença de conjuntivite e edema palpebral, apresentada por um paciente com suspeita de mpox pela equipe de enfermagem da vigilância epidemiológica durante as ações de monitoramento, e o envolvimento da equipe com outras equipes de diversos níveis da assistência à saúde permitiram a instituição precoce do tratamento com antiviral recomendado pelo Ministério da Saúde, o que contribuiu para um melhor desfecho. Conclusão: é importante que se dissemine o conhecimento sobre as manifestações oftálmicas associadas à mpox para que a equipe de enfermagem, que atua nos diversos níveis de atenção à saúde, esteja atenta para implementar, de forma precoce, medidas de prevenção, diagnóstico e tratamento adequados.

Objective: to describe the process of conducting a case with ophthalmic manifestation by mpox, highlighting the work of nursing in preventing complications of the disease. Method: experience report of managing a case of mpox that occurred in September 2022 with ophthalmic manifestation. Results: the prompt identification of the ophthalmic complication, with the presence of conjunctivitis and eyelid edema, presented by a patient with suspected mpox by the epidemiological surveillance nursing team during monitoring actions and the team's involvement with other teams from different levels of the health care allowed the early initiation of antiviral treatment recommended by the Ministry of Health, which contributed to a better outcome. Conclusion: it is important to disseminate knowledge about ophthalmic manifestations associated with mpox for the nursing team that works at different levels of health care to be attentive to implement preventive measures, diagnosis and adequate and early treatment.

Objetivo: describir el proceso de manejo de un caso con manifestación of- talmológica por mpox, destacando la labor de enfermería en la prevención de complica- ciones de la enfermedad. Material y método: relato de experiencia de manejo de un caso de mpox ocurrido en septiembre de 2022 con manifestación oftálmica. Resultados: la rápida identificación de la complicación oftálmica, con la presencia de conjuntivitis y edema de párpados, presentada por un paciente con sospecha de mpox por el equipo de enfermería de vigilancia epidemiológica durante las acciones de monitoreo y la partici- pación del equipo con otros equipos de diferentes niveles de la asistencia sanitaria per- mitió el inicio precoz del tratamiento antiviral recomendado por el Ministerio de Salud, lo que contribuyó a un mejor resultado. Conclusión: es importante difundir el conoci- miento sobre las manifestaciones oftálmicas asociadas a la viruela del mono para que el equipo de enfermería que actúa en los diferentes niveles de atención a la salud esté atento a implementar medidas preventivas, diagnósticas y de tratamiento adecuado y precoz.

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Health Surveillance , Mpox (monkeypox)/diagnosis , Mpox (monkeypox)/prevention & control , Mpox (monkeypox)/therapy , Eye Manifestations , Antiviral Agents , Environmental Monitoring/instrumentation , Nursing , Conjunctivitis/diagnosis , Conjunctivitis/prevention & control , Conjunctivitis/therapy , Case Reports as Topic , Health Services Research
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e248083, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278546


Abstract Species of the genus Cordia have shown biological activities, such as anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antioxidant, antiviral, and antifungal activities. The species Cordia glabrata (MART) A.DC. Has no information concerning its phytochemical profile and possible biological activities. Thus, this study aimed to evaluate this profile in ethanolic extracts of young, adult and senescent leaves, as well as their antioxidant, photoprotective, antimicrobial, and virucidal potentials. Phytochemical analysis was performed by TLC (thin-layer chromatography) and showed the presence of flavonoids, tannins, and terpenes. The evaluation by UPLC-MS/MS (Ultra performance liquid chromatography - tandem mass spectrometer) evidenced the presence of caffeic (3.89 mgL-1), p-cumaric (6.13 mgL-1), and ferulic (0.58 mgL-1) acids, whilst, in GC/MS (Gas chromatography-mass spectrometry) analysis there was a greater amount of palmitic (51.17%), stearic (20.34%), linoleic (9.62%), and miristic (8.16%) fatty acids. The DPPH (2,2-Diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl) and ABTS+ (2′-Azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)) radicals were used to verify the potential antioxidant activity, observing a better activity for the leaf extract in the adult phenological stage: 54.63 ± 1.06 µgmL-1 (DPPH) and 44.21 ± 1.69 mM (ABTS). The potential photoprotective activity of the extracts was determined by spectrophotometry and the in vitro values of SPF (Sun Protection Factor) in young and adult leaves (5.47 and 5.41, respectively) showed values close to the minimum SPF of 6.0 required by ANVISA (Brazilian Health Regulatory Agency). It was not observed an antimicrobial activity for Staphylococcus aureus with a minimum inhibitory concentration of 2000 μgmL-1, however the anti-herpetic assay against the Herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) showed a potent virucidal activity at the tested concentrations with CV50 value <0.195 μgmL-1 and a Selectivity Index (SI = CC50 / CV50) greater than 448. The results obtained in this study suggest that extracts of leaves of C. glabrata in their adult phenological stage have potential antioxidant, photoprotective and virucidal activity, considering in vitro test results.

Resumo Espécies do gênero Cordia apresentam atividades biológicas, como anti-inflamatória, analgésica, antioxidante, antiviral e antifúngica. Para a espécie Cordia glabrata (MART) A.DC., ainda não existem informações sobre seu perfil fitoquímico e possíveis atividades biológicas, deste modo, o presente estudo teve como objetivo avaliar este perfil em extratos etanólicos de folhas jovens, adultas e senescentes, bem como o potencial antioxidante, fotoprotetor, antimicrobiano e virucida. A análise fitoquímica foi realizada por CCD (Cromatografia em Camada Delgada), mostrando a presença de flavonóides, taninos e terpenos. Na avaliação por CLAE EM/EM (Cromatografia Líquida de Ultra Eficiência acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas) foi evidenciado a presença dos ácidos caféico (3,89 mgL-1), p-cumárico (6,13 mgL-1) e ferúlico (0,58 mgL-1), paralelamente, na CG/EM (Cromatografia Gasosa acoplada a Espectrometria de Massas) verificou-se maior quantidade dos ácidos graxos palmítico (51,17%), esteárico (20,34%), linoléico (9,62%) e mirístico (8,16%). Os radicais DPPH (2,2-Difenil-1-picrilhidrazil) e ABTS+ (2′-Azino-bis (ácido 3-etilbenzotiazolina-6-sulfônico)) foram utilizados para verificar o potencial antioxidante, observando-se uma atividade superior para o extrato da folha em sua fase fenológica adulta: 54,63 ± 1,06 µgmL-1 (DPPH) e 44,21 ± 1,69 mM (ABTS+). A potencial atividade fotoprotetora dos extratos foi determinada espectrofotometricamente e os valores in vitro de FPS (Fator de Proteção Solar) em folhas jovens e adultas (5,47 e 5,41 respectivamente) apresentaram valores próximos ao FPS mínimo de 6,0 exigido pela ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária). Não foi observada atividade antimicrobiana para Staphylococcus aureus sendo a concentração inibitória mínima de 2000 μgmL-1, no entanto o ensaio anti-herpético contra o vírus Herpes simplex tipo 2 (HSV-2) mostrou uma potente atividade virucida nas concentrações testadas com um valor de CV50 <0,195 μgmL-1 e um Índice de Seletividade (IS = CC50 / CV50) maior que 448. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo sugerem que extratos de folhas de C. glabrata em seu estágio fenológico adulto apresentam potencial antioxidante, fotoprotetora e virucida, considerando os resultados de testes in vitro.

Cordia , Anti-Infective Agents , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology , Brazil , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Chromatography, Liquid , Plant Leaves , Tandem Mass Spectrometry , Antioxidants/pharmacology
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-982709


The COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in excess deaths worldwide. Conventional antiviral medicines have been used to relieve the symptoms, with limited therapeutic effect. In contrast, Lianhua Qingwen Capsule is reported to exert remarkable anti-COVID-19 effect. The current review aims to: 1) uncover the main pharmacological actions of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule for managing COVID-19; 2) verify the bioactive ingredients and pharmacological actions of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule by network analysis; 3) investigate the compatibility effect of major botanical drug pairs in Lianhua Qingwen Capsule; and 4) clarify the clinical evidence and safety of the combined therapy of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule and conventional drugs. Numerous bioactive ingredients in Lianhu Qingwen, such as quercetin, naringenin, β-sitosterol, luteolin, and stigmasterol, were identified to target host cytokines, and to regulate the immune defence in response to COVID-19. Genes including androgen receptor (AR), myeloperoxidase (MPO), epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR), insulin (INS), and aryl hydrocarbon receptor (AHR) were found to be significantly involved in the pharmacological actions of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule against COVID-19. Four botanical drug pairs in Lianhua Qingwen Capsule were shown to have synergistic effect for the treatment of COVID-19. Clinical studies demonstrated the medicinal effect of the combined use of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule and conventional drugs against COVID-19. In conclusion, the four main pharmacological mechanisms of Lianhua Qingwen Capsule for managing COVID-19 are revealed. Therapeutic effect has been noted against COVID-19 in Lianhua Qingwen Capsule.

Humans , COVID-19 , Pandemics , Drugs, Chinese Herbal/therapeutic use , Antiviral Agents/therapeutic use , COVID-19 Drug Treatment
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 4784-4795, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1008058


The aim of this study was to produce recombinant porcine interferon gamma (rPoIFN-γ) by Chinese hamster ovarian (CHO) cells expression system and to analyze its antiviral activity. Firstly, we constructed the recombinant eukaryotic expression plasmid pcDNA3.1-PoIFN-γ and transfected into suspension cultured CHO cells for secretory expression of rPoIFN-γ. The rPoIFN-γ was purified by affinity chromatography and identified with SDS-PAGE and Western blotting. Subsequently, the cytotoxicity of rPoIFN-γ was analyzed by CCK-8 test, and the antiviral activity of rPoIFN-γ was evaluated using standard procedures in VSV/PK-15 (virus/cell) test system. Finally the anti-Seneca virus A (SVA) of rPoIFN-γ activity and the induction of interferon-stimulated genes (ISGs) and cytokines were also analyzed. The results showed that rPoIFN-γ could successfully expressed in the supernatant of CHO cells. CCK-8 assays indicated that rPoIFN-γ did not show cytotoxicity on IBRS-2 cells. The biological activity of rPoIFN-γ was 5.59×107 U/mg in VSV/PK-15 system. Moreover, rPoIFN-γ could induced the expression of ISGs and cytokines, and significantly inhibited the replication of SVA. In conclusion, the high activity of rPoIFN-γ was successfully prepared by CHO cells expression system, which showed strong antiviral activity on SVA. This study may facilitate the investigation of rPoIFN-γ function and the development of novel genetically engineered antiviral drugs.

Animals , Cricetinae , Swine , Interferon-gamma/pharmacology , Cricetulus , CHO Cells , Sincalide , Recombinant Proteins/pharmacology , Antiviral Agents/pharmacology