Abstract The Neotropical freshwater cladoceran Bergamina lineolata (Sars, 1901) was found in a small temporal pond in the Magdalena department. Hitherto, it has been reported in Brazil and El Salvador. It was originally described as Alonella lineolata by Sars, 1901 from Brazil and then placed to the genus Bergamina by Elmoor-Loureiro et al. (2013). This is the first record of this species in Colombia. B. lineolata can be identified by a unique combination of characters including: 1) a remarkably large and oblong postabdomen, with three denticles on distal corner; 2) basal spine of the claw very short, length less than the half claw diameter at base; 3) IDL with two setae shorter than ODL seta, armed with fine setules unilaterally in terminal half; 4) endite 1 of trunk limb I with a long smooth seta between endites 1 and 2.
Resumo O cladócero neotropical de água doce Bergamina lineolata (Sars, 1901) foi encontrado em uma pequena lagoa temporária no departamento de Magdalena, na Colômbia. Até o momento, havia sido relatado no Brasil e em El Salvador. Foi originalmente descrito como Alonella lineolata por Sars, 1901 no Brasil, e, em seguida, colocado no gênero Bergamina por Elmoor-Loureiro et al. (2013). Esse é o primeiro registro dessa espécie na Colômbia. B. lineolata pode ser identificada por uma combinação única de caracteres, incluindo: 1) um pós-abdômen notavelmente grande e oblongo, com três dentículos no ângulo distal; 2) espinho basal da garra muito curto, comprimento menor que o diâmetro da metade da garra na base; 3) IDL com duas cerdas mais curtas que cerdas ODL, armadas com sétulas finas unilateralmente na metade terminal; e 4) endito 1 do toracópodo I com uma longa cerda lisa entre os enditos 1 e 2.
Animals , Cladocera , Brazil , Colombia , Body Size , Animal DistributionABSTRACT
Resumen Introducción: Los ríos tropicales se ven cada vez más afectados por la fragmentación y la regulación; y, en Colombia, se sabe que las represas ponen en peligro a los peces endémicos debido, entre otros, a la migración limitada y la disponibilidad reducida de redes alimenticias basadas en el detrito. Sin embargo, el conocimiento de la ictiofauna nativa afectada por represas en ríos altoandinos es aún incipiente. Objetivo: Evaluar los efectos de la represa del Neusa sobre la ictiofauna. Métodos: Comparamos dos secciones del río, una aguas arriba y otra aguas abajo de la represa con el Sistema Richter IHA, muestreamos tres transectos de 100 m de largo en cada sección, cada dos meses, entre 2017 y 2019. Los peces fueron devueltos al río después de efectuadas las mediciones corporales. Resultados: Recolectamos 729 individuos de cinco familias; los Trichomycterus bogotense eran más pequeños aguas abajo de la represa; Oncorhynchus mykiss fue más pequeño y menos abundante; y no hubo diferencias para Grundulus bogotensis y Eremophilus mutisii. Independientemente de los factores climáticos, O. mykiss y G. bogotensis fueron más abundantes aguas arriba, y E. mutisii y T. bogotense aguas abajo de la represa. Conclusión: Las cinco especies de peces diferían en cómo las poblaciones se diferencian aguas arriba y aguas abajo de la represa, lo que sugiere que algunas se benefician de la represa, mientras que otras se vuelven más pequeñas y menos abundantes.
Abstract Introduction: Tropical rivers are increasingly being affected by fragmentation and regulation; and, in Colombia, dams are known to endanger endemic fishes through, among others, limited migration and reduced availability of sediment-based feeding networks. However, knowledge of native ichthyofauna affected by dams in high Andean rivers is still incipient. Objective: To assess the effects of the Neusa dam on the ichthyofauna. Methods: We compared two rivers' sections, one above and one below the dam with the Richter IHA System, we sampled three 100 m long transects in each section, every two months, between 2017 and 2019. The fishes were returned to the river after body measurements. Results: We collected 729 individuals from five families; Trichomycterus bogotense were smaller under the dam; Oncorhynchus mykiss was smaller and less abundant; and there were no differences for Grundulus bogotensis and Eremophilus mutisii. Independently of climatic factors, O. mykiss and G. bogotensis were more abundant above the dam, and E. mutisii and T. bogotense under the dam. Conclusion: The five fish species differed in how the populations differed above and under the dam, suggesting that some are benefited by the dam, while others become smaller and less abundant.
Animals , Body Size , Fishes , ColombiaABSTRACT
Abstract Objectives: to assess the effects of vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy on the outcomes of vitamin D concentration in newborns, length at birth, overall health (Apgar), birth weight and maternal vitamin D concentration after childbirth. Methods: this research was conducted in the electronic databases of MEDLINE, LILACS, EMBASE and Cochrane Library until December 2020, using the terms "vitamin D", "pregnancy", "vitamin D deficiency", "infant", "newborn" and their synonyms. Randomized controlled trials were searched by evaluating the effects of maternal vitamin D supplementation in neonates. The data was analyzed on RevMan 5.4 software and the quality of evidence on GRADE. Results: the newborn's overall health condition was presented as Apgar, with a mean difference (MD) of 0.15 (CI95%=0.06-0.25; p=0.002; I2=0%, two studies, 648 participants, moderate quality evidence) at the first minute and 0.11 (CI95%=0.04-0.17; p=0.001; I2=0%, two studies, 648 participants, moderate quality evidence) at the fifth minute. Significant effects were also presented at the length at birth considering any supplemented dose (MD=0.19; CI95%=0.08-0.30; p=0.0010; I2=0%, 1452 participants, low quality evidence) and birth weight in doses higher than 4000IU/day (MD=257.05 (CI95%=137.81-376.29; p<0.0001; I2=14%, 176 participants, moderate quality evidence). Conclusion: vitamin D supplementation during pregnancy improves serum 25 (OH) D concentration and suggests positive effects on overall health condition, length at birth and birth weight. PROSPERO CRD42017073292.
Resumo Objetivos: avaliar os efeitos da suplementação materna de vitamina D durante a gravidez nos desfechos concentração de vitamina D no recém-nascido, comprimento ao nascer, estado geral de saúde (Apgar), peso ao nascer e concentração de vitamina D materna após o nascimento. Métodos: a pesquisa foi conduzida nas bases de dados eletrônicas MEDLINE, LILACS, EMBASE e Cochrane Library até dezembro de 2020, utilizando os termos "vitamin D", "pregnancy", "vitamin D deficiency", "infant", "newborn" e seus sinônimos. Pesquisou-se por ensaios clínicos randomizados avaliando os efeitos da suplementação materna de vitamina D no neonato. Os dados foram analisados pelo software RevMan 5.4 e a avaliação da qualidade das evidências pelo GRADE. Resultados: o estado geral de saúde do recém-nascido foi apresentado como Apgar, com uma diferença de média (DM) de 0,15 (IC95%=0,06-0,25; p=0,002; I2=0%, dois estudos, 648 participantes, evidência de qualidade moderada) para o teste no primeiro minuto e 0,11 (IC95%=0,04-0,17; p=0,001; I2=0%, dois estudos, 648 participantes, evidência de qualidade moderada) para quinto minuto. Efeitos significativos também foram apresentados para o comprimento ao nascer em qualquer dose suplementada (DM=0,19 (IC95%=0,08-0,30; p=0,0010; I2=0%, 1452 participantes, evidência de baixa qualidade) e peso ao nascer em doses maiores que 4000UI/dia (DM=257,05 (IC95%=137,81-376,29; p<0,0001; I2=14%, 176 participantes, evidência de qualidade moderada). Conclusão: a suplementação de vitamina D durante a gravidez melhora a concentração sérica de 25 (OH)D e sugere apresentar efeitos positivos no estado geral de saúde, comprimento ao nascer e peso ao nascer. PROSPERO CRD42017073292.
Humans , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Vitamin D/pharmacology , Vitamin D Deficiency/prevention & control , Birth Weight/drug effects , Dietary Supplements , Body Size/drug effects , Cephalometry , Pregnant Women , Maternal NutritionABSTRACT
A new Ancistrus species is described from Tapajós and Xingu river basins. It is distinguished from its congeners by the singular body color pattern, consisting of dark vermiculated stripes almost all over the body, and also by combination of features as a narrow head, large internostril distance, and absence of rows of enlarged odontodes on the lateral plates. In addition, the new species is distinguished from congeners that inhabit the rio Tapajós basin by the presence of a fully-developed adipose fin (vs. adipose fin absent in Ancistrus parecis and A. tombador, and vestigial adipose fin or absent in A. krenakarore). It differs from A. ranunculus, also from the rio Xingu, by the color pattern, smaller body size, smaller gill opening, and narrower cleithral width. The new taxon adds a new record to the list of species shared among the Xingu and Tapajós basins.(AU)
Uma nova espécie de Ancistrus é descrita das bacias dos rios Tapajós e Xingu. Distingue-se de suas congêneres pelo padrão de colorido único, que consiste em listras vermiculadas escuras em quase todo o corpo, e também pela combinação de características como cabeça estreita, maior distância entre as narinas e ausência de séries de grandes odontódeos nas placas laterais. Adicionalmente, a nova espécie pode ser diferenciada de suas congêneres da bacia do rio Tapajós pela presença de uma nadadeira adiposa totalmente desenvolvida (vs. nadadeira adiposa ausente em Ancistrus parecis e A. tombador, nadadeira adiposa vestigial ou ausente em A. krenakarore). Ela difere de A. ranunculus, a única outra espécie do rio Xingu, pelo padrão de colorido, menor tamanho corporal, menor abertura branquial e menor largura entre os cleitros. O novo táxon adiciona um novo registro à lista de espécies compartilhadas entre as bacias do Xingu e Tapajós.(AU)
Animals , Catfishes/classification , Body Size , River BasinsABSTRACT
Introducción. La prevalencia del vegetarianismo aumenta a nivel mundial y no hay consenso acerca de si este tipo de alimentación es adecuado durante el período de crecimiento. Objetivo. Se realizó una revisión descriptiva de la literatura con el objetivo de conocer si los niños e hijos de madres que siguen dietas vegetarianas crecen de manera diferente a los niños con dietas omnívoras. Métodos. Se incluyen 25 artículos publicados entre los años 1995-2020, que describen el crecimiento prenatal, postnatal y desarrollo puberal en niños vegetarianos e hijos de madres vegetarianas. Conclusión. La escasez de estudios longitudinales y resultados en el largo plazo, la heterogeneidad en la clasificación y el registro de las dietas, además de deficiencias metodológicas, no permiten concluir que el crecimiento de estos niños sea diferente al de los niños que siguen dietas omnívoras. Se requieren estudios longitudinales en el largo plazo para contribuir a dirimir esta controversia
The prevalence of vegetarianism is rising worldwide and there is no consensus about whether it is adequate during the growth period. The objective of this descriptive review is to find out if vegetarian children and children born from mothers who follow vegetarian diets, grow different from those who follow omnivorous diets. Results. 25 articles published between 1995 and 2020 were included describing prenatal and postnatal growth and pubertal development in vegetarian children and children of vegetarian mothers. Conclusion. The scarcity of longitudinal studies and long-term results, the heterogeneity in the classification and registration of the diets, in addition to methodological deficiencies, do not allow to conclude that the growth of these children is different from children on omnivorous diets. Long-term longitudinal studies are required to help to solve this controversy
Humans , Male , Female , Pregnancy , Infant, Newborn , Infant , Child, Preschool , Child , Adolescent , Adult , Young Adult , Diet, Vegetarian , Child Development , Adolescent Development , Mothers , Infant Formula , Body Size , Prenatal Nutrition , Diet, VeganABSTRACT
Morphoanatomical or physiological changes coupled with changes in body size are known as allometric relationships. The objective of this study was to identify the points of growth changes in Centropomus based on otolith morphometry and morphogeometry. For this purpose, 455 individuals of C. undecimalis and 176 of C. parallelus were collected from artisanal fishermen of the coast of the state of Alagoas, Brazil. The sagittal otoliths were measured for length, height, perimeter, area and weighed. The potential and polyphasic models were fitted between total fish length and otolith length. The morphotypes otoliths wen describe by form Fourier descriptors and shape indices. The polyphasic model detected three growth phases. The first stanza for C. undecimalis was at 46.8 cm and the second at 75.9 cm. For C. parallelus, it was at 18.8 cm and at 41.2 cm. Each stanza has a specific otoliths morphotype in both species. The otoliths of C. undecimalis and C. parallelus exhibited ontogenetic allometric changes in their growth pattern with two stanzas changing points. The stanzas corresponded to specific lengths reached by individuals over their life cycles, such as their size at maturity and length at sexual reversion.(AU)
Mudanças morfoanatômicas ou fisiológicas em conjunto com mudanças no tamanho do corpo, são conhecidas como relações alométricas. O objetivo do estudo foi identificar os pontos de mudanças de crescimento de Centropomus com base na morfometria e morfogeometria dos otólitos. Foram coletados 455 indivíduos de C. undecimalis e 176 de C. parallelus, adquiridos com pescadores artesanais do estado de Alagoas, Brasil. Os otólitos sagitta foram medidos quanto ao comprimento, altura, perímetro, área e pesados. Os modelos potencial e polifásico foram ajustados entre o comprimento do peixe e o comprimento do otólito. Os morfotipos de otólitos são descritos por descritores de Fourier e índices de forma. O modelo polifásico detectou três fases de crescimento. A primeira stanza para C. undecimalis foi em 46,8 cm e a segunda em 75,9 cm. Já C. parallelus, a primeira foi em 18,8 cm e segunda em 41,2 cm. Cada stanza possui um morfotipo específico de otólitos em ambas as espécies. Os otólitos de C. undecimalis e C. parallelus exibiram mudanças alométricas ontogenéticas em seu padrão de crescimento com dois pontos de mudança de stanzas. As stanzas corresponderam a comprimentos específicos alcançados por indivíduos ao longo de seus ciclos de vida, como seu tamanho na maturidade e comprimento na reversão sexual.(AU)
Animals , Perciformes/growth & development , Otolithic Membrane , Body Size , Life Cycle StagesABSTRACT
ABSTRACT The scientific evidence on the profile of trampoline gymnastic athletes is scarce. Considering that the individual trampoline is an Olympic sport, it is important to investigate the characteristics of these athletes in Brazil. The aim of this study was to evaluate anthropometric, physical-motor, maturational, socio-environmental indicators and the sporting potential of Brazilian trampoline gymnasts, investigating differences between age categories. There were 147 athletes participating who competed in the State and Brazilian Championship of Trampoline Gymnastics by Age Group in 2017-2018. A multidimensional battery of tests was carried out, comparing the indicators collected between the categories 9 to 10 years, 11 to 12 years, 13 to 14 years, 15 to 16 years and 17 years or older. The coaches (n = 20) assessed the sporting potential of their gymnasts, in relation to the expectation of success in the future. The results showed statistically significant differences in body size and composition, somatotype, handgrip strength, countermovement jump, flexibility and sporting potential among athletes of different age categories, in both sexes. In addition, 30% of gymnasts showed high sporting potential, according to the perspectives of the coaches. It is concluded that the multidimensional indicators related to the sporting potential of Brazilian trampoline gymnasts vary according to the age category. This study is a pioneer in characterizing the profile of the elite Brazilian trampoline gymnast, using a dynamic approach related to the sporting talent.
RESUMO A evidência científica sobre o perfil de atletas de ginástica de trampolim é escassa. Considerando que o trampolim individual é uma modalidade olímpica, torna-se importante investigar as características desses atletas na realidade brasileira. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar indicadores antropométricos, físico-motores, maturacionais, socioambientais e o potencial esportivo de ginastas de trampolim brasileiros, investigando diferenças entre as categorias etárias. Participaram 147 atletas que disputaram o Campeonato Estadual e Brasileiro de Ginástica de Trampolim por Idades em 2017-2018. Foi realizada uma bateria de testes multidimensional, comparando os indicadores coletados entre as categorias 9-10 anos, 11-12 anos, 13-14 anos, 15-16 anos e 17 anos ou mais. Os treinadores (n = 20) avaliaram o potencial esportivo dos seus ginastas, em relação a expectativa de sucesso no futuro. Os resultados mostraram diferenças estatisticamente significantes no tamanho e composição corporal, somatotipo, força de preensão manual, salto contramovimento, flexibilidade e no potencial esportivo entre os atletas de diferentes categorias etárias, em ambos os sexos. Além disso, 30% dos ginastas apresentaram elevado potencial esportivo, segundo a opinião dos treinadores. Conclui-se que os indicadores multidimensionais relacionados ao potencial esportivo dos ginastas de trampolim brasileiros variam em função da categoria etária. Este estudo é pioneiro na caracterização do perfil do ginasta de trampolim brasileiro de elite, utilizando uma abordagem dinâmica relacionada ao talento esportivo.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Young Adult , Athletic Performance , Athletes , Gymnastics , Aptitude , Somatotypes , Sports , Body Composition , Exercise , Anthropometry , Pliability , Body Size , Age GroupsABSTRACT
The present study has been conducted to find out new findings on maximum length and weight values of Umbrina cirrosa in the Bay of Saros (Northern Aegean Sea, Turkey). On September, 11, 2016, a single specimen of Umbrina cirrosa with 68.8 cm total length and 2600.00 g total weight was caught by handline at a depth of 20 m. The provable size is the second largest length ever reported in the all seas of the world.
O presente estudo foi realizado para descobrir novas descobertas sobre os valores máximos de comprimento e peso de Umbrina cirrosa na Baía de Saros (Mar Egeu do Norte, Turquia). Em 11 de setembro de 2016, um único espécime de Umbrina cirrosa com 68.8 cm de comprimento total e 2600.00 g de peso total foi capturado por linha de mão a uma profundidade de 20 m. O tamanho provável é o segundo maior comprimento já registrado em todos os mares do mundo.
Animals , Perciformes , Body Size , Turkey , BiometryABSTRACT
Es innegable la necesidad de contar con curvas estándar de tamaño al nacer y crecimiento para evaluar y contribuir a orientar las acciones en la atención del neonato. Durante muchos años, se utilizaron las referencias de Lejarraga y Fustiñana, que fueron progresivamente reemplazadas por las de Fenton y Kim.Recientemente, el proyecto INTERGROWTH-21st construyó estándares de crecimiento prescriptivo para evaluar el tamaño al nacer desde las 33 semanas de edad gestacional, referencias para evaluar el tamaño al nacer desde las 24 a las 32,6 semanas de edad gestacional y curvas para el seguimiento longitudinal del crecimiento de recién nacidos pretérmino desde las 27 semanas de edad gestacional. Los Comités de Crecimiento y Desarrollo y de Estudios Feto-neonatales de la Sociedad Argentina de Pediatría, en conjunto con la Secretaría de Gobierno de Salud de la Nación, acordaron recomendar el reemplazo de las curvas de Fenton y Kim por las de INTERGROWTH-21st
It is unquestionable the need to have standards of size at birth and growth to evaluate and contribute to guide the actions in the care of the newborn. For many years the references of Lejarraga and Fustiñana were used, progressively replaced by those of Fenton and Kim. However, recently, the INTERGROWTH-21st project has developed prescriptive growth standards to evaluate the size at birth from 33 weeks of gestational age, references from 24 to 32.6 weeks of gestational age, and curves for postnatal growth from 27 weeks of gestational age onward. The Growth and Development and Neonatal Fetal Studies Committees of the Argentine Society of Pediatrics in conjunction with the Secretary of National Government of Health agreed to recommend the replacement of the Fenton and Kim curves with those of INTERGROWTH-21st.
Humans , Male , Female , Infant, Newborn , Birth Weight , Body Size , Growth and Development , Growth Charts , Reference Standards , Infant, Premature/growth & development , Anthropometry , Gestational AgeABSTRACT
SUMMARY: Studies in humans showed that prenatal exposure to urban air pollution (AP) influences fetal development, and increases the incidence of adverse pregnancy outcomes and some diseases in postnatal life. However, most of these were performed in environments where the main source of environmental particulate matters (PM) emission is diesel combustion by motor vehicles and industries, thereby ignoring the effects produced by wood smoke pollution. We hypothesized that morphological changes in the placenta could contribute to the reduction in fetal size associated with different periods of exposure to AP produced by wood smoke pollution prior to and during pregnancy. The objective of the study was to investigate the quantitative effects of long-term exposure to environmental levels of wood smoke pollution on the macroscopic and microscopic morphology of the placenta in rats. To test this, pregnant rats were exposed during pregestational and gestational periods to wood smoke pollution in indoor and outdoor environments. At 19 days of gestation, the placentas were obtained by caesarean and were prepared for histological, planimetric and stereological analysis. The volume and proportions of the placental compartments were estimated. In addition, stereological estimators in fetal capillaries were calculated in the labyrinth region. Crown rump length, fetus weight and litter weight were influenced by pregestational and gestational exposure periods. Exposure to wood smoke pollution during pregestational period has significant effect on the volume of the placenta, and consequently on fetal height. In conclusion, this study demonstrated that long-term outdoor exposure to wood smoke pollution from residential heating affects fetal health, decreasing the absolute volume of the entire placenta and the placental interface between the mother and fetus, decreasing the total volume of blood vessels present in the labyrinth region ofthe placenta and affecting the size of the fetus.
RESUMEN: Estudios en humanos demostraron que la exposición prenatal a la polución del aire urbano influye en el desarrollo fetal y aumenta la incidencia de resultados adversos de la gestación y algunas enfermedades postnatales. Sin embargo, la mayoría de ellos fueron realizados en entornos donde la principal fuente de emisión de material particulado, fue la combustión de petróleo por vehículos a motor e industrias, ignorando los efectos producidos por el humo de leña producido por la calefacción intradomiciliaria. Hipotetizamos respecto a que los cambios de la placenta contribuirían a la disminución del tamaño fetal relacionado a los períodos de exposición al humo de leña durante los periodos pregestacional y gestacional. El objetivo del estudio fue investigar los efectos cuantitativos de la exposición al humo de leña sobre la morfología macroscópica y microscópica en placenta de ratas. Para probar esto, ratas preñadas fueron expuestas durante los períodos pregestacional y gestacional a la contaminación por humo de leña en ambientes interiores y exteriores. A los 19 días de gestación, las placentas fueron obtenidas por cesárea y fueron preparadas para un análisis histológico, planimétrico y estereológico. Fue estimado el volumen absoluto y las proporciones de los compartimentos placentarios. Además, fueron calculados estimadores estereológicos en capilares fetales del laberinto y trofoblasto. La longitud, el peso del feto y el peso de la camada fueron influenciados por los períodos de exposición pregestacional y gestacional. La exposición a la contaminación por humo de leñá durante el período pregestacional tuvo un efecto significativo en el volumen de la placenta y, en consecuencia, en la altura del feto. En conclusión, este estudio demostró que la exposición a largo plazo al humo de leña afecta la salud del feto, disminuyendo el volumen absoluto de la placenta, además, afecta la interfaz placentaria entre la madre y feto, disminuyendo el volumen total de vasos sanguíneos presentes en la región del laberinto placentario y por consecuente afectando el tamaño del feto.
Animals , Female , Pregnancy , Rats , Placenta/drug effects , Smoke/adverse effects , Air Pollutants/toxicity , Fetus/drug effects , Wood , Rats, Sprague-Dawley , Maternal Exposure/adverse effects , /adverse effects , Body Size , Fetal Development/drug effects , Environmental Pollution/adverse effects , Particulate MatterABSTRACT
Resumen: Objetivo: Evaluar el consumo del Desayuno Escolar Frío (DEF) y su asociación con la ganancia de peso en población preescolar y escolar beneficiaria en San Luis Potosí, México. Material y métodos: Se realizó un estudio longitudinal en 255 niñas y niños de 3 a 8 años. Se midió la ganancia de peso durante un año, y la ingesta energética total se estimó por medio de un cuestionario de frecuencia de consumo. La energía proveniente del DEF se dividió en terciles y su asociación con la ganancia de peso fue estimada a través de regresión lineal múltiple. Resultados: En los escolares, la interacción entre los terciles de energía del DEF y sexo mostró que las niñas del segundo y tercer tercil ganaban 500g (p=0.063) y 800g (p=0.015) más, respectivamente. Conclusión: Un mayor consumo de energía proveniente del desayuno escolar se asocia con un incremento en la ganancia de peso en niñas de edad escolar.
Abstract: Objective: To evaluate the consumption of cold school breakfast (CSB) and its association with weight gain in the preschool and school beneficiary population in San Luis Potosí. Materials and methods: A longitudinal study was conducted on 255 girls and boys from 3 to 8 years old. The weight gain was measured during one year and the total energy intake was estimated by means of a frequency of consumption questionnaire. The energy from CSB was divided into terciles and its association with weight gain was estimated through multiple linear regression. Results: In schoolchildren, the interaction between the energy tercile of CSB and sex showed that the girls of the second and third tercile gained 500g (p=0. 063) and 800g (p=0. 015) more, respectively. Conclusion: Higher energy consumption from school breakfast is associated with an increase in weight gain in school-age girls.
Child , Child, Preschool , Female , Humans , Male , Energy Intake , Weight Gain , Diet Surveys , Breakfast , Schools , Socioeconomic Factors , Diet Records , Longitudinal Studies , Body Size , Pediatric Obesity/epidemiology , Food Insecurity , Mexico/epidemiologyABSTRACT
To identify the prevalence of distortion and dissatisfaction with the body size of Brazilian university students, and establish their relationship with the demographic and academic characteristics and the anthropometric nutritional status. The sample consisted of students from a public university in the state of São Paulo. The Figure Rating Scale (FRS) for Brazilian adults was used as an instrument. The participants selected the figure that corresponded to the current body and another one for the desired body. The prevalence of distortion and dissatisfaction with body sizewas calculated with 95% confidence interval (95% CI). The association between the variables was evaluated by the Chi-Square Test (χ2). The significance level of 5% was adopted. A total of 356 students (women=71.63%) with a mean age of 20.95 (SD=2.55) years participated. The prevalence of distortion and dissatisfaction with body size was 73.03% (95% CI=68.2377.83) and 79.49% (95% CI=75.383.68), respectively. There was a high prevalence of distortion with body size among individuals with low weight (χ2=9.523, p=0.009). Students who distorted the body size (52.31% [95% CI=47.1257.50]) underestimated their body size. The type of distortion was related to sex (χ2=26.35, p<0.001), physical activity (χ2=4.51, p=0.034), use of supplements (χ2=4.62, p=0.032), andthe anthropometric nutritional status (χ2=9.05, p=0.011). Students dissatisfied with the body (58.66% [95% CI=52.9264.40]) wished to reduce the body size. The type of dissatisfaction was related to sex (χ2=5.79, p=0.016) and anthropometric nutritional status (χ2=89.83, p<0.001). The prevalence of body size underestimation was higher among men, students who practice physical activity, subjects using dietary supplements and underweight individuals. The wish to decrease body size was higher among women and overweight/obese individuals.(AU)
Perceptual Distortion , Students , Universities , Nutritional Status/ethnology , Body Size/ethnology , Body Image/psychology , BrazilABSTRACT
Adult , Humans , Male , Asian People , Blood Pressure , Body Mass Index , Body Size , Cholesterol , Cross-Sectional Studies , Education , Hyperglycemia , Hypogonadism , Lipoproteins , Logistic Models , Mass Screening , Obesity , Prevalence , Testosterone , TriglyceridesABSTRACT
Aged , Animals , Dogs , Humans , Aging , Biomarkers , Body Size , Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay , Genomic Instability , Glucose , Growth Hormone , Hematologic Tests , Insulin-Like Growth Factor I , Mammals , Quality of LifeABSTRACT
El objetivo es comparar dos fórmulas de cálculo del Índice de Masa Corporal (IMC) y relacionarlo con otros indicadores como la Circunferencia de Cintura (CC), Índice Cintura-Talla (ICT), Índice Peso Circunferencia de Cintura (IPCC) y etnia. MÉTODOS: Estudio descriptivo, transversal, prospectivo y correlacional. Una muestra de 480 niños y adolescentes, de 6 a 15 años, de dos instituciones educativas de Caracas, Municipio Libertador, seleccionados al azar de los grados y secciones previamente elegidas, se solicitó consentimiento informado a sus representantes. Variables: etnia, sexo, peso, talla, IMC, CC, ICT, % GC e IPCC. Se determinó promedio, desviación, porcentajes, comparación de medias y porcentajes y correlaciones. RESULTADOS: Promedios del IMC-Oxford ligeramente mayores a los del IMC-Quetelet, por edad. Al clasificar según Normopeso, Sobrepeso y Obesidad, promedios de los dos IMC son significativos; promedios de todas las variables, no significativos por sexo, excepto para el % GC (p<0,000), este aumenta considerablemente con la edad. La clasificación de la CC 15,0 % Riesgo sobrepeso y 5,0 % Obesidad; el % GC clasifica 19,5 % en Exceso, mayor en el sexo femenino, hay un alto porcentaje en Déficit (65,8 %). Correlaciona IMC-Q con IPCC (r=0,84), IMC-O con IPCC (r=0,70) e IMC-Q con IMC-O (r= 0,97). Los indicadores CC, ICT e IPCC, se comportan similarmente en los tres grupos de clasificación de los IMC; y en las tres etnias según los percentiles, y los valores de la CC siempre mayores a los del IPCC. CONCLUSIÓN: el IMC-Oxford puede ser utilizado como una nueva opción para evaluar Sobrepeso y Obesidad, en grupos de niños y adolescentes.
The objective is to compare two Body Mass Index (BMI) calculation formulas and relate it to other indicators such as Waist Circumference (CC), Waist-Size Index (ICT), Weight-Waist Circumference Index (IPCC), and ethnicity. METHODS: Descriptive, cross-cutting, prospective and correlative study. A sample of 480 children and adolescents, aged 6 to 15, from two educational institutions in Caracas, Libertador Municipality, randomly selected from the degrees and sections previously chosen, requested informed consent from their representatives. Variables: ethnicity, gender, weight, size, BMI, WC, ICT, BFP and WWCI. Average, deviation, percentages, comparison of means and percentages and correlations were determined. RESULTS: BMI-Oxford averages slightly higher than BMI-Quetelet, by age. When classifying by Normoweight, Overweight and Obesity, averages of the two BMI are significant; averages of all variables, not significant by sex, except for % GC (p<0.000), this increases considerably with age. CC rating 15.0 % Overweight risk and 5.0 % Obesity; % GC ranks 19.5 % in Excess, higher in the female sex, there is a high percentage in Deficit (65,8 %). It maps IMC-Q to WWCI (r-0.84), IMC-O with WWCI (r-0.70), and IMC-Q with IMC-O (r-0.97). The CC, WTS and WWCI indicators behave similarly in the three BMI classification groups; and in the three ethnicities according to the percentiles, and the VALUES of the WC always higher than those of the WWCI. CONCLUSION: BMI-Oxford can be used as a new option to evaluate Overweight and Obesity, in groups of children and adolescents .
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Adolescent , Body Mass Index , Body Size , Overweight , Body Weight , Cross-Sectional Studies , Prospective Studies , Sex Distribution , Age Distribution , Ethnic Distribution , Waist Circumference , Waist-Height Ratio , Correlation of Data , ObesityABSTRACT
The relationships between fish size and sagitta otolith measurements were calculated for the first time for 15 species belonging to six families from the northern Brazilian coast. A total of 220 fish were sampled from the bycatch landed by the bottom-trawl industrial shrimp-fishing fleet between August and September 2016. All species had strong relationships between otolith measurements and fish total length with the coefficient of determination (r 2) ranging between 0.71 and 0.99. The variable most strongly related to fish total length was found to be the sagittal otolith length (OL) with 98% of the variability. These relationships are a useful tool to estimate length and mass of preyed fish from otoliths found in stomach contents of marine predators. (AU)
Otolithic Membrane , Amazonian Ecosystem , Body Size , Fisheries , Gastrointestinal ContentsABSTRACT
Abstract Length and weight relationships and descriptive statistics are reported for six shrimp species caught off the Madeira archipelago between 1983 and 2014 using bottom and floating traps from depths ranging from 50 to 1,300 m. The parameter b ranged between 2.36 for Plesionika ensis and 2.97 for Plesionika williamsi. All species showed a pattern of negative allometric growth. To the authors' knowledge all weight-length relationships presented herein are recorded for the first time from the Madeira area, and in the cases of Ligur ensiferus and Plesionika ensis are the first references worldwide.
Resumo As relações peso-comprimento e a estatística descritiva foram estimadas para seis espécies de camarões, capturados ao largo do arquipélago da Madeira, entre 1983 e 2014, usando armadilhas de fundo e alvoradas entre os 50 e 1.300 metros de profundidade. O parâmetro b variou entre 2,36 para Plesionika ensis e 2,97 para Plesionika williamsi. Todas as espécies evidenciaram um padrão de crescimento alométrico negativo. De acordo com o conhecimento dos autores, todas as relações peso-comprimento são aqui apresentadas pela primeira vez para a área da Madeira e no caso de Ligur ensiferus e Plesionika ensis são a primeira referência mundial.
Animals , Male , Female , Decapoda/physiology , Portugal , Body Weight , Atlantic Ocean , Pandalidae/physiology , Body SizeABSTRACT
Abstract The southern distribution of the Broad-snouted Caiman (Caiman latirostris Daudin 1802) in Argentina occurs in Santa Fe Province, where its population has been under management by "Proyecto Yacaré" since 1990. From 1997 to 2016, we captured 77 nesting female Broad-snouted Caimans in Santa Fe Province. Our results suggest that previously defined size classes for Broad-snouted Caiman do not adequately describe the reproductively mature female segment of the population. Here we propose to change size ranges for general size classes for Broad-snouted Caiman. In addition, we have observed that reintroduced reproductive females by Proyecto Yacaré represent about 32% of captured females. These results indicate that reintroduced females by the management program are surviving and reproducing in the wild at least up to 20 years.
Resumo Na Argentina, a distribuição mais austral do jacaré-de-papo-amarelo (Caiman latirostris Daudin 1802) ocorre na Provincia de Santa Fe, sendo que suas populações são manejadas pelo "Proyecto Yacaré" desde 1990. Entre os anos de 1997 e 2016, nós capturamos 77 fêmeas nidificantes do jacaré-de-papo-amarelo em Santa Fe. Nossos resultados sugerem que as classes de tamanho definidas para o jacaré-de-papo-amarelo não representam a realidade dos animais capturados no presente estudo. Portanto, propõe-se uma alteração nas classes de tamanho para o jacaré-de-papo-amarelo. Nós também observamos que as fêmeas reintroduzidas pelo "Proyecto Yacaré" representaram 32% das fêmeas capturadas. Estes resultados indicam que fêmeas reintroduzidas pelo programa de manejo estão sobrevivendo e reproduzindo na natureza por, pelo menos, 20 anos.
Animals , Female , Body Size , Alligators and Crocodiles/physiology , Argentina , ReproductionABSTRACT
Abstract Analysis of abundance and population structure of Plesionika narval was performed on data concerning 5,255 specimens obtained from 62 fishing sets carried out off the Madeira archipelago (Northeastern Atlantic) between 2004 and 2008 in a depth range from 101 to 350 m. Abundance ranged from 0.01 to 19.74 specimens-per-trap and significant differences were found between seasons, probably as a result of an increment of population in the spring during the recruitment season. The analysis of size distribution revealed that the carapace length (CL) ranged from 2.45 to 28.61 mm and that mean female size consistently exceeded that of males. Differences in mean CL were statistically significant between depth strata and seasons. Of the specimens sampled, 57.00% were males, 41.88% females and 1.42% undetermined. Sex ratio also differed significantly between seasons according to depth strata, consolidating the hypothesis of the existence of seasonal migrations related with the reproductive cycle of this species. Ovigerous females showed larger sizes and occurred all year around and remain in shallow waters in winter, summer and autumn and move to deeper waters in spring. The highest frequency of ovigerous females was recorded in summer, between 151 and 200 m deep supporting the hypothesis that spawning of this species occurs in shallow waters, especially in late summer.
Resumo O estudo de abundância e dinâmica populacional de Plesionika narval foi efetuado com 5.255 espécimes provenientes de 62 lances de pesca realizados ao largo do arquipélago da Madeira (Atlântico Nordeste) de 2004 a 2008 entre 101 e 350 m de profundidade. A abundância oscilou entre 0,01 e 19,74 espécimes-por-armadilha com diferenças significativas entre estações provavelmente devido ao aumento da população na primavera durante o período de recrutamento. A análise da distribuição de tamanhos revelou que o comprimento da carapaça (CL) variou entre 2,45 e 28,61 mm e que o tamanho médio das fêmeas excedeu o dos machos. Verificaram-se diferenças significativas no CL médio entre estrato de profundidade e estação. Do total amostrado, 57,00% foram machos, 41,88% fêmeas e 1,42% indeterminados. A razão de sexos também diferiu significativamente entre estações de acordo com a profundidade, consolidando a hipótese da existência de migrações sazonais relacionadas com o ciclo reprodutivo desta espécie. As fêmeas ovadas apresentaram maiores tamanhos e ocorreram durante todo o ano permanecendo em águas pouco profundas no inverno, verão e outono e migrando para águas profundas na primavera. A maior frequência de fêmeas ovadas foi registada no verão, entre 151 e 200 m de profundidade reforçando a hipótese de que a desova desta espécie ocorre em águas menos profundas, especialmente no final do verão.
Animals , Male , Female , Pandalidae/physiology , Animal Distribution , Portugal , Reproduction , Seasons , Sex Ratio , Atlantic Ocean , Population Dynamics , Body SizeABSTRACT
It has been known for a long time that elevated blood pressure (BP) in the young may persist and progress into adult hypertension (HTN). Multiple studies have revealed the predicted BP trajectory lines starting from childhood and related them to later cardiovascular (CV) risks in adulthood. As a small baby grows into a tall adult, BP will also naturally increase. Among early-life predictors of adult HTN, birth history, such as prematurity, and low birth weight have been popular subjects in research on pediatric HTN, because body size at birth has been reported to be inversely related to the risk of adulthood HTN. The hypothesis of HTN in prematurely born adolescents has been postulated as a physiological predisposition to postnatal excessive weight gain. Current body weight is a well-known independent predictor of HTN in children, and some studies showed that children demonstrating upward crossing of their weight percentiles while growing into adolescents have significantly increased risk for elevated BP later in life. Recently, reports focused on the adverse effect of excessive catch-up growth in this population are gradually drawing attention. Accordingly, children born prematurely or with intrauterine growth restriction who show rapid changes in their weight percentile should be under surveillance with BP monitoring. Prevention of childhood obesity, along with special care for premature infants or infants small for their gestational age, by providing healthy nutritional guidelines should be cardinal strategies for the prevention of adult HTN and CV risks later in life.