Angostura trifoliata (Willd) T.S. Elías (Rutaceae) es una planta, cuya corteza es empleada en Venezuela para el tratamiento de la diabetes mellitus, la malaria y la disminución de peso. Sin embargo, se ha demostrado que altas dosis de su extracto administrados en forma aguda producen hiperglicemia y alteraciones neurológicas. El objetivo de este estudio fue correlacionar los efectos histológicos a nivel hepático y renal en ratones sanos con la hiperglicemia aguda producida por el extracto de la corteza de esta planta. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio experimental in vivo utilizando el extracto diluido en agua y administrado vía ip a dosis de 452 y 700 mg/kg; se determinó la glicemia utilizando un glucómetro comercial; los efectos histológicos con hematoxilina eosina previa fijación de los órganos con formaldehído al 10%. En todos los casos, se comparó con el grupo control. Resultados: el extracto produjo hiperglicemia significativamente P<0,05. En el tejido hepático causó: pérdida parcial de su arquitectura, binucleación, vasos congestivos con elementos inflamatorios, núcleos hipercromáticos, espacios de Disse dilatados con hematíes y áreas de necrosis. En el riñón originó congestión vascular en los tubos contorneados proximales y distales, concomitante con ruptura y necrosis de la membrana basal. Conclusión: el extracto produce toxicidad hepática y renal que se correlacionan con hiperglicemia, por lo que podría ser considerado como un agente hepatotóxico y nefrotóxico. (AU)
Angostura trifoliata (Willd) T.S. Elías (Rutaceae) is a plant, whose bark is used in Venezuela for the treatment of diabetes mellitus, malaria and weight loss. However, it has been shown that high doses of its extract administered acutely produce hyperglycemia and neurological alterations. The objective of this study was to correlate the histological effects at the liver and kidney level in healthy mice with the acute hyperglycemia produced by the bark extract of this plant. Methods: An in vivo experimental study was carried out using the extract diluted in water and administered ip at doses of 452 and 700 mg/kg; blood glucose was determined using a commercial glucometer; the histological effects with hematoxylin eosin after fixation of the organs with 10% formaldehyde. In all cases, it was compared with the control group. Results: the extract produced hyperglycemia significantly P<0.05. In the liver tissue it caused: partial loss of its architecture, binucleation, congested vessels with inflammatory elements, hyperchromatic nuclei, dilated spaces of Disse with red blood cells and areas of necrosis. In the kidney, it caused vascular congestion in the proximal and distal convoluted tubes, concomitant with rupture and necrosis of the basement membrane. Conclusion: the extract produces liver and kidney toxicity that correlates with hyperglycemia, so it could be considered a hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic agent. (AU)
Animals , Mice , Renal Insufficiency/blood , Acute Kidney Injury/pathology , Hyperglycemia/diagnosis , Autopsy , Plant Bark/toxicityABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Papillary muscles in the left ventricle present multiple anatomic expressions that are relevant for medical fields focusing on the understanding of clinical events involving these structures. Here, the aim was to perform a morphological characterization of the left ventricle papillary muscles in a sample of Colombian population. In the study were included eighty-two hearts from male individuals who underwent autopsy at the Institute of Legal Medicine and Forensic Sciences in Bucaramanga, Colombia. In each heart was carefully performed a longitudinal incision on the obtuse margin to visualize the papillary muscles. Data set was registered, and analysis of the continuous and categorical variables was carried out. Single anterior papillary muscle was observed in 74 samples (90.2 %) whereas this represented only 48 specimens (58.5 %) for the posterior papillary muscle (p = 0.3). Mean length and breadth of the anterior muscle were 29.9 ± 4.94 and 11.74 ± 2.75 mm, and those for the posterior muscle were 27.42 ± 7.08 and 10.83 ± 4.08 mm. Truncated apical shape was the most frequent type observed on the papillary muscles, anterior 41 (50 %) and posterior 37 (45.1 %), followed by flat-topped in the anterior 25 (30.5 %) and bifurcated in posterior muscle 14 (17.1 %). A mean of 9.04 ± 2.75 chordae raised from the anterior and 7.50 ± 3.3 from posterior papillary muscle. In our study we observed a higher incidence of single papillary muscles and slightly larger dimensions than information reported in the literature. The anatomic diversity of the papillary muscles should be considered for the correct image interpretation, valve implantation and performance evaluation on myocardial ischemic events.
Los músculos papilares del ventrículo izquierdo presentan múltiples expresiones anatómicas que son relevantes para las áreas médicas que se centran en la comprensión de los eventos clínicos que involucran estas estructuras. El objetivo fue realizar una caracterización morfológica de los músculos papilares del ventrículo izquierdo en una muestra de población colombiana. En el estudio se incluyeron ochenta y dos corazones de individuos masculinos a los que se les realizó autopsia en el Instituto de Medicina Legal y Ciencias Forenses de Bucaramanga, Colombia. En cada corazón se realizó cuidadosamente una incisión longitudinal en el margen obtuso para visualizar los músculos papilares. Se registró el conjunto de datos y se realizó el análisis de las variables continuas y categóricas. Se observó un solo músculo papilar anterior en 74 muestras (90,2 %), mientras que este rasgo se presentó en 48 muestras (58,5 %) para el músculo papilar posterior (p = 0,3). La longitud y anchura media del músculo anterior fueron 29,9 ± 4,94 y 11,74 ± 2,75 mm, y las del músculo posterior fueron 27,42 ± 7,08 y 10,83 ± 4,08 mm. La forma apical truncada fue el tipo más frecuente observado en los músculos papilares, anterior 41 (50 %) y posterior 37 (45,1 %), seguido de la forma plana en los 25 anteriores (30,5 %) y bifurcada en el músculo posterior 14 (17,1 %). Una media de 9,04 ± 2,75 cuerdas elevadas desde el músculo papilar anterior y 7,50 ± 3,3 desde posterior. En nuestro estudio observamos una mayor incidencia de músculos papilares únicos y dimensiones ligeramente mayores que la información reportada en la literatura. La diversidad anatómica de los músculos papilares debe ser considerada para la correcta interpretación de imágenes, implantación valvular y evaluación del desempeño en eventos isquémicos miocárdicos.
Humans , Male , Papillary Muscles/anatomy & histology , Heart Ventricles/anatomy & histology , Autopsy , Cross-Sectional Studies , Colombia , Heart/anatomy & histologyABSTRACT
@#We report the case of a 33-week-old female fetus born with craniorachischisis to a gravida 5, para 4 (3104) mother with no previous history of conceiving a child with a neural tube defect. Craniorachischisis is characterized by anencephaly and an open defect extending from the brain to the spine and is the most severe and fatal type of neural tube defect. Although the cause of neural tube defects is hypothesized to be multifactorial and is usually sporadic, the risk is increased in neonates born to mothers with a family history or a previous pregnancy with neural tube defect, both of which are not present in the index case. This case is unique in that only during the fifth pregnancy did the couple conceive a child with a neural tube defect, emphasizing that folic acid supplementation, the sole preventive measure proven to decrease the risk of neural tube defects, remains to be important in the periconceptual period for all women of childbearing age.
Autopsy , Congenital Abnormalities , Neural Tube Defects , Neural Tube DefectsABSTRACT
Este estudo aborda o fenômeno do acúmulo de tarefas em contexto da atividade de trabalho humana, a partir de operadores teóricos da clínica da atividade, como instâncias do ofício, estilo, gênero profissional, poder de agir e trabalho bem feito. Tomou-se como base material empírico referente a narrativas de trabalhadores participantes de pesquisa desenvolvida em um Serviço de Verificação de Óbitos (SVO), por meio de entrevistas semiestruturadas e de instrução ao sósia, realizadas com técnicos em necropsia. O referido material discursivo possibilitou o entendimento de que as submissões desses trabalhadores à tarefas alheias a seu ofício fizeram com que eles precisassem recorrer ao gênero profissional inerente a outros cargos, e dele se apropriar, originando o que aqui propõe-se denominar gênero profissional invasivo. Nesse sentido, o objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer o diálogo entre o acúmulo de tarefas alheias ao ofício e um possível desenvolvimento do gênero profissional, em termos da produção de um gênero profissional invasivo
This study addresses the accumulation of tasks in the context of human work activity, based on theoretical operators from the clinic of activity, such as instances of professional practice, style, professional genre, power to act and work well-done. Analysis used empirical material related to narratives of workers participating in research developed in a Division of Postmortem Inspection (SVO), by means of semi-structured interviews and instruction to the double conducted with necropsy technicians. Results showed that the need to perform unrelated tasks made these workers appeal to the professional genre inherent to other jobs and appropriate it, giving rise to an invasive professional genre. Thus, the objective was to establish a dialogue between the accumulation of unrelated tasks and the possible development of a professional genre in terms of an invasive professional genre
Humans , Male , Female , Autopsy , Workload , Work Performance , Occupational Groups , Social Identification , Job Security , Job DescriptionABSTRACT
Introducción: La literatura científica reporta que la autopsia psicológica desde sus inicios fue utilizada con la finalidad de ayudar a determinar las circunstancias de muerte de una persona, no obstante, en la actualidad se acoge más como concepto que como una herramienta procedimental. Objetivo: Establecer si en Colombia se ha utilizado para reconstruir los aspectos pre mortem de quienes han fallecido en extrañas circunstancias, de acuerdo con la finalidad de esta. Metodología: Se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura científica en 10 bases de datos; se emplearon como palabras clave "autopsia psicológica" y "Colombia", bajo una ventana de observación entre 2010 al 2021; por medio del método PRISMA. Resultados: Se evidencia que en Colombia durante los últimos 10 años el número de estudios asciende a 19, publicados en bases de datos, de los cuales 16 no emplearon el procedimiento de autopsia psicológica y solo tres de ellos sí lo hicieron. Discusión: Existe una tendencia a emplear la autopsia psicológica como concepto desde un enfoque clínico para respaldar los análisis retrospectivos, que, como técnica o procedimiento, se distancia de la posibilidad de reconstruir la criminodinámica del delito, así como la reconstrucción de aspectos de la personalidad, el estado mental y el estilo de vida de quién ha fallecido. Conclusiones: Se resalta que en Colombia la autopsia psicológica se ha utilizado exclusivamente en el campo clínico, sin el rigor científico, metodológico y sin la validez del protocolo empleado.
Introduction: The scientific literature reports that psychological autopsy from its beginnings was used with the purpose of helping to determine the circumstances of death of a person, however, it is currently embraced more as a concept than as a procedural tool. Objective: to establish if in Colombia it has been used to reconstruct the pre-mortem aspects of those who have died under strange circumstances, according to its purpose. Methodology: a systematic review of the scientific literature was carried out in 10 databases, using as keywords psychological autopsy and Colombia, under a window of observation between 2010 and 2021; using the PRISMA method. Results: they show that in Colombia during the last 10 years the number of studies published in databases amounts to 19, of which 16 did not use the psychological autopsy procedure and only three of them did. Discussion: There is a tendency to use psychological autopsy as a concept from a clinical approach to support retrospective analyses rather than as a technique or procedure, distancing us from the possibility of reconstructing the criminodynamics of the crime, as well as reconstructing aspects of the personality, mental state and lifestyle of the deceased. Conclusions: it is highlighted that in Colombia the psychological autopsy has been used exclusively in the clinical field, without the scientific and methodological rigor and without the validity of the protocol used.
Humans , Research , Autopsy , Colombia , Forensic Sciences , Forensic Psychology , Personality , DeathABSTRACT
La muerte súbita es aquella que ocurre dentro de las 24 horas posteriores al inicio de los síntomas y se caracteriza por ser clínicamente inexplicable, inesperada y repentina. Debido a la naturaleza de la muerte súbita, no es posible llegar a un diagnóstico preciso sin una autopsia. En esta comunicación breve, evaluaremos el caso de un empleado de crucero de 33 años, sin historial médico/farmacológico previo, el cual falleció súbitamente mientras reposaba en su camarote. Debido a las sospechas iniciales de una posible muerte causada por una sobredosis de cocaína, se le realizó un panel toxicológico abarcador el cual resultó negativo. Empero, una tomografía computarizada (TC) craneal sin contraste revirtió la hipótesis inicial y la autopsia neuropatológica -sorpresivamente- confirmó que la verdadera causa de muerte fue la ruptura de un aneurisma sacular desconocido en el polígono de Willis.
Sudden death occurs within 24 hours after the onset of symptoms and is characterized by being clinically inexplicable, sudden, and unexpected. Due to the nature of sudden death, it is not possible an accurate diagnosis without performing an autopsy. In this brief communication, we will evaluate the case of a 33-year-old cruise employee, with no prior medical/pharmacological history, who suddenly died while resting in his cabin. Due to initial suspicions of a possible cocaine overdose death, a comprehensive toxicology panel was performed, although yielding a negative result. A cranial computed tomography without contrast reversed the initial hypothesis and the neuropathological autopsy -surprisingly- confirmed that the true cause of death was the rupture of an unknown saccular aneurysm in the Circle of Willis.
Humans , Male , Adult , Circle of Willis/diagnostic imaging , Death, Sudden/pathology , Aneurysm/diagnostic imaging , Autopsy/methodsABSTRACT
El monóxido de carbono (CO) es un gas que se produce durante la combustión incompleta de diferentes materiales orgánicos. Una vez que se inhala, se absorbe hacia la sangre, ejerciendo su efecto a nivel sistémico. Se une fuertemente a la hemoglobina, y forma la carboxihemoglobina lo que provoca una disminución del transporte de oxígeno a los tejidos y dependiendo de su concentración puede ser mortal. Los hallazgos comúnmente encontrados en la autopsia son color rojo cereza en la piel y órganos, así como edema pulmonar, entre otros. El diagnóstico de intoxicación por CO se basa en la medición post mortem de carboxihemoglobina en sangre, por lo que se deben tomar muestras para cuantificar estos niveles. Con respecto al manejo en estos casos, se presenta dos casos correspondientes a la autopsia médica legal en las que se estableció como causa de muerte la intoxicación por monóxido de carbono.
Carbon monoxide (CO) is a gas that is produced during the incomplete combustion of different organic materials. Once inhaled, it is absorbed into the blood, exerting its effect at the systemic level. It strongly binds to hemoglobin, and forms carboxyhemoglobin, which causes a decrease in oxygen transport to the tissues and, depending on its concentration, can be fatal. The findings commonly found in the autopsy are cherry red color in the skin and organs, as well as pulmonary edema, among others. The diagnosis of CO poisoning is based on the postmortem measurement of carboxyhemoglobin in the blood, so samples must be taken to quantify these levels. Regarding the handling of these cases, two cases corresponding to the legal medical autopsy are presented in which carbon monoxide poisoning was established as the cause of death.
Humans , Male , Adult , Autopsy/methods , Carbon Monoxide Poisoning/diagnosis , Forensic Medicine , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Introducción:En Cuba, las enfermedades cerebrovasculares (ECV) son padecimientos crónicos no trasmisibles muy frecuentes. Objetivos: Caracterizar a pacientes de la unidad de cuidados intensivos, con diagnóstico anatomopatológico de ECV. Métodos: Estudio observacional, descriptivo y transversal en una muestra de 176 pacientes. Variables estudiadas: edad (19-39 años, 40-59 años, 60-100 años), sexo, tipo de ECV (hemorrágica, isquémica), escala APACHE II (≤ 15, > 15 puntos) y de coma Glasgow al ingreso (≤ 8, > 8 puntos), ventilación mecánica (sí, no), estadía (≤ 7, > 7 días) y causa directa de muerte. Se calcularon las frecuencias, medidas de tendencia central, pruebas de ji cuadrado y t de Student (nivel de significación el 5 por ciento). Resultados: Predominaron la enfermedad cerebrovascular hemorrágica, el sexo masculino (52,8 por ciento) y el grupo de edad de 60-100 años (64,8 por ciento). La edad media fue de 63,8 años. La media del valor de las escalas APACHE II y Glasgow fue de 21,6 y 6,5 puntos. El 97,6 por ciento recibió ventilación mecánica. La estadía media fue de 7,0 días. El edema cerebral intenso constituyó la principal causa de muerte directa (79,3 por ciento). Conclusiones: Existe predominio de la ECV de tipo hemorrágica, en pacientes del sexo masculino, de 60-100 años, con APACHE II > 15 puntos, Glasgow ≤ 8 puntos, ventilados, estadía ≤ 7 días y edema cerebral intenso(AU)
Introduction: In Cuba, cerebrovascular diseases (CVD) are very common non-communicable chronic conditions. Objectives: Characterize patients from intensive care unit with a pathological diagnosis of CVD. Methods: Observational, descriptive and transversal study in a sample of 176 patients. Variables: age (19-39 years, 40-59 years, 60-100 years), sex, type of CVD (hemorrhagic, ischemic), APACHE II scale (≤ 15, > 15 score) and Glasgow coma on admission (≤ 8, > 8 score), mechanical ventilation (yes, no), length of stay (≤ 7, > 7 days) and direct cause of death. Frequencies, measures of central tendency, chi-square and Student's t tests (significance level of 5 percent) were calculated. Results: Hemorrhagic cerebrovascular disease, male sex (52.8 percent) and the age group of 60-100 years (64.8 percent) predominated. The mean age was 63.8 years. The average value of the APACHE II and Glasgow scales was 21.6 and 6.5. 97.6 percent received mechanical ventilation. The mean stay was 7.0 days. Severe cerebral edema was the main cause of direct death (79.3 percent). Conclusions: There is a predominance of hemorrhagic CVD, in male patients, aged 60-100 years, APACHE II score > 15, Glasgow score ≤ 8, ventilated patients, stay ≤ 7 days and intense cerebral edema(AU)
Humans , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cerebrovascular Disorders/pathology , Autopsy , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Cross-Sectional Studies , Observational Study , Intensive Care UnitsABSTRACT
Commotio cordis o conmoción cardíaca es un síndrome arritmogénico mecano-eléctrico raro y mortal. Es la segunda causa de muerte súbita en atletas jóvenes. Se asocia con una lesión que se produce durante la práctica deportiva, en la que un proyectil impacta a alta velocidad en el precordio y provoca una arritmia que conduce a la muerte inmediata del individuo sin una reanimación cardíaca. En las autopsias, los corazones son estructuralmente sanos. Con el conocimiento de este síndrome y las capacitaciones de reanimación cardiorrespiratoria a la comunidad, las tasas de supervivencia han mejorado. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir un paciente que llegó a nuestro hospital con conmotio cordis y su evolución, enfatizando la importancia de medidas de prevención y capacitación de la población en técnicas de reanimación cardiopulmonar y uso del desfibrilador externo automático para la supervivencia de los pacientes que sufren esta entidad.
Commotio cordis or cardiac concussion is a rare and fatal mechano-electric arrhythmogenic syndrome. It is the second most common cause of sudden cardiac death in young athletes. It is most commonly associated with a sports-related injury, wherein, there is a high-velocity impact between a projectile and the precordium, causing arrhythmia that leads to the immediate death of the individual without cardiac resuscitation. On autopsy, the heart is structurally normal. With increasing awareness of this condition and community training in cardiopulmonary resuscitation, survival rates have been improving. The objective of this study is to describe the case of a patient who arrived at our hospital with commotio cordis and his course, emphasizing the importance of prevention and training of the population in cardiopulmonary resuscitation techniques and the use of the automated external defibrillator for the survival of patients suffering from commotio cordis.
Humans , Male , Child , Athletic Injuries/complications , Athletic Injuries/diagnosis , Athletic Injuries/therapy , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/complications , Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation/methods , Commotio Cordis/complications , Commotio Cordis/diagnosis , Autopsy , Death, Sudden, Cardiac/etiology , Death, Sudden, Cardiac/prevention & controlABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To survey the development status and actual needs of virtual autopsy technology in China and to clarify the applicability of forensic virtual autopsy laboratory accreditation.@*METHODS@#The questionnaire was set up included three aspects:(1) the current status of virtual autopsy technology development; (2) the accreditation elements such as personnel, equipment, entrustment and acceptance, methods, environmental facilities; (3) the needs and suggestions of practicing institutions. A total of 130 forensic pathology institutions were surveyed by online participation through the Questionnaire Star platform.@*RESULTS@#Among the 130 institutions, 43.08% were familiar with the characteristics of virtual autopsy technology, 35.38% conducted or received training in virtual autopsy, and 70.77% have establishment needs (including maintenance). Relevant elements were suitable for laboratory accreditation.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Virtual autopsy identification has gained social recognition. There is a demand for accreditation of forensic virtual autopsy laboratory. After the preliminary assessment, considering the characteristics and current situation of this technology, China National Accreditation Service for Conformity Assessment (CNAS) can first carry out the accreditation pilot of virtual autopsy project at large comprehensive forensic institutions with higher identification capability, and then CNAS can popularize the accreditation in a wide range when the conditions are suitable.
Autopsy , Forensic Medicine , Forensic Pathology , Accreditation , Surveys and QuestionnairesABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To explore the characteristics of postmortem examination, chemical examination and scene investigation of deaths caused by oral diphenidol hydrochloride poisoning, and so as to provide a reference for proper settlement and prevention of such deaths.@*METHODS@#The data of 22 deaths caused by oral diphenidol hydrochloride poisoning in a city from January 2018 to August 2020 were collected, including case details, scene investigations, autopsies, chemical examinations and digital evidence. Thirty-one cases of deaths caused by oral diphenidol hydrochloride poisoning reported in previous literature were also collected.@*RESULTS@#In the 53 oral diphenidol hydrochloride poisoning death cases, 50 cases were suicide, 2 cases were accidental, while 1 case was undetermined. Fifty-two cases were found in the medical records or crime scene investigation reports with doses ranging from 775 mg to 12 500 mg, and 23 deceased were detected with postmortem blood concentrations ranging from 2.71 mg/L to 83.1 mg/L. Clinical symptoms were recorded in 6 patients, including conscious disturbance and convulsion. Among the 45 cases which were performed with external examination, 23 cases autopsied.@*CONCLUSIONS@#Most of the deceased of oral diphenidol hydrochloride poisoning were suicide. No significant correlation was found between dose and blood concentration through the retrospective analysis of cases.
Humans , Retrospective Studies , Piperidines , Autopsy , Suicide , PoisoningABSTRACT
The postmortem interval (PMI) estimation is a key and difficult point in the practice of forensic medicine, and forensic scientists at home and abroad have been searching for objective, quantifiable and accurate methods of PMI estimation. With the development and combination of high-throughput sequencing technology and artificial intelligence technology, the establishment of PMI model based on the succession of the microbial community on corpses has become a research focus in the field of forensic medicine. This paper reviews the technical methods, research applications and influencing factors of microbial community in PMI estimation explored by using high-throughput sequencing technology, to provide a reference for the related research on the use of microbial community to estimate PMI.
Humans , Postmortem Changes , Artificial Intelligence , Autopsy , Cadaver , MicrobiotaABSTRACT
The coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has been a global epidemic for more than three years, causing more than 6.9 million deaths. COVID-19 has the clinical characteristics of strong infectivity and long incubation period, and can cause multi-system damage, mainly lung damage, clinical symptoms of acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) and systemic multiple organ damage. The SARS-CoV-2 virus is still constantly mutating. At present, there is no global consensus on the pathological changes of COVID-19 associated deaths and even no consensus on the criteria for determining the cause of death. The investigation of the basic pathological changes and progression of the disease is helpful to guide the clinical treatment and the development of therapeutic drugs. This paper reviews the autopsy reports and related literature published worldwide from February 2020 to June 2023, with a clear number of autopsy cases and corresponding pathological changes of vital organs as the inclusion criteria. A total of 1 111 autopsy cases from 65 papers in 18 countries are included. Pathological manifestations and causes of death are classified and statistically analyzed, common pathological changes of COVID-19 are summarized, and analytical conclusions are drawn, suggesting that COVID-19 infection can cause life-threatening pathological changes in vital organs. On the basis of different health levels of infected groups, the direct cause of death is mainly severe lung damage and secondary systemic multiple organ failure.
Humans , SARS-CoV-2 , COVID-19/pathology , Cause of Death , Lung/pathology , AutopsyABSTRACT
Background@#Globally, autopsy rates have been continually declining over the course of several years. Previous studies have shown that the perception of pathologists and clinicians may serve as significant factors which may affect the performance of autopsy and contribute to its decreased rate. This study was conducted to determine the attitudes and perceptions of Filipino clinicians and pathologists toward the autopsy as a medical tool.@*Methodology@#This is a cross-sectional descriptive survey of two groups of physicians. Forty-four (n = 44) pathologists nationwide and thirty-three (n = 33) clinicians from Central Visayas participated in the study. A total of seventy-seven (n = 77) physicians completed a survey using a standardized online questionnaire.@*Results@#Of the 77 respondents, 94% of clinicians and 75% of pathologists believed that autopsies could provide relevant findings that could change future clinical practice. Despite this, only 6% of clinicians and 20% of pathologists indicated that the number of autopsy cases in their institutions was sufficient. With regards to their practice, pathologists most strongly agreed (mean = 4.30) that material for medico-legal autopsies should be readily available for teaching and research. However, they most strongly disagreed (mean = 2.00) that residents receive adequate training in performing medico-legal autopsies. The two groups of physicians surveyed determined that there is a deficiency in the number of autopsy cases. This is further influenced by clinicians’ concerns about litigation, religious/superstitious beliefs, and the delay in releasing autopsy results. Furthermore, pathologists specified that performing autopsies was excessively time-consuming with an unjustifiable cost. Sixty-two percent of the pathologists signified more strongly than the clinicians that modern diagnostic techniques have diminished the need to perform hospital autopsies. Nonetheless, 86% of Filipino physicians acknowledged that the autopsy is an important medical tool that should be performed for patients with unknown diagnoses and unexpected death. The number of observed and/or performed autopsy cases was a major factor that affected the pathologists’ attitudes and perceptions toward autopsy.@*Conclusion@#In general, there is recognition of the autopsy’s usefulness as a medical tool among the pathologists and clinicians surveyed. However, the lack of cases referred for autopsy remains a challenge undermining the benefits that are derived from its performance.
Autopsy , Pathologists , AttitudeABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To analyze the gross pathological data of sudden cardiac death (SCD) with different causes, to provide data support for the identification of sudden cardiac death with unknown causes.@*METHODS@#A total of 167 adult SCD cases in the archive of the Forensic Expertise Institute of Nanjing Medical University from 2010 to 2020 were collected. The gross pathological data of SCD cases were summarized and the characteristics of different causes of death were statistically analyzed.@*RESULTS@#The ratio of male to female SCD cases was 3.4∶1. Coronary heart disease was the leading cause of SCD, and mainly distributed in people over 40 years old. SCD caused by myocarditis was mainly distributed in young people and the mean age of death was (34.00±9.55) years. By analyzing the differences in cardiac pathological parameters of SCD with different causes, it was found that the aortic valve circumference was significantly dilated in the SCD caused by aortic aneurysm or dissection (P<0.05). The heart weight of SCD caused by aortic aneurysm or dissection and combined factors was greater, and both pulmonary and tricuspid valvular rings were dilated in the SCD caused by combined factors in adult males (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Various gross pathological measures of SCD with different causes are different, which has reference value in the cause of death identification of SCD.
Humans , Adult , Male , Female , Adolescent , Young Adult , Death, Sudden, Cardiac/pathology , Coronary Disease , Heart , Forensic Medicine , AutopsyABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To explore the difference in CT values between pulmonary thromboembolism and postmortem clot in postmortem CT pulmonary angiography (CTPA) to further improve the application value of virtual autopsy.@*METHODS@#Postmortem CTPA data with the definite cause of death from 2016 to 2019 were collected and divided into pulmonary thromboembolism group (n=4), postmortem clot group (n=5), and control group (n=5). CT values of pulmonary trunk and left and right pulmonary artery contents in each group were measured and analyzed statistically.@*RESULTS@#The average CT value in the pulmonary thromboembolism group and postmortem clot group were (168.4±53.8) Hu and (282.7±78.0) Hu, respectively, which were lower than those of the control group (1 193.0±82.9) Hu (P<0.05). The average CT value of the postmortem clot group was higher than that of the pulmonary thromboembolism group (P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#CT value is reliable and feasible as a relatively objective quantitative index to distinguish pulmonary thromboembolism and postmortem clot in postmortem CTPA. At the same time, it can provide a scientific basis to a certain extent for ruling out pulmonary thromboembolism deaths.
Humans , Autopsy , Thrombosis , Pulmonary Embolism/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Angiography , CadaverABSTRACT
OBJECTIVES@#To investigate the concentration and change characteristics of 1, 5-anhydroglucitol (1, 5-AG) in the vitreous humor of rabbit cadavers with hyperglycemic metabolism, and to explore the value of 1, 5-AG in forensic pathology identification of death caused by hyperglycemic metabolism disorders.@*METHODS@#A diabetic hyperglycemic rabbit model was established by using alloxan. Eighteen rabbits with fasting glucose concentration ≥13.80 mmol/L (experimental group) and 18 healthy rabbits with fasting glucose concentration ≤6.10 mmol/L (control group) were selected. After death from air embolism. The blood samples were collected immediately, and vitreous humor samples were collected at 0 h, 12 h, 24 h and 36 h after death. The concentration of 1, 5-AG in the blood and vitreous humor of rabbits was determined.@*RESULTS@#The blood glucose concentration in the experimental group was (25.10±3.14) mmol/L. At the time of death, there was no significant difference in the concentration of 1, 5-AG in the blood [(0.94±0.20) μg/mL] and in the vitreous humor (0.99±0.05 μg/mL, P>0.05). The concentration of 1, 5-AG in the vitreous humor of the experimental group was lower than that of the corresponding control group at all time points (P<0.05), and there was no significant difference betwwen 1, 5-AG concentration in vitreous humor between earch time point in the experimental group and the control group (P>0.05). Correlation analysis showed that the concentration of 1,5-AG in blood was negatively correlated with blood glucose in both control group and experimental group (control group: r=-0.79, P<0.05; experimental group: r=-0.97, P<0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Vitreous humor can replace blood as an effective test sample for 1,5-AG detection. The concentration of 1, 5-AG in rabbit vitreous humor remains stable within 36 hours after death and is not affected by the change of postmortem interval. If the concentration of 1, 5-AG decreases significantly, it indicates the existence of hyperglycemia in rabbits before death.
Animals , Rabbits , Blood Glucose/metabolism , Postmortem Changes , Vitreous Body/metabolism , Cadaver , AutopsyABSTRACT
Estimation of postmortem interval (PMI) is one of the important research contents in forensic pathology, and it has always been the focus and hot spot of research work. In recent years, scholars at home and abroad have made some research progress in estimating PMI by using ocular tissue. After death, the changes of cornea, aqueous humor, iris, lens, vitreous humor and retina all show time sequence change rule highly related to PMI. This paper reviews the research progress of PMI estimation based on the morphological, biochemical, molecular and genetic material changes of different ocular tissue structures after death, and discusses the existing problems and development trends.
Humans , Postmortem Changes , Time Factors , Autopsy , Vitreous Body , Forensic PathologyABSTRACT
Justificación: Los plaguicidas han provocado un significativo problema de salud pública ya que han generado una importante carga a la mortalidad y a la morbilidad. Los suicidios con plaguicidas representan alrededor de un tercio de todos los suicidios en el mundo. Objetivo: Caracterizar las muertes relacionadas a plaguicidas, sometidas a autopsia médico legal en la Dirección de Medicina Forense de Tegucigalpa durante los años 2014- 2020. Metodología: Se consultó la base de datos digital la Dirección de Medicina Forense, encontrando 255 casos relacionados a muerte por plaguicidas de los que se seleccionaron 215 casos con expediente completo y disponible. Los cálculos estadísticos se realizaron con el programa PSPP. Resultados: Se encontraron 215 casos, el 58% eran hombres y el 42% mujeres, 54% eran solteros y 29% en unión libre. Sin escolaridad 11%, primaria incompleta 20%, primaria completa 15%, secundaria incompleta 12%, secundaria completa 10%. Respecto a la ocupación de los fallecidos, los oficios domésticos fue la más frecuente entre las mujeres y la agricultura entre los hombres. El 65% eran personas jóvenes menores de 40 años con una media de edad de 35 años (rango 8- 89a). La manera de muerte más frecuente fue suicida con el 71%. El plaguicida más utilizado como instrumento de muerte fue el fosfuro de aluminio (66%).Conclusión: La mayoría de las muertes por intoxicación con plaguicidas fueron suicidas; hombres jóvenes, menores de 40 años, solteros, con escolaridad que no sobrepasaba la secundaria; utilizaron las pastillas de fosfuro de aluminio como instrumento de autolesión. Se requiere estudiar más detalladamente el uso de tóxicos en general y de los plaguicidas en particular como instrumentos de autolesión y se evidencia la necesidad imperiosa de habilitar medidas de regulación para la comercialización y campañas de educación en la población para el uso y manejo adecuado...(AU)