Abstract Understanding the relation between the environmental stress factors and the hypothalamus-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis efficiency can reduce the susceptibility to thyroid diseases. In our study, thyroid dysfunction was induced in female rats by administration of 40 mg Na F/kg.bd.wt/day for a month. Co-administration of the water extract of Arca noae (300 mg/kg. bw) was tested as a treatment for Na F induced thyroid dysfunction. A group of rats injected Arca noae extract only (300 mg/kg.bd.wt) was performed to observe the impact of the extract on the (HPT) axis in addition to the normal control group. Results showed that there was a significant decrease in serum triglycerides, total protein and albumin levels in the fluoride supplemented group in addition to abnormal levels of TSH, (T4) and (T3) compared to the control group. In the treated group there was an improvement in the proteins level and lipid profile but pseudo-corrected serum (T4) and (T3) levels were observed in addition to a continuous increase in TSH level. Histological findings confirmed the harmful effect of fluoride on both the non treated and the treated groups. Consequently, fluoride supplementation must be considered as a harmful stress that may affect permanently the HPT axis.
Resumo Compreender a relação entre os fatores de estresse ambiental e o eixo hipotálamo-hipófise-tireoide (HPT) pode reduzir a suscetibilidade a doenças da tireoide. Em nosso estudo, a disfunção tireoidiana foi induzida em ratos fêmeas pela administração de 40 mg Na F/kg.bw/dia durante um mês. A administração concomitante do extrato aquoso de Arca noae (300 mg/kg.Pc) foi testada como tratamento para a disfunção tireoidiana induzida por Na F. Um grupo de ratos injetados apenas com extrato de Arca noae (300 mg/kg. Pc) foi pré-formado com o intuito de observar o impacto do extrato no eixo (HPT), além do grupo controle normal. Os resultados mostraram que houve uma diminuição significativa nos níveis séricos de triglicerídeos, proteína total e albumina no grupo suplementado com fluoreto, além de níveis anormais de TSH, (T4) e (T3) em comparação ao grupo controle. No grupo tratado, houve uma melhora no nível de proteínas e perfil lipídico. Os níveis séricos pseudocorrigidos (T4) e (T3) foram observados, além de um aumento contínuo no nível de TSH. Os achados histológicos confirmaram o efeito prejudicial do flúor nos grupos não tratado e tratado. Consequentemente, a suplementação de flúor é considerada um estresse prejudicial que pode afetar permanentemente o eixo HPT.
Animals , Female , Rats , Thyroid Diseases , Thyrotropin , Thyroxine , Aquatic OrganismsABSTRACT
Introduction: Photoperiod is, together with temperature and food availability, one of the main stimuli in the regulation of gametogenesis in a wide variety of species. Objective: To evaluate the effect of photoperiod on the production of mature gametes in cultured Arbacia dufresnii. Methods: An experiment was carried out with three varying light-dark regimes/treatments: constant light (24 h light), neutral photoperiod (12 h light, 12 h darkness), and constant darkness (24 h darkness). Twenty females were used in each treatment. All were induced to spawn and, ten randomly selected females from each treatment were induced to spawn again after 30 days. After 60 days, spawning was induced in the remaining females. The gametes were collected in filtered seawater, fixed in Davidson solution, quantified and measured per individual in triplicate in a Sedgewick-Rafter chamber. To determine maturation, fertilization success was evaluated 30 minutes after fertilization. Results: Our results showed that in the aquaculture system, after only two months, mature gametes were obtained, and in the neutral light regime there were 10 times more gametes than the number produced in wild sea urchins during the spawning period in question. We also found that with a greater exposure to light, a lower number of mature gametes was produced. Conclusions: This study suggests the viability of the production of mature gametes in a short period of time as regards Arbacia dufresnii.
Introducción: El fotoperiodo es, junto con la temperatura y la disponibilidad de alimentos, uno de los principales estímulos para el desarrollo de la gametogénesis en una amplia variedad de especies. Objetivo: Evaluar el efecto del fotoperiodo en la producción de gametas maduras de Arbacia dufresnii en un sistema de recirculación cerrado para determinar el mejor fotoperiodo para una acuicultura novedosa, enfocada en la producción de gametas con alta concentración de pigmentos para usos biotecnológicos. Métodos: Se realizó un experimento con tres regímenes/tratamientos diferentes de luz y oscuridad: luz constante (luz durante 24 h), fotoperiodo neutro (12 h de luz, 12 h de oscuridad) y oscuridad constante (oscuridad durante 24 h). Se utilizaron veinte hembras en cada tratamiento. Se indujo a todas las hembras a desovar al comienzo del experimento. Después de 30 días, diez hembras seleccionadas al azar de cada tratamiento fueron inducidas a desovar nuevamente. Al final del experimento, después de 60 días, se indujo el desove a las hembras restantes en cada tratamiento. Las gametas se recolectaron en agua de mar filtrada, se fijaron en solución de Davidson, se cuantificaron y midieron por triplicado en una cámara Sedgewick-Rafter. Para determinar la maduración, se evaluó el éxito de la fecundación después de 30 minutos de fertilización, calculando el porcentaje de huevos fertilizados. Resultados: Nuestros resultados muestran que, en el sistema acuícola, en solo dos meses se obtuvieron gametas maduras y casi 10 veces más la cantidad producida por los erizos de mar en su ambiente natural usando el fotoperiodo neutro (12 h luz:12 h oscuridad). También encontramos que la mayor exposición a la luz produce la menor cantidad de gametas maduras. Conclusión: Este estudio sugiere la viabilidad de la producción de gametos maduros en un corto período de tiempo en Arbacia dufresnii.
Animals , Sea Urchins/growth & development , Arbacia/anatomy & histology , Germ Cells , Aquatic Organisms , Gonads/anatomy & histology , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract The rocky shores in Chile have a wide invertebrate species diversity, that include species with marked abundances in determined regions. The aim of the present study is to analyse the spatial distribution pattern in different marine invertebrate species in rocky shore of Araucania region, considering if these species have random, uniform or associated patterns, and extrapolate if these patterns have Poisson, binomial or negative binomial distribution respectively. The results revealed the presence mainly of gastropods molluscs that would graze on benthic algae, these species have mainly aggregated pattern that has a robust negative binomial distribution pattern. The obtained results agree with observations for marine benthic fauna that mentioned the presence of aggregated pattern, has negative binomial distribution. Other ecological topics about spatial distribution were discussed.
Resumo As costas rochosas no Chile têm uma ampla diversidade de espécies de invertebrados, que incluem espécies com abundância marcada em determinadas regiões. O objetivo do presente estudo é analisar o padrão de distribuição espacial em diferentes espécies de invertebrados marinhos na costa rochosa da região de Araucanía, considerando se essas espécies possuem padrões aleatórios, uniformes ou associados, e extrapolar se esses padrões possuem distribuição binomial de Poisson, binomial ou negativa. respectivamente. Os resultados revelaram a presença principalmente de moluscos gastrópodes que pastam em algas bentônicas, estas espécies têm principalmente agregado padrão que tem um padrão robusto de distribuição binomial negativa, padrão agregado de grupos, e a fauna de água doce que apresenta distribuição binomial negativa. Outros tópicos ecológicos sobre distribuição espacial foram discutidos.
Animals , Gastropoda , Invertebrates , Chile , Ecosystem , Aquatic OrganismsABSTRACT
Abstract Aquatic macrophytes have a recognized role in ecosystem structuring and an important position in trophic cascades interactions, whose understanding is to improve water quality. In recent years, the number of studies on the role of aquatic macrophytes in trophic webs and interactions has increased, but South America has made little progress in research in the area. In this study, we investigated the main gaps and perspectives for future studies on macrophytes and trophic interactions, analyzing global publications, especially those conducted by South American researchers. We accessed publications using an international database (Thomson Reuters ISI-Web of Knowledge-(formerly Institute for Scientific Information)) from 1980 to 2015. We ranked each article by ecosystem and study approach, biological organization and interacting taxonomic groups (phytoplankton, periphyton, zooplankton, aquatic invertebrates, fish and birds), countries publishing in cooperation and affiliations. The results showed that published studies (n = 242) emphasizing aquatic plants in trophic interactions increased in 35 years. Comparing the contributions of the 32 countries investigated, those from South America as first affiliation, had few publications (n = 26) and in cooperation (n = 7). The largest volume of articles indexed by the researchers dealt with the dynamics and structure of aquatic assemblages, webs and trophic interactions. Ecosystems such reservoirs and wetlands have received little attention. Large numbers of studies have encompassed community-wide aquatic approaches, including in South American studies, the interactions between macrophytes, zooplankton and phytoplankton were the second most studied interactions of all indexed articles. Knowledge about trophic cascade and interactions has been successfully enhanced in several countries with the purpose of restructuring communities and restore water quality of many ecosystems. In summary, we conclude that studies in the area of trophic interactions mediated by macrophytes may be directed in a way to attenuate international asymmetries, encouraging the increase of scientific productivity in South America.
Resumo Macrófitas aquáticas tem reconhecida função na estruturação de ecossistemas e importante papel nas interações tróficas em cascata, cujo entendimento é chave para melhorar a qualidade da água. Nos últimos anos, o número de estudos sobre o papel das macrófitas aquáticas nas interações e teia trófica aumentaram mas, a América do Sul progrediu pouco em pesquisas na área. Nesse estudo investigamos as principais lacunas e perspectivas para estudos futuros sobre macrófitas e interações tróficas analisando publicações mundiais, especialmente aquelas conduzidas por pesquisadores sul-americanos. Acessamos publicações usando base de dados internacional (Thomson Reuters ISI Web of Knowledge) entre 1980 a 2015. Computamos para cada artigo a organização biológica e grupos taxonômicos em interação (fitoplâncton, perifíton, zooplâncton, invertebrados aquáticos, peixes e aves), ecossistema estudado e abordagem de pesquisa, a cooperação entre países da América do Sul e demais, além das filiações. Os resultados mostraram que estudos publicados (n = 242) enfatizando plantas aquáticas em interações tróficas cresceram em 35 anos. Comparando as contribuições dos 32 países investigados, aqueles da América do Sul apresentaram baixo número de indexações (n= 26), poucos em cooperação (n= 7). O maior volume de publicações indexadas pelos pesquisadores trataram sobre a dinâmica e estrutura das assembléias aquáticas, teias e interações tróficas. Reservatórios e áreas alagadas têm recebido pouca atenção. Grande número de estudos compreeenderam abordagems de toda comunidade aquática e interações entre macrófitas, fitoplâncton, zooplâncton e peixes. Em síntese, concluimos que estudos enfatizando as interações tróficas mediadas pelas macrófitas poderão ser direcionados de maneira a atenuar assimetrias internacionais, encorajando o aumento da produtividade científica na América do Sul. O conhecimento sobre as interações tróficas em cascata tem sido desenvolvido com sucesso em diversos países cujas finalidades tem sido reestruturar comunidades e restaurar a qualidade da água de muitos ecossistemas.
Plants , Botany , Bibliometrics , Food Chain , Hydrobiology , South America , Ecosystem , Aquatic OrganismsABSTRACT
Abstract We evaluated the response of the biomass of aquatic macrophytes under limnological changes after water level fluctuation (WLF) of two tropical reservoirs (R1 and R2), located in northeastern Brazil. Initially we tested the hypothesis that post-WLF limnological conditions and biomass of macrophytes increase or decrease, depending on the variable or species. We monitored a 4 × 50 m permanent plot, in four expeditions per period (pre- or post-WLF), assessing species biomass and 10 limnological variables. We utilized 0.25 × 0.25 m quadrats for biomass. Once the effect of WLF in limnological variables and species biomass was confirmed, we utilized Canonical Correspondence Analysis to understand the relationship between limnological variables and species biomass. The abundant and/or dominant species in pre-WLF of R1 ( Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes and Salvinia auriculata) and R2 (Paspalidium geminatum and S. auriculata) reduced their biomass post-WLF and were correlated with temperature, total phosphorous and nitrate. The reduced biomass of P. stratiotes, E. crassipes and S. auriculata in post-WLF widened resource availability, allowing coexistence of species. Therefore, we suggest that the change of limnological conditions in post-WLF in artificial lakes acts only as a moderator factor of the interspecific interaction (especially coexistence), without direct relation between these conditions and species biomass.
Resumo Avaliamos a resposta da biomassa de macrófitas aquáticas às alterações ambientais após flutuação do nível de água (WLF) de dois reservatórios tropicais (R1 e R2), localizados no Nordeste do Brasil. Inicialmente, testamos a hipótese de que após uma WLF as condições limnológicas e a biomassa das macrófitas aumentam ou diminuem, dependendo da variável ou espécie. Por isso, monitoramos uma parcela permanente de 4 × 50 m, em quatro amostragens por período (pré ou pós-WLF), avaliando a biomassa de espécies e 10 variáveis limnológicas. Utilizamos quadrados de 0,25 × 0,25 m na amostragem da biomassa. Uma vez que o efeito do WLF em variáveis limnológicas e biomassa das espécies foi confirmado, utilizamos a Análise de Correspondência Canônica para compreender a relação das variáveis limnológicas com a biomassa de espécies. As espécies abundantes e/ou dominantes no pré-WLF de R1 (Pistia stratiotes, Eichhornia crassipes e Salvinia auriculata ) e R2 (Paspalidium geminatum e S. auriculata ) reduziram sua biomassa pós-WLF, correlacionando-se diretamente com temperatura, fósforo total e nitrato. A redução da biomassa de P. stratiotes , E. crassipes e S. auriculata em pós-WLF ampliou a disponibilidade de recursos, permitindo a coexistência de espécies. Portanto, sugerimos que a mudança das condições limnológicas no pós-WLF em lagos artificiais atua apenas como um fator moderador da interação interespecífica (em especial a coexistência), sem relação direta entre essas condições e a biomassa das espécies.
Water Movements , Lakes/analysis , Biomass , Magnoliopsida/physiology , Brazil , Lakes/chemistry , Water Resources , Aquatic Organisms/physiologyABSTRACT
As an important branch of traditional medicines,medicinal marine organisms have many advantages,including biological diversity,remarkable biological activity,especial for the treatment of anti-cancer,anti-virus,anti-coagulation,analgesia,anti-bacterial,cardiovascular and cerebrovascular diseases. In recent years,with the continuous exploration of marine organisms by human beings,many marine organisms with specific biological activities and medicinal prospects have been found,which have attracted great attention around the world and thus called " new hope" to solve human health problems. However,due to the rapid development of modern industry,heavy metal pollution not only poses a great threat to medicinal marine living resources,but also hinders the development of marine biomedical industry and threatens human health. In view of this,this paper introduced the development trend of medicinal marine organisms and the current situation of heavy metal pollution and focusing on the analysis technology and chemical removal technology of heavy metals in medicinal marine organisms,which is to provide reference for the heavy metals control in marine medicines and the development and utilization of marine medicines.
Aquatic Organisms , China , Environmental Monitoring , Medicine, Chinese Traditional , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysisABSTRACT
Pharmaceuticals are contaminants of emerging concern which have been a target of increasing attention by the scientific community. Pharmaceuticals presenting high consumption, incomplete metabolism and incomplete removal at wastewater treatment plants have been frequently detected in aquatic ecosystems worldwide. This is the case of the pharmaceuticals metformin (MET), bisoprolol (BIS), sotalol (SOT) and ranitidine (RAN). However, ecotoxicity data for these contaminants are scarce, especially regarding behavior effects and chronic toxicity. In addition, the knowledge regarding the joint toxicity of these pharmaceuticals on non-target organisms is still incipient, which makes their environment risk assessment uncertain. This study aimed to fill these knowledge gaps for these four pharmaceuticals, by carrying out toxicity tests using five test organisms from three trophic levels. Different endpoints were assessed in tests with Raphidocelis subcapitata (algae), Lemna minor (macrophyte), Daphnia similis (crustacean), Hydra attenuate (cnidarian) and Danio rerio (fish). The binary and quaternary mixture acute toxicity for these pharmaceuticals were assessed on D. similis and D. rerio embryo tests, respectively. This study also aimed to evaluate the predictive accuracy of the Concentration addition (CA) and the Independent action (IA) classic models. In addition, the nature of the possible toxicological interactions between the pharmaceuticals in binary mixtures were also evaluated, using the Combination Index-isobologram (CI) method. The modelling of the concentration-response curves and the associated statistical analyses were performed using the automated spreadsheet ToxCalcMix v.1.0 and the software OriginPro 2015. The software CompuSyn was used for performing the mixture analyses with the CI method. The experimental planning of the binary mixture tests was performed using the fractioned factorial design, in order to cover several possible ratio and level-dependent effects with a reduced number of test organisms. The results obtained in this study are shown in four articles. In article 1, we provided a critical review and discussed the misunderstandings, deficiencies and data gaps on the ecotoxicity data of pharmaceuticals and personal care products mixtures published in the literature. In the following articles, the results obtained from the single and mixture toxicity tests performed in this study were presented and discussed. The pharmaceuticals MET (article 2) and BIS (article 3) were classified as hazardous to the aquatic environment, in the acute toxicity category. However, an ecological risk is not expected for the pelagic freshwater species exposed to these two pharmaceuticals, based on the chronic data obtained. The results obtained from the mixture toxicity tests (article 4) showed that most of the observed toxicity effects from the binary mixtures were in the zone between the predicted effects by the CA and IA models. The CI model showed to be an useful tool to describe the possible toxicological interactions occurring between the pharmaceuticals in joint action. Even statistically significant non-effect concentrations of the pharmaceuticals added up to induce significant adverse effects in mixtures (something from nothing). It was concluded that ecological risk assessment based on single toxic effects can underestimate the real impact of environmental contaminants on aquatic ecosystems
A contaminação ambiental por fármacos tem sido alvo de crescente preocupação pela comunidade científica. Fármacos de elevado consumo, incompleto metabolismo e remoção incompleta em estações de tratamento de esgoto, como é o caso da metformina (MET), bisoprolol (BIS), sotalol (SOT) e ranitidina (RAN), têm sido frequentemente detectados em matrizes aquáticas do mundo todo. Apesar disso, dados ecotoxicológicos consistentes para esses contaminantes são escassos, principalmente com relação a efeitos comportamentais e oriundos de estudos crônicos. Além disso, o entendimento dos efeitos de suas ações combinadas em organismos não-alvo é ainda incipiente, o que gera incertezas na avaliação dos seus riscos ambientais. Esta pesquisa teve por objetivo preencher essas lacunas de conhecimentos para esses quatro fármacos, por meio da realização de testes com cinco diferentes organismos-teste de três diferentes níveis tróficos. Foram analisados diferentes parâmetros avaliativos em testes com os organismos aquáticos Raphidocelis subcapitata (alga), Lemna minor (macrófita), Daphnia similis (crustáceo), Hydra attenuata (cnidário) e Danio rerio (peixe). As toxicidades agudas das misturas binárias e quaternárias desses quatro fármacos também foram avaliadas em testes com D. similis e embriões de D. rerio, respectivamente. Este trabalho também teve por objetivo avaliar a acurácia preditiva dos modelos de adição de concentração (CA) e ação independente (IA) e analisar a natureza das possíveis interações toxicológicas entre os fármacos, em misturas binárias, usando o modelo do Índice de Combinação (CI). A modelagem das relações concentração-resposta e as análises estatísticas associadas foram realizadas empregando-se a planilha automatizada ToxCalcMix versão 1.0 e o software OriginPro 2015. O software CompuSyn foi utilizado para as análises envolvendo o CI. O planejamento experimental dos testes de misturas binárias foi realizado por meio do design fatorial fracionado, a fim de cobrir diversas possíveis interações em várias proporções e níveis de efeitos, com a redução do número de organismos-teste. Os resultados desta pesquisa estão apresentados em quatro artigos. No artigo 1, realizou-se uma revisão crítica com relação às lacunas de conhecimentos e deficiências identificadas a partir da análise da literatura sobre a ecotoxicologia de misturas de fármacos e de produtos de higiene pessoal. Nos artigos seguintes, foram apresentados e discutidos os resultados oriundos dos testes com os quatro fármacos avaliados neste estudo. Os fármacos MET (artigo 2) e BIS (artigo 3) foram classificados como perigosos para o ambiente aquático, na categoria de toxicidade aguda. Contudo, um risco ecológico não é esperado para as espécies pelágicas de água doce expostas a esses dois fármacos, com base nos dados de toxicidade crônica obtidos. Os resultados dos testes de misturas (artigo 4) permitiram concluir que a maior parte dos efeitos observados das misturas binárias estiveram na zona entre os efeitos preditos pelos modelos clássicos de CA e IA. O modelo do CI mostrou-se uma ferramenta útil para descrever a natureza das possíveis interações toxicológicas que ocorrem entre os fármacos em ações combinadas. Mesmo concentrações de nenhum efeito estatisticamente significativo dos fármacos causaram efeitos adversos significativos quando em misturas (something from nothing). Concluiu-se que avaliações de risco ecológicas baseadas em efeitos tóxicos individuais de contaminantes ambientais podem subestimar o real impacto desses compostos em ecossistemas aquáticos
Risk Assessment/methods , Environmental Pollution/analysis , Aquatic Organisms/classification , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Toxicity Tests, Chronic/instrumentationABSTRACT
Objective: Nematodes of the Anisakidae family are parasites found in aquatic organisms. The lack of studies on anisakidosis and Anisakis in Colombia has meant this type of parasitosis is not widely known by health personnel and underreporting of the disease is highly likely. The objective of this study was to identify anisakid nematodes in the armed snook fish (Centropomus armatus) obtained by artisanal fishing and sold commercially in the coastal port city of Buenaventura. Material and methods: Morphological identification of these worms was performed using taxonomic keys and supplemented with microscopic study using the histochemical Hematoxylin-Eosin technique. Results: Nematodes of the genus Anisakis were found in 42% and the mean abundance was 2.8 in the C. armatus. Conclusions: The findings confirm the presence of Anisakis sp. in fish for human consumption in Buenaventura, the main fishing port in the Colombian Pacific region. This finding in itself warrants further investigation into the possibility of an emerging disease in Colombia.
Objetivos: Los nematodos de la familia Anisakidae son parásitos de organismos acuáticos. La falta de estudios en anisakidosis y anisakidos en Colombia ha resultado en el desconocimiento de esta infección por parte del personal de salud y un posible subregistro de la enfermedad. El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar nematodos anisakidos en el pez róbalo (Centropomus armatus), obtenido por pesca artesanal y comercializado en la localidad de Buenaventura. Materiales y métodos: La identificación morfológica se realizó usando claves taxonómicas para estos gusanos complementada con estudio microscópico mediante técnica histoquímica de Hematoxilina-Eosina. Resultados: Se encontraron nemátodos del género Anisakis en 42% y una abundancia promedio de 2.8 en el hospedero C. armatus. Conclusiones: Los hallazgos confirman la presencia de Anisakis sp. en peces de consumo humano de Buenaventura, principal puerto pesquero en la región Pacífica colombiana, lo cual abre el camino en la investigación de una posible enfermedad emergente en este país.
Animals , Anisakis , Aquatic Organisms , Fisheries , Fishes , Parasites , Bass , Colombia , Eosine Yellowish-(YS) , Hematoxylin , Infections , Larva , NematodaABSTRACT
Resumen En Colombia la actividad ganadera es de gran importancia para la economía rural y la oferta alimentaria del país. Con el fin de determinar el impacto de la ganadería y de los corredores ribereños sobre la comunidad de macroinvertebrados acuáticos en microcuencas Andinas, se seleccionaron nueve fuentes de agua de cabecera en el municipio de Villamaría (Caldas, Colombia), cinco de ellas con bosques ribereños y cuatro totalmente desprotegidas. En cada quebrada durante junio 2013 se recolectaron macroinvertebrados acuáticos usando una red D y una Surber, se tomaron muestras de agua, se midieron características del cauce y se determinó el índice de calidad de hábitat. En total se recolectaron 98 934 individuos distribuidos en nueve clases, 17 órdenes, 56 familias y 92 géneros. Veneroida fue el orden que presentó mayor abundancia seguido de Trichoptera, Diptera, Tubificida y Ephemeroptera. Coleoptera fue el orden que presentó mayor riqueza de géneros con 28, seguido de Diptera con 18, Trichoptera con 11, Ephemeroptera con 10 y Odonata con ocho. Las quebradas con corredor ribereño fueron significativamente más profundas, tuvieron mayor proporción de grava e Índice de Calidad de Hábitat y presentaron mayor riqueza de géneros que las quebradas desprotegidas (P < 0.05). Los géneros Acrobis, Ferrisia, Eurygerris, Heleobia y Pisidium, el nitrógeno total, el nitrógeno amoniacal y la proporción de limo, estuvieron correlacionados con las quebradas sin bosques ribereños, mientras que el género Rhagovelia, la subfamilia Chironominae, el índice de calidad de hábitat y la proporción de grava y piedras se correlacionaron con arroyos que tienen bosques ribereños. Los resultados de este estudio confirman que la presencia de bosques en zonas de ribera ayuda a amortiguar el impacto negativo que generan las prácticas ganaderas sobre las microcuencas y mejoran los servicios ambientales que estas prestan, por lo que se recomienda mantener la franja de vegetación ribereña en arroyos que la poseen y permitir el establecimiento de esta en arroyos desprovistos de bosque en sus las laderas.
Abstract In Colombia, livestock activity is of great importance for the rural economy and the country's food supply. In order to measure the impact of cattle raising and riparian corridors on the composition and diversity of benthic macroinvertebrates in Andean microbasins, nine headwater streams were selected in the municipality of Villamaría (Caldas, Colombia), five of them with riparian corridors and four without protection. During July 2013, macroinvertebrate samples were collected using D-net and Surber nets, and each streams was characterized according to water quality, channel metrics and habitat quality score. In total 98 934 individuals were collected, distributed in nine classes, 17 orders, 56 families and 92 genera. Veneroidea was the most abundant order followed by Trichoptera, Diptera, Tubificida and Ephemeroptera. Coleoptera was the richest order with 28 genera, followed by Diptera with 18, Trichoptera with 11, Ephemeroptera with 10 and Odonata with 8. Streams with riparian corridors were deeper, had higher proportion of coarse substrates and Habitat Quality Score and presented higher genus diversity than those unprotected (P < 0.05). The genera Ferrisia, Eurygerris, Heleobia and Pisidium; total nitrogen, ammonia nitrogen and silt proportion on the streambed were correlated with unprotected streams, whilst the genus Rhagovelia, the subfamily Chironominae, the Habitat Quality Score and the proportion of coarse substrates were correlated with streams with riparian corridors. This information confirms that riparian corridors help reducing the negative impact generated by cattle ranching practices and improve the provision of environmental services, and therefore it is recommended to maintain or restore the strip of riparian vegetation to protect the streams in cattle ranching landscapes. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1244-1257. Epub 2018 September 01.
Animals , Cattle , Tropical Ecosystem , Aquatic Organisms , Invertebrates , Animal Husbandry/methods , Interbasin Transfer , ColombiaABSTRACT
Abstract This molecular study is the first report, to the best of our knowledge, on identification of norovirus, NoV GII.4 Sydney 2012 variants, from blue mussels collected from UK coastal waters. Blue mussels (three pooled samples from twelve mussels) collected during the 2013 summer months from UK coastal sites were screened by RT-PCR assays. PCR products of RdRP gene for noroviruses were purified, sequenced and subjected to phylogenetic analysis. All the samples tested positive for NoVs. Sequencing revealed that the NoV partial RdRP gene sequences from two pooled samples clustered with the pandemic "GII.4 Sydney variants" whilst the other pooled sample clustered with the NoV GII.2 variants. This molecular study indicated mussel contamination with pathogenic NoVs even during mid-summer in UK coastal waters which posed potential risk of NoV outbreaks irrespective of season. As the detection of Sydney 2012 NoV from our preliminary study of natural coastal mussels interestingly corroborated with NoV outbreaks in nearby areas during the same period, it emphasizes the importance of environmental surveillance work for forecast of high risk zones of NoV outbreaks.
Animals , Genotype , Mytilus edulis/virology , Norovirus/classification , Norovirus/isolation & purification , Aquatic Organisms/virology , Cluster Analysis , Mass Screening , Norovirus/genetics , Phylogeny , Prevalence , Reverse Transcriptase Polymerase Chain Reaction , RNA-Dependent RNA Polymerase/genetics , Seasons , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Sequence Homology , United KingdomABSTRACT
Abstract Recent studies indicate that rice fields contribute to the conservation of aquatic plants, however, repeated cultivation can reduce the species diversity harbored by rice fields. Repeated tillage, agrochemical application and environmental homogeneity can reduce plant diversity and select for species more tolerant to disturbance. Our hypotheses were: 1) macrophyte richness and biomass decrease with increased rice crop age; and 2) macrophyte species of rice fields are a subsample of natural wetlands and species loss will increase with crop age. We investigated three rice fields of each different ages (old, intermediate and new ones) and three natural intermittent wetlands for this study. Each area was sampled four times throughout the rice cultivation cycle (off-season, initial growth, final growth and post-harvest). Our results showed that the mean macrophyte richness and biomass were similar between rice fields of different ages and lower than that of natural wetlands. Although species composition in the different-aged rice fields was not markedly different, there was nestedness in the rice fields as age increased. In this study, we verified that macrophyte richness and biomass in rice fields was lower than natural wetlands and the species composition was different among wetland types (rice fields and natural wetlands), however our hypothesis that species richness and biomass will decrease with crop age was not confirmed. All rice crops had similar macrophyte assemblage structure (richness, biomass and species composition). However, the another hypothesis tested was confirmed, macrophyte assemblage of rice fields is a subset of natural wetlands and as, the age of a rice field increases, the species that occur in older rice field are subsets of species that occur in younger ones.
Resumo Estudos recentes indicam que arrozais contribuem para a conservação de plantas aquáticas, entretanto cultivos repetidos podem reduzir a diversidade de espécies nos arrozais. Cultivos repetidos, aplicação de agrotóxicos e homogeneização ambiental podem reduzir a diversidade de plantas e selecionar espécies mais tolerantes a perturbações. Nossas hipóteses foram: 1) a riqueza e a biomassa de macrófitas reduzem com o aumento do tempo de cultivo dos arrozais; e 2) as espécies de macrófitas aquáticas dos arrozais são subamostras das áreas úmidas naturais e a perda de espécies aumentará com o tempo de cultivo. Nós investigamos três arrozais de cada uma das diferentes idades (antigos, intermediários e novos) e três áreas úmidas naturais temporárias. Cada área foi amostrada quatro vezes ao longo do ciclo de cultivo (resteva, crescimento inicial, crescimento final e pós-colheita). Nossos resultados indicaram que a riqueza e a biomassa média de macrófitas foram similares entre os arrozais de diferentes idades e menor do que nas áreas úmidas naturais. Embora a composição de espécies nos arrozais de diferentes idades não tenha sido marcadamente diferente, houve aninhamento nos arrozais e este aumentou com tempo de cultivo do arrozal. Neste estudo, nós verificamos que a riqueza e biomassa de macrófitas nos arrozais eram menores que nas áreas úmidas naturais e a composição de espécies era diferente entre os tipos de áreas úmidas (arrozais e áreas úmidas naturais), entretanto nossa hipótese de que a riqueza e a biomassa de macrófitas diminuiriam com a idade do cultivo não foi confirmada. Todos os arrozais foram similares quanto à estrutura da assembleia de macrófitas (riqueza, biomassa e composição de espécies). No entanto, a outra hipótese testada foi confirmada, a assembleia de macrófitas dos arrozais é um subconjunto das áreas úmidas naturais e, conforme aumenta a idade do arrozal, as espécies que ocorrem nos arrozais mais antigos são subconjuntos das espécies que ocorrem nos mais jovens.
Oryza/physiology , Ecosystem , Biomass , Wetlands , Plants , Agriculture , Aquatic OrganismsABSTRACT
O uso indiscriminado de antimicrobianos tem proporcionado a algumas bactérias patogênicas a seleção de cepas multirresistentes, situação que pode ser agravada pela formação do biofilme. Desta forma, as nanopartículas de prata (AgNPs) vêm se destacando como uma alternativa inovadora, de baixo custo e eficiente contra doenças causadas por bactérias. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a atividade antimicrobiana das AgNPs e a interferência na formação do biofilme de Aeromonas spp. obtidas de organismos aquáticos. As AgNPs foram sintetizadas quimicamente utilizando como agente redutor o citrato trissódico e caracterizadas por espectrofotometria ultravioleta-visível (UV-Vis). A atividade antimicrobiana foi realizada contra três isolados pelo método de microdiluição em caldo para determinar a concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) e um cultivo com CCCP, um inibidor da bomba de efluxo, foi realizado para complementar o efeito das AgNPs. A interferência no biofilme foi realizada segundo o protocolo de formação e consolidado, além da caracterização desta estrutura de resistência por microscopia eletrônica de varredura. No teste da CBM, as AgNPs não foram capazes de inativar o crescimento dos isolados, ao passo que o nitrato de prata obteve eficiência em diferentes concentrações. Na presença do inibidor de bomba de efluxo, dos isolados analisados, um passou de resistente a sensível na presença das nanopartículas. As AgNPs foram eficazes em diminuir a formação de biofilme, como também atuaram sobre o biofilme consolidado em todos os isolados testados. Estes resultados indicam o potencial das nanopartículas de prata em interferir com o biofilme de Aeromonas spp. de organismos aquáticos e seres humanos.(AU)
The indiscriminate use of antibiotics has selected some pathogenic bacteria being multidrug-resistant, a situation that can be exacerbated by biofilms formation. Thus, silver nanoparticles (AgNPs) have been highlighted as an innovative alternative, low-cost and effective against bacterial diseases. The aim of this study was to determine the antimicrobial activity of AgNPs and the interference in Aeromonas spp. biofilm formation. The strains were obtained from aquatic organisms. The AgNPs were chemically synthesized using as reducing agent trisodium citrate and characterized by ultraviolet-visible spectroscopy (UV-Vis). The antimicrobial activity was carried out against three isolates by the microdilution broth method for determining minimum bactericidal concentration (CBM) and cultivation of CCCP, an inhibitor of the efflux pump, was carried out to complement the effect of AgNPs. Interference in the biofilm formation was performed according to the protocol and consolidated, within the resistance structure characterization by scanning electron microscopy. In the test of the CBM, the AgNPs were unable to inactivate the growth of the isolates, while the silver nitrate obtained efficiency in different concentrations. In the efflux pump inhibitor presence the isolates were analyzed, one went from resistant to nanoparticles to sensitive. The AgNPs were effective in reducing of biofilm formation and acted on the consolidated biofilm in all tested isolates. These results indicate the silver nanoparticles to interfere with Aeromonas spp. biofilm from aquatic organisms and human bodies.(AU)
Animals , Aeromonas , Anti-Infective Agents/analysis , Aquatic Organisms/microbiology , Biofilms , Metal Nanoparticles/analysis , Silver , Drug Resistance, Bacterial , Microbial Sensitivity Tests/veterinaryABSTRACT
Abstract Aquatic macrophytes have properties and mechanisms which are useful for the removal of substances in solution, commonly used in phytoremediation processes in aquatic environments. This study evaluated the performance of copper (Cu) accumulation by Salvinia biloba Raddi (Salviniaceae) in different metal concentrations (1, 3 and 5 µg mL-1), as well as the control treatment, measured at intervals of 0, 7 and 14 days under laboratory conditions, with control as to pH and luminosity. After the experiment, the S. biloba biomass was washed, kiln dried, crushed and subjected to the process of digestion, and subsequently the accumulated copper content was determined by atomic absorption spectroscopy. The results showed that S. biloba is apt at accumulating copper, varying significantly between different treatments and days of exposure to the contaminant, as well as its interaction (treatment × days). The highest accumulation values were observed in treatment with 5 µg mL-1, which at 14 days, with 11,861 µg g-1 of copper. We observed symptoms of toxicity and mortality in plants, probably indicating the effect of copper on the species when at high levels. Salvinia biloba is an efficient species in the removal of copper in solution, its recommendation as a remediating agent in aquatic ecosystems being possible.
Resumo Macrófitas aquáticas apresentam propriedades e mecanismos úteis à remoção de substâncias presentes em solução, comumente, utilizadas em processos de fitorremediação de ambientes aquáticos. Este estudo avaliou o desempenho de acumulação de cobre (Cu) por Salvinia biloba Raddi (Salviniaceae) em diferentes concentrações do metal (1, 3 e 5 µg mL-1), além do tratamento controle, avaliados em intervalos de 0, 7 e 14 dias, sob condições laboratoriais, com controle de pH e luminosidade. Após o experimento a biomassa de S. biloba, foi lavada, seca em estufa, triturada e submetida ao processo de digestão, sendo, posteriormente, o teor de cobre acumulado determinado por espectroscopia de absorção atômica. Os resultados evidenciaram que S. biloba é hábil em acumular cobre em sua biomassa, variando significativamente entre os diferentes tratamentos e dias de exposição ao contaminante, bem como por sua interação (tratamentos × dias). Os maiores teores de acúmulo foram observados no tratamento com 5 µg mL-1, que aos 14 dias apresentou até 11.861 µg g-1 de Cu. Observamos sintomas de toxicidade e mortalidade nas plantas, evidenciando, provavelmente, o efeito do cobre sobre a espécie quando em elevados níveis. Salvinia biloba é uma espécie eficiente na remoção do cobre em solução, sendo possível sua recomendação como agente de remediação em ecossistemas aquáticos.
Biodegradation, Environmental , Copper/analysis , Copper/metabolism , Aquatic Organisms/metabolism , Aquatic Organisms/chemistry , Tracheophyta/chemistry , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Water Pollutants, Chemical/metabolism , Biomass , Tracheophyta/metabolismABSTRACT
This review will discuss the contributions of marine natural molecules, a source only recently found to have pharmaceutical prospects, to the development of anticancer drugs. Of the seven clinically utilized compounds with a marine origin, four are used for the treatment of cancer. The development of these drugs has afforded valuable knowledge and crucial insights to meet the most common challenges in this endeavor, such as toxicity and supply. In this context, the development of these compounds will be discussed herein to illustrate, with successful examples provided by cytarabine, trabectedin, eribulin and brentuximab vedotin, the steps involved in this process as well as the scientific advances and technological innovation potential associated with developing a new drug from marine resources.
Biotechnology/methods , Aquatic Organisms/chemistry , Drug Development/methods , Neoplasms/drug therapy , Antineoplastic Agents/therapeutic use , Oceans and Seas , Immunoconjugates/therapeutic use , Immunoconjugates/pharmacology , Immunoconjugates/chemistry , Cytarabine/chemistry , Drug Discovery , Trabectedin/chemistry , Furans/chemistry , Brentuximab Vedotin , Ketones/chemistry , Antineoplastic Agents/pharmacology , Antineoplastic Agents/chemistryABSTRACT
ABSTRACT We assessed the immature stages of Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) in artificial containers in an urban forest fragment in Manaus (Brazil), including their behavioral, biological and ecological information. In addition, we evaluated the effects of deforestation in an open and forested area on Ceratopogonidae communities. Immatures were sampled between August 2012 and July 2014 in artificial containers installed in both habitat types. We collected 685 immatures of seven morpho-species of Bezzia Kieffer, Culicoides Latreille, Dasyhelea Kieffer, Forcipomyia Meigen, and Palpomyia Meigen. In the open area, we recorded higher temperature and electrical conductivity values than in the forested area; however, these variables did not differ between seasons. Water volume was higher in open area and in rainy season, while pH was similar in both areas and seasons. Species richness was higher in forested area, but did not differ between seasons. We did not record differences in abundance between areas or seasons. Community composition differed between areas, but not between seasons. We provide the first records of Culicoides (Hoffmania) insignis Lutz and C. (Haematomyidium) quasiparaensis Clastrier in artificial containers from the state of Amazonas. Our results suggest that the preservation of forested areas in Amazonas is fundamental for the maintenance of the life cycle of some species of Ceratopogonidae.
Animals , Ceratopogonidae/classification , Aquatic Organisms/classification , Brazil , Forests , Mosquito Control/methods , Conservation of Natural Resources , Insect Vectors/classificationABSTRACT
Abstract Bacanga River Basin faces environmental problems related to urbanization and discharge of untreated domestic sewage, which compromise its ecosystem health. Due to the small number of studies that assessed its water quality, the present study aimed to assess the current status of this ecosystem based on the aquatic life protection index. Samples were carried out every two months, in a total of six events, in six sites along the basin, where the water samples were collected to assess physicochemical parameters and calculate the trophic state index and the index of minimum parameters for the protection of aquatic communities. The data were also compared with values determined by the resolution National Environment Council - CONAMA 357/05. Our results reveal significant changes in the water quality of Bacanga River Basin. An increase in nutrients and chlorophyll-a concentration led it to eutrophication. The surfactant values were high and put in danger the aquatic biota. Dissolved oxygen rates were below the values allowed by the resolution in most sites sampled. The current water quality is terrible for the protection of aquatic life in 61.92% of the sites sampled.
Resumo A Bacia Hidrográfica do rio Bacanga (BHRB) apresenta problemas ambientais relacionados a urbanização e lançamentos de esgoto in natura que comprometem a qualidade desse ecossistema. Devido ao reduzido número de estudos associados à avaliação da qualidade da água no local, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a situação atual desse ecossistema por meio do Índice de Proteção da Vida Aquática. Seis amostragens bimestrais foram realizadas em seis pontos ao longo da bacia, coletando parâmetros físico-químicos para a aplicação do Índice de Estado Trófico e Índice de Parâmetros Mínimos para a Proteção da Vida Aquática, relacionando-os com a resolução Conselho Nacional do Meio Ambiente - CONAMA/357. Os resultados revelaram alterações significativas na qualidade da água da BHRB, o aumento de nutrientes e das concentrações de clorofila-a conduziram ao um estado geral de eutrofização. Os valores de surfactantes foram altos colocando em risco a biota aquática e as taxas de oxigênio dissolvido estiveram abaixo do permitido pela resolução na maioria dos pontos amostrados. A situação atual da qualidade da água para proteção da vida aquática é péssima em 61,92% dos pontos amostrados.
Water Quality , Conservation of Natural Resources , Aquatic Organisms , Urbanization , BrazilABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Detection of virulent strains associated with aquatic environment is a current concern for the management and control of human and animal health. Thus, Vibrio diversity was investigated in four estuaries from state of Ceará (Pacoti, Choró, Pirangi and Jaguaribe) followed by antimicrobial susceptibility to different antimicrobials used in aquaculture and detection of main virulence factors to human health. Isolation and identification were performed on TCBS agar (selective medium) and dichotomous key based on biochemical characteristics, respectively. Nineteen strains of genus Vibrio were catalogued. Vibrio parahaemolyticus (Choró River) and V. alginolyticus (Pacoti River) were the most abundant species in the four estuaries. All strains were submitted to disk diffusion technique (15 antimicrobials were tested). Resistance was found to: penicillin (82%), ampicillin (54%), cephalotin (7%), aztreonan (1%), gentamicin, cefotaxime and ceftriaxone (0.5%). Five pathogenic strains were chosen to verification of virulence factors. Four estuaries showed a high abundance of species. High number of tested positive strains for virulence is concerning, since some of those strains are associated to human diseases, while others are known pathogens of aquatic organisms.
Vibrio/drug effects , Vibrio/pathogenicity , Drug Resistance, Multiple , Estuaries , Rivers/microbiology , Vibrio/isolation & purification , Virulence , Water Microbiology , Brazil , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Virulence Factors , Aquatic Organisms/isolation & purification , Aquatic Organisms/drug effects , Aquatic Organisms/pathogenicity , Geographic Mapping , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Abstract Some macrophytes species show a high growth potential, colonizing large areas on aquatic environments. Cattail (Typha angustifolia L.) uncontrolled growth causes several problems to human activities and local biodiversity, but this also may lead to competition and further problems for this species itself. Thus, the objective of this study was to investigate anatomical modifications on T. angustifolia plants from different population densities, once it can help to understand its biology. Roots and leaves were collected from natural populations growing under high and low densities. These plant materials were fixed and submitted to usual plant microtechnique procedures. Slides were observed and photographed under light microscopy and images were analyzed in the UTHSCSA-Imagetool software. The experimental design was completely randomized with two treatments and ten replicates, data were submitted to one-way ANOVA and Scott-Knott test at p<0.05. Leaves from low density populations showed higher stomatal density and index. These modifications on stomatal characteristics were more evident on the leaf abaxial surface. Plants from low density populations showed thicker mesophyll and higher proportion of aerenchymal area. Roots from low density populations showed a higher proportion of the vascular cylinder. Whereas, plants from higher density populations showed greater thickness of the endodermis, exodermis, phloem and root cortex. Higher density populations showed a higher proportion of aerenchymal gaps in the root cortex. Therefore, cattail plants from populations growing under high density population show anatomical traits typical of plants under stress, which promotes the development of less functional anatomical modifications to aquatic environments.
Resumo Algumas espécies de macrófitas podem apresentar um elevado potencial de crescimento, colonizando extensas áreas de ambientes aquáticos. O crescimento descontrolado da taboa (Typha angustifolia L.) causa problemas para a biodiversidade local e para atividades antrópicas, isso também pode levar à competição e problemas para a própria espécie. Dessa forma, o objetivo desse trabalho foi verificar se ocorrem modificações anatômicas em plantas de Typha angustifolia L. de diferentes densidades populacionais, uma vez que essas podem auxiliar na compreensão da biologia dessa espécie. Raízes e folhas de T. angustifolia foram coletadas de populações naturais com alto e baixo adensamento populacional. Esse material vegetal foi fixado e submetido a procedimentos usuais de microtécnica vegetal. As lâminas foram observadas e fotografadas em microscopia de luz e as imagens analisadas no software UTHSCSA-Imagetool. O delineamento experimental foi inteiramente casualizado com dois tratamentos e dez repetições, os dados foram submetidos à análise de variância e ao teste de Scott-Knott para p<0,05. As folhas das populações com baixa densidade demonstraram maior densidade e índice estomáticos. Essas características foram mais evidentes na superfície abaxial em comparação com a superfície adaxial. As plantas de populações com baixo adensamento demonstraram maior espessura do mesofilo e área de aerênquima foliar. As raízes das populações com baixo adensamento demonstraram maior proporção do cilindro vascular. Por outro lado, as plantas de populações com alto adensamento demonstraram maior espessura da endoderme, exoderme, floema e do córtex nas raízes. Populações de alto adensamento demonstraram maior proporção de aerênquima no córtex radicular. Portanto, plantas de taboa sob alto adensamento populacional estão sob estresse o qual promove o desenvolvimento de modificações anatômicas menos funcionais para os ambientes aquáticos.
Stress, Physiological/physiology , Typhaceae/anatomy & histology , Adaptation, Physiological/physiology , Random Allocation , Analysis of Variance , Population Density , Plant Roots/anatomy & histology , Plant Leaves/growth & development , Typhaceae/physiology , Biodiversity , Aquatic Organisms/physiologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/OBJECTIVES: In this randomized, placebo-controlled, double-blind study, we evaluated the antihypertensive effects of enzymatic hydrolysate from Styela clava flesh tissue in patients with type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM) and hypertension. SUBJECTS/METHODS: S. clava flesh tissue hydrolysate (SFTH) (n = 34) and placebo (n = 22) were randomly allocated to the study subjects. Each subject ingested two test capsules (500 mg) containing powdered SFTH (SFTH group) or placebo capsules (placebo group) during four weeks. RESULTS: In the SFTH group, systolic and diastolic blood pressure decreased significantly 4 weeks after ingestion by 9.9 mmHg (P < 0.01) and 7.8 mmHg (P < 0.01), respectively. In addition, the SFTH group exhibited a significant decrease in hemoglobin A1c with a tendency toward improvement in homeostasis model assessment of insulin resistance, triglyceride, apolipoprotein B and plasma insulin levels after 4 weeks. No adverse effects were observed in other indexes, including biochemical and hematological parameters in both groups. CONCLUSION: The results of our study suggested that SFTH exerts a regulatory, antihypertensive effect in patients with T2DM and hypertension.
Humans , Antihypertensive Agents , Apolipoproteins , Aquatic Organisms , Blood Pressure , Capsules , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2 , Double-Blind Method , Eating , Homeostasis , Hypertension , Insulin , Insulin Resistance , Plasma , Protein Hydrolysates , TriglyceridesABSTRACT
O objetivo deste estudo foi classificar o antibiótico Terramicina(r) de acordo com a toxicidade aguda e o risco de intoxicação ambiental para Oreochromis niloticus, Daphnia magna e Lemna minor, com base no seu ingrediente ativo oxitetraciclina (OTC). Além disso, observou-se a ocorrência de sinais de intoxicação aguda em peixes e o efeito da diluição do antibiótico sobre as variáveis de qualidade de água. Alevinos, neonatos e frondes foram expostos a concentrações de OTC. De acordo com os resultados dos testes de toxicidade aguda, a Terramicina(r) foi classificada pela toxicidade aguda e pelo risco de intoxicação ambiental. Para O. niloticus, a CL(I)50; 48h calculada foi de 6,92 mg L-1, para D. magna a CE(I)50; 48h foi de 0,17mg.L-1, enquanto para L. minor a CI(I)50;7d foi de 0,68 mg L-1. A Terramicina(r) foi classificada como muito tóxica para O. niloticus e extremamente tóxica para D. magna e L. minor e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental para os três organismos testados. Concentrações de 7,5 e 8,0 mg L-1 de OTC reduziram a concentração de oxigênio dissolvido na água. De acordo com este estudo, a Terramicina(r) não deve ser utilizada na aquicultura, pois é altamente tóxica e causa risco de intoxicação ambiental aos organismos teste.(AU)
The aim of this study was to classify the antibiotic Terramycin(r) according to acute toxicity and the environmental risk that it poses for Oreochromis niloticus, Daphnia magna, and Lemna minor based on its active ingredient oxytetracycline (OTC). In addition, the occurrence of acute poisoning signs in fish and antibiotic dilution effect in the water quality variables were observed. For this purpose, fingerlings, neonates, and while were exposed to the concentrations of OTC. According to OTC acute toxicity test results, the Terramycin(r) was classified by acute toxicity and environmental poisoning risk classes. To O. niloticus, the calculated LC(I)50;48h was 6.92 mg L-1, for D. magna the EC(I)50;48h was 0.17 mg L-1, while for L. minor, IC(I)50;7d was 0.68 mg L-1. Terramycin(r) was classified as very toxic to O. niloticus, and highly toxic to D. magna and L. minor and cause risk of environmental poisoning for the three organismis tested. Concentrations of 7.5 and 8.0 mg L-1 OTC reduce the concentration of dissolved oxygen in the water. According to this study, Terramycin(r) should not be used in aquaculture, as it is highly toxic and causes risk of environmental toxicity test organisms.(AU)