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Rev. Hosp. Ital. B. Aires (En línea) ; 44(2): e0000315, jun. 2024. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1584495


El xantoma óseo primario es una entidad clínica extremadamente infrecuente. Afecta en mayor proporción a hombres jóvenes, con mayor presentación en huesos planos del esqueleto axial. Esta patología puede aparecer en forma aislada (primaria) o secundaria (asociada a trastornos endocrinológicos y metabólicos como la hiperlipidemia). La causa secundaria siempre debe investigarse y descartarse, certificando normolipidemia. El abordaje terapéutico del xantoma debe adecuarse a las características de la lesión, su ubicación y la afectación de las estructuras vecinas. Presentamos el caso de una paciente de sexo femenino sin antecedentes de relevancia, con hallazgo incidental de lesión lítica costal por tomografía computarizada. Debido al riesgo de fractura e imposibilidad de descartar malignidad se realizó resección de cuerpo de quinta costilla derecha guiado por videotoracoscopia. El estudio histopatológico informó: cavidad medular con infiltrado de macrófagos espumosos y numerosos cristales de colesterol, confirmando el diagnóstico de xantoma óseo. (AU)

Primary bone xanthoma is an exceptionally infrequent clinical entity. It predominantly affects young men, with a higher occurrence in flat bones of the axial skeleton. This pathology can present in an isolated (primary) form or as secondary, associated with endocrinological and metabolic disorders such as hyperlipidemia. It is always necessary to investigate and rule out the secondary cause to certify normolipidemia. The therapeutic approach should be tailored to the lesion characteristics, location, and neighboring structures' affectation.We present the case of a female patient with no significant history who had an incidental finding of a costal lytic lesion on computed tomography. Due to the risk of fracture and the inability to rule out malignancy, we performed a resection of the body of the fifth right rib, guided by video-assisted thoracoscopic surgery. The histopathological study reported a medullary cavity with infiltration of foamy macrophages and numerous cholesterol crystals, confirming the diagnosis of bone xanthoma. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Ribs/pathology , Ribs/diagnostic imaging , Xanthomatosis/pathology , Xanthomatosis/diagnostic imaging , Ribs/surgery , Thoracic Surgery , Biopsy, Needle , Radionuclide Imaging , Xanthomatosis/surgery , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Actual. osteol ; 19(3): 211-220, Sept - Dic 2023. ilus
Article in Spanish | LILACS, UNISALUD, BINACIS | ID: biblio-1555794


La enfermedad de Erdheim-Chester (EEC) es una patología poco frecuente, caracterizada por presentar infiltración xantogranulomatosa sistémica, con afección de diversos sistemas incluido el óseo. La EEC se encuentra descripta dentro de las enfermedades osteocon-densantes (EO), las cuales se reconocen por presentar aumento de la masa ósea y compromiso tanto de huesos largos como planos. La presentación clínica de la EEC es variada: puede presentar desde un curso indolente hasta manifestaciones multisistémicas. Las características radiológicas son de gran importancia para establecer su diagnóstico. Presentamos una paciente con EEC, con esclerosis bilateral de huesos largos, que exhibe algunas características diferenciales con relación a otros casos reportados: a) afectación exclusivamente ósea a 10 años de evolución, b) compromiso bilateral y simétrico de distinta magnitud, c) esclerosis cortical endóstica y perióstica, d) signos radiológicos sugestivos de periostitis, d) ausencia de compromiso metafisario, e) ausencia de actividad metabólica de las lesiones en las imágenes de 18F-FDG PET/CT.Conclusión: la presencia de lesiones osteocondensantes bilaterales exclusivamente en huesos largos deben hacer sospechar EEC. La ausencia de compromiso metafisario y de actividad metabólica en 18F-FDG PET/CT ha sido raramente descripta. (AU)

Erdheim - Chester disease (ECD) is a rare disease, characterized by systemic xanthogranulomatous infiltration, with involvement of various organs including bone. ECD is described within the sclerosing bone disorders, which are recognized for presenting increased bone mass and involvement of both long and flat bones. The clinical presentation of ECD is diverse, ranging from an asymptomatic course to multisystemic manifestations. Radiological features are of great importance to establish the diagnosis. We describe here a patient with ECD, with bilateral sclerosis of long bones that presents some differential characteristics in relation to other reported cases: a) exclusively bone involvement at 10 years of evolution, b) bilateral and symmetric involvement of different magnitude, c) endosteal and periosteal cortical sclerosis d) radiological signs suggestive of periostitis, d) absence of metaphyseal involvement, e) absence of metabolic activity of the lesions in 18F-FDG PET/CT.Conclusion: the presence of bilateral osteosclerosis exclusively in long bones should lead to suspect ECD. The absence of metaphyseal involvement and metabolic activity in 18F-FDG PET/CT have been rarely described. (AU)

Humans , Female , Middle Aged , Sclerosis/etiology , Erdheim-Chester Disease/diagnostic imaging , Femur/pathology , Humerus/pathology , Vinblastine/adverse effects , Biopsy, Needle , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Radiography , Radionuclide Imaging , Interferons/adverse effects , Erdheim-Chester Disease/drug therapy , Positron-Emission Tomography , Pain Management , Zoledronic Acid/administration & dosage
Zhongguo fei'ai zazhi (Online) ; Zhongguo fei'ai zazhi (Online);(12): 572-578, 2023.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1010063


BACKGROUND@#Rapid on-site evaluation (ROSE) is a technique used for simultaneous evaluation of biopsy specimens through rapid cytology staining. Diff-Quik (DQ) staining is the most commonly employed method for cytological rapid on-site evaluation (C-ROSE). However, the utilization of DQ staining for on-site cytological interpretation remains uncommon among pathologists in China, posing challenges to the implementation of C-ROSE. This study aims to assess the application of rapid hematoxylin-eosin (HE) staining and DQ staining for C-ROSE during percutaneous needle biopsy of peripheral lung cancer and evaluate the value of rapid HE staining in C-ROSE.@*METHODS@#Computed tomography (CT)-guided lung biopsies were conducted on 300 patients diagnosed with peripheral lung cancer. The patients were randomly assigned to two groups for C-ROSE using either rapid HE staining or DQ staining, and subsequently the two methods were compared and evaluated.@*RESULTS@#The concordance rate between C-ROSE and histopathological diagnosis was 96.7%. The median staining time for rapid HE staining was 160 s, while that for DQ staining was 120 s, representing a significant difference between the two groups (P<0.001). However, there were no significant differences observed in terms of total biopsy time, concordance rate with histopathology, cytology specimen peeling rate, and incidence of serious adverse reactions between the two groups (P>0.05).@*CONCLUSIONS@#Both staining methods comply with C-ROSE criteria in the biopsy setting of peripheral lung cancer. Rapid HE staining is more aligned with domestic clinical requirements and holds potential for further promotion and adoption in C-ROSE.

Humans , Lung Neoplasms/pathology , Eosine Yellowish-(YS) , Rapid On-site Evaluation , Biopsy, Needle/methods , Staining and Labeling
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-1011081


Laryngeal cyst is a cystic lesion occurring in the laryngeal cavity. Large laryngeal cyst in infants and young children can cause laryngeal wheezing and other upper airway obstruction symptoms. In severe cases, it can be even life-threatening and requires timely surgical treatment. Currently, there is a lack of unified clinical treatment strategy for this disease.This article summarizes the surgical methods, the advantages and disadvantages of various surgical methods for laryngeal cysts in recent years. It is recommended that needle aspiration, partial cyst wall resection, radical cyst dissection, transoral robotic surgery or external approach cyst resection should be selected through full communication and evaluation to clarify the extent of the lesion scope and the advantages and disadvantages of surgery.

Infant , Child , Humans , Child, Preschool , Cysts/diagnosis , Laryngeal Diseases/diagnosis , Larynx/surgery , Robotic Surgical Procedures , Biopsy, Needle
Zhonghua Wai Ke Za Zhi ; (12): 498-503, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935626


With the popularization of health screening and the widespread use of low-dose computed tomography, the detection rate of lung nodules has increased year after year. However, the false positive rates testified by surgery of these lung nodules are still high. Therefore, it is vital in clinical practice to avoid overtreatment or undertreatment. But a series of problems on how to make an accurate diagnosis, how to reduce the psychological pressure of patients and follow up with regular imaging, how to clarify the indications for surgery and adopt the most minimally invasive diagnosis and treatment methods, etc. remain unsolved. Over the past decade, the diagnostic techniques for pulmonary nodules have improved significantly, including imaging progress such as the optimization of traditional imaging techniques (CT, MRI) and the emergence of new technologies (radiomics, artificial intelligence). In addition, histological improvements including percutaneous transthoracic needle biopsy, bronchoscopy, and minimally invasive surgical biopsy, etc. have brought more reliable and precise options for characterization of pulmonary nodules.

Humans , Artificial Intelligence , Biopsy, Needle/methods , Bronchoscopy , Lung Neoplasms/diagnosis , Tomography, X-Ray Computed
Zhonghua ganzangbing zazhi ; Zhonghua ganzangbing zazhi;(12): 220-223, 2022.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-935930


Objective: To investigate the practicability and safety of transjugular liver biopsy (TJLB). Methods: Data of 53 cases with transjugular liver biopsy from June 2015 to June 2020 were collected. LABS-100 was used in all patients who underwent transjugular liver biopsy. Among them, 45 cases and eight were biopsied via hepatic vein and intrahepatic segment of the inferior vena cava. The surgical indications, related complications, and postoperative pathological diagnosis were analyzed and summarized. Results: TJLB was successful in all patients, with an average of 2.8 punctures per case. Satisfactory liver tissue and histopathological diagnosis was obtained in all patients. Two cases developed a cervical hematoma that was improved spontaneously, and one patient developed an intrahepatic hematoma that was improved after conservative treatment. Conclusion: TJLB is a practical and safe method for patients with contraindications to percutaneous liver biopsy.

Humans , Biopsy/methods , Biopsy, Needle/methods , Jugular Veins , Liver Diseases/pathology
Rev. venez. cir ; 75(2): 84-89, 2022. tab, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS, LIVECS | ID: biblio-1553966


Objetivo: Establecer la correlación entre los sistemas TIRADS y Bethesda con el diagnóstico histopatológico de nódulos tiroideos en pacientes post tiroidectomía en Hospital Dr. Ricardo Baquero González. Periodo 2017-2022.Método : Diseño retrospectivo, correlacional y observacional. La población y muestra estuvo conformada por 30 pacientes. Se analizaron los expedientes clínicos de todos los pacientes con presencia de algún nódulo tiroideo que fueron intervenidos por tiroidectomía. Se tomaron en cuenta las siguientes variables: Datos clínicos edad, sexo, tamaño de nódulo, estudio anatomopatológico, sistemas TIRADS y Bethesda.Resultados : El estudio demostró que el promedio de edad fue de 42,15 años, con predominio del sexo femenino 93,3% y masculino 6,7%. En la localización de los nódulos hubo un predominio de bocio multinodular 60%, lóbulo derecho 26,67% y lóbulo izquierdo de 13,33%. Los resultados mostraron que 3 pacientes fueron clasificados como TIRADS 4, de estos, dos fueron Tirads 4a, cuya PAAF resultó cómo Bethesda II y Bethesda III. Mientras que el tercero fue Tirads 4b, siendo categorizado cómo Bethesda IV. Todos los TIRADS < 4 resultaron ser 100% verdaderos negativos y los TIRADS ≥ 4 resultaron ser verdaderos positivos.Conclusión : Se concluye que tanto el sistema TIRADS y el sistema Bethesda son efectivos para descartar la presencia de malignidad en nódulos tiroideos. El sistema TIRADS es ligeramente más sensible que el Bethesda en casos de nódulos tiroideos ≥ 3 cm(AU)

Objective: The main purpose of the research was to establish the correlation between TIRADS and Bethesda systems with the histopathological diagnosis of thyroid nodules in post-thyroidectomy patients at the Dr. Ricardo Baquero González Hospital. Period 2017-2022.Methods : Retrospective, correlational and observational design. The population and sample consisted of 30 patients. The clinical records of all patients with the presence of a thyroid nodule who underwent thyroidectomy were analyzed. To evaluate the homogeneity of the study, sample the following variables were taken into account: clinical data, age, sex, nodule size, anatomopathological study, TIRADS and Bethesda systems.Results : The study showed that the average age was 42.15 years, with a predominance of female 93.3% and male 6.7%. In the location of the nodules there was a predominance of multinodular goiter 60%, right lobe 26.67% and left lobe 13.33%. The results showed that 3 patients were classified as Tirads 4, of these, two were TIRADS 4a, whose FNA was Bethesda II and Bethesda III. While the third was Tirads 4b, being categorized as Bethesda IV. All TIRADS <4 were 100% true negative and TIRADS ≥ 4 were true positive at the final biopsy. Conclusion: It is concluded that both the TIRADS system and the Bethesda system are effective in ruling out the presence of malignancy in thyroid nodules. The TIRADS system is slightly more sensitive than Bethesda in cases of thyroid nodules ≥ 3 cm(AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Thyroid Nodule/pathology , Biopsy, Needle
Med. lab ; 26(3): 261-271, 2022. Tabs
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1412321


Introducción. La lesión renal aguda (LRA) en el paciente con COVID-19 ocurre más frecuentemente en presencia de enfermedades crónicas como diabetes, obesidad, hipertensión arterial y enfermedad renal crónica previa, considerándose un fuerte predictor de resultados desfavorables y mortalidad. El propósito de este estudio fue describir las características histopatológicas en biopsias renales de pacientes hospitalizados por COVID-19, que experimentaron algún grado de daño renal durante su hospitalización. Metodología. Se incluyeron 30 pacientes mayores de 18 años, hospitalizados en diferentes centros de atención en Medellín, Colombia, con diagnóstico confirmado de COVID-19, sin antecedente de terapia de reemplazo renal, que durante la infección desarrollaron algún grado de daño renal, y que tuvieran estudio histopatológico de biopsia renal. Se analizaron las características demográficas, formas clínicas de presentación y hallazgos histopatológicos a nivel renal. Resultados. La mayoría de los pacientes eran de sexo masculino (70%). Los antecedentes patológicos más frecuentes fueron la enfermedad renal crónica previa (16,7%), diabetes mellitus (16,7%), trasplante renal (13,3%) y VIH (10%). El 35,7% de los pacientes no tenían ninguna comorbilidad subyacente. La manifestación clínica inicial más frecuente fue la LRA (56,7%). Algunos pacientes tuvieron más de una manifestación clínica inicial. El 100% de los pacientes evaluados tuvieron hallazgos histopatológicos renales, siendo la nefritis tubulointersticial aguda (40%) el más frecuente. Conclusión. Nuestro estudio no descarta una posible asociación del sexo masculino con peores desenlaces en la enfermedad COVID-19. La LRA fue el hallazgo clínico inicial más frecuente. Es posible que los hallazgos histopatológicos del presente estudio puedan ser consecuencia del daño directo a nivel tubulointersticial renal y la mala perfusión renal, dado el estado de choque por la tormenta inflamatoria, el empeoramiento de enfermedades preexistentes, o la superposición clínica con otras entidades. Sin embargo, son necesarios más estudios para dilucidar los mecanismos por los cuales se generan estas lesiones

Acute kidney injury (AKI) in patients with COVID-19 occurs more frequently in the presence of chronic diseases such as diabetes, obesity, hypertension, and previous chronic kidney disease, and is considered a strong predictor of unfavorable outcomes and mortality. The purpose of this study was to describe the histopathological characteristics in kidney biopsies from patients hospitalized for COVID-19, who experienced some degree of kidney damage during their hospitalization. Methodology. We included 30 patients over 18 years of age, hospitalized in different care centers in Medellín, Colombia, with a confirmed diagnosis of COVID-19, without a history of renal replacement therapy, who developed some degree of kidney disease during the infection, and had histopathological study of renal biopsy. Demographic characteristics, clinical manifestations and histopathological findings were analyzed. Results. Most of the patients were male (70%). The most frequent previous pathological findings were chronic kidney disease (16.7%), diabetes mellitus (16.7%), kidney transplant (13.3%) and HIV (10%). 35.7% of the patients did not have any underlying comorbidity. The most frequent initial clinical manifestation was AKI (56.7%). Some patients had more than one initial clinical manifestation. 100% of the patients had renal histopathological findings, with acute tubulointerstitial nephritis (40%) being the most frequent. Conclusion. Our study does not rule out a possible association of the male gender with worse outcomes in COVID-19 disease. AKI was the most common initial clinical finding. It is possible that the histopathological findings of this study may be a consequence of direct damage at the renal tubulointerstitial level and poor renal perfusion due to the inflammatory storm, worsening of pre-existing diseases, or clinical overlap with other entities. However, more studies are needed to elucidate the mechanisms by which these lesions are generated

Humans , COVID-19 , Biopsy, Needle , Acute Kidney Injury , Pathologists , SARS-CoV-2 , Kidney
Rev. colomb. cir ; 37(1): 49-59, 20211217. tab, fig
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1355295


Introducción. El cáncer de pulmón es la primera causa de mortalidad por cáncer a nivel mundial, lo que hace que sea considerado un problema de salud pública. Existen diferentes hallazgos imagenológicos que hacen sospechar la presencia de cáncer de pulmón, uno de los cuales son los nódulos pulmonares; sin embargo, estos también pueden verse en entidades benignas.Métodos. Se incluyeron 66 pacientes con biopsia de nódulo pulmonar en la Clínica Reina Sofía, en la ciudad de Bogotá, D.C., Colombia, entre el 1° de marzo del 2017 y el 28 de febrero del 2020. Se analizaron las características demográficas de los pacientes, las características morfológicas e histopatológicas de los nódulos pulmonares y la correlación entre sus características imagenológicas e histopatológicas. Resultados. El 69,2 % de los nódulos estudiados tenían etiología maligna, de estos el 55,5 % era de origen metástasico y el 44,5 % eran neoplasias primarias de pulmón, con patrón sólido en el 70,6 % de los casos. El patrón histológico más frecuente fue adenocarcinoma. Respecto a las características radiológicas, en su mayoría los nódulos malignos medían de 1 a 2 cm, de morfología lisa y distribución múltiple, localizados en lóbulos superiores. Conclusiones. La caracterización de los nódulos pulmonares brinda información relevante que orienta sobre los diagnósticos más frecuentes en nuestro medio, cuando se estudian nódulos sospechosos encontrados incidentalmente o en el seguimiento de otro tumor. Como el nódulo es la manifestación del cáncer temprano del pulmón, establecer programas de tamización que permitan el diagnóstico oportuno, es hoy día una imperiosa necesidad, para reducir la mortalidad.

Introduction. Lung cancer is the leading cause of cancer mortality worldwide, which makes it a public health problem. There are different imaging findings that suggest the presence of lung cancer, one of which is pulmonary nodules; however, these can also be seen in benign entities. Methods. A total of 66 patients with pulmonary nodule biopsy at Clínica Reina Sofía, in the city of Bogotá D.C. were included between March 1, 2017 and February 28, 2020. The demographic characteristics of the patients, the morphologic and histopathologic characteristics of the pulmonary nodules and their correlation with their pathological diagnosis were analyzed.Results. 69.2% of the nodules studied had malignant etiology, of these 55.5% were of metastatic origin, and 44.5% were primary lung neoplasms, with a solid pattern in 70.6% of the cases. The most frequent histological pattern was adenocarcinoma. Regarding the radiological characteristics, most of the malignant nodules measure 1 to 2 cm, of smooth morphology and had multiple distribution, located in the upper lobes. Conclusions. The characterization of pulmonary nodules provides relevant information that guides the most fre-quent diagnoses in our setting, when suspicious nodules found incidentally or in the follow-up of another tumor are studied. As the nodule is the manifestation of early lung cancer, establishing screening programs that allow timely diagnosis is an urgent need to reduce mortality.

Humans , Solitary Pulmonary Nodule , Lung Neoplasms , Pathology , Biopsy, Needle , Diagnostic Imaging , Diagnosis
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 31(2): 155-163, 31 de agosto 2021.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1284458


Introducción: Los nódulos tiroideos se presentan entre el 4 al 8 % de la población, de los cuales hasta el 15% tienen etiología neoplásica. Las nódulos sospechosos de malignidad requieren la realización de punción, aspiración con aguja fina (PAAF) y la citología maligna reportada mediante sistema Bethesda tiene que ser corroborada con el estudio anatomopatólógico una vez realizada la excisión nodular. El objetivo del presente estudio es presentar la experiencia de un centro de referencia de pacientes con nódulos tiroideos. Metodología: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, transversal, retrospectivo en el Servicio de Endocrinología del Hospital General del Norte de Guayaquil IESS CEIBOS, desde Junio 2017 a Julio 2019. El Universo estuvo compuesto por todos los casos con diagnóstico de nódulo tiroideo que requirieron PAAF. Se utiliza en sistema Bethesda para los reportes. Resultados: Fueron 349 casos de pacientes con nódulos tiroideos, mujeres (89%), edad entre 60 ­ 69 años (26%). 71 casos (21%) BETHESDA I; 220 casos (63%) BETHESDA II; 11 casos (3%) BETHESDA III; 15 casos (4%) BETHESDA IV; 15 casos (4%) BETHESDA V; y 17 casos (5%) BETHESDA VI. Malignidad de los nódulos tiroideos post en BETHESDA I 1%; de BETHESDA II 21%; BETHESDA III 56%, BETHESDA IV, 33%; BETHESDA V 71%; y BETHESDA VI 100%. Conclusión: La citología Benigna (Bethesda II) fue la más predominante, seguido de la Citología Insatisfactoria (Bethesda I) con un 21%.En la población estudiada el riesgo real de malignidad en los nódulos tiroideos que fueron intervenidos quirúrgicamente de las Categorías de diagnóstico citopa-tológicas BETHESDA II, IV, V y VI, confirmado por histopatología; fueron similares a lo esperado en-contrándose dentro del rango estimado por el Sistema Bethesda 2017. La categoría citopatológica Bethesda III (AUS/FLUS) presentó una tasa de malignidad más alta que el límite superior descrito por el Sistema Bethesda 2017, confirmando la necesidad de mayores estudios en este tipo de pacientes.

Introduction: Thyroid nodules occur between 4 to 8% of the population, of which up to 15% have neoplastic etiology. Nodules suspected of malignancy require puncture, fine needle aspiration (FNA) and the malignant cytology reported by the Bethesda system must be corroborated with the pathological study once the nodular excision has been performed. The objective of this study is to present the experience of a referral center for patients with thyroid nodules. Methodology: A descriptive, cross-sectional, retrospective study was carried out in the Endocriology Service of the General Hospital of the North of Guayaquil IESS CEIBOS, from June 2017 to July 2019. The Universe was made up of all the cases with a diagnosis of thyroid nodule that required PAAF. It is used in the Bethesda system for reports. Results: There were 349 cases of patients with thyroid nodules, women (89%), aged between 60 - 69 years (26%). 71 cases (21%) BETHESDA I; 220 cases (63%) BETHESDA II; 11 cases (3%) BETHESDA III; 15 cases (4%) BETHESDA IV; 15 cases (4%) BETHESDA V; and 17 cases (5%) BETHESDA VI. Post thyroid nodule malignancy in BETHESDA I 1%; of BETHESDA II 21%; BETHESDA III 56%, BETHESDA IV, 33%; BETHESDA V 71%; and BETHESDA VI 100%. Conclusion: Benign cytology (Bethesda II) was the most predominant, followed by Unsatisfactory Cytology (Bethesda I) with 21%. In the population studied, the real risk of malignancy in thyroid nod-ules that underwent surgery from the Diagnostic Categories cytopathological BETHESDA II, IV, V and VI, confirmed by histopathology; were similar to what was expected, and were within the range esti-mated by the 2017 Bethesda System. The Bethesda III cytopathological category (AUS / FLUS) pre-sented a higher malignancy rate than the upper limit described by the 2017 Bethesda System, con-firming the need for further studies in this type of patient.

Introdução: Os nódulos tireoidianos ocorrem em 4-8% da população, dos quais até 15% têm etiologia neoplásica. Os nódulos com suspeita de malignidade requerem punção, aspiração por agulha fina (FNA) e a citologia maligna relatada pelo sistema de Bethesda deve ser corroborada com o estudo patológico, uma vez que a excisão nodular tenha sido realizada. O objetivo deste estudo é apresentar a experiência de um centro de referência para pacientes com nódulos tireoidianos. Metodologia: Foi realizado um estudo descritivo, transversal e retrospectivo no Serviço de Endocrinologia do Hospital Geral do Norte de Guayaquil IESS CEIBOS, de junho de 2017 a julho de 2019. O Universo foi composto por todos os casos com diagnóstico de nódulo tireoidiano que exigia FNA. É usado no sistema Bethesda para relatórios. Resultados: Houve 349 casos de pacientes com nódulos tireoidianos, mulheres (89%), com idades entre 60-69 anos (26%). 71 casos (21%) BETHESDA I; 220 casos (63%) BETHESDA II; 11 casos (3%) BETHESDA III; 15 casos (4%) BETHESDA IV; 15 casos (4%) BETHESDA V; e 17 casos (5%) BETHESDA VI. Malignidade pós-nódulo tireoidiano em BETHESDA I 1%; de BETHESDA II 21%; BETHESDA III 56%, BETHESDA IV, 33%; BETHESDA V 71%; e BETHESDA VI 100%. Conclusão: A citologia benigna (Bethesda II) foi a mais predominante, seguida da Citologia Insatisfatória (Bethesda I) com 21%. Na população estudada, o risco real de malignidade em nódulos de tireoide operados das Categorias de Diagnóstico Citopático tológico BETHESDA II, IV, V e VI, confirmados por histopatologia; foram semelhantes ao esperado, e estiveram dentro da faixa estimada pelo Sistema Bethesda 2017. A categoria citopatológica Bethesda III (AUS / FLUS) apresentou uma taxa de malignidade superior ao limite superior descrito pelo Sistema Bethesda 2017, confirmando a necessidade de mais estudos nesse tipo de paciente.

Humans , Adolescent , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Thyroid Neoplasms , Thyroid Nodule , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Biopsy, Needle , Cross-Sectional Studies
Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao ; Zhongguo yi xue ke xue yuan xue bao;(6): 584-589, 2021.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-887898


Objective To investigate the clinical value of core-needle biopsy(CNB)for low-risk papillary thyroid microcarcinoma(PTMC)after radiofrequency ablation(RFA). Methods A total of 190 patients(including 142 females and 48 males,20-74 years old)with unifocal low-risk PTMCs[mean volume of(106.29±96.15)mm

Adult , Aged , Female , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Young Adult , Biopsy, Needle , Carcinoma, Papillary/surgery , Radiofrequency Ablation , Thyroid Neoplasms , Ultrasonography, Interventional
Oncología (Guayaquil) ; 30(3): 204-214, Diciembre 30, 2020.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1145722


Introducción: La citología de nódulos tiroideos es una técnica que, evita procedimientos quirúrgicos innecesarios por lo que se lo ha determinado como primera línea dentro del algoritmo de diagnóstico, el objetivo del estudio fue determinar la sensibilidad y la especificidad de la citología y biopsia por congelación frente al estudio histopatológico en el diagnóstico de nódulos tiroideos en pacientes atendidos en Solca desde el año 2009 -2017. Métodos: Es un estudio de tipo observacional, retrospectivo y de correlación diagnóstica; los datos fueron obtenidos de las historias clínicas de pacientes intervenidos quirúrgicamente por nódulos tiroideos con biopsia por congelación, a quienes se les realizó previamente un estudio citológico en el Departamento de patología de SOLCA de la ciudad de Cuenca, Ecuador. El cálculo del tamaño de la muestra fue de 324 casos. Resultados:324 casos fueron incluidos. El 8.3% correspondió a hombres y el 91.7% a mujeres. La media de la edad fue 51.8 años; la gran mayoría provenían de la provincia Azuay con el 64.8%. En los estudios citológicos el 34.6% (112 casos)corresponden a lesiones inflamatorias benignas; el 11.1% [36 casos]a patologías malignas y 14.2% (46 casos)fueron insatisfactorios. En la biopsia por congelación el mayor porcentaje estuvo concentrado en enfermedades benignas con un 62.6% y 35.5% a lesiones malignas. Hubo 6 casos con el 1.9% en donde fue diferido el criterio diagnóstico. En el histopatológico definitivo el 60.2% (195 casos)fueron patologías benignas y el 39.8% (129 casos)fueron lesiones malignas. La sensibilidad de la PAAF frente a histopatológico es alta con un 91.79%, pero la especificidad es baja con un 51.94%. La sensibilidad y la especificidad de la biopsia por congelación frente a histopatológico es alta con un 98.97% y 90.70% respectivamente lo que le confiere una metodología óptima. Conclusiones: La PAAF de tiroides demuestra ser una metodología útil en el diagnóstico de nódulos, siempre y cuando sea realizada y observada por personal capacitado. La biopsia por congelación constituye una técnica con alta sensibilidad y especificidad que nos permite discriminar lesiones benignas de las malignas. Palabras claves: Nódulo tiroideo, Biopsia con Aguja, Servicio de Patología en Hospital, Oncología Médica, Agencias Voluntarias de Salud, Biología Celular, Biopsia con Aguja Fina

Introduction:Cytology of thyroid nodules is a technique that avoids unnecessary surgical procedures and has therefore been determined as the first line within the diagnostic algorithm.General Objective:To determine the sensitivity and specificity of cytology and freezing biopsy versus histopathological study in the diagnosis of thyroid nodules in patients treated in Solca since 2009 -2017. Methods:This is an observational, retrospective and diagnostic correlation study; the data were obtained from the clinical histories of patients surgically treated by thyroid nodules with freeze biopsy, who underwent a cytological study in the Department of pathology of the city of Cuenca, Ecuador. The calculation of the sample size was 324 cases. Results:8.3% corresponded to men and 91.7% to women. The mean age was 51.8 years; The vast majority came from the province of Azuay with 64.8%. In cytological studies, 34.6% [112 cases]correspond to benign inflammatory lesions; 11.1% [36 cases]to malignant pathologies and 14.2% [46 cases]were unsatisfactory. In the freeze biopsy the greater percentage was concentrated in benign diseases with 62.6% and 35.5% to malignant lesions. There were 6 cases with 1.9% where the diagnostic criterion was deferred. In the definitive histopathological, 60.2% [195 cases]were benign pathologies and 39.8% [129 cases]were malignant lesions. The sensitivity of FNAB to histopathological is high with 91.79%, but the specificity is low with 51.94%. The sensitivity and specificity of freezing versus histopathological biopsy is high with 98.97% and 90.70% respectively, which gives it an optimal methodology. Conclusions: Thyroid PAAF proves to be a useful methodology in the diagnosis of nodules, as long as it is performed and observed by trained personnel. Freezing biopsy is a technique with high sensitivity and specificity that allows us to discriminate benign from malignant lesions. Key words:Thyroid Nodule; Biopsy, Needle;Pathology Department, Hospital; Medical Oncology; Voluntary Health Agencies; Cell Biology; Biopsy, Fine-Needle

Humans , Pathology Department, Hospital , Biopsy, Needle , Thyroid Nodule , Voluntary Health Agencies , Cell Biology , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Medical Oncology
Int. braz. j. urol ; 46(1): 60-66, Jan.-Feb. 2020. tab
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1056357


ABSTRACT Objectives: To investigate the characteristics of cases of NIH category I acute prostatitis developed after transrectal prostate biopsy and clarifiy the risk factors and preventive factors. Materials and Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 3.479 cases of transrectal ultrasound-guided needle biopsies performed with different prophylactic antibiotherapy regimens at two different institutions between January 2011 and February 2016. The patients of Group I have received ciprofl oxacin (n=1.523, 500mg twice daily) and the patients of Group II have received ciprofl oxacin plus ornidazole (n=1.956, 500mg twice daily) and cleansing enema combination as prophylactic antibiotherapy. The incidence, clinical features and other related microbiological and clinical data, were evaluated. Results: Mean age was 62.38±7.30 (47-75), and the mean prostate volume was 43.17±15.20 (21-100) mL. Of the 3.479 patients, 39 (1.1%) developed acute prostatitis after the prostate biopsy procedure. Of the 39 cases of acute prostatitis, 28/3.042 occurred after the first biopsy and 11/437 occurred after repeat biopsy (p=0.038). In Group I, 22 of 1.523 (1.4%) patients developed acute prostatitis. In Group II, 17 of 1.959 (0.8%) patients developed acute prostatitis. There was no statistical difference between the two groups according to acute prostatitis rates (X2=2.56, P=0.11). Further, hypertension or DM were not related to the development of acute prostatitis (P=0.76, X2=0.096 and P=0.83, X2=0.046, respectively). Conclusions: Repeat biopsy seems to increase the risk of acute prostatitis, while the use of antibiotics effective for anaerobic pathogens seems not to be essential yet.

Humans , Male , Aged , Ornidazole/administration & dosage , Prostatitis/etiology , Biopsy, Needle/adverse effects , Ciprofloxacin/administration & dosage , Antibiotic Prophylaxis/methods , Enema/methods , Anti-Bacterial Agents/administration & dosage , Prostate/pathology , Prostatitis/prevention & control , Time Factors , Biopsy, Needle/methods , Reproducibility of Results , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Treatment Outcome , Ultrasonography, Interventional , Drug Combinations , Middle Aged
Beijing Da Xue Xue Bao ; (6): 625-631, 2020.
Article in Chinese | WPRIM | ID: wpr-942048


OBJECTIVE@#To analyze the clinicopathological characteristics of prostate cancer patients undertaking radical prostatectomy with single positive core biopsy, and to optimize the rational choice of therapeutic strategy.@*METHODS@#In the study, 53 patients with single positive core prostate biopsy and treated by radical prostatectomy from January 2010 to December 2018, were analyzed retrospectively. The mean age was (69.7±6.9) years (54-81 years), the mean prostate specific antigen (PSA) level was (9.70±5.24) μg/L (1.69-25.69 μg/L), and the mean prostate volume was (50.70±28.39) mL (12.41-171.92 mL). Thirty-nine out of 54 (73.6%) patients presented Gleason score with 6, 11 patients (20.8%) had Gleason score of 7 and 3 patients (5.7%) showed Gleason score ≥8. For clinical stages, 6 out of the 53 patients (11.3%) had prostate cancer in cT1, 44 cases (83.0%) had prostate cancer in cT2, and 3 cases (5.7%) in cT3.The patients were divided into subgroups according to age, preoperative PSA level, Gleason score, percentage of tumor in single needle tissue and clinical stage, and the differences of their clinicopathological characteristics were compared.@*RESULTS@#Postoperative Gleason score of 6, 7 and ≥8 were found in 20 cases (37.7%), 21 cases (39.6%) and 10 cases (18.9%) respectively, another 2 cases (3.8%) were pT0 prostate cancer; pathological stages of T0, T2a, T2b, T2c and T3 were found in 2 cases (3.8%), 9 cases (17.0%), 2 cases (3.8%), 29 cases (54.7%) and 11 cases (20.8%) respectively; 11 cases (20.8%) had positive surgical margin, 10 cases (18.9%) had extracapsular invasion of prostate, and 1 case (1.9%) showed seminal vesicle invasion. Forty-two cases (79.2%) had multifocal lesions and 37 cases (69.8%) presented bilateral lesion. Compared with the biopsy Gleason score, the postoperative Gleason score was downgrated in 3 cases (5.7%), unchanged in 28 cases (52.8%), and upgraded in 20 cases (37.7%), of which 2 cases (3.8%) were pT0. Compared with the clinical stage, the postoperative pathological stage decreased in 2 cases (3.8%), unchanged in 10 cases (18.9%), and upgraded in 41 cases (77.4%). According to the postoperative pathology, the patients were divided into two groups: microfocus cancer group (n=8) and non-microfocus cancer group (n=45). The difference between the two groups in the percentage of tumor in the single-needle tissue ≤5% was statistically significant (P=0.014). Other parameter diffe-rences including age, prostate volume, and preoperative prostate special antigen density (PSAD) and Gleason scores were not statistically significant (P>0.05). The method to determine the location of cancer at the apex of prostate according to biopsy results showed 41.4% (12/29) false negative rate and 50.0% (12/24) false positive rate. There was statistically significant difference between the actual cases of lymph node dissection and reserved nerve and the cases of scheme selection in theory according to the postoperative pathology (P < 0.05).@*CONCLUSION@#The proportion of single needle cancer tissue less than or equal to 5% is a predictor of prostate microfocal cancer. 37.7% cases had pathological upgrading and 77.4% cases had pathological staging upgrading. When choosing the operation scheme, such as sexual nerve reserved, lymph node dissection and apex operation skill, it is necessary to comprehensively analyze multiple factors, such as tumor risk classification, prediction factors of nomogram, multi-parameter MRI and intraoperative situation and so on.

Aged , Aged, 80 and over , Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Biopsy, Needle , Neoplasm Grading , Neoplasm Staging , Prostate-Specific Antigen , Prostatectomy , Prostatic Neoplasms , Retrospective Studies
Rev. Soc. Bras. Clín. Méd ; 18(1): 37-41, marco 2020.
Article in Portuguese | LILACS | ID: biblio-1361304


Os receptores de transplante renal são mais suscetíveis a infecções, entre elas o parvovírus B19, que pode ser transmitido por via respiratória, adquirido por meio do enxerto ou por reativação de infecção latente. A anemia normocítica normocrômica, com diminuição dos reticulócitos e resistência ao tratamento com eritropoietina, é a principal forma de apresentação da infecção por parvovírus B19 em transplante renal. O diagnóstico requer alto índice de suspeição clínica e realização de testes diagnósticos selecionados. Tratamento com imunoglobulina e suspensão dos imunossupressores durante a infecção mostraram-se eficazes. Os autores relatam sua experiência com cinco casos de infecção por parvovírus B19 em receptores de transplante renal de um hospital universitário. Os aspectos clínicos, diagnósticos e terapêuticos são revistos.

Kidney transplant recipients are more susceptible to infections, including by parvovirus B19, spread through the respiratory tract, acquired through the graft or reactivation of latent infection. Normocytic normochromic anemia, with decreased reticulocytes and resistance to erythropoietin treatment, is the most common presentation of Parvovirus B19 infection in renal transplant. Diagnosis requires a higher clinical suspicion and the performance of selected diagnostic tests. Treatment with immunoglobulin and suspension of immunosuppressive therapy during the infection may be effective. The authors report five cases of PB19 infection in kidney transplant patients at a hospital. The clinical, diagnostic, and treatment features are reviewed.

Humans , Male , Female , Adult , Middle Aged , Aged , Young Adult , Kidney Transplantation/statistics & numerical data , Parvovirus B19, Human/isolation & purification , Parvoviridae Infections/epidemiology , Transplant Recipients/statistics & numerical data , Pancytopenia/diagnosis , Biopsy, Needle , Bone Marrow/virology , Serologic Tests , Myelography , Polymerase Chain Reaction , Immunoglobulins, Intravenous/therapeutic use , Parvoviridae Infections/diagnosis , Parvoviridae Infections/drug therapy , Parvoviridae Infections/blood , Diagnosis, Differential , Immunologic Factors/therapeutic use , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Anemia/diagnosis
J. bras. pneumol ; J. bras. pneumol;46(2): e20180183, 2020. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1134861


ABSTRACT Objective: To determine the diagnostic yield of endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA) in non-neoplastic patients with isolated intrathoracic lymphadenopathy (IL). Methods: This was a retrospective study of patients with isolated IL referred for EBUS-TBNA. We calculated the sensitivity, specificity, accuracy, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of EBUS-TBNA in the diagnosis of granulomatous, reactive, and neoplastic lymphadenopathy. In cases of nonspecific granulomas, reactive lymphadenopathy, or inconclusive results, a definitive diagnosis was established by other diagnostic procedures or during a follow-up period of at least 18 months. Results: Among the 58 patients included in the study, EBUS-TBNA established a diagnosis of granulomatous disease in 22 (38%), reactive lymphadenopathy in 15 (26%), cancer in 8 (14%), and other diseases in 3 (5%). Results were inconclusive in 10 (17%), the diagnosis being established by other bronchoscopic procedures in 2 (20%) and by surgical procedures in 8 (80%). A final diagnosis of reactive lymphadenopathy was established in 12. Of those, 11 (92%) had their diagnosis confirmed during follow-up and 1 (8%) had their diagnosis confirmed by mediastinoscopy. In another 3, a final diagnosis of sarcoidosis or neoplasm was established. For the diagnosis of granulomatous disease, neoplasms, and reactive lymphadenopathy, EBUS-TBNA was found to have a sensitivity of 73%, 68%, and 92%, respectively; a specificity of 100%, 100%, and 93%, respectively; an accuracy of 86%, 93%, and 93%, respectively; a PPV of 100%, 100%, and 80%, respectively; and an NPV of 78%, 92%, and 98%, respectively. Conclusions: In non-neoplastic patients, granulomatous disease and reactive lymphadenopathy appear to be common causes of isolated IL. EBUS-TBNA shows promising results as a first-line minimally invasive diagnostic procedure. The results obtained by EBUS-TBNA can be optimized by examining clinical and radiological findings during follow-up or by comparison with the results obtained with other bronchoscopic methods.

RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar o rendimento diagnóstico da endobronchial ultrasound-guided transbronchial needle aspiration (EBUS-TBNA, aspiração transbrônquica com agulha guiada por ultrassonografia endobrônquica) em pacientes não neoplásicos com linfonodomegalia intratorácica (LI) isolada. Métodos: Estudo retrospectivo com pacientes com LI isolada encaminhados para EBUS-TBNA. Foram calculados a sensibilidade, especificidade, precisão, valor preditivo positivo (VPP) e valor preditivo negativo (VPN) da EBUS-TBNA no diagnóstico de linfadenopatia granulomatosa, reacional e neoplásica. Em casos de granulomas inespecíficos, linfadenopatia reacional ou resultados inconclusivos, o diagnóstico definitivo foi estabelecido por meio de outros procedimentos diagnósticos ou ao longo de pelo menos 18 meses de acompanhamento. Resultados: Nos 58 pacientes incluídos, a EBUS-TBNA permitiu que se estabelecesse o diagnóstico de doença granulomatosa em 22 (38%), linfadenopatia reacional em 15 (26%), câncer em 8 (14%) e outras doenças em 3 (5%). Os resultados foram inconclusivos em 10 (17%), nos quais o diagnóstico foi feito por meio de outros procedimentos broncoscópicos, em 2 (20%), ou de procedimentos cirúrgicos, em 8 (80%). O diagnóstico final de linfadenopatia reacional foi feito em 12. Destes, 11 (92%) receberam confirmação diagnóstica durante o acompanhamento e 1 (8%), por meio de mediastinoscopia. Em outros 3, o diagnóstico final foi sarcoidose ou neoplasia. Para o diagnóstico de doença granulomatosa, câncer e linfadenopatia reacional, a EBUS-TBNA apresentou sensibilidade de 73%, 68% e 92%, respectivamente; especificidade de 100%, 100% e 93%, respectivamente; precisão de 86%, 93% e 93%, respectivamente; VPP de 100%, 100% e 80%, respectivamente; VPN de 78%, 92% e 98%, respectivamente. Conclusões: Em pacientes não neoplásicos, doenças granulomatosas e linfadenopatia reacional parecem ser causas comuns de LI isolada. A EBUS-TBNA apresenta resultados promissores como procedimento diagnóstico minimamente invasivo de primeira linha. Os resultados obtidos pela EBUS-TBNA podem ser otimizados pelos achados clínicos e radiológicos durante o acompanhamento ou pela comparação com os resultados de outros métodos broncoscópicos.

Humans , Bronchi/diagnostic imaging , Bronchoscopy , Ultrasonography, Interventional/methods , Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Fine Needle Aspiration/methods , Lymphadenopathy/diagnostic imaging , Lymph Nodes/diagnostic imaging , Mediastinum/diagnostic imaging , Biopsy, Needle/methods , Bronchi/pathology , Retrospective Studies , Sensitivity and Specificity , Biopsy, Fine-Needle , Lymphadenopathy/pathology , Lymph Nodes/pathology
Rev. argent. coloproctología ; 30(4): 97-103, dic. 2019. ilus, graf
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1096796


Introducción: Los tumores ano-rectales del musculo liso son raros, la relación respecto de los de recto es de 0.1%, presentándose con un rango entre 40-70 años. El objetivo es analizar una serie de pacientes, el tratamiento empleado y actualización bibliográfica. Material y Método: Sobre una base de datos retrospectiva entre enero de 1983 y diciembre de 2018, sobre 421 pacientes operados por cáncer recto-anal, fueron extraídos 6 que correspondieron a tumores del musculo liso. Resultados: Correspondieron al sexo femenino 4, con edades entre 49 y 75 años (57.5 años); 4 de localización rectal, de ellos 3 fueron leiomiosarcoma, y 2 anales (leiomioma). En 2 se obtuvo diagnostico preoperatorio de certeza por punción mediante Tru-Cut. De 3 pacientes con leiomiosarcoma, a 2 se les realizo cirugía radical y al restante biopsia. Los 2 resecados recidivaron a los 6 meses y al año. Los 3 fallecieron entre los 2 y 16 meses por progresión de la enfermedad. La paciente con diagnóstico de leiomioma rectal, operada mediante cirugía radical, se encuentra sin recidiva a 18 meses. Los 2 pacientes resecados localmente por leiomioma de ano, presentaron en el postoperatorio absceso y fistula extraesfinteriana, uno de ellos con incontinencia severa. Ambos fueron re-operados y se encuentran asintomáticos, libres de recidiva a los 36 y 60 meses. Discusión: Los tumores del músculo liso ano-rectal son infrecuentes y presentan síntomas inespecíficos. La biopsia preoperatoria es imperiosa a fin de establecer una adecuada estrategia quirúrgica. Los malignos tienen alto índice de recidiva y mortalidad. (AU)

Introduction: Smooth muscle ano-rectal tumors are rare; the relation with respect to the rectum is 0.1%, in a patient's age range between 40-70 years. The objective is the analysis of a series of patients, the treatment used and bibliographic update. Material and method: On a retrospective, database between January 1983 and December 2018. About 421 patients operated for rectum-anal cancer, of which 6 corresponded to smooth muscle tumors. Results: Four were female, with ages between 49 and 75 years (57.5 years average); 4 were of rectal location, of which 3 were leiomyosarcoma, and 2 anal (leiomyoma). In two, a preoperative diagnosis of certainty was obtained by Tru-Cut. Two out of 3 patients with leiomyosarcoma, underwent radical surgery and the remaining one a biopsy. The two resected relapsed at 6 months and at one year. All 3 died between 2 and 16 months due to disease progression. The patient diagnosed with rectal leiomyoma, operated by radical surgery, is without recurrence at 18 months. The 2 patients resected locally for anus leiomyoma showed abscess and extrasphincteric fistula in the postoperative period, one of them with severe incontinence. Both were re-operated and are asymptomatic, free of recurrence at 36 and 60 months. Discussion: Ano-rectal smooth muscle tumors are uncommon and have nonspecific symptoms. Preoperative biopsy is imperative in order to establish an appropriate surgical strategy. Malignant tumors have a high rate of recurrence and mortality. (AU)

Humans , Male , Female , Middle Aged , Aged , Anal Canal/pathology , Rectal Neoplasms/diagnosis , Rectal Neoplasms/pathology , Rectum/pathology , Biopsy, Needle , Leiomyosarcoma/diagnosis , Leiomyosarcoma/pathology , Postoperative Care , Rectal Neoplasms/surgery , Diagnostic Imaging , Immunohistochemistry , Retrospective Studies , Proctoscopy/methods , Drug Therapy, Combination , Leiomyosarcoma/surgery
Cambios rev. méd ; 18(2): 80-86, 2019/12/27. ilus., graf., tab.
Article in Spanish | LILACS | ID: biblio-1099682


INTRODUCCIÓN. Desde la aparición del ultrasonido endoscópico, el campo de la gastroenterología y de manera principal, la endoscopia ha evolucionado, permite la realización de múltiples procedimientos, tanto diagnósticos como terapéuticos, con mínimas complicaciones con baja mortalidad. OBJETIVO. Determinar las caracte-rísticas de las lesiones subepiteliales en el tracto digestivo superior, mediante ul-trasonido endoscópico, sus opciones de diagnóstico y tratamiento. MATERIALES Y MÉTODOS. Estudio retrospectivo, de revisión bibliográfica y análisis sistemático de 95 artículos científicos y selección de muestra de 40 encontradas en las bases de datos Medline y PubMed y cuyas fechas de publicación corresponden a los últimos 10 años; el criterio de búsqueda empleado consistió en términos sobre el diagnósti-co y tratamiento de lesiones subepiteliales, mediante ultrasonido endoscópico. RE-SULTADOS. Se evidenció que las lesiones mayores de 1cm, tuvieron alto riesgo de malignización, la cuarta capa fue el sitio más frecuente de localización de este tipo de lesiones. La histopatología fue el método complementario confirmatorio. CON-CLUSIÓN. El ultrasonido endoscópico fue el método de elección para caracterizar y evaluar las lesiones subepiteliales, sean estas sintomáticas o incidentales, el acceso al mismo fue limitado.

INTRODUCTION. Since the appearance of endoscopic ultrasound, the field of gas-troenterology and, in a main way, endoscopy has evolved, allowing the performance of multiple procedures, both diagnostic and therapeutic, with minimal complications with low mortality. OBJECTIVE. To determine the characteristics of subepithelial le-sions in the upper digestive tract, using endoscopic ultrasound, its diagnostic and treatment options. MATERIALS AND METHODS. Retrospective, literature review and systematic analysis of 95 scientific articles and sample selection of 40 found in the Medline and PubMed databases and whose publication dates correspond to the last 10 years; The search criteria used consisted of terms on the diagnosis and treatment of subepithelial lesions, by endoscopic ultrasound. RESULTS. It was shown that le-sions larger than 1 cm, had a high risk of malignancy, the fourth layer was the most frequent site of location of this type of lesions. Histopathology was the complemen-tary confirmatory method. CONCLUSION. Endoscopic ultrasound was the method of choice to characterize and evaluate subepithelial lesions, whether symptomatic or incidental, access to it was limited.

Humans , Male , Female , Therapeutics , Ultrasonics , Biopsy, Needle , Endoscopy, Digestive System , Gastrointestinal Tract , Intestinal Mucosa , MEDLARS , Diagnosis , Diagnostic Techniques, Digestive System , Endoscopy , Gastroenterology
J. pediatr. (Rio J.) ; J. pediatr. (Rio J.);95(4): 419-427, July-Aug. 2019. tab, graf
Article in English | LILACS | ID: biblio-1040348


Abstract Objective: This large study with a long-term follow-up aimed to evaluate the clinical presentation, laboratory findings, histological profile, treatments, and outcomes of children and adolescents with autoimmune hepatitis. Methods: The medical records of 828 children and adolescents with autoimmune hepatitis were reviewed. A questionnaire was used to collect anonymous data on clinical presentation, biochemical and histological findings, and treatments. Results: Of all patients, 89.6% had autoimmune hepatitis-1 and 10.4% had autoimmune hepatitis-2. The female sex was predominant in both groups. The median age at symptom onset was 111.5 (6; 210) and 53.5 (8; 165) months in the patients with autoimmune hepatitis 1 and autoimmune hepatitis-2, respectively. Acute clinical onset was observed in 56.1% and 58.8% and insidious symptoms in 43.9% and 41.2% of the patients with autoimmune hepatitis-1 and autoimmune hepatitis-2, respectively. The risk of hepatic failure was 1.6-fold higher for autoimmune hepatitis-2. Fulminant hepatic failure occurred in 3.6% and 10.6% of the patients with autoimmune hepatitis-1 and autoimmune hepatitis-2, respectively; the risk was 3.1-fold higher for autoimmune hepatitis-2. The gamma globulin and immunoglobulin G levels were significantly higher in autoimmune hepatitis-1, while the immunoglobulin A and C3 levels were lower in autoimmune hepatitis-2. Cirrhosis was observed in 22.4% of the patients; biochemical remission was achieved in 76.2%. The actuarial survival rate was 93.0%. A total of 4.6% underwent liver transplantation, and 6.9% died (autoimmune hepatitis-1: 7.5%; autoimmune hepatitis-2: 2.4%). Conclusions: In this large clinical series of Brazilian children and adolescents, autoimmune hepatitis-1 was more frequent, and patients with autoimmune hepatitis-2 exhibited higher disease remission rates with earlier response to treatment. Patients with autoimmune hepatitis-1 had a higher risk of death.

Resumo Objetivo: Este estudo com acompanhamento de longo prazo visou a avaliar o quadro clínico, os achados laboratoriais, o perfil histológico, os tratamentos e os resultados de crianças e adolescentes com hepatite autoimune. Métodos: Foram analisados os prontuários médicos de 828 crianças e adolescentes com HAI. Foi usado um questionário para coletar os dados anônimos sobre o quadro clínico, os achados bioquímicos e histológicos e os tratamentos. Resultados: De todos os pacientes, 89,6% tinham hepatite autoimune-1 e 10,4% hepatite autoimune-2. O sexo feminino foi predominante nos dois grupos. A idade média no início dos sintomas foi 111,5 (6; 210) e 53,5 (8; 165) meses nos pacientes com hepatite autoimune-1 e hepatite autoimune-2, respectivamente. Foi observado início clínico agudo em 56,1% e 58,8% e sintomas insidiosos em 43,9% e 41,2% dos pacientes com hepatite autoimune-1 e hepatite autoimune-2, respectivamente. A probabilidade de insuficiência hepática foi 1,6 vezes maior para hepatite autoimune-2; 3,6% e 10,6% dos pacientes com hepatite autoimune-1 e hepatite autoimune-2, respectivamente, apresentaram insuficiência hepática fulminante; o risco foi 3,1 vezes maior para hepatite autoimune-2. Os níveis de gamaglobulina e imunoglobulina G foram significativamente maiores nos pacientes com hepatite autoimune-1, ao passo que os níveis de imunoglobulina A e C3 foram menores em pacientes com hepatite autoimune-2; 22,4% dos pacientes apresentaram cirrose e a remissão bioquímica foi atingida em 76,2%. A taxa de sobrevida atuarial foi de 93,0%. Um total de 4,6% pacientes foram submetidos a transplante de fígado e 6,9% morreram (hepatite autoimune-1: 7,5%; hepatite autoimune-2: 2,4%). Conclusões: Nesta grande série clínica de crianças e adolescentes brasileiros, a hepatite autoimune-1 foi mais frequente e os pacientes com hepatite autoimune-2 mostraram maiores taxas de remissão da doença com respostas mais rápidas aos tratamentos. Os pacientes com hepatite autoimune-1 apresentaram maior risco de óbito.

Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Azathioprine/therapeutic use , Prednisone/therapeutic use , Hepatitis, Autoimmune/pathology , Immunosuppressive Agents/therapeutic use , Autoantibodies/analysis , Biopsy, Needle , Brazil , Immunoglobulins/analysis , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Survival Analysis , Antibodies, Antinuclear/blood , Retrospective Studies , Immunosuppression Therapy , Treatment Outcome , Hepatitis, Autoimmune/immunology , Hepatitis, Autoimmune/drug therapy , Liver/pathology