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Rev. Baiana Saúde Pública ; 48(1): 46-58, 20240426.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1555707


O objetivo deste estudo foi descrever a cobertura vacinal da BCG, da VIP e da tríplice viral no Brasil, entre os anos de 2010 e 2020. Trata-se de um estudo epidemiológico, descritivo e retrospectivo, com utilização de dados epidemiológicos disponíveis publicamente no Departamento de Informática do Sistema Único de Saúde. Os dados coletados durante o período selecionado foram analisados descritivamente. No Brasil, entre 2010 e 2020, a cobertura vacinal apresentou sua maior taxa anual no ano de 2015 e sua menor taxa em 2016. No que se refere à cobertura vacinal por região do Brasil, a Centro-Oeste obteve a maior taxa geral nos anos estudados. Quanto aos imunobiológicos enfatizados no estudo, é possível observar que as regiões Centro-Oeste e Sul apresentam as maiores taxas. Os valores encontrados nesta pesquisa expressam que houve uma queda da cobertura vacinal a partir de 2016 em todo o território brasileiro, e a maior taxa entre os estados foi a da região Centro-Oeste. Entre os imunobiológicos mencionados nesta pesquisa, observou-se que apenas a BCG e a VIP alcançaram valores acima de 90% no período em estudo, contudo, ambas vem apresentando queda da cobertura nos últimos anos, principalmente no ano de 2020, demonstrando que o atual cenário brasileiro está fora do preconizado.

This study aimed to describe BCG, VIP, and MMR vaccination coverage in Brazil from 2010 to 2020. This epidemiological, descriptive, and retrospective study used epidemiological data publicly available in the Department of Informatics of the Unified Health System. Data collected for the selected period were descriptively analyzed. In Brazil, from 2010 to 2020, national vaccination coverage showed its highest annual rate in 2015 and the lowest rate in 2016. Regarding vaccination coverage by region of Brazil, the Midwest obtained the highest higher overall rate in the studied years. The immunobiologicals emphasized in studies showed that the Midwest and South have the highest rates. The values in this study express a drop in vaccination coverage from 2016 onward throughout the country, with the highest rate among states referring to the Midwest. Among the immunobiological products emphasized in this research, only BCG and VIP reached values above 90% in the studied period, but both have shown a drop in coverage in recent years, especially in the year 2020, evincing that the current Brazilian scenario remains outside recommendations.

El objetivo de este estudio fue describir la cobertura de vacunación de BCG, VIP y triple viral en Brasil, en el período de 2010 a 2020. Este es un estudio epidemiológico, descriptivo y retrospectivo, que utilizó datos epidemiológicos disponibles públicamente en el Departamento de Informática del Sistema Único de Salud. Se analizaron descriptivamente los datos recopilados durante el período seleccionado. En Brasil, entre 2010 y 2020, la cobertura de vacunación presentó la tasa anual más alta en 2015 y la más baja en 2016. En cuanto a la cobertura de vacunación por regiones de Brasil, la región Centro-Oeste obtuvo la tasa general más alta en los años de estudio. Respecto a los inmunobiológicos enfatizados en los estudios, se puede observar que las regiones Centro-Oeste y Sur presentan las tasas más altas. Los valores encontrados en esta investigación muestran un descenso en la cobertura de vacunación a partir de 2016 en todo el país, y la tasa más alta entre los estados se registró en la región Centro-Oeste. Entre los inmunobiológicos destacados en esta investigación, se observó que solo BCG y VIP alcanzaron valores superiores al 90% en el período de estudio, sin embargo, ambos han mostrado un descenso en la cobertura en los últimos años, especialmente el año 2020, lo que demuestra que el escenario brasileño actual está lejos de lo recomendado.

Humans , BCG Vaccine
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 33(2): 184-194, 14 de agosto del 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1451587


Introducción: El cáncer de vejiga es una enfermedad de gran prevalencia, siendo su mayor problema la tendencia a la recidiva y a la progresión. Para disminuir en lo posible esta recidiva y progresión se han utilizado muchos quimioterapéuticos intravesicales aplicados a lo largo de meses tras la resección transuretral de vejiga con resultados desiguales. La doxorrubicina es un antibiótico antraciclino con actividad antitumoral producido por Streptococcus peucetius var. caesius. Tiene la capacidad de intercalarse con el DNA, afecta muchas de sus funciones e inhibe la síntesis de DNA y RNA, que por vía intravesical actúa evitando la implantación de células tumorales circulantes. Metodología: El estudio será de tipo observacional descriptivo, retrospectivo de corte transversal, comprendido entre el 1 de enero de 2018 y el 31 de enero de 2021 y desarrollado en el Servicio de Urología del Hospital Teodoro Maldonado Carbo. Resultados: Fueron 148 casos analizados. La especificidad del índice fue de 81 %, con un valor predictivo (VP) positivo del 77 % y VP negativo de 68 %. La sensibilidad de la ascitis 85 % y la masa abdominal palpable del 79 %. En las pacientes que presentaron valores de antígeno CA-125 menor a 1000 U/ml, el riesgo de obtener una citorreducción óptima fue OR: 0.15 (IC95% 0.069 ­ 0.307; P: 0.0001); las pacientes que presentaron valores del índice de irresecabilidad entre 1 y 2 puntos versus 3 y 4 fue de OR: 7.04 (IC95% 3.33 -14.87, P: 0.0001). Conclusiones: el cáncer de vejiga es una enfermedad prevalente que presenta desafíos significativos debido a su propensión a la recidiva y progresión. Para abordar este problema, se han utilizado diversos quimioterapéuticos intravesicales después de la resección transuretral de vejiga, aunque con resultados variables. La doxorrubicina, un antibiótico antraciclino con propiedades antitumorales, ha demostrado la capacidad de interferir con el ADN y el ARN, lo que la convierte en una opción valiosa para prevenir la implantación de células tumorales circulantes cuando se administra por vía intravesical.

Introduction: Bladder cancer is a highly prevalent disease; its most significant problem is its tendency to recur and progress. To reduce this recurrence and progression as much as possible, many intravesical chemotherapeutics applied over months after transurethral resection of the bladder have been used with mixed results. Doxorubicin is an anthracycline antibiotic with antitumor activity produced by Streptococcus peucetius var. cesius. It can intercalate with DNA, affects many of its functions, and inhibits the synthesis of DNA and RNA, which acts intravesically to prevent the implantation of circulating tumor cells. Methodology: The study will be of an observational, descriptive, retrospective, cross-sectional type between January 1, 2018, and January 31, 2021, and developed in the Urology Service of the Teodoro Maldonado Carbo Hospital. Results: A total of 148 cases were analyzed. The specificity of the index was 81%, with a positive predictive value (PV) of 77% and a negative PV of 68%. The sensitivity of ascites was 85%, and that of the palpable abdominal mass was 79%. In patients who presented CA-125 antigen values less than 1000 U/ml, the risk of obtaining optimal cytoreduction was OR: 0.15 (95% CI 0.069 - 0.307; P: 0.0001). The patients who presented unresectability index values between 1 and 2 points versus 3 and 4 points were OR: 7.04 (95% CI 3.33 -14.87, P: 0.0001). Conclusions: Bladder cancer is a prevalent disease that presents significant challenges due to its propensity for recurrence and progression. To address this problem, various intravesical chemotherapeutics have been used after transurethral resection of the bladder, although with variable results. Doxorubicin, an anthracycline antibiotic with antitumor properties, has demonstrated the ability to interfere with DNA and RNA, making it a valuable option to prevent the implantation of circulating tumor cells when administered intravesically.

Humans , Adult , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms , Transurethral Resection of Bladder , BCG Vaccine , Doxorubicin
Revista Digital de Postgrado ; 12(2): 366, ago. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1517339


Objetivo General: Establecer nivel de conocimiento sobre tuberculosis y vacuna, BCG., de padres y representantes, en Ambulatorio Gabriel Trompiz, Tucacas, Estado Falcón. Metodología: Es un estudio descriptivo de tipo transversal, con una muestra poblacional de 180 madres, padres y representantes entre octubre y diciembre de 2022. Se utilizaron encuestas, formularios elaborados y validados en estudios anteriores; la información fue procesada con el programa estadístico Microsoft Excel. Resultados: la mayor parte de la población respondió que la tuberculosis es una enfermedad producida por un virus, con respecto a la importancia de las inmunizaciones, un 20% desconocía la importancia de la vacunación. El 77% conocían información básica acerca de la vacuna BCG. En cuanto a las enfermedades prevenibles por esta vacuna, un 54% respondió que se trataba sobre la tuberculosis, mientras que casi la mitad de la población estudiada tenía la creencia que tenía que ver con el resfriado común. El 72% de la población considera que la fiebre es una contraindicación para la aplicación de la vacuna BCG. Se demostró que existía una gran desinformación con respecto a la vacunación en la población infantil en el medio rural venezolano(AU)

To establish the level of knowledge about tuberculosis and BCG vaccine., of parents and representatives in the Gabriel Trompiz outpatient clinic, Tucacas, Falcon State. Methodology: it is a descriptive cross-sectional study, with a population sample of 180 mothers, fathers and representatives between October and December 2022. Surveys, forms prepared and validated in previous studies were used, the information was processedwith the Microsoft Excel statistical program. Results: most of the population answered that tuberculosis was a disease caused by a virus, regarding the importance of immunizations, 20% were unaware of the importance of vaccination. 77% knew basic information about the BCG vaccine. Regarding the diseases preventable by this vaccine, 54% answered that it was about tuberculosis, while almost half of the population studied believed that it had to do with the common cold. 72% of the population considers that fever is a contraindication for the application of the BCG vaccine. It was demonstrated that there was a great amount of misinformation regarding vaccination in the child population in rural Venezuela(AU)

Tuberculosis , BCG Vaccine , Immunization Schedule , Pediatrics , Public Health , Disease Prevention , Sociodemographic Factors
Rev. chil. infectol ; Rev. chil. infectol;40(1): 28-34, feb. 2023. ilus, tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1441394


La vacuna BCG es clave para el control de la tuberculosis. En ocasiones se observan eventos adversos sistémicos causados por Mycobacterium bovis BCG; usualmente asociados a inmunodeficiencia. Describimos seis casos clínicos de niños vacunados con BCG al nacer, con complicaciones sistémicas post-vacunación. M{ETODO: Revisión de historias clínicas de pacientes con infección por M. bovis BCG atendidos en un hospital pediátrico, entre 2010 y 2019. RESULTADOS: De 400 casos confirmados de infecciones por complejo Mycobacterium tuberculosis; ocho fueron identificados como M. bovis BCG; seis casos correspondieron a eventos adversos sistémicos post-vacuna BCG: dos con lesiones cutáneas a distancia, dos osteomielitis y dos infecciones generalizadas. En cinco de los seis pacientes se detectó una alteración de la respuesta inmune. Un paciente falleció por falla multiorgánica, uno se derivó y cuatro completaron 12 meses de tratamiento: dos meses de isoniacida, rifampicina, etambutol, y moxifloxacina, y 10 meses de isoniacida y rifampicina. Tuvieron buena tolerancia a los medicamentos, sin recaída a los dos años. CONCLUSIÓN: La infección grave por M. bovis BCG es una rara complicación sistémica de la vacunación. Es razonable buscar defectos inmunológicos en los niños que desarrollan este tipo de eventos adversos.

The BCG vaccine is key to tuberculosis control. Systemic adverse events caused by Mycobacterium bovis BCG are occasionally observed; usually associated with immunodeficiency. In this report we describe six cases of children vaccinated with BCG at birth, with post-vaccination systemic complications. METHOD: retrospective review of medical records of patients with M. bovis BCG infection treated in a pediatric hospital between 2010 and 2019. RESULTS: Of 400 confirmed cases of Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex infection, eight identified as M. bovis BCG, six corresponded to systemic adverse events post-BCG vaccine: two distant skin lesions, two osteomyelitis and two generalized infections. An altered immune response was detected in five of the six patients. One patient died of multiorgan failure, one was referred and four completed 12 months of treatment: two months of isoniazid, rifampin, ethambutol, and moxifloxacin, and 10 months of isoniazid and rifampin. They had good tolerance to medications, without relapse at two years. CONCLUSION Serious M. bovis BCG infection is a rare systemic complication of vaccination. It is reasonable to look for immunological defects in children who develop these types of adverse events.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , BCG Vaccine/adverse effects , Vaccination/adverse effects , Mycobacterium bovis/pathogenicity , Tuberculosis/prevention & control , Hospitals, Pediatric
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-971523


OBJECTIVE@#To investigate the inhibitory effects of levofloxacin (LEV) combined with cellulase against bacille CalmetteGuerin (BCG) biofilms in vitro.@*METHODS@#The mature growth cycle of BCG biofilms was determined using the XTT method and crystal violet staining. BCG planktonic bacteria and BCG biofilms were treated with different concentrations of LEV and cellulose alone or jointly, and the changes in biofilm biomass were quantified with crystal violet staining. The mature BCG biofilm was then treated with cellulase alone for 24 h, and after staining with SYTO 9 and Calcofluor White Stain, the number of viable bacteria and the change in cellulose content in the biofilm were observed with confocal laser scanning microscopy. The structural changes of the treated biofilm were observed under scanning electron microscopy.@*RESULTS@#The MIC, MBC and MBEC values of LEV determined by broth microdilution method were 4 μg/mL, 8 μg/mL and 1024 μg/mL, respectively. The combined treatment with 1/4×MIC LEV and 2.56, 5.12 or 10.24 U/mL cellulase resulted in a significant reduction in biofilm biomass (P < 0.001). Cellulase treatments at the concentrations of 10.24, 5.12 and 2.56 U/mL all produced significant dispersion effects on mature BCG biofilms (P < 0.001).@*CONCLUSION@#LEV combined with cellulose can effectively eradicate BCG biofilm infections, suggesting the potential of glycoside hydrolase therapy for improving the efficacy of antibiotics against biofilmassociated infections caused by Mycobacterium tuberculosis.

Levofloxacin/pharmacology , Gentian Violet/pharmacology , BCG Vaccine/pharmacology , Anti-Bacterial Agents/pharmacology , Biofilms , Cellulases/pharmacology , Microbial Sensitivity Tests
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 347-358, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970379


This study aims to develop a method to detect bovine multi-cytokines based on flow cytometry. Previously we have prepared and screened monoclonal antibodies against bovine cytokines IFN-γ, IL-2, TNF-α, IP-10 and MCP-1. These bovine cytokine monoclonal antibodies were fluorescently labeled, and the combination of antibody and cell surface molecules were used to develop the method for detecting bovine multi-cytokines. Subsequently, the developed method was used to determine the cytokine expression profile of Mycobacterium bovis BCG infected bovine peripheral blood mononuclear cells in vitro, and evaluate the cytokine expression level of peripheral blood CD4+ T cells of tuberculosis-positive cattle. The bovine multi-cytokine flow cytometry detection method can effectively determine the cytokine expression of BCG-infected bovine peripheral blood T lymphocytes. Among them, the expression levels of IFN-γ, IL-2, and TNF-α continue to increase after 40 hours of infection, while the expression levels of IP-10 and MCP-1 decreased. The combined detection of IFN-γ, IL-2, and TNF-α on CD4+ T lymphocytes in peripheral blood of cattle can effectively distinguish tuberculosis-positive and tuberculosis-negative samples. This method may facilitate evaluating the level of cellular immune response after bovine pathogen infection and vaccine injection.

Cattle , Animals , Cytokines , BCG Vaccine/metabolism , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/metabolism , Interleukin-2 , Flow Cytometry/methods , Chemokine CXCL10/metabolism , Leukocytes, Mononuclear , CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes/metabolism , Tuberculosis , Antibodies, Monoclonal/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935248


Objective: To investigate the economic burden of bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) lymphadenitis in Shandong Province. Methods: From May 2011 to December 2019, 304 patients applying for the province-level compensation of BCG lymphadenitis was selected from Shandong Province in this study. The basic situation, vaccination, outpatient (inpatient) records, cost and relevant information of those patients were collected to calculate the direct economic burden (including direct medical costs and direct non-medical costs), indirect economic burden and total economic burden. Comparison of the difference of economic burden of cases with different characteristics was taken. Results: The M(Q1,Q3) of age of BCG lymphadenitis patients was 3 (2, 4) months, among which 239 cases (78.6%) were male, 71 cases (23.4%) had lymphadenopathy, and 227 cases (74.7%) underwent surgery.The number of outpatient only, inpatient only and outpatient then inpatient was 25.7% (78 cases), 7.2% (22 cases) and 67.1% (204 cases), respectively. The M(Q1,Q3) of direct, indirect and total economic burden of single case after discount was 9 910 (5 713, 16 074), 2 081 (1 547, 3 122) and 12 262 (7 694, 18 571) yuan, respectively.The direct medical expenses accounted for 89.4% of the direct economic burden, the direct economic burden accounted for 84.9% of the total economic burden, the total economic burden of 80.0% cases accounted for only about 20.0% of the compensation amount, and the total economic burden of only 2.3% cases accounted for more than 60.0% of the compensation amount.The direct, indirect and total economic burden of patients with inpatient only and outpatient then inpatient was higher than that of patients with outpatient only; the direct, indirect and total economic burden of patients with operation was higher than that of patients with non-operation; the direct and total economic burden of patients with unulcerated lymph node was higher than that of patients with ulcerated lymph node(all P values<0.05). Conclusion: The economic burden of BCG lymphadenitis cases in Shandong Province is influenced by the mode of diagnosis and treatment, with direct medical expenses as the predominant component.

Humans , Infant , Male , BCG Vaccine , Cost of Illness , Financial Stress , Lymphadenitis/epidemiology , Vaccination
Singap. med. j ; Singap. med. j;: 209-213, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927275


INTRODUCTION@#Usage of metformin is associated with improved survival in lung, breast and prostate cancer, and metformin has been shown to inhibit cancer cell growth and proliferation in in vitro studies. Given the lack of clinical data on metformin use in patients with bladder cancer, we aimed to evaluate the role of metformin in their oncological outcomes.@*METHODS@#Medication use data from a prospectively maintained database of 122 patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with intravesical Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG), who were recruited under a randomised, double-blinded, controlled clinical trial, was collected and analysed. Kaplan-Meier curves were used to assess overall survival (OS) and disease-specific survival (DSS).@*RESULTS@#At a median follow-up duration of 102 (range 3-357) months, 53 (43.4%) patients experienced disease recurrence and 21 (17.2%) experienced disease progression. There was no significant difference in mortality between patients with and without diabetes mellitus. There was significant difference in OS between patients without diabetes mellitus, patients with diabetes mellitus on metformin and patients with diabetes mellitus but not on metformin (p = 0.033); patients with diabetes mellitus on metformin had the best prognosis. Metformin use was associated with significantly lower DSS (p = 0.042). Other oral hypoglycaemic agents, insulin or statins were not associated with disease recurrence or progression.@*CONCLUSION@#Metformin use was associated with improved oncological outcomes in patients with non-muscle-invasive bladder cancer treated with intravesical BCG. Prospective studies with larger patient populations are needed to validate the role of metformin as potential therapy for bladder cancer.

Humans , Male , Adjuvants, Immunologic/therapeutic use , Administration, Intravesical , BCG Vaccine/therapeutic use , Diabetes Mellitus , Disease Progression , Metformin/therapeutic use , Neoplasm Invasiveness , Neoplasm Recurrence, Local , Prospective Studies , Retrospective Studies , Urinary Bladder Neoplasms/drug therapy
Arq. Asma, Alerg. Imunol ; 5(4): 422-425, out.dez.2021. ilus
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1399807


A reativação da BCG pode ocorrer em diversos contextos: associada a quadros infecciosos, imunossupressão, autoimunidade e pós-vacinações. Além disso, especialmente em crianças abaixo de 5 anos de idade, deve ser valorizada como um achando presente em cerca de 50% dos casos de Doença de Kawasaki. Neste artigo, relatamos o primeiro caso publicado na literatura de uma paciente adulta jovem, a qual manifestou uma reativação de BCG após receber a primeira dose de vacina contra COVID-19 (AztraZeneca/Oxford/Biomanguinhos). Dentro das primeiras 24h após a administração da vacina, a paciente desenvolveu febre alta, sudorese, dor local, mialgia difusa e cefaleia. Após dois dias, iniciou eritema e enduração no local da cicatriz da vacina BCG. Ela tem como comorbidade a urticária crônica espontânea, porém estava assintomática sem crises há mais de 1 ano. Tem como antecedente familiar relevante o óbito materno por síndrome complexa de sobreposição de autoimunidade (lúpus eritematoso sistêmico, síndrome de Sjögren e síndrome do anticorpo antifosfolípide). Após ser medicada com anti-inflamatórios não esteroides (AINE) e corticoterapia tópica de moderada potência por 3 dias, houve resolução completa da reativação da BCG. A paciente, após 3 meses, recebeu a segunda dose da vacina e não manifestou nenhum sintoma. Acredita-se que a reativação da BCG ocorra devido a um mecanismo de reação cruzada entre HSP do indivíduo, elicitadas como mediadores da imunidade inata frente à inflamação vacinal, com alguns epítopos do M. bovis. Recomendase que seja investigada alguma condição imunossupressora ou autoimune nos pacientes que manifestem reativação da BCG, principalmente em adultos, na qual a doença de Kawasaki é bastante rara. As vacinas, incluindo as contra COVID-19, também podem desencadear o surgimento deste fenômeno imunológico ainda pouco compreendido.

BCG reactivation can occur in different contexts: associated with infectious conditions, immunosuppression, autoimmunity and post-vaccinations. Also, especially in children below of 5 years of age, should be valued as a finding present in about 50% of cases of Kawasaki disease. In this article, we report the first case published in the literature of a young adult patient, who manifested a reactivation of BCG after receiving the first dose of vaccine against COVID-19 (AztraZeneca/Oxford/Biomanguinhos). Within the first 24 hours after the administration of the vaccine, the patient developed high fever, sweating, local pain, diffuse myalgia and headache. After 2 days, erythema and induration at the site of the BCG vaccine scar began. she has how comorbidity to chronic spontaneous urticaria, but she was asymptomatic without crises for more than 1 year. The relevant family history is maternal death due to the complex syndrome of autoimmunity overlap (systemic lupus erythematosus, Sjögrens syndrome, and anti-phospholipid antibody). After being medicated with NSAID and moderate topical corticosteroid therapy potency for 3 days, there was complete resolution of BCG reactivation. The patient, after 3 months, received the 2nd dose of the vaccine and had no symptoms. It is believed that the reactivation of BCG occurs due to a cross-reaction mechanism between the individuals HSP, elicited as mediators of innate immunity against vaccine inflammation, with some epitopes of M. bovis. It is recommended that any immunosuppressive or autoimmune condition be investigated in patients that manifest BCG reactivation, especially in adults, in which Kawasaki disease is quite rare. Vaccines, including those against COVID-19, can also trigger of this immunological phenomenon still poorly understood.

Humans , Female , Young Adult , BCG Vaccine , Autoimmunity , Cicatrix , COVID-19 , ChAdOx1 nCoV-19 , Pain , Signs and Symptoms , Sjogren's Syndrome , Anti-Inflammatory Agents, Non-Steroidal , Antiphospholipid Syndrome , Adrenal Cortex Hormones , Erythema , Fever , Chronic Urticaria , COVID-19 Vaccines , Headache , Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome , Mycobacterium bovis
Int. braz. j. urol ; 47(3): 482-483, May-June 2021.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1154482

BCG Vaccine
Rev. Paul. Pediatr. (Ed. Port., Online) ; 39: e2019338, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1136764


ABSTRACT Objective: To describe the case of an infant - diagnosed with incomplete Kawasaki disease - who developed BCG scar reactivation. Case description: A 6-month-old patient was admitted to hospital with fever associated with ocular hyperemia, cervical lymphadenopathy, and hyperemic lips, and remained hospitalized for 12 days. The physical examination revealed an inflammatory reaction at the site of the BCG scar, leading to the diagnosis of incomplete Kawasaki disease. The patient was treated with venous immunoglobulin, but presented recurrence of Kawasaki disease, with subsequent onset of coronary artery disease. Comments: BCG scar reactivation is an important finding in countries where the vaccine is routinely given and may be a useful marker for early diagnosis of Kawasaki disease, especially in its incomplete form.

RESUMO Objetivo: Descrever o caso de um lactente - com diagnóstico de Doença de Kawasaki incompleta - que desenvolveu reativação da cicatriz da vacina BCG. Descrição do caso: Um paciente de 6 meses de idade foi admitido no hospital com febre, associada à hiperemia ocular, linfadenomegalia cervical e fissuras labiais, permanecendo hospitalizado por 12 dias. Apresentava, no exame físico, reação inflamatória no local da cicatriz da vacina BCG, tendo sido feito o diagnóstico de Kawasaki incompleto. O paciente foi tratado com imunoglobulina venosa, mas apresentou recorrência da doença, com posterior surgimento de coronariopatia. Comentários: A reativação da BCG é um achado importante na doença de Kawasaki em países onde a vacina é aplicada de forma rotineira e pode ser um marcador útil para o diagnóstico precoce da doença de Kawasaki, principalmente em sua forma incompleta.

Humans , Male , Infant , BCG Vaccine/immunology , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/diagnosis , Brazil , BCG Vaccine/adverse effects , Biomarkers , Cicatrix/immunology , Cicatrix/pathology , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/therapeutic use , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/immunology , Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome/drug therapy
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(6): 908-916., dic. 2020. ilus, tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1508046


INTRODUCCIÓN: La inmunodeficiencia combinada severa (IDCS) corresponde a una de las formas más graves de inmunodeficiencia primaria, existiendo escasos datos nacionales sobre ésta. OBJETIVO: describir la epidemiología, complicaciones, pronóstico y uso de la vacuna BCG en pacientes chilenos con IDCS. PACIENTES Y MÉTODO: Estudio retrospectivo de pacientes diagnosticados con IDCS entre los años 1999 y 2020 por médicos inmunólogos a lo largo de Chile. El diagnóstico de IDCS se realizó conforme a los criterios propuestos por Shearer: linfocitos T (CD3+) < 300 células/μL y prolife ración 10% del límite de normalidad en respuesta a fitohemaglutinina o presencia de linfocitos T de origen materno. Se obtuvieron de la ficha clínica los datos correspondientes a: sexo, edad al diagnóstico, consanguinidad, región de origen, subpoblaciones linfocitarias, diagnóstico genético, complicaciones infecciosas y no infecciosas, vacunación BCG y sus complicaciones, edad de deriva ción al centro de TPH y causa de mortalidad no relacionada al TPH. RESULTADOS: se diagnosticaron 25 casos de IDCS en 22 familias entre los años 1999-2020. 78% varones, la edad media a la primera manifestación fue 2.3 meses (0-7), mientras que la edad media al diagnóstico fue de 3.4 meses (0 7). Un 16% de los casos tenía un antecedente familiar de IDCS. Un 40% de los casos fueron diag nosticados en la Región Metropolitana. El inmunofenotipo más frecuente fue T-B-NK+ (48%). Se realizaron estudios genéticos en 69,5% de los casos, siendo los defectos genéticos en RAG2 (39%) la causa más frecuente. Un 88% de los casos recibió la vacuna Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) previo al diagnóstico, incluidos 2 pacientes con historia familiar positiva, 36% de los vacunados experimentó complicaciones de la BCG. La edad media a la derivación a trasplante fue de 7,4 meses (5-16). De los 25 pacientes, 11 fallecieron previo a la derivación a un centro de trasplante. CONCLUSIÓN: En Chile existe un retraso clínicamente significativo entre las primeras manifestaciones y el diagnóstico de IDCS, así como un importante retraso en la derivación a centros de trasplante. La mayoría de los pacientes con IDCS reciben la vacuna BCG, pese a tener antecedentes familiares, y experimentan frecuentemente complicaciones de la vacuna.

INTRODUCTION: Severe combined immunodeficiency (SCID) is the most severe form of primary immunodeficiency. To date, there is little local information about this disease. OBJECTIVE: To describe the epidemiology, complications, prognosis, and use of the BCG vaccine in Chilean patients with SCID. PATIENTS AND METHOD: Retrospective review of the clinical records of patients diagnosed with SCID by clinical immunologists between 1999 and 2020 throughout Chile. SCID was diagnosed according to the cri teria proposed by Shearer: T lymphocytes (CD3+) < 300 cells/μL and proliferation 10% of the limit of normality in response to phytohemagglutinin or presence of T lymphocytes of maternal origin. Data collected from the clinical records were: sex, age at diagnosis, consanguinity, region of origin, lymphocyte subpopulations, genetic diagnosis, infectious and non-infectious complications, BCG vaccination and its complications, age at referral to the bone marrow transplant (BMT) center, and cause of non-BMT-related mortality. RESULTS: Between 1999 and 2020, 25 patients were diagnosed with SCID. 78% of them were male, mean age at first manifestation of the disease was 2.3 months (0-7), while the mean age at diagnosis was 3.4 months (0-7). 16% of patients had a family history of SCID. 40% of cases were diagnosed within the Metropolitan Region. The most frequent immuno- phenotype was T-B-NK+ SCID (48%). Genetic studies were done in 69.5% of cases, mutations in the RAG2 gene were the most common etiology of SCID (39%). 88% of SCID patients received the Bacillus Calmette-Guerin (BCG) vaccine before diagnosis, including 2 cases with a known family history of SCID. 36% of those who received the vaccine had BCG-related complications. The mean age at referral to a bone marrow transplant center was 7.4 months (5-16). 11/25 patients died before being transferred to a transplant center. DISCUSSION: There is a clinically significant delay between the first manifestations and the diagnosis of SCID in Chilean patients, as well as an important time gap between the diagnosis of SCID and referral to a center for BMT. Most SCID cases in Chile receive the BCG vaccine, despite a known family history of the disease, and frequently develop vaccine-related complications.

Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , BCG Vaccine/administration & dosage , Vaccination/statistics & numerical data , Severe Combined Immunodeficiency/epidemiology , Prognosis , Time Factors , Nuclear Proteins/genetics , BCG Vaccine/adverse effects , T-Lymphocytes/immunology , Chile , Retrospective Studies , Bone Marrow Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Vaccination/adverse effects , Severe Combined Immunodeficiency/immunology , Severe Combined Immunodeficiency/therapy , DNA-Binding Proteins/genetics , Delayed Diagnosis , Mutation