Objective: To characterize the relationship between the levels of plasma methyl donor and related metabolites (including choline, betaine, methionine, dimethylglycine and homocysteine) and fetal growth in twin pregnancies. Methods: A hospital-based cohort study was used to collect clinical data of 92 pregnant women with twin pregnancies and their fetuses who were admitted to Peking University Third Hospital from March 2017 to January 2018. Fasting blood was collected from the pregnant women with twin pregnancies (median gestational age: 18.9 weeks). The levels of methyl donors and related metabolites in plasma were quantitatively analyzed by high-performance liquid chromatography combined with mass spectrometry. The generalized estimation equation was used to analyze the relationship between maternal plasma methyl donors and related metabolites levels and neonatal outcomes of twins, and the generalized additive mixed model was used to analyze the relationship between maternal plasma methyl donors and related metabolites levels and fetal growth ultrasound indicators. Results: (1) General clinical data: of the 92 women with twin pregnancies, 66 cases (72%) were dichorionic diamniotic (DCDA) twin pregnancies, and 26 cases (28%) were monochorionic diamniotic (MCDA) twin pregnancies. The comparison of the levels of five plasma methyl donors and related metabolites in twin pregnancies with different basic characteristics showed that the median levels of plasma choline and betaine in pregnant women ≥35 years old were higher than those in pregnant women <35 years old, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). (2) Correlation between plasma methyl donor and related metabolites levels and neonatal growth indicators: after adjusting for confounding factors, plasma homocysteine level in pregnant women with twins was significantly negatively correlated with neonatal birth weight (β=-47.9, 95%CI:-94.3- -1.6; P=0.043). Elevated methionine level was significantly associated with decreased risks of small for gestational age infants (SGA; OR=0.5, 95%CI: 0.3-0.9; P=0.021) and low birth weight infants (OR=0.6, 95%CI: 0.4-0.9; P=0.020). Increased homocysteine level was associated with increased risks of SGA (OR=1.5, 95%CI: 1.0-2.2; P=0.029) and inconsistent growth in twin fetuses (OR=1.9, 95%CI: 1.0-3.7; P=0.049). (3) Correlation between the levels of plasma methyl donors and related metabolites and intrauterine growth indicators of twins pregnancies: for every 1 standard deviation increase in plasma choline level in pregnant women with twin pregnancies, fetal head circumference, abdominal circumference, femoral length and estimated fetal weight in the second trimester increased by 1.9 mm, 2.6 mm, 0.5 mm and 20.1 g, respectively, and biparietal diameter, abdominal circumference and estimated fetal weight increased by 0.7 mm, 3.0 mm and 38.4 g in the third trimester, respectively, and the differences were statistically significant (all P<0.05). (4) Relationship between plasma methyl donor and related metabolites levels in pregnant women with different chorionicity and neonatal birth weight and length: the negative correlation between plasma homocysteine level and neonatal birth weight was mainly found in DCDA twin pregnancy (β=-65.9, 95%CI:-110.6- -21.1; P=0.004). The levels of choline, betaine and dimethylglycine in plasma of MCDA twin pregnancy were significantly correlated with the birth weight and length of newborns (all P<0.05). Conclusion: Homocysteine level is associated with low birth weight in twins, methionine is associated with decreased risk of SGA, and choline is associated with fetal growth in the second and third trimesters of pregnancy.
Adult , Female , Humans , Infant, Newborn , Pregnancy/metabolism , Betaine/metabolism , Birth Weight/physiology , Choline/metabolism , Cohort Studies , Fetal Development/physiology , Fetal Weight/physiology , Homocysteine/metabolism , Methionine/metabolism , Pregnancy, Twin/physiology , Biomarkers/metabolism , Pregnancy Trimesters/physiology , Pregnancy OutcomeABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The purpose of the present study was to analyze the influence of chorionicity in the biometric parameters crown-rump length (CRL), birthweight (BW), crown-rump length discordancy (CRLD) and birthweight discordancy (BWD), determine the correlation between these latter two in cases of intertwin discordancy, and to analyze the influence of chronicity in the presence of these discordancies with clinical relevance (> 10% and > 15%, respectively). Methods The present study was a retrospective study based on the twin pregnancy database of the Centro Hospitalar S. João (2010-2015), including 486 fetuses among 66 monochorionic (MC) and 177 dichorionic gestations (DC). The inclusion criteria were multiple pregnancies with 2 fetuses and healthy twin gestations. The exclusion criteria were trichorionic gestations and pregnancies with inconclusive chorionicity, multiple pregnancy with ≥ 3 fetuses and pathological twin gestations. Results No statistically significant difference was found in BW (p = 0.09) and in its discordancy (p = 0.06) nor in CRL (p = 0.48) and its discordancy (p = 0.74) between MCs and DCs. Crown-rump length discordancy and birthweight discordancy were correlated by the regression line "BWD = 0.8864 x CRLD + 0.0743," with r2 = 0.1599. Crown-rump length discordancy > 10% was found in 7.58% of monochorionic and in 13.56% of dichorionic twins. Birthweight discordancy > 15% was detected in 16.67% of monochorionic and in 31.64% of dichorionic twins. Conclusion No statistically significant influence of chorionicity was identified in both birthweight and birthweight discordancy, as in crown-rump length and crown-rump length discordancy. Birthweight discordancy was correlated to crown-rump length discordancy in 20% of cases.
Resumo Objetivo O objetivo do presente estudo foi analisar a influência da corionicidade nos parâmetros biométricos comprimento craniocaudal, peso ao nascimento, discordância de comprimento craniocaudal e discordância de peso ao nascimento, determinar a correlação entre estes dois últimos caso haja discordância intergemelar e analisar a influência da corionicidade na presença destas discordâncias com relevância clínica (> 10% e > 15%, respectivamente). Métodos O presente estudo foi um estudo retrospectivo baseado na base de dados de gestações gemelares do Centro Hospitalar S. João (2010-2015), incluindo 486 fetos de 66 gestações monocoriônicas e 177 dicoriônicas. Os critérios de inclusão foram gestações múltiplas de 2 fetos e gestações gemelares saudáveis. Os critérios de exclusão foram gestações tricoriônicas ou de corionicidade inconclusiva, gestações múltiplas com ≥ 3 fetos e gestações gemelares patológicas. Resultados Não se encontrou diferença estatisticamente significativa no peso ao nascimento (p =0,09) e sua discordância (p = 0,06) nem no comprimento craniocaudal (p = 0,48) e sua discordância (p = 0,74) entre gestações monocoriônicas e dicoriônicas. Considerando todas as gestações, as discordâncias de comprimento craniocaudal e peso ao nascimento foram correlacionadas pela reta de regressão "discordância de peso ao nascimento = 0.8864 x discordância de comprimento craniocaudal + 0.0743," com r2 = 0,1599. A discordância de comprimento craniocaudal > 10% descobriu-se em 7.58% das gestações monocoriônicas e em 13.56% das dicoriônicas. A discordância de peso ao nascimento > 15% detectou-se em 16.67% das gestações monocoriônicas e em 31.64% das dicoriônicas. Conclusão Não se identificou influência estatisticamente significativa no peso ao nascimento e sua discordância, bem como no comprimento craniocaudal e sua discordância. A discordância de peso ao nascimento correlacionou-se com a discordância de comprimento craniocaudal em 20% dos casos.
Birth Weight/physiology , Chorion/physiology , Chorion/physiopathology , Crown-Rump Length , Pregnancy, Twin , Pregnancy Complications/physiopathology , Retrospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Introduction: Epidemiological studies have shown associations between placental measurements and perinatal and later life outcomes. Objectives: To report placental measurements and evaluate their association with birth weight in a Brazilian birth cohort. Methods: Retrospective cohort study with 958 mothers, placentas, and newborns delivered at the Ribeirão Preto Medical School Hospital, Universidade de São Paulo, Brazil, in 2010 and 2011. The information was collected from interviews, medical records, and pathology reports. The placental measurements were: weight, largest and smallest diameters, eccentricity, thickness, shape, area, and birth weight/placental weight and placental weight/birth weight ratios. We analyzed the associations between birth weight and placental measurements using multiple linear regression. Results: Placental weight alone accounted for 48% of birth weight variability (p < 0.001), whereas placental measurements combined (placental weight, largest and smallest diameters, and thickness) were responsible for 50% (p < 0.001). When adjusted for maternal and neonatal characteristics, placental measurements explained 74% of birth weight variability (p < 0.001). Conclusion: Placental measurements are powerful independent predictors of birth weight. Placental weight is the most predictive of them, followed by the smallest diameter.
RESUMO: Introdução: Estudos epidemiológicos demonstraram associações entre medidas placentárias, resultados perinatais e futuros. Objetivos: Descrever medidas placentárias e avaliar suas associações com peso ao nascer numa coorte de nascimentos brasileira. Metodologia: Estudo de coorte retrospectiva de 958 mães, placentas e recém-nascidos no Hospital das Clínicas da Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeirão Preto da Universidade de São Paulo, Brasil, em 2010 e 2011. As informações foram coletadas por entrevistas, prontuários médicos e laudos de patologia. As medidas placentárias foram: peso, diâmetros maior e menor, excentricidade, espessura, forma, área, relações peso ao nascer/ peso da placenta e peso da placenta/ peso ao nascer. As associações entre peso ao nascer e medidas placentárias foram examinadas por meio de regressão linear múltipla. Resultados: O peso da placenta foi responsável por 48% da variabilidade do peso ao nascer (p < 0,001), enquanto o conjunto de medidas placentárias (peso, diâmetros maior e menor e espessura) foi responsável por 50% (p < 0,001). Quando ajustadas pelas características maternas e neonatais, as medidas placentárias explicaram 74% da variabilidade do peso ao nascer (p < 0,001). Conclusão: medidas placentárias são preditores independentes do peso ao nascer. O peso placentário é o mais forte preditor dentre elas, seguido pelo diâmetro menor.
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Placenta/anatomy & histology , Birth Weight/physiology , Brazil , Pregnancy Outcome , Body Mass Index , Linear Models , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Risk Factors , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
Abstract Excessive weight is associated with periodontitis because of inflammatory mediators secreted by the adipose tissue. Periodontal impairments can occur during pregnancy due to association between high hormonal levels and inadequate oral hygiene. Moreover, periodontitis and excessive weight during pregnancy can negatively affect an infant's weight at birth. Objective This observational, cross-sectional study aimed to evaluate the association between pre-pregnancy overweight/obesity, periodontitis during the third trimester of pregnancy, and the infants' birth weight. Methodology The sample set was divided into 2 groups according to the preconception body mass index: obesity/overweight (G1=50) and normal weight (G2=50). Educational level, monthly household income, and systemic impairments during pregnancy were assessed. Pocket probing depth (PPD) and clinical attachment level (CAL) were obtained to analyze periodontitis. The children's birth weight was classified as low (<2.5 kg), insufficient (2.5-2.999 kg), normal (3-3.999 kg), or excessive (≥4 kg). Bivariate analysis (Mann-Whitney U test, t-test, chi-squared test) and logistic regression (stepwise backward likelihood ratio) were performed (p<0.05). Results G1 showed lower socioeconomic levels and higher prevalence of arterial hypertension and gestational diabetes mellitus during pregnancy than G2 (p=0.002). G1 showed higher means of PPD and CAL (p=0.041 and p=0.039, respectively) and therefore a higher prevalence of periodontitis than G2 (p=0.0003). G1 showed lower infants' birth weight than G2 (p=0.0004). Excessive maternal weight and educational levels were independent variables associated with periodontitis during the third trimester of pregnancy (X2[2]=23.21; p<0.0001). Maternal overweight/obesity was also associated with low/insufficient birth weight (X2[1]=7.01; p=0.008). Conclusion The present findings suggest an association between excessive pre-pregnancy weight, maternal periodontitis, and low/insufficient birth weight.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Periodontitis/physiopathology , Pregnancy Trimester, Third/physiology , Birth Weight/physiology , Infant, Low Birth Weight/physiology , Obesity, Maternal/physiopathology , Socioeconomic Factors , Pregnancy Outcome , Body Mass Index , Logistic Models , Cross-Sectional Studies , Diabetes, Gestational/physiopathology , Statistics, NonparametricABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To identify the factors associated with excessive weight gain in preschool children enrolled at daycare centers in a capital of the Northeast region of Brazil. Methods: It was a cross-sectional study conducted at the five daycare centers located in the city's district of most socioeconomic vulnerability. The study included 326 preschool children (17 to 63 months old) from both genders. The dependent variable was the conditional weight gain (CWG), that represents how much a child, according to their gender, deviated from their peers in relation to the expected weight gain, given sample's birthweight, gender, and age at the survey. Univariate tests (t-test and analysis of variance) were used to compare CWG means according to environmental and biological factors, considering the independent variables with p<0.20 as electable for the multiple linear regression model. In the final model, variables with p<0.05 or that contributed to the model adjustment were kept. Results: Children's mean age was 45.4±9.9 months, and 53.4% of the sample consisted of boys. The prevalence of overweight was 7%. In the multivariable linear regression model, it was possible to identify that the following factors were associated with excessive weight gain among preschool children: less than six prenatal care visits (0.36 SD [95%CI 0.13-0.60]), not rooming-in in the postpartum period (0.30 SD [95%CI 0.03-0.58]), and never breastfed (0.44 SD [95%CI 0.06-0.81]). Conclusions: Inadequate prenatal (appointments) and perinatal care (mother-infant rooming-in and absence of breastfeeding) were associated with excessive weight gain among low-income preschool children.
RESUMO Objetivo: Identificar fatores associados com o ganho ponderal excessivo entre pré-escolares de Centros de Educação Infantil (CEIs) em uma capital do Nordeste brasileiro. Métodos: Estudo transversal realizado em cinco CEIs situados no distrito de maior vulnerabilidade socioeconômica do município. Foram incluídas 326 crianças de ambos os sexos, com idades entre 17 e 63 meses. A variável dependente foi a evolução ponderal condicional (EPC), a qual representa o quanto uma criança desviou do ganho de peso esperado em relação a seus pares, de acordo com o sexo, o peso ao nascer e a idade no inquérito. Análises univariadas (teste t de Student ou análise de variância) foram utilizadas para comparar as médias da EPC em função de fatores biológicos e ambientais, considerando como elegíveis para o modelo múltiplo de regressão linear as variáveis independentes com p<0,20; permaneceram no modelo final aquelas que apresentaram p<0,05 ou que contribuíram no ajuste do modelo. Resultados: A média de idade foi de 45,4±9,9 meses e 53,4% eram meninos. A prevalência de excesso de peso foi de 7%. No modelo múltiplo de regressão linear, identificamos que realizar menos de 6 consultas pré-natal (DP=0,36; IC95% 0,13-0,60), não ter permanecido em alojamento conjunto no pós-parto (DP=0,30; IC95% 0,03-0,58) e nunca ter sido amamentado (DP=0,44; IC95% 0,06-0,81) foram fatores associados com o ganho excessivo de peso entre pré-escolares. Conclusões: A inadequação dos cuidados pré-natal (consultas) e perinatal (não permanecer em alojamento conjunto e ausência da amamentação) se associaram com o ganho excessivo de peso entre pré-escolares de baixa renda.
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant , Child, Preschool , Weight Gain/physiology , Child Day Care Centers/statistics & numerical data , Overweight/epidemiology , Prenatal Care/statistics & numerical data , Socioeconomic Factors , Birth Weight/physiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Breast Feeding/statistics & numerical data , Case-Control Studies , Cross-Sectional Studies , Postpartum Period/physiologyABSTRACT
RESUMO Objetivo O estudo teve por objetivo identificar se o desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas no primeiro ano de vida relaciona-se com o desenvolvimento de linguagem em neonatos pré-termo com idade cronológica entre 18 e 36 meses verificando se o desempenho de linguagem varia em função da relação peso/idade gestacional. Método Estudo retrospectivo e longitudinal aprovado pelo Comitê de Ética da Instituição. Amostra composta por 66 neonatos prematuros de ambos os sexos de 18 a 36 meses de idade, distribuídos conforme a adequação peso/idade gestacional em dois grupos: (a) GAIG: 39 neonatos com peso adequado à idade gestacional, sendo 26 com desenvolvimento auditivo normal e 13 com alterado; (b) GPIG: 27 neonatos pequenos para a idade gestacional, 18 com desenvolvimento auditivo normal e 9 com alterado. A partir das consultas aos prontuários do serviço de acompanhamento dos neonatos, verificaram-se os resultados do desenvolvimento das habilidades auditivas no primeiro ano de vida e avaliação da recepção, expressão e total de Linguagem (Menezes, 2003). Adotados como procedimentos estatísticos o ANOVA e o teste de Igualdade de Duas Proporções. Resultados O desempenho de linguagem não diferiu nos grupos GAIG e GPIG. Quando considerados o desenvolvimento auditivo normal e o alterado, em GAIG e GPIG, observou-se diferença significante na Recepção e Total de linguagem. As crianças com desenvolvimento auditivo normal apresentaram um maior percentual de adequação de linguagem. Conclusão A alteração das habilidades auditivas no primeiro ano de vida interferiu mais no desenvolvimento da linguagem do que a relação peso/idade gestacional.
ABSTRACT Purpose This study aimed to identify whether the development of hearing abilities in the first year of life is related to the development of language in preterm neonates with chronological age between 18 and 36 months, verifying if the language performance varies according to the weight/gestational age ratio. Methods Retrospective and longitudinal study approved by the Institution's Ethics Committee. The sample consisted of 66 preterm infants of both sexes, aged 18-36 months, divided into two groups: AIG Group 39 neonates with weight appropriate to the gestational age, 26 with normal hearing and 13 with altered hearing; and PIG group 27 neonates small for gestational age, 18 with normal and 9 with altered hearing. Results from the development of auditory skills in the first year of life and evaluation of the reception, expression and total of language (Menezes, 2003) were obtained from neonatal follow-up records. We used the ANOVA and the Equality Test of Two Proportions as statistical procedures. Results In each group, we observed a significant difference in the Reception and Total language in children with normal and altered auditory development. Children with normal hearing development presented a higher percentage of language adequacy. The language performance did not differ in relation to the weight / gestational age adequacy. Conclusion Changing auditory abilities in the first year of life interfered more in language development than the gestational age / weight ratio.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Speech Perception/physiology , Birth Weight/physiology , Longitudinal Studies , Infant, Premature , Infant, Small for Gestational Age , Multivariate Analysis , Retrospective Studies , Gestational Age , Language DevelopmentABSTRACT
Abstract Our aim was to identify prenatal, biological and environmental correlates of child to adolescence physical activity maintenance in 1,186 Brazilian youth (525 boys) aged between 10 and 16 years. Current and former physical activity levels were obtained cross-sectionally through questionnaires. As potential correlates, parent's activity levels, socioeconomic status and offspring's birth weight were self-reported by parents. Somatic maturation was estimated by the peak of height velocity. Logistic regression analyses revealed that, regardless of chronological age, males were more likely to be active in childhood (OR = 1.73 [CI 95% = 1.33 to 2.27]) and to maintain physical activity (adjusted by chronological age, sex, birth weight and mother's physical activity) (OR = 3.58 [CI 95% = 2.32 to 5.54]), as well as late maturing adolescents (OR = 2.52 [CI 95% = 1.02 to 6.22]). Adolescents whose mother was inactive (OR = 0.31 [CI 95% = 0.11 to 0.86]) also had a lower probability of maintaining physical activity. Thus, girls, adolescents born with low weight and those with inactive mother are less likely to maintain physical activity levels from childhood to adolescence.
Resumo O nosso objetivo foi identificar correlatos pré-natais, biológicos e ambientais da manutenção da prática de atividade física da infância à adolescência em 1.186 adolescentes (525 meninos), com idade entre 10 e 16 anos. Prática de atividade física na infância (retrospectiva) e adolescência (atual) foi obtida através de questionários. O nível de atividade física dos pais, nível socioeconômico e peso ao nascer dos filhos foram relatados pelos pais. Maturação somática foi estimada por meio do pico de velocidade de crescimento. Regressões logísticas revelam que independentemente da idade cronológica, meninos apresentaram maior probabilidade de ser ativos na infância (OR = 1.73 [CI 95% = 1.33 - 2.27]) e manter a prática de atividade física (ajustado por idade cronológica, sexo, peso ao nascer e atividade física da mãe) (OR = 3.58 [CI 95% = 2.32 - 5.54]), bem como adolescentes com maturação tardia (OR = 2.52 [CI 95% = 1.02 - 6.22]), adolescentes com a mãe inativa (OR = 2.52 [CI 95% = 1.02 - 6.22]), também apresentaram menor probabilidade de manter o nível de atividade física. Portanto, meninas, adolescentes nascidos com baixo peso e aqueles cuja mãe é inativa possuem menor probabilidade de manter o nível de atividade física da infância à adolescência.
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Child , Adolescent , Parents , Birth Weight/physiology , Exercise/psychology , Socioeconomic Factors , Brazil , Logistic Models , Sex Factors , Cross-Sectional Studies , Surveys and Questionnaires , Age FactorsABSTRACT
Objective: To study the dose-response relationship between maternal thyroid hormone levels in the first twenty weeks of pregnancy and the infant physical and neuropsychological development. Methods: In this prospective cohort study, a total of 945 women and their children were included. Maternal serum samples during first half of the pregnancy were collected and analyzed for levels of thyroid hormones by using the electro-chemiluminescence immunoassay. Maternal social demographic information was collected by using the a self-administered questionnaire. Physical measurements of newborns and neuropsychological evaluation of infants were performed by doctors of maternal and child health care. Results: The differences in newborns' birth length and head circumference were significant among the newborns of mothers with different percentiles of maternal serum (thyroid-stimulating hormone, TSH) levels (P<0.05). Newborns with maternal TSH level ≥P(95) or <P(5) had significantly lower birth length and birth head circumference, compared with the newborns with maternal TSH level between P(25)-P(75) (P<0.05). Newborns' birth head circumferences showed an inverted U-shaped association with maternal serum TSH level (Y=33.940+0.003X-0.109X(2), F=4.685, P=0.009). The difference in mental development index (MDI) of the infants at 18-30 months were significant among the infants of mothers with different percentiles of maternal serum TSH level (P<0.05). Infants with maternal TSH level ≥P(90) showed lower MDI (6.39, 95%CI: 2.29-10.49, P=0.002) compared with the infants with maternal TSH level between P(25)-P(75). Infant's MDI at 18- 30 months also showed an inverted U-shaped association with maternal serum TSH level (Y=103.249-1.524X-0.939X(2), F=6.616, P=0.001). Conclusions: Maternal TSH level was associated with newborn's birth length, birth head circumference and infant's MDI at 18-30 months. Newborn's birth head circumference and infant's MDI at 18-30 months showed an inverted U-shaped association with maternal serum TSH-Z score.
Child , Female , Humans , Infant , Pregnancy , Birth Weight/physiology , Child Development/physiology , China , Fetal Blood/metabolism , Infant, Newborn/blood , Prenatal Exposure Delayed Effects/blood , Prospective Studies , Thyroid Gland/physiology , Thyroid Hormones/metabolism , Thyrotropin/bloodABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective: To determine associations between sex and neurodevelopmental outcomes in human milk-fed very preterm infants, adjusted to early measured nutrient intakes and other neonatal cofactors. Methods: Consecutive inborn human milk-fed infants, with gestational age <33 weeks, were eligible. In-hospital energy and protein intakes have relied on measured human milk composition. The Bayley Scales of Infant Development II mental and psychomotor developmental indexes were used to assess neurodevelopment at 20 months' corrected age. After univariate analysis, some covariables were used for linear multiple regression. Results: Thirty-two infants were included, with a mean (standard deviation) gestational age of 29.8 (1.8) weeks, and a median birth weight of 1168g (interquartile range 990-1419g). Minimum recommended intakes were achieved in 63.6% and 15.2% of infants for protein and energy, respectively. The mental and psychomotor developmental indexes were within normal limits in 93.8% of infants. The mean mental and psychomotor developmental indexes were significantly lower in males. Only male sex negatively and significantly affected the mental and psychomotor developmental indexes (B=-9.44; 95%CI: -17.64- -1.23; adjusted r2=0.17; p=0.026), adjusted to gestational age and measured energy intake. Conclusion: In human milk-fed very preterm infants, males had a significantly lower mental and psychomotor developmental indexes score at 20 months' corrected age, adjusted for gestational age and measured energy intake.
RESUMO Objetivo: Determinar a associação entre sexo e desfechos relativos ao neurodesenvolvimento em lactentes muito prematuros e alimentados com leite humano, ajustada para a ingestão de nutrientes medida nos primeiros dias de vida e outros cofatores neonatais. Métodos: Consideramos, para este estudo, lactentes alimentados com leite humano, consecutivamente nascidos em um centro especializado, com idade gestacional <33 semanas. A ingestão intra-hospitalar de energia e proteínas baseou-se na composição medida do leite humano. Os índices de desenvolvimento mental e psicomotor das Bayley Scales of Infant Development II foram usados para avaliar o neurodesenvolvimento na idade corrigida de 20 meses. Após a análise univariada, algumas covariáveis foram usadas para a regressão múltipla linear. Resultados: Incluímos 32 lactentes, com idade gestacional média (desvio padrão) de 29,8 (1,8) semanas e mediana de peso ao nascimento de 1168g (intervalo interquartil: 990-1419g). A ingestão mínima recomendada foi atingida em 63,6% e 15,2% dos lactentes, para proteínas e energia, respectivamente. Os índices de desenvolvimento mental e psicomotor ficaram dentro dos limites normais em 93,8% dos lactentes. A pontuação média nos índices de desenvolvimento mental e psicomotor foi significativamente menor no bebês do sexo masculino. Somente o sexo masculino afetou negativa e significativamente os índices de desenvolvimento mental e psicomotor (B=-9,44; IC95%: -17,64- -1,23; r2 ajustado=0,17; p=0,026), ajustados para idade gestacional e ingestão de energia medida. Conclusão: Em lactentes muito prematuros e alimentados com leite humano, o sexo masculino teve pontuação significativamente mais baixa nos índices de desenvolvimento mental e psicomotor na idade corrigida de 20 meses, ajustada para idade gestacional e ingestão de energia medida.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Premature , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/etiology , Infant, Premature, Diseases/etiology , Milk, Human , Psychomotor Performance/physiology , Time Factors , Birth Weight/physiology , Energy Intake/physiology , Sex Factors , Risk Factors , Cohort Studies , Age Factors , Gestational Age , Statistics, Nonparametric , Neurodevelopmental Disorders/physiopathology , Infant, Premature, Diseases/physiopathology , Neuropsychological TestsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective: The literature suggests that a fetus will adapt to surrounding adversities by optimizing its use of energy to improve survival, ultimately leading to the programming of the individual's energy intake and expenditure. While recent reviews focused on the fetal programming of energy intake and food preferences, there is also some evidence that fetal adversity is associated with diminished physical activity levels. Therefore, we aimed to review (a) the evidence for an association between being born with intrauterine growth restriction and sedentarism over the life-course and (b) the potential benefits of physical activity over cardiometabolic risk factors for this population. Sources: PubMed, Scielo, Scopus and Embase. Summary of findings: Most clinical studies that used objective measures found no association between intrauterine growth restriction and physical activity levels, while most studies that used self-reported questionnaires revealed such relationships, particularly leisure time physical activity. Experimental studies support the existence of fetal programming of physical activity, and show that exposure to exercise during IUGR individuals' life improves metabolic outcomes but less effect was seen on muscle architecture or function. Conclusions: Alterations in muscle strength and metabolism, as well as altered aerobic performance, may predispose IUGR individuals to be spontaneously less physically active, suggesting that this population may be an important target for preventive interventions. Although very heterogeneous, the different studies allow us to infer that physical activity may have beneficial effects especially for individuals that are more vulnerable to metabolic modifications such as those with IUGR.
Resumo Objetivo: A literatura sugere que um feto se adaptará às adversidades externas ao aprimorar seu gasto energético para melhorar a sobrevida, o que leva, em última instância, à programação do consumo e gasto energético do indivíduo. Apesar de análises recentes terem focado na programação fetal do consumo energético e preferências alimentares, ainda há alguma comprovação de que as adversidades fetais estão associadas aos baixos níveis de atividade física. Portanto, visamos a analisar: a) a comprovação de uma associação entre nascer com restrição de crescimento intrauterino (RCIU) e sedentarismo durante o curso de vida e b) os possíveis benefícios da atividade física sobre os fatores de risco cardiometabólico dessa população. Fontes: PubMed, Scielo, Scopus e Embase. Resumo dos achados: A maior parte dos estudos clínicos que usaram medidas objetivas não constatou associação entre RCIU e os níveis de atividade física, ao passo que a maior parte dos estudos que usaram questionários de autorrelato revelou essas relações, principalmente no que diz respeito à atividade física de lazer. Estudos experimentais corroboram a existência de programação fetal de atividade física e mostram que a exposição a exercícios durante a vida de indivíduos com RCIU melhora os resultados metabólicos, porém menos efeito foi visto sobre a arquitetura ou função muscular. Conclusões: Alterações na força muscular e no metabolismo, bem como o desempenho aeróbico alterado, podem predispor indivíduos com RCIU a serem espontaneamente menos ativos fisicamente, sugere que essa população pode ser um importante alvo de intervenções preventivas. Apesar de muito heterogêneos, os diferentes estudos nos possibilitam deduzir que a atividade física pode ter efeitos benéficos principalmente em indivíduos mais vulneráveis a modificações metabólicas, como aqueles com RCIU.
Humans , Male , Female , Exercise/physiology , Fetal Development/physiology , Sedentary Behavior , Fetal Growth Retardation/metabolism , Time Factors , Birth Weight/physiology , Risk Factors , Energy Metabolism/physiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/physiopathology , Motivation/physiologyABSTRACT
Abstract The red-rumped agouti (Dasyprocta leporina) produces precocial young and is the most hunted and farmed game species in several Neotropical countries. An understanding of the reproductive biology, including the relationship between litter size and teat functionality is crucial for conservation management of this animal. In precocial mammals, as the red-rumped agouti, maintaining maternal contact to learn foraging patterns may be more important than the energy demands and nutritional constraints during lactation and suckling may not play important roles when compared to altricial mammals. Therefore, in this study we evaluated the relationship between mammary functionality with litter size, litter birth weight, and parturition number in captive red-rumped agouti. Functionality was assessed by manual palpation of teats from un-sedated females (N=43). We compared the average birth weight of all newborns, male newborns and female newborns among agoutis with different litter sizes and different parturitions by one way ANOVA's, while Pearson's Chi-squared tests were used to detect relationships between teat functionality, litter size, and parturition number. Parturition number had no effect on the mean birth weight of all young (F0.822, P > 0.05), male young (F0.80, P > 0.05) or female young (F0.66, P > 0.05) in the litters. We found (i) no significant correlations (P > 0.05) between teat functionality and litter size and (ii) no significant correlations (P > 0.05) between teat functionality and parturition number. This suggests that whilst all teat pairs were functional, functionality was a poor indicator of litter size; suggesting that female agouti young may not have a high dependency on maternal nutrition; an possible evolutionary strategy resulting in large wild populations; hence its popularity as a game species.
Resumo A cutia (Dasyprocta leporina) produz filhotes precoces, e é a espécie cinegética mais caçada e criada em muitos países neotropicais. O entendimento da biologia reprodutiva, incluindo a relação entre o tamanho da ninhada e a funcionalidade das glândulas mamárias é crucial para o manejo conservacionista deste animal. Nos mamíferos precoces, como a cutia, manter o contato materno para a aprendizagem de padrões de forrageamento pode ser mais importante do que a demanda energética e de restrição nutricional durante a lactação, e a amamentação pode não desempenhar um papel importante quando comparado aos mamíferos altriciais. Portanto, neste estudo nós avaliamos a relação entre a funcionalidade mamária com o tamanho da ninhada, peso ao nascer da ninhada, e o número de partos em cutias cativas. A funcionalidade foi avaliada por meio de palpação manual das glândulas mamárias em fêmeas não sedadas (N=43). Nós comparamos a média do peso ao nascer de todos os recém-nascidos, macho e fêmeas recém-nascidos entre cutias com diferentes tamanhos de ninhadas e diferentes parturições, por meio da análise one-way ANOVA unifatorial; enquanto o teste do chi-quadrado de Pearson foi utilizado para detectar as relações entre a funcionalidade da glândula mamária, o tamanho da ninhada e o número de partos. O número de partos teve efeito na média de peso ao nascer dos filhotes (F0,822, P > 0,05), filhotes machos (F0,80, P > 0,05) ou filhotes fêmeas (F0,66, P > 0,05) nas ninhadas. A análise bivariada de Pearson (i) não mostrou correlação (P > 0,05) entre a funcionalidade da glândula mamária e o tamanho da ninhada e (ii) nenhuma correlação significativa (P > 0,05) entre a funcionalidade da glândula mamária e o número de parições. Os resultados sugerem que, embora todos os pares de tetas fossem funcionais, as cutias recém-nascidas podem não depender da nutrição materna para sobreviver; .embora todos os pares de tetas sejam funcionais, as cutias recém nascidas aparentemente não dependem da nutrição materna para sua sobrevivência; esta é, provavelmente, uma estratégia evolutiva que resulta em grandes populações da cutia em vida livre; e que pode explicar sua popularidade como espécie cinegética
Animals , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Birth Weight/physiology , Lactation/physiology , Conservation of Natural Resources , Dasyproctidae , Litter Size/physiology , Mammary Glands, Animal/physiology , Trinidad and Tobago , Animals, Newborn , Animals, SucklingABSTRACT
Resumo Objetivou-se identificar os determinantes do baixo peso ao nascer - BPN, em filhos de adolescentes por meio de abordagem hierarquizada. Estudo transversal com 751 adolescentes atendidas em maternidade pública do Rio de Janeiro. Foram analisados dados sociodemográficos, da assistência pré-natal, condições biológicas e obstétricas maternas. Os possíveis determinantes do BPN foram identificados na análise bivariada e a seguir foram testados modelos de regressão logística hierarquizada, considerando o escalonamento hierarquizado em níveis distal, intermediário e proximal. Permaneceram no modelo as variáveis com valor de p < 0,05 em cada nível de análise e estimou-se as odds ratio (OR) ajustadas e intervalos de confiança (IC) de 95%. A prevalência de BPN foi de 10%. Os determinantes do BPN foram: nível distal - a não aceitação da gravidez (OR = 10,19; IC 95% = 1,09-39,53); nível intermediário - ter menos de seis consultas de pré-natal (OR = 4,29; IC 95% = 1,55-11,83), não ter assistência nutricional padronizada (OR = 3,18; IC 95% = 1,18-8,55); nível proximal - parto prematuro (OR = 10,19; IC 95% = 2,12-49,01). Os determinantes do BPN foram características maternas, da assistência pré-natal e condições ao nascer e, dentre estes fatores, temos características sociais modificáveis.
Abstract This study aimed to identify the determinants of low birth weight (LBW) amongst children of adolescent mothers through a hierarchical approach in a cross-sectional study of 751 adolescents attended at a public hospital in Rio de Janeiro. Sociodemographic data, prenatal care, and biological and maternal obstetric conditions were analyzed. Possible determinants of LBW were identified in the bivariate analysis and then hierarchical logistic regression models were tested, considering as taggered hierarchy of distal, intermediate, and proximal levels. Variables with p < 0.05 at each level of analysis were kept in the model, and the adjusted odds ratio (OR) and 95% confidence interval (CI) were estimated. The prevalence of low birth weight was 10%. The determinants of LBW were: distal level - non-acceptance of pregnancy (OR = 10.19, 95% CI = 1.09 to 39.53); intermediate level - having fewer than six prenatal consultations (OR = 4.29; 95% CI = 1.55 to 11.83) and not having standardized nutritional care (OR = 3.18; 95% CI = 1.18 to 8.55); and proximal level - preterm delivery (OR = 10.19, 95% CI = 2.12 to 49.01). The determinants of LBW were maternal characteristics, prenatal care, and birth conditions, which contain certain modifiable social characteristics.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adolescent , Young Adult , Pregnancy in Adolescence/statistics & numerical data , Prenatal Care/statistics & numerical data , Birth Weight/physiology , Infant, Low Birth Weight , Brazil , Logistic Models , Prevalence , Cross-Sectional Studies , Risk FactorsABSTRACT
Abstract Objective The management of children with low birth weight is not the same in countries with different resources. The authors assessed the association of birth weight with blood pressure and nutritional status in a representative sample of adolescents from a Brazilian state, aiming to identify possible consequences of these differences. Methods A cross-sectional school-based study was conducted with adolescents (12-18 years) enrolled in public and private schools. Birth weight, office blood pressure, home blood pressure measurements, and nutritional status (body mass index, height z-score for the age, and waist circumference) were assessed. The association of birth weight with the outcomes (blood pressure, height, body mass index, and waist circumference) was studied through univariate and multivariable linear regression models. Results A total of 829 adolescents with a mean age of 14.6 ± 1.62 years were included; 43.3% were male, and 37.0% from private schools. The prevalence of low birth weight was 8.7%. Mild low height prevalence was higher among those adolescents with low/insufficient birth weight when compared to those with normal/high birth weight (11.7 vs. 4.2%; p < 0.001). In the multiple linear regression analysis, for each increase of 100 g in birth weight, height increased by 0.28 cm (95% CI: 0.18-0.37; p < 0.01). Birth weight did not influence office blood pressure and home blood pressure, body mass index, or waist circumference of adolescents. Conclusions Birth weight was directly associated to height, but not associated to blood pressure, body mass index, and waist circumference in adolescents from an urban area of a developing country.
Resumo Objetivo O manejo de crianças com baixo peso ao nascer não é o mesmo em países com diferentes recursos. Investigamos a associação do peso ao nascer com a pressão arterial e o estado nutricional em uma amostra representativa de adolescentes de uma capital brasileira com o objetivo de identificar possíveis consequências destas diferenças. Métodos Estudo transversal de base escolar conduzido com adolescentes (12-18 anos) matriculados em escolas públicas e privadas. Investigou-se o peso ao nascer, a pressão arterial, e o estado nutricional, por meio do índice de massa corporal, do escore z de estatura para idade e da circunferência da cintura. Resultados Um total de 829 adolescentes com uma idade média 14.6 ± 1.62 anos foram incluídos, 43.3% do sexo feminino e 37.0% de escolas privadas. A prevalência de baixo peso ao nascer foi 8.7%. Baixa estatura leve foi mais prevalente nos adolescentes com peso ao nascer baixo/insuficiente (11.7 × 4.2% - p < 0.001). Na análise de regressão linear múltipla, para cada aumento de 100 g no peso ao nascer, a estatura aumentou em 0.28 cm (IC 95% = 0.18-0.37; p < 0.01). O peso ao nascer não influenciou a pressão arterial (casual e residencial), o índice de massa corporal e a circunferência da cintura dos adolescentes. Conclusões O peso ao nascer esteve diretamente associado à altura, mas não associado à pressão arterial, índice de massa corporal e circunferência da cintura em adolescentes de uma área urbana de um país em desenvolvimento.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Birth Weight/physiology , Body Mass Index , Nutritional Status/physiology , Hypertension/physiopathology , Socioeconomic Factors , Blood Pressure/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Waist Circumference , Hypertension/diagnosisABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Objective Our objective was to evaluate gestational weight gain (GWG) patterns and their relation to birth weight. Subjects and methods We prospectively enrolled 474 women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) at a university hospital (Porto Alegre, Brazil, November 2009-May 2015). GWG was categorized according to the 2009 Institute of Medicine guidelines; birth weight was classified as large (LGA) or small (SGA) for gestational age. Adjusted relative risks (aRRs) and 95% confidence intervals (95% CIs) were determined. Results Adequate GWG occurred in 121 women [25.5%, 95% CI: 22, 30%]; excessive, in 180 [38.0%, 95% CI: 34, 43%]; and insufficient, in 173 [36.5%, 95% CI: 32, 41%]. In women with normal body mass index (BMI), the prevalence of SGA was higher in those with insufficient compared to adequate GWG (30% vs. 0%, p < 0.001). In women with BMI ≥ 25 kg/m2, excessive GWG increased the prevalence of LGA [aRR 2.58, 95% CI: 1.06, 6.29] and protected from SGA [aRR 0.25, 95% CI: 0.10, 0.64]. Insufficient vs. adequate GWG did not influence the prevalence of SGA [aRR 0.61, 95% CI: 0.31, 1.22]; insufficient vs. excessive GWG protected from LGA [aRR 0.46, 95% CI: 0.23, 0.91]. Conclusions One quarter of this cohort achieved adequate GWG, indicating that specific ranges have to be tailored for GDM. To prevent inadequate birth weight, excessive GWG in women with higher BMI and less than recommended GWG in normal BMI women should be avoided; less than recommended GWG may be suitable for overweight and obese women.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Adult , Birth Weight/physiology , Weight Gain/physiology , Diabetes, Gestational/physiopathology , Socioeconomic Factors , Prospective StudiesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT Purpose To investigate if there is difficulty in introducing complementary feeding in premature infants. Methods This is an exploratory, cross-sectional study performed in premature infants between six and twenty-four months of gestationally corrected age, using complementary feeding. Thirty-eight infants born prematurely were included. The feeding difficulties presented by the infants were investigated through an objective question followed by the application of a food behavior checklist for the last month. The children's clinical variables were investigated through a medical record review. An interview was conducted with those responsible for the child to identify the sociodemographic aspects and the type of breastfeeding before the corrected six months of age. Results Asked about the general perception, 50% of parents answered that their children did not present feeding difficulties in the last month. However, when a checklist was applied, 73.7% of the parents reported that their children had at least one defensive behavior at mealtime. Refusal to open their mouths (42.1%), food selectivity (28.9%), and feeding refusal (26.3%) were the most frequent defensive behaviors. The food refusal item (44.4%) had a greater association with formula feeding (p = 0.033). Conclusion The present study showed an association between the type of breastfeeding and the difficulties in complementary feeding, especially in premature infants with formula feeding, presenting food refusal during meals. We found the presence of different types of defensive behaviors at mealtime in the majority of premature infants investigated.
RESUMO Objetivo Investigar se há dificuldade na introdução da alimentação complementar em lactentes prematuros. Método Trata-se de um estudo exploratório e transversal realizado em lactentes prematuros entre seis e vinte e quatro meses de idade corrigida gestacional, com alimentação complementar. Foram incluídas 38 crianças, 23 do gênero feminino e 15 do gênero masculino. As dificuldades de alimentação apresentadas pelos bebês foram investigadas através de uma pergunta objetiva seguida da aplicação de um checklist do comportamento alimentar no último mês. As variáveis clínicas das crianças foram investigadas através de uma revisão de registro médico. Uma entrevista foi realizada com os responsáveis pela criança para identificar os aspectos sociodemográficos e o tipo de aleitamento antes dos seis meses de idade corrigidos. Resultados Perguntado sobre a percepção geral, 50% dos pais responderam que seus filhos não apresentaram dificuldades de alimentação no último mês. No entanto, quando o checklist foi aplicado, 73,7% dos pais relataram que seus filhos tinham pelo menos um comportamento defensivo durante as refeições. A recusa de abrir a boca (42,1%), a seletividade alimentar (28,9%) e a recusa de alimentação (26,3%) foram os comportamentos defensivos mais frequentes. O item de recusa alimentar (44,4%) teve maior associação com aleitamento artificial (p = 0,033). Conclusão O presente estudo mostrou associação entre o tipo de aleitamento materno e as dificuldades na alimentação complementar, especialmente em lactentes prematuros com alimentação de fórmula, apresentando recusa alimentar durante as refeições. Também encontramos a presença de diferentes tipos de comportamentos defensivos na hora da refeição na maioria dos prematuros investigados.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant , Child, Preschool , Breast Feeding , Infant, Premature/physiology , Infant Formula , Feeding Behavior/psychology , Infant Nutritional Physiological Phenomena/physiology , Parents , Reference Values , Birth Weight/physiology , Cross-Sectional Studies , Gestational Age , Infant Behavior/physiology , ChecklistABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: The aim of the present study was to compare the placental weight and birth weight/placental weight ratio for intrauterine growth-restricted and non-intrauterine growth-restricted monochorionic and dichorionic twins. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of placentas from twin pregnancies. Placental weight and the birth weight/placental weight ratio were compared in intrauterine growth-restricted and non-intrauterine growth-restricted monochorionic and dichorionic twins. The association between cord insertion type and placental lesions in intrauterine growth-restricted and non-intrauterine growth-restricted monochorionic and dichorionic twins was also investigated. RESULTS: A total of 105 monochorionic (intrauterine growth restriction=40; non-intrauterine growth restriction=65) and 219 dichorionic (intrauterine growth restriction=57; non-intrauterine growth restriction=162) placentas were analyzed. A significantly lower placental weight was observed in intrauterine growth-restricted monochorionic (p=0.022) and dichorionic (p<0.001) twins compared to non-intrauterine growth-restricted twins. There was no difference in the birth weight/placental weight ratio between the intrauterine growth restriction and non-intrauterine growth restriction groups for either monochorionic (p=0.36) or dichorionic (p=0.68) twins. Placental weight and the birth weight/placental weight ratio were not associated with cord insertion type or with placental lesions. CONCLUSION: Low placental weight, and consequently reduced functional mass, appears to be involved in fetal growth restriction in monochorionic and dichorionic twins. The mechanism by which low placental weight influences the birth weight/placental weight ratio in intrauterine growth-restricted monochorionic and dichorionic twins needs to be determined in larger prospective studies.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Adult , Young Adult , Birth Weight/physiology , Chorion/physiology , Fetal Development/physiology , Fetal Growth Retardation/physiopathology , Placenta/anatomy & histology , Pregnancy, Twin/physiology , Gestational Age , Organ Size , Placenta/pathology , Placenta/physiopathology , Reference Values , Retrospective Studies , Statistics, Nonparametric , Time Factors , Twins, Dizygotic , Twins, MonozygoticABSTRACT
CONTEXT AND OBJECTIVE: Interactions between body mass index (BMI), birth weight and risk parameters may contribute to diseases rather than the individual effects of each factor. However this hypothesis needs to be confirmed. This study aimed to determine to what extent variants of lipoprotein lipase (LPL) might interact with birth weight or body weight in determining the lipid profile concentrations in children and adolescents. DESIGN AND SETTING: Substudy of the third survey of a national surveillance system (CASPIAN-III Study) in Iran. METHODS: Whole blood samples (kept frozen at -70 °C) were randomly selected from 750 students aged 10-18 years. Real-time polymerase chain reaction (PCR) and high-resolution melt analysis were performed to assess S447X (rs328), HindIII (rs320) and D9N (rs1801177) polymorphisms. RESULTS: The AG/GG genotype in D9N polymorphism was associated with higher LDL-C (low-density lipoprotein cholesterol) and lower HDL-C (high-density lipoprotein cholesterol) concentration. Significant interactions were found for D9N polymorphism and birth weight in association with plasma HDL-C concentration, and also for D9N polymorphism and BMI in association with plasma triglyceride (TG) and HDL-C levels. HindIII polymorphism had significant association with birth weight for HDL-C concentration, and with BMI for TG and HDL-C levels. Significant interactions were found for S447X polymorphism and BMI in association with plasma TG and HDL-C concentrations. CONCLUSION: We found significant interactive effects from LPL polymorphisms and birth weight on HDL-C concentration, and also effects from LPL polymorphisms and BMI on TG and HDL-C concentrations.
RESUMO CONTEXTO E OBJETIVO: Interações entre índice de massa corporal (IMC), peso ao nascer e parâmetros de risco podem contribuir para doenças, em vez de efeitos individuais de cada fator. No entanto, essa hipótese precisa de confirmação. Este estudo visou determinar o quanto variantes de lipoproteína lipase (LPL) podem interagir com peso de nascimento ou peso corporal na determinação das concentrações do perfil lipídico em crianças e adolescentes. DESENHO E LOCAL: Sub-estudo da terceira pesquisa de sistema nacional de vigilância (Estudo CASPIAN-III) no Irã. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionadas aleatoriamente amostras de sangue total (mantidas congeladas a -70 °C) de 750 estudantes com idades entre 10-18 anos. Reação de polimerase em cadeia (PCR) em tempo real e análise de fusão de alta resolução foram realizados para avaliar polimorfismo de S447X (rs328), HindIII (rs320) e D9N (rs1801177). RESULTADOS: Genótipo AG/GG em polimorfismo D9N foi associado com concentração maior de LDL-C (colesterol do tipo lipoproteína de baixa densidade) e menor de HDL-C (colesterol do tipo lipoproteína de alta densidade). Interações significativas foram encontradas para polimorfismo D9N e peso ao nascer em associação com concentração plasmática de HDL-C, bem como para polimorfismo D9N e IMC em associação com níveis plasmáticos de triglicérides (TG) e HDL-C. Polimorfismo HindIII teve associação significativa com peso de nascimento para concentração de HDL-C, e com IMC para níveis de TG e HDL-C. Interações significativas foram encontradas para polimorfismo S447X e IMC em associação com concentrações plasmáticas de TG e HDL-C. CONCLUSÃO: Encontramos efeitos interativos significativos de polimorfismo LPL e peso de nascimento sobre concentração de HDL-C, bem como efeitos de polimorfismos LPL e IMC sobre concentrações de TG e HDL-C.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Polymorphism, Genetic , Birth Weight/physiology , Body Mass Index , Lipids/blood , Lipoprotein Lipase/genetics , Triglycerides/blood , Genotype , Lipoprotein Lipase/blood , Lipoproteins, HDL , Cholesterol, HDL/blood , Cholesterol, LDL/blood , Obesity/bloodABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To examine the associations between socioeconomic and biological factors and infant weight gain. METHODS: All infants (0-23 months of age) with available birth and postnatal weight data (n = 1763) were selected from the last nationally representative survey with complex probability sampling conducted in Brazil (2006/07). The outcome variable was conditional weight gain (CWG), which represents how much an individual has deviated from his/her expected weight gain, given the birth weight. Associations were estimated using simple and hierarchical multiple linear regression, considering the survey sampling design, and presented in standard deviations of CWG with their respective 95% of confidence intervals. Hierarchical models were designed considering the UNICEF Conceptual Framework for Malnutrition (basic, underlying and immediate causes). RESULTS: The poorest Brazilian regions (-0.14 [-0.25; -0.04]) and rural areas (-0.14 [-0.26;-0.02]) were inversely associated with CWG in the basic causes model. However, this association disappeared after adjusting for maternal and household characteristics. In the final hierarchical model, lower economic status (-0.09 [-0.15; -0.03]), human capital outcomes (maternal education < 4th grade (-0.14[-0.29; 0.01]), higher maternal height (0.02[0.01; 0.03])), and fever in the past 2 weeks (-0.13[-0.26; -0.01]) were associated with postnatal weight gain. CONCLUSION: The results showed that poverty and lower human capital are still key factors associated with poor postnatal weight gain. The approach used in these analyses was sensitive to characterize inequalities among different socioeconomic contexts and to identify factors associated with CWG in different levels of determination. .
OBJETIVO: Examinar as associações entre fatores socioeconômicos e biológicos e o ganho de peso de lactentes. MÉTODOS: Foram selecionados todos os lactentes (0-23 meses de idade) com dados de peso ao nascer e pós-natal avaliados na última pesquisa com representatividade nacional realizada no Brasil (2006/07) por amostragem probabilística complexa. A variável de resultado foi o Evolução Ponderal Condicional (CWG), que representa quanto um indivíduo desviou de seu ganho de peso esperado, considerando o peso ao nascer. As associações foram estimadas utilizando regressão linear simples e múltipla hierárquica, considerando o plano amostal da pesquisa e apresentadas em desvios padrão do CWG com seus respectivos intervalos de confiança de 95%. Os modelos hierárquicos foram estruturados considerando o Modelo Conceitual de Desnutrição da UNICEF (causas básicas, inerentes e imediatas). RESULTADOS: As regiões brasileiras mais pobres (-0,14 [-0,25; -0,04]) e a área rural (-0,14 [-0,26; -0,02]) foram inversamente associadas ao CWG no modelo de causas básicas. Contudo, essa associação desapareceu após o ajuste pelas características maternas e do ambiente familiar. No modelo hierárquico final, a baixa condição econômica (-0,09 [-0,15; -0,03]), as variáveis de capital humano (escolaridade materna < 5° ano (-0,14 [-0,29; 0,01])), maior estatura materna (0,02 [0,01; 0,03])) e febre nas duas semanas anteriores à pesquisa (-0,13 [-0,26; -0,01]) foram inversamente associadas ao ganho de peso pós-natal. CONCLUSÃO: Os resultados mostraram que a pobreza e baixo capital humano ainda são fatores fundamentais associados ao ganho de peso pós-natal abaixo de esperado. A abordagem utilizada em nossas análises foi sensível ao caracterizar desigualdades entre diferentes contextos socioeconômicos e ao identificar fatores associados ao CWG em diferentes níveis de determinação. .
Female , Humans , Infant , Infant, Newborn , Male , Infant Nutrition Disorders/epidemiology , Mothers/statistics & numerical data , Nutrition Surveys , Socioeconomic Factors , Weight Gain/physiology , Birth Weight/physiology , Body Height/physiology , Brazil/epidemiology , Confidence Intervals , Educational Status , Family Characteristics , Linear Models , Poverty/statistics & numerical data , Residence Characteristics , Rural PopulationABSTRACT
OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the growth pattern of low birth weight preterm infants born to hypertensive mothers, the occurrence of growth disorders, and risk factors for inadequate growth at 24 months of corrected age (CA). METHODS: Cohort study of preterm low birth weight infants followed until 24 months CA, in a university hospital between January 2009 and December 2010. Inclusion criteria: gestational age < 37 weeks and birth weight of 1,500-2,499 g. Exclusion criteria: multiple pregnancies, major congenital anomalies, and loss to follow up in the 2nd year of life. The following were evaluated: weight, length, and BMI. Outcomes: growth failure and risk of overweight at 0, 12, and 24 months CA. Student's t-test, Repeated measures ANOVA (RM-ANOVA), and multiple logistic regression were used. RESULTS: A total of 80 preterm low birth weight infants born to hypertensive mothers and 101 born to normotensive mothers were studied. There was a higher risk of overweight in children of hypertensive mothers at 24 months; however, maternal hypertension was not a risk factor for inadequate growth. Logistic regression showed that being born small for gestational age and inadequate growth in the first 12 months of life were associated with poorer growth at 24 months. CONCLUSION: Preterm low birth weight born infants to hypertensive mothers have an increased risk of overweight at 24 months CA. Being born small for gestational age and inadequate growth in the 1st year of life are risk factors for growth disorders at 24 months CA. .
OBJETIVO: Avaliar o padrão de crescimento de prematuros de baixo peso nascidos de mães hipertensas, a ocorrência de distúrbios de crescimento e os fatores de risco para inadequado crescimento aos 24 meses de idade corrigida (IC). MÉTODOS: Estudo de coorte de prematuros de baixo peso acompanhados até 24 meses IC, em um hospital universitário, entre janeiro de 2009 e dezembro de 2010. Critérios de inclusão: idade gestacional < 37 semanas e peso de nascimento de 1500-2499 g. Excluídas: gestações múltiplas, anomalias congênitas maiores e perda de seguimento no segundo ano de vida. Foram avaliados: peso, comprimento e IMC. Desfechos: falha de crescimento e risco de sobrepeso com 0, 12 e 24 meses de IC. Teste t de Student, X2, Anova-RM e regressão logística múltipla foram usados. RESULTADOS: Foram estudados 80 prematuros de baixo peso nascidos de mães hipertensas e 101 de mães normotensas. Houve maior risco de sobrepeso em crianças de mães hipertensas aos 24 meses, entretanto a hipertensão materna não foi fator de risco para inadequado crescimento. A regressão logística mostrou que nascer pequeno para idade gestacional e ter inadequado crescimento nos primeiros 12 meses de vida associaram-se com pior crescimento aos 24 meses. CONCLUSÃO: Prematuros de baixo peso nascidos de mães hipertensas têm risco aumentado de sobrepeso aos 24 meses de IC. Ser pequeno para idade gestacional e ter inadequado crescimento no primeiro ano são fatores de risco para distúrbios no crescimento aos 24 meses de IC. .