During present study, the copper (Cu) mediated oxidative stress was measured that induced DNA damage by concentrating in the tissues of fish, Catla catla (14.45±1.24g; 84.68±1.45mm) (Hamilton,1822). Fish fingerlings were retained in 5 groups for 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 and 84 days of the exposure period. They were treated with 2/3, 1/3, 1/4 and 1/5 (T1-T4) of 96h lethal concentration of copper. Controls were run along with all the treatments for the same durations. A significant (p < 0.05) dose and time dependent concentration of Cu was observed in the gills, liver, kidney, muscles, and brain of C. catla. Among organs, the liver showed a significantly higher concentration of Cu followed by gills, kidney, brain, and muscles. Copper accumulation in these organs caused a significant variation in the activities of enzymes viz. superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) and peroxidase (POD). The SOD activity varied significantly in response to the exposure time of Cu as 56 > 70 > 42 > 84 > 28 > 14 days while CAT activity exhibited an inverse relationship with the increase in Cu concentration. POD activity showed a significant rise with an increase in Cu exposure duration. Comet assay exhibited significant DNA damage in the peripheral erythrocytes of Cu exposed C. catla. Among four exposure concentrations, 2/3rd of LC50 (T1) caused significantly higher damage to the nuclei compared to control. Increased POD and SOD activity, as well as a decrease in CAT activity in response to Cu, demonstrates the involvement of a protective mechanism against reactive oxygen species (ROS), whereas increased ROS resulted in higher DNA damage. These above-mentioned molecular markers can be efficiently used for the biomonitoring of aquatic environments and conservation of edible fish fauna.
Durante o presente estudo, o estresse oxidativo mediado pelo cobre (Cu) foi medido que induziu danos ao DNA por concentração nos tecidos de peixes, Catla catla (14,45 ± 1,24g; 84,68 ± 1,45mm) (Hamilton, 1822). Os alevinos foram retidos em 5 grupos por 14, 28, 42, 56, 70 e 84 dias do período de exposição. Eles foram tratados com 2/3, 1/3, 1/4 e 1/5 (T1-T4) de 96h de concentração letal de cobre. Os controles foram executados junto com todos os tratamentos para as mesmas durações. Uma significativa (p <0,05) concentração dependente do tempo e da dose de Cu foi observada nas brânquias, fígado, rim, músculos e cérebro de C. catla. Entre os órgãos, o fígado apresentou uma concentração significativamente maior de cobre, seguido por guelras, rins, cérebro e músculos. O acúmulo de cobre nesses órgãos causou uma variação significativa nas atividades das enzimas viz. superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) e peroxidase (POD). A atividade de SOD variou significativamente em resposta ao tempo de exposição de Cu como 56> 70> 42> 84> 28> 14 dias, enquanto a atividade de CAT exibiu uma relação inversa com o aumento na concentração de Cu. A atividade POD mostrou um aumento significativo com um aumento na duração da exposição ao Cu. O ensaio do cometa exibiu dano significativo ao DNA induzido por Cu nos eritrócitos periféricos de C. catla. Entre as quatro concentrações de exposição, 2/3 do LC50 (T1) causou danos significativamente maiores aos núcleos em comparação com o controle. O aumento da atividade de POD e SOD, bem como uma diminuição na atividade de CAT em resposta ao Cu, demonstra o envolvimento de um mecanismo protetor contra espécies reativas de oxigênio (ROS), enquanto o aumento de ROS resultou em maior dano ao DNA. Esses marcadores moleculares mencionados acima podem ser usados ââde forma eficiente para o biomonitoramento de ambientes aquáticos e conservação da ictiofauna comestível.
Animals , Copper , Fishes , Fresh Water , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Abstract To investigate the role of cow dung in soil reclamation and bio assimilation along with bio accumulation of heavy metals in earthworm (P. posthuma) (N=900) earthworms were used and treatment groups of CD-soil mixture of different proportion of cow dung were designed. Nonlethal doses of lead acetate and cadmium chloride were added in treatment groups. Mature P. posthuma were released in each experimental pot maintaining the favorable conditions. The pH, carbon, nitrogen, phosphorus, exchangeable cations, and heavy metal level of each mixture was evaluated. The results indicated that bio-assimilation of Pb and Cd by P. posthuma were significantly (P ˂ 0.01) higher in different soil-CD treatments compared to control. Highest bio-assimilation of both metals was observed in T1 of both groups (Pb = 563.8 mg/kg and Cd = 42.95 mg/kg). The contents of both metals were significantly (P ˂ 0.05) lowered in casting. The nutrient concentration in the final castings of all soil-CD treatments were also equally transformed from less or insoluble to more soluble and available for plants, except for carbon level which increased with CD proportion. It is concluded that cow dung as organic matter has a positive effect on soil reclamation and bio-assimilation of metals by P. posthuma.
RESUMO Para investigar o papel do esterco de vaca na recuperação do solo e bioassimilação, juntamente com a bioacumulação de metais pesados em minhocas (P. posthuma) (N = 900), minhocas foram usadas e grupos de tratamento de mistura CD-solo de diferentes proporções de esterco de vaca foram projetados. Doses não letais de acetato de chumbo e cloreto de cádmio foram adicionadas aos grupos de tratamento. P. posthuma maduros foram liberados em cada vaso experimental, mantendo as condições favoráveis. Foram avaliados o pH, carbono, nitrogênio, fósforo, cátions trocáveis e nível de metais pesados de cada mistura. Os resultados indicaram que a bioassimilação de Pb e Cd por P. posthuma foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,01) maior em diferentes tratamentos de solo-CD em relação ao controle. A maior bioassimilação de ambos os metais foi observada em T1 de ambos os grupos (Pb = 563,8 mg / kg e Cd = 42,95 mg / kg). O conteúdo de ambos os metais foi significativamente (P ˂ 0,05) reduzido na fundição. A concentração de nutrientes nas fundições finais de todos os tratamentos de solo-CD também foi igualmente transformada de menos ou insolúvel para mais solúvel e disponível para as plantas, exceto o nível de carbono que aumenta com a proporção de CD. Conclui-se que o esterco de vaca como matéria orgânica tem um efeito positivo na recuperação do solo e na bioassimilação de metais por P. posthuma.
Animals , Female , Oligochaeta , Soil Pollutants , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Soil , Cadmium , Cattle , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Background: Endocrine Disrupting Chemicals (EDCs) would cause alterations in organs/systems of exposed individuals or their progeny. Objetive: To identify and analyze the main published findings on the effects of exposure to EDCs on teeth, cartilage, and bone. Material and Methods: Two databases were analyzed: Medline and Web of Science. Only observational studies analyzing the effect of EDCs on mineralized tissues published since 2006 were included in the study. Results: 25 articles were selected, most of them involving EDCs pesticides, plasticizers, or personal care products, highlighting organochlorine compounds, bisphenols, phthalates, dioxins, parabens, and perfluoroalkyls. Thirty-six per cent of the studies reported an accumulation of EDCs in teeth or bones, while 64% reported alterations in their development or morphology, mainly at the bone level, primarily affecting their mineral density and size, as well as that of the bones of exposed individuals or their progeny. The type of effect observed was related to the EDCs analyzed, and it seemed to depend on variables such as age, sex, ethnicity/race, and even the metabolic status of the individuals in the different species analyzed. No evidence associated with effects on cartilage was found. Conclusion: EDCs in the environment, at work, or at home, under different exposure routes, are capable of accumulating in teeth and bone, particularly affecting the latter. It is necessary to study the effect of EDCs on mineralized tissues in agro-industrial areas, especially on teeth.
Antecedentes: Los Químicos Disruptores Endocrinos (EDCs) causarían alteraciones en órganos/sistemas de individuos expuestos, o su progenie. Objetivo: Identificar y analizar los principales hallazgos publicados sobre el efecto de la exposición a EDCs en dientes, cartílago y hueso. Material y Métodos: Se analizaron dos bases de datos: Medline y Web of Science, incluyendo solo estudios observacionales publicados desde el 2006, analizando el efecto de los EDCs sobre tejidos mineralizados. Resultados:25 artículos fueron seleccionados, siendo la mayoría de los EDCs pesticidas, plastificantes o productos de cuidado personal, destacando los compuestos Organo-clorados, Bisfenoles, Ftalatos, Dioxinas, Parabenos y los Perfluoroalquilos. Un 36% de los estudios reportaron un acúmulo de EDCs en dientes o huesos, mientras que un 64% informaron de alteraciones en su desarrollo o morfología, particularmente a nivel de huesos, afectando principalmente su densidad mineral y su tamaño, así como el de los individuos expuestos o su progenie. El tipo de efecto observado tuvo relación con el EDCs analizado, pareciendo depender de variables tales como edad, sexo, etnia/raza e incluso el estado metabólico de los individuos, en las diferentes especies analizadas. No se encontraron evidencias asociadas a efectos en el cartílago. Conclusión: Los EDCs en el medio ambiente, ámbito laboral o doméstico, bajo distintas rutas de exposición, son capaces de acumularse en diente y hueso, afectando particularmente a este último. Es necesario estudiar el efecto de los EDCs en los tejidos mineralizados en zonas agroindustriales, particularmente a nivel de dientes.
Humans , Tooth/drug effects , Bone and Bones/drug effects , Cartilage/drug effects , Endocrine Disruptors/toxicity , Fluorocarbons , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Root deformation (RD) caused by errors in the pricking out process are irreversible and very difficult to detect in container-grown seedlings at the time of planting in the field. The objective of this study was to evaluate the effects of RD on leaf gas exchange, growth, biomass allocation and mineral nutrition of G. americana seedlings during the recovery phase after soil flooding. Four-months-old seedlings, with and without RD, were flooded for 42 days and their recovery was evaluated 28 days after soil drainage. There were no significant interactions between RD and soil flooding for all leaf gas exchange, growth and mineral nutrition after soil drainage, with the exception of leaf P concentrations. In plants with no RD, the P concentration in leaves of non-flooded plants was significantly higher than that of plants with RD. Soil flooding and RD did not influence leaf or root N concentrations or whole-plant N content. RD increased the K concentration in the roots, but not in the leaves. Changes in the nutrient concentrations in leaves and roots indicate that RD may affect physiological performance of seedlings after planting in the field.
A deformação da raiz (RD) causada por erros no processo de repicagem é irreversível e difícil de detectar em mudas produzidas em embalagens no momento do plantio no campo. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar os efeitos do RD nas trocas gasosas foliares, crescimento, alocação de biomassa e nutrição mineral de mudas de G. americana na fase de recuperação após o alagamento do solo. Mudas com quatro meses de idade, com e sem RD, foram alagadas por 42 dias e a sua recuperação foi avaliada 28 dias após a drenagem do solo. Não houve interação significativa entre RD e alagamento do solo nas trocas gasosas foliares, crescimento e nutrição mineral após a drenagem, com exceção das concentrações de P foliar. Em plantas sem RD, a concentração de P nas folhas de plantas não alagadas foi significativamente maior que a das plantas com RD. O alagamento do solo e a RD não influenciaram as concentrações de N nas folhas e raízes, e no conteúdo de N na planta inteira. A RD aumentou a concentração de K nas raízes, mas não nas folhas. Alterações nas concentrações de nutrientes nas folhas e raízes indicam que a RD pode afetar o desempenho fisiológico das mudas após o plantio no campo.
Animals , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Cyprinidae , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Pakistan , Environmental Monitoring , Rivers , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Snow trout (Schizothorax plagiostomus) is an economically important freshwater fish, mostly found in northern areas of water reservoirs of Pakistan. The current study was conducted in River Swat to analyze the bioaccumulation of heavy metals (Pb, Cr, Ni, and Zn) in tissues of Schizothorax plagiostomus. Tissues were extracted and dissolved in perchloric acid (HClO4) and nitric acid (HNO3) along with hotplate. The heavy metals, zinc (Zn), lead (Pb), chromium (Cr), and Nickel (Ni) were determined using Perkin Elmer 2380 atomic absorption spectrophotometer. Results shows great variation in the content of the metal related to tissue type and sampling sites. A high concentration of bioaccumulation was reported at Charbagh, whereas lowest at Odigram: Charbagh>Landakai>Odigram. In the same way, Cr was the most accumulated heavy metal followed by lead, nickel, and Zinc.
A truta das neves (Schizothorax plagiostomus) é um peixe de água doce economicamente importante, encontrado principalmente nas áreas ao norte de reservatórios de água do Paquistão. O presente estudo foi realizado em River Swat para analisar a bioacumulação de metais pesados (Pb, Cr, Ni e Zn) em tecidos de Schizothorax plagiostomus. Os tecidos foram extraídos e dissolvidos em ácido perclórico (HClO4) e ácido nítrico (HNO3) com placa de aquecimento. Os metais pesados zinco (Zn), chumbo (Pb), cromo (Cr) e níquel (Ni) foram determinados usando espectrofotômetro de absorção atômica Perkin Elmer 2380. Os resultados mostram grande variação no conteúdo do metal relacionado ao tipo de tecido e locais de amostragem. Uma alta concentração de bioacumulação foi relatada em Charbagh, enquanto a mais baixa, em Odigram: Charbagh > Landakai > Odigram. Da mesma forma, Cr foi o metal pesado mais acumulado, seguido por Pb, Ni e Zn.
Animals , Bioaccumulation , Lead/toxicity , Chromium/toxicity , Cyprinidae , Metals, Heavy/analysis , Metals, Heavy/toxicity , Nickel/toxicity , Zinc/toxicityABSTRACT
Abstract The exponential rise in the Nigerian population has necessitated the use of agrochemicals for enhanced agricultural yields to meet the ever-rising demand for food. However, agrochemicals such as organochlorine pesticides (OCPs) have caused several devastating health and ecological challenges. The study was therefore aimed at assessing the bioaccumulation of OCPs and the associated parasitological and microbial susceptibility in P. obscura to determine the possible ecological impacts of the chemical. A total of 106 specimens of Parachanna obscura fish species were sampled between July and November 2019 from Lekki Lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria. Four culture media, namely nutrient agar (NA), MacConkay agar (MCA), eosin methylene blue (EMB), and sabouraud dextrose agar (SDA) were employed in microbial culture. These microbes were subjected to ceftazidime, ceftriaxone, cefuroxime, gentamicin, ofloxacin, augmentin, nitrofurantoin, ciprofloxacin, and erythromycin to test for resistance, susceptibility and intermediate statuses before and after curing. OCPs were tested in the water, sediment, and tissues of P. obscura using gas chromatography flame ionization detector (GC-FID). P. obscura sampled in the lagoon had poor growth exponent which was characterized by negative allometry (slenderness) in the sampled fish. Although the incidence of parasitic infection in the fish was not alarming, the situation might be aggravated if the prevalent anthropogenic activities persist, resulting in immunosuppression. Regulation of anthropogenic activities in the catchment area is recommended to forestall the prognosis of health and environmental hazards associated with the agricultural, industrial, pharmaceutical, and municipal activities around the lagoon. Bacteria that conferred the most resistance to the majority of the antibiotics were Staphylococcus sp., Micrococcus sp. Escherichia coli and Klebsiella sp., testing positive to plasmid profile. They conferred high resistance to the antibiotics before plasmid curing but became highly susceptible post- plasmid curing. This implies that the gene for resistance in the bacteria isolates was plasmid-mediated, that is, they were obtained from the environment. In the event of an outbreak of waterborne diseases such as cholera, typhoid, dysentery, and diarrhea, there may be non-response to treatment among the infected inhabitants. The incidence of antibiotic resistance in bacteria colonies recorded in this study is of great public health concern, given the possibility of the antibiotic-resistant bacteria strains being passed to humans through fish consumption, resulting in increased multi-drug resistance in humans. Regulation of anthropogenic activities around the lagoon is recommended to forestall prognosis of health and environmental hazards associated with OCPs from agricultural, industrial, pharmaceutical, and municipal sources.
Resumo O aumento exponencial da população nigeriana exigiu o uso de agroquímicos para aumentar a produção agrícola e, assim, atender à crescente demanda por alimentos. No entanto, agroquímicos como pesticidas organoclorados (OCPs) causaram vários problemas de saúde e ecológicos. Portanto, o estudo teve como objetivo avaliar a bioacumulação de OCPs e a suscetibilidade parasitológica e microbiana associada em Parachanna obscura, a fim de determinar os possíveis impactos ecológicos desse produto químico. Foi amostrado um total de 106 espécimes de P. obscura entre julho e novembro de 2019 da lagoa Lekki, em Lagos, Nigéria. Quatro meios de cultura, como o ágar nutritivo (NA), o ágar MacConkay (MCA), o ágar eosina azul de metileno (EMB) e o ágar sabouraud dextrose (SDA), foram empregados na cultura microbiana. Esses micróbios foram submetidos a ceftazidima, ceftriaxona, cefuroxima, gentamicina, ofloxacina, augmentin, nitrofurantoína, ciprofloxacina e eritromicina para testar resistência, suscetibilidade e status intermediário antes e depois da cura. Os OCPs foram testados na água, sedimentos e tecidos de P. obscura usando um detector de ionização de chama por cromatografia em fase gasosa (GC-FID). Os peixes amostrados de P. obscura da lagoa apresentaram um expoente de crescimento ruim, caracterizado por alometria negativa (esbelteza). Embora a incidência de infecção parasitária nos peixes não tenha sido alarmante, a situação pode ser agravada se as atividades antropogênicas prevalecentes persistirem, resultando em imunossupressão. Recomenda-se a regulamentação de atividades antropogênicas na área de captação para prevenir o prognóstico de riscos à saúde e ecológicos associados a atividades agrícolas, industriais, farmacêuticas e municipais ao redor da lagoa. As bactérias que conferiram maior resistência à maioria dos antibióticos foram Staphylococcus sp., Micrococcus sp., Escherichia coli e Klebsiella sp., com teste positivo para o perfil plasmidial. Elas conferiram alta resistência aos antibióticos antes da cura do plasmídeo, mas se tornaram altamente suscetíveis após a cura dele. Isso implica que o gene de resistência nos isolados de bactérias foi mediado por plasmídeo, ou seja, foi obtido do ambiente. No caso de surtos de doenças transmitidas pela água, como cólera, febre tifoide, disenteria e diarreia, pode haver não resposta ao tratamento entre os habitantes infectados. A incidência de resistência a antibióticos nas colônias de bactérias registradas neste estudo é de grande preocupação para a saúde pública, dada a possibilidade de que as cepas de bactérias resistentes a antibióticos sejam transmitidas aos seres humanos por meio do consumo de peixes, resultando em maior resistência a múltiplas drogas em seres humanos. Recomenda-se a regulamentação de atividades antropogênicas ao redor da lagoa para impedir o prognóstico de riscos à saúde e ecológicos associados aos OCPs de fontes agrícolas, industriais, farmacêuticas e municipais.
Humans , Animals , Pesticides , Bioaccumulation , Microbial Sensitivity Tests , Escherichia coli , Anti-Bacterial Agents , NigeriaABSTRACT
Abstract Contamination of Lekki lagoon by petrogenic chemicals such as polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAH) and benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene (BTEX) has been widely reported. The study was aimed at investigating the bioaccumulation of PAH and BTEX in Malapterurus electricus collected from Lekki lagoon in Lagos, Nigeria. BTEX was analyzed in the intestine, water, and sediment samples using 8260B Agilent 7890B gas chromatograph coupled to a mass spectrometer (GC-MS). While PAHs were tested in the same media using a gas chromatograph coupled to a flame ionization detector (GC-FID). Histopathological analysis of the fish intestine was conducted using haematoxylin and eosin (H&E) stains. Parasite intensity, antioxidant enzymes, and lipid peroxidation activities were investigated in the fish. The parasitic infection detected in Malapterurus electricus was Electrotaenia malopteruri. The parasite showed weak and no depurative capacities for BTEX and PAH respectively. The decrease in superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), and reduced glutathione (GSH) in conjunction with an increase in Malondialdehyde (MDA) characterized relatively higher susceptibility among the male fish. Varieties of tissue injuries increased with the standard length of the fish groups. Results suggest that lengthier and uninfected M. electricus were more susceptible to PAH in Lekki lagoon than the shorter and infected ones. The study demonstrated a promising tendency of the enteric parasite, E. malopteruri to depurate chlorobenzene, ethylbenzene, o-xylene, m+p-xylene, and 1,4-dichlorobenzene from the intestine of its host fish, M. electricus, while PAHs were poorly mediated by the parasite.
Resumo A contaminação da lagoa Lekki por produtos químicos petrogênicos, como hidrocarbonetos aromáticos policíclicos (HAP) e benzeno, tolueno, etilbenzeno e xileno (BTEX), foi amplamente relatada. O estudo teve como objetivo investigar a bioacumulação de HAP e BTEX em Malapterurus electricus, coletados na lagoa Lekki, em Lagos, Nigéria. O BTEX foi analisado no intestino, na água e nas amostras de sedimento usando o cromatógrafo de gás Agilent 7890B 8260B acoplado a um espectrômetro de massa (GC-MS). Já os HAP foram testados no mesmo meio utilizando cromatógrafo gasoso acoplado a detector de ionização de chama (GC-FID). A análise histopatológica do intestino do peixe foi conduzida usando colorações de hematoxilina e eosina (H&E). Intensidade de parasitas, enzimas antioxidantes e atividades de peroxidação lipídica foram investigadas nos peixes. A infecção parasitária detectada em Malapterurus electricus foi Electrotaenia malopteruri. O parasita mostrou fraca e nenhuma capacidade depurativa para BTEX e HAP, respectivamente. A diminuição da superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT) e glutationa reduzida (GSH), em conjunto com o aumento do Malondialdeído (MDA), caracterizou a suscetibilidade relativamente maior entre os peixes machos. Variedades de lesões nos tecidos aumentaram com o comprimento padrão dos grupos de peixes. Os resultados sugerem que os M. electricus maiores e não infectados foram mais suscetíveis aos HAP na lagoa Lekki do que os menores e infectados. O estudo demonstrou uma tendência promissora do parasita entérico E. malopteruri de depurar clorobenzeno, etilbenzeno, o-xileno, m + p-xileno e 1,4-diclorobenzeno do intestino de seu peixe hospedeiro, M. electricus, enquanto os HAP foram mal mediados pelo parasita.
Animals , Male , Parasites , Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons , Catfishes , Toluene , Xylenes , Benzene/analysis , Benzene Derivatives , Bioaccumulation , NigeriaABSTRACT
This study has as objective to determine total mercury (Total Hg) levels by atomic absorption spectrophotometry in 134 individuals edible part of Mullus argentinae, in two different fishing areas and two seasons in Rio de Janeiro State. Also, proximate composition was performed. Total Hg results in wet weight basis ranged from 0.0867 to 0.7476 µg.g-1 in muscle; 0.0023 to 0,1034 µg.g-1 in flippers; and 0.0177 to 0.1849 µg.g-1 in skin. Mean evaluated moisture was 73.39%; protein was 18.76%; lipid concentration of 5.36%; carbohydrates of 2.35%; and ashes were 0.85%.Results showed that Total Hg contents was lower than accepted limits established by regulatory organization. Higher averages were observed in muscle (0.2441 µg.g-1) when compared with skin (0.2386 µg.g-1) and flippers (0.0195 µg.g-1). In general, samples collected on summer showed higher values of total Hg when comparing to winter. Regarding beach areas there was no significant difference (p>0.05). We can conclude that this specie should be cautious consumed because of total Hg bioaccumulation characteristics, although neither levels were above limits established.
O objetivo deste estudo foi determinar o teor de mercúrio no tecido comestível de Mullus argentinae, conhecido como peixe trilha, espécie amplamente consumida no Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Foi determinado o teor de mercúrio total (Hg total) por espectrofotometria de absorção atômica em 134 amostras, coletados em duas áreas e estações climáticas diferentes. Além disso, foi avaliada a composição centesimal das amostras. Os resultados de Hg total em peso úmido variaram de 0,0867 a 0,7476 µg.g-1 no músculo; 0,0023 a 0,1034 µg.g-1 nas nadadeiras; e 0,0177 a 0,1849 µg.g-1 na pele. Os valores médios da composição centesimal foram de 73,30% de umidade, 18,76% de proteína, 5,36% de lipídios, 2,35% de carboidratos e 0,85% de matéria mineral. Os resultados das 134 amostras analisadas demostraram que os teores de Hg Total apresentam concentração inferior aos limites aceitos pelos órgãos reguladores. As maiores médias foram observadas no músculo (0,2441 µg.g-1) quando comparadas à pele (0,2386 µg.g-1) e nadadeiras (0,0195 µg.g-1). Em geral, as amostras coletadas no verão apresentaram maiores valores de Hg total em relação ao inverno. Em relação aos locais de coleta não houve diferença significativa (p> 0,05). Podemos concluir que esta espécie deve ser consumida com cautela devido às características de bioacumulação do Hg total, apesar das médias apresentadas estarem abaixo dos limites estabelecidos pela legislação.
Animals , Fishes , Bioaccumulation , Mercury , Spectrum Analysis , Fish Proteins/analysisABSTRACT
Abstract This study was aimed at determining the concentration of pyrethroid in the surface water, sediment, Weyonia acuminata and Synodontis clarias fish in Lekki lagoon, Lagos, Nigeria. In-situ physicochemical analysis of the surface water was conducted using a calibrated handheld multi-parameter probe (Horiba Checker Model U-10). Intestinal samples from infected and uninfected fish were analyzed for pyrethroid concentrations, microbial colonization, proteins (PRO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), reduced glutathione (GSH), malonaldehyde (MDA) and glutathione peroxidase (GPx). The histopathology of infected and uninfected intestinal tissues were analyzed using Haematoxylin and Eosin (H&E) stains and examined under a binocular light microscope (Model 230485). A total of 39 out of 98 S. clarias fish were infected with cestode parasite, Wenyonia acuminate, amounting to 39% parasite prevalence. Among the tested pyrethroids, Cyfluthrin and Alpha -cypermethrin had significant sorption of 1.62 and 3.27 respectively from the aqueous phase to the bottom sediment of the lagoon. Pyrethroid concentration was in the order of sediment > parasite> water > intestine> liver. The cholesterol, triglycerides, and LDL (low density lipids) in the parasite were higher than in the host fish (p<0.05). On the other hand, the fish hepatic protein, high density lipids (HDL) and glucose were higher than the levels in the parasites (p<0.05). There was a high prevalence of gut microbes (30 - 40%), which include Salmonella sp, Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas sp and Bacillus sp among individuals infected with gut Cestodes, Wenyonia sp compared with uninfected individual which had higher gut Staphylococcus sp., Klebsiella sp., and Proteus sp. (10- 40%). among the congeners of pyrethroids analyzed, Cyfluthrin > Alpha-Cyermethrin had significant sorption on the sediment, however unlike a benthopelagic fish, no pyrethroid was accumulated in the S. clarias from the sediment. The fish however accumulated Alpha-Cypermethrin from the aqueous phase. The parasite on the other hand accumulated Bathroid significantly from the surface water and bottom sediment which may be linked to the higher stress levels observed in the parasite than the host fish. The parasite in turn inflicted histological alterations on the host intestine, marked by moderate inflammation of mucosa, alteration of the villi microstructure, moderate stunting of the villous structure and moderate fibrosis of villous structure. The study demonstrated the efficiency of histopathological and microbial analysis in biomonitoring studies enteric parasites and early detection of pyrethroid toxicity respectively compared to bioaccumulation analysis.
Resumo Este estudo teve como objetivo determinar a concentração de piretroide nos peixes de águas superficiais, sedimentos, Wenyonia acuminata e Synodontis clarias na lagoa de Lekki, Lagos, Nigéria. A análise físico-química in situ da água de superfície foi realizada usando uma sonda multiparâmetro manual calibrada (Horiba Checker Modelo U-10). Amostras intestinais de peixes infectados e não infectados foram analisadas quanto a concentrações de piretroides, colonização microbiana, proteínas (PRO), superóxido dismutase (SOD), catalase (CAT), glutationa reduzida (GSH), malonaldeído (MDA) e glutationa peroxidase (GPx). A histopatologia dos tecidos intestinais infectados e não infectados foi analisada usando manchas de Hematoxilina e Eosina (H&E) e examinada sob um microscópio de luz binocular (Modelo 230485). Um total de 39 dos 98 peixes de S. clarias foi infectado com o parasita cestoide Wenyonia acuminata, totalizando 39% de prevalência do parasita. Entre os piretroides testados, ciflutrina e alfa-cipermetrina tiveram sorção significativa de 1,62 e 3,27, respectivamente, da fase aquosa ao sedimento de fundo da lagoa. A concentração de piretroides estava na ordem de sedimentos > parasita > água > intestino > fígado. O colesterol, os triglicerídeos e o LDL (lipídios de baixa densidade) no parasita foram maiores que no peixe hospedeiro (p < 0,05). Por outro lado, a proteína hepática dos peixes, os lipídios de alta densidade (HDL) e a glicose foram superiores aos níveis nos parasitas (p < 0,05). Houve uma alta prevalência de micróbios intestinais (30-40%), incluindo Salmonella sp., Escherichia coli, Pseudomonas sp. e Bacillus sp. entre indivíduos infectados no intestino com o parasita cestoide Wenyonia sp. em comparação com indivíduos não infectados com Staphylococcus sp., Klebsiella intestinal sp. e Proteus sp. (10-40%). Entre os congêneres dos piretroides analisados, ciflutrina > alfa-cipermetrina teve sorção significativa no sedimento, porém, diferentemente de um peixe bentopelágico, nenhum piretroide foi acumulado no S. clarias do sedimento. No entanto, os peixes acumularam alfa-cipermetrina a partir da fase aquosa. O parasita, por outro lado, acumulou Bathroid significativamente da água superficial e do sedimento do fundo, o que pode estar relacionado aos níveis mais altos de estresse observados no parasita do que no peixe hospedeiro. O parasita, por sua vez, causou alterações histológicas no intestino hospedeiro, marcadas por inflamação moderada da mucosa, alteração da microestrutura das vilosidades, atrofia moderada da estrutura das vilosidades e fibrose moderada da estrutura das vilosidades. O estudo demonstrou a eficiência da análise histopatológica e microbiana nos estudos de biomonitoramento de parasitas entéricos e detecção precoce da toxicidade dos piretroides, respectivamente, em comparação à análise de bioacumulação.
Animals , Parasites , Pyrethrins , Water Pollutants, Chemical/analysis , Cestoda , Bioaccumulation , NigeriaABSTRACT
RESUMEN La contaminación por metales pesados en los ecosistemas acuáticos en el planeta es una de las más severas problemáticas que comprometen la seguridad alimentaria a nivel local, regional y global. En este estudio, se aborda el problema específico de la bioconcentración de mercurio (Hg), plomo (Pb) y Zinc (Zn) en los tejidos orgánicos de 2 de las especies de peces (Ariopsis felis y Diplodus annularis) de mayor importancia alimenticia para los pobladores rivereños del río Ranchería, al norte de Colombia. Las muestras de tejido orgánico se sometieron a una digestión ácida (HNO3 y HClO 4 en relación 3:1) y la cuantificación de los metales se realizó por espectrofotometría de absorción atómica. Adicionalmente, se midieron los niveles de los metales en el sedimento, con el objeto de determinar índices de calidad medioambientales, lo que permitió determinar que los metales pesados no presentan riesgo para los organismos acuáticos que habitan en esta zona. Se encontraron diferentes valores de concentración de metales pesados: en orden decreciente, Zn > Hg > Pb, en sedimento, y Hg > Zn > Pb, en el tejido biológico. Los resultados muestran que las concentraciones de los metales pesados presentes en el tejido de los peces y en el sedimento guardan una correlación positiva y una regresión lineal estadísticamente significativa (p = 0,001, p < 0,05). La presencia de metales pesados en el sedimento del río y de bioconcentrados en los peces podría derivarse de fuentes puntuales y difusas relacionadas con actividades agrícolas, pecuarias, mineras y aguas residuales.
ABSTRACT Heavy metal pollution in aquatic ecosystems in the area is one of the most severe problems that compromise food security at the local, regional and global levels. In this study, the specific problem of the bioconcentration of mercury (Hg), lead (Pb), and Zinc (Zn) in 2 of the higher nutritional importance fish species (Ariopsis felis and Diplodus annularis) for the riverside inhabitants of the Ranchería river, in northern Colombia, is addressed. The organic tissue samples were subjected to acid digestion (HNO3 and HClO4 in a 3:1 ratio), and the quantification of metals was carried out by atomic absorption spectrophotometry. Additionally, the levels of metals in the sediment were measured, in order to determine environmental quality indices. This allow to determine that heavy metals do not present a risk to the aquatic organisms that inhabit this area. Different heavy metal concentration values were found: in decreasing order, Zn> Hg> Pb in sediment, and Hg> Zn> Pb in biological tissue. The results reveal that the concentrations of heavy metals present in fish tissue and sediment show a positive correlation, and a statistically significant linear regression (p = 0,001, p < 0,05). The presence of heavy metals in river sediment and bioconcentrates in fish could derive from point and diffuse sources related to agricultural, livestock, mining and wastewater activities.
Animals , Spectrophotometry, Atomic , Metals, Heavy , Environmental Pollution , Fishes , Bioaccumulation , Mining , Zinc , Risk , Ethics Committees , Lead , MercuryABSTRACT
The association between plants and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) can be used to bioremediate areas contaminated by metals. The objectives of this work were to evaluate the lead (Pb2+) phytoaccumulation capacity, morpho-physiology and nutrition responses of Vernonia polyanthes exposed to a solution amended with concentrations of lead nitrate and arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi. The treatments consisted of increasing doses of Pb2+ as lead nitrate [Pb(NO3)2], two strains of AMF and an absolute control without lead and AMF. Lead negatively affected some morphophysiological variables, reduced 27.3, 25.63, 30.60, and 56.60% shoot length, root collar diameter, number of leaves and leaf area, respectively, besides reducing decreasing chlorophyll a. Lead accumulated in the shoot and roots, the latter at the highest concentrations. However, the translocation factor was above 1, indicating low efficiency. The bioaccumulation factor referring to the roots were above 1. The fungi colonization rate was low, 3.31% for Gigaspora margarita and 2.33% for Acaulospora morrowiae. However, the absorption of lead increased, reflecting in lower values of chlorophyll a, dry mass of root and diameter. Results indicated that the arboreal species V. polyanthes tolerate high concentrations of lead and can accumulate significant amounts in the roots. AMF increase the accumulation of lead in the shoot and can be used in projects aimed at the phytoextraction of metals.
Vernonia/cytology , Vernonia/physiology , Vernonia/chemistry , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Crustaceans are known for their trace element bioaccumulation abilities. Muscle tissues of lagoon crab, marine crab, pink shrimp and mantis shrimp marketed for consumption in Nigeria were analyzed for Mn, Fe, Cu, Zn, Hg and Cr levels using standard methods. Muscle levels in mg kg-1 of Mn (0.03±0.00 in lagoon crab), Fe (0.072±0.01 in mantis shrimp), Cu (0.344±0.01 in lagoon crab) and Zn (0.073±0.00 in mantis shrimp) were significantly different (p Cu > Zn > Fe > Mn > Cr. Lagoon crab showed the highest total hazard index among the organisms with 44.80 %, while the least was observed in mantis shrimp with 13.30 %. It is concluded that, as far as human health is concerned, the mean elemental levels in the muscle tissues of the organisms examined pose no danger (THQ < 1).
Animals , Food Supply , Bioaccumulation , Crustacea , Trace Elements/analysisABSTRACT
In South America, mercury contamination due to gold mining operations is a threat to both biodiversity and human health. We examined mercury (Hg) concentrations in fishes that constitute important subsistence fisheries from mined and non-mined tributaries in the middle Mazaruni River, Guyana. Mercury concentrations and trophic food web structure (based on carbon and nitrogen stable isotopes) were characterized for primary basal sources and 39 fish species representing seven trophic guilds. Fishes collected at mined sites had higher mercury concentrations; piscivores and carnivores had the highest Hg concentrations and exhibited significant Hg biomagnification. Our results showed that medium- to large-bodied fishes commonly eaten by local people contained Hg values that exceed the World Health Organization (WHO) criteria, and pose a health concern for riverine communities along the Mazaruni River that depend on fish as their main source of protein. Further research to determine the sources of Hg contamination and how it affects human health in this neotropical river must become a top priority. In addition, more research on how Hg contamination impacts the fishes themselves and overall aquatic biodiversity is also needed in the Mazaruni River which has both high fish endemism and diversity.(AU)
Na América do Sul, a contaminação por mercúrio devido às operações de mineração de ouro é uma ameaça à biodiversidade e à saúde humana. Nós examinamos as concentrações de mercúrio (Hg) em peixes que constituem importantes pescarias de subsistência em afluentes minerados e não minerados no médio rio Mazaruni, Guiana. As concentrações de mercúrio e a estrutura trófica da teia alimentar (baseada em isótopos estáveis de carbono e nitrogênio) foram caracterizadas para fontes basais primárias e 39 espécies de peixes representando sete guildas tróficas. Os peixes coletados em locais minerados tiveram maiores concentrações de mercúrio; piscívoros e carnívoros tiveram as maiores concentrações de Hg e exibiram biomagnificação significativa de Hg. Nossos resultados mostraram que peixes de corpo médio a grande comumente consumidos pela população local continham valores de Hg que excedem os critérios da Organização Mundial de Saúde (OMS) e representam uma preocupação para a saúde das comunidades ribeirinhas ao longo do rio Mazaruni que dependem dos peixes como sua principal fonte de proteína. Outras pesquisas para determinar as fontes de contaminação por Hg e como isso afeta a saúde humana neste rio neotropical devem se tornar uma prioridade. Além disso, mais pesquisas sobre como a contaminação por Hg impacta os próprios peixes e a biodiversidade aquática em geral também são necessárias no rio Mazaruni, que tem alto endemismo e diversidade de peixes.(AU)
Animals , Chemical Contamination , Fishes/physiology , Mercury/toxicity , Food Chain , Bioaccumulation , Mercury Isotopes/chemistryABSTRACT
Increased agricultural production has been increased use of pesticides worldwide, which poses a threat to both human and environmental health. Recent studies suggest that several non-target organisms, from bees to mammals, show a wide variety of toxic effects of pesticides exposure, including impaired behavior, development and reproduction. Among mammals, bats are usually a neglected taxon among ecotoxicological studies, although they play important ecological and economical roles in forest ecosystems and agriculture through to seed dispersal and insect population control. Considering their wide variety of food habits, bats are exposed to environmental pollutants through food or water contamination, or through direct skin contact in their roosting areas. In order to better understand the risk posed by pesticides to bats populations, we compiled studies that investigated the main toxicological effects of pesticides in bats, aiming at contributing to discussion about the environmental risks associated with the use of pesticides.
O aumento da produção agrícola tem levado ao aumento do uso de pesticidas em todo o mundo, o que representa uma ameaça para a saúde humana e ambiental. Estudos recentes sugerem que vários organismos não-alvo, de abelhas a mamíferos, apresentam uma grande variedade de efeitos tóxicos após a exposição aos pesticidas a pesticidas, incluindo alterações de comportamento, no desenvolvimento e na reprodução. Entre os mamíferos, os morcegos geralmente são negligenciados entre os estudos ecotoxicológicos, embora desempenhem importantes papéis ecológicos e econômicos nos ecossistemas florestais e na agricultura por meio do controle de dispersão de sementes e de populações de insetos. Considerando sua ampla variedade de hábitos alimentares, eles estão expostos a poluentes ambientais através da contaminação de alimentos ou água, ou através do contato direto com a pele em suas áreas de descanso. Para entender melhor o risco que os agrotóxicos representam para as populações de morcegos, compilamos estudos que investigaram os principais efeitos toxicológicos de agrotóxicos em morcegos, visando à discussão sobre os riscos ambientais associados ao uso de agrotóxicos.
Animals , Pesticides/toxicity , Pyrethrins/analysis , Chiroptera/physiology , Environmental Pollutants/toxicity , Insecticides, Organochlorine/analysis , Bees , Ecosystem , Agriculture , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
This is the first study to investigate mercury (Hg) contamination in felid species in the Brazilian Amazon. We collected 26 fur samples from wild felids of four species (Puma concolor, Panthera onca, Leopardus pardalis and Leopardus wiedii) occurring in the Mamirauá and Amanã sustainable development reserves, in the state of Amazonas. Samples were from museum specimens, except for five P. onca samples collected from free-living individuals. Total Hg concentrations ranged from 0.12 to 48.1 µg g-1. Concentrations of Hg did not differ significantly between museum specimens and live individuals of P. onca, but varied significantly among species, with significantly higher concentrations for P. onca and L. pardalis, which could be related to factors such as diet and habitat. (AU)
Metals, Heavy , Bioaccumulation , Mammals , Amazonian Ecosystem , Mercury/toxicityABSTRACT
Heavy metals are natural elements in the Earth's crust that can enter human food through industrial or agricultural processing, in the form of fertilizers and pesticides. These elements are not biodegradable. Some heavy metals are known as pollutants and are toxic, and their bioaccumulation in plant and animal tissues can cause undesirable effects for humans; therefore, their amount in water and food should always be under control. The aim of this study is to investigate the conditions for the bioremediation of heavy metals in foods. Various physical, chemical, and biological methods have been used to reduce the heavy metal content in the environment. During the last decades, bioremediation methods using plants and microorganisms have created interest to researchers for their advantages such as being more specific and environmentally friendly. The main pollutant elements in foods and beverages are lead, cadmium, arsenic, and mercury, which have their own permissible limits. Among the microorganisms that are capable of bioremediation of heavy metals, Saccharomyces cerevisiae is an interesting choice for its special characteristics and being safe for humans, which make it quite common and useful in the food industry. Its mass production as the byproduct of the fermentation industry and the low cost of culture media are the other advantages. The ability of this yeast to remove an individual separated element has also been widely investigated. In countries with high heavy metal pollution in wheat, the use of S. cerevisiae is a native solution for overcoming the problem of solution. This article summarizes the main conditions for heavy metal absorption by S. cerevisiae.
Saccharomyces cerevisiae/metabolism , Biodegradation, Environmental , Food Industry , Metals, Heavy/metabolism , Arsenic , Yeasts , Cadmium , Contaminant Removal , Absorption , Bioaccumulation , Lead , MercuryABSTRACT
Industrialization has added extremely toxic metalloid arsenic into the environment which at high concentration severely threatens the biota. Naturally, some microbes possess the ability to bio-accumulate metals and also to transform arsenite (As III) a toxic form to a non-toxic arsenate As V. The present study aimed to isolate arsenic resistant bacterias from the arsenic contaminated soil and water. Among eleven bacterial isolates, three FAs 1, 4 and 9 exhibited tolerance against sodium arsenite at 100mM concentration by achieving growth of 7.48×109,1.57×109 and 2.23×109 C.F.U./ml, respectively. Optimization at differentconditions such as temperature, pH and arsenic concentration revealed high arsenic tolerance from isolate FAs 4 (5.33×108) at 37°C and FAs 1 (4.43×108 C.F.U./ml) at pH 7. Arsenic resistance at optimum conditions for the bacterial strains FAs 1, FAs 4 and FAs 9 showed maximum growth at 80mM concentration of arsenite. These bacterial isolates did not show redox ability to oxidize arsenite As III to arsenate As V. However bacterial isolates FAs 1, FAs 4 and FAs 9 were able to accumulate arsenic 39.16, 148 and 125 µ g/L on the 4th, 3rd and 5thday of incubation, respectively. The isolates FAs 1, FAs 4 and FAs 9 were identified as Gram negative non endospore forming rods. In future, these novel isolates possess a great potential in biotechnology field, as bioremediation of arsenic contaminated soil and water can be done by employing arsenic accumulating bacteria which is an eco-friendly and cost effective method.
A industrialização adicionou arsênico metalóide extremamente tóxico ao ambiente que, em alta concentração, ameaça severamente a biota. Naturalmente, alguns micróbios possuem a capacidade de bio-acumular metais e também transformar arsenito (As III) uma forma tóxica a um arsenato não-tóxico Como V. O presente estudo visa o isolamento de bactérias resistentes ao arsênico do solo contaminado com arsênico e água . Entre onze isolados bacterianos, três FAs 1, 4 e 9 exibiram tolerância à concentração de 100 mM de arseatura de sódio, obtendo crescimento de 7,48 × 109,157 × 109 e 2,23 × 109 C.F.U./ml, respectivamente. Otimização em diferentes condições como temperatura, pH e concentração de arsênio revelaram alta tolerância ao arsênico do isolado FAs 4 (5,33 × 108) a 37 ° C e FAs 1 (4,43 × 108 UFC / ml) em pH 7. Resistência ao arsênico em condições ótimas para as cepas bacterianas FAs 1, FAs 4 e FAs 9 apresentaram crescimento máximo na concentração de 80 mM de arsenito. Estes isolados bacterianos não mostraram capacidade redoxpara oxidar o arsenito As III para arseniar como V. No entanto, os isolados bacterianos FAs 1, FAs 4 e FAs 9 foram capazes de acumular arsênico 39,16, 148 e 125 µ g / L no 4º, 3º e 5º dia de incubação, respectivamente. Os isolados FAs 1, FAs 4 e FAs 9 foram identificados como bastonetes gram-negativos não endoscópicos. No futuro, esses novos isolados possuem um grande potencial no campo da biotecnologia, já que a biorremediação de solo e água contaminados com arsênico pode ser feita empregando-se bactérias que acumulam arsênico, o que é um método ecologicamente correto e econômico.
Arsenic , Biodegradation, Environmental , Environmental Pollution , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
Abstract: The Paranhana River, located in Southern Brazil, is one of the major tributaries of the Sinos River basin and receives mainly industrial and domestic effluents. In the present study, water physicochemical and microbiological analyses, condition factor, micronucleus test, gill histopathology and metal bioaccumulation in the muscle of the native fish Bryconamericus iheringii collected at two sites (S1 and S2) of the Paranhana River under different degrees of anthropogenic pressures were assessed in four sampling campaigns. Data from water quality parameters, condition factor, mucous cells proliferation in fish gills and bioaccumulation of chromium and manganese in muscle evidenced higher impacts at S2, whereas a higher genotoxic potential was observed at S1. Gill histopathological alterations were found in fish captured at both sampling sites. Temporal variations in all biomarkers analyzed and bioaccumulation of manganese and nickel were observed at S1, whereas only variations in condition factor, gill alterations and bioaccumulation of manganese and aluminum were found at S2. Our study evidences that S1 is under minor anthropogenic impacts and that the high urbanization at S2 reflects in a poor water quality. Nonetheless, the human consumption of fish from the Paranhana River should be avoided given the high concentrations of cadmium, chromium and lead.
Water/analysis , Biomarkers , Bioaccumulation , Brazil , Micronucleus Tests/instrumentationABSTRACT
Abstract: The aim of this study is to explain the biological response and rhizofiltration capacity of Pistia stratiotes, which is an aquatic macrophyte, in alleviating heavy metal stress. In our study, Pistia species were exposed to Nickel (Ni) at different concentrations over seven days. The potential of the aquatic macrophytes in accumulating heavy metals in the water and in removing them from the environment was evaluated by determining the bio-concentration factors (BCF). Selected biological parameters in the leaves of Pistia stratiotes, including metal accumulation, photosynthetic pigment amount, lipid peroxidation activity, and growth rates were measured at the end of the seven-day period. The highest amount of Ni accumulation in P. stratiotes occurred at a concentration of 20 mg l-1. The amount of chlorophyll a (chl a) in P. stratiotes reached a value of 0.087 mg g-1 at the Ni concentration of 20 mg l-1. The relative growth rate (RGR) of P. stratiotes showed a negative correlation with the increases in the concentration levels of the metal. Malondialdehyde (MDA) levels increased to 8.214 nmol/g at the concentration of 20 mg l-1, depending on Ni concentration and time. In our study, the use of P. stratiotes has been determined to be an appropriate plant as an effective Ni accumulator to be utilized with the purpose of rhizofiltration.
Biodegradation, Environmental , Metals, Heavy , Araceae , BioaccumulationABSTRACT
ABSTRACT This study aims to specify the amount of ten heavy metals (Al, Cr, Mn, Ni, Cu, Zn, As, Cd, Hg, Pb) in water, sediment and Enteromorpha intestinalis samples gathered from Kadin Creek in seasonal periods in 2011 and 2012 and to reveal bioaccumulation capability of this macrophytic algae. In this regard, heavy metal concentrations in the gathered samples were determined first with mineralization and then via inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) method. Findings suggested that algae could be used as an indicator in freshwater ecosystems in terms of studied heavy metals. With regard to bioconcentration factor values, in terms of water, algae accumulated aluminum the most and cadmium the least (Al > Cu > As > Zn > Cr > Mn > Ni > Pb > Hg > Cd), in terms of sediment, it accumulated mercury the most and aluminum the least (Hg > Cd > As > Zn > Pb > Mn > Ni > Cr > Cu > Al). The highest rate of heavy metal concentration in algae was observed in summer when contaminants in water and dynamics of plant development increased. It was also observed that the mean mercury and cadmium concentrations exceeded the maximum residue limit values.