Se presenta un caso poco frecuente de hemoptisis en un paciente adolescente con cirugía de Fontan, causada por el sangrado de una malformación arteriovenosa pulmonar (MAVP), tras la práctica de un instrumento de viento (saxofón). El paciente se estudió con angiografía y se realizó cierre percutáneo, consiguiendo posteriormente mejoría clínica y evitando la aparición de nuevos episodios de hemoptisis. Actualmente existe escasa literatura que reporte casos de hemoptisis en pacientes con cirugía de Fontan y ningún caso publicado en relación a gatillantes relacionados a las maniobras de valsalva; como la generada al practicar instrumentos de viento. Por esta razón, se decide publicar este caso clínico en pro de generar mayores conocimientos en este grupo de pacientes con cardiopatías congénitas operadas con procedimientos paliativos como es la cirugía de Fontan.
A rare case of hemoptysis is presented in an adolescent patient with Fontan surgery, caused by bleeding from a pulmonary arteriovenous malformation (PAVM), after playing a wind instrument (saxophone). The patient was studied with angiography and percutaneous closure was performed, subsequently achieving clinical improvement and preventing the appearance of new episodes of hemoptysis. Currently, there is little literature on hemoptysis in patients with Fontan surgery and no case published in relation to triggers related to valsalva maneuvers; like that generated when practicing wind instruments. For this reason, it was decided to publish this clinical case in order to generate greater knowledge in this group of patients with congenital heart disease operated on with palliative procedures such as Fontan surgery.
Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Pulmonary Veins/abnormalities , Fontan Procedure/adverse effects , Hemoptysis/etiology , Hemoptysis/therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Veins/diagnostic imaging , Angiography , Radiography, Thoracic , Valsalva Maneuver , Embolization, TherapeuticABSTRACT
La telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria (HHT), o síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber, se considera dentro del grupo de las enfermedades raras, pues afecta a 1 de cada 3.000 a 8.000 individuos. Tiene un patrón de herencia autosómica dominante y la mayor parte de los casos se debe a una alteración en la codificación de los genes endoglina (ENG) y activina receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK1), dando origen a los tipos 1 y 2, respectivamente. Esta alteración genética se traduce en una displasia del endotelio de la pared vascular debido a haploinsuficiencia para endoglina y se manifiesta clínicamente con epistaxis a repetición, telangiectasias mucocutáneas y malformaciones arteriovenosas (MAV) viscerales. A continuación, se presenta el caso clínico de una paciente pediátrica de 11 años de edad que se manifestó por disnea e hipoxemia severa debido a múltiples fístulas arteriovenosas pulmonares.
Hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT), or Rendu-Osler-Weber syndrome, is considered among rare diseases, as it affects 1 in every 3,000 to 8,000 individuals. It follows an autosomal dominant inheritance pattern, and most cases are due to alterations in the coding of the endoglin (ENG) and activin receptor-like kinase 1 (ALK1) genes, leading to types 1 and 2, respectively. This genetic alteration results in vascular endothelial dysplasia due to haploinsufficiency for endoglin and clinically manifests with recurrent epistaxis, mucocutaneous telangiectasias, and visceral arteriovenous malformations (AVMs). Herein, we present the clinical case of an 11-year-old pediatric patient who exhibited severe dyspnea and hypoxemia due to multiple pulmonary arteriovenous fistulas.
Humans , Male , Child , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic/complications , Arteriovenous Malformations/therapy , Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic/diagnosis , Dyspnea/etiology , Embolization, Therapeutic , Hypoxia/etiologyABSTRACT
Abstract It is not common to encounter arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) during total hip arthroplasty (THA). We report the present case to draw attention to the possibility of an AVM during the direct anterior approach (DAA) for THA, which, if not borne in mind, may lead to the myriad of complications related to excessive bleeding. An 81-year-old female presented to the emergency department with a left femoral neck fracture. She elected to undergo a THA via the DAA. Abnormal appearing blood vessels were present near the ascending circumflex branches, which provided difficulty in achieving hemostasis. Excessive blood loss was noted, and the patient received one unit of packed red blood cells during the operation. Hemoglobin and hematocrit dropped in the days following surgery, requiring several additional transfusions of blood products. When the patient complained of progressive left leg swelling on postoperative day 3, a computed tomography revealed large hematomas within the left adductors and the left iliopsoas muscle. Active extravasation was identified arising from a branch of the left profunda femoral artery, as well as an arteriovenous fistula (AVF) in this area. Bleeding was controlled by selective endovascular coil embolization. As of current knowledge, this is the first reported intraoperative discovery of congenital arteriovenous malformation (AVM) with subsequent development of postoperative arteriovenous fistula and associated symptomatic hematomas in the setting of THA using the DAA. Early recognition and intervention of vascular malformations is essential in preventing potential limb- or life-threatening surgical complication.
Resumo Não é comum encontrar malformações arteriovenosas (MAV) durante a artroplastia total do quadril (ATQ). Relatamos o presente caso para chamar a atenção para a possibilidade de uma MAV durante a abordagem anterior direta (AAD) para ATQ, que se não for considerada, pode levar a uma miríade de complicações relacionadas ao sangramento excessivo. Uma mulher de 81 anos foi apresentada ao pronto-socorro com fratura no pescoço do fêmur esquerdo. Ela optou por se submeter a uma artroplastia total do quadril (ATQ) através da AAD. Vasos sanguíneos aparentemente anormais estavam presentes perto dos ramos circunflexos ascendentes, proporcionando dificuldade em alcançar hemostasia. A perda excessiva de sangue foi notada e a paciente recebeu uma unidade de glóbulos vermelhos embalados durante a operação. Hemoglobina e hematócrito caíram nos dias seguintes à cirurgia, exigindo várias transfusões adicionais de produtos sanguíneos. Quando a paciente reclamou de inchaço progressivo na perna esquerda no terceiro dia pós-operatório, a tomografia computadorizada revelou hematomas grandes dentro dos adutores esquerdos e do músculo iliopsoas esquerdo. A extravasão ativa foi identificada a partir de um ramo da artéria femoral esquerda, bem como de uma fístula arteriovenosa (FAV) nesta área. O sangramento foi controlado por embolização seletiva da bobina endovascular. A partir do conhecimento atual, esta é a primeira descoberta intraoperatória relatada de MAC congênita com desenvolvimento subsequente de FAV pós-operatória e hematomas sintomáticos associados no cenário de ATQ utilizando a AAD. O reconhecimento precoce e a intervenção de malformações vasculares são essenciais para prevenir possíveis complicações cirúrgicas de membros ou de risco de vida.
Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Arteriovenous Malformations , Arthroplasty, Replacement, HipABSTRACT
Abstract Mucoid degeneration of the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) is an uncommon cause of pain in the posterior region of the knee, of unknown pathophysiology and underdiagnosed. The best treatment modality is still under discussion. Resection of the lesion with partial ACL debridement has shown good results without the occurrence of instability. The authors present a case of mucoid degeneration of the ACL treated with resection of the mucoid degeneration and partial debridement of the ACL by arthroscopy.
Resumo A degeneração mucoide do ligamento cruzado anterior (LCA) é uma causa pouco frequente de dor na região posterior do joelho, de patofisiologia desconhecida e subdiagnosticada. A melhor modalidade de tratamento ainda está em discussão. A ressecção da lesão com desbridamento parcial do LCA tem apresentado bons resultados, sem a ocorrência de instabilidade. Os autores apresentam um caso de degeneração mucoide do LCA tratado com ressecção da degeneração mucoide e desbridamento parcial do LCA por artroscopia.
Humans , Female , Aged, 80 and over , Arteriovenous Malformations , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Vascular MalformationsABSTRACT
O presente estudo tem como objetivo relatar o caso de uma paciente com malformação arteriovenosa uterina, efetivamente tratada com embolização seletiva e com fertilidade preservada. A malformação arteriovenosa uterina é uma alteração vascular rara até então pouco descrita na literatura. A paciente do sexo feminino apresentou quadro de sangramento uterino anormal, com início 30 dias após um abortamento, sem realização de curetagem, de uma gestação resultante de fertilização in vitro. Foram, então, realizados exames de imagem, que levaram ao diagnóstico de malformação arteriovenosa uterina. O tratamento de escolha foi a embolização arterial seletiva, com resolução do caso. Após sete meses, nova fertilização in vitro foi realizada, encontrando-se na 36a semana de gestação. São necessários mais estudos sobre essa malformação a fim de que sejam estabelecidos os métodos mais eficazes para o manejo de casos futuros, especialmente quando há desejo de gestar.
The present study aims to report the case of a patient with uterine arteriovenous malformation, effectively treated with selective embolization and with preserved fertility. Uterine arteriovenous malformation is a rare vascular disorder that has so far been rarely described in the literature. Female patient presented with abnormal uterine bleeding, starting 30 days after an abortion without subsequent curettage, of a pregnancy resulting from in vitro fertilization. Imaging tests were then performed that led to the diagnosis of uterine arteriovenous malformation. The treatment of choice was selective arterial embolization, with successful results. After seven months, a new in vitro fertilization was performed, being in the 36th week of pregnancy. Further studies on this pathology are needed in order to establish the most effective methods for the management of future cases, especially when there is a desire to become pregnant.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Arteriovenous Malformations/drug therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Uterine Hemorrhage/drug therapy , Uterus/diagnostic imaging , Case Reports , Diagnostic Imaging , Women's Health , Endometritis/drug therapy , Uterine Artery Embolization/instrumentation , Adenomyosis/drug therapy , Gynecology , Infertility, Female/complications , ObstetricsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This report describes a case of retinal racemose hemangioma that first presented as a vitreous hemorrhage. The authors present the case of a 47-year-old woman with a sudden 5-day painless visual loss in her left eye. At the first visit, the best-correct visual acuities were 20/20 in the right eye and hand motions in the left eyes. Ultrasonography showed an attached retina and a massive vitreous hemorrhage. Pars plana vitrectomy was performed and a dilatation of large vessels was detected bulging from the optic disc. The best-correct visual acuities on day 30 postoperatively was 20/25 in the left eye. Fundus angiography and spectral-domain optical coherence tomography angiography showed anomalous arteriovenous communications with no intervening capillaries. The diagnosis was racemose hemangioma, an arteriovenous malformation of group 2 retina based on the Archer classification.
RESUMO Este relato descreve um caso de hemangioma racemoso da retina que se apresentou inicialmente como hemorragia vítrea. Os autores apresentam o caso de uma mulher de 47 anos com perda visual súbita e indolor 5 dias antes no olho esquerdo. Na primeira visita, a melhor acuidade visual corrigida foi de 20/20 no olho direito e movimentos das mãos no olho esquerdo. A ultrassonografia mostrou uma retina aderida e uma hemorragia vítrea maciça. Foi realizada vitrectomia pars plana, sendo detectada proliferação de grandes vasos salientes do disco óptico. A acuidade visual no dia 30 de pós-operatório foi de 20/25 no olho esquerdo. A angiografia de retina e a angiotomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral mostraram comunicações arteriovenosas anômalas sem capilares intermediários. O diagnóstico foi hemangioma racemoso, uma malformação arteriovenosa da retina do grupo 2 com base na classificação de Archer.
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Retinal Vessels/abnormalities , Vitreous Hemorrhage/etiology , Angiography , Hemangioma/complications , Arteriovenous Malformations/surgery , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnosis , Retinal Diseases , Retinal Vessels/diagnostic imaging , Vitrectomy , Vitreous Hemorrhage/surgery , Vitreous Hemorrhage/diagnosis , Ultrasonography , Tomography, Optical Coherence , Hemangioma/surgery , Hemangioma/diagnosisABSTRACT
Las malformaciones arteriovenosas pulmonares (MAVP) consisten en comunicaciones directas entre el sistema arterial y el sistema venoso pulmonar, sin paso de la sangre por el lecho capilar, produciéndose un cortocircuito de derecha a izquierda extracardíaco, pueden ser congénitas o adquiridas. Algunos casos pueden ser asintomáticos, en cambio en otros pueden ocasionar diversas manifestaciones clínicas y se pueden asociar a complicaciones severas. En niños se observa una baja incidencia y son más frecuentes las formas congénitas. La MAVP se debe sospechar por las manifestaciones clínicas y las imágenes de la radiografía de tórax (RxTx) y su confirmación se realiza mediante una AngioTomografía Computada (TC) de tórax. La embolización endovascular es actualmente el tratamiento de elección, con excelentes resultados, aunque requiere de un seguimiento posterior y de un operador experimentado. Reportamos el caso de una niña que ingresó con clínica muy sugerente, incluyendo: disnea, acropaquia, cianosis periférica, e hipoxemia refractaria. Sin embargo, inicialmente el cuadro clínico fue confundido con una crisis asmática. La Angio-TC de tórax confirmó el diagnóstico y el tratamiento mediante embolización endovascular resultó exitoso.
Pulmonary arteriovenous malformations (PAVM) are communications between the arterial and the pulmonary venous system, without passage of blood through the capillary bed, causing a left to right extracardiac shunt. Some cases may be asymptomatic, while others may cause various clinical manifestations and may be associated with severe complications. In children a low incidence is observed, and congenital forms are more frequent. PAVM should be suspected by clinical manifestations and chest x-ray imaging and confirmed by chest Computed Tomography Angiography (CTA). Endovascular embolization is currently the treatment of choice, with excellent results, although it requires subsequent follow-up. We report a patient who was admitted with a very suggestive clinical history, including: dyspnea, clubbing, peripheral cyanosis, and severe hypoxemia, refractory to oxygen therapy. However, initially the clinical picture was confounded with an asthmatic crisis. CTA confirmed the diagnosis and treatment by endovascular embolization was successful.
Humans , Female , Child , Arteriovenous Malformations/therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Veins/diagnostic imaging , Pulmonary Artery/abnormalities , Pulmonary Veins/abnormalities , Radiography, Thoracic , Embolization, Therapeutic , Computed Tomography Angiography , Oxygen Saturation , HypoxiaABSTRACT
A doença trofoblástica gestacional (DTG) agrupa um conjunto de anomalias do desenvolvimento trofoblástico, que incluem formas clínicas benignas como a mola hidatiforme completa e parcial, o nódulo do sítio placentário atípico e o sítio trofoblástico exagerado, e malignas, caracterizando a neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG). De modo geral, seu diagnóstico precoce antecipa complicações clínicas que podem estar associadas a near miss obstétrico. Diante da suspeição clínica, é a ultrassonografia (US) precoce o exame de escolha pa ra o diagnóstico, associado à dosagem sérica de gonadotrofina coriônica humana, capaz de minimizar a ocorrência de complicações clínicas associadas à gravidez molar. Nos casos de NTG, é a US também de grande valia para estadiamento, avaliação de prognóstico e acompanhamento da mulher tratada para DTG. Este estudo faz uma revisão sobre o papel da US na DTG, sendo importante para familiarizar os tocoginecologistas com essa doença e salientar o papel da US consoante as melhores práticas clínicas.(AU)
Gestational trophoblastic disease (GTD) includes a set of trophoblastic developmental anomalies, which include benign forms such as complete and partial hydatidiform mole, atypical placental site nodule and exaggerated trophoblastic site, and malignant forms, characterizing gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). In general, its early diagnosis anticipates clinical complications that could be associated with obstetric near miss. In view of clinical suspicion, early ultrasonography (US) and serum levels of human chorionic gonadotropin are the best diagnostic screening techniques, able to minimizing the occurrence of medical complications associated with molar pregnancy. In cases of GTN, US is also of great value for staging, assessment of prognosis and follow-up of women treated for GTN. This study reviews the role of US in GTD, being important to familiarize tocogynecologists with this disease and highlight the role of US according to best clinical practices to minimize the morbidity of these patients and maximize the remission rates of this disease.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Ultrasonography, Interventional/methods , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/diagnostic imaging , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Choriocarcinoma/congenital , Hydatidiform Mole/congenital , Databases, Bibliographic , Trophoblastic Tumor, Placental Site/congenital , Hydatidiform Mole, Invasive/congenital , Trophoblastic Neoplasms/congenital , Early DiagnosisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT BACKGROUND: Congenital vascular anomalies and hemangiomas (CVAH) such as infantile hemangiomas, port-wine stains and brain arteriovenous malformations (AVMs) impair patients' lives and may require treatment if complications occur. However, a great variety of treatments for those conditions exist and the best interventions remain under discussion. OBJECTIVE: To summarize Cochrane systematic review (SR) evidence on treatments for CVAH. DESIGN AND SETTING: Review of SRs conducted in the Division of Vascular and Endovascular Surgery of Universidade Federal de São Paulo, Brazil. METHODS: A broad search was conducted on March 9, 2021, in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews to retrieve any Cochrane SRs that assessed treatments for CVAH. The key characteristics and results of all SRs included were summarized and discussed. RESULTS: A total of three SRs fulfilled the inclusion criteria and were presented as a qualitative synthesis. One SR reported a significant clinical reduction of skin redness by at least 20%, with more pain, among 103 participants with port-wine stains. One SR reported that propranolol improved the likelihood of clearance 13 to 16-fold among 312 children with hemangiomas. One SR reported that the relative risk of death or dependence was 2.53 times greater in the intervention arm than with conservative management, among 218 participants with brain AVMs. CONCLUSION: Cochrane reviews suggest that treatment of port-wine stains with pulsed-dye laser improves redness; propranolol remains the best option for infantile hemangiomas; and conservative management seems to be superior to surgical intervention for treating brain AVMs.
Arteriovenous Malformations/therapy , Port-Wine Stain/surgery , Hemangioma/therapy , Brazil , Systematic Reviews as TopicSubject(s)
Humans , Female , Aged , Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnosis , Diverticulum/complications , Diverticulum/diagnosis , Jejunal Diseases/complications , Jejunal Diseases/diagnosis , Arteriovenous Malformations/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Diverticulum/surgery , Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage/etiology , Jejunal Diseases/surgery , LaparotomyABSTRACT
A síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber, ou telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditária (THH), é uma doença autossômica dominante de penetrância variável que altera a camada muscular e elástica da parede dos vasos sanguíneos, causando neles grande fragilidade e dilatação e tornando-os suscetíveis a sangramentos secundários, a traumatismos e malformações arteriovenosas (MAV) sendo elas as mais comuns no cérebro, nos pulmões e no trato gastrointestinal e hepático. Este relato de caso tem como objetivo realizar uma revisão sobre essa síndrome, bem como a respeito da melhor terapia e do melhor manejo para sangramentos gastrointestinais por angiectasias. Trata-se de uma paciente de 62 anos de idade, com episódio de hematêmese e melena recorrentes, que foi admitida instável hemodinamicamente e com queda importante dos níveis de hemoglobina, necessitando de múltiplas transfusões sanguíneas. Após entrevista clínica, que chamou a atenção para o histórico familiar de quadros similares, epistaxes recorrentes associados ao exame físico e angiectasias gástricas à endoscopia digestiva alta, foi atribuído o diagnóstico de síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber. Angiectasias foram erradicadas com terapia endoscópica usando plasma de argônio. A THH é uma doença subdiagnosticada que merece atenção especial por conta do seu risco de causar hemorragias graves com expressão fenotípica mais aflorada com o avançar da idade. Por seu cunho hereditário, faz-se necessário um acompanhamento médico linear com a família para evitar complicações secundárias da doença, bem como para o manejo adequado de suas apresentações.
Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome or hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia (HHT) is an autosomal dominant disease that changes the muscular and elastic layer of the blood vessel wall, making them fragile and more susceptible to bleeding secondary to trauma and arteriovenous malformations (AVM) a condition that commonly affects the brain, lungs, gastrointestinal tract, and liver. This study aims to perform a literature review on this syndrome, as well as on the best treatment and management for gastrointestinal bleeding from angioctasia. To this end, it reports the case of a 62-year-old female patient with recurrent episodes of hematemesis and melena, who was admitted to hospital with hemodynamic instability and low hemoglobin levels, requiring multiple blood transfusions. After clinical interview, which indicated family history of recurrent epistaxis, physical examination, and upper digestive endoscopy showing gastric angiectasias, the patient was diagnosed with Osler-Weber-Rendu syndrome. Angiectasias were treated with endoscopic argon plasma. Considering the risk of severe hemorrhages and its more pronounced phenotypic expression with advancing age, HHT is an underdiagnosed disease that deserves special attention. Due to its hereditary nature, a linear medical follow-up with the family is necessary to avoid secondary complications of the disease, as well as the proper management of its presentations.
El síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber o telangiectasia hemorrágica hereditaria (THH) es una enfermedad autosómica dominante de penetrancia variable, que modifica la capa muscular y elástica de la pared de los vasos sanguíneos, provocando una gran fragilidad y dilatación de estas, haciéndolas susceptibles a hemorragias secundarias a trauma y malformaciones arteriovenosas (MAV), que son las más comunes en el cerebro, pulmones, tracto gastrointestinal e hígado. Este estudio tiene como objetivo realizar una revisión de este síndrome, así como la mejor terapia y manejo del sangrado gastrointestinal por angioctasia en esta patología. Se trata de un paciente de 62 años, con episodio de hematemesis recurrente y melena, que ingresa hemodinámicamente inestable y con descenso significativo de los niveles de hemoglobina, requiriendo múltiples transfusiones sanguíneas. Tras entrevista clínica, destacando los antecedentes familiares de patologías similares, epistaxis recurrente, exploración física y angiectasias gástricas a endoscopia digestiva alta, se asignó el diagnóstico de síndrome de Rendu-Osler-Weber. Las angiectasias se erradicaron con terapia endoscópica con plasma de argón. La HHT es una enfermedad infradiagnosticada que merece una atención especial por su riesgo de hemorragias severas, con una expresión fenotípica más pronunciada con el avance de la edad. Además de su carácter hereditario, es necesario un seguimiento médico lineal con la familia para evitar complicaciones secundarias de la enfermedad, así como el adecuado manejo de sus presentaciones.
Humans , Arteriovenous Malformations , Telangiectasia, Hereditary Hemorrhagic , Blood Vessels , Gastrointestinal TractABSTRACT
Introducción. Las malformaciones vasculares cerebrales de alto flujo son poco comunes en la edad pediátrica. El objetivo del trabajo es diferenciar y agrupar estas enfermedades según edad de debut, manifestaciones clínicas y angioarquitectura.Población y método. Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo y observacional. Se analizaron las historias clínicas, los estudios por imágenes y los protocolos de procedimientos de pacientes del Hospital J. P. Garrahan con diagnóstico de malformaciones vasculares cerebrales desde enero de 2010 hasta enero de 2020.Resultados. Ciento ochenta y tres pacientes cumplieron los criterios de inclusión. Se identificaron 131 pacientes con malformaciones arteriovenosas con nido (MAV) y 52 con fístulas directas (sin nido), entre los que se hallaron 19 malformaciones aneurismáticas de vena de Galeno, 23 fístulas piales y 10 fístulas durales. La edad promedio fue de 105 meses para las MAV, 1,7 meses para las malformaciones aneurismáticas de vena de Galeno, 60,5 meses para fístulas piales y 41 meses para fístulas durales.Conclusión. Según su angioarquitectura, las malformaciones vasculares cerebrales de alto flujo tuvieron nido (MAV) o fueron fístulas directas (malformaciones aneurismáticas de vena de Galeno, fístulas piales y fístulas durales). Las MAV se manifestaron a partir de la primera infancia, sobre todo, por hemorragia intracraneana. Las fístulas directas se expresaron en la primera etapa de la vida, frecuentemente, con insuficiencia cardíaca.
Introduction. High-flow vascular malformations of the brain are uncommon in pediatrics. The objective of this study is to establish the differences among these pathologies and group them by age at onset, clinical manifestations, and angioarchitecture.Population and method. This was a retrospective and observational study. The medical records, imaging studies, and procedure protocols of patients seen at Hospital J. P. Garrahan diagnosed with vascular malformations of the brain between January 2010 and January 2020 were analyzed.Results. A total of 183 patients met the inclusion criteria. It was possible to identify 131 patients with arteriovenous malformations with a nidus (AVMs) and 52 with direct fistulas (without a nidus), including 19 vein of Galen aneurysmal malformations, 23 pial fistulas, and 10 dural fistulas. The average age of patients was 105 months for AVMs, 1.7 months for vein of Galen aneurysmal malformations, 60.5 months for pial fistulas, and 41 months for dural fistulas.Conclusion. Based on their angioarchitecture, high-flow vascular malformations of the brain presented a nidus (AVMs) or direct fistulas (vein of Galen aneurysmal malformations, pial fistulas, and dural fistulas). AVMs were observed in early childhood, especially due to intracranial hemorrhage. Direct fistulas occurred in the first stage of life, commonly with heart failure.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Arteriovenous Malformations/therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Retrospective Studies , Arteriovenous Fistula/therapy , Arteriovenous Fistula/diagnostic imaging , Intracranial Hemorrhages , Vein of Galen Malformations/therapy , Vein of Galen Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Heart FailureABSTRACT
Abstract Complete hydatidiform mole (CHM) is a rare type of pregnancy, in which 15 to 20% of the cases may develop into gestational trophoblastic neoplasia (GTN). The diagnostic of GTN must be done as early as possible through weekly surveillance of serum hCG after uterine evacuation.We report the case of 23-year-old primigravida, with CHM but without surveillance of hCG after uterine evacuation. Two months later, the patient presented to the emergency with vaginal bleeding and was referred to the Centro de Doenças Trofoblásticas do Hospital São Paulo. She was diagnosed with high risk GTN stage/score III:7 as per The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics/World Health Organization (FIGO/WHO). The sonographic examination revealed enlarged uterus with a heterogeneous mass constituted of multiple large vessels invading and causing disarrangement of the myometrium. The patient evolved with progressive worsening of vaginal bleeding after chemotherapy with etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide and vincristine (EMA-CO) regimen. She underwent blood transfusion and embolization of uterine arteries due to severe vaginal hemorrhage episodes, with complete control of bleeding. The hCG reached a negative value after the third cycle, and there was a complete regression of the anomalous vascularization of the uterus as well as full recovery of the uterine anatomy. The treatment in a reference center was essential for the appropriate management, especially regarding the uterine arteries embolization trough percutaneous femoral
Resumo Mola hidatiforme completa (MHC) é um tipo raro de gravidez, na qual 15 a 20% dos casos podem desenvolver neoplasia trofoblástica gestacional (NTG). O diagnóstico de NTG deve ser feito o mais cedo possível, pelo monitoramento semanal do hCG sérico após esvaziamento uterino. Relatamos o caso de uma paciente primigesta, de 23 anos de idade, com MHC, sem vigilância de hCG após esvaziamento uterino. Dois meses depois, a paciente compareceu na emergência com sangramento vaginal, sendo encaminhada ao Centro de Doenças Trofoblásticas do Hospital São Paulo, onde foi diagnosticada com NTG de alto risco, estádio e score de risco III:7 de acordo com a The International Federation of Gynecology and Obstetrics/Organização Mundial de Saúde (FIGO/OMS). O exame ultrassonográfico revelou útero aumentado com uma massa heterogênea constituída pormúltiplos vasos volumosos invadindo e desestruturando o miométrio. A paciente evoluiu com piora progressiva do sangramento vaginal após quimioterapia com o regime etoposide, methotrexate, actinomycin D, cyclophosphamide and vincristine (EMA-CO). Ela foi submetida a transfusão de sangue e embolização das artérias uterinas devido aos episódios graves de hemorragia vaginal, com completo controle do sangramento. O hCG atingiu valor negativo após o terceiro ciclo, havendo regressão completa da vascularização uterina anômala, assim como recuperação da anatomia uterina. O tratamento em um centro de referência permitiu o manejo adequado, principalmente no que se refere à embolização das artérias uterinas através da punção percutânea da artéria femoral, que foi crucial para evitar a histerectomia, permitindo a cura da NTG e a manutenção da vida reprodutiva.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Young Adult , Arteriovenous Malformations/complications , Uterine Hemorrhage/therapy , Antineoplastic Combined Chemotherapy Protocols/therapeutic use , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/complications , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/drug therapy , Embolization, Therapeutic , Uterine Hemorrhage/etiology , Uterine Hemorrhage/diagnostic imaging , Vincristine/therapeutic use , Methotrexate/therapeutic use , Ultrasonography, Prenatal , Pregnancy, High-Risk , Cyclophosphamide/therapeutic use , Dactinomycin/therapeutic use , Gestational Trophoblastic Disease/diagnostic imaging , Etoposide/therapeutic use , Uterine ArteryABSTRACT
A retrospective study was performed to describe the demographic and clinicopathological characteristics of cases of vascular anomalies in a Brazilian population. The data of cases diagnosed as vascular anomalies over a period of 46 years, were retrieved from the archives of the Pathological Anatomy Service of the Department of Dentistry of Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte. Information about sex, age, race, diagnosis, location, and clinical characteristics was extracted. A database was created for analysis in the SPSS system and description of the results. The sample consisted of 597 cases categorized as follows: pyogenic granuloma (n = 454), infantile hemangioma (n = 57), vascular malformation (n = 37), lymphangioma (n = 20), hemangiolymph angioma (n = 10), vascular thrombus (n = 7), hemangio endothelioma (n = 5), angiofibroma (n = 1), hemangioendothelio sarcoma (n = 1), and Kaposi sarcoma (n = 5). Overall, there was a predominance of females (64.2 %), white race (54.2 %), and patients in the 3rd and 4th decades of life. Most cases affected the gingiva/ ridge (44.75 %), had a red/reddish color (60.07 %), sessile implantation (52.4 %), soft consistency (52.7 %) and nodular appearance (53, 9 %), and were non-hemorrhagic (51.3 %) and asymptomatic (76.6 %). The demographic and clinicopathological findings obtained for most of the vascular lesions analyzed are similar to those reported in published studies involving other populations. Knowledge of the particularities of these disorders is important for appropriate diagnosis and treatment decision.
Se realizó un estudio retrospectivo para describir las características demográficas y clínico-patológicas de casos de anomalías vasculares en una población brasileña. Los datos de los casos diagnosticados como anomalías vasculares durante un período de 46 años, fueron obtenidos de los archivos del Servicio de Anatomía Patológica del Departamento de Odontología de la Universidade Federal de Rio Grande do Norte. Se analizó la información de sexo, edad, raza, diagnóstico, ubicación y características clínicas, y se creó una base de datos para análisis en el sistema SPSS y descripción de los resultados. La muestra consistió de 597 casos categorizados de la siguiente manera: granuloma piógeno (n = 454), hemangioma infantil (n = 57), malformación vascular (n = 37), linfangioma (n = 20), hemangiolinfangioma (n = 10), trombo vascular (n = 7), hemangioendotelioma (n = 5), angiofibroma (n = 1), hemangioendoteliosarcoma (n = 1) y sarcoma de Kaposi (n = 5). En general predominaron las mujeres de raza blanca (64,2 %), (54,2 %), y pacientes en la 3ª y 4ª década de la vida. La mayoría de los casos afectaban la encía / cresta (44,75 %), tenían un color rojo / rojizo (60,07 %), implantación sésil (52,4 %), consistencia blanda (52,7 %) y apariencia nodular (53,9 %), no hemorrágicos (51,3 %) y asintomáticos (76,6 %). Los hallazgos demográficos y clínico-patológicos de la mayoría de las lesiones vasculares analizadas son similares a los reportados en la literatura de otras poblaciones. El conocimiento de las particularidades de estos trastornos es importante para el diagnóstico y la decisión de tratamientos adecuados.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Arteriovenous Malformations/diagnosis , Hemangioma/epidemiology , Arteriovenous Malformations/surgery , Brazil/epidemiology , Photomicrography/methods , Retrospective Studies , Sociodemographic FactorsABSTRACT
A girl, aged 15 years, was admitted due to sudden convulsion once and multiple pulmonary nodules on lung CT. Acrocyanosis or acropachy/toe deformity was not observed. Laboratory examinations showed an increase in hemoglobin (162 g/L) and a reduction in arterial partial pressure of oxygen (61.5 mm Hg). Lung CT showed irregular slightly high-density nodules in the middle lobe of the right lung, and contrast-enhanced CT scan showed obvious enhancement with thick vascular shadow locally. An investigation of medical history revealed that the girl's mother had a history of epistaxis and resection of pulmonary mass and the girl presented with tongue telangiectasia. The girl was diagnosed with hereditary hemorrhagic telangiectasia and pulmonary arteriovenous malformation. she was given interventional embolization therapy. Transcutaneous oxygen saturation reached 98% without oxygen inhalation on the day after surgery. Pulmonary angiography at 3 months after surgery showed the recurrence of pulmonary vascular malformation, and embolization of pulmonary arterial fistula was not performed since the guide wire could not enter the branch artery. There was still a need for long-term follow-up.
Adolescent , Female , Humans , Arteriovenous Fistula , Arteriovenous Malformations , Multiple Pulmonary Nodules , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Pulmonary Artery/diagnostic imaging , SeizuresABSTRACT
Neonates with vein of Galen aneurysmal malformation (VGAM) presenting with severe cardiac failure and pulmonary hypertension represent a challenge for endovascular therapy.When early treatment is required, the small femoral arteries in this population are usually difficult to cannulate. Alternatively, the umbilical vessels offer a natural pathway to reach the lesion. Therefore, prenatal diagnosis of VGAM allows for delivery planning, perinatal management, and embolization through umbilical approach, thus leading to better outcomes.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Prenatal Diagnosis , Umbilical Cord , Vein of Galen Malformations/complications , Vein of Galen Malformations/therapy , Arteriovenous Malformations/therapy , Vein of Galen Malformations/diagnostic imaging , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Fetal Diseases/diagnostic imagingABSTRACT
@#Arteriovenous malformations (AVM) are vascular disorders with a mixture of arterial, venous and small capillary-like channels with fistulous connections. Uterine arteriovenous malformations are rare cause of abnormal uterine bleeding with only a few reported cases. They may arise from pregnancy, miscarriage, previous cesarean section or other uterine surgery and gestational trophoblastic disease. Diagnosis can be made through angiography or doppler ultrasonography. Traditionally, uterine AVMs are treated with hysterectomy but with the advances in technology, minimally invasive conservative approaches such as radiologic arterial embolization or laparoscopic uterine artery ligation have become available. We present a case of a 29-year-old, G2P1 (1011) who had a three- month history of heavy, intermittent vaginal bleeding from uterine arteriovenous malformation after a miscarriage. Laparoscopic bilateral uterine artery occlusion, offered a minimally invasive treatment with high symptomatic effectiveness.