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Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(4): 374-378, ago. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1521853


INTRODUCCIÓN: Desde el inicio de la pandemia por COVID-19 se han registrado casos de infecciones de aspergilosis pulmonar asociada a esta infección, la cual tiene características diferentes a la aspergilosis pulmonar clásica y, por lo tanto, han significado un desafío diagnóstico. OBJETIVO: Validar una reacción de polimerasa en cadena (RPC) en tiempo real (sigla en inglés RT-PCR) comercial, como herramienta diagnóstica alternativa a la técnica de galactomanano (GM) en el diagnóstico de aspergilosis pulmonar asociada a COVID-19 (sigla en inglés CAPA). PACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Se analizaron resultados de RT-PCR de Aspergillus spp y GM en lavado bronco-alveolar (LBA) de 72 pacientes, hospitalizados por COVID-19 de Clínica Dávila entre los años 2020 y 2021. De estos pacientes, 33 presentaron CAPA. RESULTADOS: La RT-PCR de Aspergillus y GM presentaron una correlación positiva (r = 0,6351, valor p < 0,0001). La técnica de RT-PCR presentó una sensibilidad (S), especificidad (E), valor predictor positivo (VPP) y valor predictor negativo (VPN) de 100, 44, 66 y 100%, respectivamente, mientras que en GM fueron de 64, 89, 84 y 73%, respectivamente para LBA. Al utilizar ambas técnicas en combinación se obtuvo una S, E, VPP y VPN de 100, 82, 88 y 100%, respectivamente. CONCLUSIÓN: Este estudio concluyó que usar una técnica de RT-PCR de Aspergillus y GM en conjunto en LBA mejoraron los parámetros de desempeño de ambas técnicas usadas de manera individual para diagnosticar CAPA. Se requieren más estudios para evaluar el desempeño de técnicas combinadas en otros tipos de aspergilosis.

BACKGROUND: Since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic, there have been cases of pulmonary aspergillosis infections associated with this infection, which has different characteristics from classical pulmonary aspergillosis and therefore, have been diagnostic challenges. AIM: To validate a commercial real-time PCR (RT-PCR) method as an alternative diagnostic tool to the galactomannan (GM) technique in the diagnosis of COVID-19-associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA). METHODS: Results of RT-PCR of Aspergillus spp and GM in broncho-alveolar lavage (BAL) of 72 patients hospitalized for COVID-19 at Clínica Dávila between 2020 and 2021 were analyzed. Of these patients, 33 presented CAPA. RESULTS: The RT-PCR for Aspergillus and GM showed a positive correlation (r = 0.6351, p-value < 0.0001). The RT-PCR for Aspergillus technique presented a sensitivity (S), specificity (S), positive predictive value (PPV) and negative predictive value (NPV) of 100, 44, 66 and 100% respectively, while the GM technique presented 64, 89, 84 and 73%, respectively for BAL. Using both techniques in combination a S, E, PPV and NPV of 100, 82, 88 and 100% were obtained respectively. CONCLUSION: This study concluded that using RT-PCR and GM techniques in combination in BAL improved the performance parameters of both techniques from those used individually to diagnose CAPA. Further studies are required to evaluate the performance of combined techniques in other aspergillosis focus.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Young Adult , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/diagnosis , Real-Time Polymerase Chain Reaction , COVID-19/complications , Aspergillus/isolation & purification , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid/microbiology , Chile , Predictive Value of Tests , Sensitivity and Specificity , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/complications , Galactose/analogs & derivatives , Mannans/analysis
Rev. chil. infectol ; 40(2): 169-171, abr. 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441406


Pier Antonio Micheli nació en Florencia, Italia, en el año 1697. Fue un destacado científico, botánico y se le considera el padre de la micología. Dedicó su vida a la taxonomía y al estudio de especies no conocidas de plantas, hongos y líquenes. En 1729 publicó el libro Nova Plantarum Genera, donde describió 1900 plantas, entre las que se encontraban 900 hongos y líquenes. Aquí describió especies de hongos como Botrytis, Mucor y Aspergillus, las cuales tienen importancia en patología médica, animal y vegetal hasta el día de hoy. Murió el 1 de enero de 1737, en su natal Florencia, de una enfermedad pulmonar cuya causa no está bien clara. El legado de Micheli sigue presente y constituye un ejemplo para todos aquellos que se dedican al difícil arte de la taxonomía en sus distintas áreas y en especial a la micología

Pier Antonio Micheli was born in Florence, Italy, in 1697. He was a prominent scientist, botanist and is considered the father of mycology. He dedicated his life to taxonomy and the study of unknown species of plants, fungi, and lichens. In 1729 he published the book Nova Plantarum Genera, where he described 1900 plants, including 900 fungi and lichens. There he described fangal species such as Botrytis, Mucor and Aspergillus, wich are of importance in medical, animal, and plant pathology to this day. He died on January 1, 1737, in his native Florence, due to a lung disease whose cause is unclear. Micheli's legacy is still present, constituting an example for all those who are dedicated to the difficult art of taxonomy in its different areas, especially to mycology.

History, 18th Century , Aspergillus/classification , Mycology/history , Italy
Chinese Medical Journal ; (24): 1949-1958, 2023.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-980980


BACKGROUND@#Previous research demonstrated that a homozygous mutation of g.136372044G>A (S12N) in caspase recruitment domain family member 9 ( CARD9 ) is critical for producing Aspergillus fumigatus -induced ( Af -induced) T helper 2 (T H 2)-mediated responses in allergic bronchopulmonary aspergillosis (ABPA). However, it remains unclear whether the CARD9S12N mutation, especially the heterozygous occurrence, predisposes the host to ABPA.@*METHODS@#A total of 61 ABPA patients and 264 controls (including 156 healthy controls and 108 asthma patients) were recruited for sequencing the CARD9 locus to clarify whether patients with this heterozygous single-nucleotide polymorphisms are predisposed to the development of ABPA. A series of in vivo and in vitro experiments, such as quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction, flow cytometry, and RNA isolation and quantification, were used to illuminate the involved mechanism of the disease.@*RESULTS@#The presence of the p.S12N mutation was associated with a significant risk of ABPA in ABPA patients when compared with healthy controls and asthma patients, regardless of Aspergillus sensitivity. Relative to healthy controls without relevant allergies, the mutation of p.S12N was associated with a significant risk of ABPA (OR: 2.69 and 4.17 for GA and AA genotypes, P = 0.003 and 0.029, respectively). Compared with patients with asthma, ABPA patients had a significantly higher heterozygous mutation (GA genotype), indicating that p.S12N might be a significant ABPA-susceptibility locus ( aspergillus sensitized asthma: OR: 3.02, P = 0.009; aspergillus unsensitized asthma: OR: 2.94, P = 0.005). The mutant allele was preferentially expressed in ABPA patients with heterozygous CARD9S12N , which contributes to its functional alterations to facilitate Af -induced T H 2-mediated ABPA development. In terms of mechanism, Card9 wild-type ( Card9WT ) expression levels decreased significantly due to Af -induced decay of its messenger RNA compared to the heterozygous Card9S12N . In addition, ABPA patients with heterozygous CARD9S12N had increased Af -induced interleukin-5 production.@*CONCLUSION@#Our study provides the genetic evidence showing that the heterozygous mutation of CARD9S12N , followed by allele expression imbalance of CARD9S12N , facilitates the development of ABPA.

Humans , Aspergillosis, Allergic Bronchopulmonary/complications , Aspergillus fumigatus/genetics , Asthma/genetics , Aspergillus , Mutation/genetics , CARD Signaling Adaptor Proteins/genetics
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971664


Drimane-type sesquiterpenoids are widely distributed in fungi. From the ethyl acetate extract of the earwig-derived Aspergillus sp. NF2396, seven new drimane-type sesquiterpenoids, named drimanenoids A-G (1-7), were isolated. Their structures were elucidated by diverse spectroscopic analysis including high-resolution ESI-MS, one- and two-dimensional NMR spectroscopy. Drimanenoids A-F (1-6) are new members of drimane-type sesquiterpenoid esterified with unsaturated fatty acid side chain at C-6. Drimanenoids C (3), D (4) and F (6) showed antibacterial activity against five types of bacteria with different inhibition diameters. Drimanenoid D (4) exhibited moderate cytotoxicity against human myelogenous leukemia cell line K562 with an IC50 value of 12.88 ± 0.11 μmol·L-1.

Humans , Polycyclic Sesquiterpenes , Sesquiterpenes/chemistry , Aspergillus/chemistry , Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy , Molecular Structure
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-7, 2023. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468810


Pesticide residues that contaminate the environment circulate within the hydrological cycle can accumulate within the food chain and cause problems to both environmental and human health. Microbes, however, are well known for their metabolic versatility and the ability to degrade chemically stable substances, including recalcitrant xenobiotics. The current study focused on bio-prospecting within Amazonian rainforest soils to find novel strains fungi capable of efficiently degrading the agriculturally and environmentally ubiquitous herbicide, glyphosate. Of 50 fungal strains isolated (using culture media supplemented with glyphosate as the sole carbon-substrate), the majority were Penicillium strains (60%) and the others were Aspergillus and Trichoderma strains (26 and 8%, respectively). All 50 fungal isolates could use glyphosate as a phosphorous source. Eight of these isolates grew better on glyphosate-supplemented media than on regular Czapek Dox medium. LC-MS revealed that glyphosate degradation by Penicillium 4A21 resulted in sarcosine and aminomethylphosphonic acid.

Resíduos de agrotóxicos que contaminam o meio ambiente circulam no ciclo hidrológico, podendo se acumular na cadeia alimentar e causar problemas tanto à saúde ambiental quanto humana. Por sua vez, microrganismos são bem conhecidos por sua versatilidade metabólica e capacidade de degradar substâncias quimicamente estáveis, incluindo xenobióticos recalcitrantes. O estudo atual se concentrou na bioprospecção nos solos da floresta amazônica para encontrar novas linhagens de fungos capazes de degradar com eficiência o herbicida onipresente na agricultura e no meio ambiente, o glifosato. Entre os 50 fungos isolados (usando meio de cultura suplementado com glifosato como única fonte de carbono), a maioria eram isolados do gênero Penicillium (60%) e os outros eram isolados de Aspergillus e Trichoderma (26 e 8%, respectivamente). Todos os 50 isolados de fungos foram capazes de usar glifosato como fonte de fósforo. Oito desses isolados cresceram melhor em meio suplementado com glifosato do que em meio Czapek Dox regular. LC-MS revelou que a degradação do glifosato por Penicillium 4A21 resultou nos metabólitos sarcosina e ácido aminometilfosfônico.

Animals , Aspergillus , Herbicides/toxicity , Soil Microbiology , Penicillium , Trichoderma
Braz. j. biol ; 83: 1-6, 2023. graf, tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1468830


Bats are important for the homeostasis of ecosystems and serve as hosts of various microorganisms including bacteria, viruses, and fungi with pathogenic potential. This study aimed to isolate fungi from biological samples obtained from bats captured in the city of Sinop (state of Mato Grosso, Brazil), where large areas of deforestation exist due to urbanization and agriculture. On the basis of the flow of people and domestic animals, 48 bats were captured in eleven urban forest fragments. The samples were processed and submitted to microbiological cultures, to isolate and to identify the fungal genera. Thirty-four (70.83%) of the captured bats were positive for fungi; 18 (37.5%) and 16 (33.33%) of these bats were female and male, respectively. Penicillium sp., Scopulariopsis sp., Fusarium sp., Aspergillus sp., Alternaria sp., Cryptococcus sp., Trichosporon sp., and Candida sp., which may cause opportunistic infections, were isolated. The bat species with the highest number of fungal isolates was Molossus molossus: 21 isolates (43.8%). According to our results, bats captured in urban forest fragments in Sinop harbor pathogenic fungi, increasing the risk of opportunistic fungal infections in humans and domestic animals.

Os morcegos apresentam grande importância na homeostasia dos ecossistemas e são hospedeiros de uma rica diversidade de micro-organismos como bactérias, vírus e fungos com potencial patogênico. Portanto, este estudo visou isolar fungos presentes em amostras biológicas de morcegos na cidade de Sinop - MT, que possui grandes áreas de desmatamento devido à urbanização e agricultura. Foram capturados 48 morcegos de diferentes espécies, em onze fragmentos florestais urbanos definidos de acordo com fluxo de pessoas e animais domésticos, para obtenção de amostras biológicas. Essas amostras foram processadas e submetidas aos cultivos microbiológicos, para isolamento e identificação dos gêneros dos fungos. Dos 48 morcegos, 34 (70,83%) foram positivos para pelos menos um gênero de fungo, sendo 18 (37,5%) fêmeas e 16 (33,33%) machos, e os gêneros isolados a partir das amostras biológicas foram Penicillium sp., Scopulariopsis sp., Fusarium sp., Aspergillus sp., Alternaria sp., Cryptococcus sp., Trichosporon sp. e Candida sp., que podem ser causadores de infecções oportunistas. Desse total, a espécie que apresentou maior positividade para pelo menos um gênero de fungo foi Molossus molossus com 21 (43,8%). Nossos resultados demonstram que os morcegos capturados nos fragmentos florestais urbanos na cidade de Sinop - MT, podem atuar como agentes veiculadores de fungos com potencial patogênico, aumentando assim o risco de exposição e aquisição de infecções fúngicas oportunistas por pessoas e animais domésticos.

Animals , Fungi/pathogenicity , Chiroptera/microbiology , Chiroptera/blood , Alternaria , Aspergillus , Candida , Cryptococcus , Fusarium , Penicillium , Scopulariopsis , Trichosporon
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e242830, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278540


Abstract Pesticide residues that contaminate the environment circulate within the hydrological cycle can accumulate within the food chain and cause problems to both environmental and human health. Microbes, however, are well known for their metabolic versatility and the ability to degrade chemically stable substances, including recalcitrant xenobiotics. The current study focused on bio-prospecting within Amazonian rainforest soils to find novel strains fungi capable of efficiently degrading the agriculturally and environmentally ubiquitous herbicide, glyphosate. Of 50 fungal strains isolated (using culture media supplemented with glyphosate as the sole carbon-substrate), the majority were Penicillium strains (60%) and the others were Aspergillus and Trichoderma strains (26 and 8%, respectively). All 50 fungal isolates could use glyphosate as a phosphorous source. Eight of these isolates grew better on glyphosate-supplemented media than on regular Czapek Dox medium. LC-MS revealed that glyphosate degradation by Penicillium 4A21 resulted in sarcosine and aminomethylphosphonic acid.

Resumo Resíduos de agrotóxicos que contaminam o meio ambiente circulam no ciclo hidrológico, podendo se acumular na cadeia alimentar e causar problemas tanto à saúde ambiental quanto humana. Por sua vez, microrganismos são bem conhecidos por sua versatilidade metabólica e capacidade de degradar substâncias quimicamente estáveis, incluindo xenobióticos recalcitrantes. O estudo atual se concentrou na bioprospecção nos solos da floresta amazônica para encontrar novas linhagens de fungos capazes de degradar com eficiência o herbicida onipresente na agricultura e no meio ambiente, o glifosato. Entre os 50 fungos isolados (usando meio de cultura suplementado com glifosato como única fonte de carbono), a maioria eram isolados do gênero Penicillium (60%) e os outros eram isolados de Aspergillus e Trichoderma (26 e 8%, respectivamente). Todos os 50 isolados de fungos foram capazes de usar glifosato como fonte de fósforo. Oito desses isolados cresceram melhor em meio suplementado com glifosato do que em meio Czapek Dox regular. LC-MS revelou que a degradação do glifosato por Penicillium 4A21 resultou nos metabólitos sarcosina e ácido aminometilfosfônico.

Humans , Penicillium , Trichoderma , Herbicides/toxicity , Aspergillus , Soil , Soil Microbiology , Biodegradation, Environmental , Organophosphonates , Fungi , Glycine/analogs & derivatives
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e243332, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1345537


Abstract The present study was aimed to manifest the antibacterial and antifungal activity of methanolic extracts of Salix alba L. against seven Gram-positive and Gram-negative bacterial pathogens e.g. Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus (1), S. aureus (2), Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli (1), E. coli (2) and Neisseria gonorrhoeae and three fungal isolates from the air such as Aspergillus terreus, A. ornatus, and Rhizopus stolonifer. Two different serotypes of S. aureus and E. coli were used. The agar well-diffusion method results showed the dose-dependent response of plant extracts against bacterial and fungal strains while some organisms were found resistant e.g. E. coli (1), S. sonnei, A. terreus and R. stolonifer. The highest antibacterial activity was recorded at 17.000±1.732 mm from 100 mg/mL of leaves methanolic extracts against S. pyogenes while the activity of most of the pathogens decreased after 24 h of incubation. The highest antifungal activity was reported at 11.833±1.0 mm against A. ornatus at 50 mg/mL after 48 h of the incubation period. These experimental findings endorse the use of S. alba in ethnopharmacological formulations and suggest the use of methanolic extracts of the said plant to develop drugs to control the proliferation of resistant disease causing pathogenic microbes.

Resumo O presente estudo teve como objetivo manifestar a atividade antibacteriana e antifúngica de extratos metanólicos de Salix alba L. contra sete patógenos bacterianos Gram-positivos e Gram-negativos. Streptococcus pyogenes, Staphylococcus aureus (1), S. aureus (2), Shigella sonnei, Escherichia coli (1), E. coli (2) e Neisseria gonorrhoeae e três isolados de fungos do ar, como Aspergillus terreus, A. ornatus, e Rhizopus stolonifer. Dois sorotipos diferentes de S. aureus e E. coli foram usados. Os resultados do método de difusão em ágar mostraram a resposta dependente da dose de extratos de plantas contra cepas de bactérias e fungos, enquanto alguns organismos foram considerados resistentes, e.g. E. coli (1), S. sonnei, A. terreus e R. stolonifer. A maior atividade antibacteriana foi registrada em 17.000 ± 1.732 de 100 mg/mL de extratos metanólicos de folhas contra S. pyogenes, enquanto a atividade da maioria dos patógenos diminuiu após 24 h de incubação. A maior atividade antifúngica foi relatada em 11,833 ± 1,0 contra A. ornatus a 50 mg/mL após 48 h do período de incubação. Esses achados experimentais endossam o uso de S. alba em formulações etnofarmacológicas e sugerem o uso de extratos metanólicos da referida planta para o desenvolvimento de fármacos que controlem a proliferação de doenças resistentes que causam micróbios patogênicos.

Salix , Antifungal Agents/pharmacology , Aspergillus , Rhizopus , Staphylococcus aureus , Plant Extracts/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Methanol , Escherichia coli , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology
Cambios rev med ; 21(2): 801, 30 Diciembre 2022. ilus, grafs.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1415461


INTRODUCCIÓN. La aspergilosis laríngea en individuos inmunocompetentes, aunque rara, se reporta cada vez con más frecuencia; por lo cual, es necesario comprender mejor los aspectos clínicos y terapéuticos más adecuados para abordar su atención. OBJETIVO. Documentar los aspectos clínicos asociados al diagnóstico y el tratamiento de la aspergilosis laríngea en sujetos inmunocompetentes. METODOLOGÍA. Se realizó un estudio Bibliográfico Narrativo de carácter retrospectivo, donde se evaluaron los casos clínicos reportados de personas inmunocompetentes con aspergilosis laríngea desde el año 1983 hasta el 2022. Se hizo una revisión bibliográfica en las bases de datos PubMed/Medline y ScienceDirect, y se incluyeron todos los casos reportados en sujetos inmunocompetentes. RESULTADOS. Se identificaron 30 casos clínicos que cumplieron con los criterios de inclusión dentro de un grupo de 586 artículos revisados. El patógeno más reportado fue Aspergillus fumigatus y la evaluación histopatológica la principal herramienta para diagnosticar la aspergilosis. Se reportaron más casos en mujeres con un 58%. La mayor incidencia se observó en sujetos entre 20 y 49 años de edad. Los síntomas más comunes fueron disfonía, disnea y tos. El tratamiento farmacológico empleado actualmente es el Itraconazol seguido por el Voriconazol. CONCLUSIONES. La evidencia reportada mostró que la aspergilosis laríngea en pacientes inmunocompetentes podría estar dejando de ser un evento "poco común" por lo que debe prestarse más atención a su diagnóstico y tratamiento.

INTRODUCTION. Laryngeal aspergillosis in immunocompetent individuals, although rare, is reported with increasing frequency; therefore, it is necessary to better understand the most appropriate clinical and therapeutic aspects to address its care. OBJECTIVE. To document the clinical aspects associated with the diagnosis and treatment of laryngeal aspergillosis in immunocompetent subjects. METHODOLOGY. A retrospective Narrative Bibliographic study was performed, where clinical case reports of immunocompetent subjects with laryngeal aspergillosis from 1983 to 2022 were evaluated. A literature review was performed in PubMed/Medline and ScienceDirect databases, and all reported cases in immunocompetent subjects were included. RESULTS. Thirty clinical cases that met the inclusion criteria were identified from a pool of 586 articles reviewed. The most reported pathogen was Aspergillus fumigatus and histopathologic evaluation the main tool for diagnosing aspergillosis. More cases were reported in women with 58%. The highest incidence was observed in subjects between 20 and 49 years of age. The most common symptoms were dysphonia, dyspnea and cough. The pharmacological treatment currently used is Itraconazole followed by Voriconazole. CONCLUSIONS. The evidence reported showed that laryngeal aspergillosis in immunocompetent patients may no longer be a "rare" event and more attention should be paid to its diagnosis and treatment.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Aspergillosis/drug therapy , Aspergillus fumigatus , Therapeutics , Laryngeal Diseases , Diagnosis , Immunocompetence , Aspergillus , Aspergillus niger , Itraconazole , Cough , Dyspnea , Ecuador , Dysphonia , Voriconazole , Larynx/pathology
Rev. chil. infectol ; 39(3): 248-253, jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407786


INTRODUCCIÓN: La prueba Aspergillus galactomannan Ag Virclia® (GM-VClia) es una técnica de galactomanano monotest, auto-matizada, basada en inmunoensayo quimioluminiscente (CLIA). OBJETIVO: Evaluar el desempeño del test de GM-VClia en muestras de suero y lavado bronquioalveolar (LBA) procesadas previamente con el kit Platelia™ Aspergillus EIA (GM-Plat). MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS: Se estudiaron 56 muestras de suero y 40 de LBA, correspondientes a un total de 59 pacientes (algunos con determinación de galactomamano en ambas muestras) con enfermedades pulmonares, hematológicas, LES, Covid-19 y tumores, entre otros. Trece pacientes tuvieron aspergilosis invasora (1 probada y 12 probables). RESULTADOS: La correlación entre ambos métodos para suero y LBA fue r = 0,8861 p < 0,0001 y r = 0,6368 p < 0,001, respectivamente. Hubo una concordancia global de 67,7% (65/96), siendo de 85,7% (48/56) en sueros y 42,5,0% (14/49) en LBA. Al subir el punto de corte en LBA por GM-VClia la concordancia aumentó a 85,7%. CONCLUSIONES: Se observó una mayor correlación y concordancia en sueros que en LBA. El kit GM-VClia presentó una mayor sensibilidad y valor predictor negativo (VPN), que el kit GM-Plat. Las desventajas de GM-VClia, la constituyen la categoría "dudoso", que dificulta la interpretación y que, con los puntos de corte actuales en LBA, la correlación con GM-Plat es menor. Las ventajas son su mayor sensibilidad, facilidad de procesamiento y una mayor rapidez en los resultados.

BACKGROUND: The Aspergillus Galactomannan Ag Virclia® (GMVClia) test is a monotest and automated galactomannan technique based on chemiluminescent immunoassay (CLIA). AIM: To evaluate the performance of the GM-VClia test in serum and bronchioalveolar lavage (BAL) samples previously processed with the Platelia ™ Aspergillus EIA kit (GM-Plat). METHODS: 56 samples of serum 40 from BAL (some of them with galactomaman determination in both samples), from patients with pulmonary diseases, hematological diseases, SLE, Covid-19 and tumors, among others, were studied. Thirteen patients had invasive aspergillosis (1 proven and 12 probable). RESULTS: The correlation between both methods for serum and BAL was r = 0.8861 p < 0.0001 and r = 0.6368 p < 0.001, respectively. There was a global concordance of 67.7% (65/96), being 85.7% (48/56) in sera and 42.5.0% (14/49) in BAL. By raising the cut-off point in LBA by GM-VClia, the agreement increased to 85.7%. CONCLUSION: A greater correlation and concordance was observed in sera than in BAL. The GM-VClia kit had a higher sensitivity and NPV than the GM-Plat kit. The disadvantages of GM-VClia are the "doubtful" category, which makes interpretation difficult and that with the current cut-off points in LBA the correlation with GM-Plat is lower. The advantages are its greater sensitivity, ease of processing and faster results.

Humans , Aspergillosis/diagnosis , Galactose/analogs & derivatives , Aspergillus , Bronchoalveolar Lavage Fluid , Sensitivity and Specificity , COVID-19 , Mannans
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-929054


Marine fungi are important members of the marine microbiome, which have been paid growing attention by scientists in recent years. The secondary metabolites of marine fungi have been reported to contain rich and diverse compounds with novel structures (Chen et al., 2019). Aspergillus terreus, the higher level marine fungus of the Aspergillus genus (family of Trichocomaceae, order of Eurotiales, class of Eurotiomycetes, phylum of Ascomycota), is widely distributed in both sea and land. In our previous study, the coral-derived A. terreus strain C23-3 exhibited potential in producing other biologically active (with antioxidant, acetylcholinesterase inhibition, and anti-inflammatory activity) compounds like arylbutyrolactones, territrems, and isoflavones, and high sensitivity to the chemical regulation of secondary metabolism (Yang et al., 2019, 2020; Nie et al., 2020; Ma et al., 2021). Moreover, we have isolated two different benzaldehydes, including a benzaldehyde with a novel structure, from A. terreus C23-3 which was derived from Pectinia paeonia of Xuwen, Zhanjiang City, Guangdong Province, China.

Animals , Mice , Acetylcholinesterase/metabolism , Anthozoa/microbiology , Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Aspergillus/chemistry , Benzaldehydes/pharmacology , Signal Transduction
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979393


Aims@#The study was aimed to isolate and characterize the mycotoxin-producing filamentous Aspergillus parasiticus from the feed samples. The sensitivity pattern of the isolates was assessed against different disinfectants.@*Methodology and results@#Fifty different feed samples were screened for A. parasiticus isolation. Isolates were subjected to macroscopic and microscopic characterization. Polymerase chain reaction was performed to confirm the isolates at the genomic level. Mycotoxin producing potential of the isolates was assessed by thin-layer chromatography (TLC). To quantify the toxins, high performance liquid (HPLC) was employed. The antifungal potential of disinfectants was determined by the well diffusion method followed by minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) calculation. Out of twenty isolates of A. parasiticus, 11(55%) isolates were observed positive for toxin production. Three toxigenic isolates (AspP2, AspP4 and AspP8) were selected to evaluate their susceptibility against disinfectants by well diffusion method. AspP2 produced maximum (5.90 ng/mL) toxin, followed by AspP4 (3.11 ng/mL) and AspP8 (18.47 ng/mL). Terralin showed maximum fungicidal activity with 29.66 ± 8.08 mm zone of inhibition at 0.42 μg/mL MIC. Hypochlorite and Instru Star showed 99% disinfection with 30, 60 and 90 min contact time (6 mean log reduction) for all A. parasiticus isolates. Alpha Guard inhibited growth after 15 min contact time for all the isolates.@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#This study provides data indicating the contamination of feed samples with mycotoxin-producing A. parasiticus isolates and their sensitivity against commercially available disinfectants. Use of these disinfectants in appropriate concentrations and time could help prevent the contamination of food, feed and healthcare settings with the fungal species.

Mycotoxins , Aspergillus
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928015


A new polyketide, coptaspin A(1), along with two known compounds 4-acetyl-3,4-dihydro-6,8-dihydroxy-3-methoxy-5-methylisocoumarin(2), and cytochalasin Z_(12)(3), was isolated from the endophytic fungi Aspergillus sp. ZJ-58, which was isolated from the genuine medicinal plant Coptis chinensis in Chongqing after solid-state fermentation on rice and silica gel, MCI, and HPLC-based separation. Their structures were elucidated by MS, NMR, IR, UV, and ECD. The newly isolated compound 1 showed moderate inhibitory activities against LPS-induced NO production in RAW264.7 macrophages with the IC_(50) value of 58.7 μmol·L~(-1), suggesting its potential anti-inflammatory activity.

Anti-Inflammatory Agents/pharmacology , Aspergillus/chemistry , Coptis chinensis , Plants, Medicinal , Polyketides/pharmacology
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 103 p. tab, ilus, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378523


O Brasil é o país que possui a maior diversidade de bambus em todo o continente americano, com mais de 200 espécies catalogadas. Devido à alta resistência e durabilidade, essas espécies são muito utilizadas na construção civil e confecção de móveis e utensílios. No entanto, faltam estudos que investiguem a composição química e as atividades biológicas. Neste projeto foram avaliados extratos etanólicos de folhas e colmos de Guadua chacoensis (Rojas) Londoño & P.M. Peterson e frações em hexano, clorofórmio, acetato de etila e n-butanol. Também se obteve o óleo volátil, mas com um rendimento extremamente baixo (0,00079%). As frações dos extratos apresentaram teores de compostos fenólicos variando entre 1,92 e 15,80 µg EAG/mg. Esses compostos mostraram-se mais abundantes nas amostras de colmos. Em relação ao teor de flavonoides, as folhas apresentaram maior quantidade, variando entre 0,39 e 1,18 µg EQ/mg contra 0,17 a 0,34 µg EQ/mg nos colmos. Investigou-se a atividade antimicrobiana dos extratos, frações e óleo volátil frente cinco microrganismos: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans e Aspergillus brasiliensis. As amostras demonstraram potencial inibitório moderado a bom contra S. aureus e C. albicans, porém fraca para as demais espécies. Testou-se a capacidade antioxidante frente o radical DPPH e os resultados indicaram atividade antioxidante significativa, especialmente as frações acetato e butanol de colmos. As folhas apresentaram EC50 variando entre 67,5 e 124,0 µg/mL e os colmos entre 40,2 e 124 µg/mL. A inibição da enzima tirosinase, que está associada à produção de melanina, também se mostrou boa a uma concentração de 1 mg/mL, com o extrato bruto de colmos apresentando 43% de inibição, seguido pelas frações acetato (36%) e n-butanol (38%) de folhas. As análises por CG-MS detectaram pelo menos 44 compostos diferentes no óleo volátil, com vários terpenos e sesquiterpenos, e com ß-ionona sendo o componente majoritário (8,75%). As amostras de colmos e folhas apontaram grande diversidade de compostos, cerca de 20 para cada fração, onde os ácidos graxos como ácido palmítico e linoleico e seus ésteres derivados foram os mais abundantes. A análise dos perfis cromatográficos por CCD e CLAE revelaram a presença de ácido p-cumárico nos colmos de G. chacoensis. Esse composto tem relevante atividade antioxidante e de inibição da tirosinase. Também foi possível identificar a quercetagetina-7-O-glicosídeo, uma flavona glicosilada, com propriedades anti-inflamatorias e antidiabéticas. Desta forma, constatou-se que G. chacoensis apresenta grande diversidade de metabólitos secundários com atividades biológicas relevantes, como atividade antioxidante e clareadora, abrindo caminho para investigações mais profundas de suas aplicações, especialmente no segmento de cosméticos e produtos naturais

Brazil is the country with the greatest diversity of bamboo in the entire American continent, with more than 200 species catalogued. Due to their high resistance and durability, they are widely used in home construction and manufacture of furniture and utensils. However, studies investigating chemical composition and biological activities are absent. In this project, ethanol extracts from leaves and stems of Guadua chacoensis (Rojas) Londoño & P.M. Peterson and fractions in hexane, chloroform, ethyl acetate and n-butanol were evaluated. Volatile oil was also obtained, but with an extremely low yield (0.00079%). The fractions of the extracts presented contents of phenolic compounds varying between 1.92 and 15.80 µg GAE/mg. These compounds were more abundant in culm samples. In relation to the flavonoid content, leaves showed a greater amount, varying between 0.39 and 1.18 µg QE/mg against 0.17 to 0.34 µg QE/mg in culms. The antimicrobial activity of extracts, fractions and volatile oil were investigated against five microorganisms: Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus aureus, Candida albicans and Aspergillus brasiliensis. The samples showed moderate to good inhibitory potential against S. aureus and C. albicans, but weak for the other species. The antioxidant capacity was tested against the DPPH radical and the results indicated significant antioxidant activity, especially acetate and butanol culm fractions. The leaves presented EC50 varying between 67.5 and 124.0 µg/mL and culms between 40.2 and 124 µg/mL. The inhibition of the enzyme tyrosinase, which is associated with the production of melanin, was also shown to be good at a concentration of 1 mg/mL, with the raw culm extract showing 43% inhibition, followed by acetate (36%) and n-butanol (38%) fractions of leaves. CG-MS analysis detected at least 44 different compounds in volatile oil, with several terpenes and sesquiterpenes, and with ß-ionone being the major component (8.75%). Culm and leaf samples showed great diversity of compounds, about 20 for each fraction, where fatty acids such as palmitic and linoleic acid and their derivative esters were the most abundant. The analysis of the chromatographic profiles by TLC and HPLC revealed the presence of p-coumaric acid in culms of G. chacoensis. This compound has relevant antioxidant and tyrosinase inhibiting activity. It was also possible to identify quercetagetine-7-O-glucoside, a glycosylated flavone, with anti-inflammatory and anti-diabetic properties. Thus, it was found that G. chacoensis presents a great diversity of secondary metabolites with relevant biological activities, such as antioxidant and whitening activity, opening ways for deeper investigations of its applications, especially in the segment of cosmetics and natural products

Aspergillus/metabolism , Plant Extracts/agonists , Bambusa/adverse effects , Poaceae/chemistry , Antioxidants/analysis , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid/instrumentation , Monophenol Monooxygenase/classification , 1-Butanol , Bambusa/chemistry
Rev. colomb. neumol ; 34(1): 39-45, 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412670


La aspergilosis pulmonar clásicamente se ha considerado como una enfermedad de paciente inmunocomprometido (neoplasias hematológicas, neutropenia severa, trasplante de órgano sólido, virus de la inmunodeficiencia humana/síndrome de inmunodeficiencia adquirida VIH/SIDA) o que afecta a pacientes inmunocompetentes, pero críticamente enfermos. Sin embargo, durante la pandemia por COVID-19 el comportamiento de las infecciones fúngicas ha cambiado, siendo observada con mayor frecuencia en la actualidad. Se presenta el caso de un paciente masculino de 20 años, procedente de la Isla de San Andrés, al norte de Colombia, sin patología previa conocida, ingresa al servicio de urgencias cursando con cuadro de tres días de fiebre y tos seca. A su ingreso el paciente está consciente, con fluctuación de la atención, taquicardia y febril. Examen pulmonar y abdominal sin alteraciones. Paraclínicos con leucocitosis, neutrofilia, prueba rápida para COVID-19 negativa y NS1 para dengue negativa. La radiografía de tórax en proyección lateral evidencia infiltrados intersticiales y en tomografía, lesiones nodulares de bordes mal definidos algunos espiculados, con infiltrado intersticial vecino (depósitos tumoral o infeccioso). Resultado de RT- PCR SARSCoV-2 positivo: por hallazgos radiológicos se realiza biopsia pulmonar por toracoscopia, cuyo estudio histológico revela nódulos múltiples y estructuras fúngicas en su interior compatible con aspergillus. Se inicia terapia de primera línea con voriconazol y egreso asintomático al completar tratamiento. Se concluye que las infecciones fúngicas representan un reto diagnóstico, su retraso, por falta de sospecha en el paciente inmunocompetente impacta en la morbimortalidad. El aumento de las infecciones fúngicas durante la pandemia, obliga a considerar la aspergilosis como diagnóstico diferencial en paciente con COVID-19, con fiebre persistente y hallazgos radiológicos atípicos.

Pulmonary Aspergillosis has classically been considered a disease of immunocompromised patients (hematological neoplasms, severe neutropenia, solid organ transplantation, human immunodeficiency virus / acquired immunodeficiency syndrome HIV / AIDS) or immunocompetent but critically ill patients. However, during the COVID-19 pandemic the behavior of fungal infections has changed, being observed more frequently today. A case of 20-year-old male patient, from San Andrés islands, north of Colombia; With no known prior pathology, he was admitted to the emergency department with a 3-day fever and dry cough. On admission, a conscious patient with fluctuating attention, tachycardia and fever. Pulmonary and abdominal examination without alterations. Paraclinical patients with leukocytosis, neutrophilia, rapid test for covid19 negative and NS1 for dengue negative. The chest X-ray in lateral projection shows interstitial infiltrates and in tomography as nodular lesions with poorly defined edges, some spiculated, with neighboring interstitial infiltrate (tumor or infectious deposits). A positive SARS COV 2 RT-PCR result, due to radiological findings, a lung biopsy was performed by thoracoscopy, the histological study of which revealed multiple nodules fungal structures inside compatible with aspergillus. First-line therapy with voriconazole was started, asymptomatic discharge upon completion of treatment. As conclusion fungal infections represent a diagnostic challenge, their delay, due to lack of suspicion in the immunocompetent patient, impacts morbidity and mortality. The increase in fungal infections during the COVID-19 pandemic makes it necessary to consider aspergillosis as a differential diagnosis in a patient with COVID-19, with persistent fever and atypical radiological findings.

Humans , Aspergillus , Pulmonary Aspergillosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Leukocytosis
São Paulo; s.n; 2022. 101 p. ilus, graf, mapas, tab.


Aspergillus spp. são fungos saprófitos distribuídos mundialmente, sendo agentes de aspergilose, micose causada por via aérea. Em meio ambiente agrícola, fungos podem estar expostos a compostos azólicos usados como agrotóxicos e sofrerem pressão seletiva para surgimento de cepas resistentes. Se inaladas, principalmente, por indivíduos imunosuprimidos, tais cepas podem desencadear infecção refratária a tratamentos com fármacos da mesma classe química, como itraconazol e voriconazol. A busca da resistência ambiental contribui para o desvendamento da epidemiologia molecular da aspergilose. O objetivo deste estudo foi identificar as espécies de Aspergillus e determinar os respectivos perfis de sensibilidade a azóis, fármacos e fungicidas agrícolas, de amostras de regiões de cinco estados do Brasil. Foram estudados 128 isolados de Aspergillus spp., provenientes de 114 amostras de ar atmosférico. Os isolados foram classificados em seções e sequenciados para identificação da espécie. As seções mais frequentes foram: Nigri (50,8%), Flavi (29,7%), Circumdati (9,3%), além de Fumigati, Clavati, Terrei, Restricti e Nidulantes. Valores altos de concentração inibitória mínima (MIC), situados acima dos pontos de corte epidemiológicos (ECOFF) que caracterizam isolados não-selvagens para itraconazol e posaconazol, foram observados para um isolado da seção Nigri, identificado como Aspergillus welwitschiae. Para seção Restricti (n=2), apesar de não haver ECOFF, os valores de MIC foram mais elevados para posaconazol, voriconazol, itraconazol, anfotericina B e para o fungicida agrícola difenoconazol, quando comparados às demais seções. Para isolados das seções Flavi, Circumdati e Clavati, foram encontrados valores altos de MIC dos agrotóxicos tebuconazol e metconazol. Não foi constatada ocorrência de resistência cruzada a mais de...(AU)

Aspergillus spp. are saprophytic fungi distributed worldwide, being agents of aspergillosis, a mycosis caused by the airborne route. In an agricultural environment, fungi may be exposed to azole compounds used as pesticides and undergo selective pressure for the emergence of resistant strains. If inhaled, mainly by immunosuppressed individuals, these strains can trigger an infection that is refractory to treatments with drugs of the same chemical class, such as itraconazole and voriconazole. The search for environmental resistance contributes to the unveiling of the molecular epidemiology of aspergillosis. The aim of this study was to identify Aspergillus species and determine the respective profiles of sensitivity to azoles, pharmaceuticals and agricultural fungicides, from samples isolated from regions of five states of Brazil A total of 128 Aspergillus spp. isolates from 114 atmospheric air samples were studied. The isolates were classified into sections and sequenced to identify the species. The most frequent sections were Nigri (50.8%), Flavi (29.7%), Circumdati (9.3%), in addition to Fumigati, Clavati, Terrei, Restricti and Nidulantes. High values of minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) above the epidemiological cut-off points (ECOFF), characterizing non-wild isolates, for itraconazole and posaconazole, were observed for an isolate from the Nigri section, identified as Aspergillus welwitschiae. For the Restricti section (n=2), despite the absence of ECOFF, the MIC were higher for posaconazole, voriconazole, itraconazole, amphotericin B and for agricultural fungicide difenoconazole, when compared to the other sections. For isolates from Flavi, Circumdati, and Clavati sections, high MIC values of the pesticides tebuconazole and metconazole were found. Cross-resistance to more than one azole drug was not found. It is concluded that in the atmospheric air of the cities of Itu, São Paulo, Azenha, and Porto Alegre there are non-wild isolates with the possibility of presenting resistance mechanisms. Complementary studies to this one, using gene sequencing methods, are necessary to elucidate the underlying possible resistance mechanism of mutation. This is the first study in Brazil to demonstrate non-wild isolates from urban atmospheric air, harboring possible mechanisms of environmental resistance. (AU)

Aspergillus , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Air , Antifungal Agents , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Fungicides, Industrial
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 87 p. tab, graf, ilus.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1379165


Um dos principais grupos de conservantes utilizados na maioria dos cosméticos são os parabenos que em muitos estudos demonstraram que podem provocar reações alérgicas como dermatite de contato, entre outras sensibilizações cutâneas. A fim de minimizar esses problemas, a indústria está produzindo cosméticos livres de conservantes ou de origem natural e em associações aos sintéticos. Dentre os conservantes naturais utilizados, podemos citar os óleos essenciais como uma alternativa viável. Diante deste contexto o presente trabalho visa avaliar experimentalmente o potencial antimicrobiano do óleo essencial de Conobea scoparioides Cham. & Schltdl., conhecida popularmente como pataqueira, o efeito de sua associação com parabenos e de sua eficácia como conservante em bases cosméticas. A composição do óleo essencial foi avaliada, indicando que este é composto em sua maior parte por terpenos, tendo éter metílico do timol (39,2%), timol (33,8 %) e α-felandreno (15,9%) como compostos majoritários. A atividade antimicrobiana do óleo essencial e do timol foi acessada através da concentração inibitória mínima (CIM), cujos resultados em µg/mL para o óleo essencial e o timol foram respectivamente: Staphylococcus aureus 650,70 e 284,90, Escherichia coli 721,53 e 271,20, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1748,00 e > 2.000, Burkholderia cepacia 833,03 e 1.077,70, Candida albicans 521,43 e 172,61 e Aspergillus brasiliensis 300 e 400. O efeito sinérgico da associação do óleo essencial com os parabenos foi realizado através de um delineamento experimental centroide simplex para uma mistura de metilparabeno, propilparabeno e óleo essencial frente aos mesmos micro-organismos utilizados na determinação da atividade antimicrobiana. As concentrações ideais obtidas pela análise estatística para cada componente em µg/mL foram: 1120 para o metilparabeno, 350 para o propilparabeno e 675 para o óleo essencial. O teste de eficácia do sistema conservante em formulação cosmética foi efetuado empregando as concentrações ideais e mais duas concentrações superiores e uma abaixo do ideal. Para todas as cepas microbianas desafiadas o resultado do teste foi de redução total da carga microbiana inoculada nos sete dias de ensaio e nenhum aumento até o vigésimo oitavo dia o que demonstra a eficácia da associação do óleo essencial com os conservantes sintéticos. O óleo essencial de C. scoparioides apresentou um potencial antimicrobiano importante tanto sozinho como em associação com conservantes sintéticos. Estes resultados sugerem que esse óleo pode ser usado para compor um sistema conservante para formulações cosméticas contendo uma menor quantidade de sintéticos

One of the main groups of preservatives used in most cosmetics are parabens, that many studies have shown that they can cause allergic reactions such as contact dermatitis, among other skin sensitizations. To minimize these problems, the industry is producing cosmetics preservative free or using natural products instead and their combination with the synthetics. Among the natural preservatives used, we can mention essential oils as a viable alternative. In this context, the present work aims to experimentally evaluate the antimicrobial potential of the Conobea scoparioides Cham. & Schltdl. essential oil, popularly known as pataqueira, the effect of its association with parabens and its effectiveness as a preservative in cosmetic bases. The essential oil composition was analyzed, indicating that it is composed mostly of terpenes, with thymol methyl ether (39.2%), thymol (33.8%) and -phelandrene (15.9%) as major compounds. The antimicrobial activity of essential oil and thymol was accessed through the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC), whose results in µg/mL for essential oil and thymol were respectively: Staphylococcus aureus 650.70 and 284.90, Escherichia coli 721, 53 and 271.20, Pseudomonas aeruginosa 1748.00 and > 2,000, Burkholderia cepacia 833.03 and 1,077.70, Candida albicans 521.43 and 172.61 and Aspergillus brasiliensis 300 and 400. The synergistic effect of the association of essential oil with parabens was performed through a centroid simplex experimental design for a mixture of methylparaben, propylparaben and essential oil against the same microorganisms used in the antimicrobial activity evaluation The ideal concentrations obtained by statistical analysis for each component in µg/mL were: 1120 for methylparaben, 350 for propylparaben and 675 for essential oil. The effectiveness test of the preservative system in cosmetic formulation was carried out using the ideal concentrations plus two higher concentrations and one below the ideal. For all challenged microbial strains, the test result was a total reduction of the inoculated microbial load in the seven days of testing and no increase until the twenty-eighth day, which demonstrates the effectiveness of the association of essential oil with synthetic preservatives. C. scoparioides essential oil showed an important antimicrobial potential both alone and in association with parabens. These results demonstrated that it can be used to compose a preservative system for cosmetic formulations containing lower amounts of synthetics

Aspergillus/classification , Oils, Volatile/analysis , Cosmetics , Plantaginaceae/classification , Parabens/pharmacology , Skin , Burkholderia cepacia/classification , Additives in Cosmetics , Anti-Infective Agents/adverse effects
Bol. malariol. salud ambient ; 61(4): 657-663, dic. 2021. tab., ilus.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1396110


Se ha comprobado que la exposición a bioaerosoles se asocia con varios efectos sobre la salud, como enfermedades pulmonares y alergias. El presente estudio transversal tuvo como objetivo investigar la contaminación por hongos en varias superficies pertenecientes a dos industrias de alimentos. La toma de muestra se realizó en tres semanas, inmediatamente después de realizada la limpieza y desinfección y antes de iniciar la producción. Se recolectaron 400 muestras de superficie (vidrio, acero inoxidable, aluminio, goma y plástico), también se evaluó la eficacia del programa de higienización en el control de la población de hongos. Todas las muestras presentaron recuentos fúngicos <10 ufc/cm2, sin haber diferencias significativas entre los tipos de superficie, sin embargo, las superficies plásticas exhibieron mayor crecimiento logarítmico de los hongos. Se determinó que 49,60% de las especies identificadas correspondieron al género Penicillium. Aunque los niveles de hongos en las industrias estudiadas fueron inferiores a los niveles recomendados por la Organización Mundial de la Salud, algunas medidas de salud ambiental como lavar y desinfectar las superficies después de cada turno de trabajo, y se recomiendan inspecciones periódicas para garantizar la seguridad de los trabajadores y de los productos que allí se manufacturan(AU)

It has been proven that exposure to bioaerosols is associated with several health effects, such as pulmonary diseases and allergies. The present crosssectional study aimed to investigate fungal contamination on various surfaces belonging to two food industries. The sampling was carried out in three weeks, immediately after cleaning and disinfection and before starting production. 400 surface samples were collected (glass, stainless steel, aluminum, rubber and plastic), the effectiveness of the sanitation program in controlling the fungal population was also evaluated. All the samples presented fungal counts <10 cfu / cm2, with no significant differences between the types of surfaces, however, the plastic surfaces exhibited higher logarithmic growth of the fungi. It was determined that 49.60% of the identified species corresponded to the Penicillium genus.Although the levels of fungi in the studied baths were lower than the levels recommended by the World Health Organization, some environmental health measure ssuch as washing and disinfecting surfaces after each working shift and periodic inspections are recommended ensuring the safety of the workers and the products that are manufactured there(AU)

Humans , Colony Count, Microbial , Food Industry , Sanitation/methods , Environmental Pollution/prevention & control , Fungi , Penicillium , Plastics , Aspergillus , Rhizopus , Stainless Steel , Occupational Risks , Disinfection/methods , Alternaria , Food , Manufacturing and Industrial Facilities , Glass , Occupational Groups
Rev. chil. infectol ; 38(6): 754-760, dic. 2021. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1388316


INTRODUCCIÓN: Se han descrito coinfecciones fúngicas por Aspergillus spp. en pacientes críticos cursando una infección por COVID-19. OBJETIVOS: Describir las características clínicas, diagnóstico, tratamiento y evolución de pacientes con síndrome de distrés respiratorio agudo con COVID-19, que cursan con aspergilosis pulmonar asociada a COVID-19 (CAPA por sus siglas en inglés) en un centro hospitalario público. Pacientes y MÉTODOS: Revisión de registros clínicos durante 12 meses en pacientes con diagnóstico de CAPA mediante cultivos de muestras respiratorias o determinación de galactomanano (GM). RESULTADOS: En 11 pacientes se diagnosticó CAPA probable (score APACHE II promedio de 11,7). Las muestras respiratorias se obtuvieron en 73% de los casos por lavado broncoalveolar y en 27% por aspirado endotraqueal. Se aisló A. fumigatus en 4 cultivos, A. niger, A. terreus y Aspergillus spp en una ocasión cada uno y los cultivos fueron negativos en 4 muestras. En 7 pacientes se realizó GM de muestras respiratorias, mediana: 3,6 (RIC: 1,71 - 4,4), en 10 pacientes se realizó GM sérica, mediana: 0,5 (RIC: 0,265 - 0,975) con 50% de ellas > 0,5. Dos pacientes mostraron hallazgos sugerentes de CAPA en la tomografía computada. Todos recibieron terapia anti-fúngica con voriconazol, con una duración promedio 14 días. Cuatro pacientes fallecieron. CONCLUSIONES: La presencia de CAPA debe ser un diagnóstico a considerar en pacientes críticos con COVID-19.

BACKGROUND: Aspergillus spp. fungal coinfections have been described in critically ill COVID-19 patients. AIM: To describe the clinical characteristics, diagnosis, treatment and evolution of patients with acute respiratory distress syndrome with COVID-19, who present with COVID-19 associated pulmonary aspergillosis (CAPA) in a single public hospital. METHODS: Retrospective review of clinical records during 12 months in patients diagnosed with CAPA by cultures of respiratory samples or determination of galactomannan (GM). RESULTS: Probable CAPA was diagnosed in 11 patients (average APACHE II score of 11.7). Respiratory samples were obtained in 73% of cases by bronchoalveolar lavage and in 27% by tracheal aspirate. A. fumigatus was isolated in 4 cultures, A. niger, A. terreus and Aspergillus spp on one occasion each and the cultures were negative in 4 samples. Respiratory sample GM was performed in 7 patients, median: 3.6 (IQR: 1.71 - 4.4). In 10 patients, serum GM was performed, median: 0.5 (IQR: 0.265 - 0.9 75) with 50% of them > 0.5. Two patients showed classic findings suggestive of CAPA on computed tomography. All received antifungal therapy with voriconazole, mean time 14 days. Four patients died. CONCLUSIONS: The presence of CAPA should be a diagnosis to be considered in critically ill COVID-19 patients.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/complications , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/diagnosis , Pulmonary Aspergillosis/drug therapy , Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis/complications , Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis/diagnosis , Invasive Pulmonary Aspergillosis/drug therapy , COVID-19/complications , Aspergillus , Chile/epidemiology , Critical Illness , SARS-CoV-2 , Hospitals, Public
Braz. j. biol ; 81(4): 1073-1080, Oct.-Dec. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1153435


Abstract The bats usually inhabit shelters with favorable conditions for fungal proliferation, including pathogenic and opportunistic species. The fungal diversity present on bats is little known and the studies are scarce in Brazil, which only a work has been performed in Cerrado and Pantanal biomes. Therefore, the objective of this study was evaluating the occurrence of filamentous fungi on the rostral region of Molossus molossus in an Atlantic Forest remnant of Brazil. The bats were captured with mist nets installed outside a shelter located in the municipality of Treviso, (28°29'23"S and 49°31'23"W), south region of state Santa Catarina. With a swab sterile moistened in saline solution, samples from the rostral region were obtained from all captured M. molossus individuals. The samples were taken to the laboratory for analysis and isolation in different culture media, followed of identification of fungal through the microculture technique. In total, 15 individuals were captured, which five fungal genus and 19 taxa were identified. Among the taxa registered, Aspergillioides sp.2, (47%), Penicillium sp.1 (33%), Chrysonilia sp. (33%), Cladosporium sp. (27%) were classified as little constant. In terms of abundance, Penicillium sp.1 (34%), Aspergillioides sp.2 (21%) and Aspergillus sp.2 (11%) were the most abundant in the samples. The results showed the occurrence of high diversity fungal in the rostral region of M. molossus in the Atlantic Forest, which is higher than observed in others Brazilian biomes. Some fungal genera found may harbor pathogenic and opportunistic species that need to be identified for preventing potential disease well as for bat conservation projects.

Resumo Os morcegos comumente abrigam-se em locais com condições favoráveis para proliferação fúngica, incluindo espécies patogênicas e oportunistas. A diversidade fúngica presente nos morcegos é pouco conhecida e os estudos são escassos no Brasil, no qual apenas um trabalho tem sido realizado nos biomas do Cerrado e Pantanal. Portanto, o objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de fungos filamentosos na região rostral de Molossus molossus em um remanescente da Mata Atlântica no sul do Brasil. Os morcegos foram capturados com redes-de-neblina instaladas na saída de um abrigo localizado no município de Treviso (28°29'23"S e 49°31'23"W), região sul do estado de Santa Catarina. Com um swab esterilizado e umedecido em solução salina, amostras da região rostral foram obtidas de todos os indivíduos de M. molossus capturados. As amostras foram levadas ao laboratório para análise e isolamento em diferentes meios de cultura, seguido de identificação taxonômica fúngica pela técnica de microcultivo. No total, 15 indivíduos foram capturados, nos quais 5 gêneros fúngicos e 19 taxa foram identificados. Dentre os taxa registrados foram classificados como pouco constante Aspergillioides sp.2, (47%), Penicillium sp.1 (33%), Chrysonilia sp. (33%), Cladosporium sp. (27%). Em termos de abundância, Penicillium sp.1 (34%), Aspergillioides sp.2 (21%) e Aspergillus sp.2 (11%) foram os mais abundantes nas amostras. Os resultados mostraram ocorrência de elevada riqueza de fungos na região rostral de M. molossus na Mata Atlântica, riqueza essa que é superior àquela observada para outros biomas brasileiros. Alguns gêneros fúngicos encontrados podem abrigar espécies patogênicas e oportunistas que precisam ser identificadas tanto para prevenir potenciais doenças, assim como, para os projetos de conservação dos morcegos.

Humans , Animals , Chiroptera , Aspergillus , Brazil , Forests , Ecosystem