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ABCS health sci ; 49: e024210, 11 jun. 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555524


INTRODUCTION: The prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms has significantly increased in Brazil since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, the studies investigating the prevalence of these symptoms in school-aged in Brazil are scanty. OBJECTIVE: To identify the prevalence of moderate or severe symptoms of depression and anxiety and the associated factors among students in southern Brazil. METHODS: This was a census study with all 14 sites of the Federal Institute Sul-riograndense. We used a self-administered, online instrument to assess biological, sociodemographic, health, nutrition, and behavior-related variables. The Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale assessed depression and anxiety. RESULTS: The sample consisted of 5,112 students. The prevalence of students who presented moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression was 34.3% and 24.3%, respectively. In the fully adjusted analysis, factors associated with anxiety and depression symptoms were female sex, low income, screen time at work, worse health perception, unhealthy diet, poor sleep quality, smoking, alcohol consumption, and medication use. Early age and students whose family members or friends died from COVID-19 were associated with anxiety. Married and having less screen time during leisure was a protective factor for depression. Physical activity reduced by 18% and 33% the likelihood of moderate or severe symptoms of anxiety and depression, respectively. CONCLUSION: Public policies to improve the health care of Brazilian students during the return to face-to-face activities are required.

INTRODUÇÃO: No Brasil, a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão aumentaram significativamente desde o início da pandemia de COVID-19. No entanto, há uma lacuna no número de estudos que investigaram a prevalência destes sintomas em estudantes de idade escolar no Brasil. OBJETIVO: Identificar a prevalência de depressão e ansiedade e seus fatores associados em estudantes no sul do Brasil. MÉTODOS: Foi realizado um censo em todos os 14 campi do Instituto Federal Sul-rio-grandense através de um instrumento on-line, auto preenchido, com variáveis biológicas, sociodemográficas, de saúde, nutricionais e comportamentais. A saúde mental foi coletada através da Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale. RESULTADOS: Participaram do estudo 5.112 estudantes com prevalência de sintomas moderados ou severos de ansiedade e depressão de 34,3% e 24,3%, respectivamente. Após a análise ajustada, ser mulher, ter renda baixa, maior tempo de tela no trabalho, pior percepção de saúde, maior consumo de alimentos não saudáveis, baixa qualidade de sono, ser fumante, consumir bebidas alcoólicas e usar medicamentos foram fatores de risco para ansiedade e depressão. Foram associadas somente a ansiedade, ser mais jovem e ter tido familiar/amigo morto por COVID-19. Ser casado e ter menor tempo de tela no lazer foi fator protetor para depressão. Praticar atividade física reduziu 18% e 33% a probabilidade de apresentar sintomas mais severos de ansiedade e depressão, respectivamente. CONCLUSÃO: É importante a implementação de políticas de gestão no cuidado da saúde dos estudantes nas escolas durante o retorno as atividades presenciais.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Schools , Students/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Health Behavior , Risk Factors , Social Determinants of Health , Statistical Data , Sociodemographic Factors , Life Style
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 32: e4056, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1530196


Objective: to verify the relationship between symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and smartphone addiction in COVID-19 nursing students. Method: this was a descriptive-analytical study of 206 nursing students. A sociodemographic characterization and smartphone use instrument adapted from the literature and the following scales Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale and Smartphone Addiction Inventory were used for data collection. Sociodemographic data and smartphone use were analyzed using descriptive statistics and the relationship between symptoms of depression, anxiety, stress and smartphone addiction was analyzed using multiple logistic regression. Results: the prevalence of smartphone addiction among nursing students was 129 (62.6%) and there was a relationship between symptoms of moderate depression (p=0.049), severe/very severe depression (p=0.005) and mild anxiety (p=0.028) and severe/very severe anxiety (p=0.019) and smartphone addiction. Conclusion: the data show that the construction and implementation of smartphone use policies in the academic and hospital context to prevent smartphone addiction and control associated risk factors is necessary.

Objetivo: verificar la relación entre síntomas de depresión, ansiedad, estrés y dependencia del smartphone en estudiantes de enfermería durante la COVID-19. Método: estudio descriptivo-analítico realizado con 206 estudiantes de enfermería. Para la recogida de datos se utilizaron un instrumento de caracterización sociodemográfica y uso del smartphone adaptado de la literatura y las siguientes escalas: Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale y Smartphone Addiction Inventory. Los datos sociodemográficos y el uso del smartphone se analizaron mediante estadísticas descriptivas y la relación entre síntomas de depresión, ansiedad, estrés y dependencia del smartphone se analizó mediante la regresión logística múltiple. Resultados: la prevalencia de dependencia del smartphone en estudiantes de enfermería fue de 129 (62,6%) y hubo relación entre síntomas de depresión moderada (p=0,049), grave/muy grave (p=0,005) y ansiedad leve (p=0,028) y grave/muy grave (p=0,019) y dependencia del smartphone. Conclusión: los datos revelan que la construcción e implementación de políticas de uso del smartphone en el contexto académico y hospitalario para la prevención de la dependencia del smartphone y el control de los factores de riesgo asociados son necesarias.

Objetivo: verificar a relação entre sintomas de depressão, ansiedade, estresse e dependência de smartphone em estudantes de enfermagem na COVID-19. Método: estudo descritivo-analítico realizado com 206 estudantes de enfermagem. Para coleta de dados foram utilizados um instrumento de caracterização sociodemográfica e uso do smartphone adaptado da literatura e as seguintes escalas: Depression, Anxiety and Stress Scale e Smartphone Addiction Inventory. Os dados sociodemográficos e o uso do smartphone foram analisados por meio de estatísticas descritivas e a relação entre sintomas de depressão, ansiedade, estresse e dependência de smartphone foi analisada a partir de regressão logística múltipla. Resultados: a prevalência de dependência de smartphone em estudantes de enfermagem foi de 129 (62,6%) e houve relação entre sintomas de depressão moderada (p=0,049), grave/muito grave (p=0,005) e ansiedade leve (p=0,028) e grave/muito grave (p=0,019) e dependência de smartphone. Conclusão: os dados revelam que a construção e a implementação de políticas de uso do smartphone no contexto acadêmico e hospitalar para prevenção da dependência de smartphone e controle dos fatores de risco associados são necessárias.

Humans , Male , Female , Anxiety/epidemiology , Students, Nursing , Depression/epidemiology , Internet Addiction Disorder , COVID-19
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3884, ene.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1431826


Objetivo: evaluar la asociación entre la calidad de vida y la presencia de síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés en estudiantes universitarios del área de la salud. Método: estudio transversal que incluyó a 321 estudiantes de carreras del área de la salud. La calidad de vida se midió mediante la escala de la Organización Mundial de la Salud, versión abreviada, en los dominios físico, psicológico, relaciones sociales y ambiente, y los síntomas se evaluaron por la escala de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Se realizó un análisis multivariante por medio de regresión lineal robusta para evaluar la asociación entre la calidad de vida y los síntomas presentados. Resultados: se observó una asociación negativa entre la calidad de vida y los síntomas de depresión en todos los dominios, mientras que los síntomas de ansiedad tuvieron una asociación negativa en el dominio ambiente, y los síntomas de estrés tuvieron una asociación negativa en el dominio psicológico. La gravedad de los síntomas se asoció desfavorablemente con la calidad de vida, es decir, cuanto mayor la gravedad de los síntomas, menores las puntuaciones medias en todos los dominios. Conclusión: los síntomas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés fueron prevalentes e impactaron negativamente en la calidad de vida de los estudiantes, especialmente en presencia de síntomas depresivos. Las puntuaciones disminuidas se asociaron significativamente con la gravedad de los síntomas.

Objective: to evaluate the association between quality of life and presence of symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress in college students in the health area. Method: cross-sectional study that included 321 students from undergraduate courses in the health area. Quality of life was measured using the World Health Organization scale, abbreviated version, in the physical, psychological, social relations and environment domains, and symptoms were assessed by the depression, anxiety and stress scale. Multivariate analysis was performed using robust linear regression to evaluate the association between quality of life and symptoms. Results: a negative association was observed between the quality of life and depression symptoms in all domains, while anxiety symptoms showed a negative association in the environment domain, and stress symptoms had a negative association in the psychological domain. Symptom severity was unfavorably associated with quality of life, that is, the greater the symptom severity, the lower the mean scores in all domains. Conclusion: symptoms of depression, anxiety, and stress were prevalent and had a negative impact on students' quality of life, especially in the presence of depressive symptoms. The decrease in scores was significantly associated with the severity of symptoms.

Objetivo: avaliar a associação entre qualidade de vida e presença de sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse em estudantes universitários da área da saúde. Método: estudo transversal que incluiu 321 estudantes de cursos de graduação da área da saúde. A qualidade de vida foi mensurada por meio da escala da Organização Mundial da Saúde, versão abreviada, nos domínios físico, psicológico, relações sociais e meio ambiente, e os sintomas avaliados pela escala de depressão, ansiedade e estresse. Foi realizada análise multivariada utilizando regressão linear robusta para avaliar a associação entre qualidade de vida e sintomas apresentados. Resultados: observou- se associação negativa entre qualidade de vida e sintomas de depressão em todos os domínios, enquanto os sintomas de ansiedade apresentaram associação negativa no domínio meio ambiente, e os sintomas de estresse tiveram associação negativa no domínio psicológico. A gravidade dos sintomas associou-se de forma desfavorável com a qualidade de vida, ou seja, quanto maior a gravidade dos sintomas, menor a média dos escores em todos os domínios. Conclusão: sintomas de depressão, ansiedade e estresse mostraram-se prevalentes e com impacto negativo na qualidade de vida dos estudantes, principalmente na presença de sintomas depressivos. A diminuição dos escores foi significativamente associada à gravidade dos sintomas.

Humans , Male , Female , Anxiety/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Students, Health Occupations , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression/psychology , Depression/epidemiology
Rev. latinoam. enferm. (Online) ; 31: e3959, ene.-dic. 2023. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1450105


Objetivo: determinar la prevalencia de síntomas de ansiedad y depresión, al igual que su asociación con el tiempo de pantalla, la dieta y la actividad física, en una cohorte de estudiantes de enfermería. Método: estudio descriptivo y transversal sobre una muestra de 648 estudiantes de enfermería. Se utilizaron la Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, la versión corta del International Physical Activity Questionnaire y el Índice de Alimentación Saludable español. Se llevaron a cabo diferentes modelos de regresión lineal múltiple para analizar la asociación entre los síntomas de ansiedad y depresión, y el tiempo de pantalla, la dieta y la actividad física. Resultados: la prevalencia de síntomas de ansiedad y depresión fue de 24,1% y 3,7%, respectivamente. El tiempo de pantalla prolongado (>6 horas por día), baja actividad física y dieta inadecuada se asociaron de manera independiente y significativa con una mayor sintomatología psicológica. Conclusión: la salud mental de los estudiantes de enfermería podría beneficiarse de implementarse iniciativas que promuevan estilos de vida saludables.

Objective: to determine the prevalence of anxiety and depression symptoms, as well as their association with screen time, diet and physical activity, in a cohort comprised by nursing students. Method: a descriptive and cross-sectional study conducted with a sample of 648 Nursing students. The instruments used were the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, the short version of the International Physical Activity Questionnaire and the Spanish Healthy Eating Index (Índice de Alimentación Saludable Español, IASE). Different multiple linear regression models were performed to analyze the association between anxiety/depression symptoms and screen time, diet and physical activity. Results: the prevalence values for anxiety and depression symptoms were 24.1% and 3.7%, respectively. Prolonged screen times (>6 hours a day), low levels of physical activity and inadequate diet were independently and significantly associated with deeper psychological symptoms. Conclusion: Nursing students' mental health might benefit from the implementation of initiatives promoting healthy lifestyles.

Objetivo: determinar a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão e sua associação com tempo de tela, dieta e atividade física em uma coorte de estudantes de enfermagem. Método: estudo descritivo transversal com amostra de 648 estudantes de enfermagem. Utilizou-se a Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale, a versão curta do International Physical Activity Questionnaire e o Índice Espanhol de Alimentação Saudável. Foram realizados diferentes modelos de regressão linear múltipla para analisar a associação entre sintomas de ansiedade e depressão e tempo de tela, dieta e atividade física. Resultados: a prevalência de sintomas de ansiedade e depressão foi de 24,1% e 3,7%, respectivamente. O tempo prolongado de tela (>6 horas por dia), a baixa atividade física e a dieta inadequada foram associados de forma independente e significativa ao aumento da sintomatologia psicológica. Conclusão: a saúde mental dos estudantes de enfermagem pode ser beneficiada com a implementação de iniciativas que promovam estilos de vida saudáveis.

Humans , Anxiety/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Quality of Life , Students, Nursing , Exercise , Cross-Sectional Studies , Screen Time , Psychological Distress
Rev. polis psique ; 13(1): 33-54, 2023-08-07. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1517543


A pandemia da Covid-19 afetou, drasticamente, o campo social. O público adolescente, por apresentar um caráter específico do desenvolvimento, também é atravessado na pandemia. O objetivo desta pesquisa foi identificar e descrever quais as demandas de atenção psicossocial que emergiram nos acolhimentos em um CAPSi de um município do interior do estado do Rio Grande do Sul na pandemia no período da adolescência. O método utilizado foi o modelo quali-quantitativo, de caráter descritivo e exploratório. Os resultados das demandas psicossociais que mais apareceram foram: comportamento suicida, ansiedade, heteroagressividade, autoagressividade, conflitos familiares e dificuldades de aprendizagem. Através do estudo pode-se perceber os atravessamentos que a pandemia da Covid-19 reverberou no público adolescente acolhido neste CAPSi, e o que essas demandas mostram sobre as questões de saúde mental no cenário pandêmico. (AU)

The Covid-19 pandemic has drastically affected the social field. Adolescents, as they present a specific character of development, are also affected by the pandemic. The objective of this research was to identify and to describe the psychosocial care demands that emerged in the receptions at a CAPSi, a Child and Youth Psychosocial Care Center, in a municipality in the interior of the state of Rio Grande do Sul, in the pandemic, during the adolescence period. The method used was the qualitative-quantitative model, with a descriptive and exploratory character. The results of the psychosocial demands that appeared the most were: suicidal behavior, anxiety, heteroaggression, self-aggression, family conflicts and learning difficulties. Through the study, it is possible to perceive the crossings that the Covid-19 pandemic reverberated in the adolescent public hosted in this CAPSi, and what these demands show about mental health issues in the pandemic scenario. (AU)

La pandemia del Covid-19 afectó, drásticamente, al campo social. El público adolescente, por presentar un carácter específico del desarrollo, también se ve afectado en la pandemia. El objetivo de esta investigación fue identificar y describir cuales las demandas de atención psicosocial que surgieron en las acogidas en un CAPSi de un municipio del interior del estado de Rio Grande do Sul en la pandemia en el periodo de la adolescencia. El método utilizado fue el modelo cuali-cuantitativo, de carácter descriptivo y exploratorio. Los resultados de las demandas psicosociales que más aparecieron fueron: comportamiento suicida, ansiedad, heteroagresividad,auto agresividad,conflictos familiares y dificuldates de aprendizaje. A través del estudio se puede percibir los atravesamientos que la pandemia del Covid-19 reverberó en el público adolescente acogido en este CAPSi, y lo que esas demandas muestran sobre las cuestiones de salud mental en el escenario pandémico. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , COVID-19/psychology , Mental Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Anxiety/epidemiology , Aggression/psychology , Family Conflict/psychology , Suicidal Ideation , COVID-19/epidemiology , Learning Disabilities/epidemiology
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 12(1): 139-151, abr. 4, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1516508


Objective: Sjögren's syndrome (SS) is a chronic auto-immune inflammatory systemic disease, in which the infiltration of mo-nonuclear cells in the exocrine glands leads to physiological and morphological changes. This pilot case-control study aims to describe the profile, evaluate the oral condition, quality of life (QoL) and psychological condition, through complete clinical examination, OHIP-14 and DASS-21 questionnaires. Materials and Methods: The study was conducted with seven individuals with a final diagnosis of SS (case group [CG]), and seven individuals with symptoms of dry mouth (control group [GCO]), consulting at the institution from January to November 2021. participants were selected by free demand and those previously seen at the institution with a diagnosis of SS between 19 and 70 years of age. The questionnaire OHIP-14 was applied to assess the patient's quality of life, where seven dimensions are assessed, subdivided into 14 questions through the Lickert scale (0 to 4) assigned by the individual and which quantifies the impact of oral health on QoL. The questionnaire DASS-21 assessed the psychological condition of the patient, which presents seven questions for each emotional state (depression, anxiety, and stress), totaling 21 questions. The general clinical condition, evolution of SS, oral clinical condition, and the profile of this population were related to QoL factors and psychological conditions, using these assessment instruments. Results: There was no statistically significant difference between the groups regarding stimulated salivary flow. The only symptom with a statistically significant difference in the CG was difficulty in phonation (p< 0.001). The dimensions related to functional limitation and physical pain showed the most expressive results (p=0.004) (p=0.025), showing a strong negative impact on the QoL of the CG individuals, and the dimension related to disability was the least affected (p=0.684). The analysis of depression, anxiety, and stress did not show statistically significant results between the groups; however, in the CG, 5 (71.42%) individuals showed a severe degree of depression, anxiety, and stress. Conclusions: Individuals in the case group showed some changes, with a strong negative impact on QoL compared to the control group.

Objetivo: El síndrome de Sjögren (SS) es una enfermedad inflamatoria sistémica crónica autoinmune, en la que la infiltración de células mononucleares en las glándulas exocrinas provoca cambios fisiológicos y morfológicos. Este estudio piloto de casos y controles tiene como objetivo describir el perfil, evaluar la condición bucal, calidad de vida (CdV) y condición psicológica, mediante examen clínico completo, cuestionarios OHIP-14 y DASS-21. Materiales y Métodos: El estudio se realizó con 7 individuos con diagnóstico final de SS, grupo de casos (CG) y 7 individuos con síntomas de sequedad bucal, grupo control (GCO) atendidos en la institución de enero a noviembre de 2021. Los participantes fueron seleccionados por libre demanda y entre los atendidos previamente en la institución con diagnóstico de SS entre 19 y 70 años de edad. Para evaluar la calidad de vida del paciente se aplicó el cuestionario OHIP-14, donde se evalúan siete dimensiones, sub-divididas en 14 preguntas a través de la escala de Likert (0 a 4) asignada por el individuo y que cuantifica el impacto de la salud bucal en la calidad de vida. El cuestionario DASS-21 evaluó la condición psicológica del paciente, el cual presenta siete preguntas para cada estado emocional (depresión, ansiedad y estrés), totalizando 21 preguntas. El estado clínico general, la evolución del SS, el estado clínico bucal y el perfil de esta población se relacionaron con factores de calidad de vida y condiciones psicológicas, mediante estos instrumentos de evaluación. Resultados: En cuanto al flujo salival estimulado, no hubo diferencias estadísticamente significativas entre los grupos. El único síntoma que mostró diferencia estadísticamente significativa en el CG fue la dificultad en la fonación (p< 0,001). Las dimensiones relacionadas con limitación funcional y dolor físico mostraron los resultados más expresivos (p=0,004) (p=0,025), mostrando un fuerte impacto negativo en la CdV de los individuos del GC, y la dimensión relacionada con discapacidad fue la menos afectada (p=0,684). El análisis de depresión, ansiedad y estrés no mostró resultados estadísticamente significativos entre los grupos; sin embargo, en el GC, 5 (71,42%) individuos presentaron un grado severo de depresión, ansiedad y estrés. Conclusión: Se puede concluir que los individuos del grupo de casos mostraron algunos cambios, con un fuerte impacto negativo en la calidad de vida en comparación con el grupo de control.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Quality of Life/psychology , Sjogren's Syndrome/epidemiology , Depression/epidemiology , Sjogren's Syndrome/complications , Case-Control Studies
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971043


OBJECTIVES@#To study the influence of family structure on depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents and its mechanism.@*METHODS@#The cluster sampling method was used to select the students from seven middle schools in Shanghai, China. An online questionnaire survey was conducted using a self-made general status questionnaire, Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, Children's Depression Inventory, and Screen for Child Anxiety Related Emotional Disorders. The methods including one-way analysis of variance, chi-square test, binary logistic regression analysis, and mediating effect analysis were used to evaluate depression and anxiety symptoms in adolescents and the difference in childhood trauma and its mediating effect.@*RESULTS@#Compared with the adolescents from nuclear families, the adolescents from three-generation lineal families had a lower risk of depression symptoms (OR=0.794, 95%CI: 0.649-0.972, P<0.05), while those from host families had a higher risk of depression symptoms (OR=4.548, 95%CI: 1.113-18.580, P<0.05). The adolescents from inter-generational families and host families had a significantly higher score on the Childhood Trauma Questionnaire subscale of emotional neglect (P<0.05). Emotional neglect played a mediating role in the influence of inter-generational families and host families on depression symptoms in adolescents.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Parents and grandparents have a certain positive effect in family structures. Separation from parents may make adolescents perceive more emotional neglect, which may increase the occurrence of depression symptoms.

Child , Humans , Adolescent , Depression/epidemiology , Family Structure , Child Abuse/psychology , China , Anxiety/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-985512


Objective: To analyze the association between exposure patterns of adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and anxiety symptom trajectories in medical college students. Methods: A survey was conducted on first-year students from Anhui Medical College and Anqing Medical College, using the Childhood Abuse Questionnaire, Family Disability Questionnaire, Childhood Adverse Social Experience Item, and Anxiety Self Rating Scale. The baseline survey was conducted from November to December 2019, and two follow-up visits were conducted once every six months until November to December 2020. The latent class analysis (LCA) was used to analyze the exposure patterns of ACEs. The latent class growth analysis (LCGA) was used to analyze the development trajectory of anxiety symptoms. The multiple logistic regression model was used to analyze the correlation between different exposure patterns of ACEs and the trajectory of anxiety symptom trajectories. Results: A total of 3 662 college students aged (19.2±1.0) were surveyed. The LCA showed that the exposure patterns of ACEs could be divided into the "high ACEs" group (13.4%), "high neglect/emotional abuse" group (25.7%), "high family dysfunction" group (6.9%), "high neglect" group (27.1%), and "low ACEs" group (26.3%). The LCGA divided anxiety trajectories into four groups: "high anxiety decline" (7.1%),"anxiety increase "(4.1%), "moderate anxiety"(52.9%), and "low anxiety"(35.9%). Using the low ACEs group as a reference group, compared with the low anxiety trajectory, the high ACEs group, high neglect/emotional abuse group, high family dysfunction group, high neglect group, and medium to high-level anxiety trajectory were all associated with an increased risk (P<0.05). Conclusion: There is heterogeneity in ACEs exposure patterns among medical college students, and ACEs exposure patterns are important influencing factors for anxiety symptom trajectories.

Humans , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adverse Childhood Experiences , Anxiety/epidemiology , Child Abuse/psychology , Students/psychology , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986045


Objective: To explore the current situation of anxiety, subjective well-being in occupational population and the mediating effect of resilience. Methods: From March 24th to 26th, 2020, a cross-sectional survey was conducted among occupational population aged ≥18 years old using online questionnaires. A total of 2134 valid questionnaires were obtained, with respondents from 30 provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government. Their general demographic data, subjective well-being, anxiety, and resilience were collected. Pearson χ(2) test and Spearson correlation analysis were used for data analysis, and structural equation model was used to explore the mediating effect of resilience on anxiety and subjective well-being. Results: The age of the respondents ranged from 18 to 60 years old, with an average age of (31.19±7.09) years old, including 1075 (50.4%) women and 1059 (49.6%) men. The positive rates of low subjective well-being and anxiety were 46.5% (992/2134) and 28.4% (607/2134), respectively. Anxiety scores were significantly negatively correlated with subjective well-being scores and resilience scores (r(s)=-0.52, -0.41, P<0.05), while resilience was significantly positively correlated with subjective well-being (r(s)=0.32, P<0.05). Structural equation models showed that anxiety had a negative predictive effect on subjective well-being, while resilience not only had a positive predictive effect on subjective well-being, but also played a mediating role between anxiety and subjective well-being, with a mediating effect of 9.9%. Conclusion: The situation of anxiety and well-being in the occupational population is still not optimistic, and resilience has a mediating effect between anxiety and subjective well-being.

Male , Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Middle Aged , Cross-Sectional Studies , Resilience, Psychological , Anxiety/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological , Surveys and Questionnaires
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-986872


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the status of depression and social anxiety in children and adolescents, and to analyze the association between body fat distribution and depression, social anxiety in children and adolescents.@*METHODS@#A total of 1 412 children aged 7 to 18 years in Beijing were included by stratified cluster random sampling method. Body fat distribution, including total body fat percentage (total BF%), Android BF%, Gynoid BF% and Android-to-Gynoid fat ratio (AOI), were obtained by dual-energy X-ray absorption method. Depression and social anxiety were evaluated by Children Depression Inventory and Social Anxiety Scale for Children. Multivariate linear regression and restricted cubic spline analysis were used to estimate the linear and non-linear correlation between body fat distribution and depression and social anxiety.@*RESULTS@#13.1% and 31.1% of the children and adolescents had depressive symptoms and social anxiety symptoms respectively, and the detection rate of depression and social anxiety in the boys and young groups was significantly lower than those in the girls and old groups. There was no significant linear correlation between total BF%, Android BF%, Gynoid BF%, AOI and depression and social anxiety in the children and adolescents. However, total BF% and Gynoid BF% had significant nonlinear correlation with depression, showing an inverted U-shaped curve relationship with the tangent points of 26.8% and 30.9%, respectively. In terms of the nonlinear association of total BF%, Android BF%, Gynoid BF% and AOI with depression and social anxiety, the change trends of the boys and girls, low age group and high age group were consistent. The overall anxiety risk HR of body fat distribution in the boys was significantly higher than that in the girls, and the risk HR of depression and social anxiety were significantly higher in the high age group than those in the low age group.@*CONCLUSION@#There was no significant linear correlation between body fat distribution and depression and social anxiety in children and adolescents. Total BF% and depression showed an inverted U-shaped curve, mainly manifested in Gynoid BF%, and this trend was consistent in different genders and different age groups. Maintaining children and adolescents' body fat distribution at an appropriate level is the future direction of the prevention and control of depression and social anxiety in children and adolescents.

Humans , Female , Child , Male , Adolescent , Cross-Sectional Studies , X-Rays , Depression/epidemiology , Absorptiometry, Photon/methods , Body Mass Index , Body Fat Distribution , Anxiety/epidemiology , Adipose Tissue , Body Composition
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1045892


Adolescents are in a transition period from children to adults, during which they are prone to a variety of emotional disorders, with anxiety and depression being the most common disorders. Anxiety and depressive symptoms are highly correlated and the comorbidity of anxiety and depression is common. At the same time, the most prominent behavioral changes in adolescence are the emergence of getting up late and sleeping late, and the circadian rhythm begins to delay. Previous studies have shown that circadian rhythm is closely related to anxiety and depression, but the association between circadian rhythm disorder and comorbidity of anxiety and depression remains unclear. This article reviews the prevalence, association and potential biological mechanism of circadian rhythm disorder and comorbidity of anxiety and depression in adolescents, so as to provide a possible reference for the prevention and control of comorbidity of anxiety and depression in adolescents.

Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Depression/epidemiology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Chronobiology Disorders , Sleep
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1046215


Adolescents are in a transition period from children to adults, during which they are prone to a variety of emotional disorders, with anxiety and depression being the most common disorders. Anxiety and depressive symptoms are highly correlated and the comorbidity of anxiety and depression is common. At the same time, the most prominent behavioral changes in adolescence are the emergence of getting up late and sleeping late, and the circadian rhythm begins to delay. Previous studies have shown that circadian rhythm is closely related to anxiety and depression, but the association between circadian rhythm disorder and comorbidity of anxiety and depression remains unclear. This article reviews the prevalence, association and potential biological mechanism of circadian rhythm disorder and comorbidity of anxiety and depression in adolescents, so as to provide a possible reference for the prevention and control of comorbidity of anxiety and depression in adolescents.

Adult , Child , Adolescent , Humans , Depression/epidemiology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Comorbidity , Chronobiology Disorders , Sleep
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 36: 9, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440801


Abstract Thousands of people have died of COVID-19 in El Salvador. However, little is known about the mental health of those who are mourning the loss of a loved one to COVID-19. Therefore, the objective of this study was to examine the dysfunctional grief associated with COVID-19 death among Salvadoran adults. A sample of 435 Salvadorans ( M = 29 years; SD = 8.75) who lost a family member or loved one to COVID-19 completed a digital survey using the Google Forms platform, during April 2 and 28, 2022. The results revealed that 35.1% reported clinically elevated symptoms of dysfunctional grief and among those mourners, and 25.1% also exhibited clinical levels of coronavirus anxiety. A binary logistic regression revealed that predictor variables such as COVID-19 anxiety ( p = .003), depression ( p = .021), and COVID-19 obsession ( p = .032) were significant ( χ 2 = 84.31; Nagelkerke R 2 = .242) and predict a 24.2% chance of dysfunctional bereavement.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Anxiety/epidemiology , Bereavement , Depression/epidemiology , COVID-19/psychology , Obsessive Behavior/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , El Salvador
Epidemiol. serv. saúde ; 32(1): e2022432, 2023. tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440085


Objective: to analyze the prevalence of symptoms of common mental disorders (CMDs) in Primary Health Care professionals between August-October/2021. Methods: this was a cross-sectional study conducted with health professionals in the Northern health macro-region of Minas Gerais state; snowball sampling was used; the dependent variable, CMDs, was evaluated using the Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20); Poisson regression was used to perform the statistical analysis. Results: a total of 702 health professionals took part in the study; the prevalence of CDMs was 43.2%. It was higher in those with previous [prevalence ratios (PR) = 2.42; 95%CI 1.43;4.08] and current (PR = 1.54; 95%CI 1.25;1.89) symptoms of mental disorders, overwork during the pandemic (PR = 1.42; 95%CI 1.16;1.73), previous symptoms of anxiety (PR = 1.27; 95%CI 1.01;1.61), depression (PR = 1.27; 95%CI 1.06;1.52) and other mental disorders (PR = 1.20; 95%CI 1.01;1.43). Conclusion: there was an association between CDMs and presenting previous and current symptoms of mental disorders and work overload during the covid-19 pandemic.

Objetivo: analizar la prevalencia de síntomas de trastornos mentales comunes (TMC) en profesionales sanitarios de la Atención Primaria de Salud de agosto a octubre de 2021. Métodos: estudio transversal realizado con profesionales de la salud de la macrorregión norte de Minas Gerais. El muestreo fue del tipo bola de nieve. La variable dependiente, TMC, se evaluó mediante el Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20). En el análisis estadístico se utilizó la regresión de Poisson. Resultados: participaron 702 profesionales de salud. La prevalencia de TMC fue del 43,2%, mayor en quienes presentaban síntomas de trastornos mentales previos (RP = 2,42; IC95% 1,43;4,08) y actuales (RP = 1,54; IC95% 1,25;1,89); exceso de trabajo durante la pandemia (RP = 1,42; IC95% 1,16;1,73); síntomas previos de ansiedad (RP = 1,27; IC95% 1,01;1,61), depresión (RP = 1,27; IC95% 1,06;1,52) y otros trastornos mentales (RP = 1,20; IC95% 1,01;1,43). Conclusión: hubo una asociación entre los TMC y los síntomas previos y actuales de los trastornos mentales y la sobrecarga de trabajo durante la pandemia de COVID-19.

Objetivo: analisar a prevalência de sintomas de transtornos mentais comuns (TMCs) em profissionais de saúde da Atenção Primária à Saúde, no período agosto-outubro/2021. Métodos: estudo transversal com profissionais de saúde da macrorregião Norte de saúde de Minas Gerais; amostragem de tipo "bola de neve"; a variável dependente, TMCs, foi avaliada pelo Self-Reporting Questionnaire (SRQ-20); utilizou-se regressão de Poisson na análise estatística. Resultados: participaram 702 profissionais de saúde; a prevalência de TMCs foi de 43,2%, maior naqueles que apresentaram sintomas de transtornos mentais prévios [razão de prevalências (RP) = 2,42 ;IC95% 1,43;4,08] e atuais (RP = 1,54; IC95% 1,25;1,89), trabalho a mais durante a pandemia (RP = 1,42; IC95% 1,16;1,73), sintomas prévios de ansiedade (RP = 1,27; IC95% 1,01;1,61), depressão (RP = 1,27; IC95% 1,06;1,52) e outros transtornos mentais (RP = 1,20; IC95% 1,01;1,43). Conclusão: observou-se associação de TMCs com sintomas prévios e atuais de transtornos mentais e sobrecarga de trabalho, durante a pandemia da covid-19.

Humans , Primary Health Care , Occupational Health/statistics & numerical data , Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Depression/epidemiology , COVID-19/epidemiology
Psicol. reflex. crit ; 36: 22, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1529278


Abstract The COVID-19 pandemic has placed unprecedented burdens on individuals and communities around the world. The isolation, fear, and uncertainty caused by the virus has led to increased rates of anxiety, depression, and other mental health issues. The pandemic has also had a disproportionate impact on individuals and communities with low income and socioeconomic status. Objective To shed light on the consequences of the pandemic on individuals from minorities and low-income areas, we investigate the main reasons that led patients who were referred to a social clinic of a private university in Rio de Janeiro to seek psychological treatment before (2019) and during the pandemic (2020 and 2021). Methods We conducted a quanti-qualitative study with a lexical analysis that evaluated 549 complaint forms of patients seeking treatment in these two distinct periods. Our analyses included descending hierarchical analysis (DHA) and correspondence factor analysis (CFA). Results Family dynamics and communication factors play a dominant role in the reason for seeking therapy and psychological treatment. Additionally, our study suggested an increase in anxiety and panic attacks among other mental health issues associated with griefand losses during the pandemic years. Conclusion Based on these analyses, we can begin to identify a few changes in the main demand and redirection of complaints of patients during the period of COVID-19.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Poverty/statistics & numerical data , Mental Health/statistics & numerical data , COVID-19/psychology , Mental Health Services/statistics & numerical data , Anxiety/epidemiology , Family Relations/psychology , Mental Disorders/therapy
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 60(4): 433-443, dic. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1423706


La pandemia por el nuevo coronavirus COVID- 19 ha tenido impacto en la salud mental del personal médico y de enfermería en todo el mundo. Objetivo: identificar la frecuencia de síntomas depresivos, ansiosos e insomnio y los factores posiblemente relacionados con estos desenlaces en el personal sanitario de un hospital de Suramérica durante el primer pico de la pandemia. Materiales y métodos: se aplicaron las escalas PHQ-9 para depresión, GAD- 7 para ansiedad, ISI - 7 para insomnio en 876 trabajadores de la salud del Hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe en la ciudad de Medellín. Resultados: de los 876 participantes (29,2% médicos, 21.2% profesionales de enfermería y 49,5% auxiliares de enfermería), 357 (40.8%) presentaron síntomas depresivos, 300 (34.2%) síntomas ansiosos y 317 (36.2%) insomnio. Se observaron síntomas de depresión, ansiedad e insomnio, con mayor frecuencia en quienes no tenían las necesidades básicas satisfechas y en quienes se sentían estigmatizados por ser personal de salud. Además, la depresión se presentó con más frecuencia en mujeres, la ansiedad en menores de 44 años y el insomnio en personas separadas. Conclusiones: la frecuencia de problemas de salud mental en el personal de salud es considerable. Estos hallazgos demuestran la necesidad de atención en la salud mental de los profesionales médicos y de enfermería durante la pandemia por COVID-19 y la búsqueda de estrategias para mitigar el riesgo en esta población.

Background: pandemic due to novel coronavirus COVID-19 has impacted on the mental health of health care workers all around the world. Material and Methods: this is a cross sectional study in which questionnaires PHQ-9 for depression, GAD-7 for anxiety, ISI-7 for insomnia were virtually and self administered by 876 health care workers laboring in hospital Pablo Tobón Uribe in Medellin city. Results: from 876 participants (29.2% physicians, 21.2% nurses and 49.5% technical nurses), 357 (40.8%) developed depressive symptoms, 300 (34.2%) anxious symptoms and 317 (36.2%) insomnia. Symptoms of depression, anxiety and insomnia were more frequently found in those who did not have basic needs satisfied and in those who felt stigmatized due to being health personal. Besides, depressive symptoms were more frequent in women, anxious symptoms in people younger than 44 years old and insomnia in divorced people. Conclusions: the frequency of mental health problems in health care workers is significant, these findings bring to light the needs for mental health attention in nurses and doctors during COVID-19 pandemic and the research of strategies to mitigate the risk on this population. Feeling stigmatized and not having basic needs satisfied were associated with symptoms of anxiety, depression and insomnia.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Health Personnel/psychology , COVID-19/psychology , Sleep Initiation and Maintenance Disorders/epidemiology , Mental Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Colombia , Depression/epidemiology , Pandemics , Hospitals, General , Nursing Staff, Hospital/psychology
Medwave ; 22(11): e2637, 30-12-2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1411966


Fear of contagion, together with the consequences of mitigation strategies, are often cited as causes of high levels of anxiety in the general population in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, it is unclear whether published reports make it possible to distinguish between normal and pathological anxiety. We conducted a non-systematic, descriptive literature review on observational studies reporting the prevalence or frequency of anxiety symptoms in non-clinical settings published between July and December 2020. Seventy-six studies were included. Two were conducted through telephone contact while the remainder were conducted on the internet. Factors associated with greater presence/severity of anxiety symptoms were sociodemographic variables (e.g., age, gender, employment, place of residence, living conditions, marital status, and educational level). Thirty publications (39.4%) reported data on a comparison group, including samples of general populations from different geographic regions or in different periods. Only 16 studies (21%) included some estimation of the functional impairment of detected anxiety symptoms. Only seven of the studies that estimated functional impairment had comparison groups. None of the studies included in this review contain sufficient contextual or descriptive information to determine whether the reported high levels of anxiety are normal reactions of subjects in high-stress situations or actual psychiatric disorders.

El temor al contagio, junto con las consecuencias de las estrategias de mitigación, suelen citarse como causas de los altos niveles de ansiedad en la población general en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19. Sin embargo, no es claro si los informes publicados permiten una distinción entre la ansiedad normal y la patológica. Se realizó una revisión de la literatura no sistemática y descriptiva de los estudios observacionales que analizaron la prevalencia o la frecuencia de los síntomas ansiosos en contextos no clínicos publicados entre julio y diciembre de 2020. Se incluyeron setenta y seis estudios. Dos se realizaron mediante contacto telefónico con los participantes y el resto a través de internet. Los factores asociados a una mayor presencia/gravedad de los síntomas ansiosos fueron las variables sociodemográficas (e.g., edad, género, ocupación, lugar de residencia, condiciones de vida, estado civil y nivel educativo). Treinta publicaciones (39,4%) informaron datos sobre grupos de comparación, incluidas muestras de la población general de diferentes regiones geográficas o en diferentes períodos. Solo 16 estudios (21%) incluyeron alguna estimación de la alteración funcional asociada a los síntomas ansiosos. Solo siete de los estudios que estimaron la alteración funcional incluyeron grupos de comparación. Ninguno de los estudios incluidos en esta revisión contiene suficiente información contextual o descriptiva para determinar si los altos niveles de ansiedad son reacciones normales de personas en situaciones de alto estrés o trastornos psiquiátricos per se.

Humans , COVID-19/epidemiology , Anxiety/etiology , Anxiety/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Anxiety Disorders , Depression/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Pandemics
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(9): 1239-1247, sept. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431889


BACKGROUND: COVID-19 pandemic disturbed mental health of healthcare personnel. Residents of the specialization programs could be at risk, since they were reassigned in their functions. Aim: To describe the impact of COVID-19 pandemic on symptoms of depression, stress, anxiety and resilient coping in residents of Anesthesiology, Internal Medicine and Emergency Medicine MATERIAL AND METHODS: Residents were invited to answer an online survey containing the DASS-21 scale for anxiety, stress and depression symptoms and the Brief Resilient Coping Scale (BRCS) for resilience skills. RESULTS: Fifty four out of 90 residents answered the survey. Eighteen to 24% of respondents had symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress at severe and extremely severe levels. Those with severe and extremely severe symptoms had also the lowest score on the BRCS resilience scale. We did not find an association between severity of symptoms and gender. Discussion: A proportion of respondent residents had severe psychological symptoms and lower resilience scores during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Health Personnel/psychology , Health Personnel/statistics & numerical data , Pandemics , COVID-19/psychology , COVID-19/epidemiology , Internship and Residency , Mental Disorders/psychology , Mental Disorders/epidemiology , Anxiety/psychology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Psychiatric Status Rating Scales , Stress, Psychological/psychology , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Severity of Illness Index , Surveys and Questionnaires , Depression/psychology , Depression/epidemiology , Resilience, Psychological
Rev. med. Chile ; 150(8): 1018-1025, ago. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1431866


BACKGROUND: Medical students are especially prone to anxiety and depression. AIM: To characterize the presence of anxiety and depression and their association with gender and academic year among medical students. MATERIAL AND METHODS: Standardized electronic surveys about anxiety and depression symptoms were sent to 498 medical students with a response rate of 78%. Results: We analyzed 359 surveys. A mean of 11.4 points out of 27 was observed in the depression symptoms scale. Also, 23 and 10% of respondents had moderately severe or symptoms of depression, respectively. A mean of 8.9 out of 21 points in the anxiety symptoms scale was observed. Moderate or severe anxiety symptoms were present in 26 and 15% of respondents, respectively. Women and preclinical students had higher depression and anxiety scores. CONCLUSIONS: A high presence of anxiety and depression symptoms was characterized among medical students during the pandemic. Preclinical students and women had higher scores in both scales.

Humans , Female , Students, Medical , COVID-19/epidemiology , Anxiety/epidemiology , Prevalence , Depression/epidemiology , Pandemics
Rev. chil. neuro-psiquiatr ; 60(2): 156-166, jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388430


RESUMEN: Introducción: La salud mental en universitarios es un tema que cada vez cobra más relevancia y la importancia que tiene identificar factores que afectan su aparición, así como también en qué medida influyen en el desempeño académico. Método: Se utilizó un diseño cuantitativo no experimental, descriptivo, correlacional y de corte transversal. Se aplicó Chi Cuadrado para evaluar asociación entre variables. La muestra fue no probabilística de 166 estudiantes de enfermería, nutrición y dietética, fonoaudiología y kinesiología. Se aplicó la versión chilena abreviada de las escalas de depresión, ansiedad y estrés DASS - 21, constituida por 21 ítems, con cuatro alternativas de respuesta en formato en escala Likert y un cuestionario sociodemográfico, éste instrumento consideró variables personales, etnia Mapuche y nivel de escolaridad de los padres. El protocolo de investigación realizado fue aprobado por el Comité Ético Científico del Servicio de Salud Del Reloncaví. Resultados: El 54, 82% de la muestra presenta algún nivel de alteración o riesgo de padecer ansiedad, un 47,59% de estrés y un 31,33% depresión. El 42,17% se identifica como perteneciente a la etnia mapuche, mientras que el 56,02% se identifica como no mapuche. En relación al nivel de escolaridad del padre y de la madre, el porcentaje más alto corresponde a la categoría de enseñanza media completa (padre 37,95% y madre 36,14%). Conclusiones: Existe una asociación entre sexo femenino y los niveles ansiedad, estrés y depresión. Además, una relación entre pertenecer al género femenino, cursar las carreras de Enfermería y nutrición y dietética con presentar algún nivel de ansiedad, destacándose una asociación entre ansiedad, depresión y estrés.

ABSTRACT Introduction: Mental health in university students is a topic that is becoming more and more relevant and the importance of identifying factors that affect its appearance, as well as to what extent they influence academic performance. Method: A non-experimental, descriptive, correlational and cross-sectional quantitative design was used. Chi Square was applied to evaluate the association between variables. The sample was non-probabilistic of 166 students from nursing, nutrition and dietetics, speech therapy, and kinesiology. The abbreviated Chilean version of the DASS-21 depression, anxiety and stress scales was applied, consisting of 21 items, with four response alternatives in Likert scale format and a sociodemographic questionnaire, this instrument considered personal variables, Mapuche ethnic group and level of parental education. The research protocol carried out was approved by the Scientific Ethics Committee of the Del Reloncaví Health Service. Results: 54.82% of the sample presented some level of alteration or risk of suffering from anxiety, 47.59% stress and 31.33% depression. 42.17% identify themselves as belonging to the Mapuche ethnic group, while 56.02% identify themselves as non-Mapuche. Regarding the level of education of the father and mother, the highest percentage corresponds to the category of complete secondary education (father 37.95% and mother 36.14%). Conclusions: There is an association between female sex and levels of anxiety, stress and depression. In addition, there is a relationship between belonging to the female gender, studying nursing, nutrition and dietetics careers with presenting some level of anxiety. An association between anxiety, depression and stress stands out.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Anxiety/epidemiology , Stress, Psychological/epidemiology , Students, Health Occupations/psychology , Universities , Depression/epidemiology , Socioeconomic Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Sex Distribution