Bipolar disorder is a major mental illness that is difficult to treat and has a high degree of recurrence. This article reports general anesthesia for oral surgery in a patient with bipolar disorder complicated with hypothyroidism. It also discusses the rational application of antipsychotic drugs and anesthetics with reference to the literature to improve the understanding of the disease and help patients with mental disorders complete the surgical treatment quietly and smoothly.
Humans , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Hypothyroidism/drug therapy , Oral Surgical Procedures , AnesthesiaABSTRACT
El manejo farmacológico del episodio depresivo en contexto del trastorno bipolar constituye un desafío para el clínico tanto en psiquiatría adultos como infantoadolescente. El presente trabajo tiene por objetivo actualizar y sintetizar la evidencia disponible respecto al manejo farmacológico para la depresión bipolar en población pediátrica. Metodología: Se realizó una búsqueda de las publicaciones de los últimos 5 años en bases de datos. Resultados: La evidencia muestra como primera línea el uso de antipsicóticos de segunda generación por sobre los estabilizadores del ánimo en este grupo etario; demostrando lurasidona y lanzapina/fluoxetina eficacia similares. Lurasidona es una opción con mejor perfil de seguridad por asociarse a menos efectos adversos y mejor adherencia. El uso de antidepresivos debe considerarse dentro de los pasos iniciales del manejo, asociado a un antipsicótico de segunda generación. Conclusiones: Se destaca la importancia de la sospecha, evaluación y diagnóstico adecuado para guiar la decisión de manejo integral. A pesar de los riesgos y consideraciones existentes, es importante considerar el uso en primera línea de antipsicóticos de segunda generación y de antidepresivos en el manejo de un cuadro depresivo en contexto de la enfermedad bipolar. La escasez de estudios en el tratamiento farmacológico de la depresión bipolar en general y especialmente en población pediátrica limita la generalización y extrapolación de los resultados a la realidad local.
The pharmacological management of the depressive episode in the context of bipolar disorder constitutes a challenge for the clinician both in adult and child-adolescent population. The objective of this paper is to update and synthesize the available evidence regarding the pharmacological management of bipolar depression in the pediatric population. Methodology: A search of the publications of the last 5 years in databases was carried out. Results: The evidence shows the use of second generation antipsychotics over mood stabilizers as the first line in this age group; demonstrating similar efficacy. Results: The evidence shows the use of second generation antipsychotics over mood stabilizers as the first line in this age group; demonstrating similar efficacy lurasidone and lanzapine/fluoxetine. Lurasidone is an option with a better safety profile as it is associated with fewer adverse effects and better adherence. The use of antidepressants should be considered within the initial steps of management, associated with a second generation antipsychotic. Conclusions: The importance of suspicion, evaluation and adequate diagnosis to guide the decision of comprehensive management is highlighted. Despite the existing risks and considerations, it is important to consider the first-line use of second-generation antipsychotics and antidepressants in the management of a depressive episode in the context of bipolar illness. The scarcity of studies on the pharmacological treatment of bipolar depression in general and especially in the pediatric population limits the generalization and extrapolation of the results to the local reality.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Antidepressive Agents, Second-Generation/therapeutic use , Depression/drug therapy , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Lurasidone Hydrochloride/therapeutic use , Olanzapine/therapeutic useABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Chlorpromazine is a medication widely used in psychiatry for the treatment of psychoses, especially schizophrenia. Since 1964, published articles have been correlating this medication with the appearance of ocular alterations. In this paper, we report the case of a 65-year-old patient with ocular effects due to long-term therapy with chlorpromazine. Biomicroscopy of both eyes presented diffuse granular brown deposits, most prominent at the deep stroma and corneal endothelium level. Also showed anterior subcapsular brown deposits with a stellate pattern in the lens. The total amount exceeds 2.000g (significant for the ocular alterations described) considering the patient's daily dosage of chlorpromazine of 300mg for ten years. After performing complete ophthalmic evaluation and discarding other causes for the ocular deposits, we diagnosed a secondary corneal deposit and cataract due to the use of chlorpromazine. This case reinforces the importance of periodic follow-up with an ophthalmologist for chlorpromazine users to trace ocular changes, heeding the exposure time and its dosage.
RESUMO A clorpromazina é uma medicação muito empregada na psiquiatria para tratamento de psicoses, especialmente em casos de esquizofrenia. Desde 1964 existem artigos publicados que correlacionam o uso dessa medicação com o aparecimento de alterações oculares. Neste trabalho, relatamos o caso de um paciente de 65 anos com efeitos oculares devido à terapia de longo prazo com clorpromazina. A biomicroscopia de ambos os olhos apresentou depósitos granulares difusos e de cor marrom, mais proeminente ao nível do estroma profundo e do endotélio da córnea, além de depósitos castanhos subcapsulares anteriores centrais em um padrão estrelado no cristalino. Considerando a dose diária de clorpromazina de 300mg por 10 anos usada pelo paciente, a quantidade total ultrapassa 2.000g (dose considerada significativa para as alterações oculares descritas). Após avaliação oftalmológica completa e descartado outras causas desses depósitos oculares, foram diagnosticados depósito corneano e catarata secundários ao uso de clorpromazina. O caso apresentado reforça a importância do acompanhamento oftalmolÓgico periÓdico de usuários de clorpromazina para o rastreio de alteraçÕes oculares, atentando-se ao tempo de exposição à droga e à posologia da mesma.
Humans , Male , Aged , Cataract/chemically induced , Chlorpromazine/adverse effects , Chlorpromazine/toxicity , Cornea/drug effects , Corneal Diseases/chemically induced , Corneal Opacity/chemically induced , Pigmentation Disorders/chemically induced , Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects , Antipsychotic Agents/toxicity , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Visual Acuity , Chlorpromazine/administration & dosage , Chlorpromazine/therapeutic use , Corneal Diseases/diagnosis , Corneal Opacity/diagnosis , Slit Lamp , Slit Lamp MicroscopyABSTRACT
OBJETIVO: Evidenciar a influência dos aspectos subjetivos na adesão ao tratamento do transtorno bipolar. MÉTODOS: Foi realizada revisão sistemática com base nas diretrizes PRISMA. A identificação dos estudos foi realizada por meio da busca nos bancos de dados PubMed, Scopus e SciELO, com base nos descritores "Bipolar Disorder" AND "Treatment Adherence and Compliance" AND "Mental Health". A busca contemplou todos os artigos publicados até o ano 2020, sem restrição de idioma. RESULTADOS: Foram localizados 743 artigos, 714 foram excluídos no processo de seleção, 29 foram lidos na íntegra e 11 foram elegíveis para a composição da amostra. A influência dos aspectos subjetivos na adesão ao tratamento foi associada (1) às atitudes resultantes das percepções do sujeito sobre o transtorno e o tratamento e (2) as atitudes por influência de pessoas próximas. Os estudos apontam para a ocorrência de atitudes negativas em ambas as esferas, tendo a má adesão ao tratamento como desfecho. Na esfera da percepção do sujeito, evidenciam-se: presença de comportamentos intencionais e não intencionais; percepção de consequências; medo dos efeitos colaterais; sentimentos negativos; falta de compreensão sobre o transtorno e negação do diagnóstico. Na esfera da influência das pessoas próximas, destacam-se a baixa qualidade da aliança terapêutica e o suporte ineficaz oferecido pela família. CONCLUSÕES: Para melhorar a adesão ao tratamento do transtorno bipolar, é salutar que os esforços terapêuticos estejam centrados na experiência particular do sujeito, na sua satisfação e na colaboração pactuada com o tratamento.
OBJECTIVE: Evidence the influence of subjective aspects on adherence to the treatment of bipolar disorder. METHODS: A systematic review was performed based on the PRISMA guidelines. The identification of studies was performed by searching the PubMed, Scopus and Scielo databases based on the descriptors "Bipolar Disorder" AND "Treatment Adherence and Compliance" AND "Mental Health". The selection included all articles published up to the year 2020 and without language restrictions. RESULTS: A total of 743 articles were found, 714 were excluded from the selection process, 29 articles were read in full and 11 were eligible for sample composition. The influence of subjective aspects on treatment adherence was associated (1) with attitudes resulting from the subject's perceptions about the disorder and treatment and (2) attitudes influenced by people close to them. Studies point to the occurrence of negative attitudes in both spheres, with poor adherence to treatment as an outcome. In the sphere of the subject's perception, they show the presence of intentional and unintentional behaviors; perception of consequences; fear of side effects; negative feelings; lack of understanding about the disorder and denial of diagnosis. In the sphere of influence of those close to them, they highlight the low quality of the therapeutic alliance and the ineffective support offered by the family. CONCLUSIONS: To improve adherence to treatment for bipolar disorder, it is beneficial that therapeutic efforts are centered on the individual's particular experience, on their satisfaction and on the agreed collaboration with the treatment.
Humans , Bipolar Disorder/psychology , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Attitude to Health , Treatment Adherence and Compliance/psychology , Social Support , Antipsychotic Agents/pharmacology , Lithium Carbonate/pharmacologyABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: La manía unipolar (MU) es un trastorno que se comporta de manera distinta al trastorno bipolar-I (TB-I), sin embargo, no es considerado como una entidad independiente por los manuales diagnósticos vigentes, sino que es incluido dentro del diagnóstico de TB-I. Caso clínico: Hombre de 21 años presenta cuadro clínico de 3 meses de evolución caracterizado por ánimo exaltado y síntomas psicóticos congruentes al estado de ánimo. El paciente niega episodios depresivos previos. Se instaura tratamiento con litio y aripiprazol que resulta satisfactorio, sin presentar recurrencias tras 5 años de seguimiento. Revisión de la literatura y discusión: Los manuales diagnósticos describen que para diagnosticar TB-I no se requiere la presencia de un episodio depresivo mayor, lo que implica que pacientes con MU quedan dentro de la misma categoría diagnóstica que pacientes con TB-I. Diferencias entre MU y TB-I han sido demostradas en estudios epidemiológicos, clínicos y genéticos, por lo tanto, incluir pacientes heterogéneos dentro de la misma categoría podría dificultar la interpretación de estudios y limitar los avances en el conocimiento de ambos trastornos. Conclusión: De la revisión de la literatura se sugiere que la MU debe ser reconocida como un diagnóstico independiente. A pesar de su baja prevalencia, al validarlo como tal, en un futuro podríamos contar con mayor cantidad y mejor calidad de datos sobre este. De esta forma se podrá definir de manera más concreta sus características distintivas, y por consiguiente mejorar el abordaje clínico de estos pacientes.
Introduction: Unipolar mania (UM) is a disorder that behaves differently from bipolar-I disorder (BP-I), however, it is not considered an independent entity by current diagnostic manuals, but rather included within the diagnosis of BP-I. Case report: A 21-year-old man presented a 3-month-long episode characterized by exalted mood and mood-congruent psychotic symptoms. The patient denies previous depressive episodes. Treatment with lithium and aripiprazole was established, which was satisfactory, not showing recurrence after 5 years of follow-up. Literature review and discussion: Diagnostic manuals describe that to diagnose BP-I the presence of a major depressive episode is not required, which implies that patients with UM fall into the same diagnostic category as patients with BP-I. Differences between UM and BP-I have been demonstrated in epidemiological, clinical, and genetic studies, therefore, including heterogeneous patients within the same category could hinder the interpretation of studies and limit advances in the knowledge of both disorders. Conclusion: Based on the literature review, it is suggested that UM should be recognized as an independent diagnosis. Despite its low prevalence, by validating it as such, in the future we could have more and better-quality data about this diagnosis. In this way, its distinctive characteristics can be defined more concretely, and therefore improve the clinical approach of these patients.
Humans , Male , Adult , Bipolar Disorder/diagnosis , Bipolar Disorder/classification , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Aripiprazole/therapeutic use , Lithium/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Resumen La necrólisis epidérmica tóxica es una enfermedad cutánea severa, la mayoría de las veces desencadenada como reacción adversa a medicamentos, con alta morbilidad y mortalidad. La lamotrigina, junto a otros medicamentos estabilizadores del ánimo, constituye la causa medicamentosa más frecuente de esta complicación, consistente en necrosis y esfacelo de la epidermis y mucosas en más del 30 % de la superficie corporal, con la consecuente pérdida de líquidos y electrolitos, respuesta inflamatoria sistémica, susceptibilidad a infecciones y hasta sepsis, además de posibles secuelas ominosas. En la actualidad, el diagnóstico de trastorno bipolar se hace con mayor frecuencia, incluyendo al grupo etario de niños y adolescentes, pero tal proceso diagnóstico se caracteriza por dificultades y controversias en mayor cuantía que otros diagnósticos psiquiátricos. Ello obliga a una meticulosa elucubración diagnóstica y selección farmacológica, con pleno conocimiento de las moléculas del arsenal medicamentoso para, en caso de prescripción de lamotrigina, establecer una escrupulosa psicoeducación al paciente y sus familiares además de un seguimiento estricto y cercano. A propósito del caso de una adolescente diagnosticada de trastorno bipolar II, que recibió lamotrigina durante un episodio depresivo pero con un esquema posológico inadecuado, y desarrolló necrólisis epidérmica tóxica, revisamos y comentamos la literatura correspondiente. Concluimos en que es preciso extremar las precauciones al decidir el uso de lamotrigina para minimizar el riesgo de este severo efecto adverso.
Toxic epidermal necrolysis is a severe skin disease, most often triggered as an adverse drug reaction, with high morbidity and mortality. Lamotrigine, together with other mood stabilizer drugs, constitutes the most frequent drug that causes this complication, which consists of necrosis and detachment of the epidermis and mucosa in more than 30% of the body surface, with the consequent loss of water and electrolytes, systemic inflammatory response, susceptibility to infections and even sepsis, in addition to other possible ominous sequelae. Currently, the diagnosis of bipolar disorder is made more frequently, including the age group of children and adolescents, but such a diagnostic process is characterized by difficulties and controversies to a greater extent than other psychiatric diagnoses. This requires meticulous diagnostic process and pharmacological selection, with full knowledge of the molecules in the drug arsenal so, in case of lamotrigine prescription, it should be established scrupulous psychoeducation to the patient and their family members, as well as strict and close follow-up. A propos of the case of an adolescent girl diagnosed with bipolar II disorder, who received lamotrigine during a depressive episode but with an inappropriate posology, and developed toxic epidermal necrolysis, we reviewed and commented on the corresponding literature. We conclude that extreme caution is necessary when deciding the use of lamotrigine to minimize the risk of this severe adverse effect.
Humans , Female , Young Adult , Skin Diseases/chemically induced , Antipsychotic Agents/adverse effects , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Necrosis/chemically induced , Stevens-Johnson SyndromeABSTRACT
Objective: To investigate whether poor antidepressant tolerability is associated with functional brain changes in children and adolescents of parents with bipolar I disorder (at-risk youth). Methods: Seventy-three at-risk youth (ages 9-20 years old) who participated in a prospective study and had an available baseline functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) scan were included. Research records were reviewed for the incidence of adverse reactions related to antidepressant exposure during follow-up. The sample was divided among at-risk youth without antidepressant exposure (n=21), at-risk youth with antidepressant exposure and no adverse reaction (n=12), at-risk youth with antidepressant-related adverse reaction (n=21), and healthy controls (n=20). The fMRI task was a continuous performance test with emotional distracters. Region-of-interest mean activation in brain areas of the fronto-limbic emotional circuit was compared among groups. Results: Right amygdala activation in response to emotional distracters significantly differed among groups (F3,66 = 3.1, p = 0.03). At-risk youth with an antidepressant-related adverse reaction had the lowest amygdala activation, while at-risk youth without antidepressant exposure had the highest activation (p = 0.004). Conclusions: Decreased right amygdala activation in response to emotional distracters is associated with experiencing an antidepressant-related adverse reaction in at-risk youth. Further studies to determine whether amygdala activation is a useful biomarker for antidepressant-related adverse events are needed.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Brain/diagnostic imaging , Magnetic Resonance Imaging , Prospective Studies , Emotions , Amygdala , Antidepressive Agents/adverse effectsABSTRACT
A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo geral desenvolver e avaliar uma tecnologia digital serious game para auxiliar pessoas com diagnóstico de transtorno bipolar (TB) no reconhecimento de sintomas e uso seguro de medicamentos. Trata-se de pesquisa de implementação, exploratória e descritiva. Para desenvolvimento do serious game foi utilizado o modelo metodológico User-Centered Design, com as seguintes etapas: (1) definição do tema e fatores motivacionais do projeto; (2) análise das necessidades junto aos usuários, valendo-se de temas geradores; (3) seleção de soluções; (4) formulação de objetivos; (5) avaliação dos questionamentos; (6) desenvolvimento e prototipagem e (7) avaliação da usabilidade junto a especialistas da área da computação e da saúde mental. Utilizou-se como referencial teórico o Design Participativo. Foram participantes desta pesquisa pessoas com TB, terapeutas, familiares e profissionais da computação como stakeholders do processo de design e desenvolvimento do serious game. Para coleta dos dados foram realizados cinco círculos de discussão, com pessoas com TB e familiares, em cada um dos três serviços de saúde mental selecionados para o estudo, a saber: Ambulatório de Transtorno de Humor de um hospital geral, Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (CAPS) II e CAPS III. Participaram dos círculos, no total, 10 pessoas com TB e nove familiares. Todos os encontros grupais foram gravados, sendo posteriormente transcritos para análise. A leitura flutuante e análise categorial dos relatos de pessoas com TB e seus familiares, durante os círculos de discussão, resultaram em quatro categorias: A - Percepções sobre a vivência do TB; B- Percepções sobre o uso dos medicamentos; C- Percepções sobre relações interpessoais; D- Uso de estratégias terapêuticas não farmacológicas. Posteriormente, foram realizadas entrevistas gravadas, norteadas pela síntese obtida a partir dos círculos de discussão, com 36 profissionais de saúde envolvidos no tratamento das pessoas com TB. A análise obtida dos círculos de discussão e das entrevistas com os profissionais de saúde constituiu subsídio para desenvolvimento do serious game "Mundo de Pólus", com finalidade de auxiliar pessoas com TB no equilíbrio do humor e uso seguro de medicamentos. O serious game foi avaliado por 11 especialistas, incluindo profissionais das áreas da computação e da saúde mental, por meio do instrumento EGameFlow. Foram realizadas as alterações no serious game, considerando os aspectos relevantes indicados pelos especialistas. A presente pesquisa resultou em produção científica e tecnológica relevante para a promoção de reconhecimento de sintomas e segurança na terapêutica medicamentosa em pessoas com TB.
This research is aimed at developing and evaluating a serious game digital technology to help people diagnosed with bipolar disorder (BD) in the recognition of symptoms and safe use of medications. It is an implementation, exploratory and descriptive research. In order to develop the serious game, the methodological model known as User-Centered Design was used according to the following steps: (1) definition of the theme and motivational factors of the project; (2) analysis of users' needs using generative themes; (3) selection of solutions; (4) formulation of objectives; (5) assessment of questions; (6) development and prototyping; and (7) usability assessment by experts in the field of computing and mental health. Participatory Design was used as a theoretical framework. People suffering from BD, therapists, family members and computer professionals, such as stakeholders interested in the design and development process of the serious game, took part in the research. For data collection, five discussion circles were carried out with people suffering from DB and family members, in each of the three mental health services which had been selected for the study, namely: Mood Disorder Outpatient Clinic of a general hospital, Psychosocial Care Center (CAPS) II and CAPS III. A total of 10 people suffering from BD and nine family members participated in the circles. All group meetings were recorded and later transcribed for analysis. Text skimming and categorical data analysis of the reports of people suffering from BD and their families during the discussion circles resulted in four categories: A - Perceptions about the experience of BD; B- Perceptions about the use of medications; C- Perceptions about interpersonal relationships; D- Use of non-pharmacological therapeutic strategies. Subsequently, guided by the synthesis obtained from the discussion circles, recorded interviews were conducted with 36 health professionals involved in the treatment of people suffering from BD. The analysis obtained from the discussion circles and interviews with health professionals was a subsidy for the development of the serious game "World of Pollus", in order to help people suffering from BD balance their mood and use medications safely. The serious game was evaluated by 11 experts, including professionals from the areas of computing and mental health, using the EGameFlow instrument. Changes were made to the serious game, considering the relevant aspects indicated by the experts. The present research resulted in scientific and technological production that is relevant to the promotion of symptom recognition and safety considering drug therapy for people suffering from BD.
Humans , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Video Games , Psychiatric Rehabilitation , Digital TechnologyABSTRACT
SUMMARY INTRODUCTION: Nephrogenic diabetes insipidus (DI) is a polyuric and polydipsic syndrome and can have multiple causing factors. CASE DESCRIPTION: A 69-year-old woman with bipolar disorder medicated with lithium 400mg for 12 years on a daily basis. The patient was admitted, after psychiatric decompensation, with hypernatremia unresponsive to hypotonic iv fluids. The diagnosis of DI was made with high plasmatic osmolality measurement, low urine osmolality, and high levels of antidiuretic hormone. Full clinical recovery was possible with lithium suspension, hydration, and chlorthalidone. DISCUSSION: Although frequently used in the past, Lithium (Li) is nowadays rarely used in clinical practice for prolonged treatments because of its potentially devastating side effects. Clinicians must be aware of those side effects in order to prevent organ damage, mainly in patients with severe bipolar disease and precarious response to alternative treatments.
RESUMO INTRODUÇÃO: O diabetes insípido nefrogênico faz parte das síndromes poliúricas polidipsicas e pode ter múltiplos fatores causais. CASO CLÍNICO: Mulher de 69 anos, com doença bipolar medicada com lítio 400 mg por dia durante 12 anos. A doente foi internada, após descompensação da doença bipolar, por hipernatremia não responsiva a fluidoterapia hipotônica endovenosa. O diagnóstico de DI foi realizado com base na elevação da osmolaridade plasmática, baixa osmolaridade urinária e níveis elevados de hormona antidiurética. Verificou-se recuperação clínica completa com suspensão do lítio, hidratação e clorotalidona. DISCUSSÃO: Apesar do seu uso frequente no passado, o lítio (Li) é hoje em dia raramente utilizado na prática clínica por períodos prolongados pelos seus efeitos potencialmente devastadores. Os médicos devem ter em conta os potenciais efeitos secundários de forma a prevenir lesão de órgão em doentes com doença bipolar de difícil controle com outra terapêutica.
Humans , Female , Aged , Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic , Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic/chemically induced , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Friends , Lithium/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Objectives: To prospectively investigate whether baseline clinical characteristics and medication exposure predict development of major depressive disorder or bipolar disorder in offspring of parents with bipolar disorder. Methods: Youth aged 9-20 years with at least one biological parent with bipolar disorder and no prior history of mood or psychotic episodes (n=93) were prospectively evaluated and treated naturalistically during the study. Participants were divided into two groups: converters, defined as those who met DSM-IV criteria for a mood episode during follow-up (n=19); or non-converters (n=74). Logistic regression models were used to investigate associations between baseline clinical variables and medication exposure during follow-up and risk of developing a first mood episode (conversion). Results: Multivariate regression analyses showed that baseline anxiety disorders and subsyndromal mood disorders were associated with increased risk of conversion during follow-up. Adding medication exposure to the multivariate model showed that exposure to antidepressants during follow-up was associated with increased risk of conversion. Conclusions: Caution should be used when treating bipolar offspring with anxiety and/or emerging depressive symptoms using antidepressant agents, given the increased risk of developing a major mood disorder.
Humans , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Bipolar Disorder/chemically induced , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Depressive Disorder, Major , Parents , Prospective Studies , Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental DisordersSubject(s)
Humans , Pregnenediones/adverse effects , Bipolar Disorder , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , ManiaABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE@#To study the changes in metabolic markers and clinical outcome after treatment with different drug regimens in children with bipolar affective disorder.@*METHODS@#A retrospective analysis was performed on the medical data of 220 children with bipolar affective disorder who attended the hospital from January 2017 to January 2020. According to the treatment method, 112 children treated with atypical antipsychotic drugs alone were enrolled as the control group, and 108 children treated with atypical antipsychotic drugs combined with mood stabilizer were enrolled as the study group. The two groups were compared in terms of baseline data, changes in related metabolic markers[fasting insulin (FIN), glycosylated hemoglobin (HbAlc), total cholesterol (TC), triglyceride (TG), high-density lipoprotein cholesterol (HDL-C), and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C)] after treatment, incidence rate of metabolic syndrome, and clinical outcome.@*RESULTS@#There were no significant differences in the baseline data including age, sex, and course of disease between the two groups (@*CONCLUSIONS@#Atypical antipsychotic drugs combined with mood stabilizer in the treatment of bipolar disorder in children have little effect on the level of metabolic markers, and the curative effect is significant.
Child , Humans , Antipsychotic Agents/therapeutic use , Biomarkers/blood , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Cholesterol, HDL , Mood Disorders , Retrospective Studies , TriglyceridesABSTRACT
La diabetes insípida (DI) es un síndrome caracterizado por poliuria y polidipsia asociado a la producción crónica de grandes volúmenes de orina diluida, secundario a una disminución de la secreción o acción de la hormona antidiurética (ADH) [1]. El litio es el principal fármaco implicado en la inducción de esta patología cuando se presenta de forma secundaria. [2]. Se presentan 2 reportes de casos de niños de 10 y 12 años con uso de litio por diagnóstico de trastorno del ánimo. Palabras Clave: Diabetes Melitus, trastornos del ánimo, nefrogénica, litio, hormona antidiurética
Diabetes insipidus (DI) is a syndrome characterized by polyuria and polydipsia associated with the production of large volumes of diluted urine, secondary to a decrease in the secretion or action of antidiuretic hormone (ADH) [1]. Lithium is the main drug involved in the induction of this pathology when it appears with a preventable cause [2]. Two case reports of children 10 and 12 years old with mood disorder and lithium use are presented with the intention of being alert to clinical manifestations and observation by caregivers.Key words: Diabetes insipidus, mood disorders, nephogenic, lithium, antidiuretic hormone.
Humans , Male , Child , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Lithium Compounds/therapeutic use , Diabetes Insipidus, Nephrogenic/etiology , Antidepressive Agents/therapeutic use , Lithium Compounds/adverse effectsSubject(s)
Humans , Male , Middle Aged , Bipolar Disorder/drug therapy , Carbamazepine/therapeutic use , Fluvoxamine/therapeutic use , Clozapine/therapeutic use , Carbamazepine/administration & dosage , Carbamazepine/blood , Fluvoxamine/administration & dosage , Fluvoxamine/pharmacology , Clozapine/administration & dosage , Clozapine/blood , Drug Interactions , Drug Therapy, Combination , Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A Inducers/therapeutic use , Cytochrome P-450 CYP1A2 Inhibitors/therapeutic useABSTRACT
Abstract Background Optical coherence tomography (OCT) has been recently used to investigate neuropsychiatric disorders. Objective The aim of this study was to compare the retinal nerve fiber layer thickness (RNFLT) and the ganglion cell layer (GCL) volume in patients with type 1 bipolar disorder (BPD1, diagnosed according to DSM 5) to the values in healthy controls. Methods Eighty consecutive outpatients with a diagnosis of euthymic BPD1 and 80 healthy controls were enrolled in the study. Following assessment with the Sociodemographic Data Form, Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV (SCID-I), Hamilton Depression Scale and Young Mania Evaluation Scale, both groups underwent Optical coherence tomography (OCT). Results The mean RNFL thickness and mean GCL volume were significantly lower in the BPD1 group than in the controls (p < 0.05). The GCL global value had a significant and independent effect in distinguishing the BPD1 patients from the controls. A cut-off value of 101 mm3 for global GCL volume was proposed to distinguish BPD1 patients from controls with a sensitivity of 87.5%. Discussion Lower values of GCL volume and RNFLT in patients suffering from BPD1 suggest that neurodegeneration may occur during the course of BPD and that this degeneration can be characterized in particular by a thinning of the GCL volume.