A sociedade está cada vez mais exigente e em busca de excelência quando o assunto é estética facial. O sorriso tem grande impacto na harmonia da face e, atualmente, os pacientes estão mais conscientes sobre a influência da gengiva na beleza do sorriso. A exposição da gengiva em excesso, conhecida como sorriso gengival, afeta a estética, podendo interferir na autoestima e nas relações sociais dos pacientes. Existem diversos procedimentos descritos para solucionar o problema e, para o planejamento do caso e escolha do método, é preciso determinar a etiologia e levar em consideração o desejo do paciente. A injeção da proteína botulínica é uma alternativa minimamente invasiva que está sedo cada vez mais utilizada para a correção do sorriso gengival. Com isso, o objetivo do presente trabalho monográfico foi realizar uma revisão de literatura sobre o uso da toxina botulínica na correção do sorriso gengival, analisando técnicas de injeção, identificando o efeito imediato e a longo prazo da toxina nos músculos elevadores do lábio superior, além de avaliar a relevância desse método na correção do sorriso gengival, sozinho ou em conjunto com outros procedimentos. Foi realizada uma revisão de literatura nas bases de dados PubMed e Scielo, buscando artigos dos anos de 2013 até 2022, utilizando os descritores "botulinum toxin", "botox", "gummy smile", "gingival display" e "gingival exposure". Essa revisão analisa 15 artigos que discorrem sobre o método, durabilidade e eficácia da aplicação de proteína botulínica para correção do sorriso gengival. Algumas variantes diferenciam as técnicas de aplicação, como a marca do produto e recomendações do fabricante, classificação do sorriso e extensão da exposição gengival. Com base na revisão de literatura, pôde-se concluir que, apesar de ser transitório, esse procedimento se mostrou eficaz, tanto ao ser realizado como método principal, quanto como coadjuvante no tratamento. Além de ser comprovadamente seguro, rápido, minimamente invasivo e ser o tratamento de preferência entre os pacientes, com alto índice de satisfação, são raras as complicações relacionadas a aplicação da proteína botulínica para esse fim.
Society is becoming increasingly demanding, seeking excellence in facial aesthetics. The smile greatly impacts facial harmony, and nowadays, patients are more aware of the influence of the gums on smile beauty. Excessive gum exposure, known as gummy smile, affects aesthetics and can interfere with patients' self-esteem and social relationships. There are various procedures described to address this issue, and for case planning and method selection, it is necessary to determine the etiology and take into account the patient's desires. The injection of botulinum protein is a minimally invasive alternative that is increasingly being used for gummy smile correction. Thus, the aim of this monographic work was to conduct a literature review on the use of botulinum toxin in gummy smile correction, analyzing injection techniques, identifying the immediate and long-term effects of the toxin on the upper lip elevator muscles, and evaluating the relevance of this method in gummy smile correction, either alone or in conjunction with other procedures. A literature review was conducted in the PubMed and Scielo databases, seeking articles from 2013 to 2022, using the descriptors "botulinum toxin", "botox", "gummy smile", "gingival display", and "gingival exposure". This review analyzes 15 articles that discuss the method, durability, and effectiveness of botulinum toxin application for gummy smile correction. Some variations differentiate the application techniques, such as the product brand and manufacturer's recommendations, smile classification, and extent of gum exposure. Based on the literature review, it was possible to conclude that, despite being temporary, this procedure proved to be effective, both when performed as the main method and as an adjunct in treatment. In addition to being proven safe, fast, minimally invasive, and the preferred treatment among patients, with a high satisfaction rate, complications related to botulinum toxin application for this purpose are rare.
Smiling , Botulinum Toxins , Treatment Outcome , Botulinum Toxins, Type A , GingivaABSTRACT
Purpose: To evaluate the influence of patients' serum vitamin D levels on muscle strength characteristics and whether it impacts the durability of botulinum toxin (BT) treatment. Methods: The muscle strength of the frontal and corrugator muscles was evaluated before and after the application of TB with pre- and post-application control measurements, and at weeks 2, 5 and 12. The effect of vitamin D on muscle strength and its interaction with BT were investigated in 20 patients. The muscle contraction force was measured by surface electromyography. Results: The results revealed statistically significant differences between the frontal measurement groups at weeks 2 and 5, as well as for the corrugator in the same weeks and at week 12. Regarding vitamin D, significant differences were observed only in the initial group with vitamin D > 30 ng/mL compared to < 30 ng/mL for the frontal muscles. Patients with higher levels of vitamin D had higher average muscle strength compared to those with lower levels in all evaluations. Conclusions: It was observed that vitamin D influences muscle strength and the necessary dosage of BT.
Vitamin D , Botulinum Toxins , Skin Aging , Electromyography , Muscle StrengthABSTRACT
Contextualização: A migrânea, também conhecida por enxaqueca, é um distúrbio sensorial relacionado a fatores genéticos, psicológicos e anatômicos, que afeta cerca de 10% dos adultos, trazendo impacto pessoal, social e econômico. Objetivos: Sumarizar as evidências de revisões sistemáticas, referentes à efetividade da toxina botulínica para prevenção de migrânea. Métodos: Trata-se de overview de revisões sistemáticas. Procedeu-se à busca em três bases eletrônicas de dados: Cochrane - Central de Registros de Ensaios Clínicos CENTRAL (2023), PubMed (1966-2023) e EMBASE (1974-2023), sendo utilizados os descritores MeSH "Migraine disorders" e "Botulinum toxins". Todas as revisões sistemáticas de ensaios clínicos randomizados (ECRs) em humanos foram incluídas. O desfecho primário de análise foi a melhora clínica. Resultados: Foram recuperadas 21 revisões sistemáticas e, diante dos critérios de inclusão, 4 foram incluídas, totalizando 94 ECRs (n = 16.104 participantes). Os estudos sugerem que a toxina botulínica pode ser benéfica na redução do número de crises, intensidade de dor e melhora na qualidade de vida dos pacientes. Entretanto, a evidência é limitada. Discussão: Embora os estudos incluídos tragam benefícios favoráveis à toxina botulínica para prevenção da migrânea, a evidência é de baixa qualidade, diante da heterogeneidade, fragilidades metodológicas e riscos nas análises desses estudos. Sugere-se a comparação da efetividade da toxina botulínica com outras intervenções disponíveis, objetivando melhor elucidação da questão. Conclusão: Parece haver algum benefício da toxina botulínica para prevenção de crises de migrânea, mas a evidência até o momento é limitada, sendo recomendada a comparação com outras terapêuticas utilizadas para prevenção da migrânea.
Humans , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Evidence-Based Medicine , Migraine Disorders/prevention & control , Randomized Controlled Trials as Topic , Treatment Outcome , Systematic Reviews as TopicABSTRACT
@#Spasticity is one of the most common and disabling complications of stroke. Most of these patients notably experience both muscle-based and non-muscle-based pain. This negatively affects their quality of life as well as aggravates caregiver burden. Post-stroke spasticity (PSS) may furthermore lead to several complications related to limited mobility, both motor (eg, contractures) and non-motor (cognitive decline, depression) if left untreated. It is thus crucial to address this with safe and effective means such as botulinum toxin therapy as early as possible. We aim to demonstrate the utility of botulinum toxin (BoNT) in PSS treatment and how early intervention may be preferable to late spasticity control for patients. Literature search and evaluation were done using the traditional evidence hierarchy. Early intervention with botulinum toxin A (BoNTA) demonstrated a more marked reduction in both spasticity and spasticity-related pain with longer required intervals to reinjection.
Botulinum Toxins , PainSubject(s)
Humans , Urinary Bladder, Neurogenic/drug therapy , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Botulinum Toxins, Type A/therapeutic use , Urinary Bladder, Overactive/drug therapy , Neuromuscular Agents/therapeutic use , Urodynamics , Treatment Outcome , Solifenacin Succinate/therapeutic use , Injections, IntramuscularABSTRACT
Abstract Objective To comparatively evaluate the outcome of treatment with 150 versus 200 units (U) of botulinum toxin in achieving pain-free intercourse and relieving muscle contraction in order to allow gynecological examination. Methods In this comparative prospective observational study, 99 patients with vaginismus were treated with botulinum toxin injections from September 2016 to August 2021. Diagnosis and grading of vaginismus severity were assessed using a Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI) questionnaire. Under local or general anesthesia, botulinum toxin diluted with preservative-free saline (150 U and 200 U) was injected into, above, and below the right and left bulbospongiosus muscle and the lateral submucosal areas of the introitus and perineal body using an insulin syringe. Patients were recalled after 2 weeks, and the postoperative outcome was recorded using a similar preoperative questionnaire. Results Overall, the mean age of patients was 30.2 years. The baseline and clinical characteristics were comparable between the 2 groups (p > 0.05). Significant improvements were seen in the pain and anxiety scores of finger penetration, dilator use, intercourse, and cotton swab in individual groups. The intergroup comparisons between 150 U and 200 U of Botox were not statistically significant (p > 0.05). Conclusion Low-dose Botox (150 U) is equally effective as high dose Botox injections (200 U) in vaginismus patients. Therefore, Botox-150 U can be used to treat vaginismus as an alternative to high doses of the same substance.
Resumo Objetivo Avaliar comparativamente o resultado do tratamento com 150 versus 200 unidades (U) de toxina botulínica na obtenção de relações sexuais sem dor e no alívio da contração muscular para permitir o exame ginecológico. Métodos Neste estudo observacional prospectivo comparativo, 99 pacientes com vaginismo foram tratadas com injeções de toxina botulínica de setembro de 2016 a agosto de 2021. O diagnóstico e a classificação da gravidade do vaginismo foram avaliados usando um questionário Female Sexual Function Index (FSFI). Sob anestesia local ou geral, injetou-se toxina botulínica diluída em soro fisiológico sem conservantes (150 U e 200 U) nos músculos bulbo esponjoso direito e esquerdo e nas áreas submucosas laterais do intróito e corpo perineal, utilizando-se uma seringa de insulina. Os pacientes foram chamados após 2 semanas, e o resultado pós-operatório foi registrado usando um questionário pré-operatório semelhante. Resultados No geral, a média de idade dos pacientes foi de 30,2 anos. As características basais e clínicas foram comparáveis entre os 2 grupos (p > 0,05). Melhorias significativas foram observadas nos escores de dor e ansiedade à penetração com dedo, uso de dilatador, relação sexual e cotonete em grupos individuais. As comparações intergrupos entre 150 U e 200 U Botox foram não estatisticamente significativas (p > 0,05). Conclusão Botox de baixa dose (150 U) é tão eficaz quanto injeções de Botox de alta dose (200 U) em pacientes com vaginismo. Portanto, o Botox-150 U pode ser usado para tratar o vaginismo como alternativa às altas doses da mesma substância.
Humans , Female , Anxiety , Pain/drug therapy , Botulinum Toxins , VaginismusABSTRACT
La cirugía de la musculatura extraocular ha sido el estándar de atención para tratamiento quirúrgico del estrabismo por más de un siglo. A pesar del gran desarrollo técnico de la cirugía de estrabismo en la actualidad, la utilización de microscopio quirúrgico, el diseño novedoso del instrumental quirúrgico, la calidad de la sutura no reabsorbible; los avances en equipamiento y fármacos anestésicos, la misma no está exenta de complicaciones quirúrgicas, además del tiempo de recuperación que necesita el paciente para reincorporarse a sus actividades sociales, han propiciado una búsqueda permanente del tratamiento farmacológico para el estrabismo. El objetivo de esta revisión bibliográfica es analizar las distintas alternativas farmacológicas disponibles como tratamiento del estrabismo. Para su confección se consultó textos completos y artículos en idiomas español e inglés, disponible en algunas bases de datos. Concluimos que aunque se han estudiado numerosos fármacos, la toxina botulínica que es la más conocida y utilizada mundialmente, seguida de la bupivacaína. Encontramos otros como la IGF I y II (Insuline Growing Factor), capaces de generar un efecto de reforzamiento de la actividad muscular. Y otros que "debilitan" la musculatura extraocular, incluyen la mAb35-Rubicina, BMP4 (Proteína morfogénica ósea). Se continúa su investigación en la actualidad(AU)
Extraocular musculature surgery has been the standard of care for surgical treatment of strabismus for more than a century. Despite the great technical development of strabismus surgery today, the use of a surgical microscope, the novel design of surgical instruments, the quality of the non-absorbable suture; Advances in anesthetic equipment and drugs, it is not exempt from surgical complications, in addition to the recovery time that the patient needs to return to their social activities, have led to a permanent search for pharmacological treatment for strabismus. The objective of this bibliographic review is to analyze the different pharmacological alternatives available as a treatment for strabismus. For its preparation, full texts and articles in Spanish and English languages were consulted, available in some databases. We conclude that although numerous drugs have been studied, botulinum toxin, which is the best known and used worldwide, followed by bupivacaine. We find others such as IGF I and II (Insuline Growing Factor), capable of generating an effect of reinforcing muscle activity. And others that "weaken" MOE include mAb35-Rubicin, BMP4 (Bone Morphogenic Protein). His research is continuing today(AU)
Humans , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Bupivacaine/therapeutic use , Strabismus/drug therapy , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Standard of CareABSTRACT
Objetivo: Determinar resultados de las opciones de tratamiento para la diplopía binocular en pacientes con paresia o parálisis oculomotoras. Método: Se realizó un estudio descriptivo, longitudinal y prospectivo de una serie de casos que acudieron a la consulta del Servicio de Oftalmología Pediátrica del Instituto Cubano de Oftalmología Ramón Pando Ferrer. Se evaluaron las variables: edad, sexo, etiología, opciones de tratamiento, limitación de los movimientos oculares, eliminación de diplopía, fusión y estereopsis. Resultados: La etiología más frecuente fue la microvascular. El 66,7 por ciento de la muestra estudiada se resolvió solo con tratamiento médico, de ellos el 100,0 por ciento con diagnóstico de paresias o parálisis del tercer nervio craneal, seguido por el sexto y cuarto con 63,6 por ciento y 33,3 por ciento, respectivamente. Necesitaron tratamiento médico, quirúrgico y aplicación de toxina botulínica seis pacientes, el 33,3 por ciento del cuarto y el 22,7 por ciento del sexto nervio craneal. El resto de las opciones de tratamiento solo con un paciente. No se halló asociación significativa entre opciones de tratamiento y nervio craneal afectado. El 86,6 por ciento finalizó sin limitación de los movimientos oculares. El 86,7 por ciento de los casos eliminaron la diplopía en todas las posiciones diagnósticas de la mirada. El 76,7 por ciento logró fusión y el 56,7 por ciento estereopsis. Conclusiones: El tratamiento médico y el combinado de médico más inyección de toxina botulínica y cirugía de músculos extraoculares fueron las opciones más utilizadas y permitieron alineamiento ocular y eliminación de la diplopía binocular(AU)
Objective: To determine outcomes of treatment options for binocular diplopia in patients with oculomotor paresis or paralysis. Method: A descriptive, longitudinal and prospective study was carried out of a series of cases that were assisted at the consultation of the Pediatric Ophthalmology Service at Ramón Pando Ferrer Cuban Institute of Ophthalmology. The variables evaluated were age, sex, etiology, treatment options, limitation of ocular movements, elimination of diplopia, fusion and stereopsis. Results: The microvascular etiology was the most frequent. 66.7 percent of the studied sample was resolved only with medical treatment, 100.0 percent of them had a diagnosis of paresis or paralysis of the third cranial nerve, followed by the sixth and fourth with 63.6 percent and 33.3 percent, respectively. Six patients required medical and surgical treatment and application of botulinum toxin, 33.3 percent of the fourth and 22.7 percent of the sixth cranial nerve. The rest of the treatment options with only one patient. No significant association was found between treatment options and affected cranial nerve. 86.6 percent finished without limitation of eye movements. 86.7 percent of cases eliminated diplopia in all diagnostic gaze positions. 76.7 percent achieved fusion and 56.7 percent stereopsis. Conclusions: Medical treatment and combined medical treatment plus botulinum toxin injection and extraocular muscle surgery were the most used options and allowed ocular alignment and elimination of binocular diplopia(AU)
Humans , Paralysis/diagnosis , Paresis/diagnosis , Diplopia/therapy , Oculomotor Muscles/injuries , Botulinum Toxins , Epidemiology, Descriptive , Prospective Studies , Longitudinal StudiesABSTRACT
Objetivo: Descrever a importância da intervenção fisioterapêutica para mulheres com vaginismo. Fonte de dados: Foram utilizadas as bases de dados SciELO, PubMed, Biblioteca Virtual de Saúde (BVS) e Literatura Cinza, incluindo artigos nacionais e internacionais, sem delimitação temporal. Foram propostas para as buscas as seguintes palavras-chave e operadores boleanos: [("vaginismus") AND ("physiotherapy" OR "intervention" OR "efficiency")], sendo esses posteriormente adequados para as demais bases que foram utilizadas nesta revisão sistemática. Seleção dos estudos: A seleção dos estudos foi realizada por três examinadores independentes. Coleta de dados: Inicialmente foram excluídos estudos com base no título, em seguida os resumos foram analisados e, dos 353 artigos encontrados inicialmente, quatro foram elegíveis para esta revisão. Síntese dos dados: Os artigos incluídos descreveram que o tratamento fisioterapêutico é de extrema importância para as mulheres com vaginismo, pois aumenta a força e o controle sobre a musculatura do assoalho pélvico, diminuindo os sintomas do vaginismo e promovendo o incremento da satisfação sexual. Conclusão: A intervenção fisioterapêutica é imprescindível para mulheres que apresentam vaginismo, tendo em vista que suas técnicas têm efetividade na prevenção e tratamento do vaginismo, além de promover melhora importante na qualidade de vida e na satisfação sexual das mulheres.(AU)
Objective: To describe the importance of physical therapy intervention for women with vaginismus. Data source: The SciELO, PubMed, Virtual Health Library (BVS) and Gray Literature databases were used, including national and international articles, without temporal delimitation. The following keywords and Boolean operators were proposed for the searches: [("vaginismus") AND ("physiotherapy" OR "intervention" OR "efficiency")], which were later suitable for the other bases that were used in this systematic review. Study selection: Study selection was performed by three independent examiners. Data collection: Initially, studies were excluded based on the title, then the abstracts were analyzed and of the 353 articles found initially, 4 were eligible for this review. Data synthesis: The articles included described that physical therapy treatment is extremely important for women with vaginismus, as it increases strength and control over the pelvic floor muscles, decreasing the symptoms of vaginismus and promoting increased sexual satisfaction. Conclusion: Physical therapy intervention is essential for women who have vaginismus, considering that its techniques are effective in preventing and treating vaginismus, in addition to promoting an important improvement in women's quality of life and sexual satisfaction.(AU)
Humans , Female , Pelvic Pain/therapy , Vaginismus/therapy , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Electric Stimulation Therapy/methods , Pelvic Floor/physiopathology , Musculoskeletal Manipulations/methodsABSTRACT
Botulism is a disease usually fatal, caused by the ingestion of neurotoxins produced by Clostridium botulinum. In dogs, intoxication is caused by the ingestion of botulinum toxin type C, and animals often recover spontaneously. The present study describes the occurrence of type C botulism in two dogs domiciled on neighboring rural properties in the municipality of Goiânia, state of Goiás, Brazil, probably associated with ingestion of decomposing bovine carcass. Upon clinical evaluation, the dogs were alert in the lateral decubitus position with ascending flaccid paralysis, absence of eyelid reflexes, and reduced muscle tone. Due to their worsening clinical symptoms, the animals died within 12 h and 3 days after supportive treatment. Botulinum toxin type C was identified, in the serum and feces of both dogs, by seroneutralization in mice with homologous monovalent antitoxin. The results of the high-throughput gene sequencing showed that the abundance of C. botulinum in the fecal microbiota of one of the affected dogs was low (0.53%). In this way, the present study highlights the need of sanitary practices related to the appropriate collection and disposal of bovine carcasses in rural areas since they represent a risk factor for the occurrence of botulism in dogs domiciled on rural properties.
Animals , Dogs , Mice , Botulinum Toxins/analysis , Botulism/epidemiology , RNA, Ribosomal, 16S , Sequence Analysis, RNA/veterinary , Clostridium botulinum type C/isolation & purification , Biological Assay/veterinaryABSTRACT
Introdução:O sorriso gengival tem mostrado ser um fator de desconforto estético e psicológico, além de afetar as relações interpessoais e a autoestima dos pacientes. Di-ante disso, procedimentos estéticos têm sido desenvolvidos com o intuito de melhorar a qualidade de vida de quem os procuram. Objetivo:Analisar qual o impacto que os procedimentos odontológicos estéticos possuem na recuperação da autoestima e satis-fação dos pacientes com sorriso gengival. Metodologia:A temática é abordada por meio da revisão integrativa da literatura. Para a seleção dos artigos utilizou-se as bases dedados: MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO, BBO e PubMed, publicações escritas em in-glês, português ou espanholno período de 2010 a 2020. A amostra desta revisão cons-tituiu-se de 06 artigos. Resultados:Foi observado que o sorriso gengival causa descon-forto estético e psicológico ao indivíduo. As prevalências das etiologias relacionadas foram erupção passiva ou tardia dos dentes, extrusão dentoalveolar anterior, excesso maxilar e lábio superior curto. Os procedimentos mais utilizados foram a aplicação de toxina botulínica, a qual mostrou-se ser promissora para a correção do sorriso gen-gival assim como o reposicionamento labial. Conclusões:Os estudos mostraram que os procedimentos odontológicos estéticos para correção do sorriso gengival contri-buem para satisfação do paciente e melhora da autoestima e as técnicas menos invasi-vas e com melhor pós-operatório apontadas, são a aplicação da toxina botulínica e o reposicionamento labial (AU).
Introduction:The gingival smile currently is a factor of aesthetic and psychological discomfort and affects interpersonal relationships and self-esteem of patients. There-fore, aesthetic procedures have been developed in order to improve the quality of life of those who seek it. Objective:To analyze the impact that aesthetic dental procedures have on the recovery of self-esteem and satisfaction of patients with a gingival smile. Methodology:The theme is addressed through an integrative literature review. The followingdatabases were used for the selection of articles: Medline via VHL, Lilacs, SciElo, BBOand PubMed, publications written in English, Portuguese or Spanish, from 2010 to 2020. The sample of this review consisted of 06 articles. Results: It was observed that the gingival smile causes aesthetic and psychological discomfort to the individual. The most used procedures are applying botulinum toxin, which has shown to be promising for the correction of the gingival smile and lip repositioning. The prev-alence of related etiologies was passive or delayed tooth eruption, anterior dentoalve-olar extrusion, maxillary excess, and short upper lip. Conclusions:Studies have shown that aesthetic dental procedures to correct gingival smile contribute to patient satisfactionand improve self-esteem. Less invasive techniques with better post-oper-ative results are the application of botulinum toxin and lip repositioning (AU).
Introducción: La sonrisa gingival ha demostrado ser un factor de incomodidad esté-tica y psicológica, además de afectar las relaciones interpersonales y la autoestima de los pacientes. Por lo tanto, se han desarrollado procedimientos estéticos con el fin demejorar la calidad de vida de quienes los buscan. Objetivo: Analizar el impacto que los procedimientos dentales estéticos tienen en la recuperación de la autoestima y la satisfacción de los pacientes con sonrisa gingiva . Metodología: El tema se aborda a través de la revisión integrativa de la literatura. Para la selección de artículos, se utili-zaron las siguientes bases de datos: MEDLINE, LILACS, SciELO ,BBO y PubMed, pu-blicaciones escritas en inglés, portugués o español, de 2010 a 2020. La muestra de esta revisión consistió en 06 artículos.Resultados:Se observó que la sonrisa gingival causa molestias estéticas y psicológicas al individuo. La prevalencia de etiologías relaciona-das fue erupción pasiva o tardía de los dientes, extrusión dentoalveolar anterior, ex-ceso maxilar y labio superior corto. Los procedimientos más utilizados fueron la apli-cación de toxina botulínica, que resultó ser prometedora para la corrección de la son-risa gingival, así como el reposicionamiento de labios.Conclusiones: Se observó que la sonrisa gingival causa molestias estéticas y psicológicas al individuo. La prevalencia de etiologías relacionadas fue erupción pasiva o tardía de los dientes, extrusión den-toalveolar anterior, exceso maxilar y labio superior corto. Los procedimientos más utilizados fueron la aplicación de toxina botulínica, que resultó ser prometedora para la corrección de la sonrisa gingival, así como el reposicionamiento de labios (AU).
Humans , Self Concept , Smiling , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Esthetics, Dental , Quality of Life , Patient SatisfactionABSTRACT
Objetivo Describir la experiencia con la administración de inyección de toxina botulínica en niños con vejiga hiperactiva neurogénica refractaria a manejo de primera línea. Materiales y Métodos Estudio observacional descriptivo (serie de casos) que incluyó a 14 niños con diagnóstico de vejiga hiperactiva neurogénica refractarios a tratamiento de primera línea sometidos a administración intravesical de toxina botulínica entre 2015 y 2021; se realizó el seguimiento teniendo en cuenta las variables clínicas, con evaluación de la respuesta y de los eventos adversos. Se reportaron frecuencias absolutas y porcentajes para las variables cualitativas; para las variables cuantitativas, se reportaron medidas de tendencia central y dispersión. Resultados Se incluyeron 6 niños y 8 niñas, con una media de edad 10,1 (desviación estándar [DE]: ± 4,4) años. Todos los pacientes fueron tratados previamente con anticolinérgico y cateterismos limpios intermitentes, con una media de uso de 2,8 (DE: ± 1.0) pañales al día; 11 (78,5%) pacientes tenían antecedente de infección urinaria, 13 (92,8%), estreñimiento, y 2 (15,3%), incontinencia fecal. En la ecografía, 7 (50,0%) pacientes presentaban engrosamiento de las paredes vesicales, y 6 (42,8%), hidronefrosis. Tras el procedimiento, 1 paciente presentó infección urinaria como complicación, 6 presentaron una respuesta completa, 7, respuesta parcial, y 1 paciente no obtuvo respuesta con la primera inyección, con un tiempo promedio efectivo de la terapia 8 (DE: ± 6,3) meses. Una segunda inyección fue necesaria en 6 (42.8%) pacientes, y, de estos, 3 (50%) requirieron una tercera inyección. Conclusión La inyección de toxina botulinica intravesical como terapia de segunda línea de manejo para vejiga hiperactiva neurogénica tiene buenos resultados, con bajas tasas de complicaciones.
Objective To describe the experience with the administration of botulinum toxin injection in children with neurogenic overactive bladder who were refractory to the first-line management. Materials and Methods A descriptive observational study (case series) which included 14 children with a diagnosis of neurogenic overactive bladder who were refractory to the first-line treatment and were aubmitted to the intravesical administration of botulinum toxin between 2015 and 2021. Follow-up was performed taking into account the clinical variables, wth an evaluation of the response and the adverse events. Absolute frequencies and percentages were reported for the qualitative variables; for the quantitative variables, measures of central tendency and dispersion were reported. Results We included 6 boys and 8 girls with a mean age of 10.1 (standard deviation [SD]: ± 4.4) years. All patients were previously treated with anticholinergics and clean intermittent catheterizations, with a mean use of 2.8 (SD: ± 1.0) diapers per day; 11 (78.5%) had a history of urinary tract infection, 13 (92.8%), constipation, and 2 (15.3%), fecal incontinence. On ultrasound, 7 (50.0%) patients presented bladder wall thickening, and 6 (42.8%), hydronephrosis. After the procedure, 1 patient presented urinary tract infection as a complication, 6 presented complete response, 7, partial response, and 1 patient did not obtain a response with the first injection, with an effective mean time of therapy of 8 (SD: ± 6.3) months. A second injection was required by 6 (42.8%) patients, and of these, 3 (50%) required a third injection. Conclusion Intravesical botulinum toxin injection as a second-line management therapy for neurogenic overactive bladder yileds good results, with low rates of complications.
Humans , Male , Female , Child , Botulinum Toxins , Cholinergic Antagonists , Urinary Bladder, Overactive , Urinary Tract Infections , Urinary Bladder , Administration, Intravesical , Catheterization , Aftercare , Constipation , Fecal Incontinence , Central Trend MeasuresABSTRACT
ABSTRACT: Persistent Idiopathic Dentoalveolar Pain (PIDAP) is an orofacial neuropathic pain, which can be difficult to diagnose and is usually accompanied by increasing anxiety from both the patient and the treating dentist. A case of a 38-year-old female patient is presented, and it is shown the diagnostic process and therapeutic approach. The interdisciplinary management accompanied by several pharmacological lines is highlighted: Botulinum toxin was used as an adjunctive treatment allowing it to decrease systemically administered medications dosing and therefore its possible side effects. This condition usually affects psychosocial aspects of the patient and has a major impact on his quality of life. It is very important before initiating an invasive clinical treatment, obtaining a clear differential diagnosis and assessing in some cases the presence of non-odontogenic pain, such as PIDAP.
RESUMEN: El Dolor Idiopático Dentoalveolar Persistente (DIDAP), es un dolor neuropático orofacial, que puede resultar difícil de diagnosticar y generalmente se acompaña de creciente angustia tanto de parte del paciente como también del odontólogo tratante. Se presenta un caso de una paciente femenina de 38 años en donde se demuestra el proceso diagnóstico y abordaje terapéutico. Se resalta el manejo interdisciplinario acompañado de varias lineas farmacológica: la toxina Botulínica se utilizó como tratamiento coadyuvante para disminuir la dosis de medicamentos administrados por vía sistémica y por ende sus posibles efectos secundarios. Esta condición habitualmente abarca aspectos psicosociales del paciente y tiende a verse sumamente afectada su calidad de vida. Es de suma relevancia antes de iniciar un tratamiento clínico invasivo, obtener un diagnóstico diferencial claro y valorar en algunos casos la presencia de dolor no ontogénico, como el DIDAP.
Humans , Female , Adult , Botulinum Toxins/analysis , Facial Pain/diagnosisABSTRACT
Introducción: El uso de la toxina como medicamento constituye un riesgo biológico, debido a la presencia de la toxina, así como al uso indebido que se le puede dar. Objetivo: Evaluar el grado de riesgo biológico al manipular toxina botulínica como medicamento. Métodos: Estudio descriptivo transversal en el Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica, La Habana, Cuba, en 2017. Se aplicó una lista de chequeo de riesgo biológico a 6 profesionales del área de tratamiento de toxina botulínica. El resultado integrado de la lista de chequeo se analizó a través del método semicuantitativo "ERBIO". Resultados: La probabilidad se catalogó de "media", el cumplimiento de medidas de contención como "aceptable" y la exposición se consideró como "muy frecuente". Conclusiones: Se constató un grado de riesgo biológico "tolerable" al manipular la toxina botulínica como medicamento en el Centro Internacional de Restauración Neurológica. Esto implica que se deben considerar mejoras que no supongan una carga económica importante, que requerirán de comprobaciones periódicas para asegurar el mantenimiento de la eficacia de las medidas de control establecidas(AU)
Introduction: The use of the toxin as a medication constitutes a biological risk, due to the presence of the toxin, as well as the potential improper use. Objective: To evaluate the degree of biological risk when Handling botulinum toxin as a medication. Methods: A cross-sectional descriptive study was carried out at the International Center for Neurological Restoration, Havana, Cuba, in 2017. A biological risk checklist was applied to six professionals from the botulinum toxin treatment area. The integrated result of the checklist was analyzed through ERBIO semi-quantitative method. Results: The probability was classified as medium. Compliance with containment measures was assessed as acceptable and the exposure was considered as very frequent. Conclusions: A tolerable degree of biological risk was found when manipulating botulinum toxin as a medication at the International Center for Neurological Restoration. This implies that improvements should be considered not to imply a significant economic burden, which will require periodic checks to ensure the maintenance of the effectiveness of the established control measures(AU)
Humans , Biological Products , Botulinum Toxins , Pharmaceutical Preparations , Containment of Biohazards/methods , Occupational Risks , Hazardous SubstancesABSTRACT
Objetivo Evaluar la costoefectividad incremental del régimen combinado de mirabegron/solifenacina en comparación con el uso temprano de toxina botulínica, desde la perspectiva del sistema de salud colombiano, para el tratamiento de adultos con vejiga hiperactiva. Métodos Se empleó un modelo de Markov en que se comparan dos secuencias de tratamiento, una con y otra sin mirabegron/solifenacina, para evaluar la costoefectividad en un horizonte temporal de cinco años. Debido a la perspectiva de análisis, sólo se tuvieron en cuenta los costos médicos directos. La eficacia del tratamiento evaluado y su comparador fue medida en términos de la reducción de episodios diarios de incontinencia y de la frecuencia de micciones. Los costos fueron expresados en pesos colombianos de 2019, y se aplicó una tasa de descuento de 5% tanto para desenlaces como para costos. Resultados Para el caso base, el costo del tratamiento en la secuencia que incluye mirabegron/solifenacina fue mayor, pero generó un mayor número de años de vida ajustados por calidad, y así e obtuvo una razón de costoefectividad incremental de $13.637,184 si se considera el desenlace de reducción de episodios diarios de incontinencia de 50%, y de $29.313,848 si se considera el del 100%. Conclusiones De acuerdo con los resultados de esta evaluación, para un horizonte de análisis de cinco años, la secuencia de tratamiento con mirabegron/solifenacina es una alternativa costoefectiva, si se considera un umbral de disposición a pagar de tres veces el producto interno bruto (PIB) per cápita.
Aim To evaluate the incremental cost-effectiveness of the combined regimen of mirabegron/solifenacin compared with the early use of botulinum toxin, from the perspective of the Colombian health system, for the treatment of adults with overactive bladder. Methods A Markov model comparing two treatment sequences, one with and one without mirabegron/solifenacin, was used to assess cost-effectiveness over a five-year period. Due to the perspective of the analysis, only direct medical costs were considered. The efficacy of the evaluated treatment and its comparator was measured in terms of the reduction in the daily incontinence episodes and the frequency of micturition. The costs were expressed in Colombian pesos of 2019, and a discount rate of 5% was applied for both outcomes and costs. Results For the base case, the cost of the treatment in the sequence that includes mirabegron/solifenacin was higher, but it generated a greater number of quality-adjusted years of life, thus obtaining an incremental cost-effectiveness ratio of $13,637,184 when considering the outcome of 50% of reduction in the daily incontinence episodes, and $29,313,848 when considering 100%. Conclusions According to the results of the present assessment, for a five-year period of analysi, the mirabegron/solifenacin treatment sequence is a cost-effective alternative when considering a threshold of willingness to pay three times the per capita gross domestic product (GDP).
Humans , Syndrome , Urinary Bladder, Overactive , Guanosine Diphosphate , Effectiveness , Botulinum Toxins , Treatment Outcome , Solifenacin Succinate , Gender IdentityABSTRACT
Background@#Due to the Coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic, non-emergency services like botulinum toxin A (BoNT) injections were temporarily discontinued. @*Objective@#We aimed to create standard practices that optimize the management of patients needing BoNT injections while ensuring both patients' and healthcare professionals' safety. @*Methods@#We evaluated published guidelines and best practices to determine their applicability for BoNT injection during this pandemic. We then devised a decision tree algorithm for use in our hospital. @*Results@#A decision tree algorithm has been formulated based on patient evaluation and risk stratification, triaging, the urgency of the procedure, and proper precautions on personal protective wear as appropriate for the procedure’s risk stratification. @*Conclusion@#The algorithm is in place to ensure the safety of both the patient and healthcare professional. It can be adopted and revised by other centers to suit their clinic needs.
Movement Disorders , COVID-19 , Botulinum Toxins , Therapeutics , PandemicsABSTRACT
Occipital neuralgia (ON) is an uncommon cause of headache, and it is characterized by a stabbing paroxysmal pain that radiates to the occipital region. The present study includes a review of the literature and a case report. The etiology of this pathology can vary from traumas, infections, compressions of nerves or vertebrae, skull base surgeries, to degenerative changes and congenital anomalies. However, most of the time, the etiology is considered idiopathic. The diagnosis is essentially clinical. However, it is crucial that other types of primary headache are excluded. The treatment for ON may be based on nerve blocks, medications or surgeries. Neurectomy of the second spinal nerve is among the surgical techniques available.
Spinal Nerves/surgery , Neuralgia/diagnosis , Neuralgia/etiology , Neuralgia/therapy , Spinal Nerves/physiopathology , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Rhizotomy/methods , Laser Therapy/methods , HeadacheABSTRACT
Introdução: A Toxina Botulínica (TB) possui importantes aplicabilidades no tratamento de doenças oftalmológicas. Este trabalho apresenta a aplicação da TB no manejo da epífora, relacionada à obstrução baixa das vias de drenagem lacrimal, refratária à duas dacriocistorrinostomias (DCR). Descrição do caso: Paciente de 70 anos, sexo feminino, comparece ao serviço com queixa de epífora em ambos os olhos (AO) e histórico de dacriocistite aguda. Submetida à sondagem de vias lacrimais (AO), que sugeriu diagnóstico de obstrução baixa de vias lacrimais, e a duas DCR, em cada olho, ambas com resultado precário no controle da epífora. Foi então, realizada aplicação de TB em glândulas lacrimais em AO, com resultado satisfatório e remissão das queixas da paciente. Discussão: A aplicação da TB na glândula lacrimal gera inibição da excreção do conteúdo lacrimal e, consequente, redução dos efeitos da disfunção na drenagem causada pela obstrução baixa de vias lacrimais. Configura-se, portanto, como uma opção terapêutica relevante para o tratamento da epífora - principalmente para casos refratários ao tratamento cirúrgico convencional. O tratamento cirúrgico para epífora apresenta taxas de sucesso variando de 58-68%, já a aplicação de TB apresenta eficácia de 86%. Conclusão: O uso da TB em oftalmologia possui resultados promissores no tratamento de inúmeras doenças, como no caso relatado. Contudo, novos estudos são fundamentais para a definição de protocolos de utilização dessa droga, visando a otimizar sua eficácia e sua segurança para cada condição clínica. (AU)
Humans , Female , Aged , Botulinum Toxins , Botulinum Toxins/therapeutic use , Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases , Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases/drug therapyABSTRACT
Uma grande parcela de odontólogos está optando pelo uso de toxina botulínica (TxB) em seus pacientes. Sua aplicação é diversa, podendo tanto ser utilizada para fins estéticos, como terapêuticos. Em estudos preliminares, a TxB tem sido usada com sucesso para tratar várias síndromes de dor, incluindo o disfunção temporomandibular (DTM). O objetivo deste trabalho é discutir a aplicação da toxina botulínica como forma de tratamento das disfunções temporomandibulares, além de revisar alguns estudos e técnicas de aplicação. Trata-se de uma revisão de literatura, realizada no mês de janeiro de 2019, referente aos últimos cinco anos, por meio das bases de dados online PubMED/Medline, Lilacs e Scielo. Os descritores utilizados foram: treatment and Botulinum toxins and disorders and temporomandibular joint como mecanismo de busca, sendo selecionados apenas os disponíveis em sua versão completa (Full Text). Um total de 136 artigos foram levantados, sendo 118 no Pubmed, com 58 selecionados disponíveis em sua versão completa (Full Text), após uma cautelosa seleção sobre o assunto. No Lilacs, foram encontrados 12 artigos, dos quais apenas 6 condiziam com assunto, e no Scielo, foram encontrados 6 artigos, nos quais 5 eram duplicados e 1 não condizia com o assunto. Mesmo existindo outras soluções tradicionais disponíveis, a toxina botulíca pode ser um tratamento viável, seguro e eficaz para muitas disfunções da musculatura facial e oral, principalmente em casos refratários ao tratamento convencional.
The use of botulinum toxin by dentists, in their patients, increased in recent times.It's a diverse treatment, it can be used both in esthetic or therapeutic purpose. In previous studies, botulinum toxin has been used successfully in the treatment of several pathological pains, including temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction. To discuss botulinum toxin use as a treatment for temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction, also review some studies and application techniques. This paper is a review of a recent articlein temporomandibular joint (TMJ) dysfunction treatment using botulinum toxin. The bibliographic research was done in January, 2019, in the last five years, through the online data bases PubMED / Medline, Lilacs and Scielo. The key words used in the search were "treatment" and "Botulinum toxin" and "dysfunction" and "temporomandibular ". Overall of 136 items were found. In the PubMED/Medline was found 118 papers and of those were selected only the available in Full text. After a careful selection on the papers about the subject, and limiting the search between the period from 1976 to 2019, 58 papers were chosen. In the other hand, on Lilacs, 12 papers were found, of which only 6 corresponded to the subject, and on the Scielo were found 6 papers in which 5 were duplicated and 1 did not agree to the subject. Even if other traditional solutions exists, the research shows that botulinum toxin is a viable, safe and effective treatment for many facial and oral musculature dysfunctions, mainly in refractory cases to conventional treatment.