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J. bras. psiquiatr ; 71(2): 100-107, abr.-jun. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1386072


OBJECTIVE: Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD) is a chronic and disabling disorder associated with various impairments and shows a significant prevalence in the worldwide and Brazilian populations. This study aimed to investigate the longitudinal relationship of two symptoms relevant to the disorder (worry and depressive symptoms) in the context of a randomized clinical trial (RCT) by using a cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) analysis. METHODS: A total of 92 adult patients with GAD were randomized to receive ten sessions of either acceptance­based group behavioral therapy (ABBT) or nondirective supportive group therapy (NDST). Treatment had four time-point measures. Worries were measured using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), and depression was measured using the Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-D). RESULTS: The NDST model revealed significant paths from worry to depression (first wave) and from depression to worry (second wave). There was no other significant cross-lagged effect. These data show that there was an influence between symptoms only during one of the treatment groups, and without a homogeneous and constant pattern in any of the cross-lagged routes. CONCLUSION: A supportive group psychotherapy potentially interferes with the pattern of the direct relationship between worries and depressive symptoms in adults with GAD.

OBJETIVO: O transtorno de ansiedade generalizada (TAG) é um diagnóstico crônico e incapacitante, associado a diversos prejuízos e com relevante prevalência na população mundial e na brasileira. Este estudo tem por objetivo investigar a relação longitudinal de duas manifestações relevantes para o transtorno (preocupação e sintomas depressivos), utilizando uma análise cross-lagged panel model (CLPM) por meio de dados de um ensaio clínico randomizado (ECR). MÉTODOS: Um total de 92 pacientes adultos com TAG foi randomizado para duas psicoterapias em grupo: terapia comportamental baseada em aceitação (TCBA) ou terapia de apoio não diretiva (TAND). Cada grupo teve duração de 10 sessões, distribuídas em 14 semanas. O tratamento teve quatro tempos de medida: linha de base, meio do tratamento, pós-tratamento e seguimento de três meses. As variáveis investigadas foram: preocupações, medidas pelo Penn State Worry Questionnaire (PSWQ), e sintomas depressivos, medidos pela Depression Anxiety Stress Scales (DASS-D). Os modelos CLMP foram gerados pelo programa Mplus. RESULTADOS: O modelo do grupo TAND revelou duas rotas significativas: preocupação para sintomas depressivos (primeira onda) e sintomas depressivos para preocupação (segunda onda). Não houve outro efeito cross-lagged que obteve significância estatística. Esses dados mostram que houve influência alternada entre os sintomas somente durante o período de um dos dois tratamentos testados, configurando um padrão heterogêneo das rotas cross-lagged. CONCLUSÃO: A psicoterapia suportiva em grupo potencialmente interfere no padrão da relação direta entre preocupação e sintomas depressivos em adultos com TAG.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety Disorders/complications , Anxiety Disorders/diagnosis , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Depression/diagnosis , Depression/therapy , Psychotherapy, Group , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 60(1): 51-61, mar. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388420


Resumen Introducción: la desensibilización y reprocesamiento por movimientos oculares (EMDR) tiene abundante evidencia de eficacia en desórdenes del espectro traumático. Su eficacia en trastornos ansiosos (TA) y depresivos (TD) en niños, niñas y adolescentes ha sido escasamente estudiada. Método: se realizó una revisión narrativa para describir la evidencia disponible sobre eficacia de EMDR en TA y TD en población infantojuvenil. Se buscaron artículos disponibles en PubMed/Medline, SciELO, PsycINFO y Cochrane Library. Se incluyeron todos los artículos primarios y secundarios que evaluaron el efecto de EMDR en TA y TD en población infantojuvenil. Se revisaron sus referencias como segundo método de inclusión. Resultados: se identificaron nueve estudios (cinco en TA y cuatro en TD); tres fueron observacionales y seis experimentales. Todos tuvieron tamaños muestrales reducidos. En TA, los estudios corroboraron la eficacia de EMDR sobre el temor fóbico en fobia a las arañas, pero no sobre la conducta evitativa, donde sería superior la exposición in vivo. Dos series de casos expusieron la utilidad de EMDR en fagogobia y en TA asociados a epilepsia. En TD, EMDR fue eficaz en la reducción de sintomatología depresiva en el contexto del trastorno depresivo mayor, trastorno de estrés agudo y trastornos conductuales. EMDR fue comparable a terapia cognitivo-conductual. Conclusiones: la evidencia corrobora la eficacia de EMDR en TA y TD en niños, niñas y adolescentes. Sin embargo, es muy escasa y cuenta con limitaciones metodológicas. Es necesario realizar estudios experimentales con protocolos estandarizados y especializados de EMDR para TA y TD en población infantojuvenil.

Introduction: Eye movement desensitization and reprocessing (EMDR) has abundant evidence of efficacy in traumatic spectrum disorders. Its efficacy in anxiety disorders (AD) and depressive disorders (DD) in children and adolescents has been scarcely studied. Methods: We conducted a narrative review to describe the available evidence on the efficacy of EMDR in AD and DD in children and adolescents. We searched for articles available in PubMed/Medline, SciELO, PsycInfo and the Cochrane Library. All primary and secondary studies evaluating the effect of EMDR on AD and DD in children and adolescents were included. Their references were reviewed as a second method of inclusion. Results: nine studies were identified (five in AD and four in DD); three were observational and six experimental. All had small sample sizes. In AD, studies corroborated the efficacy of EMDR on phobic fear in spider phobia, but not on avoidance behavior, where in vivo exposure would be superior. Two case series reported the efficacy of EMDR in choking phobia and AD associated with epilepsy. In DD, EMDR was effective in reducing depressive symptomatology in the context of major depressive disorder, acute stress disorder, and conduct disorders. EMDR was comparable to cognitive behavioral therapy. Conclusions: The evidence corroborates the efficacy of EMDR in AD and DD in children and adolescents. However, it is very scarce and has methodological limitations. It is necessary to carry out experimental studies with standardized and specialized EMDR protocols for AD and DD in the child and adolescent population.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Depressive Disorder/therapy , Eye Movement Desensitization Reprocessing
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; 26(9): 4087-4099, set. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1339604


Resumo Esta revisão visa a conhecer e analisar os efeitos dos probióticos na depressão, ansiedade e estresse psicológico. Esses distúrbios estão entre as principais causas de incapacidades no mundo. As farmacoterapias convencionais costumam apresentar fraca resposta ou efeitos colaterais adversos. Estudos mais recentes têm demonstrado uma densa comunicação bidirecional chamada de eixo cérebro-intestino. Pesquisas estão evidenciando as relações entre alterações no microbioma entérico e distúrbios psiquiátricos, abrindo caminho para o surgimento de terapêuticas alternativas. Fez-se uma busca sistemática por ensaios clínicos randomizados duplo/triplo cego controlados por placebo no PubMed, Scopus e Lilacs. Para seleção dos estudos usaram-se as recomendações dos principais itens para relatar revisões sistemáticas e meta-análises (PRISMA). Nove artigos preencheram os critérios e foram analisados quanto aos efeitos na depressão, ansiedade, estresse psicológico e em biomarcadores. Sete encontraram resultados positivos em ao menos um dos itens. Conclui-se que o uso de probióticos para aliviar sintomas desses distúrbios é promissor, principalmente, por seu potencial efeito anti-inflamatório, mas são necessários ensaios clínicos randomizados duplo-cegos mais amplos e rigorosos para balizar tais conclusões.

Abstract This review aims to understand and analyse the effects of probiotics on depression, anxiety and psychological stress. These disorders are among the leading causes of disability worldwide. Conventional pharmacotherapies usually have a poor response or adverse side effects. In this context, recent studies have demonstrated a dense bi-directional communication named gut-brain axis. Evidences are demonstrating the relationship between disturbance in the enteric microbiome and psychiatric disorders, paving the way for the emergence of alternative therapies. A systematic search for randomized double/triple blind placebo-controlled clinical trials was performed in PubMed, Scopus and Lilacs. The studies selection followed the recommendations of the main items for report systematic reviews and meta-analyses (PRISMA). Nine articles met the criteria and were analysed for effects on depression, anxiety, psychological stress and biomarkers. Seven found positive results in at least one of the items. We concluded that the use of probiotics to alleviate depressive symptoms and anxiety is promising, mainly due to its potential anti-inflammatory effect, but additional and more rigorous double blind randomized clinical trials are necessary to endorse such conclusions.

Humans , Complementary Therapies , Probiotics , Anxiety/therapy , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Depression/therapy
Int. j. high dilution res ; 20(2/3): 75-85, June 4, 2021.
Article in English | LILACS, HomeoIndex | ID: biblio-1396364


The unprecedented Covid-19 pandemic has created havoc in most areas of human lives. Anxiety disorders are the most prevalent psychiatric disorders, and the incidence increased in recent times. Homoeopathy is an alternative system of medicine with evidence-based effectiveness in mental health issues. There is a dearth of literature concerning the potential utility of Homoeopathy in the management of psychological issues during this pandemic.Objectives:This overview aims to assess the commonly prevalent anxiety disorders during Covid-19 and assess the usefulness of homoeopathic medicines in managing anxiety.Materials and methods:Selective literature in PubMed search engine to identify most prevalent anxiety disorders during Covid-19 using terms "Covid-19" and "Anxiety" and available research studies in homoeopathy on anxiety have been put forward in this narrative review.Results:The identified anxiety disorders during Covid-19 and the role of Homoeopathy in managing anxiety disorders have been summarized in the article. The homoeopathic perspective of anxiety and the rubrics related to anxiety disorders in different repertories are discussed.Conclusion:mental health is a critical concern in the pandemic's scenario, and Homoeopathy can be a safe and effective alternative or adjunctive to the conventional system in the management of anxiety disorders during this chaotic situation

Humans , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Homeopathic Therapeutics , COVID-19
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 43(1): 57-64, Jan.-Mar. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1156994


Abstract Objective Many adolescents suffer from depressive and anxiety disorders simultaneously and current treatment methods do not put enough emphasis on comorbidity of these disorders. The unified protocol for treating emotional disorders in adolescents is a transdiagnostic therapy which targets mutual fundamental factors. Therefore, the current study aims to compare the effectiveness of the unified protocol alone with the unified protocol combined with mindfulness as an additional treatment in adolescents suffering from emotional disorders. Method A quasi-experimental study was conducted with adolescents. The participants had been diagnosed with emotional disorders and were divided into a control group (15 participants) and an experimental group (16 participants). Both groups were offered 14 sessions of therapy. They were assessed at pre-test, post-test, and two-month follow-up. Scales used in the study included the Child Behavior Checklist (CBCL), the Children's Depression Inventory (CDI), and the Youth Anxiety Measure for DSM-5 (YAM-5). Results The results showed that both of the treatment methods effectively reduced adolescents' emotional problems, but improvements were more significant in the group administered the additional mindfulness program. Among the variables assessed, non-phobic anxiety disorders and depression improved more than specific phobia and behavioral problems. Between-subjects (Group) partial etas for non-phobic anxiety, depression, specific phobia, and behavioral problems were 0.67, 0.50, 0.23, and 0.16, respectively. Conclusion According to the findings of this study, additional treatment methods such as mindfulness could increase the effectiveness of the unified transdiagnostic protocol for adolescents (UP-A). The therapeutic implications are discussed.

Adolescent , Child , Humans , Mindfulness , Anxiety , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Treatment Outcome , Mood Disorders
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 43(1): 61-64, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153265


Objective: To evaluate the efficacy of cognitive behavioral therapy in the treatment of generalized anxiety disorder during pregnancy and its effects on gestational age and birth weight. Methods: The sample included 28 untreated patients and 23 patients treated with CBT. Psychiatric diagnoses were determined through the Structured Clinical Interview for the DSM-IV. Symptom severity was assessed with standardized rating scales. Results: Post-treatment levels of anxiety symptoms were significantly lower than baseline. There was no significant difference in gestational age or newborn birth weight between the cognitive behavioral therapy group and the untreated group. Conclusions: Cognitive behavioral therapy appears to be a safe and effective treatment for generalized anxiety disorder during pregnancy.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Pregnant Women , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Birth Weight , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Cognition
Braz. J. Psychiatry (São Paulo, 1999, Impr.) ; 42(6): 638-645, Nov.-Dec. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1132142


Anxiety disorders affect up to 50% of individuals with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and are significantly impairing to the person affected, as well as to their loved ones. Cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) has been established as the gold-standard treatment for anxiety disorders among typically developing youth and adults, and demonstrates similar efficacy among youth with high-functioning autism (HFA). Many CBT interventions utilize a "full-package" treatment approach to treat co-occurring anxiety in youth with ASD. However, these service delivery systems are often therapist-intensive, costly, and impractical, thereby compromising full engagement and treatment adherence. This paper describes the design, rationale, and methodology of a study examining stepped-care CBT for youth with HFA and co-occurring anxiety - a clinical trial examining the efficacy of low-intensity, parent-led CBT as the first line of treatment and utilizing a more intensive, therapist-led intervention for nonresponders. The study will evaluate the potential benefits of stepped-care and parent-led therapist-assisted interventions, predictors of treatment response, and the economic value of using a stepped-care model. Implications for practice will be discussed.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Autistic Disorder , Autism Spectrum Disorder , Anxiety/therapy , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Parents , Treatment Outcome , Cognition
J. bras. psiquiatr ; 69(2): 103-110, abr.-jun. 2020. tab, ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134948


OBJETIVO: Avaliar a mudança percebida pelos adolescentes usuários de um serviço ambulatorial especializado de saúde mental infantojuvenil. MÉTODOS: Estudo transversal com amostragem por conveniência. Foram realizadas entrevistas individuais com questionário que inclui questões demográficas e socioeconômicas, juntamente com a Escala de Mudança Percebida ­ versão paciente, validada no Brasil. Essa escala aborda mudanças percebidas em diversas dimensões da vida: ocupação, saúde física, aspectos psicobiológicos, sono, relacionamento e estabilidade emocional. O estudo foi realizado de agosto de 2017 a novembro de 2018, abrangendo 100 adolescentes de 12 a 18 anos em tratamento no serviço, no mínimo há 6 meses. RESULTADOS: A maioria foi do sexo feminino (64,0%), com idade entre 16 e 18 anos (48,0%), atendida há mais de um ano (84,0%). Os diagnósticos mais citados pelos adolescentes foram transtorno do déficit de atenção e hiperatividade (39%) e transtornos de ansiedade (36%). O resultado da avaliação global apontou o sentimento de melhora em 83% dos participantes; quanto à mudança percebida nos itens da escala relacionados à melhora, incluem-se: interesse em trabalhar (71,0%), convivência com a família (67,0%) e interesse pela vida (60,0%). CONCLUSÃO: A avaliação da assistência à saúde oferecida pelos serviços públicos de saúde mental é um importante indicador de qualidade e resolutividade das ações, possibilitando identificar os aspectos a serem aperfeiçoados ou reforçados nos processos de trabalho, a fim de favorecer melhores práticas de cuidado na infância e na adolescência.

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the change perceived by adolescents, who are users of a specialized outpatient mental health service for children and adolescents. METHODS: Cross-sectional study with convenience sampling. Individual interviews were conducted with a questionnaire that includes demographic and socioeconomic questions, together with the Perceived Change Scale ­ patient version, validated in Brazil. This scale addresses perceived changes in several dimensions of life: occupation, physical health, psychobiological aspects, sleep, relationship and emotional stability. The study was conducted from August 2017 to November 2018, covering 100 adolescents between 12 and 18 years undergoing treatment in the service for at least 6 months. RESULTS: The majority were female (64.0%), aged between 16 and 18 years (48.0%), attended for more than one year (84.0%). The most cited diagnoses by teenagers were attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (39%) and anxiety disorders (36%). The result of the global evaluation showed the feeling of improvement in 83% of the participants; regarding the perceived change in the items of the scale related to improvement, they include: interest in working (71.0%), coexistence with family (67.0%) and interest in life (60.0%). CONCLUSION: The evaluation of health care offered by public mental health services is an important indicator of quality and resoluteness of actions, making it possible to identify the aspects to be improved or reinforced in work processes, in order to favor better care practices in childhood and adolescence.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Adolescent Health , Mental Disorders/therapy , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Mental Health Services , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity/therapy , Socioeconomic Factors , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires
Rev. Méd. Clín. Condes ; 31(2): 183-187, mar.-abr. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1223679


Los trastornos de salud mental como depresión y ansiedad tienden a coexistir frecuentemente con los trastornos de somatización, siendo estos últimos una causa frecuente de consulta en especialidades médicas en niños y adolescentes. Es necesario poder pesquisarlos y diagnosticarlos para poder tratarlos adecuadamente. En la actualidad se cuenta con tratamientos eficaces y seguros para estos cuadros, ya sea estén aislados o en comorbilidad. Tanto la terapia cognitivo conductual como los inhibidores selectivos de recaptura de serotonina, solos o combinados, han demostrado ser intervenciones exitosas en estos niños y adolescentes. En el presente artículo se realiza una revisión de cómo se conceptualizan como una dimensión psicopatológica actualmente estos trastornos y cómo se relacionan entre ellos.

Psychiatric disorders such as depression and anxiety are frequently comorbid with somatization disorders, the latter ones are a common cause for medical specialties consultation in the pediatric population. It is thus necessary to identify and diagnose these disorders in order to be able to treat them. Currently, there are safe and effective treatments for these disorders, whether they are isolated or comorbid. Both cognitive behavioral therapy and selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors, alone or combined, have proven to be successful in treating these children and adolescents. This is a review of the current conceptualization of this psychopathologic dimension and how these disorders are interrelated.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Anxiety Disorders/psychology , Somatoform Disorders/psychology , Somatoform Disorders/therapy , Psychology, Child , Psychology, Adolescent , Depression/psychology , Anxiety Disorders/diagnosis , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Somatoform Disorders/diagnosis , Depression/diagnosis , Depression/therapy
Medicina (B.Aires) ; 80(supl.2): 17-20, mar. 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1125100


Partimos de las evidencias que confirman una mayor vulnerabilidad a la ansiedad de las personas con autismo para preguntarnos en qué medida la intolerancia a la incertidumbre media en dicha ansiedad. Además, las alteraciones de las habilidades predictivas en el autismo podrían explicar la coherencia existente entre mayor intolerancia a la incertidumbre y algunas particularidades inherentes al autismo como los patrones de comportamientos, intereses y actividades restrictivos y estereotipados, y las particularidades en el procesamiento de la información sensorial. Esta información nos permitirá desarrollar intervenciones centradas específicamente en este constructo para la prevención y mejora de la sintomatología ansiosa en el autismo en los casos en los que la severidad de la intolerancia a la incer tidumbre constituya un factor de riesgo significativo.

We start from the evidence that confirms a greater vulnerability to anxiety in people with autism and to wonder to what extent the intolerance to the uncertainty mediates in that anxiety. In addition, the alterations of the predictive abilities in autism could explain the coherence between greater intolerance to uncertainty and some peculiarities inherent in autism such as patterns of restrictive and stereotyped behaviors, interests and activities, and particularities in the processing of sensory information. This information will allow us to develop interventions specifically focused on this construct for the prevention and improvement of anxiety symptoms in autism in cases that the severity of intolerance to uncertainty constitutes a significant risk factor.

Humans , Anxiety Disorders/psychology , Autistic Disorder/psychology , Uncertainty , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Autistic Disorder/therapy , Stereotyped Behavior , Risk Factors , Sensation Disorders/psychology
Chinese Acupuncture & Moxibustion ; (12): 1187-1190, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-877584


OBJECTIVE@#To observe the therapeutic effect of acupuncture combined with cranial electrotherapy stimulation (CES) on generalized anxiety disorder (GAD).@*METHODS@#A total of 200 patients with GAD were randomized into an acupuncture+CES group, an acupuncture group, a CES group and a medication group, 50 cases in each one. In the medication group, patients were treated with tandospirone citrate tablet orally, 10 mg after breakfast, lunch and dinner respectively. In the CES group, CES was adopted by SCS brain electromedical instrument, 60 min each time, once a day. In the acupuncture group, acupuncture was applied to Baihui (GV 20), Sishencong (EX-HN 1), Yintang (GV 29), Shenting (GV 24), etc., 30 min each time, once a day. In the acupuncture+CES group, CES was adopted before acupuncture. Treatment of sixty days was required in the 4 groups. Before and after treatment, the scores of Hamilton anxiety scale (HAMA), World Health Organization's quality of life questionnaire-brief version (WHOQOL-BREF) and treatment emergent symptom scale (TESS) were observed, the clinical effect was evaluated, and the relapse of anxiety during follow-up of 1 year after treatment was recorded in the 4 groups.@*RESULTS@#Compared before treatment, the scores of HAMA after treatment were decreased (@*CONCLUSION@#Acupuncture combined with CES can effectively relieve the symptoms in patients with GAD, improve the quality of life, reduce the occurrence of adverse reactions and the relapse rate, and its clinical effect is obviously superior to the western medication, the simple application of acupuncture or CES.

Humans , Acupuncture Points , Acupuncture Therapy , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Electric Stimulation Therapy , Quality of Life , Treatment Outcome
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(3): 276-282, July-Sept. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1043528


Abstract Introduction Preeclampsia is a serious complication during pregnancy that not only influences maternal and fetal physical health, but also has maternal mental health outcomes such as anxiety. Prenatal anxiety has negative short- and long-term effects on pre- and postpartum maternal mental health, delivery, and mental health in subsequent pregnancies. Objective To investigate the effectiveness of individual psycho-educational counseling on anxiety in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Methods This was a randomized, intervention-controlled study involving two governmental hospitals in the municipality of Sirjan, Kerman, from January 30 2017 to March 31 2017. A total of 44 pregnant women with preeclampsia were assessed. The women were randomized into two groups: control (n=22) and intervention (n=22). The intervention consisted of two sessions of individual psycho-educational counseling. The level of anxiety was measured using the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) as pretest before the first session and as posttest after the second session during the hospitalization period. Results There was a significant reduction in the anxiety level after the counselling sessions in the intervention group (p<0.005). In addition, there was a slight increase in the anxiety level in the control group after the study. Conclusion According to the results, psycho-educational counseling can significantly reduce the anxiety level in pregnant women with preeclampsia. Therefore, it is recommended that healthcare providers provide this type of therapeutic intervention for pregnant women after hospitalization, in order to reduce their anxiety level and its subsequent negative outcomes. Clinical trial registration: IRCT2017082029817N3.

Resumo Introdução A pré-eclâmpsia é uma complicação séria durante a gravidez que não apenas influencia a saúde física da mãe e do feto, mas também tem consequências para a saúde mental materna, por exemplo ansiedade. A ansiedade pré-natal tem efeitos negativos e de longo prazo sobre a saúde mental da mãe antes e após o parto, sobre o parto, assim como sobre a saúde mental em gestações subsequentes. Objetivo Investigar a eficácia do aconselhamento psicoeducacional individual com relação aos níveis de ansiedade em gestantes com pré-eclâmpsia. Métodos Este foi um estudo randomizado, controlado, que envolveu dois hospitais governamentais na cidade de Sirjan, Kerman, de 30 de janeiro de 2017 a 31 de março de 2017. Um total de 42 gestantes com pré-eclâmpsia foram avaliadas. As mulheres foram randomicamente divididas em dois grupos: controle (n=22) e intervenção (n=22). A intervenção consistiu de duas sessões de aconselhamento psicoeducacional individual. O nível de ansiedade foi medido usando-se o Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI) antes da primeira sessão (pré-teste) e após a segunda seção (pós-teste), durante o período de hospitalização. Resultados Houve uma redução significativa no nível de ansiedade após as sessões de aconselhamento no grupo intervenção (p<0,005). Além disso, houve um discreto aumento no nível de ansiedade no grupo controle após o estudo. Conclusão De acordo com os resultados deste estudo, o aconselhamento psicoeducacional pode reduzir de forma significativa o nível de ansiedade em gestantes com pré-eclâmpsia. Assim, recomenda-se que os profissionais de saúde ofereçam esse tipo de intervenção terapêutica para gestantes após a hospitalização, a fim de reduzir o nível de ansiedade e seus desfechos negativos. Registro do ensaio clínico: IRCT2017082029817N3.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Pre-Eclampsia/psychology , Psychotherapy/methods , Patient Education as Topic/methods , Counseling/methods , Anxiety Disorders/etiology , Prenatal Care , Treatment Outcome , Middle Aged
Trends psychiatry psychother. (Impr.) ; 41(1): 43-50, Jan.-Mar. 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1004839


Abstract Introduction Long-term psychodynamic psychotherapy (LTPP) emphasizes the centrality of intrapsychic and unconscious conflicts and their relation to development. Although there is evidence supporting the efficacy of LTPP in mental disorders, little research has been published on the efficacy of LTPP for depressive and anxiety disorders. Objective To examine whether patients with anxiety and depressive disorders demonstrate improvement in their attachment styles, defense styles, psychiatric symptoms, anxiety/depressive symptoms, and alexithymia with LTPP. Methods In this retrospective, descriptive study, the psychological outcomes of patients who were treated at the psychoanalytic clinic of Babol University of Medical Sciences were assessed. Fourteen patients diagnosed with depressive or anxiety disorder participated in the study of LTPP using the self-psychology approach. The Beck Depression Inventory II, Beck Anxiety Inventory, Adult Attachment Scale, 40-item Defense Style Questionnaire, and the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale were administered at pre-treatment, post-treatment, and 6-month follow-up. Generalized estimating equations were used to analyze changes in psychological outcomes after each of the three assessments. Results The mean scores of depression and anxiety and secure attachment improved significantly after LTPP with self-psychology approach from baseline to post-treatment and follow-up. Also, the mean scores of neurotic and immature defenses, difficulty in identifying feelings, difficulty in describing feelings, externally oriented thinking, and total alexithymia scores decreased significantly from baseline to post-treatment and follow-up. Conclusion Symptoms of anxiety disorders, depressive disorders, insecure attachment styles, alexithymia, and neurotic/immature defense styles improved after the LTPP with self-psychology approach. Moreover, the improvements persisted at the 6-month follow-up.

Resumo Introdução A psicoterapia psicodinâmica de longo prazo (PPLP) enfatiza a centralidade dos conflitos intrapsíquicos e inconscientes e sua relação com o desenvolvimento. Apesar da evidência em favor da eficácia da PPLP em transtornos mentais, há poucos dados sobre a eficácia da PPLP em transtornos de depressão/ansiedade. Objetivo Examinar se pacientes com transtornos de depressão/ansiedade demonstram melhora em seus estilos de apego, estilos defensivos, sintomas psiquiátricos, sintomas de ansiedade/depressão e alexitimia com PPLP. Métodos Neste estudo retrospectivo, descritivo, os desfechos psicológicos de pacientes tratados na clínica psicanalítica da Babol University of Medical Sciences foram avaliados. Quatorze pacientes com diagnóstico de transtorno de depressão ou ansiedade participaram do estudo sobre PPLP com abordagem de psicologia do self. O Inventário de Depressão de Beck II, o Inventário de Ansiedade de Beck, a Escala de Apego do Adulto, o Questionário de Estilo de Defesa-40 e a Escala de Alexitimia de Toronto-20 foram administrados antes e após o tratamento e no seguimento de 6 meses. Equações de estimação generalizadas foram usadas para analisar mudanças nos desfechos psicológicos após cada avaliação. Resultados Os escores médios de depressão/ansiedade e apego seguro melhoraram significativamente após PPLP com abordagem de psicologia do self do início do estudo ao pós-tratamento e seguimento. Além disso, os escores médios de defesas neuróticas e imaturas, dificuldade em identificar sentimentos, dificuldade em descrever sentimentos, pensamentos orientados externamente e escores totais de alexitimia diminuíram significativamente do início do estudo ao pós-tratamento e seguimento. Conclusão Sintomas de transtornos de ansiedade, transtornos depressivos, estilos de apego inseguro, alexitimia e estilos de defesa neuróticos/imaturos melhoraram após PPLP com abordagem de psicologia do self. Além disso, as melhoras persistiram no seguimento de 6 meses.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Affective Symptoms/therapy , Defense Mechanisms , Depressive Disorder/therapy , Psychotherapy, Psychodynamic/methods , Object Attachment , Anxiety Disorders/physiopathology , Time Factors , Retrospective Studies , Affective Symptoms/physiopathology , Depressive Disorder/physiopathology , Iran , Middle Aged
Poiésis (En línea) ; 37(Jul.-Dic): 104-134, 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1047958


Esta presentación de caso, expone una intervención de Constructos Personales centrada en dilemas implicativos en una adolescente de 16 años de la ciudad de Medellín diagnosticada con Porfiria Aguda Intermitente de acuerdo con la Clasificación Internacional de Enfermedades (CIE 10) y con Trastorno De Ansiedad Generalizada (TAG) acorde a los criterios del Manual Diagnóstico y Estadístico de los Trastornos Mentales, quinta edición (DSM 5). El proceso terapéutico se desarrolló en deciseís sesiones, teniendo como punto de referencia los parámetros propuestos por Senra, Feixas y Fernandes (2005), quienes plantean un protocolo general para el abordaje de estructuras dilemáticas, igualmente se consideró la elaboración posterior de Feixas y Compañ (2015) para el diseño del proceso terapéutico. Se definieron los dilemas implicativos a partir de la entrevista, la técnica de rejilla y la autocaracterización (Kelly, 1955). Durante la psicoterapia se abordaron dos de las configuraciones dilemáticas, las cuales se relacionaban con competencia personal e interacción social. En la etapa de finalización del tratamiento se evidenciaron cambios significativos a nivel del sistema de construcciones personales tales como el aumento de la autoestima, mayor percepción de cercanía con las personas significativas, así como una mayor adecuación de éstos a sus construcciones valoradas, transformaciones cuantificadas gracias a la Técnica de Rejilla de Kelly. Igualmente, a nivel sintomático se lograron cambios notables, partiendo de la comparación de las mediciones pre-post tratamiento obtenidas con el inventario de ansiedad y depresión de Beck (BAI, BDI II). Estos resultados aportan evidencia a la Psicología de Constructos Personales, confirmando hallazgos anteriormente expuestos en la literatura científica.

This case presentation exposes an intervention of personal constructs, focused on implicative dilemmas in a 16-year-old girl from Medellin diagnosed with intermittent acute porphyria (AIP) according to the International Classification of Diseases (ICD 10) and with disorder of generalized anxiety (DGA) according to the criteria of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition (DSM 5). The therapeutic process was developed in sixteen sessions, having as reference the parameters proposed by Senra, Feixas, and Fernandes (2005), who propose a general protocol for the approach of dilemmatic structures, the subsequent elaboration of Feixas and Compañ was also considered (2015) for the design of the therapeutic process. The implicative dilemmas were defined from the interview, the grid technique and the self-characterization (Kelly, 1955). During psychotherapy, two of the dilemmatic configurations were addressed, which related to personal competence and social interaction. In the stage of completion of the treatment, significant changes were evidenced at the level of the personal construction system such as the increase of self-esteem, greater perception of closeness with significant people, as well as, a greater adaptation of these to their value constructions; quantified transformations thanks to Kelly's Grid Technique. Similarly, significant changes were achieved at the symptomatic level, based on the comparison of pre-post treatment measurements obtained with Beck's anxiety and depression inventory (BAI, BDI II). These results provide evidence to the psychology of personal constructs, which confirms findings previously exposed in the scientific literature.

Humans , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Porphyrias/therapy , Psychotherapy/methods , Personal Construct Theory
Clinics ; 74: e1316, 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1039541


The aim of this study was to review emerging evidence of novel treatments for anxiety disorders. We searched PubMed and EMBASE for evidence-based therapeutic alternatives for anxiety disorders in adults, covering the past five years. Eligible articles were systematic reviews (with or without meta-analysis), which evaluated treatment effectiveness of either nonbiological or biological interventions for anxiety disorders. Retrieved articles were summarized as an overview. We assessed methods, quality of evidence, and risk of bias of the articles. Nineteen systematic reviews provided information on almost 88 thousand participants, distributed across 811 clinical trials. Regarding the interventions, 11 reviews investigated psychological or nonbiological treatments; 5, pharmacological or biological; and 3, more than one type of active intervention. Computer-delivered psychological interventions were helpful for treating anxiety of low-to-moderate intensity, but the therapist-oriented approaches had greater results. Recommendations for regular exercise, mindfulness, yoga, and safety behaviors were applicable to anxiety. Transcranial magnetic stimulation, medication augmentation, and new pharmacological agents (vortioxetine) presented inconclusive benefits in patients with anxiety disorders who presented partial responses or refractoriness to standard treatment. New treatment options for anxiety disorders should only be provided to the community after a thorough examination of their efficacy.

Humans , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Practice Patterns, Physicians' , Practice Guidelines as Topic , Evidence-Based Medicine
Rev. bras. psiquiatr ; 40(3): 256-263, July-Sept. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-959240


Objective: There are few quantitative studies on art therapy for the treatment of depression. The objective of this study was to evaluate if art therapy is beneficial as an adjuvant treatment for depression in the elderly. Methods: A randomized, controlled, single-blind study was carried out in a sample of elderly women with major depressive disorder (MDD) stable on pharmacotherapy. The experimental group (EG) was assigned to 20 weekly art therapy sessions (90 min/session). The control group (CG) was not subjected to any adjuvant intervention. Patients were evaluated at baseline and after 20 weeks, using the Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS), Beck Depression Inventory (BDI), Beck Anxiety Inventory (BAI), and cognitive measures. Results: Logistic regression analysis adjusted for age revealed that women in EG (n=31) had significant improvement in GDS (p = 0.007), BDI (p = 0.025), and BAI (p = 0.032) scores as compared with controls (n=25). No difference was found in the cognitive measures. Conclusion: Art therapy as an adjunctive treatment for MDD in the elderly can improve depressive and anxiety symptoms. Clinical trial registration: RBR-2YXY7Z

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Art Therapy/standards , Geriatric Assessment , Depressive Disorder, Major/therapy , Anxiety Disorders/therapy , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Psychotherapy , Socioeconomic Factors , Time Factors , Single-Blind Method , Treatment Outcome , Combined Modality Therapy , Neuropsychological Tests