Anticarsia gemmatalis Hünber, 1818 is one of the main defoliating species in the soybean crop. Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, 1915, is a bacterium used in the biological control of this pest species. Resistant populations and their sublethal effects caused by the use of the bacteria have already been reported; however, there are no studies on phenotypic plasticity in adulthood exposed to Bt-based bioinsecticide sub-doses. This study aimed to evaluate the morphometry of A. gemmatalis adults under laboratory conditions submitted to the Bt-based bioinsecticide Dipel® over the three generations. The body segments mensuread were width, length, and area of the anterior and posterior wings, the weight of the integument, chest, abdomen, wings, and the whole adult of males and females. Among the treatments, LC5 in the first generation and LC10 in the second generation were those with lower thresholds in relation to the weight of the chest and abdomen, considering the proportions of the body smaller than the females. The female's weight adulthood was reduced by 10% about males, and, only in the first generation. Males have larger body size and more pronounced phenotypic plasticity than females. Here, we demonstrate the first study assessing the phenotypic plasticity of A. gemmatalis adults.
Anticarsia gemmatalis Hünber, 1818 é uma das principais espécies desfolhadoras da cultura da soja. Bacillus thuringiensis Berliner, 1915, é uma bactéria utilizada no controle biológico dessa espécie de praga. Populações resistentes e seus efeitos subletais causados pelo uso da bactéria já foram relatados, no entanto, não há estudos sobre a plasticidade fenotípica na idade adulta exposta a subdoses de bioinseticida à base de Bt. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a morfometria de adultos de A. gemmatalis em condições de laboratório submetidos ao bioinseticida Dipel® ao longo de três gerações. Os segmentos corporais mensuráveis eram largura, comprimento e área das asas anterior e posterior, o peso do tegumento, tórax, abdômen, asas e todo o adulto de machos e fêmeas. Dentre os tratamentos, CL5 na primeira geração e CL10 na segunda geração foram aqueles com limiares mais baixos em relação ao peso do tórax e abdômen, considerando as proporções do corpo menores que as do sexo feminino. O peso da fêmea na idade adulta foi reduzido em 10% em relação aos machos e, apenas na primeira geração. Os machos têm tamanho corporal maior e plasticidade fenotípica mais pronunciada do que as fêmeas. Este estudo demonstra o primeiro estudo avaliando a plasticidade fenotípica de adultos de A. gemmatalis.
Animals , Phenotype , Glycine max , Bacillus thuringiensis , Pest Control, BiologicalABSTRACT
Bt Cry toxin is the mostly studied and widely used biological insect resistance protein, which plays a leading role in the green control of agricultural pests worldwide. However, with the wide application of its preparations and transgenic insecticidal crops, the resistance to target pests and potential ecological risks induced by the drive are increasingly prominent and attracting much attention. The researchers seek to explore new insecticidal protein materials that can simulate the insecticidal function of Bt Cry toxin. This will help to escort the sustainable and healthy production of crops, and relieve the pressure of target pests' resistance to Bt Cry toxin to a certain extent. In recent years, the author's team has proposed that Ab2β anti-idiotype antibody has the property of mimicking antigen structure and function based on the "Immune network theory" of antibody. With the help of phage display antibody library and specific antibody high-throughput screening and identification technology, Bt Cry toxin antibody was designed as the coating target antigen, and a series of Ab2β anti-idiotype antibodies (namely Bt Cry toxin insecticidal mimics) were screened from the phage antibody library. Among them, the lethality of Bt Cry toxin insecticidal mimics with the strongest activity was close to 80% of the corresponding original Bt Cry toxin, showing great promise for the targeted design of Bt Cry toxin insecticidal mimics. This paper systematically summarized the theoretical basis, technical conditions, research status, and discussed the development trend of relevant technologies and how to promote the application of existing achievements, aiming to facilitate the research and development of green insect-resistant materials.
Insecticides/metabolism , Bacillus thuringiensis , Endotoxins/pharmacology , Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins/metabolism , Hemolysin Proteins/pharmacology , Bacterial Proteins/chemistry , Plants, Genetically Modified/genetics , Pest Control, BiologicalABSTRACT
Application of different fertilizers to check the efficiency of expression of Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) gene in one of the leading commercialized crops (cotton) against Lepidopteran species is of great concern. The expression of Cry protein level can be controlled by the improvement of nutrients levels. Therefore, the myth of response of Cry toxin to different combinations of NP fertilizers was explored in three Bt cotton cultivars. Combinations include three levels of nitrogen and three levels of phosphorus fertilizers. Immunostrips and Cry gene(s) specific primer based PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction) analysis were used for the presence of Bt gene that unveiled the presence of Cry1Ac gene only. Further, the ELISA (enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay) kit was used to quantify the expression of Cry1Ac protein. Under various NP fertilizers rates, the level of toxin protein exhibited highly significant differences. The highest toxin level mean was found to be 2.3740 and 2.1732 µg/g under the treatment of N150P75 kg ha-¹ combination while the lowest toxin level mean was found to be 0.9158 and 0.7641 µg/g at the N50P25 kg ha-¹ level at 80 and 120 DAS (Days After Sowing), respectively. It was concluded from the research that the usage of NP fertilizers has a positive relation with the expression of Cry1Ac toxin in Bt cotton. We recommend using the N150P50 kg ha-1 level as the most economical and practicable fertilizer instead of the standard dose N100P50 kg ha-¹ to get the desired level of Cry1Ac level for long lasting plant resistance (<1.5). The revised dose of fertilizer may help farmers to avoid the cross-resistance development in contradiction of insect pests.
A aplicação de diferentes fertilizantes para verificar a eficiência da expressão do gene Bt (Bacillus thuringiensis) em uma das principais culturas comercializadas (algodão) contra espécies de lepidópteros é uma grande preocupação. A expressão do nível de proteína Cry pode ser controlada pela melhoria dos níveis de nutrientes. Portanto, o mito da resposta da toxina Cry a diferentes combinações de fertilizantes NP foi explorado em três cultivares de algodão Bt. As combinações incluem três níveis de nitrogênio e três níveis de fertilizantes de fósforo. A análise de PCR (reação em cadeia da polimerase) específica para o gene (s) Immunostrips e Cry (s) foi usada para a presença do gene Bt que revelou a presença do gene Cry1Ac apenas. Além disso, o kit ELISA (ensaio de imunoabsorção enzimática) foi usado para quantificar a expressão da proteína Cry1Ac. Sob várias taxas de fertilizantes NP, o nível de proteína de toxina exibiu diferenças altamente significativas. A média do nível mais alto de toxina foi de 2,3740 e 2,1732 µg / g sob o tratamento da combinação N150P75 kg ha-¹, enquanto a média do nível mais baixo de toxina foi de 0,9158 e 0,7641 µg / g no nível de N50P25 kg ha-¹ em 80 e 120 DAS (dias após a semeadura), respectivamente. Concluiu-se com a pesquisa que o uso de fertilizantes NP tem relação positiva com a expressão da toxina Cry1Ac no algodão Bt. Recomendamos o uso do nível de N150P50 kg ha-¹ como o fertilizante mais econômico e praticável em vez da dose padrão N100P50 kg ha-¹ para obter o nível desejado de nível de Cry1Ac para resistência de planta de longa duração (<1,5). A dose revisada de fertilizante pode ajudar os agricultores a evitar o desenvolvimento de resistência cruzada em contradição com as pragas de insetos.
Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics , Pest Control/methods , Fertilizers/analysis , Phosphorus/administration & dosage , Gossypium , Gossypium/genetics , Nitrogen/administration & dosage , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Polymerase Chain ReactionABSTRACT
Bacillus thuringiensis is widely used as an insecticide which is safe and environmentally friendly to humans and animals. One of the important insecticidal mechanisms is the binding of Bt toxins to specific toxin receptors in insect midgut and forming a toxin perforation which eventually leads to insect death. The resistance of target pests to Bt toxins is an important factor hampering the long-term effective cultivation of Bt crops and the continuous use of Bt toxins. This review summarizes the mechanism of insect resistance to Bt toxins from the perspective of important Bt toxin receptors in midgut cells of Lepidopteran insects, which may facilitate the in-depth study of Bt resistance mechanism and pest control.
Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics , Bacillus thuringiensis Toxins , Bacterial Proteins/metabolism , Endotoxins/metabolism , Hemolysin Proteins/metabolism , Insecta/metabolism , Insecticide Resistance/genetics , Insecticides/pharmacology , Pest Control, BiologicalABSTRACT
Aims@#Potatoes are considered one of the most strategic vegetable crops all over the world. Alternaria alternata has recently contaminated certain potatoes farms in different regions in Egypt. Among thirteen samples from fifteen regions were studied in a precedent study. Our study was aimed to investigate the effect of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. Kurosaki suspension on inhibiting the growth of the three tested isolates of A. alternata and minimizing their mycotoxins production in vitro using three isolates with three levels of highly, moderate and low pathogenicity with unequal amounts of dual mycotoxins production.@*Methodology and results@#Three isolates of A. alternata from three regions, Kom Hamada (KH3), Alamin (Alam1) and Nobaria (NO3), which were determined as a producer of tenuazonic acid (TeA) and alternariol monomethyl ether (AME) toxins. Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) use as commercial fungicide was applied with three suspension concentrations (75, 150 and 300 μg/mL) as inhibitor for the two mycotoxins. Our results illustrated that the three tested isolates recorded high TeA and AME inhibition efficacies by increasing the Bt suspension concentration. The highest inhibitory concentration of Bt was at concentration 75 μg/mL for isolated from Nobaria third region (NO3) and Alam1 it was (99.83 and 99.74%) for mycotoxin (AME) while, TeA mycotoxin had the most inhibition percentage (99.58%) at concentration 150 μg/mL for the isolate (NO3).@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#The preliminary results of the study suggest that B. thuringiensis spores’ suspension with different concentrations can be used as anti-mycotoxigenic agents to inhibit the (TeA) and (AME) mycotoxins produced by Alternaria alternata.
Bacillus thuringiensis , Solanum tuberosumABSTRACT
Ante la ausencia de vacunas eficaces para las arbovirosis transmitidas por el vector A. aegypti y la resistencia a insecticidas se hace necesario buscar alternativas, donde resalta el control biológico con el uso del larvicida microbiológico Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti). Como objetivo, se propuso determinar los índices aédicos y el uso de Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis como controlador biológico de Aedes aegypti en la localidad de Huánuco, Perú durante el segundo semestre de 2019. La investigación fue experimental de corte transversal con una muestra de 263 viviendas distribuidas en cinco bloques. Como instrumento se usó la observación y reporte de fichas a través de la inspección de cada vivienda en dos momentos, inicial y final, separadas por un lapso de 90 días. Para el análisis de los datos se usó estadística descripctiva a través de Epidat 3.0, obteniendo IA, IR e IB. Como resultado, de las 236 casas inspeccionadas, 51% (120/236) fueron no intervenidas y 49% (116/236) fueron intervenidas con Bacillus thuringiensis, de las casas no intervenidas (120/236) en la fase inicial 59% fueron positivas (con la presencia de algún estadío de A. aegypti) y en la fase final fue de 63%, por otra parte, en las casas intervenidas con Bacillus thuringiensis (CCB) (116/236) en la fase inicial 61% (71/116) estaban positivas y la fase final hubo un descenso a 32% (37/116). En conclusión, se sugiere que la aplicación de Bti constituye un componente adecuado para el manejo de poblaciones larvales de A. aegypti, en la ciudad de Perú(AU)
In the absence of effective vaccines for arboviruses transmitted by the vector A. aegypti and resistance to insecticides, it is necessary to look for alternatives, where biological control stands out with the use of the microbiological larvicide Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti). As an objective, it was proposed to determine the aedic indices and the use of Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis as a biological controller of Aedes aegypti in the town of Huánuco, Peru during the second half of 2019. The research was experimental cross-sectional with a sample of 263 homes distributed in five blocks. As an instrument, the observation and reporting of records was used through the inspection of each dwelling in two moments, initial and final, separated by a period of 90 days. For data analysis, descriptive statistics were used through Epidat 3.0, obtaining IA, IR and IB. As a result, of the 236 houses inspected, 51% (120/236) were not intervened and 49% (116/236) were intervened with Bacillus thuringiensis, of the houses not intervened (120/236) in the initial phase, 59% were positive (with the presence of some stage of A. aegypti) and in the final phase it was 63%, on the other hand, in the houses intervened with Bacillus thuringiensis (CCB) (116/236) in the initial phase 61% (71 /116) were positive and the final phase there was a decrease to 32% (37/116). In conclusion, it is suggested that the application of Bti constitutes an adequate component for the management of larval populations of A. aegypti, in the city of Peru(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Arboviruses , Biological Products , Aedes , Bacillus thuringiensis , West Nile Fever , Yellow Fever , Water Reservoirs , Chikungunya Fever , Zika VirusABSTRACT
Abstract Bacillus thuringiensis is the most commonly used entomopathogen in the control of Aedes aegypti, which is a vector for different etiological agents that cause serious infections in humans. Several studies aim to isolate strains of this bacterium from different environments, with the perspective of selecting isolates with larvicidal activity for mosquitoes. Aiming at the insecticidal action of B. thuringiensis, the present study aimed to prospect B. thuringiensis of restinga and mangrove soils from the state of Maranhão, Brazil, with toxic potential for use in the biological control of Ae. aegypti. Bioassays were performed to determine the entomopathogenic activity of the bacilli against Ae. aegypti and lethal concentrations (LC50 and CL90) were estimated after the tests. Polymerase Chain Reaction and SDS-PAGE techniques were performed to verify the gene and protein content of the isolates, respectively. The soil of the mangrove and restinga ecosystems showed potential for obtaining B. thuringiensis. This isolate, in addition to having proteins with molecular mass similar to the toxins Cry and Cyt, also presented several diptera-specific genes cry and cyt, demonstrating that it has high potential to be used in the biological control of Ae. aegypti.
Resumo Bacillus thuringiensis é o entomopatógeno mais utilizado no controle do Aedes aegypti, vetor de diferentes agentes etiológicos que causam infecções graves em humanos. Diversos estudos têm como objetivo isolar cepas dessa bactéria de diferentes ambientes, com a perspectiva de selecionar isolados com atividade larvicida para mosquitos. Visando a ação inseticida de B. thuringiensis, o presente estudo teve como objetivo prospectar B. thuringiensis de solos de restinga e mangue do estado do Maranhão, Brasil, com potencial tóxico para uso no controle biológico de Ae. aegypti. Bioensaios foram realizados para determinar a atividade entomopatogênica do bacilo contra Ae. aegypti e as concentrações letais (CL50 e CL90) foram estimadas após os testes. As técnicas de Reação em Cadeia da Polimerase e SDS-PAGE foram realizadas para verificar o conteúdo de genes e proteínas dos isolados, respectivamente. Os solos dos ecossistemas de mangue e restinga apresentaram potencial para obtenção de B. thuringiensis. O isolado BtMA-750, obtido a partir da amostra de solo da restinga, foi interessantemente distinguido por sua alta toxicidade para Ae. aegypti. Este isolado, além de apresentar proteínas com massa molecular semelhante às toxinas Cry e Cyt, apresentou também diversos genes díptero-específicos cry e cyt, demonstrando que tem alto potencial para ser usado no controle biológico de Ae. aegypti.
Humans , Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics , Aedes , Brazil , Pest Control, Biological , Ecosystem , Mosquito Vectors , LarvaABSTRACT
Abstract Entomopathogenic agents are viable and effective options due to their selective action against insects but benign effects on humans and the environment. The most promising entomopathogens include subspecies of Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), which are widely used for the biological control of insects, including mosquito vectors of human pathogens. The efficacy of B. thuringiensis toxicity has led to the search for new potentially toxic isolates in different regions of the world. Therefore, soil samples from the Amazon, Cerrado and Caatinga biomes of the state of Maranhão were evaluated for their potential larvicidal action against Aedes aegypti. The isolates with high toxicity to mosquito larvae, as detected by bioassays, were subjected to histological evaluation under a light microscope to identify the genes potentially responsible for the toxicity. Additionally, the toxic effects of these isolates on the intestinal epithelium were assessed. In the new B. thuringiensis isolates toxic to A. aegypti larvae, cry and cyt genes were amplified at different frequencies, with cry4, cyt1, cry32, cry10 and cry11 being the most frequent (33-55%) among those investigated. These genes encode specific proteins toxic to dipterans and may explain the severe morphological changes in the intestine of A. aegypti larvae caused by the toxins of the isolates.
Resumo Os agentes entomopatógenos são alternativas viáveis e eficazes, devido à sua ação seletiva para insetos sendo inofensivos ao homem e ao meio ambiente. Dentre os entomopatógenos mais promissores, destacam-se as subespécies de Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) amplamente utilizadas no controle biológico de insetos incluindo espécies de mosquitos vetores de agentes patogênicos ao homem. A eficiência da toxicidade de Bt incentiva a prospecção de novos isolados em diversas regiões do mundo. Desta forma, em busca de novos isolados de B. thuringiensis potencialmente tóxicos, amostras de solo provenientes dos biomas Amazônia, Cerrado e Caatinga do estado do Maranhão foram avaliadas em relação ao seu potencial larvicida para Aedes aegypti. Os isolados que provocaram elevada toxicidade para larvas do mosquito, detectada por bioensaios, foram avaliados em relação aos potenciais genes responsáveis pela atividade tóxica, além da avaliação de efeitos tóxicos no epitélio intestinal através de análises histológicas em microscopia de luz. Os novos isolados de Bt tóxicos para larva de A. aegypti amplificaram frequências diferentes de genes cry e cyt sendo os mais frequentes (55-33%) os cry4, cyt1, cry32, cry10 e cry11 dentre os investigados. Esses genes codificam para proteínas tóxicas específicas para ordem Diptera, e podem explicar as severas alterações morfológicas provocadas pelas toxinas dos isolados observadas no intestino das larvas de A. aegypti.
Humans , Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis/genetics , Aedes , Insecticides , Culicidae , Pest Control, Biological , Ecosystem , Mosquito Vectors , LarvaABSTRACT
Abstract Coccidiosis, a disease caused by the parasitic Eimeria spp., affects birds of all ages, particularly young birds more intensely. Infected poultry presents significant economic losses. Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti) is a Gram-positive, spore-forming bacterium that produces proteins with high specific parasiticidal activity against various orders of parasites. Thus, the aim of the present study was to evaluate the parasiticidal potential of Bti in quails that were naturally infected with Eimeria bateri. Twenty 12-week-old male quails (Coturnix coturnix coturnix), naturally infected with Eimeria bateri, were randomly divided into two groups of 10 birds: Bti treated and control. The treated group was supplemented with Bti (1×108 spores∙g-1) in the feed, while; the control group received the same feed without Bti. To evaluate the occurrence of oocysts, samples of feces were collected every week for four weeks. Significant (P < 0.05) oocysts reductions of 56.64% and 94.51% were noted in the Bti treated group at 2nd and 4th week of study, respectively. The Bti supplementation may contribute to the reduction of oocysts in quails and environmental contamination. Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis appeared to be a promising complementary alternative in E. bateri control.
Bacillus thuringiensis , Pest Control, Biological , Coccidiosis , EimeriaABSTRACT
L-2-aminobutyric acid (L-ABA) is an important chemical raw material and chiral pharmaceutical intermediate. The aim of this study was to develop an efficient method for L-ABA production from L-threonine using a trienzyme cascade route with Threonine deaminase (TD) from Escherichia. coli, Leucine dehydrogenase (LDH) from Bacillus thuringiensis and Formate dehydrogenase (FDH) from Candida boidinii. In order to simplify the production process, the activity ratio of TD, LDH and FDH was 1:1:0.2 after combining different activity ratios in the system in vitro. The above ratio was achieved in the recombinant strain E. coli 3FT+L. Moreover, the transformation conditions were optimized. Finally, we achieved L-ABA production of 68.5 g/L with a conversion rate of 99.0% for 12 h in a 30-L bioreactor by whole-cell catalyst. The environmentally safe and efficient process route represents a promising strategy for large-scale L-ABA production in the future.
Aminobutyrates , Bacillus thuringiensis , Candida , Escherichia coli , Formate Dehydrogenases , Metabolism , Leucine Dehydrogenase , Metabolism , Threonine , Metabolism , Threonine Dehydratase , MetabolismABSTRACT
Induced resistance emerges as an alternative method for controlling plant diseases. This study aimed to evaluate the efficacy of biotic and abiotic resistance inducers for controlling white rust in rocket (Eruca sativa), as well as biochemical changes (peroxidase) and fitness costs. The experiments were developed with the abiotic inducers acibenzolar-S-methyl (ASM) (12.5, 25, and 50 mg ai L-1) and citrus biomass (CB) (0.1, 0.25, and 0.5%), as well as with the biotic ones Saccharomyces cerevisiae (25 mg mL-1), Bacillus thuringiensis (25 mg p.c. mL-1), Saccharomyces boulardii (25 mg mL-1), and phosphorylated mannan oligosaccharide (PMO) (0.25%), in preventive and curative interventions. Fungicide mancozeb (1.6 g ai L-1), Bordeaux mixture (1%), and water were the control treatments. Leaf samples were collected 3, 7, 11, 15, and 19 days after the treatments to determine peroxidases and assess the severity and production. Concerning abiotic inducers, all doses of ASM and CB 0.5% (preventive) and CB 0.25% (curative) reduced the severity of white rust, whereas, among biotic inducers, only PMO applied preventively controlled the disease. Peroxidase activity was higher for CB 0.25% and ASM 50 mg L-1. Bordeaux mixture induced higher peroxidase activity.(AU)
A indução de resistência surge como um método alternativo para o controle de doenças em plantas. O objetivo deste trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência de indutores de resistência bióticos e abióticos no controle de ferrugem branca em rúcula (Eruca sativa), bem como alterações bioquímicas (peroxidase) e o impacto na produção. Foram desenvolvidos experimentos com os indutores abióticos acibenzolar-S-metil (ASM) (12,5; 25 e 50 mg i.a. L-1) e biomassa cítrica (BC) (0,1; 0,25 e 0,5%), e os bióticos Saccharomyces cerevisiae (25 mg p.c. mL-1), Bacillus thuringiensis (25 mg p.c. mL-1), Saccharomyces boulardii (25 mg p.c. mL-1) e manano-oligossacarídeo fosforilado (MOF) (0,25%), sendo aplicados preventiva e curativamente. Como controles foram utilizados o fungicida mancozeb (1,6 g i.a. L-1), calda bordalesa (1%) e água. Amostras de folhas foram coletadas aos 3, 7, 11, 15 e 19 dias após os tratamentos para a determinação de peroxidases, e avaliações de severidade e produção. Entre os indutores abióticos, todas as doses de ASM e BC 0,5% (preventivamente) e BC 0,25% (curativamente) reduziram a severidade da ferrugem branca, enquanto entre os indutores bióticos, apenas o MOF aplicado preventivamente, controlou a doença. A atividade de peroxidase foi superior para BC 0,25% e ASM 50 mg L-1. O tratamento com calda bordalesa também incrementou a atividade de peroxidase.(AU)
Plant Diseases , Saccharomyces , Bacillus thuringiensis , Peroxidase , Brassicaceae , EfficiencyABSTRACT
Abstract Development of transgenic Bt crops with stable and high level of Bt protein expression over generations under different environmental conditions is critical for successful deployment at field level. In the present study, progenies of transgenic cotton Coker310 event, CH12 expressing novel cry2AX1 gene were evaluated in T3 generation for stable integration, expression and resistance against cotton bollworm, Helicoverpa armigera. The cry2AX1 gene showed stable inheritance and integration in the T3 progeny plants as revealed by PCR and Southern blot hybridization. The expression of Cry2AX1 protein on 90 days after sowing (DAS) was in the range of 1.055 to 1.5 µg/g of fresh leaf tissue except one plant which showed 0.806 µg/g of fresh leaf tissue and after 30 days (i.e., on 120 DAS) three plants recorded in between 0.69 to 0.82 µg/g and other plants are in range of 0.918 to 1.058 µg/g of fresh leaf tissue. Detached leaf bit bioassay in T3 progeny on 110 DAS recorded mortality of 73.33 to 93.33 per cent against H. armigera and severe growth retardation in surviving larvae. These results indicate that the expression of chimeric cry2AX1 is stable and exhibits insecticidal activity against H. armigera in T3 progeny of CH12 event of transgenic cotton.
Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis/pathogenicity , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Gossypium/genetics , Endotoxins/genetics , Moths , Plant Diseases/prevention & control , Plants, Toxic , Biological Assay , Plants, Genetically ModifiedABSTRACT
With the rapid development of transgenic technology, the safety of genetically modified products has received extensive attention. Certified reference materials for the detection of genetically modified organisms play important roles in ensuring comparability and traceability of the qualitative and quantitative detection of genetically modified products. However, the development of protein reference materials is relatively slow, and one of the difficulties is the preparation of protein candidates with high purity. The cry1Ah1 gene of Bacillus thuringiensis has been used for the development of transgenic insect-resistant crops because of its excellent insecticidal activity against lepidopteran pests such as Asian corn borer, and has obtained transgenic lines with good insect resistance traits. In order to develop Cry1Ah protein certified reference material, it is urgent to establish a preparation and purification system. In this study, a system for preparing Cry1Ah protein by Bt expression system was optimized, and a high-purity Cry1Ah protein (size exclusion chromatography purity: 99.6%) was obtained by ion-exchange chromatography and size exclusion chromatography stepwise purification. The results of biological activity assay showed that there was no significant difference in the insecticidal activity of purified Cry1Ah protein and protoxin against diamondback moths (Plutella xylostella). Finally, the amino acid sequence of the activated Cry1Ah protein was determined using Edman degradation and mass spectrometry. In summary, the obtained Cry1Ah pure protein can be used for the development of protein reference materials.
Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis , Bacterial Proteins , Cryptochromes , Metabolism , Endotoxins , Hemolysin Proteins , Moths , Pest Control, Biological , Plants, Genetically ModifiedABSTRACT
Dados de vigilância epidemiológica apontam uma crescente associação entre o consumo de hortaliças e surtos de origem alimentar. São inúmeras as fontes de contaminação aos quais os vegetais estão sujeitos ao longo da cadeia produtiva. Estudos sugerem que práticas agrícolas, como o uso de adubo constituído por esterco animal e água de irrigação não tratada, podem aumentar o risco de contaminação por micro-organismos patogênicos. Com as restrições ao uso de pesticidas sintéticos no sistema orgânico de produção agrícola, agentes de controle biológico, como Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) desempenham um importante papel para a garantia da produtividade. No entanto, recentemente, a segurança do uso de Bt passou a ser questionada em função da possibilidade de produzir enterotoxinas. Este estudo teve por objetivos levantar dados sobre práticas adotadas no cultivo de hortaliças orgânicas no Estado de São Paulo, Brasil e sobre as características microbiológicas de fertilizantes, água de irrigação, água de lavagem e alfaces nas etapas pré e pós-colheita, assim como avaliar a persistência e interações entre Bt e Salmonella em hortaliças, visando contribuir para avaliações de risco microbiológico mais adequadas. Na primeira parte do estudo, dez propriedades de cultivo orgânico certificadas foram visitadas para a obtenção de dados sobre práticas adotadas e para a coleta de amostras para análise microbiológica. As amostras foram submetidas à enumeração e identificação (gênero e espécie) de Enterobacteriaceae; pesquisa de Salmonella spp. por método convencional e qPCR; e enumeração de coliformes totais e Escherichia coli nas amostras de água. Na segunda fase da pesquisa, avaliou-se a persistência e as interações entre Bt e Salmonella Montevideo no pré e pós-colheita de espinafres. Por fim, bactérias epifíticas isoladas de hortaliças foram testadas quanto a capacidade de inibir bactérias do grupo Bacillus cereus e cepas de Salmonella enterica. As contagens de Enterobacteriaceae variaram de <1 a 7,2 ± 0,1 log UFC/g nos fertilizantes, de 4,1 ± 0,3 a 5,6 ± 0,3 log UFC/g nas alfaces coletadas nos canteiros, de 2,9 ± 0,6 a 5,3 ± 0,5 log UFC/g nas alfaces lavadas, de <1 a 3,5 ± 0,1 log UFC/mL nas amostras de água de irrigação e de <1 a 3,0 ± 0,3 log UFC/mL nas amostras de água de lavagem. Salmonella não foi isolada por cultivo em placa, mas foi detectada por qPCR em uma amostra de alface orgânica lavada. Utilizando MALDI-TOF MS, 45 espécies pertencentes a 24 gêneros bacterianos foram identificadas na cadeia produtiva de hortaliças orgânicas. Bt foi capaz de persistir nas folhas de espinafre nas etapas pré e pós-colheita e afetou a persistência de Salmonella durante o cultivo, mas não durante o armazenamento pós-colheita a 12 ºC. Não foi observada tendência de germinação dos esporos de Bt após a aplicação nos espinafres, reduzindo assim a possibilidade de multiplicação e produção de enterotoxinas. A bactéria epifítica Pseudomonas chlororaphis, isolada de hortaliça, foi capaz de inibir membros do grupo Bacillus cereus, incluindo cepas patogênicas e Bt em testes in vitro, sugerindo uma barreira biológica para o controle da multiplicação destes micro-organismos. Este estudo traz importantes informações sobre a segurança microbiológica de hortaliças orgânicas e de práticas agrícolas, evidenciando a importância de boas práticas para a promoção do alimento seguro. Os resultados constituem uma importante contribuição para o desenvolvimento de modelos de avaliação de risco microbiológico e prevenção de surtos de origem alimentar
Epidemiological surveillance data indicate a growing association between vegetable consumption and food-borne outbreaks. There are numerous sources of contamination to which plants are subjected throughout the production chain. Studies suggest that agricultural practices such as the use of manure fertilizer and untreated irrigation water may increase the risk of contamination by pathogenic microorganisms. With the restrictions on the use of synthetic pesticides in the organic farming system, biological control agents such as Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt), play an important role in ensuring productivity. However, the safety of Bt has recently been questioned due to the possibility of producing enterotoxins. This study aimed to gather information about the agricultural practices employed in the organic vegetables production fields and the microbiological characteristics of fertilizer, irrigation water, wash water, and lettuces in pre and post-harvest stages, and to evaluate the persistence and interactions between Bt and Salmonella on leafy greens, aiming to contribute for more adequate microbiological risk assessments. In the first part of the study, ten certified organic farms were visited to collect data on the farming practices and for collection of samples for microbiological evaluations. The samples were submitted to Enterobacteriaceae enumeration and identification (genus and species); Salmonella spp. by conventional method and qPCR; and enumeration of total coliforms and Escherichia coli in water samples. In the second part of the study, the persistence and interaction between Bacillus thuringiensis subsp Aizawai (Bt) and Salmonella Montevideo in the pre and post-harvest of spinach were evaluated. Finally, epiphytic bacteria isolated from vegetables were tested for their ability to inhibit growth of Bacillus cereus group members and Salmonella strains. Enterobacteriaceae counts ranged from <1 to 7.2 ± 0.1 log CFU/g in fertilizers, from 4.1 ± 0.3 to 5.6 ± 0.3 log CFU/g in lettuces collected from the fields, from 2.9 ± 0.6 to 5.3 ± 0.5 log CFU/g in washed lettuces, <1 to 3.5 ± 0.1 log CFU/mL in irrigation water and <1 to 3.0 ± 0.3 log CFU/mL in wash water. Salmonella was not isolated by plating but it was detected by qPCR in one sample of washed organic lettuce. Using MALDI-TOF MS, 45 species belonging to 24 bacterial genera were identified in the organic vegetable production chain. Bt was able to persist on pre and post-harvest of spinach and affected Salmonella persistence during cultivation, but not during the storage at 12 ºC. Bt spores showed no tendency to germinate during pre-harvest of spinach, thus reducing the probability of growth and production of enterotoxins. The epiphytic bacterium Pseudomonas chlororaphis isolated from one vegetable sample was able to inhibit members of the Bacillus cereus group, including pathogenic strains and Bt in in vitro tests, suggesting a biological barrier to control the multiplication of these microorganisms. These studies provide important information about the microbiological safety of organic vegetables and agricultural practices, highlighting the importance of good practices for the promotion of safe food. These data are fundamental for the development of microbiological risk assessment models and prevention of foodborne outbreaks
Vegetables/adverse effects , Crop Production , Biological Control Agents/analysis , Salmonella , Bacillus thuringiensis/classification , Enterobacteriaceae , Food, Organic/microbiologyABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Musca domestica is resistant to many insecticides; hence, biological control is a suitable alternative. METHODS: We evaluated the lethality of strain Btk176 towards the larval and adult M. domestica and the histopathological effects in the larvae midgut. RESULTS: We observed 99% larval and 78.9% adult mortality within 48 hours of spore ingestion (dosage, 2.4×108 CFU/ml). The histopathological effects were consistent with cytotoxicity. PCR analysis showed the presence of the cry1Ba gene. Transmission electron microscopy revealed a bipyramidal parasporal body. Thurigiensin activity was not detected. CONCLUSIONS: The serovar, Btk176 might be a potential biocontrol agent for houseflies.
Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis , Bacterial Toxins/pharmacology , Houseflies/drug effects , Insecticides/pharmacology , Larva/drug effects , Colony Count, Microbial , Pest Control, Biological/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Analysis of Variance , Microscopy, Electron, Transmission , ExotoxinsABSTRACT
The present study had the objective of evaluating the longevity of A. mellifera workers fed on a diet incorporating commercial entomopathogens, Beauveria bassiana, and Bacillus thuringiensis. It also aimed at verifying possible morphological alterations in the midgut. To this purpose, the entomopathogens used were B. bassiana (Product A) (5.0 × 1011 viable conidia.kg-1), B. thuringiensis (Product B) (2.5 × 109 viable spores.g-1), and B. thuringiensis (Product C) (1.0 × 109 viable spores.g-1); and two controls: T1: sterilized distilled water, and T2: sterilized distilled water + Tween 80® (0.01%). For the bioassays, 2 mL of each treatment were incorporated into Candy paste. For each treatment, 80 bees were individually in flat bottom glass tubes (2.5 cm Ø) covered with voile, containing a piece of cotton soaked in water and Candy paste. These tubes were stored in a B.O.D (30 ± 2°C, R.H 70% ± 10%, 12 h), and mortality was evaluated every six hours, for 10 days. Soon after verifying mortality, two bees per treatment were selected for the removal of their midgut. Midgut samples were processed using standard methodology for Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). It was verified that products A, B, and C reduced the longevity of bees when compared to T1 and T2 controls. In the qualitative analyses carried out using SEM, it was not possible to observe external or internal morphological alterations to midgut tissues. Although products A, B, and C cause a reduction in longevity, their presence was not verified when tissues were analyzed using SEM.(AU)
No presente trabalho objetivou-se avaliar a longevidade de operárias de A. mellifera alimentadas com dieta incorporada com os entomopatógenos comerciais Beauveria bassiana e Bacillus thuringiensis, e verificar possíveis alterações morfológicas em seu mesêntero. Para isso, os entomopatógenos utilizados foram B. bassiana (Produto A) (5,0 × 1011 conídios viáveis.kg-1), B. thuringiensis (Produto B) (2,5 × 109 esporos viáveis.g-1), B. thuringiensis (Produto C) (1,0 × 109 esporos viáveis.g-1); e dois controles: T1: água destilada esterilizada e T2: água destilada esterilizada + Tween 80® (0,01%). Para os bioensaios, 2 mL de cada tratamento foram incorporados à pasta Cândi. Para cada tratamento, 80 abelhas foram acondicionadas, individualmente, em tubos de vidro de fundo chato (2,5 cm Ø), cobertos com voile, contendo um pedaço de algodão embebido em água e pasta Cândi. Os tubos contendo as abelhas foram acondicionados em B.O.D (30 ± 2°C, U.R. 70% ± 10%, 12 h), e a mortalidade foi avaliada a cada seis horas, durante 10 dias. Logo após a verificação da mortalidade, foram separadas duas abelhas por tratamento para a retirada do mesêntero. Essas amostras foram processadas em metodologia padrão para Microscopia Eletrônica de Varredura (MEV). Verificou-se que os produtos A, B e C reduziram a longevidade das abelhas quando comparados aos controles T1 e T2. Nas análises qualitativas realizadas com MEV, não foi possível observar alterações morfológicas externas ou internas nos tecidos do mesêntero. Apesar dos produtos A, B e C causarem redução na longevidade, sua presença não foi verificada quando os tecidos foram analisados por MEV.(AU)
Bees , Longevity , Bacillus thuringiensis , BeauveriaABSTRACT
Introduction: Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti is the vector for dengue, chikungunya, and Zika arboviruses. Bti-CECIF is a bioinsecticide designed and developed in the form of a solid tablet for the control of this vector. It contains Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) serotype H-14. Objective: To evaluate under semi-field and field conditions the efficacy and residual activity of Bti-CECIF tablets on Aedes aegypti larvae in two Colombian municipalities. Materials and methods: We tested under semi-field conditions in plastic tanks (Rotoplast™) four different Bti doses (0.13, 0.40, 0.66 and 0.93 mg/L) in the municipality of Apartadó, department of Antioquia, to assess Bti-CECIF efficacy (percentage of reduction of larval density) and the residual activity in water tanks containing A. aegypti third-instar larvae. The efficacy and residuality of the most lethal dose were subsequently evaluated under field conditions in cement tanks in the municipality of San Carlos, department of Córdoba. Results: Under semi-field conditions, the highest tested dose exhibited the greatest residual activity (15 days) after which larval mortality was 80%. Under field conditions, the highest tested Bti-CECIF doses showed 100% mortality and exhibited a residual activity of seven days in 90% of the tanks. Conclusion: Bti-CECIF tablets effectively controlled A. aegypti larvae under field conditions for up to seven days post-treatment.
Introducción. Aedes (Stegomyia) aegypti es el vector de los arbovirus del dengue, el chikungunya y el Zika. Para el control de este vector, se diseñó y desarrolló un bioinsecticida en presentación de tableta sólida, el Bti-CECIF, que contiene Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis (Bti) de serotipo H-14. Objetivo. Evaluar en condiciones de 'semicampo' y de campo, la eficacia y la actividad residual de las tabletas de Bti-CECIF en larvas de A. aegypti en dos municipios colombianos. Materiales y métodos. En el municipio de Apartadó, departamento de Antioquia, se probaron bajo condiciones de 'semicampo' en tanques de plástico de 250 l (Rotoplast™) cuatro dosis diferentes de Bti (0,13, 0,40, 0,66 y 0,93 mg/l) para evaluar la eficacia del Bti-CECIF (porcentaje de reducción de la densidad larvaria) y la actividad residual en tanques de agua que contenían larvas de tercer estadio de A. aegypti. La eficacia y el efecto residual de la dosis más letal fueron posteriormente evaluadas en tanques de cemento bajo condiciones de campo en el municipio de San Carlos, departamento de Córdoba. Resultados. Bajo condiciones de 'semicampo', la mayor dosis probada exhibió la mayor actividad residual (15 días), después de lo cual la mortalidad de las larvas fue de 80 %. Bajo condiciones de campo, la máxima dosis probada de Bti-CECIF mostró una mortalidad de 100 % y exhibió una actividad residual de siete días en el 90 % de los tanques. Conclusión. Las tabletas Bti-CECIF controlaron eficazmente A. aegypti en condiciones de campo durante siete días a partir de su aplicación.
Bacillus thuringiensis , Aedes , Chikungunya virus , Colombia , Dengue , Disease Vectors , Zika VirusABSTRACT
Introducción: El dengue es la enfermedad viral transmitida por mosquitos con la propagación más rápida en el mundo. En Honduras constituye un importante problema de salud pública debido a su alta incidencia. Bacillus thuringiensis var israelensis (Bti) es un agente de control biológico aplicado en el control de vectores, se ha utilizado recientemente como parte de la estrategia contra el Aedes aegypti en Honduras. El presente estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar la susceptibilidad de la larva de Ae. aegypti a Bti en Tegucigalpa, Honduras para el año 2014. Métodos: Una muestra de 960 larvas de Ae. aegypti se recogieron de recipientes de almacenamiento en viviendas de las colonias La Cañada y Nueva Suyapa, ubicados en Tegucigalpa, Honduras. Los bioensayos se realizaron de acuerdo con las directrices emitidas por la Organización Mundial de la Salud y la Red Latinoamericana de Control de Vectores. Se llevaron a cabo 12 bioensayos por cada concentración estudiada. Se utilizaron cuatro concentraciones de Bti: 0,5 mg/L, 1 mg/L, 2,5 mg/L y 5 mg/L. La mortalidad se registró a las 24 h. Resultados: Se encontraron valores de mortalidad larvaria de 98.734 % para la dosis de 0.5 mg/L; 99.375 % para 1 mg/L; 100 % para 2,5 mg/L y 100 % para 5 mg/l. Conclusiones: Bti ha probado ser efectivo contra las larvas de Ae. aegytpi, se recomienda su evaluación sistemática y de manera periódica para mejorar su aplicación y posible desarrollo de resistencia...(AU)
Animals , Bacillus thuringiensis , Aedes , Dengue/complications , Vector Control of DiseasesABSTRACT
Bacillus thuringiensis (Bt) produces Cry toxins that are widely used as insecticides in agriculture and forestry. Receptors are important to elucidate the mode of interaction with Cry toxins and toxicity in lepidopteran insects. Here, we purified the Cry toxin from Bt and identified this toxin by flight mass spectrometry as Cry1Ac, and then recombinantly expressed aminopeptidase N (BmAPN6) and repeat domains of cadherin-like protein (CaLP) of B. mori. Using co-immunoprecipitation (co-IP), Far-Western blotting, and enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (ELISAs), we identified the interaction between Cry1Ac and BmAPN6. Furthermore, analysis of the cytotoxic activity of Cry1Ac toxin in Sf9 cells showed that BmAPN6 directly interacted with Cry1Ac toxin to induce morphological aberrations and cell lysis. We also used co-IP, Far-Western blotting and ELISAs to analyze the interactions of Cry1Ac with three binding sites corresponding to cadherin repeat (CR) 7 CR11, and CR12 of CaLP. Notably, the three repeat domains were essential Cry1Ac binding components in CaLP. These results indicated that BmAPN6 and CaLP served as a functional receptor involved in Bt Cry1Ac toxin pathogenicity. These findings represent an important advancement in our understanding of the mechanisms of Cry1Ac toxicity and provide promising candidate targets for gene editing to enhance resistance to pathogens and increase the economic value of B. mori.