Bed bugs are hematophagous ectoparasites usually found in bedsteads mattresses, and sheets. The bed bug infestations have been increasing dramatically, but only a few cases have been reported in Brazil. We presented a case of a 49-year-old woman with diffuse, extremely itchy skin lesions, after she returned from an international travel.
Prurigo , Skin , Bedbugs , Beds , Cimicidae , Exanthema , Travel-Related IllnessABSTRACT
Abstract INTRODUCTION: Since 2013, major Cimex lectularius infestations have been detected in public shelters in Belo Horizonte (Brazil). Due to this, insecticide resistance has been investigated as one of the possible causes for the failure to control bedbugs. METHODS: Cimicids were subjected to bioassays according to the World Health Organization recommendations using deltamethrin and all commercial insecticides available for control of Cimex in Brazil. RESULTS: Cimicids were deltamethrin resistant and presented indicative of resistance to other insecticides, except for propoxur 1%. CONCLUSIONS: The commercial insecticides have a limited effect on bedbug populations, which may justify the unsatisfactory control observed in the shelters studied.
Animals , Bedbugs , Ectoparasitic Infestations , Insecticides/pharmacology , Brazil , Insecticide ResistanceABSTRACT
Abstract Bed bugs are hematophagous arthropods that can parasitize humans. During the coronavirus disease pandemic, there has been an increase in elderly neglect. A man in his 90s came to the hospital complaining of generalized pruritus. Despite being a dependent patient, he was left alone in a home by his relatives during the pandemic. Examination revealed inflammatory nodules in addition to a live bed bug crawling over his trunk. Identifying a bed bug during consultation is an uncommon feature that can help determine a particular diagnosis. As this case shows, the need for social isolation during pandemics can contribute to elder abuse and neglect.
Humans , Animals , Male , Aged , Bedbugs , Quarantine , Coronavirus , Ectoparasitic Infestations , Coronavirus Infections , Elder Abuse , PandemicsABSTRACT
Introduction: Herbivores specialized in consuming ant-defended plants evolve strategies to prevent the attack of ant workers. When the plant can associate with more than one ant species, the herbivore evasion strategies may either be species-specific, or flexible enough to successfully deter workers of different ant-plant species. Objectives: We studied the behavior of an herbivore bug (Piezogaster reclusus) on ant-defended acacia trees (Vachellia collinsii), which associates with one of three mutualistic Pseudomyrmex ant species, and report the geographical distribution of the acacia bug species of Costa Rica and Panama. Methods: We tested whether herbivore bugs (1) associate with a particular ant species; (2) use chemical or behavioral strategies to evade the ant workers; (3) adjust the evasion strategy to the ant species living on the acacia tree. We also compared collected acacia bugs with Museum specimens to clarify the identification from Costa Rica and Panama. Results: We found bugs more often on trees with ants, particularly Ps. spinicola, and never on trees with Ps. nigrocinctus. To avoid ant attacks, bugs use evasive behaviors to prevent encounters with the ant workers, that depended on the ant species. Also, indirect evidence of intra and interspecific transfer experiments suggest species-specific chemical camouflage or repellence. We also report an expansion of the Southern limit of Pi. reclusus distribution in Central Panama, and reduced the distribution of Pi. chontalesis to the Chiriquí region. Conclusions: Similar to herbivores specialized on chemically defended plants, herbivores on ant-defended trees could evolve specific mechanisms to deal with the plant defenses. However, plants associated with multiple partners are a challenge to herbivore specialization, and might require behavioral plasticity, as our evidence suggests.
Introducción: Herbívoros especializados en consumir plantas defendidas por hormigas evolucionaron estrategias para prevenir el ataque de las obreras, que pueden ser específicas o flexibles para repeler obreras de diferentes especies. Objetivos: Estudiamos el comportamiento del chinche herbívoro (Piezogaster reclusus), que consume la savia de árboles de acacia, que se pueden asociar con una de tres especies de hormigas mutualistas del género Pseudomyrmex y reportamos el rango geográfico de las especies de chinches de acacias en Costa Rica y Panamá. Métodos: Evaluamos si los chinches herbívoros (1) se asocian preferiblemente con una especie de hormiga; (2) usan estrategias de comportamiento para evadir a las obreras; (3) ajustan su estrategia a la especie de hormiga residente en la acacia. También, comparamos especímenes de los chinches con especímenes de museos, para clarificar la identificación en Costa Rica y Panamá. Resultados: Los chinches fueronmás frecuentes en árboles con hormigas, especialmente Ps. spinicola, y nunca estuvieron en árboles con Ps. nigrocinctus. Los chinches mostraron diferentes comportamientos evasivos dependiendo de la especie de hormiga para prevenir encuentros con las obreras. También, evidencia indirecta de experimentos de transferencia sugiere que hay camuflaje especie-específico o repelencia. Además, reportamos que el límite de distribución de Pi. reclusus llega al centro de Panamá, mientras que Pi. chontalensis solamente está en la región de Chiriquí. Conclusiones: Igual que los herbívoros se especializan en plantas con defensas químicas, herbívoros en plantas con hormigas pueden evolucionar mecanismos específicos para lidiar con las defensas de las plantas. Sin embargo, plantas que se asocian a múltiples especies de hormigas se vuelven un reto para la especialización del herbívoro, y pueden requerir plasticidad de comportamiento como sugieren nuestros datos.
Animals , Ants , Bedbugs , Acacia , Herbivory , Panama , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Abstract Ocotea porosa (Nees & Mart.) Barroso, commonly known as "imbuia", "canela-imbuia" or "imbuia-amarela" in Brazil, is a tree of the Southern Atlantic Forest. The present study investigates the anatomy of leaf and stem, volatile oil chemistry, as well as cytotoxicity and insecticidal activities of the essential oil of O. porosa. Species identification was achieved by anatomy features, mainly due to paracytic and anomocytic stomata; non-glandular trichomes; biconvex midrib and petiole with a collateral open arc vascular bundle; presence of a sclerenchymatous layer, starch grains and crystal sand in the stem; and the presence of phenolic compounds in the epidermis, phloem and xylem of the midrib, petiole and stem. The main volatile components of the essential oil were α-pinene (19.71%), β-pinene (13.86%) and bicyclogermacrene (24.62%). Cytotoxicity against human cancer cell (MCF-7), mouse cancer cell (B16F10) and mouse non-tumoral cell (McCoy) was observed as well as insecticidal activity of the essential oil against susceptible 'Ft. Dix' bed bugs (Cimex lectularius L.) by topical application.
Bedbugs , Oils, Volatile/pharmacology , Ocotea/anatomy & histology , Ocotea/chemistry , Insecticides/pharmacology , Toxicity Tests , Plant Stems/chemistry , Plant Leaves/chemistry , HistocytochemistryABSTRACT
The global resurgence of the bed bug (Cimex lectularius L.) and the widespread resistance of this insect to pyrethroid insecticides have created the need to find alternatives to chemical control. Thus, synthetic or natural repellents have been considered as a suitable choice to control bed bug infestations. Repellents not only keep insects away from their hosts, but also allow a decrease in insecticide selection pressure. The aim of this study was to evaluate the repellence effectivity of DEET against two bed bug colonies from Argentina (a susceptible one and a fieldcollected pyrethroid-resistant one), under two starving periods. We found different repellent effects of DEET on the two C. lectularius colonies and no differences between the two starving periods. In fact, DEET had a lower effect on the insecticide-resistant colony. The methodology used in this study proved to be useful to test the variation of the effect of DEET between pyrethroid-susceptible and -resistant bed bugs.
Starvation , Bedbugs , Insecticide Resistance , Chagas Disease , Insect RepellentsABSTRACT
Abstract: Human, dog, and cat fleas, as well as bedbugs, feed by biting their victims, causing acute prurigo, which is aggravated in sensitized victims (papular urticaria). The lesions appear in the classic "breakfast, lunch, and dinner" pattern. There are two main explanations: the parasites "map" the skin area in search of the best places to bite, and their removal when victim scratches, and then reattach to the skin. Treatments aim to control pruritus, as well as hypersensitivity reactions when necessary. Prevention is based on environmental control measures. The "breakfast, lunch, and dinner" sign is a definitive marker for diagnosis and the parasite´s identification and control.
Humans , Animals , Bedbugs , Flea Infestations/veterinary , Insect Bites and Stings/parasitology , Pruritus/etiology , Photography , Cats/parasitology , Dogs/parasitology , Siphonaptera , Insect Bites and Stings/diagnosis , Insect Bites and Stings/pathologyABSTRACT
Percevejos de cama são insetos de importância em saúde pública pela sua hematofagia obrigatória em todos os estágios de vida em que se alimenta. Cimex lectularius é a espécie mais comum, cosmopolita e antropofílica. Apesar de não serem considerados vetores comprovados de patógenos, suas características biológicas podem torná-los potenciais vetores. Esses insetos residem próximo ao hospedeiro e geram grandes infestações. Desde a década de 1990, observa-se aumento nos relatos de infestações em diversas regiões do mundo. No Brasil a literatura sobre esta praga é muito escassa e a ocorrência de infestações não tem sido sistematicamente registradas. Objetivou-se neste estudo atualizar os conhecimentos sobre percevejos de cama, com enfoque na espécie Cimex lectularius e propor um Guia de Vigilância e Controle. Recorrendo-se a uma busca bibliográfica sobre percevejos de cama nas publicações de 1990 a 2017, atualizaram-se dados de sistemática, distribuição, morfologia, bioecologia, infestação e importância médica. Baseando-se em guias e manuais de vigilância de percevejos de cama de programas de vigilância operantes em outras cidades do mundo e em relatos de casos de infestações, foi elaborado o conteúdo para um Guia de Vigilância e Controle de percevejos de cama, a fim de nortear as ações dos órgãos de vigilância em saúde e subsidiar a instalação de um programa de vigilância entomológica desses insetos
Bedbugs are insects of importance in public health due to their obligatory hematophagy in all stages of life in which they are fed. Cimex lectularius is the most common, cosmopolitan and anthropophilic species. Although they are not considered proven vectors of pathogens, their biological characteristics may make them potential vectors. These insects live near the host and generate large infestations. Since the 1990s, there has been an increase in reports of infestations in several regions of the world. In Brazil the literature on this pest is very scarce and the occurrence of infestations has not been systematically recorded. The objective of this study was to update the knowledge about bedbugs, focusing on the species Cimex lectularius and to propose a Guide for Surveillance and Control. Using a bibliographical search about bed bugs in the publications from 1990 to 2017, systematics, distribution, morphology, bioecology, infestation and medical importance data were updated. Based on guides and manuals for bedbug surveillance of surveillance programs operating in other cities around the world and in reports of cases of infestations, the contents of a Guide to Bedbug Surveillance and Control were developed in order to guide the actions of health surveillance agencies and subsidize the installation of an entomological surveillance program for these insects
Bedbugs , Pest Control , Epidemiological Monitoring , Cimicidae , EntomologyABSTRACT
Nos últimos anos vários autores têm relatado a ressurgência de infestações por percevejos de cama ao redor do mundo. Em meados de 2013 foi detectada a infestação por Cimex lectularius em abrigos municipais de Belo Horizonte/MG. Diversas ações foram direcionadas para o controle da praga, tais como a troca de colchões e o uso de inseticida da classe dos piretróides, mas a população de insetos não diminuiu. O objetivo desse trabalho foi caracterizar a infestação de C. lectulariusnos abrigos públicos do município de Belo Horizonte/MG e propor ações de controle. As 16 ocorrências de infestações registradas entre 2010 e 2016 foram georreferenciadas pelo software MapInfo Professional Versão 10.0. Além disso, foram realizadas vistorias em quatro abrigos públicos municipais infestados para a caracterização dos perfis epidemiológicos da infestação nesses locais. Também foram realizados testes de contato com 10 inseticidas comerciais em laboratório. Nesses bioensaios de laboratório utilizaram-se 30 percevejos de cama adultos coletados em dois abrigos municipais em dois momentos diferentes que foram expostos por 24 horas a papéis impregnados com inseticidas, realizando-se a leitura da mortalidade 24 horas após a exposição. Por fim, foram realizados testes de campo em um abrigo público infestado utilizando-se os produtos que apresentaram os melhores resultados em laboratório. Nesses bioensaios de campo consideraram-se as camas como as unidades de estudo e realizaram-se vistorias antes e depois da borrifação com os produtos químicos. Baseado nessas informações foi proposta uma metodologia de controle
As ocorrências de infestações por cimicídeos se encontraram dispersas pelo município, se concentrando na regional Centro-Sul. Os quatro abrigos municipais estudados apresentaram níveis de infestações diferentes, sendo influenciado pela estrutura física e pela dinâmica de funcionamento de cada local. O Albergue Tia Branca apresentou a pior situação. Os testes em laboratório mostraram que apenas o carbamato Propoxur 1% apresentou mortalidade de 100% dos insetos expostos e houve resistência a quase todos os produtos formulados com a classe dos piretróides. Dentre os piretróides, apenas a Bifentrina 20% apresentou resultado promissor. Os testes em campo mostraram que foi possível eliminar as infestações com o uso combinado de dois carbamatos. A metodologia de controle proposta pressupõe que todo o ambiente infestado deve ser borrifado com inseticidas de ação residual a cada três meses e necessita permanecer interditado por sete dias. Apesar de não haver registrado o aumento no número de infestações por cimicídeos na capital mineira, a situação é preocupante nos albergues municipais. Além disso, a resistência dos insetos a vários inseticidas disponíveis no mercado e a dificuldade de controlar as infestações torna o problema relevante. É imprescindível que se institua no sistema de saúde municipal uma rotina de vigilância entomológica, para que as infestações sejam prevenidas, descobertas precocemente e controladas
Male , Female , Humans , Bedbugs/analysis , Bedbugs/pathogenicity , Insecticide Resistance , Infections/transmission , Vector Control of DiseasesABSTRACT
Bed bugs are hematophagous insects which due to their morphological and biological characteristics are able to easily adapt themselves to human households. The authors describe two cases of dermatitis caused by bed bug bites in the city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. Patients presented linear lesions in the usual "breakfast, lunch and dinner" arrangement, suggesting this diagnosis. A visit to their dwellings showed infestation of insects identified as Cimex hemipterus. The knowledge of these insects by the dermatological community will contribute to an accurate diagnosis as well as subsidize the dissemination of information aiming for prevention.
Animals , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bedbugs , Dermatitis/etiology , Dermatitis/pathology , Insect Bites and Stings/complications , Brazil , Bedding and Linens/parasitology , Skin/pathologyABSTRACT
Cimex lectularius ("percevejo-de-cama") é um hemíptero da família Cimicidae que normalmente parasita seres humanos. Descrevese uma infestação por esta espécie em uma escola rural do município de Duas Barras, estado do Rio de Janeiro, associada a relatos de queixas de irritação e prurido por parte de alguns indivíduos da comunidade escolar. Durante a inspeção do local, os insetos foram encontrados no forro do estabelecimento junto a sujidades e penas de psitacídeos, sendo posteriormente identificados como Cimex lectularius. A confirmação da colonização de espécie de hemíptera hematófago no forro do estabelecimento escolar inspecionado serve de alerta às autoridades para melhoria na construção e manutenção das edificações públicas, em especial escolas, hospitais, asilos e penitenciárias. Esforços deverão ser feitos para se conhecer a real magnitude do parasitismo por C. lectularius no Brasil, tendo em vista seu grande potencial endofílico e de dispersão.
The Cimex lectularius ("bed bug") is a hemipterus of the Cimicidae family. It is usually a human being parasite. An infestation by that species is reported to have taken place at a rural school in the municipality of Duas Barras, in the State of Rio de Janeiro. Some individuals of the school community complained about itching and irritation. During an onsite inspection insects were found in the building's ceiling, together with dirt and parrot feathers. They were subsequently identified as Cimex lectularius. The confirmation of colonization by a blood hemipterus species at the inspected school ceiling should serves as a warning to the authorities, so that they may improve the construction and maintenance of public buildings, especially, schools, hospitals, care centers and prisons. Efforts should be made to learn about the actual magnitude of parasitism by C. lectularius in Brazil, taking into consideration its great endophilic and dissemination potential.
Humans , Parasitic Diseases , Bedbugs , Bedbugs , HumansABSTRACT
Os cimicídeos, conhecidos popularmente como percevejos-de-cama, são insetos hematófagos durante os estágios de ninfas e adulto. Algumas espécies apresentam marcante antropofilia e apesar de não transmitirem patógenos, podem causar algumas complicações a saúde humana, como alergias graves e anemia. O número de infestações nos últimos anos em muitos países tem aumentado significativamente e a relação com lugares de baixo IDH não é mais observada, inclusive na cidade de São Paulo. A precariedade nos estudos dificulta o conhecimento sobre as infestações. No presente estudo, teve-se o objetivo descrever infestações no estado de São Paulo e seus aspectos, e estudar a morfologia dos percevejos de cama encontrados, através de análise morfométrica. Foram coletadas e descritas cinco infestações, quatro na cidade de São Paulo e uma na cidade de Mirandópolis. Os resultados sugerem haver falta de conhecimento da população sobre esta praga urbana e comfirmam Cimex lectularius como principal espécie presente no estado de São Paulo, assim como sugere uma proximidade populacional das infestações dentro da cidade de São Paulo em relação a infestações de outras localidades. Porém os estudos devem ser estimulados no intuito de enriquecer o conhecimento sobre estes insetos, haja vista o grande fluxo de pessoas e a possibilidade de agravamento das infestações, uma vez que grandes eventos internacionais ocorrerão em capitais brasileiras.
The Cimicidae, commonly known as bedbugs are bloodsucking insects throughout all their life cycle. Some species show striking anthropophily and despite they dont transmit diseases they can cause some complications for human health, such as severe allergies and anemia. The number of infestations over the last few years in many countries has increased significantly compared to places with low HDI that is no longer observed, including São Paulo city. The lack of studies hinders knowledge about infestations. The present study aims to describe infestations in the state of São Paulo and its aspects, and to study the morphology of bedbugs found, through morphometric analysis. Five infestations in the city of São Paulo and one in the city of Mirandópolis were collected and described. The results suggest lack of knowledge of the population about this urban blight and confirm Cimex lectularius as the main species present in the state of São Paulo. Also suggests proximity of infestations within the city of São Paulo in relation to infestations of other localities. However, the studies should be encouraged in order to enrich the knowledge about these insects, considering the large flow of people and the possibility of aggravating the infestation, since large international events will occur in the largest Brazilian cities.
Animals , Phylogeography , Bedbugs/anatomy & histology , Brazil , Cimicidae , GeographyABSTRACT
Insects are a class of living creatures within the arthropods. Insect bite reactions are commonly seen in clinical practice. The present review touches upon the medically important insects and their places in the classification, the sparse literature on the epidemiology of insect bites in India, and different variables influencing the susceptibility of an individual to insect bites. Clinical features of mosquito bites, hypersensitivity to mosquito bites Epstein-Barr virus NK (HMB-EBV-NK) disease, eruptive pseudoangiomatosis, Skeeter syndrome, papular pruritic eruption of HIV/AIDS, and clinical features produced by bed bugs, Mexican chicken bugs, assassin bugs, kissing bugs, fleas, black flies, Blandford flies, louse flies, tsetse flies, midges, and thrips are discussed. Brief account is presented of the immunogenic components of mosquito and bed bug saliva. Papular urticaria is discussed including its epidemiology, the 5 stages of skin reaction, the SCRATCH principle as an aid in diagnosis, and the recent evidence supporting participation of types I, III, and IV hypersensitivity reactions in its causation is summarized. Recent developments in the treatment of pediculosis capitis including spinosad 0.9% suspension, benzyl alcohol 5% lotion, dimethicone 4% lotion, isopropyl myristate 50% rinse, and other suffocants are discussed within the context of evidence derived from randomized controlled trials and key findings of a recent systematic review. We also touch upon a non-chemical treatment of head lice and the ineffectiveness of egg-loosening products. Knockdown resistance (kdr) as the genetic mechanism making the lice nerves insensitive to permethrin is discussed along with the surprising contrary clinical evidence from Europe about efficacy of permethrin in children with head lice carrying kdr-like gene. The review also presents a brief account of insects as vectors of diseases and ends with discussion of prevention of insect bites and some serious adverse effects of mosquito coil smoke.
Animals , Bedbugs , Culicidae , Diptera , Humans , Hypersensitivity/diagnosis , Hypersensitivity/epidemiology , Hypersensitivity/therapy , Insect Bites and Stings/diagnosis , Insect Bites and Stings/epidemiology , Insect Bites and Stings/therapy , Pediculus , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic/methodsABSTRACT
Bedbugs have been known as a human parasite for thousands of years, but scientific studies about this insect are recent and limited. Cimex lectularius, the common bedbug, was a well-known parasite in human dwellings until the end of the Second World War. Nowadays, bedbugs are considered uncommon in the industrialized world. Anecdotal reports suggest that bedbugs are getting more common in the United States, Canada, and United Kingdom. In Brazil, there are few reports about bedbug infestations in the literature. The aim of this article was to alert physicians, especially in Brazil, about this ectoparasitosis, including aspects of the bedbug biology, their parasitism in human host, treatment and prophylaxis.
Animals , Humans , Bedbugs , Ectoparasitic Infestations , Host-Parasite Interactions , Bedbugs/anatomy & histology , Bedbugs/classification , Bedbugs/physiology , Ectoparasitic Infestations/diagnosis , Ectoparasitic Infestations/drug therapy , Ectoparasitic Infestations/epidemiology , Ectoparasitic Infestations/parasitologyABSTRACT
Descrevemos uma doente de 19 anos que nos procurou com quadro de intenso prurido há 2 semanas e demonstrando lesões eritêmato-pápulo-urticadas mais intensamente distribuídas nos membros superiores e inferiores. A anamnese detalhada excluiu causas internas e medicamentos como uma possível causa do prurigo. Após orientações quanto a dedetização do domicílio a doente retornou no consultório após 3 semanas sem lesões cutâneas e trazendo em um pote de vidro vários percevejos coletados após a dedetização.
This report describes a 19-year old female patient, who sought medical attention for severe itching of two weeks' duration. Erythematous papules and wheals were found, principally on her upper and lower limbs. Careful anamnesis excluded other etiologies of the pruritus, including those related to internal diseases and medication. Following counseling regarding the need to contract a domestic pest control company, the patient returned to the clinic three weeks later with no skin lesions and bearing a glass jar containing several bedbugs collected following pest control treatment.
Adult , Animals , Female , Humans , Young Adult , Bedbugs , Insect Bites and Stings/complications , Pruritus/etiologySubject(s)
Humans , Animals , Child , Adolescent , Entomology , Insecta , Cockroaches , Culicidae , Diptera , Ants , Phthiraptera , Isoptera , Bedbugs , TriatominaeABSTRACT
Os percevejos de cama são insetos hematófagos pertencentes à família Cimicidae e à ordem Hemiptera. Algumas das espécies desse grupo despertam interesse em Saúde Pública por apresentarem comportamento antropofílico. Atualmente verifica-se uma reemergência das infestações de percevejos de cama em diversas localidades do mundo, principalmente em grandes cidades, já que estas constituem ambientes propícios para sua instalação e proliferação, pois recebem ou abrigam grande número de indivíduos que atuam como fontes de alimentação. Objetivos: Descrever a atual situação das infestações por insetos da família Cimicidae na região Metropolitana de São Paulo, no período de 2004 a 2009. Métodos: estudo descritivo baseado em registros de ocorrência de cimicídeos fornecidos por empresas privadas de controle de pragas e por órgãos públicos de vigilância, pesquisa e controle sediados na Região Metropolitana de São Paulo. Identificação de espécies de cimicídeos recebidas no Laboratório de Entomologia em Saúde Pública da Faculdade de Saúde Pública, em decorrência de coletas realizadas na região estudada. Resultados: Foram recebidos 369 registros de ocorrência de cimicídeos, sendo 325 provenientes do município de São Paulo e o restante dos municípios vizinhos à capital. As residências somaram 181 registros ou 68,04 por cento dos casos, enquanto as infestações ocorridas em estabelecimentos comerciais e/ou de serviço foram responsáveis por 85 registros (31,95 por cento). Cimex lectularius foi a espécie predominante, sendo responsável por 262 registros (92,25 por cento), enquanto Cimex hemipterus foi apontado em apenas um registro (0,35 por cento). Os registros do município de São Paulo mostraram uma correlação positiva significativa entre padrões socioeconômicos mais elevados e alto número de ocorrências registradas. Um total de 354 espécimes coletados na região metropolitana de São Paulo foi recebido pelo laboratório entre abril de 2008 e dezembro de 2009...
The bed bugs are hematophagous insects belonging to the family Cimicidae and to the order Hemiptera. Some of the species of this group draw attention in Public Health because they have anthropophilic behavior. We observe the resurgence of bed bug infestations in many different places all over the world, especially in big cities, once they are very propense environment for its installation and proliferation due to the fact that there are many individuals living there. Aims: The aim of this research is to describe the real situation of infestations by Cimicidae insects in the metropolitan region of São Paulo from 2004 to 2009. Methodology: this is a descriptive study based on the registries of occurrences provided by private companies specialized in pest control and public departments of control and research in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Identification of the Cimicidae insects received, resulting from collections in the region. Results: Were received 369 registries of bed bug occurrences in the period, 325 of those belonging to the city of São Paulo. Registries of infestations in houses were 181, corresponding to 68,04per cent of the cases. Registries of infestations in business organizations were 85, corresponding to 31,95per cent. Cimex lectularius was the predominant species with 262 registries, corresponding to 92,25per cent. Cimex hemipterus was mencioned only once (0,35per cent). Registries in São Paulo show a very positive correlation between high social and economical standards and a high number of registries of occurrences. LESP received 354 samples collected in RMSP from April 2008 to December 2009, all of them identified as C. lectularius. Conclusion: It was evident that there are very regular bed bug infestations in the metropolitan region of São Paulo. Registries are concentrated in the high social and economical standards regions of the city of São Paulo. Social and behavior patterns influence the notifications...