Resumen Introducción: La Sierra Santa Teresa se encuentra a 20 km al sureste de Hermosillo en la región central del estado de Sonora, México. Los estratos sedimentarios corresponden principalmente a textura de piedra caliza, mudstone, wackestone y packstone del Paleozoico superior. La biota está representada por crinoideos de las morfoespecies Baryschyr anosus, Cyclocaudex insaturatus, Floricyclus angustimargo, Cyclocion distictus, Lamprosterigma erathense y Preptopremnum rugosum en asociación con algas, foraminíferos fusulínidos, esponjas coralinas (Chaetetes sp), corales solitarios (Lophophyllidium sp., Fomichevella sp.), briozoos fenestélidos (Archimedes stoyanowi) y braquiópodos (Antiquatonia sp.). Objetivo: El objetivo principal de este estudio es dar a conocer la composición biótica de la Sierra Santa Teresa y sus consideraciones paleoecológicas y paleogeográficas. Métodos: En este estudio se sintetiza la información sobre las principales taxas recolectadas en afloramientos del Carbonífero de la Sierra, Santa Teresa. Resultados: La distribución de la biota, y particularmente de las morfoespecies de crinoideos, permitió hacer correlaciones paleobiogeográficas con otras localidades del Misisípico-Pensilvánico de México y de distintas regiones de los Estados Unidos de América, principalmente en Texas, Colorado, Illinois y Oklahoma, que se encontraban ubicadas al suroeste del Cratón norteamericano. Conclusiones: Se considera que el paleoambiente inferido con base en los registros paleontológicos de la Sierra Santa Teresa se trataba de mares someros que permitieron el desarrollo de comunidades de crinoideos, así como otros invertebrados como esponjas coralinas, corales solitarios, briozoos fenestélidos y braquiópodos, con un rango estratigráfico del Misisípico Medio-Superior (Chesteriano) al Pensilvánico Medio (Desmoinesiano).
Abstract Introduction: The Sierra Santa Teresa is located 20 km southeast of Hermosillo in the central region of Sonora state, Mexico. The sedimentary strata mainly correspond to limestone, mudstone, wackestone and packstone texture, from the upper Paleozoic. The biota is represented by crinoids of the morphospecies Baryschyr anosus, Cyclocaudex insaturatus, Floricyclus angustimargo, Cyclocion distictus, Lamprosterigma erathense, Preptopremnum rugosum in association with algae, fusulinid foraminifera, coralline sponges (Chaetetes sp.), solitary corals (Lophophyllidium sp., Fomichevella sp.), fenestellid bryozoans (Archimedes stoyanowi), and brachiopods (Antiquatonia sp.). Objective: The principal aim of this study is to analyze the biotic composition in the Sierra Santa Teresa and its paleoecological and paleogeographical considerations. Methods: In this study we synthetize information about the principal taxa collected in outcrops of the Carboniferous of the Sierra, Santa Teresa. Results: The distribution of the biota, and particularly the crinoid morphospecies, allowed paleobiogeographical correlations to be made with other Mississippian-Pennsylvanian localities of Mexico and different regions of the United States of America in Texas, Colorado, Illinois and Oklahoma, which were located in the southwestern of the North American Craton. Conclusions: It is considered that the paleoenvironment inferred based on the paleontological records of the Sierra Santa Teresa were shallow seas that allowed the development of communities of crinoids, as well as other invertebrates such as coralline sponges, solitary corals, fenestellid bryozoans and brachiopods, with a range stratigraphic from the Middle-Upper Mississippian (Chesterian) to the Middle Pennsylvanian (Desmoinesian).
Animals , Paleontology , Biota , Invertebrates/anatomy & histology , MexicoABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los escarabajos coprófagos cumplen funciones importantes en los ecosistemas terrestres, pero las presiones antrópicas los afectan negativamente. Estos efectos están bien documentados en los bosques neotropicales de tierras bajas, pero se han estudiado poco en los bosques andinos. Objetivo: Evaluar cómo los atributos de los ensambles de escarabajos coprófagos y tres de sus funciones ecológicas difieren en tres tipos de cobertura vegetal, y determinar las relaciones entre atributos y funciones, y entre funciones. Métodos: Los escarabajos coprófagos se capturaron con trampas pitfall y se midieron las funciones ecológicas a través de un experimento de campo en la hacienda "El Ocaso" (Colombia), en tres tipos de cobertura vegetal: bosque secundario, bosque mixto y pastos para ganado (tres sitios independientes por cobertura). Los atributos del ensamble que se evaluaron fueron: abundancia, número de especies, biomasa y longitud corporal media ponderada; las funciones medidas fueron: remoción de estiércol, excavación del suelo y dispersión secundaria de semillas. Resultados: Se encontró que tanto los atributos del ensamble como las funciones ecológicas se vieron afectados negativamente en las coberturas vegetales más alteradas, particularmente en los pastos ganaderos. La mayoría de los atributos de ensamblaje se correlacionaron positivamente con las funciones; la excavación del suelo y la dispersión secundaria de semillas tuvieron una fuerte correlación positiva con la remoción de estiércol. Conclusiones: Los ensambles de escarabajos coprófagos juegan importantes funciones ecológicas y son sensibles a las alteraciones del ecosistema. Este estudio muestra cómo los escarabajos coprófagos y sus funciones se ven afectados negativamente cuando el bosque se transforma en pastizales para ganado en los ecosistemas forestales andinos poco estudiados y altamente fragmentados.
Abstract Introduction: Dung beetles perform important functions in terrestrial ecosystems, but anthropic pressures affect them negatively. These effects are well documented in neotropical lowland forests but have been studied little in Andean forests. Objective: To evaluate how the attributes of the dung beetle assemblages and three of their ecological functions differ in three types of vegetation cover, and to determine the relationships between attributes and functions, and among functions. Methods: Dung beetles were captured with pitfall traps, and ecological functions were measured through a field experiment in the farm "El Ocaso" (Colombia), in three types of vegetation cover: secondary forest, mixed forest and cattle pasture (three independent sites per cover). The assemblage attributes that were evaluated were abundance, number of species, biomass, and weighted mean body length; functions measured were dung removal, soil excavation, and secondary seed dispersal. Results: It was found that both the assemblage attributes and the ecological functions were negatively affected in the more disturbed vegetation covers, particularly in cattle pastures. Most of the assemblage attributes correlated positively with functions; soil excavation and secondary seed dispersal had a strong positive correlation with dung removal. Conclusions: Dung beetle assemblages play important ecological functions and they are sensitive to ecosystem disturbances. This study shows how dung beetles and their functions are affected negatively when forest is transformed to cattle pasture in the understudied and highly fragmented Andean forest ecosystems.
Animals , Coleoptera , Manure , Colombia , BiotaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: Resource partitioning by promoting coexistence is essential to determine species richness and composition in natural communities. However, the partitioning of time has been questioned as a mechanism that promotes the coexistence of ecologically similar species. Objective: To determine the importance of the partitioning of time as a mechanism that promotes coexistence, we compared the activity patterns of tropical frugivorous bats. Methods: We captured bats with mist nets from sunset to sunrise in three study sites (tropical dry forest, wet forest, and rainforest) to calculate activity patterns of the species using Kernel density estimation. We used the superposition coefficient (Δ1) to compare activity patterns between (1) bat assemblages of study sites, (2) frugivorous species in the same site, and (3) populations of the same species among different sites. To determine whether the overlap in the activity patterns was related to the ecological similarity of species, we evaluated the association between Δ1 and similarity in abundances and body mass and phylogenetic closeness. Results: We found geographical variations in the overall activity patterns of the assemblages of the three localities. Likewise, we found variations in activity patterns between species at each study site and between populations in different study sites. Overlap in activity patterns tended to decrease as species were phylogenetically more closely related and similar in abundance and body size. Conclusions: Our results provide empirical support for the role of temporal segregation in activity patterns as a mechanism that promotes the coexistence of ecologically similar species in nature.
Resumen Introducción: La partición de recursos es esencial para determinar la riqueza y composición de especies en las comunidades naturales. Sin embargo, la segregacion temporal ha sido cuestionada como un mecanismo que promueve la coexistencia de especies ecológicamente similares. Objetivo: Con el fin de determinar la importancia de la segregación en los patrones de actividad, como mecanismo que promueve la coexistencia; se compararon los patrones de actividad de murciélagos frugívoros neotropicales. Métodos: Se capturaron murciélagos con redes de niebla desde el atardecer hasta el amanecer en tres localidades (bosque seco tropical, bosque muy húmedo y bosque lluvioso submontano) con el fin de calcular los patrones de actividad de las especies empleando la estimación de densidad Kernel. Se utilizó el coeficiente de superposición (Δ) para comparar patrones de actividad entre: (1) ensamblajes de murciélagos de los sitios de estudio, (2) especies frugívoras en el mismo sitio, y (3) poblaciones de la misma especie en diferentes sitios. Resultados: Se encontraron variaciones geográficas en los patrones de actividad de los ensamblajes en las tres localidades. Asimismo, se encontraron variaciones en los patrones de actividad entre especies en cada sitio y entre poblaciones en diferentes sitios. Determinamos que la superposición en los patrones de actividad disminuyó a medida que las especies estaban más relacionadas filogenéticamente, similares en abundancia y tamaño corporal; lo que sugiere una tendencia hacia la segregación temporal de especies ecológicamente similares. Conclusión: Estos resultados proveen apoyo empírico del papel de la segregación temporal en los patrones de actividad como un mecanismo que promueve la coexistencia de especies ecológicamente similares en la naturaleza.
Animals , Chiroptera/classification , BiotaABSTRACT
Abstract Introduction: The coral-associated bacteria with antimicrobial activity may be important to promote the health of their host through various interactions, and may be explored as a source of new bioactive compounds. Objective: To analyze the antimicrobial activity of bacteria associated with the zoanthid Palythoa caribaeorum from the coral reefs of Carapibus, Paraiba state, Brazil. Methods: The phylogenetic analysis of the bacteria was conducted based on partial sequences of the 16S rRNA gene using molecular and bioinformatics tools. The antimicrobial activity of the 49 isolates was tested against four bacterial strains and one yeast strain: Bacillus cereus (CCT0198), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Pseudomonas aeruginosa and Candida albicans (ATCC 10231). The antibiosis and antibiogram assays were conducted and the Minimal Inhibitory Concentration (MIC) was determined by the microdilution method. Results: The bacterial isolates belonged to Firmicutes phylum (84 % of the isolates) and the Proteobacteria phylum (16 % of the isolates). Among the 49 isolates five genera were found, with the Bacillus genus being the most abundant (82 % of the isolates), followed by Vibrio (10 %), Pseudomonas (4 %), Staphylococcus (2 %) and Alteromonas (2 %). Antibiosis test revealed that 16 isolates (33 %) showed antimicrobial activity against one or more of five tested reference strains. The highest number of antagonistic bacteria were found in the Bacillus genus (12 isolates), followed by Vibrio (three isolates) and Pseudomonas (one isolate) genera. The B. subtilis NC8 was the only isolate that inhibited all tested strains in the antibiosis assay. However, antibiogram test with post-culture cell-free supernatant of NC8 isolate showed the inhibition of only B. cereus, S. aureus and C. albicans, and the lyophilized and dialyzed material of this isolate inhibited only B. cereus. The lyophilized material showed bacteriostatic activity against B. cereus, with a MIC value of 125 μg/μl, and in the cytotoxicity assay, the hemolysis value was of 4.8 %, indicating its low cytotoxicity. Conclusions: The results show the antimicrobial potential of some bacterial isolates associated with the P. caribaeourum tissue, especially those belonged to Bacillus genus.
Resumen Introducción: La actividad antimicrobiana realizada por las bacterias asociadas con los corales, además de promover la salud de su huésped, representa una fuente para obtener nuevos compuestos bioactivos. Objetivo: Analizar la actividad antimicrobiana de las bacterias asociadas con el zoantario Palythoa caribaeorum de los arrecifes de Carapibus, Paraíba, Brasil. Metodología: El análisis filogenético de la bacterias se realizó con base en secuencias parciales del gen RNAr 16S utilizando herramientas moleculares y de bioinformática. La actividad antimicrobiana de las cepas se probó contra cuatro cepas bacterianas y una cepa de levadura: Bacillus cereus (CCT0198), Escherichia coli (ATCC 25922), Staphylococcus aureus (ATCC 25923), Pseudomonas aeruginosa y Candida albicans (ATCC 10231), utilizando ensayos antibiosis y antibiograma, y la concentración inhibitoria mínima (CIM) que se determinó por el método de microdilución. Resultados: Las cepas bacterianas pertenecían a Firmicutes (84 %) y Gammaproteobacteria (16 %). Entre 49 cepas se encontraron cinco géneros de bacterias: Bacillus, Vibrio, Pseudomonas, Staphylococcus y Alteromonas. Un total de 19 cepas exhibieron actividad antimicrobiana, siendo el género Bacillus el responsable del mayor número de bacterias antagonistas, con 12 cepas positivas en el ensayo de antibiosis y cuatro en la prueba de antibiograma. El mayor número de bacterias antagonistas se encontró en Bacillus (12 aislamientos), seguido por Vibrio (tres aislamientos) y Pseudomonas (un aisladmiento). El NC8, clasificado como Bacillus subtilis, inhibió todas las cepas estándar en el ensayo de antibiosis y las cepas de B. cereus, S. aureus y C. albicans en la prueba de antibiograma. El material liofilizado del B. subtilis NC8 mostró acción bacteriostática contra B. cereus, con un valor de CIM de 125 μg/μl. En la prueba de citotoxicidad, el grado de hemólisis fue del 4.8 % para el material liofilizado a las concentraciones probadas, lo que indica su baja citotoxicidad. Conclusión: Los resultados muestran el potencial antimicrobiano de algunos aislamientos bacterianos asociados al P. caribaeourum, especialmente los pertenecientes al género Bacillus.
Bacteria , Anthozoa/microbiology , Bacillus , BiotaABSTRACT
Introduction: The Ophiuroidea class is the most diverse of the Phylum Echinodermata, with 2 064 described species, which can be found from intertidal zones to abyssal depths, but the fauna of Yucatan peninsula needs more study. Objective: To describe the diversity of ophiuroids in the Yucatan continental slope. Methods: Information was compiled from four oceanographic surveys carried out in August 2005, June 2007 (BIOREPES 1 and 2: BRP1 and BRP2), April 2011 and August 2014 (COBERPES 2 and 6: CBP2 and CBP6). The specimens were obtained by trawling with a shrimp net in soft substrates and with a skimmer-type trawl dredge at a depth range of 200 to 1 071 m off the states of Yucatán and Quintana Roo, Mexico. Results: We found members of two superorders, five orders, six suborders, five superfamilies, 18 families, 28 genera and 43 species. Conclusions: The northeast zone Yucatan Peninsula has at least 43 species, of which 19 are new records for the area.
Introducción: La clase Ophiuroidea es la más diversa del Phylum Echinodermata, con 2 064 especies descritas, que se pueden encontrar desde zonas intermareales hasta profundidades abisales, pero la fauna de la península de Yucatán necesita más estudio. Objetivo: Describir la diversidad de ofiuroideos en el talud continental de Yucatán. Métodos: Se recopiló información de cuatro estudios oceanográficos llevados a cabo en agosto de 2005, junio de 2007 (BIOREPES 1 y 2: BRP1 y BRP2), abril de 2011 y agosto de 2014 (COBERPES 2 y 6: CBP2 y CBP6). Los especímenes se obtuvieron mediante la pesca de arrastre con una red camaronera en sustratos blandos y con una draga de arrastre tipo skimmer en un rango de profundidad de 200 a 1 071 m frente a los estados de Yucatán y Quintana Roo, México. Resultados: Encontramos miembros de dos superórdenes, cinco órdenes, seis subórdenes, cinco superfamilias, 18 familias, 28 géneros y 43 especies. Conclusiones: La zona noreste de la Península de Yucatán tiene al menos 43 especies, de las cuales 19 son nuevos registros para el área.
Animals , Statistical Distributions , Echinodermata/classification , Biota , MexicoABSTRACT
Introducción: Una de las amenazas actuales para los arrecifes de coral es la pérdida de cobertura de coral vivo. La depredación masiva asociada con los brotes poblaciones de la estrella corona de espinas, amenaza la permanencia de los arrecifes. Desde 2017, ha habido evidencia de un incremento en la densidad de el asteroideo y de un incremento en la mortalidad coralina en el sur del golfo de California. Objetivo: Describir el primer evento de depredación sobre corales por Acanthaster planci en la isla Espíritu Santo, golfo de California, México. Métodos: visitamos el arrecife El Corralito nueve veces entre 2017 y 2019, realizando censos visuales en transectos errantes y de banda (25 x 3m) para determinar la densidad de la estrella, su comportamiento y daño. Monitoreamos la depredación sobre las colonias de Pavona gigantea durante siete meses. Resultados: La densidad promedio de individuos en El Corralito en 2018-19 fue 607.40 ind/ha. La depredación del asteoroideo fue evidente en más del 60% de los individuos diagnosticados (N=827), con las afectaciones más grandes en las colonias de P. gigantea (80%). El 63% de los 129 de los individuos del asteroideo observados estaban alimentándose principalmente sobre Porites panamensis (68% de los casos). Las lesiones agudas indican que el evento de depredación está activo. En 81 días, se perdieron 25m 2 de una de las colonias monitoreadas. Conclusiones: Existe un evento de brote poblacional activo con consecuencias negativas significativas sobre el arrecife El Corralito, el cual puede ocasionar pérdida de cobertura de coral en pocos meses. El monitoreo y el manejo son necesarios para establecer las razones que llevaron a brote poblacional y para controlarlo.
Introduction: One of the current threats to coral reefs is the loss of live coral cover. Massive predation associated with population outbreaks of the crown of thorns seastar, threatens the permanence of the reefs. Since 2017, there has been evidence of an increase in the density of the asteroid and an increase in coral mortality in the southern gulf of California. Objective: To describe the first event of massive predation on corals by Acanthaster planci in Espiritu Santo Island, gulf of California, Mexico. Methods: We visited El Corralito reef nine times between 2017 and 2019, using errant and band transect (25 x 3 m) visual censuses to determine Star density, behavior and damage. Over seven months, we monitored predation on colonies of Pavona gigantea. Results: The mean density of individuals in El Corralito in 2018-2019 was 607.40 ind/ha. Asteroid predation was evident in more than 60 % of diagnosed individuals (N = 827), with the greatest affectations in the P. gigantea colonies (80 %). 63 % of the 129 observed asteroid individuals were feeding mainly on Porites panamensis (68 % of cases). Acute injuries indicate that the predation event is active. In 81 days, 25 m2 of one of the monitored colonies were lost. Conclusions : There is an active outbreak event with significant negative consequences on the El Corralito reef, which could determine the loss of coral cover in a few months. Monitoring and management are required to establish the reasons that led to the outbreak and to control it.
Coral Reefs , Starfish , Biota , MexicoABSTRACT
We evaluated the fish composition and ecological attributes of the ichthyofauna collected in a limnological zone of the Taquaruçu Reservoir, lower Paranapanema River. Information about the fish community was updated when compared to the previous study (2006). Non-metric multidimensional scaling (NMDS) showed differences in species composition between periods and community weighted means (CWMs) exhibited changes in functional composition over time. Four functional indices were used in the principal coordinate analysis (PcoA) to measure changes in the functional space of species, whereas functional β-diversity inspected differences in the traits composition between the periods. 1,203 individuals were sampled of 43 species, being 16 non-native and 14 new records. Compared to 2006, 27 species were absent, most of them native to Loricariidae and Anostomidae, while Curimatidae and Pimelodidae decreased in abundance. Functional indexes showed a reduction in functional diversity, whereas new species records exhibited functional redundancy. It might have occurred a simplification of the fish community over time, excluding the migratory and specialists species such as the herbivores and detritivores. Accordingly, we concluded that the ichthyofauna of the Taquaruçu Reservoir might have been undergoing a process towards biotic homogenization.(AU)
Avaliamos a composição de peixes e atributos ecológicos da ictiofauna coletada em uma zona limnológica do reservatório de Taquaruçu, baixo rio Paranapanema. As informações sobre a comunidade de peixes foram atualizadas quando comparadas ao estudo anterior (2006). O escalonamento multidimensional não métrico (NMDS) mostrou diferenças na composição de espécies entre os períodos, e as médias ponderadas da comunidade (CWMs) exibiram mudanças na composição funcional ao longo do tempo. Quatro índices funcionais foram utilizados na análise de coordenadas principais (PcoA) para medir as mudanças no espaço funcional das espécies, enquanto a β-diversidade funcional inspecionou diferenças na composição de traços entre os períodos. Foram amostrados 1,203 indivíduos de 43 espécies, sendo 16 não-nativas e 14 novos registros. Em comparação com 2006, 27 espécies estavam ausentes, a maioria nativa de Loricariidae e Anostomidae, enquanto Curimatidae e Pimelodidae diminuíram em abundância. Os índices funcionais mostraram redução na diversidade funcional, enquanto novos registros de espécies exibiram redundância funcional. Pode ter ocorrido uma simplificação da comunidade de peixes ao longo do tempo, excluindo as espécies migradoras e especialistas como os herbívoros e detritívoros. Dessa forma, concluímos que a ictiofauna do reservatório de Taquaruçu pode estar sofrendo um processo de homogeneização biótica.(AU)
Animals , Biodiversity , Biota , Fishes/classificationABSTRACT
This study evaluated fish beta diversity in six headwater creeks located in the area affected by the largest ornamental aquaculture center implemented in the Minas Gerais State, southeastern Brazil. We sampled fish assemblages in 2017 and 2018 to investigate changes in assemblage structure (species richness and beta diversity), comparing these data with the historic species pool. We recorded 60 fish species, of which 16 were native and 44 non-native with 19 translocated, and 25 exotic. The exotics Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus maculatus, X. variatus, Danio rerio, and Misgurnus anguillicaudatus were the most widely distributed in the headwater creeks. The Contamination Index showed that most creeks had high proportional contamination by exotic species (above 60%). Beta diversity increased from historical to contemporary periods in all creeks due to the introduction and differential colonization pressure of several non-native translocated and exotic species, indicating biotic differentiation. Temperature and number of ponds were the main preditors of change in beta diversity in the headwater creeks during the contemporary period. In summary, we observed that invaders have induced substantial changes to fish communities under influence of environmental filters. Our results support the hipothesis that aquaculture is a main driver of fish non-native fish introduction and native biodiversity loss in the Neotropics.(AU)
Este estudo avaliou a diversidade beta de peixes em seis riachos de cabeceira localizados em uma área afetada pelo maior centro de aqüicultura ornamental do Brasil, localizado em Minas Gerais. Amostramos assembleias de peixes em 2017 e 2018 para investigar mudanças na estrutura (riqueza de espécies e diversidade beta), comparando esses dados com tendências históricas de composição de comunidades. Registramos 60 espécies de peixes, sendo 16 nativos e 44 não nativos: 19 translocados e 25 exóticos. Os exóticos Poecilia reticulata, Xiphophorus maculatus, X. variatus, Danio rerio e Misgurnus anguillicaudatus foram os mais distribuídos nos riachos. O Índice de Contaminação mostrou que a maioria dos riachos apresentou alta contaminação proporcional por espécies exóticas (acima de 60%). A diversidade beta aumentou do período histórico para o contemporâneo em todos os riachos devido à introdução e pressão de colonização de várias espécies não-nativas translocadas e exóticas, indicando diferenciação biótica. Temperatura da água e número de tanques de piscicultura foram os principais fatores de mudança na diversidade beta dos riachos no período contemporâneo. Os não-nativos induziram mudanças em nível de comunidades e sob influência de variáveis ambientais. Os resultados mostram que a aquicultura é um dos principais vetores da introdução de peixes não-nativos e perda de biodiversidade nativa nos Neotrópicos.(AU)
Animals , Aquaculture , Biota , Fishes , Rivers , Introduced SpeciesABSTRACT
Las áreas que se recuperan perturbaciones tales como actividades agrícolas y ganaderas, generan un aumento de bosques secundarios que causan cambios en la cantidad y calidad del hábitat disponible para las aves. El Índice de Integridad Biótica (IIB) compara la estructura, composición y función del ensamblaje de las aves en una regeneración secundaria del bosque, desde edades tempranas hasta maduras, para evaluar su condición ecológica. Se estudió la integridad ecológica utilizando el IIB en cuatro etapas de sucesión de bosque secundario. El IBI se calculóutilizando ensamblajes de aves encontrados en estas cuatro etapas de la sucesión de bosques, y su desempeño se comparócon la riqueza general y elíndice de diversidad de Shannon. Se realizaron cinco muestreos de campo entre junio 2016 y febrero 2017, en los que se registraron las aves utilizando recuentos de puntos de radio fijo. En total, se registraron 9 516 individuos de 187 especies de aves pertenecientes a 42 familias y 15 órdenes. Para cada especie se estableció hábitat de presencia, gremio de forrajeo y grupos de indicadores potenciales. La riqueza de especies y el Índice de Abundancia Puntual (PAI) de todas las categorías, se utilizaron como métricas candidatas y luego de evaluar un total de 34 métricas, se seleccionaron 13 para los análisis. Las métricas que se correlacionaron positivamente con el gradiente, de mayor a menor perturbación, fueron: riqueza de insectívoros de interior de bosque, abundancia de especies exclusivamente de interior de bosque, abundancia de especies de interior y borde, abundancia de especies endémicas y abundancia de especies amenazadas. Las métricas que se correlacionaron negativamente con el gradiente, de mayor a menor perturbación, fueron abundancia de especies de áreas abiertas, abundancia de especies de áreas abiertas y de borde, abundancia de frugívoros, abundancia de granívoros, abundancia de omnívoros, abundancia de insectívoros, abundancia de carroñeros y abundancia de especies migratorias. El IBI mostró una correlación lineal significativa positiva con el gradiente de regeneración secundaria del bosque, desde edades tempranas hasta maduras, mientras que la riqueza total de especies y el índice de diversidad de Shannon mostraron una correlación lineal negativa. El IBI, en este caso particular, demostró ser mejor que las medidas clásicas de la riqueza de especies y el índice de diversidad de Shannon para evaluar e interpretar la condición ecológica y ambiental de las etapas de la sucesión del bosque secundario evaluado.
Recovering areas from disturbance, after agriculture and livestock activities, increases secondary forests extension, which might change the quantity and quality of available habitat for birds. The Index of Biotic Integrity (IBI) compare the structure, composition and function of bird assemblages in secondary regeneration forest, from early succession to mature forest, to evaluate the ecological condition. Thus, the ecological condition along four stages of secondary forest in Antioquia, Colombia were studied using the IBI. This index was compared with richness and Shannon's diversity Index of the same bird assemblages. Five field surveys were conducted between June 2016 and February 2017, using fixed-radius point counts. In total 9 516 individuals, from 187 bird species, belonging to 42 families and 15 orders were recorded. Habitat of occurrence, foraging guild and potential indicators groups were established for every species. Species richness and Punctual Abundance Index (PAI) of all categories were defined as candidate metrics, and after evaluating a total of 34 metrics, 13 were selected for further analysis. Metrics that were positively correlated with successional forest gradient, from highest to lowest disturbance, were: species richness of forest interior insectivorous, abundance of exclusively forest species, abundance of forest interior and edge species, abundance of endemic species and abundance of threatened species. Metrics that were negatively correlated with successional forest gradient, from highest to lowest disturbance, were: abundance of species from open areas, abundance of open areas and edge species, abundance of frugivorous, abundance of granivorous, abundance of omnivorous, abundance of insectivorous, abundance of scavengers and abundance of migratory species. IBI showed a positive significant linear correlation with the gradient of secondary forest regeneration, from early to mature forest, while Shannon´s diversity Index and species richness showed a negative significant linear correlation. So that, in this particular case, IBI proved to be better indicator that the classical measures for assessing and interpreting ecological and environmental condition along the secondary forest succession evaluated.
Animals , Birds/classification , Biota , Pro-Environmental Behavior , Sampling Studies , Colombia , Agriculture , Animal HusbandryABSTRACT
Introduction: Small terrestrial invertebrates disperse in a passive manner through wind currents, forming what is known as aerial plankton, which has not been surveyed yet for the Eastern Tropical Pacific. Documenting the aerial plankton of Isla del Coco will allow to better understand the colonization process of this highly diverse island. Objective: Characterize the aerial plankton present on the transect Puntarenas - Isla del Coco. Methods: Specimens were collected using entomological nets on 2 roundtrip voyages during the months of July and August of 2017 and 2018, respectively. Results: A total of 10 morpho-species were collected corresponding to the orders: Diptera (Ceratopogonidae, Milichiidae, and Nematocera of a non-identified family), Hymenoptera (Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae), Hemiptera (Scutelleridae and Coreidae) and Lepidoptera (Sphingidae). Diptera and Hymenoptera were collected on the nets; while, Hemiptera and Lepidoptera were found on the deck of the boat. No spiders were collected. The Diptera and Hymenoptera families, as well as the family Coreidae (Hemiptera), have been previously recorded on this type of surveys across the tropical Pacific. Conclusions: Two of the taxa collected by nets, Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) and Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), have representatives on Isla del Coco, which could provide direct support for wind dispersal as a colonization mechanism for these groups. We also detected other insects (i.e. Lepidoptera and Scutelleridae-Hemiptera) which most likely reached the boat by their own means providing evidence of their dispersal abilities. This research provides data to further expand on questions about the mechanisms of island colonization.
Introducción: Los invertebrados terrestres pequeños se dispersan de manera pasiva en corrientes de viento, constituyendo lo que se conoce como plancton aéreo, el cual previamente no había sido evaluado en Pacífico Tropical Oriental (PTO). Documentar el plancton aéreo de la Isla del Coco permitiría entender mejor el proceso de colonización de esta diversa isla. Objetivos: Caracterizar el plancton aéreo del transecto Puntarenas - Isla del Coco. Métodos: Los especímenes fueron recolectados utilizando redes entomológicas en 2 viajes de ida y vuelta durante los meses de Julio y Agosto de 2017 y 2018, respectivamente. Resultados: Un total de 10 morfo-especies fueron recolectadas, correspondientes a los órdenes Diptera (Ceratopogonidae, Milichiidae, y Nematocera de familia no identificada), Hymenoptera (Chalcidoidea: Agaonidae), Hemiptera (Scutelleridae y Coreidae) y Lepidoptera (Sphingidae). Diptera e Hymenoptera fueron recolectados en las redes; mientras que Hemiptera y Lepidoptera fueron encontrados en la cubierta del barco. No se recolectaron arañas. Las familias de Diptera e Hymenoptera, al igual que la familia Coreidae (Hemiptera) han sido previamente registradas en este tipo de muestreos en el PTO. Conclusiones: Dos de los taxones recolectados en las redes, Ceratopogonidae (Diptera) y Chalcidoidea (Hymenoptera), están representados en la Isla del Coco, lo cual provee apoyo directo a la dispersión por viento como un mecanismo de colonización para estos grupos. Igualmente, encontramos otros insectos (Lepidoptera y Hemiptera: Scutelleridae), los cuales probablemente llegaron al barco por sus propios medios, evidenciando sus habilidades de dispersión. Esta investigación entrega datos para responder nuevas preguntas sobre los mecanismos de colonización de islas.
Animals , Plankton/classification , Arthropods/classification , Biota , Costa RicaABSTRACT
Introducción: La composición florística de la Isla del Coco está relativamente bien estudiada, principalmente la de plantas fanerógamas. Otros organismos, como los líquenes, continúan poco estudiados. Objetivo: El propósito de este inventario es ampliar la documentación sobre las especies de líquenes presentes en la Isla del Coco, mediante la revisión de literatura y colecciones de herbario, así como de nuevas colectas, para facilitar el conocimiento de su diversidad. Métodos: Se confeccionó una lista de las colecciones depositadas en varios herbarios dentro y fuera de Costa Rica, se complementó con las referencias bibliográficas de trabajos previos y, adicionalmente, se realizó una gira de campo en noviembre 2017 para recolectar y fotografiar especímenes. Los nombres de las especies incluidas se adecuaron de acuerdo con la base de datos en línea Index Fungorum. Resultados: Se recopilaron 284 ejemplares para la Isla del Coco pertenecientes a 173 taxones diferentes (incluyendo 40 nuevos registros), de los cuales 25 se identificaron a nivel de género y 148 a nivel de especie. Los ejemplares están distribuidos en 23 familias y 66 géneros. Las familias mejor representadas son Graphidaceae (25 spp.), Pilocarpaceae (24 spp.) y la familia Collemataceae (macrolíquenes, 8spp.). Los géneros Porina (15 spp.) y Strigula (14 spp.) fueron los más diversos. De las 148 especies, la mayoría (52%) son de distribución pantropical (pero también con presencia en zonas templadas). Las especies neotropicales representaron un 34%, las cosmopolitas un 13% y, hasta donde se conoce, las endémicas un 1%. La colonización de la isla por líquenes se debe a diferentes factores de dispersión como el viento, la lluvia, la migración de aves y la actividad humana. Conclusión: A pesar de la adición de nuevos taxones a la lista, el conocimiento sobre la diversidad liquénica de la isla puede aumentar, ya que quedan muchas áreas por explorar.
Introduction: The floristic composition of Isla del Coco is relatively well known. While studies have been typically oriented to flowering plants, other organisms such as lichens remain understudied. Objective: The purpose of this inventory is to expand the documentation of lichen species found in Isla del Coco, by reviewing literature and herbarium collections, as well as new collections, to facilitate the understanding of the diversity of said organisms. Methods: A list of the collections deposited in several herbaria was prepared, complemented with the bibliographical references of previous works. In addition, a field trip to collect and photograph specimens was performed in November 2017. The names of the species were adapted according to the online database Index Fungorum. Results: A total of 284 specimens were studied, corresponding to 173 different taxa, including 40 new records. Twenty-five taxa were identified at the genus level and 148 at the species level. The specimens were distributed in 23 families and 66 genera. The best-represented families are Graphidaceae (37 spp.), Pilocarpaceae (34 spp.) and Collemataceae (8 spp.). Porina (17 spp.) and Strigula (14 spp.) were the most diverse genera. The majority (52%) of the 148 species have a pantropical distribution, 34% are Neotropical and 13% are cosmopolitan. Endemic (according to current knowledge) represent about 1% of the species. Conclusions: Despite the addition of new taxa to the list, this is far from reflecting the existing lichen diversity on the island, as there are still many areas to explore.
Biota , Lichens/classification , Costa Rica , Fungi/classificationABSTRACT
Abstract Small hydroelectric power plants (SHP) have been considered as an alternative for the generation of electricity with reduced environmental impacts. Nevertheless, no studies have addressed changes in a particular kind of river macrohabitat commonly affected by SHPs, the knickzones. This study aimed to assess the impact of a SHP construction on the aquatic macroinvertebrate fauna associated with two basaltic knickzones located in Sapucaí-Mirim River, Southeast Brazil. The first, considered as a functional knickzone, follows the natural dynamics of the river flow and preserves the original rock substrate. The second, considered as non-functional knickzone, was permanently flooded after the SHP construction and the consolidated rock substrate was changed by fine sediment. Sampling was carried out in two seasonal periods and the data were analysed through multivariate analysis. It was observed differences in composition and structure of the macroinvertebrates community between the knickzones and periods. The functional knickzone exhibited a much higher richness, 72 taxa compared to 44 in the non-functional, as well as a large number of exclusive taxa (38, being only nine exclusive to the non-functional). Diversity, equitability and density mean values were also higher in the functional knickzone. The limnological parameters varied significantly between dry and rainy seasons but not between the distinct knickzones. This kind of macrohabitats and its potential role for the rivers biodiversity is practically unknown. In the scenery of fast SHP expansion, further studies and protection measures are necessary.
Resumo Atualmente, a instalação de pequenas centrais hidrelétricas (PCHs) tem sido a alternativa mais visada quando a questão é suprir a demanda energética, considerando-se os menores impactos ambientais possíveis. Contudo, são escassos os trabalhos que avaliam as alterações causadas por esses empreendimentos, principalmente no que se diz respeito a um tipo de macro-habitat de rios, os pedrais. Assim, este estudo teve como objetivo avaliar o impacto da construção de uma PCH na fauna de macroinvertebrados aquáticos associada a dois pedrais basálticos, localizados no rio Sapucaí-Mirim, no Sudeste do Brasil. O primeiro, considerado como um pedral funcional, segue a dinâmica natural do fluxo do rio e possui o substrato rochoso original. O segundo, considerado como pedral não funcional, foi permanentemente inundado após a construção da PCH e o substrato consolidado foi alterado por sedimentos finos. A amostragem foi realizada em dois períodos sazonais e os dados foram analisados através de análise multivariada. Foram observadas diferenças na composição e estrutura da comunidade de macroinvertebrados entre os pedrais e períodos. O pedral funcional apresentou uma riqueza muito maior, 72 táxons em comparação com 44 no não funcional, bem como um grande número de táxons exclusivos (38, sendo apenas nove exclusivos do não-funcional). Os valores médios da diversidade, equitabilidade e densidade também foram maiores no pedral funcional. Os parâmetros limnológicos variaram significativamente entre as estações seca e chuvosa, mas não entre os diferentes pedrais. Este tipo de macro-habitat e seu potencial papel para a biodiversidade dos rios são praticamente desconhecidos. Assim, mais estudos e medidas de proteção são necessários, principalmente diante do atual cenário de rápida expansão das PCHs.
Animals , Power Plants , Biota/physiology , Rain , Seasons , Brazil/epidemiology , Limnology/methods , Environmental Monitoring/methods , Rivers , Floods , Ecological Parameter Monitoring/methods , Invertebrates/classification , Invertebrates/physiologyABSTRACT
The introduction of nonnative species is one of the main threats to freshwater ecosystems. Although omnivory and intraguild predation are common in those systems, little is known about the effects of introduced omnivorous fish on pelagic and littoral communities. This study tested predictions of food-web theory regarding the effects of omnivorous fish introduction on previously fishless lakes in the Amazonian uplands of Serra dos Carajás, Pará, Brazil. The trophic structure of two similar lakes, one with and the other without the introduced omnivorous fish Astyanax bimaculatus, was compared using a data series of biotic variables collected from both lakes twice a year from 2010 to 2013. Zooplankton was more abundant in the lake with fish, and the zooplankton composition differed between lakes. Phytoplankton richness and chlorophyll-a were higher in the lake with the introduced fish than in the fishless lake regardless of phosphorus limitation. For the benthic macroinvertebrate communities, species richness and biomass were higher in the fishless lake. Our results also indicate that A. bimaculatus has the potential to link pelagic and littoral habitats through nutrient cycling. The differences observed between the studied lakes are consistent with predictions from food-web theory regarding the effects of multichain omnivorous fish on trophic dynamics. Despite limitations regarding replication at the ecosystem level, it is possible to infer from our findings that the introduction of an omnivorous fish might have changed lake overall functioning. (AU)
Introduced Species , Biota , Fishes , Fresh WaterABSTRACT
Abstract Forest edges typically exhibit higher luminosity and lower humidity than the forest interior, resulting in an abiotic gradient. However, the degree of abiotic difference can be affected from the type of the matrix, influencing the selection of species. We compared the floristic and phytosociological structure of understory communities of ferns and lycophytes of the edge and interior of three forest sites influenced by different types of surrounding matrices (natural field, Pinus plantation, and cultivation of crops). In the region of Araucaria Forest, in Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil, twelve 10 × 10 m plots were selected at the edge and interior of each site, totaling 72 plots and to evaluate the phytosociological contrast, using as a parameter coverage and species richness per plot to evaluate this contrast. We recorded a total of 38 species in the studied areas, distributed in 15 families. The results show that the edge effect acts at different intensities in the analyzed sites. In the site with unnatural matrix, the composition was more homogeneous both in the edges and in the interiors and presented lower richness, showing a more pronounced and deep impact. Already in the site with natural matrix surroundings, although the border also presents low richness, the interior was about 3x richer. Based on our results, we concluded that fern conservation efforts should focus on fragments of Araucaria Forest inserted in the natural field, because the conversion of natural field into Pinus planting and cultivation of crops decreases ferns species both in the edges and forest interiors of the studied fragments, besides altering the phytosociological structure leading the communities to simplification.
Resumo Bordas florestais tipicamente exibem maior luminosidade e menor umidade que o interior florestal, resultando em um gradiente abiótico. Entretanto, o grau de diferença abiótica pode ser afetado a partir do tipo da matriz, influenciando a seleção de espécies. Comparamos a composição florística e a estrutura fitossociológica das comunidades de samambaias e licófitas na borda e interior de três sítios influenciados por diferentes matrizes (campo natural, plantio de Pinus e cultivo de olerícolas). Na região de Floresta com Araucária no Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil, foram sorteadas doze parcelas de 10 × 10 m na borda e no interior de cada sítio, totalizando 72 parcelas para avaliar o contraste fitossociológico, utilizando como parâmetro cobertura e riqueza das espécies por parcela para avaliar esse contraste. Registramos um total de 38 espécies nas áreas estudadas, distribuídas em 15 famílias. Os resultados mostraram que o efeito de borda atua em intensidades distintas nos sítios analisados. Nos sítios com matriz antropizada, a composição foi mais homogênea tanto nas bordas, quanto nos interiores e apresentou menor riqueza, demonstrando impacto mais pronunciado e profundo. Já no sítio com matriz de entorno natural, apesar da borda também apresentar baixa riqueza, o interior foi cerca de 3x mais rico. Sugerimos que os esforços de conservação de samambaias e licófitas em fragmentos com araucária, devem se concentrar em sítios inseridos em campo natural, pois, a conversão destes em plantio de Pinus e cultivo de olerícolas, diminui a diversidade dessas plantas, tanto nas bordas quanto nos interiores da floresta, além de alterar a estrutura fitossociológica levando as comunidades à simplificação.
Forests , Ferns , Lycopodiaceae , Biota , BrazilABSTRACT
Four strains of Penicillium and Talaromyces species are described and illustrated in an inventory of fungal species belonging to Eurotiales. The strains, CNUFC-DDS17-1, CNUFC-DDS27-1, CNUFC-PTM72-1, and CNUFC-YJW3-31, were isolated from soil and freshwater samples from South Korea. Based on their morphological characteristics and sequence analyses by the combined β-tubulin and calmodulin gene, the CNUFC-DDS17-1, CNUFC-DDS27-1, CNUFC-PTM72-1, and CNUFC-YJW3-31 isolates were identified as Penicillium pasqualense, Penicillium sanguifluum, Talaromyces apiculatus, and Talaromyces liani, respectively. The designated strains were found to represent a previously undescribed species of Korean fungal biota. In this study, detailed morphological descriptions and phylogenetic relationships of these species are provided.
Biota , Calmodulin , Eurotiales , Fresh Water , Korea , Penicillium , Sequence Analysis , Soil , TalaromycesABSTRACT
BACKGROUND/AIMS: Recently, a number of studies have reported that the gut microbiota could contribute to human conditions, including obesity, inflammation, cancer development, and behavior. We hypothesized that the composition and distribution of gut microbiota are different according to stool frequency, and attempted to identify the association between gut microbiota and stool frequency. METHODS: We collected fecal samples from healthy individuals divided into 3 groups according to stool frequency: group 1, a small number of defecation (≤2 times/wk); group 2, normal defecation (1 time/day or 1 time/2 day); and group 3, a large number of defecation (≥2–3 times/day). We evaluated the composition and distribution of the gut microbiota in each group via 16S rRNA-based taxonomic profiling of the fecal samples. RESULTS: Fecal samples were collected from a total of 60 individuals (31 men and 29 women, aged 34.1±5.88 years), and each group comprised 20 individuals. The microbial richness of group 1 was significantly higher than that of group 3 and tended to decrease with increasing number of defecation (P<0.05). The biological community composition was fairly different according to the number of defecation, and Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes ratio was higher in group 1 than in the other groups. Moreover, we found specific strains at the family and genus levels in groups 1 and 3. CONCLUSIONS: Bacteroidetes to Firmicutes ratio and the abundance of Bifidobacterium were different according to the stool frequency, and specific bacteria were identified in the subjects with large and small numbers of defecation, respectively. These findings suggest that stool frequency might be associated with the richness and community composition of the gut microbiota.
Female , Humans , Male , Bacteria , Bacteroidetes , Bifidobacterium , Biota , Defecation , Feces , Firmicutes , Gastrointestinal Microbiome , Inflammation , ObesityABSTRACT
Resumen El incremento del aporte de sedimentos desde tierra derivado del desarrollo costero y urbanización ha producido efectos adversos en la estructura y función de los arrecifes coralinos. El objetivo de este estudio fue conocer la magnitud de disturbios por aportes excesivos de sedimentos en la comunidad íctica de arrecifes coralinos de las bahías Maguey y Violín del Parque Nacional Huatulco (México). Los muestreos de peces se realizaron antes y después de disturbios ocasionados por aportes de sedimentos asociados a obras de desarrollo costero. Como indicadores de cambios en las comunidades de peces se utilizaron el número de especies, diversidad, equidad y dominancia antes y después de la perturbación. El análisis se realizó mediante pruebas de comparación de medias, análisis de similitud (ANOSIM) y análisis de porcentaje de similitud (SIMPER). En ambas localidades, se observó, que, excepto la dominancia, la diversidad, equidad, abundancia y número de especies fueron mayores previos a la perturbación. En Maguey se observaron diferencias significativas en la equidad y dominancia (U=28, p=0.0401; U=24, p=0.0472), así como en la composición de especies y la abundancia (ANOSIM=0.35, p=0.009). El análisis de porcentaje de similitud (SIMPER) indicó que posterior a la perturbación, el 46 % de especies presentaron una disminución en su abundancia, destacó la ausencia de Prionurus laticlavius, así como el decremento en la abundancia de: P. punctatus, Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus, Microspathodon dorsalis, Lutjanus novemfaciatus y Stegates acapulcoensis. La inadecuada planeación y ejecución de proyectos de desarrollo costero que propiciaron aporte excesivo de sedimentos al mar determinaron cambios negativos en las comunidades coralinas de Maguey y Violín, cuyo efecto fue observado en la composición de especies, abundancia, equidad y dominancia de la comunidad de peces de Maguey.(AU)
Abstract Coastal development and urbanization have increased the sediments that are washed from the land surface, producing adverse effects on the structure and functioning of coral reefs. The objective of this study was to identify the degree to which excessive sediments have disturbed the fish community in the coral reefs in the Maguey and Violin bays, located in the Huatulco National Park (Mexico). Fish samples were collected before and after disturbances produced by sediments associated with coastal development projects. Indicators of changes in the fish communities included the number and diversity of species as well as equity and dominance before and after the disturbances. The analysis was performed through means comparison tests, similarity analysis (ANOSIM) and similarity percentage analysis (SIMPER). In both locations, it was observed that the diversity, evenness, abundance and number of species were higher prior to the disturbance, but not for dominance, which shows an inverse pattern. In Maguey, significant differences in evenness and dominance were observed (U = 28, p = 0.0401; U = 24, p = 0.0472), as well as in species composition and abundance (ANOSIM = 0.35, p = 0.009). The similarity percentage analysis (SIMPER) indicated that after the disturbance, more than 46 % of the species showed decreases in average abundance, highlighting the absence of Prionurus laticlavius, as well as the decrease in abundance of: P. punctatus, Cirrhitichthys oxycephalus, Microspathodon dorsalis, Lutjanus novemfaciatus and Stegates acapulcoensis. Inadequate planning and implementation of coastal development projects that contribute to the discharge of excessive sediments into the sea were determinants of negative changes in the coral communities in Maguey and Violin, whose effects could be seen in the composition of the species and the abundance, equity, and dominance of the fish community in Maguey.(AU)
Biodegradation, Environmental , Coasts , Environment , Biota , Fishes , MexicoABSTRACT
Abstract The family Chironomidae (Diptera) is the most widely distributed, most diverse, and often the most abundant of all families of benthic macroinvertebrates in aquatic ecosystems, including estuaries and other coastal marine ecosystems. Chironomid assemblages are likely to provide a useful measure of biotic integrity in estuaries of Costa Rica, which lack an intensive estuarine bioassessment tool to support environmental monitoring and regulatory programs. We characterized the taxonomic composition of Chironomidae, tested a Chironomidae Index of Biotic Integrity (CIBI) developed from extrinsic pollution tolerance values for its efficacy in evaluating the surface water quality and physical habitat, and made recommendations for increasing the sensitivity of the CIBI to detect differing degrees of stress across a range of estuaries in Costa Rica. Specifically, we selected nine estuaries within six different watersheds across a land use gradient located on the Caribbean coast of Costa Rica and collected Chironomidae surface-floating pupal exuviae (SFPE) samples biannually for two consecutive years (July 2012, Jan. 2013, July 2013, Jan. 2014). We identified 228 morphospecies and 70 genera from 17 071 Chironomidae pupal exuviae collected from nine estuaries, which ranked in the following order from lowest to highest biotic integrity based on CIBI scores: Estero Negro, Laguna Cuatro, Laguna Jalova, Laguna del Tortuguero, Río Parismina, Laguna Barra del Colorado, Río Pacuare, Río Bananito, and Río Estrella. The CIBI successfully differentiated between estuaries with poor versus good biotic integrity, indicating that CIBI could be used to evaluate the surface water quality and physical habitat of Costa Rican estuaries. We recommend that future studies refine our approach by developing regionally accurate genus and corresponding species-level tolerance values to improve the sensitivity of the CIBI for biological monitoring of Costa Rican estuaries. Rev. Biol. Trop. 66(3): 1118-1134. Epub 2018 September 01.
Resumen La familia Chironomidae (Diptera) es la más ampliamente distribuida, más diversa y a menudo, la más abundante de todas las familias de macroinvertebrados bentónicos en ecosistemas acuáticos, incluyendo estuarios y otros ecosistemas marinos. Probablemente, los ensambles de quironómidos proporcionen una medida útil de integridad biótica en estuarios de Costa Rica, los cuales carecen de una herramienta de evaluación biológica que respalde programas de monitoreo ambiental y programas regulatorios. Caracterizamos la composición taxonómica de Chironomidae, probamos un Índice de Integridad Biótica de Chironomidae (CIBI) desarrollado a partir de valores de tolerancia de contaminación extrínseca, por su eficacia en evaluar la calidad de la superficie del agua y el hábitat físico. Además, realizamos recomendaciones para incrementar la sensibilidad del CIBI para detectar diferentes grados de estrés en un rango de estuarios en Costa Rica. Específicamente, seleccionamos nueve estuarios dentro de seis cuencas diferentes a lo largo de un gradiente de uso de suelo en la costa Caribe de Costa Rica y recolectamos muestras de las exuvias pupales que flotan en la superficie (SFPE) por dos años consecutivos (Julio 2012, Enero 2013, Julio 2013, Enero 2014). Identificamos 228 morfoespecies y 70 géneros de 17 071 exuvias de pupas de Chironomidae recolectadas en nueve estuarios, los cuales se clasificaron en el siguiente orden de menor a mayor integridad biótica basado en los valores del CIBI: Estero Negro, Laguna Cuatro, Laguna Jalova, Laguna del Tortuguero, Río Parismina, Laguna Barra del Colorado, Río Pacuare, Río Bananito, y Río Estrella. El CIBI diferenció eficazmente entre estuarios con integridad biótica pobre versus buena, indicando que el CIBI puede ser usado para evaluar la calidad de la superficie del agua y el hábitat físico de estuarios de Costa Rica. Recomendamos que estudios futuros refinen nuestro planteamiento desarrollando valores de tolerancia de géneros precisos regionalmente y niveles correspondientes de especies para mejorar la sensibilidad del CIBI para el monitoreo de estuarios de Costa Rica.
Animals , Benthic Fauna/analysis , Chironomidae/classification , Chironomidae/physiology , Ecosystem , Estuaries , Costa Rica , BiotaABSTRACT
Abstract In this study for the first-time microbial communities in the caves located in the mountain range of Hindu Kush were evaluated. The samples were analyzed using culture-independent (16S rRNA gene amplicon sequencing) and culture-dependent methods. The amplicon sequencing results revealed a broad taxonomic diversity, including 21 phyla and 20 candidate phyla. Proteobacteria were dominant in both caves, followed by Bacteroidetes, Actinobacteria, Firmicutes, Verrucomicrobia, Planctomycetes, and the archaeal phylum Euryarchaeota. Representative operational taxonomic units from Koat Maqbari Ghaar and Smasse-Rawo Ghaar were grouped into 235 and 445 different genera, respectively. Comparative analysis of the cultured bacterial isolates revealed distinct bacterial taxonomic profiles in the studied caves dominated by Proteobacteria in Koat Maqbari Ghaar and Firmicutes in Smasse-Rawo Ghaar. Majority of those isolates were associated with the genera Pseudomonas and Bacillus. Thirty strains among the identified isolates from both caves showed antimicrobial activity. Overall, the present study gave insight into the great bacterial taxonomic diversity and antimicrobial potential of the isolates from the previously uncharacterized caves located in the world's highest mountains range in the Indian sub-continent.
Bacteria/isolation & purification , Bacteria/classification , Environmental Microbiology , Biota , Antibiosis , Pakistan , Phylogeny , Bacteria/growth & development , Bacteria/genetics , DNA, Bacterial/genetics , DNA, Bacterial/chemistry , DNA, Ribosomal/genetics , DNA, Ribosomal/chemistry , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S/genetics , Cluster Analysis , Sequence Analysis, DNA , Euryarchaeota/isolation & purification , Euryarchaeota/classification , Euryarchaeota/growth & development , Euryarchaeota/genetics , DNA, Archaeal/genetics , DNA, Archaeal/chemistry , MetagenomicsABSTRACT
This study catalogued the vascular species found in the second largest continuous remnantof Seasonal Semideciduous Forest in the State of Paraná. A total of 425 species distributed among 295genera and 101 families were identified. The most representative families are Fabaceae (27 species),Asteraceae (21), Bignoniaceae (19), Poaceae (19) and Orchidaceae (15). Two species are unique records inthe State of Paraná, in the study area: Bulbophyllum rupicolum Barb.Rodr. (Orchidaceae) and Heladenamultiflora (Hook. & Arn.) Nied. (Malpighiaceae). The predominant life forms are herbs and trees, andterrestrial plants represented the majority of species. We recorded 11 exotic species. It is a large remnantand contains high specific diversity for the region, with a quarter of the species listed for the SeasonalSemideciduous Forest of the State of Paraná.
Este estudo apresenta o catálogo da flora vascular do segundo maior remanescente de FlorestaEstacional Semidecidual do Paraná. Foram identificadas 425 espécies, distribuídas em 295 gêneros e 101famílias. As famílias mais representativas foram Fabaceae (27 espécies), Asteraceae (21), Bignoniaceae (19),Poaceae (19) e Orchidaceae (15). Duas espécies possuem registro único no estado do Paraná: Bulbophyllumrupicolum Barb.Rodr. (Orchidaceae) e Heladena multiflora (Hook. & Arn.) Nied. (Malpighiaceae). As formasde vida predominante foram plantas herbáceas e arbóreas, e as terrícolas foram maioria no uso de substrato.Foram registradas 11 espécies exóticas. Este é um remanescente de grande extensão e apresenta altadiversidade específica para a região, apresentando um quarto das espécies listadas para a Floresta EstacionalSemidecidual do Paraná.