Objective: To retrospectively investigate the clinical data, radiological characteristics, treatment, and outcome of patients with parenchymal neuro-Behcet's disease (P-NBD) with particular emphasis on dizziness. Methods: This was a cross-sectional study of clinical data from 25 patients with a confirmed diagnosis of P-NBD who were admitted to the Department of Neurology of the First Medical Center of Chinese People's Liberation Army General Hospital between 2010 and 2022. The median age of the population was 37 years (range: 17-85 years). Clinical data were retrospectively analyzed, including gender, age of onset, disease duration, clinical manifestations, serum immune indicators, cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) routine biochemical and cytokine levels, cranial and spinal magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings, treatment, and outcome. Results: The majority of patients were male (16 cases; 64.0%), the mean age of onset was (28±14) (range: 4-58 years), and the disease course was acute or subacute. Fever was the most common clinical presentation, and the complaint of dizziness was not uncommon (8/25 patients). Analysis of serum immune indices, including complement (C3 and C4), erythrocyte sedimentation rate, interleukin-1 (IL-1), IL-6, IL-8 and tumor necrotic factor-alpha were abnormal in 80.0% of patients (20/25). Most of the 16/25 patients who underwent lumbar puncture tests had normal intracranial pressure and increased CSF white cell count and protein [median values were 44 (15-380) ×106/L and 0.73 (0.49-2.81) g/L, respectively]. Of the five patients who underwent CSF cytokine tests, four patients had abnormal results; of these, an elevated level of IL-6 was most common, followed by IL-1 and IL-8. The most common site of involvement in cranial MRI was the brainstem and basal ganglia (60.0% respectively), followed by white matter (48.0%) and the cortex (44.0%). Nine cases (36.0%) showed lesions with enhancement and six cases (24.0%) showed mass-like lesions. Three patients (12.0%) patients had lesions in the spinal cord, most frequently in the thoracic cord. All patients received immunological intervention therapy; during follow up, the majority had a favorable outcome. Conclusions: P-NBD is an autoimmune disease with multiple system involvement and diverse clinical manifestations. The symptom of dizziness is not uncommon and can be easily ignored. Early treatment with immunotherapy is important and can improve the outcome of these patients.
Humans , Male , Female , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Interleukin-6 , Retrospective Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interleukin-8 , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , NeurologyABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Acute vulvar ulcer (Lipschütz's ulcer) is a rare lesion with local hyperimmunoreactivity triggered by infection, which is characterized by acute, painful, and necrotic ulcerations. This condition is usually found in non-sexually active adolescents, and it resolves spontaneously. We report a case of a 35-year-old woman who was diagnosed with COVID-19 who did not have severe symptoms, but had high levels of D-dimer for 9 days. The COVID-19 diagnosis was followed by the appearance of an acute, necrotic, extremely painful vulvar ulcer, although symptoms caused by COVID-19 had improved. We emphasize the importance of the differential diagnosis to exclude diseases such as Behçet's syndrome, Sexually Transmitted Infections, as well as the presence of viruses that generally trigger Lipschütz's ulcer, such as Epstein-Barr virus and cytomegalovirus. No treatment is usually necessary, however, in the present report due to the pain experienced by the patient, we successfully used oral prednisone.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/drug therapy , Epstein-Barr Virus Infections , COVID-19 , Ulcer/drug therapy , Herpesvirus 4, Human , COVID-19 Testing , SARS-CoV-2 , GenitaliaABSTRACT
Abstract This study reports the clinical case of a 42-year-old patient with ulcerated lesions who was followed up by general practitioners with the diagnosis of recurrent cellulitis. However, when referred to the Dermatology division a diagnosis of Behçet's syndrome was established based on clinical criteria. Although there are defined clinical criteria for this syndrome, sometimes its diagnosis can be challenging, due to lack of knowledge of the disease and extremely heterogeneous clinical phenotype. The authors highlight the potential difficulties in establishing the diagnosis considering the multiple clinical findings during the investigation process, contributing to the risk of increased morbidity and mortality.
Humans , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Referral and Consultation , Ulcer/diagnosis , Chronic DiseaseABSTRACT
A ocorrência de úlceras genitais em adolescentes e mulheres jovens tem impacto emocional para as pacientes e seus familiares, pela frequente associação com uma possível etiologia de transmissão sexual. Porém, úlcera de Lipschütz e síndrome de Behçet não têm etiologia infecciosa e devem ser lembradas como possíveis diagnósticos diferenciais. O diagnóstico dessas duas patologias é clínico e pode ser desafiador. Dessa forma, foi realizada uma revisão na literatura com o objetivo de comparar as duas entidades. A úlcera de Lipschütz é causada por uma vasculite local e caracteriza-se pelo surgimento súbito de úlceras na vulva ou vagina inferior. Já a doença de Behçet é causada por vasculite sistêmica, com episódios de remissão e exacerbação, que pode envolver quase todos os sistemas orgânicos. Em ambos os casos, é essencial o referenciamento para reumatologia. O tratamento objetiva suprimir exacerbações, controlar a dor e prevenir infecção secundária.(AU)
The occurrence of genital ulcers in adolescents and young women have an emotional impact for the patient and their families, due to the frequent association of its etiology with a sexually transmitted disease. However, Lipschütz ulcer and Behçet's syndrome do not have an infectious etiology and should be remembered as a possible differential diagnoses. As the diagnosis of these two pathologies is clinical and can be challenging, a review of literature was carried out. The objective of this review of literature was to compare both diseases. Lipschütz ulcer is caused by local vasculitis and is characterized by the sudden appearance of ulcers in the vulva or lower vagina. Behçet's syndrome is caused by systemic vasculitis, with episodes of remission and exacerbation, which can affect almost all organ systems. In both cases, referral to rheumatology is essential. Treatment aims to suppress exacerbations, control pain and prevent secondary infection.(AU)
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/drug therapy , Oral Ulcer , Systemic Vasculitis/complications , Systemic Vasculitis/diagnosis , Systemic Vasculitis/drug therapy , Prognosis , Uveitis , Vulvar Diseases , Epstein-Barr Virus InfectionsABSTRACT
A Doença de Behçet (DB) é uma afecção entendida por ser inflamatória, multissistêmica,de causa ainda desconhecida, apresentando sintomas como úlceras orais, genitais, uveíte, lesões cutâneas e vasculites recorrentes, sendo mais frequente nos países que se estendem desde o Mediterrâneo até o extremo Oriente. Reconhecida atualmente como uma doença autoimune, a DB parece agregar elementos genéticos do portador e fatores ambientais desencadeantes. Para o estabelecimento de critérios internacionais para um diagnóstico, protocolos clínicos foram desenvolvidos para auxiliar a atividade da doença assim permitindo a padronização das pesquisas na área, ainda que não existam alterações laboratoriais ou histopatológicas definidas da doença. O diagnóstico depende de uma avaliação clínica criteriosa que, quando precoce, é determinante para o prognóstico.Neste artigo são revistos dados clínicos para o diagnóstico da Doença de Behçet.
Behçet's disease (DB) is an affection understood to be multisystemic inflammation of an as yet unknown cause, presenting symptoms such as oral ulcers, genitalia, uveitis, cutaneous lesions and recurrent vasculitis. It is more frequent in countries stretching from the Mediterranean to the Far East. Currently recognized as an autoimmune disease, DB appears to aggregate carrier genetic elements and environmental triggering factors. The establishment of international criteria for a diagnosis, clinical protocols were developed to aid the activity of the disease thus allowing the standardization of research in the area, although there are no laboratory or histopathological changes defined disease, the diagnosis dependent on a careful clinical evaluation that when are determinants for the prognosis. In this article we review clinical data for the diagnosis of Behçet's Disease.
Autoimmune Diseases , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Vascular System InjuriesABSTRACT
La enfermedad de Behçet (EB) es un trastorno de vasculitis sistémica poco frecuente, de etiología desconocida, que se caracteriza por la presencia de aftas bucales, úlceras genitales y uveítis recurrentes. Afecta los sistemas nerviosos central y periférico; raramente se produce durante la niñez. La meningitis aséptica aguda aislada es muy poco frecuente. En este artículo, se describe el caso de una paciente de 14 años con diagnóstico de enfermedad de Behçet con afectación neurológica (neuro-Behçet). La paciente tenía cefalea aguda, diplopia, papiledema e irritación meníngea. Tenía antecedentes de úlceras bucales recurrentes. Las imágenes por resonancia magnética de cerebro revelaron paquimeningitis. Los hallazgos en el líquido cefalorraquídeo fueron pleocitosis y aumento de la presión. Pese al tratamiento médico, sus síntomas no se resolvieron. No se detectó uveítis y la prueba de patergia fue negativa. El alelo HLA-B51 fue positivo. Se consideró que los hallazgos apuntaban a la poco frecuente enfermedad de Behçet con afectación neurológica. La paciente mejoró drásticamente luego del tratamiento con corticoesteroides. En el diagnóstico diferencial de meningitis, se debe considerar la EB, a menos que se demuestre la presencia de un agente infeccioso. Hasta donde sabemos, anteriormente no se había descrito un caso de paquimeningitis con neuro-Behçet en la población pediátrica.
Behçet's disease (BD) is a rare systemic vasculitis disorder of unknown etiology characterized by recurrent oral and genital apthae and uveitis. It involves the central or peripheral nervous system; occurs rarely during childhood. Isolated acute aseptic meningitis is extremely uncommon. We report here a case of Neuro-Behçet disease (NBD) diagnosed in a 14-year-old girl. The patient presented acute headache, diplopia, papilla edema, and meningeal irritation. She had a history of recurrent oral ulcers. Brain magnetic resonance imaging revealed pachymeningitis. Pleocytosis and pressure increase were the cerebrospinal fluid findings. Although medical therapy, her complaints were not resolved. Uveitis was not detected, pathergy test was negative. HLA-B51 allele was positive. The findings were considered to unusual NBD. The patient improved dramatically after steroid therapy. BD should be considered in differential diagnosis of meningitis unless an infectious agent is demonstrated. To our knowledge, a case of pachymeningitis with NBD, was not described in children.
Humans , Female , Adolescent , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/administration & dosage , Headache , Meningitis, Aseptic/diagnosisABSTRACT
La enfermedad de Behçet se considera una entidad multisistémica identificada por aftas orales y genitales, lesiones cutáneas, artritis, manifestaciones gastrointestinales, neurológicas y oculares, pertenece al conjunto de afecciones consideradas autoinmunes en la que se puede afectar a cualquier vaso sanguíneo del organismo, para su diagnóstico se sugieren un grupo de criterios que examina regularmente un comité internacional de especialistas en las que deben incluir aftas periódicas en boca y genitales acompañados de hipopion y uveítis, su tratamiento en la actualidad se dirige a disminuir la actividad del sistema inmune y tiene como objetivo reducir los síntomas y prevenir las complicaciones(AU)
Behçet's disease is considered a multisystemic entity identified by oral and genital thrush, skin lesions, arthritis, gastrointestinal, neurological and ocular manifestations, belongs to the set of conditions considered autoimmune in which any blood vessel of the organism can be affected, for its Diagnosis is suggested a group of criteria that regularly examines an international committee of specialists in which they must include periodic canker sores in the mouth and genitals accompanied by hypopion and uveitis, their treatment is currently aimed at decreasing the activity of the immune system and aims reduce symptoms and prevent complications(AU)
Humans , Male , Female , Stomatitis, Aphthous , Uveitis/complications , Candidiasis, Oral , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/drug therapy , Behcet Syndrome/therapy , Diagnostic Techniques and Procedures/standards , GenitaliaABSTRACT
En este trabajo se presentó a un paciente de 32 años que ingresó por pérdida de peso, decaimiento, orinas turbias y dolor en región inguinal derecha. Se describió la evolución clínica, los estudios imagenológicos y de laboratorio que permitieron diagnosticar la presencia del Síndrome de Behçet. Los principales signos presentados por el paciente fueron: ulceraciones bucales recurrentes, la presencia de uveítis anterior y trombosis venosas profundas en miembros inferiores. El cuadro clínico del paciente y la valoración conjunta de varias especialidades médicas constituyeron los factores claves para establecer el diagnóstico definitivo. La evolución del paciente fue satisfactoria con el tratamiento de prednisona y anticoagulantes(AU)
This paper reports a 32-year-old male patient who was hospitalized for weight loss, decay, cloudy urine and pain in the right inguinal region. The clinical evolution, imaging and laboratory studies allowed diagnosing Behçet Syndrome. The patient showed main signs as recurrent mouth ulcerations, anterior uveitis and deep vein thrombosis in the lower limbs. The clinical condition of this patient and the joint assessment of various medical specialties were the key factors in establishing the definitive diagnosis. The patient´s evolution was satisfactory treated with prednisone and anticoagulants(AU)
Humans , Male , Adult , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/drug therapy , Oral Ulcer/etiology , Venous Thrombosis/complications , Lower Extremity/physiopathologyABSTRACT
A doença de Behçet (DB) é uma vasculite multissistêmica de etiologia desconhecida. O acometimento cardiovascular é bem descrito na literatura, sendo que a principal causa de morte na DB é secundária a complicações aneurismáticas. Relata-se aqui o caso de um paciente portador de DB com aneurisma de aorta abdominal reincidente, o qual foi corrigido por meio de endoprótese customizada. O tratamento ideal para portadores de DB ainda é bastante controverso e desafiador, tendo em vista as dificuldades técnicas e as recidivas frequentes. A intervenção endovascular apresenta-se como uma alternativa viável e consideravelmente menos mórbida do que a cirurgia convencional
Behçet's disease (BD) is a multisystemic vasculitis of unknown etiology. Cardiovascular involvement has been thoroughly described in the literature and the major cause of death in BD is secondary to aneurysm complications. In this case report, a patient with BD presented with a recurrent abdominal aortic aneurysm, which was corrected using a custom-made endoprosthesis. The optimal treatment for patients with BD remains highly controversial and challenging because of technical difficulties and frequent recurrence. Endovascular intervention seems to be a feasible alternative with considerably less morbidity than conventional surgery
Humans , Male , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/therapy , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Prostheses and Implants , Angiography/methods , Stents , Chronic Disease , Systemic Vasculitis , AneurysmABSTRACT
El neurobehcet (NB) es una manifestación poco frecuente y grave de la enfer-medad de Behcet (EB) con diferentes formas de presentación según el aérea del sistema nervioso que se vea afectada. Se presenta el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino de 38 años de edad con historia de larga data de psicosis de posible cau-sa orgánica. Durante su última hospitalización por deterioro funcional y cognitivo se rescata el antecedente de úlceras orales y genitales y un episodio previo de es-cleritis. Se complementa el estudio con punción lumbar, resonancia y angioreso-nancia nuclear magnética de cerebro y antígeno de histocompatibilidad los cuales sugieren el diagnóstico de NB. Se trata con corticoides e inmunosupresores, pero a pesar de mejoría en el líquido cefalorraquídeo no hay mejoría clínica, que se presume sería consecuencia de lo tardío del diagnóstico y tratamiento.
Neurobehcet (NB) is a rare and serious manifestation of Behcet's disease (EB), with different forms of presentation depending on the area of the nervous system involved. A clinical case of a 38-year-old female patient with a long-standing his-tory of psychosis of possible organic cause is presented. During her last hospital-ization due to functional and cognitive impairment the history of oral and genital ulcers and a previous episode of scleritis is obtained. The study is complemented with a lumbar puncture, magnetic resonance, magnetic nuclear angioresonance of the brain and histocompatibility antigen which suggests the diagnosis of NB. It is treated with corticosteroids and immunosuppressants, but despite improve-ment in cerebrospinal fluid there is no clinical improvement, which is presumed to be a consequence of the late diagnosis and treatment.
Humans , Female , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/therapy , Psychotic Disorders , Venous Thrombosis , Delayed Diagnosis , Nervous System DiseasesABSTRACT
Abstract The etiological diagnosis of orbital myositis (OM) is a challenge. Although it has been associated with previous infectious disease, diseases with autoimmune background, thyroidopathies or with paraneoplasic syndrome, most of them still remain as idiopathic. We describe here a case of OM uncovering a Behçet disease that is considered a rare cause for this kind of eye involvement.
Resumo Trata-se de um caso de ceratite bilateral e simultânea por Acremonium relacionada ao uso intermitente e sem respeitar a lateralidade O diagnóstico etiológico da miosite orbitária (MO) é desafiador. Embora ela tenha sido relacionada com doenças infecciosas prévias, doenças associadas à autoimunidade, tireoidopatias ou síndromes para neoplásicas, a maioria delas ainda permanece como idiopática. Descreve-se aqui, um caso de MO revelando o diagnóstico de doença de Behçet, doença considerada como uma causa pouco comum para este tipo de envolvimento ocular.
Humans , Female , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Orbital Myositis/diagnosis , Orbital Myositis/etiology , Ophthalmoscopy , Azathioprine/therapeutic use , Biopsy , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Esotropia , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Orbital Myositis/drug therapy , Visual Field Tests , Infliximab/therapeutic use , Oculomotor Muscles/pathologyABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivo: A doença de Behçet é uma vasculite inflamatória sistémica, de etiologia desconhecida. Pode atingir virtualmente todos os sistemas, sendo as manifestações oculares comuns. O objectivo deste trabalho foi analisar doentes com doença de Behçet ocular quanto aos parâmetros demográficos, manifestações clinicas, terapêutica e principais complicações. Métodos: Estudo descritivo e retrospetivo, que incluiu 11 doentes com o diagnóstico de doença de Behçet ocular, segundo os critérios do ISG, observados na consulta de Inflamação Ocular do Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando da Fonseca nos últimos 3 anos. Resultados: Identificaram-se 11 doentes, 5 homens e 6 mulheres, todos caucasianos. A idade média ao diagnóstico foi de 33,45±6,49 anos. A manifestação ocular foi o primeiro sinal da doença em 2 doentes. Em 72,7% dos casos as manifestações oculares foram bilaterais. Identificaram-se 4 casos de panuveíte, 3 de uveíte posterior, 2 de uveíte anterior, 1 de queratite e 1 caso de episclerite. O glaucoma e a catarata foram a complicação ocular mais frequente. O tratamento sistémico incluiu a corticoterapia oral em associação com terapêutica adjuvante imunossupressora, sendo os mais utilizados a azatioprina e a ciclosporina. Em 3 doentes houve necessidade de terapêutica biológica com infliximab para controlo da doença. Conclusão: A manifestação ocular mais frequente foi a panuveíte. Esta doença pode condicionar complicações oculares com diminuição irreversível da acuidade visual. A orientação destes doentes exige uma abordagem global e interdisciplinar.
Abstract Objective: Behçet's disease is a systemic inflammatory vasculitis of unknown etiology. It can virtually reach all systems, being common ocular manifestations. The aim of this study was to analyze patients with ocular Behcet's disease regarding demographic parameters, clinical manifestations, therapeutic approach and main complications. Methods: Descriptive and retrospective study, including 11 patients diagnosed with ocular Behcet's disease, according to the ISG criteria, observed in the Ocular Inflammation appointment of the Hospital Prof. Doutor Fernando da Fonseca in the last 3 years. Results: We identified 11 patients, 5 males and 6 females, all caucasian. The mean age at diagnosis was 33.45 ± 6.49 years. Ocular manifestation was the first sign of the disease in 2 patients. In 72.7% of the cases, ocular manifestations were bilateral. There were four cases of panuveitis, 3 of posterior uveitis, 2 of anterior uveitis, 1 of keratitis and 1 case of episcleritis. Glaucoma and cataract were the most frequent ocular complications. Systemic treatment included oral corticosteroid therapy in combination with adjuvant immunosuppressive therapy, and the most commonly used was azathioprine and cyclosporine. In 3 patients there was a need for biological treatment with infliximab to control the disease. Conclusion: The most frequent ocular manifestation was panuveitis. This disease can promote eye complications with an irreversible decrease in visual acuity. Orientation of these patients requires a global and interdisciplinary approach.
Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/therapy , Eye Manifestations , Azathioprine/therapeutic use , Uveitis , Cataract/etiology , Panuveitis , Scleritis , Colchicine/therapeutic use , Glaucoma/etiology , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Cyclosporine/therapeutic use , Adrenal Cortex Hormones/therapeutic use , HLA-B51 Antigen , Infliximab/therapeutic use , KeratitisABSTRACT
Abstract: Behçet's disease is a systemic vasculitis characterized by attacks of acute inflammation, which can affect almost every vascularized area of the body. There is a close correlation between the geographical distribution of HLA-B51 and its prevalence. In the etiopathogenesis there are indications of genetic susceptibility associated with environmental influence. Among the involved genes are those that encompass innate and adaptive immunities. Polymorphisms and epistatic interactions in several genes are described, as well as the presence of imbalance lineage between HLA-B51 and A (MICA). Herpes simplex and Streptococcus sanguinis may be important extrinsic factors. An increase of Th1 response and of IL-21 is observed. The production of IL-21 is positively related to Th17 cells and negatively to T-regs. The mucocutaneous manifestations are Behcet´s disease markers, and their earlier onset indicates a worse prognosis. Recurrent oral ulcers have varied sizes and arrangements, genital ulcers are recurrent, leaving scars, skin lesions are multivaried, and pathergy, although not so frequent, is important for the diagnosis. There are numerous attempts to validate indexes that can evaluate the disease activity and among them the Mucocutaneous Activity Index. This is a specific score that can help with therapeutic decisions and to reduce morbidity, but still lacks validation. The clinical manifestations of other organs are described as well as treatment options.
Humans , Behcet Syndrome , Review Literature as Topic , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/etiology , Behcet Syndrome/pathology , Behcet Syndrome/therapy , Diagnosis, Differential , Gene-Environment Interaction , Immunity, CellularABSTRACT
A doença de Behçet é uma doença sistêmica, multifatorial e autoimune com diversas manifestações clínicas, entre elas o acometimento vascular. Aneurisma de aorta associado a erosão de vértebra lombar é condição rara na literatura, existindo apenas quatro relatos de caso nas bases de dados da PubMed. O presente artigo relata o caso de paciente do sexo feminino com diagnóstico de Doença de Behçet de longa data e aneurisma sacular de aorta abdominal infrarrenal com erosão de vértebra lombar. O caso foi tratado por meio de técnica endovascular com colocação de endoprótese monoilíaca e enxerto fêmoro-femoral cruzado, devido a limitações anatômicas da bifurcação aórtica. O artigo aborda a raridade desse tipo de apresentação da doença e o desfecho do tratamento e apresenta revisão da literatura sobre esse tema
Behçet's disease is an autoimmune, multifactorial, systemic condition with several clinical manifestations, including vascular disorders. An aortic aneurysm with vertebral erosion is rare in association with this pathology and there are only four case reports listed on the PubMed database. This article reports the case of a female patient with a long-standing diagnosis of Behçet's Disease who developed a saccular infrarenal abdominal aortic aneurysm with lumbar vertebral erosion. Her surgical treatment consisted of endovascular repair with a monoiliac endoprosthesis and a femorofemoral crossover bypass, because of limitations imposed by the anatomy of the aortic bifurcation. This paper discusses the rarity of this presentation of the disease and treatment outcomes and offers a brief review of the relevant literature
Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal/complications , Aortic Aneurysm, Abdominal/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/complications , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Endovascular Procedures/methods , Spine/surgery , Aneurysm/diagnosis , Iliac Artery , Low Back Pain/diagnosis , Low Back Pain/therapy , Prostheses and Implants , Treatment OutcomeABSTRACT
El síndrome de Behcet, también conocido como enfermedad de Behcet es un proceso autoinflamatorio crónico de baja frecuencia y etiología desconocida. Es una vasculitis que afecta arterias y venas de todos los calibres, provoca una alteración de la función endotelial y se expresa clínicamente con lesiones orgánicas en varios niveles. Tiene una mayor incidencia en los países localizados en la antigua ruta de la seda (mediterraneo del este, oriente medio y este de Asia). En su fisiopatogenia intervienen factores genéticos, microbianos e inmunológicos. Los síntomas varían de persona a persona y de acuerdo a las regiones geográficas, pero los más comunes son las úlceras orales y genitales, inflamaciones oculares (uveítis, retinitis e iritis), lesiones de piel y artritis. En algunos casos pueden presentarse alteraciones del sistema nervioso central, del tracto digestivo y renal. Como guía para el diagnóstico se emplean los criterios del grupo internacional de estudio de la enfermedad de Behcet. El tratamiento incluye medicamentos de uso tópico y sistémico, entre estos los más empleados son los esteroides, los inhibidores del factor de necrosis tumoral y los inmunosupresores(AU)
Behcet's syndrome, also known as Behcet's disease is a chronic autoinflammatory process of low frequency and unknown etiology. It is a vasculitis affecting arteries and veins of all sizes that causes an alteration of endothelial function and is expressed clinically by organ damage at various levels. It has a higher incidence in countries located in the ancient Silk Road (East Mediterranean, Middle East and East Asia). Its pathogenesis involves genetic, microbial and immunological factors.Symptoms vary from person to person and according to geographical regions, but the most common are oral and genital ulcers, eye inflammation (uveitis, iritis and retinitis), skin lesions and arthritis. In some cases they can present central nervous system, gastrointestinal tract and kidney. As a guide to the diagnosis criteria of International Study Group of Behcet's disease are used. Treatment includes topical and systemic drugs. The most commonly used are steroids, tumor necrosis factor inhibitors and immunosuppressants(AU)
Humans , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Behcet Syndrome/epidemiology , Oral Ulcer/etiologyABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: We prepared a cross-cultural adaptation of the Behcet's Syndrome Activity Scale (BSAS) and evaluated its reliability and validity in Korea. METHODS: Fifty patients with Behcet's disease (BD) who attended the Rheumatology Clinic of Gachon University Gil Medical Center were included in this study. The first BSAS questionnaire was administered at each clinic visit, and the second questionnaire was completed at home within 24 hours of the visit. A Behcet's Disease Current Activity Form (BDCAF) and a Behcet's Disease Quality of Life (BDQOL) form were also given to patients. The test-retest reliability was analyzed by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC). To assess the validity, the total BSAS score was compared with the BDCAF score, the patient/physician global assessment, and the BDQOL by Spearman rank correlation. RESULTS: Twelve males and 38 females were enrolled. The mean age was 48.5 years and the mean disease duration was 6.7 years. Thirty-eight patients (76.0%) returned the questionnaire by mail. For the test-retest reliability, the two assessments were significantly correlated on all 10 items of the BSAS questionnaire (p < 0.05) and the total BSAS score (ICC, 0.925; p < 0.001). The total BSAS score was statistically correlated with the BDQOL, BDCAF, and patient/physician global assessment (p < 0.01). CONCLUSIONS: The Korean version of BSAS is a reliable and valid instrument to measure BD activity.
Adult , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Academic Medical Centers , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Cost of Illness , Cultural Characteristics , Patient Reported Outcome Measures , Predictive Value of Tests , Quality of Life , Reproducibility of Results , Republic of Korea , Severity of Illness IndexABSTRACT
Behcet's disease (BD) is a multi-systemic inflammatory disorder of an unknown etiology and shows a chronic recurrent clinical course. When the disease involves the alimentary tract, it is called intestinal BD because of its clinical importance. Intestinal BD is more frequently reported in East Asian countries than in Western or Middle Eastern countries. While any part of the gastrointestinal tract can be involved, the most common location of intestinal BD is the ileocecal area. A few, large, deep ulcerations with discrete border are characteristic endoscopic findings of intestinal BD. Currently, there is no single gold standard test or pathognomonic finding of intestinal BD. However, recently developed novel diagnostic criteria and a disease activity index have helped in assessing intestinal BD. As intestinal BD shares a lot of characteristics with inflammatory bowel disease, including genetic background, clinical manifestations, and therapeutic strategies, distinguishing between the two diseases in clinical practice is quite difficult. However, biologic agents such as anti-tumor necrosis factor alpha antibody shows a considerable efficacy similar to inflammatory bowel disease cases. It is important to distinguish and treat those two disease entities separately from the standpoint of precise medicine. Clinicians should require comprehensive knowledge regarding the similarities and differences between intestinal BD and inflammatory bowel disease for making an accurate clinical decision.
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Behcet Syndrome/diagnosis , Diagnosis, Differential , Gastrointestinal Diseases/diagnosis , Inflammatory Bowel Diseases , Systemic Vasculitis/diagnosis , Treatment Outcome , Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Vasculitides comprise a heterogeneous group of autoimmune disorders, occurring as primary or secondary to a broad variety of systemic infectious, malignant or connective tissue diseases. The latter occur more often but their pathogenic mechanisms have not been fully established. Frequent and varied central and peripheral nervous system complications occur in vasculitides and connective tissue diseases. In many cases, the neurological disorders have an atypical clinical course or even an early onset, and the healthcare professionals should be aware of them. The purpose of this brief review was to give an update of the main neurological disorders of common vasculitis and connective tissue diseases, aiming at accurate diagnosis and management, with an emphasis on pathophysiologic mechanisms.
As vasculites são um grupo heterogêneo de doenças autoimunes primárias ou secundárias a uma grande variedade de doenças infecciosas sistêmicas, malignas ou do tecido conjuntivo. Estas últimas são as que ocorrem com mais frequência, porém os mecanismos patogênicos ainda não foram plenamente determinados. Diversas e frequentes complicações do sistema nervoso central e periférico ocorrem nas vasculites e doenças do tecido conjuntivo. Em muitos casos, os distúrbios neurológicos têm evolução clínica atípica ou mesmo início precoce, ao que todos os profissionais de saúde devem estar cientes. O objetivo desta breve revisão foi atualizar os principais distúrbios neurológicos da vasculite comum e das doenças do tecido conjuntivo, visando ao diagnóstico e ao tratamento corretos, com ênfase nos mecanismos fisiopatológicos.