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Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;72(1): e55276, ene.-dic. 2024. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1583378


Abstract Introduction: Mining is one of the main drivers of deforestation of tropical forests. This activity affects the storage of aboveground biomass of these ecosystems; therefore, their ability to contribute to the mitigation of global climate change. Objective: To assess the influence of soil properties on the aboveground biomass storage of post-mining forests in the Colombian Pacific. Methods: Plots were established in areas post-mining and with different successional ages (12-15 years, 30-35 years, and mature forest). The aboveground biomass and physicochemical parameters of the soil were measured. Results: An aboveground biomass of 15.58 t ha-1, 35.17 t ha-1, and 178.32 t ha-1 was recorded at 12-15 years, 30-35 years, and mature forests, respectively. The species with the highest biomass content in post-mining forests were Cespedesia spathulata and Clidemia septuplinervia. The aboveground biomass was positively correlated with organic matter (OM), calcium (Ca), magnesium (Mg), CICE, total nitrogen (N), and silt. In contrast, the relationship was negative with sand, aluminum (Al), and potassium (K) content. It was evidenced that the relationship between aboveground biomass and soils differed in each successional age. When evaluating the changes of aboveground biomass and soils in the succession, it was observed that the aboveground biomass and total N increased with the recovery time. At the same time, the P and K decreased with succession. On the other hand, the contents of OM, Mg, Al, Ca, and CICE showed curvilinear tendencies since they increased in the first stages and then decreased in the advanced successional stages. Conclusions: Aboveground biomass increases with forest recovery time in the study area. This increase is influenced by the presence of two dominant species shared among the investigated ecosystems and by the soil's N, P, and K content.

Resumen Introducción: La minería es una de las principales causas de deforestación de los bosques tropicales. Esta actividad afecta el almacenamiento de biomasa aérea de estos ecosistemas; y, por tanto, su capacidad para contribuir a la mitigación del cambio climático global. Objetivo: Evaluar la influencia de las propiedades del suelo en el almacenamiento de la biomasa aérea de bosques post-minería del Pacífico colombiano. Métodos: Se establecieron parcelas en áreas post-minería con diferentes edades de sucesión (12-15 años, 30-35 años y bosque maduro). Se midió la biomasa aérea y parámetros fisicoquímicos del suelo. Resultados: Se registró una biomasa aérea de 15.58 t ha-1, 35.17 t ha-1 y 178.32 t ha-1 en 12-15 años, 30-35 años y bosque maduro, respectivamente. Las especies con mayor contenido de biomasa en los bosques post-minería fueron Cespedesia spathulata y Clidemia septuplinervia. La biomasa aérea se correlacionó positivamente con la materia orgánica (MO), calcio (Ca), magnesio (Mg), CICE, nitrógeno total (N) y limo. Por el contrario, la relación fue negativa con el contenido de arena, aluminio (Al) y potasio (K). Se evidenció que la relación entre la biomasa aérea y los suelos difería en cada edad sucesional. Al evaluar los cambios de la biomasa aérea y los suelos en la sucesión, se observó que la biomasa aérea y el N total aumentaron con el tiempo de recuperación. Al mismo tiempo, el P y el K disminuyeron con la sucesión. Por otro lado, los contenidos de OM, Mg, Al, Ca, y CICE mostraron tendencias curvilíneas ya que aumentaron en los primeros estadios y luego disminuyeron en los estadios sucesionales avanzados. Conclusiones: la biomasa aérea aumenta con el tiempo de recuperación del bosque en el área de estudio. Este incremento está influenciado por la presencia de dos especies dominantes compartidas entre los ecosistemas investigados y por el contenido de N, P y K del suelo.

Biomass , Soil Characteristics , Colombia , Mining
Braz. j. biol ; 84: e256425, 2024. tab, graf, mapas
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1364525


Using inventory data, this study evaluates the species composition, growing stock volume (GSV), and biomass carbon (BMC) of the five major timber species in the sub-tropical, and temperate/sub-alpine regions of Pakistan. It was found that the stem density varies between 50 and 221 trees ha -1, with a mean of 142 trees ha-1 (13.68 million trees for entire forest area). Among the species, Pinus wallichiana showed a high species composition (27.80%) followed by Picea smithiana (24.64%). The GSV was found in the range of 67.81 to 425.94 m3 ha-1, with a total GSV value of 20.68 million m3 for the entire region. Similarly, The BMC ranged from 27.04 to 169.86 Mg ha-1, with a mean BMC value of 86.80 Mg ha-1. The total amount of stored carbon was found at 8.69 million tons for a total of 95842 ha of commercially managed forest. Furthermore, the correlation analysis between the basal area (BA) and GSV and BMC showed that BA is the best predictor of GSV and BMC. The findings provide insights to the policy makers and forest managers regarding the sustainable commercial forest management as well as forest carbon management in the recent global carbon management for climate change mitigation.

Usando dados de inventário, este estudo avaliou a composição de espécies, volume de estoque crescente (GSV) e carbono de biomassa (BMC) das cinco principais espécies madeireiras nas regiões subtropicais e temperadas/subalpinas do Paquistão. Constatou-se que a densidade do caule variou entre 50 e 221 árvores ha-1, com média de 142 árvores ha-1 (13,68 milhões de árvores para toda a área florestal). Entre as espécies, Pinus wallichiana apresentou alta composição de espécies (27,80%), seguida de Picea smithiana (24,64%). O GSV foi encontrado na faixa de 67,81 a 425,94 m3 ha-1, com um valor total de 20,68 milhões de m3 para toda a região. Da mesma forma, o BMC variou de 27,04 a 169,86 mg ha-1, com valor médio de 86,80 mg ha-1. A quantidade total de carbono armazenado foi de 8,69 milhões de toneladas para um total de 95.842 ha de floresta manejada comercialmente. Além disso, a análise de correlação entre área basal (BA), GSV e BMC mostrou que BA é o melhor preditor de GSV e BMC. As descobertas fornecem insights para os formuladores de políticas e gestores florestais sobre o manejo florestal comercial sustentável, bem como o manejo florestal de carbono no recente gerenciamento global de carbono para a mitigação das mudanças climáticas.

Trees/growth & development , Carbon , Forests , Biomass
Vitae (Medellín) ; 30(2): 1-14, 2023-05-08. Ilustraciones
Article in English | LILACS, COLNAL | ID: biblio-1538059


Background: Brewer ́s spent grain (BSG) is a biomass by-product generated in large volumes during industrial beer production. BSG has become a growing environmental problem, as most breweries discard it inappropriately, negatively impacting the environment. Alternatives for the exploitation of this by-product have consisted of elaborating food supplements for farm animals, obtaining biofuels, developing adsorbents, and obtaining substances for the food industry. However, the high moisture content in BSG (approximately 70%), poses a significant challenge in exploring various reuse alternatives. Therefore, the implementation of a pre-drying process becomes essential. Objective: This study aimed to analyze the BSG drying kinetics at different temperatures and the effect of the drying temperature on the physical properties and the content of bioactive compounds. Methods: BSG samples were dried at different temperatures (50, 60, 70, 80, 90, and 105°C) and analyzed for their moisture ratio, water activity, total polyphenol content (TPC), and DPPH (1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazil) radical scavenging activity. Also, four kinetics models were fitted to the drying data. Results:It was determined that the effective diffusivity was between 5.23x10

Antecedentes: El Bagazo residual de malta (BSG por sus siglas en inglés) es un subproducto biomásico generado en grandes volúmenes durante la producción industrial de cerveza. El BSG se ha convertido en un creciente problema para el medio ambiente, debido a que la mayoría de las cervecerías descartan inapropiadamente este residuo generando un impacto negativo al ambiente. Las alternativas para el aprovechamiento de este subproducto han consistido especialmente en la elaboración de suplementos alimenticios para animales de granja, obtención de biocombustibles, desarrollo de adsorbentes y obtención de productos para la industria alimentaria. Sin embargo, el alto contenido de humedad (~70%) del BSG representa un reto para el desarrollo de diferentes alternativas de reutilización, por lo que se hace necesario un proceso de secado previo. Objetivos: En este estudio se analizó la cinética de secado del BSG a diferentes temperaturas y el efecto de la temperatura de secado sobre sus propiedades físicas y contenido de compuestos bioactivos. Métodos: Las muestras de BSG fueron secadas a diferentes temperaturas (50, 60, 70, 80, 90 y 105°C) y analizadas en términos de razón de humedad, actividad acuosa, contenido de polifenoles totales (TPC) y actividad secuestradora del radical DPPH. Además, se ajustaron 4 modelos cinéticos a los datos de secado. Resultados: Se determinó que la difusividad efectiva del BSG varió entre 5.23x10

Humans , Malta , Temperature , Beer , Kinetics , Biomass
Rev. Inst. Adolfo Lutz (Online) ; 82: e38777, maio 2023. graf, tab
Article in Portuguese | LILACS, CONASS, ColecionaSUS, SES-SP, VETINDEX, SESSP-ACVSES, SESSP-IALPROD, SES-SP | ID: biblio-1435644


Xilooligossacarídeos (XOS) são reconhecidos pelo seu potencial prebiótico relevante para diversos setores industriais e foram obtidos após o pré-tratamento hidrotérmico da biomassa lignocelulósica residual de galhos de eucalipto. Subprodutos inibitórios são gerados durante o processo de solubilização dos oligossacarídeos e acabam comprometendo a utilização do licor em microrganismos. Neste trabalho, o processo de destoxificação, hidrólise enzimática e atividade estimulantes de crescimento da bactéria Staphylococcus xylosus foram estabelecidos. Os resultados mostraram que a adsorção com carvão ativado em pó removeu cerca de 55% do ácido acético e mais de 90% do ácido fórmico, compostos fenólicos, lignina solúvel, furfural e 5-hidroximetilfurfural, e que a soma dos oligossacarídeos xilobiose (X2) e xilotriose (X3) foram maximizadas de 0,57 g/L para 1,21 g/L com 110 U/gXOS da enzima endoxilanase e 6,3% do licor destoxificado na hidrólise enzimática. O consumo de cerca de 63% de X2 e de 46% de X3 pela bactéria em meio basal deficiente em fontes de carbono, mas acrescido com os oligômeros, proporcionou maior crescimento celular em relação aos meios basais com alta composição de carbono, com e sem XOS, revelando seu potencial prebiótico pelo efeito estimulante de crescimento. (AU)

Xylooligosaccharides (XOS) are recognized for their prebiotic potential relevant to several industrial sectors and were obtained after hydrothermal pretreatment of residual lignocellulosic biomass from eucalyptus branches. Inhibitory by-products are generated during the solubilization process of oligosaccharides and end up compromising the utilization of the liquor in microorganisms. In this work, the detoxification process, enzymatic hydrolysis and growth stimulating activity of Staphylococcus xylosus bacteria were established. The results showed that adsorption with powdered activated carbon removed about 55% of acetic acid and more than 90% of formic acid, phenolic compounds, soluble lignin, furfural, and 5-hydroxymethyl furfural and the sum of the oligosaccharides xylobiose (X2) and xylotriose (X3) were maximized from 0.57 g/L to 1.21 g/L with 110 U/gXOS of the enzyme endoxylanase and 6.3% of the detoxified liquor in the enzymatic hydrolysis. The consumption of X2 and X3 were about 63% and 46%, respectively, by the bacteria in basal medium deficient in carbon sources, but in medium added with the oligomers, provided higher cell growth compared to basal medium with high carbon composition, with and without XOS, revealing its prebiotic potential by its growth-stimulating effect. (AU)

Oligosaccharides , Staphylococcus , Xylose , Charcoal , Biomass , Eucalyptus , Prebiotics
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1247-1259, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-970436


The aim of this study was to construct Chlorella mutants deficient in chlorophyll synthesis by atmospheric pressure room temperature plasma (ARTP) mutagenesis, and screen novel algal species with very low chlorophyll content which is suitable for protein production by fermentation. Firstly, the lethal rate curve of mixotrophic wild type cells was established by optimizing the mutagenesis treatment time. The mixotrophic cells in early exponential phase were treated by the condition of over 95% lethal rate, and 4 mutants with the visual change of colony color were isolated. Subsequently, the mutants were cultured in shaking flasks heterotrophically for evaluation of their protein production performance. P. ks 4 mutant showed the best performance in Basal medium containing 30 g/L glucose and 5 g/L NaNO3. The protein content and productivity reached 39.25% dry weight and 1.15 g/(L·d), with an amino acid score of 101.34. The chlorophyll a content decreased 98.78%, whereas chlorophyll b was not detected, and 0.62 mg/g of lutein content made the algal biomass appear golden yellow. This work provides a novel germplasm, the mutant P. ks 4 with high yield and high quality, for alternative protein production by microalgal fermentation.

Chlorella/metabolism , Chlorophyll A/metabolism , Plant Breeding , Mutagenesis , Chlorophyll/metabolism , Biomass , Microalgae
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 3406-3420, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1007966


Soluble cello-oligosaccharide with 2-6 oligosaccharide units is a kind of oligosaccharide with various biological functions, which can promote the proliferation of intestinal probiotics such as Bifidobacteria and Lactobacillus paracei. Therefore, it has a regulatory effect on human intestinal microbiota. In this study, a Cc 01 strain was constructed by expressing cellodextrin phosphorylase (CDP) in Escherichia coli. By combining with a previously constructed COS 01 strain, a three-enzyme cascade reaction system based on strains COS 01 and Cc 01 was developed, which can convert glucose and sucrose into cello-oligosaccharide. After optimization, the final titer of soluble cello-oligosaccharides with 2-6 oligosaccharide units reached 97 g/L, with a purity of about 97%. It contained cellobiose (16.8 wt%), cellotriose (49.8 wt%), cellotetrose (16.4 wt%), cellopentaose (11.5 wt%) and cellohexose (5.5 wt%). When using inulin, xylo-oligosaccharide and fructooligosaccharide as the control substrate, the biomass (OD600) of Lactobacillus casei (WSH 004), Lactobacillus paracei (WSH 005) and Lactobacillus acidophilus (WSH 006) on cello-oligosaccharides was about 2 folds higher than that of the control. This study demonstrated the efficient synthesis of cello-oligosaccharides by a three-enzyme cascade reaction and demonstrated that the synthesized cello-oligosaccharides was capable of promoting intestinal microbial proliferation.

Humans , Oligosaccharides , Biomass , Escherichia coli/genetics , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Glucose
Rev. odontol. UNESP (Online) ; 52: e20230033, 2023. tab, il
Article in English | LILACS, BBO | ID: biblio-1530308


Introdução: O emprego de biofilmes polimicrobianos, utilizando a saliva como inóculo, é um modelo promissor para o estudo de biofilmes cariogênicos in vitro. Entretanto, ainda não existe uma padronização para seleção de doadores de saliva. Objetivo: O objetivo deste estudo foi estabelecer uma metodologia para seleção de doadores de saliva utilizando fatores salivares microbianos e características in vitro do biofilme. Material e método: Para doação de saliva foram selecionados vinte voluntários. Os voluntários permaneceram 24 horas sem escovar os dentes e ficaram em jejum por 2 horas antes da coleta da saliva. Foram avaliados os seguintes parâmetros: viabilidade das bactérias anaeróbias totais e mutans streptococci; concentração inibitória mínima (CIM) e concentração bactericida mínima (CBM) da clorexidina; capacidade de formação de biofilme por meio da biomassa; e a suscetibilidade dos biofilmes à clorexidina. Resultado: A viabilidade bacteriana da saliva, a capacidade de formação de biofilme e a suscetibilidade do biofilme à clorexidina foram apresentadas como média e intervalo de confiança (95%). A diferença entre a viabilidade do biofilme (mutans streptococci e bactérias totais) após tratamento com NaCl 0,9% e diacetato de clorexidina 0,2% foi comparada pelo teste t de Student com nível de significância estabelecido em 5%. A viabilidade total de bactérias anaeróbias (mediana) foi de 7,28 log 1+UFC/mL (unidades formadoras de colônia/mL). A viabilidade dos mutans streptococci na saliva apresentou mediana de 5,47 log 1+UFC/mL. Para capacidade de formação de biofilme a mediana da biomassa foi de 0,1172 A570. Conclusão: O tratamento com clorexidina reduziu significativamente os mutans streptococci e a viabilidade total das bactérias. A metodologia para seleção do doador de saliva foi estabelecida com sucesso.

Introduction: The utilization of polymicrobial biofilms, with saliva as an inoculum, represents a promising model for in vitro studies on cariogenic biofilms. However, there is still no standardization for selecting saliva donors. Objective: The aim of this study is to establish a methodology for the selection of saliva donors using microbial salivary factors and in vitro biofilm characteristics. Material and method: For saliva donation, twenty volunteers were selected. Volunteers remained 24 h without brushing their teeth and fasted for 2 h before saliva collection. The following parameters were evaluated: total anaerobic bacteria and mutans streptococci viability; minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) and minimum bactericide concentration (MBC) of chlorhexidine; biofilm forming capacity by biomass assessment; and the susceptibility of biofilms to chlorhexidine. Result: Saliva bacterial viability, biofilm forming capacity and biofilm susceptibility to chlorhexidine were presented as mean and confidence interval (95%). The difference between biofilm (mutans streptococci and Total bacteria) viability after treatment with NaCl 0.9% and 0.2% chlorhexidine diacetate was compared using the Student t-test with a significance level established at 5%. Total anaerobic bacteria viability (median) was 7.28 log 1+CFU/mL (colony forming units/ mL). Mutans streptococci viability in the saliva showed a median of 5.47 log 1+CFU/mL. Biofilm forming capacity showed that biomass had a median of 0.1172 A570. Conclusion: Treatment with chlorhexidine significantly reduced mutans streptococci and total bacteria viability. The methodology for the selection of the saliva donor was successfully established.

Humans , Male , Female , Saliva , Streptococcus mutans , Chlorhexidine , Biomass , Biofilms , Microbial Viability , Data Interpretation, Statistical
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 59: e23351, 2023. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1520320


Abstract The Pyroligneous extract is a product from the combustion of plant biomass with applications in the fields of health, industrial chemistry, and agriculture. The discovery of new molecules with therapeutic potential and of natural origin continues to be one of the great challenges for research centres around the world. The following work aims to analyze, through a technological prospection, the use of pyroligneous extracts for therapeutic purposes. To carry out the study, searches were carried out in documents deposited in Brazil, Europe, and the United States and searched on platforms specialized in patents. The number of inventions using pyroligneous extract with therapeutic applications is still quite small, however, innovations have been observed for the treatment of diseases of great clinical relevance such as cancer and hypertension. The systematic mapping of innovations is of great importance for the development of new technologies.

Plants/adverse effects , Biomass , Agriculture/classification , Disease/classification , Occupational Health/classification , Patent , Neoplasms/pathology
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387700


Resumen Introducción: Tradicionalmente, los estudios de escarabajos coprófagos en los bosques secos tropicales (BST) del Caribe colombiano han aplicado metodologías diseñadas para zonas húmedas y andinas del país, lo cual podría estar incidiendo en el rendimiento y la eficiencia del muestreo. Objetivo: Con el fin de aportar a esta discusión, se analizó cómo la cantidad de cebo y el tiempo de operación de la trampa de caída inciden en la efectividad de captura de escarabajos coprófagos en un fragmento de BST en La Reserva Campesina la Flecha, San Jacinto, Colombia. Métodos: Para la captura de los escarabajos, se utilizó trampas de caída, cebadas con tres cantidades diferentes de atrayente: pequeño (34.6 g), mediano (53.8 g) y grande (114.9 g), las cuales permanecieron activas en campo durante 48 h. Cuatro muestreos fueron realizados entre marzo y septiembre de 2015, abarcando por igual la época seca y de lluvia. Resultados: Se registró un total de 4 563 individuos, agrupados en 10 géneros y 27 especies de escarabajos coprófagos. Los mayores valores de riqueza, abundancia y biomasa se presentaron en el cebo grande, a las 48 h, durante la época de lluvias. Sin embargo, el tiempo de operación de la trampa no tuvo efecto en la estimación de la riqueza, abundancia y biomasa de escarabajos independientemente de los tamaños de cebo. Los tres órdenes de la diversidad ( 0 D, 1 D y 2 D), presentaron valores similares entre las cantidades de cebo durante la época de lluvia, pero en la época seca, los cebos de mayor tamaño presentaron los valores de diversidad más altos. Por su parte con el cebo de mayor tamaño se capturó significativamente más riqueza, abundancia y biomasa de escarabajos de cuerpo pequeño y grande siendo esta situación más notaria durante la época seca. Conclusiones: Los resultados de este trabajo evidencian que para el estudio de los ensamblajes de escarabajos en el BST la utilización de un cebo de mayor tamaño contribuye a una mejor estimación de riqueza, abundancia, diversidad y biomasa, sobre todo durante la época seca, cuando las condiciones ambientales propician que los cebos pierdan su atractividad con mayor rapidez.

Abstract Introduction: Typically, research on dung beetles in the Tropical Dry Forests (TDF) of Colombian Caribbean region, have applied methodologies designed for wet or Andean areas of the country, which could be influencing the performance and efficiency of sampling. Objective: In order to contribute to this discussion, we analyzed how the bait amount and pitfall trap operating time influence the collection effectiveness of dung beetles in a TDF fragment at Reserva Campesina La Flecha, San Jacinto, Colombia. Methods: For the collection of beetles, we utilized pitfall traps baited with three different amounts of attractants: small (34.6 g), medium (53.8 g), and large (114.9 g), which remained active in the field for 48 h., 4 samplings between March and September 2015 were carried out, covering both, dry and rainy seasons. Results: A total of 4 563 individuals were recorded, grouped into 10 genera and 27 species of dung beetles. The highest values of richness, abundance and biomass were registered in the large bait, at 48 h, during the rainy season. However, the trap operating time had no effect on the estimation of beetles' richness, abundance, and biomass, regardless of bait sizes. The three diversity orders ( 0 D, 1 D y 2 D) showed similar values between the bait amounts during rainy season, but in the dry season, the largest baits displayed the highest diversity values. On the other hand, with the largest bait, significantly more richness, abundance, and biomass of small and large body beetles were registered, especially during the dry season. Conclusions: The results of this research show that, for the study of beetles' assemblages in the BST, the use of a larger bait contributes to a better estimate of richness, abundance, diversity and biomass, especially during the dry season, when environmental conditions promote a more rapidly loss of baits attractiveness.

Animals , Coleoptera , Biomass , Sampling Studies
Rev. biol. trop ; Rev. biol. trop;70(1)dic. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, SaludCR | ID: biblio-1387712


Resumen Introducción: Los humedales se encuentran entre los ecosistemas más productivos, pero actualmente están siendo degradados o eliminados a un ritmo acelerado por múltiples actividades antrópicas. En la costa central de Perú, los humedales sufren incendios recurrentes, y los efectos poco estudiados incluyen el nivel de emisiones y el secuestro de carbono por quema. Objetivo: Estimar el carbono en la biomasa aérea afectada por el fuego y el carbono recuperado por la vegetación al cabo de un año. Métodos: Trabajamos en el humedal costero Los Pantanos de Villa (Lima, Perú) y comparamos áreas quemadas (32 cuadrantes, 1 m2) y no afectadas (33 cuadrantes). Resultados: La vegetación afectada fue predominantemente herbácea y dominada por Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus americanus, Typha dominguensis y Cladium jamaicense. El incendio afectó 1 147.0 t de biomasa vegetal que almacenó 381.8 t de carbono, generando la emisión de 1 397.1 t de CO2 a la atmósfera. Al cabo de un año se había recuperado el 79 % de la cobertura vegetal, pero solo el 26 % de la biomasa vegetal viva y el 12.8 % del carbono contenido en la vegetación. Conclusiones: Los indicadores apropiados de la resiliencia de los humedales al fuego deben considerar que los humedales afectados por el fuego recuperan rápidamente la cobertura vegetal, pero no el almacenamiento de carbono y la biomasa vegetal.

Abstract Introduction: Wetlands are among the most productive ecosystems, but currently are being degraded or eliminated at accelerated rates by multiple anthropic activities. In the central coast of Peru, wetlands suffer recurring fires, and the little-studied effects include the level of emissions and carbon sequestration by burning. Objective: To estimate carbon in aerial biomass affected by fire, and carbon recovered by the vegetation after one year. Methods: We worked in Los Pantanos de Villa (Lima, Peru) coastal wetland and compared burnt (32 quadrants, 1 m2) and unaffected areas (33 quadrants). Results: The vegetation affected was predominantly herbaceous and dominated by Phragmites australis, Schoenoplectus americanus, Typha dominguensis and Cladium jamaicense. Fire affected 1 147.0 t of plant biomass that stored 381.8 t of carbon, generating the emission of 1 397.1 t of CO2 into the atmosphere. After one year, 79 % of the vegetation cover had recovered, but only 26 % of the plant biomass and 12.8 % of vegetation carbon. Conclusions: Appropriate indicators of wetland fire resilience should consider that fire-impacted wetland rapidly recovers plant cover, but not carbon storage and plant biomass.

Biomass , Wildfires , Wetlands , Peru
Santa Tecla, La Libertad; ITCA Editores; 20220100. 54 p. ilus. 28 cm., tab..
Monography in Spanish | BISSAL, LILACS | ID: biblio-1400061


En el beneficiado del cacao se producen una gran cantidad de residuos, las mazorcas generalmente son desechadas dentro de los mismos cultivos y genera problemáticas como la proliferación de insectos y microorganismos patógenos. De estos desechos las cáscaras son las de mayor relevancia. La Escuela de Ingeniería Química de ITCA-FEPADE evaluó añadirle valor a este subproducto, incorporando desechos de cáscara de cacao en la formulación de un sustrato para el cultivo de plántulas de hortalizas. El objetivo de esta investigación fue obtener un sustrato orgánico que sirva de soporte material y nutritivo a partir de cáscaras de cacao criollo. La biomasa vegetal se caracterizó teniendo en cuenta parámetros como el porcentaje de humedad, pH, porcentaje de cenizas, contenido de potasio, nitrógeno y fósforo. Se ejecutaron pruebas comparativas de formulación del sustrato, siembra, cultivo y crecimiento de las plántulas de hortalizas de tomate y pepino, obteniendo como resultado la fórmula óptima de un sustrato y abono orgánico y el mejor medio de desarrollo. De los resultados obtenidos se concluye que, a partir de un adecuado procesamiento y aprovechamiento de las cáscaras de cacao, se puede transformar este desecho en un producto biomaterial alternativo que genera una opción de bioprospección agroindustrial.

In the cacao beneficiation, a large amount of waste is produced, generally, the cacao pods are discarded within the same crops and generate problems such as the proliferation of insects and pathogenic microorganisms. The shell are the most relevant this waste. In Escuela de Ingeniería Química of ITCA-FEPADE the incorporation of cacao shell waste in the formulation of a substrate for growing vegetables was evaluated because the giving benefit to these by-products. The objective of this research was to obtain a substrate that serves as material and nutritional support for vegetable seedlings, from creole cacao shells. The vegetal biomass was characterized taking into account parameters such as moisture percentage, pH, ash percentage, potassium, nitrogen and phosphorus content. Subsequently, comparative tests of formulation, planting and growth of vegetable tomato and cucumber seedlings were carry out, obtaining as result, the optimal formula for the substrate and the best development environment. It concludes that, through an adequate processing and use of the cacao shell, it is possible to transform a waste into an alternative biomaterial product that generates an agro industrial bioprospecting option.

Waste Products , Cacao , Composting/methods , Research , Biomass , Seedlings
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-979368


Aims@#The primary aim of this study was to utilize abundant palm oil mill effluent (POME) waste and turn it into a value-added product of biomass fuel with high calorific energy value (CEV) via fermentation and drying process, then simultaneously reduce abundant liquid waste.@*Methodology and results@#POME is available abundantly in Malaysia and only a small portion of it is utilized to produce other value-added products. In this study, fermentation of POME in the presence of bacteria (Lysinibacillus sp.) and fungus (Aspergillus flavus) separately at 37 °C, 180 rpm for 5 days, followed by overnight oven-drying at 85 °C was conducted. Four fermentation medium conditions were performed, viz.: (1) autoclaved POME, (2) autoclaved POME with the addition of Lysinibacillus sp., (3) autoclaved POME with the addition of A. flavus and (4) POME as it is (non-sterile).@*Conclusion, significance and impact of study@#Among all conditions, fermentation utilizing autoclaved POME in the presence of A. flavus evinced the highest CEV of 25.18 MJ/kg. The fermentation in the presence of Lysinibacillus sp. strain revealed high COD and BOD removal efficiency of 59.20% and 320.44 mg/L as well as the highest reduction of oils and grease among other groups with the value of 15.84%. Future research directions are proposed for the elucidation of co-fermentation in the presence of both Lysinibacillus sp. and A. flavus.

Palm Oil , Biomass , Biofuels , Waste Disposal, Fluid
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 518-530, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927725


Intense utilization and mining of fossil fuels for energy production have resulted in environmental pollution and climate change. Compared to fossil fuels, microalgae is considered as a promising candidate for biodiesel production due to its fast growth rate, high lipid content and no occupying arable land. However, monocultural microalgae bear high cost of harvesting, and are prone to contamination, making them incompetent compared with traditional renewable energy sources. Co-culture system induces self-flocculation, which may reduce the cost of microalgae harvesting and the possibility of contamination. In addition, the productivity of lipid and high-value by-products are higher in co-culture system. Therefore, co-culture system represents an economic, energy saving, and efficient technology. This review aims to highlight the advances in the co-culture system, including the mechanisms of interactions between microalgae and other microorganisms, the factors affecting the lipid production of co-culture, and the potential applications of co-culture system. Finally, the prospects and challenges to algal co-culture systems were also discussed.

Biofuels , Biomass , Coculture Techniques , Flocculation , Microalgae
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1267-1294, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927780


This article summarized the reviews and research articles published in Chinese Journal of Biotechnology in the field of biomanufacturing in 2021. The article covered major chassis cells such as Escherichia coli, Bacillus subtilis, Corynebacterium glutamicum, Saccharomyces cerevisiae, filamentous fungi, non-model bacteria and non-conventional yeasts. Moreover, this article summarized the advances in the production of amino acids, organic acids, vitamins, higher alcohols, natural compounds (terpenoids, flavonoids, alkaloids), antibiotics, enzymes and enzyme-catalyzed products, biopolymers, as well as the utilization of biomass and one-carbon materials. The key technologies used in the construction of cell factories, such as regulation, evolution, and high-throughput screening, were also included. This article may help the readers better understand the R & D trend in biomanufacturing driven by engineered microbes.

Biomass , Biotechnology , Corynebacterium glutamicum/metabolism , Escherichia coli/metabolism , Metabolic Engineering , Saccharomyces cerevisiae/genetics
Chinese Journal of Biotechnology ; (12): 1307-1321, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-927782


Tetrapyrrole compounds are a class of compounds with important functions. They exist in living organisms and have been widely used in agriculture, food, medicine, and other fields. The cumbersome process and high cost of chemical synthesis, as well as the shortcomings of unstable quality of animal and plant extraction methods, greatly hampered the industrial production and applications of tetrapyrrole compounds. In recent years, the rapid development of synthetic biology has provided new tools for microorganisms to efficiently synthesize tetrapyrrole compounds from renewable biomass resources. This article summarizes various strategies for the biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds, discusses methods to improve its biosynthesis efficiency and future prospects, with the aim to facilitate the research on biosynthesis of tetrapyrrole compounds.

Biomass , Plants/genetics , Synthetic Biology , Tetrapyrroles
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(10): e20210282, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1375115


Photoassimilate partition and allocation among plant organs varies throughout their development and is also influenced by factors inherent to the genotype and the environment. Nodulation in the soybean-diazotrophic bacteria interaction is more effective than in the bean-diazotrophic bacteria interaction. This investigation studied growth and photoassimilate partitioning throughout the bean and soybean cycles and inferred how much it could affect the nodulation of the roots. For this purpose, an experiment with two treatments was carried out, soybean (cultivar BRS GO - 7760 - RR) and bean (cultivar BRS Estilo), with four replications, conducted in pots and entirely randomized. The seeds were inoculated with commercial rhizobia specific for bean and soybean LeguMax® (Novozymes-Turfal). Plants were analyzed throughout their cycles based on leaf area and dry mass of all organs, including nodules. Mathematical models were fitted to the data and based on them, the instantaneous physiological indicators of growth were estimated, and the percentages of photoassimilate partition among organs were evaluated. Crop growth rate, relative growth rates, net assimilation rate as well as net photosynthesis rate had higher values in soybean compared to bean, following the pattern of leaf area and total dry mass. For both species, the highest rates occurred at the beginning of the cycle, decreasing with age. Unlike the bean, soybean has a high capacity to supply photosynthates to all of its organs throughout its entire cycle, favoring the maintenance of nodule growth and explaining its greater capacity for nitrogen assimilation.

Durante o desenvolvimento das plantas a partição e alocação de fotoassimilados variam entre os seus órgãos, e dependem de fatores inerentes ao genótipo e ao meio ambiente. A nodulação é mais efetiva na interação soja-bactéria diazotrófica do que na interação feijão-bactéria diazotrófica. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo estudar o crescimento e a partição de fotoassimilados ao longo dos ciclos do feijão e da soja e inferir o quanto isso pode afetar a nodulação das raízes. Para tanto, foi instalado um experimento com dois tratamentos, soja (cultivar BRS GO - 7760 - RR) e feijão comum (cultivar BRS Estilo), com quatro repetições, conduzido em vasos e inteiramente ao acaso. As sementes foram inoculadas com inoculantes comerciais específicos para feijão e soja LeguMax® (Novozymes-Turfal). Plantas foram coletadas ao longo de seus ciclos e medidas as áreas foliares e as massas secas de todos os órgãos, incluindo nódulos. Modelos matemáticos foram ajustados aos dados e, com base neles, foram estimados os indicadores fisiológicos instantâneos do crescimento e, também, foram avaliadas as porcentagens de partição de fotoassimilados entre os órgãos. A taxa de crescimento das culturas (CGR), as taxas de crescimento relativo (RGR), a taxa líquida de assimilação (NAR) e a taxa líquida de fotossíntese (Pn) apresentaram maiores valores na soja em relação ao feijoeiro. Para ambas as culturas as maiores taxas ocorreram no início do ciclo, decrescendo ao longo do ciclo cultural. Diferentemente do feijoeiro a soja tem alta capacidade de suprir de fotoassimilados a todos os seus órgãos ao longo de todo o seu ciclo, o que favorece o maior crescimento dos seus nódulos, justificando a sua maior capacidade na captura do N2 atmosférico.

Photosynthesis , Glycine max/growth & development , Biomass , Phaseolus/growth & development , Root Nodules, Plant
São Paulo; s.n; s.n; 2022. 112 p. tab, graf.
Thesis in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1378572


A cana-de-açúcar e a cana energia são plantas intercruzáveis que compõe o complexo Saccharum. Estas plantas são fonte de biomassa para produção de açúcar, biocombustíveis, eletricidade, entre outros, e utilizam a energia assimilada pela fotossíntese de forma contrastante, ainda que ambas resultem em alta produtividade. O relógio biológico é um mecanismo molecular que gera informações sobre a hora do dia em conjunto com estímulos ambientais, adaptando respostas fisiológicas em prol de otimizar o desenvolvimento dos organismos em um ambiente cíclico, processo que regula cerca de 64% dos genes de cana-deaçúcar no campo. Em organismos sésseis como as plantas, o recorrente processo de produção de energia apenas durante o período luminoso, gera ritmos de metabólitos que influenciam na atividade de enzimas quinases que assim funcionam como sensores do estado energético, em vias conservadas nos eucariotos. Porém, pouco se sabe a respeito de como estes sinais são percebidos a nível transcricional, principalmente em plantas cultiváveis. Para elucidar como estas vias atuam em conjunto em plantas do complexo Saccharum, medimos o nível de transcrição de componentes do relógio biológico, de subunidades que compõe o complexo TOR, e da subunidade catalítica de SnRK1, KIN10. Medimos o desempenho do relógio biológico das variedades através da quantificação de amido em quatro pontos temporais, para obter uma dinâmica de produção e consumo, processo que é regulado pelo relógio biológico e tem genes com perfil de expressão rítmicos em cana de-açúcar. Curiosamente, uma das quatro variedades onde identificamos provável perfil rítmico de consumo de amido é a S.officinarum SP80-3280, cana-de-açúcar utilizada anteriormente para estudos de relógio biológico. Os nove acessos foram divididos em dois grupos com base em sua partição de carbono contrastante. HF (high fiber) com mais fibras e perfilho e grupo HS (high sucrose), com maior armazenamento de açúcares e amido que HF, em todos os horários de coleta, e com baixa produção de fibras. Estes grupos não diferem em expressão dos componentes de relógio biológico, no entanto, HS tem maior transcrição de uma subunidade do complexo TOR, em apenas um dos horários analisados (ZT12). Em conjunto, a expressão dos componentes do relógio biológico divide os acessos entre os que possuem altos níveis de transcrição de ScLHY, no ZT03, e os que possuem maior transcrição dos genes PRR59, 73 e 95, no ZT12, grupos com contrastante partição de carbono. A transcrição dos sensores energéticos se correlaciona no começo da noite em acessos de HS e Krakatau e, no começo da manhã, em acessos de HF e IN84-105, sem agrupar as variedades por espécie ou destino de carbono. Este trabalho sugere que há diferentes níveis de correlação entre a transcrição dos genes mensurados e as contrastantes partições de carbono das plantas do complexo Saccharu

Sugarcane and Energycane are intercrossable plants that make up the Saccharum complex. These plants are a source of biomass, sugar, biofuels, electricity among others, and even though they use the energy assimilated by photosynthesis in a contrasting way, both results in high productivity. The biological clock is a molecular mechanism that generates information about the time of day in conjunction with environmental stimuli, adapting physiological responses to optimize the development of organisms in a cyclic environment, a process that regulates about 64% of sugarcane genes in field-grown plants. In organisms such as plants, the recurrent process of energy production that happens only during the luminous period generates rhythmicity that may influence the activity of kinase enzymes, thus giving an energy sensor property for then. However, little is known about how these signs are perceived at the transcriptional level, especially in crops and monocots. To elucidate how these pathways act together in plants of the Saccharum complex, we measured the transcription level of the daytime loop of the biological clock, subunits that make up the TOR complex, and the catalytic subunit of SnRK1, KIN10. We measured starch content in four time points, to obtain a dynamic of production and consumption, a process that is regulated by the biological clock and has genes with a rhythmic expression profile in sugarcane. Interestingly, one of the four varieties where we could identify a probable rhythmic profile of starch consumption is a sugarcane SP80-3280 (S. officinarum), that have been used for biological clock studies. The nine genotypes were divided into two groups based on their contrasting carbon partition. HF (high fiber) with more fiber and tiller and group HS (high sucrose), with higher sugar and starch storage than HF, but with lower fiber production. These groups do not differ in expression of biological clock components; however, HS has a higher transcription of a subunit of the TOR complex, in only one of the analyzed times (ZT12). Together, the expression of components of the biological clock divides the genotypes between those with higher levels of ScLHY in ZT03 and those with more transcripts of PRR59, 73 and 95 genes in ZT12, groups that also have contrasting carbon partition. The transcription of TOR complex correlates in the early evening in HS and KRAKATAU, but in the morning, in HF and IN84-105, with no clear correlation with the C destination preferences. This work suggests that there are different levels of correlation between the transcription of biological clock and energy sensors component genes and the contrasting carbon partitions of plants from the Saccharum complex

Plants/adverse effects , Biological Clocks , Saccharum/adverse effects , Energy Metabolism , Phosphotransferases , Sucrose , Biomass , Growth and Development , Efficiency/classification , Sugars/classification
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20201104, 2022. tab, graf, ilus, mapas
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1286050


Continued unsustainable exploitation of natural resources promotes environmental degradation and threatens the preservation of dry forests around the world. This situation exposes the fragility and the necessity to study landscape transformations. In addition, it is necessary to consider the biomass quantity and to establish strategies to monitor natural and anthropic disturbances. Thus, this research analyzed the relationship between vegetation index and the estimated biomass using allometric equations in different Brazilian caatinga forest areas from satellite images. This procedure is performed by estimating the biomass from 9 dry tropical forest fragments using allometric equations. Area delimitations were obtained from the Embrapa collection of dendrometric data collected in the period between 2011 and 2012. Spectral variables were obtained from the orthorectified images of the RapidEye satellite. The aboveground biomass ranged from 6.88 to 123.82 Mg.ha-1. SAVI values were L = 1 and L = 0.5, while NDVI and EVI ranged from 0.1835 to 0.4294, 0.2197 to 0.5019, 0.3622 to 0.7584, and 0.0987 to 0.3169, respectively. Relationships among the estimated biomass and the vegetation indexes were moderate, with correlation coefficients (Rs) varying between 0.64 and 0.58. The best adjusted equation was the SAVI equation, for which the coefficient of determination was R² = 0.50, R2aj = 0.49, RMSE = 17.18 Mg.ha-1 and mean absolute error of prediction (MAE) = 14.07 Mg.ha-1, confirming the importance of the Savi index in estimating the caatinga aboveground biomass.

A exploração contínua e insustentável dos recursos naturais promove a degradação ambiental e ameaça a conservação das florestas secas no mundo. Essa situação expõe a fragilidade e a necessidade de estudar as transformações da paisagem. É necessário considerar o quantitativo de biomassa e o estabelecimento de estratégias para monitorar distúrbios naturais e antrópicos. Assim, este trabalho teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre o índice de vegetação e a biomassa estimada por meio de equações alométricas em diferentes áreas da caatinga brasileira a partir de imagens de satélite. Este procedimento é realizado estimando-se a biomassa de nove fragmentos de floresta tropical seca com o uso em equações alométricas. As delimitações das áreas foram obtidas da coleção da Empresa Brasileira de Pesquisa Agropecuária, a partir dos dados dendrométricos coletados no período entre 2011 e 2012. As variáveis espectrais foram obtidas a partir das imagens ortorretificadas do satélite RapidEye. A biomassa acima do solo variou de 6,88 a 123,82 Mg.ha-1. Os valores de SAVI para os coeficientes L = 1 e L = 0,5, NDVI e EVI variaram de 0,1835 a 0,4294, 0,2197 a 0,5019, 0,3622 a 0,7584 e 0,0987 a 0,3169, respectivamente. As relações entre a biomassa estimada e os índices de vegetação foram moderadas, com coeficiente de correlação (rs) variando entre 0,64 e 0,58. A equação mais bem ajustada foi a Equação do SAVI, com coeficiente de determinação foi R² = 0,50, R2aj = 0.49, RMSE = 17.18 Mg.ha-1 e erro médio absoluto de predição (MAE) = 14.07 Mg.ha-1, confirmando a importância do índice SAVI na estimativa da biomassa aérea da Caatinga.

Forests , Decision Support Techniques , Biomass , Renewable Energy , Semi-Arid Zone , Remote Sensing Technology
Ciênc. rural (Online) ; 52(2): e20210068, 2022. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | VETINDEX, LILACS | ID: biblio-1286060


This research valorized Pachira aquatica Aubl.'s fruit shells (PAS) through its energetic characterization and flash pyrolysis for biofuels or chemicals production. The characterization was performed through proximate and ultimate analysis, bulk density, higher heating value (HHV), hemicellulose, cellulose and lignin content, thermogravimetric analysis and absorption spectra in the infrared region obtained by Fourier-transform infrared spectroscopy technique (FTIR). The analytical flash pyrolysis was performed at 500°C in a Py-5200 HP-R coupled to a gas chromatograph (Py-GC/MS). The PAS biomass presents potential for thermochemical energy conversion processes due to its low moisture and ash content, 76.90% of volatile matter, bulk density of 252.6 kg/m3 and HHV of 16.24 MJ/kg. Flash pyrolysis products are mostly phenols or light organic acids derived from the decomposition of polysaccharides. Results confirmed the potential of PAS to produce bio-phenolics, such as 4-methoxyphenol which is an important active ingredient for skin depigmentation used in drugs and cosmetics, and as phenolic extract that can be used as a precursor to resins, applications that convert this forest waste into bio products for industry into a green circular economy.

Este trabalho teve como objetivo a valorização das cascas dos frutos da Pachira aquatica Aubl. (PAC) através da sua caracterização energética e pirólise flash para produção de biocombustíveis ou produtos químicos. A caracterização foi realizada através de análises imediata e final, densidade aparente, poder calorífico superior (PCS), conteúdos de hemicelulose, celulose e lignina, análise termogravimétrica e espectros de absorção na região do infravermelho obtidos pela técnica de espectroscopia no infravermelho com transformada de Fourier (FTIR). A pirólise flash analítica foi realizada a 500 °C em equipamento Py-5200 HP-R acoplado a um cromatógrafo à gás (Py-GC/MS). A biomassa das PAC apresenta potencial para processos de conversão termoquímica de energia devido ao seu baixo teor de umidade e cinzas, além de 76,90% de materiais voláteis, densidade aparente de 252,6 kg/m3 e PCS igual a 16,24 MJ / kg. Os produtos da pirólise rápida são principalmente fenóis ou ácidos orgânicos leves derivados da decomposição de polissacarídeos. Os resultados confirmam o potencial das PAC para produzir bio-fenólicos, como o 4-metoxifenol que é um importante ingrediente ativo para despigmentação da pele usado em medicamentos e cosméticos, e como extrato fenólico que pode ser usado como precursor de resinas. Estas aplicações convertem esses resíduos florestais em produtos biológicos para a indústria em uma economia circular verde.

Pyrolysis , Biomass , Bombacaceae , Fruit/chemistry , Lignin , Polysaccharides , Biofuels
Braz. J. Pharm. Sci. (Online) ; 58: e18665, 2022. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1374559


Abstract Suitability of developing Spirulina incorporated cereal based low cost nutritious extrudates was analysed against extrusion processing parameters. Most significant extrusion processing parameters considered for present study were feed moisture (20-25%), die temperature (100-120 °C) and screw speed (50-100 rpm). Different extrusion conditions were used to obtain most acceptable rice: Spirulina blend extrudates. In present study before extrusion processing different additives (citric acid and sodium bicarbonate) were added in rice: Spirulina blend and checked its effect on colour degradation kinetics at varied packaging and storage conditions. Higher screw speed (100 rpm) indicating less residence time of feed material inside the barrel resulted in higher colour retention of rice: Spirulina (97:03) blend extrudates. Kinetics for rice: Spirulina (97:03) blend extrudates indicates faster rate of colour degradation in terms of lightness (half-life of 4 days) when packed in metalized polyethylene at 50°C with 65% relative humidity. Increased concentration of Spirulina (1-3%) in raw formulations resulted in increase in concentration of all amino acids. Impact of extrusion processing has shown non-significant (p ≤ 0.05) effect on amino acid concentrations of rice: Spirulina blend extrudates. Also, all the spirulina added samples showed good consumer acceptability with the score of 6.7

Edible Grain/classification , Biomass , Microalgae/classification , Amino Acids/adverse effects , Oryza/classification , Low Cost Technology , Product Packaging/instrumentation , Residence Time , Spirulina/metabolism , Half-Life , Humidity/adverse effects