La intoxicación por naftaleno es poco frecuente en los niños. Es causada por la ingesta, la inhalación o el contacto con la piel de sustancias que contienen naftaleno. Los pacientes suelen tener orina de color marrón oscuro, diarrea acuosa y vómito bilioso. Los signos incluyen fiebre, taquicardia, hipotensión y valores bajos en la oximetría de pulso, incluso con oxigenoterapia. Los análisis de sangre detectan anemia hemolítica, metahemoglobinemia, insuficiencia renal e hiperbilirrubinemia. Además del tratamiento sintomático, se hacen transfusiones de eritrocitos y se les administran ácido ascórbico, azul de metileno y N-acetilcisteína. En este artículo, presentamos el caso de un paciente masculino de 23 meses de edad con metahemoglobinemia y hemólisis intravascular aguda que recibió atención en la unidad de cuidados intensivos durante cinco días por intoxicación por naftaleno. Si bien la intoxicación por naftaleno es muy poco frecuente, tiene consecuencias mortales y se debe ejercer precaución con su uso y venta.
Poisoning by naphthalene is uncommon in children. It is a type of poisoning brought on by ingesting, inhaling, or coming into touch with naphthalene-containing substances on the skin. Patients typically present with an initial onset of dark brown urine, watery diarrhea, and bile vomit. The signs include fever, tachycardia, hypotension, and low pulse oximetry readings even with oxygen support. Hemolytic anemia, methemoglobinemia, renal failure, and hyperbilirubinemia are all detected in blood tests. Erythrocyte transfusion, ascorbic acid, methylene blue, and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) therapies are provided to inpatients in addition to symptomatic treatment. We present a 23-month-old male patient who developed methemoglobinemia and acute intravascular hemolysis, who was followed up in the intensive care unit for five days due to naphthalene intoxication. Although naphthalene poisoning is very rare, it should be known that it has fatal consequences, and more care should be taken in its use and sale.
Humans , Male , Infant , Anemia, Hemolytic/diagnosis , Methemoglobinemia/diagnosis , Methemoglobinemia/chemically induced , Ascorbic Acid , Hemolysis , NaphthalenesABSTRACT
Introducción: actualmente la nanotecnología ha cambiado radicalmente el diagnóstico de muchas patologías humanas. El objetivo de este trabajo es obtener nanopartículas de plata para imagen híbrida (99mTc-AgNPs-ICG) que tengan potenciales aplicaciones clínicas en imagen. Materiales y métodos: se mezclaron 2 ml de ácido ascórbico (1.7 x10-4 M), 5 mCi de 99mTcO4-, 2 ml de ácido cítrico (8.0 x 10-4 M) y 0.5 ml de nitrato de plata (2.5 x 10-3 M). El pH de la solución fue 5, y se agitó durante 20 minutos a 37º C. A continuación, se añadieron 2 µl de verde de indocianina (1.3 x 10-3 M) (99mTc-AgNPs-ICG). Las propiedades fisicoquímicas de la solución se caracterizaron mediante UV (λ1 = 420 nm, λ2 = 254 nm) y detector gamma. Se evaluaron la imagen de fluorescencia, el tamaño de las partículas y el espectro IR. Resultados: se obtuvieron nanopartículas de plata en solución acuosa a un pH de 5. Su pH, color y espectro fueron estables durante siete días. Además, el pico principal caracterizado por HPLC, UV y detector Gamma tenía tiempos de retención similares. Su espectro UV mostró una banda de absorción de 420 nm, que corresponde a la banda de absorción plasmónica de estas nanopartículas. El tamaño de las partículas era de 46 nm ± 1,5 nm. El espectro IR mostró bandas de absorción en 3193, 2624, 1596 y 1212 cm-1. Conclusiones: describimos por primera vez en la literatura la síntesis de nanopartículas de plata híbridas (radioactivas y fluorescentes). Se caracterizaron sus propiedades fisicoquímicas, siendo estables y su etiquetado fue reproducible teniendo potenciales aplicaciones biomédicas.
Introduction: Currently nanotechnology has radically changed the diagnosis of many human pathologies. The aim of this work is to obtain silver nanoparticles for hybrid imaging (99mTc-AgNPs-ICG) having potential clinical imaging applications. Materials and methods: We mixed 2 ml of ascorbic acid (1.7x10-4 M), 5 mCi of 99mTcO4-, 2 ml of citric acid (8.0 x 10-4 M) and 0.5 ml of silver nitrate (2.5 x 10-3 M). Solution pH was 5, and it was shaken for 20 minutes at 37º C. Afterwards, 2 µL of Indocyanine Green (1.3 x 10-3 M) was added (99mTc-AgNPs-ICG). Physiochemical properties of the solution were characterized by UV (λ1 = 420 nm, λ2 = 254 nm) and gamma detector. Fluorescence image, particle size and IR spectrum were evaluated. Results: Silver nanoparticles were obtained in aqueous solution a pH of 5. Their pH, color and spectrum were stable for seven days. Furthermore, the principal peak characterized by HPLC, UV and Gamma detector had similar retention times. Its UV spectrum showed an absorption band of 420 nm, which corresponds to the plasmon absorption band of these nanoparticles. The particle size was 46 nm ± 1.5 nm. The IR spectrum showed absorption bands in 3193, 2624, 1596 y 1212 cm-1. Conclusions: We describe for the first time in literature the synthesis of hybrid (radioactive and fluorescent) silver nanoparticles. Their physiochemical properties were characterized, being stable and their labelling was reproducible having potential biomedical applications.
Introdução: Atualmente, a nanotecnologia mudou radicalmente o diagnóstico de muitas patologias humanas. O objetivo deste trabalho é obter nanopartículas de prata para imagens híbridas (99mTc-AgNPs-ICG) com possíveis aplicações de imagens clínicas. Materiais e métodos: Misturamos 2 ml de ácido ascórbico (1.7 x 10-4 M), 5 mCi de 99mTcO4-, 2 ml de ácido cítrico (8.0 x 10-4 M) e 0.5 ml de nitrato de prata (2.5 x 10-3 M). O pH da solução era 5 e ela foi agitada por 20 minutos a 37º C. Em seguida, foram adicionados 2 µL de indocianina verde (1,3x10-3 M) (99mTc-AgNPs-ICG). As propriedades físico-químicas da solução foram caracterizadas por UV (λ1 = 420 nm, λ2 = 254 nm) e detector gama. A imagem de fluorescência, o tamanho das partículas e o espectro de infravermelho foram avaliados. Resultados: As nanopartículas de prata foram obtidas em solução aquosa com pH de 5. Seu pH, cor e espectro permaneceram estáveis por sete dias. Além disso, o pico principal caracterizado por HPLC, UV e detector gama teve tempos de retenção semelhantes. Seu espectro de UV mostrou uma banda de absorção de 420 nm, que corresponde à banda de absorção plasmônica dessas nanopartículas. O tamanho da partícula foi de 46 nm ± 1,5 nm. O espectro de IV mostrou bandas de absorção em 3193, 2624, 1596 e 1212 cm-1. Conclusões: Descrevemos pela primeira vez na literatura a síntese de nanopartículas de prata híbridas (radioativas e fluorescentes). Suas propriedades físico-químicas foram caracterizadas, sendo estáveis e sua rotulagem foi reprodutível, com possíveis aplicações biomédicas.
Silver Nitrate/chemical synthesis , Silver Compounds/chemical synthesis , Metal Nanoparticles/chemistry , Ascorbic Acid/chemical synthesis , Radioisotopes , Sodium Hydroxide/chemical synthesis , Citric Acid/chemical synthesis , Technetium Tc 99m Lidofenin/chemical synthesis , MolybdenumABSTRACT
Objetivo: Obtener un fitofármaco a base de extracto seco de limón con estándares de calidad, procesamiento amigable con el medio ambiente y con antecedentes de efectividad y seguridad, evaluando sus efectos en pacientes hipertensos con frecuentes crisis hipertensivas. Métodos y resultados: Se seleccionó la población de limónes de las Regiones Metropolitana y Coquimbo con las concentraciones más altas de ácido ascórbico y flavonoides totales, respectivamente. Se utilizó liofilización para obtener jugo de limón en polvo. Sólo durante el período de estudio, se informó un caso de aumento/ crisis hipertensiva. La formulación con la concentración más alta de ácido ascórbico disminuyó la presión arterial sistólica y diastólica en 16 mmHg desde 10 minutos hasta 60 minutos. Por otro lado, la formulación con mayor concentración de flavonoides disminuyó la presión arterial en 12 a 30 mmHg desde 5 a 60 minutos. Conclusión: Se obtuvo un producto innovador como complemento al manejo de los aumentos de presión arterial. Los principios activos con mayor contribución al mecanismo antihipertensivo del jugo de limón corresponden a compuestos fenólicos, específicamente, flavonoides.
Aim: To obtain a product based on a dry extract of standardized phytodrug lemon with high quality standards, using an environmentally friendly process; to evaluate its effects in hypertensive patients suffering frequent episodes of hypertensive crisis. Methods and Results: Lemons with high concentration of ascorbic acid (Coquimbo Region) or total flavonoids (Metropolitan Region) were selected. Lyophilization was used to obtain juice powder. During the study period only one case of hypertensive crisis was reported. The formula with the highest concentration of ascorbic acid decreased systolic and diastolic blood pressure by 16 mmHg from 10 minutes up to 60 minutes. On the other hand, the formula with the highest concentration of flavonoids decreased blood pressure from 12 to 30 mmHg between 5 and 60 minutes. Conclusion: An novel product to help decrease acutely elevated blood pressure was obtained that can be used as a complement to the management of acute blood pressure rises. The active principles with greater contribution to the antihypertensive mechanism of lemon juice corresponded to phenolic compounds, specifically flavonoids.
Humans , Plant Extracts/therapeutic use , Citrus/chemistry , Fruit and Vegetable Juices , Hypertension, Malignant/drug therapy , Ascorbic Acid/analysis , Spectrophotometry , Time Factors , Flavonoids/analysis , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Phytotherapeutic Drugs , Arterial Pressure/drug effectsABSTRACT
Introducción: La elaboración de comidas caseras implica pérdidas de vitaminas según el procedimiento de cocción. El uso de alimentos reforzados ayudaría a cubrir las recomendaciones nutricionales durante periodos críticos de la vida. El objetivo de este estudio piloto experimental es analizar la variación de las concentraciones de retinol y ácido ascórbico, en preparaciones reforzadas que incluyeron un cereal fortificado y analizar su valor como estrategia alimentaria. Material y métodos: El retinol y el ácido ascórbico se seleccionaron como indicadores de labilidad para tres recetas con diferentes procedimientos de cocción elaboradas de manera casera en condiciones reproducibles. El retinol se analizó mediante HPLC y el ácido ascórbico mediante electroforesis capilar en una muestra y HPLC en otras, debido a los límites de detección de cada método. Resultados: Según el método, el retinol aumentó su concentración en las muestras post-cocción debido a la pérdida de agua por evaporación (14% entre las reforzadas) o la redujo debido a las condiciones de temperatura, pH o presencia de oxígeno por cocciones a horno o fuego directo (5% y 22% respectivamente). Las muestras reforzadas cocidas presentaron un aumento del 18% - 20% frente a las no reforzadas. La cocción por conducción (sartén) u horno (corrientes de convección por aire) generó una pérdida parcial (13% y 24% respectivamente) de ácido ascórbico. La pérdida fue total en cocción a fuego directo y mayor relación superficie/volumen. Las muestras reforzadas cocidas presentaron un aumento de 90% cuando la vitamina se conservó. Las variaciones finales de concentración estuvieron relacionadas con las concentraciones iniciales y los métodos de cocción con diferentes formas de transferencia de calor y presiones parciales de O2. Conclusiones: Las vitaminas estudiadas son inestables en las comidas tras la cocción doméstica, aunque su pérdida es parcial; por lo tanto, reforzar las preparaciones con productos alimentarios reforzados sería una estrategia útil para cubrir los micronutrientes en situaciones críticas, en sistemas con baja densidad nutricional y diferentes consistencias
Introduction: Homemade meals elaboration implies vitamins losses in different cooking procedures. Using reinforced food would cover nutrient recommendations during critical periods of life. The aim of this experimental pilot study was to evaluate the variation of ascorbic acid and retinol concentrations in reinforced meals with fortified cereals and to analyze their value as a feeding strategy. Materials and Methods: These vitamins were selected as indicators of lability in three recipes with different cooking procedures prepared at home under reproducible conditions. Retinol was analysed through HPLC and Ascorbic Acid by capillary electrophoresis in one sample and HPLC in others because of detection limit of each methods. Results: According to cooking method, Retinol increased its concentration in post-cooking samples due to water evaporation (14% among enriched) or reduced it due to temperature, pH or presence of oxygen by oven or direct cooking (5% and 22% respectively). Between cooked samples, reinforced sample presented an 18% - 20% increase versus non-enriched one. Cooking by conduction (frying pan) or oven (air convection currents) generated a partial loss (13% and 24% respectively) of ascorbic acid. The loss was total in direct fire firing and higher surface/volume ratio. Cooked reinforced samples showed a 90% increase when the vitamin was preserved. Final concentration variations were related to initial concentrations and cooking methods involving different forms of heat transfer and partial pressures of O2.Conclusions: Vitamins studied were shown to be unstable in meals after domestic cooking, although their loss is partial. Therefore,reinforcing preparations with fortified food products would be a useful strategy to cover micronutrients in critical situations, in food preparations with low nutritional density and different consistencies
Ascorbic Acid , Vitamin A , CookingABSTRACT
Phytoremediation plays an important role in the treatment of heavy metal pollution in soil. In order to elucidate the mechanism of salicylic acid (SA) on copper absorption, seedlings from Xuzhou (with strong Cu-tolerance) and Weifang Helianthus tuberosus cultivars (with weak Cu-tolerance) were selected for pot culture experiments. 1 mmol/L SA was sprayed upon 300 mg/kg soil copper stress, and the photosynthesis, leaf antioxidant system, several essential mineral nutrients and the changes of root upon copper stress were analyzed to explore the mechanism of copper resistance. The results showed that Pn, Tr, Gs and Ci upon copper stress decreased significantly compared to the control group. Meanwhile, chlorophyll a, chlorophyll b and carotenoid decreased with significant increase in initial fluorescence (F0), maximum photochemical quantum yield of PSⅡ (Fv/Fm), electron transfer rate (ETR) and photochemical quenching coefficient (qP) content all decreased. The ascorbic acid (AsA) content was decreased, the glutathione (GSH) value was increased, the superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and ascorbate peroxidase (APX) activity in the leaves were decreased, and the peroxidase (POD) activity was significantly increased. SA increased the Cu content in the ground and root system, and weakened the nutrient uptake capacity of K, Ca, Mg, and Zn in the root stem and leaves. Spray of exogenous SA can maintain the opening of leaf stomata, improve the adverse effect of copper on photosynthetic pigment and PSⅡ reaction center. Mediating the SOD and APX activity started the AsA-GSH cycle process, effectively regulated the antioxidant enzyme system in chrysanthemum taro, significantly reduced the copper content of all parts of the plant, and improved the ion exchange capacity in the body. External SA increased the content of the negative electric group on the root by changing the proportion of components in the root, promoted the absorption of mineral nutrient elements and the accumulation of osmoregulatory substances, strengthened the fixation effect of the root on metal copper, and avoided its massive accumulation in the H. tuberosus body, so as to alleviate the inhibitory effect of copper on plant growth. The study revealed the physiological regulation of SA upon copper stress, and provided a theoretical basis for planting H. tuberosus to repair soil copper pollution.
Antioxidants , Copper , Helianthus/metabolism , Salicylic Acid/pharmacology , Chlorophyll A/pharmacology , Spectroscopy, Fourier Transform Infrared , Chlorophyll/pharmacology , Ascorbic Acid , Superoxide Dismutase/metabolism , Photosynthesis , Glutathione , Plant Leaves , Stress, Physiological , SeedlingsABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate the effect of oxidative stress caused by heat exposure on the blood pressure increase of treadmill rats and the intervention of antioxidants. Methods: In June 2021, Twenty-four healthy SD male rats were randomly divided into four groups: normal temperature feeding, normal temperature treadmill, high temperature treadmill and high temperature treadmill supplementation with vitamin C groups, 6 rats in each group. The rats run on the platform in normal temperature or heat exposure environment for 30 min in the morning and in the afternoon daily, 6 days per week. The daily vitamin C supplement dose of high temperature treadmill supplementation with vitamin C group was 10 mg/kg. BP recordings were done at the end of the week. The rat vascular lipofuscin (LF) was detected by ELISA, the rat serum nitric oxide (NO) was detected by nitrate reductase method, the serum malondialdehyde (MDA) was detected by thibabituric acid method, the serum glutathione peroxidase (GPx) and superoxide dismutase (SOD) were detected by chemiluminescence method, and the serum catalase (CAT) was detected by ammonium molybdate method. The total antioxidant capacity (T-AOC) of serum was measured by iron reduction/antioxidant capacity method, and the content of nuclear erythroid 2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) in vascular tissue was measured by Western blot. The intra-group mean was compared by repeated measurement analysis of variance, and the inter-group mean was compared by single-factor analysis of variance and post-event LSD-t test. Results: Compared with the previous time point, the systolic BP and diastolic BP of the high temperature treadmill group were significantly increased at 7, 14 and 21 d, and decreased at 28 d which were higher than the initial level (P<0.05), and the systolic BP and diastolic BP values at each experimental time point were significantly higher than those of normal temperature treadmill group (P<0.001). The changes of thickening of the artery wall, no smoothing of the endodermis and irregular arrangement of muscle cells in high temperature treadmill group were observed. Compared with the normal temperature treadmill group, the content of MDA in serum, and LF in vascular tissue were significantly increased, the activities of SOD, CAT, T-AOC, the content of NO in serum, and the expression of Nrf2 in vascular tissue were significantly decreased in high temperature treadmill group (P<0.05). Compared with the high temperature treadmill group, the systolic BP and diastolic BP values at 7, 14, 21 and 28 d, the content of serum MDA and LF in vascular tissue were significantly decreased, the activities of CAT and T-AOC, and the expression of Nrf2 in vascular tissue significantly increased (P<0.05), the histopathological changes of the artery wall improved in high temperature treadmill supplementation with vitamin C group. Conclusion: Heat exposure has effect on oxidative stress, which may be related to the increase of BP. Vitamin C as an anti-oxidative enhancer can prevent those negative effects, which could alleviate the pathological changes of vessel intima in heat-exposed rats. And the Nrf2 may be a regulated factor to vascular protection.
Male , Animals , Rats , Ascorbic Acid , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Blood Pressure , Hot Temperature , NF-E2-Related Factor 2 , Oxidative Stress , FeverABSTRACT
Abstract The incorporation of antioxidants into sunscreens may provide additional skin photoprotection against the harmful photobiological effects of ultraviolet radiation. The present study evaluated the applicability of a screening approach to the assessment of the antioxidant and photoprotective properties of vitamin C, vitamin E, and coenzyme Q10 and then determined the performance of the most effective antioxidant in a sunscreen formulation. Antioxidant activity was assessed by the 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) assay, 2,2`-azino-bis (3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid) (ABTS) assay, and oxygen radical absorbance capacity (ORAC) assay, and the photoprotective potential was investigated by the yeast photoprotection assay. The antioxidant with the best effect was incorporated into sunscreen formulations which were evaluated for 120 days regarding their in vitro photoprotective parameters. Vitamin C showed high antioxidant capacity as well as a photoprotective potential against simulated solar irradiation applied for times longer than 1 h. Although the Sun Protection Factor, UVA/UVB ratio and critical wavelength did not differed significantly (p<0.05) between the formulation blank and the formulations containing 0.5% or 1% vitamin C, formulations with vitamin C kept their photostability for 6 months. Consequently, the proposed screening approach seems to be promising for the development of an antisolar photostable formulation containing vitamin C as an antioxidant.
Ascorbic Acid/adverse effects , Sunscreening Agents/analysis , Vitamin E/adverse effects , Emulsions/pharmacology , Antioxidants/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Now a days multidrug resistance phenomenon has become the main cause for concern and there has been an inadequate achievement in the development of novel antibiotics to treat the bacterial infections. Therefore, there is an unmet need to search for novel adjuvant. Vitamin C is one such promising adjuvant. The present study was aimed to elucidate the antibacterial effect of vitamin C at various temperatures (4°C, 37°C and 50°C) and pH (3, 8, and 11), against Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacteria at various concentrations (5-20 mg/ml) through agar well diffusion method. Growth inhibition of all bacterial strains by vitamin C was concentration-dependent. Vitamin C significantly inhibited the growth of Gram-positive bacteria: Bacillus licheniformis (25.3 ± 0.9 mm), Staphylococcus aureus (22.0 ± 0.6 mm), Bacillus subtilis (19.3 ± 0.3 mm) and Gram-negative bacteria: Proteus mirabilis (27.67 ± 0.882 mm), Klebsiella pneumoniae (21.33±0.9 mm), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (18.0 ± 1.5 mm) and Escherichia coli (18.3 ± 0.3 mm). The stability of vitamin C was observed at various pH values and various temperatures. Vitamin C showed significant antibacterial activity at acidic pH against all bacterial strains. Vitamin C remained the stable at different temperatures. It was concluded that vitamin C is an effective and safe antibacterial agent that can be used in the future as an adjunct treatment option to combat infections in humans.
Agora, a resistência antimicrobiana de um dia em patógenos aos antibióticos tornou-se a principal causa de preocupação e houve uma realização inadequada no desenvolvimento de novos antibióticos para tratar infecções bacterianas. Portanto, há uma necessidade de pesquisar um novo adjuvante, e a vitamina C é um desses adjuvantes promissores. O objetivo do presente estudo foi elucidar o efeito antibacteriano da vitamina C em diferentes temperaturas (4 °C, 37 °C e 50 °C) e pH (3, 8 e 11), contra Gram-positivos e Gram-cepas bacterianas negativas em várias concentrações (5-20 mg / ml) através do método de difusão em ágar bem. A inibição do crescimento de todas as cepas bacterianas pela vitamina C era dependente da concentração. A vitamina C inibiu significativamente o crescimento de bactérias Gram-positivas: Bacillus licheniformis (25,3 ± 0,9 mm), Staphylococcus aureus (22,0 ± 0,6 mm), Bacillus subtilis (19,3 ± 0,3 mm) e bactérias Gram- negativas: Proteus mirabilis (27,7 ± 0,9 mm), Klebsiella pneumoniae (21,3 ± 0,9 mm), Pseudomonas aeruginosa (18,0 ± 1,5 mm) e Escherichia coli (18,3 ± 0,3 mm). A estabilidade da vitamina C foi observada em vários valores de pH e várias temperaturas. A vitamina C mostrou atividade antibacteriana significativa em pH ácido contra todas as cepas bacterianas. A estabilidade da vitamina C permaneceu nas mesmas diferentes temperaturas (4 °C, 37 °C e 50 °C). Concluímos que a vitamina C é um agente antibacteriano eficaz e seguro que pode ser usado no futuro como uma opção de tratamento auxiliar para combater infecções em humanos, pois pode apoiar o sistema imunológico diretamente.
Humans , Anti-Bacterial Agents/analysis , Bacillus licheniformis , Bacillus subtilis , Escherichia coli , Klebsiella pneumoniae , Proteus mirabilis , Pseudomonas aeruginosa , Staphylococcus aureus , Ascorbic Acid/analysisABSTRACT
Abstract Polyphenolics from Rhizophora mangle (R. mangle) have shown wound healing and anti- inflammatory effects that may be potentiated by being associated with ascorbic acid, an important substance for collagen and elastin synthesis that plays a role in tissue repair. In our study, we aimed to formulate an association of R. mangle and ascorbic acid in hydrogels and evaluate the association's cytotoxic and immunomodulatory effects. In a pre-formulation study, three gelling polymers (i.e.xanthan gum, poloxamer and hydroxyethyl cellulose) were tested. The selected polymer (i.e. xanthan gum) was used to evaluate cytotoxic and immunomodulatory effects using flow cytometry. Xanthan gum (1.5%) had a homogeneous appearance, an orange colour, a smooth surface, intense brightness and the typical odour, as well as non-Newtonian pseudoplastic behaviour. With a pH of 5.0-5.3 and a non-cytotoxic profile, xanthan gum induced the proliferation and activation of CD4 +, CD8+ and NK T lymphocytes and the production of IL- 2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-17 and TNF-α cytokines in stimulated splenocytes. The results suggest that the association of R. mangle and ascorbic acid in 1.5% xanthan gum hydrogel may be promising in preparations for wound-healing processes
Animals , Female , Mice , Ascorbic Acid/adverse effects , Hydrogels/classification , Rhizophoraceae/adverse effects , Wound Healing/drug effects , Cytokines/agonists , Citrus sinensis/adverse effects , Flow Cytometry/methodsABSTRACT
Purpose: Bone repair aims to restore the anatomical, biomechanical, and functional integrity of the affected structure. Here we study the effects of ascorbic acid (AA) and epidermal growth factor (EGF) applied in a single dose and in combination on the repair of a noncritical bone defect model. Methods: Twenty-four rats were divided into four groups: an intact G-1 control group, and three groups that underwent a noncritical bone defect in the right tibia: G-2 treated with AA, G-3 treated with EGF, and G-4 treated with AA in combination with EGF. After 21 days of treatment, rats were sacrificed, the tibias were dissected and a destructive biomechanical analysis of three-point flexion test was performed in a universal testing machine; the values of stiffness, resistance, maximum energy, and energy at maximum load were statistically compared. Results: G-3 and G-4 recovered the biomechanical properties of strength and stiffness of an intact tibia 3 weeks after their application. Not so the energy and energy at maximum load. For G-2, only the stiffness of an intact tibia was recovered. Conclusion: EGF and AA-EGF applied to a noncritical bone defect in the rat tibia favors the recovery of bone resistance and stiffness.
Animals , Rats , Ascorbic Acid/analysis , Tibia/surgery , Biocompatible Materials/analysis , Epidermal Growth Factor/drug effects , Biomechanical Phenomena , Orthopedic Procedures/methodsABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To green synthesise gold nanoparticles using curcumin and to analyse its antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and antimicrobial activity among oral pathogens. Material and Methods: Biosynthesised Curcumin Gold nanoparticles (CuAuNP) were evaluated by UV-visible spectrophotometer (UV-Vis), Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM), and evaluation of antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial activity against oral pathogens. Results: Synthesized CuAuNP were characterized using UV-visible spectrophotometry and showed peak absorption at 530nm. CuAuNp showed a 90.3% maximum scavenging ability of DPPH at a concentration of 50 μg/mL. CuAuNP exhibited 79.6 % of the highest anti-inflammatory activity at 50μg/mL than the standard drug diclofenac. TEM image clearly showed uniformly dispersed spherical-shaped gold nanoparticles with a size of about 20 nm. The biosynthesized nanoparticle was tested for its antimicrobial effect, and it showed a potent effect against S. aureus, E. faecalis, and C. albicans at 100µg/ mL. Enterococcus faecalis has a maximum zone of inhibition of 14 mm at 100µg/ mL of CuAuNp. Among gram-positive bacteria, a maximum zone of inhibition of 12 mm at 100µg/ mL was seen in S. aureus compared to S mutans. Candida albicans showed a maximum zone of inhibition of 18 mm at 25 μg/mL of CuAuNp. Conclusion: Curcumin-mediated gold nanoparticles with 20 nm size were effective and had strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory activity at 50µg/ mL, antimicrobial action inhibiting microbes at 100µg/mL concentration that can be used in treating various Oral mucosal lesions.
Curcumin/adverse effects , Metal Nanoparticles/adverse effects , Anti-Infective Agents/adverse effects , Anti-Bacterial Agents/adverse effects , Ascorbic Acid , Spectrophotometry , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission/instrumentation , Gram-Positive Bacteria , Antioxidants/adverse effectsSubject(s)
Phytochemicals , Plants, Medicinal , Ascorbic Acid , Secondary Metabolism , Medicine, TraditionalABSTRACT
Contextualização: A vitamina C (ácido ascórbico) é, sem dúvida, a mais popular dentre as vitaminas e a vedete de vendas na mídia, sobretudo no inverno, sob o slogan de que previne doenças. Objetivos: O estudo avaliou a efetividade da suplementação de vitamina C para tratamento e prevenção de sintomas e doenças, segundo as revisões sistemáticas da Colaboração Cochrane. Métodos: Trata-se de overview de revisões sistemáticas Cochrane. Procedeu-se à busca na Cochrane Library (2022), sendo utilizado o termo "Ascorbic Acid". O desfecho primário de análise foi a redução da incidência da doença ou a melhora clínica, mediante suplementação de vitamina C. Resultados: A estratégia de busca recuperou 26 revisões sistemáticas Cochrane, sendo oito estudos incluídos, seguindo critérios de inclusão. Foram avaliados 91 ensaios clínicos (n = 54.864 participantes). Condições/doenças fetais, pneumonia, resfriado comum, tétano, doença cardiovascular, asma e broncoconstrição por exercício, retinopatia diabética e Doença de Charcot-Marie-Tooth configuraram objetos de análise. Não foi evidenciada efetividade da vitamina C nas análises dessas condições. Discussão: Não há evidência de efetividade da vitamina C para as doenças analisadas. Embora a maioria dos estudos primários tenha limitações sérias e a evidência seja de baixa qualidade, não é possível recomendar a suplementação da vitamina C para essas condições nesse momento. Conclusão: Não há efetividade, nesse momento, da suplementação da vitamina C para prevenção e tratamento de doenças analisadas pela Cochrane, A evidência é bastante limitada e recomenda-se a realização de novos ensaios clínicos randomizados, utilizando-se o CONSORT (Consolidated Standards of Reporting Trials) Statement.
Ascorbic Acid , Therapeutic Uses , Disease Prevention , Evidence-Based Practice , Systematic ReviewABSTRACT
A manipulação de oócitos inclusos em folículos ovarianos pré-antrais (MOIFOPA) vem sendo estudada pensando na perspectiva futura de aplicação direta na reprodução humana, principalmente para mulheres que sofrem de doenças ou que precisam passar por tratamentos que interferem na função ovariana. Nesse contexto, o objetivo deste trabalho é revisar aspectos relacionados com a biotécnica de MOIFOPA e a importância dos antioxidantes no cultivo in vitro de folículos pré-antrais. Foi realizada uma pesquisa na base de dados PubMed, buscando artigos sobre a biotécnica, principalmente relacionados com a necessidade do uso de antioxidantes no cultivo. A grande maioria dos estudos sobre a biotécnica utilizam como modelo experimental os folículos ovarianos de diferentes espécies de animais. A MOIFOPA compreende o isolamento e o resgate de folículos ovarianos pré-antrais provenientes de ovários, seguido da conservação através da técnica de resfriamento ou congelação e o cultivo folicular in vitro, a fim de promover o crescimento, a maturação e a fecundação in vitro (FIV) dos oócitos inclusos nesses folículos, maximizando o potencial reprodutivo feminino e diminuindo a atresia folicular que acontece in vivo. Um aspecto que pode interferir no sucesso do cultivo in vitro de folículos ovarianos pré-antrais é a produção em excesso de espécies reativas de oxigênio (EROs). Os ácidos ascórbico e alfa lipóico vem demonstrando resultados interessantes para reduzir os efeitos que as EROs causam sobre os folículos ovarianos pré-antrais cultivados in vitro.
The manipulation of oocytes included in preantral ovarian follicles (MOEPF) has been studied considering the future perspective of direct application in human reproduction, especially for women who suffer from diseases or who need to undergo treatments that interfere with ovarian function. In this context, the objective of this paper is to review aspects related to the biotechnology of MOIFOPA and the importance of antioxidants. A search was carried out in the PubMed database, searching for articles on biotechnology, mainly related to the need to use antioxidants in cultivation. The vast majority of studies on biotechnology use ovarian follicles from different species of animals as an experimental model. MOIFOPA comprises the isolation and rescue of preantral ovarian follicles from ovaries, followed by conservation through the cooling or freezing technique and in vitro follicular cultivation, in order to promote growth, maturation and in vitro fertilization ( IVF) of the oocytes included in these follicles, maximizing the female reproductive potential and decreasing the follicular atresia that occurs in vivo. One aspect that may interfere with the success of in vitro culture of preantral ovarian follicles is the excess production of reactive oxygen species (ROS). Ascorbic and alpha lipoic acids have shown interesting results in reducing the effects that ROS cause on in vitro cultured preantral ovarian follicles.
manipulación de ovocitos incluidos en folículos ováricos preantrales (MOIFOPA) se ha estudiado con la perspectiva futura de su aplicación directa en la reproducción humana, especialmente en mujeres que padecen enfermedades o que necesitan someterse a tratamientos que interfieren en la función ovárica. En este contexto, el objetivo de este trabajo es revisar los aspectos relacionados con la biotécnica de MOIFOPA y la importancia de los antioxidantes en el cultivo in vitro de los folículos pré-antrais. Se realizó una investigación en la base de datos PubMed, buscando artículos sobre la biotecnología, principalmente relacionados con la necesidad del uso de antioxidantes en el cultivo. La mayoría de los estudios sobre biotecnología utilizan como modelo experimental los folículos ováricos de diferentes especies de animales. El MOIFOPA incluye el aislamiento y rescate de los folículos ováricos preantrales de los ovarios, seguido de su conservación mediante la técnica de enfriamiento o congelación y el cultivo folicular in vitro, con el fin de promover el crecimiento, la maduración y la fecundación in vitro (FIV) de los ovocitos incluidos en estos folículos, maximizando el potencial reproductivo femenino y disminuyendo la atresia folicular que se produce in vivo. Un aspecto que puede interferir en el éxito del cultivo in vitro de folículos ováricos preantrales es la producción excesiva de especies reactivas de oxígeno (ROS). El ácido ascórbico y el ácido alfa lipoico han mostrado resultados interesantes para reducir los efectos que causan las ERO en los folículos ováricos preantrales cultivados in vitro.
Oocytes , Ovarian Follicle , Antioxidants , Ascorbic Acid , Biotechnology , Fertilization in Vitro , Oxidative Stress , Follicular Atresia , LipoproteinsABSTRACT
Os suplementos à base de vitamina C são amplamente consumidos pela população, evidenciando a importância da fiscalização desses produtos. Em julho de 2018, a ANVISA (Agência Nacional de Vigilância Sanitária) publicou as novas regulamentações sobre suplementos alimentares, estabelecendo-se o prazo de 60 meses para as empresas se adequarem a essas normas. O presente trabalho teve como objetivo determinar os teores de vitamina C, comparar os valores analisados com os declarados na informação nutricional e avaliar os dizeres de rotulagem em produtos à base dessa vitamina. Os teores de vitamina C foram determinados por titulação potencio métrica e as análises de rotulagem foram realizadas com base nas legislações da ANVISA em doze amostras de suplementos colhidos pelas Vigilâncias Sanitárias do Estado de São Paulo. Os teores de vitamina C avaliados estavam de acordo com os declarados na informação nutricional do rótulo, com exceção de uma amostra que apresentou teor abaixo do valor declarado. Em relação aos dizeres de rotulagem, sete amostras (58%) apresentaram um ou mais itens em desacordo com a legislação, mostrando a necessidade de monitoramento constante desse tipo de produto. O trabalho representa um estudo preliminar de avaliação dos suplementos no período de adequação às novas regulamentações (AU).
Vitamin C-based supplements are widely consumed by the population, highlighting the importance of monitoring these products. In July 2018, the ANVISA (National Health Surveillance Agency) published new regulations for dietary supplements,setting a 60 months deadline for companies to comply with these standards.The objective of the present work was to evaluate the contents of vitamin C, and compare the analyzed/real values with those reported on the nutrition facts label, and to evaluate the labeling of vitamin supplements. Vitamin C contents were determined by potentiometric titration, and labeling analysis were performed based on ANVISA legislation in twelve samples of supplements collected by the Sanitary Surveillance of the State of São Paulo.The contents of vitamin C were in accordance with those declared in the nutritional information on the label, with the exception of one sample that presented content below the declared value. Regarding the labeling analysis, seven samples (58%) presented one or more items in disagreement with the legislation, showing the need for constant monitoring of this type of product.The work represents a preliminary study to evaluate the supplements in the adequacy period of new regulations (AU).
Product Labeling , Ascorbic Acid , Vitamins , Titrimetry , Dietary Supplements , Legislation as TopicABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To study the metabolic mechanism of neonatal sepsis at different stages by analyzing the metabolic pathways involving the serum metabolites with significant differences in neonates with sepsis at different time points after admission.@*METHODS@#A total of 20 neonates with sepsis who were hospitalized in the Department of Neonatology, Hunan Provincial People's Hospital, from January 1, 2019 to January 1, 2020 were enrolled as the sepsis group. Venous blood samples were collected on days 1, 4, and 7 after admission. Ten healthy neonates who underwent physical examination during the same period were enrolled as the control group. Ultra-performance liquid chromatography-quadrupole time-of-flight mass spectrometry was used for the metabonomic analysis of serum samples to investigate the change in metabolomics in neonates with sepsis at different time points.@*RESULTS@#On day 1 after admission, the differentially expressed serum metabolites between the sepsis and control groups were mainly involved in the biosynthesis of terpenoid skeleton. For the sepsis group, the differentially expressed serum metabolites between days 1 and 4 after admission were mainly involved in pyruvate metabolism, and those between days 4 and 7 after admission were mainly involved in the metabolism of cysteine and methionine. The differentially expressed serum metabolites between days 1 and 7 after admission were mainly involved in ascorbic acid metabolism.@*CONCLUSIONS@#The metabolic mechanism of serum metabolites varies at different stages in neonates with sepsis and is mainly associated with terpenoid skeleton biosynthesis, pyruvate metabolism, cysteine/methionine metabolism, and ascorbic acid metabolism.
Humans , Infant, Newborn , Ascorbic Acid , Cysteine , Metabolomics , Methionine , Neonatal Sepsis , Pyruvates , SepsisABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#Root canal therapy is the most effective and common method for pulpitis and periapical periodontitis. During the root canal preparation, chemical irrigation plays a key role. However, sodium hypochlorite (NaOCl), the widely used irrigation fluid, may impact the bonding strength between dentin and restorative material meanwhile sterilization and dissolving. Therefore, it's important to explore the influence of NaOCl on the adhesion between dentin and restoration materials to ensure clinical efficacy. This study aims to explore the effect of NaOCl on dentine adhesion and evaluate the effect of dentine adhesion induced by sodium erythorbate (ERY), and to provide clinical guidance on dentin bonding after root canal therapy.@*METHODS@#Seventy freshly complete extracted human third molars aged 18-33 years old, without caries and restorations were selected. A diamond saw was used under running water to achieve dentine fragments which were divided into 10 groups with 14 fragments in each group: 2 control [deionized water (DW)±10% ERY] and 8 experimental groups (0.5%, 1%, 2.5%, and 5.25% NaOCl±10% ERY). The dentine specimens in the control group (treated with DW) and the experimental groups (treated with 0.5% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl, and 5.25% NaOCl) were immersed for 20 min using corresponding solutions which were renewed every 5 min. The other 5 groups were immersed in 10% ERY for 5 min after an initial washing with DW for 1 min. Then, we selected 4 dentine fragments from all 14 fragments in each group and the numbers and diameters of opening dentinal tubules were observed under scanning electron microscope (SEM). The other 10 dentine fragments from each group were used to make adhesive samples by using self-etch adhesive wand composite resin. All the above adhesive samples were sectioned perpendicular to the bonded interface into 20 slabs with a cross-sectional area of 1 mm×1 mm using a diamond saw under the cooling water, and then the morphology of 10 slabs in each group's bonding interface was observed from aspects of formation of resin tags, depth of tags in dentin, and formation of hybrid layer under SEM. The other 10 slabs of each group's microtensile bond strength and failure modes were also analyzed.@*RESULTS@#Among the 0.5% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl, and 5.25% NaOCl groups, the number and diameter of patent dentinal tubules gradually increased with the rise of concentration of NaOCl solution (all P<0.05). Among the DW, 0.5% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, 2.5% NaOCl, and 5.25% NaOCl groups, the number and diameter of patent dentinal tubules increased after using ERY, but without significant difference (all P>0.05). Among the DW, 0.5% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, and 2.5% NaOCl groups, the scores of formation of resin tags under SEM gradually increased with the increase of concentration of NaOCl solution, while the score in the 5.25% NaOCl group decreased significantly compared with the score of the 2.5% NaOCl group (P<0.05). There was no significant difference between using 10% ERY groups and without using 10% ERY groups (all P>0.05). The scores of length of the tags under SEM in the 5.25% NaOCl group was significantly higher than the scores of DW, 0.5% NaOCl, and 1% NaOCl groups (all P<0.05), and it was also higher than the score of the 2.5% NaOCl group, but without significant difference (P>0.05). There was no significant difference between using 10% ERY groups and without using 10% ERY groups (P>0.05). The scores of formation of hybrid layer under SEM in the 2.5% NaOCl and 5.25% NaOCl groups significantly decreased compared with the score of the DW group (all P<0.05). There were significant differences between the 2.5% NaOCl±10% ERY groups and between the 5.25% NaOCl±10% ERY groups (all P<0.05). Microtensile bond strength was greater in the 0.5% NaOCl, 1% NaOCl, and 2.5% NaOCl groups, but lower in the 5.25% NaOCl group than that in the DW group (all P<0.05). There were significant differences between the 2.5% NaOCl±10% ERY groups and between the 5.25% NaOCl±10% ERY groups (all P<0.05). The incidence of type "Adhesive" of failure modes in the 5.25% NaOCl group was significantly higher than that in other groups (all P<0.05), while the incidence of type "Adhesive" in the 5.25% NaOCl+10% ERY group was lower than that in the 5.25% NaOCl group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#The bonding strength to dentine increases with the increase of NaOCl concentration when the concentration lower than 2.5%; whereas it is decreased at a higher concentration (such as 5.25%). 10% ERY has a definite recovery effect on attenuated bonding strength to 5.25% NaOCl-treated dentine.
Adolescent , Adult , Humans , Young Adult , Ascorbic Acid , Dental Bonding , Dentin , Dentin-Bonding Agents/pharmacology , Diamond/pharmacology , Materials Testing , Microscopy, Electron, Scanning , Resin Cements/pharmacology , Sodium Hypochlorite/pharmacology , Tensile Strength , Water/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Contexte et objectif. L'endométriose est une maladie gynécologique caractérisée par la présence des glandes et du stroma endométrial en dehors de la cavité utérine. Elle serait influencée par la nutrition. Cette maladie touche 10 à 15 % des femmes en âge de procréer et a comme composante essentielle l'inflammation chronique. Les symptômes les plus fréquents sont la douleur et l'infertilité. La littérature actuelle fait état des effets bénéfiques des aliments antiinflammatoires et antioxydants sur l'endométriose. L'objectif de la présente mini revue est d'établir des pistes de réflexion sur le bénéfice d'une supplémentation nutritionnelle dans l'endométriose. Méthodes. Nous avons effectué une recherche avec les bases de données de Pubmed, Cinahl, Cochrane Library et Embase pour identifier les articles et essais cliniques randomisés dont sept ont été retenus pour l'analyse. Résultats. La supplémentation en souches probiotiques, en vitamine E et en vitamine C a une influence positive sur les symptômes liés à l'endométriose. De plus, un ensemble des composés contenant des vitamines, sels minéraux, ferments lactiques et oméga 3 et 6 ainsi qu'une alimentation de type anti-inflammatoire et les aliments pauvres en glucides fermentés cibles auraient également une influence positive sur les symptômes. En revanche, la vitamine n'aurait aucun effet significatif. Conclusion. Une prise en charge nutritionnelle, notamment axée sur une supplémentation en antioxydants, anti-inflammatoires et en souches probiotiques constitue une piste prometteuse pour la prise en charge de l'endométriose
Context and objective. Endometriosis is a gynecological disease which is characterized by the presence of endometrial glands and stroma outside the uterine cavity and might be influenced by nutrition. It affects 10 to 15 % of women of childbearing age and has chronic inflammation as an essential component. The most common symptoms are pain and infertility. Current literature reports the beneficial effects of antiinflammatory and antioxidant foods on endometriosis. The present paper reviews the benefits of nutritional supplementation in endometriosis. Methods. A search was performed using the Pubmed, Cinahl, Cochrane Library and Embase database engines to identify articles and randomized clinical trials, of which seven were selected for analysis. Results. Supplementation with probiotic strains, vitamin E and vitamin C has a positive influence on the symptoms associated with endometriosis. In addition, a set of compounds containing vitamins, minerals, lactic ferments and omega 3 and 6 as well as an antiinflammatory type diet and foods low in fermentable carbohydrates would also have a positive influence on the symptoms. In contrast, vitamin D did not have any significant effect. Conclusion. Nutritional management, in particular focusing on supplementation with antioxidants, anti-inflammatory drugs and probiotic strains, is a promising avenue for the management of endometriosis.
Humans , Female , Signs and Symptoms , Vitamin E , Dietary Supplements , Endometriosis , Antioxidants , Ascorbic AcidABSTRACT
Abstract The main aim of the paper is to assess whether vitamin C, vitamin D, and natural honey can be administered in the course of the COVID-19 pandemic for promising in line methods with recent evidence. Both systematic literature and clinical trial identification were conducted by searching various databases. A total 58 articles and 29 clinical trials were selected wherein 11 for vitamin C, 16 for vitamin D, and 2 for natural honey were identified for analysis. The high doses of vitamin C (i.e. '200 mg/kg body weight/day, divided into 4 doses') has been found to reduce COVID-19 lung damage, various flu infections. Additionally, the high doses of vitamin C can shorten around 7.8% stay in the intensive care unit. At the same time, vitamin D can effectively protect from lung injury and acute respiratory infections whereas vitamin D deficiency severely affects 75% of the institutionalized people (serum 25(OH) D < 25 nmol/L). Meanwhile, natural honey which contains proteins (0.1-0.4%); ash (0.2%); water (15-17%) has potential antiviral effects and the ability to improve immunity. Therefore, the administration of vitamins and honey is the promising evidence-based approach for reducing fatalities, saving lives, and bringing the COVID-19 pandemic to a rapid end. It is believed that the utilization of vitamin C, vitamin D, and natural honey with the current treatment may be effective in treating COVID-19-caused fatal complications such as pneumonia. Therefore, high-level clinical studies are required on COVID-19 to administrate the effects of vitamins and natural honey
Vitamins/adverse effects , COVID-19 Drug Treatment/classification , Honey/adverse effects , Antiviral Agents/administration & dosage , Pneumonia/complications , Ascorbic Acid/adverse effects , Vitamin D/adverse effects , COVID-19/prevention & controlABSTRACT
Summer apples are one of the most important plant community in Artvin province located Northeastern part of Turkey. In present study 22 local apple genotypes were characterized by phenological, morphological, biochemical and sensory properties. Harvest date was the main phenological data. Morphological measurements included fruit weight, fruit shape, fruit ground color, fruit over color, fruit over color coverage and fruit firmness, respectively. Sensory measurements were as juiciness and aroma and biochemical characteristics included organic acids, SSC (Soluble Solid Content), vitamin C, total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. Genotypes exhibited variable harvest dates ranging from 11 July to 13 August and cv. Summered harvested 30 July 2017. The majority of genotypes were harvested before cv. Summered. Fruit weight were also quite variable among genotypes which found to be between 89 g and 132 g, and most of the genotypes had bigger fruits than cv. Summered. Pink, red, yellow and green fruit skin color was evident and main fruit shape were determined as round, conic and oblate among genotypes. ART08-9, ART08-4, ART08-21 and ART08-22 had distinct bigger fruits and ART08-1, ART08-2, ART08-5, ART08-12 and ART08-17 had higher total phenolic content and antioxidant capacity. The results of the study showed significant differences for most of the phenological, morphological, sensory and biochemical characteristics. Thus, the phonological, morphological, sensory and biochemical characteristics of summer apple genotypes were distinguishable and these results suggest that phonological, morphological, sensory and biochemical differences of the summer apple genotypes can be attributed to differences in genetic background of genotypes which placed different groups by PCoA analysis.
As maçãs cultivadas no verão são uma das culturas vegetais mais importantes da província de Artvin, localizada no nordeste da Turquia. No presente estudo, 22 genótipos locais de maçã foram caracterizados quanto às suas propriedades morfológicas, bioquímicas e sensoriais. As características analisadas foram peso do fruto, data da colheita, forma do fruto, coloração da casca, firmeza do fruto, suculência, aroma, teor de ácidos orgânicos e de sólidos solúveis, vitamina C, teor fenólico total e capacidade antioxidante. Os genótipos exibiram datas de colheita que variaram de 11 de julho a 13 de agosto, e a cultivar de verão foi colhida em 30 de julho 2017. A maioria dos genótipos foi colhida antes da cultivar de verão. O peso dos frutos também foi bastante variável entre os genótipos, apresentando entre 89 e 132 g, e a maioria dos genótipos apresentou frutos maiores que a cultivar de verão. As colorações rosa, vermelho, amarelo e verde da casca dos frutos foram as mais evidentes, e a forma principal dos frutos foi determinada como redonda, cônica e oblata entre os genótipos. ART08-9, ART08-4, ART08-21 e ART08-22 apresentaram frutos maiores distintos, e ART08-1, ART08-2, ART08-5, ART08-12 e ART08-17 apresentaram maior conteúdo fenólico total e capacidade antioxidante. Os resultados do estudo mostraram diferenças significativas para a maioria das características morfológicas, sensoriais e bioquímicas. Assim, essas características dos genótipos da maçã cultivadas no verão foram distintos, e esses resultados podem ser atribuídos a diferenças no contexto genético dos genótipos.