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Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;41(2): 199-204, abr. 2024. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1559685


INTRODUCCIÓN: La higiene de manos es la medida más eficaz para prevenir las infecciones asociadas al cuidado de la salud. Las actitudes hacia esta práctica tan sencilla, influyen en el grado de adherencia. OBJETIVO: Desarrollar y validar un instrumento para evaluar las actitudes hacia la higiene de manos en estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería. MÉTODO: Se realizó un estudio observacional y de corte transversal. Una vez construido el instrumento se realizó la validez de contenido mediante el juicio de expertos. Para la validez de constructo se realizó análisis factorial exploratorio. Posteriormente se calculó la confiabilidad, que incluyó la consistencia interna y la estabilidad del cuestionario. RESULTADOS: Participaron 313 estudiantes de Licenciatura en Enfermería de ocho universidades de Argentina. Se calculó el Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO = 0,720) y se obtuvo una prueba de esfericidad de Bartlett significativa (x2 = 831,2; = 0,000). El análisis factorial exploratorio determinó la existencia de un único factor. El modelo explicó el 54% de la varianza. Se utilizó la implementación mejorada de la estimación Bayesiana EAP integrada en el programa FACTOR, que fue de 0,85 y se realizó test-retest utilizando análisis de correlación que arrojó un r = 0,64 (p ≤ 0,001). CONCLUSIONES: El cuestionario sobre actitudes hacia la higiene de manos (CAHM) presenta una adecuada validez y confiablidad, por lo que puede ser utilizado para indagar sobre este factor predisponente de adherencia hacia la higiene de manos.

BACKGROUND: Hand hygiene is the most effective measure to prevent health care-associated infections. Attitudes towards this simple practice influence the level of adherence. AIM: To develop and validate an instrument for the evaluation of attitudes towards hand hygiene in nursing students. METHOD: An observational and cross-sectional study was carried out. Once the instrument was constructed, content validity was carried out through expert judgment. For construct validity, exploratory factor analysis was performed. Subsequently, the analysis of construct validity and reliability was calculated, which included the internal consistency and stability of the questionnaire. RESULTS: 313 Nursing undergraduate students from 8 universities in Argentina participated. The Kaiser-Meyer-Olkin (KMO = 0.720) was calculated, and a significant Bartlett sphericity test was obtained (x2 = 831.2; = 0.000). The exploratory factor analysis determined the existence of a single factor. The model explained 54% of the variance. The improved implementation of the Bayesian EAP estimation integrated in the FACTOR program was used, which was 0.85; and test-retest was also performed using correlation analysis that yielded r = 0.64 (p ≤ 0.001). CONCLUSIONS: The Questionnaire on attitudes towards hand hygiene (CAHM) has adequate validity and reliability, so it can be used to investigate this predisposing factor of adherence to hand hygiene.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Students, Nursing/psychology , Attitude of Health Personnel , Cross Infection/prevention & control , Surveys and Questionnaires , Hand Hygiene , Psychometrics , Attitude to Health , Hand Disinfection , Cross-Sectional Studies , Reproducibility of Results , Factor Analysis, Statistical
J. Health NPEPS ; 8(1): e10963, jan - jun, 2023.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1513121


Objetivo: descrever as vivências e desafios do cuidador/familiar da criança com diabetes mellitus tipo 1. Método: estudo descritivo de abordagem qualitativa, junto a cuidadores de crianças com faixa etária de três a 12 anos incompletos, residentes em um município de Santa Catarina, Brasil. Os dados foram coletados entre julho e agosto de 2021, por meio de entrevistas em plataformas virtuais, e analisados conforme análise temática. Resultados: há vivências que transitam desde o medo e insegurança na descoberta do diagnóstico, dificuldades para aprender os cuidados com a criança, as mudanças de comportamentos de toda família, até preocupações com a criança no ambiente escolar, o que sobressai a importância das redes de apoio neste contexto, embora pouco mencionadas ou conhecidas pelos participantes. Considerações finais: as vivências e desafios do cuidador da criança com diabetes extrapola a esfera familiar, e indica que esse perfil de família necessita de acompanhamento mais próximo pelas equipes de saúde, na medida que isso garanta maior compreensão sobre a doença, cuidados necessários e referência de acolhimento.

Objective: to describe the experiences and challenges of the caregivers/family members of children with type 1 diabetes mellitus. Method: descriptive study with a qualitative approach, with caregivers of children aged between three and 12 years old, living in a municipality in Santa Catarina, Brazil. Data were collected between July and August 2021, through interviews on virtual platforms, and analyzed according to thematic analysis. Results: there are experiences that range from fear and insecurity when discovering the diagnosis, difficulties in learning how to care for the child, changes in the behavior of the entire family, to concerns about the child in the school environment, which highlights the importance of support networks in this context, although little mentioned or known by participants. Final considerations: the experiences and challenges of the caregiver of a child with diabetes go beyond the family sphere, and indicate that this family profile requires closer monitoring by health teams, as this guarantees greater understanding of the disease, necessary care and referral support.

Attitude to Health , Child Care , Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1
Int. j interdiscip. dent. (Print) ; 16(1): 62-70, abr. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1440278


Objetivo: analizar cómo interfieren las diversas dimensiones de la salud oral en la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Método: se realizó una revisión sistemática en las bases bibliográficas Medline, LILACS, SciELO y EBSCO Dentistry & Oral Sciences, para ello se utilizó la estrategia de búsqueda: aged OR aging AND "oral health" OR dentistry OR "geriatric dentistry" OR "dental care" OR "dental care for aged" OR "mouth diseases" OR "tooth diseases" OR "tooth loss" OR "facial pain" OR "oral hygiene" AND "quality of life" OR "health status" OR "self concept" OR "health services needs and demand" OR "personal satisfaction" OR "attitude to health" OR "risk factors" OR "age factors" OR "health status indicators" AND "sickness impact profile" OR "health surveys" OR "need essessment" OR "surveys and questionnaires" OR "reproducibility of results". Resultados: De los 1.356 registros identificados 14 artículos fueron incluidos para el análisis. Se evidenció, mediante la evaluación bucal clínica y las encuestas de autopercepción de la salud oral, que existe una asociación entre la salud oral y la calidad de vida de las personas mayores. Conclusiones: el deterioro de la calidad de vida de las personas mayores es causado, principalmente, por la pérdida de dientes.

Objective: To analyze how the various dimensions of oral health interfere with the quality of life of older adults. Method: a systematic review was carried out in the bibliographic databases Medline, LILACS, SciELO and EBSCO Dentistry & Oral Sciences using the search strategy: aged OR aging AND "oral health" OR dentistry OR "geriatric dentistry" OR "dental care" OR "dental care for aged" OR "mouth diseases" OR "tooth diseases" OR "tooth loss" OR "facial pain" OR "oral hygiene" AND "quality of life" OR "health status" OR "self concept" OR "health services needs and demand" OR "personal satisfaction" OR "attitude to health" OR "risk factors" OR "age factors" OR "health status indicators" AND "sickness impact profile" OR "health surveys" OR "need assessment" OR "surveys and questionnaires" OR "reproducibility of results". Results: Of the 1,356 records identified, 14 articles were included for the analysis. Clinical oral evaluation and oral health self-perception surveys demonstrated the association between oral health and quality of life in older adults. Conclusions: the deterioration of the quality of life of older adults is mainly caused by the loss of teeth.

Humans , Aged , Quality of Life , Oral Health , Geriatric Dentistry , Attitude to Health , Dental Care for Aged , Health Services Needs and Demand
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508247


Introducción: La diabetes mellitus es un problema emergente de salud pública; que mostrará un crecimiento del 45 por ciento para el año 2030, influenciado por el incremento demográfico y el envejecimiento poblacional a escala global. Objetivo: Desarrollar una estrategia educativa sobre la diabetes mellitus e implementarla en la comunidad de Ojo de Agua, Holguín. Método: Se realizó una investigación siguiendo el paradigma cuanticualitativo, con una población fuente o de estudio de 27 pacientes diabéticos que se caracterizaron a partir de variables seleccionadas, en el período 2020-2021. Se aplicó escala tipo Likert (previamente validada por expertos y con α-Cronbach de 0,693) y el cuestionario Martín-Bayarre-Grau para adherencia. Resultados: El sexo femenino, el envejecimiento poblacional, el bajo grado de escolaridad, la malnutrición por exceso y una adherencia parcial al tratamiento caracterizaron a los diabéticos. Se elaboró e implementó una estrategia educativa con un plan de acción organizado por objetivos en el que se aplicó el concepto de pensar globalmente y actuar localmente que, a los seis meses, incrementó la adherencia con una actitud favorable hacia el control de la enfermedad. Conclusiones: La estrategia educativa sobre diabetes mellitus proporcionó los medios necesarios para mejorar y ejercer un mayor control sobre la salud individual y familiar, al crear un ambiente favorable con reforzamiento de acciones comunitarias y actitudes personales favorables, con mayor adherencia al tratamiento, lo que permitió un mejor control de la enfermedad, con un incremento de la calidad de vida de toda la población(AU)

Introduction: Diabetes mellitus is an emerging public health concern, which will show a growth of 45percent by the year 2030, influenced by demographic increase and population aging on a global scale. Objective: To develop an educational strategy on diabetes mellitus and to implement it in the community of Ojo de Agua, Holguín. Methods: A research was carried out following the quantitative-qualitative paradigm, with a source or study population of 27 diabetic patients who were characterized based on variables selected in the period 2020-2021. A Likert-type scale, previously validated by experts and with a Cronbach's α of 0.693, was applied, together with the Martín-Bayarre-Grau questionnaire for adherence. Results: The diabetics were mostly characterized by the female sex, an aging population, a low level of schooling, excess malnutrition, and partial adherence to treatment. An educational strategy was elaborated and implemented, with an action plan organized by objectives in which the concept of think globally and act locally was applied, which, at six months, increased adherence with a favorable attitude towards the control of the disease. Conclusions: The educational strategy on diabetes mellitus provided the necessary means for improving and exercising greater control over individual and family health, by creating a favorable environment with reinforcement of community actions and favorable personal attitudes, with greater adherence to treatment, which allowed better control of the disease, with an increase in the quality of life of the entire population(AU)

Humans , Female , Attitude to Health , Diabetes Mellitus/epidemiology , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Risk Factors
Paidéia (Ribeirão Preto, Online) ; 33: e3315, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1521267


Abstract The pandemic generated multiple biopsychosocial challenges that significantly impacted the health of trans women. The aim of this study is to characterize emotional states and resilience in trans women in Colombia and their relationship to COVID-19 adherence behaviors and prevention behaviors during lockdown. The study employed a cross-sectional descriptive correlational design, with an anonymous online questionnaire that was given to 100 trans women in five cities in Colombia. During the pandemic, more than half of trans women experienced negative emotional states such as depression, anxiety and somatization, and some positive ones such as resilience and personal growth. The latter two contribute to reinforcing adherence and prevention behaviors. This study demonstrates a clear need to give priority and recognition to trans women and their health needs, in order to protect their rights, their well-being, and their health.

Resumo A pandemia gerou múltiplos desafios biopsicossociais que impactaram significativamente a saúde das mulheres trans. O objetivo deste estudo é caracterizar estados emocionais e resiliência em mulheres trans da Colômbia e sua relação com os comportamentos de aderência à COVID-19 e os comportamentos de prevenção durante o confinamento. Foi realizado um desenho descritivo, transversal e correlacional, foi administrado um questionário online anônimo a 100 mulheres trans em cinco cidades da Colômbia. Durante a pandemia, mais da metade das mulheres trans experimentaram estados emocionais negativos como depressão, ansiedade e somatização, e alguns positivos como a resiliência e o crescimento pessoal. Estes dois últimos contribuem para reforçar os comportamentos de adesão e de prevenção. Em situações como a pandemia, é prioritário dar reconhecimento às mulheres trans e às suas necessidades de saúde, a fim de proteger os seus direitos e a sua saúde integral.

Resumen La pandemia generó múltiples desafíos biopsicosociales que impactaron significativamente en la salud de las mujeres trans. El objetivo del presente estudio fue caracterizar los estados emocionales y resiliencia en mujeres trans de Colombia y su relación con las conductas de adherencia y prevención a la COVID-19 durante el confinamiento. Se realizó un diseño trasversal correlacional descriptivo, administrando un cuestionario online anónimo a 100 mujeres trans en cinco ciudades de Colombia. Se encontró que más de la mitad de las mujeres trans han experimentado estados emocionales negativos como depresión, ansiedad y somatización y algunos positivos como resiliencia y crecimiento personal. Los dos últimos contribuyen a fortalecer las conductas de adherencia y prevención de la COVID-19. Es prioritario dar reconocimiento a las mujeres trans y a sus necesidades de salud, desde diversos frentes de acción con el fin de proteger sus derechos y su salud integral.

Humans , Social Isolation , Adaptation, Psychological , Attitude to Health , Colombia , Transgender Persons , COVID-19/prevention & control
The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(1): 513-516, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1425578


Background: An excellent vision is crucial in driving and many driving related injuries and fatalities have been associated with visual problems especially for commercial drivers. Visual efficiency plays an important role during driving. This study determined the knowledge and attitude of commercial drivers in Benin towards utilization of eye care services. Method: This was a cross sectional study conducted among 100 commercial drivers in Benin City metropolis. Data was collected using an interviewer administered questionnaire, among commercial drivers from 3 major parks in Benin City. Data was analyzed using SPSS version 22. Descriptive and inferential statistics was used to analyze the data. Statistical significance was set at p < 0.05. Results:The results revealedthat majorityofcommercial drivers in Benin city had knowledge of which an eye care provider is (60%), as well as knowing the eye care providers closest to them. However, 75% of them do not see it necessary to utilize the eye care services. Results of this study will help eye care professionals to better advise commercial drivers, concerning their eye health.Conclusion: Findingsrevealed that commercial drivers had a good knowledge of whom eye care providers are but a poor level of utilization of eye care services that they provide (P< 0.05). The factors affecting the poor utilization of eye care services was not statistically significant.

Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Eye Diseases , Attitude to Health , Health Personnel
The Nigerian Health Journal ; 23(3): 780-789, 2023. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1512047


Most seizures in children occur outside the hospital and effective first aid would protect individuals from harm. Study assessed the knowledge, attitude and home-based interventions for childhood seizures.Methodology: This was a descriptive cross-sectional survey conducted from 1stJune to 31stDecember, 2021 among caregivers of patients in a Paediatric outpatient clinic. Interviewer-administered questionnaires were used to assess knowledge, attitude, and home intervention of childhood seizures. Data were analyzed using SPSS 24 and results presented as frequency tables, percentages and charts. P-values < 0.05 were considered significant.Results: Out of 218 respondents, the commonest source of information on childhood seizures was from friends and relatives 126(73.2%). Fever was the commonest known cause. Only 15(6.9%) recognized seizure as a neurological disorder. Jerking of the body and clenchingof the teeth were the commonest recognizable symptoms. The majority said seizures were contagious (176(80.7%) and children with seizures should not go to school 187(85.8%). The overall knowledge score was poor. Negative attitudes included avoidance 19(8.7%), isolation from playing with peers (15(6.9%) and from the public 17(7.8%). Common interventions during seizures were putting palm kernel oil in the mouth while only 25(29.4%) took the child to the hospital or laid him down away from harmful objects 25(29.4%). The practice of home intervention for seizures was good in only 11(5.0%) of respondents

Humans , Seizures , Attitude to Health , Cross-Sectional Studies , Outcome Assessment, Health Care , Crisis Intervention , First Aid
Psicol. rev ; 35(2): 310-331, 22/12/2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1443133


As doenças hepáticas crônicas trazem alterações metabólicas no organismo que alteram a qualidade de vida do indivíduo. A depender da gravidade clínica, o transplante hepático surge como uma proposta terapêutica que necessita de inclusão no Sistema Nacional de Transplantes e avaliação multiprofissional. O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as expectativas que os pacientes candidatos ao transplante hepático expressam sobre esta terapêutica. Trata-se de um estudo descritivo, de abordagem qualitativa, que utilizou o método da pesquisa documental nos Formulários de Avaliação Psicológica Pré Transplante do serviço de psicologia de um hospital universitário em Fortaleza, Ceará. Foram analisados 202 Formulários pelo método de análise de conteúdo de Bardin que se dividiram em três categorias: 1. Diminuição dos sintomas a recuperação à saúde; 2. Esperança frente ao desconhecido; 3. Reconstrução da identidade. A pesquisa permitiu identificar as principais expectativas dos pacientes relacionados ao transplante hepático, delineando os aspectos que são sustentadores para que os sujeitos deem continuidade ao tratamento, a saber: rede social de apoio, possibilidade de melhora clínica e aumento da sobrevida, sentimentos de esperança e desejo de qualidade de vida. O desejo de cura está relacionado à recuperação da cirurgia e não apenas ao desaparecimento da doença hepática. (AU)

Chronic liver diseases bring metabolic changes in the body that affect the individual's quality of life. Depending on the clinical severity, liver transplantation emerges as a therapeutic proposal that requires inclusion in the National Transplant System and multidisciplinary evaluation. The aim of this study was to identify the expectations that patients who are candidates for liver transplantation express about this therapy. This is a descriptive, qualitative study that used the documentary research method in the Pre-Transplant Psychological Assessment Forms of the psychology service at a university hospital in the city of Fortaleza, Ceará. 202 Forms were analyzed using Bardin's content analysis method, which were divided into three categories: 1. Reduction of symptoms and recovery to health; 2. Hope in the face of the unknown; 3. Reconstruction of identity. The research identified the main expectations of patients related to liver transplantation, outlining the aspects that support subjects in continuing treatment, namely: social support network, the possibility of clinical improvement and increased survival, feelings of hope, and desire for quality of life. The desire for a cure is related to recovery from surgery and not just to the disappearance of liver disease. (AU)

Las enfermidades hepáticas crónicas traen alteraciones metabólicas en el organismo que alteran la calidad de vida. Dependiendo de la gravidad, el trasplante de hígado surge como una propuesta terapéutica que necesita de inclusión en el Sistema Nacional de Trasplante. El objetivo de este trabajo es identificar las expectativas que los pacientes candidatos al trasplante expresan sobre esta terapia. Se trata de un estudio descriptivo, que se utilizó del método de la búsqueda documental en los Formulários de Evaluación Psicológica Pré Trasplante de un Servicio de Psicología de un Hospital Universitário de la ciudad de Fortaleza (Ceará). Se analizaron 202 Formulários por el método de análisis de contenidos de Bardin que se dividieron en tres categorias: Dismi-nución de los síntomas y la recuperación de la salud; Esperanza frente a lo desconocido; Reconstrucción de la identidad. La búsqueda permitió identificar las expectativas de los pacientes relacionados al trasplante de hígado. Desta-cando los aspectos que son fundamentales para que los sujetos continúen al tratamiento, tenemos: rede social de apoyo, posibilidad de mejora clínica y aumento de supervivencia, sentimientos de esperanza y deseo de calidad de vida. El deseo de cura está relacionado a la recuperación de la cirurgia y desaparición de la enfermedad hepática. (AU)

Humans , Liver Transplantation/psychology , Healthy Life Expectancy , Interview, Psychological , Attitude to Health , Emotions , Preoperative Period , Transplant Recipients/psychology , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Document Analysis
Vínculo (São Paulo, Online) ; 19(1): 48-62, 20220000.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1434970


Este estudo qualitativo teve como objetivo compreender a experiência vivenciada pelo cuidador da criança/adolescente que enfrenta uma doença limitante da vida. Para tanto, foram entrevistados seis pais de crianças e adolescentes que se encontravam hospitalizados, com diagnósticos variados, em sua maior parte por doenças onco-hematológicas. Os dados foram coletados por meio de entrevista semiestruturada aplicada individualmente. A análise mostrou que, ao receber o diagnóstico da doença grave de um(a) filho(a) predominaram reações de surpresa, tristeza, desespero e relutância inicial em aceitar o diagnóstico. Sentimentos de medo, desconforto e vivências de culpa permearam a trajetória dos pais no adoecer do(a) filho(a). Crianças e adolescentes com diagnósticos limitantes da vida exigem tratamento intensivo e de alta complexidade tecnológica. A hospitalização aparece como um momento especialmente difícil para os pais, gerando fadiga crônica, esgotamento físico e emocional. Na percepção dos pais, a comunicação com os profissionais foi satisfatória, sendo vista como um fator positivo que contribui para amenizar as dificuldades de enfrentar as situações críticas. A experiência paterna frente à doença limitante da vida foi considerada um fator de mudança de vida. Esses resultados mostram a necessidade de intervenções psicológicas de apoio para auxiliarem os pais e demais familiares a enfrentarem os desafios encontrados.

This qualitative study aimed to understand the lived experience of the caregiver of a child/adolescent facing a life-limiting illness. To this end, six parents of children and adolescents who were hospitalized, with varied diagnoses, mostly due to onco-hematological diseases, were interviewed. The data were collected through semi-structured interviews applied individually. The analysis showed that, upon receiving the diagnosis of a child's serious disease, there were predominant reactions of surprise, sadness, despair, and initial reluctance to accept the diagnosis. Feelings of fear, discomfort, and experiences of guilt permeated the parents' trajectory in their child's illness. Children and adolescents with life-limiting diagnoses require intensive treatment and high technological complexity. Hospitalization appears as an especially difficult time for parents, generating chronic fatigue, physical and emotional exhaustion. In the perception of parents, communication with professionals was satisfactory, being seen as a positive factor that contributes to ease the difficulties of facing critical situations. The father's experience facing life limiting illness was considered a life changing factor. These results show the need for psychological support interventions to help parents and other family members to face the challenges encountered.

Este estudio cualitativo tenía como objetivo comprender la experiencia vivida por el cuidador de un niño/adolescente con una enfermedad que limita su vida. Se entrevistó a seis padres de niños y adolescentes hospitalizados, con diversos diagnósticos, en su mayoría debidos a enfermedades oncohematológicas. Los datos se recogieron mediante entrevistas semiestructuradas aplicadas individualmente. El análisis mostró que, al recibir el diagnóstico de una enfermedad grave del niño, predominaron las reacciones de sorpresa, tristeza, desesperación y reticencia inicial a aceptar el diagnóstico. Los sentimientos de miedo, malestar y experiencias de culpa impregnaron la trayectoria de los padres en la enfermedad de su hijo. Los niños y adolescentes con diagnósticos que limitan su vida requieren un tratamiento intensivo y una alta complejidad tecnológica. La hospitalización aparece como un momento especialmente difícil para los padres, generando fatiga crónica y agotamiento físico y emocional. En la percepción de los padres, la comunicación con los profesionales fue satisfactoria, siendo vista como un factor positivo que contribuyó a mitigar las dificultades para enfrentar situaciones críticas. La experiencia paterna de enfrentarse a una enfermedad que limita la vida se consideró un factor de cambio de vida. Estos resultados ponen de manifiesto la necesidad de realizar intervenciones de apoyo psicológico para ayudar a los padres y a otros miembros de la familia a enfrentarse a los retos encontrados.

Humans , Child , Adolescent , Attitude to Health , Child, Hospitalized , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Caregivers , Family Relations
Rev. chil. cardiol ; 41(2): 82-91, ago. 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1407764


Resumen La conciencia de la enfermedad cardiovascular (ECV) en mujeres es crucial para prevenir futuros eventos cardiovasculares. En Chile, la percepción sobre ECV es baja. Objetivo: Actualizar el grado de conocimiento de las chilenas sobre ECV. Método: Estudio de corte transversal realizado a través de encuesta online a mujeres entre 20 y 70 años de edad, residentes en Chile durante marzo 2020. La invitación se efectuó a través de redes sociales. La muestra fue no probabilística, ponderándose por edad, nivel socioeconómico y región de residencia (Región Metropolitana, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Bío-Bío). Resultados: Se obtuvieron 1227 cuestionarios validados. La muestra ponderada correspondió a 900 mujeres. La percepción de ECV como principal causa de muerte fue de 8%, menor que las correspondientes a cáncer de mama (44%) y muerte violenta / homicidio (20%). Como principal problema de salud, la opción más percibida fue cáncer general (39%), seguido de diabetes (18%). Sólo 6 % refirió la ECV como el principal problema. Los principales accesos a la información sobre ECV fueron la internet y las redes sociales (64%, mayor en <30 años), y en el consultorio (32%). La opresión o dolor en el pecho fueron los síntomas más reconocidos asociados al infarto, siendo más seleccionado por mujeres con nivel educacional alto (p< 0.05). Conclusión: Persiste una baja percepción del riesgo de la ECV como principal causa de muerte y problema de salud en mujeres chilenas, aunque tienen acceso a la información y reconocen síntomas de infarto. Es necesario adaptar las estrategias comunicacionales para incrementar la percepción de riesgo CV.

Abstract Awareness of cardiovascular disease (CVD) in women is crucial to prevent cardiovascular events. According to prior information the perception and knowledge about CVD in Chile is extremely low. The aim of this study was to update the information about awareness of CVD in Chilean women. Method: Cross-sectional study carried out through an online survey. Data was obtained from women between 20 and 70 years old during March 2020. Social networks were used to recruit participants. The sample was non-probabilistic, weighted by age, socio-economic level and region of residence (Metropolitan Region, Coquimbo, Valparaíso, Bío-Bío). Results: 1227 validated surveys were obtained. The weighted sample corresponded to 900 women. CVD was perceived as the main cause of death in 8% of women, compared to higher degrees of perception for breast cancer (44%) and violent death/homicide (20%). CVD was perceived as the main health problem by only 6% of women, compared to cancer (39%) and diabetes (18%). The primary source of information about CVD were the internet and social networks (64%,higher in women <30 years old), and the doctor's office (32%). Chest tightness or pain as symptoms associated with a heart attack were significantly more recognized by respondents with a high educational level (p<0.05). Conclusion: An extremely low awareness about CVD as the main cause of death and health problem is persistent in Chilean women, notwithstanding that they have access to information and recognize symptoms of a heart attack. It is necessary to modify our communication strategies to increase the perception of CV risk in Chilean women.

Humans , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Health Education , Coronary Disease/prevention & control , Attitude to Health , Chile
J. oral res. (Impresa) ; 11(3): 1-10, jun. 30, 2022. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1427496


Introduction: Inadequate oral hygiene habits such as lack of tooth brushing, use of irrigators, fluoridated toothpastes, and dental floss, as well as the importance of worrying about going to the dentist in the event of any problem in the oral cavity and the continuity of treatment are factors that could increase the risk in patients. Objetive: To determine the association between the level of indifference to dental treatment and the oral hygiene habits of those surveyed adults. Material and Methods: An observational, analytical and cross-sectional study. The level of indifference to dental treatment was evaluated using a translated virtual questionnaire and subsequently internally validated (Cronbach's alpha: 0.91). There were a total of 249 participants, 150 males and 99 females, with a mean age of 30.69 years. For the association of the qualitative variables and the report of the crude and adjusted odds' ratio (OR), a logistic regression was used. We worked with a level of statistical significance of p<0.05 and a confidence interval of 95%. Results: A high level of indifference to dental treatment was obtained in 57.83% of the respondents. Likewise, a statistically significant association was found between indifference to dental treatment and education (p = 0.012). Regarding oral hygiene habits, a statistically significant association was found with flossing (OR = 2.22; 95% CI: 1.10-4.46) (p = 0.025) and brushing before sleeping (OR = 5.26; 95%: 2.26-12-22) (p<0.001). Conclusion: There is a statistically significant association between the level of indifference to dental treatment with oral hygiene habits, flossing and brushing before sleeping. It is advisable to carry out activities in the communities to promote oral health care to reduce levels of indifference to dental treatment.

Introducción: Los inadecuados hábitos de higiene bucal como la falta de cepillado dental, uso de irrigadores, pastas dentales fluoradas e hilo dental, así como la importancia de preocuparse por acudir al odontólogo ante cualquier problema en la cavidad oral y la continuidad del tratamiento son factores que podrían agravar el riesgo en los pacientes. Objetivo: Determinar la asociación entre el nivel de indiferencia al tratamiento dental y los hábitos de higiene bucal de los encuestados en adultos en edades comprendidas entre los 18 a 45 años de la urbanización Buenos Aires de Villa en Chorrillos, Perú. Material y Métodos: Se realizó un estudio observacional, analítico y transversal. El nivel de indiferencia al tratamiento dental fue evaluado mediante un cuestionario virtual traducido y posteriormente validado internamente (alpha de Cronbach: 0.91). Se tuvo un total de 249 participantes, entre ellos 150 hombres y 99 mujeres con una media edad de 30,69 años. Para la asociación de las variables cualitativas y el reporte de las Odds Ratio (OR) crudas y ajustadas, se empleó una regresión logística. Se trabajó con un nivel de significancia estadística de p<0.05 y un intervalo de confianza del 95%. Resultados: Se obtuvo un alto nivel de indiferencia al tratamiento dental en el 57.83% de los encuestados. Asimismo, se encontró una asociación estadísticamente significativa de la indiferencia al tratamiento dental con la educación (p= 0.012). Respecto a los hábitos de higiene bucal, se encontró asociación estadísticamente significativa con uso de hilo dental (OR=2.22; IC del 95%: 1.10-4.46) (p=0.025) y el cepillado antes de dormir (OR=5.26; IC del 95%: 2.26-12-22) (p<0.001). Conclusión: Se concluyó que existe una asociación estadísticamente significativa entre el nivel de indiferencia al tratamiento dental con los hábitos de higiene bucal uso de hilo dental y cepillado antes de dormir. Se aconseja realizar actividades en las comunidades para promover el cuidado de la salud bucal con la finalidad de reducir los niveles de indiferencia al tratamiento dental.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Oral Hygiene/statistics & numerical data , Attitude to Health , Oral Health/statistics & numerical data , Peru/epidemiology , Surveys and Questionnaires , Dental Care/statistics & numerical data , Habits
J. health med. sci. (Print) ; 8(2): 109-117, abr.-jun. 2022. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1391929


INTRODUCCIÓN: Desde la última década se ha evidenciado el aumento de la población de personas mayores en Chile. Muchos de ellos son usuarios regulares del sistema público de salud el cual se caracteriza por entregar una atención de tipo integral. En este sentido, resulta relevante conocer los requerimientos en salud desde la perspectiva de las experiencias de las personas mayores con respecto al uso de este servicio. OBJETIDO: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar las expectativas de las personas mayores que asisten a los centros de APS. MATERIAL Y MÉTODOS: Este es un estudio cualitativo, descriptivo, donde la muestra fue de 13 personas mayores de 65 años y más, autovalentes, de tres centros APS, los cuales fueron entrevistados mediante instrumento semiestructurado, con análisis cualitativo de datos método que incluyó codificación abierta y focalizada. RESULTADOS: Las expectativas de las personas mayores fueron categorizadas como requerimiento de una atención profesional integral, oportunidad de atención, accesibilidad de la atención, promoción de salud sobre el autocuidado, explicación de cambios en el envejecimiento con enfoque biológico y alfabetización en salud. CONCLUSIONES: Las expectativas de las personas mayores en este estudio dan cuenta de una atención profesional integral poco efectiva, además de la necesidad de un trato especializado al grupo poblacional específico, no sólo de los profesionales, sino también del personal administrativo de los centros de APS, considerándolos una barrera en la calidad de la atención.

INTRODUCTION: Since the last decade there has been evidence of an increase in the population of older people in Chile. Many of them are regular users of the public health system (PHS) which is characterized by providing comprehensive care. In this sense, it is relevant to know the health requirements from the perspective of the experiences of the older people regarding the use of this health service. OBJECTIVE: The objective of this study was to identify the needs and expectations of older people attending PHS centers. MATERIAL AND METHODS: It were a qualitative and descriptive study. The sample was compounded by 13 people over 65 years and over, self-sufficient, from three PHS centers. It was used a semi-structured instrument. RESULTS: The main needs of the elderly were categorized as a requirement for comprehensive professional care, the opportunity for care, accessibility of care, health promotion on self-care, explanation of changes in aging with a biological focus and health literacy. CONCLUSIONS: The needs and expectations of the older people in this study account for an ineffective comprehensive professional care, in addition to the need for specialized treatment of the specific population group, not only of professionals but also of the administrative staff of the centers of PHS, considering them a barrier in the quality of care.

Humans , Male , Female , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Primary Health Care , Aged/psychology , Attitude to Health , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Perception , Self Care/psychology , Aging/psychology , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Patient Satisfaction , Qualitative Research , Health Literacy , Noncommunicable Diseases/psychology
Notas enferm. (Córdoba) ; 22(39): 54-63, junio 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BDENF, BINACIS, UNISALUD | ID: biblio-1380372


Describir e identificar las razones por las cuales los padres o tutores no completaron el calendario de vacunación infantil en un Centro de Atención Primaria de Salud de la Ciudad de Corrientes en el año 2021. Metodología: Estudio descriptivo, transversal. Población: padres o tutores de niños con esquemas incompletos. Recolección de datos mediante encuesta validada en prueba piloto. Los datos plasmados en una matriz fueron sometidos a análisis descriptivos. Se contó con aval del Comité de Ética. Resultados: La muestra se integró con 53 unidades de análisis. Edad media 28 años; 79% eran las madres; 62% ya tenían dos o más hijos; 74% eran soltero/as; 47% no había concluido el secundario o la primaria; la mayoría eran desempleados o percibían planes sociales. El 66% pensaba que las vacunas curaban enfermedades;89% que las prevenían y 89% pensaban que eran seguras. Fuentes de información: el equipo médico y enfermería, 17% de familiares o amigos, 30% en internet o medios de comunicación. En motivosde incumplimiento, lo más frecuente falta de vacunas (31%), horarios de trabajo de padres o tutor (15%), enfermedades del infante (10%). Conclusión: La información sobre vacunas era brindada por equipo de salud, familias y medios de comunicación. Aunque afirmaban que prevenían enfermedades y eran seguras muchos sostenían que curaban enfermedades. Se señalaron como motivos del incumplimiento falta de vacunas, horarios laborales de los entrevistados y enfermedades del menor, restricciones horariasdel vacunatorio y por la pandemia[AU]

Describe and identify the reasons why parents or guardians did not complete the childhood vaccination schedule in a Primary Health Care Center of the City of Corrientes in the year 2021. Methodology: Descriptive, cross-sectional study. Population: parents or guardians of children with incomplete schemes. Data collection through a survey validated in a pilot test. The data captured in a matrix were subjected to descriptive analysis. It was endorsed by the Ethics Committee. Results: The sample was integrated with 53 units of analysis. Mean age 28 years; 79% were mothers; 62% already had two or more children; 74% were single; 47% had not completed secondary or primary school; most were unemployed or received social plans. 66% thought that vaccines cured diseases; 89% prevented them and 89% thought they were safe. Sources of information: the medical and nursing team, 17% from family or friends, 30% on the internet or the media. In non-compliance reasons, the most frequent lack of vaccines (31%), parent or guardian work schedules (15%), infant diseases (10%). Conclusion: The information on vaccines was provided by the health team, families and the media. Although they claimed that they prevented diseases and were safe, many maintained that they cured diseases. Reasons for non-compliance were noted as lack of vaccines, work schedules of the interviewees and illnesses of the minor, time restrictions of the vaccination and those given by the pandemic[AU]

Descrever e identificar os motivos pelos quais os pais ou responsáveis não completaram o calendário de vacinação infantil em um Centro de Atenção Primária à Saúde da Cidade de Corrientes no ano de 2021. Metodologia: Estudo descritivo, transversal. População: pais ou responsáveis de crianças com esquemas incompletos. Coleta de dados por meio de questionário validado em teste piloto. Os dados capturados em uma matriz foram submetidos à análise descritiva. Foi aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética. Resultados: A amostra foi integrada com 53 unidades de análise. Idade média 28 anos; 79% eram mães; 62% já tinham dois ou mais filhos; 74% eram solteiros; 47% não concluíram o ensino médio ou fundamental; a maioria estava desempregada ou recebia planos sociais. 66% achavam que as vacinas curavam doenças; 89% os preveniram e 89% acharam que eram seguros. Fontes de informação: equipe médica e de enfermagem, 17% de familiares ou amigos, 30% na internet ou na mídia. Nos motivos de não conformidade, a falta de vacinas mais frequente (31%), horários de trabalho dos pais ou responsáveis (15%), doenças infantis (10%). Conclusão: As informações sobre vacinas foram fornecidas pela equipe de saúde, famílias e mídia. Embora afirmassem que preveniam doenças e eram seguros, muitos sustentavam que curavam doenças. Os motivos da não adesão foram apontados como falta de vacinas, horários de trabalho dos entrevistados e doenças do menor, restrições de horário da vacinação e as dadas pela pandemia[AU]

Humans , Male , Female , Primary Health Care , Attitude to Health , Parenting , Immunization Programs , Treatment Adherence and Compliance , Cross-Sectional Studies
Psicol. rev ; 31(1): 51-66, jun. 2022.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1399127


Na conjuntura atual, a COVID- 19 representa uma séria ameaça ao bem-estar físico e psicológico da comunidade global. Por se tratar de um vírus com elevado potencial de transmissão, as orientações da Organização Mundial de Saúde para reduzir sua proliferação envolvem medidas sanitárias e ações de isolamento social. Dentre os aspectos de cunho psicológico que podem afetar as decisões de conformidade com as ações de isolamento social, pode-se consi-derar a crença em teorias da conspiração. Considerando a influência que tais teorias exercem sobre o comportamento das pessoas, o presente artigo teórico teve como objetivo delinear o panorama vigente sobre o estudo das crenças em teorias da conspiração no contexto da pandemia da COVID-19, bem como discutir o impacto que as mesmas exercem sobre a saúde e a conduta dos indivíduos. Em suma, este trabalho fornece subsídios para a ampliação dessa discussão a nível teórico e para o desenvolvimento de estudos empíricos consi-derando a realidade brasileira.

In the actual scenario, COVID-19 represents a serious threat to the physical and psychological well-being of the global population. The new coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) is highly contagious and easily transmitted; in this sense, the guidelines provided by the World Health Organization (WHO) to reduce this contamination involve sanitary actions and measures such as social isolation. Amongst the psychological aspects that might affect decisions on whether to follow such measures, we can highlight conspiracy theories beliefs. Considering the influence that such theories have on people's behaviors, the current theo-retical paper aims to provide an overview of studies on beliefs in conspiracy theories in the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, as well as to discuss the impact that they have over people's health and behavior. In summary, this paper provides resources to amplify this discussion on a theoretical level and to develop empirical studies considering the Brazilian reality.

En la coyuntura actual, la COVID-19 representa una seria amenaza para el bienestar físico y psicológico de la comunidad global. El nuevo coronavirus (SARS-COV-2) tiene un alto potencial de transmisión, en este sentido, los lineamientos de la Organización Mundial de la Salud para reducir su prolife-ración involucran medidas sanitarias y acciones de aislamiento social. Entre los aspectos psicológicos que pueden afectar las decisiones para cumplir con las acciones de aislamiento social, se puede considerar la creencia en teorías de la conspiración. Considerando la influencia que tales teorías tienen en el comportamiento de las personas, este artículo teórico tuvo como objetivo esbozar el panorama imperante en el estudio de las creencias en las teorías conspirativas en el contexto de la pandemia de COVID-19, así como el impacto que tienen en la salud y la conducta de las personas. En definitiva, el trabajo brinda apoyo para ampliar las discusiones a nivel teórico y para el desarrollo de estudios empíricos considerando la realidad brasileña.

Humans , Male , Female , Attitude to Health , COVID-19 , Health Behavior , Culture , Psychosocial Impact
Med. j. Zambia ; 49(2): 118-127, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1402459


Introduction:Dentalcariesandperiodontaldiseases are the most common oral diseases globally. Early control of oral health behaviours is importantbecauselifestylesacquiredduringadolescence are powerful predictors of adult health. We conducted a study to determine knowledge, attitude and practices on oral hygiene among school-going adolescents in Choma district of Zambia.Methodology:Across-sectionalstudywasconducted among school-going adolescents in randomly selected schools in Choma District. Atotal of 335 participants were included in the study. Data were collected using a closed-end self-administered questionnaire. The sample size was distributed among the six schools in the ratio of their population. The study included anyone from grades 8-12. Data were analysed using IBM software for SPSS. We employedthe Chi-Squaretesttoinvestigate the association between variables. Ap-value less than 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: The study had 173 males and 162 females in the age range of 12-19 years. The majority (87.8%) had good knowledge, 69.4% had good attitude and 87.5% had good practice on oral -hygiene. Practice was influenced by sex with females having good oral hygiene as compared to their male counterparts. About 97.2% thought that dental health education is essential in schools. 34% indicated that they had visited the dentist when they experienced a toothache. However, parental advice to regularly visit the dentist was low (n=39).The majority 49.9% (n=167) indicated that they had not visited the dentist due to fear of the dental equipment set up.Conclusion and recommendation: Despite the majority having good knowledge and attitude on oral hygiene, there is a need to acquaint children with milling and dental units found in most dental offices. This may instil confidence in children to seek specialist dental treatment whenever they develop any dental disease. Further,parents need to be incorporated as partners in promoting oral health hygiene among school-going adolescents.

Humans , Adolescent Health , Dental Caries , Periodontal Abscess , Attitude to Health , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice , Oral Health , Dental Arch , General Practice, Dental
Revue de l'Infirmier Congolais ; 6(2): 51-56, 2022. figures, tables
Article in French | AIM | ID: biblio-1418372


Introduction. Le cancer du col de l'utérus (CCU) demeure un problème majeur de santé publique et il est le quatrième cancer le plus répandu chez les femmes à l'échelle mondiale. L'objectif est de contribuer à l'améliorationde niveau de connaissance des adolescentes sur le cancer du col utérin dans la ville de Kananga.Matériel et méthodes.Il s'agit d'une étude transversaledescriptive sur le cancer du col utérin, réalisée dans la ville de Kananga et dont l'étude était basée sur l'interview de 436 Adolescentes selon un échantillonnage à plusieurs degrés, dans les Aires de Santé de la Zone de Santé Urbaine de Kananga.Résultats. La moyenne d'âge des répondantes était de 17,7 ± 1,2 ans. Le niveau de connaissances sur le cancer du col utérin s'est révélé inadéquat chez presque toutes les participantes (90%). Les signes couramment connus étaient le saignement vaginal (80,3%), dyspareunie (4,8%) et règles prolongés (2,3%). Le sexe était pratiqué dans55,5% des adolescents alors que 70,9% savaient l'existence du lien entre le cancer du col utérin et les infections sexuellement transmissible (IST). Les connaissances sur lesfacteurs de risque de survenu du cancer du col étaient: la consummation de tabacdans 31,9% et le rapport sexuel précoce dans 25,5%; la pratique du dépistage était observée dans 0,2% des cas et 37,2% d'adolescentes connaissaient que toutes les femmes étaient prédisposées de développer la pathologie.Conclusion.Le niveau de connaissances de cancer du col utérin s'est révélé inadéquat chez les adolescents et nécessité des campagnes destinées à sensibiliser d'avantage toutes les femmes en particulier et le public de la ville de Kananga en général au sujet de ce cancer du col utérin

Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Women , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Mass Screening , Public Health , Knowledge , Uterine Hemorrhage , Democratic Republic of the Congo , Attitude to Health , Adolescent , Infections
Afr. j. health sci ; 35(3): 269-278, 2022. tables
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1380464


BACKGROUND Cervical cancer is the fourth most fatal and common disease globally among women of reproductive age in Kenya; it ranks the second most frequent type of cancer after breast cancer. Due to the high burden, cryotherapy treatment services, which are effective for the treatment of precancerous lesions are available in selected health facilities in Kenya, however, barriers to the treatment services are poorly understood. Nonetheless, understanding these barriers is critical for enhanced service delivery. MATERIALS AND METHODS :A descriptive facility-based cross-sectional study design was carried out to determine the barriers to cryotherapy treatment services among 60 women of reproductive age on a one-year therapy at Migosi Sub County Hospital in Western Kenya. The participants were selected purposively and interviewed via telephone calls using pre-coded semi-structured questionnaires. However, data from 5 nurses working in the cryotherapy section were collected through face-to-face interviews at the health facility. Data were entered in an excel sheet and then exported to SPSS version 23.0 for analysis. Both descriptive and inferential statistics (Chi-square) were used and data were presented in form of tables. RESULTS :Overall, 52 (85.4%) respondents adhered to post-care treatment instructions and reported no adverse reactions. However, 28 (46.7%) experienced unavailability of cryotherapy services at the time of the appointment and got the services later, 24 (40%) got the services at the time of the appointment but waited for a long time before being served, 37 (61.7%) did not know why they were being treated and 46 (76.7%) had misconceptions and myths about the therapy. In addition, there was a statistically significant association between knowing both the benefits of screening and cryotherapy [X 2 (1, N = 60) = 5.90, p = .02]. Also, the knowledge of the benefits of cryotherapy did not influence one's decision to wait for cryotherapy treatment services, [X 2(1, N = 60) = 3.98, p = .46]. CONCLUSION : The study shows very good adherence to post-treatment instruction but inadequate availability of cryotherapy treatment services. Also, the misconceptions and myths about cryotherapy are public health concerns. Therefore, the study recommends improved awareness campaigns and service delivery for the enhanced uptake of cryotherapy treatment services.

Humans , Female , Precancerous Conditions , Attitude to Health , Uterine Cervical Neoplasms , Cryotherapy , Therapeutic Misconception , Treatment Adherence and Compliance
South African Family Practice ; 64(1): 1-6, 21 September 2022. Figures
Article in English | AIM | ID: biblio-1396907


Women often do not receive support from their partners with regards to familyplanning (FP), which can lead to hesitancy and inconsistent use. This study sought tounderstand the male attitudes that contribute to this.Methods: A qualitative descriptive study was conducted in 2019 using focus group discussions (FGDs) with purposively selected men aged ≥ 25 years and in a relationship with a woman of childbearing age. An open-ended question guide was used to explore men's perceptions regarding FP. The discussions were recorded, translated and transcribed verbatim, whereafter transcripts were coded and analysed thematically. Results: Three major themes were identified, namely: (1) the advantages of FP, including financial benefits and the prevention of sexually transmitted infections and unwanted pregnancy; (2) the disadvantages of FP, including perceived adverse effects on men and women, as well as marital difficulties; and (3) the exclusion of men from FP by health workersand their partners. Conclusion: Men felt ambivalent towards FP. They were aware of the benefits thereof, but were hesitant to allow their female partners to use contraceptives, because of several misconceptions about the adverse effects. This underscores the need to involve men in FP programmes.

Perception , Attitude to Health , Contraception , Family Planning Services , Communication , Clinical Decision-Making
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE01326, 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1393710


Resumo Objetivo Analisar as características associadas aos pais de crianças e adolescentes que ouviram falar sobre o Papillomavirus humano, bem como o conhecimento sobre a infecção e a intenção de vacinar seus filhos. Métodos Estudo transversal com abordagem quantitativa, realizado por meio de entrevista utilizando instrumento estruturado. Entrevistaram-se 376 pais de crianças e adolescentes que aguardavam atendimento pediátrico em unidades de saúde de Três Lagoas/MS. Os dados coletados (características sociodemográficas; características reprodutivas e sexuais; conhecimento sobre o Papillomavirus humano e intenção de vacinar o/a filho/a) foram analisados por meio de técnica de estatística descritiva, teste de associação Qui-quadrado ou exato de Fisher e Teste T Student. Resultados Dentre os entrevistados, 327 (87,0%) afirmaram ter ouvido falar sobre o Papillomavirus humano. Identificou-se associação entre os pais que nunca ouviram falar sobre a infecção e sexo masculino, idade entre 18 e 25 anos e ensino fundamental incompleto. Dentre os pais que ouviram falar sobre o Papilomavírus Humano, 152 (46,5%) afirmaram que é uma infecção sexualmente transmissível, 245 (74,9%) garantiram que a transmissão ocorre através da relação sexual desprotegida, 275 (75,5%) desconhecem seus sinais e sintomas, 218 (66,7%) afirmaram erroneamente que tal infecção tem cura e 283 (86,5%) sabem da existência da vacina. Dentre todos os entrevistados, 98,1% levariam seu(ua) filho(a) para vacinar contra o vírus. Conclusão Observaram-se lacunas no conhecimento dos pais de crianças e adolescentes sobre o Papillomavirus humano, mostrando a necessidade de educação em saúde e divulgação de ações de enfrentamento à infecção em meios de comunicação e redes sociais.

Resumen Objetivo Analizar las características asociadas a padres de niños y adolescentes que escucharon hablar sobre el virus del papiloma humano, así como el conocimiento sobre la infección y la intención de vacunar a sus hijos. Métodos Estudio transversal, con enfoque cuantitativo, realizado por medio de encuesta con instrumento estructurado. Se encuestaron 376 padres de niños y adolescentes que esperaban atención pediátrica en unidades de salud de Três Lagoas, estado de Mato Grosso do Sul. Los datos recopilados (características sociodemográficas, características reproductivas y sexuales, conocimiento sobre el virus del papiloma humano e intención de vacunar al hijo/a) se analizaron por medio de técnica de estadística descriptiva, prueba de asociación ji cuadrado o prueba exacta de Fisher y test-T Student. Resultados Entre los encuestados, 327 (87,0 %) afirmaron haber escuchado hablar sobre el virus del papiloma humano. Se identificó relación entre los padres que nunca escucharon hablar sobre la infección y el sexo masculino, edad entre 18 y 25 años y educación primaria incompleta. De los padres que escucharon hablar sobre el virus del papiloma humano, 152 (46,5 %) afirmaron que es una infección de transmisión sexual, 245 (74,9 %) aseguraron que la transmisión ocurre a través de las relaciones sexuales sin protección, 275 (75,5 %) desconocen sus signos y síntomas, 218 (66,7 %) afirmaron erróneamente que tal infección tiene cura, y 283 (86,5 %) saben de la existencia de la vacuna. Entre los encuestados, el 98,1 % llevaría a su hijo/a vacunarse contra el virus. Conclusión Se observaron vacíos de conocimiento en los padres de niños y adolescentes sobre el virus del papiloma humano, lo que muestra la necesidad de educación para la salud y difusión de acciones para enfrentar la infección en medios de comunicación y redes sociales.

Abstract Objective Analyze the characteristics associated with the parents of children and adolescents who have heard about the human papillomavirus, as well as the knowledge about the infection and the intention to vaccinate their children. Methods Cross-sectional study with quantitative approach, conducted through a structured interview. We interviewed 376 parents of children and adolescents who were awaiting pediatric care at health services in Três Lagoas/MS. The collected data (sociodemographic characteristics; reproductive and sexual characteristics; knowledge about human papillomavirus and intention to vaccinate the child) were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Fisher's exact test or the chi-square association test and Student's t-test. Results Among the respondents, 327 (87.0%) said they had heard about the human papillomavirus. An association was identified between parents who had never heard of the infection and male sex, age between 18 and 25 years and unfinished primary education. Among the parents who had heard about the human papillomavirus, 152 (46.5%) stated that it is a sexually transmitted infection, 245 (74.9%) assured that the transmission occurs through unprotected sexual intercourse, 275 (75.5%) are unaware of its signs and symptoms, 218 (66.7%) mistakenly stated that this infection is curable and 283 (86.5%) know of the existence of the vaccine. Among all respondents, 98.1% would take their child to get vaccinated against the virus. Conclusion Gaps were observed in the knowledge of the parents of children and adolescents about the human papillomavirus, showing the need for health education and dissemination of actions to cope with the infection in the media and social networks.

Humans , Male , Female , Papillomaviridae , Parents/psychology , Attitude to Health/ethnology , Patient Acceptance of Health Care , Health Knowledge, Attitudes, Practice/ethnology , Knowledge , Papillomavirus Infections , Papillomavirus Vaccines , Child , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interviews as Topic , Adolescent
Acta Paul. Enferm. (Online) ; 35: eAPE0243345, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1374006


Resumo Objetivo Compreender as experiências de ser adolescente com a doença falciforme. Métodos Estudo qualitativo, realizado em unidade de referência no estado da Bahia entre março e junho de 2018. Participaram dez adolescentes com doença falciforme, os dados foram obtidos mediante desenhos-estória com tema e entrevistas semiestruturadas e submetidos à análise embasada na Teoria Fundamentada nos Dados. Resultados A experiência do adolescente com doença falciforme é representada pela categoria central "Buscando ser um adolescente normal, apesar das restrições e da discriminação impostas pela doença falciforme" e mais cinco categorias: "Sentindo-se diferente dos outros adolescentes", ao perceberem seu crescimento alterado, vivenciarem problemas clínicos e se compararem aos demais adolescentes; "Vivendo com restrições em sua rotina diária", de ordem física e alimentar demandadas no autocuidado e manejo da doença para o alcance de qualidade de vida; "Vivenciando situações ruins", na experiência de dor, constantes hospitalizações, medo da morte e incerteza quanto ao futuro; "Sentindo-se um adolescente normal", quando podiam manter suas atividades sociais com escola, amigos e família; e "Percebendo o estigma", ao temerem a discriminação e adotarem modos de ocultar que possuíam a doença. Conclusão Ao buscar ser um adolescente normal os participantes aspiraram assumir o controle sobre a própria vida, evitar rupturas na rotina e atender às expectativas sociais, protegendo sua identidade de rótulos e discriminação.

Resumen Objetivo Entender las experiencias de ser adolescente con la enfermedad de células falciformes. Métodos Estudio cualitativo, realizado en una unidad de referencia en el estado de Bahia entre marzo y junio de 2018. Participaron diez adolescentes con la enfermedad de células falciformes, se obtuvieron los datos por medio de dibujos-historia con tema y entrevistas semiestructuradas y sometidos a análisis con base a la Teoría Fundamentada en Datos. Resultados La experiencia del adolescente con enfermedad de células falciformes está representada por la categoría central "Busca ser un adolescente normal, pese a las restricciones y a la discriminación impuestas por la enfermedad de células falciformes" y otras cinco categorías: "Se sienten diferentes de los demás adolescentes", cuando se dan cuenta de su crecimiento alterado, vivencian problemas clínicos y se comparan a los demás adolescentes; "Viven con restricciones en su rutina diaria", de orden físico y alimentario que se demandan en el autocuidado y en la gestión de la enfermedad para lograr la calidad de vida; "Vivenciando malas situaciones", en la experiencia del dolor, constantes ingresos a hospitales, miedo a la muerte e incertidumbre con relación al futuro; "Sentirse un adolescente normal", cuando podían mantener sus actividades sociales en la escuela, amigos y familia; y "Percatándose del estigma", al sentir temor de la discriminación y adoptar formas de ocultar que padecen la enfermedad. Conclusión Al intentar ser un adolescente normal, los participantes aspiraron a asumir el control sobre sus propias vidas, evitar rupturas en la rutina y atender a las expectaciones sociales, protegiendo su identidad de clasificaciones y de discriminación.

Abstract Objective Understand the experiences of being an adolescent with sickle cell disease. Methods Qualitative study, conducted at a reference service in the state of Bahia, Brazil between March and June 2018. Ten adolescents with sickle cell disease participated. The data were obtained through drawings-and-stories with a theme and semi-structured interviews and analyzed based on Grounded Theory. Results The experience of adolescents with sickle cell disease is represented by the core category of "trying to be a normal adolescent, despite the restrictions and discrimination the sickle cell disease imposes", and five other categories: "Feeling different from other adolescents", when they see that their growth has altered, that they experience medical problems and compare themselves to other adolescents, "Living with restrictions in their daily routine", of physical and food-related restrictions, required in self-care and disease management to achieve quality of life, "Living in bad situations", in the experience of pain, constant hospital visits, fear of death and uncertainty about the future, "Feeling like a normal adolescent", when they were able to maintain their social activities, including school, friends, and family, and "Realizing the stigma", when they fear the discrimination and adopt ways to hide that they have the disease. Conclusion By seeking to be a normal adolescent, the participants aspired to take control over their own lives, avoid breaks from the routine and meet social expectations, protecting their identity from labels and discrimination.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Adaptation, Psychological , Attitude to Health , Adolescent Behavior , Social Stigma , Anemia, Sickle Cell , Anemia, Sickle Cell/psychology , Interviews as Topic , Social Discrimination