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Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 83: e0043, 2024. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1569743


ABSTRACT Objective To evaluate intraocular lens power calculation and postoperative refractive errors in patients with high myopia undergoing cataract surgery, comparing predicted target refraction and actual postoperative refraction measured 30 days after surgery with SRK/T formula. Methods This retrospective analysis comprised 39 eyes of 31 patients undergoing cataract surgery through phacoemulsification with in-the-bag IOL implantation. Axial length was measured by partial coherence interferometry or immersion ultrasound biometry, with measurements greater than 26 mm and preoperative myopia greater than -6.0 D Manifest refraction was performed at the 1-month postoperative visit, and the spherical equivalent was analyzed. Results After analysis of 39 eyes of 31 patients undergoing cataract surgery with a mean axial length of 30.4 (standard deviation of 2.2) mm, the mean preoperative refractive spherical equivalent was -15.6 (standard deviation of 7.6) D, ranging from -24.0 to -13.4 D. At 30 days postoperatively, the mean spherical equivalent was -0.35 (standard deviation of 1.1) D, ranging from -2.4 to 2.50 D. Conclusion We encountered a correlation between the absolute refractive error and the dioptric power of the intraocular lens. Against expectations, in our study, ultrasound biometry yielded better results than the optical biometer device, probably due to the small number of patients undergoing optical biometry, suggesting that well-performed immersion biometry can still produce satisfactory results.

RESUMO Objetivo Avaliar os cálculos de potência da lente intraocular e os erros refrativos pós-operatórios em pacientes com alta miopia submetidos à cirurgia de catarata, comparando a refração-alvo prevista e a refração pós-operatória real medida 30 dias após a cirurgia com a fórmula SRK/T. Métodos Esta análise retrospectiva incluiu 39 olhos de 31 pacientes com cirurgia de catarata de facoemulsificação não complicada com implantação de lente intraocular na bolsa. Os comprimentos axiais foram medidos por biometria de coerência óptica ou ultrassônica (imersão), com medidas de axial length (AL) maiores que 26 mm em pacientes com miopia maior que -6.0 D. A refração manifesta foi realizada na consulta pós-operatória de 1 mês, e o equivalente esférico foi analisado. Resultados Após análise de 39 olhos de 31 pacientes submetidos à cirurgia de catarata com AL médio de 30,4 (desvio-padrão de 2,2) mm, o equivalente esférico refrativo médio pré-operatório foi de -15,6 (desvio-padrão de 7,6) D, variando de -24,0 a -13,4 D. Aos 30 dias de pós-operatório, o equivalente esférico médio foi de -0,35 (desvio-padrão de 1,1) D, variando de -2,4 a 2,50 D. Conclusão Encontramos uma correlação entre o erro refrativo absoluto e o poder dióptrico da lente intraocular. Contrariando as expectativas, em nosso estudo, a biometria ultrassônica apresentou melhores resultados que o biômetro óptico, provavelmente devido ao pequeno número de pacientes submetidos à biometria óptica, sugerindo que a biometria de imersão bem executada ainda pode produzir resultados satisfatórios.

Humans , Refractive Errors , Biometry/methods , Phacoemulsification/methods , Myopia , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Retrospective Studies , Lens Implantation, Intraocular , Axial Length, Eye , Internship and Residency , Lenses, Intraocular
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 36(3)sept. 2023.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1550942


Objetivo: Determinar las modificaciones biométricas en pacientes miopes con implante de la lente fáquica ACRIOL 128. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal con 31 ojos (17 pacientes) con alta miopía tratados con implante de lente fáquica ACRIOL 128, entre septiembre 2016 y febrero 2019, los cuales tenían mediciones biométricas preoperatorias con el sistema IOL Master 3.0.2 y estabilidad refractiva posoperatoria (≤ 0,5 dioptrías) después de los tres meses del implante. Se les efectuaron las mediciones posoperatorias con el propio IOL Master 3.0.2 en modo lente fáquica y con el sistema Scheimpflug Pentacam AXL para compararlas, mediante la prueba t para datos pareados, con una significación del 95 por ciento. Resultados: La edad promedio fue de 29,82 ± 5,99 años, el 82,4 por ciento del sexo femenino. El equivalente esférico preoperatorio medio fue de -12,00 ± 4,10 dioptrías. La diferencia de longitud axial y profundidad de la cámara anterior en milímetros entre el pre- y posoperatorio fue significativa con IOL Master 3.0.2 (0,13 ± 0,33 y -0,08 ± 0,17) y Pentacam AXL (0,12 ± 0,32 y -0,10 ± 0,24), respectivamente. Sin embargo, las posoperatorias entre ambos equipos no fueron significativas (p>0,05) para estas variables, pero sí para las queratometrías. Conclusiones: El implante de la lente fáquica ACRIOL 128 modifica la medición de la longitud axial y la profundidad de la cámara anterior. El IOL Master 3.0.2 y el Pentacam AXL ofrecen mediciones de longitud axial y profundidad de cámara anterior posoperatorias similares, no así para las queratometrías(AU)

Objective: To determine the biometric modifications in myopic patients with ACRIOL 128 phakic lens implantation. Methods: A cross-sectional study was performed on 31 eyes (17 patients) with high myopia treated with ACRIOL 128 phakic lens implant, between September 2016 and February 2019, which had preoperative biometric measurements with the IOL Master 3.0.2 system and postoperative refractive stability (≤ 0.5 diopters) after three months of implantation. Postoperative measurements were performed with the IOL Master 3.0.2 in phakic lens mode and with the Scheimpflug Pentacam AXL system for comparison, using the t-test for paired data, with 95% significance. Results: The average age was 29.82 ± 5.99 years, 82.4por ciento female. The mean preoperative spherical equivalent was -12.00 ± 4.10 diopters. The difference in axial length and anterior chamber depth in millimeters between pre- and postoperative was significant with IOL Master 3.0.2 (0.13 ± 0,33 and -0.08 ± 0.17) and Pentacam AXL (0.12 ± 0.32 and -0.10 ± 0.24), respectively. However, postoperative between the two teams were not significant (p > 0.05) for these variables but significant for keratometries. Conclusions: Implantation of the ACRIOL 128 phakic lens modifies the measurement of axial length and anterior chamber depth. The IOL Master 3.0.2 and Pentacam AXL provide similar postoperative axial length and anterior chamber depth measurements, but not for keratometries(AU)

Humans , Biometry/methods , Phakic Intraocular Lenses
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1508249


Introducción: El crecimiento y el desarrollo son fenómenos biológicos que implican aumento de masa celular y diferenciación de forma o función, respectivamente. En beneficio del diagnóstico, se utilizan las bondades del ultrasonido en la evolución biométrica del crecimiento fetal. Objetivo: Determinar mensuraciones biométricas fetales más asociadas a la restricción del crecimiento fetal en infantes que sufrieron restricción del crecimiento intrauterino. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal descriptivo y retrospectivo de gestantes captadas en dos áreas de salud del municipio Santa Clara, que terminaron su embarazo entre septiembre del 2013 y octubre del 2018 y cuyos recién nacidos experimentaron restricción del crecimiento. La muestra se clasificó al nacimiento en pequeños y adecuados, según condición trófica y en cada grupo se estudió relación con valores percentilares de variables biométricas en los dos últimos trimestres. Resultados: Predominaron en todas las biometrías y en los dos trimestres los valores por debajo del décimo percentil. En la totalidad de los infantes y durante todo el período fetal, la circunferencia abdominal estuvo por debajo del percentil 10. En las variables largo del fémur y circunferencia cefálica los percentiles más altos se encontraron en el tercer trimestre y desde el segundo en la variable diámetro biparietal, posiblemente relacionado con restricciones asimétricas del crecimiento. Conclusiones: La variable biométrica circunferencia abdominal desde el segundo trimestre es fiable en la detección de restricciones del crecimiento intrauterino y su existencia por debajo del décimo percentil debe servir como certeza de su existencia, aun cuando la condición trófica del recién nacido parezca revelar otra realidad(AU)

Introduction: Growth and development are biological phenomenons involving cell mass increase and differentiation of form or function, respectively. For diagnostic purposes, the benefits of ultrasound are used for the biometric evolution of fetal growth. Objective: To determine fetal biometric measurements mostly associated with fetal growth restriction in infants who suffered intrauterine growth restriction. Methods: A descriptive and retrospective longitudinal study was carried out with pregnant women from two health areas of Santa Clara Municipality, who finished their pregnancy between September 2013 and October 2018 and whose newborns experienced growth restriction. The sample was classified at birth into small and adequate, according to trophic condition; and, in each group, the relationship with percentile values of biometric variables in the last two trimesters was studied. Results: Values below the tenth percentile predominated in all biometrics and in the two trimesters. In all infants and during the whole fetal period, abdominal circumference was below the tenth percentile. In the variables femur length and cephalic circumference, the highest percentiles were found in the third trimester; while, from the second trimester on, the same occurred in the variable biparietal diameter, possibly related to asymmetric growth restrictions. Conclusions: The biometric variable abdominal circumference is, from the second trimester on, reliable in the detection of intrauterine growth restrictions; its existence below the tenth percentile should serve as certainty of its existence, even when the trophic condition of the newborn seems to reveal another reality(AU)

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Biometry/methods , Fetal Growth Retardation/diagnostic imaging , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Retrospective Studies , Longitudinal Studies , Ultrasonography/methods
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1507323


Resumo Objectives: to determine the prevalence of pathological findings according to the type of chorionicity in pregnancies in two institutions in Bogotá, Colombia. Methods: descriptive, retrospective, cohort study. Biometric variables were calculated, and pathological findings were evaluated according to the type of chorionicity in multiple pregnancies. Statistical characterization was performed with absolute frequencies, calculation of relative frequencies in qualitative variables, standard deviation measures, median and interquartile range. In addition, a descriptive analysis of the information was carried out. Results: 528 studies were carried out in 141 pregnant women, 98.5% (n = 139) twins and 1.4% (n = 2) triplets. A prevalence of 35.4% of fetal complications was calculated. The most frequent was fetal growth restriction (p=0.37). According to each type of chorionicity, fetal growth restriction was presented in 50% (1/2) of the trichorionics, 16.6% (7/42) of the monochorionics, and 11.3% (11/97) of the dichorionics. Conclusion: fetal growth restriction was the most common finding, both in trichorionics, monochorionics and dichorionics pregnancies.

Resumen Objetivos: el objetivo del estudio fue determinar la prevalencia de los hallazgos patológicos ecográficos en embarazos múltiples de acuerdo con la corionicidad en dos instituciones en Bogotá-Colombia. Métodos: estudio de cohorte, descriptivo, retrospectivo. Las variables biométricas realizadas y los hallazgos patológicos se evaluaron de acuerdo con el tipo de embarazo gemelar. Se realizó caracterización estadística con frecuencias absolutas, cálculo de frecuencias relativas en variables cualitativas, medidas de desviación estándar, mediana y rango intercuartílico. Además, se realizó análisis descriptivo de la información. Resultados: se realizaron 528 estudios en 141 gestantes, encontrando 98,5% (n=139) gemelares y 1,4% (n=2) triples. Se calculó una prevalencia de 35,4% de complicaciones fetales siendo más frecuente la restricción del crecimiento fetal (p=0,37). Según la corionicidad, esta complicación se presentó en 50% (1/2) de los tricoriónicos, 16,6% (7/42) de los monocoriónicos y 11,3% (11/97) de los dicoriónicos. Conclusión: la restricción del crecimiento fetal fue el hallazgo más común en los embarazos múltiples en la población estudiada.

Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Pregnancy Complications/epidemiology , Pregnancy, Multiple , Pregnancy, Triplet , Pregnancy, Twin , Biometry/methods , Ultrasonography, Prenatal/methods , Colombia/epidemiology , Diseases in Twins , Fetal Growth Retardation
Medicentro (Villa Clara) ; 26(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1405647


RESUMEN Introducción: Las tablas de crecimiento y la ecografía de rutina son el estándar de oro para valorar adecuadamente al feto. Se consideran óptimas y adecuadas las tablas de biometría fetal que se crean con datos propios de cada población con el fin de usarlas como referencia, para identificar oportunamente malformaciones, o desviaciones del crecimiento. Objetivo: Identificar desviaciones de la norma de incremento en variables biométricas: diámetro biparietal, circunferencia cefálica, circunferencia abdominal y longitud del fémur. Métodos: Se realizó una investigación con diseño analítico longitudinal retrospectivo en la provincia Villa Clara, en el período comprendido entre enero de 2013 a diciembre de 2017. La población de estudio estuvo conformada por 6050 gestantes. La selección de la muestra se realizó a través de un muestreo no probabilístico intencional por criterios y quedó constituida por 3910 gestantes. Se obtuvieron datos de libros de registros de consultas de genética de áreas de salud seleccionadas. Se utilizaron medidas de resumen para variables cuantitativas, medias y percentiles (10, 50 y 90). Resultados: En el diámetro biparietal, la circunferencia cefálica y longitud del fémur, los valores reales obtenidos fueron inferiores a Hadlock en la mayoría de las semanas; la circunferencia abdominal cambió el comportamiento que llevaban las variables, ya que en esta predominaron los valores superiores entre los reales obtenidos, sobre todo en el percentil 10. Conclusiones: Los percentiles bajos de todas las variables en las primeras semanas, presentaron valores superiores a los de la tabla de Hadlock, pero en la circunferencia abdominal fetal, la muestra local tiene valores superiores mayoritarios a través de las semanas.

ABSTRACT Introduction: growth charts and routine ultrasound are the gold standard to adequately assess the fetus. Fetal biometry tables, created with data from each population, are considered optimal and appropriate in order to use them as a reference and to timely identify malformations or growth deviations. Objective: to identify deviations from the increase norm in the following biometric variables: biparietal diameter, head circumference, abdominal circumference and femur length. Methods: a retrospective, longitudinal and analytical study was conducted in Villa Clara province between January 2013 and December 2017. The study population consisted of 6050 pregnant women. The selection of the sample was carried out through an intentional non-probabilistic sampling and was made up of 3910 pregnant women who meet the criteria established for the study. Data were obtained from genetic consultation record books from selected health areas. Summary measures were used for quantitative variables, means and percentiles (10, 50 and 90). Results: the real values obtained in the biparietal diameter, head circumference and femur length were lower than Hadlock in most weeks; abdominal circumference changed the behavior of the variables, since in this the superior values prevailed between the real ones obtained, mainly in the10th percentile. Conclusions: low percentiles of all variables in the first weeks had higher values than those of the Hadlock table, but in the fetal abdominal circumference, the local sample had higher values throughout the weeks.

Pregnancy Trimesters , Biometry/methods , Fetal Development
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 35(2)jun. 2022.
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1441717


Objetivo: Comparar la biometría ocular entre adultos jóvenes chinos y cubanos pertenecientes al sector salud. Métodos: Estudio observacional descriptivo de corte transversal en 30 chinos y 30 cubanos, residentes de las diferentes especialidades médicas, que acudieron al Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer" entre septiembre de 2016 y septiembre de 2017. Las variables estudiadas fueron: longitud axial, profundidad de cámara anterior, y diámetro corneal horizontal. Se realizó biometría de no contacto con IOLMaster 500 (Carl Zeiss) en ambos ojos. Resultados: La edad media fue 24,9 años y 25,9 años en cubanos y chinos respetivamente. Los resultados biométricos promedio de ambos ojos para cubanos/chinos fueron: longitud axial 24,10 mm/24,60 mm; amplitud de cámara anterior 3,56 mm/3,46 mm; y diámetro corneal horizontal 11,80 mm/11,60 mm, sin diferencias estadísticamente significativas. El 60 de los ojos chinos fueron largos mientras que en los cubanos fue el 45 . Se reportaron dos ojos chinos con cámara anterior estrecha y el diámetro corneal horizontal fue normal en el 100 por ciento. Conclusiones: Los chinos exhibieron ojos de mayor longitud axial, menor amplitud de cámara anterior y menor diámetro corneal horizontal que los cubanos aunque las diferencias no fueron estadísticamente significativas.(AU)

Objective: To compare ocular biometry between Chinese and Cuban young adults belonging to the health sector. Methods: Descriptive observational cross-sectional study in 30 Chinese and 30 Cubans, residents of different medical specialties, who attended the Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology "Ramón Pando Ferrer" between September 2016 and September 2017. The variables studied were: axial length, anterior chamber depth, and horizontal corneal diameter. Non-contact biometry was performed with IOLMaster 500 (Carl Zeiss) in both eyes. Results: The average age was 24.9 years and 25.9 years in Cuban and Chinese patients respectively. The average biometric results of both eyes for Cuban/Chinese eyes were: axial length 24.10 mm/24.60 mm; anterior chamber width 3.56 mm/3.46 mm; and horizontal corneal diameter 11.80 mm/11.60 mm, with no statistically significant differences. Sixty percent of the Chinese eyes were long, while 45 percent of the Cuban eyes were long. Two Chinese eyes were reported with narrow anterior chamber and horizontal corneal diameter was normal in a 100 percent of them. Conclusions: Chinese exhibited eyes of greater axial length, smaller anterior chamber width and smaller horizontal corneal diameter than Cubans although the differences were not statistically significant(AU)

Humans , Adult , Biometry/methods
Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc ; Rev. Méd. Inst. Mex. Seguro Soc;60(2): 129-133, abr. 2022. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1367108


ntroducción: la cirugía de catarata con implante de un lente intraocular es, hoy en día, el procedimiento quirúrgico más frecuente en todo el mundo. Su éxito depende de muchos factores, uno de los más importantes es el cálculo exacto del poder dióptrico del lente intraocular. Objetivo: comparar el cálculo del poder dióptrico del lente intraocular en los pacientes sin y con dilatación pupilar. Material y métodos: estudio longitudinal, en el que se determinó el cálculo del poder dióptrico del lente intraocular en pacientes con y sin dilatación pupilar. Las variables de estudio fueron: edad, género, ojo a estudiar, queratometría, longitud axial, profundidad de cámara anterior y poder dióptrico del lente intraocular. Se realizó estadística descriptiva y t de Student. Resultados: se estudiaron 37 pacientes, 23 mujeres y 14 hombres. La edad promedio fue de 68 ± 7.87 años. Se estudiaron 64 ojos, 30 fueron derechos y 34 izquierdos. Estadísticamente solo hubo diferencia significativa en K2 de la biometría ocular entre pacientes sin y con dilatación pupilar al obtenerse un valor de p ≤ 0.05. Conclusión: no existen cambios en el cálculo del poder dióptrico del LIO sin y con dilatación pupilar.

Background: Cataract surgery with intraocular lens implant is, nowadays, the most frequent surgical procedure in all the world. Its success depends on a lot of factors, one of the most important is the calculation of the exact dioptric power of intraocular lens. Objective: To compare the calculation of dioptric power of intraocular lens with and without dilatation in patients with cataract. Material and methods: Longitudinal study, the calculation of the dioptric power of the intraocular lens was determined in patients without and with pupillary dilation. The variables were age, gender, eye to study, keratometry, axial length, anterior chamber depth and dioptric power of the intraocular lens. Descriptive statistics and Student t test were performed. Results: There were 37 patients, 23 females and 14 males. The average age was 68 + 7.87 years. Sixty-four eyes were studied, 30 were right and 34 left. Statistically, there was only significant difference in K2 of the ocular biometry between patients without and with pupillary dilation when obtaining a value of p < 0.05. Conclusion: There are no changes in the calculation of the dioptric power of the Intraocular lens without and with pupillary dilation

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Cataract , Pupil , Dilatation , Lenses, Intraocular , Longitudinal Studies , Biometry/methods , Octogenarians
Journal of Forensic Medicine ; (6): 308-313, 2022.
Article in English | WPRIM | ID: wpr-984121


Individual identification is one of the research hotspots in the practice of forensic science, and the judgment is usually built on the comparison of the unique biological characteristics of the individual, such as fingerprints, iris and DNA. With the dramatic increase in the number of cases related to video image investigations, there is an increasing need for the technology to identify individuals based on the macroscopic comparison of facial appearance biometrics. At present, with the introduction of computer three-dimensional (3D) modeling and 3D superimposition comparison technology, considerable progress has been made in individual identification methods based on macroscopic comparison of facial appearance biometrics. This paper reviews individual facial appearance biometric methods based on macroscopical comparison, comprehensively analyzes the advantages and limitations of different methods, and puts forward recommendations and prospects for subsequent research.

Humans , Biometric Identification , Biometry/methods , Face/anatomy & histology , Forensic Sciences/methods
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 81: e0004, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1357124


RESUMO A acurácia do cálculo da lente intraocular não é perfeita, podendo ser comuns erros refrativos pós-operatórios, especialmente em pacientes submetidos à cirurgia refrativa prévia ou na presença de córneas assimétricas. O poder corneano após cirurgia refrativa pode ser medido com maior acurácia utilizando o mapa de poder óptico total na zona central de 4mm, com Orbscan II ou pelo mapa equivalent keratometric reading disponível no pentacam, com medidas centrais de 1,0, 2,0, 3,0 e 4,5mm. O objetivo desta série de casos é demonstrar a abordagem de quatro olhos em condições especiais corneanas, por meio do equivalent keratometric reading do pentacam para mensuração do poder corneano e o utilizando na biometria, em comparação com possíveis resultados obtidos com outras estratégias. Os quatro olhos foram submetidos a procedimentos refrativos prévios, e a lente intraocular escolhida a partir do uso do poder corneano calculado pelo equivalent keratometric reading mostrou excelentes resultados pós-operatórios.

ABSTRACT The accuracy of the intraocular lens calculation is not perfect, and postoperative refractive errors are common, especially in patients who have undergone previous refractive surgery or in presence of asymmetric corneas. Corneal power after refractive surgery can be more accurately measured using the total optical power map in the 4-mm central zone, by means of Orbscan II or equivalent keratometric reading map available on pentacam, with central measurements of 1.0, 2.0, 3.0 and 4.5 mm. The purpose of this case series is to demonstrate four approaches performed in special corneal conditions, using pentacam equivalent keratometric reading to measure corneal power and biometrics, and comparing with possible results obtained with other strategies. The four eyes were submitted to previous refractive procedures, and the intraocular lens chosen from the use of the corneal power calculated by equivalent keratometric reading showed excellent postoperative results.

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Biometry/methods , Lens Implantation, Intraocular , Refractive Surgical Procedures , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Refractive Errors/diagnosis , Refractive Errors/physiopathology , Cataract/diagnosis , Visual Acuity , Corneal Topography , Slit Lamp Microscopy , Lenses, Intraocular
Rev. cuba. med. mil ; 50(3): e1418, 2021. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1357312


Introducción: La longitud axial ocular, la profundidad de la cámara anterior y el grosor corneal central, son tres índices biométricos oculares importantes. Estas medidas son útiles para mostrar los cambios en la población vietnamita con presbicia. Objetivos: Determinar los índices biométricos oculares, longitud axial ocular, profundidad de la cámara anterior y espesor corneal central, en población vietnamita y evaluar la correlación entre ellos y con la edad y el sexo. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en población vietnamita, con edad de 46 a 65 años. Se recogieron los datos de longitud axial ocular, profundidad de la cámara anterior y grosor corneal central. Se utilizaron la prueba t de Student y ANOVA para comparar las medias de los índices, agrupados por edad y sexo. La relación entre los índices biométricos oculares fue probada mediante la correlación de Pearson, con un nivel de significación de p < 0,05. Resultados: Se analizaron 390 ojos de 195 personas. La longitud media del eje ocular fue 23,13 ± 0,66 mm, la profundidad de la cámara anterior, 3,15 ± 0,36 mm, el grosor corneal central, 529,15 ± 30,57 µm. Los tres índices biométricos disminuyeron con la edad y fueron mayores en los hombres (p < 0,05). La longitud del eje ocular tuvo relación positiva con la profundidad de la cámara anterior (r = 0,411 y p < 0,001) y el espesor corneal central (r = 0,141 y p < 0,001). No hubo relación entre la profundidad de la cámara anterior y el grosor corneal central (r = 0,039 y p = 0,44). Conclusión: Los tres índices biométricos oculares disminuyeron con la edad y fueron mayores en los hombres. La longitud del eje ocular se relacionó con la profundidad de la cámara anterior y el grosor de la córnea central(AU)

Introduction: Ocular axial length, anterior chamber depth and central corneal thickness are three important ocular biometric indices. These measurements are useful to show changes in the Vietnamese population with presbyopia. Objectives: To determine the ocular biometric indices, ocular axial length, anterior chamber depth and central corneal thickness, in Vietnamese population and evaluate the correlation between these indices. Methods: A cross-sectional study was carried out in a Vietnamese population, aged 46 to 65 years. Data on ocular axial length, anterior chamber depth and central corneal thickness were collected. The Student's t test and ANOVA were used to compare the means of the indices, grouped by age and sex. The relationship between the ocular biometric indices was tested using Pearson's correlation, with a significance level of p <0.05. Results: 390 eyes of 195 people were analyzed. The mean length of the ocular axis was 23.13 ± 0.66 mm, the depth of the anterior chamber, 3.15 ± 0.36 mm, and the central corneal thickness, 529.15 ± 30.57 µm. The three biometric indices decreased with age and were higher in men (p <0.05). The length of the ocular axis had a positive relationship with the depth of the anterior chamber (r = 0.411 and p <0.001) and the central corneal thickness (r = 0.141 and p <0.001). There was no relationship between anterior chamber depth and central corneal thickness (r = 0.039 and p = 0.44). Conclusion: Three ocular biometric indices decreased with age and were higher in men. The length of the ocular axis was related to the depth of the anterior chamber and the thickness of the central cornea(AU)

Humans , Middle Aged , Axial Length, Eye/physiology , Anterior Chamber/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Biometry/methods
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 34(1): e971, 2021. tab
Article in Spanish | LILACS, CUMED | ID: biblio-1289521


Objetivo: Comparar las mediciones biométricas realizadas con el IOL Master 500 y el Pentacam AXL. Métodos: Se realizó un estudio transversal en 99 ojos de 99 pacientes miopes con criterio de cirugía fotoablativa, atendidos en el período de enero del año 2019 a enero de 2020, en el Servicio de Cirugía Refractiva del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología "Ramón Pando Ferrer". Las variables estudiadas fueron edad, sexo, equivalente esférico y características biométricas preoperatorias (longitud axial, profundidad de la cámara anterior y queratometrías), así como su relación, aportadas automáticamente por el IOL Master 500 y el Pentacam AXL para evitar los factores dependientes del operador. El análisis estadístico se realizó con la Prueba t para datos pareados, utilizando una significación del 95 por ciento. Una diferencia con un valor de p < 0,05 fue considerado estadísticamente significativo. Resultados: El 60,61 por ciento de los pacientes eran de sexo femenino y el 39,39 por ciento del masculino, con una edad promedio de 25,67 ± 4,30 años. Se analizaron 51 ojos derechos y 48 izquierdos. El equivalente esférico medio fue de -3,30 ± 1,53 dioptrías. No hubo diferencia estadísticamente significativa entre los valores biométricos (longitud axial, profundidad de la cámara anterior y queratometrías) obtenidos con el IOL Master 500, en comparación con los del Pentacam-AXL (p > 0,05). Conclusión: Las mediciones biométricas (longitud axial, profundidad de la cámara anterior y queratometrías) obtenidas con el IOL Master 500 y el Pentacam-AXL son similares(AU)

Objective: Compare biometric measurements taken with IOL Master 500 and Pentacam AXL. Methods: A cross-sectional study was conducted of 99 eyes of 99 myopic patients with indication of photoablative surgery attending the Refractive Surgery Service at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology from January 2019 to January 2020. The variables analyzed were age, sex, spherical equivalent and preoperative biometric characteristics (axial length, anterior chamber depth and keratometries) and the relationship to one another, automatically supplied by IOL Master 500 and Pentacam AXL to avoid operator-dependent factors. Statistical analysis was based on the paired T-test with a significance level of 95%. A difference with a p-value < 0.05 was considered to be statistically significant. Results: Of the patients studied, 60.61 percent were female and 39.39 percent were male; mean age was 25.67± 4.30 years. A total 51 right eyes and 48 left eyes were analyzed. Mean spherical equivalent was -3.30 ± 1.53 diopters. No statistically significant difference was found between the biometric values (axial length, anterior chamber depth and keratometries) obtained with IOL Master 500 versus Pentacam AXL (p > 0.05). Conclusion: Similar biometric measurements (axial length, anterior chamber depth and keratometries) are obtained with IOL Master 500 and Pentacam AXL(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Biometry/methods , Refractive Surgical Procedures/methods , Anterior Chamber/diagnostic imaging , Cross-Sectional Studies
Arq. bras. med. vet. zootec. (Online) ; 73(1): 261-264, Jan.-Feb. 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1153068


O objetivo deste trabalho foi propor um modelo matemático para predição do peso corporal de cordeiros com base nas medidas biométricas. Foram utilizados dados de 51 cordeiros, com composição genética de pelo menos 50% da raça Santa Inês. O peso corporal (PC) dos animais foi acompanhado durante 91 dias por meio de pesagens semanais. Após as pesagens, foram tomadas as medidas: altura anterior (AA); altura posterior (AP); comprimento corporal (CC); largura de peito (LP); largura de garupa (LG); perímetro torácico (PT) e perímetro de barril (PB). Essas medidas foram utilizadas como variáveis de entrada do modelo. Foi observado correlações positivas e significativas (P<0,05) entre todas as variáveis biométricas com o PC. No entanto, o PC apresentou uma alta correlação com o PT (0,836), seguido do PB (0,818) e AP (0,740). Dessa forma, essas três medidas foram significativas para estimativa do PC. Portanto, o modelo para predizer o PC dos cordeiros foi: Peso (kg)=0,4455* PT - 0,5794 * PB + 0,0019 * AP2 + 0.0053* PB2. O perímetro torácico, perímetro de barril e altura de posterior podem ser utilizados como variáveis preditoras do peso corporal em ovinos mestiços, independente do sexo.(AU)

Animals , Body Weights and Measures/veterinary , Sheep/growth & development , Biometry/methods
Rev. bras. oftalmol ; 80(5): e0034, 2021. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1341156


ABSTRACT Objective To compare the performance of Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Theoretical, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal II, Kane, and Hill-radial basis function formulas to calculate intraocular lens power in eyes with normal axial length, in terms of predicting target refraction by using partial coherence interferometry technology. Methods Phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation were performed in 135 eyes of 135 patients with an axial length between 22 and 24.5 mm. Axial length, keratometry, and anterior chamber depth were measured by intraocular lens Master 500. Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Theoretical, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal II, Kane, and Hill-radial basis function formulas were used for intraocular lens power calculations. The difference between the expected postoperative refraction and the mean absolute prediction error was calculated for each eye. Statistical significance was evaluated at the level of p<0.05. Results The study included 135 subjects. The mean axial length, anterior chamber depth, keratometry, and intraocular lens power were 23.2±1.2 (22 to 24.5) mm, 3.2±0.4 (2.4 to 4.4) mm, 43.5±1.5 (40.8 to 46.2) diopter, 21.5±1.8 (18.5 to 25.5) diopter, respectively. The mean absolute prediction error for Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Theoretical, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal II, Kane, and Hill-radial basis function was 0.306±0.291, 0.312±0.257, 0.314±0.268, 0.299±0.206 and 0.308±0.280, respectively (p>0.05). Conclusion The study showed the third-generation (Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Theoretical and Hoffer Q), fourth-generation (Barrett Universal II) and new-generation (Kane and Hill-radial basis function) intraocular lens power calculation formulas had similar performances regarding calculation of intraocular lens power to predict target refraction after phacoemulsification in eyes with normal axial length.

RESUMO Objetivo Comparar o desempenho das fórmulas Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Teórica, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal II, Kane, e Hill-radial basis function (RBF) para cálculo de poder dióptrico das lentes intraoculares, em olhos com comprimento axial normal, em termos de predição da refração alvo, utilizando a tecnologia de interferometria de coerência parcial. Métodos Facoemulsificação e implante de lentes intraoculares foram realizados em 135 olhos de 135 pacientes com comprimento axial entre 22 e 24.5 mm. Comprimento axial, ceratometria, e profundidade da câmara anterior foram medidos por lente intraocular Master 500. As fórmulas Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Teórica, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal II, Kane, e Hill-radial basis function foram empregadas para cálculo de poder dióptrico das lentes intraoculares. A diferença entre a refração esperada no pós-operatório e a média dos erros absolutos preditivos foi calculada para cada olho. Os valores de p<0,05 foram considerados estatisticamente significativos. Resultados O estudo incluiu 135 sujeitos. As médias de comprimento axial, profundidade da câmara anterior, ceratometria, e poder dióptrico das lentes intraoculares foram 23,2±1,2 (22 a 24,5) mm, 3,2±0,4 (2,4 a 4,4) mm, 43,5±1,5 (40,8 a 46,2) dioptria, 21,5±1,8 (18,5 a 25,5) dioptria, respectivamente. A média de erro absoluto preditivo para as fórmulas Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Teórica, Hoffer Q, Barrett Universal II, Kane, e Hill-radial basis function foi 0,306±0,291, 0,312±0,257, 0,314±0,268, 0,299±0,206 e 0,308±0,280, respectivamente (p>0,05). Conclusão O estudo mostrou que as fórmulas de terceira geração (Sanders-Retzlaff-Kraft/Teórica e Hoffer Q), de quarta geração (Barrett Universal II) e as da nova geração (Kane e Hill-radial basis function) para cálculo de poder dióptrico das lentes intraoculares, têm desempenhos semelhantes para cálculo do poder dióptrico das lentes intraoculares, para predizer a refração alvo após facoemulsificação em olhos com comprimento axial normal.

Humans , Biometry/methods , Phacoemulsification , Lens Implantation, Intraocular , Lenses, Intraocular , Refraction, Ocular/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Axial Length, Eye , Observational Study
Pesqui. vet. bras ; Pesqui. vet. bras;41: e06650, 2021. tab, graf, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1250482


The objective of the present study was to obtain echobiometric values for the most important canine maternal-fetal tissues using high-definition ultrasonography (HDUS) trying to update the formulas for predicting gestational age. Twelve healthy bitches of brachycephalic breeds weighing 7-13kg and aged one to four years were included. The fetuses were analyzed every day using conventional and high-definition ultrasonography from the eighth day after artificial insemination until the day of delivery, using the ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS ultrasound equipment and specific software. Embryonic and fetal structures; diameter of the embryonic vesicle; length of the embryo; biparietal diameter, abdominal length and kidney height; length of the femur, humerus, scapula, radius, and tibia; thickening of the stomach wall; adrenal length; and cardiac size were measured. These variables were correlated with gestational and adjusted tested according to regression models. The results obtained (P<0.001) for: lateral diameter of the gestational sac (R2=81.8%); length of the embryo (R2=85.7%); biparietal (R2=99.1%) and abdominal diameter (R2=97.2%); thickness of the gastric wall (R2=86.9%); length of the femur (R2=96.6%), radius (R2=97.5%), humerus (R2=96.5%), scapula (R2=95.8%) and tibia (R2=97.3%); kidney length (R2=95.8%) and height (R2=96.0%); adrenal length (R2=89.6%); heart length (R2=93.0%) and height (R2=91.5%) of the canine fetuses showed significant correlation with gestational days. This allowed monitoring fetal growth and estimation of age with high accuracy in different gestational periods.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi obter valores ecobiométricos para os tecidos materno-fetais caninos, usando a ultrassonografia de alta definição (HDUS), desenvolvendo fórmulas para prever a idade gestacional das cadelas. Doze cadelas saudáveis de raças braquicefálicas pesando 7-13kg e com idades entre um e quatro anos foram incluídas. Os fetos foram analisados diariamente com ultrassonografia convencional e de alta definição, do oitavo dia após a inseminação artificial até o dia do parto, utilizando o equipamento de ultrassom ACUSON S2000/SIEMENS e software específico. Estruturas embrionárias e fetais; diâmetro da vesícula embrionária; comprimento do embrião; diâmetro biparietal, comprimento abdominal e altura renal; comprimento do fêmur, úmero, escápula, rádio e tíbia; espessamento da parede do estômago; comprimento adrenal; e tamanho cardíaco foram medidos. Essas variáveis foram correlacionadas com o teste gestacional e ajustado de acordo com os modelos de regressão. Os resultados obtidos (P<0,001) para: diâmetro lateral do saco gestacional (R2=81,8%); comprimento do embrião (R2=85,7%); diâmetro biparietal (R2=99,1%) e abdominal (R2=97,2%); espessura da parede gástrica (R2=86,9%); comprimento do fêmur (R2=96,6%), rádio (R2=97,5%), úmero (R2=96,5%), escápula (R2=95,8%) e tíbia (R2=97,3%); comprimento do rim (R2=95,8%) e altura (R2=96,0%); comprimento adrenal (R2=89,6%); o comprimento do coração (R2=93,0%) e a altura (R2=91,5%) dos fetos caninos apresentaram correlação significativa com os dias gestacionais. Isso permitiu monitorar o crescimento fetal e estimar a idade com alta precisão em diferentes períodos gestacionais.(AU)

Animals , Female , Dogs , Biometry/methods , Ultrasonography , Craniosynostoses , Cuspid , Fetal Development , Insemination, Artificial , Parturition
Braz. J. Vet. Res. Anim. Sci. (Online) ; 57(4): e171210, 2020. tab, ilus
Article in English | LILACS, VETINDEX | ID: biblio-1348016


This study aimed to evaluate the effect of immunocastration on the scrotal circumference, as well as in the macroscopic and microscopic testicular features in Nellore bulls bred under a semi-confining system for 91 days. Sixty animals were divided into two groups: 30 intact animals (non-vaccinated) and 30 immunocastrated animals. The immunocastrated animals were treated with two anti-GnRH vaccine doses (BoprivaTM - Zoetis Australia Pty Ltd). The scrotal circumference (SC) was measured on days 0 and 56. Testicular parameters: biometry traits (length, width, and height ­ cm; volume ­ cm3) and weight (g) was measured on day 91. Three testicles from each group were histologically processed to find the seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness (µm). Data were analyzed in the Minitab® 19 statistical software. The macroscopic features (SC, and testes weight, volume, length, width, and height) and the microscopic features (seminiferous tubule diameter and epithelium thickness) were compared between the two groups through Student's t-test and Mann-Whitney test. All the values were lower (p<0.05) in animals immunized against GnRH, except for the right testis width and seminiferous tubule diameter. Results indicate that immunization against GnRH affected testicular development.(AU)

O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar o efeito da imunocastração no perímetro escrotal, assim como nas características testiculares macroscópicas e microscópicas de touros Nelore criados em um sistema de semiconfinamento por 91 dias. Sessenta animais foram divididos em dois grupos: 30 animais inteiros (não vacinados) e 30 imunocastrados. Os animais imunocastrados receberam duas doses de uma vacina anti-GnRH (Bopriva® - Zoetis Ltda). O perímetro escrotal (PE) foi mensurado nos dias 0 e 56. Parâmetros testiculares: atributos biométricos (comprimento, largura e altura ­ cm; volume cm3) e peso (g) foram medidos no dia 91. Três testículos de cada grupo foram processados para histologia clássica a fim de avaliar o diâmetro e a espessura do epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos (µm). Os dados foram analisados pelo software estatístico Minitab® 19. As médias das características macroscópicas (PE, peso, volume, comprimento, largura e altura dos testículos) e das microscópicas (diâmetro e espessura do epitélio dos túbulos seminíferos) foram comparadas entre os dois grupos pelos testes t de Student e Mann-Whitney. Todos os valores foram menores (p<0,05) em animais imunizados contra o GnRH, exceto a altura média do testículo direito e o diâmetro do túbulo seminífero. Os resultados indicam que a imunização contra o GnRH afeta o desenvolvimento testicular.(AU)

Animals , Cattle , Cattle/anatomy & histology , Castration/veterinary , Seminiferous Tubules , Biometry/methods
Rev. bras. enferm ; Rev. bras. enferm;72(6): 1723-1729, Nov.-Dec. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS, BDENF | ID: biblio-1042171


ABSTRACT Objective: to analyze scientific evidence available in health literature on ethics, standardization and biometric indicators. Method: an integrative review carried out in August 2016, on the databases: National Library of Medicine, Literatura Latino-Americana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde (Latin-American and Caribbean Literature on Health Sciences), and on the library Scientific Electronic Library Online. The review included primary articles on: ethics, standardization and biometric indicators, in Portuguese, English, or Spanish; and excluded studies that were not found as full texts, as well as opinions, commentary, reviews, theses, and dissertations. For the evaluation of the articles, it was used evidence levels from one to five. Results: eight articles were included, with scientific evidence levels 4 and 5: scientific productivism, production evaluation systems, internationalization, impact factor, classification of journals, and adequate and inadequate practices for publication. Conclusion: it was verified the need for publications with higher evidence levels so that Brazilian journals can follow international standards dealing with research ethics.

RESUMEN Objetivo: analizar las evidencias científicas disponibles en la literatura del área de la salud sobre ética, estándares e indicadores bibliométricos. Método: revisión integrativa realizada en agosto de 2016, en las bases de datos National Library of Medicine y Literatura Latinoamericana y del Caribe en Ciencias de la Salud, y en la biblioteca Scientific Electronic Library Online. Se incluyeron artículos primarios sobre ética, estándares e indicadores bibliométricos, en portugués, inglés o español; y se excluyeron estudios que no se encontraron en su totalidad, opiniones, notas, revisiones, tesis y disertaciones. Se utilizaron los niveles de evidencia de uno a cinco en la evaluación de los artículos. Resultados: se incluyeron ocho artículos con nivel de evidencia científica 4 y 5: el productivismo científico, los sistemas de evaluación de la producción, la internacionalización, el factor de impacto, la clasificación de periódicos y las prácticas adecuadas e inadecuadas para la publicación. Conclusión: se observó la necesidad de publicaciones con mayores niveles de evidencia y atención para que las revistas nacionales sigan los estándares internacionales que aborden la ética en investigación.

RESUMO Objetivo: analisar evidências científicas disponíveis na literatura da área da saúde sobre ética, normatização e indicadores bibliométricos. Método: revisão integrativa realizada em agosto de 2016, nas bases de dados: National Library of Medicine, Literatura Latino-Ameticana e do Caribe em Ciências da Saúde e a biblioteca Scientific Electronic Library Online. Foram incluídos artigos primários sobre: ética, normatização e indicadores bibliométricos, em português, inglês ou espanhol, e excluídos estudos que não foram encontrados na íntegra, opiniões, comentários, revisões, teses e dissertações. Foram utilizados níveis de evidência de um a cinco para avaliação dos artigos. Resultados: foram incluídos oito artigos com nível de evidência científica 4 e 5: produtivismo científico, sistemas de avaliação da produção, internacionalização, fator de impacto, classificação de periódicos e práticas adequadas e inadequadas para publicação. Conclusão: Observou-se a necessidade de publicações com maiores níveis de evidência e atenção para que os periódicos nacionais sigam padrões internacionais que abordem ética em pesquisa.

Humans , Reference Standards , Ethics , Biometric Identification/ethics , Publications/standards , Publications/trends , Brazil , Biometry/methods
Rev. cuba. oftalmol ; 32(2): e661, abr.-jun. 2019.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1093698


RESUMEN La interferometría de coherencia óptica es un procedimiento esencial para calcular la potencia óptica de la lente intraocular. La presente revisión describe la evolución de la biometría óptica por interferometría, las nuevas plataformas, las características técnicas, los parámetros de calibración, la interpretación de los resultados y las situaciones especiales con indicación de cirugía de catarata. Para efectuar el trabajo fueron consultadas las bases de datos de la plataforma Infomed, específicamente en la Biblioteca Virtual de Salud, PubMed, Cochrane Database-Wiley Online Library, LILACS y Scielo. El IOL Máster favorece la medición de los parámetros biométricos oculares, ya que realiza mediciones sólidas y repetibles que incluye fórmulas de cuarta generación para el cálculo de potencia de lentes intraoculares. Actualmente se dispone en el mercado de varias plataformas para la biometría ocular usando los métodos interferométricos de alta resolución que tienen el potencial de mejorar significativamente los resultados refractivos. Estos estudios son de alta predictibilidad, lo cual permite obtener una buena agudeza visual y evita la sorpresa refractiva((AU)

ABSTRACT Optical coherence interferometry is an essential procedure for calculating the optical power of the intraocular lens. The present review describes the evolution of optical biometry by interferometry, the new platforms, technical features, calibration parameters, interpretation of results, and special situations in which cataract surgery is indicated. Information was collected from the databases on the Infomed platform, specifically the Virtual Health Library, PubMed, Cochrane Database-Wiley Online Library, LILACS and Scielo. IOL Master facilitates the measurement of ocular biometric parameters, since it performs solid, repeatable measurements that include fourth-generation formulas for the calculation of intraocular lens power. Several ocular biometry platforms are currently available in the market which use high resolution interferometric methods with the potential to significantly improve refractive results. These studies are characterized by their high predictability, making it possible to obtain good visual acuity and avoid refractive surprise(AU)

Humans , Cataract Extraction/adverse effects , Biometry/methods , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Interferometry/methods , Review Literature as Topic , Databases, Bibliographic
Int. j. morphol ; 37(2): 466-472, June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1002244


The current young morphologist has a background in cellular and molecular biology, where the production of knowledge is very intense and rapid. However, as demonstrated in this review, quantitative methods in morphology, especially allometry, may be significant in demonstrating relationships between size and shape, ontogeny, and phylogeny. These themes are essential to the morphologist and should not be neglected because it improves the morphologists capacity for criticism and proposing projects. In this text, both ontogenetic and phylogenetic allometries in bivariate and multivariate studies are commented. Therefore, it is an initial text for those who have not yet been introduced to the topic, which gives the basis for being increased in the future, with more specific literature.

El joven morfólogo actual tiene una formación en biología celular y molecular, donde la producción de conocimiento es muy intensa y rápida. Sin embargo, como expusimos en esta revisión, métodos cuantitativos en morfología, en especial la alometría, pueden ser significantes en demostrar relaciones entre el tamaño y la forma, la ontogenia y la filogenia. Estos temas son importantes para el morfólogo y no deben ser descuidados porque mejora la capacidad de crítica y la propuesta de proyectos. En este texto, presentamos la alometría ontogenética y la filogenética, en estudios bivariados y multivariados. Por lo tanto, es un texto inicial para quienes aún no se han introducido al tema y que dará las bases para ser acrescentado en el futuro, con literatura más específica.

Phylogeny , Multivariate Analysis , Biometry/methods
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;82(3): 195-199, May-June 2019. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001305


ABSTRACT Purpose: To investigate changes in axial length after intravitreal dexamethasone implantation in patients with macular edema. Methods: We performed a prospective comparative study of 46 patients with unilateral macular edema, due to diabetic retinopathy, retinal vein occlusion, and non-infectious uveitis, who underwent dexamethasone implantation. The fellow eyes of the patients were considered the control group. The central macular thickness was measured by spectral-domain optical coherence tomography, and axial length was measured by IOLMaster 700 optical coherence biometry. We compared axial length and central macular thickness values within the groups. Results: In the study group, the baseline central macular thickness was 460.19 ± 128.64 mm, significantly decreasing to 324.00 ± 79.84 mm after dexamethasone implantation (p=0.000). No significant change in central macular thickness measurements was seen in the control group (p=0.244). In the study group, the baseline axial length was 23.16 ± 0.68 mm, significantly increasing to 23.22 ± 0.65 mm after dexamethasone implantation (p=0.039). However, the control group exhibited no significant change in axial length (p=0.123). Conclusions: In addition to significantly reducing central macular thickness measurements, intravitreal dexamethasone implantation also significantly changes optical biometry-based axial length measurements.

RESUMO Objetivo: Investigar alterações no comprimento axial após implante de dexametasona intravítrea em pacientes com edema macular. Métodos: Foi realizado um estudo prospectivo e comparativo de 46 pacientes com edema macular unilateral, devido à retinopatia diabética, oclusão da veia retiniana e uveíte não infecciosa, que foram submetidos ao implante de dexametasona. Os olhos contralateral de cada paciente foram considerados o grupo controle. A espessura macular central foi medida por tomografia de coerência óptica de domínio espectral, e o comprimento axial foi medido por meio de biometria de coerência óptica de domínio espectral e o comprimento axial foi medido pela biometria de coerência óptica com IOLMaster 700. Comparamos o comprimento axial e os valores da espessura macular central dentro dos grupos. Resultados: No grupo de estudo, a espessura macular basal foi de 460,19 ± 128,64 mm, diminuindo significativamente para 324,00 ± 79,84 mm após o implante de dexametasona (p=0,000). Nenhuma mudança significativa nas medidas da espessura macular central foi observada no grupo controle (p=0,244). No grupo de estudo, o comprimento axial basal foi de 23,16 ± 0,68 mm, aumentando significativamente para 23,22 ± 0,65 mm após o implante de dexametasona (p=0,039). No entanto, o grupo controle não apresentou alteração significativa no comprimento axial (p=0,123). Conclusões: Além de reduzir significativamente as medidas da espessura macular central, o implante de dexametasona intravítrea também altera significativamente as medidas de comprimento axial baseadas na biometria óptica.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Dexamethasone/administration & dosage , Macular Edema/drug therapy , Axial Length, Eye/drug effects , Intravitreal Injections/methods , Glucocorticoids/administration & dosage , Macula Lutea/drug effects , Visual Acuity , Macular Edema/pathology , Prospective Studies , Biometry/methods , Treatment Outcome , Statistics, Nonparametric , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Diabetic Retinopathy/drug therapy , Axial Length, Eye/pathology , Macula Lutea/pathology
Arq. bras. oftalmol ; Arq. bras. oftalmol;82(3): 207-213, May-June 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1001311


ABSTRACT Purpose: To measure changes in the anterior ciliary muscle during accommodation at the nasal, superior, temporal, and inferior sectors by means of an anterior chamber optical coherence tomographer, and correlate them with vergence changes. Methods: Twenty-four subjects with healthy, phakic eyes, whose mean age was 27.1 ± 8.9 years, underwent measurement with an anterior chamber optical coherence tomographer. The anterior ciliary muscle was measured at the nasal, temporal, superior, and inferior sectors for 0, -1, -2, and -3 D of vergence. A linear model was used to assess the correlation of each eye parameter with the accommodative demand. Results: The anterior ciliary muscle area significantly increased with accommodation for each sector, with a maximum increase of about 30% for the nasal-temporal sectors and about 25% for the inferior-temporal sectors. The linear model showed a tendency toward a positive relationship between change in the ciliary muscle area of each sector and vergence. Conclusion: The anterior ciliary muscle area tends to increase with accommodation, although the increase has been shown to be symmetric between the pair sectors superior-nasal and inferior-temporal. These results may help to increase understanding of accommodation biometry and biomechanics.

RESUMO Objetivo: Medir as alterações do músculo ciliar anterior durante a acomodação nos setores nasal, superior, temporal e inferior, através de um tomógrafo de coerência óptica de câmara anterior, e correlacioná-las com alterações de vergência. Métodos: Vinte e quatro indivíduos com olhos saudáveis e fácicos, com idade média de 27,1 ± 8,9 anos, foram submetidos à medida com um tomógrafo de coerência óptica de câmara anterior. O músculo ciliar anterior foi medido nos setores nasal, temporal, superior e inferior para 0, -1, -2 e -3D de vergência. Um modelo linear foi utilizado para avaliar a correlação de cada parâmetro do olho com a demanda acomodativa. Resultados: A área do músculo ciliar anterior aumentou significativamente com a acomodação em cada setor, com um aumento máximo foi de cerca de 30% para os setores naso-temporais, e cerca de 25% para os inferiores-temporais. O modelo linear mostrou uma tendência para uma relação positiva entre a alteração da área do músculo ciliar de cada setor e a vergência. Conclusão: A área do músculo ciliar anterior tende a aumentar com a acomodação, embora o aumento tenha se mostrado simétrico entre os setores superior-nasal e inferior-temporal. Estes resultados podem ajudar a aumentar a compreensão da biometria e biomecânica da acomodação.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Young Adult , Ciliary Body/physiology , Ciliary Body/diagnostic imaging , Tomography, Optical Coherence/methods , Accommodation, Ocular/physiology , Reference Values , Biomechanical Phenomena , Linear Models , Analysis of Variance , Biometry/methods , Statistics, Nonparametric