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Rev. bras. ortop ; 58(5): 813-817, Sept.-Oct. 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1529952


Abstract The authors present an atypical case of a left elbow complex fracture with extensive loss of bone and muscle tissue. The patient was submitted to several surgical procedures, which resulted in a total arthroplasty of the left elbow with triceps reconstruction using a semitendinosus muscle tendon graft.

Resumo Os autores apresentam um caso atípico de fratura complexa do cotovelo esquerdo com perda extensa de tecido ósseo e muscular. O paciente foi submetido a diversos procedimentos cirúrgicos, que resultaram em uma artroplastia total do cotovelo esquerdo associada à reconstrução do tríceps com enxerto do tendão do músculo semitendíneo.

Humans , Male , Adolescent , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Elbow Joint , Elbow Prosthesis , Elbow Fractures
Artrosc. (B. Aires) ; 30(1): 1-7, 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1427235


Cambiar, o no, la patela ha sido motivo de controversia durante muchos años. Las complicaciones asociadas al aparato extensor y el dolor anterior de rodilla representan un problema recurrente en la cirugía protésica de rodilla. En prótesis total de rodilla (PTR) nos encontramos con tres principales posibilidades: siempre cambiar la patela, nunca cambiarla, o hacer un recambio selectivo dependiendo de las características del paciente. En caso de no realizar recambio, se han descripto procedimientos asociados como la pateloplastia o la denervación de la patela. Y los autores que postulan recambio selectivo han evidenciado diversos factores que ayudarían a tomar la decisión, tales como el índice de masa corporal, grado de artrosis, edad, o anatomía patelar, entre otros. Existe una vasta cantidad de publicaciones científicas en torno al recambio patelar. En esta revisión de la literatura se discutirá qué dice la evidencia respecto de las opciones descriptas (recambio selectivo, siempre o nunca) y se concluirá con la opinión de los autores sobre lo más adecuado según la evidencia

Whether to change the patella, or not, has been a matter of controversy for many years. Complications associated with the extensor apparatus and anterior knee pain represent a recurring problem in knee replacement surgery.In total knee prosthesis (TKP) we find three main possibilities: always change the patella, never change it, or make a selective replacement depending on the patient characteristics. If replacement is not performed, associated procedures such as patelloplasty or patella denervation have been described. And the authors who postulate selective replacement have evidenced various factors that would help to make the decision, such as: body mass index, osteoarthritis degree, age, or patellar anatomy, among others.There is a vast number of scientific publications on patellar turnover. In this review of the literature, we will discuss what the evidence says regarding the options described (selective replacement, always or never) and it will conclude with the opinion of the authors on what is most appropriate according to the evidence

Patella/surgery , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Knee Joint/surgery
Rev. venez. cir. ortop. traumatol ; 54(2): 86-95, dic. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1516420


El objetivo de este trabajo es determinar las mediciones radiológicas del extremo proximal del fémur en pacientes adultos cuyos casos fueron presentados en las discusiones clínico-radiológicas del servicio de Traumatología y Ortopedia del Hospital Central de San Cristóbal entre 2015 y 2021. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo, transversal, que incluyó los estudios radiológicos de cadera sana en proyección anteroposterior de pelvis centrada en pubis con rotación interna de 15 %, de 126 pacientes entre 20 y 95 años. Se midieron: ángulo cervicodiafisario, lateralización femoral, longitud y ancho del cuello femoral y diámetro de la circunferencia cefálica, mediante el sotfware MicroDicom DICOM 4.0.0. La media de ángulo cervicodiafisario fue 130,8 ± 4,5 grados, en 57 individuos (45,2 %) estuvo entre 127,4 y 133,3 grados (p = 0,001); la circunferencia cefálica media fue 42,0 ± 2,4 mm, en 60 personas (47,6 %) estuvo entre 40,2 y 45,7 mm (p = 0,001); la longitud cervical media fue 78,6 ± 16,4 mm, en 54 individuos (42,9 %) estuvo entre 69,4 y 92 mm (p = 0,001); el ancho cervical medio fue 75,9 ± 12,1 mm, en 64 casos, (50,8 %) estuvo entre 62,9 y 78,7 mm (p = 0,001). En 60 individuos (47,6 %) la lateralización del fémur estuvo entre 92,6 - 117,7 mm. Las medidas son independientes del sexo; a medida que aumenta la edad, el ángulo cervicodiafisario es menor (p= 0,021). Se realizaron tablas percentiladas de las medidas radiológicas del extremo proximal del fémur, según edad y sexo, que pueden servir de referencia en pacientes futuros(AU)

The objective of this work is to determine the radiological measurements of the proximal end of the femur in adult patients whose cases were presented in the clinical-radiological discussions of the Traumatology and Orthopedics service of the Central Hospital of San Cristóbal between 2015 and 2021. A prospective study was carried out, descriptive, crosssectional, which included radiological studies of a healthy hip in anteroposterior projection of the pelvis centered on the pubis with internal rotation of 15%, of 126 patients between 20 and 95 years of age. The following were measured: cervicodiaphyseal angle, femoral lateralization, length and width of the femoral neck, and diameter of the head circumference, using the MicroDicom DICOM 4.0.0 software. The mean neck-diaphyseal angle was 130.8 ± 4.5 degrees, in 57 individuals (45.2%) it was between 127.4 and 133.3 degrees (p = 0.001); the mean head circumference was 42.0 ± 2.4 mm, in 60 people (47.6%) it was between 40.2 and 45.7 mm (p = 0.001); the mean cervical length was 78.6 ± 16.4 mm, in 54 individuals (42.9 %) it was between 69.4 and 92 mm (p = 0.001); the mean cervical width was 75.9 ± 12.1 mm, in 64 cases (50.8%) it was between 62.9 and 78.7 mm (p= 0.001). In 60 individuals (47.6%), the lateralization of the femur was between 92.6 - 117.7 mm. The measurements are independent of sex; as age increases, the cervical shaft angle is less (p= 0.021). Percentage tables of the radiological measurements of the proximal end of the femur were made, according to age and sex, which can serve as a reference in future patients(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Femur/surgery , Hip , Radiology , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Proximal Femoral Fractures , Hip Fractures/surgery
Rev. bras. ortop ; 57(1): 120-127, Jan.-Feb. 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1365755


Abstract Objectives Glenoid component failure is the main cause of total shoulder arthroplasty (TSA) revision, and component design seems to influence the failure rate. The aim of the present study was to clinically and radiographically (through X-rays and computed tomography scan) evaluate the results of TSA using a minimally cemented glenoid component. Methods Total should arthroplasties performed using the minimally cemented Anchor Peg (DuPuy Synthes, Warsaw, IN, USA) glenoid component between 2008 and 2013 were evaluated. University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) scores were calculated, and standardized plain film and computed tomography images were obtained, at a minimum follow-up of 24 months. The presence of bone between the fins of the central component peg, which indicates its integration, was assessed on the images, as well the presence of radiolucent lines around the glenoid component. Results Nineteen shoulders in 17 patients were available for evaluation. According to the UCLA score, clinical results were satisfactory in 74% of cases and fair in 21% of cases. One patient had a poor result. Component integration was found in 58% of patients (total in 42% and partial in 16%). Radiolucent lines were observed in 52% of cases. No relationship was detected between component integration and clinical results. Conclusion Satisfactory clinical results were achieved in most patients undergoing TSA using a minimally cemented glenoid component. Radiolucent lines around the glenoid component are common, but do not interfere with the clinical results. Level of evidence IV; Case series; Treatment study.

Resumo Objetivos A falha do componente glenoidal é a principal causa de revisão da artroplastia total do ombro (ATO) e sua frequência parece ser influenciada pelo design do componente. O objetivo deste estudo foi a avaliação clínica e radiográfica (através de raios X e tomografia computadorizada) dos resultados da ATO com componente glenoidal minimamente cimentado. Métodos O presente trabalho analisou ATOs realizadas com componente glenoidal Anchor Peg (DuPuy Synthes, Warsaw, IN, EUA) minimamente cimentado entre 2008 e 2013. Por um período mínimo de acompanhamento de 24 meses, escores segundo critérios da University of California at Los Angeles (UCLA) e imagens padronizadas de radiografia simples e tomografia computadorizada foram analisadas. A presença de osso entre as aletas do pino do componente central, que é um indicador de sua integração, foi avaliada nas imagens, bem como a presença de linhas radiotransparentes ao redor do componente glenoidal. Resultados Dezenove ombros de 17 pacientes foram avaliados. De acordo com o escore da UCLA, os resultados clínicos foram satisfatórios em 74% dos casos e moderados em 21% dos casos. O resultado foi ruim em um paciente. A integração de componentes foi observada em 58% dos pacientes, sendo total em 42% e parcial em 16% dos casos. Linhas radiotransparentes foram observadas em 52% dos pacientes. Nenhuma relação entre a integração de componentes e os resultados clínicos foi detectada. Conclusão A maioria dos pacientes submetidos à ATO com componente glenoidal minimamente cimentado apresentou resultados clínicos satisfatórios. Linhas radiotransparentes ao redor do componente glenoidal são comuns, mas não interferem nos resultados clínicos Nível de evidência IV; Série de caso; Estudo terapêutico.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Shoulder , Prosthesis Failure , Tomography , Radiographic Image Enhancement , Arthroplasty, Replacement
Chinese Journal of Surgery ; (12): 430-442, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878281


Prosthetic joint infection is one of the most serious complications after artificial joint replacement.Accurate diagnosis and proper standardized treatment are the keys to improve the cure rate of prosthetic joint infection,reduce the rate of recurrence and disability,and restore limb function.Regarding the diagnosis and treatment of prosthetic joint infection,although relevant research has progressed rapidly in recent years,there are still many problems that have not been well understood and explained,and there are still big differences and controversies in many aspects.This has brought a lot of confusion to clinicians during their daily practice.In order to make the diagnosis and treatment of prosthetic joint infection in China more standardized,a group of domestic experts in related fields was organized by the Joint Surgery Committee of the Chinese Orthopaedic Association to search the literature and integrate expert opinions,and compiled the "Guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of prosthetic joint infection".Those most important and clinically concerned issues are elaborated,including the diagnostic criteria, standardized diagnostic algorithm,proper application of important tests,treatment principles,and the correct selection of various treatment options.Targeted and actionable recommendations are proposed.This guideline is expected to provide references for domestic colleagues in the diagnosis and treatment of prosthetic joint infection.

Humans , Arthroplasty, Replacement/adverse effects , China , Prosthesis-Related Infections/therapy
Rev. bras. ortop ; 55(4): 426-431, Jul.-Aug. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138054


Abstract Objective The objective of the present study is to evaluate the impact evaluate the impact of an institutional protocol on a tertiary hospital for the prevention of venous thromboembolism in 2005 patients submitted to primary total knee arthroplasty (TKA). Methods Data from medical records of patients submitted TKA before (n= 1,115) and after (n= 890) the implementation of the institutional protocol, totaling 2,005 patients, were retrospectively reported. Demographics, comorbidities, and outcomes were analyzed. Results There was no significant change in the cases of deep venous thrombosis (DVT) (1.6% versus 2.4%; p= 0.211). There was an increase in cases of pulmonary embolism (PE) (0.2% versus 0.8% p= 0.049). Conclusion Despite the implementation of the prevention protocol, no reduction in the studied events was observed. The small global incidence makes further studies with larger series necessary to confirm or rule out these findings.

Resumo Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo é avaliar o impacto de um protocolo institucional em um hospital terciário na prevenção do tromboembolismo venoso em 2.005 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total primária de joelho. Métodos Os dados dos prontuários de pacientes submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho antes (n= 1.115) e após (n= 890) a implantação do protocolo institucional, totalizando 2.005 pacientes, foram relatados retrospectivamente. Dados demográficos, comorbidades e desfechos foram analisados. Resultados Não houve alteração significativa nos casos de trombose venosa profunda (TVP) (1,6% versus 2,4%; p= 0,211). Houve um aumento nos casos de embolia pulmonar (EP) (0,2% versus 0,8%; p= 0,049). Conclusão Apesar da implementação do protocolo de prevenção, não houve redução nos eventos estudados. A pequena incidência global faz com que novos estudos, com séries maiores, sejam necessários para confirmar ou descartar esses achados.

Humans , Thromboembolism/complications , Medical Records , Incidence , Surveys and Questionnaires , Risk Factors , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Venous Thrombosis , Venous Thromboembolism , Knee
Rev. bras. ortop ; 55(3): 353-359, May-June 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138026


Abstract Objective The present paper aims to evaluate the influences of individual characteristics in radiographic magnification and to identify the most accurate method for radiographic calibration. Methods During radiographical exam of 50 patients with hip prosthesis, anthropometric data was collected and 4 spherical metal markers with 25 mm diameters were positioned: at the greater trochanter level and lateral to it, over the pubic symphysis, between the thighs at the greater trochanter level, and over the exam table. Since the prosthesis head is the best internal radiographic marker for hip arthroplasty, it was our calibration parameter. Two examiners measured the markers' image for further analysis. Results The sample consisted of 50 participants, 19 of whom were male. A difference in pubic symphysis magnification was found. Other individual characteristics (weight, height and body mass index) had weak correlation. The higher accuracy of the markers was at the greater trochanter, between 68.4 and 78.9%, visualized in only19 radiographs. The marker positioned between the thighs was visualized in all radiographs, with an accuracy ranging from 30 to 46%. Conclusions Of all individual characteristics, only gender influences magnification at the pubic symphysis. We suggest the use of two spherical markers: at the greater trochanter, due the best accuracy, and between the thighs, considered the best positioning for better visibility.

Resumo Objetivo Os objetivos desse artigo são avaliar as influências das características pessoais na magnificação radiográfica e identificar o método de maior acurácia e o mais adequado. Métodos Durante o exame radiográfico em 50 pacientes com prótese de quadril, foram coletados dados antropométricos e posicionados quatro marcadores metálicos esféricos: ao nível e lateral ao trocânter maior, na sínfise púbica, ao nível do trocânter maior entre as coxas, sobre a mesa do exame. A cabeça da prótese é o melhor marcador radiográfico interno e foi o nosso parâmetro de calibragem. Dois avaliadores mediram as imagens desses marcadores para análise de resultados. Resultados Foram selecionados 50 participantes, sendo 19 do sexo masculino. Houve diferença de magnificação entre os sexos na posição sínfise púbica. As outras características pessoais avaliadas (peso, altura e índice de massa corpórea) tiveram correlação fraca. A maior acurácia do marcador foi no trocânter maior, entre 68,4 e 78,9%, visualizado em apenas 19 radiografias. O marcador entre as coxas obteve acurácia entre 30 e 46% e foi visualizado em todas as radiografias. Conclusão Das características pessoais, apenas o sexo influencia a magnificação e somente na posição da sínfise púbica. Sugerimos padronizar o uso de duas esferas: no trocanter maior, pela maior acurácia, e entre as coxas, por ser o mais adequado e com melhor visibilidade em todas radiografias.

Humans , Male , Female , Pelvis/diagnostic imaging , Prostheses and Implants , Radiographic Magnification , Body Mass Index , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Arthroplasty, Replacement, Hip , Gender Identity , Hip/surgery , Hip Prosthesis
Rev. bras. ortop ; 55(2): 232-238, Mar.-Apr. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1138006


Abstract Objective The significance of pelvic osteotomies in developed coxarthrosis is still disputable. Some authors believe that incongruence and early osteoarthritis of the articular surfaces are contraindications for joint-preserving surgery and will stimulate further progression. The opposite view is that triple pelvic osteotomy can be an alternative to early joint replacement. The present study reports the mid to long term results of adolescent patients with developed coxarthrosis treated by proximal femoral and triple pelvic osteotomies and fixed by the Ilizarov technique. Methods A retrospective review between 2002 and 2014 of the treatment of 26 patients with coxarthrosis due to developmental dysplasia of the hip (DDH). The sample was composed of 22 female and 4 male subjects with a mean age at operation of 14.7 years (range: 12-18 years) and mean follow-up of 5.9 years (range: 3-13 years). Results The initial functional results according to the Merle d'Aubigné and Postel criteria were: pain - 4.3 ± 0.05 points; range of motion - 3.6 ± 0.3 points; and gait - 4 ± 0.15 points. The average index of the weight bearing zone (WBZ) was of 38.7º ± 2.721º. The acetabular coefficient (AC) was of 162 ± 6.8, the center-edge angle (CEA) of Wiberg was of 3º ± 0.2º. The outcomes were followed up from 3 to 13 years. At the final follow-up, the radiographic outcomes showed that the value of the WBZ decreased to 8.2º ± 1.293º (0-15º), and that the AC increased to 249 ± 12.05. The average neck-shaft angle (NSA) was of 115º ± 4º, the articulo-trochanteric distance (ATD) was of 8,5 ± 1,5 mm, and the CEA of Wiberg was of 28º ± 1.6º) at the final follow-up. The distribution of the joints according to Tönnis et al was: grade I - 17 joints; grade II - 8 joints; and grade III - 1 joint. The outcomes were good for 14 patients (54%), fair for 10 patients (34.5%), and poor for 2 (11.5%) patients. Conclusion The treatment of adolescent hip dysplasia requires a proper assessment of the degree of dysplasia and the surgery needed to redirect pelvic components to achieve suitable conditions for hip remodeling, and our mid- to long-term results showed very good outcomes when applying these principles using the Ilizarov technique.

Resumo Objetivo A importância das osteotomias pélvicas na coxartrose desenvolvida ainda é discutível. Alguns autores acreditam que a incongruência e a osteoartrite inicial das superfícies articulares são contraindicação para a cirurgia de preservação articular e estimularão maior progressão. A visão oposta é a de que a osteotomia pélvica tripla pode ser uma alternativa à substituição articular precoce. Este estudo relata resultados de médio a longo prazo de pacientes adolescentes com coxartrose desenvolvida, tratados por osteotomias proximais do fêmur e pélvica tripla, fixados pela técnica de Ilizarov. Métodos Revisão retrospectiva entre 2002 e 2014 do tratamento de 26 pacientes com coxartrose devido a displasia do desenvolvimento do quadril. A amostra continha 22 mulheres e 4 homens. A idade média na operação foi de 14,7 anos (variação: 12-18 anos), e o acompanhamento médio foi de 5,9 anos (variação: 3-13). Resultados Os resultados funcionais iniciais de acordo com o método de Merle d'Aubigné e Postel foram: dor - 4,3 ± 0,05 pontos; mobilidade - 3,6 ± 0,3 pontos; e marcha - 4 ± 0,15 pontos. O valor médio do índice da zona de carga (ZC) foi 38,7º ± 2.721º. O coeficiente acetabular (CA) foi de 162 ± 6,8, e o ângulo centro-borda (ACB) de Wiberg foi de 3º ± 0,2º. Os resultados foram acompanhados por 3 a 13 anos. No acompanhamento final, os resultados radiográficos mostraram que o valor do índice da ZC diminuiu para 8.2 ± 1.293º (0º-15º), e o CA aumentou para 249 ± 12,05. A média do ângulo cervicodiafisário (ACD) foi 115º ± 4º, a distância articulotrocantérica (DAT) foi de 8,5 ± 1,5 mm, e o ACB de Wiberg foi 28º ± 1,6º no acompanhamento final. A distribuição das articulações segundo Tönnis et al foi: grau I - 17 articulações; grau II - 8 articulações; e grau III - 1 articulação. O resultado foi bom em 14 pacientes (54%), razoável em 10 pacientes (34,5%), e ruim em 2 (11.5%). Conclusão O tratamento da displasia do quadril na adolescência requer uma avaliação adequada do grau de displasia e a cirurgia necessária para reorientar os componentes pélvicos com o objetivo de alcançar condições adequadas para a remodelação do quadril. Nossos resultados de médio a longo prazo mostraram desfechos muito bons ao aplicarmos esses princípios usando a técnica de Ilizarov.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Osteotomy , Pain , General Surgery , Osteoarthritis, Hip , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Hip Dislocation
Rev. bras. ortop ; 55(1): 40-47, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1092683


Abstract Objective Historical results of arthroplasty of the first metatarsophalangeal joint (1MTP) are relatively poor; however, improvements in the understanding of the normal foot biomechanics, implant materials and design currently make arthroplasty a reasonable option in appropriately selected patients. The present study aimed to compare the clinical and radiographic results of 1MTP arthrodesis and arthroplasty in the treatment of hallux rigidus and to present a rationale for patient selection for arthroplasty. Methods A total of 36 patients (38 feet) with hallux rigidus submitted to surgery (12 arthrodesis and 26 arthroplasties) were prospectively included in the study. Pain was assessed using the visual analogue scale (VAS) and the functional status was assessed using the American Orthopedic Foot and Ankle Society Hallux Metatarsophalangeal-Interphalangeal (AOFAS-HMI) scale. Complications and radiographic results were also analyzed, and survival rates were calculated for both procedures. Results All of the patients reported significant improvement in pain and functional status after surgery. Patients submitted to arthroplasty had better functional results on the AOFAS-HMI scale (89.7 versus 65.7 points; p < 0.001) and better pain relief (VAS 1.6 versus 3.9 points; p = 0.002) when compared with the group submitted to arthrodesis. There was one case of infection in the arthroplasty group and 2 cases of pseudarthrosis in the arthrodesis group. Conclusion Arthrodesis provides pain relief and satisfactory results but alters the biomechanics of gait. Like arthrodesis, arthroplasty improves pain significantly, being a more physiological alternative to preserve the biomechanics of the foot. While the two surgical methods yielded good clinical results, selected patients submitted to arthroplasty had better clinical scores and lower revision rates.

Resumo Objetivo Historicamente, os resultados da artroplastia da primeira articulação metatarsofalângica (1MTP) eram relativamente ruins; no entanto, melhorias na compreensão da biomecânica normal do pé, nos materiais e no design dos implantes, tornam a artroplastia um tratamento aceitável em pacientes selecionados. O presente estudo pretendeu comparar os resultados clínicos e radiográficos da artrodese com os da artroplastia da 1MTP no tratamento de hallux rigidus e apresentar um racional para seleção de pacientes para artroplastia. Métodos Um total de 36 pacientes (38 pés) com hallux rigidus operados (12 artrodeses e 26 artroplastias) foram prospectivamente incluídos. A dor foi avaliada com recurso à escala visual analógica (VAS) e o resultado funcional usando a escala American Orthopaedic Foot and Ankle Society Hallux Metatarsophalangeal-Interphalangeal (AOFAS-HMI). As complicações e os resultados radiográficos foram também registrados e a taxa de sobrevida calculada para os dois procedimentos. Resultados Todos os pacientes referiram uma melhoria significativa na dor e nos resultados funcionais após a cirurgia. Os pacientes submetidos a artroplastia tiveram melhor resultado funcional na escala AOFAS-HMI (89,7 versus 65.7 pontos; p < 0.001) e melhor alívio da dor (VAS 1,6 versus 3,9 pontos; p = 0,002) quando comparados com os doentes submetidos a artrodese. Registrou-se um caso de infecção no grupo da artroplastia e 2 casos de pseudoartrose no grupo da artrodese. Conclusão A artrodese permite alívio da dor e resultados satisfatórios, mas altera a biomecânica da marcha. Tal como a artrodese, a artroplastia melhora a dor significativamente, sendo uma alternativa mais fisiológica para preservar a biomecânica do pé. Apesar dos dois tratamentos terem bons resultados clínicos, em pacientes selecionados, a artroplastia teve melhores resultados clínicos e menor taxa de revisão.

Humans , Male , Female , Pain , Arthrodesis , Arthroplasty , Pseudarthrosis , Comparative Study , Incidence , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Hallux Rigidus
Int. j. odontostomatol. (Print) ; 14(3): 363-366, 2020. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1114908


Osteochondromas are benign osteogenic tumors that can attain great size, which may require resection and additional treatment to restore the jaw's shape and function. In this report, an osteochondroma located on the mandibular ramus and neck of the condyle was resected and reconstructed simultaneously through a total joint replacement. After the surgery, the patient remains asymptomatic and recovers opening and closing ranges, phonation and the masticatory function. The immediate reconstruction after resection is a good alternative to avoid a second operation and the presurgical virtual planning ensures the complete removal of the lesion using cutting guides and covering the entire defect with a customized alloplastic joint prosthesis.

Los osteocondromas son tumores osteogénicos benignos que pueden alcanzar grandes tamaños, los cuales requieren de resección quirúrgica y generalmente de algún tratamiento adicional para restaurar la forma y la función mandibular. En este caso, un osteocondroma localizado en la rama mandibular y el cuello del cóndilo fue reseccionado y reconstruido simultáneamente a través de un reemplazo articular total. Después de la cirugía, el paciente permanece asintomático y recupera los intervalos de apertura y cierre, la fonación y la función masticatoria. La reconstrucción inmediata después de la resección es una buena alternativa para evitar una segunda operación, y la planificación virtual prequirúrgica garantiza la eliminación completa de la lesión utilizando guías de corte y cubriendo todo el defecto con una prótesis articular aloplástica personalizada.

Humans , Aged , Mandibular Neoplasms/surgery , Osteochondroma/surgery , Arthroplasty, Replacement/methods , Joint Prosthesis , Mandibular Condyle/surgery
Article in Korean | WPRIM | ID: wpr-770051


Proximal humerus fracture can be defined as a fracture that occurs in the surgical neck or proximal part of the humerus. Despite the appropriate treatment, however, various complications and sequelae can occur, and the treatment is quite difficult often requiring surgical treatment, such as a shoulder replacement. The classification of sequelae after a proximal humerus fracture is most commonly used by Boileau and can be divided into two categories and four types. Category I is an intracapsular impacted fracture that is not accompanied by important distortions between the tuberosities and humeral head. An anatomic prosthesis can be used without greater tuberosity osteotomy. In category I, there are type 1 with cephalic collapse or necrosis with minimal tuberosity malunion and type 2 related to locked dislocation or fracture-dislocation. Category II is an extracapsular dis-impacted fracture with gross distortion between the tuberosities and the humeral head. To perform an anatomic prosthesis, a tuberosity osteotomy should be performed. In category II, there are type 3 with nonunion of the surgical neck and type 4 with severe tuberosity malunion. In type 1, non-constrained arthroplasty (NCA) without a tuberosity osteotomy should be considered as a treatment. On the other hand, reverse shoulder arthroplasty (RSA) should be considered if types 1C or 1D accompanied by valgus or varus deformity or severe fatty degeneration of the rotator cuff. In general, the results are satisfactory when NCA is performed in type 2 sequelae. On the other hand, RSA can be considered as an option when there is no bony defect of the glenoid and a defect of the rotator cuff is accompanied. In type 3, it would be effective to perform internal fixation with a bone wedge graft rather than shoulder replacement arthroplasty. Recent reports on the results of RSA are also increasing. On the other hand, recent reports suggest that good results are obtained with RSA in type 3. In type 4, RSA should be considered as a first option.

Arthroplasty , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Classification , Congenital Abnormalities , Joint Dislocations , Hand , Humeral Head , Humerus , Neck , Necrosis , Osteotomy , Postoperative Complications , Prostheses and Implants , Rotator Cuff , Shoulder Fractures , Shoulder , Transplants
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-771642


Simultaneous ipsilateral fractures involving radial head and distal end of radius are uncommon. We present our thoughts on which fracture should be addressed first. A 68-year-old lady sustained an ipsilateral fracture of the right radial head and distal end of radius following a fall. Clinically her right elbow was posteriorly dislocated and right wrist was deformed. Plain radiographs showed an intraarticular fracture of the distal end of radius and a comminution radial head fracture with a proximally migrated radius. Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) showed no significant ligament injuries. We addressed her distal radius first with an anatomical locking plate followed by her radial head with a radial head replacement. Our rationale to treat the distal end radius: first was to obtain a correct alignment of Lister's tubercle and correct the distal radius height. Lister's tubercle was used to guide for the correct rotation of the radial head prosthesis. Correcting the distal end fracture radial height helped us with length selection of the radial head prosthesis and address the proximally migrated radial shaft and neck. Postoperative radiographs showed an acceptable reduction. The Cooney score was 75 at 3 months postoperatively, which was equivalent to a fair functional outcome.

Aged , Female , Humans , Accidental Falls , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Methods , Elbow Joint , Fracture Fixation, Internal , Joint Instability , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Open Fracture Reduction , Radius , Diagnostic Imaging , General Surgery , Radius Fractures , Diagnostic Imaging , General Surgery , Treatment Outcome
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(6): 714-720, Nov.-Dec. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977916


ABSTRACT Objective: To assess the clinical and functional results of patients submitted to reverse arthroplasty with a minimum follow-up of one year. Methods: Twenty-two patients submitted to shoulder reverse arthroplasty by the Surgery and Shoulder Rehabilitation Group were retrospectively evaluated with pre and postoperative imaging analysis, analog pain scale, range of motion, and ASES functional score. Results: Out of 19 (86.3%) patients with preoperative ASES classified as poor/bad, 11 (57.9%) progress to good/excellent after intervention, showing improvement of function, ranging from a mean preoperative ASES score of 22 (± 18.8) to a postoperative mean of 64.8 (± 27.7) (p = 0.031). Regarding the pain, there was an improvement in analog pain scale, presenting a preoperative mean of 7.64 (1-10) and a postoperative mean of 2.09 (0-7; p < 0.001). Regarding mobility, of 22 patients, 15 (68.2%) had preoperative pseudoparalysis and, of these, ten (66.7%) had an active anterior elevation greater than 90° after reverse arthroplasty. In turn, patients without pseudoparalysis had no significant gain in range of motion (p = 0.002). The authors observed active anterior elevation gain, with a preoperative mean of 76° (0-160°) and a postoperative mean of 111° (0-160°; p = 0.002). Conclusion: Despite being a relatively new procedure in Brazil, reverse shoulder arthroplasty can be used effectively and safely in patients who were previously without treatment options such as rotator cuff arthropathy and revisions providing pain relief, improvement of function, and mobility of the upper limb.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar os resultados clínicos e funcionais de pacientes submetidos a artroplastia reversa com seguimento mínimo de um ano. Métodos: Foram avaliados retrospectivamente 22 pacientes submetidos a artroplastia reversa de ombro pelo grupo de cirurgia e reabilitação de ombro da nossa instituição com análise pré e pós-operatória de exames de imagem, escala analógica da dor, amplitude de movimento e escala funcional ASES. Resultados: Dos 19 (86,3%) pacientes que apresentavam ASES pré-operatória classificada como péssimo/ruim, 11 (57,9%) evoluíram para bom/excelente após a intervenção, apresentaram melhoria da função, saíram de uma escala ASES pré-operatória média de 22 (±18,8) para uma pós-operatória de 64,8 (± 27,7; p = 0,031). Quanto à dor, observou-se melhoria da escala analógica da dor, apresentaram média pré-operatória de 7,64 (1-10) e pós-operatória de 2,09 (0-7; p < 0,001). Em relação à mobilidade, dos 22 pacientes, 15 (68,2%) apresentavam pseudoparalisia pré-operatória; desses, dez (66,7%) passaram a apresentar elevação anterior ativa superior a 90° após artroplastia reversa. Por outro lado, os pacientes sem pseudoparalisia não apresentaram ganho significativo de amplitude de movimento (p = 0,002). Foi observado ganho de elevação anterior ativa, com média pré-operatória de 76° (0-160°) e pós-operatória de 111° (0-160°; p = 0,002). Conclusão: Apesar de ser um procedimento relativamente novo no Brasil, a artroplastia reversa de ombro pode ser usada com eficácia e segurança em pacientes que previamente apresentavam-se sem opções terapêuticas como artropatia do manguito rotador e revisões que proporcionam alívio de dor, melhoria da função e mobilidade do membro superior.

Humans , Male , Female , Range of Motion, Articular , Treatment Outcome , Recovery of Function , Arthroplasty, Replacement
Acta ortop. mex ; 32(6): 316-321, nov.-dic. 2018. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1248612


Resumen: Introducción: Los resultados funcionales de las prótesis de superficie en el húmero proximal son aceptables, pero con grandes diferencias en la tasa y causa de revisión según las diferentes series. El objetivo de nuestro trabajo fue analizar los resultados clínicos obtenidos en nuestro centro y tratar de definir al paciente ideal para este implante. Material y métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 19 casos. Seguimiento de 31 (12-61) meses. La cirugía se indicó en casos de artrosis primaria o secundaria. Se analizaron datos demográficos, escala de Constant normalizada, cuestionario DASH, complicaciones y satisfacción. Hubo tres pérdidas durante el seguimiento por fallecimiento sin relación con la cirugía. Resultados: Edad media de 56 (25-80) años. La puntuación en la escala de Constant normalizada fue 73 (23-104) puntos y en el cuestionario DASH 31 (7-84) puntos. Noventa y cuatro por ciento de los pacientes retomaron sus actividades de ocio. En siete casos se objetivó radiológicamente colocación en varo del implante generando un conflicto inferior en la glena. Se produjo una capsulitis adhesiva resuelta de forma conservadora, tres reintervenciones por usura glenoidea sintomática y una por dolor incontrolable. Los pacientes sin lesión del manguito rotador presentaron mejor puntuación en los cuestionarios funcionales. Todos los pacientes refirieron estar satisfechos con la mejoría sintomática respecto a la situación previa. Conclusiones: Los resultados funcionales obtenidos son similares a los publicados previamente. Creemos que la prótesis de superficie debe ser considerada una opción en los casos de artrosis primaria o secundaria sin lesión del manguito rotador, independientemente de la edad.

Abstract: Introduction: Data published in the literature about humeral resurfacing prostheses are not conclusive with good functional results but with large differences in the revision rate. The aim of our study was to evaluate the clinical and functional outcomes in patients operated at our center. Material and methods: Retrospective study of 19 cases in 18 patients. Follow-up of 31 (12-61) months. Surgery was indicated in cases of primary or secondary osteoarthritis. Demographic data, Constant scale, DASH questionnaire, complications and satisfaction were analyzed. Three patients were lost to follow-up due to death unrelated to surgery. Results: Mean age of 56 (25-80) years. Constant normalized of 73 (23-104) points. DASH questionnaire of 31 (7-84) points. Ninety four percent of the patients resumed their recreational activities and 81% sports activities. In seven cases, inferior conflict in the glenoid with varus implant was observed radiologically. There were five complications; a conservatively resolved capsulitis, three reinterventions due to symptomatic inferior glenoid usury and another to uncontrollable pain in a conservative way. Patients without rotator cuff lesion presented better scores on the functional questionnaires. All patients were satisfied with the symptomatic improvement over the previous situation and would be operated again if necessary. Conclusions: The functional outcomes reported are similar to those previously published and, based on them, we believe that the resurfacing prosthesis is an option to be considered in cases of primary or secondary osteoarthritis when there is no rotator cuff injury, regardless of age.

Humans , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Osteoarthritis , Shoulder Joint , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Humerus/surgery , Retrospective Studies , Treatment Outcome , Middle Aged
Acta ortop. mex ; 32(5): 245-250, Sep.-Oct. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1124102


Abstract: Background: Ulnar shortening (US) is used for treatment of ulnar abutment, early osteoarthrosis (OA) and distal radioulnar joint (DRUJ) instability. However, it has never been strongly advocated as a mid-stage procedure to slow OA progression and reduce requirement of secondary DRUJ procedures. The study aim was to determine if a specific sigmoid notch type is likely to lead to DRUJ replacement after US. Methods: A retrospective study of 119 patients (124 wrists) with DRUJ painful early osteoarthritis, ulnar abutment and DRUJ instability that underwent US was performed. The goals of osteotomy were to decrease pain and slow the initiation or progression of OA. Sigmoid notch type, previous trauma, bone healing time, pain relief, ulnar variance and conversion to DRUJ arthroplasty were analyzed. Results: Of the 124 wrists studied, bone healing took 3.33 months of average (union rate 98.3%). Sigmoid notch type distribution was 55.6% for type 1, 25.8% for type 2, and 18.5% for type 3. Of the patients with pain after US, 37 had hardware removal and 13 required a DRUJ semi-constrained arthroplasty. Even though analysis did not show any statistically significant correlation, a slight trend towards association of sigmoid notch type 3 with conversion to DRUJ arthroplasty was found. Conclusion: US has a role in treatment of DRUJ pathology, and its use may delay the need for DRUJ secondary procedures, protecting the native joint. A specific sigmoid notch type does not present risk for OA and does not appear to be related to conversion to DRUJ arthroplasty. Type of study: Therapeutic

Resumen: Antecedentes: El acortamiento cubital es utilizado para el tratamiento del síndrome de impactación, osteoartrosis (OA) temprana y la inestabilidad de la articulación radiocubital distal (ARCD). Sin embargo, no se ha recomendado como procedimiento intermedio para detener la progresión de la OA y reducir la necesidad de procedimientos secundarios. El objetivo es determinar si un tipo específico de la escotadura sigmoidea predispone a una artroplastia de la ARCD después del acortamiento cubital. Métodos: Estudio retrospectivo de 119 pacientes (124 muñecas) a las que se les realizó acortamiento cubital. El objetivo de la osteotomía fue disminuir el dolor y retardar el progreso de la OA. Se analizó el tipo de escotadura sigmoidea, trauma previo, tiempo de consolidación ósea, alivio del dolor, varianza cubital y conversión a artroplastia. Resultados: De las 124 muñecas estudiadas, la consolidación ocurrió en 3.33 meses en promedio (98.3% de consolidación). El tipo de escotadura sigmoidea fue 55.6% tipo 1; 25.8% tipo 2 y 18.5% tipo 3, 37 pacientes ameritaron retiro de material y 13 una artroplastia de la ARCD semiconstriñida. Aunque el análisis no mostró ninguna correlación estadísticamente significativa, una tendencia leve hacia la Asociación del tipo 3 de la escotadura sigmoidea con la conversión a la artroplastia de ARCD fue encontrada. Conclusiones: El acortamiento cubital juega un papel en el tratamiento de la patología de la ARCD, su uso puede retrasar la necesidad de procedimientos secundarios. Un tipo de escotadura sigmoidea específica no presenta riesgo para la OA y no parece estar relacionado con la conversión a la artroplastia de la ARCD.

Humans , Wrist Joint/surgery , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Osteotomy , Ulna , Retrospective Studies
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(5): 632-635, Sept.-Oct. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-977890


ABSTRACT The authors report the first case of traumatic late dissociation of the polyethylene insert with patellar tendon rupture after total knee arthroplasty using a high-flex posterior-stabilized Genesis II prosthesis in a 60-year-old Parkinson's disease patient. Insert dislodgement has been described most commonly with mobile-bearing and cruciate-retaining TKAs. Only four cases of insert dissociation in a high-flex fixed-bearing prosthesis have been described to date. This case report paves the way to understanding the potential reasons for insert dissociation and its management strategy.

RESUMO Os autores relatam o primeiro caso de dissociação tardia traumática do inserto de polietileno com ruptura do tendão patelar após artroplastia total do joelho, com o uso de uma prótese Genesis II de alta flexibilidade e estabilização posterior, em paciente com 60 anos com doença de Parkinson. A luxação do inserto plástico tem sido mais comumente descrita em ATJs com suporte de carga móvel e que pouparam o ligamento cruzado. Até o presente, foram descritos apenas quatro casos de dissociação dos insertos de polietileno em próteses de suporte fixo e alta flexibilidade. Este relato de caso abre caminho para a compreensão das potenciais causas de dissociação inserto de polietileno e sua conduta.

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Arthroplasty , Prosthesis Design , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Knee Joint , Knee Prosthesis
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(4): 482-488, July-Aug. 2018. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-959159


ABSTRACT Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the functional outcome of surgically treated acetabular fractures. Methods: A prospective longitudinal study was undertaken in this hospital during the period from December 2010 to December 2014. A total number of 46 patients with the diagnosis of acetabular fracture were included in the study. The main cause of the acetabular injury was a road traffic accident. All the patients were treated surgically with plates and screws. Outcome was assessed radiologically and functionally, employing the Harris Hip Score. The mean follow-up period of the patients in the postoperative period was 30 months (24-36 months). Results: The results were excellent in 60.86%, good in 21.73%, fair in 8.69%, and poor in 8.69%. Post-operative complications of acetabular fracture such as heterotopic ossification were found in 2.17%, osteoarthritis in 6.52%, skin infections in 4.34%, nerve lesions in 2.17%, and vascular necrosis in 4.34% of patients. More than 80% of patients were satisfied with the results of acetabular surgeries. Conclusion: These results show that internal fixation of acetabular fractures leads to a good outcome in the majority of patients.

RESUMO Objetivo: Avaliar o resultado funcional das fraturas acetabulares tratadas cirurgicamente. Métodos: Um estudo longitudinal prospectivo foi feito neste hospital entre dezembro de 2010 e dezembro de 2014. Foram incluídos 46 pacientes com diagnóstico de fratura acetabular. A principal causa da lesão acetabular foi acidente de trânsito. Todos os pacientes foram tratados cirurgicamente com placas e parafusos. O resultado foi avaliado radiologicamente e funcionalmente pela escala de avaliação do quadril (Harris Hip Score). O período médio de seguimento dos pacientes no pós-operatório foi de 30 meses (24-36). Resultados: Os resultados foram excelentes em 60,86%, bons em 21,73%, razoáveis em 8,69% e ruins em 8,69% dos casos. Complicações pós-operatórias da fratura acetabular, tais como ossificação heterotópica, foram encontradas em 2,17% dos casos; osteoartrite, em 6,52%; infecções da pele, em 4,34%; lesões nervosas, em 2,17% e necrose vascular, em 4,34% dos pacientes. Mais de 80% dos pacientes estavam satisfeitos com os resultados da cirurgia. Conclusão: Os presentes resultados indicam que a fixação interna das fraturas acetabulares conduz a um bom resultado na maioria dos pacientes.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Fractures, Bone , Hip , Hip Joint , Acetabulum
Rev. bras. ortop ; 53(4): 503-509, July-Aug. 2018. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-959161


ABSTRACT The occurrence of permanent patellar dislocation associated with severe osteoarthritis is considered rare and difficult to treat. Literature: The literature is quite controversial on the subject. The objective of the study is to report two rare cases of severe osteoarthritis with permanent dislocation of the patella that underwent total knee arthroplasty, in addition to a review of the literature on the subject and related surgical technique. Total knee arthroplasty with using the medial parapatellar approach associated with lateral release was a good surgical option in patients with permanent patellar dislocation associated with advanced osteoarthritis.

RESUMO A ocorrência de luxação permanente da patela associada a osteoartrite grave é considerada rara e de tratamento difícil. A literatura é bastante controversa sobre o assunto. O objetivo do trabalho é relatar dois raros casos de osteoartrite grave com luxação permanente da patela que foram submetidos a artroplastia total do joelho, além da técnica cirúrgica relacionada e de uma revisão da literatura. A artroplastia total do joelho com o acesso parapatelar medial associado a uma liberação lateral foi uma boa opção cirúrgica em pacientes com luxação permanente da patela associada a osteoartrite avançada.

Aged , Patella , Arthroplasty, Replacement , Patellar Dislocation