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Rev. bras. estud. popul ; 40: e0257, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS | ID: biblio-1529862


Resumo O objetivo principal é analisar a associação entre o casamento e a coabitação e o rendimento do trabalho masculino no Brasil. O artigo discute o fenômeno do "prêmio salarial masculino do casamento" - geralmente, homens casados apresentam rendimentos mais elevados do que os solteiros no mercado de trabalho. Tendo em vista que no Brasil a união informal é uma modalidade conjugal bastante comum, o prêmio para a coabitação também é investigado nessa situação. A associação entre o estado conjugal e o trabalho remunerado dos homens brasileiros é analisada por meio de regressões lineares, quantílicas e decomposições de Oaxaca-Blinder para os diferenciais de rendimentos entre os homens solteiros, casados e coabitantes. O Censo Demográfico de 2010 é a fonte de dados utilizada. Os resultados confirmam a existência de prêmios do casamento e da coabitação para os homens brasileiros. Os prêmios observados tendem a ser menores para a coabitação do que para o casamento. As decomposições dos diferenciais de rendimentos mostram que os prêmios devem-se à estrutura salarial e não a efeitos de composição.

Abstract The article aims to explore the correlation between marriage, cohabitation, and male labor income. It delves into the concept of the "male marriage wage premium" - a phenomenon where married men earn higher wages compared to single men in the labor market. Since consensual unions are prevalent in Brazil, the study also examines the cohabitation premium. The research employs linear regressions, quantile regression, and Blinder-Oaxaca decompositions of earnings differentials between single, married, and cohabiting men to analyze the association between marital status and paid work among Brazilian men. The data utilized were from the 2010 Demographic Census. The results of the study validate the existence of marriage and cohabitation premia for Brazilian men. However, the observed premium tend to be lower for cohabitation than for marriage. The decompositions reveal that these differentials are due to wage structure and not composition effects.

Resumen El objetivo principal es analizar la asociación entre el matrimonio y la cohabitación y las diferencias salariales masculinas en Brasil. El artículo analiza el fenómeno del premio salarial del matrimonio masculino: en general, los hombres casados tienen ingresos más altos que los hombres solteros en el mercado laboral, aunque ya que en Brasil la cohabitación es una modalidad marital muy común, también se investiga el premio de la cohabitación. La asociación entre el estado civil y el trabajo remunerado entre los hombres brasileños se analiza utilizando regresiones lineales, regresión cuantil y descomposiciones Oaxaca-Blinder para los diferenciales salariales entre hombres solteros, casados y en cohabitación. La fuente de datos fue el censo demográfico de 2010. Los resultados confirman la existencia de premios para el matrimonio y la cohabitación, que tienden a ser menores para la cohabitación que para el matrimonio. La descomposición de los diferenciales de ingresos mostró que los premios se deben a la estructura salarial y no a efectos de composición.

Humans , Male , Female , Salaries and Fringe Benefits , Single Person , Awards and Prizes , Work , Marriage , Censuses , Brazil , Workplace , Age Distribution , Conjugal Status , Job Market , Gender Role , Working Conditions
J. Phys. Educ. (Maringá) ; 34: e3454, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1550457


RESUMO Segundo a literatura, um inventário preciso da distribuição das idades de melhor desempenho nas diferentes disciplinas do atletismo pode proporcionar uma informação ímpar na altura de se produzirem planos e programas de treino de longo prazo para eventos ao mais alto nível. O presente estudo tem como objetivo identificar a idade de melhor desempenho dos atletas participantes nos campeonatos de Portugal de atletismo, com referência às disciplinas e setores que caracterizam a competição. Foram consideradas todas as participações medalhadas (pista coberta - PC, n = 2310; ar livre - AL, n = 3161). Os intervalos de confiança para a idade média dos atletas medalhados foram obtidos com recurso ao método de Equações de Estimação Generalizadas. Os resultados indicaram a média de idades, (i) PC, mais baixa no salto com vara feminino (21.60 anos) e no salto em comprimento masculino (24.42 anos), e mais elevada nos 3000 m marcha feminino (25.18 anos) e nos 5000 m marcha masculino (29.70 anos); (ii) AL, mais baixa no salto em comprimento feminino (22.90 anos) e nos 200 m masculino (23.46 anos), e mais elevada nos 5000 m feminino (27.55 anos) e 10000 m marcha masculino (32.23 anos). Os resultados sugerem que as idades de melhor desempenho ocorrem (i) PC, entre os 23 e os 24 anos nas atletas femininas, e os 24 e os 25 nos atletas masculinos; (ii) AL, entre os 23 e os 25 anos nas atletas femininas, e os 24 e 26 anos nos atletas masculinos. O conhecimento objetivo das idades de melhor desempenho nos campeonatos de Portugal de atletismo, por sexo e disciplina, poderá ser uma informação útil para uma gestão eficiente de talentos e das carreiras desportivas.

ABSTRACT According to the literature, a precise inventory of the distribution of the best-performing ages in the different athletics disciplines can provide unique information when producing long-term training plans and programs for events at the highest level. This study aims to identify the age at which athletes participating in the Portuguese athletics championships performed best, with reference to the disciplines and sectors that characterize the competition. All medal-winning participations were considered (indoor track and field, n = 2310; outdoor track and field, n = 3161). Confidence intervals for the average age of medal-winning athletes were obtained using the Generalized Estimating Equations method. The results indicated that the average ages were (i) Indoor track and field - lower in the women's pole vault (21.60 years) and men's long jump (24.42 years), and higher in the women's 3000 m run (25.18 years) and men's 5000 m race walk (29.70 years); (ii) Outdoor track and field - lower in the women's long jump (22.90 years) and men's 200m (23.46 years), and higher in the women's 5000 m (27.55 years) and men's 10000 m race walk (32.23 years). The results suggest that the best-performing ages are (i) Indoor track and field - between 23 and 24 years old in female athletes and 24 and 25 years old in male athletes; (ii) Outdoor track and field - between 23 and 25 years old in female athletes, and 24 and 26 years old in male athletes. Objective knowledge of the best-performing ages in the Portuguese athletics championships by gender and discipline could be useful information for efficient talent and career management.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Track and Field , Athletes , Portugal , Awards and Prizes , Body Height , Retrospective Studies , Athletic Performance/physiology
Rev. méd. Maule ; 37(2): 85-93, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428634


Due to disseminated and metastatic non-Hodking lymphoma, Dr. César Garavagno died at the age of seventy in the city of Talca on Tuesday, September 12, 1943. The following day, he was paid a tribute in Deputies of the National Congress's chamber in Santiago. Thirteen years after his death, in 1956, Talca Hospital was named in honor of his memory, which would later become Regional Hospital. In 1959, being the first provincial surgeon not associated with a university teaching center, he was nominated Master of Chilean Surgery at the annual Surgery Congress. These have been the three posthumous tributes received that magnify and honor his memory, leaving a permanent legacy and vocation of service of medical professionals who work there today and the challenge to local surgeons to organize for third time a National Surgery Congress in Talca.

Humans , Male , History, 20th Century , General Surgery/history , History of Medicine , Awards and Prizes , Education, Medical , Hospitals
Prensa méd. argent ; Prensa méd. argent;108(3): [191]-[191], 20220000.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1373289
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1370936


Introduction: the Nobel Prize is one of the highest academic honors in the world. Since its first edition, in 1901, until 2021, there have been hundreds of winners. In the Medicine or Physiology category, chosen by the Karolinska Institute in Stockholm, Sweden, 112 awards have been given to 224 laureates, among them, only 12 (5.4%) women. Aims and source of data: with the aim of reviewing the biographies, characteristics, and peculiarities of each woman awarded the Nobel Prize for Medicine or Physiology. Data were analyzed from the following sources: the Award page, websites of the institutions to which some of them have been or are affiliated, books with biographies of Nobel laureates in Medicine or Physiology, and articles in the PubMed database. Summary of findings: the average age when receiving the award was 63.4 years. The most recurrent country of origin was the United States of America, also responsible for the largest number of institutions to which the laureates were affiliated at the time of the award. The academic training of the laureates was quite diverse, ranging among medicine, chemistry, physics, biology, pharmacy, psychology and natural sciences. Five of the 12 laureates did not have children. Comments: the origins and trajectories, although plural, have points in common, such as a fascination with science since childhood and the need to overcome additional barriers throughout their education, because of their sex. Conclusion: investments on a global scale are necessary to increase equity between sexes.

Introdução: o prêmio Nobel é uma das maiores honrarias acadêmicas do mundo. Desde a sua primeira edição, em 1901, até 2021, já foram centenas de vencedores. Na categoria Medicina ou Fisiologia, escolhido pelo Instituto Karolinska em Estocolmo, na Suécia, foram entregues 111 prêmios para 224 laureados, dentre eles, apenas 12 (5,4%) mulheres. Objetivos e métodos: com o objetivo rever as biografias, características e peculiaridades, de cada mulher laureada com o prêmio Nobel de Medicina ou Fisiologia, foram analisados dados provenientes da página do prêmio; de sites das instituições às quais algumas delas foram ou são afiliadas; em livros com biografias dos laureados com o prêmio Nobel de Medicina ou Fisiologia; e artigos na base de dados PubMed. Síntese dos dados: a média de idade ao receber o prêmio foi de 63,4 anos. O país de origem mais recorrente foi os Estados Unidos da América; também é o local que abriga o maior número de instituições às quais as laureadas estavam filiadas no momento da premiação. A formação acadêmica das laureadas foi bastante diversa, variando entre: medicina, química, física, biologia, farmácia, psicologia e ciências naturais. Cinco das 12 laureadas não tiveram filhos. Conclusão: fazem-se necessários investimentos em escala global para aumentar a equidade entre os gêneros.

Humans , Female , Awards and Prizes , Gender Equity , Nobel Prize , Science/history , Women , Women/history , History of Medicine
Pensar mov ; 19(2)dic. 2021.
Article in English | SaludCR, LILACS | ID: biblio-1386763


Abstract Hasaan, A. & Fişne, M. (2021). Understanding the dimensions of athlete brand authenticity. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 19(2), 1-25. The management of an athlete brand is challenging due to the complex nature of athlete career and life. Striving to maintain brand authenticity will promote long-term sustainability of the brand. The purpose of the study is to determine possible factors that contribute to athlete brand authenticity and help athletes to develop their brand more authentically. To understand the concept of athlete brand authenticity, a systematic literature review was conducted on various electronic databases. The study opted the five-step stages of the framework for this systematic review. A total of 76 attributes were identified from past studies that analyzed the attributes of brand authenticity for various brands. After merging interrelated attributes, the final number of unique attributes was 23. These attributes were distributed among three major themes: on-field activities, off-field activities and marketing activities of an athlete. The study finds brand authenticity to be a multi-dimensional and complex process that endures for longer extensive periods of an athlete's career. The current study also highlights the complications related to an athlete brand that occur when establishing athlete brand authenticity. Therefore, this study provides an opportunity to refine athlete brand authenticity further within the discussed domains.

Resumen Hasaan, A. y Fişne, M. (2021). Comprensión de las dimensiones de la autenticidad de la marca de los deportistas. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 19(2), 1-25. Como los deportistas son considerados una marca, gestionarla es un desafío para el mercado. La autenticidad de la marca es una herramienta que se puede utilizar para garantizar que esta se mantenga durante un período de tiempo más largo. Para comprender el concepto de autenticidad de la marca del deportista, se realizó una revisión sistemática de la literatura en varias bases de datos electrónicas. A partir de estudios anteriores que analizaron los atributos de autenticidad de marca para algunas de ellas, se identificaron un total de 76 atributos. Después de fusionar los interrelacionados, el número final de atributos únicos fue 23. Estos se dividieron en tres grandes temas: actividades en el campo, actividades fuera del campo y actividades de marketing de un deportista. El estudio encuentra la complejidad relacionada con la autenticidad de la marca en que esta es un proceso multidimensional que perdura por períodos más largos. El estudio actual también destaca las complicaciones relacionadas con la marca de un deportista que ocurren al establecer la autenticidad de la marca del atleta debido a la naturaleza de la marca del atleta.

Resumo Hasaan, A. e Fişne, M. (2021). Entendendo as dimensões da autenticidade da marca dos atletas. PENSAR EN MOVIMIENTO: Revista de Ciencias del Ejercicio y la Salud, 19(2), 1-25. Como os atletas são considerados uma marca, gerenciá-la é um desafio para o mercado. A autenticidade da marca é uma ferramenta que pode ser usada para garantir que ela se mantenha por um período maior de tempo. Para entender o conceito de autenticidade da marca do atleta, foi realizada uma revisão sistemática da literatura em diversas bases de dados eletrônicas. De estudos anteriores que analisaram atributos de autenticidade da marca para algumas delas, foram identificados 76 atributos. Após a fusão dos inter-relacionados, o número final de atributos únicos foi de 23. Estes foram divididos em três temas principais: atividades no campo, atividades fora do campo e atividades de marketing de um atleta. O estudo encontra a complexidade relacionada à autenticidade da marca, pois trata-se de um processo multidimensional que dura períodos mais longos. O presente estudo também destaca complicações relacionadas à marca de um atleta que ocorrem ao estabelecer a sua autenticidade devido à natureza dessa marca.

Humans , Sports , Awards and Prizes , Athletes
Rev. argent. neurocir ; 35(2): 172-176, jun. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1398693


El objetivo de esta publicación es crear las condiciones para el otorgamiento del premio "Maestro de la Neurocirugía". Para el reconocimiento de una persona, se tienen en cuenta la relevancia de sus acciones en virtud de sus aportes a una organización. El respeto que nos brinda el reconocimiento es lo que nos aumenta la autoestima. Para el reconocimiento laboral no alcanza con un simple agradecimiento. Es necesario crear un espacio en donde cada uno pueda desarrollar sus intereses y alcanzar sus objetivos, y poner a disposición todo lo necesario para facilitar y simplificar el trabajo. El propósito del reconocimiento como maestro es el de destacar una trayectoria vital en el ejercicio de una especialidad médica. El premio sería una recompensa dada por algún mérito o servicio para resaltar aquellos valores que permitieron el desarrollo de la especialidad, reconocer su compromiso, distinguir al esfuerzo realizado en la formación del recurso humano y valorar los logros técnico-científicos

The objective of this publication is to create the conditions for the award "Master of Neurosurgery". For the recognition of a person, the relevance of their actions by virtue of their contributions to an organization are taken into account. The respect that recognition gives us is what increases our self-esteem. For job recognition, a simple thank you is not enough. It is necessary to create a space where everyone can develop their interests and achieve their objectives and make available everything necessary to facilitate and simplify the work. The purpose recognition as master is to highlight a vital career in the practice of a medical specialty. The award would be a reward given for some merit or service, to highlight those values that allowed the development of the specialty, recognize their commitment, distinguish the effort made in the training of human resources and value technical-scientific achievements

Organizations , Awards and Prizes , Neurosurgery
Rev. habanera cienc. méd ; 20(3): e3474, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1280428


José Martí sentenció: "Saberse sacrificar es el precio del éxito durable en todo", y con grandes sacrificios y éxitos en su vida laboral se resume la obra del Dr. Francisco Valdés Lazo, un médico excepcional que supo vincular sus responsabilidades administrativas con la docencia y la investigación. Incansable luchador por los avances de la Medicina, gestor de la Escuela Cubana de Pediatría, representa un gran ejemplo para los médicos cubanos y de Latinoamérica. Durante su vida estudiantil colaboró de forma destacada en las actividades que se desarrollaron, siendo fundador de las milicias revolucionarias. Una vez graduado es ubicado en el hospital pediátrico de Santa Clara, además atendía a los milicianos que se encontraban movilizados en la lucha contra bandidos en El Escambray. Al cumplir el servicio social, ya había demostrado sus condiciones de liderazgo, siendo ubicado como subdirector del Hospital Pediátrico "Pedro Borrás"; sus cualidades como revolucionario, inteligencia y entrega total al trabajo, le permitieron ser promovido a diferentes cargos de dirección hasta ser ubicado en el nivel central. Brindó asesoría científica a diferentes países del mundo, entre ellos, Guinea Bissau, Nicaragua, Bolivia, México y Guatemala; impartió numerosos cursos de postgrado nacionales e internacionales y recibió diferentes condecoraciones como médico e investigador. Unido a su humanismo, sus métodos de dirección, su carácter afable y su sentido del humor aun en situaciones difíciles, hacen de este profesional de la Medicina cubana un ejemplo a seguir para todas las generaciones de médicos(AU)

José Martí declared: "Knowing how to sacrifice is the price of lasting success at everything." The work of Dr. Francisco Valdés Lazo can be summed up in great sacrifices and successes during all his working life. He was an exceptional physician who knew how to link his administrative responsibilities to teaching and research. He was a tireless fighter for the advances in Medicine, the founder of the Cuban School of Pediatrics and a great example for Cuban and Latin American doctors. During his student life, he collaborated prominently with different activities, being the founder of the revolutionary militias. As soon as he graduated, he started to work in the pediatric hospital of Santa Clara. He also cared for the militiamen who were mobilized in the fight against bandits in El Escambray. After he finished his social service, he had already demonstrated his leadership condition; therefore, he was designed as deputy director of the Pedro Borrás Pediatric Hospital. His qualities as revolutionary as well as his intelligence and total dedication to work allowed him to be promoted to different management positions until he was positioned at the central level. He provided scientific advice to different countries in the world such as Guinea Bissau, Nicaragua, Bolivia, Mexico, and Guatemala. He taught numerous national and international postgraduate courses and received different awards as physician and researcher. His humanism, management methods, affable character and his sense of humor, even in difficult situations, make this Cuban medical professional an example to be followed for all generations of doctors(AU)

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Aged , Pediatrics , Research Personnel , Awards and Prizes , Teaching , Hospitals, Pediatric , Leadership
Rev. méd. Chile ; 149(4): 598-601, abr. 2021. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1389500


Alejandro Goic, M.D., son of Croatian immigrants, graduated as M.D. in 1955, studying at the Catholic University of Chile Medical School. After a residency in internal medicine, he followed post graduate studies in psychosomatic medicine at the University of Oklahoma and in gastroenterology at Harvard University. Upon his return to Chile he had a brilliant career as clinician and medical educator, becoming a leader and advisor in medical education, clinical ethics and public health. Elected Dean of the University of Chile School of Medicine (1986-1994), he promoted important changes in undergraduate studies as well as in Magister and PhD programs in Biomedical Sciences. During the difficult years of the military government intervention in Chilean universities, he was one of the leaders of critical opposition. In parallel he was chief editor of Revista Médica de Chile (1976-1996), improving the editorial process according to the recommendations of ICMJE and WAME. In 1989 he was elected member of the Chilean Academy of Medicine and became its President (2000-2010). He was awarded honors and membership in prominent national and foreign institutions. In 2006 he received the National Prize in Medicine, the highest medical distinction in Chile. His wise thinking and enthusiasm gave origin to several books that have become classics in Medicine and Medical Education, permeating our institutions.

Humans , History, 20th Century , Awards and Prizes , Education, Medical , Schools, Medical , Universities , Chile , Internal Medicine