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Braz. j. biol ; 84: e257071, 2024. graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364496


In advanced biotechnology, the utilization of enzymes to achieve new or modified compounds with antibacterial, fungicidal, and anti-cancer specifications is crucial. Mushroom lactases are a hopeful biocatalyst for the synthesis and modification of different compounds. They are an accessible and inexpensive enzyme for the preparation of reaction objects and have recently received attention. Laccase purification was performed from basidiomycete Lentinus strigosus (LS) in several stages: Stage 1. On ion-exchange chromatography on TEAE Servacell 23 (400 ml), two distinctly separated laccase activity peaks were observed, eluted from the carrier at 0.21 and 0.27 M NaCl. In order to reduce the loss of enzymes, all fractions with laccase activity were collected, concentrated, and desalted using an ultrafiltration cell (Amicon, United States) with a UM-10 membrane. Stage 2. The resulting preparation with laccase activity was applied to a Q-Sepharose column (60 ml). Two well-separated peaks with laccase activity were obtained during the elution: laccase I (0.12 M NaCl) and laccase II (0.2 M NaCl). Stage 3. In the course of further purification of both enzymes, carried out on anion-exchange carrier Resource Q (6 ml), a broken gradient was used: 0 - 10%, 10 - 20%, and 20 - 100% with 1M NaCl. Stage 4. Both laccase I and laccase II, obtained after Resource Q, were desalted, concentrated to 1 ml each, and applied to a Superdex 75 gel filtration column. As a result, two laccases were obtained in a homogeneous form.

Na biotecnologia moderna, o uso de enzimas para obter compostos novos ou modificados com propriedades antibacterianas, antifúngicas e anticancerígenas é crucial. Lactases de cogumelos são biocatalisadores promissores para síntese e modificação de diferentes compostos, por serem enzimas baratas e disponíveis para a preparação de componentes de reação, e vem recebendo a devida atenção recentemente. A purificação da lacase foi realizada a partir do basidiomiceto Lentinus strigosus em vários estágios: Etapa 1 - na cromatografia de troca iônica em TEAE Servacell 23 (400 ml), foram observados dois picos de atividade da lacase distintamente separados, com eluição do transportador a 0,21 e 0,27 M de NaCl. Para reduzir a perda de enzimas, todas as frações com atividade de lacase foram coletadas, concentradas e dessalinizadas em uma célula de ultrafiltração (Amicon, Estados Unidos) com membrana UM-10; Etapa 2 - a preparação resultante com atividade de lacase foi aplicada a uma coluna Q-Sepharose (60 ml). Durante a eluição, foram obtidos dois picos bem separados com atividade de lacase: lacase I (NaCl 0,12 M) e lacase II (NaCl 0,2 M); Etapa 3 - no decurso da purificação adicional de ambas as enzimas, realizada no Recurso Q de transportador de troca aniônica (6 ml), um gradiente quebrado foi usado: 0-10%, 10-20% e 20-100% com NaCl 1M; Etapa 4 - tanto a lacase I como a lacase II, obtidas após o Recurso Q, foram dessalinizadas e concentradas para 1 ml cada e aplicadas a uma coluna de filtração em gel Superdex 75. Como resultado, duas lacases foram obtidas de forma homogênea.

Basidiomycota , Biotechnology , Laccase , Enzymes , Anti-Bacterial Agents
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e246440, 2023. tab
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1339395


Abstract Utilization of modern breeding techniques for developing high yielding and uniform plant types ultimately narrowing the genetic makeup of most crops. Narrowed genetic makeup of these crops has made them vulnerable towards disease and insect epidemics. For sustainable crop production, genetic variability of these crops must be broadened against various biotic and abiotic stresses. One of the ways to widen genetic configuration of these crops is to identify novel additional sources of durable resistance. In this regard crops wild relatives are providing valuable sources of allelic diversity towards various biotic, abiotic stress tolerance and quality components. For incorporating novel variability from wild relative's wide hybridization technique has become a promising breeding method. For this purpose, wheat-Th. bessarabicum amphiploid, addition and translocation lines have been screened in field and screen house conditions to get novel sources of yellow rust and Karnal bunt resistant. Stripe rust screening under field conditions has revealed addition lines 4JJ and 6JJ as resistant to moderately resistant while addition lines 3JJ, 5JJ, 7JJ and translocation lines Tr-3, Tr-6 as moderately resistant wheat-Thinopyrum-bessarabicum genetic stock. Karnal bunt screening depicted addition lines 5JJ and 4JJ as highly resistant genetic stock. These genetic stocks may be used to introgression novel stripe rust and Karnal bunt resistance from the tertiary gene pool into susceptible wheat backgrounds.

Resumo A utilização de técnicas modernas de melhoramento para o desenvolvimento de tipos de plantas uniformes e de alto rendimento, em última análise, estreitando a composição genética da maioria das culturas. A composição genética restrita dessas plantações tornou-as vulneráveis a doenças e epidemias de insetos. Para uma produção agrícola sustentável, a variabilidade genética dessas culturas deve ser ampliada contra vários estresses bióticos e abióticos. Uma das maneiras de ampliar a configuração genética dessas culturas é identificar novas fontes adicionais de resistência durável. A esse respeito, os parentes selvagens das culturas estão fornecendo fontes valiosas de diversidade alélica para vários componentes de qualidade e tolerância ao estresse abiótico e biótico. Para incorporar a nova variabilidade da ampla técnica de hibridização de parente selvagem tornou-se um método de reprodução promissor. Para esse efeito, trigo-Th. As linhas anfiploides, de adição e translocação de bessarabicum foram selecionadas em condições de campo e de casa de tela para obter novas fontes de ferrugem amarela e resistência ao bunt de Karnal. A triagem de ferrugem em faixas em condições de campo revelou as linhas de adição 4JJ e 6JJ como resistentes a moderadamente resistentes, enquanto as linhas de adição 3JJ, 5JJ, 7JJ e as linhas de translocação Tr-3, Tr-6 como estoque genético de trigo-Thinopyrum bessarabicum moderadamente resistente. A triagem Karnal bunt descreveu as linhas de adição 5JJ e 4JJ como estoque genético altamente resistente. Esses estoques genéticos podem ser usados para introgressão da nova ferrugem e resistência ao bunt de Karnal do pool genético terciário em origens de trigo suscetíveis.

Basidiomycota/genetics , Triticum/genetics , Plant Diseases/genetics , Chromosomes, Plant , Disease Resistance/genetics , Plant Breeding
Braz. j. biol ; 83: e247840, 2023. graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1278531


Abstract Calvatia is a genus of gasteroid fungi, comprising about 47 species worldwide. In this paper we report the second worldwide occurrence of two poorly known species of Calvatia, recorded in the Cerrado biome of Brazil: C. oblongispora and C. nodulata. Detailed morphological descriptions and illustrations, including scanning electron micrographs of hyphae and basidiospores are provided, as well a discussion on their taxonomy and geographic distribution.

Resumo Calvatia é um gênero de fungos gasteroides que compreende cerca de 47 espécies em todo o mundo. Neste artigo relatamos a segunda ocorrência de duas espécies pouco conhecidas de Calvatia, registradas no bioma Cerrado do Brasil: C. oblongispora e C. nodulata. Descrições morfológicas detalhadas e ilustrações são fornecidas, incluindo micrografias eletrônicas de varredura de hifas e basidiósporos, bem como uma discussão sobre sua taxonomia e distribuição geográfica.

Basidiomycota , Agaricales , Spores, Fungal , Brazil , Ecosystem
Biosci. j. (Online) ; 39: e39039, 2023. ilus, tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1428174


In order to explore the endophytic fungi of Fagopyrum Mill and Avena sativa, Illumina Miseq high-throughput sequencing was used to analyze the community structure and diversity of endophytic fungi in leaves and roots of buckwheat and oat at the mature stage. The results of community structure showed that there were 205 operational taxonomic units (OTUs) in buckwheat roots and 181 OTUs in buckwheat leaves based on 97% sequence similarity level. There were 152 OTUs and 127 OTUs in the root and the leaf of oat, respectively. At the phylum level, Ascomycota and Basidiomycota were the dominant endophytic fungi in buckwheat roots and leaves, while Ascomycota was the dominant endophytic fungus in oat roots and leaves. Alpha diversity analysis showed that the Ace index, Chao index and Shannon index of buckwheat roots were higher than that of buckwheat leaves, and the three indices of oat roots were also higher than that of oat leaves, indicating that the richness and diversity of endophytic fungi community in roots were higher than that in leaves. Biomarkers were found by significant difference analysis in buckwheat and oat. The endophytic functional groups of buckwheat and oat were mainly distributed in Pathotroph and Saprotroph. The results of this study laid a foundation for fully exploiting the dominant endophytic fungal resources of buckwheat and oat and further developing microbial fertilizers.

Ascomycota , Basidiomycota , Avena , Fagopyrum , High-Throughput Nucleotide Sequencing
Bol. micol. (Valparaiso En linea) ; 37(2): 20-21, dic. 2022. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1437197
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1025-1038, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927760


In order to explore the antitumor effect and mechanism of different extracts of cultivated Phellinus vaninii fruit body on H22 tumor bearing mice, 150 ICR mice were randomly divided into blank group, model group, CTX group, P. vaninii water extract group, ethanol extract group, petroleum ether extract group and crude polysaccharide group. H22 liver cancer cells were used to establish a solid tumor model and the mice were sacrificed on the 10th day after administration. The spleen and thymus organ index and tumor inhibition rate were calculated, the serum levels of TNF-α, INF-γ, VEGF, and hematoxylin-eosin were detected, and the immunohistochemical staining method was used to observe the pathological changes of tumor tissues, while Western blotting was used to detect the expression of tumor-related proteins. The high-dose petroleum ether extract group showed the best tumor inhibition rate (73.21%), increased serum levels of TNF-α, IFN-γ, and VEGF, as well as significantly promoted tumor necrosis and ablation. The immunohistochemistry of the water extract group showed negative regulation, indicating an insignificant tumor suppression. Western blotting showed the apoptosis genes Caspase-3, Caspase-9 and pathway genes NF-κB and JAK were all highly expressed in each administration group compared with the model group, and their expression levels gradually decreased with increasing doses. In summary, the petroleum ether extract of P. vaninii fruit body showed a significant anti-tumor effect which is presumably mediated through the mitochondrial pathway. The metabolism of drug in the body induces activation of Caspase-3 and Caspase-9 apoptotic proteins by Bax, Bcl-2, and TNF, which further caused nuclear chromatin or DNA to condense or degrade, and subsequently destroy the normal proliferation of tumor cells, thereby inducing their apoptosis and inhibiting tumor growth.

Animals , Mice , Apoptosis , Basidiomycota , Mice, Inbred ICR , Neoplasms/metabolism
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-928109


This study aims to explore the resource utilization of used fungus-growing materials produced in the cultivation of Gastrodia elata. To be specific, based on the production practice, this study investigated the recycling mechanism of used fungus-growing materials of G. elata by Phallus inpudicus. To screen edible fungi with wide adaptability, this study examined the allelopathic effects of Armillaria mellea secretions on P. impudicus and 6 kinds of large edible fungi and the activities of enzymes related to degradation of the used fungus-growing materials of G. elata. The results showed that P. impudicus can effectively degrade cellulose, hemicellulose, and lignin in used fungus-growing materials of G. elata. The cellulase activity of A. mellea was significantly higher than that of P. impudicus, and the activities of lignin peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and xylanase of P. impudicus were significantly higher than those of A. mellea, which was the important reason why A. mellea and P. impudicus used different parts and components of the used fungus-growing materials to absorb carbon sources and develop ecological niche differences. The growth of P. impudicus was significantly inhibited on the used fungus-growing materials of G. elata. The secretions of A. mellea had allelopathic effects on P. impudicus and other edible fungi, and the allelopathic effects were related to the concentration of allelopathy substances. The screening result showed that the growth and development of L. edodes and A. auricular were not significantly affected by 30% of A. mellea liquid, indicating that they had high resistance to the allelopathy of A. mellea. The results showed that the activities of extracellular lignin peroxidase, polyphenol oxidase, and xylanase of the two edible fungi were similar to those of P. impudicus, and the cellulase activity was higher than that of P. impudicus. This experiment can be further verified by small-scale production tests.

Agaricales , Ascomycota , Basidiomycota , Catechol Oxidase , Cellulases , Gastrodia
An. bras. dermatol ; 96(5): 595-597, Sept.-Oct. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1345137


Abstract Trichosporon asahii is the causal agent of trichosporonosis. Patients with immunosuppression or hematological malignancies are at higher risk of infection. Skin and mucosal involvement appear as fast-growing papulonodular lesions and necrotic ulcers. Internal organ dissemination is lethal. Therapeutic success depends on the underlying disease. Here, the authors present the first case of disseminated mucocutaneous trichosporonosis in a patient with a post-mortem diagnosis of histiocytic sarcoma, a rare and aggressive haematolymphoid neoplasm. Regretfully, death occurred despite treatment with liposomal amphotericin B and supportive measures, showcasing the fatality of both diseases.

Humans , Trichosporon , Histiocytic Sarcoma/drug therapy , Trichosporonosis/diagnosis , Trichosporonosis/drug therapy , Basidiomycota , Antifungal Agents/therapeutic use
Acta amaz ; 51(3): 244-249, set 2021. ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1455401


Two new species of Pucciniales fungi on plants of the Fabid clade are described from samples deposited in the herbarium of Museu Paraense Emilio Goeldi, collected in the state of Amapá, in the Brazilian Amazon. They are Aecidium margaritariae found on Margaritaria nobilis (Phyllanthaceae), and Uromyces amapaensis on Jatropha gossypiifolia (Euphorbiaceae). The microstructures of the specimens were analyzed using optical and scanning electron microscopy. Aecidium margaritariae is characterized by the presence of globose, subglobose to slightly ellipsoid aeciospores with warty walls and smooth areas usually in the basal portion. Uromyces amapaensis is distinguished by the presence of uredinia with paraphyses which are thickened and rounded at the tip, and pedicellate and smooth teliospores. Descriptions, illustrations, and taxonomic comments are presented for each species.

Duas novas espécies de fungos Pucciniales sobre plantas do clado das fabídeas são descritas a partir de amostras depositadas no herbário do Museu Paraense Emílio Goeldi, coletadas no estado do Amapá, na Amazonia Brasileira. Aecidium margaritariae ocorrendo sobre Margaritaria nobilis (Phyllanthaceae) e Uromyces amapaensis sobre Jatropha gossypiifolia (Euphorbiaceae). As microestruturas dos espécimes foram analisadas em microscópio óptico e em microscopia eletrônica de varredura. Aecidium margaritariae se caracteriza por apresentar eciósporos globosos, subglobosos a levemente elipsoides, parede verrugosa com áreas lisas geralmente na extremidade basal. Uromyces amapaensis se diferencia por apresentar uredínios com paráfises engrossadas e arredondadas no ápice e teliósporos pedicelados, lisos. São apresentadas descrições, ilustrações e comentários taxonômicos para cada espécie.

Infectio ; 25(3): 197-199, jul.-set. 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1250093


Abstract Mycetoma is a chronic and slow-developing granulomatous disease characterized by the triad of large painless tumour-like subcutaneous swellings, the formation of sinuses, and discharge that usually contains grains. Phellinus spp. are saprophytic wood-decaying filamentous basidiomycetes. They are an under-recognised cause of invasive fungal infections and are rarely reported worldwide. We report a 59-year-old male patient with mycetoma caused by Phellinus spp. The diagnosis was confirmed with clinical examination, magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) study, soft tissue and bone biopsy culture, and polymerase chain reaction. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case of mycetoma due to Phellinus spp. without chronic granulomatous disease (CGD).

Resumen El micetoma es una enfermedad granulomatosa crónica y de lento desarrollo caracterizada por la tríada de grandes inflamaciones subcutáneas similares a tumores indoloras, la formación de los senos nasales y secreción que generalmente contiene granos. Phellinus spp. son basidiomicetos filamentosos saprofitos que descomponen la madera. Son un poco reconocido causa de infecciones fúngicas invasivas y rara vez se informan en todo el mundo. Presentamos un paciente masculino de 59 años con micetoma causado por Phellinus spp. El diagnostico se confirmó con examen clínico, estudio de resonancia magnética (RM), cultivo de biopsia de tejido blando y óseo y reacción en cadena de la polimerasa. A lo mejor que sepamos, este es el primer caso reportado de micetoma debido a Phellinus spp. sin enfermedad granulomatosa crónica (EGC).

Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Basidiomycota , Phellinus , Mycetoma , Brazil , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Invasive Fungal Infections , Mycoses
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887979


During the high-temperature and rainy season from June to October in 2017-2019,serious southern blight broke out in the Cynanchum stauntonii planting area in Tuanfeng county,Hubei province,which had a great impact on the yield and quality of medicinal materials. In this study,the pathogen of C. stauntonii was isolated,purified,and identified,and the pathogenicity was tested according to Koch's postulates. Meanwhile,the biological characteristics of the pathogen were analyzed. On this basis,the effective fungicides were screened in laboratory. Finally,the pathogen( BQ-1) was identified as Athelia rolfsii( Deuteromycotina,Basidiomycota,anamorph: Sclerotium rolfsii). The optimum growth conditions for BQ-1 were 25-30 ℃,p H 5-8,and alternating light and dark.The effective chemical fungicides were lime-sulphur-synthelic-solution( LSSS) and flusilazole,and the effective botanical fungicide was osthole. BQ-1 was highly homologous to the pathogen HS-1 of peanut southern blight,with the similarity of 18 S r DNA and TEF sequences at 99. 09%. The southern blight in C. stauntonii might be resulted from that in peanut. In the production of C. stauntonii,the following measures should be taken: avoiding rotation or neighboring with peanut,draining water from June to October to reduce humidity,and reasonably applying fungicides.

Basidiomycota , Cynanchum , Fungicides, Industrial/pharmacology , Humidity
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888008


Medicinal plants are beneficial to human health. However,most of the major producing regions of medicinal plants suffer from rust disease,which threatens the yield and quality of Chinese medicinal materials,thus causes huge economic loss,and hinders the sustainable development of the Chinese medicine industry. By the end of 2020,rust disease had been reported in medicinal plants of 76 species and 33 families. In the 76 species,79 rust pathogens were detected. The majority of these pathogens belonged to Puccinia( 33,39. 24%),Coleosporium( 14,15. 19%),and Aecidium( 11,13. 92%). Of these 79 rust pathogens,10 were autoecious and 13 were heteroecious. Through literature research,this study reviewed the symptoms,pathogen species,severity and distribution,prevalence and occurrence conditions,and control measures of rust disease in medicinal plants,and thereby summarized the research status of rust disease in medicinal plants and the gap with other plants,which is expected to serve as a reference for further research on rust disease in medicinal plants.

Humans , Basidiomycota/genetics , Plant Diseases , Plants, Medicinal
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888029


The dried fruit body of Phylloporia ribis(Hymenochaetaceae), which prefers to live on the stumps of Lonicera japonica(Caprifoliaceae), has a variety of activities, whereas its pharmacodynamic material basis is not completely clear and there are few reports on its quality control and evaluation. In this study, an UPLC-Q-TOF-MS method was used to analyze the nucleosides and nucleobases in P. ribis and a HPLC method was established for simultaneous determination of 10 nucleosides and nucleobases. MS and MS/MS data were acquired in positive ion mode. Based on the data comparison of the sample and the reference substance, the literature data and the compound databases of ChemSpider and PubChem, 18 nucleosides and nucleobases were identified qualitatively from the water extract of P. ribis for the first time. After optimization, the HPLC was performed using a Welch Ultimate AQ C_(18) column(4.6 mm×250 mm, 5 μm) by gradient elution with acetonitrile and water as mobile phase, the flow rate of 1.0 mL·min~(-1), the detection wavelength of 260 nm, and the column temperature of 30 ℃. Through the investigation of the extraction method, solvent and time, it was determined that the test solution should be obtained by cold water extraction for 18 h. At the present HPLC conditions, 10 components of uracil, cytidine, hypoxanthine, uridine, thymine, inosine, guanosine, 2'-deoxyinosine, 2'-deoxyguanosine and thymidine could be well separated(R > 1.5) and showed good linearity(r > 0.999 9) in the concentration ranges of 0.247-24.7, 0.283-28.3, 0.273-27.3, 0.256-25.6, 0.257-25.7, 0.318-31.8, 0.245-24.5, 0.267-26.7, 0.250-25.0 and 0.267-26.7 mg·L~(-1), respectively. The average reco-veries of 10 components were 95.78%-104.5%, and the RSDs were 2.2%-5.2%(n=6). The contents of 10 nucleosides and nucleobases in different samples of P. ribis varied greatly, which were 0.021-0.122, 0.004-0.029, 0.014-0.226, 0.009-0.442, 0.003-0.014, 0.002-0.146, 0.007-0.098, 0-0.054, 0.005-0.069, 0.004-0.081 and 0.072-1.28 mg·g~(-1) for uracil, cytidine, hypoxanthine, uridine, thymine, inosine, guanosine, 2'-deoxyinosine, 2'-deoxyguanosine, thymidine and total 10 components, respectively. These results demonstrated that the components had significant differences in the internal quality, and good quality control was needed to ensure the medical efficacy. This study provides a scientific basis for the discovery of pharmacodynamic ingredients, quality control and evaluation of P. ribis.

Basidiomycota , Chromatography, High Pressure Liquid , Guanosine , Nucleosides , Tandem Mass Spectrometry
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888049


Trollius chinensis is a traditional Chinese medicinal material in China, the wild resource of T. chinensis are now exhausted, and commercial medicinal T. chinensis mainly depends on artificial cultivation. As one of the most severely happened diseases at the seedling period, damping off has been a serious threaten to the breeding of T. chinensis seedlings. However, no related research have been reported so far. So, the authors collected damping-off samples of T. chinensis in 2018 from seedling breeding nursery in Guyuan, Hebei province, and carried out study on taxonomic identification of the pathogen. Damping off occurs in the T. chinensis production area from mid-May to late June every year. At the beginning, brown lesions were observed on the basal stem, then the lesions circumferential expanded and constricted, and finally resulted in the fall and death of T. chinensis seedlings. Pathogenic isolate was growing rapidly on the PDA medium, well developed aerial mycelia were grey white at first, then turned brown gradually, and a great number of small dark brown sclerotia were developed in the middle and periphery of the colony. Mycelial diameter of the pathogen was about 7 to 10 μm, near right angle or acute angle branches, near branches with septa, branches and septa with constriction. After the healthy T. chinensis seedlings were inoculated by pathogenic isolate, damping-off was observed soon, and the symptom was as same as those observed in the field. Through homogenous blast, the rDNA-ITS sequence of the pathogenic isolate shown 99.49% to 99.84% homology with Rhizoctonia solani, R. solani AG-1 IC mycelium anastomosis group and Thanatephorus cucumeris, the sexual type of Rhizoctonia. Furthermore, obvious mycelial anastomosis phenomena were observed when the pathogenic isolate and R. solani AG-1 IC strain were confronting cultured. Based on the results above, the pathogenic isolate causing damping off of T. chinensis was identified as R. solani AG-1 IC mycelial anastomosis group. RESULTS:: in the present work have important significance for further research on basic biology of the pathogen and integrated control of damping off causing by it on T. chinensis.

Basidiomycota , Plant Breeding , Plant Diseases , Rhizoctonia , Seedlings
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-888800


A chemical investigation on the fermentation products of Sanghuangporus sanghuang led to the isolation and identification of fourteen secondary metabolites (1-14) including eight sesquiterpenoids (1-8) and six polyphenols (9-14). Compounds 1-3 were sesquiterpenes with new structures which were elucidated based on NMR spectroscopy, high resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) and electronic circular dichroism (ECD) data. All the isolates were tested for their stimulation effects on glucose uptake in insulin-resistant HepG2 cells, and cellular antioxidant activity. Compounds 9-12 were subjected to molecular docking experiment to primarily evaluate their anti-coronavirus (SARS-CoV-2) activity. As a result, compounds 9-12 were found to increase the glucose uptake of insulin-resistant HepG2 cells by 18.1%, 62.7%, 33.7% and 21.4% at the dose of 50 μmol·L

Humans , Agaricales , Antioxidants/pharmacology , Basidiomycota , COVID-19/drug therapy , Glucose , Molecular Docking Simulation , Polyphenols/pharmacology , SARS-CoV-2 , Sesquiterpenes/pharmacology
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 207-217, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878555


Scleroglucan is a high-molecular water-soluble microbial exopolysaccharide and mainly applied in the fields of petroleum, food, medicine and cosmetics. The high molecular weight of scleroglucan produced by microbial fermentation leads to low solubility, high viscosity and poor dispersibility, thus bringing a series of difficulties to extraction, preservation and application. It is important to explore suitable degradation method to adjust the molecular weight of scleroglucan for expanding its industrial application. Taking Sclerotium rolfsii WSH-G01 as a model strain, in which functional annotations of the glucanase genes were conducted by whole genome sequencing. Based on design of culture system for culture system for differential expression of β-glucanase, endogenous β-glucanase genes in S. rolfsii WSH-G01 were excavated by transcriptomics analysis. Functions of these potential hydrolases were further verified. Finally, 14 potential endogenous hydrolase genes were obtained from S. rolfsii. After heterologous overexpression in Pichia pastoris, 10 soluble enzymes were obtained and 5 of them had the activity of laminarin hydrolysis by SDS-PAGE and enzyme activity analysis. Further investigation of the 5 endogenous hydrolases on scleroglucan degradation showed that enzyme GME9860 has positive hydrolysis effect. The obtained results provide references not only for obtaining low and medium molecular weight of scleroglucan with enzymatic hydrolysis, but also for producing different molecular weight of scleroglucan during S. rolfsii fermentation process with metabolic engineering.

Basidiomycota/genetics , Glucans , Hydrolysis , Saccharomycetales
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-878973


In order to identify the species and biological characteristics of the pathogen of southern blight from three kinds of Chinese medicine of Iridaceae(Belamcanda chinensis, Iris tectorum and I. japonica) in Dabie Mountains, the isolation, identification, pathogenicity and biological characteristics of the pathogens were studied according to Koch's postulates. In addition, 9 chemical fungicides, 3 botanical fungicides and 5 microbial fungicides were used to evaluate their inhibition to the isolates in vitro. The results showed that all the strains(SG-Q, YW-Q, and HDH-Q) isolated and purified from the diseased plants of B. chinensis, I. tectorum and I. japonica, respectively, were identified as Sclerotium rolfsii through morphological observation and sequence aligement of 18 S rDNA, rDNA-ITS and TEF. Field observations showed that the intensity of the disease incidence of three Iridaceae plants was B. chinensis>I. japonica> I. tectorum, and the pathogenicity of the strains was SG-Q>YW-Q>HDH-Q. For biological characteristics, SG-Q strain was suitable for growth under the 12 h light/12 h dark cycle, with the optimal growth temperature of 30 ℃ and pH of 5. Among the 9 tested chemical fungicides, 29% lime sulphure and 10% flusilazole had stronger inhibitory effect on mycelia growth of SG-Q. For 3 botanical fungicides, 1% osthol, 20% eugenol and 0.5% berberine could effectively inhibt the mycelial growth of SG-Q and cause the morphological variation of the pathogen. For 5 microbial fungicides, Trichoderma harzianum and Bacillus subtilis had better inhibition on the mycelium growth of SG-Q.

Basidiomycota , Hypocreales , Iridaceae , Medicine
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-879005


Coptis chinensis is one of bulk traditional herbal medicines in China. In recent years, the occurrence of various diseases has caused great yield loss and quality reduction of C. chinensis, which has become an important threat of herbal medicine industry. Here we reviewed the symptoms, pathogens, epidemiology and control methods of 6 common diseases of C. chinensis including root rot, southern blight, violet root rot, leaf spot, powdery mildew, and anthracnose. This review aims at providing guidance for the disease diagnostic, pathogen identification, and control strategies of the diseases on C. chinensis, and facilitate the growth of traditional medicine industry.

Basidiomycota , China/epidemiology , Coptis , Plants, Medicinal
Biol. Res ; 54: 34-34, 2021. ilus, tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1505790


Xanthophyllomyces dendrorhous is a basidiomycete yeast that naturally produces the red-orange carotenoid astaxanthin, which has remarkable antioxidant properties. The biosynthesis of carotenoids and sterols share some common elements that have been studied in X. dendrorhous. For example, their synthesis requires metabolites derived from the mevalonate pathway and in both specific pathways, cytochrome P450 enzymes are involved that share a single cytochrome P450 reductase, CrtR, which is essential for astaxanthin biosynthesis, but is replaceable for ergosterol biosynthesis. Research on the regulation of carotenoid biosynthesis is still limited in X. dendrorhous; however, it is known that the Sterol Regulatory Element-Binding Protein (SREBP) pathway, which is a conserved regulatory pathway involved in the control of lipid metabolism, also regulates carotenoid production in X. dendrorhous. This review addresses the similarities and differences that have been observed between mammal and fungal SREBP pathways and what it is known about this pathway regarding the regulation of the production of carotenoids and sterols in X. dendrorhous.

Basidiomycota/metabolism , Sterol Regulatory Element Binding Proteins/metabolism , Sterols , Carrier Proteins