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MHSalud ; 20(2): 75-87, Jul.-Dec. 2023. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1558376


Resumen: Introducción: El interés por el ciclismo urbano está aumentando y el número de programas de bicicletas compartidas ha crecido rápidamente durante los últimos años. Por ello, el objetivo que se pretende alcanzar en este estudio es saber si los factores como las estaciones, los trayectos y las altitudes afectan el uso del sistema compartido de bicicletas en un municipio español. Método: Se ha diseñado un estudio cuantitativo y longitudinal con recogida y análisis de datos del BSS de Vilagarcía de Arousa, que registra un total de 84 183 observaciones (hombres n = 59 159; mujeres n = 25 024). Los datos extraídos del sistema fueron recolectados y analizados estadísticamente, a través del programa IBM SPSS versión 21.0. Se ha establecido un valor de significación p < 0,05. Resultados: La estación más utilizada fue la que se sitúa en el centro de la ciudad y representa un total del 39 % de las observaciones. La elevación neutra, es decir, salir de una estación y depositar la bicicleta en otra con la misma altitud, representó el 65,5 % de los registros totales. Conclusiones: El municipio de Vilagarcía de Arousa reúne unas características topográficas favorables para ser un servicio rentable que fomente unos hábitos saludables, como un medio de transporte activo de desplazamiento en el entorno urbano, una mejora de la movilidad urbana y un entorno menos contaminado.

Abstract: Introduction: Interest in urban cycling is increasing and the number of shared bike programs has grown rapidly in recent years. Therefore, the objective that is intended to be achieved in this study is to know if factors such as seasons, routes and altitudes affect the use of the shared bicycle system in a Spanish municipality. Methods: A quantitative and longitudinal study has been designed with the collection and analysis of data from the BSS of Vilagarcía de Arousa, registering a total of 84,183 observations (men n = 59,159; women n = 25,024). The data extracted from the system was collected and statistically analyzed through the IBM SPSS version 21.0 program. A significance value of p < 0.05 has been established. Results: The most used station was the one located in the center of the city, representing a total of 39% of the observations. The neutral elevation, that is, leaving a station and depositing the bicycle in another with the same altitude, represented 65.5% of the total records. Conclusions: The municipality of Vilagarcía de Arousa has some favorable topographical characteristics to be a profitable service that promotes healthy habits as a means of active transportation in the urban environment, as well as an improvement in urban mobility and a less polluted environment.

Resumo: Introdução: O interesse pelo ciclismo urbano está aumentando e o número de programas de bicicletas compartilhadas cresceu rapidamente nos últimos anos. Assim, o objetivo que se pretende atingir neste estudo é saber se fatores como estações do ano, percursos e altitudes afetam a utilização do sistema de bicicletas partilhadas num município espanhol. Método: Foi desenhado um estudo quantitativo e longitudinal com recolha e análise de dados do BSS de Vilagarcía de Arousa, registando-se um total de 84.183 observações (homens n = 59.159; mulheres n = 25.024). Os dados extraídos do sistema foram coletados e analisados estatisticamente por meio do programa IBM SPSS versão 21.0. Foi estabelecido um valor de significância de p < 0,05. Resultados: A estação mais utilizada foi a localizada no centro da cidade, representando um total de 39% das observações. A cota neutra, ou seja, sair de uma estação e depositar a bicicleta em outra de mesma altitude, representou 65,5% do total de registros. Conclusões: O município de Vilagarcía de Arousa apresenta algumas características topográficas favoráveis para ser um serviço rentável que promova hábitos saudáveis como meio de transporte ativo no meio urbano, bem como uma melhoria da mobilidade urbana e um meio ambiente menos poluído.

Humans , Bicycling/trends , Exercise , Transportation Facilities , Spain
Psicol. ciênc. prof ; 43: e253333, 2023. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, INDEXPSI | ID: biblio-1440788


Este discute a representatividade da disciplina Psicologia do Esporte nos cursos de Psicologia e Educação Física em instituições de ensino superior reconhecidas pelo MEC e situadas na região Sul do país. Foi realizado um estudo documental, com base nos currículos das Instituições. Os resultados revelaram que no Sul do Brasil 21,02% dos cursos de Psicologia, 41,96% dos cursos de bacharelado em Educação Física e apenas 14,83% dos cursos de licenciatura em Educação Física apresentam a disciplina Psicologia do Esporte em sua grade curricular. Observou-se que a disciplina é ofertada mais frequentemente em regime obrigatório nos cursos de bacharelado em Educação Física. Nos cursos de Psicologia, quando ofertada, costuma ser optativa. Os resultados evidenciam uma maior oferta da disciplina para os estudantes de Educação Física, em relação aos de Psicologia, o que pode estar relacionado ao próprio contexto de surgimento da disciplina e sua popularização no meio acadêmico. Para que esse panorama possa mudar e se possa oferecer uma formação adequada no curso de Psicologia para fomentar essa opção de carreira, há necessidade de se repensar o currículo e o próprio perfil do egresso, de forma a dar mais oportunidade aos estudantes para que conheçam as bases teóricas e os campos de aplicação da Psicologia do Esporte. Tal lacuna pode acarretar a fragilização da disseminação desse conhecimento aos estudantes de graduação e a consequente ocupação do mercado de trabalho.(AU)

This study discusses the representativeness of Sports Psychology in Psychology and Physical Education courses at higher education institutions from Southern Brazil. A documentary study was conducted based on the institutions' curricula. Results show that 21.02% of the Psychology major, 41.96% of the bachelor's in Physical Education, and only 14.83% of the license in Physical Education offer Sports Psychology in their curricula. Sports Psychology is most often offered as a compulsory subject in the bachelor's program in Physical Education, whereas Psychology courses offer it mainly as an elective. Physical Education students have greater contact with the discipline when compared with Psychology students, which may be explained by its context of development and popularization in the academic environment. To change this scenario and offer adequate education in the Psychology programs to foster this career option, institutions must rethink their curriculum and the graduate profile itself. This would give students better opportunity to get to know its theoretical bases and fields of application. Such a gap can hinder the dissemination of this knowledge to undergraduate students and the consequent labor market occupation.(AU)

El objetivo de este estudio es discutir la representatividad de la materia Psicología del Deporte en los cursos de Psicología y Educación Física en instituciones de educación superior de la región Sur de Brasil, reconocidas por el Ministerio de Educación (MEC). Se realizó un estudio documental, basado en los planes de estudio de las instituciones. Los resultados revelaron que, en el Sur de Brasil, el 21,02% de los cursos de Psicología, el 41,96% de los cursos de licenciatura en Educación Física y sólo el 14,83% de los cursos de profesorado en Educación tienen la materia Psicología del Deporte en sus planes de estudio. Se observó que la materia Psicología del Deporte se ofrece con mayor frecuencia como asignatura obligatoria en los cursos de licenciatura en Educación Física. Cuando se ofrece en los cursos de Psicología, es una materia optativa. Los resultados muestran una mayor oferta para los estudiantes de Educación Física en comparación con Psicología, lo que puede estar relacionado con el contexto del surgimiento de la Psicología del Deporte como materia y su popularización en el ámbito académico. Para que este escenario cambie y sea posible ofrecer una formación adecuada en el curso de Psicología con el fin de fomentar esta opción de carrera, es necesario repensar el plan de estudios y el perfil del egresado, así los estudiantes tendrán más oportunidades de conocer sus bases teóricas y sus campos de actuación. Tal brecha puede debilitar la difusión de este conocimiento a los estudiantes de grado y la consecuente ocupación en el mercado laboral.(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Physical Education and Training , Psychology , Curriculum , Educational Measurement , Psychology, Sports , Anxiety , Perception , Appetite , Personal Satisfaction , Personality , Aptitude , Physiology , Professional Competence , Professional Practice Location , Psychology, Educational , Quality of Life , Rehabilitation , Attention , Self Concept , Self-Evaluation Programs , Soccer , Social Change , Social Control, Formal , Specialization , Sports , Sports Medicine , Stress, Physiological , Stress, Psychological , Track and Field , Vocational Guidance , Wounds and Injuries , Bicycling , Biomechanical Phenomena , Cognitive Behavioral Therapy , Health , Mental Health , Physical Fitness , Liability, Legal , Walking , Relaxation Therapy , Staff Development , Guidelines as Topic , Disabled Persons , Cognition , Cultural Diversity , Creativity , Credentialing , Cultural Characteristics , Decision Making , Government Regulation , Depression , Diet , Education , Emotions , Innovation and Development Policy , Higher Education Policy , National Organizations of Higher Education , Professional Training , Fatigue , Mental Fatigue , High-Throughput Screening Assays , Sedentary Behavior , Athletes , Disease Resistance , Sports Nutritional Sciences , Self-Control , Return to Sport , Cardiorespiratory Fitness , Mentoring , Academic Performance , Physical Functional Performance , Burnout, Psychological , Social Defeat , Psychological Well-Being , Group Dynamics , Overtraining Syndrome , Habits , Health Promotion , Homeostasis , Ergonomics , Jurisprudence , Leadership , Leisure Activities , Life Style , Memory , Motivation , Motor Activity , Muscle Relaxation , Muscle Tonus , Neuroanatomy
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);27(3): 1249-1262, mar. 2022. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1364691


Resumo O objetivo foi descrever características de uso e aspectos sociodemográficos e motivacionais de ciclistas usuários do sistema cicloviário da cidade de Pelotas, estado do Rio Grande do Sul. Foi realizado um estudo de métodos mistos com abordagem quantitativa e qualitativa. No total, 841 ciclistas foram amostrados aleatoriamente e entrevistados no componente transversal descritivo do estudo. A maior parte dos usuários eram homens (82,9%), pertencentes à faixa etária entre 30 e 59 anos (55,8%) e trabalhadores da construção civil ou do comércio (47,4%). Mais de 80% utilizam a bicicleta como deslocamento. Embora a grande maioria tenha relatado utilizar bicicleta mesmo em dias de verão e inverno rigorosos, apenas 56,6% relataram manter o uso em dias de chuva. Nove entrevistas semiestruturadas foram realizadas no componente qualitativo e emergiram barreiras como condições climáticas atreladas à qualidade das vias (dias de chuva), relações de trânsito conflituosas e necessidade de melhoria e ampliação das vias em direção aos bairros. Entre as motivações, foram destacadas questões de economia de gastos com transporte e de cuidados da saúde (entre os ciclistas de lazer). Os resultados encontrados apresentam subsídios específicos para intervenções de políticas públicas e necessidade de foco de acordo com seus usuários.

Abstract The scope of this study was to describe the characteristics of use and sociodemographic and motivational aspects of cyclists who travel on the cycle paths/lanes in the city of Pelotas (Brazil). A descriptive study was conducted applying mixed methods with quantitative and qualitative approaches. A total of 841 cyclists were randomly selected and assessed in the quantitative component. The majority of users were men (82.9%), from the middle age group (55.8%) and workers in the construction industry and local commerce (47.4%). More than 80% of the participants used the bicycle for commuting purposes. Although the large majority reported using the bicycle even in rigorous winter and summer conditions, only 56.6% reported use on rainy days. Nine interviews were performed in the qualitative component and the following barriers emerged: climate conditions related to the quality of streets, (rainy days); complex traffic systems; and the need for qualitative and quantitative improvement in the paths leading to outlying neighborhoods. Saving money with transport and health benefits (among leisure-time cyclists) are the main motivations for using a bicycle. The results reveal specific aspects for improvement in terms of public policies, and the need to prioritize specific user demands.

Humans , Male , Female , Bicycling , Motivation , Public Policy , Transportation/methods , Brazil , Middle Aged
Pensar Prát. (Online) ; 25Fev. 2022. Ilus
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1390958


Este estudo articulou relações entre o perfil de ciclistas de lazer e mudanças em seus hábitos de pedalar em função da pandemia provocada pelo SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19). Os dados foram obtidos por formulário eletrônico e tratados em plataforma específica. O total de ciclistas respondentes foi de 87. Em perfil, obteve-se: idade, renda, nível de escolaridade e fontes de informação/notícias. Sobre como pedalam em função da pandemia, tivemos: pedala só ou em grupo e com ou sem máscara. Os resultados mostram que os ciclistas têm, predominantemente, idade acima de 30 anos, escolaridade universitária e renda acima de R$2.500. As mídias virtuais são a principal fonte de informação. A ação mais destacada para prevenir o contágio foi o uso de máscara; todavia, não houve relações significativas entre o perfil e novas formas de pedalar (AU).

This study articulated relationships between the profile of leisure cyclists and changes because of the pandemic caused by SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19). Data were obtained by electronic form and processed in a specific platform. 87 was the total number of cyclists responding. In profile, obtained: age, monthly income, education level and sources of information/news; on the behavior in the practice of cycling we had pedal alone or in groups and with or without mask. The results show that cyclists are predominantly aged over 30 years old, have a university education and an income above R$2,500. Virtual media are the main source of information. The most prominent behavioral change was the use of a mask; however, there were no significant relationships between the profile and behavioral changes (AU).

Esta investigación articuló relaciones entre el perfil de ciclistas de ocio y cambios en la acción de pedalear en función de la pandemia por el SARS-CoV-2 (COVID 19). Los datos se obtuvieron por cuestionario electrónico, con 87 sujetos y tratados en plataforma específica. Los datos fueron: edad, niveles de renda y escolaridad y donde uno se informa; y sobre cambios se preguntó se pedalea solo o en grupo y si utiliza o no la máscara. Los resultados apuntan que la mayoría de los ciclistas tienen más de 30 años, nivel universitario y renda por arriba de R$2.500 e se informan por las medias virtuales. El principal cambio ha sido el uso de mascara. No se ha encontrado relaciones significativas entre el perfil y los cambios (AU).

Humans , Bicycling , Disease Transmission, Infectious , COVID-19 , Habits , Leisure Activities
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 27: 1-12, fev. 2022.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1382102


The aim was to identify the main geospatial indicators used in bikeability index through constructive methodological studies. The study protocol was registered in PROSPERO under the registration number CRD42020166795, following the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses) guide. Original studies indexed in the electronic databases Lilacs, Pu-bMed, Science Direct, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, Trid, and Web of Science were selected. The review also included grey literature through Google Scholar, OpenGrey, ProQuest, and a list of references and documents pointed out by experts. After removing duplicates and analyzing titles and abstracts, the review considered only 11 out of the 703 initial papers, which provided 100 environment in-dicators with varied definitions and metrics for estimating the Bikeability index. The census tract was the most used unit of the analysis found in the papers, which used GIS (Geographic Informa-tion System) data besides self-reported information on environmental characteristics. The results indicate that the most usual indicators relate to infrastructure ­ existence and width of bike lanes ­ destination, slope, speed limit, and connectivity and intersections. The creation and maintenance of bicycle-friendly environments could consider the implementation of more infrastructure on flat and connected streets with changes in speed limits in neighborhoods, especially in regions with low density of intersections, to decrease accidents and increase cyclists' perception of safety.

Identificar os principais indicadores geoespaciais sobre a construção do índice de bikeability. O protocolo do estudo foi registrado no PROSPERO, sob o número de registro CRD42020166795, seguiu o guia (PRIS-MA). Foram selecionados estudos originais indexados nas bases de dados eletrônicas Lilacs, PubMed, Science Direct, Scopus, SPORTDiscus, Trid, Web of Science. A revisão também incluiu literatura cinza, além da lista de referências e documentos identificados por especialistas. A busca inicial identificou 703 artigos, após a retirada das duplicatas e análise de títulos, resumos e texto completo, 11 artigos foram incluídos na revisão. Um total de 100 indicadores geoespaciais do ambiente construído foram identificados com diferentes defini-ções e métricas para estimar o índice de bikeability. O setor censitário foi a unidade de análise mais utilizada nos artigos, que utilizaram dados de SIG (Sistema de Informações Geográficas) além de informações autorre-feridas sobre características ambientais. Os resultados indicam que os indicadores mais usuais dizem respeito à infraestrutura ­ existência e largura das ciclovias ­ destino, inclinação, limite de velocidade, conectividade e interseções. A criação e manutenção de ambientes amigos da bicicleta poderia contemplar a implantação de mais infraestrutura em vias planas e conectadas com mudanças nos limites de velocidade nos bairros, principalmente em regiões com baixa densidade de cruzamentos, para diminuir os acidentes e aumentar a percepção de segurança dos ciclistas.

Bicycling , Geographic Information Systems , Environment Design , Built Environment
Chinese Journal of Burns ; (6): 447-453, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-936031


Objective: To explore the effects of bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on quadriceps and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns. Methods: A prospective randomized controlled study was conducted. A total of 40 patients with extensive burns who met the inclusion criteria and were admitted to Tongren Hospital of Wuhan University&Wuhan Third Hospital from December 2017 to December 2020 were selected. According to the random number table, the patients were divided into conventional training group (16 males, 4 females, aged (45±10) years) and combined training group (13 males, 7 females, aged (39±8) years). Patients in conventional training group were given conventional rehabilitation therapy such as joint loosening, lower limb strength training, walking training, and pressure therapy, while patients in combined training group were given additional bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training on the basis of conventional rehabilitation. For patients in the 2 groups before and after a 2-month's treatment, the thickness of quadriceps was measured by ultrasonic diagnostic instrument, the muscle strength of quadriceps was measured by portable muscle strength tester, the walking ability was tested with a 6-min and a 10-meter walk tests, and the patients' satisfaction for treatment effects was assessed using the modified Likert scale. Data were statistically analyzed with independent or paired sample t test, Mann-Whitney U test, Wilcoxon signed rank test, or chi-square test. Results: After 2-month's treatment, the quadriceps thickness of patients in combined training group was (3.76±0.39) cm, which was significantly thicker than (3.45±0.35) cm in conventional training group (t=2.67, P<0.05); quadriceps thickness of patients in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment was significantly thicker than that before treatment (with t values of 5.99 and 8.62, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the quadriceps muscle strength of patients in combined training group was significantly greater than that in conventional training group (Z=2.69, P<0.01); quadriceps muscle strength of patients in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment was significantly greater than that before treatment (with Z values of 3.92 and 3.92, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the 6-min walking distance of patients in combined training group was (488±39) m, which was significantly longer than (429±25) m in conventional training group (t=5.66, P<0.01); the 6-min walking distance of patients after 2-month's treatment in conventional training group and combined training group was significantly longer than that before treatment (with t values of 13.16 and 17.92, respectively, P<0.01). After 2-month's treatment, the 10-meter walking time of patients in combined training group was significantly shorter than that in conventional training group (t=3.20, P<0.01); and the 10-meter walking time in conventional training group and combined training group was significantly shorter than that before treatment (with t values of 7.21 and 13.13, respectively, P<0.01). The patients' satisfaction score for treatment effects in combined training group was significantly higher than that in conventional training group (Z=3.14, P<0.01), and the patients' satisfaction scores for treatment effects in conventional training group and combined training group after 2-month's treatment were significantly greater than those before treatment (with Z values of 3.98 and 4.04, respectively, P<0.01). Conclusions: Bicycle ergometer rehabilitation training can be used to improve quadriceps thickness, muscle strength, and walking ability of patients with lower limb dysfunction caused by extensive burns. It can also improve the satisfaction of patients with the treatment outcome, and therefore is worthy of promotion.

Female , Humans , Male , Bicycling , Burns/therapy , Lower Extremity , Prospective Studies , Quadriceps Muscle , Treatment Outcome , Walking
Int. j. cardiovasc. sci. (Impr.) ; 34(3): 274-283, May-June 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250107


Abstract Background The SARS-COV2 pandemic has deeply affected the availability for training and competing for recreational and professional athletes. However, to date, the disease's course among the athletic population has not been *studied . Objectives To compare the observed and expected rates of hospitalization for COVID-19 and to establish relationships between demographics and sportive characteristics of an athletic sample, and the COVID-19 infection rate. Material and Methods This study uses cross-sectional data sampling through an online questionnaire to collect data from recreational and professional athletes. Based on self-reports, athletes were grouped in COVID-19 and Non-COVID-19 cases. To decrease detection bias for each four patients who reported being hospitalized, one additional virtual patient was added to the sample. The observed rate of hospitalization (ORH) was compared with age expected rate of hospitalization (ERH) from the literature data. A multivariate model (MM) was developed to establish independent relationships between the prevalence of COVID-19 cases and the variables mentioned above. The statistical significance level was defined for a p-value<0.05. Results Answers from 1,701 individuals were analyzed. The COVID-19 group was comprised of 99 (5.8%) individuals, four of whom reported having been hospitalized. ORH and ERH were respectively of 5.0% and 18.1% (p=0.001). In the MM female gender (OR=2.02, 95% CI 1.28 to 3.19), cycling (OR=2.91, 95% CI 1.58 to 5.39), swimming (OR=2.97, 95% CI 1.14 to 7.74), and triathlon (OR=2.10, 95% CI 1.13 to 3.91) were independently associated with a COVID-19 prevalence. Conclusion Self-reported rates of hospitalization for COVID-19 among athletes were much lower than expected. The prevalence of positive cases of COVID-19 was independently higher for cyclists, triathletes, and swimmers than for runners.

Humans , Male , Female , Athletes , COVID-19/epidemiology , Hospitalization/statistics & numerical data , Running , Swimming , Bicycling , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , COVID-19/complications
Rev. bras. ativ. fís. saúde ; 26: 1-9, mar. 2021. tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1282607


Analisar o padrão do deslocamento ativo da Região Metropolitana Campinas, levando em conside-ração particularidades dos residentes e suas viagens. Utilizando as bases de dados obtidas através da Pesquisa Origem e Destino da Região Metropolitana de Campinas dos anos de 2003 e 2011, foram realizadas estatísticas descritivas e temporais a partir das características dos sujeitos, municípios e via-gens. Para identificarmos diferenças adotamos o intervalo de confiança de 95% (IC 95%). Utilizamos a regressão de Poisson para verificação da correlação entre características individuais e o desfecho ser ciclista ou caminhante, adotando o valor de p < 0,05. Todos os dados foram analisados levando-se em consideração os procedimentos de amostragem para que a amostra fosse representativa. Cons-tatou-se que a frequência de ciclistas e caminhantes e suas respectivas viagens caíram. Encontramos associação positiva para ciclista ser homem e classes econômicas mais baixas, para os caminhantes houve associação positiva ser mulher e crianças/adolescentes. Quanto ao tempo de viagem, notou-se aumento na mediana para os ciclistas e queda para os caminhantes. Não encontramos nenhuma via-gem de bicicleta que faça integração com outro modo de transporte. Quanto ao porte do município, observou-se uma queda em viagens de bicicleta tanto nos municípios pequenos, médios e grandes, e os residentes de Campinas apresentaram as menores frequências

This study analyzes the active commuting pattern of the Metropolitan Region of the City of Campinas, Brazil, by considering its commuters and their features. By using the database of Pesquisa Origem e Destino (a Brazilian instrument for transportation planning) of Campinas Metropolitan Region 2003-2011, we present descriptive and temporal statistics concerning the characteristics of the region's commuters, cities, and journeys. To assess those, we adopted a confidence interval of 95% (CI 95%). We used the Poisson regression to check the correlation between individual characteristics and outcomes of being a cyclist or a pedestrian, adopting the value of p < 0.05. We took into consideration the procedures for datum obtaining to present representative samples, verifying that the number of both cyclists and pedestrians has dropped. We found pos-itive associations regarding low-income males and being a cyclist; as well as females and children/teenagers and being pedestrians. The mean length of commuting time has increased for cycling journeys and decreased for pedestrian ones. We could not find a bicycle journey that integrates with another mean of transportation. Regarding the size of a city, we observed that the number of cycling journeys has dropped in small, medium, and large municipalities; Campinas presents the lowest index

Bicycling , Off-Road Motor Vehicles , Walking
J. Vasc. Bras. (Online) ; J. vasc. bras;20: e20200122, 2021. graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1250240


Abstract External iliac artery endofibrosis is a rare pathology that affects high-level endurance athletes, especially cyclists. Classical symptoms include pain, loss of power, and/or cramp in the affected limb while training at maximal effort. The patient's lack of atherosclerotic risk factors makes clinical suspicion of arteriopathy challenging. Moreover, the best management of such patients is still a subject of discussion. We report the case of a 36-year-old professional female endurance cyclist who presented with lower extremity pain during training. Right external iliac artery endofibrosis was diagnosed and the patient underwent surgical treatment. At two-months follow-up, she reported significant improvement in symptoms. This case highlights the importance of diagnosing peripheral vascular disease in young patients and athletes, who do not fit the ordinary profile of patients with atherosclerotic risk factors.

Resumo A endofibrose da artéria ilíaca externa é uma doença rara que afeta atletas de resistência (endurance) de nível competitivo, principalmente ciclistas. Os sintomas clássicos incluem dor, perda de força e/ou câimbras no membro afetado ao fazer esforço máximo durante o treino. A ausência de fatores de risco ateroscleróticos nesses pacientes torna a suspeita clínica de arteriopatia desafiadora. Além disso, o melhor manejo ainda é motivo de debate. Relatamos o caso de uma ciclista de resistência profissional, de 36 anos, que apresentou dor nos membros inferiores durante o treino. Foi diagnosticada endofibrose da artéria ilíaca externa, e a paciente foi submetida a tratamento cirúrgico. Após seguimento por dois meses, a paciente relatou melhora significativa dos sintomas. Este caso destaca a importância do diagnóstico de doença vascular periférica em pacientes jovens e atletas, os quais não se encaixam no perfil comum do paciente com fatores de risco ateroscleróticos.

Humans , Female , Adult , Bicycling/physiology , Fibrosis/diagnosis , Iliac Artery , Physical Endurance , Fibrosis/surgery , Endovascular Procedures , Cyclist
Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.) ; Rev. Assoc. Med. Bras. (1992, Impr.);66(11): 1536-1541, Nov. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | SES-SP, LILACS | ID: biblio-1143625


SUMMARY BACKGROUND: A triathlon consists of 3 modalities: swimming, cycling and running. Its higher training frequency, the environmental factors and extrinsic factors (technique and equipment) may lead to injuries. This study aimed to determine injury epidemiology in triathletes, as well as their type, location, mechanism of injury, and risk factors. METHODS: The sample was constituted of 174 triathletes who participated in the Triathlon Club Portuguese Championship, being 131 (75.3%) male, aged 18 to 70 years old (36.09±11.03). The measurement instrument was a questionnaire concerning the characterization of the population and aspects related to the modality and injuries. RESULTS: One hundred and twenty (69%) athletes reported one injury since the beginning of their practice, and 95 (54.6%) had an injury in the previous year, with a total of 130 injuries. There were 2.39 injuries per 1,000 hours of triathlon training. The most common injuries were muscle contusion (31.5%) and inflammatory injuries (19.2%), located in the knee (22.3%) and the leg (18.5%). Overtraining (43.1%) was the mechanism that led to the highest occurrence of injuries. Fourteen (10.8%) injuries occurred during swimming, 23 (17.7%) during cycling, and 93 (71.5%) during running. No statistical significance was observed between the risk factors analyzed and the occurrence of injuries. CONCLUSIONS: Triathlon practice is associated with a high prevalence of injuries, being contusions, knee, and overtraining the most common type, location, and mechanism of injury respectively. It is necessary to create injury prevention strategies, including specific training and suitable materials for use by athletes.

RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: O triatlo é constituído por três modalidades: natação, ciclismo e corrida. Uma maior frequência de treinamento, fatores ambientais e fatores extrínsecos (técnica e equipamento) podem levar a lesões. O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar a epidemiologia de lesões em triatletas, bem como seu tipo, localização, mecanismo de lesão e fatores de risco. MÉTODOS: A amostra foi constituída por 174 triatletas que participaram do Campeonato Português de Clubes de Triatlo, sendo 131 (75,3%) do sexo masculino, com idades entre 18 e 70 anos (36,09 ± 11,03). O instrumento de medida foi um questionário referente à caracterização da população e aspectos relacionados à modalidade e lesões. RESULTADOS: Cento e vinte (69%) atletas referiram ter tido uma lesão desde que iniciaram a sua prática e 95 (54,6%) sofreram uma lesão no último ano, totalizando 130 lesões. Verificaram-se 2,39 lesões por 1.000 horas de treinamento em triatlo. As lesões mais comuns incluíram contusão muscular (31,5%) e lesões inflamatórias (19,2%), localizadas no joelho (22,3%) e na perna (18,5%). O excesso de treinamento (43,1%) foi o mecanismo que levou à maior ocorrência de lesões. Quatorze (10,8%) lesões ocorreram durante a prática de natação, 23 (17,7%) durante o ciclismo e 93 (71,5%) durante a corrida. Não foi observada significância estatística entre os fatores de risco analisados com a ocorrência de lesões. CONCLUSÕES: A prática de triatlo esteve associada a uma alta prevalência de lesões, sendo a contusão, o joelho e o excesso de treinamento, o tipo, a localização e o mecanismo mais comuns de lesão. É necessário criar estratégias de prevenção de lesões, incluindo treinamento específico e adequação do material utilizado pelo atleta.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Adult , Aged , Young Adult , Athletic Injuries/etiology , Athletic Injuries/epidemiology , Portugal/epidemiology , Running , Swimming , Bicycling , Muscle, Skeletal , Middle Aged
Rev. chil. pediatr ; 91(5): 754-760, oct. 2020. graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1144275


INTRODUCCIÓN: Los accidentes en bicicleta son una causa frecuente de trauma abdominal contuso en pediatría. En Chile no existen publicaciones científicas que traten sobre las lesiones abdominales por manubrio de bicicleta, su presentación y manejo. OBJETIVO: Describir tres casos clínicos de trauma abdominal contuso provocados por manubrio de bicicleta en niños, ilustrar las distintas lesiones observadas, sus formas de presentación y manejo. CASOS CLÍNICOS: 1) Paciente masculino, 11 años, consulta tras golpe con manubrio de bicicleta en epigastrio; en la Tomografía Computada (TC) de abdomen y pelvis se describió neumoretroperitoneo. Se realizó laparotomía exploradora, reparándose una perforación duodenal. 2) Paciente masculino, 14 años, consulta tras golpe en el hipocondrio izquierdo con el manubrio de la bicicleta; en la TC se evidenció fractura esplénica con múltiples laceraciones. Por la presencia de sangrado activo se trató con angioembolización, lográndose resolución de la lesión y viabilidad del órgano luego de 6 semanas de seguimiento. 3) Paciente masculino, 9 años, ingresó tras sufrir golpe con manubrio de bicicleta en el hipocondrio derecho. En TC se observó una laceración hepática, que fue manejada de forma expectante, con resolución de la lesión luego de 8 semanas de seguimiento. Todos los pacientes tuvieron una evolución favorable. CONCLUSIÓN: El trauma abdominal contuso por golpe con manubrio de bicicleta puede ser potencialmente grave en pacientes pediátricos, pudiendo afectar órganos sólidos y vísceras huecas. El manejo no quirúrgico cada vez es más utilizado, logrando altas tasas de éxito en pacientes estables. Los pacientes inestables o en los que se sospeche perforación de víscera hueca, requerirán cirugía como primera aproximación.

INTRODUCTION: Bicycle accidents are a frequent cause of blunt abdominal trauma in children. In Chile, there are no scientific articles about such accidents, their presentation and management. OBJECTIVE: The aim of this study is to describe three cases of blunt abdominal trauma due to handlebar injury in children, in order to illustrate the different kinds of lesions, their presentation, and management. CLINICAL CASES: 1) 11-year-old boy presented to Emergency Department (ED) after falling on a bi cycle handlebar, hitting his epigastric region. A CT scan showed signs of duodenal perforation. A la parotomy was performed and the duodenal perforation repaired. 2) 14-year-old boy seen at ED after a bicycle accident in which the handlebar hit him in the abdomen area. A CT scan showed a splenic injury with multiple lacerations and active bleeding that was treated with angioembolization. After 6 weeks of follow-up, he presented resolution of the lesion and viability of the spleen. 3) 9-year-old boy admitted due to a hit with the bicycle handlebar on the abdomen area. A CT scan showed a he patic injury that was managed with non-surgical procedures, achieving resolution of the lesion after 8 weeks of follow-up. CONCLUSION: Blunt abdominal trauma caused by handlebar can be potentially serious in pediatric patients, since it may affect solid and hollow abdominal viscera. Non-surgical ma nagement is becoming more used for stable patients, achieving high success rates. Unstable patients or those with suspicion of hollow viscera perforation will require surgery as first approach.

Humans , Male , Child , Adolescent , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/diagnosis , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/therapy , Bicycling/injuries , Abdominal Injuries/diagnosis , Abdominal Injuries/therapy , Wounds, Nonpenetrating/etiology , Tomography, X-Ray Computed , Emergency Service, Hospital , Abdominal Injuries/etiology
Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.) ; Ciênc. Saúde Colet. (Impr.);25(7): 2891-2902, Jul. 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1133063


Resumo O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a exposição dos ciclistas ao ruído em uma cidade média brasileira. Um sensor móvel foi utilizado para as medições de ruído em ruas com e sem infraestruturas cicloviárias segregadas. O método proposto contempla as seguintes etapas: i) caracterização da área de estudo; ii) coleta e validação de dados; iii) cálculo dos indicadores de exposição; e iv) comparação e representação de resultados em mapas. Dois tipos de análises foram realizadas, por agregação espacial e por agregação temporal. Para isto, as medições foram inicialmente organizadas em 1.200 nós distribuídos nos percursos considerados. Os resultados apontam que os ciclistas que percorrem alguns trechos na cidade de São Carlos podem estar expostos a uma proporção considerável de ambientes com altos níveis de ruído. Nos dois trechos selecionados para este estudo, o ciclista esteve exposto à níveis acima do valor adotado (> 75dBA) em 33,2% e 18,9% dos nós. Além disso, observou-se que a possibilidade de trabalhar concomitantemente dois indicadores relacionados amplia os critérios de classificação dos trechos quanto à exposição do ruído.

Abstract This study aimed to assess cyclists' exposure to noise in a medium-sized Brazilian city. Mobile sensors were used to conduct noise measurements in streets with and without dedicated cycling infrastructures. The method can be summarized in the following procedures: i) characterization of the study area; ii) data collection and validation; iii) calculation of exposure indicators; and iv) comparison and representation of the results on maps. Two strategies were adopted for the analysis, namely, spatial data aggregation and temporal data aggregation. Thus, measurements were initially organized in 1,200 nodes distributed along the paths. The results indicate that bicycle riders in São Carlos may be exposed, in some routes, to a high proportion of high noise-level segments. In the two routes selected for this study, the cyclist was exposed to noise levels above the adopted threshold (> 75dBA) in 33.2% and 18.9% of the nodes. Also, the possibility of simultaneously working with two related indicators has broadened the classification criteria of the route segments regarding noise exposure.

Humans , Bicycling , Noise , Brazil , Accidents, Traffic , Cities
Motriz (Online) ; 26(1): e10200086, 2020.
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135292


Abstract Aims: The aim is to identify the representations of the main actors involved in the Fernanda Keller Project on the internal and external environments of the organization. Methods: Data were collected through observation, in-depth interviews, semi-structured interviews and focus groups. Results: Findings points to the great difficulty of the interaction between the Project and the city hall, from a certain moment. In the internal environment, stand out the value attributed to the Project in the social transformation of young people, community, and professionals directly or indirectly involved in the actions. Conclusion: The project has achieved success and social impact. However, the participation of the city hall of Niterói has diminished with the passage of time. Despite the difficulties encountered, the project has found new partners in the private sector. The initiative to seek other means to obtain resources was fundamental to the project's maintenance. This posture has led everyone to a positive and involving message that permeates all the reports that this study analyzed.

Humans , Sports/trends , Social Investment Projects , Local Development , Running , Swimming , Bicycling , Data Collection
Motriz (Online) ; 26(2): e10200169, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1135306


Abstract Aims: The current study aimed to compare the anaerobic power output through the Wingate test in different positions, i.e., standing and seated, and identify the relationship between power-output and body mass. Methods: Eleven male competitive cyclists (age: 30.3 ± 4.7 years; body mass: 73.7 ± 7.7 kg; body fat: 11.3 ± 4.2%) were submitted to two sessions of the Wingate test (WT) in different positions, on different days. Results: The peak power (W), average power (W), relative peak power (W·kg-1), relative average power (W·kg-1), average cadence (rpm), and average velocity (km·h-1) presented significant differences in the standing position compared with the seated position (p < 0.05), 1155 ± 130 vs. 1082 ± 182 (W), 875 ± 96 vs. 818 ± 116 (W), 15.9 ± 1 vs. 15.0 ± 2 (W kg-1), 12.1 ± 1 vs. 11.3 ± 1 (W kg-1), 117.5 ± 7 vs. 109.8 ± 10 (rpm), 37.0 ± 2 vs. 34.6 ± 3 (km·h-1), respectively. However, when controlled the body mass, the differences in variables power output ceased to exist (p > 0.05). The fatigue and peak heart rate (bpm) indices did not present significant differences between the tests (p > 0.05). Conclusions: Sprint performance was improved when the WT was performed in a standing position in competitive cyclists. The study also reports the important relationship between body mass and anaerobic production capacity in the WT, emphasizing that it is desirable an increase in lean body mass and a reduction in fat mass, similar in competitions. We suggest that, for anaerobic assessment in cyclists, the standing position should be used during the WT, to determine the maximum power-output capacity.

Humans , Bicycling/physiology , Athletic Performance/physiology , Anthropometry/instrumentation , Exercise Test/instrumentation
Cad. Saúde Pública (Online) ; 36(5): e00102719, 20202. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1100960


Resumo: O objetivo foi investigar a interação dos fatores sociodemográficos na associação dos fatores psicossociais com o transporte ativo para a escola. Foi realizado estudo transversal, conduzido em 2018 com uma amostra de 1.984 estudantes. Os fatores sociodemográficos incluídos foram: sexo, idade, escolaridade dos pais e nível socioeconômico. O apoio social e a autoeficácia foram mensurados por questionários. Caminhar, pedalar ou usar skate foram considerados meios de transporte ativo para a escola. A regressão logística binária foi utilizada para verificar a associação dos fatores psicossociais com o transporte ativo para a escola. Em seguida, termos de interação com as variáveis sociodemográficas (idade, escolaridade pai, escolaridade mãe, nível socioeconômico) foram incluídos na relação dos fatores psicossociais com o transporte ativo para a escola. A amostra foi composta de 1984 adolescentes (55,9% feminino). Desses, 748 (37,7% da amostra) relataram utilizar transporte ativo para a escola em uma semana habitual. As análises de interação demonstraram que escolaridade e nível socioeconômico alto estão associados negativamente com transporte ativo para escola. Nível socioeconômico baixo e escolaridade baixa estão associados positivamente. A escala de apoio social dos amigos apresentou um número maior de variáveis significativas quando comparada às demais escalas. Os resultados indicam que os fatores sociodemográficos (escolaridade dos pais e nível socioeconômico) moderam a associação dos fatores psicossociais com o transporte ativo para a escola.

Abstract: The study aimed to analyze the interaction of sociodemographic factors in the association between psychosocial factors and active commuting to school. This was a cross-sectional study in 2018 with a sample of 1,984 students. The target sociodemographic factors were sex, age, parents' schooling, and socioeconomic status. Social support and self-efficacy were measured with questionnaires. Active commuting to school was defined as walking, bicycling, or skateboarding to and from school. Binary logistic regression was used to verify the association between psychosocial factors and active commuting to school. Then, interaction terms with the sociodemographic variables (age, father's schooling, mother's schooling, socioeconomic status) were included in the relationship between psychosocial factors and active commuting to school. The sample consisted of 1,984 adolescents (55.9% females). Of these, 748 (37.7% of the sample) reported active commuting to school during a normal week. Analyses of interaction showed that high levels of schooling and high socioeconomic status were negatively associated with active commuting to school. Low socioeconomic status and low schooling were positively associated with such commuting. The peer social support scale showed more significant variables than the other scales. The results indicate that sociodemographic factors (parents' schooling and socioeconomic status) moderate the association between psychosocial factors and active commuting to school.

Resumen: El objetivo fue investigar la interacción de los factores sociodemográficos en la asociación de los factores psicosociales con el transporte activo hacia la escuela. Estudio transversal, llevado a cabo en 2018, con una muestra de 1.984 estudiantes. Los factores sociodemográficos incluidos fueron: sexo, edad, escolaridad de los padres y nivel socioeconómico. El apoyo social y la autoeficacia fueron medidos por medio de cuestionarios. Se consideró transporte activo hacia la escuela: caminar, pedalear o usar monopatín. La regresión logística binaria se utilizó para verificar la asociación de los factores psicosociales con el transporte activo a la escuela. Después, los términos de interacción con las variables sociodemográficas (edad, escolaridad del padre, escolaridad de la madre, nivel socioeconómico) se incluyeron en la relación de los factores psicosociales con el transporte activo hacia la escuela. La muestra estaba compuesta por 1.984 adolescentes (55,9% de sexo femenino). De ellos, 748 (37,7% de la muestra) informaron utilizar transporte activo hacia la escuela durante una semana normal. Los análisis de interacción demostraron que escolaridad y nivel socioeconómico alto están asociados negativamente con el transporte activo hacia la escuela. El nivel socioeconómico bajo y la escolaridad baja están asociados positivamente. La escala de apoyo social de los amigos presentó un número mayor de variables significativas, cuando se compara con las demás escalas. Los resultados indican que los factores sociodemográficos (escolaridad de los padres y nivel socioeconómico) moderan la asociación de los factores psicosociales con el transporte activo hacia la escuela.

Humans , Male , Female , Adolescent , Schools , Transportation , Socioeconomic Factors , Bicycling , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Walking
Rev. bras. epidemiol ; Rev. bras. epidemiol;23: e200065, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1126029


RESUMO: Introdução: A prática de deslocamento ativo para a escola pode ser uma maneira de aumentar a atividade física entre os adolescentes, no entanto pouco se sabe sobre o ambiente no entorno das escolas, bem como a distância até a escola pode afetar esse comportamento. Objetivo: Analisar a associação entre as características do ambiente no entorno da escola, a distância da residência e o deslocamento ativo de adolescentes de Curitiba, Brasil. Métodos: Quatrocentos e noventa e três adolescentes foram entrevistados e 124 escolas foram avaliadas. As variáveis do estudo incluíram as características de acessibilidade no entorno da escola por observação sistemática e a distância da residência até a escola por Sistemas de Informações Geográficas (SIG). Resultados: A presença de "placas de segurança" (RP = 0,78; IC95% 0,66 - 0,91; p = 0,003) apresentou associação inversa ao deslocamento ativo dos adolescentes, bem como as distâncias 1.500-3.500 m (RP = 0,53; IC95% 0,40 - 0,71; p < 0,001) e ≥ 3.501 m (RP = 0,29; IC95% 0,18 - 0,45; p < 0,001). No geral, o entorno das escolas se mostrou favorável à caminhada. Conclusão: A segurança no trânsito e a distância entre a escola e a residência associaram-se com o deslocamento ativo entre adolescentes do estudo. Políticas que integrem acesso a escolas próximas à residência e segurança no trânsito podem contribuir para o incentivo ao deslocamento ativo até a escola entre adolescentes.

ABSTRACT: Introduction: Active commuting to school could help increasing physical activity levels among adolescents. However, there is limited understanding on how the relationship between the environment in school surroundings, as well the distance to school, could affect this behavior. Aim: To analyze the characteristics of the environment and distance between house and school with objective measures and their association with active commuting between adolescents of Curitiba, Brazil. Methods: 493 adolescents were interviewed and 124 schools evaluated. The study variables included the schools' surroundings accessibility characteristics obtained through systematic observation, and the distance between home to school was determined through Geographic Information Systems (GIS) data. Results: The presence of "safety signs" was inversely associated with active commuting (PR = 0.78; 95%CI 0.67-0.91; p = 0.003), as well distance 1,501-3,000 m (PR = 0.53; 95%CI 0.40 - 0.71; p < 0.001) and ≥ 3,501 m (PR 0.29; 95%CI 0.18 - 0.45; p < 0.001). Overall, schools' surroundings showed walking friendly characteristics. Conclusion: Traffic safety and distance to school were associated with active commuting to school among the study participants. Policies aiming at integrating access to school and traffic safety could help to promoting active commuting among adolescents.

Humans , Adolescent , Schools , Transportation/methods , Walking , Environment Design , Bicycling , Brazil , Cross-Sectional Studies , Interviews as Topic , Qualitative Research , Environment
Bol. méd. Hosp. Infant. Méx ; 76(5): 225-236, sep.-oct. 2019. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1089136


Resumen Introducción: Los modos activos de transporte (caminar o andar en bicicleta) tienen efectos benéficos para la salud, por lo cual deben identificarse factores que los promuevan. El objetivo de este estudio fue analizar la relación de los modos de transporte utilizados por la población pediátrica mexicana para acudir a la escuela con las características sociodemográficas, socioeconómicas y de inseguridad pública a nivel estatal. Métodos: Se estimó la frecuencia de los modos de transporte utilizados por los escolares y adolescentes para trasladarse a la escuela (con la base de la Encuesta Intercensal 2015). En un análisis ecológico (i.e., entidades federativas como unidades de observación) se obtuvieron correlaciones con estadísticas a nivel estatal con inseguridad alimentaria, nivel de urbanización y mortalidad por muertes violentas. Resultados: El modo de transporte más frecuente fue caminar (66.2%), seguido por el automóvil (16.2%) y el transporte público (15.3%). El transporte activo fue más frecuente en individuos del sexo masculino, escolares, personas de nivel socioeconómico bajo, zonas rurales, la región sur y aquellos cuyo traslado requería menos de 15 minutos. El transporte pasivo fue más frecuente en individuos del sexo femenino, adolescentes, personas de nivel socioeconómico alto y en zonas urbanas. En los estados más urbanizados fue menos frecuente el transporte activo y más prevalente el trasporte motorizado. La inseguridad pública se relacionó negativamente con el uso de bicicleta. Conclusiones: Se requiere mantener o incrementar el uso de modos de transporte activos en la población pediátrica mexicana mediante políticas públicas que mejoren el entorno y garanticen ambientes seguros.

Abstract Background: Active commuting (walking or cycling) is associated with benefits to health; thus, it is required to identify factors that promote it. The objective of this study was to analyze the relationship between the transport modes used by Mexican pediatric population to commute to school with sociodemographic and socioeconomic individual characteristics and public insecurity at the state level. Methods: The frequency of transport modes used by schoolchildren and adolescents to commute to school (walking, cycling, private car and public transport) were estimated using the database of the Encuesta Intercensal 2015. In an ecological analysis (i.e., states as observation units) correlations with food insecurity, urbanization level, and violent deaths statistics at state-level were obtained. Results: The most frequent transportation mode was walking (66.2%), followed by car (16.2%) and public transportation (15.3%). Active commuting (walking or cycling) was more frequent in males, schoolchildren, low socioeconomic status, living in rural or southern areas and those who spent <15 min to commute. Passive commute was more frequent among females, adolescents, high socioeconomic status, and living in urban areas. In the more urbanized states, active transportation was less frequent, but motorized transportation was more prevalent. Public insecurity was negatively related to cycling. Conclusions: Maintaining or increasing active commuting among Mexican pediatric population is necessary through public policies aimed to improve physical and social environment.

Adolescent , Child , Female , Humans , Male , Students/statistics & numerical data , Transportation/statistics & numerical data , Bicycling/statistics & numerical data , Walking/statistics & numerical data , Rural Population/statistics & numerical data , Schools/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Urban Population/statistics & numerical data , Mexico
Rev. bras. ciênc. mov ; 27(3): 150-157, jul.-set. 2019. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1016134


This study aimed to evaluate temperature variations on the thighs in an incremental cycling test in healthy recreational cyclists with two different fat percentages. Thirty-two male recreational cyclists were measured in height, body mass, thigh skinfold and body fat percentage, and from the body fat percentage were divided into two groups, Group 1: 16 cyclists who presented body fat percentage < 24% and Group 2: 16 cyclists who presented body fat percentage > 24%. Three thermographic photos were taken, before (Pre), just after (Post) and after 10 min (Post10) of the incremental cycling test to determine mean temperature of right and left Vastus Lateralis, Rectus Femoris and Biceps Femoris. Temperature variations were defined as the difference among the three moments: (i) var1 = Post-Pre, (ii) var2 = Post10- Pre and (iii) var3 = Post10-Post. Differences between groups and moments were calculated using magnitude-based inferences. Group 1 evidenced a very likely large increase in the cycling peak power output. Group 2 showed a likely and most likely moderate, large and very large increase in age, body mass and fat. Group 1 depicted a very likely to likely moderate temperature increase in the right and left Vastus Lateralis, Rectus Femoris and Biceps Femoris on Post10 compared to Post effort moment. Both groups depicted a very likely and most likely moderate and large temperature decrease of right and left Biceps Femoris on Pre compared to Post effort. Percentage of fat seems to discreetly influence skin temperature response, finding that might not be observed when we evaluate trained cyclists exhibiting different percentages of fat....(AU)

Este estudo objetivou a avaliar as variações de temperatura das coxas em um teste incremental de ciclismo em ciclistas recreacionais saudáveis com dois diferentes percentuais de gordura. Trinta e dois ciclistas recreacionais do sexo masculino foram avaliados em estatura, massa corporal, dobras cutâneas da coxa e percentual de gordura corporal, e, a partir do percentual de gordura corporal, foram divididos em dois grupos, Grupo 1: 16 ciclistas que apresentaram percentual de gordura corporal < 24% e Grupo 2: 16 ciclistas que apresentaram percentual de gordura corporal > 24%. Foram tiradas três fotos termográficas, antes (Pré), logo após (Pós) e após 10 min (Pós10) do teste de ciclismo para determinar a temperatura média do Vasto Lateral, Reto Femoral e Bíceps Femoral direito e esquerdo. As variações de temperatura foram definidas como a diferença entre os três momentos: (i) var1 = Pós-Pré, (ii) var2= Pós10-Pré e (iii) var3= Pós10-Pós. Diferenças entre grupos e momentos foram calculadas usando inferências baseadas em magnitude. Grupo 1 apresentou um provável a muito provável aumento moderado da temperatura para os Vastos Laterais direito e esquerdo, o Reto Femoral e o Bíceps Femoral no Pós10 em comparação com o momento pós-esforço. Grupo 2 mostrou aumentos provável e muito provável moderado, grande e muito grande na idade, massa corporal e gordura. Ambos os grupos descreveram uma muito provável e mais provável moderada e grande queda de temperatura do Bíceps Femoral direito e esquerdo no Pré comparado ao Pós-esforço. Percentagem de gordura parece influenciar discretamente a resposta da temperatura da pele, resultado que poderá não ser observado quando avaliados ciclistas treinados que apresentam diferentes percentagens de gordura....(AU)

Humans , Male , Adult , Physical Education and Training , Bicycling , Thermography
Rev. pesqui. cuid. fundam. (Online) ; 11(1): 263-269, jan.-mar. 2019. ilus, tab
Article in English, Portuguese | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-968582


Objetivo: analisar a produção científica acerca dos acidentes de bicicleta produzidos no Brasil. Método: revisão integrativa com propósito de responder à questão "Qual o conhecimento científico já produzido no Brasil sobre acidentes de bicicleta?". Os dados foram coletados no período de junho a agosto de 2015 nas bases MEDLINE e LILACS, artigos em português e inglês, utilizando-se os descritores: "ciclismo", "acidentes de trânsito", "Brasil", "saúde pública", "epidemiologia" e "mortalidade". Resultados: Foram analisados 15 artigos agrupados em duas categorias: perfil epidemiológico das lesões e perfil epidemiológico dos acidentes. Conclusão: Nota-se ser necessário ampliar os estudos referentes a este tema, nos diferentes estados brasileiros, uma vez que os acidentes de bicicleta passaram a ter papel importante no campo da Saúde, em especial para a Enfermagem, que irá planejar e implementar cuidados com as vítimas

Objective: To analyse the scientific production in Brazil about bicycle accidents. Method: An integrated revision with the aim at responding to the question: "What Scientific Knowledge was already produced in Brazil about bicycle accidents?" The data was collected in the period of June to August, 2015, at the MEDLINE and LILACS databases; articles in Portuguese and English, using the following keywords: "cycling", "Traffic Accidents", "Brazil", "Public Health", "Epidemiology", and "Mortality". Results: Fifteen articles were analysed and grouped in two categories: The epidemiological profile of the lesions, and the epidemiological profile of the accidents. Conclusions: It is highlighted that it is necessary to broaden the studies referring to this issue, in the different Brazilian States, since bicycle accidents have taken an important role in the area of Healthcare, especially for Nursing, which is planning and implementing the victims care

Objetivo: analizar la producción científica acerca de los accidentes de bicicleta producidos en Brasil. Método: revisión integradora con propósito de responder a la cuestión "¿Cuál el conocimiento científico ya producido en Brasil sobre accidentes de bicicleta?" Los datos han sido recopilados en el período de junio hasta agosto de 2015 en las bases MEDLINE y LILACS, artículos en portugués e inglés, utilizándose los descriptores: "ciclismo", "accidentes de tránsito", "Brasil", "salud pública", "epidemiología" y "mortalidad". Resultados: Han sido analizados 15 artículos agrupados en dos categorías: perfil epidemiológico de las lesiones y perfil epidemiológico de los accidentes. Conclusiones: Observase ser necesario ampliar los estudios referentes a este tema, en los diferentes estados brasileños, una vez que los accidentes de bicicleta pasan a tener papel importante en el campo de la Salud, en especial para la Enfermería, que irá planificar y ejecutar cuidados con las víctimas

Humans , Male , Female , Bicycling/injuries , Accidents, Traffic/prevention & control , Accidents, Traffic/trends , Accidents, Traffic/statistics & numerical data , Bicycling/statistics & numerical data